tv Americas News HQ FOX News December 7, 2019 1:00pm-3:00pm PST
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>> the facts are uncontested. the president abused his power for his own personal political benefit at the expense of our national security by withholding military aid and crucial oval office meeting in exchange for an announcement of an investigation into his political rival. paul: welcome to the journal editorial report. i'm paul gigot. it's full impeachment ahead as house speaker nancy pelosi asks committee chairs to begin drafting articles of impeachment against president trump, saying that democrats have, quote, no choice but to act. pelosi's announcement came two days after the house intelligence committee released a report concluding that president trump abused the power of his office by pressuring
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ukraine to announce investigations beneficial to his re-election l campaign and obstructed congress when he ordered witnesses to defy subpoenas in the impeachment inquiry. let's bring in columnist and deputy editor dan henninger and kim extrakim strassel and big b. the report said the president abused his power in a way that jeopardized national security and the intel gritty of our elections -- inte integrity of r elections. did it jeopardize security? >> even in the worst case scenario, if you believe he threatened to do this -- paul: the way it was provided. >> the way it was provided. it's interesting that the witnesses against him support the policy i think you and i would support of lethal weaponry for ukraine which was stronger than the policy he inherited.
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>> paul: from barack obama. >> i'm in the camp where it was unseemly but not criminal or impeachable. paul: kim, what about the integrity of elections point? that's a key argument that the democrats are making. >> well, look, i think the problem with that argument is if you go back and you -- i mean, when bill clinton, the whole scandal over foreign contributions to his campaign, was this undermining the election scenario, this is a different standard that they're holding donald trump to here and, again, every time you talk to a foreign leader, if you are in theory getting some policy benefit, if it also helps you personally, if you're going to claim that that is interfering in our elections, then every single president is constantly interfering in the election by everything they do in foreign policy. paul: of course, we didn't -- the president didn't know how any announcement of an
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investigation would play out or how strong it would be, for example. what do you make of the overall case here, that the democrats are constructing? do you find it -- i mean, you were around as i was when nixon and clinton were impeached. how does it compare to those two? >> well, you know, bill clinton just quickly, bill clinton did lie to a grand jury, all right, broke a law. richard nixon, the tapes made it clear he was wrong when he said he had nothing to do with the break-in at watergate. paul: and he plotted the cover up. >> there were identifiable things. here they haven't come up with a smoking gun. the bigger problem is that by nancy pelosi, by raising this to the level of impeachment, has raised the bar impossibly high. everyone can agree or disagree about the rightness or wrongness of what donald trump did with the president of ukraine, intervening, trying to get him to investigate joe biden.
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indeed, that's a voteable issue. voters can make up their minds about that. indeed, the house could have voted to censure president trump, the will of the house being that this was wrong. now they elevated this to impeachment which has its own rules, its own definite definit, articles of impeachment. i think nancy pelosi giving that speech, how this is a constitutional issue, this comes after three years of nonstop investigations of trump, the russian collusion narrative, the mueller report and now the american people are supposed to believe this simply isn't part of everything they've been trying to do the last three years. i think it's a hard sell for her. paul: to underscore dan's point, bill, they're talking about adding an article of impeachment related to the mueller report on obstruction of justice. so there is a kind of sense that this is -- a lot of democrats would like this to be a kitchen sink impeachment. you throw in everything that we can against donald trump. >> yeah.
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further to dan's point, i mean, this has been scripted from the beginning. the big difference is, the other impeachments took a lot longer and there was a lot more process to actually get to the truth. this is sort of we've got to finish this up by christmas, before the election. and i think their logic was if you impeach him, they'll come around, the public, right. that's not happening. the american action network or gop related group that's running ads in some of the 31 trump districts where democrats hold the seat, they just did a poll that was -- the results reported in politico. it found in the three key seats of democrats that 60% of the people said that this should be decided by elections, not by impeachment. and the support for impeachment was lower than the support for non-impeachment. so i think that that's backfired. and dan raised censure many had they gone the censure route, they might have split
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republicans by getting a few to vote for censure. what they've instead done is they're creating riffs if their own party and they've split -- and they've united republicans. paul: on the politics here, going ahead with this, they're committed. i guess they must figure that somehow that this will stigmatize donald trump enough so when he runs for re-election they'll be able to say he's only the fourth president who was impeached. i guess maybe the third because even nixon wasn't impeached. >> the reason we're here is because nancy pelosi's liberal base demanded this and liberal members questio demanded it. i think there was a fear within the democratic caucus that if if they did not impeach they would demoralize their base. in a time when the election would be about turnout, they felt it was almost a campaign pledge they needed to fulfill. the problem, again, is this does put the more moderate members,
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the people who were so important to getting nancy pelosi the gavel, in a very awkward position and this also raises some real problems. they can't go too far with articles of impeachment or they risk losing some of those members too. paul: thanks, kim. when we get back, impeachment and the constitution. what we learned from this week's testimony from four legal scholars and the risks posed to the separation of powers from the process playing out on capitol hill. >> it's a perfect storm. you set a r short 3erd period, a huge amount of information and when the president goes to court, you then impeach him. at bayer, we're more than a healthcare company.
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we help farmers like john by developing digital tools, so he can use less water to grow crops. at bayer, this is why we science. >> if you impeach a president, if you make a high crime and misdemeanor out of going to the courts, it is an abuse of power. it's your abuse of power. you're doing precisely what
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you're criticizing the president of doing. we have a third branch that deals with conflicts of the other two branches and what comes out of there and what you do with it is the very definition of legitimacy. paul: that was law professor jonathan turley lawmakers that it would be the abuse of their authority to impeach president trump and urging them to respect the separation of powers. this came as the house judiciary committee heard testimony from four legal scholars on the constitutional grounds for presidential i' impeachment. let's bring in attorney david ribkin. let's go through the arguments one by one. the main argument they're making is that the president abused his power. what do you make of that? >> constitutionally incoherent, paul. the president exercised his core
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foreign policy authority to talk to ukraine about investigating past corruption. whether you like it or dislike it as a matter also policy, that's within his constitutional wheelhouse. they are saying he could benefit politically from the investigation of mr. biden or biden's son. paul: and therefore he solicited a bribe is the claim. >> the reason it's incoherent is because in a democracy every elected politician, both political branches, then he or she tried to policy legislatively or foreign policy wise is always thinking about political consequences. under this logic, every president is committing an impeachable offense virtually every day including by the way as you point out in an excellent editor l y'all, that' -- editors the case with mr. biden.
