tv Watters World FOX News December 28, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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kat: i'm out of thoughts. [♪] jesse: welcome to. "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. 2019 was an amazing year. the media did everything they could to tear us apart. they spiked the truth, humiliated themselves. but america is stronger than ever. here to analyze, curt schlichter, and bill mitcher. we tried to load the show up with bomb throwers. let's start with the covington smear. innocent children out for a walk
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in d.c. and the media went nuts. >> shocking video showing students in make america great again hats harassing a native american elder. students harassing an older native american man in the midst of a special ceremony. >> why did a school event involve maga hats. >> he has a smug look on his face. and everybody who sees that smug look wants to punch that kid. jesse: no apologies and i don't expect any. >> the problem is the mainstream media is filled with garbage people doing garbage things and putting out a garbage product. so none of this is a surprise. my favorite part is how they fell for the idea that this army reserve refrigerator repairman
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who never deployed was somehow a hero of the tet offensive. he's a respected elder who hassles people and beats a stupid drum in their face. these kids have so much self-control that they didn't burst out laughing at this clown and the media that fell for it hook, line and sinker. jesse: he did an honorable thing, he showed restraint. he diffused the situation. but he was called a nazi for sitting there with a smirk on his face. >> think he showed a ton of restraint. a 17-year-old jesse would have responded differently if someone approached me and started beating a drum in my face. nobody in the newsroom cares about indians or the inian causes. but as soon as you attack a man
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with a maga hat on, he's sitting bull. jesse: one look at his resume and it shows he hadn't been honest. trump told greta to chill out and he got attacked. they called this kid hitler and never even apologized. and he's not even a political player. >> this is the perfect example of the 48 hour rule with it comes to the media. they love to throw bombs and set a fire. if you wait 48 hours the truth trickles out. it was political judo. they came after him and it ended up making them look bad. this is normal. every week we get another story like this. jesse: they get slapped with very, very expensive lawsuits. they have to be going crazy at these networks. after 48 hours, fox and people
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on the internet usually poke holes in it. we have to report the news and we have to counteract all the fake news. but we can handle it. let's look at smollett. it takes a tiny bit of common sense to realize something is not right here. roll this interview with robin roberts. >> he said this is maga country [bleep] and punches me in the face. so i punched him back. the camera is facing north. i want that video so badly. and i want a little gay boy who might see this to see i'm pissed off, it's the truth. jesse: robin roberts did not necessarily ask hard-hitting penetrating questions. jesse, what do you think? this thing you knew from the get-go was phoney.
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>> i think it's my favorite story of 2019. this one is by far my favorite. it had every element you could possibly want, including a gullible press where everybody with a brain more advanced than an amoeba heard the story about bleach being poured on him. and everybody heard the story, that's not true at all. only the media who wanted it to be true sat theren thought any nodded along and heard his tale of woe. >> it was so preposterous even rahm emanuel had to side with the chicago police department. that takes a lot. that takes a lot. mitchell? >> i'm sorry. yeah, amazing. this is another example of the media having trump derangement syndrome so badly that they can
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take something any other rational person who look at and say this is insane. trump supporters in maga hats trolling for a gay black when it's 20 degrees in chicago. if they run with it on page 1 and walk it back on page 24 in the bottom corner. jesse: what did it for me is when smollett ordered a subway sandwich. he walked outside, he didn't order it to get delivered. >> i will chew on my foot long on the way home. my favorite part is the assumption that a couple of maga hat guys cruising around at 2:00 a.m. actually knew hot hell jussie smollett was.
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jesse: this is a more serious thing. this drives me crazy what they did at abc with the epstein case. this is amy ro robach. >> she told me everything. she had pictures, everything. she had been hiding for 12 years. we convinced her to come out and talk to him. we had clinton, we had everything. jesse: if they had a trump connection to epstein they would have run that a year and a half again. >> clinton -- he's partying with bill clinton. the abc news has it, and abc news squashes it. and it's unbelievable. except it's totally believable. that's what the media does. jesse: they are spiking stories
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about sex trafficking and pedophilia. what else are they spiking? >> it makes you think about a lot of things. we were talking about this still very much alive and have much in the public eye former president of the united states of america tied on camera to a billionaires pedophilia ring and not one person in the united states media has approached that abc reporter and asked her what she meant by quote we had clinton. this is not a laughing one, this is not something to joke about. we are talking about young girls who are ritually abused by the most powerful men in the world and potentially the president of the united states and the entire american media shrugged and moved on. they want to talk about how many scoops of ice cream president trump eats. jesse: if we had a just
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journalistic situation, you would have reporters outside abc youth news and the townhouse of amy robach asking questions. >> i joined a chat room and there was always one guy in the chat room who was wrong about everything. we called him the contrarian indicator. the media has become the contrare yawn indicator. -- contrarian indicator. people roll their eyes and whatever. it works like impeachment in trump's favor. jesse: i completely agree. if they say something, usually the opposite is true. obviously the collusion hoax fell apart. we wanted to play some sound of jim acosta accidentally explaining the southern border and walls do work. happy new year, everybody.
