tv Hannity FOX News November 21, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> i can't hear your mother, chris. >> tucker: the governor's brother. he went to yell come on like. hilarious. pretty great. sean hannity come alive. >> sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to hannity. we start tonight with a fox news alert. four major breaking stories that we are covering. none of this is great for the democratic party, the deep state, or the mob media. i guarantee you that this was leaked on purpose to get ahead of what is coming. that is a huge crisis, because breaking just moments ago, another blow to the democrat's impeachment trade. there is a report at this hour that an fbi official is now under criminal investigation for altering a document related to the 2016 surveillance of the
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trump campaign advisor, carter page. now, remember, the fisa warrants against the trump campaign, remember, that was the back door to get everything into all things. now, these reports bearing out. that would be called the fisa abuse, exactly what we have been exposing on the show for a very, very long time. and now, finally after years of waiting, thanks to the probe now at an end, justice is about to be served. clearly, this is being leaked in advance to try to get ahead of the report that lindsey graham confirmed to us last night, right here on this program. the pfizer report will come out on december 9th. he will testify before the senate on december 11th. we are going to continue to monitor. throughout the hour, sara carter will break more news on this in a minute.
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we are also tracking for other stories. get this. another disastrous day for the schiff coup attempts. it was even worse, believe it or not, than yesterday. no information surrounding the bidens thanks to a lot of her lindsey graham. we have that letter. we also have a video. you are going to want to hit your record button tonight and look at this for decades to come. first, we start at the washington swamp. more hearsay, more opinion, and more arrogant democrats. are you ready for this? it was not on speaker, contradicting the person that was actually on the private call and the person who was on the other end of the table. this is how bad this show has now become. so bad, he even presented a fact-witnessed today with zero fax. none whatsoever. this was the schiff's grand
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finale. it was supposed to tie everything together. instead, again, this blew up right in schiff's face and the democrat's face. it was the perfect summary of the noncase of the democratic party against the president of the united states. take a look. >> july 19, he told him about the upcoming zelensky call. july 20th, he told him -- august 16th, he tells taylor what he told volker. he talks to taylor. august 22nd, morrison talks to taylor. september 4th, morrison tells taylor about -- morrison tells taylor what he tells trump. september 8th, he tells him what
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he told -- >> sean: you follow that? that is the democrat's case in a nutshell. that is supposed to be there compelling out evidence. that is why they want to hurt this country, bring this country to the brink of impeachment, because they never got over the fact that donald trump won the election. they never saw it coming. the two witnesses today, auditor train wrecks. one, eight diplomats, named david holmes. yep she claimed, this is not, i'm not making this up. he overheard president trump on a phone call talk about an investigation. on the other end of the phone call was ambassador sondland. he was sitting across the table from sans lens a sondland. holmes did not hear the conversation. his testimony contradicts what the guy actually on the call
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said. that was supposed to be yesterday's star witness, gordon sonland. that's what the schiff show is now reduced to. zero. i mean zero relevant facts. it wasn't even totally clear why she was there. in the opening statement, falsely accused republicans of ignoring russia met alene and also falsely accused republicans of pushing a conspiracy theory about ukrainian election interference. will somebody please give her the january 11, 2017 report at about ukrainian election interference? ukraine did in fact interfere in the 2016 elections to help hillary clinton hurt donald trump. thankfully, in a powerful moment, well, this was really powerful. congressman set the record straight. take a look at this.
