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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 1, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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caucuses. >> neil: amazing. it brings out the base and the money from the base. thank you very much. in the meantime, we will be following the money on fox business tomorrow at noon eastern time. who is getting what and when and how long it could last. we are following the momentum of that money. here comes "the five." ♪ >> jesse: hello everybody. i am jesse watters and along with jedediah from new york city this is "the five" ." ♪ back on all fronts as democrats push forward in their impeachment inquiry. let's break it down for a parade president trump doubling down on his calls to identify the whistle-blower. subpoenas have been issued for rudy giuliani and mike pompeo. secretary of state calling subpoenas and attempt to quote bully and intimidate state department officials. last night, rudy took on biden. watch this. >> why do you think they are
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silencing me? because i'm not making any points? they are silencing me because i showed up with an affidavit yesterday and on accuser who is willing to stand up and point the finger at joe biden and setu are a crook. and i have the proof and i have the documents and i've got the n because there are more witnesses where he came from and they are not going to escape this. >> jesse: the story democrats won't tell you about today is joe biden caught lying about his knowledge of his son's shady foreign business dealings. take a look at this newly unearthed photo of joe and hunter biden's playing golf with a key ukrainian gas executive back in 2014. remember when joe went ballistic when said he had never spoken to his son about those dealings? >> i have never spoken to my son about that. here's what i know. i know trump deserves to be investigated.
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he is violating every basic norm of a president. you should be asking him the question, why is he on the phone with a foreign leader trying to intimidate a foreign leader? >> jesse: it's been two weeks since the story broke. it feels like a year. since peter doocy asked that point in question, do you talk to her son about his business dealing? 's we know he lied when he said he doesn't and we know he warned peter don't ask those questions and i think the media has listened because the media has not asked joe biden a direct question about all of this and not only that, the guy at the epicenter of this whole thing, his son, hunter, where is hunter? they haven't found hunter anywhere. before it's interesting the approaches pray there was a piece today in the atlantic comparing the impeachment to president trump and the suggestion was that clinton can handle that much better. i just don't think that two are quite comparable. especially because one of the things clinton had going for him
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was that the media was not helping basically -- not trying to harm him but the presidents realizing his allies are in the republican party and that his approach has always been to push and push and push. the biden approach though on all of this has been very curious to me. i don't know -- go beyond seeing the picture, i don't know that he says he didn't talk to his son about it. we haven't seen that. we haven't heard from them but they are going to have to testify at some point. >> jesse: when you play golf with the foreign minister, your son just so happens to be appointed to the same gas company in ukraine, how do you guys know each other? the father, joe biden, doing business in ukraine for the administration. >> they're talking about the weather. come on. don't be silly. >> bud selig thing i know about
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golf is handicapping but you know what? it's better than talking about this which is the transcripts. which is the whistle-blower's complaints. donald trump wants us to talk about anything but this and this is what has gotten him in hot water. >> jesse: is that the transcript of the complaint? >> this is the -- this is the version that they want us to see. it joe biden works with the e.u. and others could we know it joe biden did. we know that there is been no evidence whatsoever of corruption. i went back because -- knoll because because you inspired me to read the entire 300 pages of information out there and what i came up with -- you know, look. i'm a very good read. i even put on my cbs purchase glasses so i was really exact.
