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tv   Fox News Reporting  FOX News  December 20, 2019 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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or the other. >> dana: it is a good way to spend on your kids and of course we wish you a very merry christmas. thank you for joining us everybody. i'm dana perino and i will see you on the "the five" and henry you are excited for christmas? whoever suggested the ugly sweater come i want to clear that. >> dana: it will only be great. >> merry christmas. >> major christian magazine, remove from office and now the at the the publication by the late billy graham is to the far left, devastating developments in the search of a missing mom. now the question, who left her dead in the trunk of a car? in houston, we have a problem, a capsule that is supposed to one day carry astronauts getting a big snack in space, i am ed henry in new york, the news now. ♪
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's be when we begin with breaking news in austin, texas, where the police said to give an update any moment now for a missing mom and her newborn ba baby. the investigators found a body in the trunk of a car outside of a home near houston. according to the missing woman's mom, the police think the body is her daughter but they have not confirmed that yet. a baby found alive inside the home. heidi broussard and her 3-week-old baby went missing more than a week ago. the police officials arrested this woman in connection with the case, but so far have given few details about why. charges including, she is facing kidnapping and tampering with evidence. as we await the news conference, casey stegall reporting live from dallas from the details, good afternoon, casey. >> good afternoon, eddie. we have followed this all along and two big questions to get answered at this news conference scheduled to begin down in austin, texas, this afternoon, number one is the body that was
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discovered in the trunk of the car outside of the houston area home late last night. is it in fact that of heidi broussard? we still don't have a positive i.d. number two, what exactly is the relationship of heidi broussard and this woman that is now behind bars? she was arraigned in court this morning. we have video of that. it was actually within the last several hours. megan fieramusca, and according to the police, she owns the car that was parked at the house where the missing 1-month-old baby was located. so local news affiliates on the ground in austin have spoken to people who say that megan fieramusca and heidi had been friends since they were teenagers, possibly meeting at church camp. for context, this home where the discoveries were made late last night where the missing 1-month-old baby girl was found safe and where the body was
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found is about 150 miles from austin where the victims lived and where they were last seen alive. a week ago yesterday, in fact, is when that happened. last thursday morning, surveillance cameras capture the 33-year-old heidi broussard at her older son's school and book fair. look at this video were is still that police released from the surveillance video at school. you can clearly see the little baby, margo is her name, you can see the baby in tow three weeks old at the time. later that afternoon on thursd thursday, heidi never showed up at school to pick her son up, so the family got worried and filed a missing persons report. they said they were confused because at their apartment where heidi lived was her car, her purse was still there the keys, all of the baby's essentials. there was nothing that would indicate a struggle, however the
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only thing out placed was the cell phone was missing and no one was answering. it was going straight to voice mail. the volunteers have been spending organizing their time and efforts canvassing the neighborhood and organizing the search parties, the fbi got involved. they started interviewing neighbors, witnesses and so now it appears the investigation is going in a very different direction. and the autopsy, we know, was being conducted on the body that was found this morning. so it is very possible that when this news conference began, which is supposed to happen at any moment now. they may have a positive identification on those remains that were found. they also may be able to give us some sort of indication in terms of if this was part of a master plan, or if this person acted alone, in fact, if there was
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help or other people knew about it. so this has been quite bizarre as you start to peel the layers of the young and back. we have been following this all week. the police said they had no suspects, no persons of interest and chasing down a lot of leads. so again we could be learning quite a bit more now. >> casey stegall we hope to get answers and we learned officials say the news conference should 0 eastern time. we will go there life as soon as it begins. in the meantime let's get weather news. the president demanding immediate impeachment trial. and nancy pelosi is holding off on sending the actual articles of impeachment to the senate. president trump's close ally lindsey graham of south carolina says, the president is mad as hell about the delay. the correspondent kristin fisher responding from the white house,
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good afternoon. >> ed, mad as hell too energized, we are hearing a range of emotions from the people who know president trump the best about how he is feeling as he prepares to leave washington after one of the most historic weeks of his presidency. >> he is energized as our 63 million plus voters who elected him to office. this is historic and you know in many ways, including the fact that it is the first purely partisan impeachment. >> i just left president trump. he is mad as hell that they would do this to him and now deny him his day in court. the reason they are denying his day in court, the case sucks. >> the bottom line president trump wants us to all be over with. he knows he will most certainly be acquitted in the senate so he wants the trial to take place immediately so he can make his
