tv Hannity FOX News December 6, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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we're out of time tonight. we'll be back 8:00 p.m. monday. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. in the meantime, have great weekend with the ones you love. sean hannity takes over. ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity." tonight, yet another busy news s night, and we are witnessing history in the making. the american people cannot, will not be stopped. let's make one thing perfectly clear. numbers don't lie. president trump's agenda is an epic success, and according to brand-new economic numbers out today, a new report, a whopping 266,000 new jobs were added in the month of november. now, that includes 54,000 jobs in manufacturing. oh, those are the jobs barack obama said were never coming back. unemployment rate now down again to 3.5%. the lowest level since 1969.
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another record. average earnings, hourly earnings, are up 3.1%. even cnbc host, crazy jim kramer, he said the media mob don't want to report this, but these are the best numbers of our live. >> cable, cnn, what do they cover? 16th is positive economic news. all the rest of them are negative, so you know what's going on here, joe. people don't want to say good things. and this is the best number i've ever seen in my life. >> it can't last forever unless it's a participation rate. >> it has to go up, joe, because when we win the trade war which you know we're going to win, now, because we have the better numbers, they are going to have to put jobs here. that's what they are going to have to do. in the end the chinese have to put jobs here. you know something, joe, i can't -- it doesn't matter whether you hate him or like him, these are real numbers. >> sean: you know what?
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thank god. america's economy is booming like never before but this is not a worldwide trend. not at all. in fact, under the far left leadership of that two-faced trudeau, our friends to the north in canada, their economy is declining in a massive way. look at this. the month of november, canada lost 71,000 jobs. the biggest drop since 2009. the unemployment rate there jumped to nearly 6%. now, trudeau, you might want to take note. president trump, he lowered taxes in this country. got rid of burdensome regulation. fought for better trade deals. yeah, you have to pay more. and empowered america and its energy sector. we're now, for the first time in 75 years, a net exporter of energy. and by the way, now canada, you're suffering. this economy in america is the envy of the world. by the way, if as i radical socialist democrat right now, i think i would be a little nervous about election 2020. peace and prosperity. al-baghdadi is dead.
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best economy since 1969, employmentwise. oh, before's policies are working. this is an agenda that has been an overwhelming success. the democrats have nothing to offer. the democrats have done nothing for three years except hate donald trump and their wild socialist fantasy. new green deal, $52 trillion. medicare for all, but no private insurance. nothing but baseless, what, an impeachment charade. more conspiracy theories, more lie. you've got three of the most corrupt, dishonest politicians in the swamp of washington. by the way, the circus, that's what's draining the swamp looks like. they don't like being drained and exposed, all those swamp creatures. and by the way, the so-called democratic front member, wow. what a bad week for sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle joe 30330 has had. this has been a train wreck for the 77-year-old candidate who already had a lot of baggage. today, he actually suggested his campaign could attract younger voters because he's not as old as bernie sanders. each there is a campaign slogan.
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oh, the no malarkey tour. nobody under 90 knows what "malarkey" means. by the way, on the same day as the monster jobs report, he predicted a recession. can you imagine, you have to actually, to get your power back you have to pray the economy goes down and americans get hurt. i wouldn't want to be in that position if as i politician. he also promised, he would never break a promise. really? he even picked a fight with his party's moral leader, yes, socialist, leader, squad leader, alexandria ocasio-cortez. take a look. >> the party is not there. the party is not there at all. >> some of your opponents are. >> but the party is not. the numbers aren't there. you guys got it all wrong about what happened. it's just bad judgment. y'all thought what happened was, the party moved extremely to the left. after hillary. aoc was the new party.
