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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 21, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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that will be in iowa. following the money on fox for our special look at who is getting what and who is getting momentum at noon eastern time. we'll see you then. ♪ >> greg: i'm greg. juan, jesse waters. dana perino. "the five." tulsi gabbard and hillary. tulsi is winning. >> people warned me that my endorsement of bernie sanders would be the end of my "political career." if they can falsely call me a traitor, they can do it to anyone. if you stand up to hillary, they will discredit you. but here is the truth. they will not intimidate us.
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>> greg: it's like a message from the future purges like a hawaiian sarah connor. even trump weighed in. >> president trump: hillary clinton. if you've heard of her, she's the one that is accusing anyone of being a russian agent. tulsi, i don't know tulsi, but she's not a russian agent. i don't know joel stein. i know she likes environments. the environmen environment. i don't think she likes russians. i think that tulsi gabbard probably got helped a lot. >> greg: meanwhile, on msnbc panel mocked tulsi for not denying that she was a russian acid. >> one thing that was interesting about tulsi gabbard's response, she said that she wasn't going to run. she never denied being a russian acid. [laughter] that was one thing that was missing from her response.
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it was not there. >> greg: what a google fast. what a set of. speaking of which, here's joy. >> she hasn't denied it. she hasn't said anything in her tweets. how dare you. she didn't say that. she's just going after hillary. i just think that she could be a useful idiot the way trump is a useful idiot. they say, oh, look, a useful idiot. let's play this. >> greg: joy calling someone in a deed. if there's anyone who reminds you of the past, it's a clinton. their favorite smear, russian assets. they said trump was one. and now, they are saying that it is a young veteran who served her country while rejecting conventional ideology. there's lots to disagree with on tulsi, but at least you know
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she's real, which is why the dems fear her. they can't figure her out. maybe that's why so many republicans like her. she isn't manufactured to please the boss at msnbc. but hillary is. her commentary keeps reminding you of why trump won. think about it. she says that a so-called russian asset would split the democratic vote if she went rogue. despite red hillary claims, tulsi is no joel stein. she is not to the left of the dems, but to the right of the dems. she makes it clear who the republican asset is. are we sure that she is not on trump's payroll? i have a theory. i haven't named it yet, but i call it smear by external preference. that means that you can be in a
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very popular punk band, but among your fans are skinheads. if someone could say, oh, you are a ski skin had. some of them are russian. some of them are canadian. she can't help, likewise, we can't help who are fans are. so, if canadians like you, are you a canadian asset? do you see my point? >> yes. i'm not a canadian acid. i publicly rebuff justin bieber at any opportunity. you mentioned the word bitter. i wrote down, bitterness is hillary clinton's favorite color of lipstick. all of her failures, she can't take ownership of them. to her fans, and there are still a few, she should have been able to beat trump, but in that plus podcast that she did, of course, she has to go after fox news. she longs for the day where there were just three television
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networks and a few newspapers, and she actually had the audacity to say it was a much more controllable environment. so, it's a lot harder for americans to know what they are supposed to believe. that's how she views the world, that she is out there to -- the american people know what they believe and they don't believe in you. >> greg: e. don't you agree that if tulsi ran, wanted it hurts trump more than it would hurt the dems? in my wrong? i sense that. >> dana: i think that on the left, one of the things that some on the left have a problem with tulsi gabbard is that she is not antiwar purchase kind of a hawk, but she would use drones and things like that. there are a lot of liberals who don't want that at all either. libertarians, i'm not sure they are so much for that as well. 1.4 million people voted for joel stein in the election.
