tv Hannity FOX News December 30, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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at 8:00 to the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. and don't forget to dvr the show.ha if you haven't set that up already. i good night from new york. that is it from auld lang steyn. have a swinging day. tucker will be back next year to launch the roaring '20s. here is gregg jarrett in for sean. >> gregg: i am so old i remember the last roaring '20s. mark steyn, great show. welcome to the special edition must be 25: the." i'm gregg jarrett sitting in for sean tonight for the hour. we will expose the destructive democratic agenda and assault on facts, fairness and the american dream. tonight, we began with the blundering joe biden, whose biggest 2020 opponents continues to be himself. as he clings to his so-called front runner status in the 2020 primary. you know what, voters don't seem to be buying any of this because old joe was again heckled on the campaign trail sunday in
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new hampshire, take a look at this. >> okay, this is not a trump rally. okay? >> [indistinguishable] >> all right, i agree with you, man. i agree. nice talking to you. >> this is a democracy. i hope it does, i hope it does. let her go. >> gregg: quid pro joe, they were shouting and a few other things you may have noticed. not only is biden floundering ahead of the iowa-new hampshire caucuses but he still thinks he is above the law, claiming he would refuse to comply with an impeachment subpoena issued by the u.s. senate before being forced grudgingly to walk back those remarks. remember, biden is literally on
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tape admitting to a quid pro quo with iran, admitting to leveraging u.s. taxpayer dollars to get the prosecutor fired who just happened to be investigating burisma holdings and his zero experiencg son biden. tonight, it gets even worse for the biden business bureau, that's what we are calling it because according to a new report from "the daily caller," the irs actually placed a lien on over $100,000 in unpaid taxes from hunter biden from the same year he served on burisma's board. he is raking in a bunch of money, the grifter he is, and he won't even pay his taxes. the evidence is so damning that even biden's partners in the media mob are beginning to admit this looks like a political disaster. take a look. >> and he needs to have tight, consistent answers that are logical, not defensive, not emotional.
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this is going to continue to come up, and he needs to know how to deal with it because it's not going away. >> but frankly, it does stink that hunter biden got this contract with no expertise in the energy sector and that he likely has already said basically, he got that moneyik which was significant because of his connections with his father, the vice president at the time, who was also in charge ofcaec ukraine at the time. >> gregg: jake said it stinks? o mark the day on your calendar! from constant campaign blunders to a weak record to his son's shady dealings, joe biden's campaign is doing nonstop damage control. joining me now to talk about it, fox news contributors mike huckabee and dan bongino. gentlemen, great to see you. governor, biden, of course, as we showed on the screen, you can hear it, was heckled as "quid pro joe." that seems to be a constant refrain at some of his rally.
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how much of this scandal involving his son is really going to taint the dad's campaign, especially as more evidence of impropriety drops as it inevitably will? >> gregg, i think it is problematic for him, but far more so then what hunter has done, it is what joe says every day. he is the gift that keeps on giving. he might as well have been wrapped up with a bow on his head, brought down the chimney by santa on christmas day. if you remember the movie "being there," this guy chauncey gardiner who was just a gardener, and he would say these off-the-wall things and people kept thinking, oh, that is deep, that is so deep. i think biden supporters have been reduced to try to think of joe biden as saying these deep things when actually his gafffes are coming so fast. joe is not aware of what he is saying. let me give you a quick example. last week, he said these
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executives of fossil fuel companies ought to be put in jail. and i wonder, is he aware his son was an executive of burisma, a fossil fuel company? come on, this is stuff -- you can't make this up. >> gregg: that is clueless joe. we had shoeless joe in baseball now we have joe on the campaign trail. you know, dan, jake the tapper on cnn, you know you are in trouble when even a cnn anchor begins to say, gee, this stinksr and some cnn commentators, including a democratic strategist, starts saying, "you know, joe biden has to give better answers than these." >> gregg, the most damaging political narratives that really hurt candidates, and any political consultant will tell you this, are the ones that changed dramatically pre-existing conception you had of who this person was. now, think about it.
