tv The Five FOX News October 8, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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thinking there is. life is too short but that my friends doesn't mean we have to be. good night. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> i am jesse watters with juan williams dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5 o'clock in new york city and this is "the five." >> ♪ >> ♪ >> joe biden feeling the hit over the ukraine scandal threatening to derail his presidential campaign. joe and hunter could be forced to testify in an official senate trial. and lindsey graham is offering rudy giuliani the chance to testify before his committee about potential biden wrongdoing. that's just the beginning of sleepy joe's troubles. big money democrat donors who
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are frustrated over his many gaffes and how he is handling trump's attacks. biden's main response to the ukraine controversy is rage. >> here's what i know. i know trump deserves to be investigated. you should be asking him the questions. why is he on the phone with a foreign leader. you should look at trump. he knows i will beat him like a drum. >> it's not a conflict of interest. i won't respond to that! let's focus on this man! what he is doing. that no president has ever done. >> just breaking, the white house sending a letter to house democrats demanding they drop impeachment calling it invalid and unfair and an attempt to overturn the 2016 election and influence 2020 and says they
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won't comply with this impeachment inquiry. the "new york times" over the weekend came out with a big story about how biden's reaction was a case study in political indecision. he waited a week or two to do anything. at the end just why would at a reporter and put out an op-ed. >> right. the biden campaign said you too "new york times"? i can't believe you are doing this to me. the quote in the article that i thought were the most troubling are the ones anonymous from the donors. donors don't always have the best feel for what needs to be happen on a campaign. they will say you need to be doing something different. you don't see this kind of thing for warren, mayor pete. even harris or booker who hasn't been able to raise a lot of mon. klobuchar. you don't see blind quotes in a paper saying they are screwing this up. that's because you have donors
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who have friendships with people in the media and they want to be called upon in the future. they are trying to show their cards. they are about to turn. they of pivot away from him. that's what i would be worried about if i were biden. >> some have pivoted away. he didn't have the fund-raising he expected. biden said he wants to meet donald trump outside of the gym and he will knock him out. donald is waiting and where is joe? >> i said this last week. biden's cozy nepotism resonates more clearly than trump's inquiries about it. if biden is beholden to china or ukraine, shouldn't the media welcome this inquiry? they spent 3 years talking about collusion. in between your writing of books about russian collusion, maybe
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you can look into this. you are still working on getting your advance for your book. do you know who joe biden remind me of. you talked yesterday about the throwing stars. in london i was inviteed to play soccer with a bunch of high school kids. i played before. i felt like i could handle it. i could pass and score. i might impress them. the most i set foot on the field i was like a tackling dummy in sunglasses. i was out of my league. that's biden now. on the sidelines he being compete and play. now in the game he can't keep up. when you walk around him you want to tighten every bolt with an allen wrench.
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i think he will be out. >> he is on the decline. juan, this letter that just came out calling the whole thing illegitimate and saying it's rigged against the president and the republicans and adam schiff is leading it. he can't be trusted. and throws down the gauntlet saying put up or shut up to the democrats. >> you can throw that letter in the trash. >> the president. >> a stable genius. >> it's addressed to the democrats. i think it's intended for republicans. i think the biden story, before i come back to the letter, i think it's very interesting that in polls out today for the first time you see elizabeth warren as the number 1 democrat in the poll. she at 29 and joe biden at 26. now she is within the margin of
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error. and 2% ahead of joe biden. that's more interesting. let me go further on that. her gain is not coming out of joe biden. her gain is coming out of people like kamala harris and pete buttigieg. they are going down. we have a 3 person race, biden, warern and bernie sanders who had a heart attack. we will see if he can get his energy up. biden might not be doing great. the donors are always nervous and they want biden to be more combative and go after trump in a vicious way and biden is not that guy. >> if someone was going after your integrity and your family you might throw a few punches but waiting for the media to defender him. >> he is combative.
