tv Hannity FOX News December 17, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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the house is in the processt of debating voting on rules for impeachment tomorrow. stay tuned on fox only for the coverage, and of course we'll be back tomorrow to tell you what happened at 8:00 p.m. sean hannity is next. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." fox news alert and breaking now, this is huge. the fisa court just issued an extremely rare rebuke public order rebuking comey's fbi for misleading the court. this fisa judge is demanding the fbi come up with a proposal to prevent another massive abuse of power. this is the latest fallout from the ig's damning fisa abuse reports. we'll have the details that the mob and the media will probably ignore because they missed the whole story. we turn to the washington swamp. democrats have decided a toxic
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political stunt is obviously more important than the rule of law. our constitutional republic, basic fairness, due process, our great constitution and the will of we, the american people. breaking moments ago, the president is fighting back. a powerful, scathing beat down. the president accused speaker pelosi of declaring open war on american democracy with a partisan impeachment crusade that represents an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power by democratic lawmakers with more due process than what those accused in the salem witch trials. the president went on to utterly trdestroy pelosi and the democrs and the schiff and the nutty nadler schiff showing the idiotic articles of impeachment writing "your first claim, abuse of power. it's a complete disingenuous, meritless, baseless invention of your imagination. the president continued "you are
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trying to impeach me by falsely accusing me of doing what joe biden has admitted he actually did." and that's not all. the president also shredding pelosi's second claim, the so-called obstruction of congress, calling it preposterous and dangerous. what do we say? we have three branches of government. when the executive branch, legislative branch have a conflict, yes, the executive branch in this case has a right to seek remedy in the other branch of government, known as the judiciary. by the way, confirm with them taking up the case last week, 3 for 3, jay sekulow and the president's attorneys. throughout history, presidents throughou in both parties have all asserted executive privilege. the courts decide. they are the arbiter when theree are these conflicts with other branches ands by the way, they will decide if this privilege is valid. the courts were never given a chance. why? because the democrats are in this breathless rush to impeach,
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impeach, impeach. as the president's letter rightly points out, constitutional scholar jonathan turley made one thing very clean during hise testimony. if democrats impeach a sitting president of the united states for going to the courts to seek tiresolution when there is a conflict between the other branches, that would be an abuse wof power. that would be congress' abuse of power. so the circus, the schiff show on capitol hill, full of corrupt political stunt after stunt. this will forever stain not only the democratic party, but this hurts we the people. remember they don't like who we chose in 2016, who you chose in 2016. the speaker in name only, nancy pelosi, president trump concluded "history will judge you harshly as you proceed with this impeachment charade. your legacy will be that of turning the house of representatives from a revered legislative body into a star chamber of partisan persecution." tonight that is exactly what is
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unfolding in this country. driven by irrational rage and psychotic hatred, this radical, extreme new socialist democratic party. nancy pelosi is now set to ram this impeachment through on a party line vote. she has been trying for only two and half years. congresswoman maxine waters, her dreams of impeaching 45 are about to come true for nothing, though. the squad, i assume they are jumping for joy. corrupt. the compromise. the congenital liar adam schiff, i guess he will pat himself on the back. the celebration, however, that will be short-lived because the democrats, their hyperpartisan blood lust against president trump, this will have repercussions and dire political consequences in the end. but not for the president. he will not be convicted in the senate. that's b where republicans hold the majority, and that's where you will need real fact witnesses, not hearsay witnesses and opinion people. we see the beginnings of this
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demise happening and unfolding right before our eyes. look at the president's poll numbers. brand-new "usa today" poll shows the president easily defeating everyone of his potential 2020 rivals. another poll, fake news cnn of all places. significant drop in impeachment, support for impeachment, and according to that survey, impeachment is even losing support among registered democrats. make noo mistake, as congressman doug collins pointed out today, there will be a reckoning. the good news is in 322 days you, we, the american people, we trump supporting, smelly walmart shoppers, those of us who believe in god, ourr arconstitution, our bibles, religion, irredeemable deplorables, you get the last word in 322 days. take a look. >> i will remind my majority friends, and i do consider you friends, the clock and the calendar are terrible masters,
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and they lead to awful results. and yes, there will be a day of reckoning. the calendar, the clock will continue. but what you do here and how we have trashed the process in getting here will live on. and it will affect everything that we have come for. so whatever you may gain will be short-lived because the clock on the calendar also recognizes common sense, which has not been used in this proceedings. >> sean: on november 3, 2020, you, we, the american people, you decide if this charade, time, money, energy was well spent. imagine cnn fake news can now project donald j. trump has been reelected. the 45th president of the united states of america, you can make that happen. nearly every single democratic lawmaker apparently willing to walk the plank for pelosi. recent headline: left-wing "new york times" "moderate democrats back impeachment of trump as house vote nears."