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mr. biden's view was i'm going to ask ukraine to fire the prosecutor and freeze the aid until it gets done. it's also arguable that because this prosecutor appeared to be investigated or wanted to investigate his son r, he would also benefit politically. basically, what they're suggesting would be sufficient to impeach biden. by the way, there's precedent in our practice of impeaching past government officials. so biden is imminently impeachable. paul: that's interesting. jonathan turley made the point, which i thought hadn't focused on and i wonder what you think of it, this would be the first impeachment in american history if it proceeds as it will without a specific criminal statute or crime that the president who impeached who have allegedly committed. is that your view too? >> it is my view, although in the case of andrew johnson he was accused of violating the
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office act, clearly would not -- looking at his articles of impeachment, he did not violate any criminal law. i would put it slightly differently. paul: that lawyer was later declared unconstitutional but it was at least a law. >> right. it was not a criminal law but it was a law. look, what we have is slog and nearing here. i think this is the worst example of abuse of impeachment power in american history, completely lacking in merit. the president has not committed any high crime or misdemeanor. he has not committed bribery. what the democrats are doing, they're saying he asked ukraine to interfere in the u.s. elections. if you're asking chinese premier xi to give you a good trade deal, from which you benefit politically, are you asking him to interfere in u.s. elections. what about chairman ci kim and e
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denuclearization agreement. paul: but they would say he didn't ask xi to investigate joe biden. that's a difference. >> the argument is -- first of all, look, the united states asks foreign governments to investigate u.s. nationals every single day of the week and i'm not being rhetorical. number one. number two, you don't obtain benefit if you're running for offers. you're supposedly not subject to being investigated. why was mr. trump investigated when he was running for office. not only by the fbi, but also investigated apparently by a number of foreign intelligence seservices at the request i hapn to believe by certain folks here. there's nothing -- there's no content here as far as a high crime and misdemeanor here. the other part, they want to stick him with obstruction of congress. that's even more ludicrous. paul: i want to elaborate on that. because they're saying he blocked all of this -- blocked
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document production and blocked witnesses from testifying. and therefore, he's obstructing their probe. what's wrong with that argument? >> this is even more ridiculous if we're going to make a comparison. look, the president does not forfeit constitutional prerogatives merely because an impeachment has commenced. he isen tie l tellshe is -- he o withhold the information. the president's advisers including mr. bolton and mr. cupperman have taken it to court. the democrats are eluding litigation. how can you possibly stick the president with obstruction charge because he's asking, and his people are asking article three of the judiciary for definitive adjudication, stick him with obstruction and he disagrees and doesn't follow supreme court adjudication of this issue. going to court is as american as
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apple pie, couldn't possibly be obstructive. paul: all right. thank you for being here. when we come back, adam schiff facing abuse of power accusations of his own as the democrat demands and then discloses the telephone call logs of his political opponents. hey! my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise. who's the dummy now? whoof! whoof! so get allstate where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. sorry! he's a baby!
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>> it is i think deeply concerning that at a time when the president of the united states was using the power of his office to dig up dirt on a political rival, that there may be evidence that there were members of congress complacent in that activity. paul: that was house intelligence committee chair adam schiff this week insinuating that his committee colleague, ranking member devin nunes, is complacent in a conspiracy to commit impeachable offenses. schiff released a 300 page report tuesday on the democratic impeachment investigation that included telephone records obtained from at&t, disclosing details of calls between nunes, trump attorneys rudy giuliani and jay sekela, a journalist and former giuliani associate among
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others. is schiff's surveillance of political opponents its own abuse of power. we're back with dan henninger, kim strassel and bill mcgern. how did schiff get these records and have we ever had a skis case where a congressman did this to someone else in congress? >> no, this is an unprecedented abuse of power. the way he did it, he sent a subpoena to telephone carriers. he did not alert the people who were the subject of these subpoenas to the fact that he was seeking their telephone records this way. republicans knew what that the subpoena had gone out but they were barred because this happened in the intelligence committee from saying anything about it publicly. and the phone carriers decided rather than litigate this, which would have been the proper thing to do, given the stakes an begin how seriously intrusive this was, they didn't. they just rolled over and handed him the records. paul: this was so-called
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metta-day taxer it's not the content of the call, it's the timing of the calls, the numbers that were exchanged, the duration of the calls. you and i recall when this was a source of huge controversy when president george w. bush collected the so-called bulk meta data against terrorists. now the executive branch cannot collect this data, can it? doesn't it need some kind of court order to be able to -- when it wants to inquire to get a number. >> yes. basically any time federal law enforcement wants to obtain meta data it entails some sort of court supervision. because that's meant to ensure that the reason that they are doing this is valid, legitimate, that they aren't just snooping into the privacy of americans. adam schiff was sitting in his skiff somewhere in the basement of the congress and decided all on his lonesome that his reasons
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were l valid and moved on his own. paul: just so people understand, congress passed a law that required the administration, the executive branch, to be able to have to get a court order to get the meta data. adam schiff decides as a committee chairman he'll just ask at&t for it and there's no court supervision at all? >> yes. and there's no way anyone can go back and get relief from this either. i mean, also, this is just unprecedented too. paul, this is the first time that we know of that a committee member has used his official powers in congress to spy on a fellow member of congress and also by the way, to divulge details about the workings and telephone calls of a member of the press too. paul: schiff is saying we didn't spy on nunes, i didn't subpoena he devin newness and i didn't subpoena the journalist, john sullivan. we were subpoenaing people central to the impeachment probe and these were incidental
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collections. what's your response to that? >> well, there is never any reason -- if these were incident l talincidental collections, why publish the name. i think it's true what he was saying, that he got giuliani number's and many people as a result of the people giuliani has spoke to over the course of several months. that's why the accusation is so you outra outrageous, he doesn'w the contents of the calls. he lists the names of people that giuliani spoke to and suggests that were all-in on a conspiracy. he doesn't know what nunes was talking to giuliani about. they could have been talking about the easter bunny. to suggest this is proof of some sort of active involvement in conspiracy is a really malicious claim. paul: why do you think schiff would do this? the nunes' phone call records and john solomon's know phone cl records are gratuitous?
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>> honestly, you'd have to ask adam schiff. bear in mind, we don't know this because this information was leaked to the press. it is in his 300 page report, okay. paul: right. >> and so he dumped it. it is really -- well, kim has been saying it's unprecedented. it is now a precedent. if adam schiff can do this, this means the chairman of the house intelligence committee or perhaps other committees can subpoena from telephone companies anyone's records for any i reason if they can suggest there's a legislative purpose. she's right, the telephone company should have taken this to court and eventually i think it will be taken to course. paul: there's also the issue of attorney/client privilege. giuliani is the president's personal attorney. >> there's press freedom, harassing the member of the press, there's attorney/client privilege and how you treat another member. imagine if hillary clinton did
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this. there would be screams. the second story, there have been very little protests except for the wall street journal and a handful of other people. paul: the press corps is cheering it on. >> there is a logic to this. this is an effort smear anyone that's a critic. still ahead, president trump slaps tariffs on south american steelnd a says a deal with china may have to wait. senator pat toomey on the latest trade turmoil and the prospects for congress passing the usmca, next. numbers to examine investment opportunities firsthand. like a biotech firm that engineers a patient's own cells to fight cancer. this is strategic investing. because your investments deserve the full story. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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>> if you take a look at what's happened with their currency, they deval judvalued currency b. and i gave them a big break on tariffs but now i'm taking that break off because it's unfair to our manufacturer manufacturer, o our farmers. paul: that was president trump accusing argentina and brazil of hurting american farmers and manufacturers through currency manipulation. the president indicated that a trade deal with china may have to wait until after the 2020 election. this after democrats on capitol hill continue to negotiate with the white house over final details of a you ne a new tradeh mexico and canada.