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>> you know, in 1998, i voluntarily joined the united states army reserve, because i saw our country under attack time and time again. bill clinton was the president. i didn't vote for bill clinton, but he was my commander in chief. i'm grateful to live in a country that gets to legitimately elect our leaders. i've been to places where people don't get to and it's not pret pretty. dr. hill, i'm sorry. i have to say this. you said based on statements that some in this committee do not believe that russia -- that's mr. schiff's narrative. that's where you heard it. we did a whole report on it. we agree that russia has done this since the soviet union and they've actually gotten better at it. that's a problem. but at the same time, certain ukrainians did work against candidate trump. some, with the dnc. if that's debunked, why is it
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that mr. schiff has denied alexander to lupa from testifying to come for dominic forward and debunk it? >> sean: she was the dnc operative. she went there to collude, to dig up dirt for hillary clinton and smear donald trump and members of his campaign. that would be called in my mind collusion. but today's witness, a so-called ukraine expert knew nothing about it. reporter, cheryl atkinson, formerly of cbs news, pointed out, the idea that some of our top experts on ukraine are close-minded to this information and at least one said he was entirely unaware of it, but we are making important decisions, could be considered disturbing. yeah. you think? this was probably the biggest revelation out of the hearings. it has nothing to do with president trump and without a doubt, though schiff is a giant
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failure dud, but don't take my word for it. just listen to former independent counsel, ken starr. he thought yesterday, oh, this is going to be really a bad day for the republicans and for president trump. he is now changed his mind. >> we are not on trial. we are in a fact gathering mode, but what are we gathering facts about? was there a crime, and then let's weigh this gravity and seriousness of that crime. it doesn't reach the level of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors? my assessment of the evidence thus far, nowhere close. the evidence is conflicting and ambiguous. >> sean: conflicting, ambiguous, nowhere close. this is an absolute on make it unmitigated -- he knows that this is a disaster and he showed his anger. republicans defeated the schiff
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so badly, the charlie daniels song goes and the devil went on to georgia. he knew he'd been beat. he laid that golden fiddle down at donald trump's feet, i guess, in this case. before we show you this, you have to remember, this is the guy, the only person on tape ever caught colluding with somebody that he thinks is a russian to get compromising materials on donald trump. this isn't the first time this guy got caught lying in, like he lied about, oh, i have no idea who the whistle-blower's. well, i should have been honest about it, but now i don't know about it. by the way, one of my favorite types of all time all-time, accusing donald trump of what he was guilty of. comp rising materials. listen. speak of the day after bob testified that donald trump invited interference, hey russia, if you are listening,
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come get hillary's emails. for good you have something that you can't reveal question mexico i can't reveal that. >> we have not spoken directly with the whistle-blower. typical donald trump is back on the phone, asking another nation to involve itself in another u.s. election. >> what's the nature of the compromise? >putin was made aware of the availability of the compromising material? >> yes, of course. >> thank you very much. we will be back in touch. >> you shouldn't rely on what the president said in the call record. >> i'm going to say this only 7 times, so you better listen good. i want you to make up dirt on my political opponent. >> sean: compromise, corrupt, congenital liar. he's lied to the country for three years. three long years. he showed his rage. now, i'm sure if it was up to
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him, he just would try to bring in more hearsay witnesses, opinion witnesses for additions first, depositions, and then hearings. but i think pelosi probably won't let him. she didn't want to the show to begin with and it's been pretty clear our priority is to get the out of here as quickly as possible, throw it to the senate as quickly as possible. she can remain speaker in name only. if democrats want a vote before christmas, that doesn't leave the compromise, schiff much more time t to do more investigating. if i had to make a prediction tonight, i'd say that schiff admits defeat and sends this whole flaming bag of dog around things giving we can. good luck turning that garbage into something usable, jerry nadler.
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on a sizable note, look at this. i can't believe it. it might have been cooked up during his case of ukraine fund-raiser. that's right. the compromise, congenital liar, yeah. he had a fund-raiser with the ukrainian businessman. you can't make that up. the mob and the media are desperate. these people are the same people, same liars, same conspiracy theorists, same hope spreaders, if you will. they've been lying to we the people now for three plus years. one hoax after another, one conspiracy theory after another. russia, russia, russia. impeach, impeach, impeach. predicting this is the president's demise. that is the president's demise. that is a game changer. breathlessly, dramatically crying for 3-4 years. you may want to hit the record button now, because you are going to want to show this to your friends.
