tv Watters World FOX News November 16, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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i'm greg i love you america. ♪ welcome to waters world, i'm jesse waters i told you so before the public impeachment hear physician i said this on the five -- lev it to democrats to make impeachment bore this is about a transcript of a phone call and household names they haven't heavy hitters wake me up when the big dogs testify in public. other thing is is, no one can find ukraine on a map it is not a sexy scandal russia was sex intrigue with hand cuffs on. it was about a election this has no intrigue whatsoever. and the democrats have failed to deliver any sort of convincing narrative.
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right after that i was attacked on cnn. >> of this new message i've been noticing for last couple days is that this scandal is too complicated. it is kind of boring to the public. jesse watters saying americans can't find ukraine on a map that's true. put a map on screen help people understand. you know, i think that he was bordering on insulting the viewers at home saying this is not a sexy scandal, this is too complicated. prchl now this guy brian knows exactly what i'm talking about. we're in the same business -- you're busy you have a lot going on at home family, work, and there's always drama. you care about what you feel. politicians in press can make you care. they can break it down and sell it really hard. but there's a limit. admitted it later in the weekend and started worrying if i was right. >> well people really tune in, i mean, and tv term and i hate to talk this way but let's be
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honest this is one level of television show that's about to unfold. will the democrats put on a powerful first episode? will they convince people to keep watching. through same reason when we're watch on netflix on listen to a new podcast we comiewz to keep listening we're interested in episode one. >> he's asking the question i already answered -- no. people aren't going to be interested in this qeak sauce ratings prove me right. since donald trump's election here are the major tv mommyies, the network blow out program it is goes live during the day. trump inauguration, 30 million people. royal wedding just shy and kavanaugh hear physician everybody watching 20 million. comey almost 20 million watched. cohen even got about 16 million. but these first day of the impeach. inquiry just 13 million. now, explained it very well americans are experiencing
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hearing fatigue in the trump era. this time with, quote, witnesses who weren't household names. reuters said consequential but dull. trump impeachment hear physician begin without a bang. politico called it an impeachment slob. and npr describe wednesday as oldings fashion civic lesson with few viral moments npc news first two witnesses lack pizzazz to capture the attention and hit me with it and pals agree with me that it was a bust so will he talk a liberal pal for call aing not sexy. qeel see. one moment that was pretty interesting was this. where is impeachable offense in that call and to assert there was impeachable offense in that call? shout it out anyone --
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dead silence. none of the democrat witnesses were even on the trump and rest is hearsay trump never says investigate the bidens or you're not going to get the the money and media doesn't want to talk about transcript because there's no blackmail in it now i'll read from the transcript right now. trump says do us a favor. and find out what happened in the 2016 election over there. now if there was collusion with the democrats he wanted to know. quote i would like to have the attorney general call you. perfectly legal. perfectly understandable, ukraine president said okay, of course. then trump says i heard you have a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. you have some really bad people involved. there was a lot of talk about biden's son that biden stopped
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prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the attorney general qowb great. ing nothing wrong with any of that. trump never mentioned military aid in the entire phone call. asking an ally to cooperate with attorney general that's now there's allegation of corruption and collusion. he's not even asking ukraine to open a formal investigation. it is just casual if you can do something, do to. and ukraine can do whatever wants the sovereign nation. and it is up to ag bill bar to do whatever he wants if barr thinks biden or son may have done something wrong he can open an investigation. and bide and his son haven't even been investigate by ukraine or by bill barr. and the military aid was sent to ukraine. there's noable crime and not even attempted crime.
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now media space can't be investigated by political pockets really trump and whole campaign were investigated by obama. request no basis and no collusion remember. he was investigated anyway. and obama used allies to do it britain, ukraine, italy australia. and there is a basis to look into the biden family but that hasn't even happened. now, in a strange twist, the two star witnesses on wednesday made key points against impeachment ambassador taylor met with the ukraine president the day after that july 25th trump phone call, and zelensky said it was a great call and no issues. in fact, the ambassador met with zelensky three times after phone call and never meant anything about pressure, investigation, or military aid .
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taylor also said ukraine department even know the aid was ever delayed. it is not possible to be blackmailed if you don't know it. george kent from the state department was even stronger. he testified that hunter biden company burisma was corrupt to the core and wants it investigated. in fact, i know u.s. officials king thely advocated reinstituting a scuttle investigation of -- for his founder as well as holding the corrupt prosecutors who close the case to account. you hear that? the democrats star witness under oath that ukraine should open into hunt or biden and how prosecutor was canned -- he said this same thing democrats want trump impeached for. kent also said there's nothing wrong at all with trump bringing up burisma corruption in the phone call, in fact, kent went on to say biden isn't above the law.
