tv Outnumbered FOX News November 14, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PST
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parents are waving. it appeared to be a parent-child in brace. the school is on lockdown. we don't know how many schools will make it to the park to meet with their parents. there's another in brace on the top right of your screen, our affiliate in l.a., kttv. this is a very active shooter situation. >> what they must do is keep the community engaged. if they see something, say something. but also law enforcement officers are acting in a manner out there to keep the citizens in that community safe. they know that there is a killer, perhaps a killer, what we can definitely say is a shooter, the do very much is somewhere in that community who may have very well escaped that community. what they are going to do is
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canvas that community, i have to believe they are using helicopters. i would have to believe they are using dogs and as he just represented, the s.w.a.t. teams. these s.w.a.t. teams are trained to respond, unfortunately, to these kind of unfortunate incidents. >> ted williams by telephone. back to williams, we move past the noon eastern time hour. what have you picked up? >> bill, this is coming up in bits and pieces. the suspect's age 15, no name. deputies have gone into some of these canyon areas, these hillsides, they fired some tear gas into an area, trying to flush somebody out. now they have identification on
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this individual, they know his age. the deputies have surrounded that house. it could be the house that belongs to the or where the suspect lives. nobody is currently in custody. parents are showing up at basically a park area nearby to pick up some of the students. it does not appear that there is any threat any longer on campus. they moved some of the students from lockdown into the classrooms, to the auditorium. the crime was basically in the quad area. it's a large campus, over 1500 students. there is an area where they put up the crime tape. that's possibly where the first shots were fired. and where the victim was retrieved from, we saw cpr taking place, gosh, 45 minutes ago. >> bill: thank you, william. sandra, the president's monitoring reports of this shooting out of santa clarita,
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california. >> sandra: another report, it is still an active scene. "working to resolve the situation with witnesses and families." dan? >> they are pushing out information to the public every 15 minutes, even if they have no new information. >> bill: every 15 minutes? >> the overhead shot of the house, i don't believe they expect he was home. if he was there, we would see armored vehicles and the officers would not be that close. they might have already gone to his house to determine he's not home and then they are securing that location to find out exactly where he is. maybe he got some clothing, or they've got something with his scent on it like his clothing.
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they have dogs that might track him. they could have forward-looking, infrared devices. based on the fact that there is a family unification area, people are allowed to say the they can report on where his last location is pure they will use technology, video, witness statements to find out exactly where he was and hopefully we get luck with the dogs and he turns up. he's probably going to do 1 of 3 things. he's going to fight it out with police, he's going to surrender, or he's going to commit suicide. those are the three central ends to this situation. law enforcement officers are trying to make whatever that end is going to be happen as quickly as possible. >> bill: daniel, standby. william la jeunesse says they are waiting on warrants to go inside the home. we will standby for more on
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that. there is also a local reporter who is speaking with parents at that reunification area. some of these images are striking, the way they approach each other, hug, and briefs upon seeing each other. students, family members as we well. we will take you there. there might be some audio. okay, right on, this is the mother of one of the students from the school. >> i am confident in our law enforcement that they will get it handled and taken care of. >> lots of parents out here. like i said, they continue to pour in. i was walking down bouquet canyon road, right in front of centurion way, which goes into saugus high school. the road is completely packed with cars, people trying to come into the area. i walked past the school, there is a massive presence. you can go anywhere near that school. the search, as far as we can
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tell, still under way for gunmen and the victims, it's still unclear exactly how many there were. there were reports from anywhere from 4-7, we don't know the nature of their injuries. just from the mayo hospital talking about that there two in critical. >> bill: we appreciate the eyes and ears on the ground. >> sandra: active shooter described, they are waiting on warrants taken into the suspect's house. there is the police presence outside of the home about a mile away from the high school, where this all went down a couple hours ago. an update coming in from the sheriff department, "we believe at this time that there is only one suspect. but we are actively investigating and following all leads." we are learning all of this together right now, this is a very active situation. >> bill: daniel linsky, you said the police try to give
