tv Hannity FOX News December 13, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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go to the bookstore and i can personalize it. on january 25th, we do a fox nation shoot. america, great from the start. get your ticket at westbury, new york. everything starts at 8:00. thank you for watching, everyone. watch tucker every single day he is counting on you. ♪ w >> sean: hi, welcome to "hannity." as we cap off a busy night. and weak.. what a disaster this entire week has been for the democrats, the deep state, the mob in the media. tonight, we have a lot of breaking news. nutty nadlers, his own impeachment circus is chugging along after a long week of pointless, in the attic, b.s. hearings. mostng americans wanted to stop. and they see this for what it is, poll numbers for this which trial are tanking. now, here is something i think is the biggest barometer: ratings for fake news cnn. area 51, roswell rachel maddow's msdnc, the can spears a channel.
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it has bottomed. even their nutty audience knows it's a disaster. it is so bad, they have nutty nadler and his schiff show, he can't even stay awake. sweet dreams, jerry. by the way, yesterday when democratic congressman was caught watching golf on his laptop in the middle of their impeachment coup hearings. this is a very serious, historic, solemn process? that demands our attention, according to pelosi and the schiff show and nutty nadler, and of course, the state run tv media mob? wow. late last night, after nutty nadler abruptly ended the hearing without a vote, a very angry and ticked off congressman should be senator doug collins was rightfully fed up with the democratic colleagues. let's take a look. >> then just the committee will now be in recess until tomorrowt 10:00 a.m., at which point i will move to defy the question so that each of us may have the
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opportunity to cast up or down votes on each of the articles of impeachment, and so let history be our judge, the committee is in recess. >> mr. chairman. there was no consulting from the ranking member on your schedule for tomorrow, which you just mount up scheduling for everyone. you chose not to consult the ranking member on the schedule issue of this magnitude. so typical. this is the kangaroo court we are talking about. >> sean: congressmanut collins, with all due respect, it was way past his beddy-bye time, and he needed his teddy bear. if you are not disgusted with this baseless, ukrainian impeachment coup attempt, you forget about joe and hunter and the real quid pro quo bribery, real scandal, zero experience hunter. it could all come to an end right now if -- east 31, right there.
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self-described moderates, they ran as moderates, weren't standing in the wake of those are all districts donald trump won in 2016. they all voted against impeachment. it went past the house. those lawmakers on your screen, they represent the districts that president trump won, in some cases by big margins, almost none of them willing to stick up for their own constituents. we hear maybe eight might break away. sadly, these cowards are ready and willing -- they are willing to walk the plank for nancy pelosi. aoc. the squad. they care more about, what, radical socialist? far left leadership? divisiveness? do-nothing democratic party? than they do about americans? and what they have not done to this country for three years? in order to get elected, that means they had to lie to the voters, pretend to be independent-minded, rational leaders. they know you, we, the people, we will keep rolling it, we know the truth. these lawmakers, none of them are moderates. they are all frauds. almost all of them supporting
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the most vague, the weakest, you know, politically-motivated, two articles of impeachment. first, it was the quid pro quo, that ended up only being for joe m0 experience hunter. and of course, call it bribery -- no, no, call it extortion. now come abuse of power, and oh, the president sought remedy in the judicial branch of government, the congress know mh conflict with the legislative branch from which every other president has done, so call that obstruction. devoid of impeachable offenses. in doing so, they -- those 31, they are telling their constituents that their votes don't matter. these democrats should know better, because just a few years ago, it was the same nancy pelosi that decimated the so-called moderate wing of her party. they lost the majority because she jammed through obamacare. keep your doctor, save money, on average $2500 a year. you think that's bad, how do you think medicare for all with no
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private insurance is going to work out? $52 trillion price tag in ten years, $94 trillion for the new green deal with no gas, no oil, everything is free, no combustion engine, and eventually no planes or collars. but you might remember this. >> it's going to be very, very exciting. but we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. >> sean: need to pass it. yeah. average family, by the way? an average increase. and oh, 40% of the country only has one obamacare exchange choice, only one. a million lost their doctors and plans. pelosi is once again sending the sheep out to the past year, for what? if and when these b.s. articles of impeachment pass the house, it's dead on arrival in the u.s. senate. senate majority leader usch mcconnell telling that very thing last night. he plans to obliterate what is the weakest articles of impeachment, witch hunt, ukrainian impeachment coup attempt, if it reaches his chamber. here's what he announced on our
