tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 10, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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october 10th. "the story" goes on and on. we'll be back here tomorrow. ♪ >> tucker: this is a fox news alert. any moment now president trump will begin addressing supporters in minneapolis, minnesota. it's his first rally since the start of the ukraine impeachment drama two weeks ago, will probably have a lott to say abt that. we will be going live to the president as he begins speaking, but in the meantime, good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the president is deep in enemy territory, he's going to be actually inside the boundaries of ilhan omar's congressional district. a war of words with the mayor of minneapolis, jacob frey, who he accuses of trying to sabotage tonight's rally. we will be going there as we said in just a minute. this of all the rallies the
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president has had we would say in the last couple of years, this may be the one with the greatest potential to make news. this was not a close call for us. we are going to be taking this the moment it begins. we want to preview what we are likely to see tonight though with fox'so matt finn. he is there at the rally in minneapolis and he joins us tonight. hi, matt. >> well as we see coast to coast with president trump rallies, thousands and thousands of people started lining up earlier today and happening right now there are also thousands and thousands of protesters, many of them have very vulgar, obscene posters. we're going to try not to show them on air tonight and there have people cursing us out telling fox news to leave. many people are also going whistles, you might be able to hear some of that piercing sound. there are some protesters that tell us this represents a sea of "whistle-blowers." leading up into the days of this rally, the mayor and
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president trump have been feuding. trump campaign was build $530,000 for security. the "star tribune" reports right hew that this is the first political campaign that has ever been billed in the city of minneapolis. the trump campaign says it refused to pay anymore and tonight it is declaring victory. early in the week president trump tweeted "radical left them mayor of minneapolis jacob frey's doing of any possible to stifle free speech despite a record sellout crowd at the target center. president clinton and obama paid nothing. p almost nothing." the mayor of minneapolis responded, "someone tell the president of the united states he can pay for the extra time or the officers are putting in while he's in town." if the trump campaign says it is not paying anymore and tonight says this rally is going on with the original contract and mayor of minneapolis has issued a proclamation declaring today love trump hate day in the midi dome city annapolis.
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>> tucker: some enthusiastic fans behind youia there. matt finn live forest in it from annapolis, quite a scene. thanks. one thing to watch for tonight is whether the president has anything to say about the nda and other american corporations kowtowing to the fascist government of china. on wednesday night, the washington wizards here in the capital of the nation played the cointreau long lines in a preseason game. several people protested the chineseam government by wearing pro-hong kong t-shirts and carrying signs to the same effect. we were immediately concentrated by state and personnel. >> what was the reason? what's the reason? i understand her doing her job. >> we respect your freedom of speech. we are just personally -- we don't have any stance on it. [inaudible] >> tucker: one of the
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protesters there, that was his twitter feed, he joins us in the studio tonight, thanks so much for coming on. this is in the nation's capital. if the capital of the united states united states. >> yep. >> tucker: and youof can't protest mainland china in the capital of the united states. >> it's incredible. think about the nba. this is a leak that advertises itselflf as the most woke league and all of sports, right? when it comes onto getting involved in politics, protesting president trump, black lives lives matter, adding involved in north carolina a few years ago, the all-star game to protest the bathroom bill and then when it comes to china, a country that is a serial human rights abuser, has a million plus camps and concentration -- >> tucker: that murders political prisoners for their organs. that has banned free expression. it's a fascistbe country. >> right. >> tucker: but you're not allowed to criticize it. >> they want to want to talk about it. they are afraid to upset their bottom line with china. this is what we have here went back in a foster 90s we
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granted china most favored nation status and we were told that this would be about exporting our values to chinana but what we are seeing -- i mean we have exported a lot of jobs to china, but what we've seen is they are exporting our values here and our corporationsue are adopting a lot of their fascist tendencies. >> tucker: in the capital city of our country. >> that's right. >> tucker: what to think what event happened if you had unfurled and impeached donald trump signs you might >> you know what, i don't think the reaction would have been the same. they were big on you can't have a political sign, that's what they told us.ol apparently google is -- >> that's right, that with the second time that we had. it was asking people -- steve kerr and steph curry, a lot of these guys come out and said we just don't have enough information, we can't make a judgment call on china. >> tucker: we just can't stand nt for political freedom and the freedom of speech. >> we had that sign hoping that people would look it up and see all my goodness, china is
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actually really terrible.ea >> tucker: so asking people to learn more about concentration camps is a political statement. >> that's what we were>> told. that was a political sign. >> tucker: who made this decision? >> to let us out? >> no, to conference confiscat. >> somebody up top. security guards were talking when we first unveiled it and then they came towards us with the second sign. if they weren't what they were. i think they had to determine whether it was a political -- >> tucker: so the guy in the video, he's just been told what to he's just following orders but the orders came from presumably the owner or owners of the team. based here, again, for the fifth time, in the nation's capital. have they responded? and they explained themselves? >> they said this is in accordance with the policies of not doing political -- any sort of political show at these events, which is hilarious coming from the nba, which is political all the time when it
