tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News December 13, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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night at 7:00 ♪bo >> welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." as you may have figured out, i'm not tucker carlson, but i'm filling in. he will be back soon. in a matter of days, impeachment will be a reality. an open vote on the open floor of the house. this morning, the house judiciary committee approved two articles of impeachment against the president of the united states. >> the question now is on article one of the resolution, impeaching donald j. trump for abuse of powers. the clerk will call the role. >> mr. chairman there are 23 "aye" and 17 "no." >> the question is on article two of the resolution, impeaching donald j. trump for obstructing congress. the clerk will call the role.
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>> mr. chairman, there are 23 "ayes" and 17 "no." >> without objection, the committee is adjourned. >> brian: immediately, democrats in the media proclaimed it the saddest day in american history, as if they haven't been seeking impeachment for three years. >> these proceedings have been conducted in a solemn, fair, dignified manner. >> you could tell from the looks on all of their faces that this is a moment in history that none of them really wanted. >> our chairman with remind us of the solemnity of the moments. >> they are taking this seriously. >> it was very solemn, and you feel the weight of the present, you feel the weight of the past. >> today is a solemn and sad day. >> brian: nicole wallace did
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not get that memo to act sad. >> mr. chairman, there are 23 "aye" and 7 "no." speak of the article is agreed to, the resolution is reported favorably to the house. >> that's the second time i've seen it, and it's still remarkable. >> it is mind-blowing. >> brian: not that solemn anymore. democratic congressman cedric richmond didn't get the memo either. this week, he was spotted catching up on a golf tournament on his laptop, instead of paying attention to the proceedings.te and, oh, former dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz is, meanwhile, more angry than sad. >> we are here because the president of the united states has treated the constitution like toilet paper. like nothing more than toilet paper. >> brian: all right. what about the mastermind behind all of this? what about adam schiff? how is he being stoic? he was quite serious on a comedy show, the stephen colbert show. he gave a speech worthy of an
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oscar. let's listen. >> and i wonder how they are going to explain one day when a grandchild comes to them and says, grandad, grandmom, please tell me what you did when that man that was putting people in cages, dividing our country, extorting our allies. please tell me what you did to stand up to that man. what will their answer be? for all too many, it will be nothing. it will be nothing except shame. >> brian: right, the people in cages. shall we just outline it? that was president obama. i don't think it is right to say that about president obama to bring that up. i also think it's important to say that that man, who added 266 jobs last month, is working on a series of free trade agreements, as you put it, to catapult economy to another generationki that's doing its best to keep us out of but a lot of kids don't want to talk about sports. they do want to talk about international affairs. especially he probably rehearsed that one
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or two times in a mirror. president trump, for his part, is treating this the same way he did the russia investigation. >> so the impeachment is a hoax, it's a sham, it started a long time ago. probably before i came down the escalator with the futuree first lady. it started a long time ago. so look, we are dealing with a lot of corrupt people. there was nothing done wrong. to use the power of impeachment on this nonsense is an embarrassment to this country. >> brian: abuse of power, obstruction of congress. those are the two articles that will be on the floor on wednesday. congressman jim jordan, you know longer have to sit in that seat and stare straight ahead and give speeches without a jacket on. are you solemn today? what do you think the real feeling among democrats is? >> well, who knows? we will know the real feeling next november when the americanl people get to decide, but the whole thing was ridiculous. g this was about what nancy pelosi