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and media doesn't want to talk about that, though. everything else the witnesses testified to about the quid pro quo was hearsay, it was a hearsay hearing. what i can do here for you today is tell you what i heard from people. [laughter] >> that's ridiculous. congressman jordan explained it very well. >> ambassador tai recall that i told mr. morrison they convince to september st to visit to warsaw and meeting with president zelensky we've got six people having four conversations in one sentence. >> to make it even more simple, it is more like this. >> my best friend sister boyfriend girlfriend heard from a guy no knows kid who is going with a girl at 35 last night. i guess it is pretty serious. >> thank you simone. >> no problem whatsoever.
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that's what we have here. trump is being framed again. except this time it is even more boring. now, the hearings are going to continue, and the support for impeachment i predict will drop. mark my words. here with reaction -- house judiciary committee member and florida congressman gate and kimberly author of the book resistance at all costs all right congressman what did you think about the way i laid that out right there? >> i think what's particularly offensive about that take is if he presume he and his body said cnn can explain to america people enough to fundamentally utter at where we care about and why we were watching policy arguments when we're not doing nearly enough on u.s.-mexico border. this all look like hearsay marinaded in a policy disagreement with a good amount of emotion and resentment with
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the president did we've learned at the end of the week is recall an amendment ambassador and confidence in and we have folk part of permanent washington who seem to have oscillating view you have the obama administration and send ukrainian mre and blankets and you have president trump himself choired about corruption in the ukraine and ultimately trump delivers aid lethal aid to obama administration didn't. give me a break if they think this is a basis for impeachment it is barely basis to hold a hearing. >> kimberly what do you think about matt point that he has constituent back in the district and when they hear about foreign aid flying out of this country -- they think hey can we get some aid right here? in this drinking or you care so much about the border over there in ukraine what about our southern border with mexico? do you think there's a total disconnect with what's going on and what goes on back in the heart aland? >> yeah and by the way that's
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for those who actually tuned in to the hearing. [laughter] and you know, that goes to your whole opening -- remarks jesse that there was actually adam schiff's best shot at drumming up some excitement. okay, he's opening statement he put everything he had into it. these we are his two star witnesses and yet here's a problem for democrats is first of all they held all of this in secret and then they leaked all of their best nuggets so there's nothing new in any of these hearings. and then we were basically subjected to five and a half hours of a deep dive into ukrainian u.s. foreign policy by a number of bureaucrats that no one has ever heard of relating a bunch of very confusing dates and meetings. you know i think for the average person not only are they confused by all of this. but yeah, the disconnect is huge. why not just that question of aid and our border for instance, but why are we not passing trade agreement with mexico why are we
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not working on major priorities that's what they're not taking away from us. another big disconnect if you can compare with obama administration you have ambassadors dead now you have one fired. they want to impeach trump for firing an ambassador republicans could have tried to impeach trump for getting impeach obama for getting one killed after requesting security assistance. the whole thing is discombobulated i'll give you the last word. >> sure they seem to have impeachment l fever and in musical chairs of impeachment house democrats have tried a lot of different seats first russia collusion then objection of justice. then there were few weeks where is they talked about impeaching bill barr or justice kavanaugh, and now that music is stopped it they've land had had in the ukraine of all places and it is a bit dizzying for regular folks who just wish the congress qowld put their priorities over the political ambition of house democrats who are obsessed with investigations and impeachment.