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she's a bright and wonderful person, but where is the party? come on, man. >> sean: now, all of this pales in comparison to what we saw yesterday. biden had a full-blown public meltdown. which why? because an 83-year-old iowa voter dared to ask the obvious question that the mob and the media would never ask. that would be about the quid and the pro and the quo with joe and hunter, and burisma holdings. it's a serious scandal. the mob is ignoring it, we tell you the truth. it deserves answers. we deserve answers. he leveraged a billion of our dollars, one billion. you're not getting the billion unless you fire the prosecutor investigating my zero experience son. if you fire him, you get the billion. son of a b, they fired him. joe 30330, he actually called out the voter. what did he call him? fat and stupid and old, and he said, hey, man, hey jack, you want to have a pushup contest? take a look.
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>> is that your son over there? >> he has a job in a gas company he had no experience having. you're selling access to the president just like he was. >> you're a damn liar, man. that's not true. i'm not sedentary. let him go. look, the reason i'm running is because i've been around a long time, and i know more than most people do. and i get things done. and you want to check my shape? lets do push-ups together, man. let's run. let's do whatever you want to do. no one has said my son has done anything wrong, and i did not on any occasion, and no one has ever said that. >> i didn't say you were doing anything wrong. each i set up my son to work in an oil company. isn't that what you said?
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get your words straight, jack. >> you don't hear that on msnbc. >> you don't hear that on msnbc. >> look, here's the deal. here's the deal. >> you don't have any backbone in the contest. [boos] >> let him talk. >> any other questions? >> i'm not going to vote for you. >> i knew you wouldn't. you're too old to vote for me. >> sean: joe is clearly agitated. because he has a lot to hide, and while the mob and the media are more than willing to give him a free pass, voters won't offer joe the same courtesy. the american people get it. you can't fool the american people. although the voter you just saw was angrily confronted. look at this. this is after the town hall by a biden supporter. watch this. >> why don't you just get out of
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here. [ bleep ] >> you want to throw me out? >> sean: these biden people are angry. they may need anger management classes. do you know what it is? the swamp, the sewer, mob, they hate to be challenged. this isn't going away. i won't let it go away. and by the way, it's big if joe biden wins his party nomination. you want to know why? because his real ukrainian quid and pro and quo will be a major topic every single day and in a candid moment even
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michael bloomberg admitted president trump could destroy biden and every other democrat in the upcoming election. let's see what the mayor has to say. >> i watch and i said we can't have another four years of this and i watched all the candidates and i just thought to myself, donald trump would eat them up. >> you think all of the candidates who are running today, he would eat them up? >> let me rephrase it. i think that i would do the best job of competing with him and beating him. >> sean: no, you said you would eat him up. he will eat you up, too. i think, i'm just guessing. let's recap, 2020 democrats, they are weak. they are angry. they are unhinged, and the trump economy is soaring. oh, by the way, the isis caliphate in syria has been defeated, and al-baghdadi and company are dead. the thre three three-ring circue impeachment coup attempt has been an unmitigated disaster. they just announced they aren't going to appearance in these
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sham proceedings. on wednesday during his very first hearing, judiciary chairman, the nutty nadler, he couldn't even stay away. look at this. he can't stay awake. he has all of these ivory tower professors lecturing americans, we, the smelly wal-mart shoppers, irredeemable deplorables, those of us who believe in god, we cling to our god and bibles, second amendment, guilty as charged. he couldn't stay away as his own witnesses droned on and on about the virtues of impeachment, led by the guy who thought trump should be impeached because he tweeted out the words fake and news, which is totally true. that's okay, by the way. nutty nadler, i'm sure you weren't the only one sleeping. now, on thursday, after only one hearing, remember, we had the schiff show, it was a schiff show, when that happened, we had, oh, all these witnesses. not one of them, wait a minute, only one. they were either hearsay witnesses or opinion witnesses.
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now we had three of these ivory tower professors, they witness nothing. the only one witness we have is a guy by the name of ambassador sondland. i asked the president what do you want to release the money? nothing. no quade or pro or quote, like joe. speaker pelosi knows it is a disaster after the three disastrous, well, academics. let's just end it here, go full speed ahead with impeachment. on what evidence? this is the same pelosi who railed against the impeachment proceedings in the '90s. in fact, she accused republicans of impeaching bill clinton merely because they hated him. well, ken starr did identified 11 specific felonies and clinton did lose his law license and he paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to paula jones, but that was then. of course, now, full hypocrisy on display. take a look for yourself. >> i don't hate anybody. i don't hate anybody.