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updates every 15 minutes. is this common practice now? stand by, daniel linsky, are you with us? we are live on the air. thank you, sir, for being patient with me. you said every 15 minutes police give out information. is that standard practice across the country? >> i'm hoping it is, we've been training law enforcement and public universities, people will help and cooperate but they need to have information. if you let them go for an hour without giving them updates, it causes them to then start feeding information they have that might not be accurate. they are waiting on warrants for this house. >> bill: fascinating. keep going. >> if that suspect isn't there, they would have looked for him, the person, which they have every right to do if they know that's his home. if they are waiting on a warrant, they will search the home for evidence. that means the suspect is no longer there and a warrant would
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be the appropriate thing after they made sure he's no longer in the residence. >> bill: that made th -- may further the information. thank you for bringing your knowledge to our discussion today. >> sandra: that is central park on bouquet canyon, really important, so many are now getting this news. >> bill: two are said to be in critical condition, three are injured in this santa clarita, california, shooting. our coverage will continue here on the fox news channel with our colleagues, harris faulkner and melissa francis, host of "outnumbered." welcome to the coverage, ladies. good afternoon to both of you. >> harris: bill and sandra, we will continue the coverage. thank you so very much. systematic search is going on right now, what the sheriff's
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department is reporting outside saugus high school in santa clarita, california. this is what the sheriff's department deputies are calling "the next phase in the search." the first was to lock down the area, both to schools nearby, perhaps the suspect may have ran towards one of them. he was last seen in black clothing leaving the campus after the shooting but we can tell you that those two schools, including an elementary, has been locked down. these 1 from authorities on the ground, evacuating as many as they possibly can. if you heard from our reporting with william la jeunesse and some of our other correspondence that part of the plan was to get students out of the school. you saw them with their hands up, walking behind law enforcement. the others that they felt they couldn't safely evacuate quickly went into an auditorium area but the systematic search is what
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law enforcement is calling it, the next phase is where they fan out deputy teams both inside the school campus, which is sprawling, and outside that area. both looking for the suspect, any other victims in this as well. melissa, i know you know this area so well. what should we know? >> melissa: the initial saugus high school, these are three schools connected together in this district, middle school, elementary school, and high school. what you will notice is different and what makes it so challenging is in southern california, schools are based out in bungalows. a single floor units that are spread out. that's why you see the students walking in between all the different buildings. we heard earlier that there are 2300 kids in this high school alone. the perimeter is surrounded by a fence and that's what makes it so difficult to see where the suspect went, what building he might have gone into. next to that, you have the union
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school district, which has also been locked down, around castaic lake, not far from here. and then near the san fernando valley, inland from los angeles, that's when we are looking at these pictures of these homes, they are tract homes, in the range next to each other, a planned community. all looking very uniform from the sky. lots of places to hide, lots of places to go. if you wonder why it was so hard to lock down that school in that area, they can have a fence around the perimeter but you have to wonder, you can penetrate the fence, there are lots of places to hide in the buildings. we are looking at these videos. our viewers can see on the screen that they are trying to enter the home in santa clarita, california. we've been told they have a search warrant and they are going into see what information they can gather. dave speculatethey have specula-
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>> harris: our cameras, they removed the screen of this house. this is the premises had been reporting that they were trying to get a warrant to go in. one of our previous guests was telling bill and sandra the reason for that might be because they don't expect the suspect to necessarily be in the dwelling, that you might need a warrant to get into that dwelling. >> melissa: it doesn't look like that from the video. >> harris: i'm going to liste listen. let's listen in to our local fox affiliate, they are sort of narrating what's going on on the ground. let's listen together. >> let's practice but this doesn't happen. when we think we go to school, we think of saugus. we feel more safe than a lot of other schools. what has happened here, i can't even comprehend it.
