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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  October 14, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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door mat that reads please hide packages from my husband. as you can see, didn't really work. that's funny. got to love that. thanks for joining on this monday. have a good day. ♪ ♪ ♪ ainsley: number 3. went to georgia and south carolina beat the number 3 team in the country on saturday. sorry. brian: look at that. ainsley: ly did it in athens. brian: why is it always sports with her? steve: it's how we celebrate columbus day 2019 a federal hold coasholiday coast to coast. brian: we have a problem. the jet haven't won since 2,000 -- like 1996. [buzzer]
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brian: joe foltice very angry during football season forgot to have a backup quarterback. ainsley: told joel i was going to test you and say congratulations. i had juuls in there i didn't have his number in there. brian: call any joel. ainsley: sounded like i'm asking for your phone number. joel, i'm not flirting. sorry. it just went down hill. steve: a week of celebration football wise throughout the new york city. thank you very much for joining us on columbus bay day. if you have got the day off great. thank you for watching us. brian: starts with a fox news alert. breaking overnight and it's not good. turkey warning of an imminent attack on the kurds. i believe that the cat is out of the bag. ainsley: kurdish strong hold at risk three years after u.s. troops helped them take the syrian city back from isis. steve: so what happens next? griff jenkins is live in washington with how the
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united states is responding. ever since the president announced on saturday, griff, that they are going to pull out another 1,000 from syria. griff: good morning. at love developments. the turkish president just hours ago erdogan told reporters quote we are about to implement our decision on man. that's a symbolresident tweetina threat of sanctions against turkey saying dealing with lindsey graham and members of congress, including democrats about imposing powerful sanctions on turkey treasury is ready to go. additional legislation may be sought. there is great consensus on this. turkey has asked that it not be done. stay tuned. but one of those democrats, senator chris van hole alan is saying that the president is to blame. >> we believe momentum is building for the congress to act since this president has shown a total unwillingness to do something in the face
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of this slotter. time will only tell where this shredded. preparing troops northern syria. fast-developing story to watch today, guys. steve: it will indeed, griff. he just featured the tweet that the president put out about syria and what's going on over there lindsey graham responded he said via twitter. just spoke with president trump. i applaud his decision to work with congress to stop turkey's aggression in syria through crippling economic sanctions. this decision by president trump will be arong ways for turkey. which is an interesting particular tweet because the president has seen a lot of criticism from mr. graham who, by the way. is going to be joining us a little later on along with congresswoman liz cheney. ainsley: spoke on the phone. lindsey graham said he spoke with the president.
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working with democrat trying to hear both sides. brian: it's been worse than anyone could have imagined. only going across the border they went 20 miles through the border. this was a week before they went up to the kurds and said do me a favor. back off a little bit. take down fortifications it would ease the tensions with turkey instead they end up unprotected and we leave. it's bipartisan outrage. the president must realize he made a huge mistake and just say lirch, listen, i had a conversation with erdogan, he mislead me like everyone in the nation. disturbing thing is they say hundreds of isis fighters have gotten out on our quest to get the worse of the worse out before the turks got there has failed. because they were already gob. and our guys had to move back because the turks intentionally or unintentionally targeted our guys. we just stood our ground, they would never have taken us on. ainsley: lindsey graham is in favor of these sanctions. steve mnuchin speaking over the weekend said we could
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shut down all u.s. dollar transactions and that would shut down turkey. steve: complicated turkey is nato ally. guarantees not following up on them. another big story, hunter biden has been announced via his attorney on the internet has made it very clear that at the end of this month, not immediately but at the end of this month he is going to step away from being on that chinese-backed private equity firm by the name of bhr equity investment fund. this is big and pressure from the president. ainsley: hunter always understood that his father would be guided entirely unquick cab buy by u.s. policy regardless of effects on hunter biden's interest. he never anticipated false charges on him and the president of the united states. they are blaming president trump. brian: his decision to get involved in international funds in both at least in ukraine and china definitely hurt the president's
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prospect. saw a cbs poll said senator, vice president biden's electability was at 77% among democrats that was his main asset. it is 67% electable. 10 fold points with senator joe biden who became vice president joe biden greatest asset and that is electability. congressman collins weighed in on this. remember, he has been the one lined closed doors listening to at love his testimony on impeachment. listen to this. >> well, it's pretty amazing now hunter biden after the light has been shined on to what seemingly is some interesting dools i deals in cha and ukraine and other places now say i will step away from all of this it might seem to be a conflict with my father if he ever become president. big leap of faith. this just shows you how much this is just a mess-up situation and how much other things going on and all the democrats want to do is focus on president trump because they don't like president trump because everything going on. i think this is just another
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way to save a flailing campaign going down. he knows he is in trouble and this is another way to try to detract attention. steve: of course, right now, we are entering as of this week, week four of the democrat's impeachment inquiry. and how, you know, for a while it was all about russia. that didn't work out. then it became all about that phone call that the whistleblower told us all about. well, now, adam schiff was on television yesterday and he said despite the fact that like a couple weeks ago it sounded like they had already done a deal with a whistleblower would testify on capitol hill. now he is saying essentially we don't really need the whistleblower. the whistleblower is worried about their personal security. and we have already got the phone call, which is what we have heard from a number of republicans. ainsley: might not testify because of safety reasons. the president wants the whistleblower to testify. this is what mark levin said about it? >> this is the first time in american history that we have a rogue speaker of the house and a small majority democrat party in the house
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of representatives that's trying to drag our country in a different direction. they have rejected completely and utterly the background of the impeachment process. you are going to try to remove a president of the united states without the president, without the american people knowing anything about his accuser except for the democrats, the media and his lawyers want to tell us? it's either that or they are creating a blasey ford moment holding back until the right moment, they think. to spring their witness. brian: it is stunning that a whistleblower who launched this whole thing and was so vital is now no longer important. which backs up what the president has been saying i released the phone call. what else do you need? well, it's not strong them from interviewing president trump's former russia advisors fiona hill. steve: today. brian: evidently she told nbc news she will tell house lawmakers that giuliani and trump's ambassador to the european union gordon sondland went around the nsc
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sondland is going to say thursday i'm not sure if it's a quid pro quo, can i tell you what the president told me to tweet out or text forward. this could be problematic. in the big picture, if you want to know where to go from here, look at what the president said. nobody noe one is talking about what the president of ukraine said. in an 12-hour interview he said 30 different ways i never felt pressured by the president. in fact, when i was on the phone, i did not even know that the money was being delayed. now we got it. i have no problem. nobody wants to report that the guy ukraine, not at the u.n., in the ukraine said i haven't felt pressure. steve: he said there was no blackmail. there was no quid pro quo. which is what the president said. we saw the tape. transcript. one really there. ainsley: want to talk to lindsey graham about that and find out if the republican senators are going to get involved here. they don't feel like impeachable offense. don't feel like quid pro quo. are they going to get behind the president and speak up.
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steve: ultimately the senate will decide i if the president is convicted of impeachment. the house they can figure out what high crimes and misdemeanors are. according to them. will they, after this how many ever week four right now. how many more weeks three, four, five? who knows. brian: all right. jillian, welcome. jillian: thank you. brian: good job this morning. jillian: thank you for having me. appreciate it. good morning to you guys. let's get you started off with this story we are following. protests after a woman is shot and killed by a police officer in her own home. officials say the texas officer responding to a wellness check did not announce himself as a cop before firing. body camera footage capturing the moments leading up to at that time anna jefferson's death. >> put your hands up. show me your hands. [gunshot] >> police claim the officer felt threatened. he has been placed on administrative leave. jefferson's family wants him charged with murder. a massive migrant caravan is stopped in its tracks on the
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way to the u.s. mexico's national guard blocking the group of nearly 2,000 migrants from africa, the caribbean and central america. the caravan forced to turn back hours after they started the journey. president trump promised to end tariffs on mexican imports earlier this year if the country held curve migration. and president trump's former top russia advisor is set to testify today it in the democrats impeachment inquiry push. fiona hill is expected to appear before the house intelligence foreign affairs and oversight committees. hill used to oversee russia and ukraine policy for the trump administration. it's possibly that the white house could direct her not to testify by exerting executive privilege. now to baseball, the astros win a thriller to tie the alcs at a game apiece. >> talking to the home plate umpire corey blazer. shear a fly ball to right. back at the wall. this game is over.
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jillian: yep. see you later 11th inning walkoff home run stealing 3-2 win over the yankees. game also making headlines for a scary moment in the dugout. a paramedic hit by a foul ball and rushed to the hospital in stable condition. game three is tomorrow at 4:08 eastern. game three of the nlcs is tonight. it's going to be exciting one. cards and nats. brian: yankees off tomorrow travel and play on tuesday, right? jillian: i will doubling check on that. brian: that saved the series. you don't lose the first two games at home. ainsley: why are you asking her? i'm the sports expert. jillian: yes, exactly, ainsley. please tell us. ainsley: yeah. they are going to travel. [laughter] brian: i apologize. it won't happen again. ainsley: okay. democrats already squaring off ahead of tomorrow's 2020 debate. why beto's push against churches could land him in hot water with fellow democrats. that showdown coming up. brian: is he still in the race? ♪ ♪ everybody wants to rule
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so much goes into who i am and hope to be. ask your doctor if starting hiv treatment with dovato is right for you. pyou have done nothing to brings our country together. you have done everything to separate it. person 2: i recently switched my republican voter registration to an independent party registration because i will not associate myself with this republican party while you are associated with it, and with any republican who voted for you and supported your policies. person 3: as a life-long conservative, you are the reason i am now an independent. steyer: i'm tom steyer and i approve this message.
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billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy. there's therabreath at walmart. brian: syrian forces set to deploy along the border. united states plans to pull troops from the region have already pulled way back. now nearly 30 house g.o.p. lawmakers plan to slap sanctions on turkey including our next guest. joining us now liz cheney
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highest ranking woman in the republican house g.o.p. conference. congresswoman, so what do you think sanctions will do? >> well, good morning, brian. i think it's crucially important for the turks to understand that there is broad bipartisan support here in washington, d.c. that they have got to stop this incursion. you know, we have got to be in a situation where we are very focused on the -- over five dozen it seems high value isis prisoners. we do not want them to return. we do not want a resurgence of isis. president trump's actions to defeat the caliphate were very important. but we have got to recognize the importance of making sure that we maintain our presence there. what we were doing on the northern border was exactly what we should be doing with a small number of u.s. forces. air peter an spoirt and superioe consequences from the air and they have got to get out.
