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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 2, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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about collusion? apparently they don't. imagine of donald trump and junior did what hunter and joe biden did. we will never be the media mob. thank you for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. laura is back in new york. >> laura: awesome show with john jr. and we are unraveling it bit by bit. we pick up where you left off. i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" with a hot show from new york city. the tables have we learned today that adam schiff, that character knew about the whistle-blower accusation days before it was made public. house minority leader kevin mccarthy is firing back tonight, explaining his stunning move to censure the house until chair. tonight, the media really wants to give hunter biden a break. but have they ever afforded the trump kids the same courtesy? eric trump is here exclusively on this remarkable hypocrisy. and raymond arroyo breaks down the stark stylistic differences
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between the powerful trump and the bumbling nancy pelosi. it is hilarious. we will also talk about hollywood's pathetic entry into the fight but first, agents of instability. that is the focus of tonight's "angle." democrats and their media brethren are nothing if not consistent. in the age of trump they have gotten really good at staying on the same page, reading the same script in their efforts to take down the president. their slanderous accusations that he colluded with a foreign power are examples of what psychiatrists call self they are the ones that colluded with the foreign actors in 2016. if they are the ones who are intolerant. i mean, they can vilify trump the staff, drive them out of restaurants, they called trump voters deplorable. even despicable, if you heard the other day. in the same self-projection is involved with this line of attack.
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>> he is unhinged. >> the president is so unstable so volatile. he has a decision-making process that is so quixotic that he might order a nuclear weapon strike. >> he is making one thing clear. if he's going down, he has taken country with him. >> laura: i've got a love that one. t this is really good stuff. the democrats i have a bogus russia investigation for more than h two years, $30 million of taxpayer money and then they claim trump is destabilizing america? >> they've been trying to impeach me from the day i got elected. i've been going through this for three years. d they've been trying to impeach me from the day i got elected. and you know what? they failed. >> laura: remember those relentless and unsubstantiated ongoing attacks on brett kavanaugh?
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they are also destabilizing, and purposely so. activists on the left wanted trump's supreme court justice to be so reputation only damage he would either cower and become a liberal, or that the legitimacy of the entire court would be called into question.ti how so? court decisions that he is involved in and rules on come if they don't like the result, hey the result doesn't count. the rulings are invalid. get it? now with and impeachment inquiry, the trump's resistance in congress is having the musty stable destabilizing effect on the country yet. nothing is getting done. >> 99% of nancy pelosi's time is spent on this. she should be worrying about creating border security infrastructure. she's not doing it. >> laura: absolutely right. usnc, the replacement of nasa. it was the product of a painstaking year long negotiation supported by canada by mexico, by our farmers and
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even our unions. it has been frozen in placert by democrats. ditto for infrastructure. legislation to lower drug prices and a lot more. it's resistance all right. it's resistance m against giving trump a win on anything. and of course nancy, always want to spin a good yarn, try top claim that somehow the president himself is locking his own initiative. >> he's trying to defer attention from that to where it standing in the way of legislation. why can't we do it? it's up to him. f doesn't want the u.s.-mexico-canada agreement. we are close. >> laura: she is starting to feel the heat of that do-nothing congress brand that trump gave her. the democratic gridlock is hurting our economy. don't let anyone tell you different. it's hurting our farmers. it may be hurting our
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confidence. but perhaps the most poisonous of the new impeachment obsession is the harm that it does to the president's ability to conduct foreign policy. it's already weighing on trump when he goes into meet foreign sileaders. >> i'm walking into the united nations to meet with the biggest leaders in the world and i hear about the word "impeachment." >> laura: experts are saying that this affects our position vis-a-vis north korea, too. >> the message is, i am calling the shots now. i think he feels that president trump's weekend especially with the ukraine whistle-blower affair, and they do believe that trump needs foreign affairs. >> laura: some are concerned that impeachment talk is negatively affecting our trade negotiations with china. >> i hope we can get a trade agreement past.