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show last night. >> everything i do during this, i'm coordinating with white house counsel. there will be no difference between the president's position and our position as to how to handle this, to the extent that we can. the case is so darn weak that is coming over from the house, we all know how it is going to end. there's no chance the president is going to be removed from office. my hope is that there won't be a single republican who votes for either of these articles of impeachment. >> sean: needless to say, the professional impeachment cheerleaders,>> the mob in the media, we now know nothing but an extension of every lie. they got it all wrong on mueller, four investigation, and they missed the biggest corruption, abuse of power scandal, as we learned this week, in their lifetime. they didn't care about hillary's bought and paid for, dirty, russian, unverifiable dossier, which we now know was used as the bulk of information in the fisa report. h
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without it, they never would've gotten the fisa report. to take away the constitutional right of carter page, then back door, everything into trump. campaign, transition, and presidency. the mob, they are not happy that mitch mcconnell is scratching their dreams. for the past 24 hours, they've been touring a massive temper tantrum, as usual. what do you expect from them? pouting, temper tantrum, anger. because they are losing, take a look. >> mcconnell is willfully sort of violating norms that we have about his conduct or what it's supposed to be in this setting. >> it is deeply disturbing to hear the head of the jury say that he is coordinating with the defendant. that is essentially what is happening here. ea >> as the senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell stated explicitly that he does not care about this constitutional process. he thumbed his nose at the way this is supposed to proceed.
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>> sean: oh, okay. same people who held the compromised, corrupt, congenital liar schiff's hand. carried his water throughout every lie, every con, every abuse of power, every secret hearing. for over three years now, they have done nothing for the american people, but conspired with democrats, state run tv and the media, to take down a duly elected president, breathlessly pushing one lie, one hoax, one conspiracy after another. reporting democratic talking points as gospel truth, and all the while pretending to be unbiased news. "this is nbc news." no, they are not. in the end, they were wrong about everything. thankfully, to this great ensemble team wery have put together on this program, my radio show, mark, rush, a few others. some other people here, too. not everybody. they say, we were right. we made sure we were right. they were wrong about the 2016 election. we were right aboute that. we were right about obama being a radical president with a horrible record. that proved to be true. they were wrong four times on the russian collusion hoax that
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they pushed.ho wrong about brett kavanaugh. they pushed that lie. wrong about nicholas sandmann, the covington high school kid,. he's going to be rich, and he deserves every penny. wrong about deep state spying, and they did spy on a candidate, and a president, and a transition team. wrong about fisa abuse. comey straight up lied. schiff straight up lied. wrong about the current ukraine hoax. so why have they been so wrong so often? because they are driven by hate, rage, psychosis, and an agenda. a left wing, radical, socialist agenda, and whereas we are guided in our investigations by actual facts, knowledgeable sources that we check and double check. and, of course, our ensemble team of journalists, investigative reporters, that we brought you night aftere night for almost three years on this show. now, i will say, i was a little overwhelmed today. in the "american spectator." jeffrey lord, he got pushed out
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of cnn.ov he published an op-ed title -- by the way, he works for "spectator," and also on his own website, titled "a vindication of sean hannity, a relentless pursuit of the truth." not about me. the article details how this program, with our great ensemble cast, and i want all of them who work so hard to take a bow, we were pretty much the only outlet on tv -- couple friends on talk radio, not everybody here by any stretch -- that investigated, used real sources, real materials, real reporting in what we've been calling the biggest abuse of power, corruption scandal in history. i want to thank everybody who has been on this show the last three years. the hard work that we have done. we were right about fisa, and the fisa fraud. right about deep state spying, right about weaponized intelligence, right about the bulk of information, the unverifiable dossier. even learned there is only one sub source. we didn't even know that part and that guy laughed, he saided that was bar talk.
