tv Hannity FOX News December 16, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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life together we hope will be blessed. that is it for us tonight. we will be back at 8:00 p.m. the sworn enemy of >> the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. sean hannity with more. ♪ welcome to "hannity" as the democrats are going over the cliff politically, destroying themselves, otherwise what we see tonight is to culmination of the pathetic so-called resistance against president trump. it is backfiring big time. lawmakers are set to vote on articles of impeachment. it is the last meaningless step in what has been just the baseless political smear against the president. three years do-nothing democrats the latest chapter in what has been desperate, dishonest nonstop effort to undo a duly
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elected president and take the president down to the will of his supporters. we, the people, and like every other attempt to destroy president trump it is on a pack of lies by the partisan hacks that can never be trusted. the individuals advocating for this madness impeachment were the very same people pushing the russia, russia, russia collusion hoax. they were wrong, for separate investigations dead wrong, mueller report, no collusion. and tonight we will detail all of their lives, live their corruption come all the individuals behind this. we start with a hero at the deep state, the super patriot himself who won't come on this program jim comey. he has been lying deceiving and formed the very basis of the russia hoax. what we now know, everything we reported to end two and a half years dead on accurate. the fall of 2016, comey signed up on the first fisa warrant application, against
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carter page. one step, two-step, page and then the trump campaign transition and as attorney general barr said deep into the trunk presidency, he signed that application purity sign three of them ultimately. he swore that the material provided was true and accurate on the top of a pfizer application it said verify and it was unverifiable, the overwhelming majority of information was hillary clinton dirty dossier. that was the first of many repulsive lies the application we now know relied on a single source, secondhand information from christopher steele paid by the clinton campaign and the dnc. and comey's fisa application admitted what they knew that clinton paid for the material. and it also admitted the material was not verified were cooperated. oh, well, comey fisa application admitted christopher steele political bias against the
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president. there were numerous warnings he had not to use this information and subsequent renewals submitted by comey omitted primary sub source, the sub source, the only source not even a source. he described his own evidence as the rumors hearsay speculation accrued bar joke. and admitted the sub source even questions steele credibility. wow and he admitted steele doubted the sub horse. and street applied, straight up lied about carter page and his connection to the cia. one of comey's lawyers change the document to remove the fact that page, well, was a source for the cia but instead said was not a source. remember, comey told us all in the claims of fisa abuse was just utter nonsense. this is a lie what we are about to show you. look.
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>> total confidence that the fisa process was followed and that the entire case was handled in a thoughtful, responsible way by doj and the fbi. i think the notion fisa was abused as nonsense. >> sean: nonsense yet another like comey knew it was garbage and unverifiable rumors and speculation and he was warned multiple times. and even christopher steele under oath when he heard this he should have gone back. i have no idea of any of it is true. that is why he repeatedly denied that it was used with the bulk of information in the fisa applications that we now know also was a lie. that means devin nunes was rig right, and that means graham was right and the schiff show, he lied repeatedly too. take a look. >> you call the dossier unverified, salacious. why did you use that for the fisa court for carter page? no one used it but you lead with
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it, bulk of the fisa application deals with the dossier. why? >> that is not my recollection, brett. i don't know if the fisa application was released. my recollection was it was part of mosaic facts that were laid before the fisa judge to obtain a fisa warrant. >> there was a lot more than the dossier and fisa application? >> meant additional material about page and why an age in a foreign power. and the dossier was part of that, but was not a lipid or a critical part of it to my recollection. >> sean: a critical part, basically it was everything. another lie. the inspector general finding the dirty dossier was that the central and east central -- essential piece of the fisa application. just like any liar, he comey cannot come to truth. >> you don't see a difference of a broader mosaic and played an
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essential role in establishing probable cause? >> it was one of a bunch of different facts that resembled and applied to the court. it was the one that convinced the lawyers they have enough now added to the pile to go forward. >> did you know that the fbi had talked to the russian contact and he said what steele said, he had told him it was not true? did you know this? you are the fbi director. >> first, again, the report will speak for itself. i don't believe fbi reported that steele was debunked. they did not find misconduct by fbi people. he found mistakes and negligent an oversight. >> no, no, no. kevin kleinsmith reported for a federal investigation. >> right but that has not been resolved and changing an email to a partner on the team. >> sean: in case you are wondering, comey is not having a psychotic break from reality but lying like usual through his teeth. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett in his witch hunt with a slice of the tip of the