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and -- $25. so here it is. i really do believe that the trump administration needs to treat congress as a branch of government. i think the administration needs to cooperate with congress and help them get to the bottom of this so that this saga will be over with. a spin on one of the things, jedediah, that that they are trying to get to the bottom of is the last election and how does collusion hoax began in the first place and ilhan omar has been directed to talk to the ukrainians, to the italians, to the british and to the australians and the media is panicking now. >> jedediah: there's nothing wrong with that. there's nothing wrong at all. i know pompeo was on the call and that such breaking news bridwell, we were basically on the call too because the transcript is in front of us and we know exactly what he said and there's no quid pro quo there. i think joe biden is in trouble. i think he is in serious trouble. this is a guy who was doing a very bad job on the debate
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stage. he was underperforming to say the least. many people were getting nervous. he saw elizabeth warren arriving at the polls and even though they attempt to make this about trump, joe biden and his dealings with his son and what he did with respect to that prosecutor that he wants to get fired and that tape that showed up with him withholding money comes at all implicates him in this and this is not going to be long before at many of those donors who had biden's back saying he was most electable are going to pull back saying this guy had too much baggage and he is implicated in this and this does not look good for him and even if you can't stand president trump you have to be able to look at a call and say i don't see any impeachable offense here. be realistic about it and say that joe biden -- -- this was not all known to the public by the way. there was reports on it, some people knew about this, not everybody knew about it for this is not going to help them in 2020. >> but the reports were still a trash can and you don't have to write it on fire. i'm not here to -- >> jedediah: they were saying that they had a problem with
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potential quid pro quo when it came to president trump. joe biden is on record saying you are not going to get the money. that is him speaking in his own words. before i recognized that the senate also has its subpoena power and lindsey graham and others believe joe biden did something wrong. explain that. there's a lot of hype -- there's a lot of hype. of course i won't speak with the authority of god but greg -- >> jesse: joe biden is going to have to support his fund-raising numbers very soon and the president and his commie just came out with a whopping hundred $25 million third-quarter hole. what you make of that? >> greg: i think that's a lot of money. a lot of crumbs. i am focusing on what the media is doing right now and what they are doing is shaping public opinion. to say a week and a half ago
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that nobody cared about impeachment, it was a bad idea to impeach, those numbers have sifted dramatically which is the media reporting that it's shifting dramatically. so who's been pushing those buttons and pulling the strings? the same media reporting this. the story hasn't changed at all. so it's not about reporting, it's about repetition. the story is so small but was even smaller is the people that are generating it. i have a theory that 1,000 people are generate this story story. 500 people are dictating what 333 -- 350 million people are listening to rain out here this is a slash fight in the tiniest kiddie pool of influencers and it's a self-perpetuating media machine that must generate louder and louder noise as we realize how little -- i'll even go that way with biden. there is no there. but this story itself is so small and the people that are
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generating this sound is so small -- i mean we are being sold a bill of goods. remember the good old days when scandals were scandalous? watergate, this is scandal impersonation. i'm insulted that i'm wasting my time listening to this. it's like when you were a kid and he woke up in the middle of the night and you thought there was a monster in the middle of the your room and it was just close on a chair -- this is close on a chair. she last point about the money, this helps trump because it angers the public because they feel that they are being pulled into a false drama. you have the cited group of people having a monte mental effect on an entire country and they are just saying screw you i'm voting for the orange double whether you like it or not. >> jesse: wow. greg is on fire. kamala harris is calling on
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twitter to suspend trump's twitter feed so we are going to miss out on all of these entertaining things like his tweets from last night. >> relish the opportunity to be an outsider. because it's the outsiders that change the world. >> jesse: got to the bullpen warming up. ♪ she wanted a roommate to help with the cooking.
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but she wanted someone who loves cats. so, we got griswalda. dinner's almost ready. but one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with our renters insurance. yeah, switching and saving was really easy! drink it all up. good! could have used a little salt. visit and see how easy saving on renters insurance can be. we're oscar mayer deli fresh your very first sandwich,m... your mammoth masterpiece. and...whatever this was. because we make our meat with the good of the deli and no artificial preservatives. make every sandwich count with oscar mayer deli fresh.
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>> jesse: trump's twitter account should be suspended. >> his twitter account should be suspended. i think there's plenty of no evidence to suggest that he is irresponsible with his words in a way that could result in harm to other people and the privilege of using those words in that way should probably be taken from him. >> greg: further proof that kamala harris would make a bad president. when faced with something, then it. and really she's not could help herself i.d. tweeting trumpet and that if anything, that might help him. he is launched his own method message board and without trump's site, they have to start covering real news with steaks for work.