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and we were right about the current ukrainian witch hunt as well. yeah, we believe putin is a bad guy, hostile actor, hostile regime. yeah, we intervened, in 2015. but "politico," january 11th, 2017, they chronicled ukrainian election interference to help hillary and her to trump. the facts are on the president's side, they always have been. take a look. >> they're never going to stop. congressman greene said yesterday, if the senate doesn't convict, it will not end. this is not about ukraine. facts are on the president's side. zelensky said he wasn't pressured. ukraine didn't even know aid was withheld at the timeit of the call, and most importantly, they did nothing to get the aid released.le this is about one basic fact. the democrats have never accepted the will of the american people. >> sean: thank goodness for the freedom caucus. jordan, meadows, gaetz, devin nunes, i can't mention them all, radcliffe. here with reaction, former house oversight committee chairman,
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former state and federal prosecutor, never lost a case as a prosecutor, fox news contributor trey gowdy is with us. all right, you watch this. now, i think i know the federal rules of evidence, correct me, counselor, if i'm wrong hereal t they don't allow hearsayes witnesses, and short of an expert witness or two, i assume opinion witnesses will not be warranted in a senate trial presided over by the chief justice of the supreme court. theeah, i don't think senators care what three conlaw professors to the extent they can stay awake while three law professors testify. i don't think they care about whether or not those three law professors think this president should be removed from office. hearsay or nearly is not admissible. there areic certain exceptions. we were talking about it just on the phone.t you can get certain hearsay in. but the record is already complete. they've called all their witnesses. ironically enough, the house
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judiciary didn't call a single solitary fact witness. they called more fact witnesses for the watergate impeachment than they did for the trump impeachment. the record is already in, it's full. let's vote. send it to the jury and let's vote. >> sean: i actually could be persuaded either way,, in that i actually think these people are so nuts that -- let the house of representatives, whoever they appoint, let them do whatever they want to do. then, once they have the votes, the 51 votes, i would assume, call the roll, get it out of there.s but then, investigate the whistle-blower.e, then the congenital liar schiff. then hunter and joe. we really care about quids and pros and quos, then joe is right there. >> what i tell clients, you can say whatever you want after thee trial is over. you want to say something about the judge, the police, you want to say something about anyone,
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but wait until the verdict is in. and the president is not going to be removed from office or convicted on these articles, so my advice advice to him is get acquitted, and then you can say whatever you want to the democrats and the media. as if they are two different things. >> sean: do you believe hunter and joe, quid pro quo joe, andin the congenital liar schiff, the contact that his office likely had with the whistle-blower, nonwhistle-blower, hearsay whistle-blower. and the whistle-blower, nonwhistle-blower. they should all be investigated and there are other means of doing that, short of in the impeachment trial confines. >> yeah, i can't think of a worse way to investigate something than to have congress do it. the house has an ethics committee. if they want to bring adam up for that ridiculous parity -- for that ridiculous parody -- >> sean: about the senate? he might have immunity, but his staff wouldn't. >> yeah, i mean quite candidly,
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i don't see lindsay doing that. if there are misrepresentations made, well, you've talked to him more recently than i have, but i think once the president is found not guilty, acquitted, then the attention turns to 2020 and the president has the biggest bully pulpit in the world. if he wants to make a point, make it, but make it as someone who has been acquitted on two articles of impeachment.ld don't make it during the trial.n >> sean: let me ask you one more thing -- >> we are going to win right now. don't mess it up. >> sean: i agree with that. last question. you hear joe biden saying, you're not getting the billion dollars, unless you fire the prosecutor. he knew that the prosecutor he wanted to fire was investigating his zero experience son that is getting paid millions. that sound like a potential crime to you, sir? >> i would need to know more about it. but i would also tell you this, i have a ton of confidence in bill barr, and if there is a factual predicate and what wee
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learn from horowitz is that factual predicate doesn't have to be too high to investigate something. if there is a factual predicate, let the professionals do it. i just don't think congress has acquitted itself well since i've been following it when it comes to seriously investigating -- let the professionals do it if there is a predicate for doing usso. >> sean: by the way, i know for a short time you weren't a fox news contributor. i am advocating the full, complete reinstatement at a raise for you. trey gowdy, thank you. >> thank you, i will have you be my agent. thank you. >> sean: you would make a good choice if you chose me. i'm kidding. earlier today, president trump weighed in on the democrats ongoing witch hunt. as usual, he is fighting back, as he should. take a look. >> it's a witch hunt, it's a sham, it's a hoax. nothing was done wrong. zero was done wrong. i think it's a horrible thingino be using the tool of impeachment, which is supposed to be used in an emergency.or
