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tv   Fox and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 8, 2019 3:00am-7:00am PST

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ed: good morning. straight to a fox news alert. the u.s. military and its bases on edge as the fbi ramps up its search for the missing saudi serviceman linked to that pensacola navy base shooting. pete: this as we hear from an airman who survived the attack. >> jonathan serrie is outside the naval air station in pensacola with more on the sailors who died as heroes. >> reporter: good morning to you. we've learned quite a bit overnight, the navy has released the names of the three victims killed in friday's attack here in pensacola a la. all three were students at naval aviation school's command,
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joshua watson, mohamed hatham, a 19-year-old from st. petersburg, and a third student, cameron scott walters, a 21-year-old from richmond hills, georgia. a commanding officer issued this statement, the sailors who showed exceptional heroism and bravery in the face of evil, when confronted, they ran towards the danger and saved lives. airman ryan blackwell is one of eight survivors, he reportedly shielded a female colleague with his body. my adrenaline was pumping so much, i wasn't worried about being shot, i was worried about getting us to safety and getting us out of there. the fbi has now officially identified the shooter as mohamed al-shamrani, who was among hundreds of foreign students from allied forces who
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studied at the pensacola base. although guns are banned on base, not every car that enters is checked x investigators say al-shamrani brought a gun into a classroom building and opened fire. saudi arabia has pledged its full cooperation with the investigation. >> i spoke with the king of saudi arabia. they are devastated. we'll find out, we'll get to the bottom of it. >> reporter: and the u.s. northern command is calling for an increase in random security checks at its bases in the wake of not only this shooting in pensacola, but last week's fatal shooting at pearl harbor. back to you. ed: thank you, jonathan serrie. >> thank you. ed: when you look at those pictures, first of all, the heroes who died, how young they are. pete: may we say their names, because these are heroes who served our country in uniform if
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in the face of this attack -- right there. and we don't have the picture of the airman, cameron. we will eventually. god bless those people. >> and with joshua watson, his brother said that he went outside despite being shot multiple times and gave critical information to first responders so that they could identify the shooter. so just heroic acts by them. we honor them and pray for them and their families as well. ed: those are the heroes, and then there's the killer and what he was doing in the hours before this massacre, basically. three killed, at least eight injured. and we're still learning more detail it is about all those who were injured and how serious those injuries are. but this shooter had some sort of a party where he was showing videos of, you know, it was a dinner party where he's showing videos of people being shot, you know, mass shootings, you know in and then he was in new york city shortly, right here in new york city shortly before the attack. pete: yeah. ed: and was watching the christmas tree in rockefeller
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center being lit. was that, hey, i know i'm going out in, you know, this massacre, and i'm probably going to go down, and i'm going to have one last night in new york city, or was he doing some sort of a dry run with other terrorists to think about what they could do here if they survived pensacola in. >> at least what's been reported so far, obviously, there's going to be more information, is it the same four many? it's these -- foursome? it's these four individuals to look at different areas, the same foursome who watched videos of mass shootings, reportedly. and then at the time of the shooting, you have the one individual who carried out the attack, you have another individual who's filming, and then you have the two other individuals who, i believe, were olds in a car. the same four individuals in a different series of events, is there more to the story outside of this one individual? were they part of a group? were they affiliated with any other group? we have so many questions and really hope that we get some further answers.
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pete: all right. we've all had dinner parties. a dinner party where you show mass shootings with your friends who then are a part of it? cleary, this is a concerted effort. maybe it's a cell. we don't know. if there's -- he pulled the trigger, but if you're filming it and a part of a dinner party and you're in a getaway car, effectively, on the outside, these are two, three, four people who knew what they were doing and were looking to kill americans. based on us flying them to our country. ed: right. pete: to train them on systems that we hoped they would know how to use to our benefit. >> well, and i would love to know how was the video going to be disseminated? was it uploaded anywhere? was it live streamed? pete: they think we're dumb enough, they don't know. no, no, listen, this guy from saudi arabia who did it, he's not thinking it through. he's like i want to kill
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americans. film it. okay. once you get caught by that guy right there in the intersection, you're saying what do i do -- they haven't thought it through, but they hope they can go to the afterlife where they get the benefit of martyrdom. that's what they're thinking through. >> that's why we want to get to the bottom of it. as i mentioned earlier, four individuals, different series of events, and then they film it. was that part of a larger purpose? what was the account that it was supposed to be filmed and aired on? i think these are legitimate question that deserve to be asked and where where was that o supposed to go? or was it uploaded? ed: all important questions, but another key question is how can we trust that people or who are supposed to be our allies, that as you say, we're training, there are more than 100 countries where we're training military pilots and others who are supposed to be helping us. and instead we now have killers in our midst, potentially, beyond this one. and that's something that the
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defense secretary, mark esper, is concerned about. he talked about increasing security at military bases around the country, maybe around the world at if reagan -- at the reagan defense forum yesterday. watch. >> i directed that we look at our curt precautions -- security precautions to make sure that we've got the appropriate degree of security to protect our service members and their families and our communities. and that's underway. at the same time, i also directed that we look at our vetting procedures within dod for all the many foreign nationals that come, for good reason, for our country to train. as you may or may not know, anybody that comes to the united states to train is or should be, is vetted by the department of state, the department of homeland security, and ultimately, us. we need to relook at all of that. ed: he's going to be on "fox news sunday" as well, getting into this, the aftermath, what they need to change in the vetting. that'll be on, no doubt, as well. but, look, there have been to be
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changes. senate rick scott has talked about that, he'll be on the program a little bit later. the governor of florida, ron desantis, has talked about that. and matt gaetz is somebody who's how long real courage in speaking out, the congressman from the local area. he tweeted yesterday that he got a call from a saudi official saying our hearts go out to you, and he said, yeah, okay, we want answers. that's not enough. it's a big deal. >> and on those answers that we want to know, i mean, how thoroughly was he vetted by the saudi government? this was a guy who was in the saudi military. what's their vetting process, and how thoroughly was this individual vetted. pete: yeah. so as of right now i'm banned from twitter -- just so you know. ed: why? pete: formally banned from twitter because yesterday we reported that the guy who killed americans -- ed: yeah. pete: -- posted on twitter a manifesto. and i took a screen shot of the manifesto which was widely reported in the media.
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ed: we reported it on -- pete: america's evil, the internet lives forever, take a screen shot of it. i posted it on my account saying here's the now-blocked between from the saudi islamist who murdered three brave americans in florida. the i coward posted it just hours, this is islamist terror, saudi arabia must be held to account. i posted that in the morning. five, six hours later i was blocked. >> blocked? pete: this is what twitter said. hey, pete, your account has been blocked for violating the twitter rules. please note that repeated violations may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. proceed to twitter now to fix your issue with your account. so we reached out, "fox & friends," to twitter to say, hey, why was a host of our show blocked for merely posting newsworthy information. posting the manifesto is a violation of the twitter rules. so, hold on, so the guy posted a
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manifesto. it wasn't blocked when he posted it, right? then shot up the room. then i post the fact that he said it. here's what he said, here's what he believes, here's why he did what he did, and i'm blocked? i don't want to make myself the story, but what world do we live in where i'm the guy who can't post on twitter, and right now i can't even view twitter -- >> i have a question. do we know whether other people who also shared it -- pete: yes. ohs, of course -- others, of course. here's the thing, i have a platform. other people who post that because they want to share the information of radical islam and what's happening are banned as well. ed: free speech rights to speak out and call it what it is, which is which what you did. the tricky part is the manifesto piece. you want to make sure -- not that you were -- but i think what twitter's trying to say is you don't want to promote the manifesto because that could inspire others. pete: totally get that. ed: that's not what you --
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pete: promoting is one thing, exposing, explaining information is a whole other case. there is a special way that twitter treats things as it pertains to radical islam. ed: we should call out violence and violent extremism everywhere are. >> and your intent was to get to the motivation of this individual, right? pete: that's the point. >> exactly. pete: listen, we should be calling this out. i feel like the president should be calling out the fact that this is radical islamic terror. he has not to this point, he should. >> mr. president. ed: we'll stay on top of that. we'll also be talking impeachment. in the meantime, this fox news alert, another police officer shot and killed, this one in arkansas. he was killed execution style, the officer, whose name has not yet been released, gunned down in the parking lot of his own station. officers chased the shooter into an alley where he was shot and killed. just hours earlier a houston police sergeant, christopher
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brewer, was shot and killed while responding to a domestic disturbance. police arrested the suspected shooter who has an extensive criminal record. remember, there was an officer killed yesterday in alabama as well. also breaking this morning, a live look in hong kong, protesters flood the streets to mark six months of demonstrations. earlier police arrested 11 people accusing them of planning to use weapons to frame police officers. unreal. eight people, three kids rushed to the hospital after a carbon monoxide if leak. they were on a boat participating in the annual christmas boat parade in washington, d.c. when a kid passed out. everyone, thankfully, expected to be okay. and on to college football. pete, you want to jump in? pete: the ohio state -- [laughter] i pronounced it yesterday, i said ohio. it's the ohio state, leads an impressive comeback to beat number 8 wisconsin in the big ten title game. >> second down, fields.
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delivered, touchdown! >> you have to put the "the" in there? really? pete: the buckeyes rally from a double-digit deficit to win. second-ranked lsu makes their case for the number one spot after a convincing win over number 4 georgia. 37-10. likely on track for the playoffs after beating baylor, and third-ranked clemson routs virginia, 62-17. wow. ed: i went to bed, the ohio tate was down. [laughter] >> i'll still cheer for the sec because i went there. all right, well, shifting gears, as democrats gear up for another week of impeachment hearings, the house judiciary committee puts out a report that claims the president can be impeached for motive without breaking the law. so how does that actually work many stay with us.
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learn more about the condition at pete: welcome back. a fox news alert, the secretary of defense says it's too early to label the deadly attack on a naval air station in florida as terrorism. i don't know how he gets that. as investigators are still searching, somehow, for a motive. this as we learn new details about the attacker from saudi arabia, including that he reportedly wrote a manifesto condemning america as a nation of evil before opening fire and killing three people. he also hosted a dinner party where they showed films of mass attacks. retired army infantry captain and pennsylvania congressional candidate sean parnell joins us now. help me with in the, because here you've got somebody who was gunning for americans -- >> of course. pete: -- hosted a dinner party to talk about, to show mass attacks. why are we give candidating --
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>> well, we shouldn't be. it absolutely is terrorism. you have a group of saudis that come to america to train, we've been training saudis for a long time, but they coordinated. they had a dinner party, they're watching videos of mass shootings. the fbi detained people the following day that were recording the attack. this is sort of the attacks that you see in afghanistan and iraq when there's an ied attack -- pete: you're right. there's always someone recording. >> this is a textbook attack on americans. it was coordinated, premeditated, and we should not equivocate. pete: we could be talking about a cell. >> we could. pete: a i mean, a group of people who came to america, radicalized here or there, whatever it is, and said, okay, we've got the opportunity to come here, we want to kill americans. a dinner party that says we're going to look at mass shooting, then we're going to film it, you're going to kill americans. what is it about our institutions that would hold us back from saying this is radical islamic terrorism? >> well, you know, it's
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interesting, i was -- i went on to your twitter account last night when i was researching this segment. i know, i read the manifesto earlier today, or and i'm like, jeez, where's the manifesto? i must have scrolled up and down your timeline five times, i couldn't find it. the point here is we can't shut down conversation. we face the greatest asymmetric threat of our time. my position this, we should trust americans with the information. i don't think -- not promoting terrorism when you share the manifesto on your timeline. you've been banned -- pete: for sharing what the terrorist said about how he hated america. >> americans need to be aware of this threat. americans deserve the right to know what it is, and we should be able to have a productive discussion on that topic. pete: tell me, sean, about your race right now, pennsylvania 17. >> i think it's the biggest race in the country. look, i'm sort of -- come from a blue collar family, mediocre student -- [laughter] if you would have asked me a year ago if i was running for congress, i would have laughed.
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the amount of attention this race has gotten is incredible. my position always has been they need somebody who truly represents them, an american first, republican second, and that's what i'm going to do. i'm going to advocate for those people when i win. pete: so if you win, you could say that president trump wins as well. >> well, i think the road to the white house is through pennsylvania, and the road to pennsylvania is through pa-17 as well. pete: good man. sean, thank you very much. saturday night live mocking nancy pelosi for bringing her faith into the impeachment debate. >> i am not impeaching trump because i hate him. i pray for him all the time. [laughter] lord, please help the little trump. omeplace warm. but he wanted snow for the holidays. so we built a snow globe. i'll get that later. dylan! but the one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with homeowners insurance.
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♪ ♪ >> and now for some quick head ryans. -- headlines. north korea raising tensions overnight with a new rocket test giving no details. it comes just hours after north korea's u.n. ambassador says denuclearization was officially off the negotiating table with the united states. and earlier in the day president trump expressed optimism about his relationship with kim jong un. meanwhile, president trump is celebrating the return of graduate student from iran.
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the president tweeting: thank you to iran on a very fair negotiation. adding, see? we can make a deal today. wang, who had been in captivity 2016, is being medically evaluated in germany and could be back in the united states for as early as -- as early as tonight. ed: saturday night live, meanwhile, taking a jab at house speaker nancy, do not mess with me, pelosi -- [laughter] for bringing her catholic faith into the impeachment debate. watch. >> i am not impeaching trump because i hate him. i pray for him all the time. lord,s please, help the little trump. if he has to be president, make him a little better at any of it. [laughter] and, please, take him. not to heaven or anything, just somewhere are else. [laughter] >> prayers are a little passive aggressive. >> no, no, no. some of them are aggressive a aggressive. [laughter] >> that's funny. pete: why does speaker pelosi
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seem to only invoke her faith when she's going after the president? >> well, here to discuss it is fox news contributor and theologian -- oh, my god -- >> theologian. it's okay. [laughter] >> jonathan morris, who is with also, thankfully, here to help me with -- >> well, you said wang's name perfectly. >> i got it. thankfully, you're here to help me with that. is speaker pelosi selectively invoking her faith in the. >> yeah. so so the scene was -- a reporter said are you impeaching president trump because you hate him. and she came running back and she said, no, my heart is full of love as she was, like, pointing and yelling at him. it was kind of awkward. [laughter] but she did say my -- as a catholic, i have been taught not to hate anyone, and i love that. i mean, that's what the christian faith says. jesus himself said love your enemies. that's pretty clear. now, you can't say as a catholic i don't hate anyone, but as a
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catholic because of my faith, my faith tells me not to hate anyone but then say as a catholic, i do my own thing when it comes to, for example, abortion. right? it's like if i say my bible tells me not to do this and then you say, pete, oh, let me tell you what my bible tells me, it's the same thing. if you say as a cath hick my faith -- catholic my faith teaches me -- pete: where does that come from? we had rush limbaugh on friday, and he said just that. she invokes her catholic faith in every instance exception on -- except on the issue of abortion. where does that selective nature come from in. >> i think it's relativism. we live in our society to be able to say even though this objectively is within the teaching of the church, i can say, no, it's not. i can choose what i want. it's catholic christianity. i take this but not that. i want a little bit of this, but
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i don't want that. listen, nobody's perfect, but i think you have to be at least intellectually honest. ed: here she is, in fact. let's listen to her talking about praying for the president. >> i pray for the president of the united states. we pray that the president will think about this. we must be somber, we must be prayerful. we have to pray for his health. as a catholic, i resent your using the word "hate" in a sentence that addresses me. and i still pray for the president. i pray for the president all the time. ed: it's funny that he pray over presidential meltdowns when, as you noted, she had a little meltdown a couple days ago. >> i don't judge her intention. i believe he probably does pray. i believe that she probably does look to her faith to inform some of her decisions. but i -- she's not looking to the catholic faith, to the christian faith to inform her about -- pete: hold on.