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3-2-1-go. >> i have not seen anything like this since october 20th, 1973, when president nixon fired -- >> richard nixon. >> echoes of watergate. >> a giant step towards watergate. >> impeachment implications are now in the air. speak of the president be removed from office. pick a bombshell. >> bombshell. >> bombshell. >> bombshell stories dropping seemingly every day. >> he will resign the presidency. he is warming up to the idea of his record dominic resignation. >> he is lashing up here it's bigger he feels the walls closing in. >> closing in. >> you can feel the thread being pulled. you can feel the call start to come off the emperor. i believe this is the beginning of the end. >> donald trump is a done. he's done. there's no question about that. >> sean: 2016 all through the
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elections. all through 2018 and 2019. who would ever trust these people? was not so shocking tonight is americans, they have not had enough of this. they are seen through this completely. look at this new poll. a double judge it swing. opposition for impeachment is now up a whopping 11 points. marquette university polls show that impeachment has dropped in the great state of wisconsin. political polls show that voters support for impeachment is declining nationwide. now, there are 3:30 million americans , just a tiny minor fraction who have tuned into this schiff sham show and for good reasons. here, with reaction to all this, congresswoman, elise stefanik, by the way, she comes out of these hearings in my mind a new star of the republican house of representatives. >> thank you, sean.
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>> sean: congresswoman, let us begin with you. i watched you. i've got to say, phenomenal job and thank you for all you've done. >> elise: thank you. i just focus on the fox and it is clear as every day that goes by that democrats case for impeachment is crumbling. adam schiff has been a failure and again, the facts remain the same. ukraine. there was no quid pro quo, and there was no investigation into the bidens. in fact, the only investigation was into the obama administration, but yet, adam schiff continues his regime of secrecy. because i've been such an outspoken advocate of the facts, i have been attacked by the hollywood left. i need the american people to step up, donate at fight to help me speak for the american people in my district. >> sean: good for you for stepping out. any time you step out, you take
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a risk. i said this to kevin mccarthy last night. i will say this to you. i don't think i've ever, and i've been very critical of republicans. you've heard me. when you guys don't have a backbone and you are weak, and you are vision lists, and i think i'm pretty loud on my -- this was republicans at their best this week. they were prepared. they fought it out and they won. >> yeah sean. i can't be more proud of our members of the intelligence committee who ask the tough questions, who focused on the facts. that's really what this has been about from the beginning for us, for adam schiff, it was about impeaching the president. it has nothing to do with facts. he vetoed our witnesses. he shot us out of those hearings. when i brought a few of my colleagues to the schiff, where we were trying to figure out what was going on he literally ran out of the pack room with
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the witness. what has he been trying to hide? he's got no case. there literally is no evidence that there was any collusion. i thought for so many of our members, look, asking tough questions. that makes for a target on the left. that site she's talking about, i think people are fed up with the bullying, the intimidation that's coming from the left, the people that are claiming quit pro quote, they are the ones that are out there. it started with joe biden. he was the original quid pro quo, who said that i am leaving with the dollars. they fired the guy. then, joe biden wants to run off into the sunset and impeach donald trump for that. there is no impeachable offense. every star democrat witness made clear that they saw nothing. even the hearsay. not one person. mike turner, yesterday, he sai, has anyone on the planet drawn a
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connection between president trump asking for money in exchange for investigations? not one person. ukrainian foreign minister said that it never happened. >> sean: the only witness. he said no, this is just my opinion. you asked the president, well, what does he want question what he says, nothing. i don't want a quid pro quo. i want him to do the right thing. congresswoman, you had a very well, now famous i guess exchange with the congenital liar running the schiff show. it was interesting, because you were on for a fundamental fairness. now, republicans have asked witnesses to come forward. they have not been granted up high on schiff mountain. >> elise: that's correct. that's how unfair this process has been. i was the first member of congress to ask the question, "when did adam schiff talk to
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the whistle-blower?" i was -- the one witness that adam schiff won't call is the whistle-blower who started off this entire impeachment process. in addition, adam schiff refuses to call hunter biden and every single witness that was asked the question, is there a potential appearance of a conflict of interest said yes. >> sean: you mean zero experience? the one who was paid. his dad choked on ukraine and said, you aren't getting the billion dollars in less you fire the guy investigating my zero experience. >> elise: hunter biden is the witness that adam schiff will not call. certainly, when it comes to my district, my constituents want to hear from hunter biden. but the good news, sean, is despite this incredibly partisan process, republicans controlled the senate, and i am confident that they will call the
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whistle-blower and call hunter biden to actually get to the facts and really focus on the corruption. >> sean: in 348 days, the american people get the final say. what would you be? the house majority leader. then, i guess that could happen, come today? thank you both. thank you very much. now that the house intel hearings have ended, okay, so where does the impeachment go? joining us now, fox news senior producer. he offers the hitchhikers guide to all things on capitol hill. chat is with us. chad, what you got tonight? >> chad: good evening, sean. it's dishes and time for the democrats. they believe they have enough evidence. former national security advisor, john bolton.