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case and get this behind him before we get too far into 2020. house speaker nancy pelosi is really slowing things down by refusing to send articles of impeachment to the senate until she got some assurances from senate majority leader mitch mcconnell about how he intends to run the trial. republicans say it is simply not up to her anymore. she has done her job. now, it is up to the senate. most democrats say it is a fair and smart move by the speaker. >> all speaker pelosi is saying, have a fair trial. quite simply, someone is called into court. the defendant does not get to work with the judge to right the rules. >> believe it or not, there are some other nonimpeachment related things that president trump is doing today. we are told he will be signing this spending bill to keep the government open at some point today before the funding runs out, before midnight and in just a few hours, he will be heading to joint base andrews to sign
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the nva, the massive defense spending bill. he will speak in and members of congress and the military before he heads down to florida for the holidays, ed. >> ed: the president getting ready to right the state of the union address coming in a few weeks. >> that is right. speaker pelosi sent over an invitation today. and president trump accepted. normally, this is pretty normal stuff, but this is not normal times, especially when you think about what happened last year in the middle of that partial government shutdown, speaker pelosi rescinded her invitation. and then president trump refused to allow her to go on that trip to afghanistan. the fact that she sent that letter today is significant. she said in that letter "in the spirit of respecting the constitution, i invite you to deliver the state of the union address." president trump could be delivering his date of the union address at the exact same time as his impeachment trial in the senate. and that is exactly what
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happened to former president bill clinton back in 1999. ed, well it was the highly unusual, it would not be unprecedented. >> ed: christian fisher live at the white house, the anchor of fox news sunday, good afternoon, sir. >> how are you? >> ed: chris, let's start with the state of union before potential impeachment trial. which is we have done research and bill clinton of course gave the state of the union in the middle of his impeachment battl. we told us we look at the tape, he did not mention the impeachment battle. he tried to focus on the issues. it seems hard this president would avoid mentioning it. >> i agree. the idea that he would be under impeachment perhaps the senate trial underway by that point and that the president would simply ignore that and focus on his legislative agenda. i would be impressed if he did it. i would also be surprised if he did it. you know, he has not shown ability as bill clinton did to compartmentalize.
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he let you know what he thinks. he does not stick to some kind of rigid, compartmentalization game. >> ed: right. his view being he wants to speak out in his own defense. and it fires up his political base. and you have to wonder getting back to potential trial, why would you think thinker nancy pelosi hold back on officially sending the articles? does that not plan to the president's hands a little bit? >> i don't think so. i think what you heard from lindsey graham is what the president things, he wants the trial because he believes he will be acquitted and therefore exonerated. in a sense, he cannot erase the impeachment from history, but he can erase the impeachment as a clear present mark against him. yes, he was impeached but he was acquitted. i think one that he has counting on is this will get so much under the president's scan, he will put pressure on mitch mcconnell, the senate republican leader who said he doesn't want to call witnesses.
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he wants a quick trial and has made it clear he's in concert with the white house how to handle this. that may be the president will say, okay, look, if this is the price of getting a trial, let's give them a few witnesses. there is one fly in the ointment for nancy pelosi and that is know what feldman who is one of those protesters who spoke on the first day of the hearing of the judiciary committee a couple of weeks ago. he has come out and said to come impeachment does not happen until the articles of impeachment are actually sent to the senate. so if fails to send the articles of impeachment than the present has never been impeached. and given the fact that she apparently wants to put that mark on his record at some point, you figure she will have to give in and send the articles of impeachment so that you will have been formally impeached. the vote by the house itself is not enough. it actually has to be delivered to the senate. >> ed: christian democrats, the shush of the democrats with
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the first vote of the first article and said, you know, we are purple and swollen. how does that square with her now saying she wants to get some leverage in terms of the trial? does that look political? >> sure. the whole thing is political. her argument, i guess would be, i'm trying to use whatever leverage i have to try to ensure they have a full trial in the senate. and clearly didn't have in terms of getting all the witnesses in the house. the one thing that kind of contradicts is, how many times did we hear in the house from nancy pelosi, from adam schiff, from a number of people, we have to move this along because donald trump is a clear and present danger. we cannot wait for him to do something. well, now she is waiting which seems to contradict everything they were saying to the run-up to the impeachment vote. >> ed: absolutely, chris we will get to the news conference. we will sit down with mike pence, chief of staff mark and will be joined by the
