tv Americas News HQ FOX News October 6, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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>> breaking develops in the impeachment push against president trump. the attorney for the first whistle-blower now confirming he is representing e, quote, l multiple whistle-blowers at least one of them said to have firsthand knowledge of the president dealing with ukraine. hello everyone welcome to america news headquarters. >> thank you for joining us today. president trump slamming the emergence of the second whistle-blowers he claims it is part of an intelligence conspiracy against him also saying that house probe is stacked against him because e he accuses democrats of denying republicans due process in this investigation. meanwhile senate swriew dish area committee lindsey graham on supgd morning future this is morning and he nappedded that
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speakerrer nancy pelosi hold a full vote in the house on impeachment so republicans have equal rights to investigate. cavanaugh all over again within the intel community and what is it about intel community and trurp that is so off base here and did shift do what had fist whistle-blower what they did it can kavanaugh coach him up. >> holly the latest on reaction from the lawmakers and let's begin with kevin corke on the north lawn of the white house. his, kevin. >> eric good to be with you if there's one word to describe the white house's view of this latest whistle-blower who like the previous whistle-blower apparently comes from intelligence community it might be amused because at least in washington as you all e know, this idea of circular reporting, quoting another media outlet and then confirming their reporting
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who then, of course, does it again. that's called creating narrative that's a view here at the white house. still, it is very important to point out that now there is at least two at least two folks who have great concern about what the the president was saying on that call with ukraine leader let me take you to twitter to share at least this from the attorney from whistle-blowers it says this icy whistle-blower update i can confirm my firm an my team represent multiple whistle-blower in connection with to underlying disclosure to the the intelligence community inspector general. no further comment at this time. so what to make of the new information? who are these scot whistle-blowers what's the motivation of the decision making during the saga has been curious if not down right puzzling according to many here inside beltway. all this they say over a phone call the president has called perfect. and congressional republicans have called benign on its face let me take you back to twitter a president with a lengthy
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response he said it is incredible to watch and read fake news and how they pull out stops to protect sleepy joe billedden and thrown out of military son hunter handed 100,000 a from a company and no experience in energy and separately got 1.5 billion from china despite no experience, and for no apparent reason. there is no way all caps these can be legitimate transactions question mark. as lawyers and others have stated as president, here's the important part eric i have an obligation to look into possible or probable corruption . so that's their story here. the bidens they argue are the real story of corruption, and that's a story that press they argue want to avoid at all cost. >> bribery is offering something of value in exchange for official action 1.2 billion loan guarantee by the way is something of value no dispute about that. official action that he extorted was firing the prosecutor and
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there are three affidavits to that effect so whether they tell him triewpt or not when cnn says no evidence to support it it is a krowpt, lie -- it is the same reason they've been covering up for ten years. but the problem with the white house narrative here eric is -- the president did make an offer. he did say i would like for you to maybe look into this. now the white house qowld say look he's just looking into a possible crime. but others have argued that by doing that what he's effectually doing is impact the 2020 lx again that's something that president has denied very forcefully. still this will make for a very interesting woke at white house as we continue to watch what comes out of the of the attorneys for those whistle-blowers. eric. >> and a lot is going to be coming the kevin as you will be on it throughout the whole hour. thanks. arthel. >> house lawmakers reacting to last week's close door testimony from the officials who deem the whistle-blower complaint, quote, credible. intelligence community inspector
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general michael atkinson pane member john ratcliff talk about it on sunday morning futures. >> testimony on friday will shock you with respect to his investigation into the contact between adam shift and his staff and intelligence community and whistle-blower. bottom line is adam hist is a material fact witness in the investigation he shouldn't be running the investigation. >> so, molly is in washington where lawmakers are reacting to an attorney kifnlings that multiple whistle-blowers have come forward. molly what can you tell us? >> we don't know yet what the this or these new whistle-blowers proport to have heard or have seen, related to the the u.s., ukraine, president trump, joe biden allegation of corruption so far the lawyers have only said that unlike the first whistle-blower, this second whistle-blower has, quote, first hand knowledge of
