tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News November 24, 2019 12:00am-1:00am PST
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[♪] judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. what show was number one last weekend all weekend? you didn't hear? it was "justice" again. and i have you to thank for it. what's that? you want to do it again this week? let's go for it. tonight gop congressman matt gaetz is here. so is hogan gidley from the white house. carter page, dan bongino and john solomon. it's show time and here is my open. they call it an impeachment inquiry. they said it would be
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bipartisan. it didn't start out that way. in fact the only thing that was bipartisan was the vote to not go forward. but after two weeks and 7 witnesses where the goal was to convince republicans and the nation of the evidence of an impeachable offense, adam schiff and his gang of political malcontents failed polic fail d. this weeker witness indicated they heard nothing from the president that would prove he committed an impeachable offense. >> the word bribery doesn't appear in that. youer in used the word bribery or bribe to explain president trump's conduct. >> no, sir. >> colonel vine man you haven't either? >> that's correct. >> i want to start with the july 25 call between president trump and president zelensky. you were on that call and there
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was no mention of withholding aid on the call. >> that's correct. >> there was no quid pro quo. >> correct. >> no bribery. >> correct. >> no extortion. judge jeanine: but they are so dug in and determined to get rid of the 45th president that we elected it appears their next step will be to draft articles of impeachment. it almost doesn't matter whether there is a crime. he just has to go. nancy pelosi says he's an imposter. >> i think part of it is his own insecurity as an imposter. judge jeanine: this woman is so scatter brained that thee can't figure out what the crimes. quid pro quo, bribery, extortion, and using the office for his own personal gain. impeachment requires a specific high crime, misdemeanor, extortion. you can't get rid of a president
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because you don't like him or because you know, you simply cannot defeat him. so what did the democrats prove? in their charade, the part not in the bowels of congress we heard from individuals who for the most part would never be allowed in the courtroom because their testimony is based on hearsay for which there is know legitimate let exception. so dream on congressman mike kidly. we heard from -- mike quigley. we heard from deep staters. some of whom were not even present or working in the administration at the time of the alleged wrongdoing. we heard about their families, their heritage, how they felt about their jobs, the president, what they heard, what they presumed, assumed, surmised and certainly did not hear. some were haughty, con
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conceited. and demanding respect. >> refer to me as lieutenant colonel vindman, please. judge jeanine: i am a judge but if you see me on the streets you don't have to call my your honor. then there ways sherlock holmes who can recite verbatim about a phone call he wasn't on. >> you said you were able to hear president trump's voice through the receiver. how were you able to hear if it was not on speaker phone. >> ambassador sondland said he speaks loudly over the phone and i experienced that. when the president came on he sort of wine wined winced and he phone away from his hear and that's how i was able to hear.
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judge jeanine: everything he said was contradicted by the facts. the aid was delivered. there was no meeting. no call, no announcement of an investigation. no quid pro quo. his testimony is not only canceled by the facts, but by his demeanor, his arrogance and inappropriate smirking making it clear he like many deep state bureaucrats is not a fan of the president. and keep in mind that it was the democrats who coordinated with the whistle blower. it was the democrats who started the inquiry without a vote. it was the democrats who hid their witnesses in the bowels of the capitol. the democrats who refused to allow the minority to present a case. who cut off cross-examination of their witnesses when the answer would not be beneficial to the democrats. and it was the democrats who had as their lead prosecutor, judge and jury, a man known for lying
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repeatedly on a partisan basis who cares not about truth and justice but about influence and raw power. so there you have it. a president concerned the about where our special american dollars are going, and making sure at the same time he gets to the bottom of the russia collusion delusion that tore this country apart for three years. but then again it's not over. i hope republicans if it gets to this point have a trial in the senate, and the first witness called is hunter biden. to show why there was up a concern about corruption in the ukraine by his father. i would like to know exactly how much he made a month from his no show job. and then joe biden. i would like him to swear under oath whether his demand to have a prosecutor fired with a quid pro quo to take the law