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congresswoman debbie dingell of michigan this week on fox news sunday. check your local listings but in the meantime austin, texas. we mention police officials will have that in his conference here. >> this is still a very active and ongoing investigation. we have multiple teams and investigators at different jurisdictions as we speak in this room today that are still investigating this case. so we will take all of the information we can share at this point. we understand there is a tremendous amount of interest in this case, but we will give you all the information that we can. we commit to you that we will give you updates as we can without impacting the integrity of this investigation. it is heartbreaking circumstances that bring us here today. as you are all well aware, a lot has developed in the overnight hours. this all began back on december 12th when 33-year-old heidi broussard and infant daughter 2-week-old baby marco,
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casey were last seen as they dropped off their sibling and their son at school and we have been investigating their disappearance since that time. on tuesday, the detective gave a briefing to the media and what had been developed at that point through the investigation. and there is a lot that has happened since that time. most notably the event that took place in houston, area overnight and the early morning hours today. the detective will give you a briefing momentarily, updating the specifics of what took place, but what we will confirm at this point is that we did recover and infant female baby. however, we are really -- awaiting the dna results to confirm the identity and that may take us between 48-72 hours to get that confirmation. additionally, we recover the
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body of an adult female. we do believe that this is miss broussard, but again, however we are awaiting the results of the autopsy to confirm her identity. we do have one person that has been arrested and charged. the charges that have been filed at this point or two charges of kidnapping and one charge of tampering with the courts. we are not confirming the identity of the suspect at this time. i do understand that there are pictures being circulated and names being circulated in the media, however, we will not confirm again to protect the integrity of this ongoing investigation. there may be additional charges that are filed in this case as the investigation carries on, and that will be determined as we develop more information and uncover more evidence. this was a tremendous undertaking by many different divisions that i will recognize before detective harris comes up
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to give a briefing. and the austin police department participated in this investigation to include the homicide division, missing persons and the special units investigation, robbery unit, violent crimes task force, organize crime division, the taxes texas rangers involved and the district attorney's office,e fbi, the fbi child abduction rapid deployment team, the squad was here. texas parks and wildlife, travis county search and wild refuge, child protective services all pulled together to work on this case. again, everybody working for an outcome different than the one that it appears we have which is the loss of life. although we are grateful that it appears as though we safely recovered baby marco, again, we do believe that ms. broussard lost her life in this incident. detective harry will come up to give you a briefing on the events that have taken place in this investigation over the past
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24 hours. >> >> good afternoon my name is brad and i'm with austin department homicide unit. i will go through a brief timeline of the events that have happened the last seven or eight days. this is not all-inclusive. thursday, december 12th, 2019, heidi broussard a female, her 2-week-old baby dropped off heidi's six year old child at his school. heidi margot believed to have returned to the residence in south forest and 7:30 in the morning december 12th. the complainant arrived home, found that heidi come his girlfriend margot's daughter were not home. as the day progressed, the complainant went to pick up their 6-year-old child from after-school activities and found that margot was not there, the complainant became alarmed
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and contacted the austin police department with friends and families to find the location of his girlfriend and daughter. in the police department contacted at 7:31 p.m. december 12. officers on the scene began an investigation. they searched in the complex and preliminary investigations that evening on december 12th 2019 and at that time, to be on the lookout and both were entered into national and statewide databases as missing. in the information was dispersed throughout the community using reverse 911 system and that reached over 400,000 people in that area. they are images and descriptions were released to the media later in the morning december 12th, excuse me december 13th, 2,019th. we realized various resources and processes. we attempted to locate heidi and margot. this has been an ongoing process
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with numerous warrants that have been approved and executed in the search for them. we have spoken with family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, who have been in these areas that we have noted them to be in. and video cameras that we have believed they have been in. we conducted surveillance video in association with the federal and statewide partners. we have the video collection online and social media research, interviews, phone calls, and these investigations have gone across texas and gone across state lines. one of our partners released a nationwide flyer and as we progress through this investigation from a local, federal partners follow tips and leads provided by the public.
