tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News October 19, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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'. . jeanine: hello and welcome to justice. thank you to much for being with us tonight and thank you for keeping our street going in macon last week show number one all weekend long. in the little house from last week's special guest president donald trump. tonight we have trump organization executive vice president eric trump to talk 2020 impeachment madness and more push senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham, and jim jordan, what a lineup. first my (♪ ♪ there has been a lot of talk
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about constitutional crazy. but the only constitutional crisis right now is the lawless attempt to impeach the sitting president, the effort by the democrats to remove this president without regards to rules and without calling a vote is a reminisce of the wiesel star chamber. the star chamber of course used in abused the arbitrary power in secret proceedings to target mnes. always casting doubt on the lot judalegitimacy of the proceedin. they ended four years ago or did they. today the congress run by radicals resisting the will of the american people, getting revenge whatever way they can has turned her congress into a star chamber. there are attempts to impeach the president entails no vote, no due process or no right to
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call witnesses to cross-examine. the president is entitled to nothing. to these radicals, truth is irrelevant. their mission is to do whatever they can to rid themselves of a man they hate. they lie on the record. as adam schiff did when reading the transfer of the president. he calls him so a prosecutor as he has done that in the courtroom he would be disbarred and charge with perjury. there are secret interviews, selective links, chairman shift realigning, a boldface lie. they met with him referred him to lawyers and for one month plotted their coup to overthrow the president while cultivating narratives and tweets designed to hurt the president. and when kurt volker the u.s. envoy to ukraine said there was no quid pro quo and adam schiff
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correction. ambassador, you are making this more complicated than it has to be. no he is not, he is stating a fact. there was no quid pro quo. deal with it. the democrats need to snap out of their delusional and dangerous game, there was no quid pro quo. you had noisier there was even a holdup of military aid so how could there be one. >> jim and i have been in over 40 hours of deposition and what we are finding that adam shift only wants to have witnesses who will give the respond that he hopes they will give an even at that it's a swing and a miss. we need to have that whistleblower and we call it a whistleblower but it's more an anonymous informant and we need to have them come in so we can say how often did you cordate with adam schiff. jeanine: that my friend is a
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question we will probably never get an answer to. they startled the nation with the claim that there was a whistleblower with information and our president was engaging in illegal acts on international phone calls with the president of ukraine. we find out the whistleblower and the cia guy by adam schiff staff, now they don't want to reveal his name for his protection, that is hogwash, they don't want to reveal his name nor the name of the second whistleblower because we will find out the real connection between these intelligence operatives in the democrats reminiscent i might add other russia collusion delusion. it's also mysterious. what i suspect in the light of day is painfully and obviously political. i'm sure they don't remember that barack obama actually fired the whistleblower in fast and
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furious. official impeachment inquiries we begin in the judiciary committee. but saker losey to get out of the committee because chairman nadler was blowing it. like a star chamber, they put their inquiry not in the place where house members can near the evidence to say ultimately they have to vote on instead it's conducted behind closed doors by committee of intelligence oversight and foreign affairs and the result, the american people only hear a narrative of a design narrative to hurt the president. even congressman who are on a judiciary committee are refused interest and you will hear from one tonight. their goal is to do articles of impeachment without the minority and without the republicans, without the minority even having
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a chance to hear the evidence. they can hide testimony that outs the president and make sure it does not get out. if they like the way something sounds they will leak it whether if it's out of context or just plain wrong. they do not care the only thing that matters to these radicals is that they win at all costs. you americans who want them to work on issues important to you get in the back of the line. they are not interested in you or your problems, they are only interested in power. pure, naked power. this is the democrats, no due process, the constitution and president scams, we have seen over and over. they don't care they place the cloud over this presidency for the better part of three years or they fracture this nation with the claim that our commander-in-chief was a russian asset, a putin puppet, they lie
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and impugned the ted integrity and integrity to put their hateful agenda. the irony here, it was barack obama, democrat senators who pushed ukraine in 2016 to cooperate and probes possible trump wrongdoing that did not exist. ukraine government offered to out hillary and l.a. search for damaging information on trump and the advisors, where was the outrage, the investigation, the star chamber then? >> now, you want to tell me that the president does not have the right to get on the phone into the president of ukraine i'd like to find out about corruption that began in 2016, the president of the united states has not only the right but the obligation to investigate whether the intelligence community crossed
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lines to frame a presidential candidate. the president has the right to ask ukraine to cooperate with the department of justice. the dems cannot have this because once you peel back the layers of the onion it is they who are naked with guilt. they who are at fault in the genesis of the russia collusion that is been debunked, it was the first time in american history that people with unbridled power try to eliminate a presidential candidate and when that failed they planted the seed for indictment and impeachment. the impeachment that we are now witnessing today all the elude galley issuing the warrant which we will hopefully get to the bottom of next week came from a group that was so confident the rules did not matter. so confident they can violate
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the rights of the presidential candidate in the will of the market people in it could only have come from one place. the top. as a radical continues on the unbridled past to grab power, the people have specifically not given them, they will continue their violation of all norms in their star chamber a resistance revenge. let me open what do you think my facebook page and twitter and if you like my opens, you will love my new book, the less plot to remake america. get your copy now. >> i'm here with reaction to the latest developments in the dems impeachment and congressman joining me now.