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it's a scam, it's something that shouldn't be allowed, and it's a very bad thing for our country, and you are trivializing impeachment. the people are absolutely disgusted. nobody has ever seen anything like this, and i watched yesterday. i got to see quite a bit of it yesterday, and i watched these democrats on the committee make fools out of themselves. >> sean: the president is right. if democrats are able to jamak this thing through the house, the ball will be squarely in the president's court. republicans will have the upper hand, so how will they use it? joining us now, former independent counsel ken starr, and author of the best seller "guilt by association." "guilt by association." harvard law professor alan dershowitz. good to see you both. professor -- by the way, i read the book. i don't want to go up against you in court. either one of you, i will be
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very blunt. great read. here's what i want to ask you, they didn't call ken starr and alan dershowitz up there to be ivory tower trump haters, one of which actually wanted to impeach trump because he tweeted out the words "fake" and "news." they want to impeach him for there was only one fact witness that i saw, and his testimony was exculpatory. i want nothing, no quid pro quo. >> look, the most important development happened today.ex n the supreme court of the united states absolutely pulled the rug out of part two of the impeachment referral by granting review in a case where trump challenged a congressional subpoena, and the supreme court said, we are going to hear this case. >> sean: all three cases, by the way. >> but think of what that message is. it's "trump was right." you don't have to comply with a subpoena of congress unless the court tells you you have to comply. we don't know how the court is going to come out, but they made it clear that is a viable issue. so that charge, that ground of impeachment should be immediately removed by the house
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and not sent to the senate. there is nothing to it anymore after the supreme court today said they were going to review on an issue when the president challenges the subpoena power of congress. all done, it's >> sean: i agree, but ken starr, i will ask you because every other president has used the issue of executive privilege. i thought they would lose that hands down, and i think professor dershowitz is right, but when there is a conflict between the executive branch and the legislative branch, and one seeks remedy in the judicial branch, that would be our system of coequal branches of government, actually, they are o there to resolve such conflicts. are they not? >> exactly right. that is precisely what happened, sean, as you know, in the clinton impeachment. there were a number of instances when president clinton through his very able lawyers invoked executive privilege.
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that is fair, it is a constitutionally based privilege recognized by unanimous supreme court during the nixon impeachmentge process. or investigative process. so it's very important in our separation of power system, for the judiciary branch, the article three branch, to be able to do its work. when the article one branch, congress, is exercising its authority, and so is the article two branch, that is precisely when the courthouse door needs to be open. and as alan just said, that is why the supreme court is sent, among other things, to resolve these interbranch conflicts. >> sean: do you think, this is your party, i know you're not proud of your party tonight.n: do you think the damage they have done here, hating trump for three years, nonstop investigation, no evidenceam of anything, and they've done nothing for the american people. what does that do to them, politically?
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>> well, it should hurt them. the american people should hold them accountable. they have damaged the constitution. they have inflicted a wound on our system of checks and balances and separation of powers. they have abused the power of congress by impeaching for grounds that are not in the constitution.ed it's hamilton and madison's nightmare. hamilton said the most dangerous thing that could happen isis to have an impeachment by the house just based on the numbers of votes you can get, not guilty or innocent, and madison said that if you start using phrases like power -- >> sean: everybody's guilty. >> everybody is guilty, and it's a weapon that can be used against everybody. >> sean: last word. >> it is a terrible thing, especially the abuse of power. compare and contrast this abuse of power article with the abuse of power article in the nixon impeachment. the abuse of power article in the nixon impeachment was filled with crimes.
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terrible crimes. including the misuse of the fbi, which we've just seen. >> sean: oh, the misuse of the fbi. oh, you mean like what we learned this week, that the fbi used a dirty, clinton bought and paid for dossier that was unverifiable, the fisa warrant? by the way, not rank and file. this is not a good week at all for the deep state democrats and the mob in the media. thank you both. you've been incredible and your commentary.e when we come back from a congenital liar, yes, the compromise adam schiff went on economy show to talk impeachment. you can't make this up. we've got the video, straight ahead. ♪ t the video strai are you sick and tired of looking and feeling heavy? probioslim promotes healthy digestion and helps you lose weight.