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it doesn't make sense to me, how this could happen here. >> reporter: you are hearing from your friends? >> texting, calling, group chats to make sure everyone is safe. >> we are on lockdown. >> reporter: i was told by parents that many are in the gymnasium or other classrooms? >> the library, classrooms, auditorium. the three places they are right now. reporter: what did they tell you? >> get off campus if you can, get in a hiding spot. that's the best. >> reporter: i'm glad you all are safe. okay, we will send it back to you guys. >> harris: we've been listening to local media reporting there, our fox affiliate, we were hearing an eyewitness interview obviously. that's very good, contextually, to understand what you were describing, melissa, the makeup of saugus high school. they've been moved off campus to
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a reunification center. it's not too far but you have to walk there. they had police officers walking with them with hands in the air. those that did not walk off campus, according to this eyewitness was local reporting, they are in the gymnasium, the library, and in a classroom or classrooms. that's at least helpful in terms of knowing the configuration of what police are dealing with. not only is the campus sprawling and they are trying to get to areas to see if that suspect has left, but they are walking with children both in between these buildings, melissa, as you were describing, getting to the identified campus-safe areas. i want to point out -- yeah, all right. let's go to our correspondent, christina pullman, live outside the school. christina, what can you tell us?
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are you with us? >> hi, we are here near the high school, if you walk with me, you can see how there are lines, parents are concerned, there's lots of law enforcement, and incredible police presence as officers and deputies continued to search for the shooter. as you can imagine, plenty of parents here, very panicked, wanting to know if their kids are okay, wanting to know if they can reunite with them. you can see all of the lights, the firefighters, the ambulances, so many people outside of this high school right now. again, unconfirmed how many people were injured. they are going to the local hospital, saying they had to t o patients in critical condition. we aren't sure how many are
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actually hurt in this shooting. we know that they need critical medical attention right now, at least two of those patients. as for the suspect suspect, thee identifying the suspect as a male, asian, approximately 15 years old. he was wearing a black hat, dark clothing. there were reports of this suspect in bushes near an elementary school and there were a lot of officers around that area. it is still unclear where that suspect is right now. people are in this area being told to take shelter, stay clear of this area. as many parents, i am a mom, for a lot of parents watching right now, you can imagine the fear they are feeling when they hear a shooting has happened at a high school they were attending or even one of the elementary schools nearby. this school, this high school is near two elementary schools. all of the schools in the school
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district are on lockdown. i want to continue to go ahead and walk a little bit further. you can see all of these cars that are lined up. people are being told to stay clear of the area that you have a lot of parents outside waiting patiently, wanting to get more information on exactly what was going on. again, this is so early in the shooting. it's not clear of a possible motive, who exactly this suspect is. we do know that an asian male, approximately 15 years old, is who police are looking for. walking a little bit closer, you can see some younger people. i'm not sure if they are students or not, a lot of people are obviously very concerned to see what's going on. go ahead and take a look at the police presence, multiple agencies from various parts of this area. when we first arrived, it was so hard to get through because of the barricade. go ahead and take a look at this, flashing lights, a sheriff
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deputy -- >> can you stay on the side of the sidewalk? >> sure, sir. you can see this shot right here. this is right outside of the high school. go ahead, take a look at that. completely barricaded. we have parents on the other side of the street. take a look at my right, parents are gathered and waiting. >> melissa: i want to ask you a couple questions about context. i know the santa clarita valley, there are a lot of people that move out of this area because they are looking for a little more space, something a little more affordable in the l.a. area. there's a lot of law enforcement that moves their family out to this area, when we were looking at the aerials, a lot of these families have pools. would you describe this like that one girl from the school who was talking earlier, that this is a safe place to live, they believe?
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>> yeah, that's what a number of people are saying out here. when the shooting happened around 7:30 this morning, this is a time when people, kids were being dropped off. some reported there were sheriff deputies out here just dropping their own kids off. you can only imagine the kind of fear they are feeling when a shooting takes place in their very own neighborhood, in a school, an area they consider very safe. melissa? >> harris: it is harris, actually. you are giving us a great perspective of how much of a response there is out there. i'm curious in the reporting about this 15-year-old suspect. we do have some pretty good details considering this person might not have been recognizable to be running off from the campus, as it has been described. is this person said to be known to any of law enforcement or anyone at this school? >> from what i am hearing, what
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police have reported, they don't know if this student was part of the student body or if this 15-year-old was part of the student body. at this point, from what i'm hearing, it's very preliminary details. an asian, approximately 15 years old. trying to avoid law enforcement. an asian male 1 teenager. >> harris: we were told there was a reunification center. are you nearby that? they want your attention. i will wait patiently until they get you. we've got to listen to law enforcement on the ground. >> absolutely, absolutely. we are clearing out of the way. we've got to be safe. a reunification site was set up at central park on bouquet canyon. we passed that as we were driving in. it was packed, full of cars.
