tv Fox and Friends Sunday FOX News October 20, 2019 3:00am-7:00am PDT
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♪ ♪ pete: all right, all right. ed: good morning, everybody. jedediah: got a little groove to it. usually ed's the super mellow one of the bunch. ed: yankees lost. i couldn't wear my yankees stuff, but i wore my pinstripes. we're looking for the next jeter. this dramatic home run to tie fit up top of the ninth, and
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then the astros -- he just comes up big all the time. but the good news is we've got nats/astros tuesday, world series game one right here, fox network. griff: go, nats. it probably saved the yankees the disappointment of having 50,000 fans doing baby shark. [laughter] jedediah: he loves the baby shark. there's only one derek jeter. ed: well, our buddy pete is serving our great nation with the army reserves, we miss him, but it's wonderful to have griff. this is almost like weekend at bernie's here in new york city. [laughter] bernie had this heart attack a couple weeks ago but is coming back strong. bernie's back, and so is socialism because he had the squad endorsing him en masse. griff: this is the guy, he is --
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he had a heart attack, bit of he form as he has been. i remember in 2016 i was here in washington square, he had tens of thousands there, it was the same thing yesterday. he was shouting, fired up in the sun, he was out there for probably almost an hour. let me just play you a little bit of what he had to say, making the case that he's back. >> i am happy to report to you that i am more than to carry on with you the epic struggle that we face today. [cheers and applause] i am more than ready to assume the office of president of the united states. to help create a government based on the principles of justice, economic justice, racial justice, social justice and environmental justice.
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[cheers and applause] to put it bluntly, i am back! ed: back, indeed. jedediah: yeah, so he was fired up. good to see that he's healthy, he's out there. i give him a lot of credit because bernie sanders is very direct. he's one of the few people that will admit things, that your taxes will go up in order to pay for his plans. i think it shows a really big contrast and divide that's happening in the far-left wing of the democratic party because you see aoc -- ed: running mate, by the way? jedediah: well, you never know what could happen in the future. but aoc endorsed him. there was a lot of talk of would she go for elizabeth warren or bernie sanders. let's listen to what she had to say about him in her endorsement. >> i have grown to appreciate the enormous consistent and nonstop advocacy of senator
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bernie sanders. [cheers and applause] and the only reason that i had any hope in launching a long-shot campaign for congress is because bernie sanders proves that you can run a grassroots campaign. the ally -- [cheers and applause] i call him -- ed: he says i wrote the damn bill when it comes to medicare for all. so he has that authenticity. that big crowd out there, born in queens, that's right in the shadow of where amazon was going to build this massive headquarters, hq2 as they were calling it. it was going to bring a lot of money to that community, to new york city, the whole region perhaps. and it was aoc and others who blocked it. bad, bad capitalism. and so what a remarkable contrast right there where they were in the shadows of a spot that might have been this great bastion of capitalism helping all kinds of people in the area, bringing in all kinds of new money, and they were i saying
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socialism, socialism, socialism. jedediah: a distinction too between warren and sanders. remember, elizabeth warren was a republican in the past. she has come out and labeled herself as a capitalist. she talks about taxes, when asked whether your taxes will go up, she's very reluctant to say that. bernie sanders e is someone who has been committed to this big government agenda, and his policies when you look at his student debt loan policies, taxation policies are much more extreme than hers. so i think the statement by aoc coming out, she was trying to tell that hard-left progressive wing of the party, this is the guy, this is the real democratic socialist, this is the person that you want. elizabeth warren, i'm not sure she's the real deal. griff: by the way, i brought you a bun, i'm going to go get it, it,aoc 2028, who knows. the endorsement is significant, as you point out. look, bernie sanders has run on key principles since the beginning. that is a fundamental
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transformation of our government, right? from health care to free tuition, to ending corporate influence, and aoc's endorsement, politico magazine's picking up on the significance of it. aoc's sanders endorsement won't change 2020, but it might change the democratic party. a quote from inside says the timing of ocasio-cortez's endorsement sends a sharp message to the party establishment and progressive movement, we socialists are not here for elizabeth warren, we want socialism, and we're not keeping quiet until we get it. ocasio-cortez seems to be telling us that sanders and his movement will still be with us when he's gone and that she aims to be the one who leads it. jedediah: just quickly, the subtext there is that elizabeth warren's socialist ideas are not good enough -- ed: they're not far enough left. jedediah: right. and you remember, i said for a long time, the democratic party
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has changed so much, it has evolved, but if you listen to president obama talking about redirection of wealth and joe the plum orer and you play that now, that sounds moderate, no big deal. and now so quickly in this race, you already see that transition that warren's not enough. and i wonder how many people will actually listen to aoc and abandon elizabeth warren who has been rising in the polls significantly right behind joe biden. griff: i talked to a lot of people out there, we are going to show you later today, and you don't want to miss it, because they're no fans of elizabeth warren, they see her as a capitalist -- jedediah: heaven forbid. >> but that she is not the real deal as sanders is. and the most common comment i got is why would you vote for a lighter alternative when you can have the real deal? ed: by the way, they're not talking about joe biden, who's a front-runner, president trump is sitting there watching the impeachment drama play out that might backfire on the democrats
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and watching the further and further tilt to the left that could help anymore a general election. what do you think about it? in the meantime, hillary clinton is uniting the president and some of his potential 2020 democratic opponents. jedediah: called out by both sides of the aisle for suggesting a sitting u.s. congresswoman could be a russian asset. griff: mark never divot is live -- meredith is live in washington with the rare show of unity. >> reporter: hillary clinton raised a lot of eyebrows with some comments she recently made during a podcast interview. she was talking about the 2020 presidential race when she said this: >> i think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the democratic primary, and they're grooming her to be the third party candidate. she's a favorite of the russians. they have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far. and that's assuming jill stein will give it up, which she might not because she's also a russian
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asset. >> reporter: while clinton did not mention a specific candidate, it's widely believed she was talking about hawaii congresswoman tulsi tobacco a ard. now other democratic candidates are coming to gabbard's defense. andrew yang put out a tweet writing, quote: tulsi gabbard deserves much more respect and thanks than this, she literally just got back from serving our country abroad. marianne williamson also putting out a tweet: the democratic party has got to stop spearing women it finds invoopt. president trump is also weighing in on the controversy. he talked about the uproar also on twitter. he did that last night. he said, quote: as you may have heard, i was called a big russia lover also. actually, i do like russian people. i like all people. hillary's gone crazy. the president on twitter last night. clinton has since backed out of a speaking appearance at
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fortune's most powerful women's summit where gabbard was also scheduled to speak. guys, back to you. jedediah: yeah. you know, it's interesting, i went back and listened to this whole podcast, way, way, way before this and tried to contextualize some of this. several key points, the gop, she says, cannot win without a third party candidate. she does call tulsi gabbard a favorite of the russians, that's a specific she uses. some have argued she's saying republicans are grooming tulsi gabbard. it's very hard to decipher, because she blends a lot of that together. she also mentioned jill stein who she does say is an asset of the russians, and then in the con tept of talking about tulsi gabbard, he says also an asset of the -- griff: how did you listen to an entire david plouffe podcast? jedediah: i did it so you don't have to. [laughter] ed: why in the world is she
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leveling this baseless allegation? i think dan crenshaw, the republican congressman, put it all together by saying, look, here's the list of people that aren't russian assets. president trump, tulsi gabbard, just about every american because it's a stupid accusation, he writes, and yet it has somehow been normalized by the democratic party as a legitimate political attack. anything for power. he makes an important point. and also this is not some wild, left-wing political strategist accusing tulsi gabbard, it's the former secretary of state, former first lady, former, you know, democratic nominee, two-time presidential candidate. she should be a stateswoman now in the party instead of these wild, wild accusations. jedediah: also key is she's once again talking about this third party candidate as being an obstruction to a democrat winning, taking her back to her own election. she cannot handle the fact that she that election. the implication that donald
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trump cannot win without a third party candidate being there is essentially saying in order for republicans to win, they have to do something underhanded like they did to me. so many feel this is just get over it, you're not helping your party. we've heard this 15 times from you already, and he won the election, he won the electoral college, move on, and she's just not moving on. griff: we'll see. ed: we're moving on. jedediah: some headlines for you now. house speaker nancy pelosi discussing the chaos in syria. the group of mostly democratic lawmakers meeting with the jordanian king overnight as defense secretary mark esper says the ceasefire is holding up and all u.s. troops are leaving syria. >> the current game plan is for those forces to reposition in western iraq, one to help defend iraq and, two, to perform a counter-isis mission as we sort through the next steps. jedediah: kurdish forces are planning to withdraw from northern syria today.
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and president trump scrapping plans to host next year's g7 summit at his doral resort tweeting, quote: based on both media and democrats' crazed and irrational hostility, we will no longer consider miami as the host site for the g7 in 2020. we will begin the search for a new place immediately. some democrats said it would be up constitutional. ed: those are your headlines. jedediah: big story too. he doesn't mince words, i will say, in those tweets. [laughter] no punches pulled. griff: as bernie sanders makes his comeback, i talked to one of his top supporters, filmmaker michael moore. what he told me about 20, that -- ♪ ♪ aetna takes a total approach to your health and wellness
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♪ ♪ >> medicare for all. will you raise taxes on the middle class to pay for it in. >> i have made clear what my principles are here. costs go up for the wealthy, they will go up for big corporations and for middle class families they will go down. i will not sign a bill into law that does not lower costs for middle class families. ed: there's elizabeth warren defending her progressive agenda. she's grilled on her policies and how they would hit your wallet. our next guest warns a warren presidency could damage american society as we know it. let's bring in david thompson, chief investment officer and author of the upcoming book elizabeth warren: how her presidency would destroy the middle class and the american dream. thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. ed: with bernie sanders being back, a lot of his supporters
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say that she's not aggressive and progressive enough. you say, actually, it's pretty dangerous. >> it's pretty dangerous, but i think it's more dangerous by the fact that she's able to market herself at light. that's more electable than bernie sanders. now, i'm not saying she's fully electable, we don't know. i am saying she's a politically talented person. she's gotten to this point despite having such an extreme agenda, and i think if she were to get the nomination, you're going to see the biggest pivot you've ever seen to her all of a sudden being this moderate and centrist candidate. e e how could she possibly when her whole campaign the authenticity of somebody who's going to break up the banks? if she tries to run to middle -- >> she'll have an incredible accomplice called the mainstream media that will let her get away with it, and that goes a long way. break up the banks, break up big oil, that's not considered hyperprogressive, that's your standard class war fare
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rhetoric. it's very dangerous. the issue about medicare for all and particularly the eliminating fracking on day one which attacks blue collar, middle class american workers, you can't walk that back. so i agree, she's in for a tough fight to try to claim that. but bernie sanders wouldn't even try to claim. liz warren would, i think, make that argument -- ed: let's talk more about that sanders/warren dynamic and who's the real socialist, who's the real progressive. politico magazine talking about aoc's sanders endorsement won't change 2020, they say, but it might change the democratic party. this is a signal from the young guns in the democratic party to elizabeth warren that you're not progressive enough and that bernie sanders is the real deal. what say you? >> i read the article, and i think it was very smart thing for aoc, because don't believe bernie's campaign's going anywhere, but he has a lot of money, a lot of energy, a lot of young voters really backed up. but if that goes away and
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elizabeth warren keeps climbing in the polls, people won't remember aoc's endorsement. she got the street cred by endorsing the real socialist. ed: "the new york times" insisting all this conventional wisdom that warren would lose badly, is it true she's got this movement and she can really beat him. i sense from the president's camp, they would love to face elizabeth warren. >> that may be true. one of the things i've been writing, this form of the book writing is i'm not sure that we know. i think that elizabeth warren is going to be a talented campaigner, but she would be running an unprecedented level of progressive extremism. there are certain political planks that she's taken that, as you said, are going to be hard to walk back. but the rhetoric about being for the middle class while you're advocating policies that hurt the middle class, dangerous. ed: david b ahnsen, thanks for coming in. the. a powerful moment caught on camera, a high school football
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♪ ♪ griff: some quick headlines happening today. two giant cranes sitting over the rubble of a partially collapsed hotel in new orleans will be destroyed today. officials had to use explosives to knock down the equipment after the hard rock hotel collapsed last week and three people were killed. the demolition was delayed by tropical storm nester. and this is a live look in hong kong where thousands of protesters are marching through the streets. police are tightening security, calling the march illegal. they closed down all train stations one day after a protester was stabbed while passing out pro-democracy fliers
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at a subway stop. jedediah: 2020 presidential hopeful beto o'rourke taken to task at a phoenix rally earlier this month. >> we are a nation of laws, and i think it's a slap in the face to every legal immigrant who has waited and paid and played by the rules. >> what is a slap in the face to my conscience and the best traditions of this country is taking kids from their parents and putting them in cages. [cheers and applause] jedediah: our next guest calling out beto in a new op-ed, yes, beto, your immigration ideas are a slap in the face to angel moms like me. marian men doze saw is mother of an officer who was killed by a drunk driver in 2014, and she joins us now. welcome to show. >> thank you very much. jedediah: obviously, we want to just extend our condolences for the loss of your son, can you just remind us how he died? >> on may 12, 2014, a repeat
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criminal illegal alien criminal legally drunk slammed head on into my son. jedediah: horrific. so when you hear someone like beto beto o'rourke having that interaction with someone, what is your gut reaction to what he has said? enter well, that someone was jennifer harrison, and she's a very good friend of mind, and i applaud her for standing up to him and going to that rally. it sickens me that every democratic presidential candidate has no interest in talking about how illegal immigration is harming their knell american citizens. fellow american citizens. president trump is the only man who's ever brought up angel families and the grief and the desperation and the hopelessness that we experience, and our politicians continue to ignore us. it's time for politicians to understand this is taking over 4300 innocent lives every year. every single year that many americans are being killed by illegal aliens in our country,
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and it's time for our politicians to stand up for us. everything you hear and everything that they fight for anymore is about illegal ime grants, illegal aliens in our country. and that's what our tax dollars are going for, what laws are being changed for, that's what sanctuary policies protect, and i'm tired of being a second is rate citizen in my country and having my son become collateral damage. jedediah: beto has issued this response via twitter to that woman who asked the question at the phoenix rally saying immigrants pose no threat to her, and we need to call people out for saying they do. what do you think of that? >> how can beto assure us of that? we don't know who's coming over our border. they're not properly vetted, and for him to make that statement, the next illegal alien who comes over our border illegally, i am going to go in front of his face and ask him, you know, your statement holds no water. we have so many, and this last week i talked to two angel moms, deborah and giselle, who have
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lost their children in the last year. we do not need more people becoming a part of our organization, angel we need to start stapgd up for americans, and i'm begging my fellow americans to, please, start researching who you're voting for and understand president trump is the only man and the only politician right now who cares enough about americans to fight for us. jedediah: well, we really appreciate your take, mary ann. obviously there's a conflation of illegal immigrants who are vetted versus those who cross the border as they shouldn't and are not properly vetted, so, obviously, thank you for being here, your personal story adds so much to this, and your passion is so much appreciated. >> thank you. jedediah: many feeling the bern at the 2020 candidate's new york rally. griff was there and talked to voters who are all in on this plan for the country. you don't want to miss it. griff: are you going to support bernie sanders again? >> yes. griff: why? >> because i want free college.
