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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  October 15, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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battle ax named kim. she cursed my life with three stepchildren. rob ron awesome. the contestant later said he was joking, of course. everybody loved it including pat sajak. jillian: that's funny. rob: we got to go. jillian: bye. ♪ ♪ steve: we are halfway through october 15th. and i wonder if that was staged. ainsley: did you hear that guy? got a loveless marriage. he has terrible step kids. i hope he wins. steve: i hope he was joking. brian: between that and the guy who is dead and recorded his voice banging on the coffin. ainsley: oh my gosh. yes. brian: what do we believe anymore? ainsley: someone dies and in funeral banging. it was a jokester,
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apparently. brian: it was a tape. he is really dead. ainsley: i don't know. it was a tape? really? it was all part. [laughter] brian: we see, we are making news while sitting on the couch. ainsley: i love both of these guys. who are these people? steve: thank you for joining us very busy tuesday. brian: very seinfeldian. pushing ahead with an attack on a kurdish held city. ainsley: comes as president trump authorizes tough sanctions calling to an immediate end to all the violence. steve: griff jenkins is live with more. the president said i thought you had a deal. have you got to stop it. what the heck are you doing? griff: he did, steve. the president is demanding a cease-fire redeploying recall troops to stay in the reason as turkey drives deeper into northern syria. the president's son, vice president pence and senator mnuchin and senator sends is
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i graham with a strong message to erdogan. >> the united states wants turkey to stop the invasion to implement an immediate cease-fire and to begin to negotiate with kurdish forces in syria to bring an end to the violence. griff: pence is being dispatched to anchor are a as soon as possible. the president issued that executive order declaring an emergency saying turkey's military offense endangering civilians and peace and security in the region. i'm swiftly prind to destroy the economy if they continue down this dangerous and dangerousive path. new sanction sanction sanctions. it comes amid bipartisan condemnation of the president's decision to withdraw his troops. speaker pelosi put this statement out. president trump has unleashed an escalation of chaos and insecurity? syria. his announcement of a package of sanctions against turkey falls very short of reversing that humanitarian disaster. meanwhile, guys, russian
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backed assad regime troops reached the front lines after striking a deal with the kurds that greatly compliments the situation just in the last 30 minutes. weave see the syrian state media saying that the syrian government troops are in the town of pa manbij kurdish held town. we will see if turkey goes in there with syrian troops on the ground that into the be a good development. brian: clash of titans. thanks, griff. on top of that you have president erdogan writing an editorial in american newspaper the "wall street journal" saying i don't know why everyone is surprised. i told everyone at the u.n. i told everyone what i wanted to do. i'm doing exactly what i said. basically they want to clear out the kurdish and what they call the terrorists from the border and push back. and saying that i really didn't give the president a choice. my sense is that the president said my guys are staying there we're going to establish th no-fly zone. don't try to breach it.
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that would have been his choice. steve: at one of the turkey air force bases we have 50 tactical nuclear weapons right there. we have got them scattered across portions of europe. and in fact, some of the artillery that has fired into syria, the artillery has come from that particular air force base. it's tough for us. one senior defense official told the "new york times" essentially though they are under american control, erdogan is holding them hostage because they are on his territory and we are currently having a problem. ainsley: when the president and erdogan talked we said we want turkey to implement immediate cease-fire. the president said i will totally destroy and obliterate the economy of turkey if they do anything that's off limits. steve: here is brit hume on all of this. >> should be enough to get order gone's attention and then the what does do erdogan is bound and determined to see this through. and, you foe, politically, in this country, how this
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will be received will depend a lot on what will happen when we begin to get a real sense once -- almost when it's over. if american troops had stayed there, it's possible some of them would have been killed by turkish forces which would have greated a new sets of facts that the president would have had to react. to say which is what he stepped away from. make no mistake about it. the kurds are what they are. there are some terrorists within their midst and there is all kinds of history here and can you go through all of it. brian: there is a downside. just keep in mind, too. as you see nancy pelosi and others outraged. buck sexton's tweet was right on the money when he said around 500,000 human beings were killed in syria while barack obama was president and leaving for a political segment for civil war. media has been outraged last 72 hours in policy. than they were at any point over the last seven years of slaughter let alone the millions that have blooded ibloodflooded in and destabilizd
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europe. steve: yesterday was a federal holiday, officially. employees on capitol hill this the day off there was testimony in the impeachment inquiry. it's curious, now that we are entering day two of the fourth week of it, you know, the "new york post" has got on op-ed talking about the impeachment push and they talk about how the "new york times" and "the washington post" have both called on nancy pelosi to hold an official vote in to making the inquiry official. as they did during the nixon years and also the clinton years. but, for some reason, she refuses to do it. and, you know, the "new york post" is wondering why the problem? what is she hiding? why don't they vote? ainsley: it's been kind of nice over the last few weeks we haven't had much impeachment talk because they have been on will recess for the jewish holidays and for columbus day. now they are calling for witnesses and a lot of documents asking a lot of powerful people for any information that they have on the president and
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ukraine. brian: the two women that came in the deposed ambassador ukraine and fiona hill former ambassador to russia have really talked negatively, reportedly, about the president, about rudy giuliani. and what was going on in the ukraine. that's behind closed doors. i imagine at some point the testimony is going to come out no. word really. there is some sense that the ambassador to the european union who goes thursday, he might -- there is reports that he will be positive towards the president, no quid pro quo as he tweeted. others say he is going to say i'm not even sure. ainsley: that's gordon sunday land he is the one that wrote in that text message that said there is no quid pro quo. brian: now he is saying that the president told him to say that meanwhile congressman zeldin of new york has been quite active about this whole thing and he was speaking out yesterday with martha. >> what rule of the house is governing this impeachment inquiry. the jurisdiction of the intelligence committee is to deal with intelligence related matters and here we
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are with this fly by night making it up as we go along process where the american public is kept completely in the dark except for what adam schiff wants to cherry pick out to the american public. withholding a lot of key facts. under the rules of the deposition,i can't even stand here before you today and tell you every single thing that happened. i can't tell you anything. but what i can say it's our position, it's the republican position that there should be pull transparency and full sunlight and the american public should know everything. steve: absolutely. and why isn't there? a number of these things have been transcribed depositions behind closed doors. essentially secret meetings. what is the purpose of that? well, that is because of the way they have made it if i died who leadecide to leak any e deposition and what happened inside it's a criminal matter. i will tell you what it would have been a criminal matter after the testimony yesterday buy heard a lot on the radio this morning a lot about what she had to say. it's curious what's going on
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behind closed doors. tomorrow michael mckinley former advisor to mike pompeo is going to testify. the democrats are mulling whether or not to call behind closed doors john bolton and see what he has to say. brad parscale calls this inquiry a is a dishes conspiracy. brian: rick perry thursday and you mentioned gordon sondland will be going on thursday as well. and there is a whole bunch of deadlines. the president said he is not cooperating which makes me wonder why would mike pompeo's assistant go if the president is telling him not to cooperate? ainsley: remember that headline the other day it said impeachment in secret and ken starr, the former white water independent counsel says democrats are using a questionable approach holding all these closed door meetings. listen. >> in america, we do not believe in secret trials. remember guantanamo and the cries that we need to open these things up and, of course, that involved national security. whwe are now talking about the
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fundamental political act or attempt to remove a president of the united states. it's we, the people. those are the words of the preamble. i think it's a constitutional affront that this process continues. it's not adam schiff. it is the speaker of the house of representatives who is authorized this very unorthodox and i think highly questionable approach. brian: the reason for saying they go behind closed doors they don't want the witnesses to coordinate testimony and they really believe adam schiff indicated they believe they are liars and they are going to do anything to protect the president, which is a wonderful thought. the quinnipiac poll came out and i'm sure you are curious to see what these lawmakers got when they went home for the last two weeks if they should keep going or stop. the quinnipiac poll said 45% of voters said that trump should be impeached from what they know. 49% say he should not be impeached and those numbers going against the president seem to be going for the president, especially as long as this goes on.
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steve: right. and the more people who are called in, if the democrats were going to make their testimony public. the public would realize wait a minute, where is the bad part. the guy said there is no quid pro quo. how is that damaging the president? one other thing that brad parscale the president's campaign manager called for yesterday and that is for the resignation of nancy pelosi, speaker of the house, because it's all secret. brian: right. brad parscale. ainsley: i'm sure she will follow his orders. steve: she will just sign that. brian: by the way, have you ever seen him he is very tall. ainsley: did he so well in the campaign of 2016 he made him in charge of his campaign for 2020. over to jillian for headlines. jillian: good morning to you. over to this fox news alert. the former police officer who shot and killed a woman inside her home is charged with murder. aaron dean was arrested hours after resigning from the fort worth police department. is he accused of shooting atatiana jefferson while responding to a welfare
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check about her front door being open. dean never identified himself as an officer. and shot jefferson in front of her 8-year-old neff few. the fbi has been asked to review the case for possible civil rights violations. also breaking right now. intense manhunt underway for expected killer in central florida. accused of a double murder weeks after killing a man in tennessee. he held a witness hostage for hours and confessed to killing as many as 8 people. the suspect has several distinct tattoos you can see there including one on his back featuring his nickname woo-woo. sabotaged on the day meant to honor the explorer. found covered in red paint. vandals in providence, rhode island said stop celebrating genocide. controversy surrounding columbus day has mounted for years as groups push to rename the holiday
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indigenous people's day. and how about this? the washington nationals are just one win away from the world series. >> first time up and on the first pitch, base hit. on his way home. he will score. and the washington nationals strike first. jillian: pitcher steven straussberg leading the nats 8-1 win over the cardinals. look to complete the sweep tonight as the yankees will try to take back the series lead over the astros in the bronx. this seems like it's almost too easy are to the nationals. they are killing them. steve: they are on fire. brian: maybe they won't play game four. jillian: maybe they will sit it out. steve: thank you very much. ainsley: thank you, jillian. attorney general bill barr blasting attacks on religion notre dame law school. next guest went to notre dame and says barr is spot on. >> the problem is not that religion is being forced on
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others. the problem is that irreligion is being forced, secular values are being forced on people of faith. at walgreens, we love smart savers. like yard-sale savers. tee-time savers. and especially med d savers. select a medicare part d plan with walgreens as your preferred pharmacy and get co-pays for as low as zero dollars
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>> the problem that religion is not being forced on others. the problem is that irreligion is being forced. secular values are being forced on people of faith.
