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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  October 26, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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october 29th, 7:30 to 8 p.m. we're still waiting word on the big announcement the president teased earlier this hour. keep it here on fox news channel several reports are coming in saying president trump approved a mission to go after al-baghdadi just a week ago. the u.s. had a $25 million
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bounty on his capture or death. he has thought to be dead before. but isis released a video of him alive and well talking about the sri lanka bombing. he has served as the leader of isis since 2010. and under his regime the terrorist organization has claimed responsibility for major terror attacks around the world, some of which include the september 2017 london subway attack that injured 30 people as well as the bombing at the manchester arena at the ariana grande concert. a well-placed source tells fox news believed to be al-baghdadi is killed by u.s. forces in
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northern syria. president trump will speak at 9:00 this morning where he is expected to make a statement related to this. joining us on the phone is walid phares. thanks so much for joining us this late in the evening. if this turns out to be the leader of isis. would it be meaningful to what happens to this group in the future? >> absolutely. this will be a major page being turned in the history of isis. but we are operating on speculation that will be formalized tomorrow morning with the president's statement. but having said that and assuming this is the case. this operation is pretty far from the closest american base. so there would and discussion
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about where were our units came from it's a long distance operation. it's a daring operation. we'll learn more in the next hours to come. if al-baghdadi was eliminated, that would mean the caliphate is really done now, officially dead. and therefore after al-baghdadi will be a different form and structure than it was under him. aishah: if it turns out to be he will al-baghdadi, is it interesting to you that he would have been found in syria if especially with the reports of a resurgence there. could he have been working on that resurgence? >> if he was found in eastern syria where we have operations specially with the relief of some of the isis contingents. any place close to the syria-iraq border, that would
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have been possible. but the fact that he was found -- again all based on speculation -- in western syria it's divided between the north of it, that would be under turkey and other organizations' control versus the south which is under the assad regime. that's not an area of american interest. if he was found in idlib, how did our forces get there? that remind us of the operation that took out bin laden in pakistan. it's the issue of getting the basic information, how was that possible? aishah: u.s. officials are working to confirm that this is in fact al-baghdadi through dna
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testing. what happens next? most of americans will want to know in the morning when the president makes this announcement at 9:00. what happens now? >> it depends on what the president is going to decide is in his own hands with regards to u.s. strategy. the assumption. our relentless campaign against isis will continue. as long as it threatens the national security of the united states and our allies. he made it clear the last time he addressed the issue. the geographical issue and the cells will continue to operate in syria, iraq, and europe or any other country in the region. the president will direct the nation as to what will be next stage. how will that affect our policy
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in iran-iraq and the region. aishah: do we have any information on a possible number in this organization, a number two that could fill the gap if in fact he's dead? >> in the private sector many names have been circulated for a number of months. but i'm sure our intelligence entity has a good grip of who will possibly succeed to al-baghdadi after he is confirmed dead. aishah: thanks for joining us, walid phares. a well-placed military source tells fox news a high valued isis member believed to be al-baghdadi has been killed in northern syria in the town of
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idlib. we'll take that live for you right here on fox news. i'm hash * in new york. now we take you back to regular programming already in progress. should piss you off. while doing it in private, that's [bleep]. now they're saying we don't need the whistle blower to testify at all. now that you have the accuser to give you the crime who needs the accuser. these dimms would have killed at the witch trials, literally. the dimms are screwing half of america and they're doing anytime the dark which is good because i don't want to see the dimms screwing anything in broad daylight. but they reverse engineered the plot beginning with the conclusion that back philed it with the media expectations. this is like surgery to remove a healthy kidney in the back room of a third room organ mill. will it work?
