tv Watters World FOX News November 9, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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you. studio audience and i love you, america. ♪ ♪ welcome to water "watters world" i'm jesse watters protecting pedophiles from politic that's the subject of the word. there's something very wicked that is happening in america. st there a major media blackout on jeffrey epstein and we know why. whole thing is starting to make me feel sick to my stomach. now, i'm not going to let this story go. "watters world" will pursue it as far as we can. project blew it wide open this week and they deserve a ton of credit. this was their best work to date. video of abc anchor dishing that she had the goods on epstein even clinton connection but the
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network shut it down. she told me everything she had pictures, she had everything. she was in hiding for 12 year and convince her to come out and convince her to talk to us it was unbelievable what we have clinton, we have everything. >> it is so sad -- roe released a statement as a journalist, as epstein story continued to unfold last summer, i was caught in a private moment frustration i was upset that an important interview i had conducted with virginia roberts, didn't air because we could not obtain sufficient corroborating evidence to meet abc's editorial starngdz of better ailses. in year since no one has ever told me or team to stop report, on jeffrey epstein and same reads like she had a gun to her head abc had victim is and witnesses on the record photographic evidence fingering epstein, fingering british royal family with a bill clinton angle l. and that didn't meet abc
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editorial standards. what the hell are abc's editorial standards? abc smear kavanaugh with 40-year-old here say no corroborating witness no evidence, no pictures, nothing. abc ran stories turn pictured by michael avenatti a disgraced bankrupt tax evading partisan porn star attorney with gang rape, how did all of that pass ab starngdz world news tonight just ran fake a syrian war footage the damage for president trump. but it turned out to be jew tube video from a kentucky gun range. abc news was hoax after hoax after hoax with no evidence for years. phony trump russia collusion smollett, the can you having ton boy. we know abc editorial standards rise and fall depending on who the story hurt. now in the epstein case the story hurts the british royals.
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and ax bc news needs to keep up the friendly coverage. the name -- where did that come from? >> i have your title here james you're wonka and chief. >> in the world of my creation. and andy your chief edible officer what do you get for christmas not mar punish malo but three years ago who did epstein story really hurt? the clintons. in 016 hillary run for president she was expected to win. an abc epstein bombshell would have exploded all over the campaign. and abc didn't want to hurt the future president. apparently nec wanted to maintain a friendly relationship. >> e-mails in the headlineses once again with report -- can you believe that? here we go again. >> abc wanted to protect their access and their profits and didn't want to be on the wrong side of history. but they were on the wrong
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side -- abc news now has to answer this question. how many children were raped by epstein in the three years after they spiked the story? "watters world" is call for an independent investigation into abc news. we're talking about teenage girls here. children -- 14, 15, 16, 17-year-olds. does abc care about children? they say they care about children in cages at the border but there are children being sexually assaulted by epstein and in palm beach, in manhattan, on planes -- remember bill clinton flew 26 leg had on epstein's plane. and then lied about it. we have the flight records here. i'm not accusing bill of anything. but there are many, many questions. abc is owned by disney -- is disney ceo bob iger okay with how his company handled jeffrey
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epstein? disney that's a kids company. abc didn't even air a report on this. even nbc reported on its own weinstein scandal. is george stephanopoulos okay without his colleagues handle jeffrey epstein now georgia clinton guy we all know that. did he play a role in killing the epstein story? "the new yorkthe new york repors a guest in epstein's party with a royal that was accused of sexual assault on a minor. now, epstein's closest associate gisele l maxwell was chelsea clinton's wedding. epstein donated loads of money to clinton foundation whatever happened to all of those pictures and dvds that they ceased and pilot ever interviewed? and why was the most famous
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inmate in federal prison left unguarded? how did the video surveillance cameras go down when he killed himself? or did he? >> do i think he was killed, 100%. yes i do because he made his whole living blackmailing people. forensic pathologist reviewed epstein autopsy. now officially the government said it was a suicide, but doctor disagrees. >> multiple three fractures in the thyroid cart lanl unusual for suicide and more indicative of strangulation, homicidal strangulation. what's the bottom line ab.c. protecting a pedophile in order to protect the clinton this is deprave and media isn't even talking it be. nobody is even reporting on this except at fox. in fact, the media is obsessed with hunting down and punishing
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the person responsible for leaking the abc footage l. cbs even fired one of their own employees who come from abc who they thought was a leaker. now more on that in a little bit. you see what's happening here? the media wants to protect the trump whistle-blower. but tries to fire the epstein whistle-blower. now, the media in america has gone completely mad. and you and i are not going to let them get away with it here with reaction -- attorney alex sawyer and the federalist emily -- who has been reporting on the coverups. emily i'll begin with you what did you think about my analysis? >> yeah, i think there's a really important point to be made about the media coverup here and one thing that amy cannot take back is on a tape that project released she's saying she's everything she used that repeatedly i had everything.