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not anybody in the world. and as a catholic, i resent you using the word hate in a sentence that addresses me. we are here today because the republicans in the house are paralyzed with hatred. of president clinton and until the republicans free themselves of this hatred our country will suffer: >> sean: oh, the country is suffering now. there is nothing here. the level of hypocrisy is breathtaking. totally unbelievable. you have to bifurcate your brain. if you care about russia interference, but you don't care about the dirty dossier, care about obstruction but not the subpoenaed emails, bleach bit, hammers, oh, you care about me, too, i believe, but you don't say a word about the lieutenant governor in the commonwealth of virginia. really? what a bunch of hypocrites. what about the ukrainian election interference. sure, russia interfered, guilty. devin nunes told us what happened in 2014. it happened. what you're now watching, it
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encapsulate today modern radical extreme democratic party, and, of course, yes, the official press office known as the media mob, state run tv. they are so corrupted by their anti-trump rage and hate, it's a psychosis. nothing else matters. truth, logic, reason, common sense, even an improving economy. helping the lives of the american people. none of that matters to them and it happened in spite of them because they offered no help. instead, they are focused like a laser beam on one thing and one thing only, destroy trump. get the power back. here now, the author of open "power grab," jason chaffetz they're going former white house chief of staff, reince priebus. you are watching the schiff show and 99 letter, it was so bad with the ivory tower professors come i'm sure they have plans to do more witnesses, but i think pelosi said, all right, cut our losses and get out. what do you think? >> well, i'm a news addict, and
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i have three tvs in my office, and i had them all on mute because it was so boring, sean. i couldn't take it. but to the point you just made, the golden hammer for donald trump is the reagan standard of 1980, which is, are you better off than you were four years ago? and everything you listed, all of this noise, all this other stuff, is not going to break through the fact that people are better off today than they were four years ago. the second thing is, the basic tenets of america first are things that 80% of the people can get behind. build the wall, protect the american worker. confront china, who is ripping off the world, and stop endless wars and bring our boys and girls home. those are three things that the campaign is going to hammer down and the reagan standard is going to be golden for the trump campaign. >> sean: if you use that, are you better off? absolutely relevant. also, the president, did he lose any of his supporters from 2016? i don't think he's lost any and then you have the other thick. thing.
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>> actually -- >> sean: go ahead. >> actually, sean, i heard other liberal pundits this morning that the president's approval numbers are actually worse today than they were before the impeachment. but the fact is, his approval numbers are about seven or eight percentage points better than they were on election day of 2016. so if you're in wisconsin or pennsylvania, his approval numbers are six or seven points better today than they were three years ago. he's going to blow their minds, but that's just -- he's immune to these games that the democrats are playing. >> sean: i'm scrolling, these are the major accomplishments. "the washington examiner," jason, literally has identified 289 accomplishments of the president. that's huge. and most of these are really big accomplishments. so, as i watch this strategy, peace and prosperity, are you better off? did he lose any of his
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constituency? because one of the things i'm taking great note of, seven polls, seven of them, that show his support with african-americans is outcome anywhere from 16 to 34.5%, three of them. 34.5. 34, 33. he got 8% of the african-american vote in 2016. these are not outliers. these are real polls. how do you interpret that? >> i interpret that in that the democrats have no economic message. i think the reason that nancy pelosi and the democrats are moving forward with impeachment is because they believe what congressman al green said, which is, we better impeach him because if not, he's going to win re-election, and i think they are screaming -- >> sean: they will impeach him again and him. >> that's right. and i think they are doing it as fast as they can because they know the horowitz report, durham and attorney general barr, that is happening next week, and they
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are trying to distract. >> sean: that's going to be interesting. thank you, jason chaffetz, reince priebus. no shortage of corruption in the swamp in d.c. but perhaps the most single, dishonest, unethical person in our nation's capital might be that guy, the compromised, corrupt, congenital liar, adam schiff. recently, schiff published phone records on the presidents or attorneys, investigative reporter john solomon, and his republican colleague, congressman devin nunes. that means the corrupt, cowardly, compromised schiff was spying on a member of congress and a reporter -- free press? and the president's personal attorneys. as kimberly pointed out in the "wall street journal," mr. schiff has trampled law an responsibility. if nothing else, schiff claims the distinction of being the first congressman to use his official powers to spy on a fellow member and published the details. now, congressman nunes is weighing his legal options, rightfully so.