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as you can see right now, we have a number of students being escorted away from campus. >> melissa: coming in from the santa clarita sheriff, the henry mayo hospital says they have two patients in critical condition. now it sounds like five injured. they will provide updates as they can. i was looking forward to that address, it's an active situation. parents and law enforcement on the scene. there advising if you are anywhere near saugus high, look in your backyards if you see anyone with dark clothing, call 911. central park on bouquet canyon, it is being used as a reunification point.
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>> harris: i want to step in, look, i want to caution and christina, you know this and melissa knows this as well, these numbers are going to move. they've been moving all morning since this happened after the 8:00 a.m. local time, where you are. now we are getting reports that that number has bumped up against the six victims. we don't know the configuration of that, we don't know if that is someone among those critical that are not counted or someone who was wounded in a process other than being shot. that is something the sheriff department in los angeles had cautioned us about earlier. our executive producer with bumping the number up to six. we want to be cautious with how we describe all of these victims. we are not quite certain. christina, are you still with us? >> yes, i am.
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>> harris: they are bringing out students. this looks very organized. we know we have drills all over the country now, unfortunately, as that is necessary. can you give us maybe some details about what this evacuation and exit point, what is happening? >> you have that reunification site that was set up just near here. we have these students that are being escorted out of the high school. they have deputy sheriffs walking with them. they seemed very calm. i did see one teenager, one young woman who was just crying as she was walking out of here. it's unclear if she knew one of the people who are injured if she was just incredibly saddened, like many of us are, hearing of another school shooting. you can see there are more students, walking out in groups.
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they are coming out very coldly, some on their phone. some clutching their book bags, some just looking like they are completely and utterly in shock. this is the beginning of their day, towards the end of the week. they are hearing gunshots, seeing ambulances. you come to high school, you are thinking about pep rallies, football games. here you have these students, they are on lockdown. probably fearing for their life. a number of people coming out, walking out of the building now. >> harris: you bring up a point of the cell phone. unfortunately, we've seen scenes like this play out. although it has been a number of years since columbine, a lot of things have changed. and some haven't. this scene, unfortunately, is something we've seen many times. students no doubt can communicate with family. they can tell mom, dad, uncle,
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friend, "i'm okay." we've seen the reunification of people. we don't know if they are relatives or friends. hugs on the screen, tears on the screen, christina, as we have split up our pictures coming from that area, live video from our audience. we can take in multiple images of what's unfolding on the ground. any talk yet, christina, of setting up a command post where wilwill we will be given updatet this point? >> i haven't heard of any at this point but i know what the reunification site, there are a lot of law enforcement gathered. some of the deputies, they are to surrounding this area. even as we were driving up, walking down these streets, through the neighborhood. hopefully we will hear something shortly. we did learn the suspect is no longer a threat.
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we did learn that. >> harris: what does that mea mean? >> my producer is telling me we have reports from the dash we are getting reports from the "los angeles times" that the shooter is no longer a threat. >> harris: of shooting suspect is no longer a threat. christina, i know you and your producer are working the scene, that person may be able to independently get on the line and find out. that home, that residence which is some moments ago, live, a police presence, taking a screen off a window. do you know anything, have we learned anything about that? >> we are still learning more information about that. hoping the sheriff's department, the deputies will have some sort of press conference bid so much has happened within a short
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amount of time. you have these reports of multiple injuries, anywhere from 3-7. of course the two patience that were critically injured. at this point, we are trying to confirm as much as we can about that suspect. causing so much concern at this point. >> melissa: so this is where it's coming from, a crime reporter for the "los angeles times," richard winton. this isn't verified by fox but the "los angeles times" is re-tweeting that the shooter is no longer a threat in the santa clarita shooting. three are in route to the hospital. and the shooter wa was a teen. authorities are still saying "be aware, be on guard."
