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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  October 31, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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roles and don't you love those? she's got extra dinner rolls all the way up and down her arms. that is the story of thursday october 31st and we will see you here tomorrow night, tucker carlson coming up live from washington, d.c., right n now. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight," it's halloween so today of course congress took its first official step toward impeaching the president. the house voted 232 to 196 to approve a resolution that lays out rules for the impeachment process, it was nearly perfect party line vote, every single republican voted against it, all but two democrats voted in favor of it. adam schiff meanwhile the congressman from burbank was ecstatic, he has spent years obsessing over impeachment like it was a young jodie foster.
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colleagues say he has pictures of impeachment taped to the walls of his bedroom, he's written letters with his own body fluids. if for schiff it was thrilling, watch him here pretend it was not the happiest day in his entire adult life. >> this is a solemn day in the history of our country when the president's misconduct has compelled us to continue to move forward with an impeachment inquiry. we take no joy in having to move down this road and proceed with the impeachment inquiry. neither do we shrink from it. >> tucker: we take no joy in this. of all the many lies told at public expense in washington, d.c., and there are many, that might be the most hilariously brazen of all and at least a generation for those of you keeping track at home. in fact, for democrats, impeachment is like winning the lotto on christmas but believe us now, we are not enjoying it, not even a little bit.
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we are praying for you and the president -- that's not real. what is real as the public is not loving it quite as much as adam schiff is, new polling appears to show support for impeachment in some decline, it's possible voters are confused by what's happening. what are the charges here? how do we go from disliking trump to trying to jus remove hy force overnight and who exactly is this whistle-blower? we still don't know the answers to those the most basic questions. last night the site real clear investigations published an article, and schiff is not denying the substance of that piece, publicly available information corroborates some of the details -- the man is a registered democrat who worked in the national security council as a holdover from the obama administration. over the years he worked for joe biden and disgrace cia director john brennan. a news article from 2017 identified him as pro-ukraine
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and anti-russia, said he was the subject of bitter complaints from some republicans who knew him. two years ago conservatives were publicly charging that this man was working from inside the building to undermine the trump administration. according to the real clear politics investigation piece last night, they were right. the man worked as a professional left-wing activist to attack donald trump, he held meeting with adam schiff's staff members several of whom are his former colleagues from the obama white house. tonight we can tell you it seems likely this man was also a source for robert mueller's investigation, what appears to be the man's name can be found in the footnote of the final report. a week ago "the new york times" praise the whistle-blower as "a patriotic public servant," his aim the paper reassured us was not to bring down mr. trump out of personal or political animus but to rescue the republic from his excesses.
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if real clear's piece last night is accurate, that framing is an utter live. virtually everything we have been told about the whistle-blower would be misleading and it would be propaganda like so much we hear. is that? only adam schiff can clear it up. he should do that immediately for the sake of restoring confidence in the u.s. government but he won't do that because it doesn't serve his political interest but in some ways it doesn't matter. if whether he's a so-called whistle-blower or not, the man real clear road about was a nakedly partisan political actor and what should be a nonpolitical position, his job is to protect the united states. he has spent his days trying to get his team elected. that is wrong but unfortunately it's not unusual. deputy cia head john mclaughlin encouraged bureaucrats in washington to continue to subvert elected officials, the ones that worked for. >> thank god for the deep state.