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iceberg. first, as fbi director look at this, comey repeatedly assured donald trump that he was not a suspect in the counter and tell investigation of russia, a lie. the spring of 2018, comey claimed he still had no idea who funded the steele dossier. life. before he was ultimately fired, comey told the president, he doesn't leak and he does not do weasel moves. that was a lie too. in fact, comey leaked meetings and conversations with the president of the united states. and special counsel horowitz in this case, the inspector general referred him to the doj. remember, criminal prosecution over leaking and lack of candor. make no mistake, there is a real human cost to all of these lies. this is the premier law enforcement agency and the entire world. this entire russia witch hunt that put this country through nearly three years of, carter/paige's reputation
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utterly destroyed come illegally spied on, civil liberties violated, his civil rights didn't exist, constitutional rights, nonexistent. op-ed by law professor with and truly an to carter page details the reckless nonstop smear of a private citizen all because of comey's fraudulent fisa application. let's not forget about attorney general michael flynn and what he did to a 33 year veteran. as part of comey's deceitful investigation, what did he do? he brags, first to andrew mccabe, no you don't need a lawyer. but he brags, james comey breads and sets up an american war hero. i would never do this or try this and the bush or obama years. i wouldn't ever do that, watch this. >> you look at this white house now and it is hard to imagine the fbi agents but how did that happen? >> i sent them. [laughter]
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something i probably wouldn't have done or maybe have gotten away with in a more organized investigation, a more organized administration and the george w. bush administration, for example or obama administration. both of those administrations there was process so the fbi wanted to send agents into the white house itself to interview senior official, you would work through the white house counsel. there would be discussions, approvals, and it would be there. and i thought early enough, lit sent a couple of guys over. >> sean: oak my wouldn't do these in these other administrations. is this the higher loyalty that you claim to possess, jim? because is that how you treat a 33 year veteran of this country, served in combat, jim. that just shows you to be so deceptive, narcissistic and yeah, you are a liar. jim comey also signs a fisa application verified
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october 2016. close to trump tower 2017. it is salacious but unverified president-elect. light again any signs two more fisa fisa applications. he lies. and the irony of all of this attorney general flynn, not comey who face is behind bars for lying when the fbi didn't even think he was lying. but they are going after his kids and he goes bankrupt. oh melissa you will prosecute my son or fall on the sword. i am shocked at general flynn's decision but without a doubt comey played a central role of the weaponization of these most powerful tools that we can trust to our government and they turned them against week, the people. he didn't act alone. let's see what former cia director john brennan, and notorious liar, what role he's played in all of this. i can't wait to get to the bottom of the fact. according to multiple sources, he strongly advocated for hillary clinton's bought and paid for dirty dossier to be
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included in the official until assessment. time will tell. the inspector general horowitz confirmed this fact in his report because 2017 we do know this. brennan clearly lied to congress when he said the exact opposite. take a look. >> you know if ever relied on the steele dossier as part of any court filings? applications? petitions, pleadings? >> i have no awareness. did the cia rely on it? no. >> why not? >> because it wasn't part of the purpose of intelligence information that we had. it was not in any way used as a basis for the until assessment that was done. it was not. >> sean: just wondering what prosecuting durham and attorney bar no one up a lot that we will learn in the days and weeks ahead appear at the cia director
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used important status to push baseless, harmful conspiracy theories against president of the united states repeatedly. take a look. >> i think he is afraid of the president of russia. >> why? >> one can speculate as to why the russians may have something on him personally that they could roll out and make his life more difficult. clearly, i think it is important to improve relations with russia. but the fact he has had this attitude towards mr. putin has not said anything negative about him, continues to say to the media he has something to fear. >> sean: lies, deceptions, hoax, conspiracy theories, rumors, speculation, conjecture. two of the most powerful democrats abuse the power. they spread false information. they tried to undo a presidential election. and they got caught. they are corruption must not go unpunished. here now with reaction from her trump associate deep state target in self carter page,
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author of "witch hunt" commit gregg jarrett is with us from fox news. jonathan turley's piece about you have you read it, carter? >> yeah, sean i felt bad for professor turley because he, the issue he has dealt with with the threats, the death threats he had after this crazy impeachment controversy. you know, i appreciate what he had to say, but i know he's been living through a lot of the same craziness. he deserves an apology just as much. >> sean: let me bring this audience a little bit behind the scenes in our relationship. a lot of people told me not to trust you. a lot of people told me you were guilty of doing a lot of these things. i was always skeptical, but i had you in my radio studio in the tv studio. i kept pressing you, i would say on a scale of 1-10, i gave you 9-8. at some point, i figured out that you work for some three letter agency. i remember the exact moment, actually.
