tv Watters World FOX News December 7, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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>> thank you for having me. mark: we'll see you next time object "life, liberty & levin." thank you. [♪] jesse: welcome to. "watters' world," i'm jesse watters. trump is driving the left crazy. the economy is posting blowout numbers. isis is dade and americans are at peace. you would think the liberals would be happy. but they are freaking because impeachment isn't working. >> do you hate the president, madame speaker? >> i don't hate anybody. i was raised in a catholic house and you don't hate anybody. not anybody in the world. don't accuse she. >> i can't accuse you, i asked
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you. >> i resent you using the word hate addressing me. i pray for the president. i pray for the president all the time. so don't mess with me when it comes to word like that. jesse: nervous nancy knows she got called out. democrats have hate, not a high crime. she couldn't even make the case herself. >> you know, when you are talking latin around here. quid pro quo, bribery. that is in the constitution, attached to the impeachment proceedings. jesse: what? what does that mean? the supreme court defined bribery. and it was unanimous and trump's phone call doesn't fit it. what's with the democrats citing the constitution.
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they are out there every day trying to chip away at ours first and second amendments. our due process and privacy rights. but the democrats grouped a bunch of professors to make their best case for legal impeachment and it turned into a disaster. the constitutional school a put up by the republicans ran circles around them, and he didn't even vote for trump. one said trump could be impeached for tweeting. one said trump wasn't a legitimate president. one said she would never stay at a trump hotel. then she said this. >> i will give you one example that shows you the difference between him and a king. the constitution says there can be no title of mobility. so while the president can name his son barron, he can't make him a baron. jesse: she is supposed to be a
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legal scholar? imagine with a republican witness used obama's daughter to score a cheap shot on national tv. toast. democrats know impeachment is going nowhere. you ready for a new tactic? more impeachment. >> i think he's a one-man crime wave. criminals can commit crimes. they may have to continue impeachment investigations. the president can be impeached more than once. >> there is no limit to the number of times the senate can vote to impeach or the house can vote to impeach a president. jesse: these people are deranged. >> we do know over the last three years, we know who this president answers to, and it's not the american people, it's putin. jesse: even the cnn host didn't
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know what to say there. when you are too crazy for cnn, that's the problem. you want to see how hollywood is handling this? >> they have to impeach the [bleep]. >> hillary went on howard stern and said she is worried trump may get her killed. >> what goes through your mind when he's got these people revved up, lock her up, lock her up. are you afraid for your own life, honestly? >> honestly i have been in the past. he has made it possible for all the worst impulses like pandora's box. you lift the top off and things start flooding out. jesse: i hope she gets into the race. the field has gotten smaller since kamala harris dropped out. >> i'm a little angry. we started with one of the most diverse fields in history and
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it's a damn shame the only african-american woman in this race who has been speaking to issues that need to be brought up is now long inner tonight. >> can you tell me how it is we are looking at the next democratic debate with a sea of only white faces on that stage? >> you have no black on that stage, and the democratic party cannot have a stage where black voters do not see themselves reflected. jesse: this is a democrat primary. you guys are calling your own voters racist. blacks have to back the black candidates because they are black? bind is leading because he's getting 40% of the black vote. are those 40% of blacks traitors because they are voting for biden? elect built, who can beat trump.
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it's whether the candidate can win the race. we have candidates who are gay, jewish, female, hispanic, asian, black, polynesian and native american if you count that. the only candidate they don't have is a winner. this leaves us with our friend joe. who finally woke up from his happen in this week. >> is that your son over there he works for a gas company. he had no experience. you are selling access to the president just like he was. >> around damn liar, man, and that's not true. no one has ever said that. >> i see it on the tv. >> i know you do. no one has said my son has done anything wrong, and i did not on any occasion, and no one has ever said it. >> i didn't say you did anything wrong. >> you said i set up my son to work in an oil company.
