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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 28, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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the president was executing the laws. can't interfere in our elections. and the only ones that did was the bidens. let not your heart be troubled. laurlaura ingraham. >> laura: i like james. i love james and marianne. but it's corrupt. let me get to the saints game. >> sean: laura, they did interfere in the elections. i thought democrats cared about that. joeon no experience in ukraine. energy and oil and gaskets millions. and then fires the prosecutor investigating it. check mate. >> laura: they don't care at all about hunter biden getting millions of dollars. but they are upset that the
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trump kids were rich before they came in and still continue business. fantastic show hannity. i'm laura ingraham. the clinton war machine did everything in its power to shut down his book but tonight investigative reporter lee smith reveals what he found out about the role in the tony russia collusion investigation that has them so put out and scared. plus president trump heads to chicago to bolster police and he delivered a message to the mayor ande the police superintendent who refuses to do the same. and former nypd commissioner bernie -- have their own messages tonight. my angle will come a little bit later and investigates why it's good not only for him but why it's going to terrify the 2020
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democrats. but first after weeks of stubbornly insisting nancy pelosi is now bringing a resolution to the floor this week. republicans are now rejecting pelosi's call for a vote saying no big surprise too little too late. charles cupper man a top aid to john bolton defied a congressional subpoena to testify today. asking a federal judge to resolve whether or not he has to listen to congress or to the white house setting up a constitutional showdown. adam schiff doesn't like being shown up. >> it's hard to say what other
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senior officials will do. i'm sure they will get like instructions from the white house and if they do and they fail to appear they will be building a very powerful case against the president for obstruction. we are not willing to allow the white house to engaged us in a lengthy game of rope a dope so we press forward. >> laura: joining me now john yoo and alan dershowitz harvard law professor. john, we have all wanted to see this court showdown but what else does the white house need to be doing to fight impeachment at this point? >> laura, a? great question. first president trump needs to defend his office so that it's preserved for those who follow after him. he cannot let the house get away with conducting impeachment on
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thee cheap. claim executive privilege. to reveal the secrets that are discussed between them and the president so that it allows for the best kinds of decisions possible. they also should refuse to provide any documents to the house impeachment inquiry until the house not only votes on whether to have an impeachment inquiry. that is just symbolic but agrees to have a fair and open and transparent process so the american people can judge for themselves any evidence of high crime and misdemeanor. >> laura: but that cat is not out of the bag. the horse has left the barn. that is just the very near of transparency after all of these witnesses testified and that is the concernth here. and to alan i think the president is focused now on the right part of the democrats case for impeachment.
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>> i would rather go into the details of the case rather than process. process is wonderful. but you ought to look at the indication. -- case. >> laura: when hannity said what is the crime? and carville started stuttering and stumbling and that is the point. there is no underlying crime regardless of what the people who heard the conversation are now going to say to the committee. >> i want to warn my good friend john that he is running into a potential risk of himself being charged with some obstruction. he is saying to the president that the president ought to resist these subpoenas on executive privilege and according to adam schiff is part of the conspiracy to obstruct. there is also checks and balances. separation of powers.
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when a president refuses to congress the courts get to resolve the issue so it's a very good thing that this lawsuit is being brought. the courts are the umpire under our system of checks and balances and schiff should not be demeaning our system by calling it rope a dope. absolutely this has to be decided by the courts and the courts may split the difference. some are proper and some are not but congress does not get to testify in the face of claims of privilege. >> laura: they don't getet to vacuum up every witness because it suits their purposes. i want john to respond to this. fox news has confirmed that an official lieutenant colorado
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vindman is going to testify tomorrow that he twice reported objections but this is buried in the "new york times" tonight. he is a decorated colonel by the way in the iraq war but because colorado vindman immigrated from ukrainian, ukrainian officials sought advice from him -- now wait a second, john. here we have a u.s. national security official who's advising ukraine while working inside the white house apparently against the president's interest and usually they spoke in english. isn't that an interesting angel on this story? >> i find that astounding and some people might call that
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espionage but it doesn't add any enough facts to what we know. in terms and i think alan raises a good point. is o this a high crime and misdemeanor. if you have one person or five people saying they object to what the president said we have the transcript of the call. we can all make our own judgment. i don't see how this adds more facts. and that is what that actually the american people should be -- not just the house and through the next election. >> and i think the white house has to add to its team some constitutional specialist people like john who can -- >> oral an. >> laura: or both. i'm not going to have any guests left on the show. >> but to make it clear that there is a difference between sin and crime and high crime
