tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News October 12, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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next. remember, i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] [♪] judge jeanine: breaking tonight, my exclusive interview with president trump just moments away. hello and welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. thank you for being with us and thank you for making "justice" number one again last weekend. something tells me we are going to do it again tonight. in just a few minutes i'll be joined by the president of the united states, donald j. trump. but first joining me live, chairman of the house freedom caucus and republican congressman from arizona, andy biggs. thanks for being with us. i want to talk about what's
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going on in conscious the last few weeks. i know a couple days ago you wrote a letter to speaker pelosi requesting there be an immediate recusal of adam schiff. why did you do that? >> you know, we did the motion to censure. but since we did the motion to censure there has been a host of additional information such as when he said he didn't have contact, meaning we, he and his staff didn't have contact with the whistleblower. it turns out that isn't accurate. we have two people on the staff who used work with that person, and they had contact with him. and we don't know for sure. but it looks like they helped craft that whistleblower complaint. you don't get a whistleblower complaint that has 17 reference to the media and written like a brief the way this complaint is.
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judge jeanine: didn't they get that information in the beginning of august and they didn't report and we didn't hear about it for a month, and wasn't schiff involved in interesting maneuvers during that time? >> it looks like mr. schiff had that information early august, and toward the end of august there is the contact that's supposed to have been made that looks like that's accurate. then all of a sudden he's tweeting about the ukraine telephone call. when he begins setting that narrative, that sets the ground work for the whistleblower complaint that's going to come out. and just misrepresentations he said before that whistleblower complaint came out, before the transcript of that call came out. it looked like he was trying toness lead the american public. some of what he said was not true. others were hedging his bets to
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mislead the public. judge jeanine: now that nancy pelosi created this so-called impeachment. and it's now in the intelligence committee. i understand there are three committees. one is foreign affairs and the other is oversight. yesterday the former ukrainian ambassador, marie yovanovich testified, we are not allowed to hear any of that. but this stuff is getting leaked out, isn't it? >> absolutely. this is what trey gowdy used to say, he said adam schiff leaks more than a door in a submarine. you can be removed, but she is upset she was removed and she believed the president put pressure to remove her. she admitted she has no firsthand knowledge of any of the transcript or that telephone call between the president zelensky and president trump.
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why is her testimony relevant? why is she there? judge jeanine: was any republican in the committee? >> yes, there were republicans there. unlike my colleagues on the other side of the aisle. the republicans honor that code of silence as much as they possibly can. judge jeanine: the democrats leak, the republicans don't. nancy pelosi is not taking a vote because she knows if she does, the american people get to hear everything. does she even have the votes, congressman, do you know? >> i don't know. i do know some of the folks who are very concerned in districts president trump won that they won in the mid-term, they don't want this to go forward. they don't want this to go forward. but look at what's happening. this is a violation of the rules
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because we are not following precedent. if we don't have a specific rule, you are supposed to follow precedent. president trump could have his counsel there. why would you hold an impeachment inquiry behind closed doors? it's because it isn't an impeachment inquiry. this is adam schiff and company rooting around to find something they can hang their hat on and they don't respect the american people or president trump or the rules. judge jeanine: this is about muddying up a popular president who has a narrative that can't be beat in terms of what he has done in terms of this country. they don't want a formal impeachment, and i suspect they won't ask for it. president trump coming up in just a few minutes. but earlier i had the chance to speak one-on-one with house intelligence committee, ranking
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member from california, devon nunez. congressman nunes. thanks for being with us today. i want to get your retook the arrest of two individual this week who supposedly worked with rudy giuliani. i would like to find out if you know how they do or don't tie into rudy, as well as the u.s. ambassador to the ukraine, maria yovanovich. >> thanks for having me on. the first thing i thought was hilarious about the two. they were first described as ukrainians that were arrested that were friends with rudy giuliani. that was the story for the first few hours. then they found out they were mayor and citizens. then they were described as foreign-born. okay. this is just more of an attempt by the main-stream media to run air cover on the russia hoax
