tv Watters World FOX News November 30, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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>> you are impossible. [applause] greg: thank you so much for watching. we will see you no next week. i am great go greg got field ane you. >> welcome to "watters world". the democrats, the media, they have been wrong about president trump every day for the last three years. remember to 2016 they said the billionaire did not stand a chance at getting the nomination. >> he is not going to be the nominee. as much as we would like he will not be the nominee because he's made himself uncollectible in the general election. >> he will not be the nominee. >> although he took on each of the republican rivals until he was the last man on state and became the general and he said crooked hillary was going to
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smoking. >> i also don't think you can win the presidency by alienating or beginning to alienate the key constituencies. >> that the guy who knows he's going to lose. >> that's a guy, you start talking that way and again, i don't know if he's ever wanted to win. >> then again he proved them wrong, he outran her come out to be determine outsmarted her and left her the blue wall. once selected the media predicted anarchy, the economy crashing. >> there always seems to be the lingering risk and people's minds that the u.s. is at the in of the current cycle and the recession could strike at some point either 2018 or 2019. >> then n they said would be at war with the north koreans. >> the current language of the ministration, the diplomatic and serious engagement strategy in my view has sliding toward war
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by next summer. >> the stock market has hit all-time highs. job numbers up, unappointed down in america not engaged in major shooting e wars. as critics have tried to take trump down, remember the mueller investigation. >> dismounting for the presidents meddling russian probe. >> collusion with russia will hang over him no matter where he stands. >> they were eager to collude with russia. >> the president and those around him during an election campaignll colluded with the hostile foreign power. >> it does look like collusion. >> no collusion, they were all wrong and no obstruction. now they're at it again with impeachment. >> this testimony is incredibly damaging. >> i cannot emphasize how explosive this is. >> very explosive. >> completely devastating. testimonysondland'sti changed everything. >> no it did not, these are the same people to predict were all
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gonna die in 12 years. >> the world will in in 12 years if we don't address climate change. this is the war. >> no wonder nobody takes them seriously. nothing the left has said has come true. why would we believe them now. here is with direction fox and franco host and author of the new book houston and the alamo avenger. indicated columnist and fox news contributor. over the last three years, none of this stuff has panned out and that's why these poles do not move onnng impeachment because e
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people do not trust what they hear anymore. >> they don't follow like we follow it, we follow it every day, you doing the show, that show, you take one hour off and on to it. but if you trouble countries have a chance to do that with a book tour in particular i got all, nebraska, texas, they are not buying it. they do not get absorbed in the not changing her mind. when they view it is made to trump supporters more determined in the emblem an and they see ad unfairness. >> these think that's true with the rest of the country in trump's land trumped being besieged 21st of about all the stuff, do you think that hardens their allegiance to the president. >> i think it does. the last survey was 90 - 95% are supporting trump and after the impeachment they see him being victimizedus over nothing over something that is not illegal or impeachable. since impeachment hearing started opposition has gone up and among the independents it is collapse of 13 - 15. >> that's a boomerang in the face. jesse: cnn push this very hard.
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and once it did not move the needle, do you know who theyth blamed, they blamed trump supporters. listen to this language. >> the word colt has been popping up more and more they could back to two weeks ago they talked about his claim that trump supporters are in a cold and last weekend support for trump seems increasingly cold tissue in the washington post, john weaver said the gop is on a party in a traditional sense it's a colt. >> cnn says you have to impeach a president and the public says not really. they said okay then you're a colt. >> what is happened, it does not astound me when have donald trump junior, for his dad, it does not astound me when mark e -es out for his dad. what astounds me when you have ron johnson, he made his money in plastics from wisconsin. and he's going to bat with ukraine thing. when you have senator from south dakota, you never knew but now i
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have a chance to know because you treat him unfairly and makes people double down and people throw up their hands and say i was wrong or something unbelievable is taking place. they are mystified. >> cnn cannot believe they were not able to convince any republican in the house or the senate the trump should be impeached so they smear them instead. >> they smeared them in 63% voted for trump. that's a pretty big colt, half the electorate proximately. >> i watched the hearings carefully and many peopletime dd and were waiting for crime, show evidence of crime, if i sell a crime i thought maybe this would be a problem but you heard speculation, presumption and ultimately you have ambassador sondland possibly one of the strongest democrats to put up under cross-examination i never heard him link aid and investigation. i presume i do not hear, where is evidence of wrongdoing and criminality in the essence.