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headquarters, i'm anna kooiman. the nation's highest court agrees to resolve the legal battle over president donald trump's finances. the president had filed appeals in three separate cases to prevent his financial records, including tax returns, from being turned over to house democrats and manhattan's district attorney. the d.a. is conducting a criminal investigation of mr. trump and his real estate business. and the supreme court will hold oral arguments in march with rulings expected by the end of june. in other news, a legal matter for you. federal appeals court rules that mississippi's ban on abortion at 15 weeks is unconstitutional. the ban was blocked last year by a lower court judge, but since then, mississippi legislators have passed more restrictive law banning most abortions at about six weeks. a federal judge has blocked that one too come in the legal fight continues. i'm anna kooiman. back to "hannity." ♪ >> sean: now the compromised,
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corrupt, congenital liar adam schiff. he can't help himself. literally every time this guy opens his mouth, lies, smears, scandal, disinformation.ow slander, disinformation. when you compare earlier this week to nunes said compared to what he said, he lied for three years about russia. now he's lying about this,d, making up the quotes as he went along. last night, he went on "the late show" with left winger, not-funny stephen colbert to promote more mass impeachment hysteria, delusion, and lies. take a look. >> there are two articles. the first is the president's misconduct regarding ukraine. the president essentially tried to shake down the leader of another country by withholding hundreds of millions of dollars of military assistance to a nation at war with russia. >> do you think it would be a smart thing to call adam schiff to testify in front of the senate?hh do you have any evidence at your fingertips that the president has perhaps abused his office? >> well, yes, i do. [laughs] but i am no more a fact witness than you are.
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the practical effect of the argument, why don't you just wait until you get mick mulvaney in before you impeach, is to say, why don't you wait until after the president sheets again in the next elections, and then try to do something about it? >> sean: did he say fact witness?s? because he only -- even in his audition, you know, interviews to get the right people that he thought would help him, everybody he brought into his schiff show. every one of them was either a hearsay or opinion witness except one. ambassador sondland, what did he say? the only one that talked to the president of all of the people. he said, mr. president, what do you want to release the aid? nothing, no quid pro quo like joe. no shakedown. and by the way, that is a lie, just like he lied for three years., "i've got all the evidence, it's overwhelming." a lie. zelensky has now saidve multiple times, two weekends ago, said it again, no pressure whatsoever, the aid was delivered.
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five meetings after the call, high level, including the vice president. no one ever talked about aid. in the call they never talked about aid. by the way, and the democrats, sondland, one nonhearsay witness sondland gave us everything we needed in the whole thing. and guess what? schiff also lied, he was not a fact witness in the case. here's reaction, steve scalise, caucus chair andy biggs. steve, we will start with you as you are the higher ranking person here. this guy's lied for three years. democrats have lied for three years.e the mob and the media have lied, state run tv, an extension of all things radical, socialist, extremee democrat. >> yeah, there is really no credibility left. when you look, even in his statements on the comedy show, he expressed his disdain for the people of ukraine and their fight against russia. where was that disdain when barack obama was saying no to ukraine?