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look closely. that headline is fake news. there arers no moderate democra. last one, new jersey congressman jeff van drew's jumping ship and switching to the republican party because they are not doing a single thing for you, the people, we the people. what have they done in three years except russia, russia, impeach, impeach, mueller, mueller, investigate, investigate. they haven't done a thing. 30 other democrats in districts donald trump won in 2016, notel middle-of-the-road lawmakers, they seem to be following pelosi, schiff, nadler right off the cliff and who cares whatt their constituents think. no moderate politician would ever support this partisan sham. there is zero evidence. one fact witness. there's nothing wrong that was done here. the only one that did something wrong that they totally, completely and utterly ignore is quid andng pro and quo joe who knew that his son was being investigated so he leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars.
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you are not getting the billiona unless you fire the prosecutor investigating my son who's being paid millions for knowing nothing, for having zero experience. you've got six hours. son of a b. they can pretend they are carrying out their solemn duty and they are doing it with very prayerful ways.y i don't buy it. as the president pointed out, perhaps most insulting of this ntfalse display of acting so solemn, you apparently have so little respect for the american people that you expect them to believe you are in approaching the impeachment somberly, reservedly, reluctantly. no intelligent person believes that.ou we don't believe you. you are lying. case b in point: we have the compromise corrupt congenital liar adam schiff. he's been busy making the rounds. oh, all over on late-night comedy shows. of course, the perfect place to be at such a solemn time and moment. let's go hit the comedy circuit. take a look.
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>> i feel like someone on the intelligence committee, and when you are this recognizable, it means that something has gone wrong. >> yes, it can. in fact, i had a rather unusual experience on my way here tonight. i was on the phone with one of the major airlines trying to get back into my account because i couldn't remember the password so i finally get through. >> you are on the intelligence committee. >> the question is what is your yfirst dog's name. it's too short. it won't accept it. i say it won't accept my dog's name so the voice says "try impeach." i said what? it says "try impeach." i said i thought that's what you said. i was trying to be a professional, but i couldn't help. i said i'm not going to use that as the dog's name. >> sean: clearly for schiff, it's not part of any solemn duty, he's not acting so prayerful, as many democrats are apparently claiming.
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it's about fame and fortune and irrational rage and hatred of all things trump. he is serving his own sick, twisted ego and only his ego. his constituents have had enough. look at what they thought of the schiff showe as a town hall descended into absolute chaos. that is adam schiff's show. that's what he caused, by the. way. by the way, the latest example, sad example of how he and how he and the democratic colleagues, they don't care they are ripping this country apart. they care not about the office of the presidency. they care not about what the world thinks. they care not about anything about helping you, we the people. this is about, this isth all thy wanted to do for three years. the best part i can say tonight on the eve of this madness that is hurting the country is let not your hearts be troubled because this now will go to the u.s. senate. majority leader mcconnell will be serving democrats a healthy dose of reality. take a look.