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i want to start with you matt, here you are sitting congressman, this week you decide guilt visit the impeachment hearing being conducted in congress where you work and where you're elected to and they butcher out. the irony is that they say you're not intelligent and the irony is, if they did it legitimately it would have been in your committee on the judiciary. what is your reaction when they threw you out? >> we see this for exactly what it is. it differ desperate attempt form schiff in the radical left to overturn the results of the 2016 election because they know he will not when the 2020 election against president trump. i know a member of the judiciary committee, jerry nadler announced this impeachment inquiry one month ago and now our own committee is not able to
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participate. the reason, the more eyes they cannot adam schiff evidence the worst it looks. they're conducting secret interviews with selective leaks then you get theatrical performances and fake transcripts and lies about context with those who can come forth to the committee. this is absolutely a kangaroo court and the democrats have the fundamental question of fairness, why will they not give trump the same due process that republicans gave hillary clint clinton. >> and this is how you do it, i want to ask a question, they know what is sitting congresses, this congress if there is a vote is going to vote on whether there should be articles of impeachment if they ever get that way to the point. will there be a transcript of any of this testimony, will congress people be voting on selective leaks? >> let's hope so. but your opener is great, it's a most unfair thing i've ever seen. in the unfair person process, there have been six witnesses
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brought in, not one single one was on the call, two were not even serving in the government at the time of the call in the individuals name president trump and zelinski there was no leakage, no quid pro quo whatsoever. but adam schiff does not care. he is pursuing this so much he will not let gates in the room, he will not let people see the transcript. a whistleblower with no first-hand knowledge by us to get the president, worked with vice president biden, wrote a memo after the call and set all kinds of things in the memo with brightly stuff on the call and waited 18 days to file a complaint. guess what happen etd timeframe, this so-called whistleblower ran off to see adam schiff and did not tell us when he filed the form and he did not check the box did you check with anyone on capitol hill. that's the crazy process going on. >> is also the inspector
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general. but the amazing part, not only did the president and the prime minister of ukraine said there was no pressure whatsoever, they did not even know that there was money that had not been released. so how could there be a quid pro quo if they don't know there's money that has been released. in adam schiff in the beginning wants to protect the whistleblower and we have to protect them, as if he's saying something we don't already know and the president hasn't already released openly. but now, we don't need to hear from the whistleblower, the best evidence -- >> that's what i said from the get go. >> so they don't get to cross examine the whistleblower into the fact he's an intelligent who is involved of the overthrow of the president. >> am i wrong? >> we know what they have said,
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but anyone else with first-team knowledge, adam schiff does not want to talk to them. we don't have any idea of who they might be because only adam schiff knows who the whistleblower is. now his argument with the close process in his argument is other impeachment inquiries there was a independent special prosecutor. >> he has now set himself up as an independent special prosecutor. then we'll see right through that and underscoring how about a process and unfair process. the reason it's so unfair they know they cannot beat president trump in 2020. >> i want to go back to you on this issue, if an impeachment is a political move essentially and if they do in pieces president with his corrupt unaccountable claim by a liar adam schiff, that mean next time around
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if a democrat is president that the republican can say that's it, we have a president, let's vote to get him out? is that where we are headed? >> unfortunately what you see from house democrats is impeachment by reflux and that does lasting damage to the house of representatives. there may be a day when we have to engage in a legitimate impeachment against the president that has violated the constitutional duty. president trump has not done that but now nancy pelosi has made the impeachment process a total joke, a clown show. i'm sick and tired of the democrats allocating peers about military aid to ukraine. barack obama put a permanent stop and he never allowed them to go. so you're telling me we will impeach president trump when delivering aid that barack obama did not deliver, that is absolutely ludicrous and if president trump had the wrong color of thai democrat would march to impeachment because