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which is an impeachmentable defense and unless we keep those distinctions clear congress is violating. hamilton said a vote for impeachment should not be a long partisan lines and that is what this vote is going to be. exactly along partisan lines. >> laura: there is no point in having an election. one party can subpoena a bunch of witnesses who don't like the current occupants of the white house and that looks like what hasnc happened here on some lev. but gentleman don't both go into the white house. i love having you on. the clintons do not want you to read and it's written by my next guest.t' n sydney bloom enthrall ismb
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threatening legal action. now it details the deep state's plot and how devo develop nunez uncovered itt all. so what is clinton so scared about? and also with us house intel committee member congressman brad win strip who can talk about certain things in this book. we've got a lot of ground to cover. lee, a statement tonight denying that he threatened to sue you. >> that is preposterous. i'm saying that he wanted the book to be stopped. >> laura: did he threaten to sue you? >> he threatened action against the publisher. >> laura: it's legal action. >> yes. documentation sent by his lawyers. notta sent by his man servant or
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valet. so yes it was taken seriously and he was concerned for protecting his own reputation as well as the people whom he has loyally served for a quarter of a century namely the clinton's. >> laura: one of the things that i want to talk about is the susan rice e-mail which was written on january to,2017 we all forget that this happened. it 2 recounted a conversation tt she was party to with joe biden and the president and comey and sally yates who will appear later in this saga. and the meeting was about russian interference in the election. this is what she wrote in her memo.
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>> laura: of course nunez's point is why do you write a memo. and the last waning moments of theme administration. >> it's very clear and i would agree. it's bizarre. this is your last day and this is what you would write. you're only writing that if you're going to cover something up. that is like the kid who writes a note for his parents saying i was a good boy today and then an hour later the principal calls. >> laura: the national securityn advisor to the president and what people believe set up calls
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for michael flynn. >> i talk about this e-mail in my book and if you look at the language that susan rice uses about the president. obama says ascertain whether or not we can share russian related information with the incoming team. once you break down that language she is saying collect intelligence on the incoming trump team. what happens january 6th. when james comey goes in to brief president trump in the trump tower. >> collect russian related information on the president-elect. >> laura: and a trigger to release this to the press which then goes to the professor. this is like a puzzle that is coming into focus and your book really helps do.ou
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one thing that is very odd is this proto dossier issue. explain this to our viewers why this is so important because everyone thinks someone wrote the do is ohi -- dossier named r steele. >> i want to thank this gentleman for coming up with the information. it appears that this should be the coffin and the nail on the whole russian hoax. if this took place -- from hillary clinton to fusion gps to the fbi where they actually wrote the dossier. it'she kind of like bob muller d his interview. he of didn't seem to know much about it. this is huge in my opinion.
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>> there are documents that i found which i describe in my book the most significant document is dated may 20,2016. a month before the first steele report. this proto dossier this describes an opposition research looking into the trump's teams ties to russia. it'sin skeleton of what later became known as the steele dossier. the reason why this is so important is because it started, they are talking about the trump's teamor tie to russia. it's laying the groundwork for a counter intelligence information. >> laura: of the campaign. >> exactly. this is what the clintons are scared of. the clinton campaign got the fbi to spy on the trump campaign. that was the point. that was the fies award annual. they obtained a spy warrant to get in the campaign to find an
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october surprise. >> laura: there is soso much we could do literally an hour on this book. because when people sink their teeth into the work burrowing in one in november that was not out of the ordinary around thanksgiving you received it and then there is a new intel assessment which w led to the harassment of nunez. that is critical. people have to get this book. congressman thank you for your work. >> the further we get into this the more revealing it is. >> laura: that is why we need john durham to do a fair assessment. why president trump's ventures into blue america is a huge win. why this should terrify democrats.
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♪ >> laura: the swamp boos america. that is the focus of tonight's angle. now it may have felt good for trump haters in the moment. now he wasn't the first president to be booed at a major sporting event and he probably won't be the last. but for millions of americans happily living outside the beltway the disrespect merely confirms what they already thought about this town. a town teaming and it was never
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going to treat the president fairly. and the snarky cell phone videos that flew around twitter last nightun stirred and backlash. the left is so caught up that they don't even realize that to millions of americans it felt like they were booing them and they relished it. if trump was loved by the swam he wouldn't be delivering results for every day americans. a visual anger toward the president seems to be the primarily driving force behind what democrats say and do and it's infected the entire 2020 field. >> he is an open a vowed racist. >> he is a man who cozies up to
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the white supremacist. >> he is an idiot. >> laura: wow, joe i didn't know an an idiot could advance the strongest economies in the world and the nearest low unemployment on report. the s&p hit another record today. the first time since july. if it was all so easy to do joe why couldn't the genius obama and you the number two do it. >> i guess it would be my humility. greatest weekness possible that i'm a little too awesome. >> laura: while democrats of course cling to impeachment now because what else are they going to bank on. the fact is there is a lot of fretting among democrats about the next presidential election. of course there is uncertainty.