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fiona hill told lawmakers that bolton suggested he thought something bad was coming down with ukraine policy and believe rudy job domini the judiciary ce could then hold its own impeachment hearings. now, remember, the resolution on authoring the inquiry grants republicans and the administration more rights to defend president trump against democratic charges. or, the judiciary committee could begin to right articles of impeachment. fox has told the democrats would focus on four potential articles. that spelled out in article two, section four of the constitution. contempt of congress, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power. an effort to intimidate witnesses. a state department official, phil and mark of omb. but here's the biggest thing to
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watch. where does public opinion go? the house is now out for thanksgiving and expect lots of debate and may be argument over turkey stuffing and pumpkin pie. dinner tables around the country. >> sean: you got to be careful. don't throw the turkey legs at your liberal relatives. have a peaceful thanksgiving. last thing. there are 81 democrats in districts that donald trump one. any feel for where they are at this our question mike >> this is a decision that democrats are going to have to make. this is where people have to gauge the public opinion polls and see where they are. the resolution that they passed a couple weeks ago, all but two democrats supported that. we don't see any movement yet, but there's a flip side for this for republicans, sean. some republicans might be interpreted to standing behind the president. there are vulnerable democrats, or excuse me, republicans. that could be an issue as well. there are two sides to this coin. we should know more in a couple
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weeks. >> sean: i think the american people, weighing in very loudly at this point. we appreciate it. we do have the other breaking news, as we mentioned at the top of the show, this is huge. look at this. cnn, now reported all over the place. an fbi official under terminal investigation for allegedly altering a document. this was a related to the 2016 6 spying on carter page. the evidence reportedly has been turned over to the prosecutor, john. this looks like a major preview of coming attractions. remember, senator graham on the show last night called us. the inspector general of fisa abuse will be out on december night. michael horowitz will be in front of the committee on december 11. according to our own.
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it has now expanded to the same pentagon office that awarded multiple contracts. that's right, to the spy's helper. fox news contributor, investigative reporter, sara carter. to me, this got leaked, because they know it's coming out, but now, the horwitz report, anybody mentioning it is given an opportunity to see what's there. >> sara: that's right, sean. that's what i've been told by a number of sources. the leaks actually came from witnesses, possibly, that had a chance to review the report. remember, only those witnesses can review the report. i did speak with carter page tonight. he says he has not been allowed to access anything in the report. of course, he has not been interviewed. he is just a part of the report. he is going to wait and see and he is not jumping to any conclusions just yet. another big development. multiple sources confirm to me that john has extended the probe
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into the pentagon, sean. this is significantly important. this is the office that basically contracted stuff on helper to do reports. stephan helper had four major reports that totaled about $4 million that the inspector general of the pentagon basically had no information on. they couldn't exactly see during an audit what helper did, why he received this much money. it became very clear to senator chuck with the finance committee that there needed to be more investigation. and in july, he talke contactede pentagon. he said, we need to meet with you. we need to know what's going on here. i found also just recently, the pentagon, after waiting months and months, the committee actually got the documents that they had requested. that was just recently within the last week. and now, they are reviewing the
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documents. >> sean: unbelievable. sara carter, this is a preview. what we know has been coming. it's interesting on twitter. i didn't see a lot of comments from people. all. fake news cnn is shocked. i'm like well, if you followed hannity, sara carter, you would have known about this for a couple years now. >> sara: , that's right. >> sean: thank you for that update. this is just the beginning. buckle up. stay tuned. we will have all the details and we will be proven right. every bit of reporting we have done in this program has been fully vetted, accurate, and true. premeditated fraud of the fisa court for the purpose of spying on a presidential candidate. yeah, then a president. it's that bad. there's going to be more. oh, outsourcing spying to allied countries. wow. so you can circumvent american law? yeah. we will be hearing about that
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soon. senate judiciary committee chairman, lindsey graham, he has officially sent a letter to the secretary of state, mike pompeo. senator graham, requesting key documents surrounding the biden holdings. we are learning more about hunter biden's shady dealings. look at this. according to new records revealed by the "washington examiner," hunter biden linked to rosemont capital. remember, that the team he is a part of. they got a $30 million special federal loans. joe biden was the vice president and a vocal backer of the financial bailout. now, these are real scandals, real stories. yep. worthy of real investigation. we have a real quid pro quo with joe. i'm leaving in 6 hours.
