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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  December 20, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PST

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heather: happening at 4:00 on the east coast fox news alert. a person found dead and the baby found alive, the desperate search for missing austin, texas mother leads to a grim discovery. what we just learned about the house and car searched in houston and who they belonged to. presidential hopefuls clash in california. >> billionaires in wine chains should not pick the next president of the united states. >> your net worth is 100 times mine.
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>> we will pass medicare for all singapore system. heather: live team coverage to break down the big moments. congress may be on break until 2020 but the impeachment saga is still going strong. house democrats may sabotage their own articles as senate republicans slam their stalling. "fox and friends first" starts right now. heather: you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning. we begin with a fox news alert. a dead body found alive in a search connected to a missing mother. heidi broussard and her newborn
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daughter, the breaking developments on a story we have been following. what is the latest? >> reporter: we are waiting for the medical examiner to identify the body but a one-month-old baby girl appears to be unharmed and is now in safe hands at a hospital. both were found at a house in houston. police, texas rangers and the fbi swarmed the house around midnight. police are confirming that this crime scene is connected to the search for heidi broussard and her 3-week-old daughter margo. they were looking at a car park in the back. local reports suggest the car is registered to someone heidi knows. the 33-year-old mom from austin and her baby girl went missing on december 12th, they were last seen in austin two hours from the houston crime scene. heidi dropped her son off at school in the morning, mom and
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daughter returned home and disappeared. heidi's fiancé called police and reported them missing. they have been searching for mom and daughter under the assumption that both are alive. that could change once we have an identity later this morning. jillian: we will stay tuned for that update. the other big story, all eyes on los angeles as twee 7 of the presidential hopefuls face-off for the final primary debate of 2019. there tax on donald trump are to be expected but they took as many diggs at each other. >> we have a president running
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the most corrupt administration in the modern history of this country. >> this is a global watergate. >> the more we act like donald trump is the cause of our problems the more americans lose trust that we can see what is going on in our communities and solve those problems. stop with the impeachment. >> a coalition to bring you back to office with 80% of the vote. >> you tried and lost by 20 points. the mayor just recently had a fundraiser held in a whiny cave full of crystal billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president of the united states. >> your net worth is 100 times mine. >> is not against immigration, he is against immigration by nonwhite people. >> you mocked the 100 years of experience on this stage. >> bigger fish to fry here. >> bigger fish to fry than the president of the united states. >> we will pass a single-payer system.
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joe's plan is the status quo. >> that's not true. >> tens of millions of people across the country are ready to build and america not just for those at the top. >> let's transform the country. >> the best chance of defeating donald trump. who is most likely to do that? >> i most qualified to answer those questions. heather: we have expert analysis from the director of 2016 bernie sanders campaign and senior legal advisor to the trump 2020 campaign, jenna ellis. we start with griff jenkins in los angeles. between wine caves, chandeliers and selfy lines it was jampacked last night. >> reporter: it was indeed. we will get to those wine caves
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but it is significant there were twee 7 candidate in the last debate of 2019 just over six weeks until the iowa caucuses, not surprising the first question out of the gate was about impeachment. >> trump's response that only half of the american people want to see him thrown out of office is dumbing down the presidency. >> we have a president running the most corrupt administration in modern history of this country. >> we've seen the impact of corruption and that is clearly on stage in 2020. >> this is a global watergate. richard nixon and his top people. >> this is the on polls, beyond politics. the president left the house with no choice. i am the person who started the need to impeach movement over two years ago. >> reporter: one of the most
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memorable minds watching whether any of the candidates would separate themselves on the issue of impeachment, the person who spoke least, andrew yang had the most memorable line about impeachment. >> what we have to do is stop being obsessed over impeachment which strikes many americans like a ballgame where you know what the score is going to be and start digging in and solving problems that got donald trump elected in the first place. >> reporter: on substance they talked about medicare for all, climate, taxes, wealth tax, it was a whiny cave that drew the most heated exchange between warren and buttigieg. >> the mayor recently had a fundraiser that was held in a wine cave full of crystals and served $900 a bottle wine.