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when they said, hey, help us stand up to russia? do you know, sean, president trump has sold 360 javelin missiles to ukraine. zelensky actually thanked president trump on that infamous phone call. do you know how many of those javelins obama sold? not one. zero. obama and biden, by the way, why haven't they answered to that? president trump gave them the things they need, there was no quid pro quo. you even look at the responses, there were agencies, they say obstruction of congress, whatever they mean by that. agencies like the department of defense, they subpoenaed information. i've got a letter, dated october 7th, they subpoenaed the department of defense for information. on october 15th, the secretary of defense himself responded, and not once did they come back to the defense department. not once did they go to court. these agencies complied, they might not have given them the answers they wanted, in some cases they might've gone on to
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courts, like president obama and every other president has done. fast and furious took us six years to get information. didn't get everything. >> sean: yeah. >> absolutely, and look at what we've done to comply. what president trump is doing, by the way, to get the facts oue there, releasing the transcripts to show there was no quid pro quo, yet they still go on with this. it's a political vendetta. it's not an impeachment. that is with the people of this country are seeing. >> sean: and as the whip, you can tell us you are not losing a single republican in the schiff show? >> i object, sean. not only will there be no republicans, there will be democrats voting against impeachment. never before in the history of our country have they ran through a partisan impeachment. never before. it was always bipartisan. there will be democrats voting "no," as well. >> sean: kevin mccarthy, asea you know, i've been very critical of republicans for a lot of years for being weak, and spineless, and visionless, and
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feckless. sorry, you deserve it all. i'm a registered conservative but i will say it's been very impressive to see republicans fight for once. don't stop! now fight for everything else. let me get to andy biggs. i will say this, too. owithout the freedom congress, the jim jordans, mark meadows, the ever so young, but he had a great time, he's been great. matt gaetz, elise stefanik, who has been a rising star. ratcliffe, devin nunes, this has been -- freedom caucus, i don't know. really seems to be the foundation of the backbone of the republican party. >> sean, the freedom caucus is a group of men and women who really are principled, and you get a great constitutional debate any time you come to the freedom caucus. but one thing we know is that this was an assault on our constitution. it's an assault on the united states of america. it's an assault on the american voters. that is the way we've viewed this and that is why we've stepped up and fought tooth and nail..
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we are a group of fighters, and with the help of steve and kevin and so many others in the conference, we've been able to stand up and really push back on the democrats and expose them. you've talk about adam schiff tonight. that guy's credibility is nothing. and you know what? the democrats relied on his report that he put out. so last night, they are all quoting from adam schiff's report as if it's the gospel. but we know that he's lied over and over and over again. so the freedom caucus guys know the that, the conference knows that. we've been fighting together and it's been wonderful to be united as a republican party in congress at this time. >> sean: thank you both for what you're doing. when we come back, oh, hillary clinton really, really needs to get over losing the 2016 election. y remember the long list of excuses? plus, another hint she might throw her hat in the ring for 2020. okay? go for it, hillary. stay tuned. ♪ okay? go for it, hillary. stay tuned.
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♪ >> sean: two-time failed presidential candidate hillary rodham clinton now poised to jump into the 2020 race. an upcoming series fueling speculation. take a look. >> i really want to marry you but you shouldn't marry me. >> chelsea put herself between us and held both our>> hands trying to keep us together. >> you can be better than i can be. >> i want to push the envelope as far as we can push it. if i said back up, you creep, what i sound angry? >> one of the most honored and vilified women in american history. >> somebody asked me what i want written on my gravestone, i
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would say, "she is neither as good nor as bad as people say about her." >> sean: even recently, hillary could not stop by chiming in on trump's impeachment, saying, "america deserves freer and fairer elections." that's what we had last time, in 2016, the one she lost. seems like everyday there is more bad news for sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle joe. 30330. that had bleached hair in the summer. it is being reported, hunter biden's controlled substance charge in 1988 was kept under wraps while his father was advocating for's harsher drug laws under the u.s. senate. with reaction to that, author of "the new york times" best seller "witch hunt," gregg jarrett. also, the author of "resistance at all costs," fox news contributor kimberley strassel. we start with you. uh-oh, that is a problem. >> for hunter biden, joe biden. yeah. both joe biden and hillary clinton have more baggage than an airport terminal. hillary clinton's docuseries is
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promoting herself. which is what her book is about. she doesn't promote books, she promotes herself. and the reason is because she has this persistent, mlk-like dream. i have a dream i will walk out onto the stage of the democratic convention next summer and by acclamation, i will be the nominee because they are deadlocked. the problem is that she is just haunted by too many scandals. the uranium one, pay to play scandal. the email scandal. and, of course, the most recent. she paid for the russia hoax. and so, you know, good luck with your mlk-like dream, hillary. >> sean: you had a great catch this week. kimberley strassel. it had to do with gps's glenn simpson because what they are officially telling us is operation hurricane intel, which mccarthy says he cannot have it until the president signs off on it, that would be obama. but the catch is fusion gps was
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actually talking about russia and collusion in may. and meanwhile, they say it didn't start until july 30th or 31st. >> yeah, exactly. this is very fishy, sean.nt if you go through all the relevant players here, the fbi said, we weren't thinking about trump-russia collusion until the end of july. you go back and look at glenn simpson's senate testimony and he says that he only hired christopher steele in may because he wanted him to look into trump's business dealings. then you go and you read the ige report and here is what steele told the ig. he said simpson approached himd in may specifically to look into any ties between the trump campaign and russia and whether or not russia was trying to get a specific election outcome. now, where did glenn simpson get this narrative this early in the game? >> sean: i think that is such a great question. gregg, what do you take on this? >> he got it from american intelligence agencies.