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in the wrong way. he looks like he's already lost. he is very defensive. he is worried about his son's business dealings and about elizabeth warren. the problem is all of the worry shows in every interaction he has. when he gets on the debate stage he doesn't look confident or in control. many people can't cite what joe biden would do as president. he is unavailable to priorityize his stands on the issues. once the op-ed in the "washington post" came out i said this guy doesn't know how to create a grassroots movement. he is back in a political time when you would hand over talking points to the "washington post" and sell yourself this way. that's not how it goes anywhere. you are going against warren and sanders who have that energy and can tap into the crowd. he is lost. you have donors are looking at him and saying this guy is not able to defend this issue with
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ukraine and not able to defend himself on the stage. where will he shine that will enable us feel confident to hand over money? >> where is barack obama? there have been accusations that barack obama's vice-president is involved with very, very sketchy stuff overseas right under his nose. he hasn't said one word. i wonder if me will go to. >> the new yorker writes this piece in july. it was very long about hunter biden. all the allegations are laid out and hunter biden does an interview to defend himself there. right in the middle of the presidential election this huge feature piece shows up in the new yorker and no one brought it up. the only time it got attention was when president trump brought it up on the call. that's when the media took action.
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the biden campaign did not have something ready knowing that new yorker piece was coming out. >> the failure of democrats to know how to deal with this kind of onslaught comes from the conspiracy crowd on the right. >> they should look at themselves. i feel bad for joe but i don't. they made their bed. the media and the democrats attempted to undo the election in the 2016. now the goo will suck him in. you will have elizabeth warren who used native-americans and her own child to portray herself as a victim. ive wait for her to be like steve martin in the "jerk" saying i was born a poor black child. >> greg is up next. ♪
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> so did you hear carl burnstein go on cnn to say the president is increasingly unstable. a special day. monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. >> there is considerable evidence building that we have a fundamentally corrupt president who is a danger to the national security. has undermined our democratic system and is increasingly unstable. >> that was a formerly famous reporter commenting over the
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shocking appearance of another whistleblower to follow the first one that didn't work. the democracy and media create the whistleblower mold so they are made to order. the only risk is writer's cramp from inking their first book deal. what he would do if it weren't for trump? he would be on the corner holding a sign saying everything is worse than watergate. >> what we are watching in the trump presidency is worse than watergate. i keep getting asked are there echoes of watergate? there are. but we are witnessing something we didn't see in watergate which is a meltdown by a president who is unhinged. >> what we are seeing is worse than watergate. >> [laughing]. >> it's not hes fault. cnn puts him on. remember that playground carousel as a kid.
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you got on the thing and round and round it went. that's the media business model. they get the started up to speed and add the same old faces. nothing like david talking to glory. you feel like you are getting the latest news from the golden acres card room. if it wasn't carl it would be somebody else. the shouty lawyer or former republican. further proof that a trump economy raises all of them. >> he said i keep getting asked. he keeps getting asked by anderson cooper. >> exactly. >> [laughing]. >> look at the transcript. stop using watergate like that. get it out of your mouth. trump has been under permanent
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investigation for 3 years. the guy is bulletproof. if he cooperates he is guilty. if not he is guilty. what will america do? one cia agent overturn the will of 60 million people. and to make adam schiff the face of impeachment. he is like the jussie smollett of john brennan's. no credibility and everything he says no one believes. the deep state, i have new information to bring you guys. one of the lawyers for the whistleblower worked for aclu, hillary clinton and chuck schumer. the other lawyer is advised by john podesta hillary clinton's campaign manager. and is the other is a democrat and has a professional relationship with a democrat running against trump.