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billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president of the united states. >> i'm the only person on a stage who is not a millionaire or billionaire. this is the problem with issuing purity tests you cannot yourself pass. >> reporter: will hear more about wine caves and purity tests as we head to iowa. joe biden didn't have a bad night but didn't stand out. there wasn't a strong showing, buttigieg leads in the polls, real clear average in iowa. the next the betas january 14th in des moines. shannon: let's see what else is going on at the same time. let's bring in the final debate of 2019 before the 2020 election season kicks off. we want to know who was the
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biggest winner last night. >> i was disappointed and a lot of the performances but senator klobuchar. if you had to pick a winner it would be her. she had the most talk time other than senator sanders. for someone who hasn't had a lot of popularity or showing of support she came out strong against mayor pete, everyone is talking about it. she showed how strong a candidate she is. jillian: let's bring up an example of that is you mentioned, taking aim specifically at mayor pete. >> you basically mocked the 100 years of experience on stage and what do i see on the stage? i see the vice president's work, senator sanders's worth and what i have done but you can dismiss kennedy hearings, i think this experience works. i have not denigrated your experience as a local official.
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>> they referred to him as mayor, that was pretty significant. what about the loser? who was the loser of the debate? >> tom stier put in a ton of money to get on stage. he had 11 minutes of talk time which is one minute more than andrew yang but no one remembers what he says. we did it, the environment is his number one issue but that is about it. he doesn't bring anything else to the debate that stands out to me but overall a lot of the american people particularly black folks they have been going after and completely forgot about us with the blunders with biden and sanders and the answer to those questions in regards to reparations and the black messaging. heather: the total spoken time
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by the candidates, let's bring this up as an example of one of the few times tom stier had something to say. >> my experience building a business, understanding how to make that happen means i can go toe to toe with mister trump, an unconventional way of attacking a different unconventional president who went after the best prepared candidate in american history and beat her. >> tried to give himself credit for starting the push for impeachment two years prior to when it began. that fell flat with the audience in los angeles as well. >> the bottom line is he's not a dynamic candidate. if that's what he wants to be remembered for, i remember the commercials but he's not
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dynamic. he is great at being a billionaire and being successful but doesn't have the charisma to compete little and when the nomination let alone beat donald trump but he has a lot of money. he should get behind someone else. heather: they went after each other more than in any other debate last night. thanks for joining us, we appreciate it as always. the time is 12 minutes after the top of the hour, house democrats delay in a move or any move on impeachment until next year and lindsey graham says it is because they don't have a plan. >> they don't know what to do. their assumption was impeachment has fallen apart, they have no case. heather: todd pyro breaks down the growing standoff on capitol hill next.