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republican senator t pat toomey joins me now to react to a full week of trade news. welcome. let me ask you about the job numbers that came out, big, big number. i wanted to -- were you surprised at that? how strong is the economy in pennsylvania? >> the economy in pennsylvania is strong. we're a big, diverse statement it's not 100% universally strong, obviously but it's generally very, very strong. employment is strong. wage growth is strong. this number is an amazing number that came out on friday. i think it makes it very hard to see a recession within the foreseeable future, with so many people working, with wages growing, record low unemployment, this is really good news. paul: the one area that's been a problem in the economy is manufacturing, especially across the upper midwest. it bounced back a little this past month because of autos in part and many people think that that weakness in manufacturing is trade related. okay. do you agree with that? >> i do.
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i do. and i've seen in pennsylvania the tariffs on steel and you aluminum have done more harm than good, without any doubt. we have so many more businesses and workers in companies that use steel and aluminum than we have in those that make steel and aa limb unti a-- aluminum st much larger category when you raise the cost of the inputs, you make their products less competitive. paul: and the new tariffs on brazil and aluminum will hurt because brazil filled the gap on some of the other countries. >> i think this is a very clear misuse of the section of our trade law that is meant to authorize the use of tariffs only in the case of a national security threat. this is not a national security threat. these countries do not pose a national security threat to us and by the way, i don't think they're manipulating their currencies either. paul: i think arrest jen at this take that put a floor -- argentina put a floor -- >> they were intervening to try
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to prevent the downward movement of their currency. paul: the president is pushing for the u.s., canada, mexico trade deal, the president is pushing for it very hard. nancy pelosi is not going along with it. you have said you will not vote for the revised nafta in its current form. why not? >> i think it moves backward on free trade. it doesn't change that much relative to the underlying nafta. i would say there are three big change, i'll say four. there's mode modernization. paul: and that's good. >> that's good. they cut an that in. all good. there's three problems -- maybe there's more than three. a big part of the motivation was to impede the trade in automobiles, cars and car parts. the president's problem with nafta is we have a trade deficit with mexico. it's reciprocal. the result was that we have a modest trade deficit with mexico
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and apparently that was unacceptable. so in this agreement, we imposed quotas, country specific rules of origin. paul: and wage -- >> minimum wage determination. all kinds of things that don't belong in a he freed trade agreement. -- free trade agreement. that's number one. there's an expiration date on it. paul: six years. >> well, 16, six years to extend it. we have no assurance that it's going to be ex tended. the third thing for me, the virtual elimination of the investor state dispute settlement mechanism. as you know, american investors in other countries often don't get a fair shake in the local court when they're competing with local interests. and so we always have this mechanism to adjudicate these differences and it's very helpful for american investors. this has been destroyed. paul: for all of that, those are free treat classic objections here.
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but yet -- and they're concessions to the democrats in many ways. why is nancy pelosi holding this up and not going ahead? >> so the way it looks to me, of course i can't get in someone else's head but the way it looks to me, this negotiated agreement has made more concessions to the left, to the organized labor than any other trade agreement and they're still not there and it sure seems to me it's a reluctance to give president trump what he would consider a victory. paul: pelosi wants to cut protections for pa patents for g companies from 10 years to five and they want unilateral ability for united states versus to go and determine whether mexico is violating its own laws. if i were mexico, i'd say hey, that's our sovereignity. >> yeah, yeah. this is just so far beyond the pale of what we would expect in a free trade agreement. by the way, the intellectual
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property protection on biologics on this new exciting form of medicine, domestic u.s. law is 12 years of protection. they already made a concession to 10 years. the democrats are saying even less than that. they're negotiating on behalf of the mexicans. it's just strange. paul: on the china deal, we don have that much time, but you want to get this trade deal done with china, phase one, would that be in your interest? >> absolutely certainly in our economic interest to avoid another round of tariffs and some meaningful progress might get us there. i think china's a complicated case because of the geo politics of it, because of the extremely bad behavior and the turn towards a more thor tea aa thorn regime there. the best could be suspension of the tariffs. paul: if you do a short-term deal you could make progress on the tariffs and behavior and second term, if president trump
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gets one, do something more. >> there's no way we are going to solve all of this in one agreement. this is going to have to come in incremental steps. hopefully we make some progress this month senator toomey thanks for coming in. the supreme court hears its first gun rights case in nearly a decade as the justices weigh a ruling on the scope of the second amendment. ommate, he wanted someone super quiet. yeah, and he wanted someone to help out with chores. so, we got jean-pierre. but one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with renters insurance. ♪ yeah, geico did make it easy to switch and save. ♪ oh no. there's a wall there now. that's too bad. visit and see how easy saving on renters insurance can be.
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paul: the supreme court this week took up the question of gun rights for the first time in nearly a decade with the justices hearing oral arguments in a case that if they choose to rule could clarify just where the high court stands on the scope of the second amendment. that issue is a now repealed new york city ordinance that prohibited gun owners from transporting their handguns to second residences and shooting ranges outside the city, fearing a loss in the supreme court, the city repealed that measure and now argues that the case is moot, a move justice neil r
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gorsuch called a late breaking effort to avoid constitutional review. we're back with dan henninger, kim strassel and allysia finley. could the court drop the case because the ordinance has been repealed? >> no. the supreme court hasn't heard a gun rights case for nearly a decade and it is important, as the state and local laws that restrict gun rights proliferate for the court to provide some kind of guidance to lower courts so the standard review and in this case upholding the right to transport your gun outside of the home. paul: these actions stipulate are licensed firearms, not illegal firearms. you have a license in new york to keep it in your home. it's hard to get a license. they're saying you couldn't take it outside the city. >> you can't take it to a second home, they're saying you should get a second gun for a second home. you couldn't take it to a shooting range, the second --
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they said you can just practice or rent a gun at a shooting range. paul: what about the idea that the case is moot because there's not a live controversy? >> i think as we -- as justice neil gorsuch and samuel neil tried to tease out, it's not really moot. under the city ordinance, they could be stopped if they're not traveling continuously and directly to a shooting range outside of the city so what does that mean. you stop at mom's place along the way, you can get pulled over and if you have a gun, well, you could get sent to the slammer. paul: it was a funny exchange, if you stopped for a cup of coffee and a cop sees a gun in your car, could you be brought in and that wasn't clear that that would in fact not apply. >> that's right. that's why you need a court ruling to di stipulate affirmatively that this law or that gun right owners have a right to take their gun outside the home. paul: there was an intervention
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in the case, a brief by several democratic senators led by sheldon whitehouse of rhode island saying you should drop this case and if you don't, you run the risk, justices, of having the court itself being restructured. that kind of direct threat to the court itself and its makeup, i can't recall anything comparable happening. >> no, never happened before, paul. sheldon whitehouse likes to break records. this is a remarkable thing. it gives you a sense to the degree in which democrats are vested in the gun issue and howie gear they are to make sure the supreme court doesn't do as allysia says, in any way offer further guidance that would provide more security to gun owners out there. they dropped and stooped to actually threaten the justices with court restructuring if they don't do what democrats want. paul: did they give any indication, the justices, of where the court is split on this
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and how it might come out? >> i think they were definitely split on the question of whether the case is moot. and you know, actually justice kavanaugh didn't actually talk or ask any questions during oral arguments and the chief justice was pretty quiet. he asked about one question or a couple questions regarding the mootness, trying to draw out the new york defense. and i think they're going to come down over dis downoverturn. you're going to get a lot of dissent. paul: they don't have to go very far to rule in favor of gun rights, don't have to say anything about assault rifles. they can rule narrowly. >> they can rule narrowly. i wouldn't be surprised if they pull back and say the mooting was a political solution to this. that dodges the principle, the fact that the right to bear arms is in the constitution.