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we received numerous notifications online, various types of people who thought they had seen heidi or margot and had information related to their location. those tips were vetted and explored and investigated fully. has the week progressed, the current week, a lead was generated that created a location of interest in the houston area in harris county. federal, state, local resources deployed to that area of harris county and began to investigate a residence there. ultimately, those investigators encountered an individual outside of that resident who was detained on thursday, december 19, 2019. as the evening progressed, a search warrant was issued for property on that residence. both vehicles and the residence, the search warrants were signed and carried out by the austin police department, the department of public safety and with assistance from the federal
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bureau of investigation as we conducted those searches. during that search, we located a baby, who is currently safe, currently healthy, who is currently in the care of child protective services. that child's visual appearances consistent with that of baby margot. as a search continued, officers located the deceased adult female on the property. and as the chief said earlier, early indications would lead us to believe that is heidi. the property in houston will be an active scene. we are investigating multiple locations between austin and houston and the surrounding areas. with the assistance of the fbi, state local, the texas rangers and harris county sheriff's office. the harris county medical examiner's office conducting an autopsy today of the deceased adult female to determine the cause of death, to determine the
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manner of death, and has that information released to investigators, we will continue the investigation of this event. as the chief said an arrest has been made in the case. two charges of kidnapping, one count of tampering with a corpse, and the $600,000, that person is in custody as we speak. like i said, this is an ongoing active investigation. if you have any information relating to the disappearance of heidi broussard and out to be coming out 3-week-old daughter, contact the austin police department 512-974-5250. yes. last name herries, first name brad. i'm the detective. >> good afternoon everyone my name is christopher combs fbi special agent in charge.
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it has been a horrible week in austin and we all prayed we would be able to find heidi alive. but unfortunately as the chief expressed, we don't believe that is the case. we are very thankful though that through the combined efforts here, we were able to recover baby margot and the baby seems to be in very good health. everybody asks, how do we do that? some of that, we can't discuss openly right now because it's ongoing but i want to stress that these recoveries happen because of dogged police work, where austin police department missing persons unit has done in the incredible job with the texas rangers and assets the fbi able to bring to bear, and through that partnership with those agencies and a lot of other help and a lot of other agencies that we were able to recover that may be, which merely is one of the greatest things that we could do to save
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a child. one of the things that we brought to bear in this particular case is something called the fbi's child abduction rep and team. these are national teams the fbi has around the country that we deploy at the request of our state and local partners whenever a child is abducted. we were able to bring that team here to austin and work next to the detectives and the rangers to bring this case to closure. and to recover that child. the teams were developed back in 2006 and through this investigation, they deploy 167 times. what that team really brings to bear is that expertise have been through so many of these abductions, knowing how the clues that we should look at and really acting as consultants to the great detectives and rangers to help them go through this horrible event and to find children as quickly as we can. i would like to personally thank
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chief manley and detectives for outstanding effort here in the great partners with dps, the texas rangers and fbi agents who have worked this case, all of which going 24/7 cents heidi and her baby were reported missing. it is an incredibly hard job to do. and it really shows the dedication of the officers, the rangers and the agents to be able to be 24/7 on this and bring back this baby safe and sound. thank you very much. >> i am district attorney margaret moore. and like special agent in charge, i wish we had completely good news today, but i am proud of the inference that has taken place here. a demonstration of the dedication of law enforcement and the d.a.'s office that when
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the call came in, we were working on it 24/7. and the dedicated lawyer in office standing with me today, we established a major crimes hotline when i took office. and these attorneys take on this responsibility in addition to the regular duties so they are on call 24/7. we got this call. they have been working day in and day out with law enforcement to assist in getting papers needed to conduct the searches. there are pieces of the investigation. we will continue to be involved in the investigation, of course, if we impel -- evaluate whether additional charges need to be brought. i always feel very privileged to work with dedicated individuals and also pleased to be able to tell the citizens of this county
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help collaborative and thorough law enforcement is as we work on these major cases. i also would like to thank the harris county district attorney kim, her office extended every courtesy and assistance that we needed down there. so we expect that to continue. thank you. >> as we wrap up the press conference today, i want to express the heartfelt condone -- condolences of everyone standing here with me, our community, our department that we did not have two rescues but only one, it appears, in our hearts, our minds are with heidi's family today and as we go forward. i appreciate you respect we cannot take questions because we have given you everything at this point. we are committed to provide you with additional information, at which time we can when it will not impact the further investigations. i will say though, special agent
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in charge christopher combs will do individual interviews if you have questions regarding the current team and their operations, but i will reiterate, it is only about the current team and their operations. and no questions regarding the investigation for the occurrences will be handled if you choose to do one of those individuals. thank you all again for coming out, for covering this and we are committed to give you information when we can. thank you. >> special agents -- >> >> ed: you have been listening live to local police officials and it was the fbi in charge, the detective, local prosecutor. all kinds of officials reporting that they do not believe that they found the missing woman alive. heidi broussard, but they are cautioning that they still have to do some dna testing that is in the works. that will take 38-72 hours to confirm she is dead, but they did find her young baby alive.