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[applause] [laughter] everyone here has seen this progression of diplomats and intelligence officers and white house people tripping up to capitol hill right now and saying these are people who are doing their duty, responding to a higher call. >> tucker: is there anything that could shake the public's faith in the government more than former cia -- of all agencies -- cia officials saying that? subverting the will of voters is a higher call, higher than democracy itself? there are many other developments today in the ongoing impeachment saga and for those we are grateful to be joined tonight by catherine herridge, she is fox's chief intelligence correspondent and she is with us on the set. >> this witness seemed to have a sixth sense about the july 25th phone call between president trump and the ukrainian president telling investigators that he thought it would leak in washington's highly polarized environment and
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according to this testimony obtained by fox news, tim morrison said "i want to be clear, i was not concerned anything illegal was discussed. he sat on the national security council and has direct knowledge of the call and significantly after allegations the white house transcript was tampered with, he said today to the best of my recollection, the memcom -- a short form for memorandum of the call -- accurately and reflects the substance of the call. i asked the national security council legal advisor and his deputy to review it. morrison said he had no reason to believe the ukrainians knew the aide was suspended, after the president's conversation with president zelensky. he had reason to believe the aide was tied to public statement from ukraine reopening the investigation to the energy farm were hunter biden sat on
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the board. for more context, that was just day later that the aide was released. a source familiar with the investigation, lieutenant colonel was worried about his judgment and at least one occasion, he said vindman went outside the chain of command on ukraine. >> tucker: amazing story. rather than ask you a follow-up -- i've never been a tv person who was less interested in talking about herself but i should say, this is the last time you're going to be on our set because you are moving on to cbs news which is very lucky to have you and i want to say out loud how much we will miss you and how grateful we are to have had your expertise here. you are one of the people who our viewers trust and i trust to unravel what is happening particularly when it is complex. you've been here for 23 years and i know our viewers watch this but i could not resist, i know you're going to hate this putting up a clip of almost 20 years ago, here is a younger
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catherine herridge who looks the same -- he or she is. >> at her first news conference senator elect hillary clinton's message was bipartisanship. >> the media glare will intensify when she returns to washington especially since she has played out for herself. >> thank you so much for showcasing the reporting at fox news and taking it to a big audience in prime time. >> tucker: there have been many times i have called and asked your view on things. ned ryan is founder of american majority and he joins us tonight. i don't know if you saw the open we just did -- i'm agnostic, i don't know exactly if this is the whistle-blower or not. we learned an awful lot about a federal employee who is working as a political activist, what does that tell you about the way the city works?
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>> this is a clarifying moment for us over the last few years, we are in a hundred year experiment where we have dropped an administrative state into a constitutional republic and the problem is those inside the administrative state give an immense now seem to think they are the ones making the decisions in this whole idea of a constitutional republic or the power flows from the people to their duly elected representative is inconvenient and an archaic idea. that is what we are dealing with what you think about this person who has now been named by real
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clear investigations, "the federalist," "washington examiner" -- not only was he not a whistle-blower but a partisan political operative, he didn't just show up at the white house. he was detailed from the cia, not picked by random. i would argue he was there to represent brennan's interest, the cia interest and if you take it to its full extent, i think this person was more of a confidential asset of john brennan's inside the white house. >> tucker: unpack if you would -- i like how you're framing this, it's interesting and true -- you can't have an administrative state in the middle of a democratic republic, what does that mean? >> doesn't work. the administrative state the progressives have been pushing is about consolidating power and removing the separations of power and empowering unelected bureaucrats to be in charge of this massive bureaucracy, millions of employees and given immense powers inside the surveillance state and law enforcement. at a certain point because they have so much power, they have been ceded to so much power by our representatives, by congress, they have started to think and almost rightfully so that they are the ones making the decisions and donald trump shows up and goes wait a minute, that's not how this works. in a constitutional republic,
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eye is the duly elected president, i'm the one that decides the policy, i decide foreign policy, and these players inside the administrative state say not so fast, we don't think so. that's what all of this is about. >> tucker: what about when the next guy shows up? what about when elizabeth warren's elected president, presumably her views will be in line with most people in the administrative state but maybe not all. is any president ever going to be comfortable again with a government that we just watched the last three years try to unseat the guy in charge? >> they are willing to destroy all sorts of norms and undermine the duly elected president of the united states because they think they are in power and i would argue everyone should be concerned at this massive abuse of power. the only way you get this back into proper alignment and restore trust into some of these institutions like the doj and the cia and fbi, there has to be
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consequences for it. i am afraid if there are not consequences, what comes next for the next president regardless of democrat or republican, there has to be consequences and how you restore trust -- you have consequences that mean something. people go to jail, people have security clearance permanently revoked, they have to be shamed or sent to jail, that's how you have consequences to restore trust. >> and i think i've been here too long, call me cynical, after 35 years -- you had a paul manafort lobbying for ukraine, tony podesta close friend of the clintons is in italy laughing at you. i'll believe it when i see it. if anyone on the left is held accountable for anything i will be surprised. >> we have a bifurcated legal system, if you don't have the right political connections you will have the book thrown at you. if you have the right connections you get a pass. that's a real problem. >> tucker: ned ryan, great to see you tonight, thank you.