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which is turned into the ukrainian hoax. i don't know who these people are. but they are american citizens. american citizens cannot commit campaign finance fraud. it said clearly in the indictment no one knew they were committing campaign of finance fraud. just because rudy giuliani knows someone, it's just more of the same to pump people up for the impeachment vote. judge jeanine: you are installation no substantiation to these charges. >> i don't know if they are or they aren't. i am sure the justice department wouldn't have charged the american citizens. i am just talking about the ridiculous rollout. either they are american citizens or they are not. i thought it was ridiculous. i thought it was tweaking the narrative to make it sounds like it has something to do with the
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russian-ukrainian hoax to muddy up rudy giuliani. judge jeanine: whether they refer to them as americans or whether they know giuliani or not? >> there is no question they are americans. in the indictment itself it says they were the ones in on this, the two americans that were charged, they get to go to a jury trial. but the media has went in overdrive to try to show pictures of rudy giuliani hanging out with these guys. we take pictures with people every day. rudy rsh, myself. all-american citizens are innocent until proven guilty. i think it's more of a media cover-up. judge jeanine: now let's talk about marie yovanovich who has testified behind closed doors
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with the intelligence committee. some of republicans were in that closed session. what do you know about that? >> i want to first say that your viewers should understand this is not the house intelligence committee. this is some kind of goofy term that they are saying -- it's like a tri committee with no rules. this is adam schiff returning this make believe committee of which we don't even know when we have going to have anybody interviewed or not interviewed. friday we interviewed the former ambassador to ukraine. but there is no question that she was under intense scrutiny because she had been bashing the trump administration. how can you be an ambassador representing the trump administration in ukraine and you are there bashing the trump
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administration to the country you are in and to the diplomats you work with? it's totally unacceptable. so for the media to make a dig -- a big deal about this i find ridiculous. judge jeanine: was she a holdover from the obama administration? >> she was. there were many people who wanted to make sure she was replaced. if -- in retrospect, going back, a lot of trump's problems have originated from fake narratives, fake news that originated with sources that happen to be obama holdovers, whether it was in the national security apparatus, the intelligence agencies or people in the state department placed overseas. that can't continue to go forward. judge jeanine: this impeachment, it's a faux impeachment. it begins with someone in the
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cia who spoke to someone who supposedly heard what the president said, but then the president said full disclosure. here it is, this is what i said. now they are worried about giving this so-called whistleblower -- i'm not sure he is -- privacy. they want him to testify behind closed doors. if he has to testify they want to change the sound of his voice. meanwhile everybody knows who he is. the "new york times" basically outed him. this is a cia trying to do a coup of the president of the united states. this is the intelligence agencies just as chuck schumer said taking this president out. >> it's even more than that, judge. let's roll this back. what is this about? it's about nancy pelosi and her leadership team want to go stay in power. if they don't impeach, they are going to be thrown out by all
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the younger socialists. so don't be mistaken. they have to impeach in order to keep their jobs, number two they don't want to disenfranchise the left-wing base they have been poisoning the last three years that somehow donald trump was being controlled by vladimir putin. now he's being controlled by ukrainians. it's about one thing only. it's about power and money. it's not about running a real set of hearings on whether trump should be impeached. of course, trump shouldn't be impeached because they can't prove anything he has done wrong. >> the truth is that the only person who looks to have done something wrong is hunter bind on his father, lying about what his son was doing. congressman nunes, thanks for being with us this evening. >> always a pleasure. thank you. judge jeanine: charlie kirk
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judge jeanine: a lot to talk about tonight on this busy night of news. the dems' impeachment witch hunt continues. outrage over violence at president trump's rally. charlie kirk is here to break it down. charlie, i saw what was going on outside of the rally in minnesota, and i have got to tell you, if i were coming out of that rally which was a peaceful rally. you come outside with people cursing, throwing things.