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comes to domestic policy. >> tucker: it's unbelievable. you've pointed that out as capably as anybody. we are gratefull to that. thanks very much. >> thanks very much. >> tucker: jay demands of the author of the best-selling book and one of the sharpest observers of american politics and we are grateful to have him on tonight. thanks so much for coming on. what does the story tell you about where we are going? >> well you know, i've grown up in a conservative movement since i really care about politics when i was a teenager and i do think that one of the things that has been an article of faith among postwar conservatives is that the free market is generally aligned with the interests of the united states of america. i think one of the things that we are learning is that the free market only really works for the united states of america's national interest when the united states is the sole economic power inn the world and when you have a country like china is rapidly growing and part of course because ourr mistakes. , what you have is an entirely new customer base where companies like the nba, like
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apple, like a lot of other folks, are actually prioritizing their bottom line over the national interest of their own country and i do think it really should challenge conservatives to think about what this means for the next 30-40 years of american policy when we are no longer the sole hyperpower in world economic affairs. >> tucker: so they're basically using our libertarian economics against us and our corporations are choosing china over the country that incubated them, that made them possible, our country, we are not saying anything about it. >> that's exactly right, and if you think about the response to this particular stat between the nba, china, and the broader country, one of the things that's pretty clear is that one side of the country sees this primarily as a free-speech issue as as an act ofma moral cowardie on behalf of the nba and as i partially
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they're not making a p.r. mistake. they're not making any business era by prioritizing the interests of the chinese. china has 1.4 billion rapidly upwardly economic people. they already are the second largest market for the nba and i think what we are seeing is that the nba is not actually making a mistake. it's making a rational business judgment. the other side of this though is that the united states also has to make rational judgments about what's in our nationalra intere. and it's the interest of multinational corporations aligned with the interests of china, then we have to accept that we have to fight back in the way that i put this is that for the past 60 years one of the things that's been true about american economic and political cultural life is that the big institutions in the economy, bib companies, big businesses have tended to be on the conservative side of the spectrum and the cultural institutions, the academy, university, so forth,
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those of tended to be institutions of the left and the left and the right have fought over who controls the politics, but what are entering is an era where both the economic st for us as conservatives is what are we actually going to do about that world given how significantly different it is from the one we've been living in for the past 30 or 40 years. >> tucker: so we've been asleep, paying attention only to marginal tax rates, and kind of missed the sea change and we meaning probably the majority of the country have been completely outflanked by people who hate us, hate our values and are more loyal to the chinese into america, so what do we do about it? >> i think at a big general picture level we have to accept that there are more important things than the free market. the free market, as you set on your own show is a tool. it's an important tool, but it's not the only thing that matters in american public life.
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i'm not sure if you saw this, but last year a marriott employee was fired in nebraska i believe, middle of the country,t for liking a tweet that was hostile to communist china. i think we are entering an era of american public life for we have to decide what matters more by the free speech and expression rights of our own citizens, or the bottom line of corporations who care more about china than they doe about us and in that world, what it means i think is that the standard bush republican approach of more free-trade and more tax cuts for corporations, it's not just inadequate, it may be dangerous and stupid. >> tucker: yeah, we need to -- people need to be forced to choose a side. there are two sides. one is american and one isn't. thank you. j.d. vance, great to see you. >> thanks. >> tucker: is was set in the open, we are waiting for the president to begin speaking to supporters in minneapolis, minnesota, will go there as soon he takes theli stage. we expect he will address his
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announcement this week to withdraw american troops from northern syria that's hardly the only american military commitment that has gone on a long time. this week incidentally box the 18th anniversary of american involvement in afghanistan. the president has said repeatedly he wants out of that war. most m of washington is united o keep it going indefinitely. eric prince knows a lot about the subject, he founded a private military group, blackwater, and is also chairman of printer i research group. you've been out of afghanistan and that war since it started 18 years ago. looking backwards, what's your assessment? >> failure. we won in the first six months we were there, fighting a very unconventional war, a few special forces guy and if you office -- six month term of the child an end and the pentagon and the conventional military walden, largely repeating the soviet battle plan i would largely come backwards ever since, wasting hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of american lives and no one has really been held accountable.