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jeanine pirro hosts justice with judge jeanine, she's the author and a very busy we are grateful to have her. i haven't given the guys name, i'm not actually certain but we don't have confirmation, only schiff knows. we are all under this pressure to protect the identity of the whistle-blower because why? >> i haven't figured that out. if you think about it, barack obama fired the whistle-blower in fast and furious. if in terms of whistle-blowers, they changed the law so this whistle-blower could report on hearsay, they change that in the last year because before a whistle-blower couldn't be a whistle-blower unless he or she was directly part of the conversation. this is all part of a playbook, this is russia collusion all over again, we are going to do ukraine collusion and we now
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have a brennan acolyte, someone who loves susan rice work with susan rice and the whole lot of them and schiff -- this is the redo of russia collusion. the frustrating part of it is when you say will we ever see people go out and cuffs? that's what i did for 30 years -- that's law and order but the reason this president is facing it unlike any other president before is because donald trump is the outsider president that the forgotten men and women in america put in the oval office, he's not part of the establishment. he's not one of the guys who is going to slap one guy on the back and say hey we are all set. he is there to protect us so the rules are going to be different. nancy pelosi is going to say "i'm not doing impeachment unless it's bipartisan." today the vote is all democrats except two who went with the republicans, every republican said no. we are going to go forward with due process, it's a stain on
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congress. if adam schiff decides who gets called, the extent of cross-examination, this should be in judiciary, they are still having private hearings, it's a joke. you want to tell me what a policy difference or a policy belief has to do with a high crime and misdemeanor? a democrat could have a different policymaking position. this is not something to impeach someone on. >> tucker: we are allowed to disagree, maybe he's got a different view. i happen to have that view. adam schiff called me an agent of vladimir putin. speaking of degradation of our legal system, i have to tell you about jeffrey epstein's death and here's what you said. >> i have tried cases that were listed as suicides and i've gotten a homicide conviction, they weren't suicides, they were intentional murders and second secondly, the breaking of a hyoid bone -- i've tried
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strangulation cases, that's classic and strangulation, not in a hanging. >> tucker: it turns out you're not alone in thinking that, of forensic pathologist hired by jeffrey epstein's brother, he sd it's more consistent with strangulation and today the totally discredited but still interesting mayor of the new york city bill de blasio comes out and says i have no confidence in my own medical examiner, what do you make of this? >> why was the medical examiner in such a rush within five days to make a decision that it was suicide as opposed to -- she could have said it was being investigated, we have five investigations. attorney general, fbi, inspector general and i forget what the fifth one is. a pathologist says it's suicide -- how do you know it's suicide? wasn't everybody asleep?
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want the cameras not working? why was his cellmate removed? you want to tell me why this guy suicidal six days ago, is not suicidal? i could go on a non. >> tucker: open up this world that most of us have never lived in but you have spent decades there. why would a medical examiner rush a judgment like this, what are the pressures that could come to bear on a medical examiner? >> i don't know the medical examiner, i don't know her situation and it's better i don't know. i can tell you this that i'm not surprised another medical examiner would say what i said because i spent 30 years in law enforcement, i've tried homicide cases -- when that hyoid bone is busted and the cartilage is busted, it can't be busted from hanging with a sheet which by the way we still don't have the dna from the sheet that he used apparently if it is a suicide and for them to say that is part of a suicide hanging,
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that's ridiculous. it's not a suicide. hyoid being broken is a classic intentional homicide killing. by the way, they said a few days earlier, "my cellmate tried to beat me, i know the guy, he's from westchester, he beat everybody up. and the brother says can i get a copy -- he can't even get the report of the assault in that room. why are they hiding, what are they worried about? >> tucker: it's not simply about the death of one man, how rotten is the system that someone can get murdered? i'm not alleging that is what happened but there are questions and i think it's worth following which we will continue doing. it's easy to see whether telling you ukraine is the most important story there is,
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because of the people in charge who had to look clearly and honestly at the country they preside over. they have to confront how badly they have failed, we'll tell you how badly they have failed after the break. the game doesn't end after that insane buzzer beater.
