tv Cavuto Live FOX News December 28, 2019 7:00am-9:00am PST
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are you back tomorrow? >> lisa: i hope so. rick with you back tomorrow? rick: i'm back. pete: i'll say that every day. see you tomorrow, have a wonderful saturday, everybody. >> ♪ ♪ david: well santa claus majority it have come and gone but the santa rally continues, stocks racing up as we countdown to the new year in a record breaking week. good morning, everybody i'm david asman in for neil cavuto and we're wrapping up this decade with the gifts that keep on giving, sales, stocks and jobs, what's driving it and can anything stop it? we're going to be asking white house trade advisor peter navarro, he's with us later this morning, but first, a fox business correspondent with the numbers hi jackie. reporter: good morning to you, david wow end of a decade can you believe it but as we get ready to close out the year the market continues to set these
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new records the nasdac training over 9,000, so driving the year- end gains trade optimism of course and robust holiday sales showing the consumer is alive and well. holiday sales grew 3.4% overall, that was according to mastercard spending pulse, and the survey also shows that online sales were up 18.8%, as consumers were shopping on their devices more than in the stores. earlier this year, there was some recession talk, remember that? there were concerns that consumer spending would slow, doesn't seem to be the case here and the consumer reports accounts for roughly two-thirds of u.s. economic activity. meantime those markets let's take a look the dow is up almost 23% year-to-date up 56% since trump's election in 2016. the nasdac that i mentioned up 35% year-to-date, that's because of the tech name, including your favorites, apple and amazon. these are some tech names but they are also falling into the
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retail space as well, so they're getting a double lift from consumers too. as we enter 2020 the story, driving the election, the stock market, the economy, will it be marred by impeachment? most experts say no, tax cuts, less regulation, record unemployment, wage growth, it's all lifting americans making them feel confident about the future and the survey suggests that the consumer and stocks are setting up for another year with room to run. now market watcher say impeachment in the white house without confirmation from the senate is largely ceremonial. it's not going to impact the way americans feel about their finances, right now. but of course, david, the powers in the voting booth, americans showed each other how they felt in 2016, we will see if they do it again. david: and if history is any guide we should remember the markets went way up during the clinton impeachment so impeachment doesn't necessarily mean bad economy. good to see you jackie we'll see you in just a moment so can the good news keep going into 2,020 and what will it mean in
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november? if it does republican strategist joseph pinion, college political science professor jeanie z ano, and by the way, steve forbes may jump in here and he got stuck in the holiday traffic so many people out there shopping. joseph, this is much more than just wall street. we tend to focus a lot on wall street, because it's easy to put up the numbers but nominal wages for the lowest 10% of american workers in the united states up 7%, percentage wise, the increases for the lowest wage earners in america is better than the highest wage earners. >> yeah, i think that the democrats like to pretend that somehow poverty sprung up when president trump put his hand on the bible and took the oath of office. yes we do have wage and equality but when we are talking about are you better off today than four years ago, 6 million americans will raise their hand and say yes, i think again when you look at what's happening on wall street a smart money has known what most american voters knew four years ago that as trump goes so goes the economy that's why they seem unbothered
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and we see the markets booming and why people know that these easiest way to ensure the economy still keeps going well is to impeach president trump because that means he's most likely going to get another four years in office. david: jeanie, what is the democrat counterpunch to this great economic news? >> it's really tough out there and we heard this in the last debate when judy woodruff asked joe biden what would you do differently about the economy and he didn't have a very good answer, as to what he would do differently, but there are, you look at the more progressive when you look at the elizabeth warren and the bernie sanders, they are talking about issues that matter to americans, things like the cost of pharmaceuticals , which is we all know is very very high. we still have a healthcare, you know, real crisis in this country, so there are things that can be done, you know, the stock market is doing well, but not all americans, and in fact most americans not invested in the stock market and so they aren't necessarily feeling all the great news that joe biden is talking about, so there are things that can be said but i think democrats have to get on the same page, they've got to go
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back to their 2018 message and talk number one about healthcare and issues that middle american cares about and they are missing the boat on that with $50 trillion healthcare bills in that. david: jackie things can always be better than what they are. nothing is perfect in this world unfortunately but you pointed to something that phrase that ronald regan used for his re-election back in 1984 do you feel better now than you did four years ago? everything is relative in the economy, and relative to four years ago, i think people do feel better. >> absolutely and the one thing i would say is this a lot of americans that are employed they do invest in the stock market, somehow, through their 401 (k) plans so when you look into your account on your smartphone or on the computer whatever it is, you're putting more money into it, your employer is matching it , the stock market is going up , people do feel better about their future, and those tax cuts let's not forget because they seem like they were a while ago but paychecks are a little bit more robust too the americans that didn't have jobs now have
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them and wages are actually moving up, so there is this feeling and it's one of the reasons the consumer was out there, there is this feeling i have more money in my pocket, and i don't want to say that everybody goes into the voting booth and makes the decision based on finances but a lot of people do they think about their family and future and what's coming next, to your point about the healthcare issue, of course it's a big issue and so many people care about it but like you said the kind of proposals that the democrats are coming up with are suggesting are the answer, don't necessarily have. david: joseph thinking back four years ago i remember at the end of president obama's term, he was talking about manufacturing jobs and he said you know, a lot of these jobs are never going to come back. well the president trump came in , focused on manufacturing jobs, lowered the corporate tax rates to bring all those corporations back to america who had gone to ireland and other countries with lower corporate tax rates because we had one of the highest in the world, and low and behold we have 500,000 manufacturing jobs, and now they suffered a little bit because of the tariffs that came down about
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20,000, but overall, the net positive manufacturing jobs is enormous. >> we talked i think the report came out close to a trillion dollars had been repatriated since the actual tax was implemented by president trump. i think people talk about promises made, promises kept by president trump. the inverse is that promises made by democrats and promises forgotten, or forsaken. president obama went to wisconsin and said that you know if people try to prevent you from collective bargaining, i'll put on my most comfortable pair of shoes and march with you and the people in wisconsin are still waiting for president obama to show up. so i think when you talk about what are people in middle america, what are people in wisconsin now seeing now you see president trump now being predominantly all of the democratic challengers in places like wisconsin, where people more or less are opposed to impeachment, they are seeing president who again has delivered on jobs, has delivered on wages and has delivered on most of the things that they went into a voting booth and voted in favor of.
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david: we talk about manufacturing another sector that has done extremely well during president trump is the energy sector and of course that means fossil fuels, something that the democrats, every single one whose running for president, is against. we have 6.2 million jobs in oil & gas industry, from production all the way to retail. there are only 200,000 jobs in solar energy, there are less than 100,000 jobs in wind energy , and you mentioned the debate, joe biden was asked specifically, would you be willing to give up hundreds of thousands of jobs in oil & gas in order to go green and he said yes. that doesn't sell well to those 6.2 million american workers in oil & gas. >> and we heard bloomberg say something very similar, and you know, what the democrats are banking on is that those primary voters are so concerned about the environment and they are and it's not just democrats and so they are trying to make the case that the future of jobs is in these sectors and they are going to create those jobs and you were just talking about manufacturing, and i would bring up one thing.