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taking maga hats, burning them, if we did that, forget it. everyone would be in jail. why is there two standards. >> judge, you are exactly right. you talk about this brilliantly in your book. there is a left wing mob growing throughout our country that is targeting decent americans. imaginew if those rioters were wearing maga hats. people were getting spit on. they were screaming things sat police and burning flags. this is borderline domestic unrest. they are closing down streets in downtown minneapolis. there is such an unbelievable double standard. remember when barack obama won two elections. you know what cons did the next
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d you know would conservatives did the next day? they went to work. a once great american city, minneapolis, it does not feel like this is a country we love. judge jeanine: the night that the president won. i remember there were people in new york city who were lined up and just cursing us out. i remember some guy cursing me out. he was like 6'7". he was huge. i talk about the intimidation. when you think about it. it is the left's plot to remake america. it is the intimidation of those of us on the right who want to express free speech and support for our president. then it went to taking us off twitter and facebook, and antifa
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beating us up and the police sanding down. this is unbelievable. this is the america our founding fathers gave up everything for. i think we are in a bad place right now. >> i agree. the narrative is america has never been more divide. there is only one side picketing in the streets and going after the other side. that's the left. for all the narrative about america becoming further and further apart. you don't see conservative antifa. remember the incident of andy ngo who got beaten in the streets in seattle. zero people have been arrested. he had a brain bleed for what happened in the streets portland and zero people have been arrested since then. i'm afraid, judge.
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because if this social unrest goes without social repercussions, when are they going to stop. >> there is no accountability or sanctions. i remember at berkeley when they were objecting to conservatives and republicans speaking. for 12 hours they rioted, broke down the windows. no one was arrested and the guy insisted on being arrested because he wanted the street creds. they need to get into local races for school board as well as other races to make sure the laws apply equally. >> i could not agree more. unfortunately, we as
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conservatives have allowed the left to take over local municipal elections. this is not the america -- i group and i have seen it changing in real-time. we see this cultural turn where this social unrest is being accepted and law enforcement is not allowed to do their job. the left, they hate the idea that there are other ideas. they can't stand the fact that president trump had 25,000 people in the arena and 20,000 people outside. the only way they can cope with that is to smash windows and burn flags? that's the decline of decency. judge jeanine: stay here. i want you to hear this interview with donald j. trump right after the break. (male announcer) it's here.
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aishah: a shooting in new york city leaves four people dead. the new york city police department says it happened early this morning at a quote illegal gambling club in brooklyn. two handguns were found at the scene. no arrests have been made so far. police are urging witnesses to come forward. massive flooding and heavy winds pounding japan after a typhoon made landfall. the system is being billed as the country's worth storm in decades. two people are dead, 0 injured. shinzo abe has called on police and military troops for rescue operations. this tie fines on par with one that hit in 1958. back to "justice with judge jeanine." judge jeanine: welcome back to
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justice. within the last hour i had the opportunity to speak by phone with the president of the united states. donald j. trump. take a listen. thank you so much for being on "justice" this evening. i know you had a busy night. having already spoken at the values voters conference. but my viewers are thrilled to have you on tonight. let me start by asking you about reports that rudy giuliani is under investigation. involving the ukraine. and there is some confusion whether you still consider them your attorney. president trump: yes. and he's a great gentleman. a great mayor. maybe the greatest mayor in the history of new york. he was a fantastic prosecutor. i know nothing about him being under investigation. i heard a report today.