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>> senate democratic leader would apparently like our chamber to do house democrats' homework for them. he wants to volunteer the senate's time and energy on a fishing expedition to see whether his own ideas could maki chairman schiff's sloppy work more persuasive than chairman schiff himself botheredre to make it. the senate is meant to act as judge and jury to hear a trial, not to rerun the entire investigation because angry partisans rushed sloppily through it. >> sean: after everything democrats have put this country through, absolutely nothing's going to change. president trump remains in office and the election is 322 days away, and you will rightfully decide the future of this great democratic republic. injoining us now, house
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minority whip steve scalise. congressman matt gaetz, good to see you both. congressman scalise, there's no stopping it. this is all we heard. we have run montages. 2016, 2017, 2018 and all through 2019. impeach. their favorite word. what are the consequences, in your view? >> the consequences are this is going to be a stain on nancy pelosi's legacy. this was an impeachment in search of a crime. they never found a crime, sean. the radical base wanted impeachment regardless of whether or not the president did anything wrong, so they went after it anyway. instead of doing the thingsdl ty could have been doing to work with this president to lower drug prices, to address the many other problems in our country. i think that's going to be something they're going to have to live with. it t wouldn't be the first timen history,y, sean, by the way, tht impeachment of a president happened on a party line vote. the only bipartisan vote will be against impeachment and again, that's going to be a stain on pelosi's legacy as speaker. >> sean: matt gaetz, you are watching this unfold. i will say this. this has brought the
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republicans, people like yourself, to the forefront fighting for what truthh is, fighting for due process. the idea that they rammed this through so quickly. they only had one fact witness, all hearsay and opinion witnesses. it's remarkable in terms of the depth of depravity and the lack of seriousness. it makes no sense because politically there's no way they get away with this without paying a price. >> that's right. i said after president trump released the transcript of his perfectly fine call, that nancy pelosi had been functionally catfished into an illegitimate impeachment. tomorrow we will not win the vote, but we have won the argument. the result of that is going to be we are going to win the election. i know adam schiff's doge may t be named impeach but i think it's the american people that are going to have adam schiff in the doghouse when they see that our country has been divided and distracted with no crime, no victim, terrible process as a result of the democrats having
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no agenda for the country. >> sean: congressman gaetz, congressman scalise, thank you for all you been doing. major breaking news. in the wake of the ig report, the horowitz report on fisa abuse, earlier today, moments ago actually, a couple hours ago, fisa court judge is now demanding the fbi change their policies and procedures. according to reports in "the new york times," "in an extraordinary public order, the presiding judge of the foreign intelligencepr surveillance cou, rosemary collyer, gave the fbi a january 10 deadline to come up with the proposal. collyer accused comey's fbi of misleading the court, writing "the frequency with which representations made by fbi personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case calls into question whether
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information contained in other fbi applications is reliable. it is time for fbi director wray to do his job. get to the bottom of this corruption, this abuse of power, and this misconduct. policies have got to everyone of these people must be held accountable." before we get to our guests, or breaking news surrounding the rbiden shady dealings, because according to john solomon, the latvian government said it flags suspicious hunter biden payments in 2016. we have reached out to the latvian embassy, biden campaign, state department for comment, didn't get any comment. on the record. here with reaction, john solomon, author of au"the new york times" bestsell. "witch hunt" gregg jarrett. i want to turn, what's the legality? we know premeditated fraud. this judge kept saying that the bar is higher here for a fisa warrant. much higher. if you have premeditated fraud
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on a court that denies an american citizen their civil liberties and constitutional rights and you use it as a one-step, two-step to get into trump campaign, get into the trump presidency and, deep into his presidency in transition, what are the potential consequences of that? legal action? >> in my book, i lay out six potential felonies, among them fraud, defrauding the court, conspiracy to defraud, violation of civil liberties. there's a particular statute. also after all, people like comey and rosenstein and mccabe have fixed their signature swearing it wasas true when they knew tht it wasn't. the fisa court is finally awakened from its deep slumber, but it's not enough and it's too late. >> sean: maybe they were waiting for the official report? >> no. they've known about it. they have known about it for a year and a half since july 2018. they have done nothing about it.