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there's a reason when last week, when neil interviewed andrew yang that he is so popular with young people and that is because he is talking about the future of manufacturing jobs is going a i. the government has got to be prepared. david: i keep hearing that i know but we keep hearing that but keep having more jobs. >> well but the future, you know, president trump brought back a lot of companies, but many of those companies automated some of those jobs and that's going to increase and i dee with students with over a trillion dollars in higher education debt burden. david: that debt is a killer, but jackie the promises we talked about promises, broken promises, kept promises, joe biden, i remember in 2010 he was the head of something called recovery summer, when he claimed we'd have 500,000 new greener jobs every month in that summer, well it turned out by the end of the summer we had a deficit of jobs, we had a negative growth rate in jobs, so we've heard this before, from joe biden, and
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he failed to deliver. >> yeah, and so much has changed within the energy landscape for example. those jobs may be the future- future. much later on down the line, but oil, for example, has been such a globally divisive commodities if you will to a certain extent with certain countries dominat ing. the energy independence that we've seen here in the united states has changed the landscape and someone pushed back on me and said well president trump didn't do much about that. yes he did. he rolled back regulation, he brought a lot of those jobs back and allowed the potential for fracking to lock into oil and natural gas reserves we have in this country and its been huge. i'm not saying that green energy jobs, solar jobs that kind of thing won't be relevant down the line, but it's not tomorrow any more. david: you just look at the numbers 6.2 million versus i guess that it's about 300,000 in alternative energy. even quickly you're talking about the fact that democrats are talking about climate change , talking about green energy, let's be very clear. the only energy forum that we
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have right now that has the capacity to power america, to build the bridge, towards the future the democrats want that green future is nuclear. they are completely opposed to nuclear so look if that's your number one issue then the only actual plan that we have to actually fill that gap you haven't addressed. david: by the way my prediction if president trump wins re-election he is going to go harder on green energy. we'll see some, because he's going to try to pull in that sector. >> i hope he does and i hope we help transition these workers because they need to be transitioned. david: don't dump the oil & gas just yet. millions of people -- >> you don't have a tesla david david: i wouldn't mind a tesla. >> me neither. david: well the government gives you a great break, some people say too good a break. >> they are smooth i hear. david: a break for millionaires so new numbers showing an asylum program in mexico is doing what it is supposed to do. what does that mean for our immigration policy in the new year? congresswoman at the border sharing her take, coming next.
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david: new data out showing that asylum grant rates are well below the historic average. this as the department of homeland security applauds the remain in mexico program, that has asylum seekers staying south of the border while they await their case review. mark meredith has the details for us from d.c. hi, mark. >> hey, david its been nearly a year since the trump adminitration unveiled and launched its remain in mexico policy and now researchers from syracuse university are examining what the strategy meant for both migrants and border security. the researchers say over 56,000 immigrants have been sent back to mexico or kept in mexico to await immigration hearing and the study found once the migrant for asylum hearings. now this policy impacts migrants from many countries including honduras, and records show fewer people who remain in mexico are
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being granted asylum. one migrant hoping for acceptance into the u.s. , spoke to reuters earlier this year. >> i never thought that i would spend this christmas and new years here. my dream was to be there in the united states with my husband but i wasn't allowed to cross. i was returned here to mexico. >> the tariff says the policy is about security and ending the catch and release loophole that allows some asylum speaker seekers to live in the u.s. without ever facing a judge and the administration argues the policy prevents border communities from being overwhelmed by migrants. this is not just for people seeking asylum. it is also for people who cross the border illegally, and they are essentially on what we call a detained docket. it means they are not going to be released until their case is heard. a lawsuit is challenging the remain in mexico policy but a judge is allowing the rules to
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remain in place as the case works its way through the court. david? david: mark very good to see you on saturday. so the trump adminitration received backlash when it introduced the remain in mexico program that mark just outlined but it seems to be doing what it was supposed to do, so what does that mean for our immigration plan moving forward? republican congresswoman from arizona, debbie lesko joins us now good to see you congresswoman. you know some of these stories are tragic. our heart goes out to people looking for a better life but the asylum rule was being abused or at least misused. people came here, they had one meeting with the judge and disappeared and they never come back for other meetings. president trump changed that and it appears to be working, right? >> well, i agree with you. i mean, the president's number one job in congress' number one job is protecting its own people , and i serve on both the immigration formation issues both on judiciary committee, and on homeland security committee,
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so i touch both sectors and boy, we had such a border crisis. as you said, people were using this loophole and were just flooding our borders and once they just claimed asylum and once they got in they were here and most of them didn't show up to court, so unfortunately many of my democratic colleagues really prioritize illegal immigrants over u.s. citizens, and it's kind of sad. i introduced six pieces of legislation, the department of homeland security said were needed to fix the crisis, and unfortunately, democrat chairman jerry nadler has not heard one single one of them. david: really, wow. well you know, it not only prioritized a lot of these policies illegal immigrants over u.s. citizens but also over those immigrants who are trying to come here legally. i mean, they are members of my extended family that i've
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been trying for 10 years to do that it's very tough, it's very hard, it's frustrating, but there are millions of people that are trying to do it legally and it's an insult to them. >> well, i agree i agree. we already legally immigrate about 1 million people into our country a year. that's more than one congressional district each and every year, and so we want people to immigrate here legally but not illegally and in arizona , this has been an issue for many many years, and i'm glad that president trump promised he was going to secure the border, and he's following through. now do i feel bad for the immigrants that are coming here thousands of miles? yes of course there are bad cases and the cartels are abusing these people, but they are raping the people, they are using them for money, you know, they just treat them as money makers, and so i think this
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helps deter people from traveling at these thousands of miles to get across their border so in my opinion, it helps u.s. citizens, it helps security , but it also helps the migrants, because they are expecting to come into the united states and most of them don't have legitimate asylum claims, and we need to keep that open for the people that do have legitimate asylum claims. david: by the way one of the most unusual things about how this all worked out is you have a left wing president, a new left wing president of mexico working with a conservative president of the united states and they are coming to great deals on at least on this asylum program, but not only that, you mentioned the cartels. there was an arrest, i believe it was in the past 24 hours of a corrupt sheriff in mexico who may have been involved in the murder of these nine women and children, and american women and children, do you know anything about that? it looks like we're making some
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progress based again on a good relationship working with the mexican government right now. >> well i don't have any new details on that but i'm glad they caught somebody and are following through with it. that was a horrific thing that happened to that group of people and that, we don't want that type of violence flooding over our border. we already have cartels here in arizona. we do not want more cartels. a lot of these are very violent. they treat people as commodities , money makers, they don't care about the people, doctors without borders said that one out of three women are getting raped, children are being abused. so i think president trump is right. congress was not acting because we have a democrat control in the house of representatives, and they weren't putting through fixes for border crisis so president trump had to do something and he came through
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and i appreciate him. david: congresswoman lesko, great to see you happy new year to you. >> thank you. david: meanwhile a big blunder for biden that has key voters questioning whether to back him in strong comparisons to a similar comment made by hillary clinton in 2016. smartdogs. the first dogs trained to train humans. stopping drivers from: liking. selfie-ing. and whatever this is. available to the public... never. smartdogs are not the answer. but geico has a simple tip. turn on "do not disturb while driving" mode. brought to you by geico.