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enforcement off his son. i want adam schiff under oath. did he lie when he said he didn't know who the whistleblower was. did he create a narrative in alexander chalupa, a open raw tough who allegedly worked with ukraine to provide dirt on the dnc. and we have to hear from the whistleblower who adam schiff claims he doesn't know to find how the how much of this was preplanned. polls show the american public is tiring of this charade like the russia collusion delusion. it's hurting our country. as the democrat haters will do anything they can to destroy the president when in reality, they are tearing apart this country. the inspector general's report is due on december 9. and that along with the trial in
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the senate will cause the democrats to be hoisted on their own petard. which will be well earned. and that's my open. let me know what you think on my facebook, twitter, trash tag judge jeanine. if you liked my open, you will like my book, "radical, resistance, and revenge." earlier i spoke to one of congress' most outraged members, congressman matt gaetz. take a look. now that it appears the testimony is over, is this part of the impeachment inquiry over or are we expecting more witnesses? >> i thought it was or after we read the mueller report. i thought it was or after we saw robert mueller's testimony, but the democrats have to continue with impeachment and
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the state department and work in our diplomatic corps, they have an establishment way of thinking about the world. donald trump love him or hate him has a different style, different approach, and uses different tools. and that's not the basis for the country overwhelmingly believes in the economic achievements of this president. 57% of the american people are supporting president trump's economic agenda. judge jeanine: you said something interesting, and that is that you talked about a policy difference. and yet all of these i call them deep staters. they all said no, ukraine is on the front lines of our fight against russia. how could they have a policy disagreement with the president of the united states who wants corruption to be over in ukraine who for the first time in the
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history of ukraine is given aid for lethal weaponry when obama never did that. >> in the state department i think too often you have a dynamic take or where people think there is only one way to do things. they have to do it through their precise diplomatic channels. going to the same schools, working at the same think tanks. we have seen that throughout american history. jfk, nixon, others have used non-traditional diplomatic channels to get through the core issues. when you are talking about corruption specifically, sometimes you have got to go outside the box and use different tools. but the fact that ukraine was the third most corrupt country in the world. the fact that all of president trump's concerns about corruption were well founded are explicitly established in the evidence. you heard people like george kent who worked at the state
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department say burisma was dirty and everybody knew burisma was dirty. we should have been pushing ukraine to investigate that corruption and get it out of their country and ours. judge jeanine: what happens from here. let's assume they draft these articles of impeachment. they are the majority in the house. about they do that. is there another hearing or just a vote? >> nancy pelosi can never be criticized for not being an effective tactician. the rules would allow democrats to bring witnesses before the judiciary committee. but it's my expectation they will not do that. in the past when they brought robert mueller in and corey lewandowski in. all of the hearings for democrats in the judiciary committee have been a disaster. i think they will take up a report written by the biased,
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lying adam schiff. and they will try to fashion that report in articles of impeachment. judge jeanine: should there be a trial in the senate where at the very least the minority in the senate will be able to call witnesses. we haven't heard from one witness on behalf of the president. >> i don't believe a trial will be warrant. this would be the type of thing that a motion to dismiss would resolve this in a courtroom. but i understand the president's frustration. lies have been told about him and he has been smeared and he wants the opportunity to talk about the corruption and hunter biden and burisma to smear donald trump before and after his election. because he viewed this conflict in a different way than many people did. and just viewing a conflict
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differently isn't the reason to replace the will of the american people with the will of the deep state. judge jeanine: they don't care what the reason is. they just want hip out because they know they can't beat him. congressman, we always enjoy having you on. thanks for being with us. joining me with more reaction to all of the latest developments, white house deputy press secretary hogan gidley. i want to play for you some sound of rudy giuliani, he gave an interview on fox earlier today, the president's personal attorney, of course, take a listen. >> i do not discuss my conversations with my client. you can assume i talk to him early and often. and have a very, very good relationship with him, and all of these comments which are totally insulting. i say written lies.