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certain info. in thes believe this may add more fuel to the impeachment fire. >> the reporting that a second whistle-blower has come forward or is about to come forward i believe again would be someone who sees wrong doing hears wrong doing, and wants to do something about it. >> representative says that first whistle-blower has laid out, quote, an abuse of power that is, quote, so detailed and appropriately laid out. republicans aren't impressed the possibility that someone else may have listened to the president july 25th phone call with the president of ukraine according to one gop member of the house intelligence member, quote, doesn't matter. >> this person is kind of come forward and say yep. the president had this phone call and yep, that's the transcript. i mean why should i had care at all what his perspective or his opinion and judgment of this transcript is. you and i can read it. >> congressman stewart says
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lawmakers have known for a little while that this individual was probably going to come forward. he says democrats are, quote, gidty over possibility of impeaching president but that it is all, quote, terribly divisive for the american people. arthel. >> molly, thank you. eric. >> more on second whistle-blower let's go to steven former federal prosecutor professor of law at the university of memphis. so professor what is is significance of this second person coming forward? >> well initially the significance is that undercut president trump's argument that the original whistle-blower complaint shouldn't be given any weight because it is all hearsay and second happened information. this will will confirmation of that original whistle-blower complaint from somebody who supposedly reportedly has firsthand knowledge. that coupled with the transcript of the call itself, and the tweets back and forth, i mean, the the text messages between state department officials can add up to krob about ration of
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the originally whistle-blower complaint. >> what do you think we'll hear from or know what this whistle-blower is claiming? well thingses are happen hadding a the a pretty fast clip i would imagine within the next week or so. i wouldn't be surprised to see subpoenas issue and possibly some interviews occur with members of the house. can you explain, you know -- what these people concerns are for example, "the wall street journal" this past week said, quote, any bureaucrat who hears conversation can file a complaint that override it is a president ability to speak. but the foreign leader as you know the president say there's nothing wrong at all in the phone call that is his right to call for information of corruption as he puts it in ukraine and ask for any foreign country to help the u.s. do that. that's his claim. >> right. well there are at least two counterarguments to that. one is that counterargument that mitt romney has mentioned publicly which is that, if the only person that president trump keeps trying to investigate with all of these foreign countries happens to be his main political
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rival, then it sort of undercuts the argument that this is some sort of generic justice seeking effort as opposed to rgt taying the 2020 presidential election. second, to the extent that president trump used the possibility of an oval office meeting with the ukrainian president or giving military aid to ukraine as leverage in order to induce them to initiate an investigation of biden's now we're talking about actual abuse of power. and possibly a quid pro quo which brings it into far different territory. >> the president advises quid pro quo but they say, of course, there was because of text dealing with a 390 million withheld from yiewg crane let's take a look at one of the texts from ambassador taylor and gordon who was -- a toner to the campaign taylor says message to russians we stand with decision on security assistance is key. with a hold we have already
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shaken their faith in us thus my night mare seminar joe i said it is crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign and replies bill i believe you're incorrect with president intentions president has been crystal clear. no quid pro quo of any kind. the president is trying to evaluate whether ukraine is truly doing to adopt the transparency and reforms that president promised during the campaign. i suggest we stop the back and forth by text. who proves that there is no quid pro quo or is that just it shall slanged covering his backside? >> right. well on the one hand president trump is going to say well see, that person said there was no quid pro e quo. he could be as you say covering his backside. oarngd, the other side is going to say, well why was that first official so convinced that they were withholding it he must have gotten that impression from somebody. and then when when you couple
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that with the transcript of the phone call where after president said i would really like those antimissiles and president trump says i would like you to do a favor, though -- that also seems to weigh towards a quid pro quo, of course, that is a fact question that house is beginning to have to answer as they do this impeachment inquiry. only you talk about the transcript that says that it is illegal for any person to solicit accept or receive anything of value from foreign national in connection with the u.s. election. our founding fathers sounded alarm about intrigue and influence anyone who solicits or accepts foreign assistance risking bees on wrong end of a federal investigation professors at your view. but the president is of the united states broke the law and solicit foreign intervention interference no matter what their reason. >> i think this is a strong argument for that, eric. lower courts have held that opposition research can be a thing of value for purposes of
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the campaign finance laws. if you characterize this investigation into biden as an effort to dig up dirt on him ands thus on decision research, therefore, thing of value then you can argue that the mirror request whether or not this quid pro quo is itself a violation of campaign finance laws. i think there's a -- a trivial argument along those line it is that is a significant argument and the one that definitely bears serious investigation. >> here's lindsay grammy this morning talking about this issue. >> there's nothing wrong with this phone call. it is okay for the president and others to look into corruption in the ukraine. three democratic senators wrote a letter to the ukrainian government asking them to cooperate with mueller and if you don't you may lose your aid. it is also a okay to look into whether or not there was corruption in the ukraine going the other way. >> well, former representative joe walsh on cnn call the president a tradesser this morning see you have two