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economic opportunity using clean renewable energy as the key in the cold country, because we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. david: oh, boy. [laughter] and that cost clinton key states then will it cost biden now. the heritage foundations steve war joining us so steve, biden almost had a casual acceptance to the fact that a couple hundred thousand oil & gas jobs are going to go away for green jobs if that happens. is that biden's hillary moment? >> well it may well be, you know, if you look at what happened, she got crushed in west virginia, she lost all of the coal states because guess what people don't like when politicians say they are going to takeaway their jobs and now what biden is saying is he's not going to just go after coal. he's going to go after the coal, i mean the oil & gas industry which by the way employs not hundreds of thousands of workers
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but millions, and by the way, guess what states they are in, david. ohio, pennsylvania, texas, colorado, new mexico, and most of them are border states that both parties need to win. there are just as one estimate, there are at least 500,000 people in pennsylvania and ohio that are employed by the shale oil & gas industry, so that is a big problem for the democrats in those key states. david: by the way if you add up all of the jobs in oil & gas from production to retail all the way to people who have gas stations it's 6.2 million, and you compare that to a couple hundred thousand, in alternative energy, the numbers don't add up he also said something which is that these jobs in oil & gas are low-paying. where did he get that? by any standards these are high- paying jobs right? >> you know, this is a big big problem for the modern democratic party.
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they want to represent the radical green element of the party but they also say they want to represent blue collar middle class workers and those two factions are in great conflict with each other, and you're right. i've been to places like midland , texas and the areas outside of pittsburgh where you've got this drilling going on, and the truckers are making $100,000. they are union jobs, and many of them are making six figures and that's a high salary for a blue collar worker and so i think that it presents a big political problem for the democrats in most states and by the way it's not just biden who said that it's bernie sanders, it's elizabeth warren, it's mayor pete, they are all saying they want to destroy our oil & gas industry. david: the other thing among other things, that they say together, which is that tax cuts are just for the rich. that at least came out in the beginning of the trump tax cuts and for the past couple of years it's changing a little bit on the part of joe biden, but not too much, to which you say what?
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>> well did you see the report that just came out a few days ago, that it's estimated almost $1 trillion, trillion with a t, has come back to the united states, because of one of our policies from that tax bill which was repatriation of capital. that's creating, you know, millions of jobs in the united states as that money comes back it means more factories and businesses are coming back to the united states. we're seeing nice increases in wages, you know my buddy larry kudlow likes to say that the increases in wages in percentage terms has been higher for the line workers than it has been for the managers and the people running the company so it's just a falsehood, when you look at the situation where today in america, david we have 7.1 million unfilled jobs in the united states. that's never happened before in the history of our country and it's allowed workers of all income ranges to really bid up their wages because it's a tight labor market. david: in january 2017 the congressional budget office came out with an estimate saying that we'd have 2 million new jobs by
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this time from when that happened. we've actually as you mentioned had 7 million new jobs, 7 million, that so far of the 2 million mark, more than three times more, and it's even by the estimates of people that are totally non-partisan like the cb o, this has been a blockbuster jobs here. >> by the way, they also estimated what the gdp would be in 2019, and based on what their estimate before trump was elected versus where we are today, $600 billion additional gdp. these are enormous numbers that really speaks to a prosperous economy. david: i'm going to ask you to turn tables if you were an advisor for any of the democratic candidates right now what would you tell them to do about the economy, rather than try to talk it down, which is hard to do, what would you tell them to say about this economy and why democrats could do it better? >> the one thing i would do which is what they are trying to
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do is talk about anything but the economy that's why they are doing impeachment to try to change the subject but look, i will tell them one piece of advice david. don't do what walter mondale did remember in 1984 remember that? david: raise taxes. he said he would raise taxes and i think reagan, very narrowly won that re-election with what 49 states. david: yeah that was a close one. steve moore, good to see you my friend happy saturday. well the end of a year, at the start of a new decade and just a few short days millions preparing to party hard, so how are officials preparing to keep everyone safe while they're partying we'll check in at times square coming next.
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david: 1 million people expect ed to pack times square to watch the ball drop on new years eve in just a couple of days preparations are already underway as you can imagine to make sure that we all have a happy and very safe start to the decade. fox business correspondent jackie deangeles has the very latest from times square. reporter: we are live at one-times square where the historic ball drop is going to take place. you can see the ball behind me. 2,688 waterford crystals, 192 of those will be replaced with new crystals, that celebrate the gift of goodwill and the traditional design of three pineapples. this ball is unbelievable. it is 12 feet in diameter, 11,
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875 pounds, and it has more than 32000 led's. 1 million people are expected to attend live, millions will watch the telecast nationwide, billion s will watch it worldwide as well, but of course, security , so important here, the nypd is going to be working with the new york state police, the m ta police, the fbi, and many others, to make sure everyone stays safe. there won't be any big bags, backpacks, umbrellas, no alcoholic beverages either. david? back over to you. david: jackie thank you very much. jackie so how do officials go about making sure that we are protected this time of the year? joining me now is former fbi deputy assistant director danny colson. danny great to see you thank you for being here. >> happy new year. david: happy new year to you as well. now we have a mayor in new york forgive me for starting on a sore spot for a lot of people in the police force but he's not very popular with cops in new york, these days. he's been seen as unsupport irs
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to a lot of them as they go through a lot of trouble recently. some of us are worried a that that may pose a security risk for situations like new years. do you see that as a problem? >> no, i do not. i work with the nypd as an agent in new york city for almost 10 years and they are the most professional law enforcement agency you'll ever find. they are going to ignore him and do their job, they are going to deploy resources and i guarantee you knowing them, they've already planned for this, and they are ready to go. the problem is though, are we ready to go? it's what the citizens do that's equally important. david: well i want to talk about that because you've got very good specific points of how to protect ourselves but before we leave this the fbi working with police forces, particularly after things like that massacre in las vegas, et cetera, that must be a very close working relationship right now. >> it's the very closest. every fbi office in the country
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has a great relationship with the local police. they are partners in these things and let me say they are equal partners and to get ready for these things is a monumental occurrence, and they don't spare the money, they don't spare resources and they survey these places they go and look at them, they respond and what you are not going to see is all of the undercover officers that are there. you won't see that, but that's super important. david: that is important. okay, what should i do or what should i tell my kid to do to protect ourselves during the new years celebrations? >> great question. thank you for asking that. they will be in denial. those fire crackers you hear, they are not fire crackers. take action, don't get trapped. if you're going to go to a nightclub know how to get out of the nightclub. don't run into the bathroom because that's a kill area. remember the pulse nightclub get out. if i could give them one piece of advice is movement. escape. get away, run. don't hide in plain sight. don't go down to the ground hoping somebody will show you mercy. because they don't. get out.