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if any person in america lied and concealed evidence before a judge, there would be an immediate show cause hearing as to why they should not be held in criminal contempt. they are not doing it. look at this letter. rosemary collyer, the presiding judge, is saying let us know by january 10. what remedial steps you're going to take to make sure it doesn't happen again. that's outrageous. the message here is that people like james comey and the fbi can lie with impunity. there is no punishment. no consequences. >> sean: charges based on maybe some of the comments of prosecutor durham or the attorney general. we already had the inspector general referrals for comey, mccabe, lying, lack of candor, materials they shouldn't have in their home. strzok and page also, nothing's happened. do you see, james comey, is there a possibility will be charged? >> they seem to be moving in that direction.
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we can't say for sure because we don't know the evidence that johnhn durham has. but i can say this, that rosemary collyer's letter today is fuel for members of congress who already believe the fisase mcourt should be abolished. it should be replaced with a new system in which there are hearings, not paper submissions. there should be especially appointed public advocates. to be an adversary. you cannot trust people like comey, mccabe, rosenstein and others at the fbi to tell the truth. they have demonstrated time and time again they won't. >> sean: let me go to another breaking story tonight. this is pretty amazing. the latvian government saying they flagged suspicious hunter biden payments. i don't understand. everythingng seems like we hear about ukraine and i don't get it. there is so much corruption. remember the president in theru zelensky call, he did say it seems like you are surrounding yourself with some of the same
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people as your predecessor. that wouldn't be a good idea, which i think shows the president was conscious, his state of mind showing that he's aware of all the corruption. my question is what did latvia provide you? how reliable do think these documents are? is it really much worse than we thought? with the bidens. >> one of the most important things here is that joe biden weaved this tale which is first i didn't talk to my son and then his son undercut him. didn't know there was a investigation. we disproved it. his latest was, when i forced the ukrainians to fire the chief prosecutor overseeing the prosecution into my son's company, the investigation was inactive.he that's not true. in february 2016, we now know there was a court order secured to seize the assets of the owner of hunter biden's company. the second thing that happened though, this is new, the latvian government took a look of a
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series of financial transactions going from burisma to hunter millions of dollars. saying these look suspicious. we think you should investigate them. they look like they may have corruptti intent. >> sean: is it more money than we originally thought? >> no, it's the same payments. it shows someone in real time saw them for what they were. suspicious transactions. that occurs less than a month before joe biden goes to ukraine and does that quid pro quo and firesfo the guy that's overseeig the investigation. joe biden's story that this case was inactive, dormant, not going on, is completely debunked by this and other evidence that has emerged in the last few months. >> sean: unbelievable. i will give you a chance to weigh in on the fisa court and this other breaking news because you've been a big part of our investigative ensemble team and credit to all of them. everybody, including both of you. >> thank you. it's a very important ruling. it's very>> belated. here's something to look forward to in the footnotes at the bottom of the ruling it says
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december 20, this friday. they may release an order in which the court weighed in mored than this letter. i think we're going to find out the court finally started asking questions on december 5 and they want to know particularly about this lawyer who falsified the documents that hid carter page's role as a cia asset. i would watch for friday to be another big day of revelation of the fisa court. >> sean: thank you both for an us.with appreciate it. when we come back, news you will only see breaking on "hannity." senator ron johnson has put together a timeline that blows the claim there was no political bias during the russia probe right out of the water. he will join us. we'll break that news next on a busy breaking news night. thanks for being with us. christmas sale. like savings of $10 on redhead grizzly fleece jackets. and save 25% on select under armour men's shirts, jackets, and hoodies. plus thousands more online.