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contrasting view. finally your take. >> well, obviously, joe walsh although a republican he's run aring against president trump and the primary. so he's going to be more harsh lindsay grammy has been always a defender lately a defender of trump so he's more lenient. i do think this -- the fact that it is only been biden so far -- that the president has been seeking an investigation against, really does support an argument this has more to do "2020 presidential election than some sort of generic general crackdown on corruption. especially when the department of pentagon dod a few months ago basically said that ukraine was making great strides towards anticorruption thus undercutting rational for suspended ukrainian aid. >> that's the argument for one of them right there. steven miller down in memphis today for us. professor, thank you. for your insight --
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>> great take care now. ♪ >> four people killed and five others injured in kansas city, kansass. after police say at least one shooter walked into a private members only bar. and opened ited fire overnight, authorities currently do not have a suspect in custody christina coleman live with details for us. christina. >> arthel as of now police do not believe this was a random shooting they're looking for possibly two shoot percent at this time. now just hours into this investigation, so police very much at early stages of trying to figure out exactly what happened here. the shooting happened at the tequila kc bar along a strip of businesses spokesperson for the kansas city, kansas police department tells me that detectives are reviewing surveillance video. they're trying to confirm whether more than one shooter was involved, and figure out what the motive possibly could be. police were called out to the small bar early this morning around 1:30. they believe two patrons may
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have left the bar and returned to open fire. the five people who were injured were taken to the hospital in stable condition. and they are expected to survive. all of the victims were hispanic men between their 20s to late 50s. now although no one has arrester shooting police say that threat to the public is minimal at this time. >> we do not believe this was random we believe that this was a -- isolated distinct. i guess you would call it, we don't el feel these suspects are going to go out to do this again. >> police also tell me they have been able to interview witnesses. but so far no details have been released on a possible suspect or suspects. at this time, arthel. >> christina thank you very much. eric. >> arthel brand new fox news polls on 2020 race breaking this morning, wait until you see what they say what they show about the democratic candidates about president trump, and his chances
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well the justices this year are expected to hear argument as on a wide range of highly divisive issues including gun rights, and abortion. live in washington with the preview on what's docket for the country's highest court. hi garrett. >> right now there are almost four dozen case on supreme court docket for this term and it is filled with hot button issues one of the big pest being daca whether dismantle obama era program affecting nearly 800,000 people who were brought into the country illegally as children. this case is one of several dealing with immigration and executive power and despite a string of setbacks from lower courts ruling against the administration immigration policies, court watcherses say the white house believes the high court will ultimately rule pits way. >> i think the immigration con text, the administration has basically chocked up fact to lose a lot of cases in the trial court level and at the circuit
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court level but they're playing long game. i think there are those in the white house and justice department who have made a calculation saying look, we can absorb losses in lower courts because we are going to win the end game when this case gets into the supreme court -- another hot button issue will be abortion regulation, with a challenge to a controversial abortion law in the louisiana which requires doctors performing abortion to have admitting privilege at a nearby hospital. and then there is a case involving civil rights protections for lbgtq workers and whether employers can be sued for job discrimination with these rulings expected to come down in june, in the middle of the presidential campaign, the supreme court will likely be a major talking point out on the campaign trail. >> well the court will be an issue in 2020, but that's perfectly normal it was a huge issue in 2016 is helped to get president trump elected conservative volters said we want to pick the next justice and they really vote that issue. and it will be again, precise
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lis because it is such an important part of our system. >> high court is expected to take up about two dozen more appeals potentially covering issues such as gun control, religious liberty, and the environment. garrett. >> thanks so much. arthel. >> well new fox news polls are out on the state of the of 200 race that shows former vice president joe bideen and senator bernie sanders and elizabeth warren as front runners biden expanded lead with 41% support now followed by warren at 12% and sanders at 10 and in wisconsin the include candidates lead in each of the possible 20 20 matchup tested another poll shows voters there disapprove of the job president trump is doing. let's bring in now former epa governor ed he's also a former chairman of the dnc sir good to have use here. >> my pleasure.