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get away, run. david: you know, in new york, running is not always an easy thing to do. everybody is packed in you can barely move from left to right. i guess you should try to avoid getting into one of those situations in the first place, right? >> well, i do. also, know where you're going. really popular to go to the movies new years eve and my family does that. where are the exits? how do you get out of there? that's important, because remember, the police are minutes away, and they will resolve the situation, but you will save your life, so take action, nowhere you are and be prepared to get off the mark. david: it's all great advice. danny i have to ask about something that's been in the news recently your beloved ed fbi has been put through the ringer particularly by a small group of people at the top who got politically involved in things. i know your feelings about this and i think that i share them, but it all came out in that inspector general's report. your thoughts about what's happened and how to fix the fbi right now?
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>> well thank you for asking that. you have to understand, james comey did not let the fbi do its job. these kind of investigations are supposed to be run by the washington field office, the division i commanded at one-time but he took it away from field agents who are not bias and gave it to a group of people inside his inner sanctum, and had them do it because he wanted to have an outcome that he designed and he did that and he was very successful, unfortunately, it worked to the detriment of the fbi and i hope people understand , this is not the fbi. this is james comey, james comey got his badge given to him. he didn't earn it like i did, and he tarnished himself, not my badge. he tarnished himself and it's devastating to us, because we thrive on credibility, and he's now hurt that to a degree. david: but how do you turn it around that credibility? >> well first of all you wait for durham to do his job.
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if in fact there's criminal it here and i definitely believe there is then you prosecute those involved and i think christopher wray is doing the right thing waiting to get all of the facts. david: the current head of the fbi. >> yes, sir he's the current, brand new director. can you imagine what it's like walking into that mess? it took a lot of courage to do that but i think it's a good man , and he has courage and it's going to take courage, and also, it's probably to divorce the fbi as far as they can away from the department of justice. get away from a very political organization and restore the fbi 's independence. david: terrific advice. danny coulson, i'm so gland we have people like you working for the fbi, and there's still p.m. like you working for the fbi. god bless them all and have a wonderful happy new year. >> thanks for having me i really enjoyed your show. david: my appreciation to you. well china, iran and russia are now joining forces for four days of naval exercises, why you
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david: tragic news this morning from somalia, at least 78 people are dead, after a truck bombing during rush hour in the capitol city, numerous others have been rushed to the hospital, so government officials are warning the death toll could rise. we will keep you posted as new information becomes available. meanwhile, u.s. forces are keeping a close eye as russia, iran, and china are holding joint naval drills in the gulf of oman. should we be worried about this potential new alliance? joining me now is retired air force lt. general david deptula. general good to see you this reminds us of the old phrase of the axis of evil should we be worried about this axis? >> well good morning, david i would tell you that this is a pretty significant event,
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because this is the first time that iran, china, and russia have worked together to conduct these kinds of naval exercises, and frankly, there are precursor to future cooperation, and in taking a look at what's been happening, a spokesman for china has come across and said in fact this activity is one that will be used to further solidify the relationship between these three countries, in a community of maritime cooperation. david: now they have if not hatred at least an animosity towards the u.s. in common, but beyond that, china and russia, for example, have had decades of problems whenever they tried to work together, it sort of dissolved into in-fighting among communists back in the old cold war era has that changed in this new environment that we live in? >> well, i think that the issues sort of, they are extreme
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ly complex, and they span the coverage tactical operational and strategic level concern. let me just offer that what the iran spokesman have said about the exercise they are going to be practicing, targeting, rescue operations and counter-piracy and that's all fine and good from a tactical level cooperation perspective, the bigger issue is as you and your audience are well aware, the iran has been extremely aggressive in 2019. capturing tankers, attacking others, shooting down unarmed american drones, attacking saudi arabia's oil refineries, so the question that comes at a strategic level regardless of whether they cooperate or operate at a tactical level okay , will the support by iran
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and china increase the aggressiveness of iran in 2020 and will china and russia stand behind any kind of aggressive action, so that's the big question that remains to be answered. david: general we only have 30 seconds but in 30 seconds as you look to 2020 china, particular, i can't think of no other country that has expanded more in some would say threatening ways than the china military has. is that the country to keep an eye on in 2020? >> absolutely. china is an economic powerhouse, as everybody knows. they are becoming a military powerhouse, so the delicate balance it needs to occur is that while we don't seek any kind of conflict we also need to be strong enough to deter any conflict on behalf of the chinese or anybody else in the world and that means to continue to build and maintain a strong
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u.s. military. david: general david geptula, happy new year to you, sir. happy new year. david: thank you very much. well you think the holiday rush is over for retailers think again. consumers are flooding stores to return those unwanted gifts. more on how you could do that, even if you don't have a receipt we've got tips for you.
