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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  November 8, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PST

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which in this case happens to be the competition - since they don't offer the same amount of cameras as the silverado. literally in the rear-view. where they should be. ♪ >> good morning. it is friday, november 8th. happening right now at 4:00 on the east coast some bombshell new emails obtained by fox news expose apparent lies under oath by now stood ambassador. what does this mean for the impeachment inquiry? we are live in washington is republicans gear up for public testimony. >> we've all done things we regret. >> are you questioning my character? you are questioning my father's character? >> opposing views, how donald
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trump junior is taking on hosts of the show over their relentless attacks on his father. the blunder that center seat failing through the ceiling. "fox and friends first" starts right now. ♪ another week gone. >> in concerts, what they are offering. you are watching "fox and friends first". thank you for ending your week or beginning your weekend with us. the ousted us ambassador to ukraine agreed to meet with the democratic staffer two days after the whistleblower complaint was filed. griff jenkins joins us from washington with the fox news
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exclusive report is republicans gear up to publicly question marie -- >> when she public testifies, yavanovitch according to emails obtained by tucker carlson tonight communicated with the democrats staffer concerning a, quote, delicate and time sensitive matter just two days after the whistleblower filed their complaint was the new emails contradict yavanovitch's deposition in which she received an email from the staffer on august 14th indicating she never responded to it. now these emails show using a personal email saying would love to reconnect and look forward to chatting with you. this as we learn house republicans want the whistleblower to testify. congressman jim jordan telling
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reporters he or she should be made to account for their actions in igniting the impeachment inquiry. the majority controlling democrats who have to approve it don't seem to agree. >> the whistleblower needs to remain protected, should not be hauled in front of congress because that is what whistleblower protection statutes are there for. >> the president has done nothing wrong. >> weather is behind closed doors were in public, fax won't change, the president did nothing wrong. >> reporter: a few hours, the president's acting chief of staff mick mulvaney has been subpoenaed to give a deposition before the house intelligence committee but sources tell fox news it is unlikely he will appear. heather: it will be a big week unless something changes. state department official says he raise a red flag about hunter biden's burisma dealings before donald trump was elected.
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according to some transcript george kent discussed a possible conflict of interest with biden's staff in 2015. kent claims officials told him biden's son bo was dying and there was, quote, now further bandwidth to deal with family related issues at that time. kent serves as assistant deputy secretary of state, among 3 witnesses scheduled to testify in those open hearings next week. republican plan to include the whistleblower on their list for next week's public hearings but house until chair adam schiff says they need to give a good reason to approve it. mark live in now calling out the left for this unprecedented support of the whistleblower. >> you ever heard of whistleblower who is someone backed by the establishment. normally if was a blower is challenging the establishment, challenging the system, the entire establishment, the media, the democratic party backing the
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whistleblower, never seen anything like this. the reason you have whistleblower protections is because the whistleblower is going against the system. in this case we have the president going against the system and the whistleblower going against the president of the united states. >> republic -- impeachment hearings are set for wednesday and friday but now to this fox news alert. a manhunt underway for a man suspected of kidnapping the stepdaughter of the usc fighter. the police issuing an arrest warrant for ebert came you seed who was caught on camera at the same alabama convenience store where blanchard was last seen two weeks ago. he faces kidnapping and attempted murder charges in another case. police believe she was the victim of foul play based on evidence found inside her car. california sheriff blames the governor for a deputy's killing, two illegal immigrants are charged in the death of brian
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ishmael who was shot while investigating a marijuana theft last month. the sheriff says gavin newsom's ensure and marijuana policies contributed to the tragedy and is slamming the governor for missing ishmael's funeral. >> scheduled to respect my deputy and his family. i don't think is too much to ask. >> if you allow criminal reminded illegal aliens to infiltrate our communities with more protections than our average citizens, they will take advantage of that and victimize our community. >> the governor was at a pg and the meeting during the funeral apparently. donald trump awarding a vietnam veteran and 9/11 hero the posthumous award of the presidential citizens metal. the president remembering the ultimate sacrifice as he presented the award to his wife. >> on behalf of our entire
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nation i pledge that we will forever and always remember this incredible american hero. >> leave no man behind was the core of the seventh cavalry and i know rick was thinking about his men in those final moments. >> as vice president security for morgan stanley, he helped 2700 people escape the towers before he was killed in the attack. the british hero earned the purple heart and silverstar for his service with the army. the president's reelection campaign launching a new effort to connect with veterans. fox news can exclusively report the planned veterans for trump coalition will highlight the president's reforms at the va and record low veteran unemployment. research poll shows 57% of that's approve the president's work as commander-in-chief with 48% saying he made the military stronger.