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that they believe there is still a threat in the area. that's what they are saying publicly. this reporter is reporting something from the "los angeles times," that they've independently gotten. i want to be clear, there could still be danger in the area. >> harris: your producer was right about that, christina, we are only hearing it from the "los angeles times." if we don't have their sourcing on this, i'm curious to get your perspective again. what we are looking at, you mentioned the heavy law enforcement. can you tell us a little bit about that law enforcement on the ground? you're seeing that look like s.w.a.t. what can you see on the scene? >> we did see a s.w.a.t. vehicle. one was parked, just outside of the high school. we are being told to stay back. around this area where you see that their parents, students who just walked by us.
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the sheriff's deputies. a number of sheriff deputies. and apparently what looks like swat teams, ambulances, the ems is parked right outside the school. a number of people out here. some of these people are walking heavily armed, walking by, even more students who are coming of the school cal calmly right now. they are being escorted by sheriff deputies. some of the students looking very calm. others are crying. >> harris: we talked about the number of students that would be involved on this campus, law enforcement has a job just bringing them out. there is a steady stream of students coming out. christina pullman reporting on the ground at these students make their way to safety.
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i'm going to let you do what you do best, gather more informati information. we will come back. thank you, christina. joining me by phone is retired nypd lieutenant commander, joe, are you with me? >> yes , i am, harris. >> harris: we want to caution, the "los angeles times," the only one we know that is reporting for media outlets, we don't know their sourcing, authorities have said the shooting suspect is no longer a threat. we have not independently verified that. how do you tie down a perimeter this big? these deputy teams that are doing a systematic search? >> what they are doing, what daniel talked about, it could be the perimeter of the crime
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scene. they will start there and work their way, as he said, working systematically out. each team would go in answer to those buildings. until this area is contained, and if you notice the students with their hands up on screen, they will do that to a certain point until they get outside, until the students are removed from that area and can conduct their searches a little more freely. right now, i would not put stock in what the times is reporting. it might not be a threat at the location but he is still a threat until he is apprehended. until you hear it from the police department, they are the ones that will make the call. the fact that they are at that location and waiting for a warrant as it was stated earli earlier, if they felt he was in there actively, he might be in
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meaning he might have created his own demise in that location. >> harris: or d neutralized, for do you set language we can see outside of that residence, and law enforcement authorities taking a screen off the window. what are they up against at that point? i know you are talking warrant. what do they have to wait for? >> like i said, if he was active inside that building, they would breach that and contain him. i'm sure they have a schematic map, i'm sure the school department provided them with the rooms, basement, things of that nature. the one thing that is not coming out right now is his name.
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>> harris: i asked the reporter if he was known. >> that's the thing, if the name is not being released by the police, it's for a very good. the police department knows they have a very large community that is up in arms right now, very anxious at this point. they want to give them the information come up with the proper information. if you're going to put somebody's name out, a suspect for the shooting, no matter what, you want to be sure about that. that's where you're going to put your target to, the person they need the most is the shooter. this might be an associate but they want to make sure what they are dealing with before they release it to the public. >> melissa: i want to jump in with an update i am getting directly from henry mayo. they said they have four patience that are on scene, at the hospital. three male, one female.
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three males are in critical condition. one mail is in good condition. we have four shooting victims that had made it to this henry malmayo hospital. the count has gone from four, six, five. >> harris: i want to add that the santa clarita valley sheriff's department tweeted this a moment ago, "please, do not be in the area unless deemed necessary. the reunification area for parents is at central park. no lookin looky lous." >> absolutely, if you have no reason to be in the area, stay out of it. best thing you can do for
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law enforcement is be their eyes and ears. their schools close to that area that are in lockdown. >> melissa: just hang on for one second, we want to go to our own william la jeunesse. william? >> melissa, i can tell you several things. the l.a. county fire saying they transported six victims to local hospitals. i've also spoken to law enforcement that they have reports from the scene that the shooters, the suspected shooter, 15-year-old male, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound there, on the quad at the campus of saugus high school. >> harris: we are looking at reports of that and i think, as we report this, we just want to be careful, we haven't gotten that directly from authorities.