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david: to be honest folks did you kind of fake a smile when you opened that ugly sweater from grandma? well we have the tips to make your holiday gift returns painless this year, at least less painful. smart shopping expert trey bodge joins me now, and by the way we were talking on the break, its never been a better time for consumers than it is right now when you think at everything at our disposal, ebay
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," etsy, but i think we've got a clip or we can show a full screen from christmas story where there's ralphie, in his bunny outfit from aunt clara. i think you remember that how would ralphie go about replacing it? >> a lot of us received gifts we didn't like. there was a study that found that over 75% of people intended to return gifts even before receiving them, they had already decided that they weren't going to like what they wanted but thankfully, the majority of retailers have extended their return policies, to allow us a little bit of time. david: a little bit but how much of a leeway do we have now to return? what i timing situation? >> right so i would say to be safe to return prior to january 15. some of the policies will go all the way to the 30th, but something to remember is right now, it's very busy in the stores and you're going to stand in line and the sales folks might be a bit frustrated, so my
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recommendation would be to wait until after january 2 which is actually national return day which is when -- david: i didn't know there was an official date for that. i'd way to say the third through 15th and then do your returns. david: next weekend could be better than this weekend. i would agree, yes. david: like ralphie, what if i wore what i received once is it still returnable? >> it depends on the store, so nordstroms and is very generous with their return policies so you can return things without tags if they have been worn, however most stores really want those items to be in sellable condition, so tags on, or at least with the item, outer box there, everything kind of ready for them to put back on the shelves. that's when you're going to have that more favorable return experience. david: sometimes, people are kind and they throw a receipt in the package and gift package but sometimes they don't. what happens if i don't have have a receipt. >> correct the gift receipt is your way to get a full refund back whether shipping or going into the store, but if you don't
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have that, you're going to probably get a much reduced return on that item, so my recommendation would be to sell it, especially if it's something that's very popular, ebay for instance we are just talking about this on the break, they make it very easy for you to sell your items you can actually put a listing up in less than a minute, you scan the bar code and it automatically populates and then when you sell the item you can print out your shipping labels right there in the platform and get discounts with that and be reimbursed very quickly by pay pal. david: we're not just talking about clothing if you bought an apple iphone, you know, the number 11 i guess is what we're up to now i have an old 10, but you can sell that on ebay. >> that's right and in fact the iphone 11 and the xr they are trending on ebay so you can get upwards of $850 for that item. things like legos are very popular, people are getting back well over what might have been spent in the store, and if you sell it on ebay, just because
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there may be difficult to get things like that so you can do well by returning your gift. you don't want to tell the giver of course. david: to bring it all back home, even if it's something like ralphie's bunny outfit, if it's something home made or whatever you have etsy, which is a what? my daughter bought a lot of things not to say she gave out gifts that were all secondhand but a lot were home made items, and that's where etsy comes in. that's right, so etsy has millions of home made items from all over the world and so it is a lovely place to shop and you can sell your own hand made things too so it makes it easier for everyone. david: great suggestions what would we do without you thank you very much. my pleasure. david: white house trade advisor peter navarro is predicting big things for the economy in 2020. peter navarro joining me next to break it all down, plus, radio icon don imus passed away yesterday we'll take a look back at his ledge earn dairy career and life with someone who knew him and worked with him, very
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so it fits better than depend. and no one notices. always discreet. >> a big year in 2019 for president trump in trade. well, next year is shaping up to be an even bigger one. garrett tenney is in d.c. with more on that. hi, garrett. >> dave, good morning to you. we may not have to wait long. january could be a big one for trade. starting with the north american trade bill easily passed with bipartisan support, but in the senate it's held up due to the impeachment process. mitch mcconnell said the senate won't start until the usmca until it's completed the impeachment trial which can't happen until nancy pelosi sends over the articles of impeachment. something she spoke about before they voted on the deal.
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>> i urge bipartisan vote for the usmca and urge senator mcconnell to pick the bill up quickly and send it over and if the senate republicans care about workers they will no down join us to send this bill to the president's desk in the house and in the senate. >> this month, the white house also announced it's reached a partial trade deal with china in what would be the first real steps towards ending the ongoing trade war. the world's two largest economy are expect today sign what's described as phase one of the deal sometime next month which president trump recently described as a breakthrough. >> there are some things that over the last few days that were incredible, having to do with trade. as you know, we're now getting along well with china in trade and in fact, they just took tariffs of more than 800 products where they were charging husband tariffs and now the tariffs are gone, but we've made a very big deal with china. >> it's not entirely clear what
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the phase one deal looks like though. at this point neither side released a version of their draft agreement, but china has said it will buy significantly more american goods as part of a deal and in return, the u.s. will cancel plans to enact a new round of tariffs on chinese goods. this initial deal does not address the larger trade issues. president trump has hammered beijing over, such as currency issues and intellectual property theft. the white house hopes to be able to negotiate those into a phase two deal at some point down the road. >> thank you, garrett. it's been a great year for the u.s. economy and the stock market. so what's in store for 2020? my next guest is pretty optimistic and his track record is pretty good. white house trade advisor peter navarro joining me from the white house. good to see you, happy new year, my friend. >> what a great day in the swamp, it feels like spring, a great year ahead. david: feels great in new york as well. just last august, as great as
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things appear in the economy, with the stock market, et cetera, i saw an interview that you did with abc and you had to talk martha raditz off a cliff and it was looming and turns out you were right. what are your predictions for next year? >> the fake news and the left wing couldn't wait for that recession. david: never happened. >> for a great economy. what i've got for you, david, pretty clear. we're going to get really gdp growth, robust. we're going to see dow 32,000 by the end of the year and we're going to break 30,000 fairly soon. i predicted that some months ago. if, if we got passage of usmca and we got the fed to lower their interest rates, both of those things are in place. but the bigger forecast here, david, i'm basing that--
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i think you remember, i used to do this in my other life as a macro forecaster. you've got to look at the four drivers of the economy and the gdp engine and right now they're hitting on all cylinders. you start with the consumer. the consumer, because unemployment is so low, wages are rising, optimism is high. and this consumer is going to be the anchor of the economy in 2020, so that's number one. number two, on the trade front, we've got five trade deals now in place. five trade deals covering trade, well more than half of what we trade in the international arena. japan, south korea, china, canada and mexico, so that's going to be a boon for our exports and then the sneaky little thing, i'm telling you, david, this is like -- this sealed the deal for a great 2020, when congress passed the ndaa, the national defense
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authorization act coupled with the appropriations bill and basically got government is going to be one of the engines and drivers of growth, particularly in something that i work on a lot, the defense industrial base, and then investment, which is the forth part of the puzzle here, now that we have all of these trade deals in place and this economy is booming, now that the american economy is by far the best place to be, investment is going to boom. david: talk specifically. >> i'm looking at a great year? talk specifically about the mexican canada trade deal, usmca and how important it is. not everybody is doing great in this economy. there are some farmers, some manufacturers, who are having trouble because of the tariffs and they were -- they now are looking to the mexican-canada trade deal as helping them increase their purchases, right, and their sales? >> well, it's all of the trade deals president trump has negotiated for and the farmers
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are going to love every one of them. you've got the japan deal, don't forget about that one, that $7 billion in new trade in agricultural goods. you've got the south korean deal. canada and mexico are really important, both farmers and our auto industry that are going to benefit. the china deal, we're going to have-- china's pledged to buy 200 billion dollars more above the 2017 baseline over the next two years and about a fourth of that is agricultural products so you're looking at roughly the double amount of purchases of 2017. david: let me ask you about the china trade deal. back in may we thought we had a deal with the chinese. they brought it back to beijing and the folks, the pollit bureau ripped it up, said no good. >> no, we're on track. the only thing holding things up is basically the chinese
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translation of the 86-page english version of the deal. as soon as that's done, it will be released and there will be a signing, but let me say this gently because i don't want to be critical, but the reporting just before i got on, i was listening, was wrong because it said that this phase one deal didn't cover tough issues like intellectual property theft and currency. in fact, let me just walk you through what-- >> we only have been 30 seconds. i just want to ask one question though. >> sure. david: you wrote a book ones "death by china". >> a movie, too. david: in light of your views and the president's views, do you think that china is a bigger threat than it is a hope or a plus for u.s. interests? >> i think what president trump has done to his enormous credit over the last three years is changed the way americans look at china and that's to the good.