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speaking of the election. michael bloomberg sending shockwaves, opening the door to a 2020 run. democrat alyssa before and welcoming him to the race as bernie sanders unveils his immigration plan. a big shakeup in the democratic race or the potential for one. >> not saying it is official yet but michael bloomberg is expected to file paperwork for the alabama primary by the 5:00 deadline today. the former new york city mayor would be running to so-called save the party. is team putting a statement that reads, quote, we now need to finish the job and ensure that trump is defeated but mike is increasingly concerned that the current field of candidates is not well-positioned to do that. if mike runs he would offer a new choice to democrats. one democratic front runner doesn't seem concerned about this.
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elizabeth warren tweeting welcome to the race, michael bloomberg. if you're looking for policy plans will make a huge difference for working people and which are very popular start here, obviously talking about her calculator for billionaires, basking in the endorsement from iona presley this week. >> she knows how to fight and how to win. i'm proud to call her my senate. i can't wait to call her our president. >> no comments yet from joe biden or bernie sanders about the widening field. sanders was busy unveiling a sweeping immigration plan that would halt deportations, abolish ice, welcome 50,000 climate migrants and offer medicare for all. bloomberg is not likely to qualify for the next democratic debate on november 20th and he will need to spend a record amount of campaign cash even to make it to the december stage. >> if that were to happen.
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thank you, appreciate it. some thursday night football. the raiders saved the best for last, rallying in the final minutes against the chargers. josh jacobs scoring the second game-winning touchdown in the past 5 days. raiders win 26-24. the time is 10 minutes after the top of the hour. as the person who leaked the abc news video of amy roback was just fired by cbs news. >> i tried for 3 years to get it on to no avail and now it is all coming out, new revelations and i had all of it. >> who legally owns the video. could either network face a lawsuit? the next guest says any case would be hard to prove. >> i am good at dealing with people! can't you understand that?
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what the hell is wrong with you people? >> you get stressed out at job interviews? what you say doesn't matter, robots, not people will be deciding who gets the gig. these folks don't have time to go to the post office
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they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again.
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>> i have had this interview with virginia roberts it was unbelievable what we had. i tried for 3 years to get it on to no avail and now it is all coming out, new revelations. >> the abc news employee linked to that now viral clip now out of a job as the fallout over whether abc squash the epstein story brought widespread backlash.
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new reports claim cbs news just fired the staffer who leaked it days after learning their identity. but legally who has the right to that footage and who has the right to a lawsuit? here to break it down, alex, thank you for joining us, appreciate it. the person who leaked the tape worked for abc news at the time has since quit that job, was working at cbs news, their competitor and reportedly has now been fired. who legally owned that video to begin with? >> there are a few things to .2. generally with their parent companies, that say whatever outlet abc news owns that work product has ownership rights and depending on what level of employee you are, it usually
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gets more complex to even having ownership rights in personalities for example. hard to say without looking at the contracts but generally speaking it would be abc news and on top of that i believe the video was taken from an abc news studio. the camera was rolling the mike was on, the reporter just didn't know it was being recorded at the time. shannon: what about the person who has lost their job? type of action can a take? >> the question is whether that individual had any ownership rights in the video. nothing has been reported that she or he had some producing in the epstein report and any sort of wrongful termination lawsuit against cbs who are now losing employment. hard to say without looking at
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the employment contract but if it is an at will employee there's usually not much protection, you can be fired or let go any time. the only protection usually it will employees have is from federal statutes which is title vii. this type of discrimination cases where you make claims based on race, sex and national origin, that sort of thing. >> they knew this information and squashed the story three years ago. there was a 3 year time span where they could potentially have been other victims. what type of avenue do they have? >> that's a good question because what you are seeing on social media in the digital age is outrage for those victims of epstein and saying the media should be held accountable for dropping the ball or not getting the news out when they could have. what you see in lawsuits involving media companies is something they publish that was
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inaccurate, defamation lawsuits presenting someone in a false light. usually not for editorial choices where they fail to publish something for example. i did in this research think it was interesting as a legal affairs afforded myself find out the accuser of epstein who came forward had filed a lawsuit in 2015 against one of epstein's allies saying she had been recruited by this person and subsequently abuse. as a legal affairs reporter any time something like this is file it makes me wonder why abc news with the information they had didn't look at court documents to help substantiate their reporting. heather: calls into question why they didn't air the story. it is 18 after the top of the hour and a final farewell to 9 americans killed in the drug cartel ambush.