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>> all right congressman kim thank you very much. >> self-righteous democrats say impeachment l push is based on principal but aoc let the whole cat out of the bag. watch what with you said. we also need to move quite quickly because we're talking about the pom compromise that 2020 election so this is not just something that has occurred but this is about preventing potentially disastrous outcome from occurring next year. >> no -- can't believe she said it. joining me now fox news contributor dan, and fox news legal analyst gregg jarret. all right stan and you have a interview with the president on your youtube channel everybody can check that out. so the democrats admitting now all if 2020 and i have a new near rei i would like you to react to dan and you can react first. so if donald trump wins roadway election, and the democrats are able to take senate that means
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they can block the next supreme court appointment because ruth bader ginsburg had a great career. that looks like that could materialize in the potential second term. so all of this that they're doing in the house is just to try to put some vulnerable senators maybe suzanne susan con a really tight spot, and you know, put her in a tough position so they can gets bounced to democrats take the senate and then they block trump replacement for ruth bader ginsburg do you see it that way? >> i asked trumpen that supreme court opening in interview saying she get his answer on that. it is an interesting theory but here's the thing jesse that goes both way when it come to swing senate seats like you mention like susan collins how do you feel if you have a seat up in arizona or another swing state and you're one of the democrats on the the senate side as if impeachment totally collapses
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neither yovanovitch or star witnesses with dreaded air quote because they were star witnesses for republicans jesse none of them could point to actual crime not one of them. as a matter of fact none -- >> never witnessed anything. [laughter] so it goes both ways i mean you don't want to be a democrat in arizona having to raise your hand for impeachment trial for aing nothing burglar of a case like this is. >> yeah, now -- if you have a situation in ukraine where russians are killing ukrainian and biden family getting rich while ukrainian are dying and all joe is doing is firing prosecutors so his son keeps getting rich. that doesn't look too good especially when trump comes in and start boosting the crane i cans against the russians. sm yeah. no reasonable person who actually looks at evidence believes that this wasn't a quid pro quo that may well have been
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designed just to benefit hunt per biden which would make it a violation of a foreign corrupt practices act. there needs to be an investigation compare that to the quid pro quo that doesn't exist in the transcript of which we have between trump and zelensky there's no demanding or threat and no condition, and the fact that zelensky himself says there was no quid pro quo i didn't even know about it. it's impossible for there to be a quid pro quo if there was recipient of the quid is oblivious to the quo. >> he doesn't do thing that quo is supposed to deliver. dan, and they lost the messaging war and you can tell that democrats because they don't use quid pro quo anymore but they use the word bribe and it came out that they actually pulled what had word to use during the impeachment quid pro quo bribe or extortion, and democrats in swing states they like bribes so
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that's what nay they say bribe right now. smg this is my favorite stoifert week you know what's had fascinating here the democrats finally believe in democracy and election. they have a bunch of people sit in a room and vote on the appropriate word to overturn an election by 60 million others they have 10 people and raise your hand no bribery, bribery or quid pro quo i say democracy that will overturn the election. because -- high crime right now. what nancy pelosi doesn't realize because she's not a lawyer is bribery is quid pro quo. so without a quid pro quo there's no bribery. i'll tell you what smack more bribery obama delivering a pallet of cash to ukrainian in exchange for signing nuclear deal with help to politically. >> that might be closer bribery than in nonsense or dan the bribe that allegedly hunter
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biden too long on monthly basis from ukrainian company that was so corrupt that they paid off a prosecutor and then own per fled the country. last word. >> jesse if this was a bribe it was dumbest bribe in human history with information on hunter biden for security that will arriveses with no hunter biden info for a white house meeting that never happenedded and nor a public statement by zelensky that he never made. i mean, this was dumbest case i've ever, and it is greg, this be thrown out of court immediately you're a lawyer i'm not it is an embarrassment. if they invoke federal rules of evidence in a potential senate trial none of witnesses testify they're all multiple hearsay witnesses offering their rank of opinions which are worthless. >> only person that actually can testify qowb hunter biden and joe. all right that would be good. there it is guys check out dan interview with the president on his youtube channel. all right, still ahead -- disney slapping a warning label on classic cartoons. we're to explain what's offenseive and what is note
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offensive. but first -- cnn am bushes kellyanne conway about her marriage on live tv. shame display we'll show you what happened. chevy silverado hd. it offers head-up display. wow, that's dialed in. i can still keep my eyes on the road. my truck doesn't have that. it offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different camera views. that's quality picture. it even offers one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible - to help you see what's behind you. oh, wow! which in this case happens to be the competition - since they don't offer the same amount of cameras as the silverado. literally in the rear-view. where they should be. ♪
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kellyanne conway was on nbc trashing president earlier this week so cnn invites her on and tries to humiliate her but it didn't work out very well. watch. >> don't want to talk about your marriage i know there are issues there. your husband george conway is a lawyer. >> your husband -- you say there are issues there you don't want to talk -- don't want to talk. why did you say that? >> i don't to talk about your marriage i want to talk ab substance of point that your husband george conway he was on television all day yesterday, what you just quoted is said every single day by their voices but you want to the put it in my husband voice because you think small help your ratings or that you're sticking to kellyanne conway and make clear you didn't sick it to kellyanne conway but you embarrass yourself and i'm embarrassed for you. >> comedian is host of the loftist party podcast and joins me now.