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he's going to throw me under the bus. when i hear that i say he isn't, but i have insurance. >> i don't speak on behalf of rudy giuliani, i'm here to talk on behalf of the president of the united states. i did see rudy giuliani's tweet which said was a joke. what he's talking about as it relates to understand policies relates to hunter and joe biden and relates to behavior in ukraine. for insurance you don't have to look any further than the transcript. the president of the united states took the unprecedented move to release so every single american could read it themselves. he released two considerations with president zelensky. he has done nothing wrong. everyone knows it. after a couple weeks of an illegitimate sham impeachment proceeding. you see when simply asked the question, is there enough
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evidence, is there any evidence of any wrongdoing, any bribery, any quid pro quo. every single witness said no. judge jeanine: is the president concerned about that statement that rudy made to ed henry earlier today? >> not at all. the president has done nothing wrong. he knows that. rudy is his private attorney. i don't know too many about their relationship. i deal with issues and matters at the white house. but the president is not worried about that because he knows he has done nothing can wrong. that's pretty simple. judge jeanine: rudy is still the president's attorney. >> last i heard he was the president's attorney, yes. judge jeanine: you can say definitively that is the case and the president is not concerned about this statement that rude yesterday made? >> no. because the president knows that he's done nothing wrong here. the understand policy is the
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transcript. you understand. you see. the president has done nothing wrong here. whatever rudy giuliani says that relates to the understand policy, his twitter feed shows it. he's joking around. it had to do with the democrats and hunter and joe biden and burisma. judge jeanine: there was a tweet that came out later saying it's sarcastic and relates to files in my safe about biden's family. four decades of monetizing his position. we have ambassador bolton. john bolton has reared his head and mustache. on twitter web accused of muzzling his twitter account. what is that about? >> i saw some of those reports. that's not the way twitter works. we don't have control over john
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bolton's personal account. we can't even block his personal account. judge jeanine: he did have a government account. and they are all monitored by people in the administration because there are all times of rules and standard we have to abide by. but it's his personal account he's concerned about. that's fine. but it's situation we have all been involved in in which we forget our password. we don't have control over his account. we didn't block it. now he's got his password and he's tweeting again. judge jeanine: he said i'm finally able to liberate his twitter account. i want to move on to something else. the president seemed to indicate that the would welcome a trial in the senate, and in my opening statement, you know, i would love in trial in the senate and i would love to start with hunter biden, joe biden,
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chulupa, the whole lot of them. wouldn't it be interesting if the person to be the cross examer would be rudy giuliani. wouldn't that be an interesting thing. >> that might be rudy calling you. judge jeanine: that's my alarm. >> well, listen. i talked to the president about this directly. we were in the oval office. he looked at me across the resolute desk. he said hogan, the democrats have nothing here. i have done nothing wrong. if they proceed with this sham proceeding, i want a trial in the senate. i want to call all the witnesses we didn't have a right to call on the house side. the senate is the only place i can get due process under the law. i want the whistleblower, hunter
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biden, joe biden. judge jeanine: 15 seconds. fisa is coming out december 9. the "new york times" seems to be downplaying it. do you have any information whether it's just one low-level guy who changed something little but didn't change the results of the fisa warrants? >> i don't know. but we are investigating the investigators. that's clear. it would not be shocking to anyone to know the media and the democrats are down playing the nefarious behavior and the potential collusion and corruption on their side. they don't want any part of this conversation. judge jeanine: the tide turns against the democrats. will they get the message that impeaching a president will only make him more popular. new details on the origins of the russia investigation. fox news contributor, dan
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jean report ridiculous russia hoax tried and failed to take down trump. now we are dealing with the ukraine witch hunt. i want to ask dan bongino, author of "exonerated." let's talk about the fact that now it looks like they are done at least in terms of witnesses. they went home for the holiday whip peachment fit goes to the judiciary. now we are going to get the
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results of fisa which has to do with the investigation. i don't think there is anyone better than you to explain to us what is the connection between russia and ukraine. why is the president sending his lawyer, rudy giuliani, to ukraine to find out what was going on vis-a-vis russia and how ukraine has something to do with russia. explain that for my viewers. >> this is what i cover in my book. spygate and ukraine will gate and whistleblower-gate are fake scandals and the same scandal. obama did not want to help the cranians when they were i raided by russia. the obama administration needed to curry favor with the russians
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because they wanted the iran deal to happen. anyone who opposed the iran deal and other strategic initiatives became a focus of a spying scandal. spygate. need the evidence? cranian efforts to spy on -- ukrainian efforts to spy on trump. australian diplomats feeding information. british intelligence passing information to the obama administration on trump. the spying scandal is an effort to circumvent spying laws using foreign partners to spy on their oh poab end of which donald trump becomes the target it's about spying. how is this connected with the impeachment scandal? one of the foreign partners helping the obama administration and democrats spies were key
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ukrainian officials. there is no doubt key ukrainians were involved in feeding information to fusion gps to spy on donald trump. nellie ohr has sworn under oath that one of her sources for trump was a ukrainian lawmaker. judge jeanine: if obama is trying to curry favor with russia for the iran deal, and clearly he was because the russians annexed crimea. there was no missile defense system, ukraine was like a sitting duck. and all of a sudden they get mad at president trump. he's the one giving lethal aid to fight russia. when you have all these bit players who we can prove are involved in ukraine but are
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making money in ukraine. like bind, bind's son. then it makes even more sense because they are profiting from the corruption. >> your first point is correct, the obama administration sent snuggies and blankets in a microwave popcorn to ukraine, and somehow trump is the bad guy. all of the witnesses and all the players in spygate are the players in ukraine-gate. all the players work as diplomats, the list of witnesses democrats bring forward are also suspected to have been involved in a pressure campaign to not prosecute key ukrainians and people involved who are liberal donors. judge jeanine: fiona hill testified and out of the blue
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this week she says christopher steele was used. what was that about? >> fiona hill is interesting. she wrote an op-ed defending the obama administration sending snuggies. she has a relationship with the state department and the deep state. those connections with well known. these people all knew each other. fiona hill said she believes steele's information, he was playing them and probably trying to make a few bucs. i can't emphasize enough the witnesses against donald trump in the impeachment trial are key players in hiding ukrainian efforts to spy on the trump team. the nellie ohr source in ukraine. she swears poroshenko is her source. he appears in the do not prosecute list.