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febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics (bubbles popping) and cleans them away as it dries. use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. ♪la la la la la. ♪ ♪ ed: this week senator bernie sanders announced his comeback after suffering a heart attack. out on the trail a couple weeks back. >> let me invite you all to a major rally we're having in queens, new york. we're going to have a special guest at that event. jedediah: was bernie talking about our very own griff
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jenkins? could be. griff went to the senator's rally and has a lot to share this morning. griff: look, he's pointing at me. yeah, you. he was a lot of energy, it was the sanders that we've always known. he said he's back. here's what his supporters had to say. watch. >> to put it bluntly, i am back! [cheers and applause] griff: how you feeling today? >> i feel great, thank you. >> bernie's back. >> bernie's the only candidate that supports human rights, all of them. >> he's the only honest guy out there. >> i'm an immigrant, and i couldn't be my own eyes in 20when bernie ran for office, i thought, holy [bleep], i get the chance to rote for a democratic socialist in america. griff: pro-trump supporters out here. >> i don't want a socialist government. i want to keep capitalism, and i want trump in 2020. >> can you hear us? griff: once said you thought it
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would take an outsider, including bernie, to win and defeat trump, but you're changing your mind. why? >> bernie is the ultimate outsider. he's still an dependent. you can't get better than that. griff: i met young connor. you're back now, are you going to support bernie sanders again? >> yes. griff: why? >> because i want free college. griff: why are you supporting bernie? >> i have a lot of student debt, and i would love future generations not to be in debt like i am. >> the standard of living for americans is down -- griff: standard of living is up under the trump economy now. >> no, actually, it's not. we're $20 trillion in debt. the cost of medicare for all, the cost of the green new deal? >> i think people are smart enough to understand if they pay a higher tax rate, the costs are
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lower overall. that's savings for them and their family, and i don't think they're necessarily going to be bothered too much about the national debt. >> we can all pay for all of us. we can do it. griff: how about middle class american taxes to pay for it. >> that's me. griff: you're okay with it? >> i'm fine with it. >> when you collect enough tax, you can provide public services which makes for a more healthy, educated and healthy society. >> why are you running? >> our health care system is making me sick. griff: what do you think about senator sanders' age, and he did just having a heart attack. >> he's having a heart watching what's happening to america right now. >> it's not about age, it's about his policies and authenticity. griff: ao to c enforced him today, how big a deal is that? >> booyah! griff: aoc enforcing sanders now, what do you make of it? >> i think it's super important for the younger voters who might be between a warren and bernie.
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i'm hoping she brings back some of my friends to the bernie side who were thinking about warren. >> as a woman with, of course, i'd like to see a woman president, but bernie sanders has been saying the same thing for over 45 years, and he hasn't changed his tune. >> bernie. this is his year, this is our year, 2020. hindsight's 20/20. griff: you know, the real movement in that that's fascinating was the woman who's an american citizen originally from denmark that said holy expletive, i get to vote for a socialist. she's excited. she genuinely believes that is the sort of transformation this country needs, government-run health care, everybody they talked about -- ed: griff was kind enough to bring us back these aoc 2028. she's just about 28, 29 years old. griff: her star power was huge. jedediah: my favorite part was the guy talking about trump
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debt. i'm concerned about debt too, but to not be concerned about bernie debt? i mean, this guy spends trillions upon trillions, everyone gets free this and free that, unicorn rainbow comes with the package. i love that michael moore talked about you, i don't love that he talked about bernie sanders as an outsider. how can he be constituted as an outsider just because he's a so-called independent? griff: he said it was going to take an outsider, but now he's behind sanders. looks like he's basically saying, listen, there's a hot for socialism, that's who i identify with, so i'm getting onboard. jedediah: even though his entire career was built by capitalism. ed: griff on the ground, we love it. turning now to some headlines. nester leaving a path of destruction in florida. the storm spawning several tornadoes, a twister with 120 mile-per-hour winds throwing a camper onto a home.
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the tornado also ripping off a middle school's roof x a twister so powerful it overturned a semi on a busy highway. it'll be reaching the atlantic by tonight. and powerful new video showing the moment a hero coach disarms and embraces a high school student carrying a loaded shotgun. keenan lowe quickly grabbing the gun and handing it to another teacher before hugging the troubled teen for at least a moment. the video just now coming to light after an incident back in may. watch this. >> you only get a fraction of a second. i analyzed everything really fast. i saw the look on his face, looked at the gun, realized it was a real gun, and my instincts just took over. >> the 18-year-old was reportedly distraught over a breakup. he has been sentenced to mandatory mental health
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treatment. and ufc star congress nor mcgreg corps facing -- mcgregor facing a second sexual assault charge. similar accusations surfaced back in march, mcgregor's publicist denies both those accusations. congratulations to the houston astros, american league champs, off to the world series. [cheers and applause] ed: anyway, joseal tube bay's walkoff home run gives them the win over the yanks. the world series begins this tuesday on fox. jedediah: i don't even know what a slider is. sorry, dad, if you're watching. ed: over 100, 102. give 'em your best. it's a home run.
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jedediah: adam, do you throw a good slider? adam: no, i don't. i think you should having the manager last night. ed: i'm into the guam. adam: yeah, i know you are. [laughter] ed: a little too into the game. what have we got? adam: well, i've got my fastball of a suit on, for someone. feeling good, talking about what was a tropical storm the, now a post-tropical cyclone. this is the system that made landfall across the gulf coast yesterday. running up into the carolinas. this is what we're going to continue to track today as there are areas of haugh rain, but this is not going to run up the coast. we're not talking about a whole bunch of rain in new york city or boston. you see that circulation moving out into the atlantic. this is a system that's going to be moving away. if you're in the area of the carolinas, there's still a little rain on the way, 3-4 inches in some cases. but again, we aren't talking about this rain lingering a whole lot today.
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this is something that's really beginning to wind down, and then we're talking about the temperatures here on this sunday. these are our current, 50 degrees in new york. a little warmer than yesterday. you're seeing a pooling up of warm air across the country and cooler air back off to the northern plains, 42 degrees in minneapolis, some 30s across montana. all in all though, the system we're paying attention to, good news is heading back out to sea, going to be clearing off later this sunday. jedediah: thank, adam. griff: linebacker demario davis is selling headbands to raise money for those in need. jedediah: he opens up about the experience and living his life for god, coming up next. ♪ ♪ this piece is talking to me.
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♪ ♪ jedediah: some quick headlines, chick-fil-a's english experiment is coming to an early end, closing its first restaurant in the u.k. after near constant protests from those who say the company is anti-lgbt. the location, which opened just two weeks ago, will shut its doors in april. and president trump poking fun at his french counterpart, emmanuel macron. >> well, maybe we have a better president than you do. [laughter] jedediah: france's unemployment rate sits at 8.5% while the u.s. is add a decade low of 3.5%: over to you, griff. griff: demario davis turning the his fine back in september into a win/win. sales for his man of god
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headband are exploding after he was fined for wearing it during a game. he has raised $125,000 by selling the headbands on line. raymond arroyo recently sat down with davis in an exclusive interview. >> this is strongly what i believe and i can't do it because it says what it says, i really don't want to take it off. but then i said god's going to get glory from this headband whether i wear it or not. we came up with the idea of marketing them and using them for donations. and then i have a partnership with st. dominic's who i've been helping raise money for their emergency room, i said why don't we give the proceeds to go to them? griff: raymond, great job. what a linebacker. tell me about it. >> reporter: look, this is an amazing guy. what first drew me to this story was he taking drew brees' place. drew brees, as you know, hurt his thumb, the saints quarterback. demario davis, he's only been on
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this team for two years, he stepped into the leadership void, and he's become the leader on the team. he's become a standout on the field. in fact, i'll tell you about a little exclusive tidbit we have that people will want to tune in for. but i loved the story about the headband. he wore it under his helmet, so he didn't realize it was a fineable offense. the nfl saw it, and he turned the it into something good. he said i'm going to raise money off of this, and they ended up dropping the fine. as i'll tell you, he has been fined for something else, griff, this just breaking. last week at the jaguars game, demario -- he is a formidable linebacker -- he smashed into jeffrey swain40 who fell to the ground and didn't move for several minutes. the interesting thing there, do demario fell to his knees with other saints and jaguars players, they prayed for the guy. they fined him $28,000. i talked to him about that in this interview.
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>> it's really to be reflective of jesus on the cross. you know, the bible tells us take the up our cross daily, and christians and believers, we're called to be imitate theres of christ. most important thing about my belief system, about my identity is what christ did. this perfect guy e who came in human form and died for us and made a way for us and died on the cross for our sins. so that's me taking up my cross every time a make a play, is to hopefully turn somebody's eyes off of me to the person who can save them. griff: i remember also another story and that was, of course, the pope tweeting something to the saints, hashtag saints and, of course, new orleans saints fans took it as a sign, and they actually won the game. tell me about that. >> reporter: well, the emoji, the nfl saints, not the guys in heaven. so he sent that out, and saints fans and the players took that as an endorsement. griff: well, that's fantastic, and great job with demario
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davis. it's so amazing. let's hear just quickly about him on that pope tweet if we can. >> it was a huge blessing, and i liked it even more because i feel like it kind of flowed off the man of god thing. >> reporter: right. >> now i've got to send the pope a man of god headband. griff: great job, raymond. you can watch the full interview available now on laura and raymond on our fox nation. if you don't have it, get it right now. raymond, good job. no indication if the pope is going to be watching today, but the saints play the bears. good lucking saints. thanks, raymond. >> thank you, griff. griff: a match wrestle a -- man wrestles a nearly 9-foot alligator from a florida swimming pool. the gator guy is joining us next. ♪ ♪ on, every feeling... a product of mastery. lease the 2019 es 350 for $379/month for 36 months.
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♪ ♪ ed: wow. a celebrity alligator trapper coming to the rescue, wrestling a nearly 9-foot-long gator from a florida swimming pool. jedediah: that trapper the tar of animal plant's gator boys, and he joins us now with more. paul, aren't you afraid the gator's going to eat you? [laughter] >> well, excuse me. at that point he's already picked up. i had picked him up in the water. jedediah: he still looks feisty. i see a little kick in his step, if i'm being honest.
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>> yeah. he didn't give me a hard time until i taped him up and tried to take him out. i could feel him building while i was walking up the stairs. he was, actually, that was the mellowest gator in a pool i'd ever had. griff: paul, just for our viewers, this is a normal everyday occurrence, right? alligators in a pool and jumping in with 'em. >> yeah. it's funny, the guy who lives there, when he left for the gym in the morning saw the gator in the street and didn't think anything of it. he said, well, it's florida, just drove around it and went about his business, and then his wife called him about 20 minutes later and said, hey, gator just walked into the pool. she wasn't quite as accepting as he was. ed: can you settle for for me? one of my friends in florida says if they're snapping at you, i think if you poke them in the nose/eye area, they'll sort of -- the jaws will go up? what do you do in a situation like that? the what is the real situation?
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>> if he grabs you, you messed up a long time ago. [laughter] griff: it's too late. paul, let me can you, the video we're showing, in the audio you're actually talking to him. what are you saying? is he listening to you? >> no. it's just my way of entertaining myself and the people in there watching me. jedediah: how do you tape -- you said the gator at this point, his mouth is already taped, so you're not worried he's going to bite. how do you go about taping up an alligator's mouth? >> like i said, he was very mellow. i just went in, picked him up by his front jaw, put a snare on him and then underwater just real gently tape him up before he knows what's going on. ed: how do you get in the business? at what age do you say i want to be an alligator trapper? >> i don't know. [laughter] i never really had some big fascination with them, it just kind happened. jedediah: and how do you -- i'm curious, i'm looking at this video of you carrying this
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alligator like a baby, and you make it look so easy, but how do you train to be able to do something like this? >> it takes a while to learn how to handle 'em like that, but, you know, there's a lot of guys who trap that don't handle alligators very well and a lot of guys who handle gators and know how to trap. i've been lucky. griff: and lastly, you release them back in the wild, you don't kill them. >> no, they can't be released in the wild, they must be killed or kept in captivity. but as i only say, i'm the only one dumb enough to do it for free, so i actually keep them in a wildlife sanctuary, and some go to holiday park where we do educational shows for tourists. ed: all right. paul, appreciate you coming in. good luck with the show. >> all right, guys, god bless. ed: still ahead, former governor mike huckabee, nigel farage, he's all over brexit. they're all here live. ♪ biopharmaceutical researchers.
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♪ ♪ ed: the natural beauty, did you see that shot? jedediah: is that your song? griff: yeah, i confess, it's always been dave matthews, i met anymore college way back in the day, we're about the same age, he played in a lot of bars, and it was kind of a big deal. and appropriate too, because we've been talking about bernie sanders and the sanders fans as they were weren't sure if they were going to be as strong this time. they're marching full step with him. ed: he's the original for the left, right?