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okay. well listen so far, it seems that call to get political dirt on joe biden and his son is not denting the former vice president run for president. i want to start sir, by getting your take on the july 25th phone call between president trump and ukrainian president. >> i would agree we the professor you have on the air you don't need a quid pro quo under federal law if you ask is for intervention of a foreign country in american election. and certainly president trump did that when he testified joe biden as target. but you have committed a crime. i think this adequate evidence of quid pro quo in the exchange of e-mails between sunland taylor but i don't thinks that's necessary for crime to have been committed. >> and so far you know that there's no evidence emerged to support theory that former vice president biden or his son committed any crimes or -- violations moving on, though, i want to ask you what is your
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assessment of how republican lawmakers have conducted themselveses since the release of the summary precinctout of that july 25th call? >> well, a few exceptions senator and romney i think they've been blindly supporting the president, and it makes no sense. i mean, this is about the security of the united states. and if you believe the president that this is some sort of conspiracy why would intelligence officer who spent their life working in protecting the united states conspire against him? there's no motive for them to do so. it doesn't make any sense. and they're putting their careers on line when they go forward as a whistle-blower. so it makes no sense to me -- i think the republicans who have done nothing but apologize for the president, may pay the price. interestingly you haven't seen senator gardner, or ?artd collins coming to his defense because they have tough reelections next year. inch so that what it's about
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about politics? and not about patriotism? >> unfortunately, that's a conclusion you would have to draw. when men like sas and romney said that president actions are deeply troubleing, you have to assume that the rest of the people who say no about problem here. everything is okay. lindsey graham knows better than to say that the transcript of the phone call is perfectly all right it is not perfectly all right. a, it is a crime, b, it is clear abuse of power. >> governor, with i want to share a brand new fox news poll released just this morning. polling south carolina democratic primary voters, when asked should president trump be impeached? and removed from office, 78% said yes. 4% said impeached but not remove. and 11% said do not impeach. so governor, i want to ask you, do you think the impeachment or the impeach inquiry is warranted?