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>> lie from the headquarters i am hours away from what is shaping to be a historic event. the likely impeachment of president donald trump. late tuesday night the democratic led house rules voted 9-4 to approve procedures on how the full house will consider two articles of impeachment wednesday. the rules committee will allow six hours of debate on the house floor before the house vote on whether the president abused his power and obstructed congress. the final vote is expected to happen by early evening. and this is a familiar sight across the u.s. tens of thousands of people marching in support of president trump's impeachment. more than 600 rallies organized by liberal groups from florida to alaska. the marcher said it is a reminder no one is above the law. i'm jackie brian -- jack ibanez, log on to ♪
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>> homeland security committee and impeachment force, inspectog general horowitz with real wrongdoing and we had it right, the media mob had everything wrong and missed the biggest corruption and abuse of powers scandal in the history of the country because they hate donald trump so much. it is leading to major calls ofrom republicans to reform the entire fisa system. we get rid of it, that means we as a country would be less safe. that wouldn't be good, but when you entrust people with these powerful tools of intelligence, they cannot abuse it and turn it on we the people. also as reported moments ago, in a rare and frankly extraordinary public order, the fisa court is instructing the fbi to propose changes to fixing these abusesdi in the wake of horowitz's damning report. also tonight we have new exclusive details surrounding the anti-trump bias inside the fbi. brand-new timeline of the russia hoax has t been compiled. senator ron johnson, who will chair tomorrow's hearing.
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it lays out the massive evidence thatho bias has played a role in keeping this never-ending fisa fraud t going. for example, you might remember this. august 2016, text from strzok says i want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in andy's mccabe's office that there's no way he gets elected. i'm afraid we can't take that risk. like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before your 40." here to explain more, wisconsin senator ron johnson. thank you for being with us. let's go through the timeline because this is crucial. tell us what you believe what the real timeline is and why it's critical. >> hello, sean. let's step back a little bit. i began my investigation really back in march of 2015 because of the hillary clinton email scandal. what inspector general horowitz did during his inspection of that investigation, he found the
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texts between lisa strzok and peter strzok and lisa page. what is so key about the texts is they provided unvarnished evidence of the bias, and fast-forward and under hisid investigation, with the fbi's investigation of the trump collusion with russia investigation is all these witnesses now have a chance to kind of rehearse and carefully craft their answers. the strzok-page c texts tell you what was actually happening unvarnished, the truth and so what you really need to do is through andgo create a very detailed timeline and start connecting the texts with what'sou actually happenin. the one you just read on august 15, this is two weeks into the crossfire hurricane investigation. what also happened on the day as they are already seeking a fisa court order on carter page. the fbi case agent says they got
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a solid basis but even at that point in time, the office of general counsel of the fbi say not so fast. you need probable cause. all this timeline will be on our website after the hearing tomorrow, and you have to go through it in detail, and it's very revealing. >> sean: i want to know, they also, nobody really members this. they say something that i thought was interesting when they talk about the white house wants to be informed every step of the way. my understanding, andy mccarthy's understanding is you can't have a counterintelligence investigation without a president knowing. if that's true and they are saying the white house wants to know everything, what does barack obama know and when did he know it and who else in his circle knew about was going on idre? >> when our committee released those texts, everybody pooh-poohed it. that's what we are talking about. look at more evidence and more texts and the timeline. reyou realize no, that's probaby exactly what they were talking about. another key text that i've been talking about is on december 15,
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2016, when strzok texts page, leaking like mad, scorned and political and worried they're kicking into overdrive. six days before that is when the cia started to assess that russia intervened on behalf of donald trump, and of course that entire narrative somehow got spun into russia colluded with trump. sean, something else that has to be investigated, how was the mainstream media duped or complicit in utilizing all these texts to create this entire investigation. one of the questions we will be asking inspector general horowitz tomorrow is based on what the fbi knew very early in 2017, why did this investigation even continue?ed there is no way we should've hai a special counsel. the fbi knew way too much about how unreliable the steele dossier was and all they were gathering was exculpatory information. this investigation should have been shut down. we shouldn't even be having this
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conversation today. >> sean: i can't believe lisa page thinks she's a victim. all these people seem to think they're victims. it's nonsense, james comey said about any fisa abuse. with all we know now, you are a lawmaker, you see a lot of laws likely broken by these powerful people? >> it sure looks that way and that's another question. who is going to be held accountable? i know republican senators are apologizing to mike lee during the s judiciary committee hearig with horowitz last week because mike was warning all of us about fisa, and i was a supporter of the fisa court, but we were all told there's never been any abuse and nobody could really point to it. now you've seen the abuse. i think it's going to be, there's going to be not a lot of questions when we have to reauthorize this fisa court. as you a said earlier, a rare rebuke by the chief judge of the fisa court. they are pretty upset about this. they are to be demanding answers.