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>> just a coincidence. what happens if carl finds something that is worse than watergate? >> oh, forget it. isn't that the russian collusion? it's on loop at cnn. it's the same thing. let's decide that somebody is this guilty before we see the transcript. you had nancy pelosi calling for impeachment and she hasn't seen the transcript. it's this willingness to convict on day 1. that's the big issue. not that democrats are saying okay someone came forth. we want to visiting it. -- visiting it. -- invest gate it. when you have the transcript of the call and you look at it. there is no quid pro quo. you are laughing, juan. but there is no point where he says if you do this for me, i will do this for you.
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people distort and stay you can infer. impeachment is serious. i am interested in the facts. >> i want to pivot now to the letter from the white house to congress. >> i love me some lemon. an interesting letter. page 2, in addition greg gutfeld has been a tremendous asset to fox news and deserves a large raise and should have a day devoted to himself. maybe all of sunday. >> i can't believe they buried that on page 2. >> i know. >> that's not in my copy, greg. >> what! >> when lawyers write great letters. i am a nerd. this is an excellent letter and will be taught in law school.
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if it's worse than watergate. that's exhibit-a. it has foot notes and everything. >> it makes it official. >> they layout a specific days. we do not republicans have co-equal subpoena power. we were denied due process. we can't cross-examine or look at evidence. the person running the investigation has been compromised. we don't trust him. they are threatening state department employees with docking their pay if they don't comply with the request. this can't be done in the dark. >> juan? >> i listen with interest to my colleagues. >> [laughing]. >> i still wait for substance. you hammer on the table because the facts stand against you.
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trump is telling diplomats you can't testify after midnight. even though the guy is already flying here. and he can demonize joe biden. if there was so perfect, then why can't anyone talk about it? >> we talked about it for a week. >> trump doesn't want anybody to talk. >> jesse watters, i let you go on and on. >> and he said we have been kind to the ukraine. i am asking you for a favor and the timeline suggests he blocked the aid a week before. very suspicious. >> hold on a second. >> [overlapping talking]. >> we have texts on the record where he says to bill taylor, let's not talk about the quid pro quo. >> he said there was no quid pro quo of any kind, juan.
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he said that directly. >> because he is a big trump donor. >> we have to go to the next spot. >> to your point. >> me having my own show? >> the president would use federal money to extort a foreign government is bigger than breaking and entering in the watergate hotel. >> this is bigger than watergate. >> using a foreign government to interfere is bigger! >> [overlapping talking]. >> all right. >> one last point. >> oh my god! >> why not? >> we investigator people on the show. in the "washington post" poll today what you see is 28% of republicans saying they support this impeachment inquiry and 18% of republicans say remove this president. 36% of republicans saying it's necessary for democrats to take a stand. republicans are getting a grip.
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>> that's the direct result of the media and the democrats teaming up together. >> yes. >> that's what it's all about. creating a narrative. after caving to china over a tweet the nba claims the league is defending free speech. what might seem like a small cough can be a big bad problem for your grandchildren. babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough are the most at risk for severe illness. help prevent this! talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough. talk to your doctor or pharmacist today new pasta and grill combos starting at $9.99. only at applebee's.
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interests here and to our partners who are upset. i don't think it's inconsistent on the one hand to be sympathetic to and at the same time stand by our principles. >> did the nba learn nothing from the nfl? >> apparently not. repeat after me, trump was right about china! now you see the level of involvement of in all of our stuff. the best comparison, south park and the nba. south park and steve kerr. outspoken liberal. not so outspoken. it's a contrast between the risk takers of south park and steve kerr who wants to be seen as a risk taker.