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she just had a meltdown. i'm praying for him -- >> okay. that was a little ironic. that was a little cynical, i would say. pete: it feels all cynical. listen, prayer is important, and i would love the fact that she would be praying, but it feels like it's the almost a no and i'm praying for him, and it doesn't feel authentic. >> like to shield something worser, right? >> she liked the fact that politicians are at least referencing their faith -- i do like the fact that politicians are at least referencing their faith as a place where they can find inspiration or information about their voting or their political action. ed: well, i was inspired by your performance in the irishman. if you haven't seen jonathan morris -- [laughter] we have to have you back to talk about that. good job. >> thank you. ed: to a fox news alert. tomorrow the long-awaited i.g. report is finally here about the fbi's russia probe. and all along fired fbi chief james comey has claimed he's innocent. >> i think the notion that fisa was abused here is nonsense.
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i am not worried about a single thing in connection with any of the matters under investigation. ed: well, will those claims finally be blown apart or not? fox news contributor tom homan worked for the obama administration while comey served as the fbi director. he's here to react next. ♪ ♪ any comments doug? yeah. only pay for what you need with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need with liberty mutual. con liberty mutual solo pagas lo que necesitas. only pay for what you need... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture now might not be the best time to ask yourself are my bones strong? life is full of make or break moments. that's why it's so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months.
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how did you know? mom...that was taken at the farm. it was in this small little village. in connemara? right! connemara it is. honestly, we went there- oh, oh look at that! look at that.
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♪ ♪ ed: it is your shot of the morning. we are counting down the a major specialen tonight, the fox nation all-american christmas. pete was right in the middle of it, and it is awesome. pete: the tree's in place, red, white and blue ornaments lit, and tonight all-american christmas show airs at 10 p.m. eastern. ed: what was it like? i saw you had a special wardrobe. pete: i did. >> what'd you wear? pete: i'm not going to tell you. you have to tune in tonight. [laughter] we've got: brian, steve and ainsley are hosting the special, and tonight we light the christmas tree, 10 p.m. on the fox news channel. fox news, all-american christmas. ed: this might become the real christmas tree in new york city. there's another one down the street. >> oh, is there? [laughter] ed: in the meantime, remember
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last weekend we asked you to send in some pictures of a patriotic christmas, how you're sell bright at home? pete: yes. all the way from delray beach, florida, this is fred's all-american christmas. ed: at first i thought it was super skinny -- >> oh, lauren foster serves in the south carolina army national guard, and this is her tree. oh, wow, that's awesome. m that's beautiful. ed: charles and his wife barbara are celebrating down in texas with this all-american christmas tree. you see the flag, you see santa's cap up on top instead of a star, that is fun as well. send us your photos. pete: late on the concept. america was setting the standard, we're just following. >> yeah, we want more. ed: it's a band on my apple watch. [inaudible conversations] [laughter] pete: ed is a patriot, is what sums up --
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ed: you know who's a patriot? tom homan. he is a wonderful dude, fox news contributor, retired i.c.e. director. welcome, sir. >> hey, good morning. ed: you got a chance to work with james comey years ago -- i could stop right there. [laughter] but the big i.g. report is coming. what are you expecting? we've heard james comey say again and again there was, essentially, no fisa abuse, and all was well at the fbi. >> well, look, i don't think what the report's going to say, and i don't know if he's innocent or guilty. i'll say this, you know, he served at the pleasure of the president, and the way he went out, he has proven to me since he's left that he's not a man of integrity. he's out on a speaking tour, speaking badly about the president and the way he was released. look, he served at the pleasure of the president. and that's just the bottom line. and if i wouldn't have retired and stayed the i.c.e. director and president trump lost the next election, i would be gone the next day. that's the way the system
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workings. i think he's doing a bad thing for the country. i think he, certainly, has been a bad example for the men and women of the fbi who are out there trying to do the job every day. >> tom, what does that mean for the organization as a whole? we've already seen there was a criminal referral that doj declined to prosecute with leaking to the media. the previous inspector general report really took comey to task for his failed leadership, so what does that mean for the organization as a whole when the person at the helm conducts his behavior this way? >> well, look, i think it's clear, it affects morale. the morale of the fbi is at an all-time low because of the failed leadership. i'm not going to compare myself to comey, but since i retired i'm out there fighting for the men and women of i.c.e. trying to educate the american people on the great work they do. i didn't make it personal. i didn't make it about tom homan and anti-obama. i respect every president i've worked for. that's the difference, i believe, in leadership. leadership is about defending your organization and defending
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the administration of law, not going out and making personal attacks against the president of the united states who happens to be your boss. pete: tom, i'm going to switch to another topic here on something you talk about quite a bit. the state of new york passed legislation in june that's going to take effect on december 14th, it's called the green light law that would give undocumented imp grants -- immigrants, illegal immigrants, driver's licenses in new york claiming part of the law conflicts with federal law, driver's license for illegals in new york. your response. >> i think this person with dmv who's suing his state is smarter than the legislators in new york, because he understands it's a clear violation of federal law. look, there's the title 8 united states code 1373, it's a federal law that prohibits jurisdictions from creating policies that prevents employees from sharing information with immigration authorities. it's clear. and this law specifically spells out you will not share this
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information with immigration authorities, i.c.e. and cbp. so it doesn't take a legal scholar to understand in this law's in direct conflict with federal law, and doj will take this, they'll fight it in court, and they'll win because federal law always supersedes local and state laws. ed: yeah. in fact, doj attorney it is had this filing just last week about it, the act's disclosure and restrictions are aimed at frustrating the federal government's enforcement of the federal immigration laws. it seems to me we've heard this again and again about all of the impediments that exist right now to enforce our immigration laws. why in the world our legislators here in new york are making that even more difficult in terms of enforcing our laws. >> it's because it's a fight against this administration's immigration policies. the legislators know exactly what they're doing. look, they know they will lose in this court, but they want to say we fought the trump administration, we tried to do what we could. it's the same reason, ed, that
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the u.s. congress isn't addressing the loopholes that caused this crisis at the border. everything that's happened on the border in the past year, the united states congress hasn't taken one action, hasn't offered up one idea to close one loophole that causes the surge, 31% of women being raped, children are dying, they've done nothing. because it's about seeing this president fail on his number one campaign promise. it's more important to them than protecting america. it's politics at its worst. ed: nancy pelosi's been in power as speak for almost a year now, and you have to wonder what have house democrats done -- >> and in power largely for a really long time. ed: good questions this morning, tom homan, thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. ed: in the meantime, let's turn to some other headlines starting with this fox news alert. the fbi ramps up its search for the missing saudi servicemen linked to the pensacola-based shooting. the fbi releasing a photo of the shooter saying another saudi
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student recorded the attack while two others watched the attack from a nearby car. the navy identified joshua watson, airman mohamed hatham and cameron scott walters. they are heroes. a live look at times square, meanwhile, as people are braving the cold to raise money for the homeless. until crowd shrinking a bit this morning, but overnight the big sleepout participants spent the overnight with nothing but the jacket on their back and, yes, a sleeping bag. actor will smith showed up to perform the fresh prince of bel air theme song, you can see there. the sleepout is happening in more than 50 major cities all around the world. and -- [inaudible] somebody ate it. a performance artist yanked the food off the wall, peeling it, taking a bite as miami art payen
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terrors looked -- patrons looked on in shock. he was reported but not arrested. the gallery soon replaced the banana, insisting the piece was more about the idea than the fruit. >> i mean, not all heroes wear capes, you know? ed: i guess he is kind of a hero, but the guy just paid $120,000 for the banana, now you can put in any banana? >> that was a potential banana -- special banana, i don't know. all right. so america's founding father is taking center stage during this week's impeachment hearing. >> james madison's words -- >> influential essay in the federalist papers, alexander hamilton said -- >> i'm going to completely disregard the vision of our founders. >> but our next guest, who is a presidential historian, says this is not the framers'
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impeachment. ed: college students support free tuition for illegal immigrant, but how much would they be willing to pay out of their own pockets? [laughter] >> would you be willing to give some money for that tuition? >> if i did, i definitely would, but your girl is broke. >> i'll have to pass on that one. >> i would love to, but i don't have cash on me. so what do you see? i see an unbelievable opportunity. i see best-in-class platforms and education. i see award-winning service, and a trade desk full of experts, available to answer your toughest questions. and i see it with zero commissions on online trades. i like what you're seeing. it's beautiful, isn't it? yeah. td ameritrade now offers zero commissions on online trades. ♪
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♪ ♪ ed: well, america's founding fathers took center stage during this week's impeachment hearing. >> i believe the framers would identify president trump's conduct as exactly the kind of abuse of office, high crime and misdemeanor, that they were worried about. >> in james madison's words -- >> alexander hamilton declared -- >> alexander hamilton said really clearly -- >> i'm really sorry the president made this necessary by his complete disregard to the vision of our founders. ed: well, but would the framers actually give their seal of
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approval to this latest impeachment process? presidential historian doug wead joins us now. doug, i suspect that they are being a little liberal, shall i say, with their use of what the framers intended. [laughter] >> that's right. hi, ed, pete and lisa, they better be treating you good up there, that's all i can say. yes, i found this was stunning, that they would bring professors from harvard are and stanford in where they don't even allow free speech on campus to lecture us on the u.s. constitution -- [laughter] and the attacks, the one professor made, she says he hates trump so much she -- she hates trump so much she can't even walk on the sidewalk outside his hotel, and she attacks barron, their 13-year-old son. i felt that because there were attacks on my children threatening their lives because i wrote a book about donald trump, inside the trump white house. so that was stunning to me, uncalled for. ed: so you make an important point, but let's look at the big
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picture as well which is what did the framers really intend. tell us where these professors went wrong. >> well -- [laughter] the constitution, what nancy pelosi should have done is coordinate with the presidential candidates because you got presidential candidates in the democrat party who are saying that the constitution is dated. you've got another one who just yesterday wants to gut the constitution and create a parliamentary-style government, depart from a remix, that's -- republic, that's elizabeth warren, no electoral colleges. others want to upset the balance of the constitution birdie luting the judiciary and adding to the number of judges. [laughter] they need to all get in one room, knock heads and get together. and there's, ed, for 1619 project with "the new york times" where the democrat party is trying to reeducate american youth to tell them that our founding fathers were criminals, slave owners who were trying to
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create a slave state in spite of the fact that slavery existed in the british empire til the 1830s. ed: well, we appreciate your history lesson. jonathan turley became the star of the show, and he basically quoted back what george washington would be saying, and it wouldn't be pretty. doug wead, you mentioned he's the author of inside the trump white house: the real story of his presidency. pick it up. in the meantime, doug, we appreciate your insight this morning. >> thanks, ed. ed: coming up, college students say they support free tuition for illegal immigrants as long as democratic presidential candidates say that too, but how much would they be willing to contribute out of their own pockets? find out, next. >> would you be willing to give some money for that tuition? >> if i did, i definitely would, but your girl is broke. >> i'll have to pass on that one. >> i would love to, but i don't have cash on me. starting at $15.99. treat yourself to the perfect gift today, because the aussie 4-course won't last long!
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♪ ♪ >> education's for everyone. it's not just for selected people. >> e believe everybody should have an equal opportunity to get the right education. >> it is a human right, and we naturally have to give it to the immigrants, right? >> they deserve that right of education. lisa: so those students at the university of south florida getting behind free tuition for illegal immigrants. but would they give up their own money to help pay for it?
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well, joining us now is editor-in-chief of campus cabot phillips. hey, cabot. >> hey, lisa. lisa: i want to play a little bit more from that, watch this, and i want to get your reaction. >> we are trying to raise money for tuition for undocumented immigrants, so would you be willing to give some information for that tuition? >> if i did, i definitely would, but your girl is definitely broke. >> i'll have to pass on that one. >> i don't have cash on me -- >> i don't either, but i would love to. >> shouldn't be my duty. this country has more than enough money distributed in the hands of the wrong individuals. lisa: so interesting, cabot. so they agree with the policy in principle, but when put into practice, they're not onwith board. what does that say to you about the policies as a whole? >> say everyone else deserves this and as society we should provide this when you're not the ones who are actually having to be on the hook to pay for it. i think a lot of democrats, a lot of these college students are essentially being educated
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at the harry potter school of economics. wave a wand and magically, everyone else will pay for it. there's not enough money in america to pay for these policies, and especially there's not enough money if the people that are calling for them aren't willing to foot the bill. director hohmann talked about how we have so much more illegal immigration in america, and i think that lot of that is because we're incentivizing people to come here illegally. when we say we're going to give these free benefits, i think that's going to make more of that happen in the future. i think policies like this are not doing anything to benefit american people and the american citizenry, and i do think that's a problem. and i think that social pressure plays a big role. people feel i'm being compassionate -- lisa: so i like the harry potter thing, that's very funny, but a lot of the 2020 candidates subscribe to that. bernie sanders beat hillary clinton in the iowa caucus in 2016, why do they resonate so much with young people? >> i think a big part of it is
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that social pressure. right now young people are told you either support all these policies for illegal immigrants, or you're a bigot, all these horrible things. very hard to start the compromise when you either agree with these policies, or you don't like immigrants. and i think that pressure leads a lot of these college students, i've interviewed hundreds of leadership institutes for campus reform, and a lot of them like, yeah, i think the law's good, but i don't want to be called all these horrible things. i think a lot of candidates don't want to appear not compassionate. it's a shame because if, again, there should be compromise. very difficult when that's the starting point. lisa: cabot, thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks so much. lisa: still ahead, we're learning more about the pensacola navy base shooter, like how he watched videos of mass shootings. he even took a trip to new york city just days before the
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attack. we're live in florida next. plus, coming up on the show we've got stuart varney, donna brazile, dan bongino and maria bartiromo all live, so stay with us. (wheels screeching) (clapping) (sound of can hitting bag and bowl) (clapping) always there in crunch time. in connemara. right! connemara it is! there's one gift the whole family can share this holiday season, their story. give the gift of discovery, with an ancestrydna kit.