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elizabeth warren who's jumped in and is challenging the front-runner, joe biden, in the democratic 020 primaries -- 2020 primaries, but there are some folks on the left like alexandria ocasio-cortez who are saying bernie is the real deal, that bernie sanders is the original socialist, it's sort of socialism lite from elizabeth warren. president trump kind of laughed at that notion, that elizabeth warren is this lite socialism. they would love to face her. but it's interesting, alexandria ocasio-cortez, if nothing else, is transparent about what she really wants. jedediah: i can't even believe we're having a discussion where we have to now say that elizabeth warren may be too moderate for the democrats. this is really unbelievable. but aoc was at this rally that you went to, griff, as well, and she made some comments about publicly-owned systems. take a listen. >> everybody has a right to health care! [cheers and applause] everybody has a right to an education. [cheers and applause] one that is rooted in principles
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of cooperation, that is participatory. because the future and our future is in public systems, and it's publicly-owned systems -- [cheers and applause] because we need to take power over our lives again. i don't know about you, but i don't want mark zuckerberg making decisions over my life. [cheers and applause] ed: wow. it's transparent. shocking, some of the things that he's saying where, you know, we want to take the power back essentially from the people, put it in the hands of government. we want these publicly-owned systems, whatever they may be, to take power away from people for corporations, and the government's going to run it. it's going to run your health care -- jedediah: ridiculous, it's absurd. it's not only shocking, but it's absurd. the idea that publicly-owned systems will help you take power over your own life again. does she not realize -- i have
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to say this for liberals so many times -- the government is not some abstract entity out there, some doer of good, some spiritual dynamic. it is bureaucrats who sit in rooms and create regulations, and they create laws, they create things that govern you and how you live your life. so if the government steps in and says, hey, listen, this is the health insurance you can have or you can't have, or this is the way the educational system is going to work, or this is what your kids are going to get taught, that is not you having control over your life, that is a government bureaucrat dictating to you. so the idea that she's opposed to mark zuckerberg making decisions, not to some bureaucrat in d.c. doing it, it's ridiculous. griff: here's the thing though, the love for her is very real. she attacked zuckerberg and walmart and said this is what we're going to get rid of in your life, transform the country, and they loved it. i talked to several supporters, here's one in particular who talked about the power of why he loves aoc. >> this is what we need. because you can't move this
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country forward towards achieving that perfect union without taking bold, progressive moves. you can't be shy, you can't be scared. the if you're scared of the nra, the conservative evangelicals, whoever it may be, if you're scared, you need to step back. ed: that's interesting because i was at a breakfast with bernie sanders when he started running against hillary clinton early 2015, did a breakfast with reporters, he said almost the same thing that gentleman said. and what i'm remembering is that bernie sanders said he thought barack obama was too cautious. you needed to do these big, bold, progressive things. and that's what these folks on the left, whether it's aoc, they're saying. which is that they're putting it out there that they want to bring power back to the people. but to jed's point, no, they want to bring power to the government over people, running health care, running all these things. and you ask them how they're going to pay for it, and it's pretty pie in the sky.
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jedediah: these talking points are so easy to refute. she would be one of the easiest people to debate because this stuff is absurd, and any person who buys into the story the, all you have to say is, listen, when you decide you want to have health care for yourself, your family, your children, do you want to make that decision or someone else to make that decision? one side of the aisle is telling you, you don't know best for yourself and your family, and do the other side is saying let's create a free market where we can give you the best opportunity to create the life that you believe is best for yourself. so i really think that challenging her would be a breeze. griff: you know, there's a great shot of aoc if bernie sanders with the queens bridge in the background asking for $2.70. but, you know, the advance guy may well have rethought this because as "the new york post" is pointing out today in their op-ed is the significance, this took place very close to where you would have had -- sorry, daily news, not new york post -- would have had the amazon plant. here's the headline,
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ocasio-cortez and sanders gloat a stone's throw away from where amazon should have set up shop. ed: and what they say is what really is bothersome is that their love fest is being held almost on top of the site of a political and economic calamity of enormous magnitude. the would have been second headquarters of amazon with its 25,000-40,000 great paying jobs in $9 in public benefit for every $1 is which was scuttled on february 14th under relentless attack by aoc and her pals. that is an important point. here they are preaching socialism in the shadow of what would have been a bastion of capitalism, free markets. amazon headquarters, you know, 2.03 essentially, they were -- 2.0, essentially, they were picking sites in various parts of the country. that part of queens, long island city, was going to be one of the sites, and it was answerer oc and others here in new york who blocked it. they said it was going to cost
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taxpayers too much when meanwhile there are studies saying every dollar going to help amazon was going to be $9 back in realization for the people. they were going to pour money into the subway, so average people, blue collar workers trying to get to work with a terrible subway, we're going to get new subway cars, there's going to be infrastructure, it was going to be capitalism at its best perhaps. i'm not saying amazon is a perfect company, but what an interesting contrast that president trump, i bet, is going to jump on if it's elizabeth warren or bernie sanders running against him. jedediah: i don't know if they picked that location on purpose, but they may have. they are unabashedly opposed to capitalism because this isn't about jobs, it's about control. this is about government control and viewing government as a do-gooder and that the more government control that they have, that the government has in the system, the happier they are. so why not put a rally right in -- you know, in the space where capitalism could have potentially thrive thed. aoc, remember, stood in the way of that and got a ton of heat,
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by the way, new yorkers that recognized this could have been an opportunity for jobs and more opportunities for them and their families. they don't care. griff: that's a good point, because if you look at that video, there's 25,600 something people that turned out -- ed: i saw some people on social media pointing out the president gets crowds of this size practically every week in smaller cities around the country. and here both elizabeth warren and bernie sanders the last few months got these big 20,000 or so crowds of people in new york city where you have millions and millions all mostly on the left. so it's pretty easy fishing. the president's doing this all around the country in battleground states. interesting. a big report out this morning on hunter biden. there's been these conflicting reports, did he get $50,000 a month from that energy company, was it more in now there's a report saying, yes, it clearly was 83,000 a month. his firm overall got about $3.4 million from burisma.
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that's a whole lot of money from somebody who didn't have an energy background. jedediah: can people at home just register that for a second? you bring up a great point about him not having this expertise. he was supposed to be a consultant and adviser that doesn't have a background. i don't know, unless he's some gas and oil expert on the side, that's his little hobby, but it's crazy when you talk about the value, how are people not supposed to be asking serious questions when you're talking about this enormous dollar value, he's sitting on the board and offering advice on a board that he really knew very little about. griff: getting $83,000 from a company that drills for gas, and eric trump -- ed: [inaudible] griff: the hypocrisy. watch what eric trump had to say. >> nancy pelosi and biden and all the other democrats, right? they won't let you drill for oil in upstate new york. of if you put a straw in the ground, they will freak out, they will sue everybody -- >> pennsylvania, all over.
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>> they'll block everywhere. yet it's perfectly accept football their sons are sitting -- if their sons are sitting on boards of a ukrainian company making hundreds of thousands of dollars for their family. the hypocrisy is okay. your family's profiting off of it, but you sure as well won't let it happen in america where it might benefit a community. ed: you've got to love the straw in the ground point. jedediah: if you remember joe biden in those debates against sarah palin who was the drill, baby, drill girl, he battled that like it was so criminal. ed: yeah. jedediah: and now all of a sudden this is the okay. so so great point about hypocrisy. ed: what do you think about the double standard? we'll be covering it all morning. jedediah: turning to some headlines this is a live look at hong kong where police have been clashing with thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators. chaos erupting as protesters
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start massive fires in city streets and trash hundreds of stores and chinese banks. police are calling the planned rally illegal saying anyone involved faces arrest sphwhoo. and yet another -- [inaudible] at the embattled santa anita racetrack. the 3-year-old was put down after suffering a leg injury. animal rights groups have been calling for racing to be suspended at the track which temporarily closed in march to implement new safety measures. and pain management clinics agreeing to pay millions of dollars as part of a federal fraud settlement. the doj announcing the $7.1 million, seven former clip arics in six different states were accused of doing medicare for -- billing medicare for up necessary knee braces and ennexts. a whistleblower will get more than $850,000 from the government. griff: college football, we go.
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alabama blows out tennessee but loses star their star quarterback. i probably butchered that, sorry. a sack injuring his left ankle. and then in the big ten illinois delivers the upset of is season over sixth-ranked wisconsin, a last second field goal to beat the badgers 24-23. and check out this, oklahoma's sooner schooner flipping over while celebrating a touchdown. jedediah: oh, no! the. griff: everyone is said to be okay. ou beat west virginia 52-14. they're going to need a new wagon. those are your headlines. jedediah: and the horses are okay? ed: they say the horses are okay. ed: the latest victim shot and killed on his old front porch. p this happens in chicago, this
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happens all the time. should the federal government get involved? we'll debate it next. . so, we got griswalda. dinner's almost ready. but one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with our renters insurance. yeah, switching and saving was really easy! drink it all up. good! could have used a little salt. visit and see how easy saving on renters insurance can be.
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prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ ♪ ed: well, the chicago gun violence hitting close to home. griff: 23-year-old emil hill shot dead on the south side of chicago. ed: fox news political analyst january in caldwell is a close friend of the victim's sister. calling on the federal government to act. gianno, i'm so sorry. i know it's not the first time. you've been very open in talking about that. i want to get your thoughts big picture on that and a personal angle before we get into the politics. what are your thoughts? >> honestly, ed, i have some devastating news for america, and that is standing on your own
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front porch in the city of chicago can equate to a death sentence. my very dear friend, wendy hill -- we went to eighth grade together -- reached out to me this past sunday to let me know that her brother emil hill was killed on their family's front porch. this was a young man who budget involved in guns, violence or drugs. i am pissed the hell off. i'm frustrated and angry that we continue to see stories like this. i gotta tell you, this is very, very personal to me. as you mentioned, ed, my family has education appearanced violation in chicago. ed: absolutely. >> and what i'm doing now is asking president trump, if he's listening right now, keep your commitment to the people of chicago. you made a commitment in 2017. you said if chicago doesn't fix its carnage, you would send in the feds. and to me, that's federal resources. and i'm hoping that he would assign the attorney yen and the fbi director to put together a
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comprehensive plan on stopping the violencing -- ed: maybe the national guard and other assets. griff: you're right. you have a right to be pissed. let's show you the numbers. this is this year. 1707 shooting incidents in 2019, 47 p 5 gun deaths in 2018. gianno, be a little more specific because you're at ground zero on this violence. what if you get the federal resources, if the president's listening, what else do they need to do? >> well, first and foremost, the city's leadership has failed. they failed under rahm emmanuel and under the new mayor. this is the time to put egos and politics aside because there's human life on the line. this is an american city. we shouldn't have to have these discussions on a day-to-day basis. there's a daily piercing threat for those who walk down the street in chicago. president trump said in 2016 you walked could be the street in chicago you get shot, people got upset about it.
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well, for so many people that live in that city, it's a daily reality. and now with the current teachers' strike, you have students who are staying home, so whereas in the summer you see an uprising in the violence, you can also see that in this current time because you don't have kids in school. you have teachers out on strike. this is not a game. people's lives are on the line,t acquiesce to the fear which people feel on a day-to-day basis in the city of chicago. we need the help of the trump administration, and we need it now. ed: gianno, sometimes you wake up -- here we are on sunday, but on monday with all the stats from the weekend, in one single weekend there could be dozens of people shot. thankfully, not all killed, but wounded, children sometimes caught in the crossfire. you're from that general area. give us a closing thought about what you want to happen in the days ahead. >> well, truth be told, i think that the leaders in chicago have made everything political. they don't want to stand arm in
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arm with the trump administration to combat this crisis because that's simply what it is. everyone must work together on this issue, and i think president trump -- as he's offered help and support before -- should continue to do so, and the city leadership should absolutely accept. griff: we reached out to the white house, they have not gotten back to us. we will met you know concern -- let you know if they do. our thoughts are with you. >> yeah, absolutely. thank you so much. thank you. ed: meanwhile, the president now canceling plans to hold next year's g7 summit at his doral, florida, resort because of this controversy. >> funneling american taxpayer dollars to his private family business wasn't enough, so now mr. trump is putting the squeeze on foreign government. >> a major promotion for the president's brand through the white house podium. griff: did the media and democrats take it too far? we'll ask mike huckabee when he joins us live.
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that's coming up. ♪ ♪ day 23. i'm about to capture proof of the ivory billed woodpecker. what??? no, no no no no. battery power runs out. lifetime retirement income from tiaa doesn't. guaranteed monthly income for life. nooooo! to earn j.d. powerhly chevdependability awards... across cars... trucks... and suvs. four years in a row. since more than 32,000 real people... just like me. and me. and me. took the survey that decided these awards. it was only right that you hear the good news from real people... like us. i'm daniel. i'm casey. i'm julio.
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♪ ♪ jedediah: welcome back. s it is time thousand for your news by the numbers. nurse, 19 hours and 6 minutes, that's how long it took to complete the longest nonstop commercial flight the ever. a qantas airlines flight traveling over 10,000 miles from new york to sydney, and researchers will study day day -- data to test the effects of long flights. next up, 22,000, that's how many apples were stolen from a family orchard. the michigan family says that's about 7,000 pounds of fruit just from 35 acres' worth -- 5 acres'
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worth of trees. that's a lot of apples. and finally, $4 million, that's how much the national park service is shelling tout to preserve historic battlefields from being destroyed by developers. sites from the revolutionary war, the war of 1812. ed: the president scrapping plans to host the g7 at his resort in florida. democrat-crazed and irrational hostility, we will no longer consider trump national doral miami as the host site for the g7 in 2020, we will begin the search for another site immediately. jedediah: democrats were in an uproar over the proposal including three who filed legislation to block it from happening. griff: here to weigh in is fox news contributor governor mike huckabee. governor, good morning to you. >> and good morning to all of you guys. happy to be with you. griff: did the media, the
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democrats go too far in their criticism over doral? >> they always do. and they went berserk over this. i think the president made the right move to say we're not going to go there. it's just something he doesn't need to add to the plate. his plate's overwhelmed with things that he's being criticized for. there wasn't anything illegal about it, but it just was a controversy, it's an unforced error. it doesn't need to happen. there's lots of places to go. as he said in the tweet, it might be camp david. i hope it's someplace so remote, the reporters aren't able to get this. [laughter] jedediah: governor, let's take a listen to the media blasting the plan and get your reaction. >> funneling american taxpayer dollars to his private family business wasn't enough, so now mr. trump is putting the squeeze on foreign government. >> a major promotion for the president's brand from the white house podium. >> unprecedented use of the presidency to put revenue into a president's pockets. >> it's the most corrupt plan
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you can imagine. >> the president profiting by holding an international summit -- jedediah: very mild reaction by the media. what do you think? [laughter] >> well, what you just played there is the reason that most of the american people have zero trust, zero confidence in most of the media today. it's disgusting. and for them to try to make it that donald trump was even considering doral because he was going to feather his open nest, my gosh, the man gives away every single penny of his entire presidential salary. he's a billionaire. he doesn't need the revenue from a g7 conference to be able to pay his electric bill next month. [laughter] this is absurd. ed: governor, real quick, when you talk about trust in media, how much trust should we have in the acting chief of staff at the white house when he stood at that podium saying we're going to do this, and about 24 hours later the president says never mind? >> that's the way it works, you know?