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if the prosecutor isn't fired, you are not getting the billion dollars. if you fire the prosecutor, well, who is investigating his son, who is being paid millions with zero experience, yeah, i'll give you the billion son of a -- they fired the guy. that's not bogus. that's not hearsay. that's not opinion. that's not part of the ukraine hoax. the russian hoax. the conspiracy theory. the actually happened. we are also learning that it was even more partisan, more corrupt than we thought. listen to robert mueller's tidbit. andrew weissmann. withholding expository evidence. now, he's not not even trying to hide his anti-trump bias. where is he working? of course. at the conspiracy theory chann channel. msdn see. let's take a look. >> so, here are the questions.
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why is he worried about the fact that the russians would undoubtedly be able to hear this conversation? >>one of the scenarios questiony >> if you are sitting here thinking, i don't really ce because the russians are going to be siding with me in the 2020 election, then we are on the same team. >> sean: wow. robert mueller, how could you hire that guy? his record was known to everybody. that's a disgrace on you. that's astounding and that showed shock the conscience of every american. he's the guy that was actually running the mueller investigation. you did not even know that you hired hillary clinton's attorn attorney. obviously, he despises the president and now is working up
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the conspiracy channel. area 51. rachel maddow's channel promoting more bogus conspiracy theories and russian hysteria. author of the best-selling book, "witch hunt" and author of "power grab" we've got a lot to get to today. what happened they are and what do you make of this report obviously leaked ahead of the impending, well, report on phis abuse? >> eight and a half years when i was over on the oversight dominic oversight committee, i learned that when people are going to be on the receiving end of some really devastating news, they would go out and try to drop this ahead of time. here we are two and a half weeks or so before the report comes out and magically, cnn and the
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hill, the story comes out about this fbi agent. we don't know what this person's name is. altering documents related to phis abuse. it's something you have been talking about for a year. suddenly, this drops out. it's just more evidence that it will be devastating. that's just the precursor. >> sean: you've been part of this from the beginning. this is not a surprise to us here on this program, any of what we have heard tonight. i think the congressman is dead on accurate. they drop it. now that horwitz has to spread out the information, he's done a good job of keeping it in-house. there hasn't been any leaks. people now that are being warned about what's coming, they are leaking ahead of time to get ahead of it. your thoughts on that. your thoughts on how this has now blown up in the democrat's face with a schiff show. >> i think you're going to find criminal referrals out of that.
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but i also agree with jason. i think we are going to see several news drops to get ahead over the next two and half weeks. remember, the horowitz report is about 500 pages. it's about the same length as my book, maybe the just copied it, i don't know. but there are going to be corrupt acts identified by fbi, cia, state departments, and maybe the department of justice itself. brace yourself. impact is coming. >> sean: so we literally could be in the middle of something pretty amazing. okay, at the same time, they are now following this ukrainian impeachment coup attempt with hearsay. the one guy that talked to trump, saying that he didn't want and anything paired he said specifically no quid pro quo. it's game over there.
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simultaneously, we are learning about real premeditate of flawed on the fisa. probably, likely, the outsourcing of intelligence gathering and illegal spying on americans and maybe even a president to allied countries, all like, let me see, i'm just guessing, maybe italy, maybe australia, may be great britain. they did it so that they could circumvent american law. is that likely what you think we are going to find out, congressman? >> jason: i think we are going to be involved with lots of different agencies. i would add that the department of defense, because there is some evidence that that might be happening now as carter has talked about. the reason they are kind of wash dominic rushing through this impeachment is in part so that n distract for the idea that horwitz and the department of justice and the attorney general, barr have known for a long time that this is coming. that is a good distraction.