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people will say i don't see the reason they ought to be impeached. that's a colt. >> when the democrats support rock obama's party discipline proved when the republican support donald trump, it is a colt. the democratic party really circled the wagon around barack obama to the point where barack obama can say and honestly believe that he did not have ane scandal in eight years. >> barack obama was great and he was great with getting himself elected but little by little he lost his 60 votes in the senate, they lost the house, then he went to reelection by smearing mitt romney, aec p great personl presence. nobody doubt that, but never talked about that then he loses both chambers in the white house. in peoplesof said he left a here left carnage. >> he did not leave the democratic party in a good position. it was the weakest of the
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1920s. >> they lost 1100 seats in the state house and local et cetera. the democrat party was much weaker when obama went out the front door. one other thing with media, they build up your credibility a little bit if they weren't 100% negative, harvard 96% negative. 0 coverage on abc, cbs, nbc news. you can bring people out of the market say a lot of people are benefited, that's a fair story. they ignore things, when it's negative and the boys and girls crying wolf five nights a week. jesse: they lower the garden hyped about. brian has a new book, the alamo avenger's.
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>> i want to bring texas into the mainstream. we grew up in los angeles, california. we thought that was their story, it's really our story and i thought 60 years after the revolution if i tell you the unprofitable victory and the guys got together to fight for freedom and liberty and they told you they were all americans and they won back texas eventually nine years later to become part b rt. of america without we would not have the south of the west and when you see that i thought it would be worth putting in a book and making the set of "watters world". jesse: this is the peak of your career. >> i am hoping to maybe get on judgeo pirro, she is coming up next. you can stick around. >> i'm hoping they will call my name. >> 5% offer you, 4% off again. jesse: think you guys. best selling author james patterson is here, jeffrey epstein's neighbor in palm beach. he had three private islands all over this guy and he will share what he has with us. nothing says holiday tradition
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like a "watters world" thanksgiving quiz. >> when the pilgrims got here where did they t land? ♪ they answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. and when they were done, chevy earned more j.d. power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. so on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say "thank you, real people." you're welcome. we're gonna need a bigger room.
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federal prison. he allegedly committed suicide, many people including top forensic guys do not believe it. people think he had a lot ofas enemies. best selling author james patterson knows about jeffrey epstein, he was a neighbor in palm beach and he wrote a very detailed book about his scandals called filthy rich, he had three private eyes begin to the case and patterson has a new book called crisscross, the latest in the alex cross series and he joins me now. back, let's start from the beginning, how did jeffrey epstein make all his money. >> he did a lot of investments for people and he also indicated he could save them a lot of taxes. he wanted and said i could save you all this money otherwise you have to pay the government and i want a big piece of it. that seems to be the biggest part of it. now we get into the issue of
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whether he was involved in trafficking of girls around the world, that is the latest saga in the latest, we will see how that plays out. jesse: how he great sheets himself with powerful people. >> right. jesse: we think of him as a billionaire and he says i can save you a boatload of money on taxes, you give me a flat fee and that's how he gets. >> give me a flat feet, yet give me some of the action. jesse: he obviously has a lot of money, he's in and around palm beach and he has a strategy for recruiting young girls from high schools in the area, very manipulative strategy, he got one girl to recruit another girl, they would get paid cash, how does that -- >> the amazing thing, they were
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hundreds of underage girls, certainly over 100 that were recruited and he got some kids that would recruit other kids from the high school or junior high school. these kids range from 14, 15, 16, he apparently did not want older girls at all which isim interesting. the way the girls were instructed, when they came to see him they had to say they were over 18 like that matter. and now we have a lot of these girls that are grown-up in the miami herald, actually in the book the police interviews when they were kids 14, 15, 16, police interviews which are devastating. jesse: the local guys had a lot of this lockdown, they had interviews, testimony, hard physical evidence that they obtained from hisro creepy litte home in palm beach, your pictures. >> the police chief and detective, they really did --
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they were the only ones to me through most of this thing who really cared about the girls. they said this is wrong and a terrible thing. they are both dads and they hung without. >> and then they got stifled when they go to the state attorney in the states attorney -- >> i think the locals have problems to. >> because he was throwing money around. >> or combination. he brought in the dream team with alan dershowitz and black and a few others. i think the locals got very frightened that they could lose the case. i think they said one epstein has already taken care of some of these girls and they will not talk secondly you cannot prove somewhere over in his house and ones you can prove, we feel we will investigate them on the witness stand. >> and they did not want to risk that but they did have him on one account correct? >> that was the local attorne ay
