tv Outnumbered FOX News December 6, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PST
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>> it was a treat to have you walk us through there. that was nice. >> listen come over going to have a great weekend. check us out on the channel. great to be with you and have a good weekend. >> get some rest, we have a big week. thanks for watching everybody, "outnumbered" starts now. >> breaking developments right now in that shooting in florida. the navy now confirming that the gunman and three other people are dead after gunfire at the naval aviation station in pensacola, the cradle of u.s. naval. phil keating has more from miami. >> melissa, incredibly tragic morning in the florida pan handle in pensacola of all places, such a huge military town where the navy's beloved. the shooting helping at the naval air station classroom. this is the second active
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shooting at a u.s. navy space in three days. the naval air station, home of the blue angels, still an active crime scene and remains in lockdown. the base is closed. according to the navy not only is the shooter data, but also to others were found dead on the base and a third died on the way to or at a local hospital. for total debt including the gunman and eight people are being treated at a local hospital that includes two county sheriff deputies who were involved in the rapid response bear the sheriff says their injuries are not life-threatening. no word yet on the type of weapon the gunman used nor the gunman identity or even a possible motive. the shooting happened in a classroom which a navy spokesman says is not unusual as there are many classrooms at the renowned navy aviation school. everything is still unfolding and there could be another press update later this afternoon. >> the threat has been negated.
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the strike is hard for me is a retired military member. walking through the crime scene is like being on the side of a movie. has the mayor put come you don't expect this to happen at home. it doesn't happen in pensacola. >> really just a grim press conference that was held just about an hour and a half ago by all the authorities involved. remember, on wednesday a navy sailor shot and killed two people at the pearl harbor navy base and then shot himself. >> phil keating, thank you. another fox news alert, the white house just hours away from a deadline now to decide whether it will begin to bring evidence and call witnesses in the house judiciary committee hearings ahead of the next session that's on monday. that's when the democrat led judiciary and intel committees will present their findings on the investigation so far. this coming on the heels of
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speaker pelosi announcing democrats will plow ahead with impeachment. pelosi had this to say last night. >> the president violated the constitution's and so i think it is important for us to proceed. if we were not to proceed it would say to any president, any future president, whoever he or she may become a democratic or republican, that our democracy is gone. the president is king. >> this is "outnumbered" and i'm melissa francis. here today fox business network anchor, dagen mcdowell. executive director of the serve america packed and fox news contributor, marie harf. both are news contributor, kristen soltis anderson. in the center seat today, brian brenberg, executive vice president and chair of business and finance at the kings college new york and he is outnumbered. we have a lot to get to. let's dive in. what do you think about this? do you think the white house has just hours away from that
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deadline. >> i don't know why they would want to participate at this stage. the process from their viewpoint has not been fair, why legitimate it right now? why not get back to what they consider be a level playing field where they can punch back with some strength. >> everybody is watching, why not go out and make your case? >> why not make your case in territory that is fair to you, that is familiar to you come over you think you can get a fair shake. they're not going to get that on the house process. all it does is prolong a space that they are in right now that they don't want to be in. forced democrats to finish this process, moved to the senate, and make your case they are where you can really swing with some strength. >> dagen. >> if you go back to the mueller report in the white house did cooperate with the mueller report, there were 500 search and seizure warrants. mueller and his team interviewed anyone that they wanted including anybody in the white house. no witnesses were interfered with. that investigation went on and
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was concluded. the counterintelligence investigation, the fbi went on and concluded there was no obstruction. that's something that seemed to be put to bed earlier this year, at least by trump supporter's and it still goes on today. we are still talking about obstruction of justice being potentially one of the articles of impeachment or being included in the articles of impeachment. at this point they cooperate with that and now they are throwing up their hand. it's an issue of messaging that it works to their advantage because you have not seen the poll's move like republican support for impeachment is back below 10%. it's below where it was before the mueller report came out. >> marie, when speaker pelosi came at a made that statement she seemed to broaden out what the democrats were looking at in the impeachment probe. do you think that was smart? do you think it's technically better to keep it narrow in terms of messaging to the american people and may be getting those? >> it will be interesting to see how the actual articles are
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written. i think the articles themselves will be fairly narrow. i think it will be focused on abuse of power in the ukraine situation come obstruction of justice, and obstruction of congress and the ukraine investigation. maybe with the mueller investigation president trump was not interviewed but many other people work but the fact that in the ukraine into investigation they've ignored multiple subpoenas for multiple senior officials. that will be part of it. i think that's how the articles of impeachment will probably be written. the question that the u.s., the public case is a different one. there are a lot of other things that many democrats and many voters would argue are already abuses of power. i think it would be smart to keep the actual articles themselves, the process and the senate in the process in the house, focused as clearly as possible on ukraine and on this issue because quite frankly i think there is enough there to justify this and that is the most clear-cut example of abuse of power. >> kristin, what you think in
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terms of the argument and swing the american people? one of the democrat talking points has been the facts are not in dispute. i think that the republicans response to that is sort of right, the facts aren't in dispute. what they mean is wildly up for interpretation. it's very much in dispute. >> i think when you look at the republican pushback, the republicans have two ways to push back on the democrats. one is if they want to litigate the facts on the ground and the president continues to try and make the case, the call was perfect. i think that is weaker territory for them to fight on because the polls don't show that most americans think the call. they may be too serious of a remedy, they may not like that the phone call or what have you but is impeachment the right response question mike that's where you begin to lose a lot of folks. >> you're making my point and brian i will ask you that. the fact is the text of the call. we can all read it. that's the fact that is not in dispute. here's the call and here's what was said.