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look for what the democrats, particularly in the house come hard trying to do the week of the horwitz reports. i think they are going to go out there and try to drop some distractions out there and try to get people looking over at this new shiny object as opposed to the facts that horwitz has been able to gather. >> sean: amazing at work. are about to be vindicated in an amazing way. thank you both. all right, before we get to the great one. he is on fire. i talked to him today. always, he's on fire. we do have election news to report on on our election news 2020. the democrats, of course on capitol hill pushing yet again. there ukrainian impeachment coup attempt. you have the radical socialists. while, they were in atlanta busy competing for who can be the most radical, the most out of touch, the most disconnected from you, we come of the american. now, what stomach it was an especially rough night for sleepy creepy crazy uncle
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joe. he had a few unfortunate choice words. then, lied about them. >> no man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger other than in self-defense and that rarely ever occurs. we have to change the culture. mack and keep punching added, and punching at it. >> i don't think that we should legalize marijuana. i thought you might have been high when you said it. >> record expunged. secondly, i'm part of that obama coalition. i come out of the black community in terms of my suppo support. a whole range of people. >> the other one is here.
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[laughter] >> sean: no come you didn't say the first. of course, biden's constant blunders, they pale in comparison. being championed by the socialist, oh, excuse me. minority, native american, elizabeth warren, of course, bernie sanders. warren was wrapping up her pitch for medicare for all. okay. remember nancy pelosi? you need to pass it, see what's in it. no. we got into a whole new level last night saying yep, elizabeth warren, we need some time to feel it and tasted. medicare for all. you can't make this up. take a look. >> i want to lower the age of medicare to 50 and expand medicare coverage to include vision and dental and long-term
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care. and then come in the third year, when people have had a chance to feel it and tasted, and live with it, we are going to want medicare for all. >> what the scientists are telling us, we don't get our act together over the next eight or nine years. we are talking about major cities going underwater. by the way, the fossil fuel industry is probably criminally liable, because they have lied, and lied, and lied. when they had the evidence that their carbon products were destroying the product, and maybe we would think about prosecuting them. >> sean: oh, let's sue the companies that have given us the lifeblood of our entire economy. the only have eight to nine years. you've got to feel it. you've got to taste it. you've got to live with it to
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appreciate it. and i thought well, you got to pass it to see what's in it. let's see if it works for democrats, you, the american people are tuning out. radians for last night's debate show, they were the lowest. look at this. that important swing state like wisconsin. let's be totally clear. what they are proposing. remember, $90 trillion for the new green deal. $52 trillion medicare for all. that is unsustainable as we only kick in about $4 trillion. oh, $150 trillion. we only taken 40 trillion. even democrats are taking notice, which is probably why bloomberg is apparently entering the race, an obama protege.
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by the way, he couldn't have been off to a worse start. look at this photo. patrick had an event last night and a whopping two people showed up. oh-oh. joining us now, he is the author of "guilty by reason of insanity," david. former white house chief of staff and fox news contributor, charlie hurt. he has done every contract in my career. thank you, david. david, we'll start with you. that freak show, can any of them win? i don't think so. >> david: listened to president obama, their former hero. everybody but bernie and volker. no, everybody but bernie and warren got the memo. they didn't get the memo. here, warren is talking about uniting the country through a wealth tax.