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so in third place, the five on at five we beat him all by almost 2 million viewers tonight. >> you cross with a guest host all the time, and -- this is a stunt they need for eyeballs. it was horrible, and it's like wolf forgot that she was in the room with him. like he could do that when it was a live via satellite but crap she's right here. >> this is awkward and any chance to throw out in eggs? right. he was trying to get in at so hear marriage is bad but -- >> wolf looking for an opening. i do. i do. i didn't like hoe thaw showed her on camera watching the soundbite if you could full that up that was a little technique that you use in television. when you're showing right here when you're showing the guests watch the sound bite you're playing so they do that to make the audience see the guest sweat. so the whole thing was a kneecap job from the stunt you know, if kellyanne would have slapped
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little wolf around a lot of people think she would have been justified. >> wow i did not know about that trick at all. a tv trick i have tricks up my sleeve i'm not going to use them with you, though. >> we're not -- we're not. [laughter] so donald trump who knows a thing or two about tv trick lit it up thursday night and he had some funny insults that we would like to replay. roll it. >> little shifty shift. the got little ten inch neck. what size shirt do you need i wear a size nine . he will not make the lsu football team that i can tell you. he's sick -- he's sick. he made up my conversation. he's a thief he's a crook and you know what? he's a corrupt politician and frankly he should be prosecuted.
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you love that don't you? >> i do. it is fantastic, it is timing his rhythm and it is always amazing that like -- four years ago he was not doing that. and now it is just like -- it is like watching a prize fighter who just now started to train he's amazing. his timing the best i love when he does it. the shift thing that was brilliant university donald trump is george he's the best stand-up ever. >> what size shirt, what neck your size it is like a 13? >> yeah. >> you've been hit the gym i know mike i can tell. i know -- also a -- some crazy stuff happening in san francisco. you're familiar with san francisco -- the prosecutor there now who basically is a marksist will let them pee in the street and no do anything it be. >> i tell you what i know a bunch of dudes that had i went to college with that want their record expunged right public urination probably the biggest
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charge of any college student in the country. but these aren't college students these are people just letting it go. >> it's the worst i don't know what the people of san francisco is are even thinking and they have a huge mile of pun i did research into this. they have ten of millions of dollar at least build toilets put out porter pot is is there a prosecutor is he into it and some weird way? no let it rip wherever you want to go. >> wolf out checking the scene. michael check him out on the podcast and a live november 24th, chicago improv with the laugh show it will be great. >> there it is thanks mike. still to come gender reveal parties all over the internet these days. but some liberals believe they can be boxing babies into the wrong gender. one of those liberals named owl -- the name is owl like the bird is going to debate me about this, next. but first -- fox news and the gang territory
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on the south side of chicago a lot of talk about barack obama there. that's next. health markets compare your current plan with thousands of options nationwide from national insurance companies. don't miss the deadline. there are only days remaining in open enrollment. funny thing about health insurance, you don't think about how much you need it until you need it. he's not going to be okay. with so many changes to health insurance plans, are you still sure you have the right fit? having the wrong fit can cost you thousands. new plans are available that can save you money. that's why i love healthmarkets, your insurance marketplace. they guarantee you won't find a lower price anywhere for the plans they offer. their new fitscore instantly compares thousands of plans, both on the government exchange and off, to find the one that best fits your insurance need. call or visit healthmarkets to find
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documentary, the new battle for chicago. goes deep inside the south side and finds that people there don't really like their own guide barack obama feels like kind of he left them behind. >> what did he do for black america? >> that is to be determined. no we can determine now. it is eight year. done. >> scratch our heads. like barack obama the black community he failed chicago and -- and so people going into barber shop and in enough store and we did not feel his economic impact and we know that. >> wow joining me now host of the new battle for chicago and fox news contributor caldwell author of the new book taken for graduated. what did the people down in south side say about donald trump? >> well actually there was some individuals that i interview who thought he was doing a tremendous job. better than barack obama. >> yes. economically. this was somebody who actually was delivering and i talk about
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it in my book taken for granted president obama is the most impactful president from a policy stand point that black america has had in my lifetime. >> do black men and women in the south side of the chicago do they feel the economic impact because you know, if you don't have a lot and you have a little bit more you might not feel that. >> let's talk facts in 2016 if you're african-american male between age it have 20 to 24, 47% of you unemployed out of school we know what happened since 2016 bureau labor of statistic has shown since 2016 up to now been 1.3 million jobs added into the black community president trump can take a lot of credit for that. so things have definitely changed. >> so things have changed economically what about the violence on the south. >> i tell you what had and i talk about how liberals in chicago and across this country has failed us and that is whether you be in appellation region or black person on south side of chicago. >> you spoke to some guys who had -- rough recordlet put it that way.