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i can't imagine it. he's a man that looks for corruption, and whatever he does, i believe he's a totally honorable man. you know him well, too, jeanine. judge jeanine: i do, and i worked with him when i was a prosecutor. you stand behind hip in spite of this investigation. president trump: i don't know if there is an investigation. i just heard it. i find a lot of things you hear, they should look at other people. they should be looking at really bad people doing bad things to our country. so no i stand behind rudy giuliani. again, he was a crime fighter from day one. judge jeanine: what's interest being this, the inspector general referred andrew mccabe one year and six months ago to the department of justice. now the new york types is saying rudy giuliani is under investigation for lobbying effort as it relates to the
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ukraine. within minutes after we hear ukraine, in light of what's going on with the bidens. but what do you know about those two men who have been just arrested who allegedly were working with rudy giuliani. they said they had dinner with you at the white house. president trump: i don't know who they are. maybe i met them or took pictures with them because i saw a picture of me with them and others. but i take pictures with a lot of people. i don't know who they are, jeanine. you will have to figure that one out for yourself, i guess. i know they are donors. they made political donations to a lot of different people. a lot of politicians over the years so they are donors. but i have thousands and thousands of donors.
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judge jeanine: this marie yovanovich testified behind closed doors. she defied state department orders and attended the deposition. do you expect she'll keep her job in the state department or will you fire her. president trump: i don't know the status. i don't know what she said because the democrats keep that under the vest. they don't tell us anything. we literally have no rights, no anything. it's a very unfair situation, i think. i don't now very much about her. i know supposedly she was very partisan and a clinton-type person. but whether she keeps the job, i leave that up to mike pompeo. judge jeanine: you have a choice in terms of who your ambassador is to a particular country. president trump: it's absolutely my choice. she may be a fine person. i just don't know.
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but even if you listen to the very good conversation i had. no pressure, congenial conversation with the new president of ukraine, he had some things that were not flattering to say about her. and that came out of the blue. so it would be nice to have somebody that he liked because he's going -- the person will have to deal with the president of ukraine. but she may be very good. i just don't know much about her. i don't think i ever met her. judge jeanine: the european ambassador sondland is going to test fayette we are not entitled to that information. what is the white house plan given the fact that the democrats don't seem to want to call a vote? president trump: you take a look at it adam schiff made up a phoney, fraudulent statement and he read it as if i read it.
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my phone call was a perfect call with the president of ukraine. it was congenial, friendly, no pressure. no blackmail, no nothing. they don't even understand. people that read it don't know what the problem is because there was no problem. what the problem is, adam schiff didn't read that. he read something -- he made up something, fraudulently made up a conversation and he read it to congress and he head it to the american people and it was horrible. and it was a fraudulent thing out of thin air he made up. it was a terrible thing he was allowed to do. that's where we are right now. very strong action should be taken against this guy. because i never heard of a thing like that. where we upset the apple cart, i released the conversation. you had stenographers. it was a call that was taken very accurately taken.
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when i released the call, that turned things over. because they start with a perfectly fine call. it was a very standard, very nice call. and that's the way it is, jeanine. it's a fraud that's being perpetrated on the american people by adam schiff and nancy pelosi. she was on george stephanopoulos and she tried to say i made that call the way schiff had it. even stephanopoulos said he didn't say that, that was made up by adam schiff. the whole thing is a hoax it's a terrible thing. it's a fraud on our country and it's so bad for our country. judge jeanine: why isn't she calling a vote. if she'd called a vote these hearings would be open. then your counsel would be there. you would be able to seen a witnesses. president trump: that's probably why she is not calling it. she can't get the votes. thursday i was in minnesota.
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we had an arena the side of madison square gardens that was packed. last night i was in louisiana, we had a fantastic arena, we could have sold it out many times it was packed. it was also 0 broadcast and. we had a call from pastors saying enthusiasm in the air. people are joining the church. they have never seen anything like what's happening. everybody knows the russian witch hunt was a phoney fraud and we got rid of that. then they came up with this ukrainian story that was made up by adam schiff. i guess he was a screenwriter failed. he made up my conversation. how can you be worse than that. thin they say he has immunity
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from prosecution because he delivered it in congress. i don't think he should have immunity for that. i never heard of a fraud like that. joe biden has joined the chorus for impeachment. he apparently has no fear about what he or his son or any of the other democrats were doing in the ukraine. why do you think that is? >> it's incredible, the way the hide yeah sticks up for him. they say it's unsubstantiated. yet it's not. i guess the new number is 168,000 a month between him and his friend. but whether it's that or 50,000 a month. i hear there was a payment of $3 million and he knows nothing about energy and nothing about oil. nothing. zero. you know more than he does. and he walked away with millions of dollars because of -- it's just illegal. you can't do it. then he goes into china.