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said three and a half weeks ago, when she called the president of the united states an imposter. they've never accepted that 63 million of us voted for this guy to come to this town and drain the swamp, won in an electoral college landslide. they've never accepted that fact. they've been looking for anyway and every way to take him out of this town and take them out of office and now it comes down to impeachment. when all the facts are on the president's side, they don't care, because they've never accepted the will of the american people. >> brian: how would you characterize what you went through? i saw a group of people talking at each other, not to each not listening at all. you did not engage each other, so nothing was done. i felt as though the american people were bored to tears for the hit mute, no offense. >> yeah, no, i get that. but again, they won't accept the facts. four facts have never changed, they will never change. they've always been there. that we have the transcript. if there was no quid pro quo in the transcript. we have the two guys on the call, president trump, president zelensky. both have said no pressure, no push, no linkage of
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investigation to aid money. we have the fact that ukraine didn't even know -- and most importantly, ukraine took no action.os no investigation of anybody, let alone the bidens. those facts have always been there, but they don't care. they've never accepted the will of the people, and they know they can't beat president trump next november. in 2016, they had the insurance policy. when they spied on four american citizens associated with president trump's campaign. in 2020, they are trying impeachment, to hopefully givens is a chance to compete against the president next fall. it's not going to work. president trump is going to win because of his amazing record. >> brian: they don't really talk to each other, and certainly not to adam schiff. i will try to be the go-between. let's answer adam schiff's questions. what are you going to say your to your grandchildren when they dask why you didn't do anything to stop that horrible man? >> we defended the facts, the truth, and president trump. in the three years he's been president, taxes cut, economy growing at an unbelievable paced
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you had numbers from last month. gorsuch and kavanaugh on the court. hostages from north korea rreturned, today marks one of te greatest trade days for our country. a new usmca agreement. the president says he's going to work with boris johnson to get aget anew agreement with great britain. a those of the kind of things he's getting done, and that's why he will win next november. >> brian: we are also getting a space force. lastly, really quick, congressman jordan, when you look at this whole thing in its entirety, and you look at brexit. brexit gets passed, and they don't accept it, nothing happens. president trump wins thee election, and they don't accept it, they fight the whole time. do you see a parallel? >> oh, certainly. when you have people coming on and taking the establishment, trying to drain the swamp and standing up for we, the people, american people, the hardworking folks where, i know, in ohio, families across this country, that makes this town go crazy. this president is fighting for the very people he told them he was going to fight for, doing
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what he said he was going to do. >> brian: i can tell you were wrestler, because you justwh worked for 36 out of the last 48 hours, and you don't even look tired. because you put the training in. congressman, thank you for spending part of your friday night with us. >> you got it, brian. >> brian: meanwhile, straight ahead. after impeachment, it will be mitch mcconnell's job to oversee a trial in the senate. a val denning says mcconnell has to recuse himself because he could not take an oath to be impartial. congressman mike johnson represents louisiana. how many people knew about the congressman from louisiana before the series of national hearings but we know you now. what's your reaction to the new push to get mitch mcconnell to recusebo himself? because he says he's going to go to the white house to find out what they want to do with this trial. >> well, i think it's absurd. look, mitch mcconnell made a couple of comments in the last 24 hours, acknowledging the verc obvious truth about all this, that everybody in the country now has seen the record. they've seen the facts, and they've seen what supposedly is backing up these articles of
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impeachment, and there's nothing there. professor turley said it so well, the only expert we've been allowed on the republican side in this whole charade, he said it's the thinnest record in the history of impeachment, on the weakest charges. there's nothing there. we systematically destroyed their case, 14 hours of that hearing yesterday, and everybody can see it, and mitch mcconnell can, as well. >> brian: two schools of llthought. i do talk radio as well, everybody on talk radio that sees the side with the president wants to see a trial. a chance to bring up joe biden, adam schiff, and others, to get the president's side of the story i would. that the ukraine was up to no good in 2016, other than my defensive thing else going on while russia was up to no good in 2016. are you somebody that believes -- to adequately tell this whole story, you should go ahead and try to prove the thesis the president had?ro >> look, i was with the president this evening. i understand his sentiments.