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they're unable to work for debate or fair election. that's what this is about the political process in the pay a political price in the 2020 election when the forgotten men and women send this president back. jeanine: let's assume that the articles of impeachment, they have to come out of judiciary don't they? >> i assume once they go through this unfair process i assume adam schiff will put together a report, send it to the committee and the committee with certain articles of impeachment -- when you make the rules up as you go along, who knows how this plays out. but i assume that's what they will do, we will make sure we present the facts as best we can to get the information to the american people. matt is right and you're right, the murky people get fairness and this is an unfair process
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that they do not get to participate. >> only a handful of people in the whole country, know who the whistleblower is, adam schiff did his staff, this individual is one responsible for the entire thing starting and removing a president from offi office. >> i'm the one that said comey, one man this nation was fractured for two years. you can think one man for that, we were at each other's throats for two and half years and $30 million later. but i want to ask one more thing. what about mick mulvaney, what's going to come of all that? >> his statement, he had another statement later in the day. everything we have heard, there has never been anyone who said there was a linkage between later assistant in any activity on investigators. that has been clear throughout
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and that's what the president said and that's with the special envoy ambassador volker told us as well. that's the one transcript we can talk about but is been consistent throughout the fundamental to leakage to any election of none whatsoever. >> the transcript and all the rest is just noise. >> of course, you know from your time in the courtroom in my time, if you have good facts you are not afraid to put them on. the democrats thought when they put robert fuller before the judiciary committee and lewandowski, they can be persuasive in any way another operating in secret because their facts are terrible and a lot of deception. this is a country that is better than that in a president that will survive and thrive. jeanine: thank you so much. jeanine: thank you so much. hillary couples with chelsea.
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i get it all the time. "have you lost weight?" of course i have- ever since i started renting from national. because national lets me lose the wait at the counter... ...and choose any car in the aisle. and i don't wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait...and keep it off. looking good, patrick. i know. (vo) go national. go like a pro.
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>> following two big stories, the latest development in syria with u.s. in turkey bringing to a cease-fire over the reports of fighting continued. and of course the impeachment madness in washington, d.c. joining me now with reaction to the stories determined of the chairman judiciary committee lindsey graham. it is great to have you on. you indeed are in the thick of all this. you are critical in the beginning when the president indicated he was going to pull out whatever number of troops.
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>> number one, the president did not give turkey a green light to invade syria. but he did not say read either. he said yellow light and you don't give your lights. >> what do you mean when you say a yellow light, the fact that he's been saying that he wants to take our troops out and bring them home, how does that give able light? >> that does not help. airehe called them up and said u should not and this will be disrupted. he said you shouldn't go in. if we pull out all of her troops
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think of it on steroids. we have a chance to fix this and a macro to be on television told people i don't believe. the kurds fought with us when nobody else would. -- these are syrian leaders, they stepped up to the plate we had eight americans killed in four years but the reason we did not lose hundreds or thousands trying to destroy is the kurds in the arab were fighting with some help from us. we abandon the kurds nobody will fight with us. here's the good news, the president is right they had a conflict for a couple of days and also how bad it would be in the present has a chance to straighten this out and what would that look like, turkey would be protected from cruder starts out of syria and the kurds would notould join forcese sure 50000 isis fighters do not come back and around will not move into syria to take the oil
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field that would make rich in iran to create a nightmare for israel. that's what winning looks like. >> it is very complicated. even describing, there is so many components. when you think about all the isis fighters and the prisoners that are there, how many countries are there and jailing them -- >> about eight. >> this is important, nobody is jailing isis as prisoners except the kurds. were not paying that. there's about 15000. this is not complicated, the kurds fought with us and if we abandon them will never get another partner and they will get slaughtered by turkey. it's in our interest to make sure isis does not come back in the kurds who were guarding the jail, if they have to fight turkey then they cannot fight the kurds.