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you throw something out there and it doesn't really go over well, you look and you say, you know, this isn't worth the fight. the president is a fighter. he fights the right fights. of sometimes you just say this fight isn't worth the trouble, let me use my energy to fight something that matters to the american people. so now the press will have to find something else and, trust me, they will. it doesn't matter what this president does, they're going to find something they don't like about it. but this is one that kind of comes back on them as a little bit, as popeye would say, embarrassing. [laughter] griff: governor, let me take you to a different story, that is former secretary of state hillary clinton suggesting that one of the 2020 democrats running for office, tulsi gabbard, is a possible russian asset? listen to this, i want your reaction. >> i think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third party candidate. she's a favorite of the russians. they have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of
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supporting her so far. and that's assuming jill stein will give it up, which she might not, because she's also a russian asset. griff: governor? [laughter] >> first of all, if anybody would know what the russians' intentions were, i have to say hillary might know. her husband got paid half a million bucks to make one 30 minute speech. her foundation got millions and millions of dollars from the russians. she's the one who went over there and said we're going to have the reset button and had -- i've got a lot of respect for tulsi gabbard. she's had some courage to go out on that stage and say things that nobody else had the guts to say. she's measured, she's very firm. she took down cam that lister in the -- kamala harris in the first debate. you know, in that field you've got bernie yelling and screaming, elizabeth warren shaking your finger, and you've got beto who's waving his arms
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like an inflatable at the car wash, and now you've got tulsi gabbard who's, frankly, a very slow, deliberate, meticulous and methodical burn. i think she's an incredible candidate, much better than she gets credit for. i don't agree with her on a lot of issues, but some things i do, and i respect her. i genuinely respect her. and i think she's a force to be reckonedded with in the democratic field. ed: governor mike huckabee, appreciate you coming in. griff: thanks, governor. >> see you later. griff: fox news alert, chaos continues as u.k. lawmakers delay voting on a deal again. ed: what in the world happens next? nobody knows, but nigel farage, he's the insider's insider. we'll get the scoop from him live next. ♪ i wanna keep doing what i love, that's the retirement plan.
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he helped me set up my watch lists. oh, he's terrific. excellent tennis player. bye-bye. i recognize that voice. annie? yeah! she helped me find the right bonds for my income strategy. you're very popular around here. there's a birthday going on. karl! he took care of my 401k rollover. wow, you call a lot. yeah, well it's my money we're talking about here. joining us for karaoke later? ah, i'd love to, but people get really emotional when i sing. help from a team that will exceed your expectations. ♪ ♪ ♪ jedediah: a shot in the morning. a four-time cancer survivor fulfills his lifelong dream of playing college football. griff: casey green executing a perfect extra point and sharing an emotional hug.
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ed: the once promising high school quarterback has balloted through 14 rounds -- 14 surgeries. he's out are there on the gridiron and being hailed for it. jedediah: congrats to him. and now to a fox news alert. [inaudible] boris johnson asking the e.u. for another extension on brexit after parliament delayed voting on his deep. ed: nigel farage launched the brexit campaign and joins us live now to weigh in. good morning, sir. good afternoon, i should say. what happens next? that's what everyone's wondering. >> yeah. what's happened here really big picture is we have a country that voted to leave and a national referendum by a very clear margin, a country that still wants to leave. there's been no change of that whatsoever but a remain parliament. parliament who have broken all the promises they made to the
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people. they said your will is going to be implemented, they promised that brexit would be delivered. and, actually, there's pretty much a majority in that place who really do not want us to reeve the european union -- leave the european union, don't want us to become an independent country, and they have now for over three years frustrated every attempt to get brexit delivered. and so we have this big, hard deadline of halloween, october 31st. we're supposed to leave then. it now looks unlikely that we will. so as you can probably imagine, the anger that is building amongst british voters is unlike anything i've ever seen before. jedediah: nigel, were you surprised at all by the delay? >> no, not at all. because these people, these remainders -- or should i really call them globalists? because that's what they are, you know? they don't believe in the nation-state really. they to want to be part of a big european state, and they will do
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anything to stop this from happening. and i think the honest truth of it is the only likely way we've got of sorting this out is to have a general election and to allow the public to show their disgust at these mps who stood in the way of brexit. i want there very much to be a general election before too long, and then i think we can get some resolution. griff: nigel, what are the impacts of this delay? certainly, the u.s. trying to do a trade deal with britain, what are the major impacts of this delay? >> yeah. well, the first major impact is that investment into the u.k. has been drying up, you know? all the predictions that brexit would lead to financial meltdown have all been wrong, you know? we've had three years of growth. but now investment is slowing because people want a decision to get made. they want to know, you know, where the cards lie on the table. in political terms i would say a loss of trust in our whole democratic system is the price
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we're going to pay for this. and with our friends in america, i mean, it is so obvious given that we're the biggest foreign investor in the usa, you're the biggest foreign investor here in the u.k., let alone what we share in terms of language, culture, intelligence, military, business, all these things. it's so obvious that we should move on. and yet, and yet the left in britain are saying we'd rather stay e in a customs partnership with the e.u. than do anything with trump's america. so america and our future with america is now becoming quite a big part of the brexit debate. ed: we've got 15 seconds. what does this mean for boris johnson? can he survive? >> i think he can, and i think at a general election if he holds his nerve, he'd win it. ed: all right. griff: nigel farage, thank you very much. can't find a better source on that. turning now to your
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headlines, house speaker nancy pelosi leads a delegation to jordan to discuss the chaos in syria. a group of mostly democratic lawmakers meeting with the george tape january king overnight as defense secretary mark esper says the ceasefire is holding up. >> the game plan is for those forces to reposition in western iraq. two two missions, one is to help defend iraq, and two is to perform a counter-isis mission as we sort through the next steps. griff: kurdish force indicating they are planning to withdraw from northern syria today. 2020 hopeful andrew yang is cautioning democrats against the trump impeachment. he believes impeachment is the right move but democrats shouldn't have illusions about it actually working given that republicans control the senate. the businessman also warns impeachment will motivate the president's base. and -- [inaudible] in ohio tried settling a
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property dispute by slicing a storage facility into two pieces. the drama unfolding -- the town says they were willing to demolish the building but weren't granted access to the farmer's property, so they cut it in half and a dividing fence between the two sections. the property owner calls it the most ridiculous thing ever. air force staff sergeant surprised his little brother on senior night at his high school football game in tennessee. watch. >> his plans after graduation is are to join the united states air force. tonight jordan's brother, staff sergeant james -- [cheers and applause] griff: wow. sergeant james johnson jr. watching his brother play football for the first time after serving in korea for four years. those are your headlines. ed: what a wonderful reunion. adam klotz, what's happening
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outside? adam: well, yesterday though it was equally cold, i didn't want to wear a jacket -- please don't judge me -- but it is a little chilly. that's not the big weather story. it continues to be what once was tropical storm nester no longer a a tropical storm, just a big, massive rain up the east coast, currently running through north carolina and south carolina. getting up into the virginia area. this is the big system we're talking about. i -- good news is if you live farther to the north, yeah, d.c.'s going to get some rain, maybe a little rain this afternoon in new york, it's going to be passing really just to the south of us, missing boston. this is a system that is heading out into the atlantic, so this is not going to become a huge rainmaker continuing to work its way up the east coast. most of the rain that it's dropped is already there. here's the forecasted totals for the rest of the day. there are some areas in virginia running into maryland where you could see 2-3 inches of rain, but then this heads out to sea and that leaves mostly behind it
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a pretty nice weekend, a pretty nice sunday. currently 50 degrees in new york -- yeah, i know, i was just complaining it's cold, and it's 50 drees, but i'm telling you, a little chilly 50 degrees. griff: chilly 50 is much worse. ed: all right, this is a big story. the first opioid crisis case heads to trial tomorrow. it is a crisis that our next guest nose all too well. -- knows all too well. she lost her sister to an opioid overdose and says it is finally time for justice. she shares that emotional story with us. that is next. sending her daughter to the music school of her dreams. and you help her turn it into reality. principal. we can help you plan for that. start today at
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car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car.
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that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way-- at carvana. ithere's my career...'s more to me than hiv. my cause... and creating my dream home. i'm a work in progress. so much goes into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. prescription dovato is for adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment and who aren't resistant to either of the medicines dolutegravir or lamivudine. dovato has 2 medicines in 1 pill to help you reach and then stay undetectable. so your hiv can be controlled with fewer medicines while taking dovato. you can take dovato anytime of day with food or without. don't take dovato if you're allergic to any of its ingredients or if you take dofetilide. if you have hepatitis b, it can change during treatment with dovato and become harder to treat. your hepatitis b may get worse or become life-threatening if you stop taking dovato. so do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor. serious side effects can occur, including allergic reactions, liver problems, and liver failure. life-threatening side effects include lactic acid buildup
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and severe liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis b or c. don't use dovato if you plan to become pregnant or during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy since one of its ingredients may harm your unborn baby. your doctor should do a pregnancy test before starting dovato. use effective birth control while taking dovato. the most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, nausea, trouble sleeping, and tiredness. so much goes into who i am and hope to be. ask your doctor if starting hiv treatment with dovato is right for you. ♪ ♪ ed: good morning again. time for some quick headlines. the cdc says the number of kindergartens exempt from vaccinations is up from the previous school year. fifteen states allow exemptions
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for personal reasons, 45 offer religious exemptions. and a new bill proposed in florida looks to offer mental health space to students, part of a growing movement across the cup. the -- country. a parents' note would be required, this is tied in part to an epidemic of suicides. jed if. jedediah: the first federal opioid crisis is heading to court tomorrow. that resulted in 400,000 deaths over two decades. our next guest knows the issue firsthand. her sister jenny died in 2017 from an opioid with overdose after being prescribed the drugs following a back surgery. today she says it's time to hold the drug companies accountable. kelly o'connor joins me now. so sorry for the loss of your sister the, horrific. can you just tell us about how she got addicted to the opioids? >> sure. thank you for having me. the truth is we're not really sure, which sounds crazy, right?
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but we didn't talk about this in our family, and i wasn't educated about opioids. so the reason i tell my story is so that over families don't make the same mistakes that we did. so get educated about opioids and medication-assisted treatment and don't be ashamed to talk to people you love about addiction. if i would have done those two things, my sister might still be alived to today. jedediah: i think what you're saying is people who find themselves in this situation feel very similar. the stats on average, 130 americans die every day from opiate overdoses, so so that's why this topic is being covered so readily, and the question is accountability, right? who is accountable here? is it the doctor, the pharmaceutical company and marketing, or is it the individual person that picks up that prescription and then has to manage it? what do you say to people who say where does that accountability lie? >> yeah. thank you for asking me that because i want to be very clear. i do not blame these companies for my sister's death. we are all accountable for our
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own actions. i'm accountable for not doing more to help my sister, but just like jenny and more than 400,000 americans have died from opioids have suffered the consequences of their decisions, they've died, these companies -- if they broke the law -- they also need to be accountable. so if they broke the law by flooding our communities with 76 billion highly adick ty pills and telling us they weren't addictive, they need to -- people need to go to jail, and they need to pay to fix a problem they helped create. and the thing about the lawsuits is we can't wait 18 years for these settlement payouts, right? so as you mentioned, 130 people die every day. you're more likely to die from opioids than a car crash today. so i am begging our presidential candidates and our current president, make a campaign promise to end the opioid crisis in the next five years. it's doable, we just need the political will and the money to do it. jedediah: yeah. and hopefully, all of these voices coming out, people like you with perm stories, make these doctors more responsible in terms of how they distribute
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the medicine and these companies have some accountability in terms of marketing if they are marketing in a way that they shouldn't, that they will have to answer for that. kelly, thank you for joining us. once again, so sorry for the loss of your sister, and i hope some strides are made here that make you feel at peace with that. >> thank you very much. jedediah: still ahead, bernie sanders making a comeback after a heart attack with a big rally. the bold agenda he pushed to voters, that's coming up. ands in national fire prevention month, and we are bringing fire station right here to the knox square. setting up and running a relay with firefighters. [inaudible] ♪ ♪ i...decided to take the dna test.
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♪ ♪ ed: well, today we are bringing some fire safety tips to fox square in honor of national fire prevention month, which is very important. with more is firehouse subs, teaming up with the american red cross, their executive director -- she's been here before, wonderful person -- robin peters joins us now with more on the mission. good morning and welcome back. >> thanks so much, ed. ed: such an important month, what do you want people to know? >> first, i want to let you know that this is a celebration of firehouse subs' restaurant 25th anniversary, and our founders really wanted to do something for the community. that's what the brand is all about. so in celebration, we've teamed up with the red cross, andhouse subs public safety foundation has donated $250,000 to the american red cross home fire campaign. this is going to make more than 25,000 homes safer with smoke alarms and even more importantly --
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ed: see 'em right there. firehouse subs is always giving back. >> yes. ed it's really wonderful: jed's got more information as well. jedediah: i sure do. christian smith, regional chief development officer of the american red cross, and you're going to talk to us about how to make a home fire escape plan which everyone, i feel like, should know. how do you do it? >> the volunteers are going to sit down with you and your family and identify where are the escape routes. every room you need to have two escapes. you need to identify that. and then this area, this area, we know this area. so identifying them, making sure that everybody practices. you only is have about two minutes. p. jedediah: oh, wow. >> that's not much time to get out, so you want them to identify how to get out, make sure they understand that once they get out, they need to stay out. and then identify that location outside of the home. is it like the mailbox, the driveway, somewhere that the family can say, okay, we're safe. and the important part is making sure they understand that getting out and then getting out
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and not going back in. jedediah: incredibly valuable information. we're going to head over to griff now who is dressed in fire gear. griff: i've got the best part of this segment. five fellow firefighters from the hamburg fired. in new jersey -- fire department in new jersey. >> we're a small community, our budget is very small. firehouse subs, firehouse subs foundation is helping us -- give griff: >> knew tools which are state -- new tools which are state of the art. griff: those jaws of life. also an opportunity to send me into duty. what's going to happen? >> we set up an obstacle course for you today. you're going to challenge one of our firefighters, pick up some tools and have fun with this. griff: you've got me racing one of your best over there, devon's, what, 20-something years old. come on, devon, suit up. hold on, i've got to get
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dressed. >> 3 -- griff: all right. suiting up. that's the hardest part. this gear's like 30 pounds. wait, you said 60 pounds, i'm sorry. 60 pounds of gear, and i can't get -- what happens if you can't get your jacket on and the burning of the building is going on? you've got to go. so that's it. come on, devon! gotta get a tool, i've got an axe there. i've got the pick axe. see ya, buddy. you've got to go into a burning building! that's unbelievable. [applause] my hat's off to these firemen out here because you've got 60 pounds of gear, and you've got to go in. i'm out of breath. you guys do a great job. thanks to firehouse subs as well. still ahead, joey jones, gregg jarrett, maria bartiromo all live. ed: you did a great job. ♪ ♪ to the outside world, you look good,
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but you don't feel good. with polycythemia vera, pv, symptoms can change so slowly over time you might not notice. but new or changing symptoms can mean your pv is changing. let's change the way we see pv. you track and discuss blood counts with your doctor. but it's just as vital to discuss changing symptoms as well. take notice and take action. discuss counts and symptoms with your doctor. visit ... good afternoon board members.