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i had everything. and she said that network killed it in part because they were afraid of the backlash legal repercussion from british royal family and i think you got it that a moment ago how outrageous it is to salvage a coverage ab royal baby in order to -- they're willing to sacrifice this big story in order to salvage cover and in order to salvage coverage of the british royal baby. i mean, it is absolutely outrageous -- and people should be upset. >> we know that last time that epstein was targeted he came out whoever it was with a dream team of high profile very expensiver to and they just reigned hell on whoever tried to take him down. we know that clintons are very vengeful people and we know british family is loaded with them it is all about access. and i do understand the reservation it is that abc would have to run a story like this.
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but if you're going to say that you're about following the truth and you're about speaking truth to power, and you're about protecting the innocent like children. i believe that should take precedence over any other issue. >> yes. you're right, and also i think what's interesting as a legal affairs reporter is i was looking into this, and epstein accuser actually had sued someone that she said recuted her to go and, you know, meet epstein and then subsequently she was abused there was a civil lawsuit filed in 2015. it didn't take long to find, and this is something abc news could have looked at to verify their reporting. >> that's corroborating evidence right there. it is in the legal world and everybody understands that. that's a huge secondary source of information. now, megyn kelly had had the woman ashley bianca who was fired fire cbs who came over from abc who i
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guess people thought was responsible for leaking the tape. she was on with megyn kelly and here's what she said. prchls what do you want abc and cbs executives to know? >> wasn't me. you know i'm not the whistle-blower. i'm sorry if you see. but leaker is still inside. you know, it's not i never did any of that. i may have accessed it but never leaked it and never showed it to anyone. i didn't talk about the situation outside of the company. >> she left a digital finger precinct at one -- at abc on this footage of amy talking about epstein, and because of that -- , she was canned from cbs because they believed that she was responsible for leaking it. she denies leaking it but just it again just to reiterate it looks like the media and this is abc and cbs are doing everything they can to silence the people that are responsible who they think are responsible for
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blowing the whistle on what looks like a corrupt coverup of child swex trafficking at the high pest level of america. i have to run but "watters world" will continue to follow this. we believe we have access to epstein little black book, and we're looking at flight records, and we'll continue to report on this. okay, alex emily thank you for joining me. from one corrupt thing to next biden family and ukraine john salmon joins me and team freedom of act request found memos that changed the entire story from the biden cap. all right, john, what have you found? >> well it's pretty clear that hunt per biden his business partner devin archer and legal lobbying team in america for the company burisma ukraine company
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had access to state department hunter biden talked to deputy secretary on a couple of occasions that's peernght national security advisor and joe biden had during his time in the white house. >> hunter biden himself talked to -- john kerry's guy? >> yes. the deputy secretary and before he was john kerry guy he was joe biestledden biden guy an important contact and devin archer was talking to john kerry directly but most significant contact occurs in late february of 2016. that's when burisma legal team at a american legal team brought to help the ukrainian gas company to evercome corruption allegations they go to state department. to number three official, under secretary and specifically demanding that state department help pend corruption allegations against burisma and when they do it they invoke the name and help us because hunter biden joe biden son there it is is on the
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board. it is classic xeample. you put hunter biden on board that's why you do it. like a protection keel this was not known before and never discussed and now we know from the memos that you've uncovered this has been documented, that this ukraine company burisma natural gas a lot of corrupt allegations over there. owned by russian, they lobbied the obama administration hard to stop the corruption investigations into them inside ukraine is that what we have? 100%, and they played hunt per biden card and hard to understand what the approach and beginning of the democratic primary clinton and trump set up for the fall election, all of a sudden the ukrainian prosecutor show could raid the home of hunter biden boss, the owner of
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burisma holdings that just mentioned they raid that home and take possession, goods documents favorite luxury car in early february 16 after two year of quiet there was panic inside bris that hunter biden is not buy protection that we have because they're closing in on the boss and it is that event that precipitate the -- legal team going to the state department saying, you've you have help to us get rid of the corruption ailses very important time scwebs for people to understand. >> that time line is critical so the prosecutor raids the home of own ore of burisma panic set in. burisma hires a lobbying team to lobby hard the obama administration. get rid of this prosecution, get rid of these corruption allegations, and then -- the next thing that happens joe biden goes over there -- and says fire the prosecutor you