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and it is appropriate that they get them. >> sean: we'll do the media mob's job, we'll be covering the hearing tomorrow as they obsess over an impeachment over nothing. senator, thank you for being with us. keep up the good work. a it.reciate coming up, the hate trump media mob are losing their minds. voters a are not buying the impeachment sham. we will report on the mob. laura logan and sean spicer ne next. trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. i take it once a week. it starts acting in my body from the first dose. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction,
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>> sean: the mob and the media are still in denial, refusing to admit what is >> sean: the mob and the media are still in denial, refusing to admit what is so plainly obvious to common sense americans that actually use reason, intellectual honesty for shaping opinion. by the way, they can't believe we the people are not supporting the schiff show sham impeachment and support is plummeting. take a look.
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>> the sense that reasonable people canen disagree about whether he should be impeached. i think this was true in the testimony in the judiciary committee. i find it absolutely terrifying. >> and people say it hurts, democrats, hurts there haven't been the case for that yet. yes, we're looking at polling, but in actuality when you look at the electoral process, it hurt donald trump. >> saying polls are sometimes wrong, and david, that poll is wrong. >> sean: they must be forgetting>> how their own colleagues in the democratic party felt about impeachment when of course it was against bill clinton, although ken starr did identify 11 felonies. oh, he did lose his law license and he paid a huge amount of money to paula jones. yeah, there's something real there. take a look. >> the effect of impeachment is to overturn the popular will of
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the voters, as expressed in a national election. >> there must never be a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment substantially supported by one of our major political parties and largely opposed by the other. >> we are here today because the republicans in the house are paralyzed with hatred of president clinton. >> sent a message through the ballot box. that's what we do in this democracy. >> sean: here now with us, america first action senior advisor s sean spicer, and she s now a part of the fox family, host of the upcoming series "fox nation." lara logan has no agenda. welcome to the fox family. let's start with the media. they speak with one they even use the same terms. it's like they've been hell-bent on impeaching this president. they say as much as the democrats say it, since the day after he got elected. >> do you want me to comment on that? >> sean: i do. >> i try to look at it as a professional. it bothers me that you're having this conversation o about impeachment in the context that it's being held in, but we're
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not talking about it. there were impeachment networks in place before this president took the oath of office. so how can you not look at the events today in light of that? to some degree. >> sean: how do they ignore answering a simple question? how do they say donald trump never talked about aid, never any conditions. zelensky says the same thing. they did nothing and they still got the money. there were five significant meetings after the july 25 call. not one time did they ever talk about aid or anything else at all? the one fact witness says what would you like, mr. president? nothing. i don't want a quid pro quo. then you have hunter and joe. joe bragging about leveraging a billion tax dollars. fire the guy that's investigating my zero experienced son who is being paid millions. they don't even touch that question. so you tell me, is that media bias? >> to me, the most obvious
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example of media bias is that you cannot say ukraine interfered in the election without it automatically meaning you are saying russia didn't interfere. >> sean: russia did interfere but that doesn't mean ukraine didn't also. >> correct and it doesn't mean that iran and china and other countries didn't interfere. >> sean: ukrainian courts said they interfered, and politico on january 11, 2017, they had a long piece about ukrainian election interference. >> that's right, and that reporter now works at "the new york times." that's what's frustrating for me because i don't live in the world of spin. i try to live in the world ofin fact. i'm trying to figure out, what do i need to know and understand here? >> sean: do you think facts justify what's been going on and the way the media has covered this president? >> to me it's very disappointing that you have witnesses testify and there is nothing critical of the reporting about it. >> sean: one fact witness. >> no one is questioning it.t. as a journalist, we need first-hand sources. preferably two.
