tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 23, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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we will never be the rage and hate trump media mob, let not your hearts be troubled, laura ingraham is up next as we say good night from los angeles. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is >> the ingraham angle: , g.o.p. congressman storm the impeachment breaches today. and the protest come of course the soviet style proceedings being ran by house democrats commit jim jordan steve scalise and bradley burns take us inside and also hillary clinton, floating for another presidential run, her name, my angle tonight ask, why now and who would benefit most, that is a little later on in the show and mba china saga and an unexpected turn, iconic director takes on superhero films and the
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"gq" actually understands masculinity anymore, raymond aurora rowe has it all in "seen and unseen." but first to today's most dramatic story, republican house members frustrated with continued secrecy of the process, stormed the ultra-secure conference room were scifs during closed door hearing and called for transparency. >> behind those doors they intend to overturn the results of an american presidential election. we want to know what's going on. this is a soviet style impeachment process. >> we are finding -- >> show your face where we can all see the travesty that you are trying to waste on america. let's see if we can get in. >> laura: instead of asking why the most serious political tactic available come impeachment the removal of duly elected president is happening out of the public view, last move to paint this is out of an act of desperation.
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>> you may wonder bill taylor gave a devastating opening statement yesterday. they were freaked out. >> all they can talk about is the stuff these guys got spun up about today, the capital. that is the side of the losing argument and they know it. isn't this whole strategy by jordan and meadows and in some places too, make it a circus. >> laura: here to respond steve scalise, alabama congressman bradley byrne and jim jordan ranking member of the house oversight committee. congressman jordan, let's start with you, you heard this is a distraction. you are specifically looking to turn this into a circus, your response. >> here is a fundamental question. one person start of this the whistle-blower and the whistle bullet number one, more than half a dozen u.s. officials gave me the basis for this complaint and to date we don't know who any of those people are so 435 members of the house the house of representatives, 350 million in this great
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country, adam schiff knows who the whistle-blower's and half a dozen u.s. officials that gave and formed the basis of the complaint. why don't we know? more importantly why don't you know in the media and why don't the american people know? adam schiff is doing this and see chris and the members finally said enough. we are so frustrated and reached a boiling point. we want to know what is going on because we represent three quarters of the people back home in the district and they like to know what is going on because you guys are trying to take out a president 13 months before an election. that is what is happening. >> laura: congressman burns, this idea of storming the beaches of the impeachment proceeding, whatever we are calling for sham, the bloomberg publications are saying this basically was just orchestrated by the white house. the white house is calling the shots. you can see the headline there. this had trump's blessing earlier this week. he's had basically get out there and fight. you all are taking marching orders from him.
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>> look, that is not true. we are fed up. we've had enough of this. we've had this drip, drip, drip of leaks. they cannot tell us what happened but leak, leak, leak and we don't know what's going on in the room. we walked in that room and said by golly we represent the people of the united states. let the people in this room. >> laura: congressman's goalies, we have seen a lot over the last might have the last 20 or something years in washington. but this is pretty dramatic. what old did you accomplish? the first thing we accomplished, it is we expose more people which really what is going on behind closed doors. when we walked into the room, it was interesting because they hadn't sort of meeting yet but they were getting ready to. adam schiff himself the chairman of the committee admitted it was not a classified briefing. so why were members, by the way, members of congress shut out of the meeting so that when we walked in, he was confused and trying to figure out how he could throw us out. he wasn't going to throw us out. we were not there tanything but.