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south park gave china the finger and the nba gave them a happy ending. it's easy to virtue signal when you have nothing to lose. that's what steve kerr did. he put out anti-political stances for twitter and cnn. he wants to be woke but not broke. he is not talking about china. he will talk about transgender bathrooms but not china. >> don't poke the bear. >> it's bigger than steve kerr. his dad was killed in the middle east. >> i didn't know that. >> he stands for democratic principles. >> what did you think of his response? >> i think his response is a guy who is biting his tongue. he works for the nba. he is trying to be a good employee. what you just heard from commissioner silver is, you know what? i am not silencing my employees. the players and administrators. everybody can speak but he will
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try to stand by them. it's damaging to the nba brand to be so aggressive in terms of social justice issues in the usa and become supine dealing with this communist regime. i remember trump congratulating the chinese. >> i think in the nfl was doing this. it's a money deal. the nba, no. because they are always about saying we are awake to injustice in america. they didn't have the problems with the players kneeling. they worked it out. >> the nfl didn't make money in china and the nba does. that's the big difference. i am glad you brought up trump. trump yesterday blasted 28 chinese entitties because they
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stole or technology and rounded up chinese people to put them in concentration camps. i won't act like the nba guys don't know what they are talking about. this is made in china. >> your hair is made in china. >> the hair spray. this is not new. for the last 2 decades. politicians let all of these companies go to china because they have no regulations so they can all get rich. this has been going on for decades and the nba got caught out in the open sucking up to china. >> and because of a tweet. and trump talked about china when no one else was talking about china. i looked for baby toys made in the usa and it's impossible to find stuff made in the usa. it opens your eyes.
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you realize how much leverage they have financially and why the bullying works and american companies will cave. china says we will take sponsorships off the air and in this case pull broadcasting. this is a mush bigger issue that has to be dealt with. it's getting worse. i give president trump credit for talking about this when no one was talking about it. you don't realize where all of this leverage comes from. these companies need to make a decision. if you want to priorityize your finances over human rights violations and that's a decision you make. but make it at your own peril. >> why getting baby toys? >> because i was having a baby. >> the baby is coming soon.
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ellen degeneres firing back at the twitter mob after sitting fixture to president bush at a football game. her response next. even since 2000, the value of gold has increased by over 400% and owning gold is easy... ...with rosland capital, a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900 to get started. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital now and ask for the million dollar special. $1,000 in gold and silver for the first 1,000 qualified new customers. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and we have the fastest shipping around. time tested. easy to own. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900 and ask for the million dollar special.
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that's financial wellness. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. >> ♪ >> the twitter mob going after ellen degeneres because she sat next to former president george bush at a dallas cowboys football game. she is taking on the critics. watch this. >> people were upset. why is a gay hollywood liberal sitting next to a republican president? they were mad and they tweet. i am friends with george bush. i am friends with a lot of people who don't share the same beliefs i have. it's okay we are all different. >> president bush appreciates
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ellen's comments about respecting each other. i tell you, i think this on table, i respect you guys and we have disagreements. i am all for it. her brand is kindness and understanding. that fits her strong. i understand a lot of liberals are still mad at george bush or the iraq war and over hanging chads and he is not donald trump. >> the only people that were actually mad, they are not conservatives. and they're not even liberals. it's the progressives that were really mad. they came after her. wait, i have a platform. i can say don't let this consume her life. enjoy the company of your fellow human being. and george bush. the only reason people look fondy on presidents is because they get out of the public eye.
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he wrote a book and given obama and trump the need. call me if you need me. other than that i will be a former president. that's what she was trying to say. i will give the rest of my colleagues the floor. >> jesse, would you be so kind if you were ellen degeneres to democrats? >> yes. >> yes, if i sat next to ellen, she would probably love me. to know me is to love me. >> [laughing]. >> everybody knows that. she was a packer's fan and invited to the cowboys box in dallas and the packers one. that was the awkward point. everyone should listen to ellen. they need to hear it from people like ellen. think about who the people who said this recently. michael moore said trump will win because of the blue collar connection.
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kanye said it's okay to wear maga hats. ellen degeneres says we can be friends with conservatives. the politicians say chase conservatives out of the restaurant. her brand is kind and compassion. that's a great brand. that's how everyone's brand should be. even mine. >> [laughing]. >> how about donald trump? >> well, listen. he is a very nice gentleman. >> all right, all right. greg, is this possible that ellen is just pursuing her brand or do you think it's genuine. >> i think it's genuine but it's also easy. former president bush no longer suits up for the team. the media entertainment are not that interested in going after him. they would have. they have. they demonized bush and romney and mccain and reagan.