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outside of the cars and much more. and since july of 2017, that's only two years, he has been arrested 18 times for behavior like this. thompson is a pest, i'm not saying he's a serial killer but he definitely makes life much worse for thousands, maybe millions of ordinary people. he's the kind of person authorities are supposed to protect us from what officials in new york don't see him that way. they ignored the guy, they were much more interested in protecting him then protecting the public and like any untreated ignored problem it got worse. last week and here's the update to this story, he was caught on camera shoving a woman violently into the side of the train. >> what? >> tucker: thompson is also accused of shoving another passenger into the train earlier in the same day. by itself, neither of these is a war crime but what is
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infuriating as they never had to happen at all. he has been a dangerous public nuisance for years, he's hiding in plain sight. many arrests, has crimes only happened because in new york as in so many other cities run by the left, officials take the well-being of the criminals is more important than the well-being of everyone else, people were paying for all of this. by now you are use to all of this but it's part of a much larger trend. in california, green fundamentalism is a bigger problem than keeping the lights on -- they don't care about the environment, the state of california is filthy. in seattle, racial politics are more important than learning math, and washington, ukraine matters more than falling life expectancy. you see the point. it's at the baron tonight. here's what gets me going, the people who we hire to do the basic things like keep the roads paved, keep the visigoths from storming the gates, basic stuff -- they spend their whole
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time lecturing about how they are morally superior and working on problems that don't exist. am i making this up in my mind? >> not at all, the last few weeks in new york city had been very painful i think for anybody who is paying attention. on one hand we have mayor bill de blasio working very hard to make sure every school in the system has the same racial composition as the city as a whole, and we have crazy people like a guy who bludgeoned four people to death in chinatown, he was a criminal, a violent criminal, drug addict who was known to the police and the mental health establishmen establishment -- mayor de blasio said the same stuff he said to you, it's the safest big city in america, everything is fine. the only problem is we don't have enough housing for these people and wealth inequality. >> tucker: does anybody ever
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say you hired me and you're paying me and you're giving me bodyguards and helicopters to protect you from this nonsense, i didn't do it because i was focused on being popular and i'm really sorry that all these people died, does anybody ever take responsibility? >> no, they talk about it as a housing issue or for instance last week a guy threw a chair at a cop, he had to be put in a coma -- the cop -- and the guy was killed but he too was a mentally ill person whose family had called the city a week before and begged to them for help. they said our brother is spiraling, he attacked police in the past. he should have been in a psychiatric institution or under assisted outpatient therapy treatment which is a form of compelling treatment. but the city talked to the guy and said there is no threat of violence here. if something happens, call 911.