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he wants his side of the case to be put out there, and i do too. many of us, his supporters, those who believe in the rule of law. he did not get due process, he should haveue a right to get his witnesses and the other side of the story out there. but i also understand the rationale of getting this through the senate quickly. you know, there is an alternative here. we could look into what still remains out there about ukraine and these scandals come all the unanswered questions. it could be done in a simple investigation through the judiciary committee come under lindsey graham, the chairman. mithere are multiple ways to get out that. we may be able to avoid a full trial in the senate. i think everybody knows now the case is so weak it will go away andl be dismissed pretty quickl. >> brian: whatse was the president's attitude like? >> the president is in a very good mood today because he sees what is happening. look,e this is going to backfire on the democrats, as bill warned them and told them come expected. the polling is moving inol the direction of the president. he is up a measurable amount and a lot of the swing states now,
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and thee democrats elected in these swing districts are in big trouble. i mean, there's going to be a political price to be paid. as we said in closing yesterday, it's not just the political price, the just political price the democrats are going to have to pay. there is a price this whole country pays for the charade, because they opened a pandora's box, a single party impeachment is something the founders of this country warned against because i knew it would divide us. >> brian: never had before 2317 out of committee. how many democrats do think will not vote for impeachment? >> we are hearing it will be at least a handful, maybe 10, maybe a dozen, i don't know. we will see how it plays out the next two days. many went over the weekend, they will hear it from their constituents. the 31 from the swing districts that trump won, they are it's a real deputy f right jeopardy right now. >> brian: going to be really interesting because we are in an election year, and a lot of these men and women got in a year ago promising to get something done. i don't know if this is what the constituents had in mind.
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congressman johnson, go enjoy your weekend, okay? >> thanks, brian. >> brian: final preparations for an impeachment vote will be held to the house rules committee. that is why i queued up congresswoman debbie lesko again. she sits on that committee, as well as the committee that saw all of that chicanery this past week. you must have a lot of red bull, because you are going back at it tuesday to sit on the rules to vote for impeachment on wednesday, right? >> i sure am working my butt off, i will have to tell you that. i'm going back tuesday morning. we will be in rules committee, and i can repeat all of the things that i already said in judiciary committee again. then i will be on the floor of the house ofia representatives, while we are managing the rules and debating the articles of impeachment. and so, what a great opportunity it is. part of history, for me to be there at this particular time, fighting for what i believe is
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right, which is opposing these articles of impeachment. >> brian: in the rules committee, can you clue us in for people who don't know what happens behind closed door, is it just a formality? what rules are you coming up with? you show up wednesday and vote. what do you need to work out? >> we will probably be voting on how long we are going to debate this. that's probably what the rules will be. it is how long the debate will go on, on the floor, and of course, we are going to -- the rules committee, it's the only committee that meets in the u.s. capitol. it's on the third floor of the u.s. capitol. it is open to the public. so the public can attend, and it is broadcast, i believe come alive. we basically debate the rules, only four republicans on the committee to nine democrats, so we are always outvoted. they are going to win. they're going to get whatever they want, whatever rules they want. that will govern how the debate goes on the floor. >> brian: interesting. we know there is a little feud you are having with legendary
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singer/actress bette midler. she is very into politics. yesterday, she tweeted at you. now this gal, meaning you, debbie lesko, is grandstanding big time! thehis own actions and words hae led to this day. he is fake. installed by russia. maybe richard nixon was not a cook, but this guy really is. but you didn't sit on the side and say i love her work, i better not get involved. you got in work. you said hey, gal, looks like the wind beneath your wings has turned into hot air appeared on mike nixon, no crimes committed like trump, the democrats just acting like ruthless people. what is happenedco today? >> [laughs] the bait. taken i was just trying to have some fun. i have all of these people calling my office, commenting on my tweets. they are tw there are some nasty people out
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there, democrats that are very unhappy people saying very mean things. now hers wasn't too bad at me. it, of course, was bad at president trump command i totally disagree with her, but i thought i would poke her back and have some fun with it. >> brian: you did. lastly, in the big picture, it brought up something interesting. richard nixon did have a problem with theng law. theree were things on the tape that were problematic. he wasn't planted in some circumstances. bill clinton apologized for his acts, and did lie under oath. you can't equate the two, can you? >> no, not at all. as i've said repeatedly, there are no crimes that the democrats can prove. none of the democrats' fact witnesses able to establish bribery, treason, high crimes, or misdemeanors. president trump has not committed any of this. there has been no evidence. and boy, democrats really are grasping here. of course, this was