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paul: and whether or not as clarence thomass has written, justice thomas, the court considers the second amendment to be a second class right or is it like the other bill of rights, it demands aggressive protection by the courts. when we come back, u.k. voters get set to head to the polls next week as prime minister boris johnson attempts to cement his brexit legacy. we'll go to london for the lateest, next. >> i'll stay out of the election. you know i was a fan of brexit. e plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin ♪ yeah that's all me. ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin ♪ that's my new plan. ♪ nothing is everything. keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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paul: the united kingdom gearing up for what could be the most consequential election in a generation. they head to the polls on thursday to determine first and foremost the u.k. future relationship with its europe eun neighbors and boris johnson attempts to deliver on brexit more than three years after voters decided to leave the eu. joe sternberg joins us from london with the latest. joe, welcome. what are the brexit stakes here? does boris johnson need a tori majority to pull brexit off? >> that is exactly what's at issue here. are voters going to give boris johnson the majority of lawmakers in parliament that he needs to finally pass the deal
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that he negotiated a couple months ago with brussels and there's signs that voters are thinking about the election that way too. there's some recent polling that suggests that boris johnson's get brexit done he slogan is really the only campaign slogan any party or politician has offered that is cutting through that voters are remembering. so they understand that this is really what it's going to be about. the alternative is that voters turn away from boris johnson and the conservatives. the real danger is you end up with another parliament where there isn't a majority and the prospect that this anguish that britain has been going through trying to he resolve brexit the past few years just drags on and on. paul: that's one of the points boris johnson is making, he's saying don't let these drag on. the so-called remainers, they're divided between the liberal democrats and labor. the danger is if they start to unite behind labor. >> yes. i mean, i think that there is a
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lot of division on the remain side which is one thing that is helping boris johnson here. because remember, even though brexit policy still remains deeply controversial, you will have a certain number of voters who will say look, our fellow voters decided this issue three years ago. it's time for lawmakers and the parliament to get on with it. and that is really the option that boris is giving them. you know, against that, you have a lot of confusion, you have small liberal democratic party of centrists saying they want to completely skupper brexit. have you a labor camp deciding whether th they want to offer a referendum. i think there's a certain sense where it isn't about brexit stint, it's about paralysis and gridlock. will voters elect a parliament that is just going to allow the country to move forward one way or another. paul: joe, let's talk about the stakes on economic and foreign policy because there's a stark
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difference here between the johnson tories and what they're offering and jeremy corbin, he's probably the most left wing labor leader i can recall in my lifetime. what are the differences? >> well, absolutely labor and this election is offering their most radical left wing platform, at least since 1983 when they were running against margaret thatcher. i think you're talking about increasing annual spending by about 10% which is really an enormous amount of money that they're talking about, dramatic expansion of public services, nationalization of a wide swath of industries, such as railways, broad band service. i think labor under jeremy corbin is really hoping this election would give them the opportunity to completely remake the british economy in a very left wing direction. i think that the challenge for them is it's not clear that british voters are nearly that radical.
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it's a deeply mostly conservative country in the sense that people are a little resistant to change, so it has been a tough sell for labor and corbin. paul: briefly, joe, labor's trying to use donald trump's support for johnson against him. is that working? >> it does work to a certain extent, because donald trump is a polarizing here as he is in america. he's not particularly popular. but i think british voters are going to understand this election is really about their future instead of any kind of referendum on donald trump and that seems to be the kind of decision that voters are preparing to make next week. paul: all right, joe. thanks for coming in. appreciate it. we have to take one more break. when we come back, hits and misses of the week.
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of a wide range of plans with a variety of benefits... including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine medicare parts a and b, which is your hospital and doctor coverage... with part d prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan... for a low monthly premium or in some areas, no plan premium at all. take advantage of primary care doctor visits... preventive dental care and an eye exam... all for a $0 copay. plus, earn rewards for completing other preventive care activities, like flu shots and annual physicals. you could also get over $150 in free health and wellness products. so now's the time to look at unitedhealthcare's variety of plans, and let us help find the one that works best for you. also ask about our ppo plans that let you see any doctor who accepts medicare, without a referral. and take advantage of in-network costs, at home or traveling, when you see doctors in the unitedhealthcare medicare national network.