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what was interesting as soon as the lights were turned on so to speak, adam schiff took the witness and ran out of the room. what is adam schiff trying to hide in that room that 75% of the voting members of congress can't go in? can't have access to the documents and can't read the transcripts? 75% is 230 million people being denied when trying to impeach a president of the united states man and close doors in secret. it's never happened before. we will call him out on it we will keep calling him out on it and let the public see sunshine is the best to what is rotten to the core. it is a soviet style star chamber. >> laura: i was listening to some of these democrats complained today, i thought, wait a second, you are all complaining that the republican come apparently someone brought in phones to a secure area where you are not supposed to bring in phones. vinnie thompson writing a note of course mississippi congressman saying today a group of minority members intentionally brought their electronic devices into a scif
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and such is an oath. and i am requesting action to the respect of the members involved in the breach. now, they didn't get arrested or dragged out of there. i mean, there is real way to do that but what is that all about? they are suddenly hung up on protocol. i thought process didn't matter. >> look come as soon as the members knew they were not supposed to have their phones, these guys wanted to find out what is going on in this unfair process. and they took the phones out and had someone take the phones out but they stayed there. steve is exactly right. adam schiff said i will take my football and go home. when they all coming they are, the dash they he just left. >> laura: they went back for a vote. and schiff came back in. and so i go back and i say, it is a p.r. deal, which i like because they played this ton came all the time and republicans are frankly quite a bit small at selling the
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president's record. a huge piece of prosperity. i think it is getting better but not good enough. his number should be way higher in all republicans have to amplify that message. but he goes back and does the devil at 3:15 so what did you accomplish? >> we accomplished what he first this is on behalf of the united states. he had been in that room a long time. and if you were in there you wouldn't believe it. my first thought was this is pathetic. the american people can walk into that room with us and see what is going on in there the american people would say "this is pathetic." this is not our constitutional democracy. >> laura: for a friend of mine text me and she watches the show. she was born in another country and she said, is this america? i wasn't born here, but this doesn't seem like what happens in america. a very common sense comment. congressman, what is going on here? it's only about process.
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the process does ensure fairness without a process in place, we have no do process and the constitution and imagined that out of the window. they all claim to stand on right to confront an accuser, due process, but guys, this is fundamental fairness being violated here. oh, you don't care about the substance. we don't know the substance because the substance is being hidden. i think that is what you actually accomplished today. >> laura, they don't want people to know this is actually going on. what they are doing, adam adam schiff is building from impeaching the president and doing it behind closed doors because they tried to do it in a normal setting. if you remember, the mueller investigation was their idea 22 months, 2800 subpoenas. there was every kind of indication that you could imagine and you'll did absolutely nothing. the present didn't do anything wrong. no colluding, no obstruction and it crushed them here that thought that would be a basis for impeachment. they go on to look for something
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else. they are trying to find something. the only way they can do it is not through a fair process where both sides get to call, which is always been the case and impeachment. adam schiff is the star chamber. again soviet style like you said. the friends going this is in america when all the chairman get the call to the witnesses and they don't let the legal counsel and they are using this as an in basement to impeach the president of the united states behind closed doors. people get that, we have an election next year. let the people of this country decide, not adam schiff. >> laura: but it is so obvious to me what they are doing and of course they have a complicit media, congressman jordan, and scalise during this mueller thing and i don't know how may times on the show, when the same thing happening in a different form. it wasn't quite so secret but it was a leak and then "the new york times" had another little thing and then an unnamed source, third-party deal, same thing is happening with "new york times" story about
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ukraine about ukraine knew of the aide in early august but then you have to read the story to find out they didn't know -- >> not until late august. >> laura: "the new york times" piece today actually said they had some sense in early august, but then you have to read down in a full piece to actually find out, they didn't know it was tied to. still at that point, directly to a specific bite and investigation. it was broader than that. that is how this whole thing is going down. >> it's always how they play it, and the argument adam schiff to susan, he actually resorted to the argument, well he is the equivalent of an independent special counsel. go try selling that to the american people. adam schiff a special counsel? that is his basis for running this unfair and partisan process in the basement of the capital? people can see through that. one thing i know about the american people, they give fairness and instantly know this is not fair. that is what we try to highlight more from today when these guys stormed in the room. >> laura: congressman byrne,
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today we learned, we don't know what it is yet, but we have learned there is yet another instance of bias, that the whistle-blower harbors politically, apparently, not just having some capacity for buying, not just being registered democrat. apparently, there is another thing, again something else nobody knows and that is why president trump keeps tweeting where is the whistle-blower? why are we calling this a whistle-blower? i don't know this i.d., none of this was important to the inspector general and to vouch for the whistle-blower, but again, this all seems cooked in the biscuits here. >> one of the fundamental things you do as a witness or trying to understand the witness, try to understand what the motivations are. if we don't know who the whistle-blower person is, we can't tell what their motivations are. so they are hiding the witness. when they hide the witness from the triers of fact, we can't decide what is right and true. to keep the truth from us but in
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doing so, keep the truth from the american people. they know with the meat don't make american people see the truth that will be at the end of this case. >> laura: i want to play a sound bite from congressman castro. >> it looked like kind of a mob party coming into that room. this was kind of the most intense situation in congress and a long time particularly with that many people, folks yelling at each other. it just got very really for some time there. >> laura: it was scary, did you scare him scalise? >> we showed up to hear what was going on. we didn't show up yelling and screaming. they started yelling and screaming after adam schiff took the witness and literally ran out of the room. >> laura: mob, save me. >> not only from us but members of congress. not all media but what is he trying to hide from the american people?