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we all resent ms. harris for taking away one of the most striking phenomenon simply little history, leader or community it's directly to the people cutting out the middleman known as us, the media, i'm noxious or not, it's most transparent advancement in politics. the opposite of the choreographed interview between politics and the people. no wonder she hates it. she's terrible at being authentic paid she's as real as spandex. as credible as the gas station chili dog. i've never seen a candidate's own comfortable in her own panseared. >> jesse: the only person who laughs more there own jokes as the joker. >> it's really difficult to drink out of the paper straw -- if you don't gulp it down immediately, it starts to bend. and then the little thing catches it and then you know but we've got to kind of figured that one out a little bit more. speak okay. which tree?
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which we? >> about saying it is the modern-day lynching. >> sorry. okay so -- >> jesse: is a weird reflex among our these days not to engage in dialogue but to press it. instead of debating each other, dubbed these interesting voices instead of listening to the other side. call them despicable or deplorable instead of accepting an election and calling it legitimate paid what of all of these tactics have in common? they know they are a loser. i had high hopes for kamala harris in the beginning. >> dana: she was the first to announce the rubio model. >> greg: right. >> dana: even president trump, i think at the time tweeted that she had a big crowd and he was impressed with her. i think right now she's doing everything she can to punch through in this news cycle because when you start talking about impeachment, there is no room for anything else but she has to figure out a way to do
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that. the other thing that she try to do today was to make some new is basically saying she's got some staff changes on her campaign which is an acknowledgment that things are not going that well that she has not announced her campaign finance numbers for this last quarter. i bet they are not -- before she has. i think she's raised over ten or $11 million. look, she's a phenomenal woman. a wonderful lawyer. if you ever need a lawyer i would hire her. but what she was saying is that words matter and i do believe that words of the president of the united states matter. i think we need him to timeout sometimes especially over the weekend when i'm watching football and the president is tweeting 80 times and it's all like saying nothing. she -- greg, i know better. she was making the point that his words matter especially when the president sometimes retweets people who are saying things that may not -- you know.
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>> dana: it was $11.6 million for her campaign. she did announce it. >> jesse: it's on the record and we will have a meeting after the show to discuss it. but here's the thing. to don's point, jedediah, it's hard up for not to lecture us on words when dave said a lot of horrible things about conservatives going back to reagan, going back however long and so now we've got a guy the kind of fights back and i'll suddenly -- >> jedediah: even on twitter. he had so many people on the left that wanted to destroy the kids and that set out to destroy brett kavanaugh that decided he was guilty, just try to ruin his whole career, so even if you don't like his feed, sometimes i'm like millennia, take that away. i go to the range of emotion bu but -- >> dana: it's not the left attacking the right, --
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>> greg: but nobody cared until tron. >> jedediah: the problem is you would have to ban some new people that you would have to band the whole platform. >> dana: when you retreat stuff that involves civil war, i mean, adam kinzinger did announce that. greg is going to take me back to grammar school. he is never been there. >> greg: now i'm interested. >> dana: it's just that i'm sitting so close to jesse that i can share it. >> greg: in ancient rome a lot of the rulers would ban the looks of people who threaten their power and then the catholic church would issue their hands on of the copernicus novels and things like that because that threatens their ideology and as you remember in 1440 when the press was invente
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invented, -- yes. other gutenberg's throughout europe but what this says is when the elites know that their power is threatened by new ideas and new people there instinct is to destroy pit is not to destroy or to debate, it is to destroy. that's what kamala harris and all the people have been doing on the left recently for a look at rudy giuliani bid they try to keep him off the air. look what they did with trout's twitter account, look what they did with ben shakira who is about 5'3", least threatening guy in the world, he can't speak on college campuses right now because he's looked so threatening. this just shows how weak the left is and they can't persuade with ideas and how they are trying to take away your vote. >> greg: it's true. if they can't beat you on the turf, they just remove the turf. >> jesse: there's an old saying, politics is a contact sport and people need to get tougher. why are we all protecting all of our supporters from these harsh
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mean words from this monster in the closet? >> donna: the president of the united states and words matter, that's wide. >> greg: i bet you lbj was ten times worse. >> donna: i would go back to a tape recorder for trump. >> greg: coming up, 2020 democrats take aim at the rich with new tax plans but will it cracked the economy? yes. ♪ with my hepatitis c, i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured and left those doubts behind. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. even hanging with friends i worried about my hep c.