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here you are going to engage in class warfare and unite the country. you are going to tell the wealthy that they didn't build it, that the workers did. that will make them fall in line. and then, you have bucher channeling reagan, talking about channeling wealth. a bunch of socialists, pretending to be capitalists. so they have any idea what these jokers stand for today? >> sean: unbelievable. you've been around the block a little bit. this is not our first rodeo. i've never seen any group of people this radical. eight or nine years or it's ov over. 150,000,000,000,010 years, we are going to spend. you have to feel it and tasted and you can't have your own insurance anymore. no oil and gas. we are going to sue those companies. >> is just wild. there's not enough money to pay for what elizabeth warren is proposing. but look, the other problem the democrats have, though, is this
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debate last night is completely boring. they have a lot of candidates that are actually building on the idea of this return to normal, boring theme that they are placing all of the country. it's not working, and so, you look back in 2016. we too put a 20 plus million people every week watching our debates. we had all the excitement. we had trump. was he going to get along with the rsc. every week was something exciting in 2016. nobody is paying attention. donald trump's numbers are the best they've been since he took office. >> sean: all right, charlie hurt. you know this game well. nobody predicted. you were one of the real believers like me that he had a very good shot at winning in 2016. how do you see this race is
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shaping up? >> charles: quite frankly, i see the exact same sort of pattern today as we saw four years ago. among those people who realize this is nancy pelosi herself, which is why she didn't want to do anything with this impeachment. she just wanted to focus on the campaign, focus on the primary, focus on issues that the democrats care about. i talked to real democratic borders all the time. they don't like donald trump. they give me good reasons for not liking donald trump. they look at these impeachment hearings and they say, what in the world is up with these people? adam schiff and these people are so completely utterly out of touch with the people they have been lying to for three years. literally lying to, setting expectations that they were going to be able to remove this president. and now it's crunch time. they are not going to be able to remove the president. he is not going to be removed from office, and they will have been lied to for the last time.
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if you think those people are going to show up at the polls next november, enthusiastic for democrats? i don't think so. >> sean: all right. thank you all. you were all right tonight. here with moore, author of the number one "new york times" best seller, "on freedom of the press." he is the great one. sunday nights at 8:00 p.m. by the way, blew the roof off the radians on sunday. he is also a nationally syndicated writer talk show host, because i insisted on it. great one. these are serious times. this is what you do. this is your wheelhouse. you have a lot to add to this national nightmare that they are creating. it's because i'm getting to the mueller report here actually.
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the mueller report and congressional hearings and mueller. they connected the dots. i'm still on page 397 in the mueller report. it's hard to keep up, sean. after we were attacked at pearl harbor, he said, i fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. you know, schiff, you are in some ways -- you just awakened a sleeping dragon. you through everything you had at the president, the republicans of 63 million voters who voted for this president, and this is the best you have? this is the best you have a question you have nothing. you controlled everything. you controlled the witnesses. you controlled the information. you interrupted the republicans. you had control over the hearing
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room, control over the rules, and the timing, and the press events, and you will have control over the -- you are the democrat party's yamamoto. even now, with all the control that you've had and all the positive press, and all the clownish legal analysts and the rest, and the propaganda that they are pushing and they are celebrating, the polls for donald trump are going up. now, once the senate has control over this, there is no more adam schiff control. there's no more nancy pelosi control. there is no more of the mobster type that we saw in the democrat party, beating their chests. the american people, they revere their constitution. they cherish their franchise. and they demand fairness from their representatives. let me tell you something,
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democrats coming you screwed up big time. this was the weakest of witnesses i've ever seen in any hearing at any time. there is no smoking gun. overwhelmingly hearsay. basically, what did we have he here? bureaucrats who didn't like trump or his policies. yet, every single one of them, when pressed by the republicans, had to admit, no bribery, no extortion, no quid pro quo, no impeachable offense. headlines are incomprehensible. not a single, not a single witnesses could accuse the president of criminality. only a single witness had directly spoken with are met with the president about any of these issues, and he said no, no, no, the president didn't do anything peer he didn't do anything. we look at ukraine.