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what is wildly in dispute is whether that amounts to a hill of beans or whether it enough miles to impeachment. >> whether it's worthy of impeachment, that's where democrats are starting to lose. they can't deny it either. it's interesting to me, marie you talked about the breath or the narrowness of the charges here. you are seeing a lot of pressure to make this wider and wider and throw more and more grievances into this. i think that is very dangerous for democrats. it weakens their case and makes them look like they are suddenly complaining rather than being serious about impeachment. you don't think it's going to go there, i don't know the pressure is building for this to get become a kitchen sink of a process for them that looks very bad. >> nancy pelosi brought up pressure yesterday. >> russia is related to ukraine. i'm not explain into your commit is related in some way. >> the reason i raised the mueller report issue is i get not something the white house
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cooperated with that didn't go away. nancy pelosi and jerry nadler can't seem to take your own advice. nine months ago nancy pelosi is talking but i don't think that we should go down that path talking about unique and overwhelming bipartisan support. during other a year ago says do you think the case is so stark that the offenses are so terrible and the proof so clear that once you've laid it all out you convince an appreciable fraction of the people to vote up or tromp, that like him, that you have no choice in the answer based on the polls is no come you haven't convinced them. you're still pushing ahead. >> meanwhile my "washington post" says democrats impeachment could backfire with the hud line, pelosi may have signed a political death warrant for moderate democrats and trump districts." pelosi would not have announced a vote on article of impeachment as she did not think she had the votes. she can't strong-arm the voters in the districts of the moderates. her decision to move forward with the impeachment means that
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many of those 31 democrats and trump districts seem destined to lose in november. apparently that is the price she is willing to pay to placate her parties virulent anti-trump base. you're the polls expert so i want to ask you, when we talk about those democrats that are in trump districts. on one hand it sounds like you are asking their representatives in washington to undermine their vote. on the other hand, those are districts that a lot of people he barely won. maybe it helps them in those districts. the democrats there are behind that person more than ever before. >> depends on whether you think it is more important to have your base with you and think that your base is doing what they sent you to washington to do, or to appeal to those swing voters in the middle. the trump campaign was treating out poll numbers yesterday looking at certain swing districts in oklahoma. one of the new democratic member coming from a district that
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trump one. those districts showing impeachment is not terribly popular there. on the other hand for a district where trump didn't win by double digits but maybe one by single districts but barely one. i think the politics can be more complicated there. i think pelosi is taking a calculated risk that if they backed out now, there base is going to be disappointed that they let this go. that will be worse than the effect on swing voters, who frankly aren't paying as much attention. to be good marie does she have the vote question mike >> absolutely think she has the votes and i think some of these swing districts have changed. his big difference between that oklahoma district in the virginia district where it democrats picked up seats in 2018 or some of the other ones. those are very different. these suburban districts around cities that we have seen in places like michigan, virginia, pennsylvania, colorado. despite the fact that they may not love impeachment, they really still don't like, or they moving away from donald trump. the suburban flight away from
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donald trump's real despite their feelings on impeachment. because these moderates when they were voting in 2018 they were still talking but health care, they were talking but infrastructure -- >> they are now. >> that hasn't changed. the problem for moderate democrats as they have nothing to say in any of those fronts. when they go back to those voters they may not like donald trump but they have nothing to say about the agenda. >> the house has passed almost 300 bills this year on gun reform. they are going to say we have done our job. >> instead you will give him impeachment to work and towards the end of the year. >> sticking it to bernie sanders and elizabeth warren who are going to applicant tribute in a trial or other think and panning.