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why yovanovich? the same players. judge jeanine: everything they accuse the president of, they are guilty of. you point one finger, four point back at you. dan bongino. thanks so much. carter page joins me in a few moments. new details on hunter biden and those pesky connections. fox news contributor john solomon with new information next.
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there has never been an investigation. a completely. judge jeanine: rudy giuliani says everyone need to follow the money to find out what happened in ukraine. before we go into the ukraine, we just finished this alleged impeachment inquiry. can you give us a fast version of the most important points you thought came out of impeachment. >> none of them are in the headlines of the "new york times," "the washington post" or network news. not a single witness knew of a crime or had a conversation with the president about a quid pro quo. secondly, several witnesses, state department employees who worked for joe biden in the obama administration said they saw the appearance of a conflict of interest of hunter biden work at burisma and joe biden overseeing ukraine policy.
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the state department people saw the same thing i reported a year ago. fiona hill said. and she said the ukrainians were betting on hillary clinton. several key people did try to meddle in the election. you didn't see any of the headlines in the "new york times" but that was some of the most important news that came out of the hearings. adam schiff actually helped donald trump's defense. judge jeanine: let's talk about the fact that as it lead to ukraine, you sued for documents, freedom of information, and you got the documents that gave you some significant information. tell my viewers. >> absolutely. remember, when joe biden started denying everything.
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the story was i didn't know my son was under investigation. it turns out the investigation was speeding up when done are * and hillary clinton were fighting it out. they had just raided hunter biden's possible's home, the owner of burisma. what my documents show, right after that radio curled. hunter biden's legal team showed up at the state department and said, you need to help us make these corruption allegations go away. why? because hunter biden is on the board. that's what the documents actually say. less than a month later joe biden ex towards the ukrainian president to fire the prosecutor saying you don't get your $400 million unless you fire the prosecutor. judge jeanine: you are saying you have actual evidence that once the prosecutor started
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investigating burisma, the lawyers show up in the united states at the state department and say you better lay off because hunter biden is on this board, and within a month joe biden says i have got a bill dollars, you and it getting it unless you get rid of the prosecutor. >> they wanted the state department to kill the corruption allegations. that's why people saw the quid pro quo. there was a state department employee named george kent. if you have got over the votes. if you listen to his words, this is an amazing anecdote. despite the appearance of conflict of interest, the state department, is saying it's the wrong thing for the state department to be in business with joe biden and hunter biden's gas company.
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even the state department officials knew what was going on. it was an open secret. judge jeanine: everyone says it has been looked into and it hasn't been looked into. how much was hunter biden making? >> the fbi seized records back in 2016 and 2017. those record show the firm, hunter biden, devon archer. they were getting $166,000 a month. that's a heck after payday. judge jeanine: $166,000 a month for doing nothing? are they in the ukraine? who is devon archer? >> devon archer was the business associate of both hunter biden and i will throw another name at you, chris heinz, john kerr yims
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stepson. they went into business together. he had a trial where he was convicted of felonies back in 2016, 2017. the judge reverseed the jury conviction. he may be the nephew of whitey bulger. okay. judge jeanine: how much cash did they make for doing nothing? >> i can see two years from the fbi records. $3.4 million or two years. judge jeanine: joe biden was the point man on energy. we have got carter page.