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among the militant secularists are many so-called progressives. but where is the progress as long as i'm attorney general, the department of justice will be at the forefront of this effort ready to fight for the most cherished of all our american liberties. the freedom to live according to our faith. attorney general william barr delivering a very powerful speech to notre dame law students on the importance of religious liberty in america. our next guest says that bill barr gets religion. fox news contributor and university of notre dame graduate bill mcgurn joins us now. good morning, bill. >> good morning, ainsley. ainsley: what did you think about that? pretty bold. >> i happened to be out there for the usc game. this was a two-for. we beat usc and bill barr delivered a really wonderful speech especially because of who he is, the attorney general of the united states. ainsley: you beat the other usc. i went to south carolina. what was your reaction to
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the media could not stand. this they hated it. >> right. well, that's what's interesting about it. i mean, actually what he was really talking about is something that's been consistent throughout american history. people say if you want self-government, people to be capable of self-government, they have to have some moral virtues, right, and be able to control themselves. and that's a classic theme throughout american history jo from john adams to tokeville to fdr and so forth. the reaction was really incredible because, you know, he was called the spanish inquisitor. paul krugman said this was like a pa gram type speech. it's just over the top. this is what he was talking about. so what he talked about was that the antireligion people are behaving like a religion themselves with intolerance and excommunication and sort of witch trials. and the reaction proved that they came out. they were just so over the top. ainsley: does it worry you?
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does it scare you? >> very sad in american life that any public official, any time you say something mildly favorable about religion it's treated as though it's hate speech. and you wonder if they really read it. the other point that he talked about is just -- it was more on the social utility of religion. the role it has of informing citizens and people that can, you know, govern themselves and he pointed out in religion, when they address a problem, if you are drinking too much, you are cheating on your spouse, they say stop drinking too much, stop cheating on your spouse, show some personal responsibility. and tokeville called the soft despot tim the state says we will mitigate the bad consequences. if you get pregnant, there will be abortion. you take drugs, we will give you clean needles. all these other things. we kind of underwrite bad behavior rather than addressing it. ainsley: what happens to our country when we go this that direction? >> i think part of his complaint was we are heading
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in this directions at least in a lot of elite commentary. encouraging that a place like notre dame can be a host to this and have an argument. you can say the word god without game and hash these questions out. the the attorney general said some strong things. the real answer is to debate him. instead it's just name-calling. and intolerance. the speech was sort of more revealing for what it said about the uncompromisingcompromg militant is i ocompromisingmilil barr. ainsley: democrats keep calling president trump a racist. >> not just this racist president. >> we note president is a racist. >> the president's racist rhetoric should be in enough grounds for everybody in this country to vote him out of office. ainsley: next guest says the president's actions prove he
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go to to get started. ♪ steve: all right. some quick headlines for you. first up fast food could soon get a whole lot slower. a growing number of cities considering banning drive-thrus to help the environment. minneapolis eventually outlawed new construction. similar measures popping up in california, new jersey, and missouri. meant to cush emissions from those cars that are idling at the drive-up window. one lawmaker thinks that cutting back on sunscreen will help save the planet. a florida state senator is proposing a bill that would require a prescription for lotions with certain
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chemicals. she claims sunscreen is killing our coral reefs. critics argue it's more important for people to avoid skin cancer. so there you go. all right. brian? brian: here time and time again democrats calling president trump a racist. for example: >> we have the most dangerous president, somebody who is a pathological liar, a racist. not just this racist president. >> we know donald trump is a racist. the president's racist rhetoric should be enough grounds for nerve this country to vote him out of office. >> the president is a racist. brian: our next guest is calling out the left writing this op-ed quote don't believe the democratic lies. trump is not a racist and his policies have benefited black people. republican strategist and sun vision strategies chris joins us now. chris, when the said that there was almost no push back. why? >> frankly, i think unfortunately it has become a thing to be cool so to speak to not support him.
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afraid to support the president. unfortunately that's the narrative the democrats are going with that's the narrative that must stop. i was just talking to a friend about this last night ironically before he became president, he was in playing in music videos and rappers talked about him. people in minority communities talked about him. brian: they watched the atis. it would be like a thing to be the trump brand. all of a sudden because is he running for president. they want to call him racist. i think it's absolutely absurd and crazy. we live in a society where we are free. we are free, independent people. so we should be free independent thinkers. it's time to start acting like it and not being afraid to stand up. brian: charlottesville people point to when he called out the envelope players and said you sobs, stand up. so, and they looked at that with the 65% athletes they looked at that as negative towards african-americans. >> i don't think it has anything to do with a race. i think it has to do with freedom.
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it has to do withstanding up for our country, our flag. that's what this is about. so important. we have men and women fighting and dying and getting injured, coming back with no limbs and serious wounds dying every day for us and fighting. it's important to stand up for our flag and nation. i think that's what's important. he was talking about that. brian: right. >> stand up. these guys are fights for us to be here happy and free. that's what that is about. brian: when president obama was having problems with the preacher and his former reverend, reverend wright. he came out and gave a speech about race. as an african-american he was probably one of his most substantial speeches. wildly acclaimed. county president give a speech like that? >> so i certainly think that he can. i think he is certainly give an empowering speech. i think he probably needs to really come out and a little bit stronger and a lot of people, a lot of ambiguity. they are not certain. and some already have the narrative from what the media says. what i look at policy action doing great things.
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he actually said the other day in a speech that african-americans are entitled and deserved to have a country that push their families and them first. he said that he said they have built this nation on blood, sweat, and tears. that's what he said. a person that is racist does not say that. brian: i understand. the numbers don't lie, too. black unemployment record 5.5%. that was just in september alone. the numbers continue to decrease. what i think is important to bring up, too. is if you are going to bring up history and past is republicans was ab abraham lincoln a republican. jim crow laws by democrats. it was all those things that were happening with robert byrd, kkk. if you want to go back in history where the party has been in support of the african-american community. it starts with the republicans but somehow republicans have allowed that to switch. >> i completely agree. i think the party has to do a better job of reaching tout minorities and really kind of conveying a stronger message it. has to be better marketing. no better person to do that but president trump.
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brian: he does this administration and other republican administrations have not tried hard enough. that community is not going to be in our corner. i have got to focus on those i can convert. made it harder on guys like you to who do believe in the president. >> you are completely right. you hit the nail right on the head. they have not done. president trump is the first in recent times to come out there and say guys, let's really be supportive and let's do. this look what he is doing with hb -- increased funding. absolutely amazing. brian: president of sun vision strategies thank you so much. >> thanks. brian: hunter biden breaking his silence about his business dealings in the ukraine and china. >> did i make a mistake? well, maybe in the grand scheme of things, yeah. but did i make a mistake based upon some unethical lapse? absolutely not. brian: congressman michael waltz is here to react. i'm ládeia, and there's more to me than hiv.
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i think they'll be fine. voya. helping you to and through retirement. ♪ >> do you regret being on the board to begin with. >> no. i don't regret being on the board. what i regret is not taking into account that there would be a rudy giuliani and a president of the united states that would be listening to this ridiculous conspiracy idea. did i make a mistake? well, maybe in the grand scheme of things, yeah. but did i make a mistake based upon some unethical lapse? absolutely not. steve: so the answer to the question where is hunt? the answer is he is at his kitchen table in los angeles sitting down with good morning america. let's bring in congressman michael waltz. he is a republican from florida lieutenant colonel. green beret commander. led missions for search for
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bowe bergdahl. he joins us from our nation's capital. what do you make of mr. hunter biden admitting he made a mistake politically? >> you know, it just smells, doesn't it? this is what we were just down in our district and this is what people mean when they are talking about the swamp. and, you know, how did this guy get this sweetheart deal we all know because his dad was the vice president. i'm much more concerned about how he got a billion dollars from china just a month after flying over there on air force 2. this stinks. i hope the senate looks into it soon. and really gets after whether the vice president used his influence and his office to enrich his family. ainsley: by him coming out and speaking out does that help or hurt joe biden. >> i don't think that helped certainly in that interview. this is exactly what, again, this is exactly what people are so tired of. politicians fighting. politicians enriching
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themselves, and what i heard loud and clear from thousands of floridians is what happened to healthcare, transportation beings prescription drugs and all the issues that affect our lives. brian: usmca. >> that's right. brian: he expanded on this interview. and here is he talking about being on energy board called burisma. >> why did you leave the board in april. >> it's a five-year term. >> and you chose not to continue. >> i chose not to. >> why? >> i think it's pretty obvious why. i think this is what becomes a distraction. because i have to sit here and answer these questions. and so that's why i have committed that i won't serve any boards or i won't work directly for any foreign entities when my dad becomes president. brian: i should say that was not the burisma board it was the chinese investment board. so, his term was up. >> well, you know, this is the thing that is so disturbing about the chinese who just had their 70th anniversary of the communist party and were displaying
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military weapons that have exceeded ours that we cannot defend against because they have either stolen our technology or they buy it through these chinese backed private equity firms. and which hunter biden was participating in. so, this is really disturbing, i think it needs to be looked into. it needs to be investigated. it's not going to come from the democratically led house of representatives. it needs to come from the senate. steve: just one other thing that he said in the clips that were released by abc, he said essentially that if his last name was not biden he probably would not have been asked to be on the board. >> yeah. of course not. i mean, i don't even know what else to say to that. of course he wasn't going to be asked to be on the board. he didn't have oil and gas expertise. did he not have regional expertise. he certainly didn't have the expertise to invest over a billion dollars on a timeline that investors expected to show returns. so we all know why he got the job. brian: opposition research.
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the trump war room put this out. a direct quote from tom brokaw to joe biden in 2008. quote: wasn't it inappropriate for someone like you in the middle of all of this to have your son collecting money from this big credit card company while you were on for protecting its interest? so there was already, even from tom brokaw in 2008, people wondering about what was going on with you and maybe. ainsley: inappropriate things. >> again, we need to get to the bottom of it. and we need to get to the bottom of -- i mean right on the heels of flying over -- can you imagine if the trump family, if this happened and how the mainstream media would just be losing their minds? so, we need to get to the bottom of it. it's got to come from the senate. as you guys all know in the house, i'm fighting as a sitting congressman just to be able to read the transcripts from the witnesses that they're calling because i'm barred from it. steve: nice and simple. brian: real quick just before did you go tucker underthe sanctions the president put steel tariffs on yesterday.