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but i kept asking you, do you love your country? i kept asking you, when you would go to these countries, did you come back and talk to people in certain agencies? you are uncomfortable, but eventually, the story began. you sort of started coming clean. then i realized, he is working on our behalf and probably if you go to russia and come back talking to the cia, that is a pretty risky thing to do in life for the country that he loves, is that true? >> it is true, sean. i was trying to stay true in terms of, you know, having confidentiality. unfortunately, as many of the same people you showed were constantly leaking and constantly giving false information to the press. unfortunately, it created a situation where now, particularly now that we have the inspector general report, we can be more vocal and more upfront as to, you know, all the wrong doings in some of the things we've had to deal with over the last few years which
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has been crazy. >> sean: you know can i talk about comey's lies in the deep state. a lot of people thought we were nuts, greg but we have been vindicated every step of the way. you go into chapter verse a lot of detail in your books the best two sellers you have written about come about the abuse of power come about the corruption. tell us what you see in your little gregg jarrett legal crystal ball for the future for people like comey, mccabe, strzok, page, brennan, klapper? >> legal jeopardy. i mean james comey manufactured evidence, concealed evidence, manipulated the fisa court to spy on carter page and the trump campaign. and when caught, now he is feigning ignorance and amnesia. i wasn't involved in the investigation. they kept information from me
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and gosh, i just didn't know. when people get caught in a lie, they have two choices, they can either fess up or they can invent vapid excuses. that is precisely what james comey is doing. you know, carter page sent a letter directly to james comey about three weeks before the first fisa warrant was signed by comey telling comey, hey, i've been helping the u.s. government intelligence agency. that document should have been presented to the fisa court. instead, comey concealed it. it was exculpatory evidence. had the court known about that, they would have rejected comey/set fisa application. he doubled down even when he learned three years ago next month that the dossier was garbage. spilling quarter, thank you, gregg jarrett, thank you. you can see the swamp full of partisan hacks on capitol hill
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and we have the biggest liar of them all. the compromised, corrupt congenital layer adam schiff. he all about trump collusion, he lied about having secret evidence of collusion. he lied about having evidence of collusion in plain sight, the dirty dossier, in fact, he entered the dossier misinformation lies into the official record. he also lied about fisa abuse and we can prove that to, take a look. >> is that your representation to the nation, so there that everything the fbi did in the process of obtaining surveillance warrant on carter page absolutely follows proper protocol, every evidentiary standard was met, and there was nothing askew about that warrant ever? >> major, there is nothing askew at about that warrant that i can see. if the republicans were really concerned about this because everything that i have seen the fbi acted completely appropriately. >> sean: well, of course,
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thanks to horowitz and this is just the beginning, here is what we can report tonight. devin nunes and the memo was 1000% correct. the schiff, despite, the greatest lies, american economy is booming like never before. even the washington report had to admit the u.s. economy is heading into 2020 at a pace of steady sustained growth. good news for the american people but bad news for democrats. here with reaction is the host of mornings with maria on the fox business channel. also, i have to admit my favorite hour you do is right here on this channel, you have the best interviews, and i can never have you on the show because you have to get up at 1:00, 2:00 in the morning. i don't go to bed until you and peter doocy get up. so you guys come i don't know how you do it. but you do a great show here.