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>> so evil that they would use women and children for whatever ends they had in mind. >> why did it take mexican authorities eight hours to respond to the scene? their families demanding answers and the fight for faith on the football field. the atheist move that wants coaches to stop praying with their players. ♪
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hey. hey. you must be steven's phone. now you can take control of your home wifi and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network... only with xfinity xfi. download the xfi app today. >> welcome back to "fox and friends first". hundreds of people gather to more 9 americans killed bar cartel in mexico at a mormon community, wrestling with grief and anger over the mexican
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government's response. here is more on the heartbreaking funeral. what happens next? >> friends and relatives of the americans killed in mexico begin burying the dead. members of the mormon community under protection of armed mexican guards heading south of the border to sonora for six children and 3 women brutally murdered monday. some mourners coming as far as north dakota to say goodbye. the funerals underway is loved ones dispute the mexican government's account of what happened. officials seeks is the victims traveling in 3 vehicles miles apart got caught between warring drug cartels. of place -- case of wrong place wrong time. but areas in the morning community say monday's attack was delivered and planned. victims were shot or burned in their cars. according to survivors one woman got out pleading and yelling don't shoot but they did. >> who is so evil that they
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would use women and children for whatever ends they had in mind? >> it ask why it took eight hours for the first officials to arrive on scene. the white house wants mexico to curb the violence with usaid. >> calling the mexican president sent saying you've got to root out these vicious cartels and we are happy to help. >> mexican president obrador declined help in starting the war with the cartels, he promised hugs, not bullets, many say it is not working. shannon: several 2020 contenders accepting thousands of dollars from juul employees as the trump administration pushes for a vaping then. pete buttigieg, kamala harris, joe biden, elizabeth warren, andrew yang and bernie sanders have accepted $26,000 since the beginning of the year.
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people have died from vaping related illnesses nationwide. and atheist group wants to stop coaches from leading prayers at high school football games. the freedom from religion foundation claims someone complained about coaches at a missouri high school holding prayer sessions following games. the group claims it is constitutional for public school coaches to hold religious services. parent status harmless. the superintendent is investigating. the time is 25 after the top of the hour and support for impeachment is plummeting. ahead of the first public hearing. will adam schiff listen to the american people already too focused on getting donald trump out of office. our panel will debate. is kanye west going back to the white house? what he just revealed about his plans to run for office. if you have medicare, listen up.
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attempted murder charges in another case. the ambassador to ukraine agreed to meet with the democratic staffer two days after the was a lower complaint was filed. according to emails obtained by fox news maria yavanovitch was willing to answer questions on ukraine related oversight despite her closed-door testimony denying that exchange. donald trump has to atlanta today to launch his voices for trump initiative to increase support among african-american voters. mike pence is also expected to address the crowd. we now know that hundreds of americans identities were stolen by illegal immigrants caught by ice. homeland security revealing the shocking statistics while defending in august immigration raid in mississippi.
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>> they sold the id of 400 citizens. >> special agent jerry miles challenging lawmakers holding a field hearing on the raids and said separating immigrant families was no different than if any other citizen broke the law. chicago's top cop announcing his retirement after 3 years on the job. eddie johnson says being police superintendent has taken a toll on all aspects of his life. >> time for someone else to pin these four stars to their shoulders. this job has taken its toll, taken a toll on my health, family, my friends. >> democratic mayor lori lightfoot says johnson will serve through the end of the year. the chicago native says his retirement has nothing to do with an ongoing investigation into him falling asleep behind the wheel of his car.