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that's what they do when you are in power. when you are out of power, we don't care about you anymore. the way republicans felt like about carter building houses. kanye west does a better job. his message is for people who benefit now. you may hate trump but that doesn't mean you should hate his supporters. they saw something valuable in the person they voted very. -- for. he is their jolt cola. i like her message. you have to talk about the people who would benefit from it now. bush is at home painting. >> doing a lost other things too. >> no, i just talked to him this morning. painting me a portrait. >> i would love to see a port
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portrait of you. >> i am in a bath tub. >> i had people get mad at me because i was praying for bush and found him interesting. people just have such a strong political reaction. sometimes they lose touch with humanity. >> and social media has a lot to do with that. it thrives on that polarization. at first i felt sad for her because she had to defend herself. then i said she is ceasing a opportunity. she has the platform to make a statement. i like that she did it with humor. it's important for people who have microphones to take opportunities. in they have real life moments they say there was a time that you would get along with people you had disagreements with.
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let's bring that time back. >> and stop pretenting that these are actual supporters. that somebody on twitter is upset. there were 10 people and that's a national story. 12 years ago, this never would have been a story. >> it adds to the polarization. >> and she might have gotten heat from inside hollywood. >> we said twitter is a small world. james comey getting the hollywood treatment next right here on "the five." >> ♪ >> ♪ . we've seen a thing or two. even a- (ernie) lost rubber duckie? (burke) you mean this one? (ernie) rubber duckie! (cookie) what about a broken cookie jar? (burke) again, cookie? (cookie) yeah. me bad. (grover) yoooooow! oh! what about monsters having accidents? i am okay by the way! (burke) depends. did you cause the accident, grover? (grover) cause an accident? maybe... (bert) how do you know all this stuff?
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> welcome back. we all james comey loves the spotlight. the former fbi director is going hollywood. jeff daniels will play him in a 4 hour mini-series based on comey's book called a higher loyalty. just what i needed. more comey in my life. is some something you would tune into it? >> sure. i like politics. and sleep.
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veep. i want to see when they get it wrong and write. how difficult to dramaticize the reality of american politics. i think jeff daniels is a wonderful actor. i saw him on broadway. democrats have more problems with comey than republicans because i think he caused hillary clinton the election. i think people are curious. the thing about the donald trump era it's so entertaining. it lends itself to hollywood. a hollywood presentation. >> he is such an insuffererable figure. i have had enough. >> the real stuff that rates. we are watching it unfold in reality. you can't overdramatize what happens. it doesn't get better than this. of course trump will get impeopled. -- impeached.
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the guy playing dumb and a dumber plays james comey. hollywood has to make him the hero to lock into the american psyche he was the right man to take out a president. one the report comes out they may have to rewrite. >> democrats have a lot of issues with comey. >> yes. any candidate that loses they need to take responsibility. if there was one person that caused them problems, it was james comey. a premier date hasn't been set. this will happen 2 weeks before the election of 2020. i will be interesting to see who the contributing producers are. they will get paid to consult for this production. >> who is the audience?
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>> the people that actually make it. no. it's like when guys used to write for gq. writing for the guys at esquire. trying to impress. >> like the "washington post." >> yes. i think they are making a huge mistake. they need to focus on him taking down that vicious criminal martha stewart. that's the high point of his herloic career. getting that vicious criminal off the street and putting her in jail.oic career. getting that vicious criminal off the street and putting her in jail. you have no idea what they get wrong and right until it's about you. being at fox. it's interesting to see how much is wrong and how much is right. it's probably like 60% wrong and 40% right. there is someone playing me. >> who is it? >> i don't know his name.