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here with reaction, former florida attorney general pam bondi, florida congressman matt gaetz. pam, i'll go to you and your legal expertise. he got the phone records from, what, phone company? >> sean, he needs to tread very carefully. right, attorney-client privilege. what he's doing, and that's why today in the white house, we wrote a letter, pat wrote a letter to nadler saying that nancy pelosi has already predetermined guilt. she's ordered them to go ahead with articles of impeachment, so why in the world would we participate in any of this sham? they need to drop it now. but if they don't, we wrote in our letter, you know what? if you don't do it fast, get it to the senate, where we can have a fair trial, because you know who we want to call? adam schiff. we want to call the whistleblower, and we want to call hunter biden, and don't you
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find it interesting, sean, that adam schiff won't even be presenting his report. he's having the lawyer, counsel do it instead of him. i wonder why he doesn't want to testify? ken starr presented his report, but adam schiff sure doesn't want to present his. but if this goes to the senate, it shouldn't ever go there, we want to hear from adam schiff. >> sean: matt gaetz, this is very disturbing to me, the president's lawyer, a fellow member of congress, and a reporter, and the phone company has cooperated. i have a problem with all of that. do you think there is a problem? >> i do. sean, it was just yesterday, though, that you and i were speaking about our mutual love for the people of pensacola. i just wanted to say that our hearts are breaking now as our service members are dealing with this tragic act of violence that occurred in my community. >> sean: by the way, let me echo those remarks. i saw your tweets earlier today. i love the people of pensacola.
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you know how i feel. >> they love you, too. when i compare them with the savagery of washington, d.c. the contrast could not be more stark. adam schiff is one of the lowest integrity people that i have seen in public life. and if he stands behind these false allegations, he should at least have the guts to show up and defend them himself, but instead he's sending his lawyers and he's sending his staff. when did the actual members of congress get dealt out of the critical work that is before us. i think it's because adam schiff knows that as a consequence of his lies, as a result of conducting most of this in the bunker of the capitol, he has no credibility, so the democrats are looking for maybe a lawyer or staffer with more credibility than schiff. when it comes to these phone records, you're right. there is a trampling of rights here that goes far beyond the trump presidency. it speaks to our separation of powers, our civil liberties, and democrats used to claim they were the party of civil liberties. i guess that was until donald trump got elected because they will do anything to tear apart this great president.
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>> sean: thank you both. monday is the day we've been looking for. big day, but then there will be a bigger day. the fisa report will be released. senator lindsey graham, a rare, in studio appearance. straight ahead. like a pursuit camo collapsible hunting armchair for under $10. and a cabela's double sleeping pad for under $65. plus check online for daily specials. made it myself. i love this place! made that myself, too. order up. fries on the side. right where i like 'em. don't forget the grease fire. burn, baby -- wait, what?