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there's a guy in the white house who actually loves a good fight, right, adam? ♪ >> and now, adam schiff tries buffalo wings for the first time. >> can't believe you've never had buffalo wings before, adam. >> i'm a little suspicious. kind of small for buffalo. >> they're actually named after the city. >> interesting. which city? >> just give them a try. be careful. they're hot. >> spicey. i could use a little bleu cheese. >> i give up man. you are so weird. prove anytime a court of law. greg: let's welcome tonight's guest. he once served our nation. now the couch is his
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workstation. "fox & friends" cohost pete hegseth. he is late bloomer filled with good humor, comedian joe mackey. the world is her oyster yet she's allergic to shellfish, katherine pitt. and freddie krueger has nightmares about him, my side kick tyrus. all right. pete, is that your real name? what's your impression of this ongoing impeachment circus? >?>> are you calling me peer da leg to? greg: how do you summarize it once a week on this show. it's impossible. no one is. wha.>> what they're looking fors two things. they're looking for whether or
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not the investigators will actually get investigated. and this week brought a great deal of hope on that part. with bar announcing it's now a criminal investigation. that's huge. there's hope. and i can't what my second thing was. greg: you know what. >> overarching thing is you hear that from people all of the time. all this noise, secret hearings. this testimony. no one knows what's going on. they know though that ultimately justice is somewhere and they know this has been a target at trump from the beginning and they're hoping the boomerang will eventually come. >> joe, you're a comedian and quite a successful one i'm told. what have your thoughts on the crackdown of words? >> i am not a fan of those, greg. sometimes there's no other good way to say you don't like someone. it's all we have left if they take away insult words like the b word, which i don't want to say right now. all that's left is going to be sarcastic patronizing, like i
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would have to have things like greg, you look great today. have you gotten taller? it was just a for instance. greg: you probably had other ones you could have chosen but you chose that one. what else -- what are your thoughts about the attacks on trump about his tweeting? >> oh, well, you know, i mean, tyrus back me up on this one. i have got my finger on the pulse of black america. and they are not upset about people using hyperbole. people understand that it's an exaggeration of something bad and lynching in i this instance, trump meant it to be bad. if he meant it to be good, i could see how people might be offended on that. greg: that's a fair point. the pulse of black america, joe
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mackey. i see a special segment for you. >> you kind of insinuated with joe biden using the word lynchinged a well that he was being hypocritical. in most cases i agree. with joe biden it's more that he doesn't always know what he's saying. which i think actually if he gets the nomination will make it very difficult for trump to debate him. like not because he's good at it but because he's so bad. like it's really hard to actually attack someone when they don't know what they're saying. trump could be up there making his argument, making good points, biden's turn to respond, he goes table for four, please. and it's really hard to attack someone who thinks they're at benihana's. greg: tyrus, what are your thoughts? >> i got to be outraged, seeing people outrage about a group of
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white men walking around in washington was pretty fun for us. my god, get the kids in the car. why in what's wrong? >> there's a group of white men get in the car. who know what is they're going to do. might be ak wards words, wear ways of ending conversations. weird handshakes. do i hug you? back. greg: might fist bump. >> no, they won't. and only a group of white men could politely walk into a room, excuse me, we're here, we're going to sit down. any other group, the police would have been there. that's where we're at now? greg: yes. >> if anyone has played poker there's all that one guy in the room letting everybody know, i have a really good hand and he finally plays and loses. democrats, you don't know how to play your hand. supposedly when all of this happened they had the phone
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call. they were like catch a predator. we have the transcript. all we need is a transcript. we can impeach off of the transcript. well, and then make a move. but they don't because we might be able to find something more. we're going to keep going. we're going to keep digging. we're going to stretch this out. while you're stretching it out -- impeach what? and then go ahead and impeach. make a move. but they won't because it's not about impeachment. they have two goals. they're going to besmirch, a b word that should be outloud, the president as much as they can for as long as they can and affect the election and get rid of the old white man joe biden. that's what this is about. black eye on biden. nepotism with his son. just as bad as trump. he's got to go. nothing to do with anything else but that. greg: up next, the democrats.
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mayor pete concedes to smoking weed. he's in favor of decriminalization, not just of pot but all drugs. this week he toured a marijuana grow house, i love that, where a reporter asked if he's ever partaken. >> do you have people in you live that mousse marijuana and have you used it yourself? >> i have a handful of times years ago. >> a handful of times. what technically is a handful. i guess i'll find out tonight, pete. but it beats saying i experimented. yeah, you were a real galileo with that eight ball. the democratic establishment is getting anxious about their candidates and they're starting to ask is there anybody else, at least that's what i read in an article.