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predetermined. as soon as they got the power and a majority in the u.s. house of representatives, they were bound and determined to impeach this president of the united states, and it didn't matter to them that they didn't have any evidence. >> brian: the speaker said two days ago, what do you mean i'm rushing impeachment? we've been working on it for two years. and lastly, i'm just wondering, if they get his taxes, they don't like something in his taxes, this inquirer deal, the ceo of the inquirer says something they don't like, are we going to go back again? >> at least that is what representative al green said. well, we can impeach him again. when the senate throws it out, you know, who knows? you know, i liked some of my democratic colleagues. i work with them. but i really do not understand them. it is like they are obsessed. they just cannot stand the president, and they think that is impeachable. just because you don't like a guy doesn't mean you should
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impeach him. >> brian: you are still smiling after the week you had, pretty amazing. i know you are working tuesday,o hopefully talk to you on wednesday. congresswoman, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> brian: meanwhile, we have this straight ahead. we will discuss key -- you heard me -- key parts of the ig report that everyone has been ignoring. at a little later, a final exam, the big story yesterday got bumped because of impeachment hearing. last night, we took it. today, you will see it.oo ainsley and janic janice dean, head-to-head for the first time we know of, unless they did something before or after. ♪ nless they did something before or after. before or after. ♪
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♪ >> brian: all right, the house has moved quickly through the impeachment process, but some think the senate trial could be even briefer,t' if that is possible. president trump says he doesn't care if the senate has a long trial or a short one. >> look, we did nothing wrong. so i will do long or short. i've heard mitch, i've heard lindsey, i think they are very much in agreement on some concept. i will do whatever they want to do. it doesn't matter. >> brian: the president may be indifferent today today, not>> yesterday. what is the better approach if you're the white house? jenna ellis is a constitutional attorney and an advisor to the trump campaign. jenna, what is the best tactic that you would like to see implemented bys the senate for the white house, for the president? >> ihe think the president expet it very well. either way, he's going to win. with the american people need to understand is that impeachment does not mean the president trump is guilty of anything. this is like a regular critical
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know my criminal setting. if a prosecutor's filing charges, doesn't mean they are filing them maliciously. unfortunately, sometimes that does t occur. here, the house is filing malicious articles of impeachment, as a malicious prosecution against president trump. a summary judgment that the senate kicks this out, saying there is no basis, that is proper. that is not a riggedco jury, tht is proper under the rule of lawt if we go fully to a rule full trial, evidence and witnesses, the american people will see what they have seen the past two and a half months, and actually, the past three years. which and nanc nancy pelosi admd today, impeachment inquiry agait president trump since before he took his oath of office. >> brian: jenna, mitch mcconnell told sean hannity last night, i'm going to the white house to see what they want to do, he's got wto recuse himself, he should e coming up with his own investigation, not asking the white house how he should be
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investigating. do the critics have a point? >> not at all. the trial in terms of the process, constitutionally, is up to the senate, and this is different than a traditional judicial forum, what we would call a quasi-judicial forum. that doesn't mean he is somehow jury rigging this whole thing. it just means what is the process going to be? how does this look for these types of articles of impeachment? because we know that abuse of power and obstruction of congress, there is absolutely no legal or constitutional basis for either of these charges. and so all the democrats are doing is putting this forth against president trump because they are ignoring the separation of powers, ignoring the legitimate, vested powers in the executive branch that president trump had for foreign policy to set that. he is not abusing his power, they are simply disagree with his policy. and for obstruction of justice, hepl is allowed to go to the judicial branch to say, hey, do i have to comply with these or
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not? congress are not the overlords with what the president can and cannot do. >> brian: a lot of people want the president on the offensive. this is what i was worried about in 2016. i am curious about what the obama administration might have been doing for hillary clinton, with the ukraine. i do think they played a role. and i do want to justify what my phone call there. will they just look to push everything aside? or will they look to prove there was a premise for the conversation and for the skepticism? >> well, the president doesn't have to prove anything. >> brian: butre does he want to, jenna? >> i think he's been been very clear in whether or not he does that in the context of a senate trial, or whether he continues to say this to the american people, or whether there is a senate judiciary investigation, because the republicans actually care about truth and fact and what actually happened. there are multiple ways the truth can come out. it doesn't have to be in the context of the senate trial and thef impeachment scam. i think, either way, the truth will come out.