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roll it. >> i want in '93 only difference it is today -- is this right here. the world to see it every day. chicago in the world country. >> mind if i ask you what you went to jail today? >> on crack-cocaine -- on reed education delivery of patrol, substance, you mind telling us what you did. that was to know -- >> wow. but he's back out there. he's back out there and he's making a difference he got a ex-con for community and social change he's going into the community where they have taken so much and they're building back up so that's really good. >> so you hear about this good will from barack obama, obviously, chicago had is his hometown it is where he came out of. >> where he failed right so -- how percentage wise how much do people feel like barack obama has let them down during the course of this administration?
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>> here's the thing i talk this in the book taken for graduated there's an international conversation between black comungts about him not doing much of anything at all for black for black people. but they don't talk a lot a about it in the press. >> don't you go on fox news and say does it go viral you're now saying this. so they don't want the -- real conversation getting out there -- about >> no not at all but certainly president trump is making a difference in america but he's really making a difference in an impact in black america. >> taken for granted that's the name of the book thank you very much. >> thank you very much. our gender reveal party is offenseive -- my next guest says they're very offensive. find out why after the break.
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that's right they invite friends and family and they share this moment you know the same moment they find out whether it is a boy or a girl. very exciting. but one other reasons we enjoy watching them on the internet is for the bloopers. oh, my -- four, three, two, one -- [cheering] as go as planned but some people say you shouldn't plan them at all claiming gender reveal parties are offenseive and wrong. here to explain owl fisher. a columnist from metro u.k. and cocreator of the transfilm series my gender ration.
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why are gender reveal parties a bad idea? i love watching them on the internet? >> i have to agree with favorite thing about gender reveal parties is seeing bloopers so i do enjoy when things go wrong because they are funny. but we agree. [laughter] i think from any point of view coming from a country where we don't really have gender reveal parties it just seems bit bizarre to me and seem strange to be having these parties because there's had so many things to celebrate when you're having a child . and even though you might think it is a really innocent thing and really fun thing, it does feed into these stereotype of boy and girl being a certain way because it is not just about, you know -- revealing that gender it is also about having a pink or blue cake and feeding into stereotypes that men and woman are supposed to be in a certain way and i think for me that's a gripe that i have is they feed into this bigger picture of men and women supposed to be in a certain way. >> what's wrong with that? and throughout the world boys
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are boys and girls are girls, and if a family wants to reveal the gender of the baby with friends and family on camera -- what's wrong with sharking that exciting surprising experience with people that you love how is that wrong? and so what -- and so what if it feeds into anything? >> i don't think it is wrong for people to want to celebrate their child or the gender of their child. but i think these sort of parties as i said just feed into these sort of stereotypes and i think people need to be more aware of what it could mean because gender stereotypes cause all things in society that are are not positive for anyone regardless of whether you're a boy or a girl and, of course, when you aring having these parties you're sort of sharing it with your family and friends and great time. but i just personally piengdz them a bit ridiculous and they seem to be getting out of hand as well. i think there's about two or three people recently that have actually died from these sort of gender reveal parties, and the
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first time i heard about one was -- when someone actually caused a wildfire and burned down i think 47,000 acres of land. >> obviously that was a really bad gender reveal -- but i mean -- enches spectacularly wrong. but people get drunk and they fall off a bridge and you don't ban alcohol but you act more responsibly. but just going back to what you said . about stereotypes if a boy is a boy that's not a stereotype it is what it is. >> yeah, of course, boy and girls are just boy and girls and they like different things but when we sort of put people into certain bock and say boy like blue and girls like pink, there's something that comes along with that. the expect girls to dress in a certain way. we expect boys to dress in a certain way. we expect them to behave in a certain way -- >> you don't want any girl to think that she should wear a
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dress? >> no that's not at all what i'm saying but -- >> people can be different. [inaudible conversations] >> no girls can definitely like pink but i think we need to be aware that things aren't always like that. and people can like different things and express themselves in different way. and i think we just need to be aware of it because when we have a gender reveal party or do all of these thing we are feeding into image they should be a certain way and all i'm saying is that people need to be maybe a bit more aware and think about this a bit more. >> okay we will i'm thinking about it and i just -- >> you have many children? >> yeah i have two girls. we did not have a gender reveal party. the big surprise was that it was twins. [laughter] that was my big surprise. all right. owl, you're a hoot. thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you. >> disney -- slapping if disclaimers on classic cartoons. warning children about what they're about to see. abby and carly tell us is this
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right or is this wrong? when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers.