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with many of our medicare advantage plans, you'll have $0 copays on the most common prescriptions. in fact, last year our medicare advantage plan members saved an average of over $6,500. and with renew active, enjoy a free gym membership and up to $115 in rewards for staying active. you can count on our guidance and support to help you get the most out of your plan. we can also help you schedule appointments or find a specialist. annual enrollment ends december 7th. start taking advantage of all the benefits... of the only medicare advantage plans with the aarp name. we make it easy to enroll, too. so call unitedhealthcare or go online today. [sfx: mnemonic] ♪ paul: time now for our hits and misses of the week. kim, start us off. >> this is a miss and a not so fond farewell to camilla harris,
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the california -- kamala harris, who this week dropped out of the 2020 presidential race on the democratic side. you know, ms. harris really was a warning that biography is not enough. you can't go in and one day decide you're going to be a liberal firebrand, the next day flip around. she has the dubious distinction of maybe having done herself more harm in terms of being asked to be on a future ticket or in a future administration. we'll see her at the senate impeachment trial. paul: bill? >> the former vice president's routinely mocked for his senior moments on the campaign and references to kind of old terms like record players and malarkey, but it turns out he's more woke than we gave him credit for. existential is the word of the year, and it was joe biden who back in june said that donald trump was an existential net to decency. so kudos to joe, looks like he's
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further ahead of the game than we sometimes give him credit for. >> this is a miss to the liberals out there who are accusing peloton, the exercise spin company, of promoting sexism by, in an ad in which a man gives his wife a nice spin bike that probably retails for around $3,000. most women would love to get this gift -- [laughter] including me. so to quote taylor swift, people need to just calm down. paul: dan? >> i'm giving a hit to the two astronauts this week who conducted a six-hour space walk to prepare the international space station. now, astronauts have been doing space walks since 1965. we've gotten kind of used to them. but the fact remains they remain literally, in one word, awesome. i yaw-inspiring -- awe-inspiring. 215 miles above the earth, wonderfully incredible. paul: that's it for this week's
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show. thanks to my panel. thanks to all of you for watching. i'm paul gigot, we hope to see you right here next week. ♪ arthel: new developments in the deadly shooting at a naval base in pensacola, florida. the gunman, a saudi aviation student, reportedly hosting a dinner party to watch mass shoot ing videos in the days before the deadly attack. hello, everyone, i'm arthel the neville. welcome to a brand new hour of "america's news headquarters." eric: i'm eric shawn. you know, that ambush killed three and injured eight ohs. it happened yesterday morning. two of those killed were serving in the navy, and defense secretary mark's per in an interview to air on fox news sunday tomorrow telling chris wallace he understands all three of the victims were american citizens. the fbi is combing through evidence to see if the attack is
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terrorist-related as the community grieves and remembers those victims. here's chief sheriff's deputy chip simmons speaking at a vigil earlier today. >> there were dozens and dozens of military policemen, navy personnel, sheriff's deputies and other ones that were showing the greatest love you could show, they were risking their life for others. eric: jacqui heinrich has is the very latest at this hour. >> reporter: well, eric, the fbi has so far refrained from calling this a terror investigation, but within the last hour they said they have resources from both the joint terrorism task force and the criminal investigative division looking into this. the biggest question that looms right now is whether the shooter acted alone. the associated presses is reporting ten saudi nationals are being held at the base for questioning. they also say mohammed saeed al-shamrani hosted a dinner party earlier in the week where they watched videos of mass shootings. one of hose saudi students was
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recording the shooting from outside the building as it happened according to the associated press, and two other saudi students watched the shooting happen from a car. al-shamrani was one of a few hundred foreign pilots who train at pensacola each year. right now the department of defense has more than 5,000 foreign students from 153 countries training with the military on american soil. saudis have been training at pensacola since the 1970s, often sending trainees from the royal fam which has, in the past, created some worry that those students should not fail the pilot training. several lawmakers are calling for a review of that program and its screening process. mac's per concurred -- mark esper concurred, but canceling the program altogether could hurt our allies. >> we have allies and partners and our adversaries don't. so my biggest concern would be that we would walk away from those key relationships, from folks that we know we need when
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we go into combat. >> reporter: meantime, the fbi is not confirming whether they're looking at an anti-american twitter post as part of this investigation, but they told me they are aware of that post. terrorist watchdog group psych found that post which was made just hours before the shooting. the user addresses the american people and makes anti-american and anti-israeli statements. fox has not independently confirmed the origins of the post, but the fbi's reportedly trying to confirm the tweets came from al-shamrani. president trump said yesterday he spoke with the saudi king who fully condemned that shooting and also pledged full cooperation in the investigation. eric? eric: all right, thank you so much. one of the victims, according to the ap, is 22-year-old joshua watson. joshua just graduated from the u.s. naval academy. there he is. his dream, his family says, was to be a navy flyer. he was shot, joshua was shot numerous times, say the report, and he was able to tell the
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first responders what was happening. his father says joshua died a hero. let us remember a 22-year-old joshua watson being identified as one of the victims of this horrible attack. arthel? arthel: eric, thank you. and we have new information in that deadly shooting involving a ups driver. after four people killed in a torrent of gunfire in a busy intersection during miami, happening during rush hour. let me go to christina coleman right now, she has the details. >> reporter: arthel, four people are dead, and the fbi trying to get to the bottom of this as we're in the early stages of the investigation with multiple crime scenes. the ups driver who died was identified as a 27-year-old. his family says police in florida were, quote, trigger-happy after he was killed in a dramatic exchange of gunfire between officers and the pair ofths who allegedly
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hijacked the ups truck on thursday. the two suspects, 41-year-olds lamar alexander and robbie jerome hill, are accused of injuring a jewelry store employee as they tried to rob the store in coral gables late thursday afternoon. place say they then ran off -- police say they ran off and car jacked the ups truck with the driver still inside. a wild, televised chase ended at a busy intersection in miramar, florida. according to "the miami herald", as many as 18 officers from 4 different agencies exchanged gunfire with the suspects, and both suspects, the ups driver and an innocent bystander sitting in his car at the stoplight were killed. police say they are not to blame for the civilian deaths. >> the people responsible for this action, for this result are the two gentlemen that decided to enter that store and commit this violent crime within our community.
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>> the family of the ups driver describes him as a loving father who leaves behind two daughters this holiday season. his brother blames law enforcement for the deadly outcome of the police pursuit. it's unclear if his family plans to take any legal action, but one of his brothers is raising money for a lawyer and to cover funeral costs as they mourn his loss. >> he was the type of person always looking for the good side. i know for a fact 100 percent sure that probably he talked to them, you know, you guys should stop this, you know, get out. it was a nightmare, the way the police handled this situation. >> it's unclear whose gunfire killed the driver. again, we're at the early stages of the investigation, and the fbi is looking into it. arthel: christina coleman, thank you. so very tragic. eric: well, he's out of iran. an american graduate student free now, and he is heading home. held captaintive for -- captive
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by the regime for more than three years, a rare example of cooperation between washington and iran. here's president trump on that deal earlier today. >> i think it was a great thing for iran, i think it was great to show that we can do something. this might have been a precursor as to what could be done. eric: rich edson has more now from the white house. >> reporter: good evening, eric. from from detention in iran to a prisoner swap in zurich and on to a medical check in germany, an american student is finally free and, ultimately, heading back to the united states. this before the president left today, he also tweeted, quote: taken during the obama administration despite $150 billion gift, returned during the trump administration. thank you, iran, on a very fair negotiation. see, we can make a deal together. senior administration official says negotiations between the u.s. and iran over wang's release intensified over the past 3-4 weeks, then last night
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an american team including envoy brian hook on the left there left for zurich to meet with iranian officials for the prisoner swap. they secured wang and then flew him to germany for an evaluation. wang's a graduate student at princeton university. he was in iran studying persian history when in august 2016 he was arrested. iranian authorities charged him with espionage and sentenced him to a decade in prison. his wife says in a statement, quote: our family is complete again. our son and i have waited three long years for this day, and it's hard to express in words how excited we are to be reunited. we are thankful to everyone who helped make this happen. in zurich the administration swapped wang for mast assumed sulemani, an iranian doctor arrested in chicago for violating iranian sanctions. he was expected to appear in court next week and then be released soon under a plea agreement. the senior administration official defended the swap saying the u.s. paid no money
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for wang and the sanction campaign continues. there are still several other americans held in iran, one brother says, quote: i am thrilled for the family, at the same time i am beyond devastated that a second president has left my father and brother behind as american hostages in iran in a second swap deal. the family of bob levinson has also commented. they say that they are happy for the release even though their father, that he disappeared in iran more than a decade ago. they say it's a bittersweet moment as efforts to get their father back have thus far not resulted in him rushing to the united states -- return aring to the united states. everything? eric: this as the regime has reportedly killed a thousand protesters on the streets of tehran and other cities. thanks, rich. arthel? arthel: secretary of defense
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mark esper delivering the keynote address at the reagan national defense forum today. the event held at the ronald reagan presidential library in simi valley, california, and our jennifer griffin is there. jennifer? >> reporter: arthel, our own bret baier sat down with the defense secretary and asked him about the recent shooting in pensacola, florida, and what the motive might have been behind the saudi aviation student firing and killing three americans. here's the defense secretary, mark esper. >> no, i can't say it's terrorism at this time. i think we need to let the investigators, the fbi do its work and tell us, get us the facts, and we'll move from there. >> reporter: esper also ruled out any more large troop movements to the middle east despite news reports to the contrary. >> multiple reports out there about additional forces heading to the middle east to counter iran. that happening? >> no.