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all these generals, all these people that were in command, they write books. if they are lauded for their leadership and its failure. erwhat kind of ceo could run an enterprise for 18 years but that kind of failure and still be lauded? they should have been fired. >> tucker: my assessment is you seem to be one of the only people involved in that effort who's learned anything. i know that there were others but you're certainly one of the few high-profile people who's willing to say this is what we learn. so given whatsa you've learned, how should we apply those lessons to syria? >> look, the president's instincts are right. do not have american permanent presence in easterndo syria, that's not a strategic requirement for theyr united states. on the flip side, abandoning the kurds not the best idea, but there'ss other ways to do this that doesn't require u.s. force forces. a perfect analogy is flying tigers. when you had japan in the 1930s bombing chinese cities, america was not going to be involved but fdr, a beloved
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democrat authorized a covert action finding allowing american marines, navy and army pilots to go work for a private company and they became the flying tigers and it defended chinese cities from japanese aggression before the united states entered the war, so now you can do the same thing. look, the syrian kurds have oil, they have 400,000 barrels a day that they could produce again, that they could sell and export that can pay for effectively a contracted peacekeeping force that would keep the isis guys at bay, that would deter the iranians and the turks from rollinghera in. it doesn't require u.s. forces, it doesn't require active duty, forces, the syrian kurds could pay for their own defense but nobody in the pentagon, nobody in this click of the beltway wants to think outside the box oxand give the president differt options. the same things they've been doing in afghanistan for 18 years is all they've ever given him. more money andr more troops, or nothing. and here in syria, more money and more troops, or nothing. there's a lot of hybrid ways to
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do this, but no one is willing to think outside the box. >> tucker: is interesting, because i think most americans, and i'm certainly in this group, give the benefit of every doubt to our military leadership. we respect them, i think most of them are worthy to respect, but because we respect them so much, we don't, i think, feel comfortable often second guessing their strategy and so you almost never hear anybody say wait a second, you know? you made a series of dumb decisions, why should i listen to you again? >> sadly its best result of an all volunteer force. we have a great all volunteer force. but the fact is one half of 1% of the population serves in the military. maybe another three to 5% know that one half percent leaving 95% of america with no real contact with the military, no skin in the game come so no one feels power to call b.s. ono the generals on the national security click. so everyone says we support our troops, we thank you for your service.e. if they really want to support
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their troops, demand better. demand that their sacrifice not be wasted. that we not just muddle along some of the generals have called for. >> tucker: so you served in the navy as a young man, navy seal. are you struck as you watch uniformed military officers, flight officers essentially ignore the commander in chief? >> look, we have the finest staff officers, ncos in the world, but it feels like once they become very, very senior generals it becomes a self licking ice-cream cone of focus promoted and who gets approved to join that club and anybody that thinks outside the box, we have known george patton's anymore. we have no ulysses s. grants, we have none of the swashbuckling generals that actually made things happen. we haven't -- we don't have a fantastic record of finishing wars since world war ii. >> tucker: last self licking ice-cream cone, that image is going to follow me to bed tonightow unfortunately.