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threatening to him hit him with financial penalties. what would you do if the president called you up and said how do we change the behavior of turkey through sanctions what needs to be in there? >> well, we are going and i'm working with liz cheney and lindsey graham to put this package in place in the congress to hit erdogan's upper circle and military. the turkish army needs to withdraw back to its border. reestablish the safe zone. my worry, guys is, that the russians, syrians and the kurds are all fighting the turks. nobody is fighting isis. i'm talking to the guys down range and isis commanders araswe speak. ainsley: if we want to pull our men out and send them home how do we fight isis. >> we can't fight them. ainsley: they can't do it on their own? at what point do we let them take over? >> if we let them take over, we're going to -- this is what obama did and this was the same thinking when he just pulled us out of iraq
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and we are repeating the mistakes of history. they cannot go after isis in the way we did. i'm not saying tens of thousands, ainsley. we are talking a few hundred fighting through our local allies on the ground and eventually setting conditions for them to take over. we have that model all over the world as we speak. brian: we have lost our local allies. that's the problem. >> right. brian: got to get them back. ainsley: congressman, thank you. thanks for your service. >> thanks so much. ainsley: we will hand it over to jillian for more headlines. jillian: let's talk about what's happening tonight 12 democrats take the stage for the fourth primary debate. the "new york times" and cnn will host the event at otterbein university in columbus, ohio. congresswoman tulsi gabbard will be there despite previous threats to boycott the debate over claims the dnc is rigging the primary. qualifying democrats had to raise donations from 130,000 people and earn 2% support in four polls. and nba star lebron james says houston rockets general
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manager daryl morey was must informed when he tweeted support for hong kong protesters. >> i believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand. and he spoke. and so many people could have been harmed. not only financially but physically, emotionally, spiritually. jillian: lebron later tweeted, quote. let me clear up the confusion. i do not believe there was any consideration for the consequences and ramifications of the tweet. i'm not discussing the substance. others can talk about that. so, a man gets the last laugh at his own funeral. check this out. [knocking] hello? let me out. let me out. it's [bleep] dark in here. [laughter] >> hello again ♪ hello. jillian: the man from dublin recorded his let me out please just before his death so he could prank everyone at his burial.
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his daughter said it was her dad's dying wish to prank the family. ainsley: trying not to laugh and cry. steve: also at the same time wondering is that real? brian: that is real freaky. janice dean you are outside. have you gotten over his passing and you are now focusing on the weather. janice: yet another great intro by the great brianed brian kilmeade. coastal low coming up the coast tomorrow. combine with frontal boundary area of low pressure across the south. showers and thunderstorms for you. perhaps some flash flooding. and then this low pressure across the great lakes and the you were midwest is what is going to give us that energy for the coastal low. and we could see the potential for a lot of rain and some wind wednesday into thursday. stay tuned for that we will keep you up to date. all right. back inside, steve, ainsley, brian. steve: a wet one.
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ainsley: weird toss back to brian now. brian: don't get her involved. she is above that. steve: all right. ainsley: don't get her involved on the toss back. okay. brian: she has a great career ahead of her. steve: you just heard hunter biden break his silence about ties to ukraine and china. what does judge napolitano think? all rise, here comes the judge. he's next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ oh! oh! oh!
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i'm about to capture proof of the ivory billed woodpecker. what??? no, no no no no. battery power runs out. lifetime retirement income from tiaa doesn't. guaranteed monthly income for life. nooooo! being on the board to begin with. >> i don't regret being on the board. what i regret is not taking into account that there would be a rudy giuliani and a president of the united states that would be listening to this ridiculous
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conspiracy idea. did i make a mistake? well, maybe in the grand scheme of things, yeah. but did i make a mistake based upon some unethical lapse? absolutely not. steve: fox news alert. that is hunter biden breaking the silence from his kitchen table and defending his foreign business dealings while his father was vice president of the united states. brian: here to react is fox news senior judicial analyst host of liberty file on fox nation who just saw this five minutes ago like all of us. legally, what comes to mind as he sits at his table in an interview he did over the weekend talking about what we all know key word in your question is legally. i don't know of any american law that he violated. maybe there should be laws that either prevent you from trading on your relative's names or require to you reveal it. but those laws don't exist at the present time. i am sure that with the president's animosity about this if there were a law that he violated that the doj would be all over this. it does not appear that
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that's the case. so is there the appearance of impropriety when you trade on your father's name? of course there is. that is a political problem not a legal one. ainsley: what did you think about the interview the clips that you have seen his demeanor. >> i thought he was a nervous wreck. he is not accustomed to being on the television the way we are. and wasn't very forceful. i have got to do this and burst the bubble because it's harming my father and harming my family and it's about time i spoke on it. i don't know if this advances the biden ball so to speak or if it makes it worse for them. that's more a p.r. issue than a legal one. steve: sure. >> knowing bill barr and knowing the way the president is riled up about this, if there were a there there. what we call articulable suspicion. a basis to state verbally what crime he broke. the doj would be all over it. and if they were, they would tell him and if they told him, we would know it. and none of that seems to have happened.
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steve: so it's not a legal thing he is answering. it's a political problem he is posing for his father? >> precisely. precisely. did they want rudy giuliani and the president to expose this? of course not. did they think that he would be the target of the president's personal like this. i can't imagine. steve: that's all political. >> correct. correct. brian: we also know that new yorker magazine did an extensive article went up like 5,000 pages about a month ago where he continued about his continuing battle with substance abuse up until very, very recently the reason he was kicked out of the military. couldn't serve there a day. he failed the first test he took. >> right. brian: it's a bit of a dicey situation. doesn't profile as someone who should be heading up an investment firm with chinese can with a chinese investor and did meet with that guy on air force 2. >> again, all of it looks bad but none of it is criminal. and you know this is the way
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the congressman that was just on, congressman waltz, great guy. this is the way the chinese operate they find someone who they think will gain a toe hold in society and offer them money. ithey didn't put a billion dollars in his pocket but $1 billion in al entity he was managing. ainsley: that is legal? >> that is legal. steve: struggles with addiction. we will have more on that in a little bit. >> pleasure, guys. steve: just hours before tonight's democratic debate. this morning word somebody else may want to get. in. ainsley: plus, you usually see her talking politics from fox news channel. but today jessica tarlov and her family are in the "fox & friends" kitchen. they are cooking up their family's favorite. brian: lynlynn lynn
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♪ - [woman] with my shark, i deep clean messes like this, this, and even this. but i don't have to clean this, because the self-cleaning brush roll removes hair while i clean. - [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans now cleans itself.
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steve: most days catch jessica tarlov dishing on politics on the fox news channel. today she is cooking with family. joining us her sister mollie right there. her brother-in-law alex and her mother judy. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> this is a tarlov family favorite. right, judy? >> it is a favorite. invented by the tarlov family father. steve: when he lived in washington, d.c. he went to school at night a cooking school when he was at the department of justice. >> that's right. steve: amazing. this is going to be really good. mollie, you are actually going to help. she has imported you from los angeles along with your husband. >> first class. thank you so much, jesse. >> what is the recipe?
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>> the recipe is it's a linguini with bacon, corn, leaks and asparagus. it's nice for the summer. it's a one-pan dish which is steve: jessica, fond memories of this growing up. >> totally and from like two nights ago when we did the test run to make sure this was going to be okay. my dad wanted to give us something fool proof. steve: first you crisp the bacon and then what do you do. >> first you put in the corn. steve: it smells good. >> olive oil. where is the olive oil. it's right there. steve: once the corn is ready, what else do you put in. >> the leesks are next. >> asparagus. this is really just a tv dish. if you would like the actual dish go to it wasdot >> he the recipe will be
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there. >> do you add the noodle. >> not yet. this is the water from the pasta. steve: don't throw it away too soon because you will need it? >> and that will start to create a sauce. steve: butter. >> have to stir. let this cook a little bit. steve: all right. so you let this cook for another three minutes or so. and then. >> san antonio. steve: all right. butter. we have got to go to the magic of television. this is what it looks like at the very end. >> voila. steve: everybody has a plate. let's go ahead and take a bite. tastes like summer. the corn with the asparagus fantastic. >> delicious. steve: all right. >> nailed it, mom. steve: jessica, thank you very much for bringing your family. >> thank you. >> and judy, good job on the popcorn. >> amazing. >> and the smiling alex. expert smiler.
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>> thank you very much. steve: delicious. we'll be right back. we will. with jim jordan, newt gingrich, mark morgan and sean spicer fresh off the dance floor. orlando isn't just the theme park capital of the world,
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the workplace should be a source of financial security. keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. that's financial wellness. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. ♪ the boys are back in town ♪ the boys are back in town ♪ the boys are back in town. brian: we never left town but i get the idea to get you pumped up for this hour of "fox & friends." ainsley: is that you and steve or is that congress? steve: i think that's it. that's on the nose. the boys and girls are back in town in washington, d.c. do a real holiday on a recess. everybody back in the pool. the swamp. brian: if they were to update that song they would put boys and girls are back in town. ainsley: i don't think you say boys and girls. i think it's men and women. a lot of women have a problem with the word girls now. the pc thing congress is
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back in town, back in town. welcome to "fox & friends." ainsley: hunter biden breaking his silence just moments ago. brian: we are getting clips now the former vice president's son defending his overseas business dealings. steve: kevin corke joins us from the white house with more. >> amy row back of jma gma. she got to the heart of what this story is really all about. take a listen to what hunter biden had to say about whether or not he had any regrets from being a part of all this big story in terms of being involved with ukraine and other booshedz. >> do you regret being on the board to begin with. >> no i don't regret being on the board. what i regret is not taking into account from would be a rudy giuliani and a president of the united states that would be listening to this ridiculous
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conspiracy idea. did i make a mistake? well, maybe in the grand scheme of things, yeah. but did i make a mistake based upon some unethical lapse? absolutely not. >> on one hand he suggests it's a conspiracy. on the other hand i could have done something slightly different. speaking of he will be doing something different moving forward. listen here. >> why did you leave the board in april. >> it's a five year term. >> and you chose not to continue. >> i chose not to. >> why? >> i think it's pretty obvious why. i think this is what becomes a distraction. because i have to sit here and answer these questions. that's why i committed i won't serve on any boards or work for any foreign entities when my dad becomes president. >> he said when my father becomes president. a resolute and i wouldn't say defiant but i would certainly characterize his comments as being fairly straightforward. a very interesting
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interview. we will have more on that throughout the day guys but for now back to you. steve: thank you very much. go to the end of pennsylvania avenue joining us from statuary hall jim jordan republican from ohio. is he a judiciary committee. is he on the oversight committee. he joins us live. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. good to be with you all. steve: hunter biden says this whole thing about him and these corporate boards and, you know, ukraine and china, things like that, that's all a ridiculous conspiracy theory. >> two things stuck out he got caught in this ridiculous arrangement and said when his dad becomes president. i don't think that's going to happen. look, the american people knew right from the get-go this was wrong. american people understand fairness. they get this wasn't fair. this wasn't proper. this wasn't right. i think it was pretty obvious. he just said now kind of what the american people already understood when this story first broke. brian: yeah, peter schweizer
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wrote an editorial last week did hunter do anything illegal? no. and that's the problem. because you can trade on your name and that's maybe something that's got to be woven. in i remember having lunch with a senator he said i could not even offer even though he came to new york. i could not pay for his lunch. you have to have the lunch standing up or else it's not official. you have all these rules. if you want to use the last name of somebody prominent to get on a board to make a billion. you can. the one problem they have is according to this interview. he says he never spoke to his dad about it. but, according to the new yorker article, he said dad, he said as hunter recalls his father discussed burisma with him once. dad said i hope you know what you are doing. i said i do. so if he is going to hedge on that. what else might he be hedging on? where is he telling the truth? >> yeah. i mean, look. we don't know. we just know that this stuff smells. the whole arrangement with china. the billion dollars from the subsidiary bank of the bank of china. this arrangement with burisma this company in the
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ukraine. where hunter biden had no experience. didn't know the language. no experience in the energy sector and not an expert on ukraine gets this disposition. the american people again they saw this for what it is. they know it smells. they know it's wrong. and that's the fact. so, look, let's deal with the issues that the american people care about now. let's work on prescription drug prices. let's get this usmca passed. steve: good luck. >> it's going to be tough. so because they are so focused on attacking the president that's all they want to do in this unfair process they have begun. ainsley: another clip amy robak had with hunter biden. >> if your last name wasn't biden. do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of burisma? >> i don't know. i don't know. probably not but i don't think there is a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn't biden. >> not probably not. definitely not. again, this is so obvious.