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>> yes i do, and i was on your station moangts ago saying i didn't think an impeachment was a good idea because i didn't think there was enough evidence but stir the to the politically, be when you have a president of the united states clearly violating election law not only asking for the ukraine to investigate but the china humiliated by responding in less than two days that they're not going to do it. i think that the -- that he's pushedded it over line and i think impeachment is proper. i'm not sure it will hurt president trump in the long run because i think he'll be acquitted by senate but i think it is something that has to be done. now interestingly, his attacks on joe biden i said when attack joe biden he -- he could have taken out billboards in a hundred major cities in the country saying candidate i fear most is joe biden. and he wouldn't have done joe biden anymore of a favor. >> there's something there may circumstance pl back in meantime i want to show another brand new
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fox news poll released few hours ago also polling south carolina, democratic primary voters when asked, what is more important to support a candidate? 58% of those polled prioritize backing candidate who can beat president trump now that is up from 52% who felt that way in july and that is twice number saying that rt spueing a candidate they like is more important which received 29% so you know, it is a strong snapshot, however, governor, do you foresee any potential political pitfalls on the part of your party and should that be a consideration? >> oh, sure. look, don't underestimate president trump. he's superbly gifted order when it comes to deflecting blame on other people. he sounded a large in his "state of the union" when he accuse democrats of going towards socialism. and if he can pin that socialism tag on the party, it is
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dangerous. it is why the medicare for all proposal that senator sanders, warren, senator harris has supported chld take people off of private insurance. give them no choice. and put them in a government program. that's such a bad position to have, bad on merits and it is bad politically. because it feeds into the president's dialogue. you don't want to elect it shall >> how do you combat the president dialogue is messaging his creative canard how do you combat that? erchghts well -- or [laughter] from the democratic standpoint i hope he keeps tweeting. >> okay. should you be tweeting more? i was going to go but should the democratic party be tweeting more? >> no. i think -- anything that is -- qort saying should be said with some thought, the not a tweet at 2 in the morning or whatever. and should have some care it be. because as it was famously said
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in last campaign words do matter. what the candidates say matter and people listen all over the world. >> edward thank you for join us. >> thanks arthel, my pleasure. >> you know turkey is nato ally and may attack forces that we support. what is he doing and is this any way to treat america? no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. let's go to the cemetery!
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more than a hundred people killed and thousands injured in iraq as violent protest continue to sweep the capitol city of baghdad. and several other major cities in the nation as well. common stray tomorrows have been staging rallies since tuesday, they're demanding more job opportunities and an engtd to ram pangt corruption. trey is live in jesus jerusalem
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with more. >> more killed in antigovernment demonstrations bringing total death toll since tuesday to one hundred peel following emergency meeting of the parliament and abdul released a 17 point plan to address corruption and government is scramming to address the dmangdz of protesters even offering to pay families of those killed and develop new subsidy programses for low income families. violence effect lated throughout week with as security forces open fired on demonstrators and during nearly 4,000 tear gas and crowd control methods used as fire erupted in main square. united nations is calling for toapgd the new round of surveillance says that these new senseless deaths must stop arthel. >> and that's very strong as well, seeing people uprise there. in iraq, another big story happening in the middle east today as well that's turkey preparing for a massive offensive in syria what's the latest on that? >> well that's exactly right.
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yesterday turk picture president said his forces will launch a ground and air operation into northeastern syria as early as this week it is important to, though, that you have u.s. back kurdish forces on bordering right now and spoarks fen for syrian democratic forces there did say that this weekend any unprovoked attack by turkey could lead to all out war this summer turningy and united states e agree to create a safe zone for civilians in northern syria with millions still displaced following defeat of i.c.e. decision and ongoing syrian civil war, the development did appear to be a positive sign for the war in region but now says that washington is taking too long. we have completed operation program and given necessary orders we will conduct this from the ground and from the air. all of this a complicated situation because this offensive targeting u.s. backed kuddish
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forces in northern syria and at the same time the united states will be trying to work with turkey to create that safe zone for the civilians that complex situation in the middle east as this part of the milings east does continue to deteriorate. arthel. >> very complicated because then question becomes does that put us in a proxy war and which would not be good and then also hopefully do you know if there are any back door or backline conversations happening right now to try to prevent this from turkey from moving forward. >> well over the past week the united states has been urging the turkish government led to stop any sort of offensive like this. cue to the complexity of the situation because in syria right now, you still assad regime government forces trying to push out rebels in syrian strong hold for rebels of province you have pockets resurging and united states would not like to see anymore large wars erupting in this part of the middle east. arthel. >> traig p trey thank you very