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ed: good morning. let's get straight to a fox news alert. ing u.s. military base is on edging as the fbi ramps up its search for the missing saudi servicemen linked to the pensacola shooting. lisa: we're learning more about the american heroes who died in the attack. pete: jonathan serrie joins us with more. >> reporter: the navy has released the names of the three victims who lost their lives in friday's hooting, also describes them as heroes. more on that later. all three of them were students at naval aviation school's command here in pensacola. they include ensign joshua watson, a 23-year-old from alabama, airman mohamed hatham,
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a 19-year-old from st. petersburg if, florida x a third student not pictures, airman apprentice cameron scott walters, a 21-year-old from richmond hill, virginia. the naval air station's commanding officer issued this statement: the sailors that lost their lives in the line of duty and showed exceptional heroism and bravery in the face of evil, when confronted, they didn't run from danger, they a ran towards it and saved lives. navy airman ryan blackwell is one of eight injured survivors in the attack. when the gunman fired through his office door, he reportedly shielded a female colleague with his body. blackwell tells the pensacola news journal, my adrenaline was pumping so much, i wasn't worried about being shot, i was worried about getting us to safety and getting out out of there -- us out of there. the fbi has identified the shooter as mohammed al-shamrani, a 21-year-old second lieutenant from the saudi royal air force who was among hundreds of foreign students from allied countries who study aviation at the pensacola base.
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although guns are banned on the property, not every car that enters is checked, and investigators say al-shamrani had brought a gun into an aviation classroom building, used it to open fire. saudi arabia has pledged its full cooperation with the investigation. >> reporter: and in the wake of this shooting and also the fatal shooting last week in pearl harbor, northcom is calling for an increase in random security checks at its bases. back to you. ed: thank you for. that i mean, there's so much to dig through there. first of all, the fact that not every car is searched heading onto to some of these bases, i mean, i get it. it's time consuming and difficult, but now this terrorist basically is able to get a weapon on that he shouldn't have had and is able to kill these three heroes.
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pete: two months ago i went -- i do regular military drills. i went on a base in virginia. they check your military id. well, he was given a military id as a saudi national here training. so they're not checking every car. he gets an illegal weapon. he's watching movies of mass attacks in the days before -- ed: at a, quote, dinner party. pete: -- dinner party with other saudi nationals who we now know were filming the attack. we're not talking about the lone wolf here, we're talking about a potential cell or other people who were participant of this attack or at least knew about it which brings about a whole number of additional questions about what do people know and when do they know it. lisa: well, and, pete, to your point about the idea there's more involved here, it certainly raises questions because we now have reports that they visited new york, rockefeller center. as you mentioned, there was a dinner party where they're watching videos of mass shootings. and then on the day of the attack, you have the one individual carrying out the
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attack, someone else videotaping it and two other people outside in a car. this group of four certainly raises questions about, you know, what were their motives, were they a part of something bigger, was it just their own -- pete: and then you look at their motives, he's quoting osama bin laden on twitter -- by the way, i've been banned on twitter for merely showing what he said. and you look at the motivations, which is very important in instances like this. if people are out to kill us and at war with us, you've got to be willing to talk about why they're doing what they're doing. ed: -- attacking israel, to lisa's point, he's at rockefeller center here in new york city -- lisa: why was he there? ed: before this attack with these other saudi nationals. were they doing a dry run? were they checking out the possibility that if he survived in pensacola, he was going to unleash more terror somewhere else? who else survived this attack who may now be plotting other deals? this is why the fbi is all over
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it. another american hero, sean parnell, on the program earlier. he said it clearly looks like terror. >> it absolutely is terrorism. when you have a group of saudis that come to america to train, we've been training saudis for a long time, but they coordinated. they had a dinner party, they're watching videos of mass shootings, the fbi detained people the following day that were recording the attack. this is a textbook attack on americans. it was coordinated, it was premeditated, it's absolutely terrorism, and we should not equivocate. pete: we're going to have senator rick scott on the program at 9:30, more details if florida. again, details are important in situations like this. what we know and when we know it. we will bring it to you when we have it. lisa: the defense secretary is not yet saying it's terrorism, but you've got someone when that's putting these ideas out there that has these thoughts and, certainly -- pete: i don't understand the hesitation to just come out and say this is rad a call islamic
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terrorism. -- radical islamic terrorism. maybe we have a relationship with saudi arabia, get it -- ed: we asked stephanie grisham yesterday because he used to get on president obama about in this all the time. lisa: another big story we're watching is impeachment. we've got another week of hearings. the house judiciary committee put up a report that claims the president can be impeached for motive without actually breaking the law. ed, what do you make of that? ed: i was hosting for martha a couple weeks back, and he was saying that, predicting this was going to be about thought crimes. the president thought about -- [inaudible conversations] and there were some on the left saying what is he talking about? they're now saying for your motive, your thoughts. not actual crimes. we're going to actually try to um peach you. here's a quote from that report, the house judiciary report. the question is not whether the president's conduct could have resulted from permissible motives, it's whether the
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president's real reasons, the one in his mind at the time, were legitimate. so now you have jerry nadler, the democratic chairman, trying to divine what was inside the president's head. that's why the president keeps saying you don't have to divine it, here's what was in the transcript. pete: you have no fact witnesses. you bring constitutional scholars who are clearly haters of the president. that's your evidence. then you want to talk about what was going on in his mind in there's no court of law that's ever said what were you thinking whether or not you murdered somebody -- i mean, it's amazing. but house democrats talking to another network feel, well, this is all legitimate. ed: some of these democrats are also getting a little skittish. pete: they are. lisa: and you've got 31 running in districts that president trump won in 2016. look, democrats are thinking about, you know, let's include pieces from the russia aspect of this as well, and there's been a lot of these moderate democrats saying, no, let's keep this
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specific because they're worried about their re-election. ed: i don't think we should be throwing the whole kitchen sink and try to overreach. might be referring to one of the articles potentially being about the mueller report. anonymous democrat. pete: this does have political consequences, and the people who will suffer significant political consequences are moderate members. to your point. [laughter] ed: another anonymous -- i am struggling to see how the evidence supports impeachment at this point. so these are democrats to cnn saying i don't know if the evidence is there, a. and, b, this is going to backfire on -- pete: let me can though, would nancy pelosi have gone forward without the rank and file being onboard? lisa: ding, ding, ding, exactly. it was also the most moderates that washington post op-ed before nancy pelosi said we're going to move forward, i know moderate democrats with intel backgrounds -- ed: said they were concerned
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about ukraine. lisa: right. sort of expressing openness to impeachment, and that's really what i think along with the whistleblower report that got them involved. ed: nancy pelosi, they always say she can count noses better than -- votes better than anyone, would push forward. but when you see cnn and others reporting, well, the moderates are concerned, is she trying to force them and saying you've got to be with me and they're not really there yet, or are they there? just about 24 hours from now the house judiciary committee comes back. the president, meantime, is saying they're thinking about what was inside my head. he says it's a hoax. >> the impeachment thing is a total hoax. the numbers have totally swung our way. they don't want to see impeachment, especially in the swing states. i've never seen it swing like this, because people realize it's a total hoax. we had a perfect conversation, it was only a conversation. nothing came out of the conversation except good relationships with ukraine.
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and the people see that it's just a continuation of the three-year witch hunt. and i'm looking forward to seeing the i.g. report. pete: you know, this will be litigated in 2020. i mean, he's saying that, witch hunt, democrats are proceeding with their hearings. it will ultimately, the voters will decide who's telling the truth. lisa: and i just want the read one thing from jonathan turley before we move on. he said, you know, talking about obstruction of justice for going to the courts over subpoenas. he said if you make a high crime and misdemeanor out of going to the courts, it's your abuse of power. basically saying the same people who are accusing president trump of abuse of power are the one who are doing it themselves. ed: yeah. the president mentioned there's another thing coming up monday, that i.g. report we've been waiting for. pete: downplayed in the media. we'll see what comes out. ed: in the meantime, some other headlines. an alabama police officer shot
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and killed in the line of duty has now been identified. officer billy -- was gunned down during a drug sting operation. he was shot in the heart. his father was also an alabama officer who, yes, was killed in the line of duty over 40 years ago. tragedy striking twice. and the president saying the united states' relationship with israel is stronger than ever. >> after eight long years in which our alliance was undermined and neglected, i am happy to report that the united states-israeli relationship is stronger now than ever before. ed: the president was down in florida last night highlighting the relationship of the israeli-american council national summit. last year the embassy officially was moved from tel aviv to jerusalem, something the president promised and delivered on. one of the last survivors of the uss arizona a laid to rest with his crew mates on the 78th anniversary of the attack on
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pearl harbor. loren brewer expected to be the last person buried in the wreckage which still lies off the hawaii coast. he was one of dozens of world war ii vets honored during yesterday's remembrance ceremony. and actor gary sinise -- [inaudible] the forrest gump actor paying for more than 1700 family members to take a five-day trip to disney world, also getting scholarship assistance from sinise's foundation. the actor has arranged this trip every year since 2007. does remarkable work. pete: gary sinise is a national treasure. i was training to go to afghanistan with a unit in alaska. i didn't end up going, we're out on the range, and who shows up? gary sinise! ed: in alaska? pete: in alaska. he shows up at our training exercise. the whole group's there, thanks for what you're doing. he came out of nowhere.
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no fanfare, in cameras, no nothing. this guy loves the troops. god bless him. lisa: that's awesome. we've got a fox news alert. an american grad student is on his way back to the united states after being detained in iran for more than three years. his release is a sign that the trump administration, or is his release a sign that the trump administration can work with the iranian government? we've got a former cia chief next who's going to weigh in on that. pete: we shall see. and it's another record-breaking jobs report in the book, so what will voters prioritize in 2020? the economy or impeachment? stuart varney, you know him, you love him. rereacts -- he reacts coming up. ♪ ♪
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ed: a fox news alert, defense secretary mark esper ordering a review of security and vetting procedures for military bases following that shooting in florida. our next guest says this is likely just one step with more likely to come. here to explain, former cia station chief and fox news contributor dan hoffman. good morning, dan. >> morning. ed: let's just start with the procedures that you think maybe need to be beefed up at military bases to deal with the threat of terrorists getting on base. >> well, i think, first of all, we're in incident response phase right now which is, obviously, never where you want to be, to the right of boom, and there's a lot of forensics and work being done to ascertain the motives of the shooter and, apparently, the three accomplices. there's a lot of work to be done there. it looks to me like an insider threat, and i'm sure the department of defense is taking now every measure that they can to improve security.
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there are some ongoing questions. the motives behind these individuals, were they radicalized and when that might have happened, how the shooter got his gun on base when we know the security checks aren't 100%, but still, where did he obtain the gun and how and when. there's a lot of questions out there. ed: and what about the fact that he was at rockefeller center, the shooter, just a few days from the tree lighting with other saudi nationals? could that have been a dry run? was this a terror cell? are these some of the questions that trouble you? >> they trouble me, for sure. i think one of the key things, and you point out correctly, is to at ascertain the whereabouts of the shooting and the three accomplices. where were they. the rockefeller center, that's an out of pattern activity, not one you would expect him -- a place where you would expect him to be traveling. that and anywhere else he visited is, obviously, grave concern. as pete mentioned, there are the others out there as well who may be connected with this small cell potentially. ed: all right. dan, let's move on to another
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big story that broke overnight yesterday which is the fact that the president was able to secure the release of an american hostage who had been in iran for some three years, a yacht student. the president -- a grad student. the president didn't just hail that, he opened the door potentially to a bigger deal with iran. watch. >> we're very happy to have our hostage back, the princeton university community is very thrilled. actually, i think it was a great thing for iran, i think it was great to show that we can do something. it might have been a precursor as to what could be done. ed: the president famously pulled out of the obama nuclear deal saying it was too weak. do you think -- what are the prospects for a stronger nuclear deal with iran? >> i'd be very cautious about making any determination about that. but what i think that's important here is that the president once again is making clear to the iranians that the offramps here are negotiations. remember, the president decided to stand down on a retaliatory
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strike when iran hot down our drone missile -- shot down our drone missile in june of this year. iran has been wracked by protests, and their economy is in freefall. there may be some motivation to come to the negotiating table. the president's making clear we're ready to have those discussions. ed: absolutely. the wang family put out a statement, they're certainly very happy, and we understand why, that he has now come home. the levinson family put out a statement, making sure we don't forget about robert levinson, several other americans held hostage in iran. dan hoffman, appreciate you coming in today. >> thanks. ed: democrats, meanwhile, moving ahead with impeachment in the house. the president demanding a fair trial if it ever gets to the senate. so how would a former college football coach and senate candidate vote? we're going to ask him, coming up. ♪ ed: we'll also get his reaction
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ahhhh! -ahhhh! elliott. you came back! ♪ ♪ lisa: welcome back. here are some news headlines.
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first, $6500 right this, that's how much this tree is going for. the 20-foot frazier fir sold in new york is one of the most expensive in the city. so why the hefty cost? turns out, there's a shortage of that type of tree. and 100 grand, that's how much i tuition money a college student won in a football-throwing contest. she showed off her arm throwing 16 footballs through a giant soda hand from 10 yards away during halftime of the big 12 championships. she's right there. all right, pete? pete: good for her. that's legit. love it. democrats ramping up their push to impeach the president. as you know. the house judiciary committee holding hearings tomorrow despite the white house refusing to participate. the trump administration says they're hoping for a fair trial in the senate. >> we're not going to participate in a sham hearing that doesn't give him any rights. they get to choose all kinds of things. they keep moving the goalpost,
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moving the rules. the whole thing is a sham, and it's got to stop. it's clearly not going to, and if it does move to the senate, we look forward to that because it will be fair. pete: that was yesterday on fox and friends. here to react former auburn coach and alabama senate candidate tommy tuberville. thank you so much for being here. >> appreciate it. better president if you were -- pete: if you were in the senate, how would you approach these hearings? >> well, first of all, it's an embarrassment to this country. travel the state of alabama, i go to these breakfasts, lunches with people who are retired, people who have jobs, and they're embarrassed for the country. here's what they're saying, pete, this is not going to work. they know impeachment's not going to work. i obviously wouldn't vote for it. it's a cam. everybody in alabama's trying to figure out what the next scam's going to be. they're going to come up with something else. they're frying to run the clock -- trying to run the clock on president trump. people are not stupid. pete: what are people in washington missing?
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they're not hearing that. they're full speed ahead with this impeachment. what are they seeing that your voters are missing? >> well, most of them never had a job up there. [laughter] they've been up there sitting behind a desk getting their news off television or a newspaper. they haven't been out in the schools and homes. they don't know what reality's like. and we've gotten away from that. washington, d.c. is bubble. it's not like the united states of america, it's not like when i grew up, you know? they talk to the american people -- they don't speak for the american people anymore. pete: jeff sessions in the race, how's it going in that dynamic right now in. >> it's going good. i'm an outsider. the rest of them, you know, they're inside politics, career politicians. you know, i've got my own lane. i'm just going to go out and meet the people, talk about what i feel like i need to do. you know, i've been in education all my life. pete, if we don't fix education in this country, it don't make any difference what anybody else does. our education has gone way down, and we've got to do something about it. pete: boy, that's 100% right.