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i think we're much more wary about china, both on capitol hill and across the heartland. he's changed, they say the narrative on this and that's going to make us stronger. what he's doing is providing toughness and that's good for the american people and good for the heartland. david: by the way, you have a piece in right now that we should alert our viewers to about drones and how a lot of these drones have parts from china that could be a security problem for us, right? quickly. >> yeah, quickly, the drones themselves, the problem with a lot of the chinese products they sell here is all of your information goes directly back to servers in china. what could go wrong there? i'll let you go about that, but let's have a positive 2020. david: yes, indeed. >> a boom year for the trump economy, high wages, low unemployment, happy new year. david: happy new year to you as well. peter navarro from the white
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house, appreciate it. >> take care, david. david: so what do we think of what we just heard from peter navarro. and melissa, jackie is with us, and fox contributor, gary, you have to hand it to this administration. they've focused on china in a way no other administration in my lifetime has. they've removed sort of the cover of a lot of the china's bad doings with regard to us, whether it's trade or the military expanse or whatever. >> i think for the first time i have no argument with anything peter navarro just had to say. the fact that we're going somewhere with china, getting rid of the tariffs, i think that's held back. i think that gdp would have been 3 already without them. and leave no doubt, china is about a 12, $13 billion economy if we can get them on a good free trade side, that's not only good for them and us, but for the rest of the world.
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one thing he did leave out and i have to mention i think is great for the economy and even greater for the markets, is central banks around the globe continue to just liquefy the world and that's helping out negative rates, zero rates. david: some are pulling away from negative rates. it's clear that the market was enthusiastic that our fed, stopped raising rates and we have the big drop, we've come back 6,000 points on the dow since then, he thinks we can go up to 32,000 in 2020. >> it's definitely an aggressive target, but i want to speak to his point on gdp which i think is going to be a big market driver. we're wrestling around 2% with the phase one china reforms going into play, with usmca going into play, getting to 2 1/2% as forecasted, it doesn't seem like it's that tough to do. and that's going to be really exciting for the stock market. and will help us move forward. 32,000, i mean, look, we're sort
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of at the top of the cycle and investors think there's room to run. i want to make a point on what he said, the phase one china deal, the u.s. did say structural reforms and ip, agricultural financial services, currency and foreign exchange, we don't know exactly how deep it's going to go, but it's an expansive agreement. david: and he talked about business investment, putting the most positive light on it of course from the administrator's perspective. there were questions whether businesses were investing in hardware. they're clearly investing in jobs. we got 7 million new jobs, but not so much as investment in the hardware. he thinks that's turning around. do you? >> i'm not so sure it matters. i think one of the reasons we had such a good year for 2019 is because we havel year and now we're seeing the effect of the results of that in
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corporations and earnings and the market, which is this year, which is they're hiring more which has helped the stock, which has helped the market because the market is made up of companies that are individual stocks. the problem with the dow i see is boeing, it's down, it was down friday and dragging the dow down. to say we're going to hit 32,000 on an exact time and date, i cannot. i like to look at the s & p, and jp morgan chase is fine like a rocket and goldman sachs is not back up to the high so probably goldman is going up to the high and s & p. i'm not saying 2020. i'm saying five years old trump is getting elected which is high odds and you can see maybe 3500 in the s & p and you can see maybe 4,000 so, i mean-- huge potential in the market and i don't know if you're going to see all of that in 2020. >> gary, i want to talk about jobs because that's something
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that everybody can identify with. when you have a strong jobs market. i've never seen a stronger one than the one i've seen now. i mentioned in the previous segment, cbo was expecting 2 million jobs from the time the president was inaugust -- inaugurated. and it's 7 million. >> and one of the most underreported events from the regular media not reporting how great the job market is. 3.5%. we use today love 4.5%. david: the unemployment rate. >> yes, and 6 to 7 million people off welfare, no longer getting that, but producing a check to the government and i work very closely with families and children and to see people that couldn't find a job for two years now in a job getting paid $50,000. you should see the smiles on
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their face and they're so happy and i think that feeds on sits he have -- that feeds on itself. and nothing bad happens if jobs of plentiful. david: we've got to leave it at that. forget about the ball dropping in times square. they're waiting for the report from the durham investigation. what should we expect from that report? some possible clues when we come back. with savings of up to 50% on select men's and ladies' clothing; footwear; fishing and marine gear; and toys. use your gift cards and take advantage of huge savings-- in-store and online.
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>> the durham investigation into the origins of the russia probe is expected to pick up some steam as we begin 2020. so, what can we expect when the results finally come out? let's ask the former u.s. attorney guy lewis. great to see you. what are you looking for in the durham report? >> david, good morning, good morning. so i think, frankly, the durham report, the durham investigation is going to-- believe it or not, is going to make the horowitz report look like small potatoes.
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three things that have happened recently, real quickly, one, durham has sat down, durham being the former-- the current u.s. attorney handling this whole investigation, he sat down with the current director of the cia and interviewed her, gina haspel. number two, he's asked for all the e-mails, communications and other kind of documents from the former director of the cia, john brennan, and three, even as profound as those two are, he is making arrangements to sit down and interview the current director of the national security administration, the nsa admiral mike grier, huge, huge things that have put his investigation into hyper drive. david: guy, the ig report came out and detailed some egregious errors, but it didn't focus at
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all or opine on intent, on the intention, although we know a lot of people responsible for those errors were people who had a big animosity forward donald trump. they were quite vocal about that. will this report, the durham report, get into intent, whether these people actually had an intention to make errors that would result in, for example, fisa warrants? >> bet the house on it, david. they are going to -- look, durham has so much more authority, so much more power, grand jury authority, immunizing witnesses. we already know that there's a fbi agent that is going to be subject to criminal investigation for falsifying. david: right. >> one of the fisa warrants. david: that's more than an error to falsify. that's something that you really should be indictable for, no? >> you bet, you bet. and we know -- i believe, look,
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when barr took durham over to great britain to the u.k. and introduced him to some of the investigators over in london where the whole steele dossier mumbo jumbo started that wasn't just to see big ben. he's over there conducting a criminal investigation. there are targets of this investigation, and people are going to get indicted. david: now, guy, you mentioned john brennan, the former cia director, and you also hear talk about jim clapper, former head of intelligence. both of those gentlemen, so are fa-- so far we've been focusing on the fbi. do you think we could see indictments outside of what the fbi did here? >> i think you're going to see indictments outside the fbi, yes, and i think you're going to see sort of the underbelly of the cia exposed here. again, not the case officers, the intelligence officers, just like the field agents at the
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fbi, but you're going to see an upper level of these two organizations exposed in a way to show some nasty things were going on vis-a-vis president trump and president trump when he was becoming elected. david: finally, i don't want you to make too big of a leap here, but do you think there's been at least enough circumstanceal evidence released so far in terms of the origins there might have been a collusion, to use an overused word that we heard leading up to this, a collusion between intel agencies, between the fbi and cia and others in order to either prevent donald trump from getting into the white house or get him out, quickly? >> great question, david. we know we're starting with dd the starting point on this case, on this investigation are illegal fisa search warrants that then we've seen on tv all the problems that they created. so, look, that doesn't just
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happen, fall out of the sky. that's as a result of people and misdeeds and milliconduct in my judgment. david: okay. guy lewis, great to see you. happy new year to you. >> okay. david: a president ocasio-cortez? could that happen? that's next. what'd we decide on the flyers again? uh, "fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. ♪ ♪
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>> a new report says there's already speculation with alexandria ocasio-cortez running for president in the future. of course she's just 30 so she'd have to wait for 35. and is the nation ready for a leader who says this about america. >> living in right now is not an advanced society. a society that allows people--
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it is fascism that we have, that we're evolving into as well. david: joseph and jeanie and forbe media chairman, we found him, steve forbes is with us. steve, sometimes all you can hear is eye aye, aye. >> and she represents the socialist wing of the democratic party, is it going to be socialist or socialist light? and bernie sanders and elizabeth warren, and joe biden socialist light and for her to become president she's going to have a conversion like to saul or paul or something, that she would say, oh, i've grown. in 20 years if she says i've grown and america is great. otherwise she'll look for gigs on tv.