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those are false reports, i don't know where they came from. we've deployed 14,000 troops since may of this year, but right now i'm not looking at any major deployments coming up to the region. >> reporter: i hosted a panel with the joint chiefs about how the military needs to pivot away from the middle east to focus on china and russia in the future. the head of the marine corps says he has a force built to fight in 19990, not 2019 -- can 1990. >> our marine corps is built ideally for another desert shield, desert storm or counterinsurgency. it is not the course we're going to need based on the vectors that china and russia are going to. we need to shed weight and become a naval expeditionary force. >> reporter: i asked each of the military's top officers how they plan to protect u.s. elections from disinformation and cyber attacks. >> we are already in conflict, however you want to characterize that, with the russians and
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others. and so the way that we look at that competition and that conflict with those peer competitors is critically important. and i think -- so the mindset thing, it's changing. >> reporter: our own bill hemmer will close out the reagan national defense forum with an interview, a fireside chat with national security adviser robert o'brien. that will be coming up in about two the hours, two and a half hours. back to you, arthel. arthel: jennifer griffin, thank you. eric: quite a day out at the reagan library. meanwhile, six of the democratic presidential candidates are campaigning in iowa this weekend. hoping to get a key endorsement in the state. live from the campaign trail straight ahead. ♪ so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it -
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♪ ♪ arthel: less than 60 days out from the first in the nation iowa caucuses and the 2020 democratic hopefuls continue to make their case to voters in the hawkeye state. today several candidates, including joe biden, bernie sanders and pete buttigieg, taking the stage at the teamsters union forum in cedar rapids. ellison barber is also there. >> reporter: hey, arthel. you're cutting out a little bit on me, but i think it's time to tell you what's happening here. right now we are listening to mayor pete buttigieg speaking to a room of a couple hundred teamsters. i've spoken to various people who came here today, some of them told me that while they haven't decided exactly who they plan to support amongst the democratic field, they say that they have some favorite candidates. a number of people have said they like senator sanders, some have told me they like biden, one person said that he liked senator amy klobuchar. all of them have one thing in
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common, right now they say the biggest issue for them is pension reform. we are expecting to hear from six candidates today. the right now we are on candidate number four. all of them are hoping to convince the teamsters, both leadership as well as the rank and file members, that they are the best person to lead the country and deserve their endorsement. teamsters have 1.4 million members. their support is coveted, but in order to be considered for the endorsement, 2020 candidates have to sign a pledge agreeing to support legislation that protects pensions, strengthens the ability of workers to join a union and establishes a new trade policy that protects working people. organizers at today's forum say they want every candidate on the record when it comes to pension reform. [applause] >> these multi-employer pensions are the only way it works for the vast, a significant number of labor unions, particularly you all, particularly teamsters. and i'm going to see to it, according to the act and maybe
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go beyond it, and that is that we open up to use the fancy term of the trade, open up a window at the treasury department. >> has been -- social security has been a regressive tax where the wealthy among us play a -- far less. i'm one of the leaders in the senate to fix it. only about 2% of us, you just raise the cap. >> reporter: seven candidates have signed the teamster pledge, six, all six of the ones here, they have signed it as well as senator elizabeth warren. she's not here today, she is campaigning in new hampshire. arthel? arthel: ellison barber, we'll take it back here. thank you. eric? eric: well, the holiday shopping season, the post-thanksgiving day shoppers drove the holiday sales to the largest amount in years, we're told, amid rising consumer confidence. this comes, of course, amid the background of the round of new
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tariffs potentially on $156 billion worth of chinese imports to take place, perhaps, on december 5th. unless the president -- december 15th. unless the president decides to shift the deadline once again. what could it mean for the economy? jon hilsenrath is here, global economics editor at "the wall street journal" and fox news contributor. jon, kind of a surprise, a good one, for the shopping season. >> right. and, you know, we just heard from the labor department yesterday that the unemployment rate went back down to 3.5%. jobs grew by more than 200,000 in the last month. so consumers are spending money right now because they have jobs, and their incomes are growing, and that's what i think is going to keep the economy going in the next year. it should be a pretty good holiday shopping season. eric: how significant do you
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think is the lowest unemployment rate in half a century? >> right. it's extremely significant. it's the most important thing for everybody's pocketbook, getting -- keeping that paycheck going. and also having confidence that, if things turn down, you're going to have work, you know? i was in wisconsin working on a story a few weeks ago, and what we found is that even when companies are laying off workers, there are so many other companies out there looking for workers that, you know, it used to be the case that a layoff meant 18 months of unemployment checks. now a layoff means a severance check and a new job within a few weeks. eric: hopefully that happens when people are out of work. the president has left to go to florida, we expect him to land any moment now. he's having a fundraiser, speaking to an american-israeli event, and there he is in fort lauderdale. that gleaming air force one with the president onboard now arriving for this evening's events. jon, here's what the president said this afternoon about the economy when he left the white
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house. >> we've had tremendous reports coming out on the economy. it's been incredible. and numbers like we haven't seen before. and we have the strongest economy in the world, 266,000 jobs. you can add another 40 to that, about 300,000 jobs. very importantly, it's 50 or 55,000 manufacturing jobs. we're the envy of the world. our economy is the envy of the world, and we're going to keep it that way. eric: how do we keep it that way, especially when we've got this december 15th deadline coming up on the chinese tariffs? >> right. the trade situation, which is the really big uncertainty hanging over the economy right now, and the next big deadline is coming up just next week. the president is in negotiations with the chinese. we have another round of tariffs that could hit consumer goods next week. it looks like he might delay that or call it off if he could reach some kind of agreement with china, but it's still a
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very tenuous situation. and the challenge here is that with so much uncertainty about trade, it's left businesses very uncertain about the future. you know, the good news is they're still hiring. the bad news is that their investment, their own investment in machines and equipment has slowed down. and overall economic growth has slowed down a little bit even though the job machine is still going. and i think that a lot of businesses out there what they want to see in their christmas stocking is a truce the these trade confrontations. eric: what do you think are the chances of that? what's exactly on the line, tariffs on toys -- santa isn't going to like this. the elves are going to be up in arms. shoes, 2.5 billion. clothes, 4.4 billion. household appliances, 3.6 billion -- 1.6 billion. jon, what's your prediction? do you think the president will kick the can down the road a little bit longer? >> okay, so a couple things. one thing on those tariffs which
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is really important for your viewers to understand is, you know, all of those retailers, amazon and everybody, they've already put in their orders for the goods that they're going to be selling over christmas. so if these tariffs go into place on toys and clothes and other consumer goods, they're really not going to hit until after the christmas season. so, because it's so close to that date. so you're probably not going to see a big spike in prices. but i think, you know, for the president, he's thinking about another very big date. it's not christmas, it's november 2020. that's when we have an election. and he wants to see the economy going pretty strong into that election year. he wants to see the stock market going pretty strong into that election year. and that's why he has a a real incentive not to go through with these tariffs, because it could hit stock prices, not toy prices. eric: boy. when that happens, right you are. as say said, the economy, stupid. republicans have been saying
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that too. jon hilsenrath, thank you so much. as we just saw air force one land in florida as the president will be attending some fundraisers in that state later on tonight. thank you. >> thank you. arthel: speaker nancy pelosi telling the house to proceed with drafting articles of impeachment against president trump. the white house refusing to participate in what it calls a, quote, charade. so now what? we're going to get into that next. tory? at t. rowe price, hundreds of our experts go beyond the numbers to examine investment opportunities firsthand. like a biotech firm that engineers a patient's own cells to fight cancer. this is strategic investing. because your investments deserve the full story. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. at chevy, we're all about bringing families together.