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jim is in there every day. and undermined the president that had nothing to do with rational thought. doesn't have anything to do with what happen in those hearings but trying to set a narrative because they say something falls, the media write about it, >> laura: it's a debunked conspiracy theory. >> don't look in the facts, by the way, the tense moment for congress is when you were shot on that baseball field, congressman castro. a tense moment. >> it was a mob scene. we were very quiet. and we were denied that opportunity. >> laura: we've got to go, congressman, obviously come every detail, thank you all three of you for being here tonight. democrats and the media establish quid pro quo of course between trump and ukraine. they claimed acting ukraine ambassador and noted never trumper bill taylor's
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testimony was "" and two zip code stories exhibit a of "the new york times" reporting as i mentioned, ukraine knew of aid freed by early august. but buried in a story was this interesting and exonerating fact, the communication did not explicitly link the phrase to the post by mr. trump and mr. giuliani for the investigation. and then the ap came out with us on a may 7th meeting with the headline "felt ukraine knew with aid phrase by early august undermining trump defense" but deep in the article was this line. an american who sits on the ukraine company supervisory board. he is a former diplomat who advised biden on ukraine matters during obama administration. gee, i wonder who gave him. for the article.
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here to connect the dots, bob barr, clinton impeachment process decatur, all right, guys, tom, the democrats come up biden and ukraine, what is going on here? the state department is controlled by democratic party. there are some republican appointees they are but they are either democrats or lean democrats in term of outlooks ad you have them falling over each other to help the house democrats with their attack on president trump. you know, we see in the documents right after he was elected. they were shuffling classified information to the democrats in the house and senate to undermine trump. here at the state department of bureaucracy was literally pumping christopher steele to write the dossier and send it over to the justice department. then to this day, that whole gang is defending hillary clinton. we are still fighting with them to get basic information about the cover-up. so as the state department is protecting hillary clinton, covering up her illegal
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activity, they are doing their darndest to undermine the president of the united states. frankly, this ambassador should have said you know what i am the ambassador to the united states. the president is the elected official that i report to. i may disagree with him on policy, but he has a right to make the policy and i should be enforcing it. heck, we should make sure ukraine is not corrupt and needs to be held -- >> laura: i have something more simple to state. if you don't like trump's america first policy, then quit. you are obligated to quit. you have had your own experience. and you will have worked for the cia over decades we have seen the state department has burrowed in and i remember going back to my years working in the reagan administration as a young kid, twentysomething hearing for senior people talk about roll their eyes every time the state department is mentioned. this is not a new phenomenon but
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trump is especially feeling this. >> it is not a new phenomenon and there is a reason for state department referred to as foggy bottom. a lot of the folks over there, these career and deep state folks over at foggy bottom, a lucite who it is they are representing. they fall in love with the country to which they are assigned and think more highly of them than they do at the united states and their president, as you say that they are supposed to be serving. years ago, as you mention, i worked for the cia, and it struck me even back then. and it hasn't changed, that dealing with our own state department is sometimes like dealing with a hostile, foreign government. it is that bad. president trump is right not to trust them. >> laura: well, they are loyalty sometimes, at least leads to globalism and not to whatever policy, especially a republican president.