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let's bring in the correspondent casey steele following this closely to figure out what else you believe stood out from this news conference, casey. it seems to me we got a lot of new information, we don't know the motive in this case. >> perhaps i thought what was most interesting that we did not learn was the woman's name. we reported to you at the top of this program that there was a woman down in the houston area that went before a judge today. and she was charged with the exact same charges that the police chief said that the suspect or person of interest that they had arrested had been charged with, which is two counts of kidnapping and one count of tampering with a corpse. so it was interesting not only to watch the police chief, but also the fbi special agent in charge and the others there at the microphone carefully dancing around the name and sort of the
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circumstances surrounding how this mother potentially knew this woman, megan fieramusca. she was arrested outside of that used in home, that used an area home in the suburb of northwestf houston. she was outside of that home and the police confirmed that her car was outside of the residence. not clear if there were multiple cars there and the car that was registered to her is the one that the body was located in inside of the trunk. but again, the police pretty much coming out today and saying they have reunited what they believe is this bay become a 3-week-old baby, with its family. they are of course, waiting dna testing to make sure, but they said it fits all of the traits and physical characteristics and it would take 48 to 72 hours before those d dna to confirm te
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identity of the baby. they mentioned an autopsy was still underway on the body that was found inside of the trunk. they said they believed that it was that of 33-year-old heidi broussard. but the autopsy would officially confirm that. so a lot of moving parts here, but the main thing, the baby is alive and well. >> ed: a lot of unanswered questions even though we got new information casey stegall thanks for staying on top of that. in the meantime can't developing right now a fender bender, two massive cruise ships collating. we will tell you what we are learning about the crash and how it happened. ♪ ached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it - with hassle-free claims, he got paid before
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trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. so you can... retire better. >> ed: we are back. president trump slamming christianity today after editors called on congress to remove the president from office. chief, good afternoon, lauren. >> good afternoon to you as well. "christian today" billy graham above the political fray and let others make their own choices but editor and chief calls the president trump's impeachment a moral issue that transcends politics and says he should be ousted. in an editorial posted yesterday, he says "trump attends to use his political power to course foreign leader is immoral. sally writes we believe the impeachment hearing has made it
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absolutely clear at the way that mueller investigation did not. president trump has abused his authority for personal gain and betrayed his constitutional oath. none of the presidents positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character. president trump tweeted his reaction this morning calling "christianity today" far left, some have called it poorly and billy graham family for many years. christianity today knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript of routine call. by the way fox news poll shows evangelicals still support trump 67%. they say she he should not be impeached, add. >> ed: war and what is the response from the family? >> i spoke with billy graham's son and he confirmed that his family and his father who founded the magazine have had nothing to do with "christianity
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today" for a while now. his father who died in 2018 was a trump supporter. >> well, my father knew donald trump, believed in donald trump and this last election he voted for donald trump. and if he were here today, i'm sure he would tell you that himself. rico also, evangelicals say trump supporter's don't read "christianity today" and the editorial will change their opinions. >> ed: lauren green thank you the next step will be a senate trial after the new year. the democrats on the republicans cannot agree what that will look like. the staff looking a democrat but in the meantime let's hear from a republican senator. the state's former governor, good afternoon, sir. >> how are you doing? merry christmas and happy new year. >> ed: merry christmas a little bit early, sir. what do you think the president's moral being dumb a
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question by "christianity today?" >> this is frustrating because the only person transparent is trump, he put up the transcript and the democrats have wanted to impeach trump since he came down the escalator. so this is just, you know finally how they got there, but there's not going to be hearsay events in the senate. i don't know, i don't know what their case is. i think that is why nancy pelosi is scared to death to send it over because she realizes who will present this case that's full of holes? there is nothing there. >> ed: this is what the editor of "christianity today" said today on cnn. give you a chance to respond, listen. >> the question is, when does his behavior which is described as immoral rise to the level where he is no longer fit to serve office? and to me, we cross that line with the impeachment hearings. >> ed: you may not believe, senator he did impeachable
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offenses but you are concerned about how the president is conducting himself in office? >> donald trump is different. he likes to tweet. if you attack him, he will not let you off of the hook. but remember, hit impeachment is high crimes and misdemeanors. there was no high crimes and misdemeanors here. you know, we are not like the british system where they get to have a vote of no confidence. we are not like that. our president is elected for years. this president has been elected four years per the democrats don't like that. so whether people like the fact he tweets or letting people off of the hook when they attack him, that is not the test. the test is high crimes and misdemeanors and there is none here. >> ed: you are a leader in the senate and republican mitch mcconnell does not understand what the leverage nancy pelosi thinks she has in terms of delaying, sending the articles to the senate. because he said he doesn't want the articles if there is no trail mitch mcconnell doesn't care. but doesn't the president care?