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we have some great new ideas that we want to present to you today. [son]: who are you talking to? [son]: that guy's scary. the first item on the list is selecting a chairman for the... for the advisory board what's this? as well as use the remaining... child care options run out. lifetime retirement income from tiaa doesn't. guaranteed monthly income for life. ithere's my career...'s more to me than hiv. my cause... and creating my dream home. i'm a work in progress. so much goes into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. prescription dovato is for adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment and who aren't resistant to either of the medicines dolutegravir or lamivudine. dovato has 2 medicines in 1 pill to help you reach and then stay undetectable. so your hiv can be controlled with fewer medicines
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while taking dovato. you can take dovato anytime of day with food or without. don't take dovato if you're allergic to any of its ingredients or if you take dofetilide. if you have hepatitis b, it can change during treatment with dovato and become harder to treat. your hepatitis b may get worse or become life-threatening if you stop taking dovato. so do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor. serious side effects can occur, including allergic reactions, liver problems, and liver failure. life-threatening side effects include lactic acid buildup and severe liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis b or c. don't use dovato if you plan to become pregnant or during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy since one of its ingredients may harm your unborn baby. your doctor should do a pregnancy test before starting dovato. use effective birth control while taking dovato. the most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, nausea, trouble sleeping, and tiredness. so much goes into who i am
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and hope to be. ask your doctor if starting hiv treatment with dovato is right for you. >> ♪ but girls they want to have fun, oh, girls just want to have fun ♪ >> i can't guess who this actually is. jedediah: you'd never know, right? this is one of my favorite sons that always puts me in a good mood and i always dance, with daisey when he go home and do a little dance. griff: we love her, it's like a high point 90s music. jedediah: and i will say that when i used to hang out with my girlfriends this always puts you in a fun mood no matter what your day looks like if your night has this song in it. ed: they are doing great work and griff did a great job.
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griff: i'm still out of breath. just to get perspective that suit weighs 60 pounds and what i wasn't wearing was the air tank that firefighters have to wear a mask to have air to breathe so imagine trying to navigate through a burning building trying to rescue somebody, but boy is it heavy and difficult my hats off to those guys. ed: and heroic work they do every day. jedediah: i saw you run that and imagine having to go up and downstairs, someone thrown over your shoulder? that is the firefighter test is actually one of the hardest tests i've been told of any job that you apply for, ever. griff: it was tougher during that obstacle course than it was covering bernie sanders in queens yesterday. griff: bernie was going through as well, remember he had a heart attack a couple weeks ago we're all wishing him well, he certainly looks like he's come back strong physically speaking and his supporters like alexandria ocasio-cortez who officially endorsed him at this big rally around her district here in new york city, i think he's not just strong physically, but they think politically he's
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back and he is holding up the socialistic banner. here is bernie at the big rally. >> i am happy to report to you that i am more than ready to carry on with you the epic struggle that we think today. >> [applause] >> i am more than ready to assume the office of president of the united states. >> [applause] >> to help create a government based on the principles of justice, economic justice, racial justice, social justice, and environmental justice. >> [applause] >> to put it bluntly, i am back griff: he said he's ready to assume the presidency and he put a mailer out asking for money saying if he does do that it's about transforming our country. we'll grant healthcare to all,
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address climate change, we'll make public colleges and universities tuition-free, raise the minimum wage to $15, and we'll end t corporate money on our political system. jedediah: nothing is free by the way just a side note. one person who was also fired up who was there is aoc, now she's obviously had a huge social media following she's been very unapologetic about her big government ideas and big government policies and she had a lot to say about bernie sanders as well. listen to her do a little gushing. >> i have grown to appreciate the enormous consistent and non- stop advocacy of senator bernie sanders. >> [applause] >> the only reason that i have any hope in launching a long shot campaign for congress is because bernie sanders proves that you can run a grassroots campaign, i call them bernie.
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ed: yeah, burn baby burn i suppose. she's fired up 25,000 folks out there in queens but a couple quick points. one, there are allies of president trump on social media pointing out 25,000 plus is something president trump gets in terms of overflow. in cities around the country practically every week at these big trump rallies. here in new york city it's pretty easy to get a bunch of liberals to show up whether it's elizabeth warren as she did at n yu, or bernie sanders. it's still a big crowd but new york city it's a little bit easier to draw that crowd. number two they were doing this in the shadow of where the amazon headquarters had been proposed, 2.0. aoc and other democrats in new york city blocked that, it would be a waste of taxpayer money. they care about it then when it involves a corporation but not when it comes to the green new deal and medicare for all let's just spend spend spend and there have been studies we pointed outlast hour where $1 in taxpayer money spent on the infrastructure for an amazon headquarters will bring back
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something like $9 in terms of new subways and roads and things that would actually help blue collar workers that they claim from that stage they want to help. griff: but do you know what ed, what you want underemphasize is aoc's endorsement. will it change the track of bernie sanders' run to the white house? i don't know but politico magazine points out and i agree a little bit, aoc's endorsement won't change 2020 but it might change the democratic party, her endorsement really pushing where the message goes. here is what politico writes is the timing of the endorsements is a sharp message to the party establishment and the progressives, we are not here for elizabeth warren's capital ism, we want socialism and we're not keeping quiet until we get it. ocasio-cortez seems to be telling us sanders will still be with us when he's gone and she aims to be the one who leads us. jedediah: essentially what they're saying is that warren's
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far left ideology is not far left enough. remember she was a form ebb republican, which i'm sure they do not like and you talked about the crowd size before and it's a valid point but i will say it is troubling for me to see so many people. i don't care if it's new york city, gather to commend ideas that are so extreme. i mean did you really think when you looked back at president obama running in 2008 how far the democratic party would am could in terms of its extremism that you'd have so many people coming out to endorse democratic socialists and to endorse the massive government overtake of big industries in your life, effecting your choices and be un apologetic about it and have that become the new normal. aoc is right. bernie sanders took these very extremist policies and he brought them out and made that the new mainstream of that democratic party. ed: it's the new normal. jedediah: people have to compete with that and elizabeth warren and even those far left candidates when you look at that stage and you hear bernie sanders saying do you know what your taxes are going to go up on
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the middle class. that's part of the deal and just saying these thins without any reluctance whatsoever, the party has changed drastically since 2008. ed: think about it the energy within their party, within the democrats is all about elizabeth warren, challenging front runner joe biden. bernie sanders who has a boatload of cash, biden burning cash like mad. that was a big story from the last week. you're not hearing about kamala harris and border patrol it cook er. they are kind of also rants at this point and it's all about sanders/warren and we had an expert on a little bit earlier writing a book about elizabeth warren and he said here is the real point about aoc 's endorsement. watch. >> i think it was a smart thing because they don't believe bernie's campaign is going but he has a lot of money and energy and young voters backed up but if that goes away and it is the timing of the polls people won't remember aoc's endorsement and she got to keep her street credit by endorsing the real socialistic and in a few months
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none of us will be talking about it again. jedediah: we asked you guys for what you had to say about all this and we got an e-mail from frank that says the middle class will pay as usual with higher taxes and insurance premiums. griff: yeah, socialism works great until it runs out of someone else's money. e-mail from judy. i am a taxpayer and i'm already tired of paying for other people 's stuff and to her point, that's how you get a big crowd because there's people who want other people to pay free tuition , free healthcare, free, free, free, as you've been saying all morning nothing is free if you want a unicorn, a pony they are going to get all kinds of stuff. griff: very interesting but right now to a fox news alert. prime minister boris johnson was posting another brexit delay from the eu. jedediah: parliament delayed voting on the deal until it passes legislation to implement the plan. ed: fox business ashley webster
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is live. ashley: good day to you, sir. well it was supposed to be super saturday but now it's like what the heck happened sunday, which is pretty much how brexit has gone since it was voted for three and a half years ago as you said, uk prime minister boris johnson forced to send a letter last night, late last night to brussels asking for yet another extension of the octobes an interesting twist. he sent the letter but he didn't sign it and then, he sent a second letter, which basically said please ignore the first letter, saying in part and i read, i've made some, i've made it clear since the beginning, since i became prime minister i made clear to parliament again today my view and the government 's position that a further extension would damage the interest of the uk and our e u partners, and the relationship between us. fascinating stuff how this will play out it could very well end up in the courts. yesterday we had tens of
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thousands of protesters gathering outside parliament when the vote was supposed to take place, maybe those anti- brexit but they did come in contact with the pro-brexit supporters and as you can imagine there was a lot of large and angry exchanges. take a listen. >> [indiscernible] ashley: well that pretty much sums it up just loud shouting at each other. this country has been bitterly divided since brexit was approved. those people wanting a second vote saying look, what we're getting now what's been voted on three and a half years ago but the eu will decide what kind of extension if they give one at all, they don't want the uk to fall out with any deal in place and maybe by tomorrow, boris johnson may go back to parliament and try to have the
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lawmakers vote on his deal. who knows with brexit, its kind of being made up as it goes along but certainly no closer to a resolution and the sunday papers i just grabbed a couple quick. it just says humiliated. forced to beg eu for brexit delay and then the sunday express probably saying what a lot of people are saying today. why won't they let us leave? so there you go that pretty much says it. i have a feeling we'll be doing this story guys for at least another 10 years back to you. ed: thank you, the anger among voters there, building and building that they're not following to. jedediah: we'll turn to headlines beginning with a fox news alert. this is a live look at hong kong where police have been clashing with thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators. police are calling planned rally illegal saying anyone involved faces arrest. chaos erupting as protesters start massive fires in the city streets and trash hundreds of stores and chinese banks. and protesters hit the streets
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in honduras demanding their president's immediate resignation. demonstrators angry with him after his younger brother was convicted of drug trafficking in the united states. witnesses say drug dealers paid the president's brother millions of dollars in exchange for protection from the government. president hernandez denies the allegations. >> and we turn now to extreme weather, tropical storm nester downgrading to a post- tropical cyclone after leaving a path of destruction in florida. the storm spurring several tornadoes, one twister was 120- mile per hour winds throwing a camper on top of a home. the tornado moving across the city ripping off a middle school 's roof, and the twister so powerful, it overturned a semi on a busy highway. the post-tropical cyclone moving through georgia and the carolinas this morning reaching the atlantic by tonight. >> and a celebrity alligator trapper comes to the rescue wrestling a nearly nine foot
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long gator out of a swimming pool. how bizarre, animal planet's gator boys coralling the 185- pound beast in florida and he joined us earlier and the gator didn't put up much of a fight. >> i knew it was going to be a hard time but he was actually that was as mellow as a gate or in a pool that i ever had. jedediah: they were able to safely relocate the gator. >> happens every day in florida griff: president trump puts patriotism front and center. president trump: the future does not belong to globalists. the future belongs to patriots. griff: a new op-ed makes the case it's worth fighting for, and joey jones fought for our country, he weighs in next. >> ♪ back where i come from, back where i come from, where i'll be when it's said and done,
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i'm proud ♪ great! here you go... well, it does need to be a vehicle. but - i need this out of my house. (vo) with fair, transparent value for every trade-in... enterprise makes it easy. you get more than yourfree, you get everything you need for your home at a great price, the way it works best for you, i'll take that. wait honey, no. when you want it. you get a delivery experience you can always count on. you get your perfect find at a price to match, on your own schedule. you get fast and free shipping on the things that make your home feel like you. that's what you get when you've got wayfair. so shop now!
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president trump: wise leaders always put the good of their own people at their own country first. the future does not belong to globalists. the future belongs to patriots. ed: that was the president making his message clear about patriotism and putting america first. a new op-ed tells american patriotism is worth fighting for in the u.s. a love of country involves dedications to the ideals of liberty and equality, a demanding legacy that we can't afford to lose at just the moment when the u.s. is most in need of common values and aspirations, we seem to be in danger of losing them.
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how to restore american patriotism and that's a question we want to take-up with fox news contributor and retired marine bomb tech joey jones. good morning, joey. >> good morning, ed. ed: the president talks about america first, and he gets a lot of heat from his critics what do you think america first really means to him and to you? >> absolutely, i love this idea that we're talking about what patriotism is and what it means to be an american as opposed to which side of the aisle we're on and so i've said for years now that american patriotism isn't flying a flag or pledging allegiance. it's not our free system of government, the size of our wealth or even the strength of our military. those are symptoms of what it means to be patriotic but what makes this country so amazing and over flown around the world twice once by accident while i was blown up and what makes this country so great is that when we walk outside the door we're not looking to see if someone looks like us, prays like us, eats like us, votes like us, we share this country together and we love each other for it because we know we depend on each other
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for our own survival and happiness. that doesn't mean that president trump is wrong when he goes and tackles things like immigration because it means more to be a citizen than just to be a resident and what we believe in this country, is that there's a mutual assured buy-in that the people that we encounter every day are taking the same risk when he walk outside their home, they are taking the same buy-in, the same responsibility to be a citizen of this country. you can't just be on the football team and warm the bench and never go in and play and earn the trophy the same way the guys on the field have. that's what american patriotism is. we all buy-in, we all have responsibilities, we all go and take the risk but we all enjoy it as well. ed: joey i've got less than a minute but what would you say to democrats like nancy pelosi who would point out that they believe anyway they may be wrong , what they believe that this impeachment inquiry is about standing up for american values, standing up for the constitution, and pushing back on executive power? how do you answer that? >> you know i don't see anything in the constitution that says please use these
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mechanisms as political tools so i'd say that's a nancy pelosi/ donald trump and everyone in between. we didn't establish this system of government and this way of governing so that parties could battle over whose in power. we did it so that we could establish freedom and guarantee it from a government that always is accessible to be corrupt and so i don't know if nancy pelosi remembers that any more. i don't think many on capitol hill do, but the american people all 350 million of us do, and it's important that we talk about that and it would show up to the polls with that in mind. ed: joey we highlighted a story yesterday the fedex driver who fixed the pillows on a porch caught on a home cam, because he wanted the flag to look just so that was a gesture but your service to our country is something we honor always and we appreciate you coming in this morning. >> thank you very much. it's my pleasure. ed: if you takeaway the president's name our next guest argues that liberals actually love the president's policies. former nfl player jack brewer explains on this big nfl sunday maybe we'll talk a little sports
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but a little politics as well. next. >> ♪ ♪ good afternoon board members. we have some great new ideas that we want to present to you today. [son]: who are you talking to? [son]: that guy's scary. the first item on the list is selecting a chairman for the... for the advisory board what's this? as well as use the remaining... child care options run out. lifetime retirement income from tiaa doesn't. guaranteed monthly income for life.