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heather: impeachment proceedings at a standstill until next year. congress leaving for christmas break without sending the articles to the senate. republican slam the impeachment as illegitimate and illegal. >> reporter: the announcement there will be no houseboats until january confirms the house won't send those two articles of impeachment to the senate until next year. nancy pelosi thanking house democrats in a letter for their, quote, moral courage, even quoting shakespeare's henry v, quote, we view, we happy few, we band of brothers that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother. not even shakespeare could spare policy the wrath of mitch mcconnell. >> when speaker pelosi suggested house democrats may be too afraid to even transmit their shoddy work product to the senate prosecutors getting cold
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feet. in front of the entire country. that a second guessing whether they even want to go to trial. it was so urgent they couldn't wait for due process but now they are content to sit on their hands. >> reporter: mcconnell and chuck schumer mapping out the senate trial democrats hoping to introduce new witnesses and documents, a no go for mcconnell, donald trump weighing in tweeting after the democrats gave me no due process in the house, no lawyers, no witnesses, no nothing they now want to tell the senate how to run their trial, they have 0 proof of anything. they will never even show up and they went out. i want an immediate trial. to further money the legal waters, feldman who testified for the democrats forcefully stated the house must actually send articles to the senate to
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prosecute. you know they were leaning on noah feldman for backing during the impeachment process. heather: it wouldn't be the first time they reversed course on supporting someone and then not. back to the campaign, andrew yang sending a warning to democrats on the debate stage. >> the more we act like donald trump is the cause of our problems the more americans lose trust. we have to stop being obsessed over impeachment. heather: will the trump obsession be the democrats downfall? jenna ellis said she saw a seam from the debate, she's live in studio to let us know what it was. ♪
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change americans don't trust the media networks to tell truth. turn on network news you would think he is our president because of a combination of russia, racism, facebook, hillary clinton and emails. the more we act like donald trump is the cause of our problems the more americans lose trust. we have to stop being obsessed over impeachment. heather: andrew yang calling out fellow democrats slamming the mainstream media and impeachment hysteria. is he right the democrats are more focused on impeachment than the issues? here to discuss is legal advisor trump 2020 campaign jenna ellis. great to have you here in person. >> a pleasure to be here. heather: the impeachment question off the top of the debate last night. >> this is what the democratic party has been focused on and their entire campaign. people like andrew yang so
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frustrated that is where his party is going and they are not giving anyone a platform to talk about policy. no one was paying attention last night, the story know what is talking about. the theme is there are some reasonable democrats seeing these candidates on stage, not excited about anybody, they are wanting to make sure they are not associating with socialism, far extreme leftists the party is going toward and that is why donald trump and the campaign is launching democrats for trump and saying country over party and there is a way we can make sure to keep america first and you don't recognize your party anymore. we -- come and join team trump. >> let's bring up what brad par skill had to say, new engagement for democratic voters. the fullscreen, for democrats to
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feel abandoned by the socialist radicalization of their party there is room for you on team trump and we welcome you to join the movement and a president that is putting america first. >> absolutely. what you understand about conservatism is we are conserving the rule of law, freedom and liberty for the individual, donald trump said our rights come from god, our creator and will never be taken away. i love that line from him. for the democrats who understand that we will never be a socialist country they are not going to is for these candidates so that statement was excellent and you can find out more, heather: the opposite of what we heard on stage last night of our socialist policy, free this, free that can raise taxes in order to pay for it. let's look at this and interesting to see if it happens
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this time around, 207 counties across the country voted for president obama twice and then they voted for donald trump in 2016. do you expect the number to maintain a rise? >> i think it will rise especially with the impeachment scam, everyone is seeing the democratic party is going so far to the left, nancy pelosi and the current office don't take their oath of office series the, not supporting the constitution and we are seeing donald trump's numbers on the rise, $5 million on the day of his impeachment that the campaign brought in so we are seeing so many people supporting donald trump and i expect those numbers to go up. heather: a conversation going on between the dnc, nancy pelosi, these candidates, they are not recognizing that the voters in poll after poll are tired of hearing about impeachment and wants to stick to the issues.
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>> you would think so. there is an identity crisis going on right now and a split between the extreme socialist left that wants to change america, to revolution allies in a way that doesn't value liberty, freedom, self-government and the reasonable democrats and friends of mine saying we will support donald trump because he is keeping the values of america first. they are probably having those conversations and we are hopeful in 2020 and i think donald trump is coming in strong in the new year. heather: the launch of democrats for trump. we will see how that does. 26 minutes after the top of the hour. pete buttigieg and elizabeth warren clashing overcash. >> billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president. >> i'm the only person on the stage who is not a millionaire or billionaire.