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$1,000 in gold and silver for the first 1,000 qualified new customers. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and we have the fastest shipping around. time tested. easy to own. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900 and ask for the million dollar special. that's 800-630-8900. >> donna: the rest of 2020 candidates are calling for a massive change in tax policies that would target the wealthy as a way to finance initiatives like medicare for all, free college tuition. he is with bernie sanders and senator elizabeth warren are saying. >> we are going to tell the bill and erik harris in this country that not only are they going to pay more in taxes, they are
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going to pay significantly more in taxes. >> when you make it so big that you are in the top 1%, pitch and $0.02 so that everybody else has a chance to make it in this country. >> donna: critics are saying such a move could wreak havoc on the u.s. economy that i just want to say this, income inequality has really grown to the highest level since 1967. it has surged right now so fast that only the top 0.1% controls a fit of the nation's wealth. i also did some research, i had a little help thank you. see, i told you you make me read more. i'm getting so studious. i don't know. in 1999, donald trump who is not a candidate proposed a one-time net worth tax of 14.25% on people worth $10 million or more. now he proposes it as a way to
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pay down the dead. what democrats are saying is that we have to level the playing field and that we should use whatever amount of money that will be gained through this well tax to help those who were still struggling to get by. that's the proposal. what you think greg? >> greg: if you want an end to any quality, and embrace socialism but you will also havo opportunity. so inequality rises and falls in the capitalistic economies so people move up and down the income brackets. i -- i think i've probably been in seven different income brackets in the last 15 years. there were years when i was making nothing. that's how works in america. you can make $20,000 a year and suddenly you're making 200,000 and you could be in the top 5% and fall out of that and so that's how it works. that's what inequality -- what the inequality equation is faulty and wrong for.
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i would vote for a democrat that would say let's make them take. right now we have democrats that just say let's take. they think that the money for a safety net is like the tooth fairy money, just shows up underneath your pill appeared no, you have to work for, you have to create an economy for safety net. you have to make before you take. right now, what warren and bernie, all that's on the head's take take, take. >> donna: senator warren said essentially that the triple down economy is not working. trumps tax cuts only benefit the wealthiest 2% and she is calling for this $0.02 on whatever dollar that a millionaire makes over 1 billion. why is that a problem? >> greg: it's unconstitutional but you can only tax -- you can only tax net worth. you'll always have rich people, you always have for people to come you always have people in between get it's always how it's
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been and is always so will be but i think you can agree that it is the best place in the world, in america, to be rich middle-class or poor. i think we can establish that and here's why. we have this free market system that is so beautiful that everybody, if they show little gumption, some ingenuity, and they can create wealth and business services for other people and it's just as beautiful cycle of life where everybody is income slowly rises and our standard of living goes up every single generation. if elizabeth warren and bernie sanders want to destroy the great american experiment. i don't want to do that. i want to give it fuel and you know how you do that? you let people keep more of their money and that's what trumpeted but he gave the democrats a bit too much of an opening because the tax cuts weren't big enough. if you are an average family, four people, $75,000 a year, you've only got an extra $2,000 a year of your money back. that should have been an extra $10,000 of your only money back because that's real money but that a government doesn't know how to spend it better than you.