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they're worried bide season not raising enough cash and warren may not be able to beat trump. they wonder if mike bloomberg is a better candidate or yes, once again, hillary. hillary's top adviser says don't rule her out yet while other dimms say this about hillary. >> she makes me want to drink. it's very early and i don't drink. greg: that was funny. so is there anybody else? damn, that is a good question. >> can't get excited about the current crop of democrats running for president. not to worry. we searched the world and found plenty of candidates. like this lazy horse that plays dead when somebody tries to ride it, a rat who can drive a car, a rat dragging pizzi, a cockroach smoking a cigarette, my uncle steve, a cat whose mind is blown every time he gets in a car,
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matthew mcconaughey's abs, michael moore's abs, a guy who pushes the limits of what's acceptable in public on a pogo stick, a sea lion who sounds like howard dean. greg: is it too late for the democrats to start thinking about a with different candidate. do you think they got the candidate already? >> i think it's too early to start talking about is it too late for someone to run in 20. but i guess 20 isn't enough. we should start looking for who doesn't want to be president to see who can be president. greg: whittle it down from there. start at like 6.3 billion and work backwards. tyrus thoughts on the -- anyone else? no one else? >> i feel like if i was coaching
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them i would be in trouble for yelling and cussing a lot and throwing my clipboard. buttigieg had a moment. i know you're the evil empire that is lord president trump. he's brash, takes chances. buttigieg, do you smoke weed, what? if he would have done that, what do you think. if he would have done that it would have been like damn, oh, man, wow, he's got it. instead he's a democrat. a handful of times i might have experimented i'm sorry. if you're okay with it, i'm okay. but i'm very sorry. it with us a handful of times, more like two fingers. it was half a blunt. i don't know if that's the right terminology. but i would like to say i'm very very sorry if anyone was offended or hurt by my possible use of more or less than a half
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ounce of weed. greg: why is it when anyone talks about weed they come up as phony. why can't they do what tyrus says, be normal. >> light up. >> yeah, because they lie. but it's weird because normally they lie about, you know, only a little bit. you know, no, i didn't. or i didn't inhale. kamala harris went the opposite route and lied about smoking it when clearly she never did. that's weird. i never took that route. mom, i smoked so much weed. i'm grounded. i don't get that. in terms of the one candidate, the one person i hear people bringing up all of the time is sma shell obama. a poll came out saying if she was to enter intr the race, she would immediately enter as the front runner. one problem. she doesn't want to run. she said there is a zero percent
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chance i will run. that's kind of a big problem. why did you even do this poll. that would be like a guy being like i found the perfect woman, she's the best, i want to marry her, i want her to have my kids, just one problem, restraining order. i would give the same advice to the democratic donors that have having this discussion as i would do that guy. you know, you need to settle and look at your current options and get one of them pregnant. greg: how beautiful. pete, what do you make of this? >> what is the one thing you want when you lost and you thought you should have won? >> tequila. >> maybe. greg: yes. >> you want a rematch. i think that's what hillary clinton wants. she doesn't care whether she's the most electable of the group. she's sitting back watching the
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dumpster fire realizing that joe biden can't raise the money and she's saying, i think i can take these guys. she's legitimately flirting with the idea. and she thinks if i could do this one more time, this time, you know, the russians won't do it do me again. it's scary. but bloomberg or hillary as the saviors over the hill? greg: here's my theory. they can't tell bernie and liz and joe to go home. they're going to have to put her in the front of the line. joe picks vp and then he drops out. i just want to -- i heard that from this guy. oh, my friend. greg: up next, should he have been canned or caned for climbing on cars. that's next.
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billions of problems. sore gums? bleeding gums? painful flossing? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy, there's therabreath at walmart. ♪ rrs aishah: this is a fox news alert. a high-value isis target believed to be abu bakr al-baghdadi has reportedly been killed during an operation in idlib, syria. he's an iraqi national and ultra
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conservative cleric. he became its leader in 2010. the group became known as isis in 2013. this news follows a tweet by the president saying something very big just happened. the president is expected to make an announcement about this sunday morning, 9:00 a.m. eastern standard time. i'm aishah hasnie. "the greg g show." "the greg g greg: he's gone for good after banging the hood. a local reporter in sacramento, aren't they all, had one job. take your camera crew, go to the auto show, do a live report on all of the pretty cars and try to treat the expensive cherished vehicles with a novehicles with. >> no one is telling me which cars i can't go in.
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some of them are off limits. i'm going to live on the wild side. what do you thinkant thi do yous pose here on the thirnd bird. i hit that other car. >> are you kidding? >> nobody is looking. >> leig leave your name and numn the dashboard. greg: so he's fired. station had to apologize. but it could be worse. he could be this guy. [bleep] greg: i'd rather be that guy. tyrus, do you blame the guy, does he deserve to be fired? >> hell yeah, he deserves to be fired. this is kind of our fault. greg: yes. >> everybody wants to be entertaining and funny and drop a little news. you're a reporter. your job is to report the news,
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not to be part of the story. i guess that's the way we do it now. everyone is a part of the story. this is boring. you're a reporter. you're supposed to be boring. you're supposed to come out there and give us information about freaking car show. that's all you're supposed to do. nobody needed the not sexy creepy pose of you on the car. that's not news. that's crap you do on your instagram that nobody looks at. this is what's wrong with reporters today. you know, at the white house, they're the story. i got in the fight with the president today. you're not supposed to. greg: you know, pete, he's kind of talking about you. i would say i wouldn't blame the jerk trying to be you. the responsibility is the car show organizers who let the tv crew do exactly what they wanted because oh, it's t.