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>> brian: tuesday the rules, wednesday the houseboat. we go to christmas, new year's, senate takes over, and it looks like it will be quick. jenna, thank you so much appeared >> thank you, brian. >> brian: meanwhile, impeachment is it the only big story of the week. the ig report came out, this is the big story in my mind. the press clearly want to ignore some of its buck sexton hosts the buck sextonex show, former cia analyst. this is a big story. you, as an analyst for the cia, and very curious, your reaction, even when you read the summary of what michael horowitz came up with. >> it's appalling. i mean, we've always been told that fisa was only going to be used for the most explicit and clear national security purposes. and what we see here is that the fbi had people working on the highest profile political case ever, really, you could argue, and they made mistake after mistake. brian, i think even calling it a mistake gives a little toooo muh credit in certain directions here, because they made decisions -- including one decision to falsify evidence
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entirely. they all went in the same direction, and they were handpicked by mccabe, who we know is anti-trump, to obviously has been referred for lying under oath, lying with the fbi, so you look at the totality of the circumstances come all the ig said is we didn't find prooff bias against trump, but we have been lectured a lot about circumstantial evidence and recently by the democrats. there is a lot of circumstantial evidence of bias here against a presidential campaign by the fbi. >> brian: when your best explanation to save yourself is "incompetence," you are usually not in a good place, because that is what we are assuming. they're so incompetent during the investigation they, they assumed george papadopoulos and carter page were playing a role to rigged the election. keepio in mind, to me, as a pedestrian, they had to be targeting the president. the only way not to give a defensive briefing would be the fact that they believe he is a target -- what other logic gets into your mind? >> that's one of the other parts of the ig report that i think
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much of the media has tried to skip right past. they were using what should be assistance to the campaign to avoid foreign penetration, or derogatory m information, chosen was a mind-set bias, and whetherws there was a criminal conspiracy at the origins of this is what durham, by the way, who has given a statement saying not so fast, and the attorney general barr. barr looking at right now. fabut here's what i need, brian. i need someone to explain why a very senior fbi agent on the most sensitive political case the fbi has ever handled would fabricate evidence to make carter page look worse, to continue a fisa application risking his career, risking his reputation, and possibly his freedom. the only explanation for the decision has to be bias. >> brian: if you if you have youtube, go look up lindsey graham's opening statements to start this whole thing. using thear tweets and seeing te actions, to see the bias againss them. this is what hardens me. democrats should not be upset.