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this question, do you think the president has around him trustworthy wise advisors on foreign policy questions, any? >> well, so far all they've been telling the president is kind of keep doing what they're doing. the decision on afghanistan in the summer of 2017 to go with more money and more troops, that was two years ago. secretary mattis and all the generals got exactly what they want in rules of engagement, to be aggressive, and we are still at the same thing. the teledyne controls more land now than they have since 9/11, 2001. so who can objectively look and say this click -- this paradigm that's been pursued by smart national security apparatus of the united states for the last 18 years is working? spewing that such a good point and so rarely expressed and you have the authority to do it. great to see you tonight. china is not the only country major american companies who like to prostate before and sense of themselves on behalf of. nobody was more outraged than
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cnn. >> trump is betraying our allies, the kurds, who have bled and died to defeat isis. >> i think there's a real sense of confusion and betrayal. >> it seems as if the u.s. is hanging them up to dry. >> yet again the kurds are being betrayed by those who help them. >> i just wonder where is u.s. credibility in the region with both its brand and its adversaries after abandoning the kurds again? >> at this point in time, the kurds are feeling quite betraye betrayed. >> tucker: betrayal! how can you do that! but it turns out there's more than one cnn. in america, cnn tells you what people in washington want tocan hear. the permanency. but the network has an affiliate in turkey too, we told you about it. it's kind of an organ of the government there. cnn turk knowsud its audience so they taken an entirely different line. they prescribed the military operation in syria as "a peace spring operation." they consistently describe the kurds as terrorist, just like the nba, money is the bottom
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line over at cnn. author and columnist mark steyn is a connoisseur of cnn turk and he joins us tonight. so are you surprised -- we call that cnn turk a number of times because of some atrocity that they have cnn turk. but now cnn turk finds itself at the very center of one of the big new stories of the day, and cnn u.s. kind of ignores it, how does that work? to go yet, because on cnn u.s. it's kurt, kurt all the time. on cnn turk oddly enough, whenever the kurds are in the news, cnn turk cuts away to something else. so you had situations with the kurds are in the streetet protesting in turkey and cnn turk cuts away and shows cooking show. the protest again and cnn turk cuts away to a documentary on beekeeping. they apparently have an endless stock -- and personally i would rather they rank some of that stuff over here. i would far rather watch a long
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documentary on beekeeping than wolf blitzer or anderson cooper or any of them. bring on the beekeeping documentaries. but one thought about this, when you say it's like the nba, the nba in the end it's just like guys bouncing the ball around. this is supposed to be a journalistic operation and the idea that what they do, cnn overseas franchises its brand to dictators as if it's like kentucky fried chicken. and yet, the guy in ankara wants to open up a kfc franchise. okay, we will give him cnn. this is a very odd thing to treat journalism like this, it's bizarre and if you recall, cnn has been here before. because immediately after the fall of saddam, the head of cnn, what was he called? east and >> tucker: easton jordan. >> easton jordan, you probably know from the old days.
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but easton jordan and wrote a piece in "the new york times" saying the stories we kept to ourselves relating things that he knew in advance. he was told by saddam's son that he was going to have two of his brothers-in-law whacked. in other words he gets a headsds up notice on two assassinations and cnn doesn't report it because in the end, being a kfc of news and having outlets -- having drive through phony franchises in baghdad and and cora is more important to them. >> tucker: if we opened a fox news north korean affiliate -- box pyongyang, i would be embarrassed. there little ethicists are not embarrassed. there are new developments involving nbc and its cover-up on behalf of harvey weinstein. people who run that network have a lot to explain, but they're
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♪ >> tucker: eric trump is on stage in minneapolis at the moment, we are hearing the father must be speaking at any moment, we are monitoring them. it ought to be a newsnight, a big news night in minneapolis. excerpts have come out from running for his new book, it's called catch and n kill. mostly about the harvey weinstein case. the excerpts show how nbc news, working at times with
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hillary clinton, worked to protect harvey weinstein from being exposed as a serial and of women,buser something that they knew and hid. today, nbc news president ngo oppenheimer was apparently grilled by employees, his own employees, during an internal phonee call. one staffer called his behavior "an absolute disgrace," which of course it demonstrably asked, though he still has his job. mark steyn is back with us tonight. i'm familiar with television p.r. operations and i see this one in action over at nbc and they basically are trying to make the story all about thatue lower. did matt lauer do this or that and clearly did some things, probably didn't do other things, but whatever. it's not really the r story. the story is that they protected harvey weinstein for whatever reason. really, and killed a story about harvey weinstein. that seems to be getting lost. >> yeah, and actually the chumming, the the