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i just finished a great negotiation. hopefully it gets papered down for our farmers and bankers and everybody. but the farmers it's so incredible. i dealt with very powerful people in china, great negotiators. they don't give you a billion five for nothing. i said these are not the same people i have been dealing with. he takes $1.5 billion. i asked wall streeters if it's possible and they all said it's not possible it's a total payoff, and the press doesn't want to pick it up. then you have joe biden on television -- i can't imagine yes said this, talking about how he got rid of a prosecutor. and if they didn't get rid of a prosecutor they wouldn't get this vast amount of money. that is called quid pro quo.
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jean requirements an admission you can use in a criminal case where he's openly admitting what he did. i want to ask a question i haven't heard you answer. where is barack obama in all this? why haven't we heard from him? in the beginning of your administration he wouldn't stop talking. now he's nowhere to be heard, where is he? president trump: i think he's hiding. i think he knows all about it. we are talking about investigate the investigators. it was before i took office, it was -- if you look at the insurance policy with strzok and page just in case she should lose, we have an insurance policy. that's what this has been about, the insurance policy. these are bad people, the evil people. the two lovers strzok and page. it's a terrible thing they are
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doing to this country. but we are winning. and the american public knows it. they want to stay away. they can do whatever they want. but they want to stay away. if you look at what's happening, jeanine, the electricity for the republican party, they are so angry at what's taken place. as an example. everybody knows schiff, he made up the story. he made up my phone call. and based on that phone call this what this whole thing is about. and the call is perfect. i have given that call to everybody to read it. lindsey graham made a statement web said i never knew you were so nice. judge jeanine: this is happening in our congress. it seems when the republicans are in office answer they have the power, nothing like this ever happens. but when the democrats get into power, it is -- you know, it's scorched earth. do the republicans not node how to fight in the -- not know how
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to fight? president trump: i think they are more honest. i think they don't stick together as well. i have a 92% approval rating with the people in the republican party. but they don't fight dirty. subpoenas. you take a look at paul ryan when he was speaker. he wouldn't give them. he wouldn't give them. he thought it was inappropriate to give them. jim jordan, mark meadows, all of the guys wanted. matt gaetz, all of them. i can name 25 incredible people. they wanted subpoenas to investigate all of the corruption that they found, horrible krowption. paul d horribling corruption. paul ryan would say slow down. come back next week. she hands them out like it's cookies. judge jeanine: why do you think
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that is? president trump: maybe a difference in philosophy? maybe they don't do it because they think it's bad for the country. what she is doing is bad for the country. they committed a fraud. they made up a phoney conversation and got caught. the reason they got caught because they never thought i would release the transcript of my conversation with the president of ukraine. because it's something you don't want to do. weed called up ukraine, mike pompeo. called up ukraine to get permission to do it. they thought it was even unusual request, but they said sure. they probably look at us and say what's going on, ways that all about. because i would have to do that. not legally have to. but i would feel badly doing that. everybody that speaks now to the president of the united states is going to say i wonder if i'm going to be broadcast all over the world.