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and the only time it was brought to a injury like this, the locan one charge, prostitution. jesse: the sweetheart deal, people have no idea how sweet this deal was, he was allowed to come and go as he pleased from his local cell. >> they also excuse the co-conspirator. >> we will never know who they are or will that come out? >> we know elaine maxwell was involved in some way shape or fashion is. >> she was the daughter of the wealthy publisher. >> what was her role? >> it's a little unclear except she and jeffrey were very good friends, they spent amazing amount of time together and according to the girls, the women she was very involved in edrms of recruiting the girls tbd. but a lot of the girls say she was involved in some of them claim she was involved in some of the sessions tbd.
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but she definitely was around and close to jeffrey and now she has disappeared. jesse: she has disappeared, will she be interviewed again? >> the fbi wants to talk to her and then you have prince andrew, he was the one who clearly, when we put the book together and have the investigators looking, it was not clear what he had done but it was clear he was involved and he was that a lot of parties. jesse: very close with epstein. and we know he was close with bill clinton, donald trump. >> i'm not too keen on that in the sense. let's take president trump, i talked to the head of the spa from a woman who ran the spot and merit longer. and i talked to her a couple times and i said did you know
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jeffrey epstein she said yes, he came to the spa and he was inappropriate in her opinion with the young girls and at that point she went to donald trump and when he heard about it he banned epstein from the club. >> we never get anythingut realy negative about he or president clinton, so anything --'s be one of your investigators found anything. >> no, we took the pilots of the plane, he had a couple of planes and helicopters, epstein did and we talk to pilots and they said no. >> so you had talked to pilots. >> yes. >> the pilots went to his private island many, many times with many, many people and we know many girls were there and there are pictures now of girls on the island and none of the pilots that you have interviewed have ever named any high-profile
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people that had gone on the plane with them. >> no, not the pilots that we talk to. jesse: bill clinton obviously amy roback figured him and said we had the goods in the clinton angle so to speak when she spoke to the one young victim that abc spiked and now it looks like abc has touched up about this. are you alarmed by that part of the story? >> once again, i did not want to but we never got anything that implicated either president trump or presidentt clinton. jesse: as it stands today, it looks like the fbi wants to talk to prince andrew, do you believe prince andrew if he does come in for an fbi interview will shed light on any co-conspirators? >> i would be surprised if he comes to an interview. [laughter] >> you never know what is going on.
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i was shocked when i heard about suicide. jesse: do you believe it was suicide or something else happened. >> i believe it was suicide. jesse: tell me why because we have doctor highly respected said it was more indicative of homicidal strangulation. >> one of the things about this, we will keep getting conspiracy theories forever, because it touched so many people, you had the me too angle, in my opinion this is the worst of the me two stories, much worse than cosby and weinstein. and you had the justice system not working at all in terms of what happened epstein, i think the conspiracy thing will keep. i could be wrong but i think he killed himself. >> knowing what you know about the issue, do you see certain soft spots that the investigators could go in. do you see unfollowed leads in
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your opinion that people need to 0 in on. >> for a lot of reasons, you want to hear more from wexner. >> wexner in terms of the money, how did he get the money and what was the relationship. >> he was a billionaire who owns a company that owns victoria's secret and the limited and clearly was getting a lot of financial advice from epstein and should be able to tell us about epstein's money. he obviously doesn't want to talk. i do not blame her. jesse: epstein was using his connection with these modeling people to recruit people from overseas. >> the next piece of this in terms of large stories is traffic of young girls which has been a big story for a long ti
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time, i don't think anybody has open that up the way you might be able to open it up, that is massive. >> the villains involved, they know the guy is an evil man, who ?re the primary villains or people empower that you feel are not responsible in handling the situation? >> i think local attorneys -- i don't t blame acosta honestly, because interesting thing about acosta, that's when the media got on this. they really got on it, they do not care about the girls but oh alex acosta the guy who president trump appointed secretary of labor, who cares about the girls -- that's crazy but that's when it blew up in the media. jesse: you finish this book, filthy rich which everybody should read a differentth event piece. this was on 2016 and you said there was not a lot of people clamoring for this book.