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>> will attacks over money payoff for any candidate? we deviate that up next. these folks don't have time to go to the post office
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they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale
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go to and never go to the post office again. we have a president who is running the most corrupt administration in the modern history of this country. >> this is the global watergate. >> stop being obsessed over impeachment. >> i'm putting together a coalition to bring you back to office with 80% of the vote. >> you try and lost by 20 points. billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president of the united states. >> your net worth is 100 times mine. >> this president is not against immigration, he is against
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immigration by nonwhite people. >> we will have a medicare for all single payer system the cost $30 trillion. $30 trillion over ten years. >> tens of millions of people across the country who are ready to build an america that doesn't just work for those at the top. >> let's defeat trump, transform this country. >> don't play games, tell the truth. heather: a smaller stage but big moment at the democratic debate, seven presidential hopefuls aiming for stardom, not far from holiday time. team coverage, we will analyze the best and worst performances. carly shimkus has the top trending moments. we will debate the clash overcash between pete buttigieg and elizabeth warren.
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>> billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president. >> i'm the only person on the stage who is not a millionaire or billionaire. we need support from everybody helping us to defeat donald trump. >> we need to get money out of politics. we should run our campaign on that. heather: all those accusations flying back and forth, any of these candidates pass their own purity tests? >> absolutely not. the guy who won the debate was probably bernie sanders who has three houses and made a ton of money every politician. talk about getting money out of politics, making millions of dollars as an elected official. bernie sanders and elizabeth warren have got next potentially more wealthy since they have been elected as united states senators and beating up pete buttigieg who probably isn't qualified to beyond that stage represented a small city and
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when he ran to representative statewide lost by 20 points. they are beating each other up. for most people watching last night it looked like most of those folks are advocating for transforming the economy which is doing the best it has ever done. even if you don't like donald trump's style or the way he leads, talking about transforming the economy is not the way to beat him. heather: looking at these numbers it was eye-opening in terms of billionaire contributors among the democrats, biden leading with 44 billionaires contributing to his campaign. pete buttigieg with 40 and amy klobuchar with 21, tom stier had plenty of money, nine, warren 6, yang four and sanders one. he said they will be returning the check. what about all this?
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>> in this day and age, i interviewed jimmy carter who told me he ran and did not have to raise money for the general election. we were publicly funded. presidential candidates were publicly funded for the general election but in this day and age millions of dollars as needed. no one could pass the purity test except michael bloomberg who is not taking public funds, he's not raising money, he is self-funded. the only person who can actually pass the purity test is michael bloomberg who is a billionaire who is self funding his campaign. heather: he wasn't on stage last night. the second topic, we have a lot to get in here, we talked a lot about this movement, no country for old men, biden and bernie responding to president obama's remarks, stepping aside to let more women lead. let's check out that quote from
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president obama, instead of every nation on earth was run by women you would see significant improvement across the board. if you look at the problems it is usually old people, old men, not getting out of the way. is this going to be a problem in terms of the democratic party targeting white men, so they jump ship and go to the trump campaign? >> you don't win elections by criticizing anybody based on their race or age or gender. that is not the way to bring people into the movement. the country would like to see the first female president but we wanted to be the right person and for that person to be qualified to be president of the united states to have good ideas. there is open-mindedness through empowering more women to get into elected office, most americans feel that way but that -- the way you empower more
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women is not by bashing demographics but by trying to do things that empower people. the 20 women can be better on their own, you don't have to bash men to do it. >> i agree. having a female president would be fabulous. we are the majority of this country, 51% more women. great representation of our demographics but what a hypocrite because he didn't step aside for hillary clinton and when it came time to choose a vp he did not choose hillary clinton, he chose an old white man. even mccain chose sarah palin. what a hypocrite. heather: thank you for joining us, appreciate your insight and we will be right back. when we were looking for a roommate, he wanted someone super quiet. yeah, and he wanted someone to help out with chores.