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what is joe biden trying -- it's garbage -- but what's he trying to sell america? he's trying to sell america on his lunch bucket joe imagery, right? that is his thing. i'm the guy. you can sit here and carried the lunch box to work. i get dirt under my fingers. i know what it's like for you. really? look, let's be clear on this. how many guys or women out there who carry a lunch box to work and have their son who is raking in $80,000 a month for a no-show job with absolutely zero qualifications in a foreign country he's never been to? the answer is a big fat zero. i don't think anybody in the entire country with a lunch bucket that has done that. combined with constantly, as the governor said, constantly taking out of his own way, the guy face plants all the time. this guy is a troubled candidate. this thing with the subpoenas this weekend is a disaster. they are trying to impeach president trump for invoking executive privilege while
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biden, who has no executive privilege right now, says, i will ignore the subpoenas, too, have a nice day. i just can't believe this is happening. >> gregg: governor, what about that? clearly after he said not once but twice a month the two news organizations with lawful subpoena from congress, somebody had to pull them aside and say, mr. vice president, you can't do that. maybe trump can challenge it on separation of powers, but you are not in office anymore. you can't defy a subpoena. is that likely what happened? >> i don't think joe realizes he's not in office. he's on several occasions talked about how he was in office at times when he wasn't. he remembers witnessing things that he couldn't have. and so, in a sense, what he has done is cut the democrats entire case out from underneath nancy pelosi, adam schiff, jerry nadler, and the whole crew of crazies over there in the house.
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this is, once again, joe at his best. and i'm sure donald trump every night gets on his knees and just joins nancy pelosi, because she prays for him every night, and he's probably praying that joe is going to be the democratic nominee. we are having a revival in america. because everybody is praying. >> gregg: you are right. he is chauncey gardner from the great book by jersey. so maybe we will call him chauncey instead of clueless joe. hey, dan, the media, though, loves to cover up for the guy, right? jake the fake notwithstanding, i mean, the media, once joe did a flip-flop spun it like, oh, it is just a clarification, which is what biden had tried to sell it. if anybody else did it, if trump did a complete backflip, the media would have ran, but they follow him around' with a pooper scooper, cleaning
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up after clueless joe, chauncey, all the time, don't they? >> it is really pathetic and it's not surprising to anyone that listened to the only real's channel of the big three cable news television networks that do news, that's here. those are basically conspiracy blogs on tv, those other channels. they're full-time liberal activists and again, none of this is a surprise. but i think another problem he will have, gregg, something we've been harping on this whole segment here, he is supposed to be the safe remember three campaigns, the establishment pick you have the outside pick and then the liberal or conservative pick depending on the party. usually those three lanes, he is supposed to be the safe pick. the guy doesn't even know what state he is in. the governor -- i was laughing while he was on camera. you probably saw it. it's almost like a comedy act. he is not the safe pick. and i think it has a lot of democrats sweating. they are relying on the media t. save him because they can only do that for so long.
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>> gregg: iowa, ohio, they sound the same and to joe, they are the same. governor huckabee, last word on you, it is pretty outrageous that his son is raking in millions of dollars, not just from ukraine, but from china, kazakhstan, and romania, and has this $2.5 million hollywood hills mansion. can't pay his irs bill? >> a lot of americans out there would like to just stiff the irs and blow it off. they can't. i think hunter biden will have a hard time doing it. i love dan's analogy about the lanes. in this case, if you know the insurance commercial where mayhem is driving and keeps wrecking stuff, when i'm thinking -- dan is talking, i'm thinking joe biden is mayhem. he is driving all over the place and wrecking cars every day. [laughter] >> gregg: bandages all over his face. yeah.