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or have you, william? i'm looking from an other media source. >> the suspect is no longer a threat, that was a tweet from the "los angeles times." that is to the same extent what i was saying, but i have directly spoken to an individual who would be in the know and has people on the scene. and is telling me that. i think it is fair at this point in time to indicate, this is a person who would know, the area where you see the crime tape on campus? that is where this individual allegedly died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. >> harris: william, what about the residents that they were searching? how does that fit into all of this? >> we believe that is the residence of where this individual lived.
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i was told they were waiting for a search warrant to go inside. a few minutes ago, i saw someone open the garage of that residence but did not go in. on sycamore creek drive. >> harris: we watched them live, with our viewers, to take a screen out the window and take a look in. do you know if this suspect, described as a 15-year-old, was known by anyone at the school at this point or authorities? are they saying? >> i don't know, i can't say if this was a student at that school and that people knew him, the information i simply have is what i gave you. >> harris: william, at this point, i am looking at some of the other media outlets that are reporting part of what you said in terms of the demise of the shooting suspect, is there any sort of a perimeter set up, a command center where we will get
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actual updates? usually this many hours later, you start to hear back. although they are still taking students out of that school. >> i'm sure there's a command center nearby, where law enforcement will kind of congregate and disperse people from there as a headquarters. they probably brought in a van for that purpose or an rv. i know christina is out at the scene, she probably knows about that more than i do, i heard students say they heard three shots coming from the choir room, adjacent to the quad, which we talked about already. that is about, we have six victims, three shots, it is still early in this situation. you even referred to how numbers can change -- >> harris: because they have. >> melissa: william, thank you. thank you for that reporting. i want to bring in ted williams, former d.c. homicide detective. i don't know if you heard
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william la jeunesse just a short time ago reporting, independently confirmed with his own sources that the shooter apparently took his own life on the campus, where we saw some of the yellow tape. if i can ask you, ted, one of the things we saw a short time ago was executing a search warrant on what we believed was the home of the shooter but they were taking screens off the windows and going in from the inside. i imagine part of the concern was if the shooter planned this and went to the school to do this, could the house be booby trapped? what are they to expect at his home? what are your thoughts on that? >> no doubt about it that your other guests were right and proper about this, melissa and harris, but if the shooter was in the home, they would be no need whatsoever to get a warrant, it would be extension
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circumstances on the home. had the shooter shot individuals on the high school campus, went back home and then perhaps neighborlmaybe neutralized himse home, we are getting reports that he never got back to that home -- if that home is associated with him. i have reason to believe that they are getting warrant for that home, that they believe that home is associated, perhaps, with the shooter. and perhaps with the reports, that he had actually been neutralized by self-inflicted wounds at this time. >> melissa: and we are watching the students leave the school and get on the bus. we haven't received word from authorities that any of these facilities are no longer in lockdown, we haven't seen that clear yet. from what we are seeing in the
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videos, this shooter is no longer a threat but they haven't necessarily determined everyone is safe yet. >> absolutely. one of the things we must realize and our viewers should realize is we are now looking at a high school that is considered a crime scene. so what they are trying to do is to clear as many of the students out and to now that crime scene. that's what's going on on the campus. they are also looking at as many videos, one of the things that the reporter came in earlier on, it was a 15-year-old, and so that leads me to believe that they've gotten some information, they knew who the shooter was that they were looking for the shooter, and the reason they know that is because they were at a location where they were waiting for a warrant. what we have is a process of a crime scene.