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i think it is going to be very very difficult. china is going to look at the prospects of impeachment and think that he is going to be greatly weakened i won't have the ability to press there. >> laura:he our allies and adversaries can't anymore trust that their calls with the trump won't get into congress' hands are leaked, like what happened with 2017 with the trump's calls to mexico and australia and i will course, the ukraine. but the two countries that are really happy about impeachment russia and china. democrats are currently strengthening the hands of our enemies with this nonsense. and the markets don't like all this political instability either. who could blame them? the dow was up 16% in december but it is dropped 800 points over the past two days. trade snags and impeachment combined? causing huge anxiety. but democrats love this scenario. it's fine if americans like you suffer as long as it's hurting trump.
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the questions for americans are are you going to let this happen? are you going to reward democrats's destabilization efforts? are you going to let pelosi and her squad to destroy the trump era of prosperity? i think democrats as usual are kind of overplaying their hand here. and i think americans see it. they want things to calm down. and the rnc clearly sees an opening, with the launch of this new ad. >> i just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country.y. maybe there will be. >> we will bring the fire! >> trump is as destructive a person from this century as hitler, stalin, and mao were in the last century. >> i'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president he will get reelected. >> i'm happy to announce we are moving forward into an official impeachment
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>> laura: i want to be really clear tonight. as angry as the democrats are at trump right now, and they've been angry at him, they haven't seen the people's fury yet. wait until they feel the reaction of trump voters should .they try to impeach him. and that is "the angle." speaking of agents of instability, adam schiff has had a rough" day himself. earlier today house minority leader kevin mccarthy signed off on a resolution to censure the house intel chairman. if that wasn't bad enough, we later found out that schiff has been lying this entire time about when he first knew of the deep state whistle-blower. first, here is what he said just two weeks ago. >> we have not spoken directly with the whistle-blower. we would like to but i'm sure the concerns are that he has not been advised, as the law requires, by the inspector general or the director of national
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intelligence just as to how he is too b communicate with congr. >> laura: but "the new york times" reported hours ago, house intel chairman got early accounts of his accusations days before a complaint was filed with the ig. joining me now is kevin mccarthy, house minority leader. i have to say i wasn't surprised bye this at all. but it seems like the resolution was well-founded. what is your reaction to the latest news "the new york times" has broken? >> if you watch, the democrats are trying to discredit democracy. this is simple. exactly what it is. we should go further than censure.e. he should be removed from the chairmanship of the intel community. one person makes that decision. the speaker of the house. i requested that in march. let's walk through this. two years ago he lied to the american public where he said he had proof and evidence beyond circumstantial and carried us through this nightmare the last two he then met with michael collins staffed three times, more than ten hours. he met with glenn simpson
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fusion gps, and now he met with this whistle-blower and lied to the american public. every time they have attempted a coup, there's been one common denominator. the lies and deceit of adam schiff. he is now a fact witness and nowhere in our justice system allows a fact witness to be the prosecutor. he needs to recuse himself today and the speaker needs to remove him as the chairman of one of our most sensitive committees that we have. >> laura: congressmen, they were up there doing the dog and pony show today about how, we want to work with the president on u.s. and ca but we are going to stand with the founders and the constitution. she was trying to play big game about, well, we will work on them but we're standing up for the founding principles of this country. she's not going to remove schiff from anything. >> you know what she is also doing? she is not carrying it out in a
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fair process. every time we found clear and impeachment, we've hadad an impeachment inquiry vote on the floor of the house. why do you have that? because it sets up the rules. it also empowers the minority to also have subpoena rights. think about if you went before a trial but you couldn't call any witness. this is exactly what she is working for.r. and you are supposed to go through the judiciary committee. where does she go? to adam schiff, the individual who has continued to lie. he lied on msnbc, he lied last sunday when he was asked if he knew who the whistle-blower is.c he lied when he didn't tell the intel committee when he had two opportunities. this sounds a lot like the kavanaugh situation. the same situation as building of exactly what they are doing here. this just shows this is all political. >> laura: his lawyer has represented schumer and hillary by the way. he put out a statement today whistle-blower statement today saying there was no contact