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the front runner joe biden is literally putting people to sleep. according to the ap at a recent iowa event one elderly man sitting in the back of the room fell asleep as the former vice president shared his vision for america's future in unusually hushed tones for nearly 45 minutes without taking questions. really! that is so surprising. >> -- because the pipes are made of wood or they've been there since >> laura: we're back. sorry. that seemed like the perfect place for a little nap on the set. this is just pathetic. the truth is i'd be worried too if i were a democrat. if the guy at the top of the polls couldn't even swing an
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endorsement. >> i think it's better i think he thinks it's better for me. i have no doubt when i'm the nominee he will be out on the campaign trail for me. >> laura: at this point i just feel sorry for him. at this point plan "b" princess warren -- no wonder one iowa democratic official told the ap knowing knows what to do. they are all afraid. there is a lot of anxiety. you bet. especially since the trump campaign just announced it's fund-raising haul for the last quarter. $125 million. but this whole beating trump thing was supposed to be a lot
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>> laura: even with the impeachment travesty bubbling around him the president is on the move. he took his message to the blewest of blue chicago today defying protestors threats who warned him against coming. he stood for law enforcement who have been vilified by the left coast to the east coast. >> you risk your lives and you save count less others. people you don't know. people you've never met. you have no idea how much the people of this country love you and respect you. >> laura: it was a great event. more on it later. uber left lori lightfoot and police superintendent wouldn't even meet with the president today. he is supporting our men and women in blue.
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if the democrats don't give a rats you know what about it. they don't want to give him the visual of even meeting. how pathetic. i would spend more time in places like new york, new england and on the west coast. i'd show the people that the press is lying about them. that he is president about all of the citizens of america and cares about each and every one of them. lord knows california has suffered enough. people are fleeing high taxes and you have the homeless issue and now millions are going without power during the threat of these horrible fires and that brings us back to the world series. i was lucky enough to tend game four with my son and i thought about what i would have said to him. you know when your little brother doesn't get his way or you beat him in a swim race?
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they are just mad because they can't beat trump and that is the angle. joining me now with reaction fox news contributor frank luntz. >> it says that he is confident and that the election in more places than were up for grabs in 2016 will be in 2020. he is opening the map but the key is that the democrats are breaking their promises and it's frustrating. they said they were a going to x health care andng they didn't. they said theyd were going to fx infrastructures and they didn't. what have they done in the 10 months they've controlled the house? zero. there have been more subpoenas than legislation signed. >> laura: what about this
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traveling to chicago. lightfoot wouldn't meet. thee police superintendent wouldn't't meet. he has does a lot of great stuff on criminal reform. what is going on? >> and the other thing is to refight the battle. if you remember back in 2016 he had a simple path to victory. it was hard but simple. he had to win all of the states that romney won and then florida and ohio and pennsylvania and he through in michigan and wisconsin too. so he needs for go to michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania a whole lot and he will. >> laura: there is something to this what he is doing. and it's really cool because they want to cord him off. but they want to cord him off. don't come here. there are a lot of people in places like sacramento and oakland and places in new mexico and other parts of country. my home state of connecticut.
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a lot of people want to hear what he has to say and it's really bold. where did reagan compete. it t was in the bronx. that is america. why just limit yourself to red state or blue state. >> he should have started this a year ago. 18 months ago. for the first two years of the administration he only went to states that he won with maybe one or two states exception. this is late in the game. >> laura: he thought he was going to lose. >> i said he was back in the race and i got the president of cbs news calling me asking me -- he did not go -- let's be accurate because we owe that to the viewers. t for the first two years he did not go to these places.