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>> melissa: at this point, we don't know if they have metal detectors, what the process is like to get onto the campus. we'd heard reports from people that were there, that there is a perimeter fence around this sprawling campus. but it's bungalows, not attached to each other, where kids walk freely around the campus. this would be a difficult place to secure. don't you think? >> it would absolutely be a difficult place to secure. i can tell you from all we've learned, we don't know this directly, but indirectly, it could very well be a student associated with that school. one of my rationale for making that representation is, from what we know, the alleged shooter was supposed to have walked and not ran away from this crime scene. perhaps he had some familiarity
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with the actual school itself. it could be someone associated with the school. when we look at the fact that we are talking about a metal detectors and other detectors, we don't know if those things were in place at this high school. >> harris: you know, you were talking before about why you might not release the name. part of our jobs now -- >> melissa: let me interrupt you really quickly. this is coming from the santa clarita valley sheriff. >> harris: i saw it. i'm trying to get with william too to address it. we've been reporting from our reporter that the suspect was deceased and before we go forward with that, i want to wait for william. i emailed william. i was going to ask you about the name, specifically, what is the reason why they might not release it? part of our job as reporters, we are looking, seeing things in social media, people saying
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wait, we might be able to help if we knew. what is the thinking? i know he's a minor, potentially. >> that is what i was going to say. shhe is allegedly a minor. when they are under age, you have to be very, very careful about releasing the name. something you said over and ov over, paris, there needs to be a command center and it needs to be some kind of a presser to notify and keep in the community as to what is going on. we are getting it from william la jeunesse that the possible person has been neutralized. law enforcement need to come out at this stage, if that is the case and clearly let the community know that. >> harris: ted, we can report what we had been working on, if you will, and put this on the record.
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the suspect has been injured in some way and is being treated at a local hospital. they were telling our correspondence there, william la jeunesse, that this person had been injured and was deceased. now we can tell you as the information is fluid, these situations always are, that's why we like to back off a little bit. i sought out on twitter, waited for a moment to get it from different sourcing, not the retweet of a retweet, whatever. >> melissa: but it's the l.a. county sheriff with the update, saying the suspect in the saugus high school shooting is in custody. >> harris: we are good to go on that information. ted, as we learned this, what's happening at this point in the investigation? early reports were that they believed one person had done this. >> numerous things happening right now, there's a process, harris, of the crime scene, profilers are trying to put
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together and try to determine the rationale, was there some kid at school that was bullied? we don't know that. but perhaps they maybe came back under the circumstances, they shot up the place. they are trying to learn as much as they can about the shooter. they are trying to process this crime scene. it's a massive crime scene, from what i understand. they are talking to students and individuals that may or may not have known the student. those are some of the things going on at this time, if this is the shooter operating alone. we've been told it's probably one individual. but they are trying to determine if there was one individual, but if there were other individuals involved, who knew what about
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what was going on? >> harris: we do know they've set up a situation to brief the media and in about 13 and a half minutes, at the top of the hour, 1:00 p.m. eastern, there will be a news conference with authorities, first responders on the ground, to give us the latest. often times, ted, you and i know from covering these things, unfortunately, they will wait until they have some sort of context or things they can share, particularly if the suspect is a minor. it fits now that they would have waited at this point. i was curious why there might not have been the update command center area for the media already set up. in less than 13 minutes now, according to local authorities, they should be able to bring us up to speed. >> that's good for the community. you've got a community, harris and melissa, on edge right now. harris: yeah.
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>> i hope they are watching on fox news, and hearing harris faulkner say "they should have a command center." >> harris: [laughs] i doubt that very much. when you see children hour after hour in stages, being taken out one location, you are sensitive to the fact that they see cell phones in their hands. information is being shared in some way, shape, or form. we want to get to the facts, that's helpful, you know panic is the one emotion on the ground. and fear. we could potentially get a statement and i imagine those local reporters, some of those correspondence like our own christina coleman, who is there from fox news, might be able to get some questions. this has been going on since the 8:00 a.m. hour on the west coa west coast. and as we approach the next hour now, we've been dealing with
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this for quite some time. potentially, some answers coming out for local authorities. at the suspect was taken into custody, being treated at a local hospital, we don't know the details of the injuries. the news conference after the break. keep watching. th cigna to remind you to go in for your annual check-up, and be open with your doctor about anything you feel - physically and emotionally. but now cigna has a plan that can help everyone see stress differently. just find a period of time to unwind. a location to de-stress. an activity to enjoy. or the name of someone to talk to. to create a plan that works for you, visit cigna. together, all the way. visit bleeding disorderste medlike hemophilia.s so victor can keep doing what's in his blood.