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get your words straight, jack. jesse: joe, keep your powder dry, buddy. save it for the debates. take it easy on the voters. you are going to need them. another week, another hunter biden scandal. he fathered a child while he was in a relationship with his dead brother's widow. the "new york post" reports that hunter smoked crack on the d.c. strip club scene just a few years ago. the woman he fathered the child with was work at a d.c. strip club the night they met. now hunter is fighting his baby's mother in court. he has been hiding out for a long time avoiding being served. but he did eventually get served, and the dna test proved he was the father. so he fired his attorneys and is fighting to seal his financial records. want to know why? he claims he's broke. hunter claims he's actually in
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debt. and doesn't have a job. now, this is the same hunter bide hon reportedly made millions of dollars soaking the ukrainians and the chinese. his ex-wife claims he spent over $100,000 in just two months on prostitutes, drugs and alcohol. the mother of his recently born child is asking for child support. meanwhile, hunter just got married. "watters' world" is not judging, just stating the facts and pointing out how the media has buried this salacious story despite the impact on the burisma case and the leading democrat in 2020, joe biden. here to respond, the president's daughter-in-law and senior advisor for the trump 2020 campaign. obviously a complicated situation with hunter biden on a
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number of levels. how do you see it impact on 2020 with regard to media coverage. >> jesse, we know the mainstream media is the marketing arm for the democrats. it's not surprising we heard crickets from them on this story. it's already messy. i don't know if anybody has the details there. could you imagine for a second if any one of the items you just laid out had happened to a trump family member? it might have been eric. just one, they would know the brand of deed owe deodorant we . they are obsessed with taking down this president and they are covering for the bidens. you are right, this is very relevant. we should be hearing from hunter biden on the burisma stuff.
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we have a president the democrats are trying to impeach based on a phone call. nothing was said that is improper. yet hunter biden gets a pass on all of these things. there is such a double standard, but i think it works to the advantage of the president. as we are going into 2020 we have to pay attention to these things. the american public happens to be very smart. and they see this sort of thing. the fact the media has ignored it, they say why is there such a double standard for trump and not joe biden. this is crazy. but we have gotten used to it. i think the american people are going to come out and vote even more for donald trump than they did in 2016. they want the right things to happen sack the board no matter your name -- across the board no matter your name is trump or biden. >> they are bringing up barron
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trump. jesse: the foreign governments spending millions on the son of the vice president, who is in disarray personally, a totally chaotic person if you believe all these facts. compare that the small things that happened in the palin family. they were plastered all over the news. her son, her daughter, but nothing to the extent of what's going on with hunter biden. it's sad to see families -- >> republicans know it's okay. if you are a republican it's okay to exploit all these things and make a mountain out of a molehill. but when you have evidence of so many of these really crazy
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things that happened sadly to hunter biden that he has been involved with. they totally ignore it. it's really frustrating. especially when you see what the president puts up with on a daily basis. we just had 266,000 new jobs added in the last two months while they are trying to impeach the president. good for the president. but there is such a double standard and it's frustrating for us in this country. jesse: joe biden also having a bad week. we discussed him losing his temper with that voter. but that isn't the only thing that happened with joe. remember the corn pop story biden told a few months ago. new sound surfaced from that speech. >> i sit on the stand and it got
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hot. i have got hairy electrics that turn blond in the sun. and the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down and watch the hair come back up again. so i learned about roaches. i learned about kids jumping on my lap, and i love kids jumping on my lap. jesse: dana loesch. >> i don't know where to begin. is this the same pool where he went downstairs and had the guy in the fredy kruger pool engine room cutting the chain and bringing it up and he was going to fight corn pops? this is so unbelievably awkward.
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he's a walking episode adult slim on the cartoon network. he's his own show. he's trying so hard to relate to certain demographics and it comes off sounding awkward. i have been raised to treat my elders with respect and to be nice. i want to give him the benefit of the the doubt because he's elderly. but this is the worst case of pandering i am thinking of. they are petting his leg? where are their parents? jesse: how about the sound bite that he serves up for eternity, i love kids jumping on my lap. this is after he gets in trouble for massaging people. the other thing that will live in infamy is joe biding his
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wife's finger. >> the president of the united states. jesse: but it's the picture. if we can show the picture here. there you go, joe, just nibbling on the finger. >> that should be a social media avatar. i think when you get to a certain age, my mom used to save she was going to be a crazy old lady when she was older. and i think this is something joe biden is doing. he doesn't come across as illicit. he comes across as bumbling. i can't imagine what his team thinks when he says this kind of stuffed and they cringe. i would imagine this is not the last time we'll see more hear audio or video of how kids are petting his legs or something else that's incredibly awkward.