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know what we have the tape let's play the tape. >> we're not going to give you the billion dollar you're not the president. president said i should call him. i said i'm telling you you're not getting billion dollar i said you're not getting billion i'm relieving to hear and it was six hours i look at him saying we're leaving in six hours and prosecutor is not fired you're not getting the money. well son of a -- got fired. >> i mean when you see the whole thing coming into perspective, it changes the entire biden defense. 30 seconds. enches let me tell you one other thing the day that that prosecutor was fired -- that same american legal team that have been lobbying state department they show up in ukraine asking to meet the replacement prosecutor right away. let's make this thing go away. these events were tied together in ways that joe biden has not been willing to admit. john salmon thank you for your report. coming up waters world went out to ask new yorkers about about veteran's day.
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oh, my gosh. and -- all hell break loose on the view and break down low blows. (client's voice) remember that degree you got in taxation? (danny) of course you don't because you didn't! your job isn't doing hard work...'s making them do hard work... ...and getting paid for it. (vo) snap and sort your expenses to save over $4,600 at tax time. quickbooks. backing you.
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the whistle-blower is a disgrace to our country. and his lawyer who said the worst things possible two years ago he should be sued. and may be for treason. we know that whistle-blower is anti-trump and now fox news is caught up to the whistle-blower'ser'ser to anti-p tweets. he's been talking a about stage acue since trump was sworn in. in january 2017, just ten day after the inauguration, mark tweeted this. queue has started first of many steps hashtag rebellion hashtag impeachment l, will follow ultimately. all right. then just a few months later he followed up with it is very scary. we will get rid of him. and this country strong enough to survive even him and his supporters. we have to. the whistle-blower is other attorney andrew also tweeted this kind of stuff. in august 2017 he wrote, the
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25th amendment concerns president inability discharge the powers and duties of office says nothing about mental health. we're there. joining me with reaction -- town columnist kurt, and former florida attorney general pam bondi expected to become advisor on impeachment and other projects for the white house. okay kurt. so three years before president trump's quote unquote perfect phone call with the ukraine president -- the cue had already begun. i mean, if the republicans pulled a stunt that they would be laughed out of washington, d.c. well if it's any consolation jesse i'm laughing at the in thes now and i think american people are. really what are they gotten to? we're at the point where they want to impeach the president our chief law enforcement officer for trying to get a foreign government to
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investigate why the -- cocaine-sniffing lose per son of a vice president got a 50,000 plus a month gig from a ukrainian that would seem to be the kind of thing that president supposed to do. but apparently you're not allowed to because you can't show democrat corruption. it is a joke. these people are not advocates which lawyers should be -- they're activist. and we need to put this thing to bed. >> so pam not only mark, the attorney for the whistle-blower he's a member of the resistance. he has schumer connection, he has hillary connections he has john connections -- it just goes to show that kind of paramilitary political tactics that left is used against this pet from the very beginning it is all anonymous cia agents, crooked fbi agents in the dark -- and a now and now these left wing attorneys that are piling
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on because politicians haven't been able to beat them at all. we know he tried to say acue was oh, i didn't mean anything by that what was that french word what is that? an overthrow of a government, and illegal overthrow of our government. any government. and it's unreal he was saying this day after the inauguration, and further more, his law firm had a tweet up on their website offering discount to federal bureaucratsing willing to give date of birth on president trump. it is unreal to me. >> cue this -- yeah. blow the whistle l give you 20% off legal fees not naming whistle-blower here at fox, and if anybody has a brain -- they know who it is in in country. this guy is liberal pedigree is ridiculous. this is not a --
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a cut a nonpartisan operation. this the most partisan inside hit job you could ever imagine. >> this guy is a diseep state guy participating in a cue -- trying to take the elected president of the united states out. well, it isn't going to work. a bunch of passive aggressive with a lot of degrees not a lot of life experience won't take our ability to governor ourselves we keep hearing about lack of due process many this i think thing but that isn't due donald trump but, the american people who went out and chose donald trump. think about that, jesse, our elite our ruling class, the people this whistle-blower epitomizes were so lame had such a track record of failure that the american people looked around and said you know who is a better choice? donald trump -- that's right.