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schiff's actions legally dubious. the media is treating this as a victory when it is a disgraceful breach of ethical and legal propriety. who gets the schiff treatment next? if you think politics is ugly now imagine a world in which congressional partisans routinely track and expose the call lists of their political rivals and disfavored media. marie am going to start with you on this. i always think, i always approach like this, what if the shoe was on the other foot? what if devon nunes did that to adam schiff? what would the outreach be? >> what we say did that what we are talking about is a lawfully obtained subpoena of a man under indictment is and probably going to get indicted for more crimes as we speak and that's how these phone records were obtained. there were no subpoenas of members of congress or staff or journalist, these were obtained through a lawful subpoena of someone who is probably going to be convicted of a crime here
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let's be clear about how we got these. >> it was also rudy giuliani and that raises the issue of attorney-client privileges. >> these were all obtained through lawfully obtained subpoenas coming out of members of congress and not of their staff and not of journalists. some people out there are trying to confuse the issue. look, i actually think the bigger question here is why would devens be 25 talking to les arneson talking to rudy giuliani and overseeing a committee when he never disclosed any of this. of my party did that i would say that is not the right thing to do. >> lawfully required is up for debate. in the article she quotes the former attorney general michael mckay see this as there does not appear to be any basis to believe that a congressional committee is authorized to subpoena telephone records directly from a provider. they were taken from at&t, or at&t handed them over before the vote on the impeachment as opposed to an individual. it's not authorized to subpoena
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phone records directly from the prior divider. >> a judge signed off on it so someone with legal authority signed off on it. >> what's interesting is the question you raised, why was giuliani talking to this person, why in the world are we talking about that? why do we know that? how scary is it that you can get these phone records. there can be conversations and immediately the conversation goes to why were these two people talking? should they be talking? out is not concerning a journalists ability to do his or her work? how does it constrain a politician ability to do his or her work question mike we throw these phone markets out there and then we make all sorts of baseless inferences and accusations. >> knapsack example of inference that came from this is one of the numbers is shown that rudy giuliani was in contact with was a number that is alleged in the report to have. this is one link to the office of management and budget. the implication being that rudy giuliani was calling omb, this
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could have invocations with what happens to ukraine aid. except the number is one that is generic across a variety of different white house administration departments. frankly i think in some places it looks as though rudy giuliani tried to call this number back but it's not actually a working number. it's like this booth number the pops up whenever you're talking to someone from the administration. you have these wild accusations rudy giuliani calling omd. maybe he was but those phone records, that doesn't prove it. >> god bless the two "wall street journal" reporters to waited into the grass to find out how the phone works at the white house. >> according to the articles there is a lot of phone records that they wouldn't evolve for it is not just rudy giuliani. it is other members. >> it showed up in rudy. they did not subpoena devon newness' phone records periods.
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>> the other is less harness in the other is the other man who was arrested with them. they have been absolutely crystal clear that they did not subpoena members of congress, their staff, or any journalist. they showed up in these other subpoenas. two of these men have been indicted on multiple federal crimes. that is not an abuse of power. >> it's also journalist commits also the president lawyers. adam schiff divulged these phone records. >> chose the potential conflict of interest and needs to be addressed. you can bet that if adam schiff's phone records had shown up in peter strzok or lisa page someone republicans would say this is a conflict of interest. >> abuse of political power to smear his opponents that's what it is. joe biden lashing out at an iowa voter, their heated exchange making a big splash on social media. the impact this could have on
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the former vice president's campaign. (employee) enterprise car sales has access to over half a million preowned vehicles, most with tech features like blind spot detection, back up camera... [kristen gasps] (employee) because you never know what might be behind you. (kristen bell) does the sloth come standard? (kristen bell vo) looking to buy? enterprise makes it easy. when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan.