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keep -- how long should we be there? >> how long should we be there. >> the day isis surrenders call me. we should be there as long as there is a threat. i'm not asking for and in less war, i am just trying to be smart. bush sent 100,000 people in, that did not work, obama left, that did not work. what trump is done is pretty smart. a couple hundred of us, less than a thousand working with the kurds on the ground, let them do the fighting and we provide air cover and that has worked. all i can say, it takes two to in the word. you may be tired but they're not tired of fighting you. if we abandon the kurds isis will come back and if there is an attack here organs or alley alleys -- you can avoid all of
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that in less then a thousand troops. >> how long have they been fighting how long have the kurds in the turks been fighting? >> they have had troubles for a long time. do remember 9/11? >> i do i was in new york city. >> how long has it been. >> i think i think you do. >> of course i do and i'm not suggesting anything other than at some point we may recognize that we cannot be all over the world. and we are, how many countries are we in right now. >> our footprint in syria is about 1000. here's what you need to recognize, if you ignore them they want to ignore you. september the tenth 2001 we did not have any soldiers in afghanistan, we got attacked anyway. they will not quit fighting us. if you don't get that, i'm start to the people who think if you leave radical as the malone,
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they will try to kill us until we stop there. the best way is to have people in the region do the fighting with the little bit of help from us. obama left iraq. how well did that work out. >> clearly not at all. there was a vacuum. at the same time -- >> i hope it works. president trump has actually done something really smart, they not just read as a force. the kurds and arrows to the fighting, the kurds lost around 2000 people. they're doing the fighting with her help. that is the model of us working with the kurds to keep the 10000 from coming back and it's really smart. in the oil fields so iran does not take them over. that is smart. here's what i would've ice president trump, do a deal, take over the oil fields in the south, share the revenue with the kurds who helped us fight
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isis and keep the money away from around, you could actually make money if you took the oilfields over insured the revenue -- >> i think the president talked about that a long time ago. if this is a cease-fire and their claims that there's already violation. what do you suggest we do? >> i think the president has crated an opportunity. i will give him a lot of credit for weighing in and stopping -- i talked to the leader of the kurdish forces. we should find a safe zone to protect turkey, they are terrorist group, but they help was destroyed isis. it is complicated, you protect the kurds, you don't abandon them any prevent isis from coming back and you keep a safe zone and create one between
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turkey and the kurds but you do not allow turkey to ethnically cleanse the kurds from the syrian border. you cannot do that or allow turkey to displace one hundreds of thousands of kurds, that is not a safe zone that is cleansing in america will not tolerate that. >> let's talk about impeachment, you're on the chair of the judiciary committee, how do you think it is going -- >> impeachment is a bunch of bull. it is bs. >> you are certainly fired up today. >> i know the -- what are you able to do when he gets to the senate? >> if it gets to the senate. >> it is going to die, it'll be dead on arrival. you have to hold a trial but is based on the transcript of the phone call between trump and the president of ukraine. it was a good phone call and to those who are listening ukraine was involved in our election in
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2016, there's people in the ukraine that put a hit job on manafort the president campaign manager. they wrote an article about ukraine interference in 2016 election but only because it involves democrats. so durham, the u.s. attorney in connecticut is looking at this so it is okay for the president to want to find out what role the ukraine played in interfering in our election. it was okay for mueller to look at the trump campaign and also okay for the democrats and the ukraine. >> and they might not have any obligation to do that. senator lindsey graham always great to have you. thank you for being with us. eric trump still had tonight, but first just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. she is back.