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acceptance of gifts, the fawning on him, the flattery. they are flattered that they caught harvey weinstein's t eye. these excerpts from running pharaoh's book are amazing and actually i reading it i don't kw running pharaoh at all, i don't know much about him, but i think it's actually only because of hiss particular situation that e was actually dogged enough to sit with the story, because what it is, and you can see this when hillary's guys are trying to give ronan farrell to brush off, ronan farrell is a kind of semicelebrity journalist. he's the son of mia farrow and woody allen and woody allen and mia both say that in fact he may be frank sinatra's son and woody allen complains that he's had to pay child support for frank sinatra's son. there's a whole complicated thing there but he says plugged in, never mind all that, he's also dating one of obama's former speechwriters and this --
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and what this whole story really is is that at a certain level it's understood thatev people he pathologies, people have fetishes, people can be psychopathic, but the fact is there's a certain level of celebrity, you're all meant to agree not to tattle on the other guys tales. and so the fact that -- so harvey weinstein is saying to nbc if you come after me i will leak some dirt on matt lauer and nbc is saying, well, we stick with harvey and that's what it is. they feel that ronan farrell is guilty of some kind of class betrayal and in fact i think it's only because who he is in his particular background that he was big enough actually, if he just been a regular working joe, just a regular guy with some worthless journalism degree from some lousy college, he would never have actually been able to break the story. the code -- broke the codeup
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that its disagreed group at a certain level of celebrity whether it's political, television, so business, whether you're harvey weinstein, hillary clinton, or these nbc executives who behaved appallingly like oppenheimer, it's understood that you all protect each other. you protect harvey weinstein so harvey weinstein will protect you. absolutely horrible. >> tucker: and they bulliedri him. the sleaze balls around that channel -- he's a kid, by the way. his 20s and they say to him, look, this is journalism, son. we are journalists here and you don't really have the story. and of course he had people on camera saying it. and he won the pulitzer prize, imagine the toughness it takes to say no actually i'm in my 20s, mr. oppenheimer, but i'm doing it anyway. >> and what they mean by you don't have the story is what they told the reporter almost 20 years ago now after the impeachment trial about juanita
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broderick. they said the problem isn't that you're credible. the problem is you're too credible. it wasn't that he didn't have the story. it's that he had the goods on a major figure and they didn't want to go there. >> tucker: can i ask you this though? in the middle of all of this we learned that hillary clinton was one of the people who tried to bullyle ronan pharaoh, who is no right-winger. i don't think is making this up. hillary clinton actually try to protect harvey weinstein by bullying ronan farrell and i don't know, maybe i missed it but i don't think that's a headline in "the new york times" today. everyone is sort of ignoring that.or why? >> you've got to believe, by the way that the only reason she knew that and her staff knew that is that actually harvey isn't just some hands-off guide who does a bit of bungling, as they call it, for her, fund raising for her when she's on the west coast, they are actually closer than that and at
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some point the inference of ronan pharaoh's book is that at some point harvey weinstein actually called on hillary clinton to assist her in this you played that devastating clip of seth macfarlane at theng oscars talking about the oscar-nominated actresses and sing the good news is that none of you know have to pretend to be attracted to harvey weinstei weinstein. and nobody -- the oscars goes out around the globe. they always boast that they are three billing people watching whatever. of those 3 billion people, it mayeo be 200 know who harvey weinstein is. it's an insider joke and the whole point of ronan pharaoh's story is that he's an insider, whether mia, frank, woody, and the obama guy -- he's as inside as they get and it's a kind of class betrayal to do what he
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♪woo ♪where did we all, where did we all go wrong?♪ ♪love, love, love, love ♪love, love, love ♪ >> tucker: >> tucker: the vice president of the united states is speaking at this hour in minneapolis. he will introduce the president moments from now and of course we will go there when he does. meantime, more than 20% of this country's homeless or in the state of california. in california, no city has more homeless than los angeles and in los angeles the epicenter of that crisis appears to be in a place called venice beach, one of thehe richest pockets in l.a. and a small strip of once pristine beach, as many as a thousand homeless peoplehe live. senior fellow at the center for american greatness and cofounder of the california policy center, he's got a new piece on the venice beach homeless epidemic, which is fascinating. we spoke with him recently, here's how it went.