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between the legal team and congress until nearly a month after the whistle-blower complaint was submitted. i can unequivocally state that neither any member of the legal team nor the whistle-blower has ever met or spoken with congressman schiff about this matter. what we find out from "the new york times" is a staffer of schiff acted as the intermediary. why would this need to go to schiff via a staffer before it became a matter of public record? why? >> i think adam schiff needs to tell us what did he know, when did he know it, and how many times did he lied to us in the process? you're going to say this staffer never told the chairman who he was, didn't advise in the process, andid schiff didn't advise the staff are the direction? what did they tell this whistle-blower? where to go to get an attorney. much like the person who came forward against schiff. the exact same pattern we have
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found before.. remember what they wanted to do? on the day the president was being sworn into office was the first day that the democrats talked about impeachment in print. they voted on it three times. twice they voted on impeaching this president before one word ever came out from the mueller report. this has been political for day one. adam schiff has proven he has no credibility. he has no credibility day be a chairman and he has no right to be the prosecutor in this case. >> laura: congressman, are you concerned as i laid out in "the angle," that this impeachment obsession -- it's an obsession -- is having a ancer destabilizing effect on our domestic policy? and maybe in ways that we don't even know yet? our foreign policy. we have big issues with north korea, big issues with china. this is not exactly sending to the world a message of yeah
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it's a presidential election but we are a strong country. this is sending a terrible signal to the rest of the world. >> it sending a terrible signal breaking the fabric of democracy itself is what they are trying to discredit. remember when they called this? the speaker did not wait to have any facts. a press conference on the moment wereall world leaders sitting in new york at a u.n. conference, when the president was going to meet with other leaders. same when he think about foreign policy. or another foreign leader is going to feel comfortable talking with this president of the united states? they are not. they are putting our foreign policy in america in jeopardy. >> laura: they want more conversation. congressman, be aware, and i'm sure you are, they want more transcripts. they are not stopping at this transcript. they want more transcripts of more meetings, of more conversations and i certainly hope the white house counsel office and just as, whoever is doing this, that it's not happening again because this is
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a terrible precedent that was that beer necessary perhaps in this case but a terrible precedent. >> we should never allow another one to go forward for the sheer national security of this country. this is the scam of what they are moving forward. this should end this coup, the second one they've done. the common denominator is the lies of adam schiff. >> laura: minority leader thank you so much for being here tonight. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> laura: i have a question. are democrats really even holding a true impeachment customer joining me now is someone who knows a lot about how the process works and what happened in the senate. ken starr, former whitewater independent counsel. of course former federal court judge as well. explain for the folks at home how this might be a big democrat bluff.
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>> because we don't have, as the minority leader said, and impeachment. what we have is an unprecedented proceeding that the speaker has launched. and not only is there no precedent, i think it's lies in the teeth of the language of the constitution itself. when she invokes thens constitution, the constitution says the house of representatives, not the speaker, has the sole power -- that is the language of the constitution itself -- she has no authority whatsoever. she has asserted, assumed it but no authority whatsoever to launch impeachment. there needs to be under our president, 62 times over our history, a four vote justice mr. mccarthy said. absolutely right. it's not just a process. >> laura: she blew that off today. she's like, we don't need to do that in her little press availability today. she kind of just batted away concerns about making any formal resolution. it's like they want to have it
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but they kind of don't want to have it. the very curious like she is waiting for the poll to catch up to impeachment. i couldn't agree with you more on how they are handling it. they had this meeting yesterday on, i think it was white house aides and some conservatives in town and some aids on capitol hill. and he told the group according to "the new york times" that he believes mr. trump would want to see mitch mcconnell bring an impeachment votet to the senate floor. where mr. trump would be acquitted rather than move to simply dismiss the charges. what do you think about that? first of all, would that be wise of the president if this gets to the senate and actually put on evidence and supports to clear ois name? is that why? or would you say otherwise?