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>> sean: we only have one fact witness.rc that's ambassador sondland. what do you want? nothing. no quid pro quo. sean spicer. >> there's two points i think are important. you played a bunch of clips from the members on the democratic side was bill clinton's impeachment. the only bipartisanship that's occurring and you saw this, we will see it when jeff van drew of the democratic party switches to the republican party, more people from the democrats siding with republicans against impeachment. that's number one. number two, some of the clips you played earlier from the other network, the interesting thing to me is it's reminiscent of the 2016 election. there is an outright dismissal, this idea of deplorables. you talk about all the time. walmart shoppers and these people, i can't believe how they can possibly support this man or this agenda. as an outright dismissal by the media and the left of the existence.
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to be honest, sean, i actually kind of like it because this is what made them miss wisconsin. this is what allowed donald trump to carry michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin for the first time since 1988. they overlook and dismiss all of these people and the concerns that they have, and the reason they are supporting donald trump andat continue to is because he gets it and they don't. it is this arrogant, elitist attitude among most of the press corps that they know better and that they have this myopic idea of what's right in their world and no one else's opinion matters. >> sean: yeah. do you think it happens and what do you see in the senate? to me, it's easy. w it's a foregone conclusion in the house, and it goes nowhere in the senate and i think it angers the base of the president, rightly so, because they are hurting the country. there's nothing here. >> i always think journalists often underestimate the audience. what people are seeing is they are hearing the same language, the same things we heard about russia and collusion with the trump campaign, you hear about
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ukraine. >> sean: the same people. >> the same people and that's my biggest problem as a journalist professionally. t how can you put the same people on with no accountability and treat them as if they have the same credibility? when somebody lies to you, because let's face it, don't pretend comey didn't know every step of the way what was in the fisa documents. >> sean: they ignored that story for two and half years. last word, quick. >> t lara keeps talking about journalists and i've seen the great work she's done. i don't think journalism for the most part exists for a lot of these people. it's all about their opinion. it's j not fact-based. it's not based on sources. >> sean: journalism is dead in america. >> it's not dead yet, sean. it's not dead yet. i'm still standing. come on. come on. >> sean: for the most part, rare exception. >> don't let it die. >> sean: we got it right. our ensemble cast, thanks to all of them. >> you got it right and i have
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to say respect for you for that. >> sean: we worked hard, we i double sourced, triple sourced, took our time. a lot of digging and a lot of shoe leather. >> it matters. >> sean: we are not the this is a different show. that's the other 400 networks. you can catch lara logan's new series, starts in january on when we come back, sleepy, creepy, crazy joe 30330 taking cheap shots at the president. dan bongino, geraldo rivera next straight ahead. oral or nasal.
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"no one wants to have their kid grow up like him." really? he is a successful businessman. look at his family. he's got a great family. pulled off the biggest political upset in history and has. delivered record jobs and the economy, best employment situation from '69. you and obama put 13 million more americans on food stamps. 18 million more in poverty, lowest laboror participation rae since '70. donald trump has gotten 7 million americans off food stamps, not only every single demographic group has now been setting record low unemployment. ever since you left. anyway. joining us now is dan bongino and the one and only geraldo rivera. good to see you both. you know what's happening tomorrow, geraldo. it is so anti-climactic, so void of truth, fairness, so bad for the country what they have done. in the end, the greatest gift to
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donald trump's reelection. >> i don't know about that. i'm not a head counter, not a professional politician, but it's infuriating. this process is so corrupt. so obviously partisan, so obviously something they hatched in the first second after he was elected. they probably have the plan in case the long shot, as peter strzok describes, happened. p this has been so grotesquely unfair. for joe biden, who i always, i always gave him the benefit of their doubt. i cut him some slack because he was a nice guy and loyal vp. for him to call the president of the united states a mentally deficient narcissist, i think now the gloves are off vis-a-vis mr. biden.. i think now when he gets, he thinks he's going to be the tough guy, get in the gutter and have it out, a mud bath with president trump. when he tries to be something he's not, it will expose glaringly how he is deficient in aspiring to be commander in chief.