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reagan had a dickens of a time dealing with the state department and now trump does. tom fitton ten, tell us about who was in that room in ukraine and who is named "the new york times" piece interestingly. the associated press, excuse me. >> someone close to biden and look, these are folks that don't align themselves with the president of the united states. and you have the deep state right now leaking its darndest to the you -- to "the washington post" to further the effort to overthrow him. i don't know how much more clear quote he could be. "the new york times" story today, laura attacking trump's ambassador to hungary because he's actually advancing president trump. >> laura: i saw that, i saw that. >> supporting the conservative government there. one of these ambassadors attacking trump once complained about the ukrainian intervention in the election and leaking targeting president trump and
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attacks on president trump and collusion with the democratic national committee. they don't care about that. they are outraged that president trump does. i'm sorry, this is something the president should follow up on. he should call the ukrainian back and figure out exactly what they are doing about it. >> laura: babar, why is this whistle-blower being kept behind the shroud of secrecy? with what implications? people say that there is a transcript. so why does the whistle-blower matter? why does the whistle-blower matter? and now a third instance of bias? >> of course, this is in a whistle-blower. this is a conspirator. and a conspirator has no right to be protected against the people who he is accusing, he or she is accusing, from who it is. we have in this country to confront one's accuser. the recent that they were calling it a whistle-blower and handing this through the
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intelligence committee, which is not the appropriated for possible impeachable offense. the responsibility under the house rules of judiciary committee to make. originally, initially here in the house intelligence committee, because they can't -- the reason that the house intelligence committee was established, legislation back when i was at the cia, was to provide a special form that is different from other committees to handle sensitive intelligence matters, not to investigate matters involving the president. >> laura: but they did it for a reason. it was too shroud this in secrecy and to make it seem like this is -- today it wasn't even classified. it wasn't a classified
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♪ >> laura: here is hillary. that is the focus of tonight's "angle." apparently recently on pbs and in response to a question about trump's urging her to run again, mrs. clinton said this. >> may be there does need to be a rematch. obviously come i can beat him again. >> laura: note twitter, clinton claimed she was joking. but remember, we are talking about the clintons, so the truth is always a bit elusive.
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well, what are the chances that hillary jumps on the 2020 race? it ain't 0% but does she think about it all the time? absolutely. that is what one of hillary's closest confidantes told "the washington post." just a few months ago, i dismissed the idea of hillary 2.0 out of hand. she wouldn't be that arrogant and gracious towards the current field, no way. but then the weakest of the democrat slate even surprised me. nothing is working. the walking, talking mathematical machine known as joe biden may have dropped in the polls for a few weeks, but now, he's back on top. and what seems to be the grudging recognition that the other top candidates, warren and sanders are just not going to cut it in key battleground states where common sense still mean something. now mrs. clinton may feel vindicated by the interestingly
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time release of an internal state department report that somehow managed to exonerate her in the matter of email deletions and handling of classified information. although hillary staff said they were faulted to come of the review certainly gives mrs. clinton cover. plus, i mean who doesn't think that hillary is a stronger candidate than that goofball, biden. to use one of his favorite phrases, come on, man. i know what you are saying. come on, is it too late? it's too late for hillary. it's too late to get into this already crowded field? my answer is, it is really up to the party. if the voters aren't jabbed by the likely front runners, it would be stupid to not seriously consider another clinton bed. she has instant name recognition from a massive fund-raising -- fund-raiser apparatus that could be reactivated and rolled campaign team would quickly reconstitute and other campaignt she stepped back in.