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>> well, it'se, a gutsy. if you can dismiss a case, go get it dismissed. but i think with the president is now saying, by virtue of this, and this is breaking news i have nothing to hide. bring it on. i'm entitled to a trial, that is the term used in the constitution. i want my trial. sometimes you hear defendants say that. i want to be able to get before the jury, and this is of course 100e senators to tell my story. he marches to the beat of his own drummer, he is a courageous guy and he is essentially saying bring it on. we want is the case go to the senate? does pelosi have to bring it to the senate under the constitution or can she basically say okay, we impeach him, now we go on to the campaign?o >> under the constitution, if it passes, it must go. >> laura: okay. so there is no ability to just put the cards away and say
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let's move on. it doesn't work that way. >> right and that is why i've said more than once, this is shaping up to be a parliamentary form. democrats now know that the impeachment is doomed to fail on the floor of the senate not just because the republicans are in control but because the constitution requires a super majority. >> laura: is this an effort to smear the president? they did it with kavanaugh staff members harassing him in restaurants. this has been a wrecking ball against regular order in washington. mostly at the hands of the democrats. but now we have an effort to smear the vice president as well as trump. watch. >> if pence was part of this how could he survive as president when trump goes?
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>> you are raising a very important point, which is that the vice president has a lot to answer to. he should also be brought before the united states congress to speakk about what exactly his involvement is. >> laura: in liberal fantasy land, they knock out trump, they knock out mike pence like a 1-2 thing and then pelosi becomes a -- >> the president of the united states. no. this nightmare scenario that is being conjured up is so devoid from what we know of the facts. when you take the transcript and that is all we have of interest which is the conversation with the ukrainian president, i don't think the president was wise and some of the things he said. but my word, there is no crime there is no quid pro quo clearly no impeachable offense. s >> laura: i'm glad he's standing up for the u.s. and carrying the full load for all these foreign monies. i love the fact that he pushed for europe to give more money. thank you so much and great to
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see you tonight. coming up, have you noticed a difference in tone between the coverage of hunter biden and the trump kids? eric trump is here exclusively to highlight the reigning hypocrisy and more.
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here, it all starts with a simple... hello! -hi! how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let's send to everyone! [ camera clicking ] wifi up there? -ahhh. sure, why not? how'd he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. >> i talked to my son, we've communicated.
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he is out in california. we communicated a couple times. but look, there is zero, zero zero evidence of any assertion being made. i'm not going to go into it now. nobody has ever asserted that i did anything wrong except he and what that fellow's name? rudy giuliani? >> laura: that was biden sticking by his story, there's nothing nefarious at all about his son's business in ukraine. but ukraine is only one country that young hunter attempted to a reporter who was with the bidens in china six years ago now kind of realizes that something was perhaps a mess. nbc national politics reporter writing today, throughout the week long trip, hunter biden team to duck in and out pg sometimes joining his father at arrival ceremonies. other times, he followed his own
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itinerary. we now know those sidetrips have included meetings with chinese billionaires ahead of announcing a new font on whose board he would ultimately serve. here to respond is president trump's son, eric trump. what would happen if you were on a trip like that? >> are you kidding me? the double standards, the hypocrisy here is crazy. i raised half my life raising money for dying children at a st. jude's and i get viciously attacked for it. here you have a kid who gets kicked out of the navy for drug use, gets caught multiple times with the drug paraphernalia. how many scandals o do you have? then ukraine, $50,000. he didn't speak the language.e' he didn't know anything about the industry he was in. he didn't have any discernible duties, and he's getting paid $50,000 a month? than the billion dollars from china because market is insane. by the way, the entire media turns a blind eye. where are they camping outside
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of his house? they're camping outside mine. you better believe you have everybody in the media camping outside my house. >> laura: what the media are doing, and i knew they would do this with hunter biden, they're basically saying anyone w criticizing hunter should also be criticizing the trump kids. this is chris lu on msnbc. watch. >> this is a little ironic. i mean any story that mentions hunter biden you can pretty much a substitute donald trump jr. eric trump, ivanka trump mar-a-lago, trump hotel. the idea that this president would try to make hay out of political scandals is pretty laughable at this point. >> we give up our entire business so that my dad could run for president. he dumped millions of dollars of his own money. he doesn't take salaries, we don't do anything overseas we gave up -- we didn't have to. we did that all voluntarily. we are not doing any new deals overseas. we give up our entire business so that my father, while my
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father was in the office. you know the sacrifice he made? he was flying over to china getting a billion and a half dollars, they made no sacrifices. they enrich themselves off of politics. quite frankly we are probably the only people in american history who did the exact opposite.. >> laura: i want to read another part of this nbc reporter's article, what was unknown is that he has accompanying his father to china. hunter biden was forming a chinese equity fund that associates a set of the timent s planning to raise big money including from china. hunter biden has acknowledged meeting with jonathan lee, a chinese banker, and his partner during that trip at the chinese business license that brought the fund into assistance was ten days after the trip with hunter biden then a member of the this is remarkable. it wasn't reported at the time. reporters on the trip, hi hunter, how are you doing? these are not commentators.