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ed: quick headlines new evidence that you can actually get hooked on chocolate chip cookies believe me, you can. >> [cookie monster, chocolate chip cookie important to me too, important. ed: a new study suggesting cookies are as addictive asco cane. really? french researchers say the sugar rush triggers the same part of your brain as the illegal narcotic, wow. and say goodbye to grannie smith , hello to cosmic
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crisp, the new breed of apple expected to hit store shelves in december and its name comes from the yellow dots on its skin resembling stars in the sky. researchers say the cosmic risk lasts longer in storage and is more juicy and crisp than other apples. it's a cross between enterprise and honey crisp apples and griff that is your lesson about apples griff: i challenge your sources i love honey crisp we'll find out. thank you. all right, the last ramping up criticisms of president trump's crackdown on the border but remember when president obama had this to say in 2014? >> we're also a nation of laws. undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and i believe that they must be held accountable. if you're a criminal, you'll be deported. if you plan to enter the u.s. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up. jedediah: our next guest writing in a new op-ed that this is just one example of why trump policies are secretly loved by most liberals even if they won't
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admit it. griff: here to explain it is former nfl star who played with the vikings, giants, eagles and cardinals and founder and ceo of the brewer group, jack brewer. jack good morning to you. how you all doing? griff: this great op-ed. i want to get into this and let's go first to the point of why you believe trump policies secretly is loved by liberals? >> this is an unfortunate reality. liberals will stand against trump even if it means standing against the things that they deeply believe in, and it's really sad to see what we've come to. i really wrote this article because i'm watching presidential candidates on the democratic side talking about punishing churches and placing that we have faith and bring our spirituality for following the word of god and i haven't seen one christian democrat not one christian democrat stand against that and when i watched that i said do you know what? my obligation as a christian man
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in america is to stand up against this and really tell the truth because i don't believe that my christian democratic brothers and sisters really believe that. jedediah: jack let's go through some of the issues you pinpoint in particular. number one, immigration. talk a little bit about that. >> you look at immigration, obviously we all know that we have a crisis on the border that no one is willing to talk about. i grew up in texas so people are coming across-the-boarder and we have points of our border where there are folks from over 50 countries coming across illegally and why is this an issue? i wish everyone could come to america but you have to come here the right way because all you're doing is you're promoting and allowing these illegal cartels in these rings that are trafficking these young girls, coming across-the-boarder and it's really sad. griff: jack your point ending these, i want to get back to that because so much in the news president trump is taking criticism from within his own party on pulling the troops out the chaos we're seeing play out in syria. talk to me about that. >> i mean it really is, for
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decades, you've heard democrats talk about ending wars. president bush was talked about and i talked about him personal ly. you've got to remember i've been a democrat all my life, grew up in a democratic house but now you see, president obama dropped 26,000 bombs in the last year of his presidency. he won the nobel peace prize, and now all of a sudden you've got president trump who was pulling our troops out talking about peace the same thins that he ran on about ending these endless wars and bringing our boys back home in a peaceful way , and the democrats are all over him for it. it's ridiculous to see how much war mongering is going on in the conversations in our country right now. jedediah: and our criminal justice and pay-to-play why should liberals love trump's approach to those two things? >> criminal justice reform, mass incarceration is the social justice issue of our time. this is president trump. it's really his signature civil
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rights movement and no matter if it's entertainers, athletes kneeling for criminal justice reform president trump is actually the man who passed the law that ended that this bill that was written by joe biden and promoted by hillary clinton and bill clinton this is their policy. president trump ended and i know there's a bunch of liberals and democrats that are happy about that but they won't say it. they won't give him credit for it and i think it's ridiculous. griff: jack, you used to play for the vikings and my brain has already gone to football sunday, they take on the lions today what do you got for predictions? >> man, they've been playing good. i'm not a big cousins fan. i didn't think he's played up to his contract but i've got to say the last three weeks in chicago, he's really looked good. the vikings will pull this one out as you know, i hope the boys in purple come and bring one home to minnesota today. griff: a huge game last week we'll see this week and i'm sitting in for pete hegseth whose a big vikings fan so i had
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to ask you i hope you're right. jedediah: thanks jack. >> thank you. jedediah: many are feeling the burn, at the 2020 candidates new york rally. griff: i was there and talked to the voters who are all in on his plan for the country, that's next. are you going to support bernie sanders again? >> yes. griff: why? >> because i want free college. griff: why are you supporting bernie? >> i have a lot of student debt 300 miles an hour, that's where i feel normal. having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. learn more at retire your risk dot org. this fall, book two, separate qualifying stays at ...and earn a free night. because when your business is rewarding yourself, our business is you. book direct at
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>> let me invite you all to a major rally we're having in queens, new york. we're going to have a special guest at that event. ed: senator bernie sanders was talking about our own griff jenkins. jedediah: griff was at bernie's comeback rally. griff: yeah, he was pointing at me and now he's just there to see if it's as big as it was in 2016 and it was all that and more. watch. >> to put it bluntly, i am back >> [applause] >> how you feeling today? >> i feel great. >> bernie's back. >> bernie is the candidate that supports my rights all of them. >> he's the only honest one out there. >> i'm originally from denmark, an immigrant and i couldn't believe my own eyes in 2015 when bernie ran for office, i thought holy cow, i get the chance to
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vote for a democrat socialistic in america? griff: there's a small group of pro-trump supporters out here. >> i don't want a socialistic government. i want to keep capitalism and i want trump in 2020. >> fox news can you hear us? griff: you thought it would take an outsider, including bernie to win, to beat trump but you're changing your mind, why? >> well bernie is the ultimate outsider. he's still an independent. he still hasn't joined the democratic party. griff: during the 2016 campaign i met young connor. >> you're back now, are you going to support bernie sanders again? >> yes. griff: why? >> because i want free college. griff: why are you supporting bernie? >> i have a lot of student debt and i would love future generations not to be in debt like i am. >> the standard of living for americans is down. griff: the standard of living is
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up under the trump economy, no? aren't you worried about the debt going up because of the cost of medicare for all? the cost of the green new deal? >> i think people are smart enough to understand that if they pay a lower tax, if they pay a higher tax rate but the costs are actually lower overall , that's the savings for them and their families and i don't think they are necessarily bothered too much about the national debt. >> we can all pay for all of us we can do it. >> how about a raise on the middle class american taxes to pay for it? >> that's me. >> you're okay with it? >> i'm fine with it. >> will you collect enough taxes you can provide public services which makes for a more healthy educated health it so sigh egriff: why you running? >> our healthcare system is making me sick. griff: what do you say about senator sanders age and he did just have a heart attack. >> well i'm saying he's having a heart attack watching what's happening to america right now. >> it's not about the age, it's about his policy and about his authenticity is what matters to me.
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griff: aoc endorsed him today how big of a deal was that? >> oh, yeah. >> he's my feel, bernie sanders >> [applause] griff: aoc is speaking endorsing sanders now, how important is that? what do you make of it? >> so i think it's super important just for the younger voters who might be between bernie and i'm hoping aoc brings back my friends to the bernie side thinking about warren. as a woman of course i'd like to see a woman president, but bernie sanders has been saying the same thing for over 45 years , and he hasn't changed his tune. >> bernie. this is our year, hindsight is 2020. griff: people want fresh voices and that woman has been honest. he's been saying that for 45 years. he's authentic on that. griff: like they don't want an alternative bernie with bernie ideas they want the real deal and by the way the gentleman with the kid on his shoulders, look at him he looked familiar he's an actor from that show homeland. jedediah: i love this idea about oh, more taxes and more money they take from you the better
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jobs government will do of taking care of you and it just doesn't work like that and look at every government-run institution and you'll see it full of problems from education it's just stunning to see i do agree on the issue of authenticity bernie is the guy he has been saying the same thing for a long time and a leader in that socialistic delegation of the party so to speak so when it comes to honesty he's the one guy when you ask him and you say are our taxes going to go up he's like yeah and the debt is going to go up too. ed: but his supporters don't get that and i thought it was great when griff pressed that one gentleman who was like this is all great and but the standard of living is down under trump and griff said no actually it's up and the guy then shifted oh, well the debts going to go up under trump so what about the debt under bernie? it's going to go more? well we'll find a way to pinpoint it. the argument keeps changing. griff: the last point is the enthusiasm for aoc, because they know they can get the bernie sanders agenda at least there's someone wait in the wings to carry it on.
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jedediah: aoc has been made a star by media and us and others who have elevated her so much. ed is the enthusiasm on the left or the right getting her more involved? jedediah: have her talk more about how publicly is the best way to go. ed: turning now to your headlines house speaker nancy pelosi needs a delegation for jordan as a secret trip, mostly democratic lawmakers meeting with a jordan king overnight as the defense secretary says the cease fire is holding up and all u.s. troops are now leaving syria. >> the current game plan is for those forces to reposition into western iraq, two missions one is to help defense iraq and two is to perform a counter-isis mission as we sort through the next steps. ed: forces are planning to withdraw from northern syria today meanwhile, felons can vote without paying their court fees in florida. a judge blocking a state law
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that bans convicts from regaining voting rights if they have unpaid court fees. the judge says florida can't deny voting rights based on financial resources and the case now headed to the state's supreme court. and chicago's mayor has some bad news for those fed up with the city's long teacher strike. >> i would be very surprised that classes are going to be open on monday. ed: talks between the school district and teacher's union are resuming today after failing to roof a deal late last night. teachers walked off the job thursday demanding smaller class sizes, higher wages and more support staff. talk about a coincidence two identical twins delivered with the help of identical twin nurse s. tori and her sister tara learned an hour before delivery they would be together in the delivery for the first time. addison and emma were born early at 32 weeks, but they are healthy thankfully and expect today go home this week since the delivery.
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the babies parents have been asking the nurses for advice on how to raise twin girls. talk about a double play. jedediah: wow that's so cute so little. am i growing one of those right now? griff: it'll be a surprise. speaking of surprises what is the weather going to do out on fox square? >> that will be a little bit of a surprise but what's not a surprise is i've got a great group of people are we happy to be out here this morning? >> [applause] >> adam: the forecaster just asking about griff, a little bit of a 50/50 type of forecast all because we're tracking that tropical system that just made landfall yesterday beginning to run up the east coast so we're seeing heavy showers as cross portion off of or north carolina , into virginia good news is most of the rain shoots off to the atlantic and this is our future forecast and there is the future radar. i have a lot of people here visiting new york worried about this forecast. is it going to rain in new york guys? >> no! >> adam: to be honest it might
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rain in new york. a little bit of a 50/50 situation but that sets off out into the atlantic so i'm not expecting a whole lot of rain and we'll throw it back into them, back to you guys. >> back to you guys. >> adam: thank you. griff: a navy veteran chris crossing america on a journey to talk to gold star families in all 50 states. this morning he joins us to share some of the powerful stories coming up. >> ♪ ♪ i'm bad.
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botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. go on with your bad self. you may pay as little as zero dollars for botox®. ask your doctor about botox® for chronic migraine. you got this. ed: a u.s. navy vet just went on a journey of a lifetime traveling to all 50 states to honor our nation's heros making sure their names and their stories are never ever forgotten
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jedediah: veteran keith sherman interviewing countless gold star families uncovering incredible stories of bravery, service and sacrifice, all the while living on the road and going 50,000 miles in over 160 hours of interviews. griff: here with more about his incredible project, u.s. navy veteran keith sherman. you've been living out of your audi this is an amazing story. first show us your map and tell us why you did this? >> so i spent the last 428 days in my car driving across the country all 50 states and living in my tent to go to the hometown s of post-9/11 killed in action gold star families and document their story of love, honor and sacrifice so i can take that whole, the whole package and donate it to the national archives. jedediah: now you're a navy vet so thank you for your service. you're welcome. jedediah: tell us about your service and how it inspired this >> i did spend 26 years in the navy and retired as a senior chief in san diego, california and i battled with ptsd and
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traumatic brain injury and spent the last year. my career wasn't wonderful and i needed to go on kind of like a journey of healing and i spent three months at an in-patient treatment program and decided to go around the country and met a gold star sibling, christine flores and we got together with my business partner jeff and we basically orchestrated going around the whole country to hometowns of the fallen and document their story. ed: let's go through the stories we obviously can't do all 50 states but there's counter intelligence team chief ronald balm, served in iraq. tell us quickly his story. i interviewed brian balm, a retired staff sargent and him and his brother ron went in the marines together and they went to boot camp together, paris island, same platoon and went to their verse together and then sargent balm was killed in near ramadi in 2004 and i got to document his story and it was
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very impactful. griff: let's talk about another story sargent drew scoby, killed in afghanistan in 2014. >> yeah, i also went to hawaii and was able to document his story and meet his wife, mckenna , and their child duke, and then also, their little girl drew, and drew never met her dad , mckenna was pregnant when drew was killed, and in a traditional hawaiian ceremony she took his ashes wrapped them up in a tea leaf and then went out and swam, pregnant, off to the surf, to their favorite beach, went down and opened it up underneath the water and swam up through a big cloud of ashes. jedediah: we have captain jennifer harris who served in iraq. >> yeah, a female ch-46 helicopter pilot an amazing story of absolute strong, determined woman, and wonderful pilot, her crew always loved her and i just finished the story by
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interviewing her father raymond harris in massachusetts and it was wonderful. ed: push us forward here, you mentioned you want to share this with the nation and the national archives but you have a business partner because, there are other ways you want to share with people and how can our viewers find out more so they can hear all these stories? >> there's a donation ceremony coming up november 1 at the national archives and the whole time its been our want and my desire to get the families funded to be able to fly to the library of congress to the national archives to be able to be there and escort their stories and i've invited all of senate, former presidents bush, obama, and president trump, and congress representatives from each person's district and we also looked for philanthropists to see if they could find the families to come there. griff: if you'd like to donate visit is that correct? thanks for doing this. >> thank you so much. ed: amid the u.s. china trade
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war farmers are getting a little creative to boost their bottom line. the president's counterpart from china check this out some are returning to corn canons. what that means, how they work, and how we may have that. whose the better shot, that's coming up. >> ♪ ♪ turn on my tv and boom, it's got all my favorite shows right there. i wish my trading platform worked like that. well have you tried thinkorswim?