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>> here's the problem, sean. impeachment was obviously, the whole thing was based on a hoax, the collusion thing was now obviously now a hoax. as a matter of fact may have been criminal. we will see where durham goes with it, but you have three lanes for the democrats, all occupied by phonies and frauds. youu have the establishment safe pick, joe biden who is neither safe and the establishment doesn't even like him. he can't get an endorsement from obama. you have the leftist pick, that's occupied by supposedly socialist radicals, both of whom are millionaires. bernie sanders andpo elizabeth warren who used to be a republican. then you have the outsider lane occupied by pete buttigieg who is a focus group tested insider. they've got a lot of problems going forward. i think donald trump, i'm not in the predictions game, but i think he's in pretty good shape right now. >> sean: these polls are now one after another showing the president's numbers have gone
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up. support for impeachment is way underwater. the experts can't figure out why. what i sense is you look at the rallies, geraldo. 30,000 people inside and another 30,000 people outside. what democrat can fill a coffee table? >> [laughs] that's funny. i think bloomberg is the only one with a ghost of a chance now. he ran a city 80 times larger than south bend, indiana. he is spending tens of millions of dollars. >> sean: no guns, no big gulps, no salt. >> i get it, but at least he will competently represent the other side, unlike most of the other candidates. elizabeth warren or bernie. if either of the socialists win, you can bet your bottom dollar that your 401(k) is going to go down the toilet. people will be rushing to sell their stocks and liquidate, to put that cash in real estate.
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>> sean: let's give dan the last word. >> it will be a catastrophe. >> bloomberg is a disaster. the big gulp battle is not going to win over america. total loser. people vote kitchen table issues and when your wallet got fatterb and your job got better and your business got richer, it's going be really hard, if this economy continues, to vote against what donald trump brought home, the bacon. bring home the bacon. >> sean: all right, thank you. when we come back, rush limbaugh saying democrats are lying through their teeth to keep the impeachment hoax going. he's right. we will hear from america's anchorman next. (male announcer) check off your wish list and save on thousands of items at bass pro shops' and cabela's christmas sale.
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nine net points since last month. it falls now to 45 to 47 and it was 50-43 but now 45- against support for impeaching trump has even dropped among democrats and 90% to 77%. this is a direct reflection on adam schiff and jerry nadler. by the way, the ig report has totally exposed nadler has a full-fledged, 100% liar. >> sean: yep, the corrupt, congenital liar. that is all the time we have left this evening. make sure you tune in tomorrow night. what they are doing tomorrow, it hurts the country. do they care? no. you have the final say 322 days. we will have all that coverage on this program tomorrow night, and we will never be the hate rage, psychotic hate-trump media. let not your hearts be troubled.
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don't forget and set your dvr. let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham starts right now. 47 ur dvr. let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham starts right now. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from another insane washington tonight. the democrats weak impeachment case was exposed today as the congressional rules committee sent it to the full house. senate and judiciary t members jim jordan, tom mcclintock, and ken buck are here to respond. and senators are saying, this is my favorite moment of the day, that mitch mcconnell should recuse himself ahead of the senate trial, oh, anything else, alan dershowitz has something to say about that. plus, the impeachment published is now losing the support of... wait for it, democrats. the ingram holsters and
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