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this overshadows everything else he's trying to say. again, i don't think he is -- it's not -- it's having the opposite intended affect than i think his handlers would hope. normally funny off the cuff stuff like this -- >> it's funny, it's talked about. >> you don't bite your wife's fingers like that. jesse: not on camera at least. i want to show you one thing because we have to go. he's out there on the no malarkey tour. and he's in a diner trying -- trying to press the flesh and he's standing over a guy. got it has no idea who he is. he's just watching the game. and joe is just looking at him, and he could care less.
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>> he doesn't care. he's not going to be bothered. i think that sums up what this candidacy is about. he's running with a campaign slogan hat sounds like it came from the early 1900s. does gen y know what malarkey is. he's having trouble relating to the kids. jesse: yes, he is, and i don't think that's ever going to change. >> good to see you, jesse. jesse: it's between two years since mike flynn pled guilty to lying to peter strzok and other fbi agents. his sentencing keeps getting pushed back. that's because the i.g. report is getting released monday and that may affect the sentencing.
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his attorney, sidney powell wants the case thrown out for government misconduct. this looks like a railroad job the more and more you study it. one of these lawyers prosecuting flynn, he illegally accessed trump transition emails and selective live edited the email and used flynn's son against him to make this plea. what's going on here? >> yes, jesse. it's a very sordid story. the flynn case evidences the very worst of our justice system and how much power the department of justice has, especially a special possible possibleo -- a special prosecutor. we are in the process and have done extensive briefing exposing
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the truth of what happened here. i hope to find more from the the inspector general's report and we are waiting for the judge to issue an order compelling the government to produce more evidence. they have not given us the documents including a january 30 memo from 2017 that exonerates general flynn from russia collusion involvement. jesse: and you are not on waiting for this i.g. report to drop. you are also waiting for the government to hand over blackberries by joseph mifsud. do you expect to get those devices? >> i don't necessarily need the devices but we asked for the data from them. we think that might indicate
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what mr. mifsud's role was in all of this and who it was being run by and tasked by. we know he was an asset of russian intelligence and not a russian asset. so there is a story there, too. jesse: it looks like from all your filing that the government has been withholding information from your client, michael flynn, and this whole thing could have been avoided from the very beginning and he may not end upperring of time or getting charged with anything at the end of it if the judge tosses it. sidney powell working for general flynn. thank you very much. up next, a. "watters' world" investigation into q. what is this conspiracy theory everyone is talking about? an exclusive interview with a private investigator who knows about bill clinton and jeffrey epstein. [♪] let's be honest, every insurance company says
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dliemg have qanon security clearance in the white house. here to break it down, joseph yazinsky. explain the essence of the q belief system. this conspiracy theory started two years ago in a dark website where people can post anonymously. and someone started posting under the name q. and they claim to have secret insider knowledge about a battle that was going on between donald trump against the deep state. and this deep state was made up of satanic pedophiles who were selling children into sex slavery. and donald trump's presidency was really about dismantling
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this net work of satanic pedophiles which included hillary clinton and john podesta, and sending these people off to guantanamo where they would be tried for their crimes and summarily hung. when that happened it would be called the great awakening. jesse: isn't it also about the trump fight with the deep state in terms of the illegal surveillance of the campaign, the inside hit job that he sustained in terms of comey and mueller and strzok and page and all of that as well? >> so there are many, many facets to this conspiracy theory. one way to think about it. it's a merks ta-conspiracy theory where there are many conspiracy theories weafd waved
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together. but a lot of it tracked current events during the trump-russia investigation because a lot of the qanon followers believed this was a deep state attempt to take out a sitting president who is really a washington outsider. jesse: one of my good friends is a q guy. he's always saying q said this, q said this. you have got to look into this. epstein and it's all connected. so i thought we would look into it. that's what we are doing here. how many q followers are there? then i have one more question for you. >> when we poll on it nationwide, we don't get huge numbers. we get about 10% of the population thinks qanon is a
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good thing. jesse: that's a significant part of the population. is this all conservatives or are there liberals involved? >> it's both. some people think it's a right wing conspiracy theory but there isn't anything particularly republican or liberal about the people who follow it. jesse: is trump q himself? >> a lot of people have been accused of being q. some people think it's trump. but it's not me, and i doubt it's trump. jesse: up next, a private investigator who dug into jeffly epstein, his little black book. an exclusive interview ahead. savin' in here.