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if you don't train the next generation, you lose your country. i would be remiss though if i lost this moment to ask you about college football right now in this note. so lsu beat georgia, we saw that, to capture the sec title. where are we and who should be vying for the national championship? >> i watched ohio state play after that game. that's going to be a good football game. i think those two will come down to it -- pete: lsu and the ohio state. >> but clemson is kind of the odd man out. nobody's really looked at them. sweeney's a heck of a coach. they've got a good football team, got a lot of good players, but they haven't played a tough schedule. nobody knows how good they are. i think they're the odd man out. it's going to be interesting to see who number four is, probably oklahoma. i think the two best teams right now as we see it, as the teams they've played, are ohio state and lsu. pete: are you still relishing auburn's defeat over alabama, 48-45? [laughter] >> you know, it's amazing, that's a big game in the state, obviously -- pete: it is.
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>> 20 million people watched that game. 3 million people watch this show every day? 20 million people watched that. that's how important it is in the south. college football's huge. it kind of separates the men from the boys. it's, that is a fun game. it's really not fun if you're a coach because you feel the weight -- pete: so much stress, yeah. >> oh, everybody's counting on 364 days of being able to brag about winning that game. [laughter] if you lose it as coach, you've got to wear a hat and sunglasses -- pete: what's your record in that game? >> 7-3. i did pretty good. pete: 7-3, not bad. >> not bad. pete: well, good luck in your race. >> thank you. pete: we appreciate it. all right. well, till ahead -- still ahead. smile or not? this newborn not so happy -- look at that photo -- with her photo shoot. the story behind the scowl, coming up. and we're less than a year out to 2020 election. big question, what will voters prioritize, impeachment or the economy? stuart varney -- [inaudible] that's next. ♪
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[inaudible conversations] pete: congratulations on the huge win. lisa: ortiz proudly showing his support for the president, wearing trump 2020 shorts and putting on a trump 2020 shirt to celebrate. there he is right there in the shirt. my older brother used to do that to me. not quite as bad. he would clothesline me, is that what it's called? [inaudible conversations] ed: came out okay. lisa: yeah, i hope so. ed: another guy who's always winning, stuart varney. [laughter] >> remarkable introduction, i've got to say. lisa: he's a newsman. >> how you got to me from prize
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fighting, i'll take it. ed: the jobs number on friday -- >> fantastic. ed: blowout, whatever you may say, even "the new york times" was giving the president credit. what does that tell you? >> it's like pulling teeth to give any credit to the president. here we are, it's a sunday morning, right? pre-holiday weekend. the shoppers are out there buying like you wouldn't believe. the thanksgiving period, up 16% in the sales. over the whole thanksgiving period compared to last year, that's an astonishing performance. that is a booming economy this sunday morning. and what have we got tomorrow morning? impeachable. so here -- impeachment. so here you have president trump's policies which have created this mass prosperity in the united states, this booming economy, and now they're trying to take him out of the oval office by impeaching him. this makes no sense to me whatsoever. what a contrast. pete: before we give "the new york times" any credit -- [laughter] here's their headline -- lisa: [inaudible] pete: well, we shouldn't. with impeachment unfold amid a
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booming economy, what are voters looking at? impeachment or these numbers? >> oh, i think they're going to look at these numbers. they could, shouldn't they? i mean, are you joust going to vote -- just going to vote entirely on dislike of the president and his personality? hatred of the president? you're going to vote down this prosperity? if you put a democrat in the white house, all the democrats who are running so far, every single one of them wants to raise taxes and spend more money. what do you think that would do to this prosperity-driven economy? what do you think it would do? it would send it south, bigtime south. i think voters will go with prosperity and go with president trump. and i hope they do, quite frankly. i really hope they to. because there's one thing that can bind america together, it is prosperity. lisa: stuart, there's another topic we would love to hear about. i think you're going to have a couple shots. there's a photo of alexandria ocasio-cortez, and she's lean back right there, and she's saying me waiting on haters to
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apologize after we were proven right on amazon and saved the public billions. stuart, you know, there's only going to be 1500 jobs coming to new york city as opposed to the 25,000. are you going to apologize to her? [laughter] >> no. pete: is have you ever apologized? >> i'm over 70 -- [laughter] in my life i've made some apologies. pete: yeah, we all have. lisa: but alexandria ocasio-cortez -- >> okay, let's get serious here. 1500 amazon positions are coming to new york city. we don't know which positions they are, what they're going to pay, but we do know they are not the 25,000 positions, highly paid positions that were going to come to new york city before aoc blocked it. so, no, no apologies required for aoc. but, you know, she did get one thing right. amazon is moving these 1500 people to new york city without any subsidies being offered by the city which we know of. there would have been some subsidy cans offered for the
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25,000 lucrative positions that would have come, that's one area she got right. pete: ultimately, there's such an anti-business sentiment with what she's talking about, it overwhelms that small point. >> this anti-business sentiment which is so rife in new york city, of all places, is driving wealthier people out of the city. they are leaving in droves. lisa: right. >> taxes don't help either. they're going to florida bigtime. i don't have the numbers on me right now, but it is an exodus. we need these people in new york city. we need that money. and it's not here. it's being driven out by the aocs of this world. lisa: i didn't think we'd get an apology, but -- [laughter] for those at home, catch "varney & company" on fox business to hear more from stuart varney. stuart, thanks so much for being with us. [inaudible conversations] pete: great vet for the army in fisher house, and they said i never miss stuart varney -- stuart: really?
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that's because you appear on my show every friday morning -- pete: well, they didn't say that. >> great to be here. lisa: thanks, stuart. ed: fox news alert, military bases on edge as the fbi ramps up its search for the missing saudi servicemen linked to that pensacola navy base shooting. the fbi releasing a photo saying another saudi student recorded the attack while two others watched from a nearby car. the navy also identified the fallen heroes as ensign joshua watson, airman mohamed hatham and airman apprentice cameron scott walters or, and we want you to see them and remember them this morning. those heros. and you are looking live at the international space station where a new spacex car bow capsule is being installed. the capsule, which launched from cape canaveral thursday, is carrying more than three ton it is of cargo including a beer-making experiment from anheuser-busch.
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pete, why are you not there? pete: amazing! [laughter] ed: spacex says it's delivered more than 95,000 pounds of cargo to the iss, another supply capsule from a russian rocket is set to arrive at the station tomorrow. and the actress in the peloton exercise bike commercial breaking her silence. >> okay, ready? >> yes. >> now! >> a peloton? a year ago i didn't realize how much this would change me. ed: the ad was slammed as sexist because a man bought the exercise bike for his wife. pete: okay. ed: the actress now saying i was shocked and overwhelmed by the attention this week, especially the negative is an understatement. she now stars in a new commercial for gin, so it kind of worked out for her -- lisa: really soaking it all, yeah, good for her. ed: maybe some new business. and, oh, baby, check out this viral photo shoot. three-week-old luna does not look pleased.
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her dad says he's actually been given that look since she was born. but the photographer says little luna was actually very relaxed and chill you might say despite the frown. luna's parents say they cannot wait to embarrass her with these photos when she gets older, because that's what parents do. lisa: yeah. you know, 18 years from now, you can show those photos -- ed: ever take a photo like that? pete: she's intense and she's focused. lisa: when i was a baby, i think i had dark, curly hair, and then it all fell out. so i went through this really awkward phase where i had sprouts, so my mom put bonnets on me. pete: hey, mom -- lisa: mom, fire it up. [laughter] ed: rick, any embarrassing photos for you? rick: yes. [laughter] my brother threatens me all the time. but, you know, when you're that age, it's your parents' fault for doing that. what'll be interesting to see, if that face sticks permanently
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along over time with that girl. all right, guys, welcome. triple birthdays? >> yes. rick: all of you? >> they're celebrating their 13th. rick: okay. i won't ask. 13, congratulations. happy birthday. take a look at the weather map this morning, there's a lot of cold air bottled up across canada. it is -42, is what it feels like right now in yellowknife. that cold air is going to begin to move down at least across areas of north dakota, minnesota. get ready, that cold air is mighty close to us. all right, guys, back to you inside. lisa: thanks, rick. ed: i'm not trying to stick you out in space, pete, i just think you might like that beer experiment. [laughter] pete: what does beer taste like in space. lisa: i hear they were short the original amount -- [inaudible conversations] lisa: i can't confirm it. there's a rumor. ed: meanwhile, the media and democrats complaining about the lack of diversity in the 2020
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field, but shouldn't the race for president be about the candidate themselves? those actual candidates? larry elder's fired up about this. he's on deck coming up. lisa: plus, this commercial is being called the best christmas ad of the year. i don't know, that's a pretty big -- but this morning the owner of the hardware store and his son who stars in the commercial join us live. it does look beautiful. look at that. ♪ ♪ apparently we come from a long line of haberdashers. we chose eleanor. it was great-grandma's name. so we're in this little town near salerno and everyone has dad's eyebrows. help your family discover their unique story, with a gift from ancestry.
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help (danny)'s voice)over of course you don'te because you didn't!? your job isn't doing hard work...'s making them do hard work... ...and getting paid for it. (vo) snap and sort your expenses to save over $4,600 at tax time. quickbooks. backing you. now and forever more. inside these buildings in jerus throughout israel there are many elderly jews who suffering daily. and they need our help now. as christians and jews we know we have a scriptural mandate to hungry. and here there are thousands in need. 17 years ago edna was in a horr terrorist attack. she's still in excruciating pain and she can't even afford her m. i've lost my will to live. all the time i suffer alone wit and pain.
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your help is urgently needed. please call right now and make $25 that will rush food and essentid to an elderly jewish person str survive. every gift helps keep them alive and show's your love to god's p. for over 35 years, the international fellowship ofs and jews has been bringing christian and communities together. and it's only with your help that we can meet this challenge basic essentials like food boxes to the elderly t most. inside each food box we put a hanukkah holiday note letting t recipients know that this is a gift from christ jews who love them. it means so much to me. your help will bring food to th and much needed peace into thei whether you can help one time o month you will recieve god's blessings
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when you bless these children o. i pray that god will speak to y now. we need your help more than ever before. ♪ ♪ lisa: so in the wake of kamala harris dropping out of of the 2020 race, democrats in the media criticizing the so-called lack of diversity. ed: cory booker is quoting there are more billionaires than black people that have made the december debate stage. that, he says, is a problem. lisa: and many headlines calling out the notably white field of
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candidates. ed: here to react, radio talk show host larry elder. good morning to you, sir. >> morning, how are you doing? ed: we're doing fantastic. what have they got wrong? >> what happened to content over character? look, if white voters based on race, obama never could have become president. aren't we happy that people are selecting these candidates, apparently, for reasons other than race? i don't quite understand what the complaint here is. and, look, the field is pretty diverse. you've got andrew yang, chinese-american, tulsi gabbard, saw a mow wan-american, you have amy klobuchar whose parents are from slovenia, elizabeth warren who used to be a native american -- [laughter] you've got bernie sanders who's jewish, michael bloomberg is jewish, i'm not quite sure what the complaint here is. don't we want with people to vote based upon who they think is the best possible candidate as opposed to taking into consideration race?
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again, if america did that, obama never could have become president, let alone reelected. lisa: and, larry, is it really striving for equality if democrats only see people through the lens of race or gender? >> well, this is an identity, a party all a bunch of people complaining about this, that and the other whereas the republican party is the party of principles, the party that believes in limited government, personal responsibility, strong national defense. democrats are, as a party, are people who are complaining about this, you owe me this, you owe me that. and that's why, apparently, they're race-driven like this. i'm kind of surprised. deval patrick just came into the race, he's a black guy, cory booker is in there, he's black. and what's stopping other people? there's no barrier to entry. ed: exactly. and, in fact, you mentioned elizabeth warren a moment ago. and her own troubles on this front, she was confronted by a voter about that. here's her response. watch. >> so what do i say to my native
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american relatives regarding the confusion around the native american ancestry issue? >> years ago i -- many years ago i sometimes identified as native american. never had anything to do with any job i ever got or any benefit. even so, i shouldn't have done it. i am not a person color. ed: i mean, i don't know where to begin especially because she did get these high paying jobs in part because of that background that she claimed she's now not claiming, i guess. >> well, ed, i have somewhat of a different take here. i believe that elizabeth believed all her life that she was, in fact, native american. i don't believe you take a dna test and brag about the results unless you believe she was native american. i think she probably believed it. she apologized for it, i think we ought to move on. what gets me are people hike cory booker complaining about kamala harris dropping out. remember, she bragged she was once a top tier candidate to
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tulsi gabbard. she was a black female when she was a top tier candidate. apparently, the more people saw her, they didn't like her. so what's the complaint? ed: exactly. your broader point about it's the content of your character and your principles. >> that's what i thought. lisa: we've got to get going, larry, thanks for being with us. anyway, moving on. next, a hardware store spent just $130 on their christmas ad for christmas, but now it's going viral around the world. this morning the owner of the hardware store and his 2-year-old son who stars in the ad are joining us live. hey, guys. ed: good morning! ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ forever young, i want to be forever young ♪ pete: a hardware store spent just $130 on their ad for christmas. now it's going viral and capturing hearts around the world. ed: joining us for the story behind it all, owner of haford hardware, thomas jones and his 2-year-old son, arthur. good morning, thomas and arthur. >> hi, guys. ed: how did this all come
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together? >> it's, we did a couple the last two years, and then i do it with my friend, josh, he's a videographer and my best friend -- >> [inaudible] >> the christmas ad, didn't we? [laughter] so, yeah, me and josh got together, and we thought about what we could do with the resources we had in the short space of time that we had, and we just shot it all that saturday in the morning. we went town to daddy's shop, didn't we? yeah. >> [inaudible] >> yes. and then, yes, we uploaded it monday and then it just went craze i from there. the local press got ahold of it. lisa: so, thomas, how does arthur feel now that he's a big star? >> you love being a big star? >> yeah. [laughter] >> [inaudible]
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>> there you go. he's oblivious to it all, really -- [laughter] pete: he's oblivious to it, the joy of the season, he's doing the jobs in the shop. it's revealed later on it's actually an adult, we should be kids for christmas. a beautiful message. social media, as you can imagine, responded. here's a couple of tweets. you've seen a lot of them. here's a few for our viewers. i will never make it over the pond to visit your store, but know your commercial warmed my heart. here in the u.s. it's hard to see that kind of old-fashioned charm in a commercial. have a wonderful holiday and prosperous new year. when you see this kind of reaction, what's your feeling on that? >> we're very surprised, and we can't believe the reaction it's had. so many nice things have been said. i haven't told anyone this yet, but the other day marion gold,
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the lead singer -- the song forever young we used -- he called me up and said he loved, he loves to hear the song. ed: we love it too. more "fox & friends" coming up. pete: thank you, sir. do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging? prevagen is the number one pharmacist-recommended memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ...