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and let's face it, she has been to the trump rodeo before so she knows the show better than anyone. has another hillary told "the washington post," her view is, i against the sky. i know how to do this. another reason she is inching towards a rerun, dipping and the political conversation uninvited. >> most recently it was her gratuitous swipe at tulsi gabbard. while bernie sanders gently approached hillary for the smear, elizabeth warren just nervous about the looming clinton shadow. >> back into the news recently. i just want to start there. >> do you think she is helping or hurting the democratic party? i have no comment for that. >> laura: goal, shaking. of course, the other animating force for hillary may be the democrat view lb at erroneous
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that the trump campaign is gravely wounded -- wounded by the likelihood of impeachment. i can imagine this and maybe you can as well, these will paid, overpaid political consultants making this pitch, it goes something like this. madam secretary, even if the economy remains strong, our internal polling is showing that voters will abandon trump and choose you. another political name brand to stop the chaos coming out of washington. and just think, you will finally be able to make history at the first female president of the united states. don't let the dream die. america is calling you, history is calling you. save us from trump, do it for the grandkids. and that is for mrs. clinton's recent bravado and trash talking the president trump -- >> he knows he's an illegitimate president. he is either lying or delusional
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or both. it is like hitting 66 million letters of recommendation and losing to a corrupt human tornado. >> laura: big deal. that is just talk unless that is, she wants to back it up with action. get back in, hillary, the water is warm. the other thread of this narrative that must not be overlooked is that the instant the hearty support she would receive immediately from the old and battle deep state and professional and diplomatic corps who are now battling trump. you don't think this group would rather go back to the good old days of clinton again? and kiss this entire america era goodbye? so there you have it from a combination of hillary's pride, her desire for revenge, a weak democratic field and a consultancy classic band and the desert may be pointing us
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towards another trump/clinton face-off. of course, hillary is smart enough to know that the only thing worse than losing ones to donald trump would be losing twice to him. and that too is a distinct possibility. >> are you suggesting someone is trying to mak make a real life sequel? who would do that, a sequel? many sequels have a prayer surpassed their original. >> name one. >> laura: not this one for sure. if they thought 2016 is exciting, you ain't seen nothing yet. and that is the "angle." here to respond to senior advisor to the trump 2020 campaign and mark penn, former hillary clinton advisor, mark. i actually thought about this long and hard. she should get back in. she should get back in. >> six months ago, i thought she would seriously consider it at this time. if the field was weak, nobody can take office, she has
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tremendous name recognition. >> laura: did i make the case for hillary? >> 60, 70% favorable rating among democrats. she would be a big name, and people would look for that rematch. but practically speaking, biden has stayed up there and she would split the biden vote and then ship it to elizabeth warr elizabeth warren. >> i see it from a mercedes as hillary's to take if she wants it. i think biden will stagger off the stage. if mrs. clinton comes and she will suck the energy out of the room. people want, it's like, what is it fraser alley, they want this rematch again. i'm hearing it all the time. it's got to be hillary. these people cannot run campaigns in a way that is compelling. you can tell that the recent comments, this is not a book tour. she wants her revenge. she think she got robbed last time, and she wants to win this. >> hillary is delusional and she is in denial.
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you never thought she should have ever lost that race and the first place. the mere fact that donald trump the fair and square and really took over and broke apart this establishment in politics, i think, left the country but dimmick shocked and hillary clinton shocked. she think she is here to save the democratic party. come on hand, hillary because that will only add to the chaotic week environment we are seeing in the democrats. >> laura: apparently, biden reacted to this hillary/ gabbard tussle and a theory why mrs. clinton is upset. and you know he spoke about it. so he he is being forced to comment on it. >> i think that tulsi gabbard comments were a mistake on hillary's part. because when she called her russian assets, then that meant everyone was a russian assets and that discredited a lot of the case. >> laura: i thought democrats used to be against war.
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i've never seen neoconservative democrats in my life. and it is a serious thing. it just completely jumbled the minds of many people in this town for a long time. >> a lot of republicans are out there too want to syria thing. >> laura: but the republicans, the republican party, whatever they want they get. but not for a lot of the democrats. they have been very cautious, i think smartly so come about getting re-involved in a lot of these form battles. >> but look, hillary i think and several others are seriously thinking about getting in and whether that happens -- >> laura: which he be able to get the staffers with other campaigns? >> she has her own. >> laura: mark penn says hillary would get all her top people back. >> the question is there has been so much money raised for bernie sanders, elizabeth warren and pete buttigieg that it will be a money game. >> laura: hillary comes in, pete. >> that is a possibility.