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>> tucker: so for those not familiar with the geography of los angeles, venice beach of courses on the western edge, it's on the beach and it's one of the mostst expensive places n the city and county of los angeles. how did the home was wind up there? >> well, the entire county and the entire state is welcoming, relatively speaking, to homeless, not just because of the weather, but because of some so-called reforms to california's laws, which make it very difficult to incarcerate people who are mentally ill and also even worse, it's very hard now to do anything about petty theft or to do anything about public intoxication. so what you have is kind of a magnet with the weather in this permissive environment. >> tucker: it california officials -- we've interviewed a number of people from the state who are involved in responding
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to the homelessness epidemic, crisis, whatever we're calling it, and they always tell us how much money is being spent. how much is being spent and why isn't it obvious? >> well, billions are being spent and absolutely nothing has happened except the problem has gotten worse. and what we see in venice, for example, is a situation where they have some publicly owned land and in particular they have 3 acres. right now it's a 3 parking lot. venice beach land in california starts at $30 million per acre, so this is a niece of property that's worth about $100 million and they are going to build at an additional cost, a construction cost, estimated at $105 million and apartment building that's going to hold 140 people, so if you do the math on that, you're looking at well over a million dollars per person that you're going to put a roof over g their heads and ts is an absolute impossible
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situation to solve when you're spending that much money. >> tucker: but what about -- i mean people are leaving the state in droves and that's not an overstatement. the majority of california residents surveyed this month said they have thought about leaving and one of the main complaints as it costs too much to live there so of working people, middle-class people can't afford to liveve there, wt do they think of their politicians spending a million dollars per vagrant? >> well, it's a situation where you have to -- you have to assume that if you're really feeling compassion towards the homeless and if you're really feeling compassion towards the citizens were working very hard to be able to live there, then you have to solve this problem in a more cost-effective way. if there's opportunities to put together so-called permanent supportive housing elsewhere in los angeles county. in north los angeles county you can buy landan for $1,000 an ace instead of $30 million. and we have a lot of experience
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putting together shelter for people, we do it all over the world, so why is permanent supportive housing to find this way? it seems like the first principle would be don't create housing that's better than the housing elsewhere in los angeles where people are paying for that housing. >> tucker: it so essentially unfair. the left is not good at running things, i think we're learning that. i would recommend to our viewers, edward ring on homelessness in venice. a fascinating piece, and thank you for writing that and for coming on tonight. >> thank you. >> tucker: as we said, the president is walking up to the microphone any moment at the rally in minneapolis, we will hear fromull him. mark steyn joins us again right before that happens. if you are the president in the middle of one of the busiest news weeks that any of us can remember, what would you say tonight? >> i think he needs to actually connect the biden business up with the wider problem. but he ran on, in fact.
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the biden family are the swamp. burisma in ukraine and the chinese politburo, they put hunter biden on the board because you can put the o president on the board. you can't put the vice president on the board, you can put the vice president's son on the board. and so that is swamping swampis mosts swampy. he's got the media on the side, democrats and the site, impeachment on the side but biden himself isn't nimble enough to deflect those kinds of attacks and they will be -- so the democrats would then be in a situation that they were b with hillary trying to drag an obviously ineffectual candidate across the finishiv line. but he has to actually say this is what i ran on. hunter biden getting 50 grand a month in a country where people earn $200 a month. it's not a question of whether it'sot illegal. it's not a question about
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whether it's unethical. if you can't smell that, you're in the swamp, you're part of the swamp. because everybody else it stinks to heaven. >> tucker: the complete sleaziness of the obama administration, someone that no one evere mentions. but all these people sort of leveraging american empire to get rich, including obama and his wife. what are they doingig right now? there living like plutocrats on the basis of what?ur on the basis of connections with foreigners. that's what it is. >> and as the clintons did. >> tucker: of course. >> in the old days under the clinton foundation ukrainian oligarch would give $4 million to the clinton foundation for a speech by chelsea on diarreha in africa andpl now they've made hunter biden the ukrainian oligarch. is essence they've streamlined the system. he should hang that swamp around joe biden'sou neck.