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so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. ed: well as president trump is making some progress on a potential trade deal with china, america's farmers have already come up with is pretty nifty ideas trying to boost the bottom lines in the meantime. jedediah: there's all kinds of fun activities like corn mazes and goat yoga but have you seen
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this? it is called acorn canon and we've got one right here on the fox square. griff: here to demonstrate is fourth generation farmer justin donaldson and his dad gary. >> good morning. griff: thanks for being here. corn canon? >> yeah. ed: what will they think of next >> apple canons, pumpkin canons jedediah: describe this to me. how does this work? >> pretty much all that happens is you take a cob of corn, put it down the barrel. jedediah: and just shoot it out? we'll try this later on right? griff: the idea is that with the war going on the president has been trying to get federal relief to farmers and you've got some corn sitting there waiting to sell you don't want it to go bad so you find other ways creative ways to use it. >> exactly. what better way than to shoot at some targets in the field. griff: so you're just sitting around thinking do you know what to do? let's have acorn canon. where did it come from, the idea
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>> well i found it online, years ago, and neighboring farms they do the same thing, and pretty much the neighboring farm has an apple canon and the other has a pumpkin canon. jedediah: when we talk about the trade war what has been the effect of that on you and your farm? >> well, basically the prices of what we get for our grain. they probably dropped anywhere from $1 to $2 a bushel. we're just waiting to hope a deal goes through to get the prices back up. griff: are you worried in the short-term? >> not really. we have a lot of confidence that we're going to get a deal done. ed: do you lie the idea that the president is challenging china? there's some farmers who said why are you doing this now and no other president has had the guts to do this. >> well i think it's about time somebody did something, because we've been taken advantage of for a long time, and i think that it's time.
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we're willing to take a little short-term pain for a long term gain. griff: has the white house requested acorn canon yet? can you show us this? show me what we got. >> well pretty much all we do is load the corn here like this. jedediah: then you'll shoot it? griff: fire away! ed: so what's the goal? hit the center? what are we aiming for? >> whatever you want to hit. ed: we'll have to pick something next hour. thank you very much we'll be back in the next hour to see which one of us can hit the most targets. we'll have some fun with that but we have a big hour still ahead of news, greg jenner talking about his new book and maria bartiromo is setting up her big show coming up and they will join us live. >> ♪ ♪
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jedediah: you know, we have to compete later, with the corn canon. ed: is it a g jedediah: i'm going to aim for the trees. ed: the problems with these competitions is that we compete. griff: he wants to show us and he's mastered the corn canon. jedediah: listen, he's not allowed to compete because he's had way too much practice.
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griff: he's got to work on that. ed: better make sure there's no people back there. jedediah: i asked is there a kickback? and he's like no you're fine don't worry. ed: in the meantime, big news coming out of the left side of the 2020 sweepstakes if you will , bernie sanders is back, and so is the message about socialism, that the president, frankly, wakes up this morning and probably thinks this is really really good for his re-election prospects because you have a race to the left, now aoc is getting officially behind bernie sanders and you have some of bernie sanders reporters saying elizabeth warren whose challenging the front runner joe biden is simply not left enough. jedediah: this is one of my favorite sound bites of aoc, in her endorsement of bernie sanders she talks about the importance of publicly-owned systems. take a listen to what she had to say. >> everybody has the right to healthcare. everybody. >> [applause] >> everybody has a right to an education. >> [applause]
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>> one that is rooted in principles of cooperation, that is participatory because the future and our future is in public systems and it's publicly owned systems. >> [applause] >> because we need to take power over our lives again. i don't know about you, but i don't want mark zuckerberg making decisions over my life. >> [applause] ed: i'm trying to understand let's give power to the people by giving more power to the government is that really the message? griff: it is the full government like this is what's significant and what's different about what we saw yesterday. i was there, from other sanders rallies is the aoc endorsement because the faithful progressive base saw for the first time, a rising star in aoc to carry on the agenda, the policies they want, which as you point out, edits a fundamental basis, is a government takeover of not just
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healthcare but everything else. jedediah: just serving though a rising star listen to what she's actually saying. she's saying that publicly-owned system, government-run systems enable you to somehow have more control over your fate, your life, your decisions than it would if you were actually making those decisions for yourself so private enterprise i don't want mark zuckerberg making those decisions but let's have government bureaucrats step up to the plate and have them decide what healthcare options you have, let's have them decide what kind of programs that your kids are going to get taught in school. it makes absolutely no sense so she may be a rising star on social media but when challenged on these points i'd love to here what she has to say. griff: we talked i'll give you one of the many supporters we talked to about aoc, watch. >> this is what we mean, because you can't move this country forward towards achiev ing that perfect union without taking bold progressive moves. you want be shy, you can't be scared. if you're scared of the
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conservatives, whoever it may be if you're scared, you need to step back. jedediah: so this is, these are empty talking points. this is my exact point is that she comes out and makes these bold states, much like what this gentleman just said no disrespect to him, but she's not really telling you what she's going to do or how that impacts your life. when you talk about everything being free, there's nothing free someone has to pay for that when you talk about a government-run system everyone talks about the cost and the quality of care so it's so interesting to me that these far left democrats have these positions but if challenged by something practical, which donald trump is going to do if he faces off with the bernie sanders or elizabeth warren, i would love to see what they have. ed: so this is really government takeover, healthcare and others you dress it up with this publicly-owned system for whatever that means try to make it sound less threatening and then you leave out for the people in that crowd, 25,000 strong for bernie sanders pointed out he does have
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enthusiasm, all of these for free stuff but something they are clearly missing is that these government takeovers mean money out of your pocket. the blue collar workers they claim to actually help. how do i know that? here is how. the daily news has an op-ed in new york. ocasio-cortez and sanders are a stones throw away from where amazon should have set up shop. they say what really is bother some is that their love fest is being held almost on top of the site of a political economic calamity of enormous magnitude that would have been second headquarters of o amazon with its 25,000 to 45,000 great paying jobs, was on february 14, under relentless attacks by aoc and our panels so they're having us rally with a lot of folks like yeah, bernie and aoc are standing up for us when stones throw from there, aoc blocked amazon from bringing millions maybe even over time billions of
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dollars of economic investment in aoc's own district. that doesn't mean rich people would just make out from property values and stuff. it means workers would have better subways better roads, high-paying jobs, tens of thousands of high-paying jobs. she blocked it in the name of socialism instead of capitalism. griff: as jedediah pointed out you think this might be intentional. jedediah: well i don't know if it's intentionality would be very smart on their part because they are running against capital ism and all that stuff it sounds great except it's not being provided by government so when you have amazon a private company coming in doing all those thins that's not good enough for them. they don't like she's talking about it but she's telling you. ed: this is america. jedediah: but this is not the america she wants. she wants a revised america, an america with government in charge and where those decisions are not being made by you for yourself and your family but being made by government she thinks is some powerful, do-good entity that the is not made of a bunch of bureaucrats that sit in the room. griff: an exact list of things
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he's going to do to get to the white house is end the influence of corporate money on our political system and government. his words, not mine, is exactly what you're talking about. ed: you're weighing in fired up about this. e-mail from john. you can not have publicly controlled system and still control your own life. aoc nodes to go back and get educated on real facts. jedediah: an e-mail from michael , fascinating the rally is very near where amazon was establishing h2 how little regard they have for their constituents to hold it there. griff: and theresa writes as my father told me since i was a kid , nothing in life is free. oh, yeah. tell that to aoc, who picked up a button there you go. jedediah: and bernie is telling you it's not free because he's telling you he's going to raise your taxes to do it even middle class saying yeah your taxes go up but don't worry you'll love it. ed: well the president is probably delighted about that because it shows his opponents ahead of 20 to going further
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further left enables him to frame the election on his terms but he has to be a little bit less happy about the back pedal ing he had to do down in miami his club, where he was going to host the g7 summit. he's now back pedaling went on twitter late yesterday saying forget it there was a media meltdown, democrats melting down in congress trying to block this from happening take a listen to how folks were framing this a couple of days ago. >> funneling taxpayer dollars to his private family business wasn't enough so now mr. trump is putting the squeeze on foreign government. >> a major promotion for the president's brand straight from the white house podium. >> unprecedented use of the presidency to put revenue into a president's pocket. >> it's the most corruption crime you can imagine. >> is the president violating the constitution and profiting while holding an international summit? jedediah: a meltdown, a small one and trump tweeted in response saying based on both media and democrat crazed we will no longer consider trump
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miami as the host site for the g 7 in 2020. we'll begin the search for another site including the possibility of camp david immediately. thank you. jot that down. griff: i think the criticism perhaps the media is hyper vent it lating a little bit too much but the criticism is there so it's an obvious possible pr issue if not something that they want to make it into more but we asked former governor mike huckabee about how it's playing in the media and getting to the facts and here is what he had to say. >> there is the reason that the most of the american people have zero trust, zero confidence in most of the media today. it's disgusting and for them to try to make it to donald trump was even considering doral, because he was going to feather his own nest, my gosh the man gives away every single penny of his entire presidential salary. he's a billionaire. he doesn't need the revenue from a g7 conference to pay his electric bill next month. this is absurd. jedediah: this isn't one of
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those instances where i feel like trump could have avoided this whole controversy by not holding it there and some feel like why does he tread into these waters but you see the media reaction, you have a response like he could have avoided this but man they're treating it like it's the end of the world. ed: they didn't necessarily need to have a meltdown but the president's acting chief of staff mick mulvaney was doubling down on why this was the perfect place and now they won't do it on top of what he said about ukraine its been a rough week for the chief of staff. jedediah: we'll turn to headlines now we begin with a fox news alert. chaos erupting in hong kong protests overnight, pro- democracy demonstrators throwing molotov cocktails at police sparking massive fires and one firebomb hitting a police truck causing it to run through a barricade. officers unleashing tear gas trying to stop the violence. thousands of protesters held a rally despite police banning it. and house speaker nancy pelosi leads a delegation to jordan to
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discuss the chaos in syria. the group of mostly democratic lawmakers meeting with the jordan king overnight as defense secretary says the cease fire is led whoing off and all u.s. troops are leaving syria. >> the current game plan is for those forces to reposition into western iraq. two missions one is to help defend iraq and two is to perform a counter-isis mission as we go through next steps. jedediah: kurdish forces are planning to withdraw from northern syria today and two giant cranes sitting over the rubble of partially collapsed hotels in new orleans will be destroyed today. officials set to use explosives to knock the equipment down after the hard rock hotel's collapsed last weekend. three people were killed. the demolition was delayed by tropical storm nester. ed: congratulations to the houston nationals american league champs off to the world series.
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but the yankees didn't hit the key spots, and a walk-off home run giving the astros a win over the yankees and it's the second world series appearance in three years beating the dodgers a few years ago game one against the washington nationals tuesday on fox do not miss it going to be a great matchup, congrats all. griff: go nats. ed: look it was a long night. i had to get to bed and get to work, and we got to get out of bed and go to work and move on. griff: we're excited washington it's our first so we'll see what happens, meanwhile hillary clinton and congresswoman tulsi gabbard making headlines over their war of words but turns out this feud may have been years in the making and could be tied to the 2016 election. ed: guess what, greg jarrett i heard he has a new book, you can buy it right now and the name of it i forgot. you'll have to tell me.
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greg jarrett greg what's going on here? >> well this is a feud because tulsi gabbard back in 2016 dared to cross hillary clinton. gabbard was the vice chair of the dnc and when she found out that the dnc was secretly conspiring to hurt bernie sanders and help hillary clinton , she resigned her post and immediately endorsed bernie sanders, and hillary clinton, her confederates went after gabbard with a vengence, threatening, there's one particular e-mail that says you have been disrespectful to hillary we'll stop all fundraising. now this is february 29, 2016 saying, "we were very disappointed hillary clinton will be our parties nominee and you standing on the ceremony to support the bernie sanders ship is disrespectful to hillary clinton, we no longer trust your judgment, so we'll not be raising money for your campaign.
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i also want to take you just to flashback, going back to march of 2016, watch. >> i was heavily warned by people who care about me to not endorse senator sanders because of that fear of retaliation and look that fear is something that exists in a lot of folks that i've heard from. there is far too much at stake here to stand on the side line and let politics get in the way of what's real. griff: this clearly has a history as you point out but my within to you is why is hillary clinton doing this? >> because she's like an elephant who never forgets and she's spite full and full of vengence and she will never let it go. and she's doing exactly to tulsi gabbard what she did to donald trump. hillary clinton is the one who created the russia hoax paying for russian disinformation,
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which ended up in the ensuing witch hunt so now she's accusing tulsi gabbard of the same thing and all of her speeches in 2016 she was accusing trump of being putin's candidate and well now she's accusing tulsi gabbard of doing the same thing. it's always amazing to me that hillary clinton makes false accusations of others about things that she has actually done herself. in my book, i recount how she colluded with russia, self- dealing, influence pedaling , $145 million from russian sources to her foundation, a half a million dollars to her husband. and nobody called that collusion it should have been investigated griff: do you think this helps tulsi? >> oh, i think it does. it raises her profile. there are legions of people in america who are disgusted with hillary clinton. she yens for attention and relevancy, and by attacking
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tulsi gabbard whose somewhere around 1-2% in the polls, well all she's doing is getting her support. griff: how is the book doing? best seller? >> it is number 3 on the new york times best seller list. it's doing quite well, and you know there's so much in that book about hillary clinton's imagination that led to the hoax , that got the witch hunt and more than any other individual, hillary clinton is the one who colluded with russians, not donald trump. griff: greg jarrett thank you, go out and get it, thank you, sir. thank you, griff. griff: jane fonda is back in handcuffs, surprise. this time, for fighting for climate change, but that's not the part of the story our next guest confronted her at the rally, find out what happened, coming up after the break. >> ♪ i came in like a wrecking ball ♪ these days, we're all stressed.