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out of 330 odd million people, that's not that many. but if you were one of them, would you be motivated to return to the democratic poll? probably not. i don't necessarily, i don't think that means that she's going to all of the sit sudden n to republican voters. she got a ton of free publicity. and for what? what has it accomplished for hillary clinton? i don't know if it's anything. >> greg: may be more book sales, because she needs the money, you know. one of my smartest friends, walter, is 100% positive that she's entering the race. one of my other smart friends, scott, says that there is no w way. what would you say? do think this is all because she's coming back? >> jesse: no, i don't think that she's going to enter the race. people don't like her. they don't like her on the right, they don't like her in the middle, and now a lot of
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people on the left don't like her. she's a feminist, greg. think about that. this woman went overseas to lay her life down for her country and hillary is smearing her as a russian. she probably actually had sniper fire over her head. hillary is so tough on russia. i mean come a few years ago, she was giggling, laughing it up. she's so tough? a couple years ago, she called assad a reformer. a reformer. nancy pelosi and a bunch of democrats went over to syria. she shook hands with a saud. now they have to kill him to be tough? and if you don't want to kill him, you are a russian acid? it's so crazy. the democrats have never been tough on russia. they were against everything ronald reagan was doing to defeat the soviet union.
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romney got mocked for saying -- now, they say, oh, if you are not against russia. proxy wars. but they hack a democrat's computer, and all of the sudden, we are in world war iii? >> greg: all right, juan. is she a russian agent? before i don't know. >> greg: all, juan. are you a russian agent, juan? >> juan: could be. she has no political future. she is not running. i think that what you have here is that she is free to speak her mind, and she does not want a repeat of what happened to a third-party candidate in 2016. because remember, joel stein got 1% in michigan, wisconsin,
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pennsylvania, that exceeded the margin of trump's victory. we are talking a big jump in terms of electoral votes. let me just say, and remember, joejill stein. she gets like 2% in the polls right now, but guess what, she's all over. she gets lots of attention. she gets lots of attention from far right conspiracy people. they love her. you can understand why people are saying, hey. wait a second. are there russians trying to exploit tulsi gabbard customer she doesn't need to be a russian acid. she can be someone who is exploited to diminish democrats. >> greg: which is my point. if you can't control an external preference. if someone is a fan of your band, you can't say no. >> juan: no, but this is politics. when you see right wing people
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reporting tulsi gabbard, they have a reason. >> greg: no, actually right wing people supporting tulsi gabbard hurts them, because they won't vote for trump. >> juan: no, she is still being used by the right. >> jesse: i think you are overplaying the box. >> juan: we call you mark zuckerberg. >> dana: all my. >> greg: president trump handles the democrats over impeachment and what he wants them to do. that's next. ♪ every american wants their dollars to work as hard as they do. however, since 2000, the buying power of the dollar has dropped by over 31% - that means the dollar is only worth about 68¢ now compared to 2000. had you owned gold, your value would have increased over 400% and owning gold is easy... with rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion,
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>> juan: the impeachment fights, heating up against as democrats continue to rail against president trump. meanwhile, the president is fired up. look at him at his cabinet meeting, going off on house democrats for pushing the inquiry, even calling out republicans. take a look. >> president trump: i think that democrats fight dirty. i think they are lousy politicians with lousy policies. they ar stick together. they don't have mitt romney in their midst. they don't have people like th that. we have some that are great fighters, but they have to get tougher and fights, because the democrats are trying to hurt the republican party for their the election. these people are trying to destroy the country. a very bad thing what they are doing. the president of the united states should be allowed to run the country, not have to focus on this kind of.
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>> juan: jesse, i would think that he's. he had a tough week last week. he had to reverse that over the weekend. he had to tell mike a problem with syria. a lot of republicans very critical. and then, we had the chief of staff. he was on chris wallace yesterday. is he now trying to get the republicans to say, hey, enough. enough. >> jesse: well, he's had tougher weeks. i've been on this show the whole presidency and there's been some tough weeks paired what happens? usually bounces back and he bounces back very strong. they want to do it in the dark. republicans aren't going to stand for it. but to be honest with you, going after him is a legitimate thing. that's his move.