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>> tucker: because otherwise -- i think the risk that they face and i hope they see this coming, if a candidate could emerge out of this field who uses their rhetoric against them. to try to outflank them on populism, right? if that happens, you're in trouble. >> and i think actually liz warren is kind of sort of doing that. as i set on your show a few weeks ago, because she can't talk about her so-called personal story because her so-called "personal story" has been alive for the last 40 years -- because of that, she's just talked about policy and oddly enough she's just moved ahead of biden in the poll of polls. and that's i think -- i think that's what he needs to do. he needs to get back to where he was in 2015, take the swamp and basically dunked joe biden in it like one of those little things they have atit county fairs whee you have to try and soak the
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village pastor or whatever. he needs to swamp biden. speeone's of the president tonight is in minneapolis, a town full of left-wingers named carlson, by the way. full of angry scandinavians. >> that was the old minneapolis. now it's full of left-wingers named ahmed. but there may be -- i don't rule it out. there may be an ahmed carlson. >> tucker: it's hard to imagine outside maybe cambridge massachusetts, a place lesst hospitable to the president and yet he's there.. why? >> again, i think the first time i saw him live last timee around wasn't burlington, vermont, where in other words he decided to go to the capital of bernie-stan. he's not seeing them fighting on this narrow bitter turf that will just put me over the edge in the electoral college. and i think he does this sort of thing very well.
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when he goes to the heart of left-wing liberal america, in this case it's not bernie-stan, it's ilhan omar's readout and he's taking it to her. i think that's actually what an american president should be doing. he should be campaigning in all 50 states. people could talk about how minnesota is turning purple. and i hope they actually make that happen and turn it red. but you've got to be there on the ground doing it, so god bless president trump for actually. being there and sticking it to the heart of left-wing liberal minnesota. >> tucker: most people, even most politicians, even most presidents just don't want to deal with it. if you want to go where you are loved. which is why most republican presidents just kind of do a lot of events in naples, florida, and then go home. >> you're right. and he actually loves the way this mayor has threatened to send him a half-million dollar bill for security as if he is just some aging rocker doing his farewell tour.
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and i think that actually -- he loves that. he thrives on that. but what he has tohr do here ise has to just have all of that ukrainian merck hanging off joe biden 24 hours aan day. >> tucker: you think you will get into the specifics of the impeachment efforts against him tonight? >> i think it will generally reference that it's a disgrace, which it is, and that there is no due process, which there isn't, and they are in fact trying to remove a president from office in the same stealthy underhand way in which comey and peter strzok and company ranl their original so-called "counterintelligence operation" four years ago, but i think is actually got to go beyond just saying it's a disgrace and explain why it is. and that it's not him who's being robbed, it's actually the millions of people who voted from him who are in effect having that election nullified one where the other by the democrats. >> tucker: we got an election a year from now, seems like that be enough.
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mark steyn, thank you for the preview, that was great, it's great to seeor you. >> thanks a lot, tucker. go get them, mr. president! stillker: lee greenwood playing in the background and we are going to hand it over and out to the of the united states. we spent previewing thisis for 48 minutes and he is about to take the microphone. this -- and we've taken a lot of trump rallies life over the last three years, but i think this one promises, anyway, to be among the most newsworthy, the timing wouldn't be more in the center of things. here hes, is, the president of e united states, donald trump. ♪ [cheers and applause] [scattered applause]
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[scattered applause] >> president trump: thank you very much, thank you, minnesota. this is a great state, we are going to win this state in a very short period of time. thank you. this feels like the day before the election. [scattered applause] so we have 20,000 plus people inside, we just set a new recor record. [scattered applause]
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and we have 25,000 people that we stillil love outside. [scattered applause] and close to 100,000 people wanted to come tonight, thank you all, this is great. [scattered applause] i want to thank our great vice president mike pence and karen pence for being here tonight. it is great to be back in the twin cities with the freedom loving american patriots who make our country run. you know that, you know. for the next 13 months -- think of that -- it seemss like yesterday. if for the next 13 months we are going to fight with all of our heart and soul and we are going to win the great state of minnesota in 2020.