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my little conversation. judge jeanine: i want to turn to the middle east because i know you are busy and you are on to another event. but there is you are ski is now launched an incursion into syria. president trump: i have known by the for a long time. i know the subject better than anybody. a lot of people disagree. but in the end i'll be right. the kurds have been fighting with turkey for a long time of. the kurd are some very good people and some very bad people. pkk, they are a tough group of people. i didn't fight. i told them i won't get involved when iraq -- about a year and a half ago was going to fight against the kurds. i said we spent all the trillions of dollars we fight with iraq, should have never went in middle east by the way in were no weapons of mass destruction. but iraq was going to fight the kurds and i said no we are not
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going to take either side. we were fighting for iraq now they want to us fight against iraq. the kurds left. they never took up the fight. it looks like they may leave a third time and that's okay. maybe they will get somebody else to go in and fight with them. if they do that would be okay with me. but we want to get out of the endless wars. we'll be stuck there forever. we have to get out of the endless wars. they say i'm a disrupter. let me disrupt. i see our incredible soldiers at walter reed hospital. i gave out purple hearts friday to people who were decimated. i speak to parents that have lost their children. i give letters. it's time. it's 7,000 miles away from the united states. i want to protect our borders. judge jeanine: let me ask you, how is it the removal of 50
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troops -- that's my understanding -- we are talking about 50 troops. >> it had nothing to do with it. he was going to go in anyway. he was going in anyway. it wasn't the 50 troops. we basically -- those troops were gone anyway. we defeated isis. we did a favor. then i said to europe. take your isis fighters back, germany, france, u.k. they didn't want to take them back. i said we are not going to hold them. they are so used to treating the united states so badly. i said take your fighters back. we did you a big favor, we kp tiewrd them. they didn't want to take them back. i said somebody is going to have to take them. we are not bringing them to guantanamo bay. we are not going to take them. detook 100% d we took 100%, defeated 100% of the isis caliphate. i also rebuilt our military. but we are not going to stay in
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these areas forever. x were supposed to be in syria for 30 days, that was 10 years ago. we are bringing our soldiers back home. if somebody else wants to fight with the kurd against turkey or if the kurd want to move awrd. right now they are doing what they did with iraq. turkey wants to create a border. turkey also knows because i got back pastor brunson. i did a lot of damage to their currency to get him back. if turkey is out of line in what they are doing, really out of line, i will do something because our economy is so powerful now. when i took over this country 2 1/2 years ago, almost 3 years ago, we would have been second to china in a short period of time. now we are so far ahead of china you wouldn't believe. we picked up trillions in worth and china has gone down'
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trillions. we'll use our economic force if we have to against turkey. judge jeanine: people say the win against isis is short-lived if we take off. but more importantly my issue is about nato. turkey is a member of nato since 1951, i believe. where are all the other nato countries. why is the united states the only nato country that's supposed to be there to make sure 11,000 isis prisoners stay there. president trump: that's a good question. the other thank you to countries are not paying their bills. 20 are delinquent. secretary-general sultanberg said they weren't paying their bills. nato protects europe. say what you want.
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nato protects europe. we pay 4.3% and germany pays 1%. and germany is supposed to be paying 2%. we protect all of these countries in europe and on top of everything else they are delinquent and they don't want to take back the isis fighters. jane: when they are their citizens to went to fight and were captured they don't want them back. have you spoken to president erdogan recently? president trump: yes. i know he has been building up for a year on his border. they have a tremendous unlimited amount of soldiers. turkey is right there. it's their border. they have been fighting with the kurds or centuries. some people go to lunch. that's what they do, they fight with the kurds. it's time for to us leave. if the kurds can find somebody else or if the kurds move
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around -- with iraq everybody wanted me to fight with the kurds against iraq. i said we just had a war where we spent all of this money on iraq, in my opinion largely wasted because there were no weapons of mass destruction. but now we are supposed to fight against them? i said no let them fight. the kurd left, they didn't fight. then they left a second time. i got no credit for it and that's fine. now i'm making a similar decision. we have given them tremendous weapons and ammunition. but it's time for to us go home. we want to defend our country. we also have to be very strong. we'll have a good relationship with russia and china. you see the trade deal, that's an indication. but we have to be prepared for that, the bigger picture. we have to. we are rebuilding our military, jeanine. i spent $2.5 trillion on
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rebuilding. when i came in we had no ammunition. the general told me, sir, i'm who arey, we have no ammunition. no president should ever be in that position. judge jeanine: do you think the democrats will impeach you? president trump: i think it's a hoax. i think if they do they will suffer at the ballot box. the only thing impeachable is the fraud adam schiff committed on the american people because he made up a conversation that didn't exist. he never thought in a million years i was going to release the veelt conversation. and -- release the real conversation. and when it did, the whistleblower turned out to be totally inaccurate. they say a lot of things about the whistleblower, they protect him. i think we have to find out who the which the blower is who would give all this false information.