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>> laura: hillary biden, that will be the funniest thing. why not be vice president three times? is there any constitutional purpose? i don't think so. are you surprised, we've had all this buildup of pete buttigieg, castro, and it was beto o'rour beto o'rourke, and plato gets vogue cover and vanity fair. and on the cover should be -- and then they go nowhere. and a michelob a chart from a great debate, 4% in the polls? the only person to show real momentum is -- biden, he's got all the democrats. >> laura: he's up by ten points. >> he stated there. he hasn't brought in a new constituency which he needs to get up to 40. warren has come in and sanders a lot lower than he was before. but he's hanging in there too. >> laura: three, two. michael moore. does that matter? does that matter to battleground
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states what aoc, god bless her is up there and the things she did today with zuckerberg was absolutely hilarious. i would pop popcorn and watch it, this is funny. >> i don't think so especially, states like south carolina and nevada. i think for the democrats, what we see in terms of biden, yes, he's up in the national polls but look at state-by-state comparison in terms of the polls and warren has surged. so what is going to be competitive to see where the democrats are. the heart of the democratic party as is clearly socialism. which is not at all what the rest of america is. >> laura: iowa voters were telling cnn but we are very afraid that we will lose and have four more years of trauma. there is voting anxiety which i think hillary is smart enough to hear it, she feels it, she knows it. you predicted she would get in months ago. i think it was on the show you predicted it. what do you say no chances
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1 to 10? >> i think 40% chance. >> i would say 40% to 50%, but i still think she can go and come incredibly likable and president trump would just beat her in a race in 2020. >> >> laura: mercedes, thank you. charles barkley what it means to be an american. and why some iconic directors are targeting superheroes. meanwhile, "gq" reimagined masculinity. raymond arroyo is here next do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging? prevagen is the number one pharmacist-recommended
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♪ >> laura: it is time for the "seen and unseen" segment where we expose a big cultural stories of the day. joining us now with all the details raymond arroyo fox news contributor come all right raiment it it is china and showing no signs of ebbing. >> it is just heating up. weeks after, tweeted support for hong kong protesters and lebron james with a report, one of basketball's biggest stars said lebron was treated
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unfairly. you bet, people. he said this monday tmz sports. >> i thought they were really unfair to lebron. everybody, does business with china. russia not being able to protect. >> pico so essentially if the pay is good enough, who cares about the china human rights abuses. now all nba stars feel this way. she colonial defended darrell. >> whenever you see something wrong going on anywhere in the road, you should have the right to say that is not right. that is what he did. >> money market has taken blind lead the nba and many of these players, good for shaquille o'neal to call the mob. you have freedom, use it. >> laura: here's the problem with that when you carry yourself off as the great social defender of social justice, it is a big shoes to fill, riot,
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social justice and important causes out there and when you are asked about one of the most impressive forces on the face of the planet, immortal adversary right now, and you kind of said oh, no, i'm not going there. >> this led to a hot discussion at the nba pregame show last night, watch this. >> we all have a responsibility too. whatever. i can't come on tv and say anything i want to politically. i can't do that. >> you have been doing it. >> he is doing a good job. his allegiance is to the houston rockets and the nba. listen, and he can quit if he's not happy with it. he can quit if he's not happy with it. >> laura: don't think >> these people find their voices when it's easy. they weigh in on topics but they showed up -- they shut up when money sets state. >> laura: they didn't just shut up, they told others to be
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quiet, an innocuous tweet without getting hammered. >> to give you insight to lebron james patriotism, ureas last night opening game disrespecting the national anthem. >> laura: no, it can't be. >> let's go. >> he is getting a lot of blowback from that today as you can imagine. i have to move to this hollywood story coupling headlines from a war of words has broken out in hollywood where fame directors slamming marvel superhero films. marcus is saying, i don't see them my tried, you know, but honestly, the closest, the actors are doing the best they can after the circumstances. it is theme parks. >> laura: cartoons. >> backed him up saying "martin was kind when he said send them up. he didn't say it was despicable. she can say it is.