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they are reporters and they are saying, there is no there there. >> you don't think if i was on that trip he would've had 12 reporters following me everywhere i went? the problem is they turn -- that is how crooked the media is. they turn out totalll blind eyeo this, and we are into t business they go over to china, they can't pull $0.03 out of china. china won't give them any money yet the young son of the vice president can go over there and pull a billion and a half dollars out of it without speaking the language, without knowing -- >> laura: how is this affecting your family? this impeachment mania sickness, obsession on a day-to-day basis. how is it affecting you, your family, your dad? >> we've been to this merry-go-round so many times. at this point you have to shrug. and see it for whatru it is. the system is incredibly corrupt. t
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you see it was before. look at what he tried to do in the russia investigation. i have a lot of information in the whole thing ends up being a dad. you can tell that they orchestrated this entire thing because adam schiff is all the report before it was published. you have kids that go into a ball and they steal a pack of gum and they go to jail. when is somebody going to go to jail in politics? when is onee of these democrats -- >> laura: bill barr is a professional. >> i think they are doing a great job at the amount of time they waste in the amount of money these people waste. >> laura: the amount of time your father has to spend even dealing with this verse is all the big problems facing the country. that is why people who don't really focus on the day-to-day say. don't we have other -- we have other really big issues facing the country. really huge issues. opioids, drugs, fentanyl from china and your dad is having to deal with these bozos in the media who are blowing this all out of proportion. >> one is somebody going to quantify that? as it pertains to mueller, but
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how about all the lives they are ruining? how about all the time wasted in the media resources wasted? >> laura: do you ever say to your dad, dad, i know, don't swing at every pitch. you don't need to respond. or do you not even bother? because a lot of people say they are so pathetic, he should just let them fall on their own swords. e they are so obviously political with impeachment, maybe he reacts too much. >> this is exactly what this country needed. they needed the greatest fighter of all time, and i've always known my father to be the best fighter and he's going to attack.. he's going to attack and he is going to win. we are going to win again. the a fund-raising numbers are credible, the economy is incredible. he is doing a great job. americans are really, really smart. starts cratering, who gets the blame on this? >> they shouldn't be pushing an impeachment narrative.
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they really shouldn't. they should be going out and helping our country and they have the power to do that. >> laura: thank you so much for coming. who is winning the battle of battle? pelosi are trump? come on, you know the answer. robert de niro? what has happened to hisis language? don't go away.