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brian: congresswoman the president has to start using his experts. his security advisor couldn't have possibly are you recommended. this 1,000 isis fighters out of prison. 250 isis brides. syrian kurds have been forced alive with russia and assad at the border and erdogan a nato ally has not only gone in he has gone over 20 miles inside. and our guys have backed out. how concerned are you about our profile overseas and for our future allies? >> i'm very concerned about it, brian. i think that what we are seeing happen is going to have ramifications not just in the middle east but around the world. if our adversaries begin to seek weakness. if our adversaries begin to think we won't defend our allies and interests, that's provocative. i also want to say that the impeachment proceedings that are going on and what the democrats are doing themselves to try to weaken this president is part of this. it was not an accident that the turks chose this moment to roll across the border. and i think the democrats
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have got to pay very careful attention to the damage that they are doing with the impeachment proceedings. brian: congresswoman, presidents make mistakes. decisions from fdr to jfk to ronald reagan makes mistakes. the president can easily say i took erdogan at his word that he would not do exactly what he did. can we reestablish a no-fly zone. can we put more troops. we put 1,000 into saudi arabia. can we try to reestablish and create some type of buffer zone or has that ship sailed? >> yes. i think we could immediately. i think that chairman of the joint chiefs called the turks and said that's it. i'm taking back air superiority, we will not allow to you use your jess to -- use your planes to conduct the kinds of massacres that we are seeing on the ground that would have very significant impact. i think it's very important we do that we cannot have a situation where isis is resurgent. that's the bottom line. the kurds, obviously, have been a tremendous ally for us. if we abandon them in this way, it will be very difficult to establish alliances in the future.
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we need those to avoid having to deploy massive numbers of u.s. forces on the ground. brian: what i can't stomach is members of the obama administration who didn't enforce the red line who called isis the jv team, who pulled all of our troops out of iraq now condemning the president. they are the ones who have no right to say a word because that caused this miss because they ignored it? >> absolutely. i mean, look, if you look at the mess that president trump inherited, it was a mess that was created by the obama administration's unwillingness to defend against isis. because they looked the other way. because they allowed isis to establish a caliphate. because president obama withdrew too soon. brian: right. >> we can't repeat those mistakes but they also, i think, ought to sit down and recognize that they caused this problem that we have now got to solve. brian: you amongst leadership leading the way house side and lindsey graham on the other side and democrats to support you there. >> exactly. brian: congresswoman, thanks for getting up with us. >> thanks, brian. great to be with you.
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brian: thanks for having us. adam schiff claims he never spoke to the whistleblower and now he is trying to clear things up because he did. >> when the whistleblower filed the complaint, we had not heard from the whistleblower. we wanted to bring the whistleblower in at that time. but i should have been much more clear about that. brian: yeah. and been candid. dan bongino is fired up about that exclamation point. he sounds off coming up next. ♪ ain't no stopping us now ♪ we've got th groove.
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consider a boycott claiming the primary is rigged. gabbard is one of 12 democrats qualified for that debate. meanwhile a growing rift between two other candidates could take center stage. pete buttigieg, who is openly gay, slammed bourque for threateninbetoo'rourke slamx exempt status if the they don't defend. >> deepen the divisions we are experiencing. steve: beto proposed the it last week town forum. ainsley: did you know there are more than 3.5 million breast cancer survivors here in the united states. despite, this blaner is the brb. will cancer center and a fox
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news medical contributor. good morning, dr. saphier. >> good morning. ains a you were talking to our producers last night and telling them most people who get breast cancer don't have a family history of it. i was shocked. >> that's a common misperception. no one has had it. chance of me getting it very low. truth is less than a third of women who get breast cancer are. greatest threat is being a woman and getting older. some genetics play a part. starting mammograms at the age of 40 is the most important thing because early detection can lead to improved survival and less invasive treatment. >> is that enough? >> of course prevention is extremely important. anything you can do to lower your risk of breast cancer. ainsley: what are the most important thing. >> fat cells increases estrogen. maintain healthy weight.
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even moderate drinking has been shown as a link to breast cancer. not drinking at all is obviously result mall. decreasing the amount you drink alcohol. early detection is key. you can do everything right and you still may get breast cancer. however, if you detect it early, you have a best chance of survival. ainsley: breastfeeding your child can decrease. >> you have decreased amount of times having menstrual cycle. breastfeeding your child as long as possible then you are actually decreasing your risk of breast cancer. ainsley: interesting. how common is it. >> one in 8 will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. everyone knows someone who had breast cancer or knows someone who knew someone who had breast cancer. it's just important that you take care of your body the best you can. and if you go to early detection, get your screening mammogram. ultrasound whatever your doctor recommends. you know there is light at the end of the tunnel. 3.5 million americans are breast cancer survivors. there is a huge community and at love support.
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ainsley: we have come a long way but we still need to be talking about it and getting our mammograms. thank you so much. >> thank you. ainsley: columbus day is setting sail and many states and cities celebrating indigenous people day. this kind of political correctness helped president trump get elected and he is on deck. ♪ ♪ this is our country ♪ ♪ orlando isn't just the theme park capital of the world, it also has the highest growth in manufacturing jobs in the us.
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brian: that's manhattan. steve: normally have a little music right here. why don't we sing something, all right? brian: how about feelings? steve: how about new york, new york. we are looking at new york. those little town blues. you know somebody who knows all the words to that song someone who used to live in new york city. dan bongino joins us from palm city down in florida.
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good morning to you, dan. >> good morning. brian is funny. if you have got me singing, your ratings would drop dramatically. i like the show too much to do that to you wonderful people in the morning. we appreciate the offer. brian: dan, we thought about you when adam schiff said casually on face the nation. we don't even need to hear from the whistleblower. do you believe this? we don't need to hear from the person who launched this whole thing? >> so just to be clear, you know, the can' captain of the swamp sleeve adam schiff reputation for thorough and complete bold dishonesty. he is brave about his dishonesty goes out and speaks to the nation about evidence he doesn't have. he want to remove a duly elected president. make it clear what happened. the american people elected someone according to our constitutional republic. he wants to remove donald trump from office based on an allegation he lied about. there was no promise in the phone call. we now have the transcript. i was keeping a printed copy in front of me because i read it all the time. i still can't find this
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promise, this quid pro quo he is talking about. and he wants to do it but they don't even want to get testimony from the actual whistleblower? i thought he said this was the key to this devastating deal that was one way or the other oworthy of treasonbribely. any time adam schiff is the face of something you should triple or double question everything because it's probably a lie or false allegation. ainsley: yesterday he was on one of the sunday shows originally he said we have not spoken directly to the whistleblower. it came out later. then he changed that statement to he does not know the identity of the whistleblower. he was on one of the shows yesterday and this is what he said about it. >> i should have been much more clear. and i said so the minute it was brought to my attention that i was referring to the fact that when the quhib filed the complaint we had not heard from the whistleblower. we wanted to brings the whistleblower in at that time. but i should have been much more clear about that. steve: you know, ultimately though, dan, even though we are probably not going to hear from the whistleblower, who didn't have firsthand knowledge anyway.
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they heard from somebody who told them what happened, the damage is done. a narrative has been set and at love people believe what they believe. >> and, steve, the fundamentally uncurious mainstream media, not everybody, some people have done homework on this but very few have almost refuse to call out schiff and again to be fair not everyone. some outlets gave him pinocchios. good. i wish they would do that more often. this story is false, steve. the story adam schiff told is simply not accurate. there was no quid pro quo. he did, in fact, meet his staff with people associated with the whistleblower. that's not true. one more angle on think wish people would explore, do you know there are people in the white house national security council, the executive branch of our government that left, nothing illegal about that. but left and went to work with adam schiffen his committees over there? why would you do that? that's unusual move. what's going on over there? i would like to explore that
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relationship a little more too. steve: wait a minute. what are you suggesting? >> i'm suggesting that people still have contacts, obviously based on prior professional relationships to trump's white house. people advising donald trump, whose sole purpose on the national security council is to provide president trump with national security information to make life or death decisions left and went to work for the opposition political party under adam schiff on the house intel committee. why would you do that? nothing illegal. i'm not suggesting illegality. i'm suggesting unusual, no? why would you do that? these people still have professional contacts from where the leak we know emanated from the national security council. brian: dan, do you think in retrospect, it was wise for the president to even put rudy into the ukraine to investigate? >> i do and i will tell you why prominent ukrainians again their information needs to be vetted like anyone else who tried to reach out to the department of justice to their own sworn statement had suggested that the
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information they had was being ignored. does anybody else have a better idea about how to get to the bottom line of what we know was prominent foreign interference by ukrainians in the 2016 election in the information they are trying to get through standard channels isn't working. brian: get the phone, dan and saying to writte christopher wray. i'm getting these reports that you are not looking at things coming your direction and getting an answer. then there would be a trail saying i need a new fbi director. >> brian, where has that gotten us? listen, we have already tried a new fbi director and christopher wray, i have to be candid with you has been a disappointment. listen, we have got to get to the bottom of what happened? i hate that term but it's true in this case. there was significant ukrainian involvement in the 2016 election that is indisputable. if you can't get it through the normal channels we have to prevent it from happening so we can prevent it from happening again. steve: meanwhile dan, today is a federal holiday. it's columbus day. however there, a number of states, 8, i think 130 cities refer to it as indigenous people's day.
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what are your observations about this new change? >> you know, i get it. every political talking head as a theory of why trump was elected. everybody wants to seem like a genius. forgive me for entering the fray here. really, if i may, i think this is specifically things like this is the primary reason. it's 51% of why donald trump is now the president. this pc nonsense. put this in perspective how this sounds to normal americans. it's liberals and democrats doing this largely who don't want to recognize columbus day and proud holiday for italians like me by the way. columbus obviously, guys was a flawed human being. we are all sinners. everyone. everyone has a past and done things they are not proud of. every historical figure has a downside and upside. brian: every one of them. >> brian, have you written books on this kind of stuff. every historical figure from andrew jackson to christopher columbus some have made world changing positive contributions and some have done some things they are not so proud of. but the democrats, think about this. who recognize the
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achievements of bill clinton and robert byrd of all people celebrated him as the secret service agent i was at robert bird's funeral, barack obama celebrating this guy. you don't recognize christopher columbus who quite literally changed the world? brian: he did. >> do you know how stupid that makes you look? brian: if you read one reputable book on columbus and still don't think we should have a columbus day, you are not paying attention. not that he was perfect. but he literally went around the world on a whim that there would be something else around the been when most of the world thought the world was flat. >> right, brian. brian: you cannot judge them by our morals and standards. >> right. while the snowflake crowd's greatest accomplishment is getting up in the morning and ironing their snugy so mommy didn't have to do it. and you are ripping on columbus? who, like you said, everybody else thought you were going to fall off the earth. he decided to rewriting the
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history book decisions? this is a embarrassment. brian: go march in a parade today, dan, promise me. i will see you later. >> i can't promise you. i have a lot of work to do. steve: you are down in florida. don't sail off the edge. just saying. ainsley: thanks, dan. steve: 20 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley: jillian has headlines for us. jillian: a child is dead after being thrown from a carnival ride. 10-year-old falling off the attraction at a harvest festival in new jersey. the incident happening on a ride like this. which spins people around in circles. it is unclear exactly what went wrong. the company that owns the ride closed all its attractions for the remainder of the festival. a woman's arm and foot are cut off by a plane propeller. she and her husband were preparing for take jiewf atoff y west international. when their private plane started having mechanical problems. they got out to see what was wrong and she was somehow struggle struck by the
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moving blades. she was air lifted to the hospital and is now in stable condition students can soon sleep late without being tarredy. california the first state to pass law pushing back start times for public schools. starting in 2020 classes cannot begin before 8:00 a.m. in middle schools and 8:30 in high schools. the american academy of pediatrics says the rules will help students get more sleep and perform better in class. brian: go to bed earlier. ainsley: trace adkins officially a married man tying the knot with victoria pratt. his friend blake shelton. the couple had been dating for several years after dating on a movie set in 2014. jillian: he was just here last week. brian: we just asked asked him how he was doing. he might say oh i'm getting married in a couple of days. steve: that would have spoiled the surprise. congratulations trace. ainsley: we would have gotten you a great gift. brian: had you told us.