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you have been all over this. you have done a phenomenal job, great interviews. >> thank you. >> sean: let's talk about the layer versus truth teller, nunez versus schiff. >> it is pretty incredible, adam schiff's office as you pointed out, it is worse than lies, sean, these are crimes committed. people will be prosecuted for this, even if you believe, that there is a credible reason to start an investigation into donald trump, a counter investigation. it died within weeks. it died within weeks because there were transcripts of undercover doj agents, fbi agents running into people like george papadopoulos, sam clovis, carter page, and those documents were the exculpatory evidence that they did not send to the fisa court. i think this blows up bigger than it is right now. when obviously john durham comes out with the findings but leading into that, all the attention will be what happen
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before july 2016. the lie that the fbi has been telling us the counter investigation began in july 2016, we know that is not true. in fact in the ig report and nobody talked about this. i thought this was stunning. in the ig report, it says christopher steele was hired by fusing gps in may of 2016. may 2016. >> sean: hold up, this was kimberley strassel's fine last week. and i honed in on it as well. they are saying the official investigation began july 3031. >> we we know that didn't happen because carter page was invitedn cambridge and george papadopoulos was told go to rome, meet this guy joseph and he dropped a bomb that russia had hillary clinton's email. that was in april 2016. so there was a lot of informants informants, the same informant spies that have worked with the fbi and cia for years. western intel. those are the spies we are
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running into community but if they could who remotely attached to the trump campaign as you said earlier just to get a window into a trump strategy. so the lies are real. people will be prosecuted, and you are looking at crimes not only against carter page, but against a sitting president, duly elected as you said. >> sean: it is also really amazing to me and all of this is that there were a few of us that were right. and fox business network and you are here on weekends with us on the fox news channel, but it was you, lou dobbs, stuart varney mall three have done a phenomenal job in exposing this. where is the rest of our colleagues in the so-called media here? >> i think this is a really important point because the left wing media has become an attachment in arm of the democratic party. i have been saying now for several years, it anybody on either side of the aisle has to be outraged by this. because you have people in positions of power putting their
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finger on the scale and trying to change with the american people voted for it. this is a democracy, and we have freedom to elect their leader. what they did is try to get in front of that. that is why i find of the extraordinary nobody else in the media wants to buy even percent that come a criminal is the fact the democrats refused to focus on that. the same people who have been calling for impeachment are the people who try to take donald trump down from the get-go. it was adam schiff, remember, for three years, sean, msnbc, cnn and everywhere he could get saying collusion between the russians and donald trump is in plain sight. plain sight! why is no one asking where that is in terms of being in plain sight? this week and more interviews, admit it, they lied. they lied because i just didn't like donald trump regardless of the policies on the moving the needle. >> sean: we need maria moore when she gets up at 2:00 a.m. and we would love to have you on
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more, but the only reason tonight a company christmas party. you have to stay late. thank you, maria. u.s. trade representative for robert iser. coming up chuck schumer's past comments on impeachment, they are coming back to haunt him. you won't believe what he said in '98 plus one moderate democrat switching parties to the republican party. house minority leader kevin mccarthy will weigh in next as the coverage continues. stay with us. ♪
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♪ >> live from the headquarters trace gallagher and deadly storm sweeping across the south in louisiana. one person has been killed by an apparent tornado. and fear others could be heard. first responders are still trying to reach the hard-hit areas. the storms destroyed buildings, toppled trees and down power lines and several louisiana communities before causing more damage in mississippi. about 20,000 homes and businesses are without lights at this hour. boeing will temporarily stop its grounded 737 max jet next month as it struggles to get approval for regulators to put the plane back in the era.
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some 12,000 employees work on the plane near seattle. boeing does not immediately expect layoffs, but they could ripple through some of the 900 companies that supply parts for the plane. the max has been grounded since march after two crashes. trace gallagher, back to "hannity." ♪ >> sean: center chuck schumer is lashing out at majority leader mitch mcconnell tonight. mainly handpicked witnesses part of any senate trial and also slamming the g.o.p. leader for saying he will work with the white house throughout the process. imagine that appear at the white house actually will get due process for one spirit that is horrible. take a look. >> two weeks ago now, i told mitch mcconnell i was ready to discuss the rules. instead of talking to me, he spoke publicly about what a trial may look like. he said he was taking his cues from the white house. he was very partisan, very
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slanted, very unfair. the four witnesses we proposed have direct knowledge of why the aid to ukraine was delayed. >> i haven't seen a single good argument about why these witnesses shouldn't testify. whether these documents should be produced, unless the president has something to hide. >> sean: hey, chuckie, we just had an audition of witnesses, nonwitnesses, hearsay, pinion witnesses. then we brought them all in. and we brought and the professors. they had all the time in the world, but you know deep in your heart, they didn't prove their case, did they? so the hypocrisy, let's take a little trip down memory lane and look at chuck schumer back in 1999 saying the exact opposite about bringing in witnesses. oh, thank god for videotape. let's g go to it. >> any fair process would be
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consulting the white house because if the president is the dependent and due process would guarantee him fairness, certainly would guarantee him certain rights. if the purpose of the house manager stated for witnesses is to compare the disparities, in fact, they would have called a different list of witnesses. what we ought to be doing instead of this is doing with the american people want us to do which is make the schools better and preserve social security and rain and the hmos. there was someone on my side come i was not among them but someone argued strongly that they ought to call witnesses and they resisted it every step of the way. there has not been a good explanation why 60,000 pages of testimony was good enough for the house, but isn't good enough for the senate. >> sean: and when not pushing their show trial, democrats like jerry nadler, the nutty natalie or more election conspiracy theories.