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>> laura: bob iger hit back and said superhero film actually do well. oh, you are kidding me, they do well? without the super superhero films. >> the g.i. nightmare is. >> laura: it is about current tunes. what about the masculinity of "gq"? this story is unbelievable. the november "gq" the cover new masculinity. the new masculinity features singer for rail in a sleeping bag down. i'm not sure where or why but anyway if that issue 18 powerful voices to opine on masculinity. only four are heterosexual men. "gq" editor and chief defined the new masculinity. >> forming new masculinity is i know who i am and i respect who you are. and it comes down to that. >> laura: that is profound. gentlemen's quarterly has become
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genderless quarterly. [laughter] they basically bulldoze masculinity and you should act more like a woman to feel like a man. it is ridiculous, laura. this is an insult to men and undercuts what it means to be a father to care and defend and the things that you love, that is masculinity, not this kind of feminism. the new moment in glamorous makeup for men. >> laura: the best commentary on this ever was jerry seinfeld and the man bag. do you remember the man bag? he saw this coming a mile. you and i did this in the book. >> laura, not all feminine products are striking to female symbols on it because it offends people who don't identify quite that way. i'm waiting for brawls to go by brose soon so everybody feels included. >> laura: there are there are some men that could use support. all right, they are yelling at me so we have to go. there was a time liberals would have cheered on foreign
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>> we are in constant communication with both sides with the objective of hopefully achieving a permanent cease-fire in the next day. >> laura: vice president pence predicted that yesterday an exclusive sit down and today the permanency fire in syria was reached. >> this was an outcome created by us. an outcome reached without spilling one drop of american blood. no injuries, nobody shot, nobody killed. we were supposed to be there for 30 days. that was almost ten years ago. after all of the precious blood and treasure america has poured
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into the deserts of the middle east, i am committed to pursuing a different course. let someone else fight over this long, bloodstained sand. >> laura: joining me now is retired colonel douglas mcgregor. colonel, what do you make of today's cease-fire news? is it really permanent? is it going to hold? speak with the president said there is not much in the middle east that is permanent. so we recognize this bowl for some length of time but permanency the only things permanent in life or death and taxes. so what are we looking at? two groups of people who are really unhappy. one group consists of washington. largely everybody in washington except for the freedom of congress. >> laura: you and i and tucker and a few others -- >> everybody is miserable because he shoved a red pill down everybody's throat. >> laura: why not? >> listen to this first of all we will not commit forces to
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fight anymore and less vital strategic interest at stake. what a novel idea. that is a brilliant change strategically for the country. secondly, he said, no more global policeman. no more regime change. you just robbed half of the population of downtown d.c. of millions and millions of dollars of income and support and donors. >> laura: a lot of cranes in d.c. supported by this. i want to play a former secretary of defense and what they said today, watch. >> this is the most disastrous foreign policy blunder i have seen a president of the united states make. and it is sending a terrible message to the world that you can't trust the united states. >> well, let's look at the kremlin right now. they are bringing in alka-seltzer and zantac by the grades. the russia economic forecast is down to 1% growth if they were lucky. mr. putin has been stuck with the red pill of all times. he's got about 5,000 men on the
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ground. he's got some aircraft and a few ships. he is standing in the path of the most powerful armed forces in the middle east and the second largest armed forces in nato. that is not a happy place to be. >> laura: absolutely stunning thing he said, the worst foreign policy blunder he has ever seen. think of how long leon panetta has been around. >> he certainly presided -- >> laura: we have been because he, the scam and iran deal and of course other administrations and other disasters. but we also had somalia, the iraq war, foreign policy blunders, are you kidding me? >> well, we are disappointing the chinese because betting heavily we would spend trillions of dollars in this mass wastelands to achieve nothing. the iranians are upset because they now think they will have to defend iraq against the turks. they have already warned the turks to not advance further. that means iran is split in terms of capability between the
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persian gulf in northern iraq. >> laura: people on this air all day long are saying, they've never seen a sharper betrayal of allies. no one will trust us again. i heard this on every cable channel, including this one. no one will trust us again, really? >> everyone is scared to death of donald trump. because donald trump plays chess in multiple dimensions simultaneously. he is now checkmated all of his potential opponents. his competitors. so clearly, you know, he is a dangerous man. i don't think you need to worry about losing respect. >> laura: thank you, colonel, great to see you as always. stay tuned, the dems cloned themselves at a hearing that got less attention today.
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saying. >> laura: she wasn't the only one. why do democrats spend most of the hearing begging for restrictions on speech? it got better. you will tell you more of that tomorrow. shannon bream and "fox news at night" takes it from here. >> shannon: thank you. we begin with a fox news alert. no reaction from a republican leader among those who insisted on getting a look at another closed-door democrat led deposition. those g.o.p. members are being accused of trying to intimidate witnesses and up at democracy. congressman joins us live to respond to the critics. plus, president trump with the cease-fire in syria is permanent. a top general thanking the president as opponents of the movement syria say he's handed russia and iran a big win. marc short, the vice president's chief of staff joins us live. talking about the vps role with syria, china, head
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