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look, i guess he wanted to do the interview to talk about it. >> we understood as soon as we saw the facts that with no experience he was getting paid $50,000 a month i said before i have constituents fourth district of ohio don't make that every year. everyone got. this they know it's wrong. it is what it is. steve: it is what it is. well-put. let's talk about the impeachment inquiry now day two of week four. because so much of it is behind closed doors. we really don't have a very good idea of what's going on. it's supposed to be secret. i know matt gaetz tried go to one hearing yesterday they threw him out because he wasn't a member of that committee. what's going on? >> this is ridiculous unfair
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and par partisan process. trying to unelect the leader of the free world. it's been reported that the whistleblower worked with joe biden. and oh, the day after the call, the whistleblower actually writes this long memo and uses words like frightening and scary that this call was crazy. guess what waits 18 days to file the complaint with the inspector general. who is the first person he goes to see adam schiff's staff. adam schiff the guy who didn't tell us he met with the whistleblower before the complaint was even filed. adam schiff who is running this secret proceeding behind closed doors where the president gets no rights and the minority doesn't get subpoena power like adam schiff has. this is the most ridiculous unfair wrong process and, again, i think the american people see it for what it is. this is an all-out attack on the president in unfair and partisan fashion. brian: a couple of things are happening because things leak out from behind closed
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doors. early on the first two witnesses seemed to bolster the president's case. the last two don't thee own that hill and ambassador to ukraine if you get removed you are not going to sing the president's praises and fiona hill seems to back up the ambassador. seems to run an investigation they were not comfortable with it. if this continues and it looks like it will, where does this all go? who knows the democrats want to move full steam with impeachment. american people know it's not fair and not the right direction to head at all. what frustrates he is the only interview that we're allowed to talk about in any shape or form is the very first one kurt volker did under the transcribed interview rules. every other interview has been done under subpoena and deposition rules. "new york times" has this long piece today allegedly talking about things that took place in that room. so the democrats are out talking to everybody. again, they are making the rules up as they go along and not even following their
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own rules. not even following the rules they put in place. it's secret if it's in any way going to be helpful to the president and looks like anything they want to leak they're leaking. which is, again, i just think underscores how partisan and unfair this process is never forget, speaker pelosi said she wants to, quote. strike while the iron is hot. she wants to go after this president and she doesn't want to do it in any type of fair fashion or fair format. ainsley: how does this play out when it comes to the elections? >> we will have to see. i think the american -- the folks i get the privilege of representing they see right through it. they are ticked and mad and fed up with the attacks. the democrats in this town have levied against the president since day one. remember, it was even before he was president. this all started july 31st, 2016 when jim comey opened an investigation into president trump based on this false accusation that he had somehow coordinated with russia. and it's been going ever since then. the american people are sick of it. they know it's wrong. and they support the
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president. brian: real quick, congressman. are you saying no usmca voted on and no prescription drugs or are you still hopeful? >> i'm hopeful. but, look, nancy pelosi has shown no indication of wanting to do what's best for the country. all she is focused on and certainly adam schiff, all he is focused on is attacking this president. that's what drives the american people crazy. steve: it does indeed. jim jordan from ohio. thank you for joining us live. >> thank you. brian: the question is does it drive democrats crazy? definitely drives republicans crazy. steve: ultimately it's a political calculation. and we will find out first tuesday in november 2020 who is right. ainsley: hand it over to jillian who has headlines for us. jillian: good morning. we are following this fox news alert now. u.s. imposes tough sanctions on turkey in response to egregious attacks on the kurds. the president threatening to, quote. swiftly destroy turkey's economy if turkish leaders continue down this dangerous and destructive path tucker official president defying
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cease-fire. pence is set to lead a u.s. delegation to ankara to begin peace talks unclear exactly. when police asking the community's help to find whoever shot and killed a police officer in a maryland parking garage. thomas bomba known as t.j. found shot and critically injured minutes after calling for backup on a disorderly subject he spent 13 years with the montgomery county police department. weighs honored with the silver valor award for bravery in 2008. leaves behind a wife and two children. today, a federal judge will challenge massachusetts ban on vaping products. vaping industry is requesting to temporarily lift the ban while the case is decided. vape store owners argue the rules will put them out of business. in oregon some businesses are already closing their doors after the state issued a six month ban on flavored vaping products. at least 26 people have died from vaping related illnesses across the u.s. sean spicer is dancing his way into america's hearts.
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look at this. >> you got a friend in me ♪ you got a friend in me ♪ you got troubles ♪ i got them too ♪ there isn't anything i wouldn't do for you ♪ stick together ♪ you got a friend in me ♪ >> the former press secretary doing the quick step as woody from toy story. spicer dedicated the dance to his father who died of cancer in 2016. emotional tribute reflect flected on their family trip to disneyland it? >> was a great experience to be able to share that experience. actually the ride we went on. kind of cool. jillian: we will hear him live the next hour. steve: i think he is getting better week by week. jillian: i agree. steve: and so are the costumes. ainsley: sweet he dedicated to his dad.
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brian: america is in a free speech crisis. >> you should be able to share ideas without fear of being fired from your job or shouted down. this is why we are fighting for the soul of america. brian: an odd couple but man they agree on a lot. dennis prager and adam carolla speaking out against safe spaces they have a movie you are going to love next ♪ ♪ i knew about the tremors.
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>> you should be able to share ideas without fear of being fired from your job or shouted down. >> this is why we are fighting for the soul of america. >> the right re-to-remain silent. >> the only way we separate good ideas from the bad ideas is to be free to say whatever we want about them. >> anything you say will be used against. >> you there is no free speech for a fascist. >> oh my godness, look at that that is a preview from a movie that comes out in about 10 days next friday, october 25th. it's called no safe spaces and it takes a look at the future of the united states when it comes to the track we are on right now
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involving politically correct culture. >> that's dennis prager and adam carolla who is comedian. they are saying no safe spaces. talking about college students and talking about how if you have right wing views. if you are a conservative. then you are hated. brian: yeah. i had a chance to see it. it's awesome. and it is real. and you see what's happening on campus and you see the hatred of our past. and the war on history. and you see the war on political correctness. and last night adam carolla and dennis prager odd couple on the surface but not when you see them together. they talk about what this documentary aimed to do. >> i divide good people into three groups. those who fight, those who help the fighters and those who do nothing. unfortunately, throughout history, the third group is the largest. >> yes. >> it's just the fact i'm not happy about it. but it's a fact.
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those who help the fighters are as important as the fighters. so, this film is in the fighting category. if this film is a big success, this is a message to hollywood. this is a message to the universities. people need to know what is happening. as i have said for much of my career, sending your child to college is playing russian roulette with their values. >> there are voices on the right. voices on the left. they all agree on one thing which is their voice. called voices on the right. voices on the left. we want our voices intact. steve: some of the voices include van jones, alan dershowitz jordan peterson, dave rubin cornell west and tim allen. apparently they wanted a pg rating but the motion picture gave it pg 13. ainsley: they wouldn't budge. >> look, even if you have a standard you won't go to a pg 13 movie. you should see this because it is worth it, he says.
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brian: can you argue no industry has been hurt worse than believe it or not comedians. they make a living on pushing the line and talking about absurdity and now they can't. now they are being censored and comedians pushing back. last night adam underlined what's in his movie. he said comedians need to lead people back to normalcy as dave chapelle did on his special and bill burr did on his special, they take it on head on after recoiling for a couple years saying oh my goodness i don't want to get black balled. now they say the hell with it and going out to dry to bring this back to a country that allows free speech and a come plex city of views. rather than being screamed as the because people don't agree with you. ainsley: it will be out in theaters soon. check this out. meanwhile, 20 minutes after the top of the hour. 2020 democrats like cory booker criticizing religious voters at a recent town hall. our next guest calls that strategy baffling and says it will only help president trump get reelected. >> this is something that i
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have been dealing with all my life as a christian. people who want to use religion as a justification for discrimination. steven could only imaginem 24hr to trenjoying a spicy taco.burn, now, his world explodes with flavor. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day all-night protection. can you imagine 24-hours without heartburn? we have some great new ideas that we want to present to you today. [son]: who are you talking to? [son]: that guy's scary. the first item on the list is selecting a chairman for the... for the advisory board what's this? as well as use the remaining... child care options run out.