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job for gas company come yet no experience with gas, in order to get access to the president. you're selling access to the president just like he was. >> you're a liar, that's not true and nobody has ever said that. >> campaign trail is heating up. joe biden getting into it there with an iowa voter who confronted the former vice president on his son, hunters, business dealings in ukraine. the heated exchange going viral and social media. back-and-forth didn't stop there, watch. >> i'm not saying you were doing anything. >> you said i set up my son to work at an auto company. it is not what you said? get your words straight. you don't do that on msnbc, you did not hear that. i'm not going to get into an
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argument. >> that wasn't comfortable. >> makes me feel right at home. >> modes i'm going to start with you on this because we talk a lot on the scott about how joe biden has responded to the o'kane allegations when donald trump first brought them up and some people thought he responded too slowly. now is getting questions from voters about how you right how you handle this >> i don't know. it was so awkward. i was most uncomfortable when he seemed to be like charging the man and that guy was kind of uncomfortable because you forget that this is a civilian versus somebody that you're actually debating who is also a political professional. what this shows you is that the message that you when you take some body and you take that off spring that parents payroll, that's similar to giving the parents money. rotors are making that connection and they are willing to confront joe biden about that
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and say what did ukraine think they were getting in response to lightening the burden on you for supporting that him and his family or wherever else. to see him try to respond to it it was kind of, it took him a second then he lunged and it's better than doing nothing i guess. more of the message is it is getting through the voters. >> i'm going to turn it over to you, you're in a campaign. tell us what your analysis would be. what would you tell the vice president to do? >> he looks too defensive. from everything i've read in from all the facts commit certainly wasn't a perfect situation with the vice president didn't do anything wrong himself. donald trump is using it for political reasons and is being impeached right now because he try to use his office to get aired on joe biden. joe biden needs an answer that is clear, that isn't defensive, that isn't offensive. yet one points challenges this
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kind of push ups. >> he doesn't have a clear answer because he did do something wrong. >> he didn't. there is no evidence joe biden himself did anything wrong. i'm not talking about joe dell michael hunter come i'm talking about joe. if you had an answer that didn't seem so offensive that to me was the most striking part of that. he got angry not confident. >> he got involved in a situation where he had a clear conflict of interest. >> the point is this is a voter come he supposed to be able to connect with his virtue was a candidate. does the person he supposed to connect with and instead of doing that he challenges him to a fight, a push-up contest. >> he does that a lot, that's one of his sticks. >> if you can't connect with that photo the wind the world is he in this race? that guy was ready to vote for him, he was on his side but he was asking a legitimate question that a lot of voters have. biden could not even get the right tone. >> can we take a look at the video of him challenging the sky do a push-up contest?
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>> do they get down and do push-ups? >> no. >> that part was good. >> i thought that was better. >> this other thing gentleman said to joe biden was you're too old. it wasn't just about the ukraine situation. >> the vice president seem to slip up and say fat but then he switched to facts. i have a completely different take on this. i love this. in the age of trump, was a very tough posture, who is not going to come what did the president say if you punch me i punch back
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even harder. to paraphrase what he says. this is not only accept the boat, it is expected in the age of president trump. i would much prefer somebody punch me in the nose an then stabbed me in the back and this is something that hillary clinton never delivered into but it does. >> i don't think this is going to shake up the democratic primary polls in any way. frankly it might be good for joe biden to be in the headlines a little bit. showing a little bit of life. showing a little bit of energy. you may not love what he sighed and you may not love the style but in the age of trump i think you're right. having more attention and more energy has the potential to be beneficial. >> this was condescending. let's take a night queue test. what question mike you're going to take that an iq test against the voter. >> trump says that all the time. >> biden is supposed to be the guide to connect with voters. >> i laughed through it.
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i watched it five times this morning. >> maybe we will take a push-up contest on the break. >> alexandria ocasio-cortez alleging the trump administration food stamp regulations would starve her family. we will debate it next. the zip code you're born into can determine your future. your school. your job. your dreams. your problems. (indistinct shouting) but at the y, we create opportunities for everyone, no matter who you are or where you're from. for a better us, donate to your local y today.
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it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez being called out over a tweet slamming the white house's new plan into the titan work requirements for food stamp recipients. the congresswoman posted this yesterday. my family relied on food stamps when my dad died at 48. i was a student. if this happened then we might have just starved. now many people will. it's shameful how the g.o.p. works overtime to create freebies for the rich while dissolving the lifeline for
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those that need it most. critics say she is misrepresenting the new rule because it only applies to childless able-bodied adults under the age of 50. that is a fact. these food stamps do not affect parents, the disabled, or anybody over the age of 50. >> sheet just completely blew it on the facts and got the policy implications wrong and that means she is creating a narrative that is not true and missing what i think a lot of people look at when they see this issue which is we've got historically low unemployment. there are tons of jobs available. it would be a good thing to help folks who are on food stamps to move into a position where they are getting job training and working in order to stay in the program. it strikes most people is totally reasonable. she takes it to ae reasonable place. >> to her credit she did, she added some more tweets today and i will get marie to respond to this.