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likely the instigator of the hoax, which is john brennan. and the amazing part is if you look at the time line, and i put this in my book, within two weeks, christopher steele comes up with the dossier, at least the first and second memos. if you read those memos, that is an impossibility. unless he is just fed a bunch of garbage, and, of course, that's what we learned from the ig report. that it all largely came from a sub source who is finally confronted by the fbi and he said, are you kidding me? these are all exaggerations. >> sean: give the last word to kimberley.y. i got a kick out of the sub source that says, that was bar talk. one sub source, you know, we knew that christopher steele didn't say it but he is saying, you actually, really believed that hooker's story in moscow? >> here is the amazing thing, he
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goes through the report, and the fbi had about a million red flags presented the second this report came in, yet they didn't bother to find the source and talk to him until january 2017. they could've saved the country so much grief if they had done basic due diligence on this guy and his reporting and spared us all. >> sean: all right, thank you both. great work, the both of you the last couple years. hard work, investigative reporting. when we come back, oh, we have a big announcement to make. that is at the end of the show. but a big warning sign from 2020 democrats from across the pond, straight ahead. ♪ from 2020 democrats from across the pond, straight ahead. guys, it's time to step up your game. force factor's alpha king boosts total testosterone for more lean muscle in the gym, more energy, and more passion and drive so you can rule the bedroom. unleash your potential with alpha king. now available at gnc.
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themselves from, oh, hardworking, law-abiding, taxpaying, common sense americans. especially far-left radical congresswoman tlaib, who falsely claimed the recent tragic shooting in jersey that targeted a jewish community was an act of white supremacy. that is a complete live. in fact, the shooters were tied to the black hebrew israelites. where have we heard that again? nicholas sandmann, is probably going to be a multibillionaire? is tlaib ever going to issue an apology? b in the meantime, leader of the squad, alexandria ocasio-cortez is hitting new levels of embarrassment after her socialist comrade from great britain, jeremy corbyn was smashed in a landslide defeat in the u.k. elections. alexandria ocasio-cortez actually endorsed the radical
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leader, who has a deep, disturbing history ofs anti-semitism, but the good news is boris johnson and thehe conservatives won by historic proportions in what was a stinging rebuke of the economy-killing socialist agenda. sounds like joe biden is worried, calling boris johnson a "physical and emotional clone of president trump." the fact is the democratic party is more destructive than ever. more extreme than ever. they are not helping the country, ever, at any point. all they do is hate trump. t they are more disconnected from reality than ever before, and their policies are even more radical and extreme every day. here withve reaction, charlie hurt, fox news contributor. sara carter. good to see you both. sara, watching this whole thing unfold, i read a lot of headlines today, and fear literally struck at the heart of the democratic party. there have been comparisons. look, i think trump is an original. a i don't think you can duplicate him. but he got a majority that nobody anticipated. the biggest since margaret thatcher.
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>> that is absolutely right, and if biden thoughtht he was insulting boris johnson, he is completely wrong. it's an absolute complement. it's a political compliment because what we are seeing in great britain is what has happened here. the people are sick and tired of having someone tell them what they should do, who they should vote for. tthey care about britain first, they want to see action, they want to see change, that is why we saw such a shift in parliament in great britain. you know, over 362 seats for the conservative party. you know, jeremy corbyn lost everything. he lost everything. and now, here in the united states, it's the same situation. biden should take a good, hard look at his party and what happened with it. he is the problem in his own party and how it swung so far to the left. the american people are not going to buy into socialism, they don't want socialism, and i think it is an example of what we saw happen in great britain.