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all right, guys thank you guys very much. >> thank you. thank you. the mystery of matt drudge. secret of man behind the drudge report "watters world" is to something, and we're going to e tell you what that something is. and later all very special veterans day quiz. you know what holiday is -- >> is it -- black friday? ♪ chevy silverado hd. it offers head-up display. wow, that's dialed in. i can still keep my eyes on the road. my truck doesn't have that. it offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different camera views. that's quality picture. it even offers one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible - to help you see
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the drudge reports my favorite website about -- everything there in one place. the best headlines, very fair -- very aggressive very bold. but is drudge beginning to turn on president trump? many people keep asking me about this. i get texts -- did you notice this? what's up with drudge. so we started to look into it in august, the traditional leaning drudge report began posting several anti-trump stories all kind of stacked together. just on august 11th alone there were 5 negative trump headlines all in a row.
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you know, it's just that's what you log on to for. i don't know. but it just seem likes the website has recently played up trump gp and down played his successes now, of course, the liberal media has pounced on this shift in coverage. there's no question his tone has shifted and in some ways it is because henls what had side his bread is buttered on. >> stunning to see him one of the president biggest supporters early on turn on him and president is no doubt upset with fact that drudge has not been a strong ally in his selection of stories recently. >> these are signs that maybe the audience that they pay attention to the most is being told all is not well that's why it is significant. so why the change? for that i'm now joined by howie kurts a fox news media analyst, and the host of the very
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successful media buzz, you know, howie it is really hard to analyze each headline day-to-day. it is just impossible to do. but it is like being in a relationship when you notice someone's tone has changed and you can't really put your finger on it. have you noticed the change in tone as well? >> jesse watters drudge investigation i love it. look, i have covered matt since he was unknown blogger at point in his career primarily interested in deliberation and riding media wave and the media wave you may have noticed jesse has been largely anti-trump. really for a long time. so i think that he poses a lot of positive story also about the president and negative stuff about the democrats he tengdz to post the polls most favorable to potus but people on the right who think that he is only going to be a cheerleader for president don't quite understand how he sees had his mission. >> i have noticed and i think we picked it up beginning in the late summer -- maybe after the shootings or maybe after the ukraine phone call and the impeachment thing
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began to pick up -- there's just been additional emphasis on some of the negative stories that you would see on other mainstream platforms, and you know, he can do whatever he wants because it is his website and he's a great editor, the best in my opinion. but it is hard to tell whether as you said he's riding wave for clicks or -- there's something personally inside his heart and his mind that has shifted against the president. >> well, here's a perfect example lead story on drugs other day, is about the anonymous volume book bombshell pence would support trump removal first of all welcome it was a bs league from the way to say that and next line said -- fake news and it was a link to a story in which the vice president was saying that this was a crock. look, matt drudge is old line conservative it is possible that he doesn't completely agree with the way donald trump has handled
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presidency or vision of conservatism is policy that white house doesn't leak to him much and drudge is mainly aggregated and very good one as you say. i'm not sure about about that part. but i do think it is in this media impeachment, ukraine environment hard for anybody who is not just running, you know, a -- rnc website to ignore fact thatst there a lot of press out there. >> there's an avalanche of this kind of impeachment information to not cover it or to, you know, put some sort of spin on it that doesn't exist would be a disservice i guess to his readership and his readership is absolutely e norm. 25 million visits a day. if looks like projection 9 to 30 million in revenue, obviously, the guy knows what he's doing but i'm just saying matt i'm having people come up to me and they say jesse -- you know what is going on with with drudge you know we go to drudge for the different side of