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more trouble for hunter biden. hunter is locked in a child support battle in arkansas. london alexis roberts was an exotic dancer in washington, d.c. hunter got her pregnant. she is suing him for support because she needs the money to raise her child. hunter says he's dead broke. he's obviously not. this private investigator comes in. he's looking into hunter biden. he filed a notice and claims hunter is the subject of multiple criminal investigations involving fraud, money laundering, counterfeiting. he claims hunter and his associates have amassed millions of dollars through international schemes but the details are very, very sketchy. here to break it down, reporter for the federalist, ariel davidson. the allegation made by the
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private investigator is what exactly? >> essentially the private investigator has alleged that hunter bind along with devon archer and chris heinz, john kerry's stepson. it's the usual cast of characters that we see hunter involved with. the allegations allege that hunter biden was involved in money laundering up to hundreds of millions of dollars. jesse: in ukraine? >> yes, and the bank of china accounts. one thing we have to keep in mind with regards to the allegations is that this is all we really have to work with. all we have to work with or personal investigations. the media has not been very good about investigating hunter bind's professional activities? so what are we left with? we are left look at personal investigations that
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associated or an tangential to a custody battle. jesse: "watters' world" has not been able to confirm any of this. but he's living well? >> in beverly hills in a house worth $2.5 million. we don't know how much he bought the house for. but he did buy it last summer. he alleged that he's in deep debt and has no job. >> he was getting $55,000, up to $80,000 from the ukrainian gas company. he's obviously has some income. what else is going on? you said something to me about he had been paying this woman london for some time before? >> right. part of this custody battle
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includes the childish yous surrounding child support. in order to go forward you have need to giveayments from hunter biden for an extensive period of time in 2 of late hunter bind has been telling us, this isn't my child. now we are starting to wonder and ask questions, maybe he was paying this woman off to not say anything? we don't know. but what i will say, these types of personal investigations as well as the recent court documents related to baby joe. it makes us wonder is there a lot more going on with hunter biden that we just don't know. jesse: president trump's most memorable moments of 2019. and later, a. "watters' world" classic, asking the tough jest question of the year. -- the toughest question of the year. ways your flue year's
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jesse: 2019 was a big year for donald trump. a look back with house judiciary committee member and florida congressman, matt gaetz. i'm going to start with the creation of space force. roll it. president trump: with my signature today you will witness the birth of the space force. and that will be now officially the 6th branch of the united states armed forces.
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jesse: they haven't created a new branch since 1947. the creation of the space force may be considered the biggest achievement of all. what do you say? >> america has sales taken great pride in owning the high ground. with the trump space force we'll undoubtedly continue that great exceptional accomplishment for our country. now the next qow will we uniform the space force? i think it will be only appropriate to have gold trim on the iewn force of the space force. and we have to have a space academy for the space force which means we'll have space cadets to nominate for service as space warriors for our country. >> i think you are on to something, and the gold will put our best foot forward. let's get on to the killing of al-baghdadi.