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that's what they told his family which is precisely the wrong thing to say and it goes against what de blasio thinks they should do. the city, there's a sense of menace and danger creeping out, the elements are crawling out from under a rock and sniffing the air. there's a bad feeling and it doesn't look good. i remember what it was like here 30 years ago. >> tucker: i do too. at the same time the city council -- i'm not making this up -- has banned foie gras, french goose liver pate, that is their reaction to declining standard of living? >> it's a misdemeanor to handle a pigeon. i guess this is what they are concerned about. >> tucker: this is fiddling while rome burns. great to see you tonight. government officials in
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saudi arabia were -- and you never hear this -- it was factually correct link to the 9/11 attacks in this country. how is that? instead of finding the truth of the government appears to be 20 years later still protecting them, why is this happening? presidential candidate tulsi gabbard joins us next to explain. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever's best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active-duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now, today, for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you, for me, and for our family. so for us, at newday, to have the opportunity
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>> tucker: it has been 18 years since the 9/11 attacks, families and victims are still finding their own government, the u.s. government is standing in the way of justice and that is not a metaphor, literally standing in the way. a group of them, people whose loved ones were killed on 9/11 are suing saudi arabia for its alleged role in the attacks but federal officials in this country still for some reason will not declassify a 2012 report that detailed saudi ties to the 9/11 hijackers and there were many ties. according to the department of justice, providing hope and closure to the families of victims would somehow endanger national security. presidential candidate and congresswoman tulsi gabbard will respond to that but we want to talk to these two, both lost their fathers on 9/11 and there in the group suing the saudi government. thank you both for coming. i will just go this way, am i
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overstating the degree to which the u.s. government is standing in the way of getting this information? >> it's been 20 years, there's no reason why the government is declaring state secrets on some of that happened 20 years ago. >> tucker: what are you looking to find? >> personally i want to find the truth, a foreign power assisted in the murder of my father. >> i just wanted to say this, thank you because you are the only host on any cable news network that has had the courage to talk about this. you deserve credit. if the president is listeners night and i hope that he is, he needs to know a couple things. chris and i should know each other. our government failed us 18 years ago and they are failing us again today. our fbi failed us 18 years ago and a couple weeks ago they invoked state secrets against us which is the first time it has ever been done in any criminal case in this country, one of the retracting? our government, our fbi and i want to say this -- the majority
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of the fbi are good people, good americans, chris and i are very patriotic people but to learn that the leadership of these departments, the department of justice and the fbi are choosing the saudis over us it's nauseating and it makes me sick. every american should be sick and we are so grateful that presidential candidate tulsi gabbard is the first one to stand behind us. >> tucker: i can feel the pit of my stomach, it's so infuriating. what do you think it's about? >> 1 of 2 things, covering up a general or covering up the complicity of a foreign nation state, both of them are equally terrible. >> tucker: i don't want to get over our skis but we do know the overwhelming majority of hijackers were saudi citizens. >> we have concrete evidence that no one is talking about, our government has it. there is the 2012 fbi summary report.
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it's not about iran, is not about iraq, it's about saudi arabia, our fbi has thousands of documents that are keeping secrets from the american public and they are not releasing. this is not woe is me, i'm sorry i lost my dad -- this is 18 years on and it is about truth and justice and every american should be upset. >> tucker: the report exists, you just want to see it. >> our lawyers have it but the fbi submitted the information under seal, how disgusting is that? chris and i don't even know the names that are in this report -- there's one name -- >> one name of a high-ranking saudi official. >> there's a hierarchy of command from a senior saudi official. >> tucker: and you guys lost your dad? >> we shouldn't know each other but we are here united to. >> tucker: our government is taking the side of the saudi kingdom over you. >> i wish we were lying.
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>> tucker: i don't think you are lying. i don't think any fair person listen to this could side against you here. congresswoman tulsi gabbard is one of the very few demanding a full disclosure of saudi ties to 9/11, she also called for ending u.s. military aid to the kingdom. this is one of those issues that isn't partisan, it should be partisan in a sense, it's an american issue. why would the u.s. government ever side with the saudi kingdom of all countries against our citizens? >> this is the real question that is at stake. this story that we are hearing from the families of those who were killed on 9/11 pushes this issue to the forefront where it for so long leaders in our government have said saudi arabia is our great ally, they are our partner and counterterrorism, turning a blind eye and completely walking away from the reality that saudi arabia time and again has proven to be the opposite.