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it's good that he is going there now because he is president of all america. >> laura: i think the economy has been the economy for all americans. california is suffering horribly. this is a great moment to go in there and make some inroads. >> the other thing he has to do in terms of constituencies that he needs to work on. you remember that trump didns slightly better with hispanic voters and the way you improve is you show up. youu go where hispanic voters live and you campaign. >> laura: byron said he is going to win new mexico. it's huge for hispanic legal american vote certifies. i want to play the cnn historian reacting to the president getting booed. >> one of the things. that the president has to be is president of all americans so you should hope that the president can go
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into a public space that has not been vetted or curated and get not only get respect but show respect and this is the issue with someone who comes in to try to t destroy being presidential. >> laura: that is really well written for an historian. nice going there, frank. >> that is the same thing that hillary clinton declaring that half of americans are deplorable. they should hold fans accountable. you don't boo the president. you may disagree with him but you show respect. this event is going to have an impact. >> laura: a campaign commercial for trump. a great moment to be booed in washington, d.c. he is still an outsider three years later. >> 90 plus percent for hillary clinton and 4% for donald trump. all very left democrats.
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this is the same thing with the trump inauguration. he made such a big deal about the crowd and it not being as bigot as barack obama's crowd. obama's crowd was local. when i was covering the inauguration for trump it was people who had flown in from across the country. >> laura: consultants, pollsters and lawyers and big corporate lobbyist they had $2,000 tickets. this is big money at the world series. >> there hasas been among the resistance a desire that no one associated with trump can have any peace in washington. >> laura: he defied that last night. excellent point and he defied that. keep doing it, mr. president. great to have you both on tonight and president trump takes a stand for law enforcement in chicago. while the mayor and the police chiefrc protested the appearanc.
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what leadership. gary mccarthy and bernie kerik both hered to respond.
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>> the strongest supporter of law enforcement that this profession has ever seen the president of the united states donald j. trump. >> you're our biggest supporter in border control & we know all. support and help that we can so our agency really appreciates what do. >> laura: there was no welcome mat rolled outen by the leadersf that liberal city. still having a teacher strike going on there.
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eddie johnson refused to attend the event. it's being held in the city and doesn't go. classy and lori lightfoot responded by l tweeting. it's no surprise that trump brought his -- funny. what do you have to say to city leaders who boycotted the president of the united states. >> well laura the way that i look at it first of all i would never o disrespect the president just like i wouldn't disrespect any other human being. if you don't agree with the policies you need to respect the office. for instance i you met with president obama on a couple of occasions and the department of justice was the worst enemy of
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policing in 200 years in this country and helped create the environment that the country is experiencing today. second of all i think that i would try to stay out of the politics and if you look back at my career i stayed out of the politics and focused on doing my job and that is the problem with chicago. everything here is about the i politics not the performance. the teacher's strike. a perfect example. they are in the pocket of the county board president -- who as a result i feel this is my own personal opinion that that strike was going to happen to embarrass lori lightfoot. >> laura: i have friends of mine who are beyond fed up with the
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way chicago is run as a city. the wonderful city. a beautiful city but bernie, we've watched this movie before. we know how it ends and it never ends well for police when they don't have leadership that supports them and we have a leader in this white house who loves law enforcement and supports law enforcement and in troubled times that makes a big difference and we start attac attacking police officers and branding themg who the heck is going to be a police officer these days? >> the chief you just listened to -- this is the strongest supporter of police probably in the history of this country and there would be no better person forhe the mayor of chicago and e superintendent to talk to about getting federal resources and assistance into chicago to help them reduce their violent crime and murder rates but they didn't take the opportunity because
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this mayor, mayor lightfoot called ice members racists. she said their policies are racists. she has called chicago a sanctuary city. it's irresponsible and dangerous. she should be helping chicago not hurting it and by them not being there and creating relationship with the president it's the worst thing they could do. >> laura: it's more w about her and her political bona fide of left. it's good to have a decent working relationship with a president. gary worked with the obama administration. they didn'tt agree on a lot but interface. i want to play something that president trump said today about well referencing afghanistan. >> all over the world they are talking about chicago.