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heather: democrats facing off in the last democratic debate of 2019 holding back no punches is the sixth presidential candidates went toe to toe with each other. who had the best night? here with reaction his leadership communication coach, thank you for joining us, appreciate it. as we begin our discussion let's bring up the total time all the candidates had last night. sanders in the lead with 19.9 minutes and amy klobuchar coming in second, mayor pete, followed by warren and moves down from there. in terms of the most amount of time to make the most difference that would be sanders. who do you think did the best in terms of the time they were allotted. >> the fact that those leaders had as much time as they did
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they didn't use the time as effectively as they could have. the one who did the best job was andrew yang at the bottom of the list but he was the most economical in terms of how he messaged in that moment. he did what i was saying from the beginning all candidates need to do to compete effectively with donald trump which is together messages down to tweetable and repeatable soundbites. build america great again, andrew yang was leland: able to say $1000 a month, freedom dividends in the hands of every american and said that multiple times. heather: let's listen to when example. >> more we act like donald trump is the cause of all our problems more americans lose trust. we have to stop being and possessed with impeachment. i guarantee we had a freedom dividends of $1000 a month i would not be the only candidate of color on stage tonight. heather: he worked in three times. >> no one else did that. heather: in terms of the biggest
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loser, a hint for everyone who you think did not use their time to the best of their abilities. >> i will ask for forgiveness. i know sometimes i get really worked up. i don't mean to. >> i ask forgiveness anytime any of you get mad at me. i get blunt, i get worked up about things because i believe it so much in my heart. heather: alyssa before and amy klobuchar. >> my two losers for the night because of that clip. all three and follow gender stereotypes in the answer of what you ask for forgiveness or give a gift to anyone on stage and the two women asked for forgiveness for being emotional which women in the professional world have been fighting against, why should i be penalized for expressing my emotions and both women picked that out of the universe of possible answers to voluntarily
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request forgiveness for doing as it is almost like they set themselves and professional women back. heather: the body language since your communication express. there was one moment they were going after pete buttigieg and you could see biden standing in the middle with his arms crossed, back from the microphone. they looked very angry several of them including amy klobuchar. >> hand motions are the most interesting part of body light which. people like tom stier were very mechanical and deliberate and fixed. here is what i am talking about, andrew yang more loose. amy klobuchar was all over the place. you've got to listen to what i am saying here. the most varied and the most emotional which fit. heather: we always love your
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take on it, great to have you, see you in the new year. day 10 of 12 days of giving series on "fox and friends first" and we feature operation family home. how you can provide homes for america's military heroes up next. do not miss it. ♪ take me home ♪ to the place ♪ i belong ♪ west virginia ♪ they can do all sorts of things in your name. criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your social security number. - [announcer] that's why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more. and if you have an identity theft problem, we'll work to fix it with our million dollar protection package. - there are new cyber threats out there everyday,
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>> when u.s. army veteran was honorably discharged after sustaining critical injuries during a deployment in 2005 he chose to reenlist a year later and continues to serve his country until receiving a
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diagnosis of stage 4 cancer. he made it his mission to work on behalf of servicemembers who have experienced medical malpractice and share more come his family and his lawyer. we really appreciate it. tell us more about your initiative. >> to gain awareness and show everybody what is going on in the medical system and we seek out and give them a voice. heather: including your self. how is your health right now? >> we are doing a new clinical trial. heather: where did this stand? waiting for donald trump's signature to become law? >> he will be signing it this
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evening. heather: how tough was it to get this through? >> it was a challenge. lots of hurdles. we kept trying to find different avenues and worked our way through, natalie has been instrumental. the strategy has changed but we stick with one plan and moving around finding things, but without her dedicating herself to this and putting everything she had into it is wouldn't be possible. heather: why did you do this? >> it was important. i do a lot of work with veterans. when i heard the case it was important to do. heather: it involves so many veterans impacted by something like this. and a lot of other personal stories as well.
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because you have done so much work for other people and are helping so many people as a result of this we have a big surprise for you and your family. let's bring in the surprise right now, come over and share with this wonderful family because they've given so much of their time. they are not in studio right now. i want them to tell you the surprise involving this group called homes for military heroes and they are going to present something to this hero and his family right now, correct? thank you for joining us, take it away. >> sergeant, thank you for your service and we thank your family. we know when a servicemember serves the family serves as well. on behalf of operation family home my 52,000 colleagues and daniel adams are privileged to be here today.