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senate where republicans hold the majority. this after speaker nancy pelosi told the democratic-led are house to proceed with articles of impeachment despite the president's legal challenges. >> when you keep asking why don't we wait for these court cases, the president's actions in sending all these, taking these things to court and then bumping them up in court is an obstruction of justice. and so we're not going to be accomplices to obstruction of justice. arthel: crystal hayes joins us now. crystal, is this a strong strategy for the president, and how can the dems combat this strategy? >> well, the president, as you see, is holding out strong for the senate trial. we'll see how that holds out. as we've seen a number of republican allies in the senate kind of, you know, falling back from the rhetoric we see from
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house republicans and also the president. the president is really hoping that this senate trial will be as partisan as possible, put a strong defense for him. it's not clear if that's going to to be the case in the senate where partisanship is not priority as it is in the house. [laughter] arthel: so we're looking at the president here in fort lauderdale, florida, where he landed just moments ago. he was going to be headed over to hollywood, florida, for an israeli-american summit, so he's proceeding with business as usual. is there any chance that gop senators will call any of the witnesses from president trump's wish list? >> well, we've seen some of the, some senators, some republican senators want to call some of these witnesses including the whistleblower. a number of them are really interested in kind of the origins of how all of this came to fruition. having joe biden and his son, though, there's some, you know, back and fort about that. along with, you know, subpoenaing adam schiff's phone
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records, the chairman of the house intelligence committee, you know, even key allies such as hillary lindsey graham from h carolina said that, you know, he didn't know if that would help anything and we shouldn't go down that road. we're going to be seeing a lot of pressure on these republican senators to really put a strong defense on. the senate usually is kind of known as this, like, cooling saucer where the house is known as kind of a boiling tea kettle. so if we're going to see that continue, it still remains up for debate. the president, his allies, house republicans are all a really counting on the senate to put on a strong defense of the president. arthel: so will the senate democrats all be on one unanimous page? >> that's a big question, you know? a lot of us have been focusing on those moderate republicans, but, you know, the house democratic caucus is not united in voting for articles of impeachment as there are more than the two defectors that we already saw when the house voted on the procedures for the
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impeachment inquiry. if that number goes more than two, it does send a message to senate, in particular, senate democrats. the field, especially if we look at a few of these senators as they go into the 2020 race, there's a few of them who are up and who are in tight races. not just republicans, but democrats. this vote is one that will stick with them and is a career-defining moment. so it's going to be really up for debate. there's a number, a good pool of senators who all of us are watching pretty closely. arthel: house ways and means committee member democratic congressman dan kildee had this to stay on america's newsroom. okay. well, he said that -- >> i'm going to have to wait and see what's in the articles. i believe that it's proper to move forward on preparing those articles of impeachment, but we don't all agree within our own caucus on some of the specifics. when i see what those articles look like, i'll make a judgment. suffice to say, i do believe
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it's proper the move forward. arthel: crystal, how high are the political stakes, and should that matter, meaning should the constitution be the main attraction? >> democrats have made a point to harp down on that point, that this is about the constitution, it's not about politics, it's not about polling. democrats tell me that they are over trying to persuade the republican colleagues to see things from their eyes. but there is a political reality here, and the speaker, speaker pelosi is not, you know, she knows this. she knows the per if aprils for a -- peril for a number of her moderate members who helped flip the house and give her the speakership. there's a number of them who have said exactly that, that there is not a complete consensus as to what they want to see in articles particularly as it relates to special counsel robert mueller and his investigation, and, you know, the possible obstruction of justice. arthel: this will be televised, of course, so how important will
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baer matter as americans -- behavior matter as americans watch to decide how they see this east way? >> yeah -- either way? >> yeah, the house judiciary committee is known for its theatrics. we've seen this over the last couple of months. the last hearing we saw from them was pretty much without a lot of the theatrics that we know of. you know, in the past month that committee has been described as a circus, and we didn't really see that last week. so, you know, this next hearing on monday, i think all eyes are going to be on the committee again. it's going to be a little different of a hearing, sort of giving like a cliff notes version of both of these reports for republicans and democrats. we know right now that democrats are meeting to kind of have a mock hearing and sort of prepare for the unexpected and the expected -- arthel: well, they also have to prepare to make it interesting. [laughter] >> yeah, that's very, very true. i mean, we've heard hours and hours and hours of testimony, and most americans, frankly, aren't tuning in.
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so getting people to really understand the magnitude of this and the importance of it, and it's going to be a challenge because some of this stuff, i mean, especially as it relates to ukraine, foreign aid, most americans aren't necessarily in tune -- arthel: i mean, yeah, they tune in, but they don't stay with it. [laughter] we'll see how it mays out. cristal hayes from "usa today," thank you. >> thank you. eric: so what happened to jimmy hoffa? well, we have new reporting on two claims that's on our fox nation special. that special's streaming right now. riddle: the search for jamessing r. hoffa, you can see two episodes on fox nation, and now there may be legal action. the u.s. attorney in detroit where hoffa vanished in 1975 says, hold on, there could be some new developments in this haunting case. what will the feds do? when will they do that? expert scott bernstein is here with a prediction.
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♪ ♪ eric: now to our exclusive investigation of jimmy hoffa and our special, riddle: the search for james r. hoffa. this past week matthew schneider said there will be more to come on the hoffa case. he told reporters he will be talking about it, says he has lots of thoughts, we just don't know what they could be. what could they be? and will the government finally fully release the hoffa fbi files as we have been asking?