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he fabricated quotes on national television. the guy is totally corrupt. no one trusts him. okay? i think he is leading the democrats over a cliff and nancy is allowing it to happen. because if you look around the country, we had watergate, this scandal is consuming the nation. it's all you heard about. it's all everyone was talking about. i remember watergate. [laughs] if you go out to ohio, just go out of the summers. suburbs. no one is talking about ukraine. they're talking about football. they're talking about jack making money. no one is talking about this. trump has the advantage. they are trying to impeach me in the dark and we are raising a ton of money and you guys are dead broke. >> juan: dana, "the wall street journal" said
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that the reason the president reversed it was because of republicans, who made it clear -- >> dana: yeah, that was reported on saturday. look, i think if you are to reverse. that was announced on a sunday, reversed by thursday. in the blink of an eye, that's not even a, in the history books, and they will move on. the republicans are focused on process. that's their best argument right now. i don't think it's as much. the whole process seems to be geared to hurt the president. everything is out in the open. this is the one thing that can't be done in public. you hear about these witnesses going behind closed doors. you may be here a little bit about the tent, testament, but you don't see transcripts. i think their process is that i do think the president will continue to be very frustrated.
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thehe will never think that the republicans do enough to defend him. >> greg: he's a perfect targets, because a deer in headlights looks at him and says, "that's a deer in headlights. "he is right about him. he got targeted. he is like the weakest gazelle in the serengeti. they know that he's got a lot of baggage, so they can slow him down. but i'm not going to fault the democrats on this. when you are out of power, this is what you do. it's like, reagan was demonized, bush was demonized, clinton was demonized, obama was demonized. the engine of demonization begins with being out of power. you've got to keep busy. why help these guys? you are hoping to get them out of the white house. what's new is that i think that for every large effort unleashed by the democrats, there is an equally large response. the ideal old world was it was a one-way street.
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you could just hammer away at reagan. you could hammer away at bush. they called bush a warmonger. bush said, you can't do that. the traffic is coming back harsh, because, and that's why i think it's so intense, because trump is a going to take it. >> dana: and also he has technology that others didn't have. >> juan: let's go to the point that dana was making. she said that the process argument is the president's best argument. the democrats say that the constitution says an equal branch of government. they have control. >> they have total control, but the way they are going about it is wrong for this reason. nobody is seeing anything. all you see, to your point, is the messenger. who is your messenger? schiff? he can't even read a parody, and
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the american people know it's a parody. he is such a bad actor. nancy pelosi had to put out a four-page fact sheet. she looks like a second great teacher who might stop you on the head, worst-case scenario. trump is the best marketing machine the republicans have ever seen and may be politics. >> juan: all right. bernie sanders picking up a big endorsement over the weekend from alexandria ocasio-cortez. we've got that and much, much more right here on "the five." the next. ♪ as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it.
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liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ here hold this. follow that spud. [ tires screech ] the big idaho potato truck is touring america telling folks about idaho potatoes. and i want it back. what is it with you and that truck? i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424.
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♪ >> dana: welcome back. let's get to our 2020 round up. elizabeth warren taken a lot of heat for not explaining how she will pay for her medicare for all plan and whether taxes on
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the middle class will go up. the candidate now says. >> i plan over the next few weeks to put out a plan that talks about, specifically, the cost of medicare for all and specifically, how we pay for it. >> dana: okay. so far, jesse, she's been kind of tough line on the cycle. this one might get her. >> jesse: thus the layout for democrats. all you have to say is, let's go on expanding obamacare. how do you know that? [laughter] >> greg: obama is popular. >> jesse: biden is barely doing that. he's getting crushed. should get laughed at in corporate america. >> dana: they ganged up her on r
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and said, you can't just say that and not say how are you going to pay for it. >> juan: bernie does not stick it in there. he doesn't gripe her on this. he is very. it might be the same thing. i don't know about that, but it could be. maybe. the thing about jesse's point, it's well taken. they used to be that obamacare wasn't popular. now it's more than 55%. but i will say, trump has no plan and rather than saying, hey, the status quo is not that prices keep going up. >> dana: now, she is saying