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texas governor greg abbott is turning 5 acres of state land into a homeless camp on the outskirts of boston as the city deals with a growing homeless population we have been telling about, homeless advocates cheering on the move saying they can't remember any other state taking this kind of action. earlier this week the governor launched an effort to get the homeless off the streets and clean up the mess left behind. alabama former attorney general jeff sessions running for his old alabama senate seat. >> i spent 15 years in the department. i don't regret that and it was an honor to serve and i am -- it is not my seat in the senate but i believe i have something to give. i have convictions i think need to be pushed. >> sessions making the announcement on tucker carlson
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tonight. he plans to file for his candidacy before today's deadline and joined several republicans trying to unseat democrat senator doug jones. as washington gears up for public testimony on impeachment public support for the inquiry continues to plunge. is this a sign americans want their leaders to focus on actual issues? doctor susan johnson cook and republican strategist kimberly, thank you for joining us, appreciate it as always. let's bring up that graphic again, support has dropped from 50% at the beginning of october down to about 47%. i will begin with you. what do you think of this? how should democrats handle it? >> ever since donald trump took office we've been hearing from democrats how much they want to impeach him. the american people aren't stupid. we are asking under what
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circumstances, they came up with the russian hoax, $22 million later that failed miserably do we are talking about a phone call. the support is dropping because people can see the left is just trying to change the result of the election just like they have gone into cities to try to remove confederate monuments they are trying to change history and pick and choose what we should remember and they are looking silly because no one supports this going forward. >> i want you to jump in. look at this poll where it talks about the approval, disapproval, of democrats handling of the inquiry altogether and it does show 48% disapprove of how they handle it. >> look at the poll when it was taken, a couple days after democrats were able to change some seats that were going to go red to blue. it is not silly whatsoever. the american people have actual
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issues but this is an issue as well. people looking at the power going to the state level making sure we focus on elections, when democrats turn out elections change. you can disagree. >> why we focusing on elections? why don't we focus on what is good for the country? >> we need to get the leader out. it is not the united states - >> it does seem -- hold on a second. it does seem according to a lot of people asked about it the democrats are not focusing on getting any work done. listen to this. it is a tweet posted right there from mitch mcconnell, senate democrats are blocking the annual funding of our armed forces. house democrats are still blocking the usmc a, 176,000 new american jobs. democrats 3-year-old impeachment journey is crowding out even the
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most basic bipartisan legislation. i want you to respond to that. >> democrats are getting work done. it is how you define which issues. the issues that are important to the right are not the ones that are important to the left. hunger, poverty, issues around america, democrats are getting work done. it is -- doesn't matter which issues you define. americans, i am an american certainly want this country to keep going forward. we want a leader in the white house that will help take us unified and not divide. >> note issue is getting done was all we are focused on his impeachment but i urge people to be careful because what you may want to they might not be what you want tomorrow. everyone should take a deep breath and understand donald trump is the president and focus on -- we heard about dac a, immigration but now all we hear about his impeachment.
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>> i will ask quickly do you think the whistleblower's identity in all this should be made public and i want you to respond. >> i would say not at all otherwise he is not a whistleblower. allow people to have a chance to say what they need to say without being persecuted for it. so now. people should say what they want to say and he should not be identified, he or she. todd: 1 the you think? >> under this circumstances, the whistleblower's lawyer called for a coup just day after trump took office, revealed themselves to go under oath and answer questions. we are paying for these investigations so he or she, whoever this person is should put our money where their mouth is. shannon: thank you for joining us, we will see what happens. public hearings next week. the time is 20 minutes until the top of the hour. opposing views, donald trump junior taking on hosts of the show over there attacks on his father. >> we have all done things we regret. >> are you questioning my
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character? >> you are questioning my father's character. >> carly shimkus joins us with the view from social media up next. - in the last year, there were three victims of cybercrime every second. when a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your social security number. - [announcer] that's why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more. and if you have an identity theft problem, we'll work to fix it with our million dollar protection package. - there are new cyber threats out there everyday, so protecting yourself isn't a one time job, it's an ongoing need. now is the time to make sure that you have the right plan in place.