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steve: we could have given you a crock pot in person. brian: janice dean for all those people thinking is off the market. you are married right, janice? janice: as of now, yes. i am. been happily married for about 12 years now. fabulous. hi, sean. listener, i have a special guest star here today. what's your name? >> brigitte. janice: where are from you. >> i'm from hampton, new jersey. janice: can you help me with the weather a little bit? >> um-huh. janice: what's the forecast in new york city. >> 72 degrees and partly sunny. janice: fantastic. will you hang out for me for just a moment while guy through the forecast? stand by. take a look at the maps and see how good she is. she is good. temperatures in the 50's right now. 60's and then we are going to get into the 70's later on today and then we do have the potential for showers and thunderstorms across the southeast and the mid-atlantic as well parts of the gulf coast states. we could see the potential for some showers and thunderstorms along the coast of the northwest and -- is there anyone that you would like to say hi to at home? >> yeah. hi mommy, hi conner.
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janice: what time did you have to get up this morning? >> 3:00. janice: oh my goodness. did you want to go back to sleep. >> no. i was too excited. janice: fantastic. will you take over for me later on today. >> um-huh. janice: say back to you. >> okay. back to you. brian: whoever you are. steve: a lot of kids have the day off. she has got the day off. good to see you. ainsley: good to see you, bridges. so sweet. brian: i think she is a member of the fox family. ainsley: you know her parents. brian: we are doing a genes test right now. ainsley: crazy she has gotten so big. i remember her mom's baby shower. brian: you remember a lot. steve: her parents met here. brian: at fox news, whoever they are. meanwhile, bernie is back and the gloves are coming off. >> elizabeth, i think you know has said she a capitalist through her bones. i'm not. brian: is that such a crime in the host of making money charles payne reacts. steve: hey, charles. good morning. ♪ go on and take the money and run ♪
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good afternoon board members.
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we have some great new ideas that we want to present to you today. [son]: who are you talking to? [son]: that guy's scary. the first item on the list is selecting
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a chairman for the... for the advisory board what's this? as well as use the remaining... child care options run out. lifetime retirement income from tiaa doesn't. guaranteed monthly income for life.
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>> steve: u.s. senator bernie sanders set to take the debate stage tomorrow after his heart attack earlier this month. brian: there is a lot of drama on this week's debate. already coming out swinging on 2020 rival his good friend elizabeth warren. >> elizabeth, i think as you know, has said she is a capitalist through her bones. i'm not. i am, i believe, the only candidate who is going to say to the ruling class of this country, the corporate elite enough is enough with your greed and with your corruption. we need real change in this country. ainsley: this is what happens. she is climbing in the polls, is he going after her.
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host of making money charles payne. > sense of urgency. pals. benefited both. now the gloves are off. only one true socialist here and that's me. steve: his heart trouble maybe he is not as viable. drop out. got a fox news poll biden and warden is are up a bit and he has gone down since september. >> i felt like he was losing altitude anyway to be honest with you. he crafted this party the communist party. she became famous on that speech where you didn't build this. remember that speech. she has been saying this and trying to have her cake and eat it, too. primaries socialist in a general election wants to be
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a capitalist. bernie is saying hold on. you are not going to have both ones. pick a lane. if you want to be the democratic nominee you better be an avowed socialist. brian: what kind of world are we in used be to a rift on saying i'm a socialist. is he saying i'm a socialist. she is not. what are you saying? you really expect to get elected as a socialist who is 78 years old coming off heart ailment. ainsley: going even further i'm the true socialist. >> who can could be the greatest redistributer of wealth. but this is the world we are in. and, you know, some of it is being a victim of your own success. when you are such a wealthy country and do you so well. i do know people who make $100,000 a year who are bitter. they used to make $25,000 a year. i have a friend who drove a cab for a long time. he got into construction. he is doing almost 200 graham grand. upset the building they are working on the owner. ainsley: makes more. >> right.
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this whole country. brian: resentment. >> a country of resentment. politics are always played a big role in this country. more than ever because it's so visible. such a material world right now. celebrity, materialism, i don't know that they have ever peaked at the same time to this degree. everybody feels they should have more no matter how much or little they put in it. brian: is he a jealous at me. nice vest who usually wear as vest charles payne. instead of being happy you are angry the. >> texas. ainsley: why are you in texas. brian: sam the avenger coming out. >> that's a subtle. couple weeks early gives it a few subtle hints and hits you hard with the book cover. that's capitalism, by the way. brian: a little resentment, again. steve: charles, we will be watching you on fbn. >> see you later.
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ainsley: did you see football this weekend. >> he won. ainsley: the pope can declare someone a saint. is pope francis a fasten the new orleans saints? carley shimkus has reaction to the accidental blessing that he gave the team. ♪ shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ ♪ head in now for applebee's new pasta & grill combos
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starting at $9.99.
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♪ ainsley: sunday football getting an accidental blessing from the pope. listen to this. in a tweet he wrote today we give thanks to the lord for our new #saints. they walked by faith and now we invoke their
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intercession. steve: well it, seems the pope was unaware by using #saints the nfl teams lead would automatically pop up in his tweet the team from new orleans. brian: must have led to good luck for the sants went on to defeat jacksonville 13-6. social media can't stop talking about it. near can carley shimkus who gets her 401(k) match by sirius channel 115, 124.7. >> i have never been inthrowed like that but thank you. intervention or. brian: i thought the jags might have pulled it off. carley: we witnessed a miracle. i love it. in the tweet the pope was actually talking about five new saints who were just cannonnized. whoever wons his twitter account accidentally tagged the team and the saints responded couldn't lose after this #. blessed and highly favored. social media is having a field day with this. lol if the pope is going to
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root fo root for a team the saints is the team: in the end they won, this proved that the blessings of the pope was afox new aeffect actua. >> in the name of the father son and hail mary amen. see if he has any thoughts on the super bowl. steve: anonymously. out in california, how come this football player damage cold a member of his own team. >> that's exactly what happened. everybody makes mistakes and high school is the best place to do it. take a look at that video a high school football player in california. he caught an interception the and started of running toward the wrong end zone. >> tackled by his own player. that would be a safety, so the guy who made the tackle tweeted that the video should make sports center's top 10 and not top 10, said the teammate it was his first interception really excited ran the wrong way.
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ainsley: my mom played powder puff when she was in high school and she scored for the wrong team. she was so embarrassed. carley: i want to give them a hug and say it's okay. steve: made the highlight real. brian: in the break i will learn what powder puff is. ainsley: when girls play football. steve: straight ahead on this columbus day "fox & friends." we have lindsey graham, kim stossel as senator rand paul. brian: we need a better picture of lindsey graham. and i don't wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait...and keep it off. looking good, patrick. i know.
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(vo) go national. go like a pro. the business of hard work... ...hustle... ...and high fives. modernized comfort inn's and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at
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why fingerstick when you can scan? with the freestyle libre 14 day system just scan the sensor with your reader, iphone or android and manage your diabetes. with the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose levels any time, without fingersticks. ask your doctor to write a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at
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♪ ♪ brian: coming in hot. better be on monday. nothing slowed down over the weekend, either. steve: except in the capitol they have the day off today because it's the federal holiday.
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they 8 be bac will be back tomow to begin impeachment. ainsley: sanctions possibly imposing them on turkey we will be talking to him coming up. brian: had five conversations with the president over the weekend. steve: they have been busy. a fox news alert. breaking overnight the country of turkey warning of imminent attack on a major kurdish strong hold. ainsley: that's right. the syrian city is at risk. three years after u.s. troops helped the kurds take it back from isis. brian: they are carving up the kurds right now and we are just moving out. griff jenkins live in washington with how the u.s. is responding or not responding. griff? griff: yeah, brian, ainsley and steve good morning. troubling news out of turkey this morning. president erdogan telling reporters quote we are about to implement our decision on manbij. that city was a significant gain against isis in 2016 in when kurdish fighters took control. this is another signal turkish aggression is deeper in territory.
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president trump orders withdrawal of all troops from northern syria. putting hard fought isis gains at risk and causing desperate syrian kurds to strike a deal with damascus aligning with bashar al-assad russian backed syrian arah jet stream repel this turkish advance. meanwhile defense secretary mark esper says the administration is trying to reign in turkey do doing everything we can to get the turks to stop this aggressive behavior go back across the line and stop. >> dean dealing with lindsey graham and many members of coming, including democrats about imposing powerful sanctions on turkey. treasury is ready to go. additional legislation may be sought. there is great consensus on this. turkey has asked that it not be done. stay tuned. one of those democrats working with the graham on legislation is blaming the president. >> we believe momentum is building for the congress to
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act since this president has shown a total unwillingness to do something in the face of this slaughter. so the key is to act quickly, as you say, tom is of the essence. griff: hill sources tell me this morning that reversing this course is a quote matter of hours at this point. it will be very interesting to see what senator graham has to say to you guys. steve: that's right. thank you very much, griff. the senator will be with us in 90 minutes. meanwhile, griff just featured the president's tweet, talking about there could be sanctions if turkey messes this up. lindsey graham tweeted this out. just spoke with president trump. i applaud his decision to work with congress to stop turkey's aggression in syria through crippling economic sanctions. this decision by president trump will be a game changer. in all the wrong ways for turkey. and we heard from steve mnuchin who is secretary of treasury. united states government is ready to slap the sanctions on turkey. as soon as the president says let's go. ainsley: mnuchin said we could shut down all u.s. dollar transactions which could be maximum pressure
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which would destroy turkey's economy. a lot of power. brian: people go well, i don't know any kurds. i have heard that argument. well, let turkey handle it a region of conflict. we brought security to it. it brings stability to it. we keep troops in germany because it stops the soviets now the russians from going through there we keep 56,000 in japan so we have some type of semblance and presence in asia. as much as people want to say fortress america. it didn't work when washington was president. it doesn't work now. i also think it's important to bring up the axios report yesterday that the president was really respondent. erdogan called the president's bluff in the past he kept saying i'm going to go into syria and look out. he kept say going you go in, you will own this mess. so when the president was told on sunday i'm going to go in, instead of the president holding his line and saying no, we're sitting there. don't even try it. he backed out and then, of course, he went. in not only 18 miles in.