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where do you stand on this? mcconnell is saying he doesn't want a trial but the present once a speedy trial because he wants his name cleared. >> first off it is pretty frustrating because the democrats don't care about getting anything done. schiff did trump's job and prove nothing happen here. there is no evidence, right, the evidence is the transcript. nancy pelosi if she doesn't want to send it or break our hearts. the senate did not want this on their lap anyway. we wanted to get things done for the american public, past budgets, reduce drug prices, focus on securing the border, but this is something she created and now come i think she just realizes this is bad for their elections. so i think she scared to death to send it. if she does we will deal with it and if she doesn't we won't. >> ed: senator you talk about getting things done. despite this impeachment battle, the president moving forward on the usmca trade deal a big defense bill that he will sign to push forward that is important for the military. he's got a big state of the
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union address. reported at the top of the broadcast. what is your message to the president how you think he may be able to try at least to unite the nation early next year in the middle of a time when this country is obviously deeply divided? >> first off, i think it will be awfully tough. because what the democrats are trying to do is we fight 26 election and they are scared about 2020. what the president will do is talk about the american public. what do they want? we want a good economy. we have a great economy. we want to make sure we can't defend the freedoms of the country. filing for the third year in a row, we find at the military. the military is getting stronger. they want to secure border. the president in the budget will have the money to do more to secure the border. i think the president has a lot to brag about, and that's what he ought to talk about. i remember in 2016, he would call me, look, what people care about his jobs. talk about what you will do to create a better economy.
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that is exactly what is done now for three years. >> ed: senator rick scott come a lot on his plate, happy new year. >> merry christmas. >> ed: we reached out and we go to the democratic senators to come on the program as well to hear from the upcoming senate trial. many had previous commitments and traveling because of the holiday so the timing has not worked out so we will keep trying. claimed the video from jeffrey epstein's reported suicide attempt was missing and now telling a judge it reappeared. some of the convicted sex offenders, accusers are speaking out only to fox news. ♪ any comments doug?
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♪ >> ed: developing nel carnival cruise lines assessing the damage after two massive ship slammed into one another.
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happen when one of the ships attempting to dock down in mexico. trace gallagher with more on this life the west coast newsroom, trace. >> of the big destination for carnival and investigators to find the cause early indications are that high winds and rough seas were major contributing factors. the carnival glory and 952-foot ship to maneuver to dock when it struck the sternum of the carnival legend 963 feet long. the passengers aboard the ship said they heard a boom and felt the ship rocked to one side and go back into place. six people total suffered minor injuries. and here is some video of passenger posted on social media. listen close to this. >> >> it was a good hit, carnival awarding words like collision, crash, shipwreck opting for words like made
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contact, quoting we are assessing the damage, but there are no issues of impact. of either ship. we have advised guests from both ships to enjoyed their day ashore and there is no damage below the waterline, with dominic carnival, and the ships a big bonus. ed. >> ed: made contact, trace gallagher, thank you for that. video that shows the outside of jeffrey upstream stomach jeffrey epstein's jails sailed to reappear. according to prosecutors who said the video was missing. the convicted sex offender died in august come up course after the first recorded attempt on the medical examiner with bryan llenas joins us with the latest. this mystery deepens, brian. >> it does. we are talking july, 18 days before jeffrey epstein hung himself at the metropolitan correction center in new york. epstein was found in his sale
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with dome xl and put on suicide watch and taken off watch days before he was found dead on august 10th. epstein's lawyers contended he did not try to kill himself the first time and was instead beaten up by his then cellmate nicholas. and of course a former cop on trial for quadruple homicide denied that he beat up epstein and his lawyer asked to see the surveillance video footage outside of epstein's jail cell. on wednesday prosecutors said the footage was missing but then yesterday they collected themselves send the video was preserved and they are in the process of obtaining a copy. there has been questions about whether the cameras malfunctioned the night that epstein killed himself and obviously this would be pointing to that. the attorney general bill barr by the way said he saw the video the night he hung himself and assures nobody entered that area. >> ed: there has been a lot of questions and that we are
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hearing from epstein's accusers. >> two weeks ago nine women a civil lawsuit against jeffrey epstein million-dollar estate. i sit down with the accusers for the cameras and to conceal the identities and use fake names, livia a19-year-old cash-strapped aspiring actress when she says epstein promised exchange for personal massages but sexually abused dozens. >> she never asked me at the time, and i had braces. i looked very young. but now looking back at it, discussed and war of the whole thing. just to be clear, i said no. >> ed: you can watch the rest of the investigative units tonight on "the story" with martha maccallum and periods big story
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and don't miss at 7:00 p.m. eastern. a big step back for boeing after capsule went off course on its way to the international space station. the details, next. this holiday season, with ancestry.