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a special ceremony to mark 78 years since the deadly attacks on pearl harbor. military officials and others gathering in honolulu to honor those who died december 7, 1941. just before 9:00 hundreds of japanese planes made surprise raids on pearl harbor. more than 300 aircraft was destroyed. >> how many times did you have sex in the circumstances you described. >> three times. >> where was that? >> in the townhouse in london, new york and jeffrey's island in the carribean. it was disgusting. he wasn't mean or anything. but he would laugh and said
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thanks and walked out. and i sat there in bed just horrified and ashamed and felt dirty. i had to get up and grab a shower. the next day he came in and said i did a really good job. jesse: that was virginia guiffre describing how she had sex with prince andrew. in an exclusive interview, former miami detective mike first ston. when you were tasked by one of these victim's attorneys to look into epstein, you interviewed some of his private pilots.
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what did you find? >> that was the most interesting part. i tried to contact his pilots. the first pilot who is his most dedicated pilot wouldn't talk to us. we knew he wouldn't because he basically is in cahoots with jeffrey. but we were able to you find his co-pilots. i will never forget sitting in this guy's living room talking to him and he's telling me i can't tell you anything. i want to, but i can't. i look over his shoulder and i see there is a picture of him and his three daughters. i said look at your daughters, they could have been victims. and the guy started tearing up and started talking. >> he said i flew the plane, i flew it all over the world. but i was never really allowed to leave the cockpit. i knew there were bedrooms back there. i knew there were girls on the
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plane that shouldn't have been there. he said i couldn't leave the cockpit. he told me about the stewardesses on the plane would be very young girls. he couldn't tell me if they were 15, 16, 17, 8. but they were very young, definitely not over 18. jesse: and bill clinton was on those flights. >> numerous times. he would describe them as candy stripers. >> you are saying. many of them were dressed as candy stripers. >> correct. jesse: there were beds in the back of the plane. >> beds, bedroom, yes. jesse: was there secret service
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or was hillary on those flights? there were 26 flights, apparently. >> hillary never flew on the plane that we knew of. she was never record on going on a plane and no one has seen her on a plane. his daughter was never with him. the secret service was with him on most of the occasions. but there were occasions when there was no secret service listed going on the flights with him. jesse: you also know about this little black book that had all the contacts of epstein and that was used as leverage for a bayoff by one of his workers at the estate. did you get a look at the black book? >> edwards got a phone call frommal treado rodriguez who was the caretaker or butler at the mansion. he called up and said i have
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got something i want to show you. it will below your case -- it will blow your case out of the water. i will it will reveal what he did with underaged girls. he wanted $50,000. he said after i give his to you i will have to flee. when that failed we had to contact the fbi and we were going to buy the book and he delivered it to us and he was arrested. that's how we got the book, the journal. jesse: we are seen the journal. the guy who tried to set this deal up with the black book is dead. he's dead. >>en he did more time in jail for giving us the evidence of this guy's pedophile empire than jeffrey did in jail for sexually
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assaulting over 100 underaged girls. jesse: a hundred. >> over a hundred. jesse: we are going to have you back on. there are a few other things i want to talk to you about. again, horrible situation. we are going to continue to look into it. up next, kid rock on a drunken rant against oprah. >> [bleep]. the good news? our protection is guaranteed. the bad news? the perfect photo is not. depend® fit-flex underwear offers your best comfort and protection guaranteed. because, perfect or not, life's better when you're in it. be there with depend®.