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now he is passed 20 miles. in now the kurds have to go with the syrians and the russians. they are making a deal with the devil because we backed out on our deal. liz cheney was on a short time ago. and says this is what we're dealing with now. i think it's usually important for the tuckers to understand there is broad bipartisan support here in washington, d.c. that they have got to stop this incursion. we do not want a resurgence of isis. president trump's actions to defeat the caliphate were very important. but we have got to recognize the importance of making sure that we maintain our presence there. the kurds obviously have been a tremendous ally for us. if we abandon them in this way, it will be very difficult to establish alliances in the future. and we need those to avoid having to deploy. >> isis has a thousand prisoners running wild right now. ainsley: what do you say president says i campaigned on. this. brian: go with realities on the ground. don't go with a campaign
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promise when the reality on the ground isis is targeting us. al qaeda is targeting us. it's irresponsible to leave ally ground force out. say right now there was no push to get them out. our trip wire, we put $770 billion into our defense department. if that -- if the turks our ally's to come across that border. we let them know that's a no go zone. we hit you hard if you try that. and they will not try that. ainsley: something he might do. sanctions. brian: too late. they are already through. steve: not too late to slap sanctions on them that will get their attention. it will be interesting to see what happens today. meanwhile yesterday adam schiff was on one of the shunned shows and he said you know what? that. wasn't quid pro quo, easy for me to say. turns out adam schiff says turns out we don't need to hear from the whistleblower because we have got the transcript. you know what? i'm sorry that i probably misspoke when i said we have had no contact with them because we have had contact
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with them. here he is yesterday on face the nation. >> do you regret saying that we, the committee, weren't in touch with the whistleblower. >> i should have been much more clear and i said so the minute it was brought to my attention that i was referring to the fact that when the whistleblower filed the complaint, we had not heard from the whistleblower. we wanted to bring the whistleblower in at that time. but i should have been much more clear about that. brian: why couldn't margaret brennan who has 90 follow-ups to the secretary of defense have a follow-up. so what exactly what is your contact? make it clear right on my show what was your contact with the whistleblower? many have said did you coach this entire process and have you scripted this all out. what do you say to that? instead, okay. got to go. let's go to break. take a wide shot of washington and go to break. steve: it was his opportunity to say that he had made a mistake and now we know that the whistleblower probably won't testify either behind closed doors or in public because they are worried about their personal safety. brian: how can a whistleblower who started the investigation not be important to the investigation? ainsley: i have said do we
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really even need to hear from the whistleblower when we know what the transcript says? steve: right, keep in mind. so many people want to know who the whistleblower heard the story from because the united states wants to unmask that person because they say that person who took these national secrets broke the law. dan bongino was with us 40 minutes ago and had this objection about mr. schiff from california. >> there was no quid pro quo. he did, in fact, meet his staff with people on-associated with the whistleblower. that's not true. people still have contacts, obviously based on prior professional relationships to trump's white house. people advising donald trump whose sole purpose on the national security council is to provide president trump with national security information make life or death decisions left and then went to go work for the opposition political party under adam schiff on the house intel committee. why would you do that? again, nothing illegal. i'm not suggesting illegality. i'm suggesting it's unusual, no? brian: yes.
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meanwhile, 8 minutes after the top of the hour. this week is going to be a debate week. for so many candace they have been invisible after launch. kamala harris has fizzled. amy klobuchar has fizzled. steve: this is going to be a long line there are 45 people. brian: beto o'rourke no one fizzled with him. all this money. outlandish statements. take down the wall. i'm coming for your guns. exactly. but then he actually raised the bargain. ainsley: listen to what he said at a town hall on thursday. >> yes. [cheers and applause] there can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone or any institution, any organization in america that denies the full human rights and a full civil rights of every single one of us. steve: so that was the lt. forulgbtqforum where beto se
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would revoke the tax exempt status of churches, charities if they oppose same sex marriage. the president had this observation at the value voters summit in washington, d.c. listen to this. >> as you know, just a few days ago a democrat running for president proposed revoking the tax exempt status of many churches and religious groups. [boos] >> and you know why and you know who it is. he is a wacko. [laughter] i will never allow the federal government to be used to target, harass, or punish communities of faith and i will never allow the irs to be used as a political weapon. brian: that also refers to what's happening with him, too. seems like they're going after the irs to get his tax returns out. ainsley: when you make a statement like that some of your base. he lives in texas.
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go to church on sundays and he wants to eliminate that tax exemption for churches. steve: how many charities would have to close if they did not have that exemption. ainsley: correct and churches would have to close. steve: somebody from beto's own party, buttigieg had this observation. >> i agree that antidiscrimination law ought to be applied to all institutions but the idea that you are going to strip churches of their tax exempt status if they haven't found their way toward blessing same sex marriage? i'm not sure he understood the implications of what he was saying. if we want to talk about antidiscrimination law for a school or an organization, absolutely. they should not be able to discriminate. but, going after the tax exemption of churches, islamic centers or other religious facilities in this country, i think that's just going to deepen the divisions that we are already experiencing. brian: watching these two battle it out reminds me of the washington red skins dolphin game. both in last place looking for first victory are we really paying attention? is it worth it to redeem my
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tickets. steve: got us talking about if oit on a monday morning. jillian joins us. jillian: that's right. good monday morning to you. retired master sergeant mark allen is dead 10 years after being shot while looking for army deserter. shot by a sniper in afghanistan searching for boberg dal who walked off his post and captured in 2009. later freed dishonorably discharged and reduced in rank for endangering the lives of fellow soldiers including allen. the sniper attack left allen paralyzed and unable to talk. his cause of death is still unclear. the hero leaves behind a wife and daughter. he was 46 years old. concerns the hard rock hotel could crumble even more as the search for missing construction workers intensifies in new orleans. >> oh my god. >> two workers died when the hotel collapsed during construction. only one body has been
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recovered and one person is still missing in the rubble. at least 18 people were hurt. the cause of the collapse is unknown. moments ago queen elizabeth laying out england's brexit plans to parliament. the queen sis her government will work towards a new partnership with the eu based on free trade and friendly cooperation. prime minister boris johnson is expected to present his brexit deal to lawmakers next week. he tried suspending parliament the highest court ruled the move unlawful. recall ideadline is halloween. ainsley: get your costume, brian. brian: investigations into our president never ends and brexit never ends. two story lines that never end. ainsley: speaking of. brian: media crying cover up president trump and ukraine. i will pause for seven seconds. >> is president trump out-nixoning nixon?
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brian: kim strassel says the media is on a crusade to destroy the president of the united states. and she is here. ♪ ♪ (alarm beeping) welcome to our busy world. where we all want more energy. but with less carbon footprint. can we have both? at bp, we're working every day to make energy that's cleaner and better. and we see possibilities everywhere.
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>> corn up tapes and a president under a cloud of impeachment. is president trump out-nixoning nixon. >> what we see now is a massive cover-up effort by the white house and the department of justice to prevent the facts from coming to light. >> by seeking help from a foreign government to interfere in the 2020 election but also that the white house tried to cover it up. steve: some figures in the media claiming a white house cover-up but our next guest is crying foul in a new op-ed the media's relentless crusade to destroy president trump. author of brand new book comes out tomorrow "we sis tans of all cost. she is also a member of the "wall street journal" editorial board kimberly strassel also a fox news contributor. so many titles, so little time. >> i know. steve: the book is called resistance of all costs. how trump haters are bracing
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miracle. who are the trump haters. >> i think this is a very specific category. right? i think any human person who looks at a presidency, they have moments where they think the president did a good thing. they think the president did a bad. that's called being a critic. a thinking critic. the recess teres are the folks that from the minute trump was elected they decided he was illegitimate president and they were entitled to take any means necessary to remove him from office. steve: and you break the book down into you've got the courts. you've got the media. you have got the confirmation process. it seems like a lot of these great big institutions in this country are stacked squarely against this president. >> and the argument of the book is for the last three years we have been told that it's trump who is undermining institutions. breaking democracy. that he is a autocrat. is he a disrupter in many ways. i would argue mostly in rhetoric in terms of his tweets. but if you look at institutional damage, okay, look at the loss of faith in the fbi and department of justice after their
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investigation. steve: sure. >> look at the breaking of the senate confirmation process that's not going to be fixed for a long time. >> look at the watering down of impeachment standards. that's wsht damage is really coming. steve: no kidding. and then you look at, for instance, one of our lead stories today is the fact that the whistleblower, according to adam schiff, who got this whole ukraine ball rolling probably won't testify. >> well, and there is a whole section in here about bureaucrats. and how they have, many of them starting with sally yates when she refused to implement the president's travel ban okay we don't have to follow the rules either. have you seen a lot of whistleblowers and a lot of people simply disrupted agency business and that's a problem because, again, people are losing trust in the civil service to do the right thing. steve: absolutely. but what about the president? he can see who is staxd up against him but still he
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gets up in the morning and he does what he does. >> i think you do have to ask the question. would any other president have survived what's gone on over the last years? that's putting aside the special counsel, the fbi counterintelligence investigation. the impeachment drama that we are having at the moment. the purpose of a lot of this is to force people to resign. and he is at least recognized that's the goal and has chosen not to do so. steve: what's interesting about your book is you look at the resistance and it's not just political resistance but how these institutions have morphed into a new kind of way of doing their jobs that's going to be hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube. >> well, you just pointed out. you understand washington as well as anyone. you know, the president, he is not going to be -- whether it's a year from now or five years from now. but the damage that's being done here i don't know how we fix it in the short-term. steve: it's an interesting book. it comes out tomorrow "resistance at all cost"
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kimberley strassel, thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: an american pastor held in turkey two years. how he used his faith. s how he says god helped bring him back home. pastor andrew brunson shares his story with us coming up next. ♪ deep clean messes like this, this, and even this. but i don't have to clean this, because the self-cleaning brush roll removes hair while i clean. - [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans now cleans itself.
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what are you doing back there, junior? since we're obviously lost, i'm rescheduling my xfinity customer service appointment. ah, relax. i got this. which gps are you using anyway? a little something called instinct. been using it for years. yeah, that's what i'm afraid of. he knows exactly where we're going.
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my whole body is a compass. oh boy... the my account app makes today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. not my thing. steve: time now for news by the numbers. first number is 97.5%. that could be the tax rate for the 400 richest americans if bernie sanders becomes president. economists at berkeley warn it could be four times the current rate. next, 15. that's how many states cannot sell samuel adams new utopia beer. it has a 28% alcohol by volume content which is
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illegal in a lot of places. a standard samuels logger 5% alcohol. finally 15. that's how old tennis prodigy coco co-goff is. making her the youngest singles title. goff taking the top spot at the women's tennis association tour in austria. congratulations that was amazing. ainsley: incredible. she is 16. is that right? brian: i think 15. his powerful story became a cause for christians around the globe. ainsley: pastor andrew will held at maximum security prison for 735 days. his detainment became a top priority for our president for the administration which secured his release last year. brian: he is now sharing his story of perseverance in a brand new book called god's hostage out tomorrow. pastor andrew brunson and
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his wife join us now. nice to see you again. >> thank you. brian: how hard was this to recount the details of your intrismt. >> it was good for me. as i worked through it there was a healing process that took place somewhat cathartic. brian: did i note end and it's a good end, yes. ainsley: congratulations on the new book. we interviewed when you were first released. i know the president had a lot to do with it. knauer reason i know you were with your husband through it all. >> i was. all my efforts were for him. anything diplomatic, raising up prayer. following up any lead. trying to keep him going. >> she really fought for me. brian: did you know it? >> i knew she would not relent. she was a lion necessary. she fought for me. ainsley: you put your life on hold to go and try to get your husband released. tell me what the president did. how did he get involved. >> he took unprecedented actions. he was involved more than one could expect. there are some things that a president has to do.