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ainsley: time nor news by the numbers. first $1.9 billion that is the cost of san diego's new plan to fight homelessness which includes creating thousands of housing units. it's unclear where the money is coming from. next 2.3 million. that is how many pounds of beef taco bell has to recall over concerns that it could contain metal shavings. the meat was thrown out in 21 states. finally 1190 pounds. that is the size of the giant dog rescued from
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hiking trail. floyd a mass to hav mastiff. a search and rescue team called in when the temperatures started to drop. down to you, steve. steve: thanks, ainsley. 2020 democrats criticizing some of them at a religious voters -- some of them criticized religious voters at a recent town hall. watch this. >> the supporter approaches you and says senator, i'm old fashioned and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman. what is your response. >> i'm going to say just marry one woman. assuming you can find one. >> do you think religious institutes, should they lose their tax exempt status if they oppose same sex marriage. >> yes. >> how would you address the at times juxtaposing issues of religious freedom and lgbtq rights. >> this is something i have been dealing with all my life as a christian. people who want to use religion as a justification for discrimination. steve: well, our next guest, a columnist says the left's
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attacks are fueling religious voters' support for president trump. here to explain "new york post" columnist miranda d'vine. >> good morning, steve. steve: what is their political strategy? >> it's baffling to me. they are insulting a good portion ever the electorate. they are doing exactly what hillary clinton so disastrously did at the last election when she called president trump supporters deplorables. they are calling anyone who is religious or socially conservative somehow they are beyond the pale. somehow they need to be punished. it's a very odd, i think, and baffling political strategy. i don't think it's going to win the hearts and minds next november. steve: you know, i can't remember looking back at presidential politics this particular dimension of towards religion we are
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seeing from some on the left. >> it's frightening it's really this liberal desire to impose their will on the majority. to say somehow tell people who say believe this n. traditional marriage or believe that biological sex is what it is male and female are two separate genders, somehow that has become a bizarre belief that must be punished. frightening all nine candidates up on the stage the other night from the democratic party all hold those intolerant views towards people who are religious who are are just socially conservative. steve: one soundbite that we played over the last couple of days was beto o'rourke saying that churches and charities should lose their tax except status if they don't recognize same sex marriage. >> well, you know. at least a third of americans believe in traditional marriage between a man and a woman. what are you going to do to people who -- are you going
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to stop churches from running catholic schools? that ultimately is what you are saying. you are punishing people for holding a view that is in the bible no longer live and let live. you have now compelled to belief what beto o'rourke believes. steve: i will tell you. what beto got a lot of pushback from people on the left including pete buttigieg. easy for me to say. the indiana mayor. and the president. watch this. >> i'm not sure he understood the implications of what he was saying. i mean, that means going to war not only with churches but i would think with mosques and a lot of organizations. >> i will never allow the federal government to be used to target, harass, or punish communities of faith and i will never allow the irs to be used as a political weapon. steve: so ultimately, if those who are running for
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president on the left have that view that we were taking a look at earlier, does this all help president trump? >> of course it does. you saw on the weekend that he went to the values voters summit in washington, d.c. where religious conservatives gave him rapturous welcome. they underpinned his 2016 win and even more rock solid now because the democrats have come out of the woodwork and shown their true colors. their extreme radical intolerance against anyone who is a social conservative. steve: there is another debate tonight. let's see what happens. >> thanks, steve. steve: meanwhile, straight ahead, hunter biden breaking silence about his ties to ukraine and china. newt gingrich with live reaction coming up next. ♪
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>> the president has repeatedly said that you received $1.5 billion from china despite no experience and for no apparent reason.
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obviously fact checkers have said that that is not true. >> look. this literally has no basis in fact in any way. >> have you received any money from business dealing at all. >> no. >> not one cent. >> not one cent. >> definitely not 1.5 billion. >> it's crazy. they feel like they have the license to go out and say whatever they want. it feels to me like living in some kind of alice in wonderland where you are up on the real world and then you fall down the rabbit hole and the president is the cheshire cat asking us questions about crazy things that don't have any resemblance to the reality of anything that has to do with me. brian: that was first chronicled in peter schweizer's book about a year and a half ago. what his investment was in terms of his payout. 10% investor on it. also when it comes to international funds when you cash out, too. we don't know exactly what his investment is worth. steve: right. he made it very clear despite what the president has said he has gotten zero
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money from his dealings with china let's bring in newt gingrich. former speaker of the house. founder of gingrich mr. speaker, what do you make of hunter biden going on the offensive saying all this stuff that is being said about me is not true? >> look, i think he is very carefully dancing through the mine field. i don't know whether in that interview abc asked him a very simple question which i think there is a general agreement that he did get $600,000 a year from a natural gas company in ukraine. and i think it's legitimate that he got that for at least five years. a minimum of $3 million. it's legitimate to say given your background what was your unique selling proposition that convinced the ukrainian natural gas company to hand you a $50,000 check every month? now, i don't think there is
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any question that he was getting $50,000 a month. so since i didn't see the whole interview, i don't know if abc switched and said oh, well, how about this one? brian: in fact, he does. here's how he answered that question. >> there has been a lot of misinformation about me. not about my dad. nobody buys that but buys this idea that i was unqualified to be on the board. >> what were your qualifications to be on the board of burst manchester i was vice chairman of the board of amtrak five years. chairman of the board of u.n. world food program. i was a lawyer for boys schiller flexner. one of the most prestigious law firms in the world. >> you didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or ukraine itself though? >> no, i think i had as much knowledge as anybody else who was on the board, if not more. steve: mr. speaker, he also said at one point if biden was not his last name he probably would not have been asked to be on the board.
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>> well, look. you have a very unusual circumstance where vice president biden has said he didn't know his son was on the board. was making money out of ukraine. his son has said in different interviews oh, yeah, i told him that i was getting paid in ukraine. now, again, given joe biden's memory, it's possible he just didn't remember it. but, if one of my children was making $600,000 a year, i would probably notice it on the way through. and i would also say i would like to know what exactly is the status of the money that came out of the chinese investments and he can say he hasn't drawn any yet but what was the deal? is it just sitting there? did it never happen? because there is a great deal of smoke. i don't know if there is any fire. there is certainly a great deal of smoke around hims him having put together a great venture involving i think
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the bank of china a major, major institution. brian: also worthy of this discussion. the vice president made a ridiculous comment about two months ago that china is not a threat? come on, man. we could eat their lunch? and you wonder what -- was that really his policy for the last eight years or policies because he is somehow somehow invested in that country? >> look, biden could simply be part of the nba mass hypnosis by lots of wealthy americans who refuse to look at chinese realistically. mike bloomberg former mayor of new york gave a speech saying it's not a dictatorship. it's unconceivable that a sophisticated person like bloomberg would say that you have a real denial in the american governing class about the nature of the chinese dictatorship and biden in that sense is probably part of that. i think that were watching play out with the nba and others as the chinese exert
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their muscle but it has to worry you. i just wrote a piece for outlining five questions for tonight's debate. clearly abc has set up the debate tonight there will be a real dereliction of duty if somebody, the moderator or candidates don't get into pushing biden about this entire ukraine-china deal. ainsley: i'm glad amy was pushing back on that and saying and asking him more specific questions. did you have any knowledge about natural gas? did you -- when you were put on the board. he said i had just as much knowledge as anyone on that board which makes you scratch your head. steve: who is on the board. brian: how do you know less? ainsley: here is the media defending hunter biden watch. this aren't going to repeat the president's vicious attacks on hunter biden. he isn't running for office. he is not a campaign surrogate. >> it's not true wasn't an investor until 2017 and there is no evidence that they have gotten $1.5 billion. >> hunter biden is a private
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citizen. is he targeting a private citizen. steve: so you know, newt, going forward, clearly hunter biden went on to abc to try to put this, you know, the fire out for his father politically. does this interview where he said i didn't do anything wrong trying to be as honest he is does this make the political problem go away with jofor joe biden. >> i doubt it. the news media always tried to protect bill and hillary clinton is trying to protect joe biden and trying to protect hunter you don't exactly see the news media fall all over themselves to protect any republican. in the end the real challenge for vice president biden is the vape o videotape of him saying he threatened to take away a billion dollars when he was vice president unless they fired this prosecutor who, by the way, has since said oh, yes, he
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was investigating the company that hunter biden is on the board of. so i think to some extent you now have joe biden in a mess that he probably can't get out of very easily. and people just have to make up their mind is he telling the truth? ainsley: are you surprised he put his son in that position as the vice president. you have been in public office most of your life. and there are rules when it comes to your family but you don't -- most politicians don't want their kids in the spotlight. >> when i was speaker if somebody come to me and offered $600,000 a year because they all think i'm really clever i would have said, you know, you better have an attorney sit down and looks at this really carefully because it's the kind of thing that can rapidly become influence-peddling. very simple test. if his name had been hunt jones, would they have given him the slot? exactly same, went to yale.
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served on some boards. i would say, by the way. being on the amtrak board is not exactly great training for the free market. given all of that. if his name had been hunter jones? would very gotten the slot? i don't think any reasonable person believes that hunter jones would have gotten $600,000 a year. steve: great training. all right. talking about amtrak. thank you, newt, for joining us live with your instant analysis. >> thank you. ainsley: okay. jillian has some more headlines for us. hey, jillian. jillian: that's right. good morning to you. let's start with this story. a manhunt underway for a driver who plowed into four kids and then drove away. we do want to warn you this is disturbing. surveillance video shows the driver ramming into the kids on bicycles sending them flying into the air in massachusetts. the kids say they were totally shocked. >> i just remember seeing the headlights and then trying to like get away. they. >> they hit me and landed in the grass far back. >> they should be ashamed of
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theirselves that they hit four kids and they drove off. >> luckily none of the kids were seriously hurt. amelia earhardt's disappearance has puzzled americans for 8 decades and now a well-known researcher may be close to solving the mystery for a new documentary. aaron kimberly is awaiting d.n.a. results bone fragments that could belong to the famous aviator. she disappeared while flying over the ocean. working to determine if the remains match earhardt's living relatives. wouldn't that be fascinating? you could soon see a new face in the 2020 race. michael bloomberg is reconsidering a presidential run. according to cnbc he is thinking about the move as senator elizabeth warren gains support in the polls. bloomberg would reportedly only run if biden drops out, which does not seem likely. bloomberg has insisted it is important for democrats to elect a moderate. stay tuned for more on that.