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afghanistan is a safe place by comparison. it's true. police officers of chicago are entitled to a police superintendent who has their backs and knows what he is doing. >> laura: when i was in chicago about a month ago doing a special i spoke i to a lot of police officers and it was interesting a cross backgrounds culturally diverse group of folks, the stories -- i could have done two hours about what happens politically to the police day in and day out. >> well you know what, lara, the simplest starkest example is if you compare the fact that we had record lows in the city as far as the murder rate goes and then compare 2013-2014-2015 after the fall out from a political event
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there have been 638 more murders over the last three years than the previous three years is to if anyone thinks that what we're doing politically is making progress i don't think so. we're ripping at the heart of what makes a safe city and we're plot c going to succeed until we make the city safe. >> laura: and the people who need policing the most are the ones most poorly served by this attitude fostered by so many on the left. >> gary and i worked for rudy giuliani who proved one thing to the entire country. nobody wants to live, work, visit or go to school in a place where they are not safe. where mothers have to put their babies in bathtubs to protect them from gunfire. and for them not to be there
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today to really be there with the president and get his support i just think it's outragoutrageous. >> laura: they put politics before the people. gentleman, thank you so much. twole men with incredible experience in law enforcement. we salute your service. coming up how do you become a sympathetic terrorist. you die in a raid that was green lit by president trump. that is coming next. devices are like doorways
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>> laura: president trump proudly announced that abu bakr
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al-baghdadi the murdererrist zealot that led isis died. to most americans this is welcome news but to others just another chance to go after the president. some said the language the president used was too rough. >> one part of the president's remarks was this continually piling on of humiliation. >> releasing details explicit details some that echoed that of what you would expect from isis. >> laura: describing baghdadi as while perfecting is the exact language he should use. >> i thought it was extraordinary that he had not spoken to the speaker of the house. as far as we know he had not notified any democrats.
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>> laura: maybe if they were not all serial leakers he would. others were quick to down-play baghdadi's significance. >> i think from a standpoint of symbolism and importance to the country taking downey sam a bin laden had more meaning than this. >> laura: and my favorite critique the baghdadi take down, russia. >> what role did russia play in the operation? >> laura: oh, my goodness. that was the big question. insignificant fig baghdadi, let's leave it at that. the left does not care about what they claim they cared so much about with the syria pull out. defeating isis. defeating trump is a far more laudable goal. and there is another refrain
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following this one summed up by richard hoss. saying it could not have happened without u.s. forces on the ground that had been pulled out. the conditions that made the operation possible may not exist in the future. joining me now is joe kent. gold star husband whose wife was killed fighting isis in syria earlier this year. joe, thank you for being here and i can say for all of our viewers we're so sorry for your loss of your wife. you just heard me mention whatu richard hoss said -- that operations like this would not be possible unless we maintain some footprint in the country. >> thank you forth having me on. that is absolutely false. we will be able to strike. we have permanent military bases
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in turkey and iraq. we won't have any issues launching counterterrorism raids or air strikes. >> laura: were you shocked at the reaction. this is significant news. and point by point by point down-play it or trashing the commander in chief. >> yeah. i was. this is a great day yesterday for america. abu bakr al-baghdadi ran one of the most evil organizations that we've known in recent historyl- and also significant because he took over two separate countries all without the support of any external countries so taking him out is a great success for our nation and so i was pretty surprised to see folks chime in forr partisan reasons. trump was able to launch the raid.
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there is an agenda that there wants too poke at trump and also an agenda that wants to keep us deeply entrenched in these conflicts. >> laura: what is the rub there? keep the machine going, keep the footprint there. spend a lot of money. what is your view on this? >> my view isha that president trump has returned leadership to the united states military. the commander in chief isch supposed to direct the military and not just give the military a blank check. you over burden the military. it's's a tool but not the only tool. bush and obama turned to the military for everything in terms oftu foreign policy in the midde east and counterterrorism. president trump has used the fullum scope of national power. our economic strength and
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negotiating. he has tried to limit the number of folks off the ground because he has assessed that all we've had is continuing to lose. that rubs a lot of folks in the military the wrong way just because it is new. >> laura: and in your family and you personally paid a heart wrenching sacrifice and we really appreciate your words tonight.pp incredibly well said. our prayers go out to you and your entire family and thank you for being with us tonight. important words that every american needs to here. -- hear. these folks don't have time to go to the post office
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they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again.
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the military dog performed a tremendous service as they always do. slightly wounded and fully recovering. returned to duty.
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>> laura: "newsweek" reports the dog's naming conan. if so good dog conan. so cute. that is all the time we have tonight. shannon bream. a huge dog person with her new puppy. >> you're a dog person too but now: it's out in thefear. >> laura: have a great show, shannon. >> thank you. we began with a fox news alert. to my inside the special forces raid that killed america's most wanted terrorist isis leader abu bakr al-baghdadi dead and terrorist organization number 2, abu bakr al-baghdadi successor is dead because of a desperate military raid. former cia director james and commander lieutenant general jerry on deck to weigh in. also tonight house spea


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