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and now claiming president trump "has right now is in prime in his progress. what? the crime is happening right now, in progress. someone sent over the fbi and police because it's happening right this second. here with reaction congressman louis, republican fox news contributor jason chaffetz. you know what i love about louis gomer? he's not one of these guys going to washington and getting rich and you know how i know that jason chaffetz? he literally sleeps in his office overnight because he cannot afford to pay d.c. small prices and live at home around the houston area, correct? what part of the text of my getting wrong? >> very true. no, you are right. i'm north of houston, but it is outrageous and you happen talking about this for years now, but what gets me is a as a
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former judge, i saw people that live so, collide so often, they had no conscious. it was completely worthless. we are seeing that in the house. we are seeing that and the senate. that is why people can say one thing, 98, 99, say 100 degrees else right now and feel no qualms about being so complicitous. but this is an outrage. we heard for three years, you know, we been talking about a crime, crime, crime. crime in progress. we still hear about it. when it came down to the articles of impeachment, there is no crime. and still, they talk about this foreign interference. we have to act now because of foreign interference, yet, they will not acknowledge the only proven serious foreign interference was engaged by the democratic national committee. hillary clinton's campaign when they got england, italy, russia,
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ukraine, all of these, maybe australia, all of these other people involved in our elections to try to defeat donald trump. pretty outrageous. >> sean: que no, jason chaffetz you been right from the beginning. you were the one that told me thahorowitz would do a good jobt how you didn't see the political motives, you got to remember he did refer comey, mccabe, strzok, page, and from horowitz but both durham and ag barr pointed out he can only work in the bubble of the confines of the doj and the fbi. he couldn't go outside of the purview. they have gone outside of that purview and very strongly said that to us, but everything we have been saying dirty dossier, bought and paid for, unverifiable, used as basically the whole fisa application. everything we said is true.
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he nailed it in his own way. >> no, he did nail it. and sean come i think you have to really go to page 1 of the ig report. when it says that the friendly foreign government approaches papadopoulos. that begs the question because that is the only thing that horowitz starts to look at. but why? why would a friendly foreign government be approaching someone, withhold their respect, he's a very nice guy. but the trump campaign. why did that happen? and so, there is a lot more to come here. and it's going to involve brandon, it will involve clapper. >> sean: slow down. i see where this is going to my jason is i see powerful tools of intelligent turned on the american people as we said. but also, there are other layers involved here. that gets the papadopoulos, that gets to friendly western
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intelligence agencies. did they outsource illegally? spying on americans? may be a president or president-elect, candidate for the purpose of circumventing american law? do you think that might be part of the equation? >> follow the money. there are millions of dollars that came from the democrats that went overseas. whose pockets did that get into? i think it is a very legitimate question. it is not the one that the fbi wants to ask, but it is the one that now attorney general barr and durham are looking at. you have got to follow the money. there are people that did things that cause people to do other things. that is where this is going. >> sean: thank you both. appreciated, jason chaffetz, congressman, thank you guys. and also the backlash to congressman andrews affection of the republican party with plans to hate trump 24/7. well, it has been swift, multiple congressional aides
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quit in this weekend democrats blasting how dare he have original thoughts. take a look. >> i think it is ridiculous. he put politics over the constitution. he is trying to be cute instead of courageous. i think it is outrageous. >> i think jeff van drew is making a serious mistake. to turn to be a republican is kind of strange. i prefer rats jumping off of a sinking ship but very few to jump onto a sinking ship. >> sean: he is actually abandoning ship, your ship's thinking. meanwhile democrats facing the wrath of voters in their district. look at this, congressman lisa slotkin in town hall michigan, voter anger. and by the way, this is real. even in liberal new york, almost everybody i meet is fed up with this. let's take a look at this. >> okay, well, i'm thrilled to