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they should not be a democrat-republican issue. when i read the rolling stone, and the rolling stone exonerateh devin nunes and says he was 100s adam schiff, to say he was 100% wrong, that is known as a left-wing magazine, but the truth is the truth. >> the truth is the left is upset to find out beyond any reasonable doubt that the president did not do anythingg wrong. no sane person can still make that case about russia collusion. and also, a lot of c people in e media have much to account for.o you see what was said, specifically about the dossier, which was not credible on its face. they didn't release it. then when it was useful, they pretended it was credible, now look back and say, hold on a second. this was utterly absurd. where is the accountability, brian? i think a lot of people hope we just forget what their role was in this conspiracy. >> brian: i do want to sound like oprah, but if i was to make a required reading assignment, i think you would feel as
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exercised as most americans have taken the time to see what took place. thanks16 so much appeared >> thanks, brian peered >> brian: it says thank you on the prompter, but i did that already, some way to skip ahead. for about 10 minutes, pete buttigieg was the darling of the left. now they are turning on him, just like they turned on beto o'rourke. that story next. ♪ - do you have a box of video tapes, film reels, or photos,
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is falling out of love with pete buttigieg. don't ask me how i know. s the mayor of south bend doesn't have black support, no black live matters activists areac disrupting gatherings, like the one in south bend. >> why are you talking about pete buttigieg? what kind of nonsense is that? >> brian: meanwhile, other critics say buttigieg is too friendly with s wall street. some donors want their money back, and others are harassing him as he just campaigns. ope[chanting "wall street pete"] >> brian: because he worked for mckinsey, had a real job. author of "what really happened," he joins us now. how we, i guess he's not good to be a leader. why are they turning on pete?
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what is going on here? >> you know what, things move fast in the modern democrat party. one month, you are the revolutionary, and the next, a counterrevolutionary. he wasrehe the flavor of the mo, but unfortunately for mayor pete, the month was november, and it's now december. you know, another problem he's got now in the woke democrat party, brian, is they've got these pictures of him, these devastating photos of him the last four christmas seasons. he is in front of a red kettle, and he is ringing a bell. >> brian: salvation army. >> they are going crazy about that, certain elements of the democrat party. this is what happens. one day you are at the top of the heap, in a revolution, like robespierre, lead the king to the guillotine, no then happeneo him a year later.
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>> brian: worked for mckinsey, the other had a legal practice that got a few billion dollars. imagine that, making money in america with a profession. i can't imagine. i want you to hear whatea elizabeth warren just got in terms of an endorsement. >> hello. >> hello, megan? >> oh, hi. i want to endorse you and be on your team and help anyway i can. >> i think we've got this, megan. >> we have a saying. >> brian: soso lsg, i guess. megan ruffino is on.ha >> one i heard that, i do think for a moment to remember who she
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was. 15 minutes have expired. down to a monthly. i'm telling you, the way things are going, brian, who do you think is the front-runner right now? i'm saying it's bernie sanders, he's back up at the top i think. >> brian: first of all, if someone is going to give you an abbreviation, and you don't know what it is, don't repeat it. we have it on our screen the best we can. lsg is not something she should be repeating. megan was 70 who was cursing like a sailor, a bunch of a 10-year-old girls who wanted to worship the world cup stars. if i'm a democrat, i don't know who is at top. right now, people are going back to joe biden because they know what toeo expect, and they are wondering what to expect with tveryone else. and bloomberg seems to be making more sense every day, and he is willing to spend to do it, but you are still thinking is bernie sanders right now? >> the way they are going, they
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are all trying to go further to the left. bernie's bigto advantage as he honeymooned in the soviet union, took off his shirt, sang the woody guthrie songs. it's hard to get to the left of bernie. bernie has been bragging, buttigieg and warren have been going back and forth, accusing one another of being what they used to call capitalist rotors, and bernie says, i never worked for a and you know, he excoriates the billionaires with a little more enthusiasm than either mayor pete or the fake indian. i give him the edge right now. >> brian: by the way, it's not his fault he made a lot of money off his books, so you can't blame him for making money that he's a millionaire and a socialist, which is an interesting combination. we just can't have any money, he can. i would, thank you so much. and you are capitalist, you are free to make money andyo still e a good person. >> i agree. >> brian: meanwhile, it's like a horror movie. a family security camera was hacked and used to harass to their 8-year-old daughter.