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big announcement. here is the president. president trump: he died like a dog. he died like a coward. he was whimpering, screaming and crying. he didn't die a hero, he died a coward. jesse: when you look at the killing of the top isis leader, just that alone, signature achievement in 2019. >> remember when donald trump was elected you had isis controlling territory the size of indiana. now the caliphate is wiped out. the first and second in command are dead. now you have got a real record for the president in killing the terrorists that were causing so much harm to the globe and we are a better planet for it. >> the haters said they will never be able to do this. they will have to fight there for generations and generations,
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and he bombed the hell out of them for 2 1/2 years. let's go to a very historic moment. i think he was the first sitting president ever to step foot in north korea. this was a big handshake with kim jong-un. the president got a hard time for that. but definitely cooled tensions down between the two countries, because the first year there were a lot of missiles flying out of north korea. >> is there any doubt the president of the united states knows how to smell alpha male. first he called kim jong-un little rocket man, and then they send love letters back and forth. i cannot believe the trump-erdogan relationship when trump said erdogan, sent him possibly the greatest letter in
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presidential communications. he said i know how to destroy you, i will completely destroy you, and i will call you later. it sounds like every conversation i had with annex girlfriend. jesse: the president was eyeing greenland like greenland was potentially for sale. do you remember this? let's listen in. president trump: greenland, it's something we talked about. denmark essentially owns it. we are good allies with denmark. we protect denmark like we protect large portions of the world. so the concept came up. extra tee tee jimally it would be interesting. it's not number one on the burner. i can tell you that. jesse: greenland is a big asset to have in the portfolio. >> i thought the president was
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just short of throwing in a virgin islands to be thrown into the transaction. the president's head is always on a swivel and always looking for opportunities. i don't know that we'll be adding greenland to the port foal yes any time. jesse: matt gaetz, happy new year. coming up. the craziest democrat moments of the year. a lot to choose from. stay with me.
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katie pavlich and michael loftuss are here to diagnose the problem. let's look at aoc's predings that won't come true. >> millennials and gerks n z are coming after us. the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change. >> the world has been around for billions of years, i don't think it's going to end in the next 12 years. they scare you into giving into things like the green new deal. it's just a guy guise to take ay your with freedom.
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>> she might want you to give obama the heads upthey just invn on a beach house. raffle northam, the governor of virginia. he was in black face. he may have been in the klan costume. he says he doesn't remember. he said one time i dressed up like michael jackson. >> then he tried to moon walk during a news conference and his wife said please do not. he admitted to being in the photo saying he was in black face, then he took it back. which led me to believe maybe he was in the kkk gash. because black face is the worst. >> i'm doubling down on klan.
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jesse: do you think he's in the klanhood? >> it's amazing what you can get away with if you have a d next to your name. >> the lieutenant governor got in trouble, was accused relationship by multiple women. then the attorney general said i was in black face, too. jesse: let's move on to biden. a lot to choose from with biden in 2019. we were thinking about doing the massage apology. non-apology. we decided instead to go with corn pops. let's hear the corn pops tale. >> he ran a bunch of bad boys. he's up on the board i said you, off the board. i will come up and drag you off.
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he came off. he said i will meet you outside. three guys who are straight razors. jesse: at the pool. >> i think he was trying to prove his creds. corn pop was a gang member and he was a security guard. he told a story about his leg hairs. jesse: he said a lot during that speech. corn pop would be the biggest get of 2020. if you can lock in the corn pop interview. can we find corn pop and lock that in? >> unlike t-bone, cory booker's friend was a made up person. >> i i have a hard time making fun of joe biden.
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he has gone so far off the deep end. marianne williamson. she is still returning. this was a great viral moment in one of the debates. >> donald trump is not going to be beaten by insider politics talks. he's going to be beaten by somebody who has scene idea what this man has done. you have harnessed fear for political purposes and only love can cast that out. so i, sir, i have a feeling you know what you are doing. i am going to harness love for political purposes. i will meet you on that field, and, sir, love will win. >> i can't blame her. i love her because she admitted republicans on the right treat her better than her own party on the left. she is still running for president.
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if she wants to spread the love around, i will take some of it in. >> if you are going to write jokes at home about marianne william and and harnessing love. make sure you are don't say love harness. don't google that at home. jesse: remember megyn rannanoe, listen to her scream at trump. new york city, give him [bleep]. i am so proud of the u.s. women. she is going to the white house. right? >> i think it's so unfortunate that this is the way it had to be. she is playing for the united states representing the country and she is kneeling on the field
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during "the national anthem" for the flag. the flag represents all the of us despite our political differences. instead of going to the white house and having a conversation. saying this is where i vehemently disagree with you. the president does listen to people who disagree with him. >> i don't think trump was too bummed when she canceled. the purple hair girl is not showing up? oh, great. >> i think megyn ra rappanoe haa great haircut. a blast from the past. chris christie unloads on his time with the trump campaign.