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that she's going to do this in a few weeks. how much scrutiny is that going to get question or >> is going to get worse scrutiny, because she's waited so long and literally dodged over a dozen times are taxes going to go up for the middle class? it's interesting that she would stand in front of union members and essentially tell them that it's going away. what's the point of the union if not to negotiate your health care benefits, past, present, and future. she will not be able to pay for this. she is already going to raise taxes, and a wealth tax. it's already allocated to other things, like paying for tuition. yes, your taxes are going up. everybody's taxes. >> dana: not enough to have a plan and say how you're going to pay for it? >> greg: yeah, you know, liberal economics, it's only entertaining to the children if they don't see how it's done. once you see them taking the money from mommy and daddy, you
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are no longer a fan of the magician. can i point out, i love how she can't detail her plans, but when it comes to historical fiction, she is like a regular. how do you pay for your health care question which is like, nothing. but if you ask her what it was like to be the first black on the moon, she'd say it was a privilege. >> dana: aoc during a rally saturday. watch. >> we, right now have one of the best democratic presidential primaries in a generation. much of that is thanks to the work that bernie sanders has done in his entire life. >> dana: the bernie sanders campaign getting a little more likes. >> juan: oh, dana. i think there was a slump after that. they said he might not be on the campaign trail. but this brings into question,
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how much is an endorsement worth these days? she is the personification of a movement for a lot of young people on the left. but i don't know that's actualy going to mean a bump in his support. you could see it as passing the torch to the next generation, but i don't think her endorsement is necessarily a game changer. >> greg: he endorsed justin trudeau before biden. that's kind of sad. i think she's broken the seal. everybody is stealing from him. she basically endorsed jimmy hendrix and not lenny kravitz. not like warren, who is lenny kravitz. >> jesse: burning is not going to be the nominee. it's going to be warren or it's going to be biden. they are going to be at odds with whoever the nominee is going to be. it's not really going to go over
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too well. >> dana: one last thing, mayor pete is surging in iowa. seven points since june. he is within striking distance of biden and liz warren. part of that is organization. does it show that he can actually run a campaign as a business manager? >> sort of. the fund-raising has certainly helped him a lot in terms of his more than one half billion dollars. a lot of ads in iowa and in new hampshire. but he's fourth place behind kamala harris in virtually every other stage. south carolina, nevada, and california. he's got a long way to go. his husband is extremely charming. he's got two cool dogs. body and what's the other? see, i'm distracted, because now i'm thinking about lenny kravitz and his pants splitting open.
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>> dana: we are a hundred five days until that vote. [laughter] we will tell you at commercial break. >> juan: i think that buttigieg has no support from minorities. >> dana: can he turn that around, jesse? >> greg: i don't know. warren has given him an opening. he is kind of threading the needle. >> threading the needle. very good. >> dana: a giant billboard ad. ♪ she wanted a roommate to help with the cooking. but she wanted someone who loves cats. so, we got griswalda. dinner's almost ready. but one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with our renters insurance. yeah, switching and saving was really easy! drink it all up. good!
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could have used a little salt. visit and see how easy saving on renters insurance can be.
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♪ >> jesse: liberals, always hysterical over president trump's tone and rhetoric. here are just a few examples popping up. a clothing company bought a
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30-foot tall billboard. hollywood liberal, bar bar on top of all of that, beto o'rourke is at it again. >> president trump, perhaps inspired by the propaganda of the third right seem to imply this tactic that the bigger the lie, the more obscene the injustice, the more dizzying the pace of this bizarre behavior, the less likely we are to be able to do something about it. >> jesse: all rights, juan, i'm not going to get so worked out. but what i will get worked up about is the hypocrisy. there is a guy at a tea party rally with an obama sign.
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he had like major-league threats against president trump and no one seems to care on the left. >> juan: what you mean? >> jesse: violent imagery, violent rhetoric. before i mean, look, i think that the president's rhetoric. let's just be fair, jesse, if you want to condemn this, then i guess you have to condemn that video last week where they had the president shooting people in church. i see that. no, you said, oh, that was not the trump campaign. they shouldn't have made it, jesse. >> greg: you can't stop people from making stuff in their own bedroom. that's very leftist, by the way. the loudest, most aggressive anti-speech people are on the left. antifa breaking up speeches. you can get disciplined or fired. >> dana: you can get arrested.