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ed: good morning. let's get straight to a fox news alert. u.s. military bases at this hour on edge as the f.b.i. ramps up its search for the missing saudi servicemen linked to that pensacola navy base shooting, the fallout continues. lisa: this as we're learning more about the american heroes who died in the attack. pete: in that terrorist attack jonathan serry joins us live from pensacola with the very latest. jonathan, good morning. >> good morning. north com is calling for increased random security screenings at checkpoints outside all of its bases in the wake of this attack in pensacola pensacola. meanwhile, the navy has released the names of all three victims who died in friday's attack. all three were students at naval
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univision aviation schools command. joshua watson, a 23-year-old from coffey, alabama, airman mohammad haitham, a 19-year-old from st. petersburg, florida, and a third student not pictured airman apprentice cameron scott walters, a 21-year-old from richmond hill, georgia. the naval air station's commanding officer issued this statement. "the sailors that lost their lives in the line of duty and showed exceptional heroism and bravery in the face of evil, when confronted, they didn't run from danger, they ran towards it and saved lives." navy airman ryan blackwell is one of the eight injured survivors in friday's attack when the gunman fired through his office door, blackwell reportedly shielded a female colleague with his body. blackwell tells the pensacola news journal, "my adrenaline was pumping so much, i was worried about being shot. i was worried about getting us to safety and getting us out of there." the f.b.i. is now officially identifieds shooter as mahmoud a alshamrani a 21-year-old second
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lieutenant in the royal saudi air force who was among hundreds of foreign students from allied countries who study aviation at the pensacola base. although guns are banned on the campus not every car that enters is checked. investigators say alshamrani brought a the bun into an aviation classroom building and opened fire. saudi arabia has offered full cooperat.on trump: i spoke with the king of saudi arabia. they are devastated. and we'll find out. we'll get to the bottom of it. >> the f.b.i. is leading the investigation. they're asking anyone with information on the gunman or his activities leading up to the shooting to contact them at 1-800-callf.b.i. back to you. ed: important information, jonathan serrie. mohammad haitham, one of the brave heroes, he tried to stop the shooter, he goes down.
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ensign joshua caleb watson. he died and in his final breath he was telling the first responders where this coward terrorist was trying to hide and helped the first responders find the terrorist so he couldn't kill more people. that ensign's dad said he wanted to be in the military since he was 5 years old. pete: it's so important to say the names. the other name is cameron walters, 21, another member of the navy who was killed. as ed so properly said, by this cowardly terrorist motivated -- we now know it's been revealed overnight that this terrorist held a dinner party to watch mass shooting videos the day before the attack. come to my dinner party and watch these mass shootings attacked. also went to new york city, went to the rockefeller tree lighting center ahead of the attack, what was he thinking, why was he doing it, when was he radical radicalized? but anyone that did that and then you know at least one of the fellow saudis was filming the attack and two others in the
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car awaiting what happened next. this looks like more than one individual seeking to attack the united states. this looks like a cell. lisa: again you look at the series of events that transpired as you laid out, these four individuals going to new york city, looking at museums, looking at the rockefeller center, then this dinner party watching videos of mass shootings which is incredibly disturbing, and then the day of the attack, one man carrying out the attack, another one videotaping it. two of the individuals watching it in their car. so these four individuals, a series of events together certainly raises questions. were they part of the a larger cell? was it just them? a lot of questions we need answers to. ed: no doubt about it. and whether they were waiting in that car as a getaway car, were they planning other attacks? obviously the f.b.i. is trying to stay on top of all those details. pete: i would just say i would check to see if the president has tweeted whether this is radical islamic terrorism which he should do, by the way, 'cause it's textbook, but i can't because my twitter account has
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been banned precisely because i tweeted out the fact that what the terrorist had said the day before on twitter raising osama bin laden. if they can ban me they can ban anyone for simply laying out what the motive was for this islamic terrorist who killed americans. ed: no doubt about it. look. it should be called out for sure sure. lisa: but we have so far the defense secretary is not calling it out, or he's not naming it -- pete: i don't get it. lisa: -- specifically. however, we previously noted, you look at some of the things that this individual has tweeted previously, you know, quoting osama bin laden certainly raises questions about the motivation there, and again we talk about these different series of events that took place with these four individuals. so so many questions -- ed: big story. rick is scott, former florida governor will be on at nine a.m. we have near news alert. the inspector general releasing that highly anticipated report on possible fisa abuse tomorrow,
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opening up the investigation into the trump campaign back in 2016 in the first place. remember what this was about. the stakes are high. about whether or not fisa, the surveillance law was misused, abused, whether the fisa court was lied to in order to spy on trump campaign. pete: yeah. a lot of expectations about this report. ed, as you know we've seen leaks about what it may or may not say say. so now we're waiting to see precisely what it would say. now, james comey who could be a target and certainly is someone of interest in this particular investigation. let's play back what he's been saying and claims he's made about the fisa process. >> i have total confidence that the fisa process was followed and that the entire case was handled in a thoughtful, responsible way by d.o.j. and the f.b.i. i think the notion that fisa was abused here is nonsense. >> a bulk of that fisa application deals with that dossier. why? >> yeah. that's not my recollection, bret bret. and i don't know that the fisa
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application has been released 37 my recollection was it was part of a broader mosaic of facts that were laid before the fisa judge. i'm not worried about a single thing in connection with any of the matters under investigation. >> the f.b.i. doesn't spy. the f.b.i. investigators. pete: "a broader mosaic of facts facts." >>i want to point out some things about james comey; right? so we know that there was a criminal referral. the d.o.j. declines to prosecute on leaks to the media. we know that he leaked to a friend information to spur a special counsel investigation. we also know that he told president trump, they had this meeting when he was president elected to talker to him about the more salacious details of the dossier. evidently he knew that the media was looking for a news hook. then the news of this meeting leaked and then it gave the media the opportunity to publish dossier in full. so there are -- not exactly
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acted in good faith. ed: the issue looking at the facts fairly as the f.b.i. chief but he's holding up a dossier with the president-elect, an anti-trump dossier paid for by who? the hillary clinton campaign and the d.n.c. and none of that was made clear. and one of the key questions whether that was made clear, the funding source of this to the the fisa court, was it presented to the fisa court? so we just got some facts here. pete: let alone to the president president. and your point is so important . he went there in order to create a predicate for the news to report on the fact that this has been presented to the president in part without a full revelation of what it really meant. lisa: and also we know, i mean, there's been reports that the individuals at the helm of this investigation were warned and knew about the political animus of you christopher steele, yet they still used the dossier in part to obtain a fisa warrant. also one question that i've been dying to know -- and this has been raised both by the new york times as well as daniel hoffman who was on the show earlier -- the dossier could be potential russian disinformation. ed: right. new york times has suggested that. lisa: so don't we want to know
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about that? don't we care about russian? pete: who's spending that russian disinformation right now as we march toward impeachment? ed: one of the big discussions now is the fate of james comey and whether or not he's been telling the truth all long. tom homan was on earlier. he worked with comey back in the obama administration. here's what he said. >> he served at the pleasure of the president, and that's just the bottom line. and if i wouldn't have required and stayed the i.c.e. director, and if trump had not won, i would be gone the next day. that's the way the system works. he certainly has been a bad example for the men and women of -- ed: so look you've got the house judiciary committee having their second hearing after the legal scholars that were stacked -- pete: coming tomorrow; right? ed: -- last week tomorrow, in the morning, and at the same time we don't know exactly what time, but tomorrow we'll be getting the justice department inspector general reporting we've been waiting for months and months. and it's finally going to be here. be interesting whether it's a split screen of what's happening on impeachment and what happened
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in the run-up to the 2016 campaign and beyond in terms of the beginnings of the russia probe. lisa: pete, do you think the timing is coincidental? pete: i think we've waited so long for the report. i don't know that they timed it to say this will happen when the impeachment investigation is happening. but, my goodness. that alongside the fact that we've got the iowa caucuses coming up in february and we might have all senators who are frontrunners, weak frontrunners on the democrat party wanting to be on the trail but in the senate as jurors? i mean, you can't make up the kind of mix that's coming up in our politics in the next couple months. ed: 2020 is on. here we are. turning on her olds, starting at it fox news alert. an arkansas offer shot and killed execution style. the officer whose name has not been released gunned down in the parking lot of his own station. officers chased the shooter into an alley where he was shot and killed. just hours earlier a houston police sergeant, christopher brewster, was shot and killed while responding to a domestic disturbance. police arrested the shooter who has an extensive criminal record
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record. remember an officer killed in alabama in the last 36 hours. three more added, on more than 40 officers shot and killed this year. meanwhile, the minnesota national guard identifying the three soldiers killed in a blackhawk helicopter crash. chief warrant officer charles and sergeant clintonberg returned in may from a nine-month deployment in the middle east. the helicopter went down in a minnesota field during a routine test flight. the cause still under investigation. and this fox news alert. you see these live pictures, tens of thousands of pro-did he smoke protesters flood the streets of hong kong malingering as i mentioned months of demonstrations. earlier police arrested 11 people accusing them of planning to use weapons on innocent protesters to actually flame police officers. again this week marchers were seen carrying flash flags. pete: keep going. god bless you. ed: boris johnson better hope he's on the nice list but he
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wants what would be a really good christmas gift. >> i've been a good boy. what do you want for christmas? ed: "i want brexit" he said. johnson ran into santa while campaigning before next week's election. after playing with some kiddies johnson promise to do invest in community soccer leagues if invested. he was playing goalie. now he's kicking the ball. lisa: do you think he's an athlete? ed: skeptical. pete: his hair says he is but his movement says he might not be. i don't feel like soccer will be what the election is ultimately decided on. lisa: no? pete: i think it's maybe something bigger. lisa: you think so? huh. ed: the media says there's enough evidence to impeach president trump. our next guest says this just shows once again they are out of touch with the american people. pete: and saturday night live mocking nancy pelosi for bringing her faith into the impeachment debate. but where are her prayers for
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anyone else? the hypocrisy coming up. >> i'm not impeaching trump because i hate him. i pray for him all the time. lord, please help donald trump. ) (dog barking) ♪ (music building) experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first month's payment. wean air force veteran made of doing what's right,. not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it - with hassle-free claims, he got paid before
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his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa
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♪ lisa: congress hasn't even finished their impeachment inquiry but the media is already issuing their verdict. impeach president trump. the la times declaring in an editorial that they've seen enough. the president should be impeached. well, the washington post argues the president assured his own impeachment. well, here to react to it is senior writer and producer at the heritage foundation and visiting fellow of independent woman's forum kelsey buller. hi, kelsey. >> good morning. it's great to see you u kelsey, you're looking at this and the
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way that the media's reacting, and it almost makes you think that they are ready to indict the president regardless of the facts. >> oh, they were ready to indict the president before he even took office, and to put the media's obsession with impeachment into perspective, more americans googled?" peloton" this week than they did the word "impeachment." it's interesting that democrats and the media have yet to convince these crucial moderate swing state voters that impeachment is the right path to go down, despite all the media bias. you think they have everything working in their favor and yet there are still some huge liabilities for democrats going down this path. lisa: kelsey, you mentioned the google searches. even looking at the public opinion polls; right? voters really haven't been moved by this. if you look at the swing states it's even more favorable to the president. why aren't these public hearings working or why hasn't the needle been moved? >> it's interesting the la times editorial board just came out in
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favor of impeachment, and there was a time where editorials like this could move the needle, but unfortunately the media, so many news organizations have become so biased and so untrustworthy that it's really hardly even news anymore. i think millennials and gen-zers might never know a time when these editorials actually have the potential to convince americans because really, you know, all they're serving to do in today's day and age is to confirm the media bias that we already know exi.ts lisa: and let's talk about that media bias. why do you think the media is so why isent to push for impeachment -- insistent to push for impeachm.nt chris:. >> we know the media had it out for president trump before he took office. they have been really working hand in hand with democrats to go down this path -- lisa: why is that, though? >> because he know, you know, so many media is located in these liberal cities. many of them are democrats.
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we know that they have supported democrats. you know, they're just not fair news organizations anymore. they're not reporting both sides sides. they're instead really working hand in hand with democrats to push impeachment, which ultimately, at the end of the day, is really unfortunate. they're accusing president trump of abuse of power. there's no worse abuse of power than trying to override the results of the 2016 election. lisa: right. kelsey, thanks for being with u. >> thank you, lisa. lisa: coming up, a fox news alert. we're learning more about the young sailors who died as heroes in the attack on a florida naval air base, as you can see there. this as the f.b.i. works to track down missing saudi service members with possible ties to the attack. this tragedy hits home close to home for our next guess who lost his brother in 9/11 and his son trained at that very base. he joins us live after the break break. stay with us. ♪oh there's no place like home for the holidays.♪
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so come ask, shop, discover at your local xfinity store today. ed: good morning. some quick headlines. a pastor on a united airlines flight stung boy a psychotherapy won. the woman says she felt the sting in her seat, finding the creature in her pant leg in the restroom? oh, my. she was not seriously hurt. it's unclear how the scorpion got on board.
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and the nypd now confirms the razor found inside a police officer's sandwich was put there by accident. the plane clothes officer was treated for minor cuts. police believe the blade might have been left behind by a construction crew worker in the kitchen, but it's unclear how it got into the sandwich from there there. hmm. pete? pete: turning back to a fox news alert. we're learning more about the young sailors who died as heroes in the terrorist attack at the naval air station in florida. ensign joshua watson, airman mohammad haitham, andarium apprentice cam scott waters -- remember their names -- were killed when a saudi gunman opened fire. our next guest's son trained at the same naval base. he also lost his brother adam to another attack involving saudi arabia, 15 of the 19 hijackers on september 11th. retired lieutenant colonel donald arias joins us now. colonel, thank you so much for joining us this morning. so when you consider what you've
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lost and where your son has trained, your reaction to the heroism of americans who lost their lives, but also this radical islamic attack. >> i get very emotional about this. and first off, my heart goes out to these families. i can't say that i know what they're going through, but i kind of do. i lost my own brother to terrorism. and i read the remarks of josh watson's brother and [emotional] he died a hero. lisa: amen. that's all -- pete: that's all you can ask, he was at the naval academy, he was on the rifle squad there, he was at the top of his class in high school. this is the best of the best now wanting to be an aviator, in class, with a foreign student who the nights before was watching films about mass shooting. but yet he reacts with heroism. >> i understand how much work this takes for these young
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patriots to get to that point. to get to that elite training ear in pensacola, they really worked their butts off to get here. they work really hard. so we have the best of the best in this elite training, and we have them alongside foreign nationals that we don't know how they're being vetted. now, i know they've called for- for-a-top-to-bottom review of how they vet these people, but, you know, it's modern that, it's not enough. we need a full accounting of who these foreign nationals actually are, what their histories were. so i would ask president trump and sec-def esper get that top to bottom review out of the way of how we actually vet those folks but also a full accounting of the people that we put aside the best our country has -- lisa: colonel, i would also ask why we're not calling it radical islamic terrorism this morning when we know that there were people filming the attack, that the ultimately the attacker had said himself a quote from osama bin laden, he had been watching mass shooting videos. so how important is it that we
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define this enemy? even if we have a strategic relationship with saudi arabia on military to military relationships, something like this looks like it was planned and intentionally to kill americans. >> prior to this administration we lived through eight years of political correctness where we got rid of all references to islamic terror in training materials for the f.b.i., et cetera. it's time we put that back in there. it's also -- lisa: amen. >> -- time that, you know, the saudi prince, you know, come forward and, you know, he says he's sorry, he says he's anger, he says he loves america. that's not enough. if he really loves america and he really means that, he needs full disclosure, full disclosure to these families about who these foreign nationals were that he put alongside our best and brightest. you know, we waited years and we're still waiting, 9/11 families waited years to get information on 9/11.