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>> sean: and he is offering today, we will legalize however many illegal immigrants in the do you see this, charlie, as a preview of coming attractions? and do you see the similarities that many have made, because not only the democrats, they jumped out of the airplane. the airplane is 5,000, 10,000 feet above them. they are locked into the new green they're locked into medicare for all. they are locked into radical, i-hate-trump-ism. >> what we are learning right now and what joe biden is frantically signaling a little late in the game, i would say, is all these crazy ideas we've been shocked and appalled over that we've been hearing from these people over the past couple of years, it's not just a dead loser in a generalse election, it's a loser among democratic voters. the mainstream democratic voters don't want this, either. it's just this screaming, crazy, left-wing, twitter mob group of far-left crazies who want this instuff. and if joe biden had been an
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adult and had an ounce of statesmanship in him and actually ran as a centrist democrat candidate over the past year and a half, he would be in a great position right now. but instead, he ran off with the circus, and he's completely discredited himself. >> sean: let me ask you both. on top of him saying to voters, calling them fat and liars, and talking about his legs. >> the shiny hair on his legs. the shiny blonde hair. >> sean: when we come back, moderate democrats fearful of voting for trump's impeachment.y you need to hear rush limbaugh's advice. i think rush is right. that's straight ahead. ♪ 's s
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to put on our website? i mean i would have but i'm a commercial vehicle so i don't have hands... or a camera...or a website. should we franchise? is the market ready for that? can we franchise? how do you do that? meg! oh meg! we should do that thing where you put the business cards in the fishbowl and somebody wins something. -meg: hi. i'm here for... i'm here for the evans' wedding. -we've got the cake in the back, so, yeah. -meg: thank you. -progressive knows small business makes big demands. -you're not gonna make it, you're not gonna make it! ask her if we can do her next wedding too! -so we'll design the insurance solution that fits your business. -on second thought, don't...ask that. ♪ ♪ >> sean: ukrainian impeachment coup attempt, the house democrats last ditch effort.
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even they admitted it was their only shot to president trump impeaching him in 2020. we will impeach him again and again and again and again. we don't care about the american people in the house democrats should be shaking in their boots. it will not go for them in this upcoming election. rush limbaugh, the americas anchorman advice for modern democrats. take a listen. >> come out and fully support trump. if you want to get reelected, all 31 a few democrats entrance district, he will run again. come out and support him. you don't have to go on campaign visits or rallies, but come down and support him. and you will be reelected. now, you will get reelected and i understand that leadership will not be happy with you but you will be reelected if you come out and support trump. do not doubt me on this. >> sean: i'm not downing you. all right big announcement this weekend i want you to tune into the mark levin show.
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okay, we are changing roles. i will be the guest for the full hour. well, here is a preview. >> are you going to let me tell my story about you, folks you want to hear the story. first of all, i want to see what goes on. you can tell. i wants, to tell, one minute. you want me to do it now? >> go ahead. >> i think it was actually during the clinton impeachment. somewhere around there you when i started talking. >> sean: by the way that is a fox news channel. it is cold in the studio. mark's show for a full hour and i will be his guest 8:00 p.m. sunday night number one show cable network right here in the fox news channel peer that is all the time we have left t this evening. this was a bad week for the democrats, the media mob and let's say the deep state. we will stay on the truth.
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we will never be the praise trumpp media mob. set your dvr so you never miss a episode and we will be back onou monday. let not your heart be trouble. "the ingraham angle" is next and we hope you have a great weeke weekend. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight and as expected, the pathetic judiciary committee on a straight party line voteed moved impeachment articles, two measly one come against president trump to the full house floor. congressman lee zeldin and matt gaetz both stunningly effective in michigan. we will sound off right here in a moment. plus, the horowitz report exposed to the fbi's gross abuse of power in spying on the trump campaign. so why is the media still lying about what happened? jeffrey lord and tammy bruce, oh, boy. they have this week's edition of the worst in media. a lot of competition there. also tonight, my angle lays out the repeated failures of the so-called experts, both here and abroad here to specially
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