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we got to let them in and do whatever they want. >> maybe. i would argue i've probably done more car segments than anyone on this couch with "fox & friends." every other weekend we've got a car segment. never occurred to me to jump on the hood. maybe on the back of a pickup truck where people normally stand. this is a guy who's probably bored with his job, loves himself a little more than he should. loves to entertain the ladies who are laughing on the other side of the camera in the studio. but i disagree with you. i don't think he should be fired at all. he didn't harm the cars. >> i'm going to call you out. if you walked out of your house and that guy was sitting on the front of your truck, oh, it scratched the hood, how is that going to turn out? >> i would have killed him. >> really? >> yes. but here's my thing --
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greg: joe, do you sympathize with him in. >> i feel bad he's lost his job. he's trying to be funny. and as someone who's posed in many car calendars, that's not how you do it. the only part that's silly is when he said no one is here to tell us what we can and can't do. when you buy something in a plastic bag that says don't put this over your head. why do we need that. it's because of guys like this. greg: he's saying hey, i'm not going to get caught. he's saying this in front of cameras. nobody is watching. we're not filming this. whose side are you on? >> i struggle with this. greg: do you struggle? >> because i understand the temptation every time i'm on tv to wild out. the other day i was on caputo and he asked me a question about brexit and what i did was answer the question. but what i wanted to do was be
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like meow. you know, meow. start crawling on the table. greg: you should do that. >> i know. but the thing is -- from that part i understand. but then i also not on his side because if i did that i would destroy my career, i would destroy my dignity. but at least those things are mine, you know. that car, not his. greg: you're right. this is a lesson, never leave your stuff unguarded when you have talent around. because they feel entitled to do anything to get the shot. oh, can we move granny on life support away from the window because we'd like to get some natural light. unplug her, we'll put her over here. >> i had to charge my phone greg: i had to charge my phone, granny. we report, you run and hide.
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who believes the most. a survey finds that 45% of americans believe that demons and ghosts exist. but only 13% think vampires exist. probably because they suck. oh, stop it. nothing though about goblins which seems goblinnist. and then of course because everything has to be political these days, the survey found republicans were more likely to believe in spirits than dimms. too bad for you disbelievers. you don't get to play with the world's large er largest ouiji .
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we're going to contact abe lincoln. i wonder what abe lincoln is doing these days. must be a different abe lincoln. cat, do you believe in ghosts? are they friendly ghosts like casper or not? >> well, so my mom was really catholic. like when someone says they're catholic, i'm like are you sure. she was very catholic and it was a huge part of the way i was raised. raised in a normal way, wash your hands after you go to bathroom. and then there was another stuff, if you play with a ouiji board, the devil will possess your soul. i was at a sleepover party once and the girls pulled one out and i was like, i is it going to happen with me being in the room with it? i thought it was made by the devil himself.
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now i realize it's made by has bro. wherever you are in the universe, mom, good on you. it worked. greg: it is amazing. i grew up with one and it scared everybody. how did it make any money? >> i don't know. it's ridiculous invention. i would always move it to say one of the other people at the sleepover was a loser. this whole survey is ridiculous. it added things together that really weren't all that similar. because if you believe in religion, i'm catholic. you could say that god is super natural but vampires are purely fiction. it had aliens in the same category as super natural. by definition, aliens are in the universe. i don't know, it seemed a little dumb to me. greg: that's on you for reading the actual source material. generally our guests don't do
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that, joe. >> wasting time here. greg: you're wasting time. do you have any ouiji board memories? >> no, i'm black. not in our neighborhood. we got real problems. greg: you don't need to con injury uconjureup any. >> if you just watched scooby doo at the end of every episode there was a ghost or a ghoul or a demon, it was a person. greg: evil man smithers. >> the only monsters we have is people. but if it makes you feel good to say it was a demon and not uncle earl, cool, whatever. greg: you just ruined scooby doo for a lot of people. >> if you haven't figured out scooby doo now, you're not going to. >> there goes my weekend.