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with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. the type 2 diabetes pill that's on it. learn more at ♪ >> ed: boeings store capsule, the first launch today an executive say that capsule did not get into the right orbit. this was supposed to be dress rehearsal before next year's launch with astronauts. reporting live from cape canaveral, florida, phil. >> hello, ed, boeing, nasa as well as on alliance, launch a lance, and for all of the things that did go right. in fact, they say this is why we do test flights in the first place. and the spectacular presunrise launch with low earth orbit and appear to be going along as planned. and this rockets first properly
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but according to 30-40 minutes after lunch, a critical anomaly. the computers on the capsule, for some unknown reason falsely believed that the star liner was further along at a higher orbit than it was, so it cut out, meaning it did not end up burning as long as it should have. and now will not get high enough to run debut with the space station. >> a lot of things went right today. i want to be clear. a lot of things went right. this is why we test. because we are in orbit and in fact elevating our data and information in the coming days. so this is all very positive. >> right now the capsule is undamaged, it is orbiting the earth 220 miles up. it is fully powered. because of that orbit, and that is what boeing's plan was if something did go wrong, it can now land on earth in one of the
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landing zones with the airbags. that will happen sunday. the white sands, new mexico, ed. >> ed: what does this mean for the next test flight? >> well, it is still too soon to say. it is under investigation and the capsule computer malfunction still has to be figured out. the second test flight for boeing and star line anticipated early next year. this time it was going to carry two astronauts to the space station. that could still happen even though today's test flight will not prove that the capsule can safely dock with the space station. and that will, of course, end reliance on the russians once boeing gets the second test flight up and running and continue servicing the space station. spohn all right, thank you. apple meanwhile apparently has a secret team of engineers working on satellites which could change the way we communicate and connect to the internet. "bloomberg news" first to report this, the fox business network reporting live from the midwest
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newsroom, grady. >> the goal of the secret team according to bloomberg to find new ways to beam data like internet connectivity to apple devices. this team is made up of engineers who have experience in aerospace, satellite and antenna design. they want to have the technology ready to go within five years. this could be incredibly costly for apple, but the program is reportedly still in the early stages. the company could scrap it completely if it so chooses, ed. >> ed: thank you. forget cops and robbers, these days kids can play w don't commit fisher-price selling for kids, and a child might call it wine and cheese complete with plastic salami, brie and fake crackers for stacking. and even comes with fake marble plates. the bow tie and beret we are told or sold separately. i wonder if there is a wine kit. remember that came up in the
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democrat debate last night? we will stay on it. ed henry, "your world with neil cavuto" coming up now, the dow jones closing up. neil cavuto. ♪ >> neil: plenty of drama on wall street but not responding in any way to the drama on capie have an impeachment in limbo, folks. the bottom line unless nancy pelosi formally passes the law, impeachment directives to the senate, you technically don't have impeachment so the big question then becomes, when do we have impeachment. mike emanuel on capitol hill with high-stakes game of poker, mike what is happening? >> neil no doubt about it, good afternoon to you senior white house officials appear through a walk through for potential senate trial when they left a short time ago. eric a legislative a


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