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♪ >> live from america's news headquarters, i'm aishah hasnie. the white house and congress had reportedly reached a tentative deal to grant 12 weeks of paid parental leave to all federal workers. "the wall street journal" reporting that it's part of a defense policy bill. it would cover more than 2 million civilians and include adoption and foster care. current law only provides 12 weeks of paid family to military members. a federal jury decided on friday that elon musk did not defame a
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british cave explorer. vernon unsworth sued him for referring to him as a "pedo-guy" in a tweet. the two clashed during the cave rescue of 12 soccer players and their coach in thailand. i'm aishah hasnie. now back to "hannity." ♪ >> sean: developing news, we're expecting a long-awaited horowitz/fisa report on monday. my sources tell me it will be very damning, exposing wide-ranging wrongdoing, malfeasance, corruption, and, yes, referrals are expected. when horowitz releases this reports, it's useless unless it is acted upon. after monday, then the ball will be in the attorney general's court to act on these referrals.
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and i remember, has made referrals for the upper echelon of the fbi before. so far, nothing has come of those. just this past summer, the ig referred james comey for criminal prosecution over the leaking of the secret memos used to get mueller appointed. and in june of 2018, horowitz found that the fbi's handling of clinton emails, senior bureau officials showed a "willingness to take official action to prevent donald trump from becoming president." he referred lisa page, peter kleinsmith -- that's the same listen to that name and others -. that's the same anti-trump lawyer that we're expecting a lot of information about. they referred an unnamed deputy assistant director prosecutor for leaking sealed court records in addition to widespread unauthorized media contact, but the doj declined to move forward
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in april of 2018, the doj watchdog also sent a criminal referral for disgraced fbi official andrew mccabe. why? unauthorized leaks and "lacking candor." oh, he has something in common with comey. lacking candor. lining. recent developments suggest the doj has not taken action on that either. we need action, accountability and in the quest for equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws. now, just like i've been telling you, the boomerang of justice is now in full swing. we've been exposing the key facts on this show night after night. by the way, it's up to the attorney general, john durham. they appear to be very serious as it's now officially a criminal investigation. the democrats are partners in the deep state. they are doing everything they can to distract, deflect, and try to get out in front of the story. and get this, nutty nadler just scheduled the next judiciary impeachment hearing for monday. how convenient. why let the news cycle go in the other direction?
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it's like i've been saying. there is a bifurcation in your brain if you're a democrat or you're in the mob in the media. you have to live in a world of grandiose swamp hypocrisy and delusion to ignore the single biggest abuse of power and corruption scandal in this country's history, and no one embodies the swamp hypocrisy more about than mr. super patriot himself, james comey. sit back and enjoy this remark, remember this remark monday, when this all comes out, it's on fisa abuse. he said this in 2018. take a look. >> i have total confidence that the fisa process was followed and that the entire case was handled in a thoughtful, responsible way by doj and the fbi. i think the notion that fisa was abused here is nonsense. >> sean: nonsense. all right, here with reaction is senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham. merry christmas to you and your
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family. >> thank you very much. >> sean: i read something now kind of infamous on this show, grassley-graham memo. i don't know if you're familiar with it, but if any part of the steele dossier was used, when push comes to shove, he said i don't know if any of it is true. there were multiple warnings given to the fbi, doj, bruce ohr, kathleen kavalec. you can't trust steele, it's unverified. if any of that dossier was used, wouldn't that be a premeditated fraud on a court? i'm just a simple talk show host. >> monday night, maybe i'll be on your show, play that clip. >> sean: monday night. >> play that clip and lets play that clip to what horowitz is saying about the fisa warrant process and the day of reckoning is here. i haven't been briefed about the details, but i believe it shows the system completely off the rails for a long period of time, and that you really have to hate trump not to be upset by what the department of justice and
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the fbi did, and there are some things that they did, i believe, that are dangerous to democracy. >> sean: let me ask you, if i had a subpoena for my emails, and i decide i'm going to delete 33,000, and then i'm going to use something called bleach pit nobody had ever heard of it, to wipe the server clean, do you think i would probably, likely, brought up on charges of obstruction? >> you might not be on the howard stern show. >> sean: [laughs] that's funny. >> unless he does -- >> sean: you sold your soul, senator. >> the bottom line is, i think the fisa warrant process, i'm looking to the court. accountability. >> sean: meaning the fisa court. >> yes. i can tell you right now that if it's as bad as i think it is i expect the court to make sure it never happens again if the counterintelligence investigation was the sham that i think it is, we need to make sure that never happens again by creating rules.