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david: not only does it show not what fascism is like and socialism. as the soviet union died and china became more capitalistic, even though it's still got a communist government, the world has done a lot better, the world has become more equitable. and 42% of the world lived in extreme poverty. today it's 10%. as we move closer to capitalism, we become more prosperous and equitable. >> i think this shows a complete ignorance to steve's point what this means and the united states very proudly beat back fascism and that's one of the hallmarks of what we did in the 20th century. for her to come out and say this, i think the scary part
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this have is she does have a tremendous following, particularly among young people so i think there's a real education that has to go on. david: and the numbers better than ignorance alone. >> it's not better, it's that much more of a threat she has a lot of followers, a lot of energy, a huge, huge platform and using it to make these statements. let's be clear, she was responding to a call out from an excited crowd, but she could have used that moment to explain. instead she said, oh, yes, you're right and that's opposite of what a leader should do. david: i want to put some of the problem, joseph, on the conservatives and republicans for not making a case strong enough for capitalism, starting with capitalism is far more progressive to use that term than socialism. when you have a socialist country like cuba, you had a small middle class before, and now no middle class.
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90% of the population is poor and only the elite or wealthy. >> and it's capitalism that's progressive and socialism is repressive. >> socialism didn't work in the world. the tv saying, if you haven't seen it, it's new to you. an entire anyrigs that has never seen the soviet union or what came out of cuba. when you have aoc, the heir apparent to the socialist revolution and we as a party has to say capitalism is the surest chance to freedom and equity. >> how do you succeed in a capitalist society meeting the needs of other people. if you don't have this, unless
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you have the government corpsersing, it. may not love your neighbor, but you sure want to sell to the neighbor. david: and socialists were trounced and never seen defeat like that since the 1930's. >> 1935. david: that a harbinger of what could happen in here and statements like what aoc-- >> if sanders or warren is the nominee, it will be like the labor party in britain, trump will triumph. if a biden or a michelle obama, they could hide the tendencies. >> and so the u.s. reportedly sending spy plains over the korean peninsula to investigate
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the ominous christmas day surprise. it hasn't come, at least note yet. what could become of north korea next. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. hey! my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise. who's the dummy now? whoof! whoof! so get allstate where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. sorry! he's a baby!
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>> we're following some breaking news out of louisiana. local reports say a twin engine plane has crashed into a parking lot in lafayette. we're told that the plane was carrying six people. we don't know if it was private or commercial and no word on the condition of those in the plane. fox news will have the latest at noon on america's news headquarters on this story. me meanwhile, the u.s. keeping a close eye on this, keeping spy planes over the peninsula after
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a christmas surprise. what's the rocket man planning for 2020 in gordon is joining me out. >> what is going on? >> we'll find out on new year's day which kim jong-un gives his new year's message and it's always what's going to happen in the succeeding year. i think that kim is smart not to give us a christmas gift. he's getting sanctions relief unofficially. the u.s. is allowing russia and china openly violate those sanctions. david: do you think the christmas surprise was a bluff from the beginning? it could very well be. it could be two or three months down the road. all sorts of things could happen. eventually north koreans got to do one thing that nuclear power has done and that is to explode a thermal nuclear device into
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the atmosphere. in 2014 kim's minister promised that was going to happen. it could he occur, but at the present time kim isn't rocking the boat because he doesn't have to. david: the key i'm told is finding a missile, creating a missile that could go up with a nuclear bomb and come down with a nuclear bomb. that's a simplification of what he's trying to do. can a test be monstered? >> it lot of that could be. we test nuclear weapons all the time. we use a computer stimulation a-- simulati simulation, you don't have to detonate something. kim hasn't detonated something in the atmosphere. telling the world he's not bluffing, he's got to do it. there are different technologies in that. kim probably can do it, but we
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don't know for sure. a lot of people in the u.s. say why should we worry about this guy? he hasn't demonstrated that he can actually hurt us. now, john bolton, one of the keys to the president a sort of nay sayer. he says if the administration really wanted to denuclearize north korea, we'd be pursuing a very different policy towards them kickly with regard to sanctions, it sounds like that's what you're saying? >> well, clearly the sanction enforcement policy has not been vigorous since the middle of may of last year. >> when you say not vigorous, what should they be doing that they're not, our administration. >> first of all, we're not designating kim's companies. we almost didn't designate three dozen russian and other fund companies. if you don't go after the new ones, you're not going to be enforcing sanctions. david: just to sim ply it, ways that he gets hard currency.
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>> right, through other countries and we should go after the chinese bank in violation of u.s. rules ap u.s. money laundering laws. and from where we're sitting right now, blocks from now, north korean money is flowing through chinese banks and we're not doing anything about it. david: should we link anything about north korea to the chinese trade talks and some say it's a delicate stage, what do you think? >> we should pursue north korea and pursue trade. david: should we link them. >> a lot of people said we shouldn't sign the hong kong bills. david: happy new year. a new perspective on medicare for all. talk about what the patients want, but what do doctors want.