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don't wait. - [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. use promo code get25 to save 25% off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership. call now to start your membership or visit it offers head-up display. chevy silverado hd. wow, that's dialed in. i can still keep my eyes on the road. my truck doesn't have that. it offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different camera views. that's quality picture. it even offers one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible - to help you see what's behind you. oh, wow! which in this case happens to be the competition - since they don't offer the same amount of cameras as the silverado. literally in the rear-view. where they should be. ♪
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>> we've all done things we regret. you have worn blackface. >> roman polanski -- it wasn't rape rape when he raped a child. >> donald trump junior taking gone some of his father's biggest critics in an exclusive interview with the ladies of the view. carly shimkus with serious xm 115 here with social media reaction. the back and forth. >> on a show known for getting
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heated this interview and the audience got involved as well in the back and forth. >> applause on both sides. >> donald trump junior took heat for posting a tweet that included the whistleblower's alleged name but also had back and defended his father. listen. >> now that you have broken this piece of ice because i guess this is the fight you want. >> we are talking about character. >> are you questioning my character? >> you are questioning my father's character. >> the president's son touted his father's accomplishments like strong economy and the unemployment. conservatives on social media loved it. one twitter users said we would love donald trump junior to appear on the view again, about someone stepped up to the plate to defend the president and call out the hypocrisy of the hosts. next weeks of you should stop lying through their teeth and own up to everything and do
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everyone a favor and stay away from politics. this last twitter user has this to say, finally a guest who wasn't afraid to challenge them, nicely done. reaction from both sides of the aisle as well but the interview started off at 10 and ended a 15. >> not a friendly situation but the opposite going on here. andrew yang soliciting donations for his rival marianne williamson. >> he did so by posting a link to her fundraising page saying i love marianne and have learned a lot from her. i hope america hears her message. he has much more to say. williamson responded with a heartfelt post saying i have affection for several of my fellow candidates for the generosity, this one is particularly touching. so many people loved this. mary's is andrew, you are a class act, thank you.
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you are changing the course of our toxic political discourse. i will also make a contribution and another twitter user says you two together could be an unbelievable ticket. . williamson says she has $1 million more to fund raise to make the november debate stage. a lot of time left on that one. to florida where this boy who wants to be like his firefighter paramedic dead, this adorable mock cpr drill has gone viral. >> it is so cute. this 3-year-old boy held this mock fire drill and i believe we are going to see momentarily there it is, you can see him in the back putting out the fire because his father is a firefighter and a paramedic. he had to leave because there was an actual emergency. he got very upset so dad told the sun we will do this together and he saved the day. good stuff. and a social media celebrity now.
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the time is 15 minutes until the top of the hour. this viral photo tugging at heartstrings everywhere. a high school player praying with his opponent whose mom is battling cancer, tie joins us live next with how much that small gesture meant to him. two both got a control, the boat race taking a dramatic turn getting quite a reaction from fans.
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>> your next job interview could be with the computer, not a person. tracy carrasco explains how a company is using artificial intelligence to determine if you
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should land the gig. >> according to a report in the washington post we are seeing artificial intelligence being used more often to determine if you are the right candidate for the job. there is an artificial intelligence company that developed a system that will use the candidate's camera on their cell phone or computer to analyze things like their facial movements, word choice, speaking voice before ranking them against other candidates based on automatically generated employability score. this is being used by 100 employers like helton, unilever and industries like the hospitality and financial industry but a lot of people are wondering is this a fair way to rank a candidate? the system, they argue it is a fair way. it is more objective than the metrics used by human resource
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people. it is an interesting way to see if someone is good for the job. >> not sure could pick up different nuances. >> that is the argument against it, someone who might not speaking was has the first language, someone who might not be good at interviews or might be nervous wouldn't do well here. heather: christmas is almost here, we are seeing christmas movies, music and advertisements. the trump team is jumping on board as well. >> the trump campaign is a rating the holidays with a number of trump pens 2020 merchandise, trump wrapping paper keep america great santa hat or ornament, all of this available on the trump campaign website, they are doing this to raise money for the campaign. so far they have brought in $125 million, the republican national committee combined them. >> they were very creative with
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raising money and it appears to be working. the time is 10 minutes until the top of they are. kanye west wants to get used to the view. when he plans to run for the white house. to run for the white house, did you hear that? this had to hurt. falling from the ceiling, the burglar blunder we can't stop watching. ♪ chevy silverado hd.