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>> donna: jamie diamonds point is essentially that if the government collected more in taxes, they would squander paid you agree with that? >> dana: what they are saying is that the ceos are getting paid to much money. the workers deserve more so we are going to tax the ceos more but actually that money just goes to the government, is not going to them. plus i think it's worth pointing out that unemployment at its lowest across-the-board process of creation higher than it's been a not a median household income is not a record. that means that as you have economic growth you do have an increase in inequality because people are getting more but that doesn't mean that people aren't coming up from the bottom. to jpmorgan's point come everybody down here in wall street, and out in silicon valley, if we're going to play some sound here, corporate america realizes that it is about to be under attack where they are trying to prepare for it and when you have mark zuckerberg trying to take on liz warren before she even becomes the nominee, it's pretty interesting. listen to what -- this is a link to audio
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zuckerberg. >> elizabeth warren who thinks that the right answer is to break up the company, i mean she is a lefty president and i would bet that we will win the legal challenge. we care about our country and i want to work with our government to do great things and but look. at the end of the day, someone's going to try to threaten something like that you go to the mat and you fight. if >> dana: he is talking about patriotism. this is an american comedy. you think china's over that thing about destroying its own company's question my capsule enough. take your fighter. mark zuckerberg or elizabeth warren. >> jedediah: the instinct should not be to bring the top down, it should be to bring the bottom up and i say this to someone who is nowhere near -- they are talking about people with net worth of 32 to $15 million. i'm curious as to how the public will respond because money in the public will view those people as someone relatable like they have so much money it doesn't even matter but it's really the principle of is it okay to steal from someone else
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to fund something that you want to find? if so, how is it okay to steal because we've lost sight of that? they are taking from one person and giving to another for a cause. >> donna: look, i believe the rising inequality gap is an actual national emergency and living poverty is terrible. but let's now go to another topic. local california lawmakers call on the governor to take action on the growing homeless crisis. ♪ prior to going to aspen dental i've had nineteen surgeries. i'm 100% permanently disabled from the military and after i went in to aspen dental it was just like night and day. they told me they were gonna take some x-rays, she said "and it's gonna be no charge to you". i'm not used to getting that type of service. my name is robert chackley and my rank for the military was retired sergeant major. at aspen dental we're all about yes. like yes to payments on your timeline not ours. yes to free exam and x-rays for patients without insurance. and yes whenever you're ready to get started so are we. call or book online at a general dentistry office.
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>> jedediah: girl of all those stakes in the fridge because red meat is back. it's back. a public health officials warning it was bad for you causing heart diseases and cancer but now a new study refutes that cutting back actually has little impact on your health. greg, i turn to you. you knew this all along.
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>> greg: i did and i'm going to tell you it angers me. whenever i see stories on nutrition it's the biggest scam on earth. nutrition advice and nutrition expertise, never forget is spread one of the biggest deadliest lies fed to america was the nutrition. mid. remember that? it came out in the 90s. basically the bottom level was just the breadbasket. you just pile the carbs in and then it was all like protein at the top and sat at the top and now we realize that is b.s. because what we see concurrently with the nutrition pyramid? increases in obesity, diabetes and explosion of obesity related diseases especially among children so what we are talking about right now is the paly of diets, active related diets, protein and fats of the way to go. of course, you don't want to keep eating meat for times a day like i do but i think that
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finally people are getting the news that it actually is -- >> dana: that they can enjoy their food and they don't have to be always upset like oh, my gosh, i'm eating a hamburger. >> donna: i don't get upset when i.e. -- i really enjoy cooking and i'm so disappointed that jesse was grilling all day didn't invite me over to help him out but -- >> jesse: i marinated a rack of lamb with thyme and garlic in it sitting right now in the refrigerator and now the grill area of the apartment is sectioned off for a private party. i sound like such a snob. >> donna: you should rush home and click put it on the grill and you can save the day but i think we need a second opinion. i love meat, trust me. when i was a little girl my mother used to tell us when he went to the zoo, don't focus on the, think about the recipes. however, i do believe the american heart association and the american cancer association may issue some other guidelines regarding this.