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they are undermining our national security interests, they are -- as you said -- the number one exporter of this wahhabi extremist ideology, it's a fertile recruiting ground for terrorists, they are directly providing arms and assistance to al qaeda in places like yemen and in syria and as we are seeing here, it is our government, our own government that is hiding the truth from chris and brett and the many other families of those who were killed on 9/11. for what? where to the loyalty is really? >> tucker: i was thinking in the commercial break of the number people i know personally who are taking money from the saudi kingdom or their allies, the gulf states, i wonder if that plays a role, a lot of people on their payroll here. >> we talk a lot about the
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foreign policy establishment, the political elite, the military-industrial complex, we hear things -- we sell a lot of weapons to saudi arabia so you know if we burn bridges with them, then who are we going to sell our weapons? where we going to get that money from? all of these excuses that have nothing to do with the interests of the american people, with our national security interests and i'm proud and honored to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with these 9/11 families and demanding this truth because it is about truth and justice and closure for all of them as we approach 20 years since that attack on 9/11, it's about our national security, safety and security of the american people. >> tucker: i will never forget right after 9/11 living in the city of washington, all airports were closed and learning that chartered flights of saudi citizens had been allowed with u.s. government approval to take off and run back to saudi arabia without being questioned by authorities and thinking if i
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tried to do that, i would be in prison. why are we giving preference to saudi citizens over our own citizens? >> it makes no sense -- what would happen if we actually had leaders who put the interest of our country above all else? follow the money trail, follow the military industrial complex, how many of the think tanks in washington send a so called experts to testify in congress who are funded by saudi arabia to spout their talking points? use of the legislation we passed in congress, i was proud to vote for legislation that allowed families like chris and brett to sue saudi arabia, they trotted out all of their lobbyists -- that would be so dangerous for our interests for them to be allowed to seek justice for their families. this is about standing up for our country, this is about standing up for our principles and our freedoms and for the truth. >> tucker: hillary clinton was secretary of state and she is obviously deeply interested in
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foreign affairs and still talking about them. why isn't she leading the charge? >> that's a great question, one in this very current. , why am i the only presidential candidate talking about this? every single presidential candidate, every single american should be standing up for the truth, recognizing this attack on our country was an attack on all of us. i enlisted because of this attack on 9/11, i wanted to do everything i could to defeat and destroy the evil that visited us on that day. i feel personally invested in this like so many americans but to see our government standing with saudi arabia, a country that supports the very terrorists that attacked us on that day, that is of a trail for me, for every one of my brothers and sisters that have been killed in combat, every one of these families who lost their loved ones on that day --
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first responders. every single american has been betrayed by our leaders who are siding with saudi arabia. >> tucker: anyone who has another perspective on this set, i would welcome it. of oberlin college was fined over $30 million for trying to destroy a small business down the road. has the school paid any of that money? we've got a fascinating update after the break. also mark steyn joins us tonig tonight. people, our sales now apply to only 10 frames. a new low. at visionworks, our sales are good on over 500 frames. why are you so weird? for a limited time, get two complete pairs for $49. really. visionworks. see the difference.
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♪ >> tucker: a few years ago in
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late 2016, three students at oberlin college -- may be the most liberal college in the country -- tried to rob a small family business near the school called gibson's bakery, they tried to steal a bottle of booze among other things. when they were caught, one of them assaulted the son of the baker's owner physically. oberlin college attacked the bakery as racist and tried to destroy it, tried to it out of business. they sued in a few months ago a jury ordered oberlin to pay the gibson family $34 million -- what happened next? bill jacobson has followed this story closer than anybody, he's a professor at cornell law school. what happened, 44 million, is the gibson family enjoying their award? >> they are not, the college continues to fight it -- irony of ironies, liberal oberlin and vote republican tort reform caps and got the award reduced from 44 million to 25. i'm not making that up and the
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judge awarded six and a half million dollars of legal fees for gibson, it's about 32 million at oberlin owes. they are continuing to fight it, they have appealed it, they are continuing to attack the bakery -- and a really extraordinary move after the trial was over, they tried to get unsealed facebook records from one of the gibson's children, the clerk who stopped the students who didn't testify and why reveal these facebook records? oberlin continues to demonize the family bakery and refuses to accept any responsibility for what they did to them and shows no remorse. they are appealing at, they have hired additional lawyers and they have already spent or the insurance has spent $5 million fighting this little bakery and they just cannot -- >> tucker: shafting our little people, oberlin is the stereotype of the annoying little rich kid school, is not a real college but it's incredibly
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expensive, why don't they just pay? >> they have a reputation of being a little kooky lefty sort of school but they have shown a cold heart here, they have been completely heartless towards this bakery. they have no empathy towards the bakery, it's almost a sociopathic sort of malevolence towards this bakery because the bakery stood up to them and it's really bizarre. i don't know what is going on but i know a lot of the alumni are upset about it and i would be too if i were an alum. the value of your degree has been diminished by multiple administrations at oberlin who simply want to crush this little family bakery and it makes no sense in any real world. >> tucker: the degree is less than worthless, i would never hire someone who went there but this is revealing. scratch a liberal and you find a fascist. what a public service you have done. "baby it's cold outside has become baby it's woke outside,
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the holiday classic is rewritten for the meat to eric, mark steyn on map. freedom. it's the reason you chose to serve our country. so you'd have a safe place to come home to, and eventually, a home to call your own. a place to gather your troops under one roof. your roof. a place to mark time. and relax with your commanding officer. a place to call home. newday usa can help make that happen for veterans like you. the newday zero down va home loan lets you buy a home with no down payment. at newday, your service is your down payment. the newday zero down va home loan is a real chance to own your own home.