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>> melissa: bringing you bringing you up-to-date right now on this shooting situation that has been developing in southern california, in santa clarita valley at saugus high school. we are now confirming reports that the shooter is alive, in custody, being treated. both the l.a. county sheriff and santa clarita police department
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having a press conference at the top of the hour. they are currently treating four victims at henry mayo hospital. we don't know if one of the four is the shooter themselves. we know from la law enforcement officials that the shooter is being treated. scroll up a little bit, we have a guest standing by. john is standing by, former las vegas s.w.a.t. officer. one of the questions, what are the questions outstanding in your mind, john? >> melissa, what has this person been doing for the last 90 minutes, prior to capture? we want to track their whereabouts, many times in an
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active assailant situation, they are moving from point a to b, they will continue this rampage until they are actually stopped. was the school at the genesis of this? the second or third place this person committed any acts and based off of what happened at school, they left, we didn't know their further whereabouts for the last 90 minutes. we need to track and figure out where this person was. >> melissa: the fact that we know he is still alive and being treated, we saw law enforcement around, around what we've been told is his home, what are they looking for and how does that go with the fact that we know he's still alive, so he's available, if he recovers, for more questioning? >> not only more questioning but considered the severity of the situation, you will most likely be charged as an adult. they'll be looking for evidence
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of the crime, maybe he's got a manifesto, maybe he has things on his computer. maybe this was something that was planned. possibly, in his bedroom of the house, somewhere in the residence, they could find evidence that would circle back to the reasons for why this person decided to commit this attack. >> harris: for viewers joining us right now, the screen you are seeing in the lower right-hand corner, that's the news conference we think it's going to get underway at the top of the hour. >> melissa: does it strike you come up pretty quick, john, to be doing this? they will be asking for the public's help, i imagine. to put together more clues. what will be some of the things they are looking for? >> i kind of like the fact we are doing a news conference this soon. they must be extremely confident we are dealing with a lone gunman. a lone shooter. that means there's no more threat to the public.
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i'm sure the first thing they'll want to say is that the threat has been neutralized. i think it's a good thing as far as having the press conference now. they will definitely want to push out through the public a couple of things. first of all, we had the situation contained, everything is safe. secondly, if you have any information regarding the whereabouts of this person or anything regarding this person to reach out to investigators as soon as possible. that probably be the two most important pieces of messaging they'd want to put out this morning. >> harris: what stands out to you in this situation, from what you've heard so far? >> we are going to find out, as soon as we start interviewing kids and parents and the like that there were indicators. there are almost always indicators in these type of situations. it's usually the survivors that say "i knew this was going to happen, this person was
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always -- had proclivities to these type of things." there's usually indicators prior to situations like this. this person could have had trouble socially at school. >> melissa: no doubt there will be so many questions, as there always are, how was the school prepared? what were the warning signs ahead of time? what will we do to keep our kids safe? california is a place that does have stricter gun laws. all of these things will be examined in the days to come. john sheahan, we thank you for your expertise at this time. the reason why the bottom corner of your screen looks a little dark, that's where we are anticipating that law enforcement is going to come out and give us the latest details on what has happened in yet another school shooting
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situation. this one taking place in saugus high school, about 2300 kids in this high school in the santa clarita valley in santa clarita, california. inland from downtown los angeles. as we get ready for that press conference, i >> harris: thank you very much, melissa. has been three hours reportedly since this happened at at about 8:00 a.m. california time, the call started to come in. by 8:24, we saw alerts among authorities on twitter from the emergency alert, there was an incident at saugus high school. as a caution, we are placing all schools on lockdown until law enforcement advises otherwise and with that, we saw a rolling out. of roseland, high dale elementary's in the nearby area were put on lockdown as authorities searched for a shooter.
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now we know from reports there in santa clarita, california, that shooter has sustained some sort of injuries, is hospitalized, being treated, and in custody of authorities. he is described to be 15 years old and still a short time ago we saw students being taken by authorities still because that is a huge high school campus there. still being taken out on the premises with the care and safety of law enforcement at their side. let's go now to our correspondent on the ground and check back in with christina coleman live in santa clarita. the latest? >> as you mentioned, that suspect now in custody being treated for his injuries, the extent of them unknown at this time. being treated at the hospital as you can see still a very heavy law enforcement
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