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three months after 9/11, you know, our government knew that saudi officials aided and abetted the 9/11 mirages, but it took ten years to get that information. we can't have that. lisa: you've given so much. what is the one thing our government, white house needs to do right now as it pertains to this attack? >> i think we need to reevaluate our relationship with saudi arabia. i think we need to reevaluate who we let train alongside our best and brightest. and make no doubt about it, you know, saudi arabia may or may not be our friend, but they'll never be a true ally. lisa: there's a lot of reasons for that. lieutenant colonel, thank you very much for your service, for the sacrifice of your family, your son and his service as well well. clearly a lot of patriotism runs in your family. sir, thank you very much. more -- >> thank you. lisa:. pete: fox & friends on the other
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side. this holiday season, their story. give the gift of discovery, with an ancestrydna kit.
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♪ ed: the fox nation all american christmas. we've been preparing. little elves out there, all culminating in my buddy pete hegseth helming this massive christmas special. it's legitimate. pete: tonight, ten -- no, not from north pole. press clote.
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tonight the tree will be lit up tonight at 10 p.m., red, white, and blue, the all american christmas special tonight on the fox news channel ten p.m. listen. if you've been bemoaning the fact that christmas has been torn out of our country, you're going to love the special tonight and we're going to light that -- ed: pete hegseth is putting christmas back. lisa: would you say it's going to be lit? pete: yes. well done. lisa: i was thinking of one of your dad jokes yesterday. pete: we're going to make christmas great again. it never needed to be great again but here trying here. we had a lot of fun with this. lisa: are you in it, too? ed: i'm not in it. i was cut out of it. i was kind of upset. i'm not going to complain but i was cut out of the christmas special. i'm still celebrating christmas. thanks for reminding me about i. pete: you guys have been sending us your photos which do not include ed henry at this particular moment, but may be eventually, bill and suzanne sent this photo. tree on -- look at that -- on
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display to honor son who's currently on assignment with the virginia national gu.rd lisa: and also from donna. this is a picture of her tree and fireplace. oh, that's beautiful. that's a big tree, too. ed: that is awesome. and look at this photo from the nelsons. patriotic tree in kitty hawk, north carolina. that's famous for something else as i recall, kitty hawk, north carolina. famous for that wonderful patriotic christmas tree. send us your photos, friends@fox lisa: bah, humbug says ed. ed: turning to serious headlines north korea raising tensions overnight with a new rocket test test. called the test significant but gave no details. it comes just hours after north korea's u.n. ambassador said de denuclearization was officially off the table with the u.s. earlier in the day, the president expressed some
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optimism about trying to get a deal. trump: i'd be surprised if north korea acted hostilely. i have a very good relationship with kim jong-un. i think we both want to keep it that way. ed: kim has given the president until the end of the year to present new terms. in the meantime, a firefighter has died after falling from the roof of a burning building. ken jones was trying to get inside a burning condo near denver when he fell five stories stories. jones spent 20 years with his department. he leaves behind a wife and two children. officials are still investigating that fire. and we certainly honor and salute his service this morning. and deadpool actor ryan reynolds showing off his superpowers when he escapes a scary situation. [crowd noise] ed: the actor nearly crushed after a stage barrier collapsed from the weight of excited fans. this happened during a movie promo in brazil.
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thankfully nobody seriously hurt hurt. and a national guard sergeant surprises his three sons. watch this touching moment. [kids yelling] ed: how sweet is that? sergeant michael leon dressing up as his kid's comascot, marking the first time he's seen his kids after ten months. after his stint in africa he is now a corrections officer in boston. thank you, sir, for your service service. it's wonderful to see you back with your family. those are your headlines. let's toss it out to rick. he's on fox square. >> good for those kids. good morning. i'll tell you what, it's a little bit chilly hour or two. it is chilly out here? >> it is. reporter: happy birthday. take a look at weather map. show you what's going on. very cold air map, coming across
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parts of the far northern plains plains. will not make it to the south, but here's your temps tomorrow morning. we're going to be blow zero in places like fargo, go to tuesday morning - 10 and then go to wednesday morning - 20 so very, very cold air for this time of year, but it is not going to be super widespread, but good news, and cold air right across the board. showers in parts of the north carolina moving in later this afternoon, a little bit of snow moving in across parts of the dakotas, the beginning of that front that's brings the colder air and all of the action across the west, more rain and snow moving across parts of four corners as well. watch what happens, though, that system meets up with a lot of energy and we're going to start to get really active patterns across areas of the east this week. watch what happens there by tuesday, big front beginning to move on throw we're going to see some rain and we're going to see a little bit of snow behind that front. get ready, rain moving on in across much of the east. pete: nobody likes rain, rick. lisa: rick, i can confirm it's
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cold. it's accurate. pete: a push to honor our troops overseas this christmas season. lisa: yes. operation holiday cheer gearing up to send christmas trees and thousands of handwritten cards to our heroes who can't be home for christmas. to date sent over 11,000 trees altogether. pete: here joe d. dimi in ica, and staff sergeant garland moore a recipient in 2018 while stationed in iraq, he's also a detect with the nassau a county police department. as of you haven't done enough. thank you for your service. >> thank you. pete: if you would, share with us where this effort came from, why you decided, hey, we're going to send trees to the troops overseas. >> well, 16 years ago a customer a mom of a soldier came in to d d's and asked us if we could send a tree to her son who just got deployed. we didn't know how to do it. but a very close friend of ours, jill adelis who has a security company at jfk knew kathy o'reilly at dhl. dhl has been great and has been
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shipping them for us since, 16 years ago. lisa: staff sergeant, you were a recipient of one of these trees last year, as we noted. >> yes. lisa: how did that make you feel when you're serving overseas in iraq? did that boost your spirit? what's the impact on our men and women who are serving overseas? >> we appreciate it it happen we're away during all the holidays. it's christmastime but we're away for thanksgiving, christmas new year's; so just the fact that d's and dhl went out of their way to give us trees is appreciated. pete: i got to ask you. so there's no profit motive in d dhl saying we're going to ship trees overseas. why did you guys sign on and say you want had to do? >> it is the community coming together saying one, happy holidays, but, two, to our men and women who are in uniform who are not home with their families this time of year, also thank you for your service. for us it's a family thing, it's a motivating thing for our own employees from our local operations staff here in new york, our gateway staff at jfk, all the way through our network, even our pilots are all behind
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this. so for us it's just a way to be involved with it. >> how do you gather up the cards and get them deployed out? >> it's a big community event around us and all the local schools, churches, synagogues, boy scouts, girl scouts all get involved and participate in this great ev.nt lisa: beautiful. pete: so there's literally planes full of christmas trees -- >> absolutely. pete: -- heading to the middle east? >> correct. pete: you got photo evidence of that? >> yes, i do. because i personally delivered -- i've actually personally had the honor of delivering 13 trees on the honor of africa six years ago, and you can imagine there's not a lot of christmas trees there. lisa: and how can the folks at home, how can they help out? >> the best way to help us out is an organization called adopt a soldier platoon run by a grant main alan kirchakoff. pete: when you had the tree up,
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were there presents under the tree when you were deployed? what'd you guys do with it? >> no, we had nothing over there but a bucket and candy canes. lisa: candy canes are delicious. >> yes. pete: made great decorations. ed: thank you d's and dhl for all you're doing. coming up saturday night live mocking nancy pelosi for bringing her faith into the impeachment battle. >> i am not impeaching trump because i hate him. i pray for him all the time. lord, please help donald trump. ed: she says prayerfully; right? when it comes to the real pelosi the speaker only seems to invoke religion when she's attacking the president. is that being a got a catholic? we'll discuss that n.xt lisa: plus these adorable twins are going viral after the mini- mini-cop cruiser got pulled over by police as a joke. those twins are traveling to police departments across the
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country showing their support for law enforcement, and they are with us. stay with us. how cute! hey, guys. ♪, ooh, what's the matter with the crowd i'm seeing ♪ don't ntal it was just like night and day. they told me they were gonna take some x-rays, she said "and it's gonna be no charge to you". i'm not used to getting that type of service. my name is robert chackley and my rank for the military was retired sergeant major. at aspen dental we're all about yes. like yes to payments on your timeline not ours. yes to free exam and x-rays for patients without insurance. and yes whenever you're ready to get started so are we. call or book online at a general dentistry office.
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mitt romney ♪ ed: back with some quick headlines. amazon c.e.o. jeff bezos urging up tech companies to work with the government to beef up america's defense. >> if big tech is going to turn their backs on the department of defense, this country's in trouble. that just can't happen. lisa: well, it comes amid pushback on tech companies from working with the pentagon on recent projects. amazon recently lost to microsoft in a bid to build a cloud computing system for the d dod. pete's got some thoughts on that that. pete: yeah.
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lisa: and tesla's supposedly on autopilot slams into a state police cruiser in connecticut. look at that. the driver fold cops he was checking on his dog in the backseat. hmm. no one was injured, but driver was gave an ticket, probably rightfully so. can i just say a little embarrassed. when we came back from outside i was actually out of breath. somebody give me a pat -- i got to work on cardio. pete: jeff bezos is claiming to be the megapatriot who just wants to help the defense department which when he's doing all the work with china and giving away technology. ed: nancy pelosi claims she's entering impeachment prayerfully prayerfully. i feel like we're in mass right now. pete: so saturday night live as they sometimes do stumbled upon some humor, and here they were last night. >> i am not impeaching trump because i hate him. i pray for him all the time. lord, please help donald trump.
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if he has to be president, please make him a little better at any of it, and please take him, not to heaven or anything, just somewhere else. >> prayers are a little passive-aggressive. >> no, no, some of them are aggressive-aggressive. ed: the impersonation with the eyes and the mannerisms but also -- pete: more licking of the gums, though. ed: they stumble on humor sometimes, it's when they go after democrats, they don't spend the whole show beating up on president trump. they stumbled on something lisa: it's also funny because it is true; right? i think what speaker pelosi does is somehow -- sometimes she invokes her faith and uses it as a political shield; right? she says, well, i'm catholic; so i can't have these terrible feelings about the president, i can't have hate in my heart for the president -- ed: i want to pray for him but then she puts a
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lisa: she uses it as a shield and selectively invoking it. pete: it's like the old god bless you in the south. we know how it goes. he's nancy pelosi and a montage of her invoking prayers. >> i pray for the president of the united states. i pray that the president will think about this. we must be somber. we must be prayerful. we have to pray for his health, for it this was a very serious melt down. as a catholic i resent you using the word "hate" in a sentence that addresses me. and i still pray for the president. i pray for the president all the time. lisa: st. pete, as someone who went to the university of tennessee in the south, bless your heart. pete: you're right. i got it wrong. "bless your heart" is the true statement. ed: but with nancy pelosi the serious point is, "i worry about his health. i'm praying for him." it's like let me take a shot at him that's unfair, it's a low blow, but i'm praying. lisa: but i'm religious. can't actually be that mean. pete: we had jonathan morris on the program. smart guy, man of faith.
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he called out that hypocrisy. here he is. >> she did say, "as a catholic, i have been taught not to hate anyone." and i love that. i mean, that's what the christian faith says. i mean, jesus himself said, love your enemies. that's pretty clear. you can't say "as a catholic, i don't hate anyone, but as a catholic, because of my faith, my faith tells me not to hate anyone but then say as a catholic i do my own thing when it comes to, for example, abortion. right? it's like if i say my bible tells me not to do this, and then you say, pete, "oh. let me see what my bible tells me." no, it's the same thing. so if you say "as a catholic, my faith teaches me," well, then you have to be consistent. ed: bingo. think about the number of democrats who talk about the border crisis and detention and they say, "oh, the bible teaches us this and that." and when it comes to abortion, " "i lost my copy of the bible." >>and we don't know what's in the speaker's heart. i'm not going to speak to that. it's just don't selectively invoke it for political reasons
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would be my only beef with it. ed: we're going to go from politics to something really fun be we've been waiting on all morning long. young twins going viral after their mini-cop cruiser got pulled over by police as a joke. >> license and registration. oh, no. ed: but guess what? there's a serious point here. they are now traveling america visiting police departments to honor our men and women in blue. not enough people are doing that but these kids are doing it. and guess what? they're on patrol right here at fox. pete: i don't know. that's -- ♪ here, it all starts with a simple...
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5:52 am
hello! hi! how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let's send to everyone! wifi up there? uhh.
5:53 am
sure, why not? how'd he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your local xfinity store today.
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♪ >> license and registration. oh, no. the guy got a license to.ay ed: oh, yeah, the twin squad as they're known going viral after their mini-cop cruiser got pulled over by police as a lisa: the 5-year-old twins are traveling to police precincts across the country dressed as
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mini-nypd lieutenants to show their love for the brave men and women in blue. pete: and they are making a pit stop as you saw here on "fox & friends," twins evan and aaron and their parents kelly and alejandro joining us now. lisa: can you show us your handshake real quick? pete: the man's a beast. strong handshake in one hand, legos in another. ed: dad, what happened here? they're so lively and they're standing up for the men and women in blue. >> yes. they love doing this. a couple years ago they got pulled over by the nypd, as a joke they gave them a ticket, everybody loved it; so as appreciation for the nypd we decided to dress them up as cops you know, have a little rmp just like theirs, you know, they he love at the. we visit the precincts, do roll call with them, toy drives, backups to the kids, police. they love it. lisa: you took something that was really lighthearted and turned it into a learning experience and a really meaningful thing. what have you guys learned as parents are all this? >> well, first of all, we know
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that, you know, police officers, they're humans, you know, they have families just like us, they go to work, they want to come home. they do a great job -- [laughing] >> a little star over here. lisa: we know who's not shy. >> he loves attention. he loves it. pete: are they both likely to be the types that would join the police force? >> evan, would you like to join the police, be a police officer when i grow up, evan? >> yes. pete: you got to be proud. >> we're very proud of them. ed: it's an important point to make because you were just talking about police officers as human beings. there are too many people in this country who don't see it that way. >> right. ed: so give us a quick point on that and we're going to have them drive off. >> we do a lot of events with them and spend a lot of time and we see what they go through day in and day out. they're doing a job like everybody has a job to do. we want to show the human side.