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>> tall, dark and handsome. >> i don't think he has a speaking role. >> lurking in the background? >> yes, just a pr photo of me. >> who played rudy? >> not rudy giuliani. >> [laughing]. >> the football player. >> i can't think of his name. >> who is it? >> i don't know. >> sean asston. >> no, i was thinking godfried the guy from the progressive commercial. >> pick someone heroic. >> i was going to say tom cruise, but he's homely. >> [laughing]. >> he is 10 years older than me. >> wow! >> do you think people will tune in? >> sure. >> okay.
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so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. ♪ >> jesse: it is time for one more thing, dana. >> dana: a student to disarmed a gunman during a colorado shooting u.s. marine. only four months since he hurdled over desk inside the colorado high school to help disarm the colorado shooter. sea u.s. marine and here he is what w. what moved him to serve. >> my thoughts of becoming a marine reinforced after the shooting. what i saw that day was complete and together malevolence bad overcome by good. i lost an amazing person. >> dana: at the time of the shooting he had already signed up to become a marine. he has graduated has his platoon's honor man wants to be electrical optimal ordnance repair.
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you will learn more about him he is going to be on martha mccallum show tonight. ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great. >> greg: own private hell every day. this is a disgusting video. i almost don't want to show it. it shows different species involved in some kind of perverse water sport and obviously illegal massage partner or something as a blood hound named ruby jane affectionate petting the head of a 5 week old rescue kitten named body. control yourself jedediah. >> jedediah: look how little. >> greg: we used to call them pound kittens, pound cats. now we call them rescue disgusting. ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great ♪ animals ar animal are great. >> jesse: jedediah are you doing gender reveal?
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>> jedediah: it's a boy. >> jesse: you just did it. >> greg: named greg? >> jesse: don't go along. this gender reveal did not go so well for this happy couple. they are banging this big balloon. supposed to burst and show if it's pink or blue. it doesn't go as planned. and then it's untethered and he tries to save it. off the fence and down he goes. sorry. maybe the baby doesn't have a gender. never know. >> and then a tortoise choked on the balloon. [laughter] >> juan: talk about taking a deep dive for fun. take a look at this video. yes. these scuba divers in key largo, florida went under water to carve pumpkins. contest held every year in the florida keys national marine sanctuary. this weekend 24 divers were challenged to carve sea creatures into jack lanterns. biggest problem keeping the
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pumpkins from floating away. two more eels and a heart carved in it. maybe the salt water will preserve. halloween still three weeks away. >> greg: they are out of their gourd, juan. >> jesse: jedediah? >> jedediah: i have news by santa the sloth. adorable. she visited the baptist children's hospital in san antonio, texas on monday. brought by the staff at zoo imagination outreach organization. and it would dangle from a -- look how beautiful she is. posed for photos with the children. they fed her carrots and snacks. and the visit is also helping medical professionals at the hospital to kick off national pediatric nurse's week. if you don't know this about sloth super calming kind of like horses often brought into atmospheres. >> greg: we had one on the set. >> dana: we couldn't touch the one that came here. >> jesse: we know all about sloths. >> jedediah: beat you up? >> juan: they told us don't
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go neither sloth. >> greg: i spent a wild weekend with that sloth. >> jesse: greg took the sloth home. >> greg: a lot faster than i thought. >> jesse: set your dvrs never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is up next. hi, bret. >> bret: good evening. i'm brett baier coming to you live from the white house. president trump insisting impeachment is the latest effort in ongoing democratic campaign to overturned 2016 election and remove him from office. within the last hour, here at the white house, the trump administration announced its defying house lawmakers pursuing the impeachment inquiry, essentially challenging them to put up or shut up. the president also muzzling at least for now one of his ambassadors called to testify before some of the democrats leading the impeachment charge. but first we have exclusive breaking news about the investigation into the origins of the russia collusion probe and some potentially serious allegations against the man who ended up spearheading that probe.
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