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thing and that's all we're saying. >> you know people on right say we're going start alternative to drugs so influential because they click on him ten times day maybe the white house needs to do a better job of getting out all -- more stories. and pictured with the president of the united states, it is not like he doesn't have a warm relationship with him personally. you know, but maybe, maybe things have changed we don't know. all right there he is, kurt. all right still to come. "watters world" quizzes americans on military history. and it did not go well. but first -- the view goes off the rail during their interview with donald jr., that's next. >> you've worn black face. i didn't -- she was not in black face. no being black i recognize black face this i can say. ♪
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>> donald trump jr. jumping into the lion den this week in extremely fiery showdown on the view. the president son going toe to toe with the show host, and pretty much everything. watch. >> you and your family have hurt a lot of people and put people through a lot of pain does this all all make you feel good? >> i don't think any of that feels gooded but i think we got into this because we wanted to do what's right for america. i understand i'm a son of a rich guy from new york but i spent time in middle america. we've all done thing that we regret. you've worn black -- >> i'm sorry and don't, if you do it. roman it wasn't rape when he raped a child -- >>let talk about serious things. you want to bring this up? the question came up -- >> i did not black --
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she was not in blake face. thank you. joining me now with reaction fox news contradict tore ray afterwards you have a picture joy in black face, i mean, she really darkened her skin she wore the afro so she lied about that. but besides that -- the format of the show it really is a best of your bunch of angrt piling on whoever the conservative guest and just ripping them limb from limb. it is not a fair fight. >> no. it is not a fair fight and jesse i've seen this up close and personal years ago we e wrote a book together and she went on view and i accompany her and we were there in the green room i spoke to joy and barbra walts still there at the time. when you pull their blue carding and you saw meghan mccain reading from her dared they have part it was like a play joy, barbara, the star, they have the names of the people and exactly what they're supposed to say in
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what order. so it is more script than you realize. >> you bet. and you can see it. if you watch closely they're all reading cards. but here's what i don't like. barbara walters in early day i remember her saying this to us day we were there. she envisioned this as a group of ladies around the coffee talking about issues of the day. this has now degeneratorred into a dangerous bar okay. it is really -- [laughter] over poem's heads up there. it is ugly. it is asking them about the book and he did a good job defending himself you know you've got incoming from all sides. it is all low blow and he's just trying to sell books. i wonder if maybe if you ever go on your conservative you try to crack jokes and kill them with kindness because it really is -- a blood thirsty group of people trying to prove to the audience how much they hate conservative guests.
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>> i had to laugh when meghan mccain said how do you feel do you feel good about the way you've changed the soul in the character of this country? and i said stop. you are changing the soul and character of this country through the way you're behaving with this guest. they literally leapt on him like a fresh piece of meat in a jungle. way back so very personal for megyn and i toilings understand that. and i thought don handled that perfectly. you know, jesse you and i have people pitch us all of the time when they come on show to talk about this issue or that. if you really think this individual is despicable you can't don't like them and can't have a civil kftion with kftion you don't have them on the sheen you don't attack and demean them and cry about how cursed culture is today. >> that's a very good point raymond survive the views and life to speak about it. all right. indeed. [laughter] the dukes of hazard they were known for battling corrupt politicians. now one of the stars of the show
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beau -- my favoriting taking on a new fight confederate flag controversy. john schneider enters "watters world." next. (danny) let me get this straight. after a long day of hard work... have to do more work? (vo) automatically sort your expenses and save over 40 hours a month. (danny) every day you're nearly fried to a crisp, professionally! (vo) you earned it, we're here to make sure you get it. quickbooks. backing you.
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♪ >> the general e. is back with beau duke and drivers seat dukes of hazard star john honoring legacy of the classic series with new movie christmas car. which pouk on the controversy surrounding the confederate flag. >> the show considered universal sign of intolerance and racism. symbols don't hurt people. people hurt people. i didn't see that coming. >> i have got 2500 more of that car delivered and all of them have that flag on the roof. i thought that was good. turns out why are you doing it? >> doyle what i was doing and relax. shawn joins me now.