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she said this in terms of the rule ignores the reality of american life. plenty of parents that support can't claim over 18 children as dependents getting disability status is notoriously difficult and food is an immediate need. what if somebody has an undiagnosed mental issue like severe depression. >> what? >> nice try. >> she's trying to cover her tracks. when it comes down to it there were 2.1 million potential hires out there, able-bodied adults under the age of 50 without dependents who are receiving food stamps despite not working. in the meantime in this country, 50 year low unemployment country in 7 billion job openings. >> the usda has said that under the actual rules, not aoc's version of them, 688,000 people will lose access to food stamps. food is an immediate need and i think that we should think a little more carefully before we
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revise a rule that would take hundreds of thousands of people off of a program that gives them daily access to food. that seems a bit cruel. i think we should think a little more carefully before we do this and not just focus on aoc's correct way to. >> all it says is you need to go get a job. you need to find work and that's only 2% of the beneficiaries. 2% of the beneficiaries. >> that's a lot of people, dagen, and that's not easy. we had this conversation last week. what role should government plant some of these programs. i think it isn't just that easy to go get a job, even despite the low unemployment rate. these are real people are getting access to food. >> it's difficult to and sent people who are getting freebies to go out and get a job that is minimum wage part-time that is a pain in the neck. you have to go do it because that is the way back into the workforce and back up. does say that they can stay home and collect food stamps, i don't think it is doing the compassionate thing for those
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people because i think if they are able to go get a job, you need to motivate them to go do that and feel better about themselves and take care of themselves, to begin to work back into the work force. i think we are both seeing a similar thing and we both want to do something compassionate. >> tend to be pretty popular. this isn't just something that the base of the g.o.p. likes. being more effective and efficient in how we provide aid to those that really need it but making sure that programs are nudging people to be able to be self-sufficient as soon as possible is something you find enough a lot of people want. making sure those rules are actually achieving that end and are not inadvertently kicking off people who really may not be able to care for themselves. you can argue may need to adjust those rules but the idea of requiring or expecting people to work who may be trying to enter the workforce is something you will find is not popular.
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>> the character of people that are not having jobs because they are sitting home and like collecting food stamps. i'm nothing that's what you're saying but it is a character of what is out there. >> this administration has thrown a few billion dollars at the opioid problem. childless adults generally have to train at least 20 hours a week to qualify for food stamps. that was bill clinton's welfare reform in 1996. november job numbers out showing a major growth in the labor market. how president trump as well as top democrats are reacting. ♪ without my medication, my small tremors would be extreme.
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speak of the labor department raised leasing jobs report for november. u.s. employers adding 266,000 new jobs last month while unemployment rate shrunk to 3.5%, matching the 50 year record low. president trump pouncing on the news intuiting without the horror show that is the radical left do-nothing democrats, the stock markets and economy would be even better. if that is possible. the border would be closed to the evil of drug, gangs, and other problems. #2020. might as well throw all of that other stuff here. you don't look to obstacle aid from this phenomenal job report. it blew away the expectations. i was shocked when i saw it. what are your thoughts? >> i love to see this because i root for american prosperity and this is something that most americans are feeling good. wage growth is north of 3%, 3.1%
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in the most recent month. it's much faster than inflation. i know that the trump administration put out a statement about a monk nonsupervisory and production workers, wages are growing even faster than that. you've actually seen during this administration and income inequality lesson or that gap closing because people on factory floors are making more money. we've had a seven month high in consumer sentiment. 1% of people mentioned impeachment. this is what people care about. this of the american way of life. >> this is good for the president politically because even as his job approval is somewhat flat come his economic job approval has been consistently higher than overall. it's been improving over the past few months. i remember wasn't fox business with you the day the yield curve inverted and it was like okay what could happen to the economy
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over the next year and a half most likely to be for the election? things might be okay. iif you got a tray daily could could be even better. >> there are two huge points in here. one is we have been looking at signs of the economy and we can expect this one not to be so great not only was it better but they revise the last couple of months as well higher. the wage growth thing is huge. 3.1% year-over-year. that is really big wage growth and it shows you, it is growing faster at the bottom than at the top. >> that's the point that does not get enough attention. it's lower wage jobs that are growing the fastest right now. that's where the opportunity is. i think the president really does help point in his tweet when it comes to where would we be if we had some things like usmca on the table. we are getting 266,000 jobs in an environment where businesses are leery about investing because they don't know what