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>> on a roll tonight. >> gregg: you've had it all tonight. chauncey gardner and mayhem. i throw in clueless joe. but thank you both, governor huckabee, dan bongino, thank you so much. now, it does look these days like bernie sanders is riding a wave of momentum into the early primary states, pulling neck and neck with clueless joe. especially as elizabeth warren's campaign is sounding the alarm over slumping poll numbers and cratering fund-raising. but of course, that is not stopping her or any other new extreme democrats from pushing for trillions in new spending with no plan to pay for it all. and as the 2020 democrats compete for who can be the most extreme and most out of touch, another left-wing circus backfiring on capitol hill. nancy pelosi at the helm, continuing to walk her party off of an impeachment cliff. now, remember the president's
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approval is up six points since the inquiry began. not only that, a new gallup poll showing president trump tied with barack obama as the country's most admired man. likely adding to democratic panic, they are latest fact-free witch hunt may actually embolden the president heading into 2020, especially as the trump economy fires on all cylinders. here is what i mean. stocks are surging, jobs are growing, wages are rising, or as a piece in "washington examiner" put it, "a big kahuna economy positions trump for victory in 2020." from a new record in household medium income to record low unemployment for african-americans to working-class wage gains, president trump is delivering on his promises to deliver. finally starting to admit it.
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take a look at this. >> it can be fairly sad that this administration, because of president trump's quiet prodding has done quite a bit for funding historically black colleges and ieuniversities. the first step act, which was a massive step toward justice reform. just a couple of weeks ago in this newly signed defense bill, there is a law that says if you are seeking to work in the federal government or any contractor, you don't have to be asked.ot you cannot be asked about your criminal history until right towards the end. r that is a significant change, long sought by justice advocates. plus, a tax directed at communities of color. that is a legacy on the agenda side that any president after three years would want to claim. >> gregg: joining me now for a
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reaction, republican congressmen matt gaetz and andy biggs. looking at the latest polling data, bernie sanders is gaining momentum big time. and he is, for example neck and neck and may win iowa, he is a head substantially in new hampshire and boy, his fund-raising is taking off while elizabeth warren is tanking and all of a sudden, they will be forced back to washington in january off of the campaign trail with a senate impeachment trial. >> perhaps elizabeth warren's decreases in revenue correspond to her campaign not wanting to pay her wealth tax. but i think the bernie sanders ascension in the polls is a sign the venezuela wing of the democratic party is showing a little life here. you just got to wonder, gregg, who will win this on the democratic primary? you got joe biden as the blundering gas machine that he is. you've got kind of the weekend at bernie sanders campaign trudging along but gaining momentum and then elizabeth warren who has had her ebbs and flows. i don't see a winner in the field yet. >> gregg: you know, congressman biggs, democrats are openly
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wondering about the wisdom of nancy pelosi, adam schiff and jerry nadler's impeachment farce. that you know, the numbers are indicating this will backfire. have they created a political quicksand and now they have stepped right into it? >> yeah, they really have. and i think nancy pelosi's instincts were correct a year ago when backing off, we don't want to get going on this thing. but as matt said, the venezuelan side of the democratic party in congress said, look, we have to have it. she had to cut a deal to become speaker because it was such a close race. she is taking the bull by the horns here and it looks like she will get gored because of it. the reality is, it's a huge mistake for the democrats. they have nothing, there are people within the democratic conference itself that relayshi they have nothing and it's done nothing but help president trump solidify his position with people of reason throughout thep
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country. >> gregg: congressman, those in the democratic party, you just referenced them, are they angry about what pelosi, schiff, and nadler have done? >> i think some of them are in some of them i've talked to them quietly aside. they want this to go away. they wish it had never happened, but you know what, nancy pelosi has raised the money for them but the reality is, many wish this thing would go away. but it's not going to go away. it is actually going to blow up in even more i'm afraid. >> it's not just nancy pelosi raises money for the caucus, but they use the money as a political weapon against anyone who potentially would vote against impeachment. andy and i observed active threats on the house floor that if the blue dog democrats didn't go along with the radical left of the democratic party to support impeachment, they would not be supported by the d triple