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♪ ♪ i wish i knew how ♪ to break this spell ♪ i'll take this path, your hair looks swell ♪
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>> tucker: the holidays are approaching again, it's time to become a new annual ritual, people in brooklyn fretting about "baby it's cold outside" songwriter john legend is teaming up with kelly clarkson to release a new version, there version includes lyrics like "i can call you a ride" and the abortion affirming, it's your body, it's your choice. author and columnist mark steyn is a fairly renowned musicologist. >> it's not enough in our age we can't create anything new, we have to destroy everything that went before us and this is an appalling act of vandalism on a great songwriter -- i think one of the reasons this is happening because lame chemistry free
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celebrity duets are about the only thing propping up the music industry these days and there aren't a lot of seasonal duets so everybody does this spirit of cee-lo green and christina aguilera, tony bennett and lady gaga, adam schiff and ilhan omar have just done a version -- the point about this song is it is a flirtatious, it's flirtation on both parts. one of the really hideous things about the last ten years or so is that social media has made everyone incredibly literal and so we cannot actually understand something where -- as you saw with ricardo mont yvonne and esther williams, they are playing the subtexts. they are saying we are singing certain words but underneath we are attracted to each other and that concept is to mind bogglingly complex for our phone
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crushingly literal generation and it is one reason why if you look at say "santa baby" every version -- contemporary singers doing standards, they miss the point of these things as they have done on a nuclear scale with "baby it's cold outside." >> tucker: what a fascinating analysis. you think social media and our digital immersion, that is what is driving this? >> i would say so. if you look at what john legend has written, do you really want to be singing a love duet in which -- for start, esther and ricardo mont yvonn are sang theg because they are attracted to each other.
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the minute john legend says instead of saying "baby it's cold outside, i can call you a ride because he can't come up with a rhyme for i will call you and huber -- the minute you say i really can't stay. if i totally respect that, i will call you and huber, the song is over, where you going to go? that's not material to sing about but we have reached such a stage of bone crushing literalism and the one other thing about this -- he was exposed to this song and colorado in 1949, he went back to egypt and became the leading force behind the muslim brotherhood because of "baby it's cold outside." the left has reached the same stage, same attitude to "baby it's cold outside" as the muslim brotherhood. >> tucker: they don't even believe in god, they don't have a good excuse for it.
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mark steyn, great to see you tonight. >> i really can't stay come up with records on. we are out of time, wishing we could keep going come out back tomorrow at 8:00 p.m., the sworn enemy of mine come up and possibly. >> sean: welcome to hannity, the crazy democrats expose, recognize -- the great one mark levan -- i just checked in with him, he is fired up and he will be joining us tonight. lara trump joins us tonight, so many of you have been asking -- we have the history -- two days after president trump is elected, impeachment started all through 2017, 2018, 2019 -- we got it all covered. we can't plate every night because it takes too long. that is coming up. plus mystery surrounding the identity of the
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nonwhistle-blower -- hearsay


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