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john, i was a huge fan of yours back in the day i had the car. >> you know, there it is right here for you. the the and big one everyone loves duke of hafd but there are a few people out there just like you know not so silent minority, that come out and say thing like this is the universal sign of racism and intolerance therefore, this is the poster boy. for racism and intolerance come on. i'm from mount new york, right, and i'm down here i'm fighting i'm fighting a fight so that people can think what they want to think. not what people tell them to think is there something wrong with that? >> nothing wrong with that and i think everybody enjoyed the show, and probably going to enjoy a new movie christmas cards -- so when you go out there. do you ever hear from people that are offended by the confederate flag because in some
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precincts confederate flag is viewed very negatively because of the slavery and rebel connotations of the civil war. >> yeah. you know i don't hear it from the populous ever. ever. however, there are people like, for example, when tom and i did the commercials, trader didn't do any more of those and they were planning on doing it because it was so successful because they were afraid of what they whoever they are might think. i pulled out of a concert tour this last summer because they brought in the general lee they're celebrating the dukes of hazard 40th anniversary but in ad they took the flag off so again i'm from mount new york so i said look guys -- that's up to you. but no -- no beau. so i'm not going to show up duke of hazard was color blind as should we all be. yeah. absolutely i mean that would
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martin luther king, jr. said. don't judge people by the color of their skin. >> no matter what color you are. my wife said -- 95-year-old grandmother but the it in best way we are all the same color on inside. we all bleed red. the goal whether you're black, white, yellow, green, blue, i don't care what you are. the goal is to no longer notice and i honestly think ten years ago we were closer to that than we are today. i think we're moving backwards. i think you might be right and now other people say they want you to notice color. they want you to notice race, and if you don't notice race and color, that makes you a bad person. and i think it is all flipped on its head right now. i have to run. i have to run. >> my friend got to run. thanks for watching the show go to john great seeing you we'll go play golf or something. a special veteran's day last
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call quiz. >> who won the civil war? enches the democrats. ♪ chevy silverado hd. it offers head-up display. wow, that's dialed in. i can still keep my eyes on the road. my truck doesn't have that. it offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different camera views. that's quality picture. it even offers one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible - to help you see what's behind you. oh, wow! which in this case happens to be the competition - since they don't offer the same amount of cameras as the silverado. literally in the rear-view. where they should be. ♪
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jesse: veterans day is monday. we thank everyone for their service and honor the brave men and women who celebrate our freedom. a little lesson in military history. what are you doing monday? >> monday? i'm going to be singing a song. jesse: can i hear a little taste? >> i'm just four average boy sitting down. jesse: monday is a holiday. do you know what holiday is
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monday? >> black friday? >> election day. >> not thanksgiving. give me five more seconds. jesse: do you want to phone a friend? do you know what's happening monday? >> monday is veterans day. >> let's party. jesse: who did america fight in the revolutionary war. >> oh, my god. i hate his. >> confederates. russia? france? >> great britain? jesse: correct. >> today we celebrate our independence day. jesse: who won the civil war. >> the democrats. >> the united states?
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jesse: the united states fought against itself that's why they call it a civil war. >> the west. >> could somebody give me directions. >> was it the confederates? >> the north. >> north defeated the south. jesse: who bombed pearl harbor. >> the koreans, right? jesse: close. >> vietnam. >> the japanese. jesse: who won the cold war. >> it wasn't exactly a hot war. >> was it the soviet union? jesse: if the soviets won we wouldn't be here. >> the west? >> the world lost. there is no reason why we couldn't have all gotten along. jesse: do you feel guilty about being an american? >> i don't thinking about an american means anything.
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jesse: what about the olympics? do you give donald trump credit for killing al-baghdadi. jesse: the leader of isis. president trump: abu bakr al-baghdadi is dead. >> i give donald trump credit as commander-in-chief for being in charge when people in syria such as conan were attacking al-baghdadi. jesse: would you like to say anything to the veterans now that we have you here. >> i appreciate you all for fighting for this country. >> thank you for your service. >> to actually put your life on the line takes so much courage and strength. couldn't appreciate you more for keeping us safe. >> i'm watters and this is need world. jesse: that's it for us tonight.
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"justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember, i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge * welcome to justice. thanks for being with us tonight. the streak goes on. so much thanks to all of you for making justice number one yet again the whole saturday. keep it going right into the holiday season. we have a super show lined up tonight. newly minted best-selling author donald trump joins me live. congressman devin nunes, deputy press secretary hogan gidley. ryan kilmeade, charlie kirk, dan bongino, that's a show, plus me. but first, this
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