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and now for this: the washington nationals are just one win away from the world series. >> first time up. and on the first pitch. base hit. on his way home. he will score. and the washington nationals strikes first. jillian: oh, man. leading the nats to 8-1 win over the st. louis cardinals. the tha that nats look do comple series over the bronx. brian: what time does that game start? 4:00? steve: 4 or 5 on fox sports one. ainsley: day game. brian: channel 69 on cablevision. whoever bought cablevision. lebron james just broke his silence on the nba's china controversy. what he said is raising serious eyebrows. both of mine are up. susan li is here on that. ainsley: too much botox ♪ up down up down
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it wasn't aired or broadcasted on state television. wasn't screamed on the largest and the probably the most influential streaming service in china so he felt like he lost out also protecting business interest as well. emergency in u.s. also china as well. a mark qui nike endorser. he understands as you are going to the league's biggest international market with 600 million fan that's a lot of merchandise and ratings to protect. brian enhe got blow back. steve: he had to clarify. >> on twitter he had to clarify. let me clear up the confusion. i do not believe there was any consideration for the consequences and ramifications of the tweets. i'm not discussing the substance. others can talk about that. my team and this league just went through a difficult week. i think people need to understand what a tweet or statement can do to others. and i believe nobody stopped and considered what would happen could have waited a week to send it. could have waited a week?
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nba is back in china. people can watch these games. blow back is limited. as we talked about who needs who more does the nba need china more or nba need china more. brian: it has hurt me this week. that's what he is saying. could have done it next week and it wouldn't have hurt me so much. ainsley: what a lot of people are -- go ahead. brian: look what he has called out. he has called out -- called the president a bum. he didn't worry 60% of the people not buying his jersey. support of kaepernick. a lot of people don't think you should kneel during the national anthem. demanded the ouster of sterling saying hideous things owned the clippers. ainsley: no problem getting political in our country doesn't want to stand up against a communist government and what they're doing to their people there. >> that's exactly how he is being vilified online.
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social justice crusader in america but won't stand up on china's door steps and to the chinese communist party? i would say he probably has a lot to answer for. brian: dollar signs. >> yeah. dollar signs. i think it's pretty obvious how important china is to the nba. especially for growth in the future. especially for merchandising, et cetera, et cetera. steve: something we didn't realize until the last week or so. >> yeah. 600 million viewers. right? nba fans. brian: tiffanies, marriott. all caved. >> apple and google. brian: all caved to china's dollars. >> yes. steve: susan, thank you very much. ainsley: residents facing blues in the golden state. why our next guest says the liberal policies are to blame for driving the middle class out. ♪ i will be there right away ♪ ♪ there is a beautiful wind ♪
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so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. coul ♪ ainsley: residents facing the blues in the golden state. in fact, more than half of california voters say they have considered bailing on the state all together. they cite the sky high housing costs and taxes as their top reasons for wanting to leave. our next guest says the state is actively working to drive middle class voters out. here to explain is former chairman of the california republican party tom del beccaro. hey, tom, good to see you again. >> great to see you again. if i'm a little shaken we had a earthquake six miles from my house not too long ago. ainsley: encarnanze okay? >> everyone is okay. but it was quite the stir. ainsley: tell us why you think that state is trying to get the middle class out? >> i don't know how else you conclude it. we do have by far the highest taxes. it doesn't take very much.
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it's over 9% in your income is below five figures or six figures. it's just on and on. they recently passed something called the gig law reign in uber and force them to hire all of those people as employees. they have to fight that but to be an employee in california cost 30% more than the independent contractors that they were. doesn't take a genius to know if it cost 30% more get less. where do those people get their jobs? that's just one aspect of that. since the 1990s, literally millions of people have left california for low tax states like texas, tennessee. even washington state which some people consider to be a very liberal state. but it doesn't have an income tax. and it's just day after day much this sort of thing. they just signed a law that says that school can't start before 8:00 a.m. well, if you are a middle class working class mother,
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what do you do? you have to, what? start your job later? it's just day after day they do things that don't make sense even though they claim to care for the middle class. ainsley: so why do you think -- so when i was growing up california, you have the water there. you have these great cities. it was a destination. new york, i wanted to live in new york so badly because there was so much going on in this great city. extremely expensive to live here. extremely expensive in california. are we finally getting smart enough. most people i guess you and i are not. are most people getting smart enough to say hey, we don't need to have that? >> yeah, you know, san francisco has the lowest per capita child rate of any major city. i have to get secured parking here. they have something like 46,000 car break-ins and 16 that's one-six arrests. they don't seem to care about this. many parents are going places where it's easier for them not only to get jobs
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but to bring up their kids. ainsley: you are right. tom, you can catch his op-ed, it's we have a big show still ahead. thanks, tom. stay with us. >> all right. see you soon. . . these days, we're all stressed.
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(honk!) i hear you sister. that's why i'm partnering with cigna to remind you to go in for your annual check-up, and be open with your doctor about anything you feel - physically and emotionally. but now cigna has a plan that can help everyone see stress differently. just find a period of time to unwind. a location to de-stress. an activity to enjoy. or the name of someone to talk to.
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to create a plan that works for you, visit cigna. together, all the way. ♪. brian: are we doing this thing. ashley: middle of october. i think we should do it. one more hour. brian: tomorrow we change our hairstyles every hour. steve: we started the a block. he go in order alphabetically. the first block is the a block, this is the fox news alert.
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brian: hunter, biden we found you. breaking his silence an hour ago. steve: former vice president's son defended his overseas business dealings involving ukraine and china. ainsely: kevin corke joins us with more. reporter: hundreder biden is not sorry he was on the board after ukraine gas company. the question remains. was he really qualified. >> what were qualifications to be on the bored board burisma. >> i was chairman of board of amtrak five years. chairman of the board. world u.n. program. i was lawyer for boyd, one of the most prestigious law firms in the world. >> you didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or ukraine. >> no. i think i had as much knowledge as anybody on the board if not more. reporter: questions whether or not he and the former vice president talked about his business dealings with burisma
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for example, hunter said this -- >> when he said i hope you know what you're doing, what did he think you were doing? >> he read the press reports that i joined the board of burisma which was a ukrainian natural gas company. there is a lot of misinformation about me. not my dad. that i was unqualified to be on the board. reporter: still biden did acknowledge, guys he maybe could have done things slightly differently. listen here. >> in retrospect i wish -- >> you never, you never thought, this might not look right? >> you know what? i'm a human. you know what? did i make a mistake? well maybe in the grand scheme of things, yeah, but did i make a mistake based upon some unethical lapse? absolutely not. reporter: hunter biden standing by his story. recalcitrant, that he didn't do anything wrong. frankly in his words,
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mischaracterized. he was asked by amy robach, i thought this was very interesting, if he might have been on a board like the ukraine gas company were his name not biden. >> if your last name wasn't biden do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of burisma? >> i don't know. probably not. i think there are a lot of things that wouldn't happen in my life if my has lame was not biden. >> why did you leave the board. >> it was five-year term. >> why? this is your opportunity to say why? >> because this is distraction because i have to sit here an answer these questions. reporter: ultimately biden said he wouldn't serve on a board if his father becomes president. st. louis blues will be here, hockey champs. president trump will welcome them to the rose garden.
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steve: president couple days ago tweeted, where is hunter. have we heard from the commander-in-chief yet regarding the abc inter. reporter: you know first thing we do after you do all the read ins or news packet, checking websites, other information on background you check the twitter feed of the president. so far, nothing yet. ainsely: when do you eat breakfast? >> in the basement. brian: hunter trying to clear the air before the debate. see if anybody goes at joe about the connections and trading off the family name. one thing people will look into, when people are asked, what hunter biden made from the china deal. he says it wasn't a billion. in fact not close. >> the president has repeatedly
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said you received $1.5 billion from china despite no experience and for no apparent reason. obviously fact-checkers have said that is not true. >> this is literally, has no basis in fact in any way. >> have you received any money from china's business dealing. >> no. not at all. >> not one cent. >> not one cent. >> definitely not 1.5 billion. >> it is crazy they have the license to say whatever they want. feels to me like living in some kind of alice in wonderland where you're up on the real world and then you fall down the rabbit hole and president is cheshire cat asking you questions about crazy things that don't have any resemblance to the reality of anything that has to do with me. steve: there he is talking about the china deal which we heard a million times, walked out of china with a deal worth billion dollars. yesterday we talked about how when his lawyer said he would be
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leaving that board at end of the month, that he had not received one cent. he said there one cent. not in his pocket. but mollie hemingway says while that may be the case, he still retains an equity stake. listen to this. >> this private equity firm that hunter biden will be stepping down from the board of, although he will retain his equity in the firm, he inked that deal after flying on air force one, air force two to china with his father and having his father do a public handshake with the head of that company. he got his job in the ukraine on a board where he was paid $50,000 a year after joe biden was made the obama administration point man in ukraine. this is why this is an issue because the biden family, it is not just his son but also his brother have a pattern of using those ties, it is not to say it is necessarily illegal but using those ties to make money for the family. brian: melissa francis just
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texted me, of course you don't make any money yet. you're hunter biden. when you're in private equity, you don't get the money until everyone exits the investment. which would not have happened yet and that means that when hunter biden said he hasn't made any money. does that mean he is not about to make money when he exits the investment? ainsley: why would you be on a board if there is nothing in it for you. brian: to meet people at the christmas party? ainsley: exactly. he was on a lot of boards. he did make money serving on for the oil company, burisma. steve: that's right. ainsley: newt gingrich has the same questions we all do. he is very skipped call about this listen. >> you have a very unusual circumstance where vice president biden has said he didn't know his son was on the board. was making money out of ukraine. his son has said in different interviews, yeah i told him i was getting paid in ukraine. i would like to know what
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exactly is the status of the money that came out of the chinese investments. because there is a great deal of smoke. i don't know if there is any fire. there is certainly a great deal of smoke around him putting together a joint venture involving i think the bank of china, a major, major institution. ainsley: so -- >> will the big question will this answer all the questions about joe biden? absolutely not. will it be talked about the big debate in ohio? sty tuned. brian: sadly for the country we're focusing behind impeachment behind closed doors. the investigation no one is allowed to see. steve said, day two of week four. we have literally, a little bit later on thursday, gordon sondland will be coming in. a whole demand for documents by friday from the white house, defense department. secretary of defense said on
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sunday he will deliver those documents. is this enough to impeach a president? testimony about goings on from what person, series of people's points of view in ukraine for the past two years. ainsley: congress is back. they're calling for witnesses, documents on tuesday. omb, director. ambassador of the eu, brian gordon sondland on thursday. he sent the text message it was not quid pro quo. energy secretary rick perry on friday. steve: we have a list. we don't know what is being said behind closed doors. ainsley: impeachment in secret was the headline. steve: secret hearings. jim jordan was on a little while ago. they're using special rules so that you cannot leak out the details of what is being said. but you know what? details about what are being said are being leaked out. here is jim jordan talking about -- ainsley: the whole thing is
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about, leaks from a conversation. brian: now we don't need to hear the leaker. steve: it is all a secret unless it makes the president look bad. watch. >> democrats are out talking, making rules up as they go along. they're not even following their own rules, that they put in place. it is secret if in any way helpful to the president, looks like anything they want to leak they're leaking. which again, underscores how partisan and unfair this process is. never forget, speaker pelosi said she want to strike while the iron is hot. she want to go after this president, doesn't want to do it in a fair fashion or format. brian: it is a big risk. the polls are not overwhelmingly for it. steve: they are split. brian: i apologize for lying and where he got disbarred. this is a situation where people in the ukraine and the president of the ukraine says there was no quid pro quo. in fact i never even felt
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pressured. disgruntled ambassadors looking to roast the administration. there are people that don't like rudy. is the fog of this is worth impeaching a president. >> so obvious the people who want to impeach him don't like him. if you read the report, it is not quid pro quo. if you watch video of joe biden on tape saying you better fire the prosecutor or you don't get the money, no one has a problem with that? steve: sure. remember the employees of the united states government who go and work in these various posts, ukraine, china, anywhere around the world, they serve at the pleasure of the president who can fire them for any reason. brian: jillian does not serve at the pleasure of us. she is here to do a job. jillian: good morning to you. begin with a fox news alert. this is updated story we continue to follow. the u.s. imposes tough sanctions on turkey. this is in response to egregious attacks on the kurds. the president threatening to quote swiftly destroy turkish
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economy if they continue down this dangerous path. mike pence set to lead a u.s. delegation to ankara to lead peace talks. it is unclear exactly when. we'll keep you updated. another alert, a former police officer who shot and killed a woman inside her home, aaron dean was arrested hours after resigning from the fort worth, police department. he is accused of associating her responding to welfare check. he never identified herself as a officer and shot jefferson in front of her 8-year-old nephew. fbi reviewing the case for possible civil rights violations. earthquake shakes people awake in california. 4.5 magnitude tremor striking san francisco 10:30 at night. you're looking at home surveillance video. the camera moved across a shelf.