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>> laura: it's time for are
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seen and unseen segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. the impeachment battle plus "snl" and a legendary actor go all in for pushing the president out. joining us with all the details raymond arroyo, fox news contributor and all the impeachment drama. itbu is drama in three acts. he saw something else today that could affect the outcome. >> you know i always look for the pop culture play. how this is being received by everyday americans, so i wanted to compare the style, not the substance, of one nancy pelosi and the president said today. >> pelosi started by noting the history of this day. >> we are here on the one year anniversary of when jamal khashoggi was killed. a very sad thing. >> this impeachment battle is first and foremost a political battle. in between lost words, putin thought to align her thoughts
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with that of the forefathers. >> not that we place ourselves in the category of greatness of our founders, but we do place ourselves in a time of urgency on the threat to our constitution and the system of checks and balances that is being made. >> it's wandering, it's unfocused. you can imagine how americans are receiving this. she is not helping her cause. even if she had a great argument. >> laura: do we really think she is sitting around reading federalist 18? i mean, she is not doing any of that. >> what about when she paused thinking about the horrific murder of jamal khashoggi. that was odd. that was a weird turn.ha all right, here's the president from the oval office today. [reporter question] >> when it whistle-blower -- okay, are you ready? i heard the whistle-blowers
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report. this country has to find out who that person was because that person is a spy in my opinion. are you ready? >> i have to note something here. he is all in this thing and he uses the tactic and i've watched it repeatedly where he goes "you ready?" and then he drops the line. >> laura: he makes you stop. >> are you ready? it's a tactic. watch thedy contrast and communications here. >> it's very sad, i don't see impeachment as a unifying thing for our country. they don't have the sense of mission that he did what he did. >> he did what hese did, what dd he do? and it's sad. >> laura: he did what he did it's unifying, it's not unifying.. >>at watch how trump channels
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passion for maximum effect. >> biden and his son are stone cold crooked, and you know it. his son walks out with millions of dollars, the kid knows nothing. you know it and so do we. >> he had the same approach in the oval office. he's emphatic, he's indignant. it matters to him. he looks like he is in the game. pelosi looks like she is trying toti convince the faculty lounge to add a smoke room. [laughs] now the pop-culture shapes the opinions of many americans when it comes to these hot political topics. this week "snl" opened their 45th season with a desperate president facing impeachment. watch. >> give me rudy giuliani on the phone. >> mr.ou trump, what's new?
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>> what you mean what's new? i'm being impeached. got another call. okay. who's this? >> it's attorney general barr. stay calm, mr. president. i know things look bad right now but i've got our top guy on this. >> good. let's get him on the phone, too. >> hello! >> none of this is working. and the ratings have proven. 30% drop -- >> laura: raymond is a really good impressionist and you can do a great rudy giuliani. that wasra a bomb from beginning to end. >> laura, we are, we are suing everyone. we want everybody out -- >> laura: "snl" has got to get raymond!. >> including you, laura. in the hoop earrings. >> laura: ramage is never going to come on again. our old pal bob de niro took aim at us over the past weekend. you're going to remember we took
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him8 on for cursing out the president at the tony awards but even before that in january of 2018. >> this [bleep] idiot is the president. the guy is a [bleep] fool. >> laura: he is just off the rails. >> he is one of the great actors of the generation but it undermines when you engage in this ad>> hominem. >> he went on the air to respond us. >> when you say that folks on fox get after you. at the tonys, you got up there and cursed. [bleep]. >> this guy is like a gangster.o he comes along and has said and done things. this is terrible. this guy is crazy. we've got to get him out. >> laura: just because he played a gangster doesn't mean that he knows what a gangster is. speak of the collapse into profanities and have little insight here. this was once a great actor. he is pushing this movie, "the irishman" which should be called "thehe airbrush man" because thy are walking his age back with cgi.