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ed: we are back with a quick look at the week ahead. tomorrow judgment day for justin trudeau, the canadian will head to the polls to decide whether he gets a second term as prime minister. he has been criticized big time after multiple photos surfaced of him wearing brown face on tuesday and the nba regular season tips off, also in canada, remember they won the championship in toronto, and starting their title defense against the new orleans pelicans i wonder what lebron will do with china. a big game in hollywood too, as the clippers take on lebron and the lakers. and on wednesday, facebook ceo mark zuckerberg heads to capitol hill. he's going to be grilled by lawmakers on his proposed cryptocurrency, and several lawmakers voiced concerns about the project as well as privacy whether conservatives were
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targeted, now zuckerberg heads to the hill for a capitol hill ing. jedediah? jedediah: well jane fonda is in handcuffs again the 81-year-old actress arrested at a climate change rally for the second friday in a row, and our next guest was there to confront her. >> would you tell president trump if you were here today? >> i wouldn't waste my breath. >> what do you think should happen to climate skeptics in congress who don't follow what you believe? griff: no answer from jane fonda mark moreno, is the executive editor at climate and he joins us with more and mark it was pretty fascinating you're out there. jane fonda keeps coming to washington to get arrested but she wouldn't talk to you, why? >> she only answered the one question. she was there for the media and believe me, adoring media was everywhere from variety to nbc news, she's interviewed by entertainment tonight, all of the entertainment press, so she was not used to being asked any questions. i actually later right before
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she got arrested confronted had der with a copy of my book and she says she was inspired by this canadian author who wrote a book called capitalism versus the climate so i was trying to say there's another view with scientists including u.n. scientists would don't agree with you on this but she would not say a word, would not react just stared me down when i was asking this and showing her the book and asking if she would consider an alternative vision of her climate. griff: did she take the book? >> no she did not. she was about to get arrested so maybe she didn't want the police to confiscate it just my optimistic thinking. jedediah: mark we have another hot topic for you at a bernie sanders rally the mayor of san juan, puerto rico saying she's a climate change survivor. take a listen and we'll talk to you about it. >> sure. >> i'm a climate change expert. i am a climate change survivor. jedediah: what do you think? >> yeah, this is the new norm, if you will, in the climate activist community, the pro-
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green new deal and she's a bernie sanders surrogate, and running for governor trying to politicize hurricane maria. now as bad as hurricane maria was and it's bad and of course they have a lot of cleanup had to do it's only the eighth worst storm in the atlantic basin. and that's just one region. if you go back in time anyone who lives in the 1940s can claim their climate change survivors was much worse, so they had many hurricanes as bad or worse then, so this is a political phrase which they are trying to scare people with, and essentially lobby for the green new deal. ed: there is also a lot going on in cities across the country where various lawmakers from the left are cracking down, trying, they say, to deal with climate change, florida lawmakers let's look at it, a ban on chemical sunscreens, and some cities banning new drive-thrus, study recommending a ban on air miles, what do you make of some of these big ideas? >> well this is very simply, if
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the regulatory states using a climate scare in order to pass essentially the plan they've always thought if you go back back to 1960 they always had central planning solutions to environmental control so not only are they going after the sunscreen and the drive-thrus but they are going after suv's, our appliances, plastic straws, fracking coal, thermostat control in our homes, i mean the list goes on and on and they want to ban first, ask questions later, and this is the new reality in america. almost every democrat candidate running ban this ban that, this is the banned states of america. griff: but don't ban your book, right? thank you very much. appreciate you joining us. >> thank you. griff: to a fox news alert, as uk lawmakers continue voting on a deal again so what happens now we're live on the ground in london, next. if you live with diabetes,
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i didn't think that i heard any smack talking but this referees are given penalties to every single player on each roster, which means that we're going to see about five or six ejections. ed: everybody, penalized over a hype dance-off. the refs showing no mercy. jedediah: as players, there was no fighting. i see no problem with this. griff: and players already and
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conduct penalties they were ejected from the game, for georgia which was 30-27. jedediah: i feel like they should get bonus points for doing a dance-off. or is it just me? ed: really. griff: refs are under so much scrutiny into it way and they are like what do we do with this ed: let's go to this fox news alert. british prime minister boris johnson is requesting another brexit delay from the eu, after his deal was shot down in parliament. >> griff: parliament delayed voting on the deal. jedediah: ashley webster is live in london with a brexit break down. ashley? ashley: yeah, if you would, glassy eyed before now, you should be by now and its been three and a half years since the uk voted on a 52-48% imagine to leave the european. the problem is the uk lawmakers
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just agree on how that divorce agreement will look. we thought yesterday it could happen, but oh, no, boris johnson didn't even bother with a vote on his deal, because look because that let's have another extension to look at this thing in detail so last night the prime minister sent a number of letters to brussels one saying that under the law i have to ask for an extension but then a second letter, there was actually signed so the first one wasn't the second letter saying please ignore the first letter. that is how insane this whole brexit fiasco has become. but, for those that support it, after three and a half years they are fed up, they believe, that the lawmakers who voted to remain many of them in parliament 70% said we don't want brexit they are being blamed for trying to hold the whole process up. listen to one brexit supporter. >> i'm actually quite discussed with the parliament procedure,
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and june 23, 2016, and the majority of the people voted to leave and this parliament ever since then has done everything they can to overrun the people. ashley: well there you go, the will of the people and apparently parliament cannot get its act together. yesterday there was tens of thousands of protesters many calling for a second vote. the people's vote, they call it, they were met by angry brexit supporters and oh, yes, it got very testy at times take a listen. >> if you love your country come and join us. ashley: well that pretty much sums up where we've been pretty much the last three and a half years, a country bitterly
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divided a parliament divided and the question will the uk finally with boris johnson pull a rabbit out of the hat and get them out of the eu by the end of this month. we'll find out tomorrow whether he will try and bring back his newly-mintedhads deal for a vote but one thing you know for certain with brexit, nothing is certain, so we'll have to wait and see, but once again, another deadline approaches, guys. ed: sounds like ashley webster is a little hungry in london. totally understandable. we're having breakfast in the states right now. we got to get you fueled up you'll be working for fox business a lot over the next couple of days great job as always. griff: thanks ashley appreciate it. ashley: thank you. griff: turning now to your headlines powerful new video showing the moment, disarms and embraces a high school student carrying a loaded shot gun. quickly grabbing the gun and handing it to another teacher before hugging the teen for at least a minute. the video just now coming to
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light. >> let him know that i was there for him and i told him that i was there to save him and i was there for a reason and that this is a life worth living griff: the 18-year-old was reportedly distraught over a breakup, sentenced to three years probation and mandatory mental health treatment and the navy veteran travels to all 50 states to make sure our fallen heros are never forgotten. keith sherman interviewing gold star families and memorializing their stories and he joined us earlier to share his emotional journey. >> go to the hometowns of post- 9/11 killed in action gold star families and document their story of love, honor and sacrifice and the whole time its also been our want and my desire to get the families funded to be able to fly to the library of congress to the national archive s to be able to be there and escort their stories. griff: remarkable tasks shearman is donating his work to the library of congress and the national park service shelling
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out $4 million to preserve a battlefield and the grants will protect nearly 800-acres from being destroyed by developers and the battlegrounds have historic sites from the revolutionary war, the war of 1812 and the civil war. now to college football number one alabama, blows out tennessee 35-13, but loses star quarterback. he limped off after injuring his left ankle. too bad, in the big 10, a season over sixth ranked wisconsin and nailing a last second field goal to beat the badgers 24-23. and finally check out this. oklahoma is flipping over while so many touchdowns. oh! everyone on the horse drawn carriage walked away and fortunately is said to be okay, ou beat west virginia 52-14 and those are your headlines, jedi think the horses are okay. >> i was worried about that but
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they ran off, like everybody stay safe. ed: let's check out adam klotz on fox square. he's always safe out there. >> adam: i'm always safe oh, ed henry ed henry ed henry there's somebody who really wants to say hi to you ed henry. please say hi, ed henry. >> adam: tell us where you're from. >> i'm from houston, the home of the astros. >> adam: this guy, he is that would have been a brave decision walking around. ed: it was a great team, we had a great series, congratulations. >> adam: he is a good sport. ed: i have a nationals hat i can give him. >> adam: we'll get you a different hat but first let's take a look at the forecast we've been talking about all day long is this nasty tropical storm that's been running across the gulf states now running into north carolina and virginia the good news is mostly this is going to be running offshore today here is that future
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forecast take a look at it. guys we might get a little bit of rain here in new york city for you, can you kind of feel it in the air? >> yes. >> adam: give me more energy. >> yes! >> adam: that rain is going to be moving offshore maybe showers in new york this afternoon i think most of it misses us. throw it back into ed henry. >> back to you, ed. ed: you and jose have my love, congratulations. >> thank you. ed: thank you, sir. democrats in the media pushing the same talking points on impeachment again and again. >> betrayal of his oath of office. >> betrayal of his oath of office. >> he has betrayed his other of office. ed: it's one big coordinated fight. we've got maria bartiromo up next and a whole lot more, next. maria: good to see you. jedediah: how you doing? new idt
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ed: quick headlines hillary clinton on a conspiracy roll, now floating a theory about kids hacking u.s. voting systems look at this. >> we know we are really vulnerable every, you know, every hack-a-thon that happens 10-year-olds are hacking our voting system and the networks that connect them. ed: interesting. clinton of course also climbing russia is grooming 2020 democratic hopeful, tulsi gabbard to be a third party candidate, oh, boy and another 2020 hopeful andrew yang cautioning democrats about pushing impeachment. he told npr he believes impeachment is the right move but warns democrats they shouldn't have any illusions about it actually working giving that republicans control the senate and are not likely to move the president from office, that also warning that an impeachment will motivate the president's political base, so speaking truth the power the democrats might not want to hear jedediah: democrats and the
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media raising eyebrows over the talking points pushing their narrative. >> the president's betrayal of his other of office. >> betrayals of his other of office. >> has betrayed his oath of office. >> the trump strategy, it's pretty clear, obstruct deflect confuse. >> obstructing justice. >> all of this obstruction. >> to obstruct justice. >> this is a cover-up. >> the president's coverup. >> conducting a coverup. >> a coverup, period. griff: there's a theme there, "sunday morning futures" host maria bartiromo jones us now to weigh in. what is this? maria: look i think this is more evidence that the mainstream media is driving the bus on the resistance movement and the mainstream media cannot stand donald trump and they want to take him down, regardless of the fact that he's a duly-elected president, regardless of the fact that this is a free country and america voted for him, and they have thrown out all of the values that we deem so important as americans, that being due
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process, the ability to not get wiretapped for no reason, the ability to not have informants running at you, and dropping $10,000 on your lap so that you get involved with some conspiracy to frame donald trump it is very clear that they have lost all credibility because they refuse to focus on the real wrongdoing, and until they start focusing on the fact that the russia origins of the russia probe is really the fact that individuals inserted donald trump into the real story of russia meddling in the u.s. , they refuse to focus on that, they refuse to recognize the fact that all of these thins that we deem important and value as americans have, they just throw them out because they hate donald trump. oh, it's okay, it's okay that, you know, carter page was wiretapped for no reason. it was donald trump's campaign it's okay, that we threw informants at george papadopoulos because he was a campaign person, it's okay.
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i mean, it's just outrageous and everybody on both sides of the aisle should be outraged by what happened in the origins of the russia probe. ed: it seems to be turning a bit this whole idea there's not due process that it's happening in secret that they haven't had a formal vote on an impeachment inquiry, because they don't want to give republicans the power to subpoena hunter biden and others maybe. maria: that's exactly right ed and they don't want that to come up because they don't want anything that hurts their base, the democratic base, and it's more evidence that the democratic media as just ideologies, they are no longer independent journalists. they are just democratic party fighting hard to take down donald trump because they don't like his personality. maria: you have a big show coming up. maria: we've got kevin mccarthy coming on the minneapolis leader to talk about what took place last week in terms of that major fight where nancy pelosi walked out and on the vote on syria, we're also talking with senator
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lindsey graham and he has his own opinions on the syria pull out, but i also want to ask lindsey graham where are the subpoenas? where are the hearings, now the state department just finished and they dropped it friday night they just finished a review of hillary clinton and her e-mail usage and there were massive violations i want to ask lindsey graham if he's going to subpoena anybody and do a hearing on this and by the way where are the subpoenas in terms of the russia probe? our audience wants accountability and they want answers on this. we're going to try to get it. griff: we're waiting for an inspector general report. i know you've been in front of that what will those voices when we started this segment say? maria: it's a great question because they have not focused on it it at all. william barr just went to italy to try to meet with joseph misfi d, the first person to drop a bomb on george papadopoulos' lap by saying russia had hillary clinton's e-mails in hopes he would pass that on to donald
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trump and he didn't, but what is the mainstream media going to do with a guy when it all comes out in that ig report there were massive abuses to the fisa court and they used a dossier. that hillary clinton paid for, it goes back to the clinton machine, is just extraordinary to me so i don't, do you know what to be honest griff i don't think we'll hear anything from the mainstream media. we'll see what happens when this ig report comes out because everybody on both sides of the aisle should be outraged by this jedediah: they will have to wait and see what nancy pelosi says about it and repeat that. maria: that's right. ed: she's got to get upstairs we'll let you go. maria: thank you so much. jedediah: we are bringing a part of the farm to the city up next we're shooting acorn canon here on the fox square. who has the best shot? ed is declaring victory over here. >> ♪ ♪
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griff: american farmers embracing agritainment to boost their income, we learned about one new jersey farmers corn canon. ed: and now he's putting us to the test, a fifth generation farmer justin donaldson, good to have you here. griff: demonstrate for us what's going to happen and tell us are we trying to put the corn in between the trees eyeballs? >> you'll have to call the target. griff: and then you hit it? show us first what happens and then we'll take it away. jedediah: first demo it for us. griff: put it in the canon. >> you better call your shot too. >> i'm calling tree, the scary
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tree. ed: oh! i want to hit the guy from houston who was calling me out. >> [laughter] ed: he literally left. all right griff: can't shoot humans. ed: i won't hit anybody i promise. griff: anybody from houston? ed: i'm going for the tree. >> oh! ed: that was the tree. >> whose next? griff: i'm going to shoot the tree too just so you know, i'm calling it and i'm going to put it right in its mouth. >> oh! griff: that's a good target. jedediah: i just press this button? yes. jedediah: this is going to end very badly.
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i guess i'll go, should i go for the ghost? >> yeah! jedediah: okay. oh, yeah, oh, yeah! ed: how did you even shoot after that. that was so perfect. jedediah: that was my first try by the way. ed: you have to hit the bullseye you've been practicing all morning. win or lose based on that. ed: oh! ed: i won! jedediah did a great job. we'll get a winner, more fox & friends on the other side. >> ♪ ♪ as a struggling actor,
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griff: i'm calling it i'm going to put it right in its mouth. >> now that's a good target. griff: oh! ed: there's a dispute. jedediah: he said i nailed it and he's the pro so i'm just putting that out there. ed: i'm pretty sure that tree is dead. jedediah: i'll give it another shot. ed put it in for me and i'll do it. i'm going for, i'm going to go for the pumpkins on the right. griff: there you go. jedediah: one more. ed: we're out of time. griff: get them, jedediah. jedediah: i'm going for the
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ghost. ed: we'll see you next weekend, guys. maria: good sunday morning everyone. thanks so much for joining us i'm maria bartiromo joining me exclusively here on summed morning futures house min leader kevin mccarthy is here and what happened between the explosive meeting between the president and speaker pelosi and devon nunes is here on the push to shed light on the secretive impeachment process plus lindsey graham responds to criticism from president trump and the chaos in syria why he is leading the charge in congress to hold turkey accountable and the senator will be here, plus senate judiciary chairman how is he preparing for the possible impeachment trial, plus more of my exclusive interview with the secretary of state mike pompeo this morning could pulling troops from
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