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it leaves behind a pleasant scent you'll love. [deep inhale] freshen up. don't cover up. febreze. >> well, some 2020 democrats now down playing medicare for all, including elizabeth warren who now says that americans have a choice to opt into a government system as opposed to a private one. what type of plans would doctors choose? who better to ask than fox news medical correspondent dr. marc siegel refreshed from a vacation in florida. good to see you. >> good to see you. david: we always hear about patients' choice when you hear debates medical choice with the patients what would doctors choose? >> that's easy. patients end with doctors choose anyway, if your doctor is unhappy or overworked or quitting, you're not in the same position as a patient. so we're interested in
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empowering patients much more than a sloganeering politician to says cover everybody, cover everybody. what are you covering them with. the problem with rationed health care, all health care is rationed. some government bureaucracy deciding what they're going to approve pavement for. that's the idea of ration. david: i want to be specific on this. if doctors have a choice to choose between government and private health care, you're saying that they're going to choose private health care. >> all the time, they're paid more. it's easier to get approval for reimbursements. hospitals, too, are worried about going belly up under public. david: the system doesn't have enough doctors, if you have a choice between government and private. what will the government systems do without the doctors? >> they're already starting to do it. they go over to nurse practitioners and physician's
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assistants. a clinic i go to in new mexico, it's terrific, but the level of care has gone down and training has gone down and you end up seeing nurse practitioners, and they're great, but they don't have the years and years of experience. hospitals are worried beyond belief. rural hospitals are going bankrupt. there's a risk of 20% going out. you know what happened if they get medicare, medicaid, medicare for all and they get paid less and make up for it with private insurance. david: and they say they can innocecentivize students workin it, by free tuition, is that a possibility? could that work? >> they're trying to do that with the national health services. and what does it work? >> something like ken langone led an effort to make
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tuition-free and spreading across the country. tuition free, when a medical student sees they don't have to pay anything, they may go to primary care. >> and the rich people that bernie sanders and elizabeth warrant don't want warned. >> they want to triple tax them. >> these are people who spend hard earned on the like-- >> at a time of great inanother evaluation, we do not need quality of care atact by expanding government health insurance. david: well said. thank you for being here. we have something special and dear to our hearts, a tribute to a legendary figure in television and radio, a person that a lot of us here worked with, don imus. and save in more ways than one.
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>> legendary radio broadcaster don imus passed away yesterday. he was 79 years old. we take a look back at his extraordinary life and career and his friendship with so many people on this network. in may 2015 he left fox business and neil cavuto honored his good friend then. we do the same now. >> full disclosure here the imus group, i admit it, imus himself finds disgusting. his words. no matter i've been a fan since i was a kid and i first caught the outlandish things this guy was doing on radio long before anyone else. i'm going to miss the fun he provided on fox business, yes, even when he was giving us and especially me, the business. ♪ >> hi, friends!
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(laughter) here with brother cavuto. connell. >> it's connell. >> how would i know that? what's wrong with colin. whose idea when connell, what's his name? >> connell. >> not colin. >> it's difficult. >> you screw everyone's name up. [laughter] >> get himdonut. >> that's lovely. very dismissive and demeaning. >> i'm not dismissive. >> i'm a little hurt. >> wear a health. >> helmet. >> you're an idiot. how does that sound. >> your exaggerate all of this-- i asked one question. >> unbelievable. >> you know what i did, i shut her mic off, you know why? because i can. >> because you can't at home. >> and here is what i want to do. i want to install a mic on you at home so i can just click.
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honey. >> you're unbelievable. >> you're very good, very funny and very very perceptive. david: are you on a roof or something? >> yes, i am. david: jump off of it. i only say things to try to get you to have to dump the call. hello, i'd like the fettucini with tomato and fresh basil and i want to start with two-- is this-- >> big foot. >> and what button am i supposed to push? [laughter] >> oh, no. >> oh, you fat-- get out of there! >> wait, wait, i've got it. (bleep) >> no, that's not it. thank you very much for-- >> this is it. >> you were on for 12 minutes. >> 12 minutes of my life i'm never getting back. >> nor is the audience. [laughter] ♪ imus in the morning ♪ >> oh, my god.
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joining us now to discuss the legacy of imus, fox business anchor connell mcshane who worked closely with him even if he had trouble with his name at first. and connell, you just loved those moments. let's just get something out of the way with don imus, as much as we loved him, he would want this tribute to be pretty straight. so straight up, this is a guy who sometimes was difficult to deal with, right? >> i don't know, david, where did you hear that from? [laughter] >> you know, it's funny. that was funny with neil. he really loved neil, the i-man. i will say this, a lot has been written the last 12 to 15 hours about imus and almost all of it is true. david: almost all is true. >> in some shape or form. yeah, he was-- >> he was, yeah, he was difficult at times. if you heard that he could be a jerk to some people, yeah. did he say a lot of things over the years he shouldn't say, absolutely. did he hurt some people along the way, yeah, he did.
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but could he also or was he one of the smartest people i ever knew, absolutely was one of the most talented and i think most importantly, david, i don't know if in gets lost, you know, touched on with neil there, he was one of the most generous both publicly and work that he and his wife deirdre doctor for kids with cancer in new mexico and my private time with him. my dad got sick a few years ago and it was imus's connections in the medical world that saved my dad in a lot of ways and great to me and my family, my son jack who wants to get into broadcasting and he's a sophomore now in college and when he was in high school and imus asked him, what he want today do and he said why don't you come on on do sports. >> and so jack did that on one
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of the most iconic, but he got his start. david: i think the reason that people liked him so much he would be straight out and even if it embarrassed people. i know it happened to you, to neil, to me. a lot of folks around here, but he was purposely politically incorrect, and that got him into trouble. that got him fired a couple of times. >> well, to both sides of the aisle, right? >> yeah. >> and that's something that i think we don't see much of, even in our business anymore, and one of the reasons, quite frankly that imus loved neil so much he thought he was one of the few people on the air that still does that, that challenges both sides, that isn't so predictable in his approach and that's the old video i think from the correspondent's dinner years ago. david: i think that was 1996 when he-- >> with the clintons. david: publicly, very publicly embarrassed president clinton and hillary clinton who were both there and you could see him
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sweating profusely during that thing. >> yeah. >> but talked truth to power, that's for sure. >> he did and also to more recently, with his last interview he did with then candidate donald trump, i was working with him at the time and he really pressed him about some comments he'd made about another friend of his senator john mccain and that wasn't necessarily very comfortable. imus wasn't afraid to go after either side at either time and one of the things that made him-- and he was a great interviewer because he listened to what his guests said and actually followed up and cared what their responses were. david: and smart. >> very smart. david: and i wanted to mention his casting, ron bartless, bernie mcguirk, and who you
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replaced. and dagen mcdowell and i thought he brought up wonderful things for dagen mcdowell she hadn't had the chance to do. and megan mcdowell, the fictitio fictitious sister. >> that was really rob, that wasn't megan. he had a knack for picking out those things and bringing out the best. kind of like a point guard in basketball, you make people better and others around you better. he was i guess the genius behind it all. it's complicated because there were times where it was tough and that he was tough, but also times he was great and generous and definitely talented and i was lucky to be around him. david: connell, i know your players are going to be with his family. >> yes. david: and difficult days ahead and deirdre and wyatt and the family the best. he was a great man and what a personality.
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the fox news alert. there's been a plane crash in southwest louisiana and multiple people reportedly killed. this is america's news headquarters, i'm ed henry. police in lafayette say it plane took off at an airport and crashed about a mile away between a post office and a walmart super center. lafayette is 135 miles from new orleans. we're told five killed according to the report and a local news radio station is saying five killed. let's bring in a former
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