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this is cheap and low and it's beneath robert de niro. >> laura: why do i always think he is dustin hoffman? al pacino, robert de niro dustin hoffman. they arell all kind of diminuti. thank you, raymond. i don't mean that in a bad way. they are brilliant, genius actors. coming up, the left antipolice rhetoric is culminating in a disgusting incident caught on camera. we will show you the incident in a moment. we are here with reaction. spoiler, is he happy about this? not. - right now in the former soviet union, there are thousands of jewish holocaust survivors trapped in relentless poverty. there's no heat, no electricity, no running water, they're cold hungry and sick and they're suffering and dying needlessly. christians and jews together stand obedient to god
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>> laura: when we started tonight it was about how the left have become the true agents of instability of politics in the country at large. it's also spilling out into our everyday lives. you heard it during our town hall in chicago on friday people want change. what they don't want is to liveo in a world where democrats are fueling antipolice rhetoric. i want to bring in former nypd commissioner and we are going to go through a couple of these latest incidents. i thought of you because i thought oh, my gosh, not only people who are on the force now but people who have devoted their entire lives to serving in uniform. i want to start with this university of tennessee linebacker. he is in a lot of trouble tonight after being arrested for failing to appear in court pulled over for illegal u-turn they found out he had a warrant for his arrest.. that's not why everyone is mad. watch the disgusting way he treated our men and women in
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blue during thehi arrest. >> [bleep] broke. he all police are some [bleep]. all my life, i hated cops. >> laura: he said, where i am from we shoot at cops. he's from memphis tennessee they've a big problem with crime there. he called his coach and he tried to talk them out of a ticket. >> this is mind-boggling. how does a guy like this get into school, how did they have him in the program? the football team. these kids aren't taught respect, though not taught discipline, they are not taught
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anything and then we put them on a pedestal and treat them like gods in these football programs. that kid shouldn't even be in that school. >> laura: if he said something else that was really politically incorrect, he would've been kicked out by morning. >> where i come from, i shoot cops, i don't know. >> he apologized. he said i want to sincerely apologize to my family law enforcement, i deeply regret my attitude and language in the video. i've great respect for my police men and women and i'm embarrassed for my actions that night. that's not who i am. people do make mistakes. maybe he was brought up to believe that. maybe he had some interactions with the police that were bad. could he work with the police volunteer to help? maybe there is a way to turn it around? >> i think the coaches and the school have got to work on kids like this. these are supposed to be the examples for our younger generation.
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>> laura: all right, let's head to fairfax, virginia. not too far from where i'm from washington, d.c. the police officer there was a spender, get this, because he cooperated with i.c.e. in a statement the chief of police that it this is an unfortunate issue where the officer was confused. we've trained on this issue a lot. this is the first time we had a lapse of judgment and the officer is being punished. our county is one of the most diverse counties in the nation and no one should have the perception that the fairfax county police is acting as a civil immigration agent or i.c.e. caught being punished for helping federal authorities enforce the law, keep the streets safe. >> i think you know me well enough to know i try not to ets ouize the men and women oute there. this is the sanctuary chief. this is a chief that is afraid to tell his mayor, to tell his county executives what the realities are. not helping i.c.e. as jeopardizing the safety of your
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communities. these guys make me sick. if you can't tell the mayor and the county executives what the realities are, they get out of your job, because there is no way that guy doesn't know how dangerous it is not to take these people off the streets. there is no way. it's impossible. if you are a chief of police in this country today, you know how much impact, how much negative impact -- >> laura: i understand people being released, they are committing sexual abuse against minors and women, it's happened in new jersey and new york. apparently will happen all over the country because this is the politically correctua approach o policing. illegal immigrants, you think legal immigrants, hispanics and other stomach otherwise are clamoring to have more illegal immigrants and their communities? they're running for office, get them out of office. the absolute worst.
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i finally want to get your response to what a local police chief and democratic politician did yesterday. this is according to the vice president of fallen officers association. a charity event for an officer who was killed during the massacre last year was canceled all because prominent trump supporters were going to be there. how is this acceptable? they will hurt a charity to her to trump. >> this is another one. the chief in thousand oaks, told the organizer this is not maga country. scottdale went to this guy's church. he went to his church. >> laura: what did maxine waters essay? drive them out. if you see them in public, drive them out.nn even our police, too. thank you. i really appreciated and coming up, the left doesn't just vilify and smear police. now they want to take it a step further and disarming you. shocking comments from the
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democrats atou today's gun-contl town hall next. what are you doing back there, junior? since we're obviously lost, i'm rescheduling my xfinity customer service appointment. ah, relax. i got this. which gps are you using anyway? a little something called instinct. been using it for years.