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♪ >> brian: hi. guess what? it's time for the "final exam," where our fox experts compete to show off their mastery in strange, obscure news knowledge. this week's first contestant goes by the name of ainsley earhardt. a fox & friends cohost and author of thison book, "through your eyes" and "take heart my child." if you say so yourself your chi will be taking on her colleague and senior meteorologist, "mostly sunny" author,
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janice dean. >> not sunny tonight. >> brian: it's all about winning. >> it is "is "fox & friends" at night. >> is a tucker peter doocy's cohost? >> brian: he loved it so much, he embraced the hour. question one, are you ready? >> no! >> brian: all i heard a rehearsal was yes. let me finish the entire question. let me finish all of the choices. if you get it right, you get a point. if you get it wrong, you lose a point. red girl, blue girl, woman, lets play spherical best-of-five wins. we begin with this question. multiple choice. which fast food changes now selling fire logs that will make your entire house smell like their food? a chick-fil-a. b rvs. c, kfc. janice dean? >> kfc.
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>> brian: is kfc right? >> kfc is bringing back its chicken-scented fire log. it's a limited edition, but not as limited-edition as your love life if you buy one. >> brian: that's a great mind by kennedy, degrade win for janice dean. a quick check of the score, 1-0 janus. we begin with number two. which 2020 candidate fell for an internet hoax this week and mistakenly believe president trump had pardoned charles manson? you know this. multiple-choice? >> is there a sound bite? speak with a lady with the brown hair, that's pretty, what's her name? >> mariannee williamson. >> i told you! >> mar marianne williamson got slammed on social media -- >> i gave her the clue!
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>> there is something deeply sinister aboutut trump pardoning charles manson, even posthumously. >> brian: 2-0 janice. >> no, i gave her the hint. i >> brian: we heard that. still got the right answer. we go back to multiple-choice. south florida is under attack in invasive species. residents say the animals are running rampant and enjoying their neighborhood.rh what kind of animals are to blame? a iguanas. b groundhog. or c, feral pigs. >> i think it's groundhog's. >> brian: she thinks it's groundhogs. let's go to the tape. >> some call it an invasion. south florida withth iguanas. >> i lost a point i don't even have. >> did you get the points? >> look at that iguana. >> brian: ainsley is minus 1.
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>> she said in the beginning of the weather girl. >> i didn't pick the groundhog. >> we are having fun. >> brian: check the judges it, it's 2 to minus 1. >> why am i with you, losing a game? >> brian: it's not over yet. believe in yourself. question number four. this is not multiple-choice. a piece of art featuring a banana taped to a wall was regionally sold in miami for $120,000. days later, a man walked up to the artwork and destroyed it. what happened to the banana? ainsley, you broke the rules again. go to janice. >> would i didn't do that. >> what happened with the banana? >> he ate the banana. na>> brian: with check the tape. >> we told you about the banana duct taped to a wall, but artwok stolen from $120,000, but someone got hungry, and a performance artist ate the infamous banana. >> it's ridiculous, people have
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too much money and a lack of good sense. >> brian: outrage that janice dean is up. >> i knew that one. >> brian: just for that question. >> one of these to the walls and see if you can sell it for the same price. >> like the sandwich. if they did that with the chicken sandwich. >> brian: final question. this is worth 20 points. >> what? >> brian: no, it's not. we end with multiple choice. u.k. prime minister boris johnson out wooing voters ahead of the general election in the country, seen riding a bulldozer into a styrofoam wall, with a big word written across it. what word? w >> tucker: anyone socialism.t? b gridlock. c malarkey. ainsley? >> b, gridlock. >> brian: let's see. >> yesterday he got onto a bulldozer and bulldozed his way through a fake brick wall, yes,
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i can also break the gridlock in >> brian: you are now at 0. but you got one right. >> what is this? >> brian: that means you came in second. you won, congratulations. >> oh, my god, i won! >> i still think marianne, i get marianne. >> you did not give me that onet >> is there anything in here? >> brian: not yet. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: takes for coming in. janice dean, i will see you in a couple of hours. >> are you going to stay in the city tonight? >> brian: i cannot reveal where i am staying, security reasons. >> can we do this again? >> brian: that's all the time we have. >> i'm never doing this again. >> brian: each week, tune in thursday.