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[scattered applause] america now has the number one economy anywhere in the world, and it's not even t close.d [scattered applause] i'm dealing with china right now. they are in washington. we are going to see if we make a deal, but they want to make it, we are going to determine whether or not we want to makeke it, but they've been very nice and today i got a call from one of the top representatives. he said congratulations, mr. president, on having a truly great, great economy. that's pretty nice. [scattered applause] we picked up since the election trillions of dollars in value and china has lost trillions of dollars in value. i will say this --
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[scattered applause] if our opponent had won that election, you know what would have happened? right now china would become -- it would be the number one the worldywhere in and right now i can tell you they're not even close. [scattered applause] our country is stronger than ever before because we are proudly putting them up for the first time in a long time, we are putting america first. [scattered applause] [crowd chanting]
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and i have to say there are a lot of beautiful red t-shirts in the audience. [scattered applause] that was a record sale, they did very well, and i will tell you what, cops love trump. trump loves cops. [scattered applause] our pursuit of this pro-american agenda is embraced -- and you know what happened, it's enraged the failed ruling class ingt washington. not easy to get them out, but we are doing it slowly but surely. [scattered applause] these corrupt politicians and the radical leftists got rich bleeding america dry and they knew that my election would
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finally end their pillaging and looting of our country, and that's what they were doing. and that's what they continue to try and do. that is why, from day one, the wretched washington swamp has been trying to nullify the results of af truly great and democratic election. the election of 2016. they are trying. they are not getting very far. [scattered applause] they want to erase your vote like it never existed, they want to erase your voice and they want to erase your future. [boos] but they will fail, because in america, the people rulee agai. [scattered applause] you remember thatdo just
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19 minutes after i raised my hand and took the oath of office, "the washington post," a terrible newspaper -- [boos] that doesn't know how to right the truth published a story, and in this case they might have gotten it pretty correct. they said the campaign to impeachth president trump has begun. that was the headline. little did we know they weren't playingg games. [boos] think of that. that was 19 minutes after the oath of office. months earlier, peter strzok -- [boos] remember he and his lover lisa page -- what a group. she is to win.
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10 million to one, she's going g to win, i'm telling you peter, she's going to win. peter, i love you so much. [scattered applause] i love you, peter! i love you also know mike too, lisa! lisa, lisa, lisa! oh, god, ie love you come home so. and if she doesn't win, lisa, we've got an insurance policy, lisa. we'll get that done of a bitch out. we have an insurance policy and we are living through the insurance policy, that's what it is. the phony russia hoax. [boos] lisa, i love you. now, the do-nothing democrat con artists and scammers are getting desperate. 13 months, they've got to move fast. theyot are not beating us at the
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polls, and they know it. despite the phony -- despite the phony polls that you see all the time. there phony poles. polls are no different. remember i always used to talk about poles. i know poles very well. polls are no different than crooked writers. they are crooked polls. no different. that's a lot of media. look back there. that's a lot ofat media. [boos] they are so dishonest, and frankly they are so bad for our country. [scattered applause] they are so bad. and this could be so good for
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our country, and maybe they'll change it maybe they won't. i've been waiting for a long time. after i won the last election, i said "finally, it's okay, finally i will get some great press." they got worse! they got worse! i said "finally, we are going to get -- i said to the first lady, darling, we are going to finally get respect. we are going too finally get media and press coverage that's going to be great. look at what we've done, and i'm telling you, they did. they got worse. and they know they cannot win. you understand. well, if you didn't understand, honestly. if you believe them, there's no way anybody could reach -- it's like 94%, i can do the greatest things in history and they will make them bad to very bad.
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and if do a neutral -- great, not bad, it's like given the electric chair, that was terrible. right? now, this is the worst. these people and the democrats, the partners, it's a partnershi partnership. how about on the newscast like the word manufacture -- and every newscaster. tonight, in a manufactured deal along the border. the word is nevert been used but all of a sudden newscaster's are using it. it's a talking point given to these fakers by the democrats. [scattered applause] -- >> tucker: this is a great one. amazing. we are going to watch this. wer: are going to see you tomorrow. office of the present will continue speaking on john hanby's program. see you tomorrow at 8:00, have a greatyo night. >> president trump: i've been going through now for more time than i've been in office
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because, you know, like peter strzok with his insurance deal, this was before. this was before -- remember this, this was before -- that was made once before -- that statement was made months before the election tookct place. -- >> welcome to hannity, huge news. the "washington examiner" reporting a nonwhistle-blower whistle-blower worked with biden when he was vp. if knew each w other. my monologue after the presiden president. [scattered applause] >> president trump: and ... ... ... ...
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