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there were so many phone calls and he put so much pressure on. and i think if had not taken the steps he did, i would still be setting in a turkish prisoner. brian: we only saw what we saw in front of the camera. behind the scenes what do you bring to this book that that you want people to take from it. they think they know the story. captured and released. what do you -- what is your perspective? >> the way andrew says there was a human story and then there was the god tore we hope this will show some of what god was doing in him but also around the world through the prayer movement. ainsley: i know you are not political. but there is so much happening right now in syria and turkey how can we pray for that reason? what do we need specifically to pray for? >> that seems such hopeless situation now. we got up this morning. we were praying that god will take this hopeless situation and bring something good out of it right now what people should know turkey is not the turkey we used to he no. erdogan is the
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personification of evil. and the coup that happened might have been totally staged. what can you tell us about the turkish government. >> it seems to be moving away from its relationships with the west and there will be a lot of implications for that. ainsley: noreen, how is your family doing now? what's happened since have you been all been back. putting the pieces together and writing the book? >> yeah. college graduation, wedding. first grandchild coming. >> who is getting married? who is graduating. >> our daughter got married and now she is having our first grandchild. ainsley: congratulations. a boy or a girl. >> a boy. ainsley: that's great. brian: did you want -- what do you want your family to take away from this story as you are recounter intrismt. >> my story is one of brokenness. many of the stories, biographies i read. they have very strong characters. i actually was very weak in prison and broken. and then god rebuilt me. so i'm hoping that this story will be an encouragement to other weak people. i said in prison, god, if
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you ever let me out of here. if i have a chance to speak, i will be open and honest about my brokenness. ing. ainsley: were you terrified? >> oh, yes. i thought i would be there for the rest of my life. ainsley: how did god rescue you? >> well, there were millions of people who prayed for me around the world. that's the god side of the story. call it god's hostage. i was not god's hostage. but when god had accomplished what he wanted to through my imprisonment, raise up millions to prayer. released. i see god as the grandmaster chess player behind that you will political intrigue, he was really in charge. brian: name of the book god's hostage. a true story of hostage and per imprisonment and perseverance. thank you so much. ainsley: thank you. i wish you all the best with your book. during the commercial book after i interviewed them last time they prayed for me. i was like i have been praying for you. christian community is amazing. god bless you both. thank you. brian: come 2020 democrats are racing to the left.
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senator rand paul and wife have a dangers about th dangersf socialism. he and his wife kelly are here next. she wanted a roommate to help with the cooking. but she wanted someone who loves cats. so, we got griswalda. dinner's almost ready. but one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with our renters insurance. yeah, switching and saving was really easy! drink it all up. good!
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♪ in america ♪ steve: well, it's a federal holiday here in new york city going up sixth avenue towards central park 7:33 in the morning. in one of those cars moments ago senator rand paul. brian: stretch limo. he demanded it. ainsley: helicopter on the roof, come on. steve: senator paul and his wife kelly paul join us right now. they have written a brand new book it's called the case against socialism and they join us live. ainsley: good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning, thanks for having us. steve: we are going to talk about your book in just a moment. senator, so much of our attention in the news media
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has been about the ukraine situation. you want an investigation into a letter three of your fellow colleagues in the senate wrote ukraine trying to dig up some stuff, what a year, year and a half ago? >> i think the only thing consistent about the whole discussion of people threatening ukrainian aid is everybody seems to be doing this on both sides it. can't really be one side accusing the president of doing it. joe biden threatened the aid and then three senators wrote a letter to the ukrainian government and they said if you don't continue investigating trump, and help the mueller investigation. we may pull back on your aid. so it sounds like everybody and their brother is threatening ukrainian aid so we can't have two standards. democrats get to threaten ukrainian aid and nothing happens to him. now they want to impeach a president over this? i think it's looking more and more like it's just a very bunch of partisan attack. >> how can you not want to hear from the whistleblower. adam schiff said yesterday whistleblower. i thought he was at the hub of everything. >> one of the interesting things about the
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whistleblower is i think people should ask how he got the information or she got the information because i think it was gotten illegally. only a person people can listen to the phone call. i think very few should be listening to the president's phone calls. that group was selected, the whistleblower is out of that group. somebody in this small group broke the law. and you can say well maybe it's not that important. what if they gave out the nuclear secrets or something, something really important tour national security. the name of a spy or something. you can't have people in the inner circle that can listen to the president's phone calls leaking that information illegally. they need to be punished and removed from government. ainsley: how will the senate react to this? are there republicans in the senate going to get together and try to support this president if they don't believe that that was an impeachable offense? >> i think there is a great deal of talk about the idea of whether or not, you know, impeaching someone over. this particularly the democrats did something very similar in threatening the aid and saying if you don't investigate trump. it sounds like the democrats have done exactly the same thing they're accusing the president of doing. i think in the end it's going to be seen by the american public as very
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partisan if the house sends it over i think it will be voted down in the senate. brian: kelly, let's pivot to your book that you wrote with the senator. how does socialism resonate with you? i know tucker carlson endorses the book it's got to be good. >> yes. brian: how did you realize this was a project you wanted to work on together. what about about socialism struck home. >> rand taught a course. he has background, is a medical doctor but he is also always been a huge fan of dosk can i and the dystopian before that he taught this course and he had written quite a bit about it. and then he got the idea to turn this into a book. we started with the philosophy. >> we should make it interesting. will dry. let's add some current events. >> philosophy and the history of socialism which, as you know from, mao to stalin is horrific. i got involved and wrote a lot of sections on what they actually do in scandinavia because bernie and elizabeth warren like to talk so much
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about denmark and sweden. ainsley: what do they do. brian: they mischaracterize it number one. >> absolutely. the first thing that i pretty much learned in doing research for this is bernie sanders is too liberal to get elected in denmark. pretty much everything that they advocate for they don't actually do much of those things in scanned knave i can't. they have very low corporate taxes. they were much lower than ours until the trump tax cuts lowered our corporate taxes. they have no punitive wealth taxes. they tried that back in the 1970s and all of the wealthy left. the founder of ikea borg. so now their wealthy are taxed pretty much at the same level who make 60,000 a year. the big lie is it's a mathematics problem. if you want free healthcare and free college tuition, you pretty much only do that by taxing the middle class at about 60,000 -- 60%. and they have a vat tax, a value added tax of 25% on everything they buy. a dozen eggs, a pair of
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jeans, everything. steve: this is something that a lot of people in your husband's business talk about trying to make things more, you know, when you look at a recent poll i think 43% of americans, senator, said that socialism maybe could be a good thing for the united states of america. 43%. how did that number get to be 43%? >> that sort of boggles my mind. because when i tell people we have written a book the case against socialism, really? should that be necessary? and but i think our kids aren't being taught the history. the history of socialism really time and time and time again is associated with genocide and famine. our countries don't know who mao was and full pot was. and barley no stalin barely any of them know hitler was a socialist as well. it's just an accident those people became dictators. no, maybe it's part of socialism that authoritarianism is what socialism devolves into. brian: senator, when you look at the new deal. when you look at medicare and medicaid and social security. people say those are
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socialistic principles and policies, aren't they? how did they fit in? >> we address that in the book any use of government force is something that takes away your liberty. that's the argument why our founding fathers said we want to minimize it. we don't say there is no government. yes we have social security and medicare involvement. we want to make sure that we don't make taxes so expansive that you have to tax 100 percent of your income because then you are not really free. many people in our country around 50%. do you want to be 60% or 40%? 70% 80%, 90%. beernz is talking about taxing people virtually all of their wealth. brian: not his book though. ainsley: very interesting. thank you for coming on to talk about it. how are you feeling. >> i'm getting better. i'm almost back. it takes a lot to get me down. i'm coming back. brian: that's why she did most of the work on the book. >> that's right. brian: the case against socialism. it's a dual effort. talk to you more on the radio a little bit later.
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jillian has headlines. jillian: the man accused of opening fire at a wedding is charged with attempted murder. police say dale holloway shot a bishop and bride during the new hampshire ceremony. the bishop is in serious condition. the bride is out of the hospital. holloway is believed to be the some of a minister at the church who was shot and killed earlier this month. officials now investigating if the two cases are connected. the man who claims he gave drugs to los angeles angels pitcher tyler skaggs says it's, quote, time for everyone to stand up and take responsibility. angels director of communications eric kaye telling the "l.a. times" cooperating with the feds is quote the right thing to do. according to espn. k. says he gave skaggs opioids before he overdosed and died. denies any claims the team provided drugs to any players. bernie sanders is calm, cool and collected after getting untimely phone call. watch this. >> working families and the poor.