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i want to know, did obama know? did obama know that president candidate trump's campaign was being surveyed by our government? and here's the question i'm dying to know, if you really believe that carter page and papadopoulos were working for the russians, why didn't you tell president trump so he could do something about it, like he told dianne feinstein. >> sean: you can't have a counterintelligence investigation of the oval office. andy mccarthy. is that true? >> i don't believe you can have one on the republican candidate for president without it going up that high. just think of what happened. in 2016, the republican nominee for president of the united states, people that were associated with his campaign, were surveilled by the government. the goal of a counterintelligence investigation is to protect people, to let diane feinstein know that this guy that we think may be working for the chinese, you need to do something about it. they told hillary about efforts to compromise her campaign. if they follow these guys for
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months, multiple organs were reissued, based on the dossier paid for by the democratic party, that footnote -- there is a footnote that i'm going to talk to you about, in the fisa application, a lot. >> sean: at the top of the fisa warrant application, doesn't it say verified? >> right. >> sean: okay. so, if it's unverifiable, and you use the information, that's a problem. all right, walk us through, michael horowitz report on monday. he's before your committee on wednesday. now, is he going to have a chance to really lay out the case? how much time will you give him? >> all the time he needs. so, here's the deal. the report comes out monday, but you really won't understand it until he testifies wednesday. he's got to put it in context. he's got to tell you what is in there and how one thing connects to the other. he'll have all the time he needs. i'll have time to ask him questions. i'm going to basically go through the fisa warrant process. what he found, and ask him, is this defrauding the court? was the court mistreated? the counterintelligence investigation, very low standard
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to open one, are you okay with this? should every politician in america be worried? and i think the answer is going to be yes, because if they can surveil our campaigns, and never tell us about what they are doing, then that really truly is spying. >> sean: big week next week. i've been waiting. since -- oh, don't even get me started. i'm not the most patient host. senator, good to see you. thank you for stopping by. when we return, congresswoman ocasio-cortez blasting the trump administration. problem, she got her facts wrong. also, the repulsive, disgusting rosie o'donnell's comments, defending the law professor that attacked a 13-year-old kid. really, rosie? really? straight ahead. ♪ these are real people,
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♪ >> sean: alexandria ocasio-cortez is coming under fire for her latest blunder after she falsely claimed her family would have starved under trump's new food stamp provisions. here now with the very latest from new york city, our chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher. trace, would she have starved? >> no, she wouldn't have, sean. when the trump administration announced this week it was tightening eligibility for the food stamp program saying it was never intended to be a way of life a lot of groups criticized it and alexandria ocasio-cortez slammed the administration. "my family relied on food stamps when my dad died at 48. i was a student. if this happened then we might have starved. now many people will. it's shameful how the gop works overtime to create freebies for
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the rich while dissolving life lines for those who need it most." but aoc got big time push back and rightfully so, because she misrepresented the entire plan. the changes only affect able-bodied adults 18 to 49. it does not affect those with kids, the disabled, or the elderly. bottom line here, the program in no way would have affected ocasio-cortez or her family. many people on twitter accused the 30-year-old democrat of spreading fake news. sean? >> sean: it is fake news. anyway, trace gallagher, thank you. all right, the liberal media mob is, by the way, on cleanup duty. after a week of democrat debacles. first, speaker pelosi had her meltdown after a reporter dared to ask if she hates the president. look at the finger, that she was showing at james rosen. watch how the media dutifully races to her defense, predictably. >> she goes right to her catholic roots and lets them guide her.