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adam schiff zooms how can somebody stand up before standing word for word reading my conversation and it's a fraud. he made it up himself. judge jeanine: you were in louisiana and before that i believe you were in minnesota. and you were just another event and you are talking to me and you are going to go to another event. do you take vitamins? president trump: no, i just enjoy doing it. we are doing so great for merit can people. we have the strongest economy we ever had. even china said congratulations on the incredible job you have done with the economy. i'm telling you, jeanine, china was going to catch us in a short period of time. now we are so far ahead of china. he knows it and he respects it frankly it's one of those things. but we rebuilt our military and cut everybody's taxes, our vets
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are happy we got them choice can accountability where you can fire people that mistreat them. these are things that couldn't be gone the for five decade. i got them all. nobody has done what i have done why it had this horrible cloud where these people, these horrible people, these really dishonest people that have to hate our country because the russian witch hunt was a hoax, and the ukraine thing is a hoax. what they have done to justice kavanaugh is a disgrace. they want to impeach him. and they have nothing. these people, they just want to influence him. they don't want to impeach him. judge jeanine: you have a great, great story to tell. mr. president on behalf of my viewers and myself, thank you for taking the time to join us on "justice." good night and god bless.
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president trump: thank you very much. judge jeanine: live reaction on my interview with the president from charlie kirk and me next. at outback, steak & oh no, it's phew, it's back with lobster mac & cheese. it's gone again. oh, it's back with shrimp now! steak & lobster starting at only $15.99. hurry in before these three are gone again. outback steakhouse.
6:53 pm
judge jeanine: charlie kirk is back with plea life. three things struck me. rudy giuliani the president's loyalty in full force. i support him. he also stands behind him, and he doesn't file anything he has done is problematic or that he's even under investigation. your thoughts. >> with the whole mayor giuliani thing, i find it puzzling there
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are reports he's being investigated but there aren't reports hunter bind is being investigated. as the story progresses we'll find out more and more whether rudy giuliani is under investigation or not. story after story of this double standard of justice where it seems as if you are close to this president, you have this extraordinary amount of pressure and investigation that goes on. and so time will tell. it won't be the first time one of these reports has been incorrect. in the mueller investigation there were reports, michael cohen. this wouldn't be the first time. so i was struck by that. feign was glad the president is standing by him. judge jeanine: i was glad but not surprised base' a very loyal man. the second thing i was struck by, when i asked if he was going to fire the individuals who
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violated the state department directive that they not testify. he said he would leave it to secretary pompeo. basically hands off. what did you think of that? >> he trusts pompeo. he has been a terrific secretary of state. this ukrainian chapter. we went through the russia chapter for two years and it was a horror film. this is not going to get much better here. judge jeanine: he said if they do impeach him, they will pay at the polls. >> i think there will be a boomarang effect. they seat crowds, they seat record amount of money he's raising. this is a political impeachment. they know they have some to on the mto -- -- they have to stope
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hey, that's me looking at me. anyway radicals resistance and revenge is a bestseller all over the world, and if you don't have your copy yet you need to get it. i'm hitting the road and coming to a city near you. join me at a book signing. october 16 i'll be in the villages in florida. october 17 lakeland, florida. october 21, yorba linda california and remember you can always head over to my facebook page for more information or amazon. thanks for watching.
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i'm jeanine pirro. thanks for watching tonight. the greg got feld show is coming up. i will see you next saturday night after i see you wherever i am. >> maria bartiromo and the great lou dobbs and many more, how about greg you say. >> i go by one name. i am the madonna of fox news. [laughter] fund show. the impeachment is getting a new boost.
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