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ukraine needed the aid. they needed military aid. we need it for geopolitical reasons. there witness today, fiona hill, she was just, i can't believe the president of this. look what he's doing peer he is empowering the russians, the russians. she wrote a few years earlier a long op-ed, saying don't give the ukrainians the military aid they are asking for. as a matter of fact, the democrats and their great leader, barack obama, he refused to give ukraine the military weapons they were looking for. despite all these bureaucrats testifying, the clinic at the weapons that ukraine wanted under obama. there were no hearings, there were no headlines. it was trump her about the ukrainians the weapons that they needed. it was trump who stopped the russians. it was trump who put the most severe sanctions in modern history on the russians. it was obama who appeased the russians. it was obama, under hu's
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presidency the russians invaded. if you want to impeach, you need to retroactively impeach obama. this will move to the senate. let's hope republicans for once in their life grow a spine. read your law. you wrote it. read your law. the so-called whistle-blower is not a whistle-blower under your law. the so-called whistle-blower is not covered by the statute that you wrote. the phone call between president trump and president zelensky is not covered by the statute you wrote. president trump is not covered by the statute you wrote, and the so-called whistle-blower is not anonymous under the statute, is he? so, the president's lawyers will finally get a shot at the whistle-blower, who never wrote
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this complaint. they will get to ask him paired they will get to say, i know his name. i'm not allowed to say. i know all about him. it's time that sham comes to an end. the president gets to confront the person who has challenged him. now, here are some of the questions for mr. whistle-blower. who was involved in writing the complaint? who advised him to use the whistle-blower statute? did he speak to adam schiff or nancy pelosi, or any other members of congress? what did he discuss with schiff's staffers, who were formally with the -- mister, may i say goodman or not? the whistle-blower wants to bring down the president of the united states. moreover, we want hunter biden. we want hunter biden. you folks at "the new york times" and other
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places, you have told us about hunter biden. you have taught us about the bidens. don't we have a right as the american people to know that he is a crook? is that the only family in american history who was about to be investigated? i don't think so. and one other thing, this is the so-called whistle-blower's complaint. this has been schiff's playbook from number one. adam, were you involved in writing this? adam needs to be a witness to. we want to know all about adam. we know he's a liar. we need to put him under oath under penalty and perjury. you can see that this was adam schiff's playbook from day one, page after page after page. you know what this was? this was a shadowy exercise by schiff, his staff, the whistle-blower, and the democrats to bring down the president.
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>> sean: his new show, 8:00 p.m. sunday night. joining us now, fox sports correspondent. dan bongino. i don't know how you guys top that, but he's right. all of that is true, because he's been a disaster. speak of it been, but i think -- he's great, he's eloquent, and he's passionate, but if it is true that they have an fbi agent who has altered documents supporting the fisa warrant on carter page, this is huge news that cannot be underemphasized. this is james comey's. this is the conspiracy theory that has never been told except on this network. here is an fbi agent, sworn officer, constitutional officer going to a fisa judge, and lying, especially to get the
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warrant, to begin the surveillance of the trump campaign aid, carter page. this is huge news. this is an explosion. >> sean: i will throw this to dan. we have talked about this. we have all the evidence. they were warned. they were warned repeatedly that hated trump. none of it is verified. hillary paid for it. they shown it trusted. used it anyway, dan. that's called premeditated fraud on the court. >> dan: yeah, sean, the only area where i disagree with geraldo, the same obama administration that sat on his, the same administration where obama was caught talking to the
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russian president saying that he would have more flexibility after the election -- the same obama administration to get them on board for an iran deal that mike flynn aided. that same obama administration, by the way, that targeted president trump, via its intelligence apparatus, the same obama administration that works with hillary clinton's team, has money going through a law firm. ukrainians to feed information to go to a court to spy on trump. this is not two separate scandals. they are the exact same thing and the democrats have been covering it up. >> sean: this is the end of impeachment. the president says apologize for russia first. this is the end of it.
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we go let's listen to rush limbaugh dissect how the democrats political stunt is backfiring. >> the democratic party has done more to destabilize american elections in vladimir putin could have dreamed. fiona hill saying that the russians are engaged in during the same thing in 2020. they can't let it go. in the process they are trying to convince as many americans as possible that the upcoming election is already invalid. it's already hopelessly tarnished.
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it is outrageous with these people are doing. >> sean: will never be the media mob. let not your heart be troubled. thank you for being with us. laura ingraham. >> laura: it is backfiring big time. fantastic show laying it out. >> sean: great job every night. >> laura: thanks so much. i'm laura ingraham and mrs. cnn reporting that an fbi official is under criminal investigation for altering a pfizer document related to the surveillance of former top aide carter page. however ironic that we are learning this effort to bar trump from the presidency is democrats attempt to remove him from it. we are going to have much more on these developments throughout the hour. it's unbelievable. also democrats held their final impeachment hearing today is
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