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>> greg: there is so much fake news with food and i'll give you a perfect example of where they said that meat was bad for all f these years, remember? there was a scientific consensus about that. think about that. and all of a sudden the scientist come along and say actually it's not true paid it reminds me of global warming but think about all the other thing. and have them with eggs, carbs, remember carbs were really good and they were really bad and now they're really good only after you work out? or what about fruit? fruit is supposed to be good and healthy but then it had too much sugar and then how many people do you see getting fat eating fruit? orange juice gets everyone fat. now blotters okay. >> dana: ate so much better. i put butter on my knees. people do that. >> jedediah: i agree with you on the food pyramid. i always hated it. i got passionate about nutrition because i had physical ailments that i felt like i couldn't fix i want to change my diet i was
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able to fix it. what i don't like about this study is that they grouped too much stuff together. you can group process meat and nonprocessed meat in same category because one, if you go and you get grass fed organic beef from a place and you eat that, you cook up a steak in your house and you eat it, that's very different from getting something processed -- 's before you saying the scientist and get it right? to me they are just saying if you process to meet its the same. it's not the same. they do not get it right there they also didn't get a ride on where the meat comes from like it does matter. you are eating a cow, you're also eating with that cow is so you have to take all that into consideration. yet to take into account where its coach. if you've argued here something as healthy. >> jedediah: this is why, and you're right though, there is so much nonsense out there about nutrition. the one it's strange that my breakfast and lunch in the same meal. but my p would smile.
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i hate asparagus. i hate asparagus. the green beans are fine. i disagree with you, process meat is fine. >> dana: the viral video of the world can't stop talking about is out of control. up next. ♪ we're oscar mayer deli fresh and you may know us from... your very first sandwich, your mammoth masterpiece. and...whatever this was. because we make our meat with the good of the deli and no artificial preservatives. make every sandwich count with oscar mayer deli fresh.
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>> jedediah: welcome back. everybody on the planet can't stop talking about this next video of an out-of-control catering card spinning like crazy at o'hare airport in chicago bear look at that thing go. and nearly hit the nose of a parked airplane until a quick thinking worker stepped in and put a stop to the madness at the last second. all of this because a case of water bottles got stuck on the gas pedal. the incident even captured the attention of president trump. so if you saw this video, it was absolutely insane. apparently the accelerator got stuck. would you be the guy that hung out on the sidelines or would you be the one that came in and put a stop to this? >> jesse: i wouldn't be the guy that holds my phone when i'm filming it. i would've done this. but he reminds me of dana on the
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dance floor. >> dana: "dancing with the stars" i am not. >> donna: this is why i'm against self-driving cars but i'm the control person. what's wrong? >> jesse: he is a big self-driving car guy. >> greg: you can drink more wine. it >> donna: i never thought about that. >> jedediah: this is why robots are unhealthy for the plan appeared you see what can happen? >> greg: that's not a robot. a human made a mistake. >> jedediah: but you can you think if that was a self-driving whatever? >> dana: the robot would have recognized something was wrong and it would've stopped. also i think it's amazing there was only a ten minute delay in the departure for the plane. that's incredible. >> jesse: siding with the airlines i see. i had a question about these cars because if you're ever sleeping in an aisle seat and you have your long legs that stick out into the aisle --
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>> dana: that's never happened. >> jesse: while the stewardess rams your kneecap with the card. right? like what is the move there? you can get mad right? before nell appeared put your knees inside. what are you doing? >> donna: why are you trying to stretch out on the plane jv? still when i have baby. >> jesse: this is just as dangerous on the tarmac as they are inside the plane. >> jedediah: this was the only kind of thing you would see though -- >> jedediah: we needed that when bill clinton and what's her name were getting together on the tarmac. >> jedediah: god help us all. we have one more story and this one is for jesse apparently. according to a survey a quarter of u.s. adults have not read a book in the past year. we'll get that. jesse's reading. he is very busy reading.