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you have earned what i am about to say which is weird to present you with a brand-new custom-built, mortgage free home in north carolina. thank you for your service, god bless you and all members of the service. on behalf of daniel adams construction it is our privilege to prevent you with the keys to you and your family. congratulations. thank you for your service. >> absolutely, thank you. i appreciate that. heather: before everyone leaves let's talk about your organization and what you are doing for families? >> we had the privilege of working with operation family home since 2014, providing homes
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for wounded and injured military veterans custom-built, mortgage free homes. we think it is not just our obligation but the proper thing to do. the half of 1% when the nation falls in love, who shall go for us, who say send me, i will go. of the 20 and their families. >> when a member is deployed it is our privilege, part of the dna of our firms. heather: in north carolina, i am from north carolina too. what about this home? how excited are you and surprised obviously? >> nobody is guaranteed any days but it is harder when you have a
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diagnosis such as myself. it gets more intense to plan for the future and make sure the family is taken care of. it is something that will lift a lot of weight off my shoulders and i can't say thank you enough to every one of you. >> we thank you. you keep our country safe, men and women like yourself who are deployed. >> thank you so much, appreciate it. heather: we will be right back. - do you have a box of video tapes, film reels, or photos, that are degrading? legacybox professionally converts them to dvds, thumb drive, or the cloud.
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change are you willing to commit tonight to running for a second term if you're elected next november? >> know, i'm not willing to commit one way or another. i'm not even elected one term yet. let's see where we are, let's see what happens. heather: joe biden showing some commitment issues on the debate stage. carly shimkus with serious xm 115 with social media's take on the wishy-washy answer. >> if he doesn't issue a correction it would be a big deal, joe biden not say definitively he will run for a second term if he wins the election. biden is 77 years old which would make him 82 if he wins a second term making him the oldest president in us history but this is uncharted territory and you can see that on social media. one twitter user says biden dodged the 2-term question with a joke but seriously, why would
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we want a president who would commit to running a second term? another twitter user rights the dems best and only shot at the white house just said he will not commit to a second term. people wonder why this party is going downhill. leslie this twitter user says it is an unfair question to ask him. it would be great but do we really think bernie will also run for a second term? age matters. there you have it. a lot of reaction on that. heather: yang talking about this, two many men left alone for too long become morons. listen. >> our country is deeply misogynist. money and men are tied together. i'm on the record saying you need strong men and female leaders in government because if you get too many people alone and leave us alone we kind of become morons. heather: reaction. carley: deeply divided. curtis on twitter says when you
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put men together in a group alone a become morons, founders rolling over in their graves. ever read the constitution and declaration of independence? allie on twitter said didn't expect to join the yang gang but men are morons is a platform. some column dropped mike moment and others saying no. we need to get away from gender and age and talk about who is the best. >> the perfect for the job. apparently that person needs to drink water on tv because mayor pete was being mocked. >> there is a dispute between elizabeth warren and pete buttigieg. this moment, i knew the second it happened it would go viral. one of those relatable things you can do on the debate stage. who hasn't been there? you miss your mouth and this is what happens. pete buttigieg, didn't get caught on camera but alas, it did. there you go. i'm sure if he's watching at
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home he is thinking please stop that video. >> getting in trouble with a water bottle or drinking the water. >> a category of two with marco rubio. >> appreciate it. congratulations. "fox and friends first" continues right now. jillian: it is friday, december 20th and this is a fox news alert. investigators making a gruesome discovery in the search for missing mom and her infant daughter. rob: the very latest on this plot twist unfolding in texas. the 2020 democrats out from under the cloud of impeachment to go head to head in sunny california. >> we have to stop being obsessed over impeachment. >> the mayor had a fundraiser that was


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