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it was strong enough to knock things off shelves and break windows. no reports of major damage or injuries. green bay packers stunned the detroit lions with a last second comeback on "monday night football." look at this. >> to play hero again. there it is. walk it off. win it. jillian: kicker mason crosby hitting a 23-yard field goal to complete a 23-22 win over the lions. the packers improve 5-1. not without controversy, after lions fans are mad about a controversial penalty. brian: too many penalties. the whole game is decided by referees. thank you, jillian. a massive caravan with thousands of migrants gets stopped in mexico. is this a sign the president's pressure campaign is working? mark morgan, the acting cpb
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commissioner just got back from mexico. he will tell us what he thinks, what he saw. ♪
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♪. steve: a migrant caravan headed for the united states was halted
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by mexican authorities on saturday. mexico's national guard forcing the group of about 2,000 migrant from among other places africa, caribbean and central america to turn back hours after they started their journey. president trump struck a deal with mexico, remember, to suspend tariffs on their goods if they helped with the migration crisis. it looks like that is what is happening. here with more, we are joined by the acting commissioner of customs and border protection, mark morgan. good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: looks like the president threatened mexico with tariffs that got their attention, didn't it? >> absolutely steve. mexico has stepped up. they are acting as true partners seeing this regional crisis. back in may we were seeing 40 to 50 large groups in single month. last month we had one. this is another example where mexico is stepping up doing exactly as they promised they would. steve: explain how it is
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happening. obviously there is intel, a large group of several thousand is on the move. what do they do? >> that is exactly right, steve. not to make it too simplistic. that's right. we're working with them together, law enforcement to law enforcement. we're sharing intelligence on the smuggling organizations and routes they're using, using intel applying law enforcement techniques and identifying where caravans are starting, interdicting them, stopping them, turning them around. steve: speaking of turning them around, one of the things president asked congress to do was close loopholes. they did not. one of them was catch-and-release. but now given the fact that the administration is enacted, is following new rules, what is going on with catch-and-release? >> steve, so that is exactly right. what i can say along the southwest border, catch-and-release for families it is gone. the message if you grab a child that is no longer your immediate passport to the united states.
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because of this president and this administration, the networks of initiatives, rules and regulations that have been implemented, we are absolutely making progress. again the last 120 days, last four months, we reduced apprehensions by 65%. so it is those rules and regulations by this administration, but also hard-working men and women of cpb, i.c.e., implementing those rules. steve: absolutely. mark morgan, thank you for giving us an update from our nation's capitol? >> you bet,. steve: steve lebron james has broken his silence on the nba controversy. what he said is raising serious eyebrows. his comments and his clarification coming up next. ♪ are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults
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♪. ainsley: a wild ride at nascar's fastest track. stop what you're doing, watch that. >> oh. >> look at 18. 42, 17 as well. 62 upside down. ainsley: all right. nascar driver goes airborne during a race. i think all is okay there. also lebron tweeted out let me clear up the confusion. i do not believe there was any consideration and consequences of ramification of the tweet. i'm not discussing the substance. others can talk about that. talking about the controversy with china. brian has more news for you. brian? brian: now this the nfl marked its 100th season, bringing generation of fans, players and clubs together. our next guest is calling on the
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league to add another group to that list. march levy one of the greatest generations of coaches and to fight for this country, that each team has unique connection to world war ii. former coach of buffalo bills who built the dynasty and cast city chiefs and march levy join us now. what would you like us to see the league do about vets? >> every year the league has a game they dedicate to people in service and that is great. with the 75th anniversary coming, number of world war ii veterans diminishing so, i think this would be a great year to call for each team, i should say, to dedicate at one of their games remembrance of the so-called, and i believe it, greatest generation. now while they're still some here and so our, the people in the united states can remember
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what was done so many years ago. brian: yeah they say the players are awarded medal of honor for their service, jack lew which is, march reese brit. and players killed in world war ii. the that number is 21. has the league been reseparate testify to this request from you, marv levy? >> i'm going to ask you to repeat your question. brian: no problem. what did the league say what you gave them this idea? >> i have not heard a response quite yet from the league. i have a good relationship with commissioner goodell. i have written him a strong letter of support for it, hoping they would recognize them. yes, there are nflers to did serve then. tom land dry. ralph wilson, of the buffalo
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bills. served in the atlantic & pacific ocean. several guys i know who played the game. i think it would be wonderful to commemorate this anniversary. brian: the league has not been shy of their respect for the military. so i think it's a natural. marv, last question, how are you doing? you look great? >> i'm doing pretty darn good for my age, 94 right now. still exercising every day and trying to write another book. i have written several. so thank you for inquiring. and i'll keep on pushing. brian: one of the great personalities, great people and coaches in his generation of player. i think he could still carry a clipboard today or i should say a headset. marv levy, thanks so much. i hope the league is watching. take you up on the idea of to honor world war ii veterans. marv levy thank you. >> my pleasure. thank you very much. brian: a lighter note. why is sean spicer dressed like woody in the "toy story" on
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"dancing with the stars" last night. there is a very good reason. he will join us live and explain. ♪ having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. sending your own clubs ahead with makes it fast & easy to get to your golf destination. with just a few clicks or a phone call, we'll pick up and deliver your clubs on-time, guaranteed, for as low as $39.99. saves you time and money. make it simple. make it ship sticks.
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♪. ♪ you've got a friend in me ainsley: the shot of the morning. that is sean spicer dancing in his way into america's heart. brian: the former press secretary getting his highest score yet for his quickstep as woody from "toy story." steve: he dedicated the dance to his father who died in 2016. in an emotional interview he reflected on the family's trip
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once upon a time to disneyland. >> it was a great experience to share that whole experience with my kids and my mother and father. >> yeah. >> so to know it was actually the ride that we went on. kind of cool. ainsley: sean spicer joins us now live from los angeles. hey, sean. >> hey, good morning. ainsley: good morning. you're doing great on that show? >> thank you, i know. week six. i can't believe i'm here. i was supposed to be off the first week. i started hoarding the shampoos and conditioners from the hotel and headed home. here i am, week six. i'm having a blast. this is unbelievable experience. it's been much more than i ever thousand it would. and really enjoying getting to know everyone, having the experience that i'm having learning new things. steve: you know what, sean i think you're getting better every week. i know you love the costumes.
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but in the clip we were just playing, it was hard for to you talk about going to disneyland with our father and your children. >> yeah. steve: can you tell us about a little more what went into that? because we only heard a little bit. >> i, we never went to disneyland when i was a kid growing you. my father worked hard every day to make sure we got buy, provided for us. disney was never in our family's budget. after he got diagnosed with cancer, i wanted to make sure my kids had a disney experience not just with me and my wife but with my dad and my mom. so we all got to go to share that together. steve: that was terrific. brian: pixar and woody, that is, that's a disney thing going out there but i'm sure dancing was never your number one thing to do. steve: we don't know that for sure. brian: according to reince priebus.
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>> i think we're sure. brian: but sean, i was worried about how everyone would treat you out in los angeles especially the bumpy rollout with the controversy with tom bergeron saying i'm not for politics in this show. ainsley: yeah. brian: what is it like when the cameras are off, you're hanging out? >> i'll tell you, when you, before you do the show they tell you this is going to become a family and it truly has. the cast, the crew, the other pros. everybody roots for each other. it is so awesome to be part of this. we don't, we talk about each other. we talk about our families. we root each other on. i honestly believe, guys, this is what we need more of, people come together, it is not about politics or policies. about cheering each other on, enjoying each other's company. we have become a example of this. very diverse people on the show, not just cast members but everybody. yet we all come together, all week long, two hours a night, once a week. to cheer each other on.