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>> we did find with the book but in terms of going after the media -- i'm going seriously, this story -- that's why i wrote the book the story is incredible. and we had most investigations of the president, acosta, interviews with the girls. we had most of it but we did not know that epstein would supply the perfect ending by killing himself but we had most of it. jesse: you have the new one, crisscross and this is one of many that you have written about alex cross and tell us what it's about. it is about justice and the miscarriage of justice andll misconduct. >> the other interesting thing about crisscross, on theut same day we are bringing out ally cross which is his 12-year-old son and i'm so bad entrée to get kids reading and have the
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printed grandparents interact, we have alex cross and in this book one of the things that happen, alex has to try to save ally his son who gets in trouble and the son who is 11 or 12 years old who has watched his father and stepmother as police people, one of his friends is missing so he applies some of what he learned from his father and goes looking for the missing friend. i love the idea, the book schema at the same time and allie has been in a lot of these books. i just like the idea. jesse: always suspenseful and a thrilling read. james patterson, filthy rich and crisscross, they give very much for coming and shedding light on this. still ahead a "watters world" thanksgiving quiz. but first, black friday, americans going to war with eac. other over deals. what the heck is going on with this ♪
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the plane crashed shortly after taking off from chamberlain and was heading to idaho falls idaho, 12 people were aboard the plane and no word on what caused the crash but the area was under a winter storm warning. federal investigators are headed to the scene, survivors are being treated at local hospitals. meantime two of the three children who went missing after being swept away by floodwaters in central arizona have been found dead. both were five years old. authorities are still searching for the third child, they disappeared after their vehicle was swept downstream by a current. a man and four other children were rescued. now back to "watters world". jesse: last weekend harvard, yalyellyell game, about 50 iv ls
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were arrested, the crowd was not happy. yell ended up winning by a touchdown and double-team. this is not the only time that these protesters have inconvenienced people. remember in october hundreds of protesters jammed subway stations in london, this disrupted everything. one person climbed on the train. here in new york city they stopped traffic in the heart of timeeyffff square, they tied themselves to a boat and in d.c., several protesters stop the line of cars l just waitingo drive through traffic light. here for reaction we turn to actor dean cain. a part of me wanted them to start the second half and run these guys over. >> a huge part of me wanted to do the exact same thing. i played on the field and i hate that field be as work their tails off, and they want to pla- ball and go and it's slowing
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them down for an hour could be detrimental to the players, health. jesse: it could change the whole outcome of the game. >> they should've let them play. i guarantee they would've played on in the field would've cleared really quickly. these people don't look like they play sports anyway. >> no they don't. bo a want attention. >> it's about them. their message was not even clear, release the debt on r puerto rico and bad treatment in china. >> they don't know what they're protesting. >> but they're happy to protest. >> they trashed the tailgate. these people care so much about planet earth, look what they did. you know what they could have done instead of going to the 50-yard line they could've picked up the garbage and that would've been a more carbon neutral protest. there is no way that will happen. everyone you see t that. they trashed the area. >> remember the pictures from earth day. >> it rings hollow.