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greg: it's the old. >> the old white man, every time. greg: it's always joe biden. i want demons to exist, pete. i want to know there's a second place i can go to. i don't want to go to heaven. i want to bother people on earth. i want to be a spirit. i want to annoy you. >> you are well on your way, greg. well on your way. if that's your goal. >> good for you, demons are real. i grew up as a baptist, the flip side of the catholics. although we didn't know if we were christians either. >> not before we got the holy water on you. >> but the board was an absolute touch no matter what. but i think it's because it ear yously is a he flexion of the reality that kids can't handle the reality of the spiritual
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world yet and they're rightfully fearful of it. but 13% of people think vampires are real? who are these people? >> vampires. greg: yeah, they're if vampires. i had three older sisters and they loved scaring the crap out of me with the ouiji board. they would always spell out something having to do with it. it was always, greg must die. it was terrible. that experience got me a not guilty decision in court when i killed all of them. always a silver lining. >> there is. greg: up next, the canadian company unveils their new invisibility cloak. justin trudeau ordered one in black. the good news? our protection lasts all day. the bad news? your patience might not. new depend® fit-flex underwear offers your best comfort and protection guaranteed. because, perfect or not, life's better when you're in it.
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you to disappear. behold, an actual invisibility cloak. kind of like harry potter had. where is it? a company -- there it goes -- called hyper stealth, awesome name, patented a quantum stealth material that makes anything behind it seem invisible.
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it doesn't require a power source and it's fairly inexpensive. that's good news. the bad news, it's only going to be sold to the military to hide tanks and stuff which stinks, because i know my cat would love an invisibility cloak. he's always trying to secretly watch me sleep. always at the worst time, too. tyrus. why is it a cloak? >> i don't know. can you just build that wall over canada? can you just do that? i always look at when they have new technology, it's old technology that the military decided it wasn't worth it anymore. you're going to have a sheet that you hide behind. okay. great, kat, now all of your
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creepy stalker fans will now have cloaks walking up to your apartment. i can still see you, bro. he's still there. it's like, i have dogs. i'll hide in my cloak. you're right there. like this is what -- you already can't see the drones. you know what i'm saying. and this is the stuff that's left over and they gave it to canada. greg: pete, i don't know. >> because this is going to be real huge at like comic con. i'm in a cloak. that's exactly what this is for. good for canada. greg: i'm happy for it. pete, you her you're in the mil. is this possible? >> does it stop bullets? if it doesn't, it doesn't do that much good for you. >> see right through it. >> i guess i would like to use it for more practical uses, carry it around me and put it over the tvs in the airport
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that are always on cnn. greg: there you go. >> something like thaw that i d prefer to use. greg: there is a good use of the invisibility cloak. joe, if it was available for you would you buy it? >> reading the source material really benefited me. when i saw invisibility cloak, i thought i can final getting into that bank vault and then i saw it, it's not an invisibility cloak. it's a blurry cloak. i don't think it's going to work well for tanks and planes. just drop the bomb on that blurry tank. greg: the blurry thing tells you it's important, right? >> right. greg: yes. >> military strategist right here. greg: kat, would you like one? >> sounds like my worst nightmare. greg: right. >> a cloak that makes people not see me? like i would prefer the
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opposite, like a super visibility cloak that people can see nothing but me. i think that would finally provide me with the amount of attention that i believe i deserve. like i could wear it when i go out with my boyfriend. he wouldn't be looking with anyone else. he would be seeing anything else. no distractions. everything would be perfect. i could wear it on this show and people would be like, greg who? greg: well i don't need an invisibility cloak. i'm middle-aged. no one sees me. it's a good thing. i can go anywhere i want. my super powers obscure, just walk in and no one sees me. we got to get this first. the country that gets the technology first runs the world. >> greg, we're knowing about it because we had it, said this is dumb and our stuff is better. >> what about when the robots get it. greg: that is a problem.
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you know what they're going to do? they're going to go into robot gyms and watch robot girls change. it's disgusting what robots do. >> i'll bite because i'm stupid. so they decide girl robots and boy robots? and one of the robots -- it was a misogynistic button -- greg: i'm not sharing no stall with a robot. it happened once. the fall tour resumes next month, durham 17th, cleveland december 17th, knoxville december 8th. tickets available for all shows. i...decided to take the dna test.
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>> final thoughts, joe mackie any final thoughts, where are you going to go? >> i'll be in chicago, fort worth and california. >> language as audience, on three, one, two, three. >> happy birthday. [cheering] >> it is a big deal turning 40. >> it's such a rude thing to say for somebody turning 23. >> 23 times seven. >> 23 divided by two. >> we have to go. thank you pete.
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>> our studio audience. [cheering]


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