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whole thing. jesse: kid rock is accused of being racist after this. he responded this way. i may be guilty of being a loud mouthed jerk at times. but trying to label me as a racist is a joke and only does a disservice to the black community which i supported all my life. joining me, raymond arroyo. that was a wild rant. reporter: i don't know why he's picking on kathie lee gifford.
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i get oprah and joy. but kathie lee gifford. he violated two rules. don't drink in your own establishment. they don't know when to cut you off. and don't perform drunk. as a result they are closing down his soon to open restaurant in detroit. jesse: the last time i saw you knocking back something, you fell off your chair. >> but it wants at my restaurant. jesse: also speaking of restaurants, this guy tweets something, please tweet your most controversial rude opinions. this white professor writes, indian food is terrible and we pretend it isn't. all hell broke loose. everyone is accusing him of cultural intolerance and racism because he says he doesn't like
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indian food. >> my family owned an italian restaurant for 50 years in new orleans. if somebody walked in and didn't mention it was sicilian. you don't take offense. it distinguishes what it is. they were going after the professor because he didn't distinguish the area of india. jesse: i am hungry and i will come to your restaurant any time and stuff my face. >> any time, but i am not letting you near the bar. jesse: i can drink, but you can't. u.s.c. hall of famer in trump. he loves people, and he loves knocking people out. and he's noticing something when
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tweeting out this photo of him looking like rocky. one of the greatest mma fighters of all times. remember that knockout? you can catch him tonight on pay per view. a big fight. peter ortiz joins me now. before we get to the fight, you are a big trump guy. how did that come about? you were on "celebrity apprentice." >> i was always on his side. i was always asking questions. how do you become a millionaire and how do you become a billionaire? he said don't stop work. i will have my name and i will have my name.
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i remember he said have five sources of income coming in. i have four and i'm work on five. 9 weeks in the gym, running, hitting the bags. jujitsu, weight training. hard work pays off. i'm going for the knockout. jesse: everybody can catch that tonight at 9:00 eastern. you are a trump supporters as an mma guy. do you get a hard time from people you train with? >> in the beginning in 2016, this is the first president i voted for. this is the guy who is going to make a difference. he's american and he cares about america and he's continuing to do it, promise made, promise
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kept. when i first posted people said you are a sellout. now things have changed. the tide has completely changed. it's 80% of people saying congratulations, i have your back. before i couldn't say anything. jesse: you are feeling people who are outspoken in their support and educated on the whole subject in general. they are not being quite and saying this is what the democratic party is doing. by doing this impeachment, this is a fraud. i think it's just -- they are trying to get him out because he's exposing what these guys truly are. jesse: you must be watching me on "the five." >> i'm an honest person. i treat people the way i want to be treated. i use my common sense. i look at cnn, i look at fox.
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i want to see who is telling the truth. i can tell when people are telling the truth. the guys who honest and speak from the heart -- jesse: do you get bothered when you see democrats lying through their teeth. what bothers me is they care more about other countries than they do about our country. america first. this country is so great we should take care of this country and trump is doing that job. jesse: tito ortiz is going to knock someone's head off tonight. up next, last call with rush limbaugh.
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5:59 pm
jesse: "last call." tonight we talked a lot about the left going absolutely insane with this impeachment craze. rush limbaugh was on "fox and friends" yesterday and he went off. >> they don't have anything to run on. they literally have nothing. they sacrificed every pit of concern about the american people. they are make nothing bones about the fact they really don't care about the american people. we are watching pure, raw, hatred. they hate the man and they hate the people who elected him. they haven't been able to lay a glove on donald trump. they lied, they made things up. things have blown up in their faces bieb wiley coyote. jesse: boom.
6:00 pm
that's it for tonight. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember, i'm watters and this is my world. judge jeanine: my exclusive interview with the vice president of the united states, mike pence. welcome to "justice," i'm with judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us and thanks for making "justice" number one all weekend. first, my opening. extra extra, read all about it. the printing presses have started, the assembly lines are warming up to manufacture more trump hats, bumper stickers and t-shirts.
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