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it offers head-up display. wow, that's dialed in. i can still keep my eyes on the road. my truck doesn't have that. it offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different camera views. that's quality picture. it even offers one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible - to help you see what's behind you. oh, wow! which in this case happens to be the competition - since they don't offer the same amount of cameras as the silverado. literally in the rear-view. where they should be. ♪
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heather: faith and football collide with his moment of compassion between two rival players. a photo shared 150,000 times a member of an opposing team stops to pray over west mesquite running back tied jordan whose mother is battling cancer. what that heartfelt moment means, we really appreciate it this morning. tell us what led to this. this was a friend of yours, gage smith who took your hand and kneeled and prayed with you. what did that mean to you? >> you don't usually see that. he has always been my friends, a guy that wants to see everybody do good.
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him taking the time to sit and pray with me for a couple seconds meant a lot. heather: the video has been shared hundreds of thousands of times. what reaction have you gotten from some of the other students? >> reporter: big time. it was never expected to go viral, that type of thing. it was him taking time to do what was right. heather: an opportunity to talk to people like you are doing now and share the importance of faith. can you tell us a little bit? >> what it means to me, it means a lot. it sends a message to a lot of
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people, you can help others, taking time to pray for others, speak for others, do little things was that is what counts. heather: how is your mom doing? >> she is up and down. there are times she is feeling better, times she's not able to get up or walk or do what she usually does. heather: we need to have everybody pray for your mom. more prayers going out for her and hopefully she will get better. football and faith, it goes hand-in-hand. >>, yes, ma'am. heather: how is your football team? >> we are growing. we are a young team trying to get better. heather: you are already a good role model for others. thank you for joining us, good
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luck to your mom. we will pray for her and good luck to your football team as well. >> thanks for having me. heather: thanks for coming on so early. coming up let's talk about this before we wrap it up. kanye west has big plans for 2024. >> when i run for president in 2024, we definitely -- when i run for president in 2024, we would have created so many jobs. heather: west making that announcement at a festival in new york city as the singer has into a presidential run many times. he visited the white house wearing a am aga half last year. comments pouring in, patty tweets i have to hear where he stands on the issues like anyone else. katherine on instagram says you go, kanye, love you. sorry, stick to music, don't think we want to kardashian in the white house either.
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there have been rumors about that as well. now time for the good, the bad and the ugly. the good, a hero cat pounces into action for the perfect save. watch the security footage showing the baby crawling toward a dark staircase when the kitten jumps to the rescue, distracts the toddler and brings him back to the middle of the room to play. that is amazing. the bad, two boats, look at that, flipping over, slamming into the water at the same time. good grief. three racers were injured but amazingly, i don't know how, they will be okay apparently. the ugly. a ceiling falls to the ceiling of a restaurant before she robs.
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a video shows are crashing to the ground, hitting her head on a metal counter. she and another person got away with hundreds of dollars and wine in california. they are on the run. that wraps up this hour of "fox and friends first". have a great weekend. "fox and friends first" continues now. goodbye. jillian: it is friday, november 8th and we begin with a fox news alert. a major break in the case of the stepdaughter of the usc fighter who vanished weeks ago. rob: brand-new images of the armed and dangerous suspect epicenter of a massive manhunt, the latest on the effort to bring her home. jillian: a was a lower bombshell that could have testimony from the ousted ambassador who tried to take down donald trump. rob: inconsistencies emerging from her closed-door testimony and only fox news has a paper trail to prove it. jillian: a list of 2020 hopefuls getting longer. rob: a big announcement expected


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