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>> get down and shut up. get the hell off the beaches. it's 4:30, you maximized your and, get the hell off the beach. >> your rear end is going to get thrown in jail, idiot. sit down and keep quite or get out. we are done with you. jesse: that's the chris christie that we all know. he's detailing his rice in new jersey politics and his rise into the trump presidency in his new book, "let me finish." i watch on youtube lay people out. >> you are my entertainment now. i love your show. jesse: thank you very much. unlike the other people who
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interviewed you, i read your book. i skipped the new jersey part and went straight to the 2016 campaign. you really went after marco rubio hard. a famous moment in the campaign was when you got him so flu moksed he started repeating himself. >> let's dispel with the fiction that barack obama doesn't know what he's doing. he knows chak exactly what he's doing. he wants america to become more like the rest of the world. we don't want to be like the rest of the world. >> you see the beginning with incorrect and incomplete information. then the memorized 25 second speech. that's exactly what -- jesse: i think he repeated the same line three more times. do you guys talk after that.
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you guys are friend? >> yes. we are fine. after marco had his debate for his senate seat he called me the next day, by the way, thank you. i said why? he said i did great in my debate and all i was thinking about was what you did to me in february and i wouldn't let anybody do that to me again. marco under, we were -- be marco understood, we were in direct competition. jesse: you got endorsements in ham. and your poll numbers started to rise. then you dropped out, endorsed donald trump tell us about the endorse meteorologist. >> we want to fort worth. i flew down there the night he was having a debate in houston. i met him in fort worth. i remember, we kept it so quiet, no leaks. when we walked into that room a reporter saw we walk into the
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room with trump and said oh, my god. but i knew he was going to be the nominee. jesse: you endorsed him before anybody else, before jeff sessions. >> he was my friend for 15 years at that point. also, i campaigned against him. i knew he was going to be the republican nominee. my job was to endorse him and make him the best candidate he could be because we did not want hillary clinton to be president of the united states. jesse: moving on to the fall, the access hollywood tape dwrops. >> i think we were all stunned and worried and concerned. but one of the things i said to the then candidate at the time was, he said is it over? and i said to him, no, because you are running against the single worst presidential candidate in my lifetime. so we have time to reare correspond but we have to do it the right way. he went into that debate and he dealt with the issue and he
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really performed well in that debate. that plus jim comey's little letter turned momentum and we have donald trump as president. jesse: there are people in the campaign who said chris christie had the opportunity to fly on the jet with the team and go to houston. you decided not to go and people thought that was disloyal. >> that's steve bannon telling me you are on the plane or off the team. typical steve drama that was made up. i called that morning and said i'm the only elected official here. and you haven't answered these questions. if i go there, they will be all over me to answer these questions. i want you to answer them first. the same reason i didn't go on the sunday morning shows. the president knew full well i wasn't going. that night 10 minutes after the
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debate was over. he said i won the debate because of you. you are the best campaign preparer i have ever seen. this whole idea i was off the team. and on election night i was in his amount when he and melania and barron watching. >> i recollection returns. it was an amazing night. when te in at 5:30 showing hillary clinton was going to win 350 electoral votes. but it made it even better when the returns came in and it went our way. he was one happy man that night. jesse: you were in the running for i believe it was attorney general and maybe another cabinet position, and you were in charge of the transition. now chris christie is writing books and he's not in the white house at all. what happened? >> i was in the running for vice
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president. it came down to me and mike pence. i love governor pence and i think he was a good choice. i was in the running for attorney general and he picked jeff sessions. that you could be sure of. on the transition stuff, two days after the election. steve bannon called me in and fired me as chairman of the transition. i knew it wasn't his doing. i said whose decision was this? and he finally said to me, no, as he referred him. he said it was the kid. referring to jared kushner. he has been taking an axe to your head ever since i got here with the boss. ancient bitterness. it went back to 2004 when i prosecuted jared's father. but 12 years later once you knew your father had committed those
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crimes and your father pled guilty, admitted to the crimes, what else was i supposed to do as a prosecutor? turn my head and walk away? in the end, we are supposed to be serving the president. by throwing me out and throwing six months of transition work out, the president is still attempting to recover from that. a lot of people got picked for jobs who had no business being there and would have served the president poorly. jesse: greg gutfeld, brian kilmeade and ed henry coming up. all the gossip about these characters from behind the scenes. [ indistinct chatter ]
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jesse: in 2019 we indulged in gossip here on. "watters' world." we are not proud of it. but we do it. here are some of the highlights with our gossip queen, dana perino. you have known him a lot longer than i have. have you noticed -- i wouldn't say development. have you noticed a change in his personality? >> there is a lot going on in there. back in the day you might have classified him as a genius. there is a lot -- he's so clever. one of the things that's amazing him is his mom recognized early on he had a creative mind. so when he would be off school,
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she bought him mad magazines, and she said these people, they get me. jesse: he's a total weirdo. he walks home. it's a 50-minute walk. >> it's good exercise. greg is in a band by himself. playing guitar. >> he has interesting taste in music. >> interesting is a generous word. remember the commercial break he leaned over to me alook angry a. jesse: we need something to help greg with his anger. probably wine. jesse: he grilled you. let's jog your memory. here is ed trying to pepper you. >> the president was asked about when you learned about iran's
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nuclear program being halted. was he being completely candid about senate. >> yes, he was. if you look at the rest of that sentence, he was told new information was coming in but he didn't note details. >> you are saying he was told that iran may have halted its nuclear weapons program and also there may be a new assessment. >> he didn't know the details of what the information was, what the raw intelligence was. i can see where you could say the president could have been more precise in that language. but the president was being truthful. >> ed henry was always very annoying. if you look, any photo of me where i'm zmowlgt briefing room, i am always looking in his direction. so he was at cnn at the time.