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much. eric. >> turkey doesn't attack syrian operation allies how should washington react let's bring in malcolm a retired u.s. army major general. a general so why is president erdogan military threats to attack so troubling? >> well good afternoon eric thank you for letting me join you. first off i would like to settle a little context right now the united states has about under just under a thousand forces there in northern syria and what they're doing is conducting joint security patrolses and they're on outpost with turkey u.s. and turkey turkish forces together. air and ground patrol trying to secure that buffer zone but from turkey perpghtive what they see to the south is a security vacuum as you heard you have syrian defense forces you have kurdish forces and you have russian forces to the south and so what you see is president erdogan says that u.s. join
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patrol and efforts are not moving fast enough and not going far enough to proved them the necessary security is that they want on their southern border. >> is he making this then a part of our fault and trying to encourage us to step up the security or is is this -- something else that he has in mind? >> well it's important to note that the president has directed that we slowly withdraws forceses in a if they withdraw out of syria so i think he sees that as potential for security vacuum increasing so this whether it is a bluff or bloc e bluster it is going to be seen but they've been making preparation for a potential movement south and what i would be concerned about first off is u.s. forces number one. and ting both the u.s. and turkey have to be concerned if there is an attack or move into that buffer zone with turkish forces to the south there can not be a death of a u.s. soldier and we have to retrograde forces out of that area if it does come to that? >> do they coordinate it at all
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or -- >> say we're attack? >> no the doubt they're diplomatic actions happening and military contingencien plays happen and communications between the tushish general staff and pentagon as well between -- turkey and the u.s. state department tone sure that that doesn't happen. but even as or just about as important is reaction of the syrian defense forces. do they and try to hold their ground do they retrograde ifs they do what happens to thousands of isis prisons in the prisons they are guarding we can't let them get free so that's a second concern as well. >> what do you think is going to happen? erveg well i think we're going to have a lot of activity right now in the state department of pent tbon to get through this diplomatically and contingency plans right now to reassure turkey that they can execute those joint patrols in such a fashion to provide the buffer that turkey desires. but at the same time the u.s. is under a lot of pressure. they're in the middle east, we
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have afghan elections that are coming up forces are needed for that. you have the forces that were committed to saudi arabia, and to uiu based on attack iranian base attack of the cofacility and you have new national security leadership here in the united states. and new national security advisor, a new secretary defense mark and new chairman of the joint chiefs mark nillly trying to set forth a national security strategy defense strategy for the future so this is a big fly in the ointment when it comes to commitment of potential global forces for the united states to ensure that nothing this conflict doesn't get divorce i.c.e. doesn't rear a head had again and cope a buffy between turkey and syria. >> what is -- are they up to turkey is supposedly a nato ally is is that not a name they buy a russian defense system we cancel sale of the f35 he's not -- he does not act. like a include freedom loving --
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ally of the united states in many ways. what type of sanctions should we have against him and change his behavior or is that even possible with the strong man like that and why is is he a nato in the first place? >> well, nato -- turkey is nato ally has been important for many decades. whining you look at the strategic position of tkey when you look at the influence of iran and influence of russia having turkey as nato ally in that region is big. itit is huge for united states d nato with respect to erdogan i think what he's doing is trying to leverage support for the united states. for us to kind of commit some assets to commit and make some commitments to him in that region to ensure frankly that his south, the southern side of turkey is not insecure again from a security perspective from a national interest perspective i can understand what president erdogan is doing, however it is a delicate balance i think he's looking eat iranian influence russian influence, and in nato trying to kind of play his cards based off of who kind of
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supports best and right now this is the pressure he's leveraging on u.s. using that nato card. >> see what happens in next few days general malcolm cross thank you for insight today thank you, of course, finish your service to our nation. arthel. >> thank you, general. new test erupt in streets of hong kong as trade talks about to kick off between beijing and washington we'll go there live with the latest also check this out you're looking live. 210 miles overhead. what astronauts are doing on the international space station right now. we'll find out. free shipping. you get everything you need for your home at a great price, the way it works best for you, i'll take that. wait honey, no. when you want it. you get a delivery experience you can always count on. you get your perfect find at a price to match, on your own schedule. you get fast and free shipping on the things that make your home feel like you.