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the claim of -- [inaudible] who told me his father accused of being involved in the case told him hoffa's body was transported from detroit to new jersey, and he says who killed him. did your tad say who shot jimmy hoffa? >> absolutely. >> was it sal? >> yes, it was. >> sally buggs. >> yes, sir. eric: his father owned a dump in jersey city, here it is, where the fbi was told hoffa was buried. the son of the co-owner told me that it was his father who buried hoffa. >> couldn't fit in the drunk feet first, he couldn't get the legs to bend right. so he had to take him out and put him in head first. don't take in the wrong way, but what he said was they couldn't fit the fat little man in feet first. eric: on the phone with us now from detroit, scott bernstein. he's spent years on the case for
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gangster, producing the documentary film without profit finding jimmy hoffa. so, scott, we've been through a lot of claims through the years, and the u.s. attorney, mr. schneider, says that, you know, he's got some thoughts, and we can expect some developments. what do you think he potentially could have up his sleeve? scott, can you hear me? >> yes. eric: what do you think -- good. what do you think -- [inaudible] the u.s. attorney in detroit? >> i sense that there'll be a press conference the next couple months and they'll do some official update from their point of view, giving maybe the fbi's current narrative in 2020. i sense that it could are to do with the new developments over the last decade with something that, someone that i call a sleeper suspect in anthony
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palazolo who a number of fbi agents that are on the case and that have worked the case have kind of gravitated towards being a suspect, possibly the actual killer. and this came from a number of sources over the years kind of have reach ared a boiling point -- reached a boiling point as a suspect. he actually just died in january of 2019, but i sense that the new developments that the fbi is talking about will tie into his role or alleged role in the hoffa disappearance. eric: the story in detroit is that tony pal who was a low level mobster the at the time, rose to a consigliere? >> yeah. he rose very fast up the ladder of the detroit mob after the hoffa disappearance. by the early 1980s, he was
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overseeing activities in canada, and then by the '90s he was a capo. by the 2000s he was named consigliere. eric: you have that and that information, then you have what we've been reporting on and uncovering here in new jersey -- >> very intriguing. very intriguing. eric: yeah. what do you think authorities will do there? we're looking at the meadowlands. we have identified two spots there where with, according to these sources, hoffa's remains could have been taken. what is your sense of that, and what does law enforcement do? >> i believe that the detroit fbi office is taking this new, these new revelations brought forth by dan and eric shawn, yourself, and the fox news investigative team very seriously. i believe that they're giving it merit and that they are intrigued just like i am. i don't think that necessarily means that they're jumping on the first plane tomorrow to start a dig, but i think that
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they're going to see where this leads, and they're, you know, they're giving it the validity that it deserves because it's coming from dan who was, you know, who i call the godfather of research. he started it all, and and, you know, for researchers like myself, investigators or like myself, writers like myself, we owe a debt to dan for the work he's done on the hoffa case. if he's cosigning this, i think people have to take it serious. eric: i concur with you on that with john's -- dan's credentials completely. we're just looking at the videotape of the house in detroit where we took up the floor tiles in 2004 based on the claims that frank, the irishman sharon, based on the big movie that has come under some criticism. what's your thoughts on that? the fbi found 50 samples, 28 were human blood, they got dna from one drop, it was not hoffa's. they declared sharon's claim was
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unfounded. what's your perspective on that? >> i don't believe a single word that frank sharon's ever said. i give his confession zero credibility. the fact that he took people to a house in detroit that happened to have blood on the floor -- [laughter] i don't know really why that would merit the belief that that's where jimmy hoffa was killed. can't source the house. you can't tell me where that, you know, who owned that house or why the detroit mob and the genovese crime family would decide to use that house as location for the most important mob head in american history. in terms of high profile mob hits, they don't get any more high profile than killing jimmy hoffa, and where they would have taken him to kill him would have been the most secured environment possible, it would have been an environment in a residence that every single variable, every factor could
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have been controlled. and just naming some random house which really, you know, was a 20-minute ride for where jimmy hoffa was last seen, that just itself doesn't make a lot of sense to me. and it doesn't hold a lot of weight. everyone i've spoken to in terms of investigators, fbi agents, state police, oakland county sheriff, actual made members of the mafia, actual men that became bosses of la cosa nostra crime families give zero credence to what he's saying. so i will defer to them in my decision rather than, you know, a one-source book coming from a guy that really in terms of credibility has very little. eric: well, the author, charlie brand, the book publisher stands by it. robert deniro believes it -- >> let me also say i have nothing but respect for charlie
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brand. he's done a great job in, you know, his contribution to the hoffa their te. narrative. you know? [laughter] exampled by the fact that his book is not going to be an all-time classic, the movie based on his book is going to be considered an all-time classic. he's hit a grand slam, and i don't begrudge him a single occupancy of it because he's living -- out of it. because he's living the dream. eric: scott, i'm up against the clock, and we're rye aring to find the facts and the truth. that's why we continue our investigation, as you are. we'll see what comes out of detroit. scott bernstein, as always, thank you. we will have more on this. meanwhile, if you're in las vegas next week or on wednesday, vince wade if myself are at a symposium on the hoffa investigation at the mob museum in las vegas. you can still get tickets if you want to see that as they go through the story. and, of course, our programs are on fox nation, streaming their right now. riddle: the search for james r.
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hoffa. you can see everything in about frank sharon and our new claims on our two programs. i hope you go on fox nation and see that. thank you for watching and paying attention. we'll have much more, and we'll be right back. going out for a bite! going anytime. rewarded! learn more at the explorer card dot com.
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elsewhere in france today after more than a year of regular protests against government policies. demonstrators angered at pension overhaul and more. ryan chilcote in london with the latest. >> reporter: most of these protesters want the government to back down from itsen plan to overhaul france's retirement system, but there are at lot of groups -- including the so-called yellow vests. in fact, there were a few thousand yellow vest protesters out there today in paris. most of them marching peacefully, but every once in a while you did see the police alternating between using on the one hand tear gas and retreating really, giving up ground, trying to avoid confrontation with the protesters. broadly speaking, the yellow vest protesters, they want more social protection. the government plan to change the retirement system is really just their most recent grievance. public transportation workers also on strike though. a lot of paris' subway and train stations are empty, and there
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are a lot of truckers striking as well. they're protesting a new hike in the cost of fuel. french president emmanuel macron, he was here in london for the nato summit earlier this week just as the to protests -- the protests kicked off. his argument, the government has 42 different retirement plans. he says his plan is going to be simpler, fairer and more sustainable. this is something to watch, some people calling it the biggest challenge to macron's presidency so far. this is the third day of the strike, and they got off to a very violent start. despite the tear gas, the chaos and a promise from the government not to raise the official retirement age from 62 years old, the unions are already planning new nationwide protests for tuesday. and here's the thing, the government hasn't even said exactly what's in this new plan. so you can call all of these strikes, the protests preemptive at this point. paris is planning to lay out the details this coming week. back to you. eric: wow. that's happening every saturday over there.
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well, meanwhile, we'll be back tomorrow morning. that's it for us now. tomorrow at 1 p.m. eastern. arthel: it'll be morning in l.a. and the west coast, so there you go. [laughter] that still works. thanks for joining us. eric: she you tomorrow. support. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ..
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