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see such a great turnout today. let's please, please let her speak. okay. [screaming] >> let's please respect the people around you who are here to listen. >> sean: also, tonight according to a recent focus group, this is big. swing voters who switch from obama to trump, they are not changing their minds. look at this. in fact, they are sick of impeachment. they are sticking with trump. this is all important state of so desperate, all of the vitriol three years of hate, hate, hate trump every second of every hour of every day. not able to stop americans from supporting the president. the army/navy game on saturday. exactly how people felt about president trump. take a listen. >> we honor with great pride and honor to welcome the commander
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in chief, the president of the united states, president donald j. trump. [applause] mr. president, thank you for all you do, and we thank you for joining us today to make this a special moment. >> sean: then they started chanting -- four more years. kevin mccarthy, you know, when donald trump wasn't known for 20 some years come i don't know come over 20 years. when he was running, i have to assure kind of like on the highest tree, the weakest branch, the tiniest twig with the leaf held from last fall, that is how we do it here. and you go out on a limb when you believe something. but i knew he would be conservative. i knew that he would fight for his promises. i think a lot of republicans at the time, they were skeptical stomach skeptical of me and
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angry but it turned out to be true. but now it seems like your guys, your ranking file guys have learned a lesson fighting for promises, fighting hard for her beliefs makes the country better and it is good politics. >> you are right. you were out on the limb early on, but you notice when coming down the escalator like so many people across the country. they knew then he was going to win. you just had to convince the american public actually to see what he was talking about. think about this. just a month ago, u.s. mound that show privately, you said "or any democrats frustrated by this or talking?" and democrats question whether they should stay in the party. now we are learning jeff van drew are disappointed in the democrats and i don't blame them. it's not just jeff disappointed in the democrats but american public is does -- disappointed. we have this oh four -- the speaker said she's been trying o impeach this
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president for two and half years. long before any phone call or more lies from adam schiff trying to make something up. >> sean: so i will ask you the same question and what is the status of jeff van drew? >> i think you will make a decision very shortly here, but you know, he's been forthright from the very beginning. he said from the beginning, there is nothing here to be impeached. what did the democrats do? they have turned on him. it is scaring the other democrats. remember, there are 31 democrats who sit in seats that president trump carried. and i guarantee in the next election president trump will carry more than just those seats. >> sean: give us a little bit of a timeline. i know, obviously, this is pelosi, schiff and 90 nadler's hands, but will they do it in a day? are they in a rush? >> i think they will work quickly but what is interesting earlier when you were listening
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to schumer, schumer said it was an unfair process on the site over here in the house. and remember earlier you put out that letter i sent to speaker pelosi. why don't we give the exact same rights to bill clinton that nixon got as well, due process where we can pick witnesses? the democrats have to pick every witness they want. republicans got to pick nonnl schumer is complaining about that when they got to pick everybody? they find these poll numbers dropping and it is because you look at jeff van drew and he's listening to constituents and adam shift is lying. >> sean: he's been lying for three years and newness told the truth, schiff is lying. you now see the clear politics average. impeachment is underwater, and it will drop even further. great job, congressman. thank you as always for sharing your thoughts on what's coming up. wow to talk about what's coming up, fireworks. the ladies of "the view" will be
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♪ >> sean: the media mob impeachment hysteria has reached its fever pitch. on "the view" today, will be goldberg who i have always liked and meghan mccain i've always liked. never had any problems with anybody. i never have a desire to do that show again. there is a heated exchange. >> i'm a political analyst and my job is to analyze the politics of it. and i'm telling you -- >> i'm not talking about you. i'm talking about senators and the senate. >> here is what is happening n now. girl, please stop talking. please stop talking right now. because you know what,
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thank you. >> i won't talk. >> okay. >> sean: it is kind of like the christmas season of background and everything. this is may be a preview of coming attractions at your home, your family, turkey legs flying across the room. after that, "the view" had actor robert de niro on the show. no surprise there. he bashed the president. take a look. >> you have played some of the most really unredeemable characters. and a psychopath and a taxi driver. and he used to beat his wife in the raging bull. is trump worse than they are? to me, he is. [laughter] [applause] because he has no understanding that i can see of the outside world other than anything around him. he has no idea what his purpose in life as the president should be. i always say, he has a low life.