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and in hong kong that did it not stop tens of thousands of protesters coming out into the streets to reject that government ban on face mask. take a look at what we saw. police moving into main shopping area on hong kong island vehicles here water cannon, thousands of protesters ahead of them. pulling up the rear riot police. ready to move in as well. now yes after a peaceful start police moved in with tear gas and tough tactic and protesters fighting their foes. most were wearing these masks aimed at hiding their identities from authorities. reports are that 13 people were arrested tonight we saw a few detained with legal efforts to block the ban so far failing hong kongers spoke out. take a listen. >> i see you have a face mask on. >> yeah. my face -- >> you don't care you're not
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going to take that mask off. >> yeah. >> you don't care about what government says? >> no it's okay it's fine. >> for incomes. democracy yes. what is seen as significant here all be it small, the first reaction in four months unrest two protesters from chinese troops hosted right here. one held up a banner on top of the troops headquarters wrng of arrest is protesters continue to point the distracting laze per lights at the soldiers on guard. now, of course arthel intervention by chinese troops is seen as a last and most dangerous resort by beijing to this crisis watching that as well. back to you. >> absolutely greg, thank you. >> well denver pop hood and jumping car battery in the driveway. well kind of doing that right now. but there are 220 miles up in space. you're looking live -- at a space walk outside of the
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international space station where astronauts are installing some new batteries. we have more here on earth hi, jackie. >> hi eric it is the first in a series of ten space walks planned over next three months to complete repair and upgrades the international space station on today mission astronaut christina cooke and andrew morgan for six and a half hours they'll exit the station's quest air lock in their space suits and begin work on the port six trust structure. replacing nickel hydrogen battery with more powerful lithium-ion battery and solar powered to keep station on when it is not in the sunlight and station power trust stretches length of a football field in area where new batteries are going in is beyond the the reach of the station's robot arm. so that means that astronautses have to manually move those batteries from a pallet on end of the arm to the work site. last five space walks focused on upgrading system alpha magnetic
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speck now announce team ands for future space walk including date for first all all female space walk a few week away now on october 21st about about seven months ago nasa had to cancel all female space walk because they didn't have enough space suits that were right size and they are excited about milestone nasa is streaming space walk online if you want to watch christina cooke is designated easy one she's wearing the suit with the red stripes. that helmet camera labeled number 11, and andrew morgan is easy two with with no stripe and helmet camera number 19 space walk could set a record for most space walk withses in such a short period of time if they all go off as planned. eric. >> just amazing. all right jackie, thank you. >> fall is is air so when and we will it be peak, leaf peaking, that's next. up, banana!
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and that hits sunshine of your love and what you heard white rooming. the use that have double base drum influence generations of percussionist confirming death about two weeks after they said he was critically ill. ginger baker was of 80 years old. >> legacy will live on. well it fall for that means too time drink some cider get a pumpkin. take a peek at the colorful trees let's go to meteorologist adam for foliage forecast and time to drink beer i'm just say. >> ologist time for that but as far as forecast goes yeah been feeling more and more like fall and we're really getting beautiful fall weekend across the country right now with temperatures hovering there in 50s to 60s across large portion of the country you start to get further into october and you begin to see leaves changing color now we see some of these deeper reds, that's running down along appellations you get a higher altitude you're going to see leafs change quicker but that's getting into early
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october so that is right now high per elevations we're already seeing some of these leaves change that's also the case back across rockies but for most folks into a color of a portion of the mid-atlantic stretching up new england up to northwest getting into mid-october so within next couple of weeks you're going to see these leaves changing very quickly. and you know what the weather is looking really nice for it. here's your forecast for today. there are some spots across middle of the country but in general a beautiful day out there arthel good leaf watching for next couple of weeks. >> fall is my favorite indeed, and -- >> no, no -- no you have to rake them. you have to go out to rake those leaves. see -- you can get a satisfaction guarantee. . .
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♪ >> in the nation's capitol. anything but a quiet sunday as congressional democrats continue to push ahead with their impeachment inquiry into the president of the united states. we are now learning that a second whistleblower has come forward with what is now described as first-hand knowledge of events surrounding the president's call with his ukrainian counterpart. welcome to "america's news headquarters." i'm leland vittert. that key word, first-hand versus secondhand which the initial whistleblower said he had.
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