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but i will say congratulations to yale because they are champs. and princeton was out of it this year. jesse: i'm sorry about princeton. we have footage of the bestt and worst of the presidential turkey pardons we wanted to ask about because he loves to eat turkey. >> the most powerful position in the world brings with it many awesome and solemn responsibilities. this is not one of them. >> i had a chance to shoot a bunch of you the other day and they did not. [laughter] >> this gets welcomed, caramel and popcorn, drumsticks, peas enand carrots. i want to take a moment to recognize the brave turkeys who
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did not get to ride the gravy train of freedom. who met their fate with courage and sacrifice improved -- >> even though peas and carrots have received a presidential pardon i have worn them the house democrats are likely to issue them botht subpoenas. i cannot guarantee that your partners will not be enjoyed by the ninth circuit. it always happened. >> very good. people want to get rid of this tradition, they hate that and they complain trump as a criminal why are we pretending were having fun with these pardons. i love them there hysterical. >> even the moments bill clinton because there was a mess made in one turkey going after george w. bush. taking a shot. i think it's hysterical and fun into the later part of the president and president obama was funny with his.
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bread-and-butter was pardon. >> i like tater and taught. >> bread-and-butter is good though. >> i am very hungry for that. i think it's great fun. it's like the no fun brigade. relax a little. you know what is not a lot of fun if you are trying to go to best buy or something like that on black friday, you can get your head taken off. some of these people all black fridayth go in and trained to kl people. they want the flatscreen and they want it bad. what does this say about the culture, they will literally kill someone to get 50% off. >> it's a very frightening reality but for me i love brock friday in these videos, i could sit and watch these four hours. from the comfort of your own home. >> i will never go out on black friday, it's insane. in the base human
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emotion of survive week, you'd think if they're going for a flatscreen tv. jesse: i'm going to bring in a black credit expert. you'll be mye blocker. will create space a market with tvs. thank you very much. up next the busiest travel week of the year. airplanes become armageddon. a flight attendant to tell us discussing and shocking things she's ever seen. be warned. ♪ billions of mouths. billions of problems. dry mouth? parched mouth? cotton mouth?
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jesse: a record 32 million people are expected to fly this holiday week and some travelers are straight up animals. not about emotional support animals, passengers are the c biggest threat to the flight crew. passengers. a few f months ago former flight crew manager allie murphy shared withth me some of her secrets fm
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the skies. >> what are some of the most inappropriate things that passengers have subjected you to on the plane. >> inappropriate things, i think tapping on the behind to get my attention, that's inappropriate, i would not tap anybody on the behind for any reason. things like that i've had -- icon passengers trying to sneak into the bathroom. jesse: the mile high club, if you catch someone trying to join the mile high club, do you stop them or how do you deal with that. >> it depends if i like them. [laughter] if they're nice people and if it's discrete i think you can pass on but if they are nice to
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me there out of their. in you work for virgin airlines. [laughter] eyget there's different rules. >> sometimes you have severely intoxicated people popping pills, drinking wine, what are some of the worst things you've seen on level. >> the worst time for me was a guy who had taking sleeping pills and then snuck on alcohol and drug and entire bottle of wine to himself but we did not know in the two together can create a reaction where you don't know what you're doing, you don't sleep but you have annoyed you what you're doing. so this guy went around and stole the passengers shoes and was trying them on and then he sat next to his wife and did not recognize her and then he wanted to get off so y he tried to open the aircraft door which meant we had to jump on him and restrain him. jesse: oh my god so you jumped on the guy who's trying to open
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the door made flight, did you put handcuffs on him. >> we were going to. >> we pinned him down and then he passed out so then he was in a medical situation so then we had to do without. >> what happens when somebody gets physically aggressive prude we've seen videos, people throwing punches, kicking, refusing to leave, what is the protocol there. >> the protocol is trying to calm the situation down which we will try to do, we have training every year to go through situations where you try to diffuse the situation. jesse: has anyone tried to throw punch you or your colleagues. >> not me personally but my friends have received punches one from a celebrity actually. jesse: was a charlie sheen? >> no it was not. jesse: wasas it greg gutfeld? >> you're not going to tell me
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who it was are you. >> no. >> you'll tell me after the commercial break. it sounds like survival of the fittest. i congratulate you for dealing with people so politely. i bet your temper -- did you ever lose your temper? a passenger swore at me and said it wased my fault the plane was delayed because those doing cpr on a guy. jesse: okay. very nice man. thanthank you for not snapping t everybody and they cur thank yor mile high club. up next one of her favorite traditions waterworld thanksgiving quiz. >> around what year was the first thanksgiving. >> 1942 columbus sailed the ocean blue ♪ ♪
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they answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. and when they were done, chevy earned more j.d. power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. so on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say "thank you, real people." you're welcome. we're gonna need a bigger room. it'syou can adjust yourate sleep comfort on both sides youreep sleep number setting. can it help keep us asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. and snoring? no problem... and done. so you can really promise better sleep.