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>> greg: i'm totally for whatever one wants to do. what bothers me is watching trump supporter's getting spits on and getting hit by people because it's okay now to do that. it makes it okay. it's obviously beto. if you compare trump to. let's not forget the rodeo clown. remember the rodeo clown? he was wearing an obama mask. those are the good old days, right? do whatever you want. i would rather have the speech and the billboards and the violence. and the violence is coming from the left. >> juan: no, it's not, because, look -- >> greg: have you seen what's happened the last couple weeks? who shot a bunch of people? >> juan: oh, gee. i'm just saying, there's been a rise in hate crimes in this country.
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>> jesse: juan refuses to condemn any violence that comes from the left. what you think about beto with that rhetoric? >> dana: he doesn't know he's dead yet. >> he's just excited that he knows how to say. by the way, i did condemn that video and i find that ad in times square disgusting. >> dana: i was like, is that for him? >> greg: i would tell beto to hit the road, but he probably ran over someone. that is true. >> i just wanted to point out that ad. it's a yoga wear company from guess where? portland. you are going to get a shake in the head if you are wearing a maga hat?
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how do you sell yoga pants with that kind of ad? you are not. >> jesse: one are we doing yoga together? >> dana: what? are we going for yoga class? >> greg: this is now disgusting. >> jesse: oh, pilates. don't go anywhere. ♪ ted! goin' on a trip, huh? takin' it off road station wagon, eh? you know it's an suv! your family is duckin' and rollin'... while we stowin' and goin' but that's cool, i know for a fact your suv does not suck. and why is that? it aint got that vacuum in the back, whoo! sucking stuff up! what else are we gonna find? we got to go. vacuum in the back, hallelujah! get 0% financing for 60 months plus $2,250 total bonus cash on the 2019 chrysler pacifica.
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♪ >> welcome back. time for the fastest 7. do you have what it takes to handle a 20 hour flight? the longest passenger trip ever. it went from new york city to the knee australia with 50 passengers. there were testing how long trips impacts the human body. >> greg: it's so upsetting. their progress is not an increase in speed, but duration. that is not progress. think about apple and microsoft in 1985 saying, hey everybody. you don't have a faster
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computer. the computer just lasts longer. that is absolutely nuts. for 40 years, we've been at the same speed. that is why we have the space program in our phone. if we had a moore's law for airplanes, we'd already be on pluto, but we haven't. we are still stuck flying and heavy planes. if we wanted to, we could go higher up, ten times faster, but we don't. this idea that this is somehow a great thing, it's pac prophetic. we could be on another planet if we just had. >> dana: it's also pathetic that they stripped pluto of its planetary status.
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i mean, you watch movies. >> jesse: conant you stop in the middle east for a little while for a layover? no. i mean the middle east. what is that really dazzling city? dubai. yes. they stop in dubai. >> not if you are a woman. >> greg: what side of the road you drive on there? >> juan: i prefer direct flight. once it gets beyond four hours, i'm really pushing it. should get out to hawaii from new york is oh, my. i do think that it's pretty amazing. i noticed that they changed the lights. they try to adjust your body. but you know, it's just too much. the human body is just not going to do that. >> greg: you need a bigger bathroom. >> dana: that's true. >> jesse: no children. no children allowed. they'd be screaming for 20 hou
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hours. >> juan: we have adults that do that too. >> next, the internet buzzing over the secret alter ego twitter name of senator mitt romney. dana. >> dana: is just what i imagined. i always think about the press secretary who gets the call that says, hey. i think i found the secret account of your boss. you and the secretary have to call the boss and say, "sir, i got this call from a reporter that says that you have the secret twitter account. that can't possibly be true, right?" >> greg: it sounds like a name. what a contrast, because here you have a republican that gets on every single day and tells you exactly what he thinks even if you like it or not from eight in the morning until five in the morning. and then, you have another one. he only speaks out when it