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her house to watch her 8-year-old daughter, but the camera got hacked in a disturbing fashion. >> who is that? >> i'm your best friend. i'm santa claus. >> mommy! >> i'm santa claus! don't you want to be my best friend? >> brian: that mom appeared on the show earlier today. listen. >> she is still just really scared, she said that, she won't sleep in her bedroom. >> does the hacker know where you live? >> yes, when you log into the ring app, it has your address right there. >> wow. >> it shows a live stream account. >> brian: an attorney and cyber security expert joins us now. you were watching, and you say this is not rare. this happens a lot.
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>> this happens a lot. this happens since these cameras have come into existence. recent instances of cameras breaking into 2016, and well into the president. >> brian: because they are using wi-fi. >> and the problem is the wi-fi password you have a home,y and the password for the camera, they are not strong enough security. to protect against hackers, and then but be your only security. >> brian: so now you need that password on top of the password. not only rotate that password out but come up with another one. >> unfortunately, we haven't come up with another security. there is mixture of different characters you can use, but at this point, you can also add dual-factor authentication, including the ring camera, which is part of this terrifying hack. they will send a code to your cell phone when someone attempts to login. >> brian: what responsibility dl the ring devices have? they were asked about this, and they said the family had a weak account security, and there's nothing the company can do aboua it. >> this camera is an example of
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the internet of things, which are devices that are said to the internet to function. like your smartwatch, smart refrigerator, and smart cameras. and the problem is there is no regulation in the u.s. behind the privacy for these mechanisms. so, amazon really had no liability. they can say, change the default password. but you don't have to. >> brian: if you are a parent watching that, what do you do? sometimes, as we know, the kid is told to keep quiet, don't say anything or your parents will get hurt. >> exactly. you definitely want to talk to your children about what they are saying. let them know signs that the camera might be behaving badly. if they hear funny noises coming out of it, if the light is blinding when it shouldn't be, those are all signs to look for. if you need to have this device in your home, make sure you change the password, make it stronger. enable dual factor authentication from all of those things. hackers are selling software for brute force access for $6 online. >> brian: for $6, they are doing it cheaply. is that person in danger of getting caught?
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>> on hacker forums now, where they are discussing all the hacks to break into different live stream cameras, they are very worried. because it has become a major mainstream news issue. but tracking them down would be extremely complicated. if they are good, they're going to used anonymized software and hide their tracks, so that is the problem. >> brian: it is a scary situation, and the fact that it is not rare makes it twice as scary. but you have to take the time to get the protective password. don't expect a salesperson to do it. >> that so important. >> brian: thank you, have a good weekend. appreciate you coming in. thank you so much for tuning in tonight and each night at 8:00 eastern time. remember, this is the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and isoupthink. also, don't forget to dvr the show, and if you don't tell, people you did, watch a back even if you watch it live and make sure to check out my book. i will be doing live events this weekend, be in woodlands outside texas and lawrenceville, georgia, right after. go to, or
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go to the bookstore and i can personalize it. on january 25th, we do a fox nation shoot. america, great from the start. get your ticket at westbury, new york. everything starts at 8:00. thank you for watching, everyone. watch tucker every single day he is counting on you. ♪ w >> sean: hi, welcome to "hannity." as we cap off a busy night. and weak.. what a disaster this entire week has been for the democrats, the deep state, the mob in the media. tonight, we have a lot of breaking news. nutty nadlers, his own impeachment circus is chugging along after a long week of pointless, in the attic, b.s. hearings. mostng americans wanted to stop. and they see this for what it is, poll numbers for this which trial are tanking. now, here is something i think is the biggest barometer: ratings for fake news cnn. area 51, roswell rachel maddow's
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