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ocean blue. >> that was so wrong. >> 1860. >> you're close. >> 1487. >> what year around was the first thanksgiving. >> 1600. >> 1500. >> that was a high five. >> who ate together on the first thanksgiving. >> 's is one of the shows that makes you look dumb. >> white people. >> who were the white people eating on the first thanksgiving, what were they called. >> the pills, the pillsbury. >> american fed them, american welcome them to our country. >> so the pilgrims died dined with the markets, the american people? >> yes what country did the pilgrims come from. >> it's been a long time since i
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was in grammar school. >> europe. >> europe is not a country. >> sweden. >> italy, spain. >> israel. >> not israel. >> what country did the pilgrims come from. >> asia, south america. >> we look like idiots. >> how did the pilgrims get here. >> boats. >> what was the name of the bo boat. >> what was the name of the boat. >> rock. >> santa maria. >> i have no idea. >> the mayflower. >> excellent right over yonder. >> why did they come from england. >> to explore the west. >> further impair. >> new land. >> gold. >> they were from the united kingdom escaping religious
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persecution. >> what was on the menu at the first thanksgiving. >> perhaps some sort of local vegetable and maybe meet, turkey i don't know. buffalo chicken, i have no idea. >> wild turkeys, pheasants. >> like wild turkey like the drink. >> no but that would've made the dinner better. >> hard to say. >> turkeys, hush puppies boiled and fried. >> how did they fry it? >> when the pilgrims got here where do they land? >> virginia. >> new york. >> i have no idea. >> plymouth rock. >> where is plymouth rock. >> massachusetts. >> i'm smart. >> do you know who i am.rt >> no. >> who the hell are you. >> i am waters and this is my
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[♪] jesse: "last call." this time of year it's important to reflect on what we are most grateful for. our health and our families. but for my next guest each and every day is a blessing. he has a chronic kidney disease with no known cause or cure. he was diagnosed at 2 1/2 years old. he takes up to 15 pills a day and he's probably going to need a kidney transplant. what's life like under these conditions? how does a regular day for you go? >> thank you for having me. it's very hard. i have to take 15 pills a day.
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i have to eat low sodium and miss out on a lot of activities with friends because i'm tired and fatigued and can't be hang out with friend. jesse: what kind of activity aren't you able to do? >> sports. when i was younger i would play baseball but some days i would miss track practice because i was so tired. jesse: i met your dad at an event earlier and you are so lucky to have a dad like that. he told me about your situation and i wanted to talk to you about it. what's against your greatest moment since you have been thrust into this issue. >> the great jest moment is just seeing my son be a hero. he's been a hero to everybody. he has been a hero to the children and the adults around the world with his chronic kidney disease. he just made a speech at our
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dinner on nor 14 where we raised $14.2 million. and we had 700 people. to watch him speak in front of 700 people as a 16-year-old. it's an unbelievable thing to watch something good come out of something that's so bad. jesse: were you nervous up in there front of all these people. >> i was so nervous. but city mad people i loved out in front of me. jesse: were you more nervous then or now on. "watters' world." >> now. >> it's web jesse: thank you guys have much. i appreciate it. that's all for tonight. follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is
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next. and remember i'm watters and this is my world. judge jeanine: welcome to "justice" i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. i hope you had a nice thanksgiving, and thanks for making last week's "justice" number one again all weekend long. we have an all-star lineup for you this thanksgiving weekend. devin nunes, sara and dears, dan bongino, charlie kirk, and greg gutfeld, and i will introduce you to an american hero at the end of the show. you can always count on the democrats to keep their word. they mean what they say
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