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favors his strange new friend who demonized him a year ago. >> jesse: that's what happens when you do an interview with the atlantic. >> juan: i think lots of republicans have problems with trump, but they never say it. he lacks the courage of his convictions. he'll se say some critical thins about trump. >> what about what he set about a fellow republican senator? >> juan: my worry is that i wish more people would feel, i'm going to look out for the country. i'm not going to be intimidated and run off to a secret twitter account. >> a twitter account that's blocked is more interesting than the actual mitt romney. the streaming giant says that it is monitoring customers who let freeloading family members and friends use their account. while the company hasn't taken any action, it could crackdown
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in the future. >> juan: well, they've known this all along, haven't they? this is so common in america. everybody does this. and the thing about it to me is, i'm trying to figure out, what does it mean? before, it got two more viewers, which is what they wanted. they wanted more people watching their shows than they could say they have a higher number of viewers. >> greg: they hate the family. netflix is antifamily. netflix, you exist only because we forget that it's auto renewal, right? i get it. it's the same thing with hulu. i subscribe to the worst wine club ever because i can't stop them from delivering me substandard wind that gives me the runs every time i drink th that. yes, i keep drinking it. >> jesse: if i was in charge of netflix, i would be scrimmaging around for every
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single dollar i possibly could. >> dana: i think they seem to have a clear policy. what constitutes a family in their mind? >> greg: excellent. >> dana: i would love to know. >> juan: so, are we a family parent? >> dana: we are family. >> greg: while my. it wasn't country. it's not jasper. >> dana: my husband and i share a past don my password. >> greg: it's the flight number you met on. i'm pretty good at figuring out passwords. [laughter] >> juan: how about one, two, three four. dominic? >> one more thing, next. ♪
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♪ dog tested. dog approved. subaru establishes national make a dog's day. do something special for your dog.
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♪ >> greg: all right. "one more thing." juan. >> juan: i went to dinner saturday night with 600 dogs. take a look at some of my newfound four-legged friends. this was held in washington at the washington hilton. it was a black tie event. here is a greyhound in a black tie. here's my wife meeting her match, a poodle with purple hair. here are some of the prominent sponsors. roberta mccain, his 108th-year-old mom. the first multistate animal wherwelfare group in the countr. i want to thank my friend for
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inviting me. it was a great evening. >> dana: that's a great event. did you know halloween is coming up? >> greg: no i didn't. >> dana: my mom sent me a picture of a very healthy tree that she made for a party. we had johnny remake it for us. it's a skeleton made up of broccoli, mushrooms, cauliflower, peppers. isn't that cute? that was released yesterday. you can go to the greg, what is so funny? >> greg: i can imagine a kid looking at this i'm going, "i hate everyone in this family." [laughter] >> dana: she doesn't even know that halloween is about candy yet. >> greg: you know what? you are running another holiday. countable. jesse. >> jesse: all right.
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it's national bullying prevention month, so juan, please leave us alone. my cousin is a professional ballet dancer. he posted about dancing helped him overcome bullying. >> i'm a dancer. i'm going to jump over. >> jesse: see what he did there? what a sense of humor appeared he's definitely a waters. >> greg: of the funny thing is if he said, "my biggest bully was my cousin." [laughter] >> greg: you left that part out? all right. let's do one of these things. ♪ animals are great. you know what else is great? discuss. i love that ball.
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that's berkeley ball. check out these kittens. a kitten disco ball under the strobe lights. it's like saturday night fever with fleas. saturday night fleabur they love every minute of it. they were doing so many drugs in the bathroom. that's studio 54. all right. enough of that. >> [cheers and applause] [laughter] she has a leg brace, by the way. she challenged a tsa agent to do ten push-ups. she repelled from helicopters to
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treat soldiers. >> jesse: yeah, his mother, i think can do about 25. >> greg: we've got to go. we've got to go. thank you, jesse. hello, bret. >> bret: hello, greg. president trump has a new warning for iran. the president backs off his plan to host the next g7 summit at one of his resorts. the world gets nastier between hillary clinton and tulsi gabbard. this is "special report." good evening. i'm bret baier in new york tonight. politics tops our program. what is evolving into perhaps the nastiest political storm of the year so far. what could turn out to be a political comeback of the season as well.


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