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[phone ringing] >> so we live in a society in which donald trump himself received millions and millions of dollars in subsidies and tax breaks. jillian: the 2020 presidential candidate unbotherred as you can see after his house phone rang in the middle of a skype call with union workers. >> robo call. jillian: robo call steve says. jillian: texans 31-24 victory over the cheefsz. the 49ers defense keeps them undefeated in a 20-7 win over the rams. the winless jets joel's team score a huge upset over the cowboys. and it is safe to say this fan was very excited about the vikings 38-20 win over the eagles. check it out. [cheers] go vikings go ♪ jillian: the die hard fan going viral for his touchdown celebration as an eagles fan. i say to you, you deserve to
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dance like that, whatever that is. steve: whatever that is. ainsley: that's what we were doing in our house this weekend because south carolina beat georgia. the number three team in the country. jillian: i saw someone tweet whose dad is that go and stop him. steve: thank you, jillian. brian: minnesota viking fans travel. they took over giants stadium a week ago to beat the giants. ainsley: 42 minutes after the top of the hour. portion pills in legal in california. thanks to that governor. offering legal help for students who want to fight back. the group's leader joins us next. brian: today is columbus day but not everyone wants it. the new push for a name change coming up. steve: good morning. ♪ k care of her car rental,
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>> california becomes the first state in the nation to force public universities to provide abortion pills at campus health centers. governor gavin newsom signing the bill into law. it will take effect in 2023 as long as the state raises over $10 million in private donations to pay for it. now the pro-life group students for life is fighting back, offering legal aid to those that are threatened by this law. the president of that group is kristan hawkins and she joins us now. hey, kristin. >> hey, thanks for having me today. ainsley: you are welcome. so, tell me about this law and what you have a problem with. >> sure. well, this is a first in the nation law that's going to fundamentally alter what's happening on college campus health centers. so every state college campus in california will now be turned into an abortion facility. they are going to have to dispence ru 486 the abortion pill right on campus despite the fact that there are abortion facilities between five and seven miles from every state college campus in california this has been
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concerted effort. they have been trying to do this for several years. last year the pro-choice governor of california, jerry brown, actually vetoed this law saying this was unnecessary. but the new governor, governor newsom has signed into lawful filling a campaign pledge and basically fulfilling the wishes of the abortion industry here. >> this is what governor newsom says. he says other states and the central government go backward, restricting reproductive freedom in california we are moving forward. we are removing barriers to reproductive health, increasing access on college campuses. and using technology to modernize how patients interact with providers. what do you think about that? >> well, fundamentally we abortion is not healthcare. and giving these dangerous drugs to women to go and have abortions on their dormitory toilet bowls telling them to flush and not look is not good for anyone. there is going to be women who die alone, in their dorm rooms because of this bill. we know already from the abortion industry's own
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estimates between 15 and 75 women just a month are going to have to seek additional care because these abortion pills aren't going to work. and these campus health centers aren't equipped to deal with the emergency responsibilities here. the conscious rights of healthcare workers on these college campus also be violated because now instead of serving patients to help them promote good healthy decisions they are now going to be working an abortion facility. we have set up an website no campus and we are encouraging any health campus worker in the state of california to go to that site and to get in contact with us because we will help you fight. this we have already seen the supreme court has told the state of california before that they can't force taxpayers. they can't force citizens in the state to have to violate their conscious rights and to be a marketing tool of the abortion industry. and we're going to be helping these campus health center workers deal with this and fight these conscience violations happening. ainsley: what's your
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website? >> go to no campus and you can sign up and we will put you in touch with our team of lawyers who are standing by to help. but we are going to stop this and not let this go beyond california. because this is shameful what's happening. ainsley: christian, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. today might be columbus day. some college students aren't celebrating. they are protesting. the push to rename the holiday. that story next ♪ i'm still standing ♪ better than i ever did ♪ looking like a true survivor ♪ feeling like a little kid ♪ i'm still standing ♪ after all this time ♪ d that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. the workplace should be a source of financial security. keeping your people happy is what keeps your people.
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brian: i just did the math. 527 years ago christopher columbus discovered the new world. today push back against the
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national holiday is ramping up. steve: and 1492, you are right. meanwhile the association of big ten schools representing some 500,000 students across the country passed a resolution to rename columbus day as indigenous people's day. what's more, they are even using the movement to declare a climate emergency. brian: here with more is campus reform eduardo. why is this trend happening now? >> well, this is nuts, guys. you know, the big ten, the student government organization that's representing over 500,000 students sadly it's not new. so at the leadership institute campus reform we have covered a lot of stories like this over the paths few days vanderbilt teaching a course or white cannibalism. notre dame removing a mural on their campus of christopher columbus. latest attempts from colleges, universities to erase parts of history they don't like. steve: eduardo columbus gets the designation because he is the person who discovered the new world. that's what this is all
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about. >> yeah. and, again, look nobody is saying that christopher columbus was a perfect guy. educators can use this day to explain that. they can add context to history. brian: absolutely. >> they can recognize indigenous people without doing so at the expense of columbus. again, this is going to expand beyond christopher columbus. we have seen it with the founding fathers. seen it with history in our own country. if americans don't take a stand on this. we will see this next generation of college students go go out into the real world and try scrub our history. brian: one person described it as going to the moon 1960's only more dangerous. that's what they say what columbus about was akin. to say meanwhile, here is the quote from the new resolution from big ten schools. all native students merit their recognition of their higher education accomplishmentments existence of students of their presence of predominantly white institutions asterisk. nothing of italians in columbus more about the american indians. >> look. there are plenty of other things that a student government association could be focusing on to help the lives of their students,
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daily lives of their students. i'm not sure how attacking christopher columbus a historical figure you mentioned 500 years ago is going to better their lives. i think colleges and universities should use this day to talk about what he did, discovering the new world, which is historic fact. they can't change that and they can use this moment to say hey, look, here are some of the bad things that followed. steve: i like the way you described it to one of our producers, eduardo, we have to examine history from the lens of what was normal at that time. >> yeah. and, look, this is 2019. students, campuses, they are trying to judge his call figures on the standards we have today. it's unfair and ridiculous. nobody would survive that test. our founding fathers like i mentioned before. anyone in history. we have to examine it through lens acceptable. we can use today's standards today say we wouldn't accept that today. steve: he discovered the new world but there were these other things as well. >> yeah. it's unfortunate and like i said, hopefully students on campuses who are upset with this parents and even average every day americans can say look we need to
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teach full history and respect what happened we need to respect our history to get the full story. brian: he got to haiti. he did open the doors to it. thanks so much. appreciate it eduardo. >> thanks for having me. brian: straight ahead. fox news alert. another imminent attack on turkey as the syrian army joins battle to help the kurds. steve: senator lindsey graham just spoke with president trump about the new sanctions for turkey. we are going to hear from the senator coming up. . .
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♪. steve: monday, october 14th. we were talking about how it is columbus day. some people refer to it as indigenous peoples day. according to social media stuff
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i saw from janice dean, it is national dessert day. delicious. that is why the the banks are closed. brian: i didn't know that. ainsley: did you watch the georgia-south carolina game saturday? we crushed them. steve: she is so excited. ainsley: we beat the number three team in the country. i'm proud for our players. did you watch the game yesterday, the cowboys playing the -- brian: the jets. ainsley: the jets won. joel our stage manager. been our friend for a long time. brian: used stand up to do the show. now he just sits in the back and watches. ainsley: how happy were you? the jets won. they had not won a game. brian: i can't even see him. steve: it was a big weekend for sports. it is a big week back in the middle east. brian: breaking overnight, turkey warning of another
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imminent attack for the kurds as the u.s. troops pull out of the conflict zone. ainsley: u.s. threatening crippling economic sanctions to stop the turkish aggression. steve: griff jenkins in washington with more on the escalating situation. mr. mnuchin who would be in charge of executing the sanctions and is speaking on television and may speak to reporters in the next ten minutes. reporter: things are escalating at a rapid pace even though it's a holiday. turkish president erdogan telling reporters a few hours ago we're about to implement the decision on manbij. that was significant gain when u.s. allied kurdish fighters took control. as president trump indicated over the weekend he is possibly withdrawing all troops from northern syria. causing desperate kurds to strong a deal with damascus and
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russia and basharring a assad. mark esper said yesterday the u.s. is trying to rein in turkey. >> we're doing everything we can to get turks to stop this egregious behavior. get them to back along the line and stop. reporter: the tweet from the president threatening sanctions, saying quote, dealing with lindsey graham and many members of congress about imposing powerful sanctions on turkey. treasury is ready to go. additional legislation may be sought. there is great consensus on this turkey has asked that is not be done, stay tuned. but one democrat is not saying. >> that is the kee is to ask quickly as you say. time is of the essence. reporter: time is of the he sense. hill sources telling us it could
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be a matter of hours to dial this back. what secretary mnuchin has to say certainly will be an important develop today we'll be watching. guys. steve: griff thank you very much. mr. mnuchin we heard from him a couple days ago. we heard from the president. they both said if turkey mess this is up, they have to deal with turkey who is nato ally with ours who we have treaty with. if they mess it up, these economic sanctions could absolutely wreak havoc on their economy. we'll see what happens. ainsley: you'll u.s. dollar transactions. brian: the thing is, looks like it is a done deal. 950 islamic state prisoners have escaped and are attempting 65 of the worst of the worst has failed because the turks moved in too quick. we had to back out. what jack keane tweeted out, general jack, said the u.s. should stay with the kurds, enforce a no-fly zone. sanctions are good.
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it will not deter turkey. only punish them. steve: it may be too late for that. liz chain think talked to brian about two hours ago. said this about the country of turkey. >> i think it is crucially important for the turks to understand there is broad bipartisan support here in washington, d.c. they have got to stop this incursion. we do not want a resurgence of isis. president trump's actions to defeat the caliphate was very important. we have to make sure we maintain our presence there the kurds obviously has been a tremendous ally for us. if we abandon them them this way it will be difficult to establish alliances in the future. we need those in order to avoid deploying massive numbers on the ground. brian: it will be a wild week. ainsley: lindsey graham talked to the president over the weekend. he has softened his stance on this they hopefully will have some sort of agreement. we'll have him on the show. brian: he still thinks it is a
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huge mistake. let's look where we're at right now and solve it. steve: he said sanctions could be a game changer. we will hear it from steve mnuchin. we'll bass it along as soon as the news breaks. ainsley: hunter biden will step down from the board of that chinese company and he will stop his overseas business if his dad is elected president. steve: i did not realize this. his attorney put out a statement said he will step down at the end of the month from the chinese backed private equity firm, bhr equity investment fund. i did not realize he was working there as an unpaid board member, according to his attorney. he has gotten absolutely zero compensation. brian: what is he doing? for experience? ainsley: why would you do that? steve: has to do with boosting trade. anything like that. he didn't get paid. nonetheless, stepping down at the end of the month. here is what his lawyer said on that. brian: i would like a second
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source. ainsley: hunter always under too that his father would be guided unequivocally by established u.s. policy regardless of its effects on hunter's interests. he never anticipated the barrage of false charges against him and his father by the president of the united states. brian: he had a business partner "new yorker" magazine chronicles before this was a big deal. one thing his father never been asked, he needs to follow up on, did hunter ever tell you about this business. he keeps saying i knew nothing about it. hunter a in the story, a friendly article in the new yorker, i told him. he said i hope what you are doing. i do, dad. somebody is not telling the truth. steve: joe biden famously told his correspondent never talked to my son about his overseas business dealings. he is stepping down and congressman doug collins, republican from georgia, this shows how significant this whole deal is. >> well, it is pretty amazing
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now that hunter biden after the light has been shined on to what is seemingly interesting deals in ukraine, china, and other places now you will come out i will step away from all of this because it might seem to be a conflict with my father if he ever becomes president. that is big leap of faith. this shows you how much this is a messed up situation, and how much there were other things going on. all the democrats want to do is focus on president trump, they don't like president trump. this is another thing going on. this is flailing campaign going down. he knows he is in trouble. this is way he is trying to attract attention. brian: cbs did a poll what do you think of joe biden a response. among democrats, 29% are satisfied. 47 somewhat. 18% say somewhat dissatisfied. as elizabeth warren climbs, this puts pressure on joe biden instead of holding his spot and draw blood to re-establish
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momentum. i don't know if he is capable. he will have to show it this time. ainsley: during the debates this week. he will be asked questions about it. he has to be prepared. brian: if you want to win you have to go after him on this issue. steve: joe biden promised to keep his family members from offices at white house. obviously a shot of the president who has ivanka and jared both in a capacity of leadership there. so, anyway, he said only cabinet members will be at cabinet meetings. meanwhile adam schiff made an extraordinary comment a couple weeks ago, he said, we're really close to a deal to have the whistleblower testify to congress. well now fast forward couple weeks. sounds like the whistleblower may not testify at all because of concerns, among other things, they don't want his or her identity revealed for a variety of reasons, including it could imperil their safety. ainsley: if you read that
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letter, you don't believe there was quid pro quo, then, then most people who read the letter don't see the quid pro quo. they don't want this impeachment to happen. mostly conservatives, mostly trump supporters. the democrats want impeachment. i said all along, if you read the letter you don't need the whistleblower's comments. you don't need for him to testify because it is secondhand knowledge. now we read first-hand the conversation but if you're asking to impeach our president, the president of the united states, then hearing from the whistleblower might be important, right? he is the one that started all of this. brian: fiona hill is going to capitol hill, saying negative things about the president working with rudy giuliani. we don't know what role gordon sondland will play, ambassador to the your green union. indications he told "the washington post," i don't know if there was a quid proquote. i texted out what the president told me to text out. i don't know if people are
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running for the exits. steve: mark levin had this for speaker of the house and other democrats. >> this is the first time in american history we have a rogue speaker of the house, and small part of the democratic house of rests trying to drag our country in a complete different direction. they have rejected utterly the impeachment process. you will try to remove the president of the united states, without the president, without the american people knowing anything about his accuser, democrats, his media and his lawyers want to tell us? either that or creating a blasey ford moment, holding back until the right moment they think to spring their witness. steve: fiona hill be testifying as democrats head week four of the impeachment inquiry. still no vote on that in the house. ainsley: that's right. hand it over to jillian who has headlines for us. reporter: that's right.