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yeah, that's what i'm afraid of. he knows exactly where we're going. my whole body is a compass. oh boy... the my account app makes today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. not my thing.
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>> laura: the 2020 democrats are now giving up on this idea of taking away your second amendment rights. they say otherwise but don't believe it. msnbc was more than happy to give the gun-grabbing liberals a
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whole town hall to spread their message. joining me now to analyze someo or wild claims, cam, i want to start with their plan for confiscation. >> in this country, mandatory buybacks are supported by a majority of americans. not only is it the right thing to do. not only will we to save the lives of our fellow americans they are with us on this issue. the corporate gun lobby, the nra fearmongers will have a think there are federal agents showing up at your houses. no. they are not people out there seizing your weapons. there are ways to do this. >> laura: the weapons are going to fly into the hands of federal authorities. just that line is hilarious by cory booker. was mayor of one of the more dangerous cities in the united states.math what other ways of taking your guns are there?
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>> again, i guess we're supposed to hand them over politely. that's how you accomplish this this is one of the things that wasaf a theme throughout the afternoon on msnbc. are these plans that bear no resemblance to reality -- cory booker should look at what is happening over the country with magazine bands, where people are supposed to turn their magazines ban. in new york state, the noncompliance rate for people who are supposed to register their assault weapons or reregister their hand guns at less than 10%. the fact of the matter is theree is no way to enforce these proposals, which is why beto o'rourke and cory booker and other candidates simply want to believe that americans are going to comply with laws that will disarm them. >> laura: it's a god-given right to be able to have that right to defend yourself and bear arms. but they don't see it as that. these are not reasonable restrictions. this is mandatory. it's gun confiscation. next up, we have cory booker and
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elizabeth warren making some crazy promises. watch. >> we will change laws under my leadership, and it's not that i have a better 20-point plan. it's that i'm going to bring a fight to the nra and the corporate gun lobby like they have never seen before. >> your plan calls for an 80% reduction in gun deaths. >> over eight years. that's known as two terms for a president. [cheers and applause] >> laura: how could this be accomplished? >> i've been wondering this myself because elizabeth warren says she is not going to take any guns away from the legal gun owners and yet the foundational premise is more guns equals more crime. if elizabeth warren wants to decrease gun violence by 80%n what percentage of the guns that are g currently in the hands of legal gun owners does she want to take away as well?
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>> laura: i have a question per capita gun ownership is highest in states like montana texas, idaho. where's the crime highest?t in those states, or other states? >> in cities were not a lot of people are legally allowed to own guns. >> laura: they complain people get guns from other jurisdictions, or they are bought illegally from other states, brought across state lines. but we were in chicago last week and come a lot of folks there were saying i grew up and you could still have a gun in chicago. it was a lot safer then. older americans were saying this didn't make us any safer these gun bans. >> chicago had a gun ban in place from 1983 until 2010.n and the homicide rate was actually higher than it is today. washington, d.c., has seen its homicide rate decline. we've seen washington, d.c. released their crime stats.
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violent crime dropped by 4% homicide rate by more than 6 percent compared to 2017. laura, there were a lot of guns sold in 2017 and 2018. >> laura: lots of information. thank you so much for joining us tonight.t. we really appreciate it. coming up, for a took you to the dentist. tonight, last bite reveals something else about this candidate. >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> laura: it's time for the last bite. someone send an alert to the 2020 clown car candidate, >> time for the last bite. someone send an alert to the 2020 clown car candidate, beto o'rourke revealed his kryptonite. >> a deep breath. that it. >> such courage. those guns are definitely not
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assault weapons. i want you to meet my yoga teacher, jean zachary, his 87th birthday is today, family and the textile business but he became a master yoga instructor in unreal -- shannon bream, take it from here. >> it is my sister's birthday today. have a great show. shannon: we begin with fox news alert democrats turning screws on another person close to donald trump. new questions for adam schiff about what he knew and when. the largest abortion provider planned parenthood quietly building a supersecret mega clinic in illinois.


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