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he has a low life. [applause] >> but also you talk about his children. and you say they are like a gangster family too. [laughter] >> i don't want my kids to take this the wrong way, but if my kids did what these kids did come i would not want to be related to them. i would disown them. >> sean: all of this anti-trump media biases adding up to a full-scale revolt of trump voters against the mob and the media. here with reaction fox & friends weekend cohost and fox news contributor, dies, good to see you both. rachel, by the way, congratulations on your new baby. we are very proud of you. >> thank you. >> sean: we are very happy for you guys. let's start with, you know, we are watching this and you see commit a sort of like tattoos which he apparently shows everybody. he does. he puts it everywhere. >> only by request, sean. >> sean: okay, whatever.
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it's tattooed into the four heads of all of these media mob people, fake and news. how do they ever get rid of that branding? i don't see them ever, ever getting rid of that. >> first of all, i've done "the view" 20 times more than you, hannity. i actually enjoyed the debate come but whether it is "the view," the media, academia, what you are seeing is a total meltdown. they have had an monopoly and stranglehold on the narrative, political narrative for so long. they know how to plant the culture. suddenly here comes donald trump, reality tv star, former democrat. he knows they are game and he's playing it's come a winning and doing it better than them. and you see they are throwing everything at him impeachment, russia hoax, every media outlet, every movie, movie star and he's getting the message out over the heads up all of them, setting the news narrative and getting his story out and exposing them
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and it's driving them absolutely bonkers. so yes, get ready at your christmas table, the liberals in your group are not happy. >> sean: i will have to do and other hannity tips to deal with crazy, insane liberal media mob. you know, pete, we deal with this all the time. and it's never been this corrupt. they speak one voice. it is state run mob liberal leftist extreme radical, socialist tv all the time. >> all the time. whoopi goldberg did to meghan mccain and meghan mccain is not a big trump supporter and we all know that. what they wish they could do to fox news channel, talk radio, donald trump and twitter feed as you mentioned. the problem is what they hate so much with your tattoo theme, sean, donald trump tattooed fake news on the head of all of these leftists who before got to play the same game, they were
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unbiased, watch the nightly news cast reading from the teleprompter and tell the way the world is pure that all ended. when he showed up, it made the liberals angry people. with donald trump, just expose them for who they are. look at the anger. >> sean: it's not going anywhere. look at the polls, the research is clear. we will see what happens. i don't think anyone cares. nobody, even some of my friends the very left of me, pete, i got your christmas card, thank you very much. >> i did too, a beautiful card. >> sean: i want to congratulate you. >> thank you very much. >> sean: thank you for being with us. tonight, we have not one, nope tonight is a special night, two villains of th"villain of the d" that is next.
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>> lunacy on full display with area 51, rachel maddow's conspiracy tv, msnbc and president trump joking about running for a third tavern. maybe we could keep saying it because it literally drives them nuts. joy reid is upset and generally concerned, president trump may be the president forever. let's take a look. >> what happens? in all seriousness, what happens if donald trump who doesn't believe in the constitution. he just believes in power and money for donald trump. if he just says, you know what to him if i leave this office i might get prosecuted in new york. what would happen? joking about it, but dictatorships happen all over the world when the person jokes
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about it. >> sean: joy, let not your heart be troubled, not going to happen and congresswoman maxine waters back in the news later in the hour. republicans don't care about the constitution or democracy. remember impeach 45, impeach 45. you would think she would be happy, following through on her dream. hoping to reelect donald trump. take a look. >> watch what happens in the senate. you are going to see what happens when your democracy is undermined. you are going to see what happens when you have people in power who disregard the constitution, who don't care about the democracy, who are opening the door to vladimir putin and russia. >> sean: only vladimir putin, only russia dirty dossier hillary paid for it. "new york times" said like russian information from the beginning. i'm trying. all right, let not your heart be troubled. of course, that is all the time left. we will never be hate psychotic
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trump media mob. we will seek the truth. set your dvr and never miss an episode 9:00 eastern, hannity, laura ingraham starts right here, have a great night. ♪ >> laura: i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight, more games from democrats in the middle of the night andy biggs, bob barr, byron york are all here but they will explain jerry nadler's desperate 11th hour move. also josh hawley, he will join us and how chuck schumer has positioned himself front and center on impeachment. he will also preview another senate hearing from doj inspector general michael horowitz. plus, rudy giuliani has drawn on the left and on the right. and so he could be asked a question is he helping or hurting the president? what new stuff has he found out in his latest travel.
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