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[♪] aishah: welcome to "america's news headquarters." i'm aishah hasnie in new york. president trump reversing his decision to hold next year's g7 summit at his doral resort. the president tweeted that he thought he was quote doing something good for our country. the decision faced backlash from democrats who accused him of trying to enrich himself by hosting it at his own resort. the president said on twitter that camp david might be a possibility. that retreat is government owned. a programming note for you. acting white house chief of
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staff mick mulvaney will join chris wallace for an exclusive interview on "fox news sunday." i'm aishah hasnie. now back to "justice with judge jeanine." >> hillary clinton on the attack after going after tulsi gabbard suggesting she's being used by the russians. constitutional attorney and white house counsel david joined me now with reaction. >> thank you so much for being with us. i want to put this into two segments. but first i want to talk about essentially what was said. so hillary clinton is on a podcast and she starts talking about the fact that the russians
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have their eye on someone currently in the democratic party and rumored to be a third-party candidate and she is a favorite to the russians in a tool of the russian government and it turns out and they make it clear that she is talking about toasting albert. tulsi gabbard comes out and issues her own sweet and says thank you hillary, you the queen of lord mongers and the promise of patient of the rock that is taken the democratic party for so long has finally come out from behind the curtain. aside from the fact i cannot agree with her more. i want to talk about the legality. number one, i want to take my viewers through this. we have a first amendment, people can say according to the first amendment freedom of speech, can they say whatever they want? >> no my limitations of the first amendment when you're talking about defamation.
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see you cannot name somebody which is a false statement depending if it's a public person or night is negligent. no you clearly cannot say anything and by the way what hillary clinton said is part of the standard and is not malice in a common sense. it is basically reckless disregard to prove or offering false men. toast is not been ruled by the russian. >> -- she is not being groomed by the russians. >> we talked about the first amendment having limitations in your quote new york times saying when you're a public official expect people to say things about you that are not true and if you essentially have no rights and no recourse unless they say something that is not
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true and they say it with malice. is that correct? >> the standard for nonpublic person is negligent in this standard is disregard unknowing. >> in order for tulsi gabbard to sue or to the public official, she would have to prove there was malice and that it's a lie. hillary clinton has not offered any proof and i think she has flipped her lid. i think anybody that hillary clinton does not like she says there russian asset which is where the whole thing started with donald trump because she ended up hiring through a law firm of foreign nation to get this ridiculous dossier. but i rest there. would be easy for tulsi gabbard especially since it appears that hillary is choosing her.
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>> it would be very easy. she's accusing her both of infamous behavior but also a crime. if toasty is a russian asset and she is violating criminal law. the same provision in which the russian person was convicted of not registering of the agent of a foreign state. she's going to have an easy case. it's depressingly defamation and also a terrible distortion of any serious political discourse. i don't agree over foreign policy but she's not a russian agent. that is ridiculous. >> thank you so much for joining us. and eric trump joins me
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jeanine: welcome back. i sat down to talk about the impeachment witch-hunt and more. take a look. thank you for being with us. there's a lot to get to tonight. i want to start with all the stuff talking about now the genesis during the obama administration. shocking. and even in my book radicals with revenge. i'm talking about the fact that any intelligence investigation would've had to been something known by the white house by barack obama and they go further in my book to talk about the fact that barack obama had to know. but now we hear about the corruption in the ukraine when joe biden and hunter biden making $50000 a month and apparently not capable of doing much in china coming down the
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road. in joe biden continue to talk about barack with the friendship bracelet. where is brooke obama. >> i asked this the other night, i want to know where he is. could you imagine if that happened if the roles were reversed what they would've done to my father if i do some those hunters age embezzling and taking obtain amounts of money from adversarial countries at the behest of the american people blowing cash per money because there were some kind -- could you imagine, they would knocked on my father's house and telephone poles and binoculars, where is obama? where is hunter biden, where is obama got this whole thing. this is insane. they kid makes a billion and a half dollars from china.