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go to and get 2 months free. it offers head-up display. chevy silverado hd. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. wow, that's dialed in. i can still keep my eyes on the road. my truck doesn't have that. it offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different camera views. that's quality picture. it even offers one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible - to help you see what's behind you. oh, wow! which in this case happens to be the competition - since they don't offer the same amount of cameras as the silverado. literally in the rear-view. where they should be. ♪
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disclaimers to some some of ther classic cartoon warnings read this program is presented as originally created and may contain outdated cultural reference and depictions. for instance, disney warning children about peter pan here's why. ♪ >> red man red -- let go back a million years to the very first -- ♪ so our warnings right or wrong here with that fox nation host fox news 24/7 headlines reporter, carlie, all right carly i am tbin with you i think i know why that first one may have needed a warning and my opinion -- the red man you're not supposed to say red man. and then i guess when she kisses him he turns red as well was that because -- >> i took it as he got
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embarrassed. like does that mean anything else? >> i -- knee jerk reaction. i haven't seen this movie in a very long time but my initial reaction was -- the kiss made him embarrassed. >> what about you embarrassed but take it either way. >> you could take it, you know -- >> smart they made a warning it is a very apolitical move by disney because they didn't pull this from programming but they said there could be outdated cultural depiction because you don't want to edit out a whole scene from one of these movie. >> a lot of people were talking about doing that and disney received backlash or for not editing out certain scene, and then other people hated the warning labels because they thought they were silly so i guess by going down the middle it backfired on them. >> i don't mind warning labels that much i don't them to take a butcher knife to some of the class pick here's another controversial one from dumbo
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roll this. >> a front swing with a diamond ring i see a polka dot railroad tie. but i see about everything when i see a elephant fly. >> okay so maybe depicting black dialect and not good grammar and then black is that what that is? >> jim crow in cartoon is jim crow so there you go. that's a pretty easy one. >> so i think it is smart for disney i think there are just commenting on about ongoing cultural dialogue that seems to be our current social climate. so i think it is a good move by them. but i also think it is educational to leave it inside of there because now we can have the the conversation look this is how we once were and we can learn from this because best way to future is to learn from the past. >> i can't get over how calling lion king racist several celebrities said snow white and
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sleeping beauty were pin appropriate because disney princess didn't ask to be kissed. >> oh we have that. can we roll that? >> i think she wants to talk about that. go ahead. [laughter] ♪ about -- ♪ >> see so much heart. that one get a warning label? >> that one did not but some are clambering for a warning label. >> go out on the record on this if i ever eat a poison apple -- i will take the kiss. 1,000% exactly. my signature on it. it is not like he forced herself on her but safing her life. that was insane. guys go in and ask permission and get denied and slapped. can you imagine? being on first date excuse me -- can i kiss you now do i have permission so weirded out. i would say good-bye at that
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moment. we also have -- the lady and the tramp this got a warning. ♪ >> if you please we are siamese if you don't see. >> so obviously depicting asian people in a negative way or how would you characterize that? >> when i heard that lady and tramp got a warning label i thought it was because of the word tramp. >> that's what i thought. and i had forgotten about that scene but it is -- it is an exaggeration of the asian accent. eyes i believe is very offensive. this got so much attention too because i think people first of all you hear disney movies get warning labels that sound crazy. and it also feels like just one other thing where you can't celebrate christopher columbus day anymore and things like that. >> well disney owns abc and they're not putting warning label on epstein things. maybe they should put a warning label on that all right ladies
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[♪] jesse: "last call." tournament of champions this week on jeopardy. but there was one question that stumped them all. >> this lawyer's star rose while representing stormy daniels, but fell after he was accused much trying to extort millions from nike. jesse: when they don't know you on jeopardy, that means your 15 minutes are officially up. "justice with judge jeanine" is
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next. remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: breaking tonight. new testimony released in the trump impeachment inquiry while more public hearings are scheduled for next week. welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. and we did it again. last weekend justice beat the competition all weekend long and i have you to thank for it. the white house press secretary steffey griffin joins me later. first up, my open. imagin
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