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good morning. master sergeant mark allen is dead 10 years after being shot looking for an army deserter. he was shot by a sniper in afghanistan searching for boberg gall to walked off his post bowe bergdahl. the attack lefted allen paralyzed unable to talk. the hero leaves behind a wife and daughter. he was 46 years old. a massive migrant caravan is stop in its tracks on the way to the u.s. mexico's national guard blocking a group of nearly 2000 migrants from africa, caribbean. president trump promised to end tariffs on mexican imports if the country helped curb migration. the astros win a thriller to the tie the alcs at one came apiece. >> talking to the home plate
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umpire. cory blazer. here is a flyball into right. back at the wall! this game is over. jillian: look at that. a 11th inning walkoff home run, fueling houston's 3-2 win for the yankees. a paramedic was hit by a foul ball and rushed to the hospital in stable condition. the game is 4:00 eastern on fox sports 1. game 3 of the nlcs tonight. brian tried to tell me earlier i was wrong. the game tomorrow. brian: i thought they were traveling today. ainsley: he wasn't wrong they were traveling. jillian: poking the bear. brian: so close to virtually eliminating houston. very exciting. ainsley: thank you, jillian. still ahead students can sleep late without worrying about being late. the state that hit the snooze button on school. steve: biden ukraine controversy unafter vessels our next guest
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is asking for formal investigation into the biden family dealings with the country. congressman bradley burns is here with that. fox news exclusive. look, he is live. ♪
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♪. >> no one has indicated of any consequence that anything was done wrong or illegally by me or by my son and there's not a single shred of evidence to suggest anything i did was wrong. i enforced the policy of the united states government. i never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever had a conversation with my son about anything that i was doing. brian: the only problem, well only problem was did you ever talk to him about what he was doing. the bidens fighting back over scrutiny over their foreign ties. his son announced he is resigning from the chinese firm he was invested in. in a fox news aexclusive, it is time to get down to the facts i will call for formal investigation into the biden's dealings overseas. alabama congressman bradley burns. he made it clear he is running for doug jones seat that is up
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next year. what action have you taken? >> i found out earlier this year about hunter biden's dealings with china after he went on a official visit with china after his father was vice president. we find out about the ukrainian thing. i'm not asking for a foreign government to investigate him. i want the united states congress to investigate him. if the name on here was not hunter biden if it were donald trump, jr., these investigations would have already started. i want the united states congress to get to the bottom of this. what did hunter biden do. what did vice president biden do. what did all of them know. what section between vice president's biden's position and business dealings his son got. i think the american people deserve to know that. brian: what is in your hand. >> this is resolution. i will file it in the house of representatives. it will call on three committees in the house to investigate this do whatever it takes to get to the bottom of what happened. i want the facts. brian: you're in the minority. will they do this? >> i don't know.
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it would be hypocritical if they don't do this. like i said if this were donald trump, jr.'s name, there would be investigations. american people deserve to know the facts. all i want to know the facts, if the facts show hunter biden and his father didn't do anything wrong, okay but we don't know that because we haven't had an investigation. brian: an editorial said the fact that hunter biden may have not done anything wrong, that is the problem. if the vice president is in charge of the ukraine situation and his son at 37, is able to sit on a board he doesn't have anything on his resume' he would be any asset of this, the fact if there was nothing underhanded happening the appearance is wrong. >> absolutely. we should all be concerned about things like that. once again i just want to know the facts. we seem to investigate everything else that has to do with president trump. i want to investigate this with regard to hunter biden. brian: what is the president's reaction when you told him you are running for senate?
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>> i think he wants us to take back the senate seat, a get a republican there loyal to the party and i vote 97% of the time. brian: great to see you. straight ahead a husband was stabbed in their caribbean hotel. he faces man slaughter charges in the death of attacker. the wife share as chilling account what happened and the family's quest for justice. that story next. learn more at retire your risk dot org. the business of hard work... ...hustle... ...and high fives. modernized comfort inn's and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at at humana, we believe your healthcare should evolve with you. and part of that evolution
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brian: let's begin with a fox news alert. we'll start with some headlines. congresswoman tulsi gabbard announcing she will participate in tomorrow's democratic debate. good move. last year she said she would seriously consider a boycott claiming the primary is rigged. business alert.
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united auto workers union will strike outside of general motors dealerships. it has been a month since employees walked off the job. gm is confirming a offer from uaw. the same union mack truck plants. the manufacturer says there has been progress in benefit negotiations. keep your fingers crossed. steve, ainsley. steve: brian, thank you. it was supposed to be the vacation of a lifetime for one connecticut family but it turned quickly into absolute nightmare. ainsley: the hapgood family traveled to an quill la in april. 48 hours later a hotel worker showed up to the family's room with a knife, allegedly demanding money. the ordeal ended with the hotel worker dead and hapgood charged with manslaughter. they are fighting to keep their family together. scott's wife joins us with an
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account of the chilling ordeal. good morning to you. >> hi, thank you for having me. ainsley: we've been reporting the story and tell us what happened on the trip. steve: as much as you can. >> i can only tell you pieces. it was our first trip out of the country as a family. our passports arrived a month before we left. we got to the island on a friday. on saturday at 4:00, my husband and go daughters, my two young daughters were in our hotel room. there was a knock on the door, somebody in hotel uniform said i'm here to fix a leak in the sink. my husband said we don't have any leaks in our sink. come on in. here is our bathroom. he left him unattended. he went to warn the daughters, don't change out of your seats. someone is in the hotel room. he turns around and somebody had a knife and was demanding money. and -- steve: we know you can't tell a lot about the story because it is ongoing legal case but, nonetheless, there is a struggle? >> yes.
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steve: your husband gets stab stabbed? >> yes. steve: this guy somehow got away and died an hour late, right? he was restrained by your husband. >> yes. steve: an hour later not injured but he died. >> an hour later i passed away at the hospital. what we found out from toxicology report, for some reason we didn't get that until two months, four months after the incident, my bad. he was drunk. he was on a lot of cocaine. in fact two times what most consider a lethal amount of cocaine. he passed afrom the cocaine. steve: your husband is charged with manslaughter because this guy died for whatever reason. >> yes. when we were on the island the pathologist had an autopsy. based on what the pathologist found my husband was charged with manslaughter and charged. and that same path technologist once he got the information from the toxicology report, then says
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that this gentleman passed away from cocaine. not from anything my husband did. steve: your husband didn't give him the cocaine. ainsley: why is your husband charged with manslaughter. >> it's a great question. it is why i'm here. we need help. you know, i've seen trump help americans in peril around the globe. we really need his help. my husband is loving man. he has never been involved in any sort of, you know, charge at all. we don't, we're so fish out of water right now. we don't know what is going on. we never experienced anything like this before. he is a good man. he doesn't deserve this. all we want to do is take vacation with our children. spend time by ourselves, the five of us. we did not welcome this. ainsley: this is scary. you met at dartmouth. >> yes. ainsley: you've been in love 20 years. >> my best friend 25 years. ainsley: two daughters and a son. you go to a vacation with another country and they have different laws. you're fighting this. do you have a great attorney? >> we have a great legal team.
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they're wonderful. they inspire confidence in what is going on. but i'm really scared. if i had my druthers he would never return to that island again. he wants to clear his name. he knows he did nothing wrong. he continues to go down there. ainsley: he has to keep going back for hearings. >> he has been back three times already. he goes back on november 11th. a preliminary inquiry. then they decide to move forward with the trial. steve: have you been in contact with the state department? >> a really wonderful from the representative from the state department was there in april. when we first went before a magistrate we were not granted bail. that is when my husband was sent to a prison for six hours. and then luckily a high court did grant him bail. i think because of the u.s. embassy representative who was there he played a large part. we need more of their help now. steve: you mentioned the president. you want the president to help. >> trump, i've seen him do amazing things for americans. scott hapgood is the type of
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american you want to help. he is an amazing father. he is an amazing friend. a great them per of our community. ainsley: i want to take a nice vacation. now your family changed forever. >> my poor kids. we're exhausted. we're so tired. steve: thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. ainsley: we're praying for your family. >> thank you. ainsley: you're welcome. coming up senate judiciary chairman joins me live on the situation in syria and the democrats latest push for impeachment. ♪. but i don't have to clean this, because the self-cleaning brush roll removes hair while i clean. - [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans now cleans itself.
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this is the world of adp. hr, talent, time, benefits and payroll. designed for people. steve: this is a fox news alert. the big question what will the united states do? turkey is set to attack a kurdish-held city -- brian: another one. >> exactly. in syria. there are reports that a number
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of isis aligned people have flown the coop out of prisons there let's talk to u.s. senator lindsey graham, republican from south carolina, member of the senate judiciary committee and foreign relations committee. ainsley: good morning. steve: you tweeted out, it sounds like the united states is ready to impose some sanctions. we heard from steve mnuchin in the last 20 minutes. he said we're ready. you said that could be a game-changer. explain. >> well, what is going to happen i will meet with the president this afternoon. i've been working with democrat and republican colleagues to issue sanctions against turkey and the blame here is with turkey. three weeks ago i met erdogan at the u.n. in new york. the safe zone concept keep turkey and the kurds away from each other with an international force was working. a week after that he basically lied to me. called up president trump, saying i'm going into turkey and rest is history.