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ed: we appreciate it. pete: great job, guys. ♪oh there's no place like home for the holidays.♪ ♪for the holidays you can't beat home sweet home.♪ we go the extra mile to bring your holidays home.
5:58 am
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ed: a fox news alert, u.s. military bases on edge as the fbi ramps up its search for the missing saudi servicemen linked to that navy-based shooting. lisa: this as we're learning more about the american heroes who died in the attack. pete: jonathan serrie is outside the entrance to the base in pensacola. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. and speaking of entrances and security checkpoints, northcom is calling for enhanced screening, enhanced random security checks in the wake of last week's shooting. not only here in pensacola, but also the fatal shooting at pearl harbor. meanwhile, the navy has released the names of the three victims who lost their lives in friday's
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attack here in pensacola. all of them students at naval aviation school's command. they include ensign joshua watson, a 23-year-old from coffey ran towards it and save ised lives. navy airman ryan blackwell is one of a eight injured survivors in friday's attack. when the gunman fired through his office door, blackwell reportedly shielded a female colleague with his body. he tells the pensacola news journal, my adrenaline was pumping so much, i was worried about getting us to safety and getting us out of there. the fbi has officially identified the shooter as mohammed al-shamrani, a 23-year-old second lieutenant -- 21-year-old second lieutenant in the royal saudi air force. although guns are banned on base, not every car that enters is checked, and investigators say al-shamrani brought a gun into an aviation classroom building and opened fire friday morning.
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saudi arabia has pledged its full cooperation with the investigation. >> reporter: and the fbi is leading the investigation. they are asking anyone with information on the shooter or the activities leading up to the shooting to contact at 1-800-call-fbi. back to you. ed: jonathan serrie, thank you. let's go straight to dan bongino, fox news contributor, former secret service agent, former nypd officer as well. author of exonerated." good morning, dan. >> good to see you. ed: i want to start, there are a lot of places we could start, but i want to underline what scrn than was reporting about the heroes, not the terrorists. mohamed hatham tried to stop the
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shooter before he, ultimately, died. ensign watson was going through his final breaths, and he used those to tell the first responders where this terrorist was, where his location was so they could find him and stop him. these are heroes, dan. >> yeah. you know, there's no question. and there was, one of the police officers, supervisors involved in the incident locally was giving a press conference, and he said something, ed, that really, you know, stung. in a heart-wrenching way but in kind of a bad way too. he said, listen, you know, most of us sadly a week from now if asked to remember the names of the victims won't. that's horrible, but he's probably right. he said, you know what? for the families who lost these heroes, these patriots who gave everything, they'll never take another breath again, in defense of their country bravely and honorably, their families will remember that day for the rest of their lives. nothing will ever be the same for them. and, you know, that really stung me because it was eloquent, and it's absolutely true.
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they gave everything they had, their last brett in defense of this -- breath in defense of this cub to protect americans against this savage. pete: god bless. go ahead. lisa: you look at these four saudi military students who reportedly went to new york city to look at rockefeller, they had a dinner party looking at video of mass shootings, and the day of the attack, the attacker who went on a murderous rampage, another individual who is reportedly videotaping it and two individuals out in the car watching, what does that tell you? >> you know, there's a couple of takeaways here. number one, this was obviously an abomination of a vetting failure. listen, i was a secret service agent overseas in probably well over 30 countries, and i was the lead advance on three foreign trips where i was running the show. we put a lot of faith in our foreign partners whether in the military, secret service, fbi or elsewhere, and we are relying on those foreign partners to partner us with people who are
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reliable. they partnered us with a terrorist and a killer. and, listen, the d.c. garbage has got to stop. i don't know if you know this, but twitter's been taking down posts if you repost the twitter account aligned with the terrorist who was posting this awful manifesto -- pete: oh, i know about it, dan, because they did my account -- >> oh, i know you do. we were locked out because we reposted it. isn't america entitled to see what may be associated with in this man, this horrible ideology? this is not an indictment of anybody's religion, it's an indictment of a savage killer -- pete: 100%, dan. so jonathaner serrie gave us a report, and he said northcom has upped their security level, to which i say, who cares? the reality is just because you have more security guards at the gate doesn't make you more secure to an insider threat like in this from radical islamists. we also have not heard from the white house calling this radical
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islamic terrorism. why are we hesitating at this moment to call it what it is? >> you know, pete, it's one of the puzzling questions of our time, why certain people in the media, liberals and certain people in the establishment just refuse to call it what it is. i mean, it's -- just look at the evidence. it's overwhelming. it'd be like having a videotape of a guy robbing a bank and a confession and then saying let's not call it a bank robbery, let's call it an unauthorized transaction. [laughter] i mean, it's just, why are we playing these -- i don't understand why the verbal judo has to constantly take place with the politically correct atmosphere that's infiltrated our law enforcement. by the way, you've been covering it all morning. this is not new. lisa: why do you think -- >> it's been indoctrinated into this -- pete: you're totally right. the system's been infected by political correctness. you can't say the word. if you are, you're shouted down as opposed to listened to.
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>> yes. and, pete, it's an infantilization of our military and law enforcement. what it is, it's, well, if we do that, it's going to appear to be islamophobia. there is no epidemic of islamophobe what in the united states. there are idiots who engage in that type of stuff, it's not -- pete: amen. >> i wish we'd gotten rid of all of it, we haven't, but this is not a massive epidemic in the freest, greatest country in the world where we welcome everyone. this is an indictment of terrorism, not people who are muslim. like, get it through your heads, leftists. nobody is saying what you think we're saying. we are worried about our kids and a terrorism epidemic. stop con freighting it -- conflating it with the americans, oh, there's going to be a mass outbreak of islamophobia, that's not happening. pete: it hasn't happened in 18 years, dan. we've been fighting this, and it hasn't happened. instead, we've fought the islamic state and destroyed it while being peace-loving, tolerant people here at home, yet our twitter accounts are
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shut down when we expose the reality of the filth that comes out of the minds of these cowards and terrorists. >> and, pete, it is these terrorists, yeah, terrorists that are killing more muslims. they're killing muslims. we're the ones trying to stop this stuff. it's just the political correctness is out of control, and i've got to tell you, i'm glad you mentioned the security thing. i don't want to filibuster here but, listen, when i got into the secret service, i had to take a full scale polygraph, and let me tell you, those things are damn hard to beat if you get a good one. it is about time we subject them to the same standards our federal agents is are. lisa: dan, again, the fact that these individuals went to new york, they were looking at museums, at rockefeller, i mean, how planned and how complainted do you think this is in your estimation? >> well, obviously, it looks like there was some preplanning attack here where they were looking at potential other targets. i mean, i doubt he was up there celebrating christmas, i mean,
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given what happened, obviously. i mean, it looks like some of the signs may be there. then we have the story about watching attack videos the night before. i mean, nobody reported this? there had to be some sign. apparently, he traveled back to saudi arabia, some indications he may have been radicalized. obviously, at this point this was a huge vetting failure. pete: yeah. >> can i mention one more thing? this whole thing about our military folks not being allowed to carry guns on base, it's absurd. this is ridiculous. it's not a question how he got the gun, why he got the gun, the only question is bad guys get guns no matter what. that's what makes them bad guys. are you going to be able to defend yourself against that bad guy or not? period. that's the only question. cut the snowflake nonsense. defend yourself. the second amendment matters. don't rely on anybody else to do it for you. ed: all right, dan. we started this off by saying you served with the nypd. obviously, the fact that the terrorists and his associates, whoever they are and may be, the fbi's still searching for others, were here in new york
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city ahead of new year's eve, times square, all the high alert -- pete: and two sheriff's deputies went in, ultimately, because they were the ones armed and shot this terrorist. they were shot themselves. god bless those guys. ed: dan bongino, appreciate you coming in. lisa: thank you, dan. ed: fox news alert -- [inaudible] three police officers shot and killed in the line of duty in the last two days alone in america. an unnamed arkansas officer gunned down -- yeah, an unnamed gunned down yesterday execution style in the parking lot of his own station. officers chased the shooter into an alley where he was shot and killed. earlier there was someone who was named, houston police sergeant chris brewster, shot and killed while responding to a domestic disturbance. you see him on the screen. an alabama officer the day before was shot and killed, that was friday. there have now been 41 officers shot and killed in the line of duty in america this year. you see that number still
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growing. the president, meanwhile, celebrating the return to america of a graduate student. he was a hostage in iran. the president tweeted: thank you to iran on a very fair negotiation. he added: see? >> we can make a deal together. wang, who had been in captivity for three years, is now being medically evaluated in germany, could be back in the states as early as tonight. one of the last survivors of the uss arizona laid to rest with his crew mates on the 78th anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor. navy sailor loren bruner died at age 98, expected to be the very last person buried in the wreckage which still lies off the hawaiian coast. he was one of dozens of world war ii vets honored during yesterday's remembrance ceremony. [inaudible] giving the ultimate christmas present to the families of fallen service members. the forrest gump actor and the
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charitable hero, really, paying for more than 1700 family members to take a five-day trip to disney world. the fames also getting access to counseling, financial advice and scholarship support. he's done great work. folds of honor, which we talk about all the time, they also provide scholarships to the families of the fallen. we should honor that instead of these terrorists. pete: totally right. he's a hero and a patriot who's given back -- time and time again year after year with his own money and his time, he's a big old celebrity, he spends it in humble ways. god bless you, gary sinise. lisa: house democrats kick off another week of impeachment hearings tomorrow. but without trump's team there to present their side, what will actually be accomplished? pete: a special adviser to the president joins us live coming up. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ pete: welcome back. democrat senate hopeful stirring up controversy with this campaign ad. >> senator joni ernst, she thinks it's okay to run ads glorifying guns. [gunfire] she doesn't seem to care that many of those guns will be pointed at our kids, our teachers, church-goers. well, i care. pete: senator ernst slammed the ad yesterday on "fox & friends." >> to insinuate that i, as hundreds of thousands of other law-abiding gun owners in iowa, would participate in those types of heinous acts is, is, like i said, it's disgusting and appalling. he is very desperate for attention and, well, he's got it now. pete: the senate candidate joins
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us now to respond. eddie, thanks for being here. you said at the end i don't think it's okay. do you think it's okay to run an ad that shows your opponent from another end shooting at you? you're all about stopping gun violence, i'm going to take down the nra, yet your message is joni ernst is shooting at me. how is that acceptable? >> well, first, thanks for having meed today, pete. good morning to you all. pete: thank you. >> i want to tell you, when i was shooting that ad, i was thinking about how i was a teacher. i think about those students and those teachers of parkland. and i'm a parent, and i'm thinking about those parents in newtown that are about to celebrate another dreadful anniversary. i'm a church-goers, and i'm thinking about those folks in charleston and texas and other places that want to go to houses of worship that get injured or killed, and joni ernst takes money and has no solutions about how are we going -- [inaudible conversations] pete: joni earn, who served in
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our military, who know how to responsibly use firearms would never do that, you run an ad like that and make it all about issues. tell me this wasn't about getting attention. >> so the intention was to bring about action on an issue that's very important to people. people in my state and people around the country. the attention that's been going on too long without any real solutions -- pete: [inaudible] >> and finding solutions, pete. joni doesn't have any interest in finding solutions because she's taken too much money -- pete: no, i asked you, i want to know who you want to take guns away from. i want to have a meaningful conversation. >> we want to take guns away from folks who are going to harm themselves or somebody else. she had a golden opportunity to do that just recently with the violence against women act. folks that are not law-abiding, that have harmed women -- pete: so you're going to read people's minds and take away their sec -- [inaudible conversations]
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pete: -- because you're on tv talking about this, but you would know better than anybody else the responsibility of editing someone else's ad to make yourself look good and then pivot to issues like medicare for all which is precisely what you did. >> well, let's be honest, so yesterday she came on your show yesterday, and she misled you, because she said she's defending pre-existing conditions. but five times she's voted to take away pre-existing conditions. in her ad as 2014 that's part of our video, she's shooting holes -- pete: now she's shooting again. okay, got it -- [inaudible conversations] pete: well, there we go. eddie mauro, good luck in your race. polls don't show you in a good spot right now, but we'll see what happens. thanks very much, appreciate it. >> [inaudible] pete: without the president's team there to present their side, what will be accomplished? up next, we'll hear from special adviser to the president pam bondi. ♪
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every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. ♪ ♪ lisa: a quick look at the week ahead here. the doj inspector general's report is coming out tomorrow. michael horowitz' long-awaited findings expected to shed some light into whether the fbi
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abused the fisa process when spying on the trump campaign in 2016. some would say it's -- [inaudible] you can also expect president trump to talk about that report tuesday when he holds a rally in hershey, pennsylvania. he'll be joined by vice president mike pence at the rally. and finally, election day in britain on tuesday, the country's first general election since 2017. and we saw boris johnson's soccer field earlier in the show. ed: that's what they call a football field. lisa: maybe just kicking the ball around. ed: well, they're kicking the ball around capitol hill right now. democrats gearing up for another round of impeachment hearings, putting out a report claiming, quote, the question is not whether the president's conduct could have resulted from permissible motives, which is whether the president's real reasons -- the ones in his mind at the time -- were legitimate.
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pete: now we're mind reading. former florida attorney general, pam bondi, special adviser to the president, she joins us now. pam, thanks for being here. >> good morning. pete: your response to this idea that we need to understand what's in in the president's mid and go after him for that. >> first of all, and thank you all for talking about pensacola earlier. that's my home state, and we're all still praying for those victims and the families and the survivors who are going into surgery. so thank you for that. pete: absolutely. >> well, here's what they've had, guys, and here's what they're doing -- and lisa, my friend. this has been choreographed since 2016, they have been going after him, and they've said they're going to impeach our president. what have they had so far? absolutely nothing. they had the july 25th call that they were shocked president trump released because it showed nothing was there. the president did nothing wrong, president zelensky said the president didn't do anything wrong. aid was not withheld. they didn't -- i mean, aid was
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ultimately given. zelensky did not know aid had even been withheld, and aid was withheld originally, what did mike pence say? because of the extreme corruption in the ukraine before president zelensky got elected. after he got elected, he came in and he proved -- he changed parliament, he changed prosecutors, he did everything right. and that's when the aid was released. end of story. so because they have nothing, now -- to answer your question -- what do they want to do? oh, we have to find out what was in the president's mind in well, the president's made it very clear what was in his mind, no quid pro quo. he has said that over and over and over. and now what do they continue to do? you know, i don't know if you saw yesterday what nadler released. nadler released this, basically -- lisa: can i ask you about that? >> sure, lisa. lisa: they say that the president can be impeached for illegitimate motives even if the actions are illegally
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permissible. is this an admission that there's not a legal basis for their case? >> oh, lisa, of course it is. that's exactly what it is. you're right on point because they have nothing, and they've had nothing. they brought in their legal professors, and we saw what a utter disaster those people were. and, you know, lisa, i firmly believe they're only going forward now because they have the political power to do so, because the democrats control the house. but you know what's happening now? they're not wondering how many republicans they can get on their side, they're scared to death about how many democrats they can keep. ed: yeah. >> because they are losing democrats. they're throwing the whole kitchen sink at the president, basically. ed: real quick, the republican doug collins is saying he wants to get adam schiff, the whistleblower, democrats keep shutting that down. what's your take on that? >> oh, we all -- the president has made it very clear, so has the white house counsel, we want to hear from adam schiff, we
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want to hear from hunter biden, devon archer, the whistleblower, and let's keep going, nelly other and company -- nellie ohr and others. lots of witnesses that show the corruption related to hunter biden and what happened there. ed: well -- >> nothing the president did. and, you know, the president made it very clear, they shouldn't even go to a vote. but if they are, just do it and get it over with and get it to the senate where we can be, we'll have a fair hearing and get this behind the american people because you seeing the president's out there working hard for us every single day. >> well, those names may come up in that doj inspector general report, for sure, tomorrow as well. >> that's right. ed: pam bondi, we appreciate you. thank you. >> thank you, all. ed: all right. let's get straight to a fox news alert in the meantime -- the fbi searching for missing saudi
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servicemen with possible ties to that islamic terror attack. lisa: and florida senator rick scott is calling for tougher vetting on our bases. he joins us live next. us lives here. where we can find common ground... big enough to dance on. for a better us, donate to your local y today.