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to have fun. and i just think that's what we need more of in this country is less divisiveness and more caring about each other. ainsley: did you ever talk to tom bergeron about his comments? >> we had a couple of interactions. it is interesting in terms of both the hosts and judges. we really don't see them until, until the last rehearsal and show night. there is very little reaction with the hosts and judges. they do that so there is no concerns about someone trying to slide them a 20 or something. brian: it will take more than 20. steve: speaking of families, joe biden has been answering a lot of questions lately about his son hunter and his dealings with ukraine and china. he was interviewed by abc over weekend. he has broken his silence. here is 24 second sound bite, sean spicer about him talking about his family. >> if your last name wasn't
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biden do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of burisma? >> i don't know. i don't know. probably not. i don't think there is a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn't biden. >> why did you leave the board in april? >> it's a five-year term. >> you chose not to -- >> i chose not to. >> why? >> pretty obvious why. because it becomes a distraction because i have to sit hire and answer these questions. steve: he answered the questions, he said a mistake was made, political mistake. he broke know laws, but probably wasn't helpful to his dad. >> first of all i will give him credit for answering the questions. he could have continued to evade this he deserves credit for sitting down but he is right though, he had no energy experience. he had no finance experience that merited being paid $50,000 a month by his company. all of us know this, whether or not you have a famous last name or are in public service, you know that there is going to be
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additional aspect of scrutiny put on you, and you need to think twice. so, look, he made a decision to take the money, $50,000 a month. there has to be questions what did they want for that money? clearly it wasn't subject matter expertise in that particular field because he had none. and so unfortunately this is the time, now, when he has to answer the questions as to what they got out of that? what conversations did he or did not have with his father who was overseeing a policy in ukraine of the those are all valid questions. we've seen the scrutiny with the trump family for all the business dealings. if it is fair for the trumps, fair for the bidens. brian: only one had a thriving business career before their dad jumped into politics. the other one, by almost all costs, you look at the reds may he should not be in the energy sector. he should not have been a part of this elite firm in china. and he says he hasn't gotten paid off yet. now we understand that is somewhat insincere because you
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don't get paid off until you cash out. >> right. there is a big difference. there is no expertise in the field. there is nothing except for your last name. and frankly not just your last name, but your connection to the sitting vice president who is overseeing a policy in that country that would seem to be the reason you got offered $50,000 a month to sit on a board. so there's, look, they took the money. now they have to explain why, what they did, why they did it, what contacts they had. this is politics this is fair game. they made all the attacks. you're absolutely right, the trumps were in business for a long time. they still had to go through the scrutiny of all their business dealings. they had to put aside stuff. this is fair game. there is big difference for them being in the business a long time, then hunter biden suddenly going no expertise in an area, getting put on board of a company getting 50 grand a month, when his father has the direct connection he does. this is a tough fame. if you will take the money, you have to deal with the scrutiny.
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brian: the president did support you on twitter, saying vote for sean spicer. that will help you. ainsley: is that what your pin says? >> well, first of all i want to thank the president. it is an honor to have the leader of the free world on your side. you can't ask for a better fan. look, i joke, my background as you guys knows is campaigns. i'm running it like a campaign. spicer we're selling bumper stickers. having fun with it. everything from the do, the shirt i auctioned off. we got four grand that we launched on "fox & friends." all the buttons, pins, if you go to spicer, it supports yellow ribbon fund which takes care of wounded soldiers and independent funds that gives track wheelchairs. lindsey arnold's father is veteran.
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i served. we want to give back to those that truly sacrificed. brian: stretch your hamstrings. good luck the rest of the way. >> thanks, guys. ainsley: thanks, sean. hand it over to jillian for headlines. jillian: so fun to watch. this is a sad one as toddler dead was left inside of a hot car for hours. the child's parent called 911 after finding her lifeless body in tampa, florida. police say it appears to be an accident. the father forgot the one-year-old was in the back seat when he went to work. 50 children have hide in hot cars this year. a youth football coach is fined for winning too much. the coach ordered to pay 500 bucks after his team beat their opponent 36-0 in philadelphia. league rules do not allow the team to lead by 30 points. coach's brother-in-law is former wide resever torrey smith. this is story of building weak
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children. kids need to learn to deal with failure. toddler's determination leaves them caught in a toy trap. the child climbing in a claw machine in strawn? israel. the stranger helped as helping hand using a special saw to get them lose. they walked away with what they were looking for, a plush doll. brian: that is "toy story" episode. they get stuck in the thing in "toy story"? chris, do you know? steve: i'm used to live television. of janice dean on the streets of new york city. janice: what a crowd. are you here to see me? i love it! oh, my gosh, let's take a look at the maps. we'll say high to the folks. we're expecting a nor'easter tomorrow. are you traveling tomorrow? no, that is good. you stay with me. take a look at the maps. we have a system across the south and a system across the midwest. those go combined, some of that
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energy will come on up the coast. tomorrow we expect showers, thunderstorms, a lot of rain and we will keep you up to date. if you are traveling tomorrow, you need somewhere to stay, brian kilmeade has a lot of space in his basement. wave to everybody. yea. brian: crawl space but you're welcome to it. janice: thank you so much for coming! steve: lot of folks out there. brian: she has high octaves, doesn't she. ainsley: 42 minutes after the top of the hour. the first american citizen to be canonized as a saint should be worthy after statue, right? not in new york city, brian. bill de blasio's wife snubbed her. steve: tammy bruce calls this a big charade. tammy is coming up on "fox & friends." ♪
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♪. ainsley: francis cabrini the first u.s. citizen to be canonized as a catholic saint. that was not enough for some to build a statue in new york city. a recent poll conducted by the city to which seven women should be honored with statues. despite the results, a panel organized by new york city's first lady to choose this honor, she was the won who was sitting on the panel. she and a group of women asked who they wanted, number one on top of the list was francis cabrini. she got 219 votes. here so react is tammy bruce. >> good morning. ainsley: she got 219. the next person was --
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>> former column i. ainsley: she got 93. >> right. ainsley: why isn't she getting a statue. >> this vote is interesting, americans look at new york as leftist, liberal all of that. this spectrum is interesting, a catholic woman, not just because she, wasn't voted on because she is catholic nun, but because of the work she did, work for the poor, orphanages, hospitals. this is in the 1800s, remarkable things, education for girls and women. really point of view that helped women across the board. so if you're going to have this poll, if you will, at least that should be an indication of where new yorkers stand. but this is i think something very different. even a woman who was on the panel, who was supposed to help make the final position, suggested apparently unanimous, maybe these statues should be about groups of women, as opposed to individuals as an example, billy holiday. there will be another billie holiday.
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i don't think any of us will be saints. they are remarkable individuals but if we're looking to inspire women and girls, that groups of honored, women in music, women in education, homemakers, you know, single moms, the bottom line is, is that, what kind of dynamic would inspire every woman to be able i can do that i can be in business. i can be in music. i think that is what the panel apparently wanted. even that was disregarded. ainsley: i am amazed she got the most votes yet she is not getting a statue. sorry to interrupt you. she will get a statue the government came out and said listen she was snubbed by city of new york, but i will still put a statue of her. >> that is important. it does tell america that new yorkers in fact are not reflection of the very few individuals on the far left who get all of the attention. this is the same with the
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democratic party. that know these extremists are not a reflection anymore if they were at all, which they weren't of what the average liberal in this country cares about. the average person of faith cares about. we do care about, we did enough. you changed society as this woman, as a nun in this framework. that faith matters. that being a homemaker matters. that being in business matters. that this is not about identity politics. it should be about inspiring everyone who can be moved by these actions of these women. yes, if you managed to be the first saint, we can look at that woman's work, realize she changed life for the better not just for new yorkers. just everyone. ainsley: seven women were selected to have statues in some of the boroughs the city. four women were snubbed, the first woman to become a saint, writer and journalist, woman who founded manhattan school of music. a woman who helped build the brooklyn bridge.
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>> new yorkers understand the impact of women in this city. they should be listened more by city leadership. they should be listened more, taken seriously more. the city is diverse not just visually, but ideas and understanding about the kinds of women that matter make an impact. ainsley: at least we're getting a statue. >> we are. ainsley: industry driving big paydays is trucking. one woman who switched gears will join us next. let's check in with sandra for what is coming up at the top of the hour. >> ainsley, good morning. hunter biden breaking his silence in a brand new interview this morning. what he is saying about his overseas business dealings. hours from now, 12 democrats will take the stage in a high-stakes presidential debate. what to watch for. why is mark zuckerberg been secretly meeting with conservative journalists? we'll have fresh reaction to that. coming up live from "america's newsroom," top of the hour. see you then.
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we're doing all we can to make moving simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. ♪. steve: on the road to bigger salary. women are flocking to an industry you might not expect. we're talking about the industry of trucking. ainsley: according to the american trucking association there were over 234,000 female truckers in 2018. that is a 68% increase since 2010. what is the reason? equal pay. brian: joining us right now to discuss is rebecca coon. rebecca, how do you explain this trend? is it all about the pay? >> i don't think it is about the pay. i as personal level enjoy trucking, trucking lifestyle, people i meet, sights i see. for me it wayne so much about the pay. it was more about the truck
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itself. but i also know that the pay was definite benefit. ainsley: rebecca you were assistant manager at a gas station in fort bragg, north carolina. you decided to get into trucking. why? >> it was time for a career change. i had always wanted to be a trucker. i actually had family that were truckers. i saw every weekend they would come home, see the big giant truck in my driveway. it was a really cool sight to see. when i decided to change careers, trucking was one of the main ones i looked into. steve: there is so much e-commerce, so many things being delivered, the trucking industry is taking off. rebecca, if you would, for people watching right now, thinking about the trucking industry, make a pitch, why should they consider it? >> well, first of all, like you said there is better pay. you know there is better benefit and everything but in general, like, looking around at america, traveling around america, just
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seeing the country, you know, it is a pretty amazing sight. not only that, people who ask me that, you have to realize trucking is something that affects every single person every single day. you're moving america one truckload at a time. it is something that impacts everybody in your life. i think it is almost a good, a good calling to follow. ainsley: what do you do? do you listen to "fox & friends" on sirius radio? what do you do while you're driving? >> i listen to audio books a lot lately but i have pandora. they give us sirius radio. so it is a lot of radio. it's a lot of, i'm kind of amazed at landscape i see in america. sometimes it is just silence, looking at sunsets and sunrises. ainsley: when you see a kid do this, honk your who were for them. that is so cool. good for you, rebecca.
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mac and cheese in a bag. >> you have to see the "after the show show". >> if that doesn't excite you run to radio. >> bill: thanks, guys, good morning. everybody. hunter biden breaking his silence finally after months of scrutiny on his business dealings while his father was vice president. a lot in this interview today. we'll get to all of it now starting now as much as we can. i'm bill hemmer, welcome to tuesday and good morning here and to you, sandra. >> sandra: good morning everyone. i'm sandra smith. in an interview hours before joe biden takes center stage at the democratic debate in ohio tonight hunter biden repeatedly denying he broke any laws by working for a ukraine gas company. while also taking direct aim at the president. >> do you regret being on the board to begin with? >> no, i don't regret being on the board. what i regret


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