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jean report long awaited findings of the justice department's michael horowitz' investigation is set to be released december 9. my next guest is a central figure in that report. carter page joins me now. he's a person against whom they got the warrant and spied upon or a wiretap. "new york times" says we believe this ig report is set to criticize the lower fbi officials. the top-ranked fbi guise of
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abusing their powers. first of all, is that the case? do you know if that's the case? >> all i know is the little stuff that was discussed in the article. there was so much more wrongdoing that has been proved, going back to what chairman lindsey graham and chairman grassley found out. there is so much more. the fisa abuse memo of february 18. judge jeanine: how does it feel? you have been the center of this yet you have been very feisty in maintaining your innocence. a lot of people would go in the corn for a few years. you were used as the person he were going to use as almost a spy glass to look to the trump campaign. were you ever afraid? >> though i never met candidate
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trump, president trump. the way he has handled himself in terms of punching back and keeping the solid stature and staying focused on what's really important has been a great inspiration for me. judge jeanine: i understand that the attorney general has said that people mentioned in the report now have an opportunity to review that report. we already know that andrew mccabe who has been targeted for criminal investigation a year and a half ago still hasn't been indicted. he had a chance to look at the report. he said today on another station. have you had a chance to look at the report? >> it's two total different justice systems. according to the privacy act in 1974, i should, i have the ability to review and comment. apparently he's been able to comment as well. i have been pushing hard with
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the justice department. >> you gave me a letter. did the fbi ubt view you? >> 10 plus hours. right around the time. >> but the fbi did not. how much times do you think you are mentioned in that report? >> according to the letter, the press release by chairman graham about the fact that it's coming out, and also the fact that they will have the hearing on december 11, it mentions me directly by name. it's public knowledge -- >> it's all about you. it's about whether they have sufficient evidence to wiretap you, surveil you. er 90 days they had to guy the judge evidence of further evidence. do you have any idea of what that further evidence was? >> it's all made up evidence. that's the problem with the people that are mentioned in this report. i was pushing them hard to try
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on donald trump. >> i get that it's not traditional establishment washington experience, but i would argue we need something very different right now. judge jeanine: jenna ellis joins us with reaction to that and much more. does buttigieg have the right experience? >> of course not. he's being touted as the democratic frontrunner because they are so worried about bind's gaffes. and they are not going to back a socialist like be and bers or warren. and no one has the base and the support president trump does. judge jeanine: let's take a look at this poll. it shows buttigieg is pushing ahead in iowa with 26%. liz warren 19, bernie sanders 8,
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biden 12. he doesn't have biden's name recognition. sanders ran four years ago. so why do you think people are getting so excited about him in iowa anyway? >> i'm not sure people are so excited about him as much as they are not excited about the rest of the candidates. president trump has been clear that america will never be a socialist country. and so i think that that is especially with president trump saying hey guys, let's move this back to the middle. so with all of these candidates that are so far left falling off the stage, this is something where i think buttigieg is having in five minutes, but i don't think he will be the nominee. >> he is very different from the president in so many different
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ways. but this duval patrick, you know, coming out or seemingly coming out, mike bloomberg seemingly coming out. then barack obama. i thought it was interesting. i thought it was interesting duval patrick and obama came out at the same time. also at a time where impeachment opposition rises. there is another poll we can take a look at. the difference between october and november. you can see that the opposition to impeachment has dropped in support. you put those two together, i think maybe the democrats think they are not doing as well as they thought. >> this will go down as the greatest political mix calculation in american history. what we saw last week and over the course of the last two months with the impeachment hoax is the democrats have absolutely nothing to constitutionally or legally impeach president trump
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with. the american people see through this hoax. anyone who is rational and reasonable and love their country in a rule of law understand that you can't impeach a sitting u.s. president for doing this job just because you are a member of the opposition party. judge jeanine: when you listen to people like john solomon with "the hill." when he says the media is not covering this stuff. and i think in a lot of ways by the media not covering it, the dems just get the talking points and they buy into that. you and i if you are listening closely, so many of my viewers, which is what they want to show. they get it, but a lot of people may not get it. i'm curious who you think will be the candidate for the democrats. >> we'll see. it flip-flopped back and forth. bind is losing support in an internal rnc poll.
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