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>> and china does not give up their money easy. >> he got kicked out of the navy he got found with a crockpot. to think china is the smartest people in the world will give a troubled kid a billion and a half dollars to manage. how about the incredible investors across new york. they won't give it but looking at the hunter biden who has drug problems and other problems -- >> they stand up and say donald trump needs to be impeached, how dare he asked this question. for some reason i'm the only person talking about this. nancy pelosi and biden and all the other democrats won't let you drill for oil in upstate europe. if you put a straw they will freak out and they will block everything. but yet it's perfectly acceptable if their sons are sitting on the boards of
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ukrainian energy company drilling the hell out of everything and making hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars. the hypocrisy is insane. you're okay if it's there because your family is profiting and you won't let it happen in america where it might benefit and make us even more energy independent. it is crazy. it's a tragedy and if the media turns a blank i and they are part of the corruption, this is real stuff and they better start looking into it. it cannot happen on any side of the aisle. >> even if the media is by the left, people are smarter, the reading social media and blogs. and now we have access to more information. we are wondering where hunter biden's, where bronco's, and he also had a comment and you inched her on and she said don't tempt me, what is she thinking of? >> i think she is trying to sell
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a book that did not help at all and she's in every bookstore for selling for 99 cents. i'd love to see her reenter because she'd be a third politician with a 0 and early record of running for the presidency of the united states. >> think about it, you have joe biden unjustifiably so, elizabeth warren who is approaching the top but at the same time she can call herself a capitalist but she's a socialist and the profits go not just the local community but the global community. and then you have bernie sanders who is not quite up to the job right now. his hillary clinton someone who could get in there and do at least as good as they can? >> she can't in she knew she would not win because she wants
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to stay relevant whole process. here's reality, they are fighting a president has a greatest economy in this country we have ever seen, the strongest military we have ever had in their fighting and patriotism that exist that has not existed in the long time, the highest consumer confidence, the lowest on employment, they are fighting in a candidate that lies about being a cherokee indian which is 11024th indian and a guy embezzling money from everybody in and reaching off his father's position. >> quarters joe biden get off been so pompous and above it all. >> i think american people will see that. if i was doing the same thing the family was doing i'd be in jail. why is every family in politics and enriches themselves. are we the only family -- we stopped doing deals with my father went into politics.
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state and we will win by emergent. >> i want to talk about something, there were protest you might call it writing outside, they were burning the hat and the chair of the minnesota democratic party was talking about the people on the outside of the auditorium who are creating all of this and what you saw was a reflection of the frustration among american people and trump and his policies have a hate that he is bringing to communities throughout this country right now. so chair of the minnesota democrat party is blaming not tonight be petrified coming out of that stadium burning hats make a hat. >> first of all there's a lot more love than hate. media focuses on the one group of 25 people when you have 50000 people who were there because they love. these are the least except
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during tolerance people, the democrats for a long time, we are the party of tolerance, they are not tolerant people, for the least tolerant people in the world and if they were tolerant they would not be burning hats and tea for is a radical movement of the democrats not the republican. nbc, cbs none of these guys cover this. >> the police standdown, it's almost as if justice is on its head. because any heretical mayor who will fire the chief of police if they enforce laws and one person who is setting a bonfire in the middle of the street to go to jail, they arrest that person, how dare you arrest that person, they were protesting. >> it's outraged. >> by the way the entire auditorium was redshirt and were not allowed to wear uniforms to the rally so they went out that said cops for trump's and the
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entire auditorium was police officers and people are sick of the nonsense. it will in and my father will win in 2020. win in 2020. jeanine: we look forwa i get it all the time. "have you lost weight?" of course i have- ever since i started renting from national. because national lets me lose the wait at the counter... ...and choose any car in the aisle. and i don't wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait...and keep it off. looking good, patrick. i know. (vo) go national. go like a pro.
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because this is what you live for. it's your season so hurry to bass pro shops and cabela's for huge savings on the gear you need from top brands like herter's, redhead and cabela's. the go hunt sale is going on now. [♪] judge jeanine: radicals, resistance and revenge is a best seller all over the world. if you don't have your copy yet, you need to get one. and i'm coming to a city near you. october 21 i'll be in yoasha linda -- yorba linda, california at the nixon library. you can find all the information on my social media.
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"the greg gutfeld show" is coming up next. i will see you saturday if i don't see you this week. >> maybe we have a better president than you do. greg: can't argue with the facts. it was billed as a democratic debate. but it sounded like an angry ex-wives club. they kept saying the same damn thing about him. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donal
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