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>> it was brilliant because it was intuitive. >> i'm really impressed by this speaker. >> we saw in the exchange today how fierce she can be. >> one of the many iconic nancy pelosi moments. >> like so much that nancy pelosi does in her unscripted bursts of eloquence, moral indignation, this one was multidimensional. >> sean: anyway, and then on the campaign trail, you've got crazy joe 30330 going ballistic because a voter dared to ask him about the quid and the pro and the quo and leveraging a billion of your tax dollars at a town hall. and, by the way, of course, the mob, this is nothing but state run liberal dnc television, they jumped in immediately for damage control for joe. take a look. >> a little anger on his part to show the american public, you know, i'm going to fight. >> this is not what joe biden wants to be talking about on the campaign trail.
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these unsubstantiated claims. >> democrats want somebody who can fight back against donald trump, and they understand that passion is a lot more important than talking points. >> pacing the floor like a prize fighter, joe biden punched back on how his son hunter landed a lucrative position in the ukraine. >> sean: i wonder if he wears a sweatshirt with his name on it because maybe he knows no one knows who he is. anyway, they were roundly criticized for using the president's young son in the impeachment testimony. well, the media mob with the nation's worst case of trump derangement syndrome, oh, rosie is back. defending that remark. 13-year-old kid. can we please leave 13-year-old kids alone, rosie? here's what she told a friend at tmz. >> she was making a point and they took it out of context. i don't think she did anything wrong by saying that. >> she did nothing wrong?
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>> she was trying to say that he's not a king. >> sean: fox news contributor charlie hurt, american conservative union chairman, matt schlapp, good to see you both. matt, really, can we just leave -- look, people said to me, you're picking on joe biden's son, he's 49 and he gave the dumbest interview any 49-year-old adult ever gave. and he still has zero experience and he was paid millions. do you have any experience? no. gas? no. oil? no. gas? no. why were you paid millions? i don't know. maybe because you're a biden. probably, yeah, that's probably it. there is a big difference between a 49-year-old and a 13-year-old center kid. 13-year-old innocent kid. >> that's exactly right, sean. remember, hunter biden got this million dollar payday, essentially to impact the obama administration towards the ukraine. so, i mean, he stepped up and he's on the battlefield.
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you know what, barron trump, he's not on the battlefield. he's in school. he's playing soccer. leave the kid alone. this shows me there is no place that these people suffering from trump derangement syndrome, there is no place they won't go. there is nobody they won't go after. they believe that trump is so evil and so malignant that anything is justified. i think the american voters aren't buying this at all. >> sean: charlie, there is never ending attack against the first lady. english is her fifth language. she reads to kids. she gets attacked by jimmy kimmel. she has been nothing but in service to the american people. she had every right to defend her son and herself here. >> oh, absolutely. she's 10 times smarter than any of these people criticizing her, but i think that all of these examples show one thing. that's very important to note and that is the heat is getting
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very bad for democrats these days. whether it's nancy pelosi flying off the handle at james rosen for asking him about -- for asking her about her hatred for donald trump. my goodness, if it's not hatred, i would hate to see when she does hate somebody because, there is -- it is abundantly clear that this trump derangement syndrome is driven by a deep, profound hatred for the president. not to mention, also, a misunderstanding of the president. >> sean: guys, good to see you, monday, fisa report. all right, this is an important question. you hear about the lolita express. orgy island. why are the clintons getting a free pass with their wide connections to disgraced pedophile, jeffrey epstein? later, on duty, an nypd cop found a razor blade in his sandwich, bit into it, and had to go to the hospital. trace has the details. stay with us. sfx: [sneezing]
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♪ >> sean: questions continue to swirl surrounding the mysterious ath of jeffrey epstein especially as it relates to the convicted pedophile's connections to the clintons. why are they continuing to escape any scrutiny? here with reaction, brand-new book just out, called "epstein: dead men tell no tales." journalist dylan howard come. fox news contributor tammy bruce. we have the lolita express. we have orgy island. we have santa fe. i think we have france? >> we do, we have paris. >> we always have paris. >> sean: i guess. all of the different reporting, how many times was bill clinton on that plane? >> i'm looking down here because this is important. bill clinton has said that he made a handful of expeditions on-board this plane.