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trade rules are going to be in place. the consumer is carrying this. imagine what could happen in 2020 when you got a phase one try to deal don come if you got usmca done, plus the strong consumer. he could get back to that 3% growth of the president love to talk about and that voters will take very seriously. this is an amazing good news story for the president in the economy going into 2020. >> i think these are very good numbers and i'm not downplaying them. i'm not spitting them for democrats. do your point the reason they are still some uncertainty around trade is mainly the president's tariffs and his use of tariffs, particularly on china. what i'm looking for the new year's if there's actually going to be of phase one try to tray deal. i've heard different opinions from folks who know him who think they know in washington. i would put it at 50/50 right now. maybe 55 if you will get it, 45 if you want. that's a big thing. usmca, want to get sent to the house from the president, which it is not yet, it will get voted
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on and i believe it will get past. they haven't sent it down yet but they will and i believe it will get past. i'm going to be watching the tariff picture going into next year. income inequality still, even though it is getting better, it is still a huge problem and that is why candidates like elizabeth warren, who tapped into that come are having some success. >> her policies would reverse all of the advancements made under president trump because one of the reasons is the very low tax burden on individuals and corporations that has created this robust bountiful job market. >> "the washington post" for the second time this week putting fashion choices under the microscope. what they are saying good now that raising a lot of eyebrows and some mockery. ♪ billions of mouths.
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with a new piece in which the writer post the author of a book on the first lady. that author argues that she send coded messages through her fashion choices. the post columnist asked is there symbolism in everything she does or not? five dimensional against the rest of her check her family, does it even matter? and she bizarrely choosing to communicate and fashion code rather than communicate using any one of "the five" human languages she speaks? i am not going to start with brian on this one although i'm sure all of your fashion choices are chosen to send a message. all joking aside with a tone of this post article, first ladies often do we use fashion to say things, right? >> anyone who is in a position of prominence, what you wear said something about you come you can use it to communicate things about your worldview. however, where i think this goes totally astray is trying to
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parse what does melania trump really mean from what i do not think are obvious sartorial cues. i think her first priority is looking fantastic and i think she is quite successful at doing so, but i do think it is a fool's errand to say what kind of color coat did she wear? that must mean she feels xyz about impeachment. there are ways to go and it seems this is what it is. >> this writer does point out there in some cases i take issue with as well in the article but if melania has something to say, there's a chance she's going to say it. when she slammed that law professor for bringing up her son and the impeachment hearing. she comes out and she is really clear about how she felt about that as were many people in this country. or i miss the day where you can just look at what someone is wearing and say i like that mom maybe i could wear that if i could ever afford it or that would look terrible on me.
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again, it is just close. why does it have to be anything more? i don't believe in -- does it look good on you, is it a nice color, does it have to be more complicated than that. >> i remember there was a lot of focus on times on what michelle obama war, when barack obama wore the tan shoot, do you send messages with what you wear? the mom jeans? you own a tan suit? >> i don't own a tan suit. i just think this is the offshoot of this weird obsession, negative obsession about the president and it just spreads to all this kind of stuff and we get five dimensional conspiracy theories. journalists, do something that matters. i go with the prompt here which was does this matter at all and the answer is no, why in the world to be so much ink in time covering stuff like this. >> people are fascinated with first ladies. >> i would cut off most of my toes for half of michelle obama's wardrobe and i
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stand by that with melania trump's wardrobe because it is awesome. >> i don't think we should dismiss i am not saying they were codes but visual presentation matters and this is something frankly that trump himself has experienced in the world of tv. >> thank you, we are back tomorrow, monday, saturday, "outnumbered" overtime starts now, melissa? >> fox news alert, we are waiting for an update on on the deadly shooting at the navy air station and pensacola program, three people were killed. the shooter is dead. eight others were wounded, the associated press is reporting the shooting suspect was a saudi aviation student and authorities are investigating whether the shooting was terrible related. we will bring you new information as we get it and bring you that update from the officials there.
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