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in the obama administration he moved to fox news. the obama team used to go after him and say he's biased. no, no, no, ed henry is always a tough reporter. >> i think kilmeade needs a shot, he doesn't stop working. >> he gets up at 2:30 in the morning. i guess he doesn't shower. 20 minutes later he's out the door. the other thing that's not on here, when he leaves his house, he stops at a bo bodega every dy to pick up the newspapers. he has his routine absolutely down. jesse: if you want to catch up with him at 3:00 a.m., go to the bodega where he lives on long island. he also -- he does "fox and
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friends" at 6:00 a.m. at 5:00 a.m. he's on the radio doing affiliates. jesse: do you think people are getting sick of him? >> no. jesse: are we just shoving him down everybody's throat? >> i think we are overworking him. >> the guy is unbelievable. i learned something else about him. our producer joey was hounding him about his personal life. he hates when people chew gum. >> we have that in common. i don't mind people chewing gum if they do it silently. the first week our producer got in a car with brian and she said you will have to stop chewing that gum. jesse: if you are on "fox and friends" and you want to annoy brian, pop some gum.
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>> it's hard to stay mad at brian, but greg gutfeld tried. >> i didn't know you were allowed to drink on television. jesse: i'm mad. >> you know what? you and i are rule followers. griff jenkins is out there partying. jesse: griff wants other people to follow the rules. he's catching people crossing the border. but he's so polite. >> he says, excuse me. >> he's a little slight. i am worried about him getting blown over. but he's fearless. >> you can say griff, there is a category 5 hurricane. and he loves it. jesse: he's in war zones. >> and he's drinking on new
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jesse: the final last call of 2019. new year's eve is a time to reflect on the past and plan ahead for the future. so what are your resolutions? "watters' world" went to the front lines of new years eve to find out. where you from? >> wales in the u.k. >> you are welch. >> yes. >> so am i. what was the biggest mistake you made in 2016.
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>> following everybody's opinions. jesse: what is the biggest mistake you made in 2016. >> not watching you on tv enough. jesse: who are you going to kiss at midnight. >> might be you, so you better watch out. jesse: who are you going to kiss when the ball drops. >> got any suggestions? jesse: ways your new year's resolution. >> i have no [bleep] clue right now. get in better touch with my loved ones? >> learn spanish and appreciate those. >> drink conservatively and be careful of strangers. >> get rich. you are rich and we can have fun. jesse: note too much fun. >> i want to be healthy and happy. jesse: donald trump's new years
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resolution, what do you think it will be. >> make america great again. >> be the best president he can be. >> hopefully retire. jesse: can i give you a little advice. spend time with the family, drink a lot of water, eat healthy, and you, too, can be a success. >> i wish you could shut your big yapper. >> i love you. >> i love you, too. jesse: always remember one thing. i'm watters and this is my world. and this is my world. >> water world. "watters' world." that's all for tonight. happy new year. be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is
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next. remember, i'm watters and this is my world. reporter: welcome to justice and happy early new years. i'm jason chaffetz in our nation's capitol in for judge jeanine pirro. i will be speaking with dan bongino and charlie kirk. we'll talk campaign 2020 with corey lewandowski, and trump reelection campaign press secretary kayleigh mcenany. you will get a dose of judge jeanine when she takes you into the white house kitchen to see how the finest meals for the president and o
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