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i can tell you through the reporting of "epstein: dead men tell no tales" that he made 27 trips with the soon-to-be registered sex offender. this after his time in office. he continues to diminish his involvement with jeffrey epstein, and that's significant. why? >> sean: by the way, i have dylan's book here in front of me. there is a lot of pictures of the lolita express. you have women lined up -- what is this? >> essentially as far-fetched as this sounds, and truth is stranger than fiction, jeffrey epstein was running a classic honey trap system where he was blackmailing the rich and powerful. he was holding information -- >> sean: you believe there were tapes of every room? >> there were tapes. i have seen photos inside both palm beach -- >> sean: pictures in this book. >> and he was taking that
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compromising information and printing it out and keeping files on the rich and powerful. >> look, part of this i think is even more believable, a story breaking, "the daily mail," that you got a couple of employees there. speaking casually about how many times the clintons would go to the new mexico ranch called "zorro." of course, we already have the clintons denying that they ever went to any of the residences. once briefly to manhattan. we have an alleged victim that said she saw him on the island for an award he was getting, and now remarkable statements of hillary being present, and what i find fascinating is you've got hillary clinton, not only with her husband, who has been credibly accused of rape, and his history, right, with the 20-year-old in the white house, as an abuser of women, but then a very close relationship with
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harvey weinstein, effectively an aide and adviser of farrow, where they tried to push him off the investigation and their relationship cooled when the investigation was done. in other words, she wasn't just caught up in a circumstantial dynamic. she was trying to defend him, and now, with an epstein connection, two major accused sex traffickers and her husband, an abuser of women, she seems to be a link within these three frameworks. >> sean: i'm going to make a prediction to you. see this book? it's called "epstein: dead men tell no tales," i'm going to make a prediction, this book this book will be referred to in the days, weeks, and months ahead. it's on, books bookss everywhere. >> people should ask hillary questions. she's got to be asked. >> sean: absolutely. well said. when we return, an on-duty police officer in new york city has to go to the hospital, and literally, he bites into a sandwich. it had a razor blade. cut him wide open. the question is, was it on purpose? trace gallagher with the details. ♪
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>> sean: we are following an outrageous story out of your tonight after a police officer was injured yo need a razor blade stuffed inside a sandwich that he had just bought at the deli. trace gallagher joins us from our new york city studios with the latest. this makes me so angry. >> the name of the officer is not been released. he brought his balance queens and as soon as he bit into it, he realized he cut his mouth. he was taken to a local hospita and released. investigators took a dna sample from the blade in our scouring through video looking for clues. the early indication that the officer was not targeted and it might've been an accident but the department will conduct a full and thorough investigation. and with the anti- police climb and new york city, and certain
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races barb's. on halloween two police officer responded to a call and their squad car was pelted with eggs. you see covered with boxes and trash and passersby punt at the officers with profanity. because most of those continually harassed police are never arrested, there is spend bad behavior toward the nypd. >> i would prefer it be an accident. seeing all of that video footag of these attacks, nothing has happened and comrade deblasio has not stepped up and said the arrest a single person we haven't video. i couldn't get them to answer that one he was here. that is all the time we have. set your dvr and never miss and episode. a way to have a great weekend. when we come back monday, we ar
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not the medium of, we simply seek the truth. guess what, let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham is next. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. the white house rightly smelled a rat, telling nadler and the judiciary committee they will not participate in monday's show trial. republican judiciary committee member tom mcclintic is here with reaction. also tonight, shocking reports claim adam schiff scooped up 3,500 phone records during his impeachment inquiry. that's all? how may members of the press and the g.o.p. did he snoop on? and why isn't this thing investigated? sara carter is here, she is all over that issue, plus nancy's televised breakdown, and which famous actress thinks climate
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