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what are you reading? >> jesse: do not disturb by jedediah vela. sold out. can't get it anywhere. right here in the front. okay yeah. just get me a signed copy. >> donna: my book is not coming out on paper back at what about you? are you writing someday? >> dana: no plans at the moment, no. >> jedediah: do you think people are reading less in general or are they just reading because on social media they are reading what articles all day long so they don't go to a book? >> dana: it's interesting because i have read that millennials are actually reading more than before so there's that. also library cards are up across the country. it millennials are frugal and they are trying to save money but i think there are just so mn now, whether listening to podcasts, watching whatever, fox news that you watch, socks
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nutrition, you can get that streaming service -- i don't know. books are so good. if anybody is read that, please send me an old because no one else i know has read it i have to talk about it with somebody. >> donna: i am rereading toni morrison's book. i'm having the best of times. >> dana: you just read a book didn't you? >> greg: i did i? all you have heard what's it called? the mom? great book. i interviewed -- i read so many books and i write so many -- i'm writing a book right now. a self-help book which will change the world. i believe this book will change the world. >> dana: do you still read old hardcover books? >> greg: yet. i don't have what you might call it -- i don't have a kindle. i don't care anymore. i like books. i like to hold it in my hand. it's funny, when he read a book, you do feel like there's the stream of activity that you are missing a mess because of this
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so you are sitting there reading like i've been reading for 20 minutes, what happened? but when you are loved and lived in new york and you stayed home and thought you were missing out social media has done to us. but we are not. we are not. read the bible. read a book. >> jedediah: one more thing is coming up next. ♪ percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. let's go to the cemetery!
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>> jesse: time for one more thing. remember last week we brought you the story of the crazy eagle stand? philly fanatic in the belly button hole? i have an update on the other one more thing. here we go, look at these guys. our friends the morning down in philly. that's mike jarrett i believe and talking about maybe taking a body shot out of his fanatic
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belly button. speech you were not showing this are we? i don't want to see this. shot, shot, shot. >> here we go. he didn't do it. all right. i guess -- that is the most disgusting thing i've ever seen. >> jesse: gregg guinea pigs on zamboni's news. that doesn't come up very often. let's go to the tape. here we have some guinea pigs on little mini zamboni's. they're making their way across the i.c.e. i believe it's calle called. i'm don't know much on hockey. i don't know how --
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i think the winner ends up not getting eaten is the way this works. >> jedediah: who made the little zamboni's though? >> greg: i could watch this for days but i won't. thank you. thank you. >> donna: you know what greg? you need another hobby. i need to help you. i think you need to buy a book. it is a special day for jimmy carter grid happy birthday mr. president. jimmy carter, mr. president, he turns 95 years old. he was my first campaign back in 1976. anyway, president carter intends to celebrate by going to volunteer and they are going to build another house. as you know, the president is very involved in habitat for humanity so i just want to say happy birthday mr. president and
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thank you for your service. >> greg: 95? >> jesse: all right. jedediah? >> jedediah: there is a new app that i love that is called an emoji and it's an app that places your voice on a cute animal. take a listen to this. >> hi. i'm octopus. >> i love you mommy. wolf wolf. >> we are here to destroy the planet! >> jedediah: it's cute soon i would people are doing as they are putting their little kids -- it's for kids, not adults, but they are putting their kids voices on it. katy perry got involved, everyone's involved. >> jesse: so you are saying those are cuter than your kids? your kids must be really ugly. that means you don't like your children if you need to do that. >> donna: that's the greatest compliment. >> jesse: what, to have a
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masquerade as an emoji? >> donna: no. it's a persona of love. i would do that. >> donna: if you are tired of impeachment, i have something else for you to watch for this is the kickoff of national parks fat bear week. this is what they do. the bears have been eating it out and are getting ready to go into hibernation. the park has this bare bracket and it will be live streaming the vers and you can vote on who will emerge the pond best of these bears. they do the scans and they will let you know on tuesday, fat bear tuesday, and if you go to hashtag fat bear week and hashtag fat there can we will let you know who the saddest there is. still when you can put money on this. >> dana: sure. especially in california you can donate to the bears directly.
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>> greg: i know if you fat there is. they live on my floor. stu and nobody wants to know about your apartment. >> jesse: up next, i have this guy in my bracket. >> brett: are you guys trying to tell me something? president trump dares congress to impeach him and the secretary of state fires back at house inquisitors bid we will examine what attorney general william barr is doing for the president as he looks into the origins of the special counsel russia paroled. and shots are fired as of violence escalates in hong kongy of communist party rule in china. this is special report. ♪ good evening welcome to washington but i'm bret baier. tonight president trump campaign against democrats trying to impeach him includes a deep threat 2016 election map with the message, try to impeach this


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