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quickly deteriorating inside of syria. i blame turkey. there will be crippling sanctions imposed by the congress to supplement what president trump's administration has done. we'll send a signal to turkey that is unmistakable in the eyes of erdogan and the world. we'll break his economy until he stops the bloodshed. brian: what is the disconnect, senator? erdogan not only did he think he would get away with it, he plans on coming to the washington to visit the president a couple weeks? who is not communicating with who? >> erdogan made the biggest mistake of his political life. the president has tried to hold this together. the ypg kurds in the eyes of turkey are a terrorist organization. they're aligned someone with the dkk but they were also the main force to help us destroy isis. america cannot defend herself without partners. so it is important that we do three things. that we stop isis from coming
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back and turkey's incursion into syria is making it impossible to keep isis prisoners in jail because the kurds can't fight. brian: a thousand are out. a thousand are out of prison. >> yeah, so, right. more to come. unless we intervene. but the good news is, president trump is going to intervene with the congress in a way to punish erdogan unlike anytime in turkey's life. i hate this but he brought it on himself, israel. there is 200 person detachment down in southern syria, the end of the northern area, where americans stopped the flow of arms from tehran to beirut. this detachment needs to stay as a countering iran presence that we need to keep. we need to make sure isis doesn't come back. we need to make sure that we take care of israel. and the other i that i worry about is iran. if we don't have some presence in syria, iran will take the
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syrian oil fields. that would be a disaster. that would undercut everything president trump has tried to do in containing iran. ainsley: senator, what were your conversations like with the president over the weekend? i know you said you are going to meet with him today. which democrats are helping you? >> good. everybody. i'm going to talk to pelosi at 9:00, van hollen. i've i will talk to senator menendez. i never seen so much support. we had it with erdogan. bought the s-400 from russia. put the entire nato alliance at risk. we were trying to accommodate his concerns about the kurdish threats. the president negotiated a safe zone that is working. erdogan misjudged president trump and sure as hell misjudged me. he will see a united front i haven't seen a long time for republicans and democrats working with the administration will come down on him like a ton of bricks. iranian type sanctions.
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he deserves it. brian: senator, one thing i have trouble stumping susan rice is, people made decision not to enforce the red line, pull everyone out of iraq, call isis the jv team are now critical of the president. i think the president made a bad move. you do too. these are the last peel that should be commenting. they left this. >> well, it would be like going to a sumo wrestler asking for a diet advice. last person i would talk to would be anybody from the obama years. here is the difference between trump and obama. trump will chip his mind and adjust. obama was smarter than everybody in the room. he knew everything about every topic. he blew it when it came to syria. he had assad on the ropes. let russia come in to bail out assad. abandoned the syrian democratic forces. president trump has shown a willingness to adjust. here is what president trump is going to do. he will partner with the united
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states congress and rs and ds we'll crush erdogan until we stop the bloodshed. we'll drive him out of syria and reset the table. ainsley: senator -- >> we need to reacquire control of the skies. it is to me offensive f-16s designed by america used to bomb the kurds. this alliance between the kurds and assad is not good for us. assad equals iran. the last thing you want to do is let iran become more powerful in northeastern syria. last thing we want to abandon the kurds and let isis come back. ainsley: senator, i understand the sanctions could help pull back turkey from invading northern syria and going after the kurds but how can we also make sure isis does not grow if we're pulling our troops out? >> great question. here is what we need. we need a configuration once we drive turkey out to accomplish three vital u.s. missions. to make sure isis never comes back. if you think they just threaten europe you're wrong.
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they will radicalize people in our country. if they come back and re-establish, even a small caliphate, they will be seen as winners and they will radicalize people here at home. they will come here. so a force to contain isis is necessary. a counterweight to iran is necessary and we need to keep that base open -- ainsley: can we do that with our troops not there? want to keep the base open? >> we'll need a small footprint, we'll need a small food print. the europeans need to do more. they need to take back their isis fighters. the goal number one, stop the bloodshed, punish turkey, make sure russia, iran, north korea, are watching the way trump does business. if he punishes erdogan, an ally on paper, that will send a signal there is a new sheriff in town. steve: interesting to see what happens by the end of the day, you will talk to the president, talk to congress. the two of you have not agreed
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on this particular topic. he said i made a campaign promise. we'll see what happens later today. talk about adam schiff. >> can i say one thing about -- steve: please. >> he took an oath of office to defend us against all enemies foreign and domestic. he has done a great job crippling the iranian economy. don't let them come back in syria. keep the foot on isis float, mr. president. you don't want the isis flag flying next summer. after a small contingent we can do this. to the whistleblower, the idea the whistleblower would be allowed to testify in writing to hearsay testimony offends every concept of due process. steve: all right. we'll see whether or not they testify at all. adam schiff yesterday suggested that we don't need to hear from him because we have the transcript. brian: is unthinkable. >> what a joke. what a joke. brian: in what way? >> i'm going to send a letter to
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nancy pelosi, signed by as many republican senators as i can find to say that the transcript does not represent an impeachable offense. some are troubled by it. i am not. we give money to ukraine. we have reason to be concerned about corruption. we write a letter to pelosi if you will impeach the president based on phone call, transcript of at phone call, that is nonstarter in the senate. don't destroy the country over that. steve: senator lindsey graham joining us i believe from clemson in south carolina. ainsley: how about them gamecocks? >> can you believe it. >> it was a great game. >> can you believe it? anything is possible in this world. turkey, we're coming after you, pal. ainsley: thank you, senator. steve: meanwhile switching gears the inspector general report on the origins of the russia probe could come out some saying friday. it could cover more than fisa
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abuse. brian: one man makes it understandable. he is not here so we have ed henry. ♪ other company out there. they give us excellent customer service, every time. our 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family... we're the rivera family... we're the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. get your auto insurance quote today.
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horowitz, justice department inspector general. why carter page was surveiled. why the trump admin situation was essentially spied upon. the few people seen it telling others, told me, this is going to be devastating for james comey and other officials. it has an eye-opening look at the origins of the 2016 investigation, the investigation around the 2016 election, alleged russia collusion. big caveat, michael horowitz as we know is not a prosecutor. he is an inspector general. he is telling the facts which could be devastating for comey and mccabe, john brennan and others. the big step after that, what john durham is doing after that. he has been assigned by attorney general barr to take these facts and durham as own facts he is talking to italian intelligence, british intelligence, brian has been talking about, i'm told by people close to that that durham
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is finding a lot of information. it will come out in piece peel. it will a big report like the mueller report. buckle up for that one. steve: when the report came out, talked about andrew mccabe, they made a referral to that department, they said we should fire him. there won't be any criminal referrals out of this. that would be durham. >> michael horowitz could suggest that the behavior i've seen around fisa abuse could lead to prosecution. make recommendation, big picture talk. he is not a prosecutor. the point if he lays these facts on the table as i have heard them. it could lay a predicate for john durham who is an actual prosecutor to say, if you look what the inspector general found, who is non-partisan. go to john durham, i'm told people around him, republicans democrats independents, john durham is prosecutor from connecticut, a sterling reputation someone who is non-political, not a buddy of president trump. steve: eric holder praised him. >> looking at the facts.
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people close to the probe watch out what john durham is going to do. there is no report. we'll see a rolling bit of information coming from durham and potential indictments, i underline potential. the question gets down with hillary clinton's email, what was the intent? was there intent to commit a crime? we don't know that we shouldn't assume that we have to wait for the facts. >> we heard from so many people -- >> facts will be devastating. ainsley: the facts will be devastating. this is the big report. the major one we'll find out. >> there are series of emails from the inspector general. steve mentioned several months ago. one about mccabe and contacts with the media. that is one of several reports. this is a big one, it gets into the fisa abuse. that is serious, serious stuff. we have to see what the actual report says. people have seen the draft told me it is going to be very rough on comey and others. good to see you. ainsley: thank you, ed. he is the youngest living medal of honor recipient who nearly died when he jumped on a grenade
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to save a fellow marine. lance corporal kyle carpenter is sharing his story of heroism next. brian: bill hemmer, what is coming up at the top of his show. >> columbus day it is. what will the administration do about turkey as they developed over the weekend. stew tuned with more. interview behind closed doors. we'll tell you whose turn it is today. news on hunter biden. general jack keane will take us through it, ken starr. join sandra and me in minutes. see you monday, 11 minutes away, top of the hour. were you going to tell me about this? i know i can't afford to go. i still have this car so you can afford to go. i am so proud of you.
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guest became the nation's youngest living medal of heroism recipient. kyle carpenter threw himself on top of an enemy grenade saving the life of a fellow marine while nearly losing his own. his heart flat-lined, lost right eye, much of his face, leading to dozens of surgery, and years of recovery. the former marine is sharing his incredible story in a new memoir entitled you are worth it. building a life you're entitled for. lance carpenter to "fox & friends." >> thank you so much for having me. steve: we have this book because you had a conversation with an uber driver. >> that is where the title came from, yes. bobby from pakistan, we were having a conversation on the way to the airport and he told me, thank you for your service. and i responded, you are worth it because, i never responded
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like that before. but, after i got out of the uber and i reflected on that moment, i'm so thankful i said it. i wanted him to know that the struggles his family went through before they came here, all people around the world, that, hoped to wake up one day and taste freedom. of course all americans are worth laying in a hospital bed, worth sacrificing for, deep scars on our bodies because those ideals and those people are worth it. steve: but it cost you so much. it just cost you so much. explain how the grenade comes over, it is you and another guy. rather than pick it up and throw it you jumped up? >> so myself and a fellow marine why on top of a roof. i don't remember anything in the moments leading up to it, as were kind of talking before, from the moment we step on those
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yellow footprints in boot camp in the marine corps, we're taught our history and legacy and courageous marines jumped on grenades for fellow marines before. we're told the stories. taught those lessons. it makes us want to step up in those times of need for our fellow marines and be courageous. you know, to, value these that are serving alongside us. just as much as our own lives. steve: extraordinary thing after you've been through so much, you would do it again. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> where does that come from? >> i'm thankful and honored and served this country, earned the title of marine. like i said, just our history, what we stand for, i'm very proud that in that moment of need i was able to step up.
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steve: it is a fantastic book. it hits the bookshelves tomorrow. you can preorder it right now. kyle carpenter, you are worth it, that is the name of the book, and you are worth it. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. steve: real pleasure. thank you, sir. you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. the ninja foodi pressure cooker, the pressure cooker that crisps. a lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher doesn't get everything clean. i tell them, it may be your detergent... that's why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum. it's specially-designed with the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. cascade platinum's unique actionpacs dissolve quickly... remove stuck-on food. . . for sparkling-clean dishes, the first time. choose the detergent that lets your dishwasher do the dishes! cascade platinum.
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♪ >> in the "after the show show" we'll talk to kyle carpenter about his new book you're worth it. >> we'll see you tomorrow. >> don't forget to run to the radio. >> bill: breaking news now from overnight. turkey says it is set to attack the largest kurdish-held city in syria. if that happens, it will be another escalation in this short-lived war. reports of a deal struck with russia and assad as well. complicated thick stuff here. one step at a time. hope you had a great weekend.
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>> sandra: it is looking beautiful out there. good morning, everyone. i'm sandra smith. the pentagon defending president trump's decision to pull troops from northern syria saying the u.s. did not want to go to war with a long-standing nato ally in turkey. here is lindsey graham on that just a moment ago.


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