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pete: we're back with a fox news alert, u.s. military bases on high alert as the fbi ramps up its search for the missing saudi
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servicemen in the pensacola attack. lisa: senator rick scott is calling for a stronger review of security and vetting procedures. ed: joining us now is the former governor. senator, we appreciate you coming in today. >> oh, first off, just your heart goes out to these families that lost their loved ones. i mean, these individuals were heroes. you hear the stories of how they -- they didn't run away from this guy, they tried to confront him and tried to make sure they helped other people. ed: yeah. >> i got a briefing yesterday, i also went to the hospital and met some of the individuals that were injured, and, you know, our prayers are with them. but we have got to make sure that american sailors, american soldiers are safe. we have to have a full review of what happened here. i'm glad secretary esper is doing that. i think we have to look at whether we ought to suspend this program right now. i mean, we cannot be taking risk for our sailors. i was in the navy, and i can't imagine going to a base and saying to myself, you know, i
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wonder if i'm safe here. and think about the people that live around these bases. ed: yeah. >> they've got to be safe. the saudi government has got to step up and say they will be in full cooperation, they will make sure every student sits down with the fbi and gives all the information so we know exactly what happened here. ed: senator, on that point -- >> it's disgusting this happened. ed: it is. we grieve for everybody in our state right now, and we're glad that you started out mentioning that. you also just mentioned the saudi government. you're a republican senator. has this white house been too gentle with the saudis? >> well, clearly, we've been a partner. i mean, look at, you know, we're sending more patriot missile systems, we're clearly defending them. they've been an ally, but they've got to, you know, they have to step up here. i mean, they -- i mean, the fact that the fbi has not been able, the reports say the fbi's not been able to talk to every, you know, airman. i mean, that's -- you can't
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imagine that. i mean, if the saudi government is oural high and our partner -- our ally and our partner, they will make sure ins full cooperation. not one airman needs to leave this country until there's a complete investigation, and they've got to be very supportive for everybody that's done anything wrong. if the reports are right that individuals were looking at these videos, that's disgusting. and that somebody was filming them, it's disgusting -- pete: first of all, you're right to point out the heroes, and god bless these men who lost their lives fighting to save other people. and you're also right to point out the geopolitical strategic relationship we have with saudi arabia vis-a-vis iran. but when it comes to this attack and what we know about saudi arabia, shouldn't we be calling this out for what it is, radical islamic terrorism -- >> there's no question. president -- a planned attack of service members. >> there's no question what it is. it's terrorism, it's radical islam. and, you know, the saudi government needs to do the same thing. they need to say this is disgusting, we are going to do everything we can to get to the
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bottom of this, we're going to make sure every airman, everybody that's over here is going to have full cooperation with the fbi. so, and i mean, right now if you hear the stories, the stories are they haven't been able to talk to everybody. that's wrong. lisa: well, and, senator, you're calling for security and looking at what took place here, but, look, we know that this naval base specifically four or five years ago already beefed up their security. so why did that fail? >> we got, we absolutely -- i mean, i talked to the captain about that yesterday. we've got to find out. i know the sheriff is very focused, sheriff morgan is focused on making sure everything is safe in escambia county, not just on the base, but outside the base. we've got to have full cooperation. you know, i have a bill, you know, to make sure with the fbi that there's full cooperation. when i talked to them yesterday, they said everybody is working well together. we've got to make sure that's happening. but right now we need to have a full review, we need to, you know, suspend these programs
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until we know that everybody's going to be safe. i don't want one military member on their bases to be unsafe because of a foreign national. ed: senator, we're getting these reports, pardon me, about rockefeller center was visited by this terrorist and some of his accomplices, it appears. they were videotaping it. as lisa's been talking about it all morning, you referenced that, i believe, a moment ago. do you have concerns -- i don't want to get ahead of the facts, but do you have concerns there could be some kind of terror cell that was scouting out other sites in america and that this is not isolated to pensacola? >> we don't, you know, unfortunately, we don't know. but what we do know is we have to do a thorough review, we need to suspend this program, and we need to make sure the foreign governments, start with the saudi government, they need to be very clear they're going to make sure everybody cooperates, they will not, not one of the citizens that has anything to do with this will be brought home until they're brought to justice if they've done, if they've done anything wrong. pete: senator, we know you've been visiting victims in the hospital and ongoing with
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briefings with the military and federal and local law enforcement. thank you for everything you're doing to respond, and keep us updated, and our prayers are with everyone in florida. >> thank you. lisa: thank you, senator. >> thanks. ed: we appreciate him coming in. other headlines starting with this fox news alert, peace talks with the taliban. the state department says negotiations are continuing this week in qatar. both sides, i'm sorry, will discuss reducing violence, afghanistan's political future and permanent ceasefire. the president called off the meeting earlier this year after taliban militants claimed responsibility for a bombing that killed an american soldier. a deadly -- [inaudible] just steps away from the home of mexico's president. four people killed after the shooter entered an apartment building right near the house. opening fire when he was confronted by residents. the shooter was killed by a police officer. president obrador was not in the city at the time. to another fox news alert, tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters flooding the streets of hong
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kong today, marking six months now of demonstrations. earlier police arrested 11 people, accusing them of planning to use weapons on innocent protesters to frame police officers. and again this week marchers were seen carrying -- you see right there -- american flags. and take a look at the texas burger superheros. [laughter] a mother and her 2-year-old daughter dressed up in homemade costumes. they couldn't go out on halloween because it was too cold, so they surprised staff at a fast food restaurant with an impromptu photo shoot. that is very sweet, and those are your headlines. lisa: now i'm hungry. [laughter] president rick, have you ever surprised anyone with an impromptu photo shoot? rick: no. lisa: well, pete -- rick, i mean, hello, collaboration. rick: all right. we can work on it. [laughter] all right, guys, let's talk about the weather out this.
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it's cold. it's not that bad just yet across the eastern seaboard. we have some cold air coming in, in the short term we're going to get some warm air. show you what's going on, all that cold air just right across the border, kind of sneaking down across parts of north dakota right now. that is going to get down across the lower 48 over the next, say, 4-5 days. little batches coming in, it's not going to be a lot of cold air coming all the way down to the south, but really cold air across parts of the midwest. by wednesday morning into the minus teens, minus twenties around fargo. things looking good across the east coast, enjoy it, because a lot of moisture meets up with a front that's coming down across qanta that's bringing in that -- canada that's bringing in that colder air. the rain moves off the west coast tomorrow but starts to move across the central plains and areas of the east. 3-4 inches of rain in some spots, not much snow from this
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one at least this time, but get ready for a rainy number of days. all right, guys, back to you inside. ed: braving the cold, we like to see it. tomorrow's the day we will finally see the highly-anticipated inspector general's report on possible fisa abuse. pete: our own maria bartiromo has some insight on the report. she's up next. ed: she's been on it from day one. ♪ ♪oh there's no place like home for the holidays.♪ ♪for the holidays you can't beat home sweet home.♪ we go the extra mile to bring your holidays home.
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of an allergic reaction, stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis b or c. don't use dovato if you plan to become pregnant or during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy since one of its ingredients may harm your unborn baby. your doctor should do a pregnancy test before starting dovato. use effective birth control while taking dovato. the most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, nausea, trouble sleeping, and tiredness. so much goes into who i am and hope to be. ask your doctor if starting hiv treatment with dovato is right for you. ed: well, some quick football headls e stole from pete. top ranked ohio state beats number 8 wisconsin in the big ten title game 34-21. they were down double digits halftime and came on back. in the sec, second-ranks lsu beats fourth-ranked georgia. it was not close, 37-10 is.
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oklahoma-clemson, punching their ticket to the playoffs as well. and a texas college student wins 900 grand --100 grand in a football-throwing contest. stay in school, kids. that's cool. [laughter] lisa: yeah, what ed said. pete: or not, and just win a football-throwing contest. lisa: we've got news to get to, is so now to a fox news alert. the inspector general's long-awaited report on fisa abuse will be released tomorrow. pete: will it -- >> i have total confidence that the case was handled in a thoughtful way. pete: here to discuss, the host of "sunday morning futures," maria bartiromo. >> pretty incredible, pete. obviously, we know half of the
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wrongdoing that has already been done, they relied on the dossier to wiretap an innocent american citizen, paid for by the other political party, hillary clinton paying for dirt on donald trump to take down donald trump, and they actually got a nice a warrant to do so. we know -- fisa warrant to do so. we know they renewed that warrant three times. james comey signed three of them, andrew mccabe signed another application, and then it was cosigned by sally yates, rod rosenstein, all of those names will be in that report tomorrow, and it is clear that we are going to see some stunning revelations about how the fbi and the cia investigated donald trump, spied on his campaign in an effort to take him down. and at the crux of it was his opponent, hillary clinton. lisa: maria, do you think there's any legitimate basis for the origin toes of the investigation? >> i do not. i think that the origins of the investigation included then inserting donald trump's name, i
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think that this was all about an easy to do situation, we knew that russia was meddling in the west, has been for decades. it was an easy attempt at inserting donald trump's name in there, and he had absolutely nothing to do with it. he was, in fact, framed in 2016. ed: a lot of people in the media have chosen to ignore this story. you sunk your teeth into it early on, so it sounds like you've got a big show. maria: we're going to break some news, because i've got not only senator lindsey graham who's, obviously, going to be having the witness of michael horowitz on wednesday, ken mccarthy -- kevin mccarthy, house minority leader, telling us what the meeting will look like, devin nuñes is going to weigh in on the impeachment as well as the i.g. report. and then, this is the man at the center of all of this, carter page, former trump 2016 campaign advisers, he was the one who was
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unlawfully surveilled, he's going to tell us what kind of exculpatory evidence was not given to the fisa court. and then steve bannon looking at the impeachment numbers versus the employment numbers, and it's a pretty big difference. pete: the only question is who don't you have on your show? fantastic lineup. >> rick scott, i thought that was an incredible interview, and i've been watching all morning. this is the biggest political scandal anybody has ever seen. pete: we're going to be watching. lisa: watch at 10 a.m. ed: thanks, maria. the countdown to christmas is on. up next, where to buy the coolest oversized christmas gifts for can kids. ♪ ♪ what does help for heart failure look like? ♪the beat goes on it looks like emily cooking dinner for ten. ♪the beat goes on
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pete: well, the big day is almost herf course, we're talking about christmas. rick: with only 17 shopping days left, the best toys for underneath the tree. senior editor of toy insider, welcome. >> thank you for having me. these are the biggest, over the top digital toys you can get for
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kids. let's start off with the little people barn set. this is a huge, awesome, historical inflatable set. there's a barn, people can take these play balls, it's tons of fun. >> like mcdonald's. [laughter] >> it is, you're right. ed: what do we have over here? >> all right. kids can go to infinity and beyond with the buzz lightyear star command center. there's two ways to play, you can have it standing up or turn it horizontal for flight mode, and there's tons of interactive elements with lights and sounds the different buttons to press as well. lisa: my parents never let me is have a princess castle this big, mom and dad. [laughter] >> this is the disney frozen playhouse. it has these great elements like, you know, the snow fakes -- pete: very big. i feel like i could crawl inside. lisa: you are a pretty princess, right? >> oh, there you go.
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lisa: oh, he's in! [laughter] don't hurt yourself, pete. don't pull a hamstring. >> this is available at costco. ed: it was a big part of the world series -- >> baby shark is having a big year. they're really cute, they're soft and cuddly. there's a comfortable ride and also they go 2 and a half miles an hour. lisa: street legal. [laughter] >> definitely ready to cruise with all your favorite characters. rick: all right. cars crashing into each other? >> yes. this is the biggest hot wheels set ever, it's more than 5 feet wide and, then, you know, you can put multiple cars in this, it's just tons of fun. [laughter] [inaudible conversations] ed: so what about these? >> all right.
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that is the giant bubble, and that is the biggest super bubble ever. bring it over here. it inflates to more than 4 feet. [laughter] >> whoa! >> it plays like a ball. [inaudible] lisa: i'm going to get injured. pete: kind of creepy. [laughter] ed: all right. more "fox & friends" -- [laughter]
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in america, the zip code you're born in can determine your future. but no matter what neighborhood you grow up in, the y creates opportunities for all. for a better us, donate to your local y today. ♪ spread a little love today ♪ spread a little love my-y way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ philadelphia cream cheese. made with fresh milk and real cream makes your recipes their holiday favourites. the holidays are made with philly. ♪ ♪ ed: we've got little elveses out there for weeks and weeks getting ready for christmas. pete: ed has his own personal
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little elf, and they're working on the tree because tonight fox nation all-american christmas, the tree is in place, red, whate and blue ornaments, it's going to be lit tonight. lisa: it's going to be lit. ed: oh! pete got almost a smoking jacket -- lisa: yeah, the jacket's really cool. pete: quite festive, i must say. rick: i was watching, there was not a sunset through that process. they obviously didn't want that. pete: the elves are very efficient. ed: all right, everybody, we'll see you next week. pete: have a great sunday. go to church. mug. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. welcome, i'm maria bartiromo, thanks for being here. a huge lineup today here on "sunday morning futures"
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checking off with lindsey graham, his take on a possible senate impeachment trial and the inspector general's highly anticipated testimony on fisa abuse later this week. also joining me exclusively, house minority leader kevin mccarthy as democrats forge ahead on articles of impeachment, his take on whether nancy pelosi is acting within her rights as speaker. also the house judiciary committee holds another hearing tomorrow, the ranking member of that committee doug collins joins me along with devin nuñes, responding to phone records


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