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c. >> gregg: that's the active threat? >> that is the quid pro quo. >> gregg: we will pull the rug out from under you financially in any other way. >> the only quid pro quo in this process is a quid pro quo the democrats did not line up against nancy pelosi as lemmings to go off the cliff, they would be bludgeoned by their own party in congress. >> gregg: it may turn out to be the opposite.e. congressman biggs, if nancy pelosi thought the mere word impeachment and the vote that ensued would damage the president politically, the opposite has happened here. i mentioned the poll numbers and now the gallup poll comes out, you know, tied with obama as the most admired man. talk about a severe boomerang. >> yeah, i don't think they could have understood that might happen. i thought she knew at the beginning, but look, most admired person poll, there is a lot of takeaways there. first of all, there is a lot of people who approve of the job president trump is doing as president. but moreover, there is a lot of people that admire himng
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personally for trying to keep his promises when he is in the swamp. when he says he would drain the swamp, we have seen, and i think the whole world has seen how hard the swamp will try to take you back down. and the other thing, you can see ow how divided the country really is. that obama and president trump would be tied as the most admired men in 2019 is a remarkable statement that our country is divided in so many ways, but i think it also gets to the point you just made, and matt has been making as well. this is boomeranging on them and solidifying and lifting lifting president trump up all along. >> gregg: part of nancy pelosi hanging on to articles of impeachment and not transmitting to prolong this impeachment notion as long as she possibly can, hang it over his head, but it's not working for her.
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it's having the reverse effect. doesn't she want to walk that over, run it over to the u.s. senate right now to get it over with?'s >> it is more like a hot potato than something you want to hold on and hope it would hatch. w i don't always agree with mitch mcconnell, but he makes a valid point that you don't gain much leverage in threatening to withhold something that the senate does not want. and as andy pointed out, you have a lot of members in districts won by donald trump who will vote for impeachment, but who frankly, walk through the legislative digestive system as fast as possible because if you are one of those candidates on the campaign trail, heck, if you are one of the 2020 i democrats voting for president, this has now become all-consuming.on the election would be a referendum on impeachment and right now, an election who the president would overwhelmingly win in the electoral college. >> gregg: by a fairly wide margin, congressman biggs. independents are against removing the president via impeachment. and you just heard the clip we played from cbs reporter garrett, major garrett who said,
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any president in terms of minority votes would "be happy to have this record claim.' and so when you factor independents, the minority vote, and the president's rise in polling numbers plus his tremendous increase in fund-raising, i know it's early, but is he looking fairly solid going into the 2020 election? >> well, with everything there, i like his chances significantly, but i don't think we should rest on our laurels. i think we need to keep working. president trump is a great candidate, and i think he will win big. i think some of the things you mentioned, the response to, forh instance, the black vote and the minority vote, because they had the lowest unemployment rates in those demographics that you have ever had. v you've had more jobs, more people working, more people able to fulfill their life dreams.
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matt worked hard on the first step act through and a lot of kudos for that. the president and his team. that has changed the very nature of some of that stuff going on. and president trump has a significant approval rate right now among black that is incredible. that is a great thing for him. >> gregg: andy biggs, matt gaetz, thank you for being with us. good to see you. >> thanks, gregg. >> gregg: coming up, you are not going to believe this. disgraced fbi agent peter strzok said the federal governmentt violated his right to privacy and free speech. we will explain coming up. ♪ eech. we will explain coming up. ♪ when we started our business
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it's hard to believe former fbi agent peter strzok is actually claiming he's the victim here. in a court filing today, strzok said his trump-bashing text messages who his lover, lisa page uncovered, by the way, by his wife, ouch, were protected by the first amendment even though he sent them on an fbi-issued phone.. apparently, strzok thinks the text like this one failing to stop trump's election in this when discussing an insurance policy in case trump was elected or nonpublic communications. keep in mind, these texts are featured in the department of justice inspector general's report on the russia probe. but strzok is not the only disgraced member of the fbi in the news. james comey, the guy who won't't go away, is out with yet another op-ed. this one in "the washington post" titled "this is what it is like to be attacked by the president."
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strike the violins if you would. in it, he called president trump a "shrunken, withered figure." [laughs] joining us now for her reaction is fox news contributor sara carter, "washington examiner" reporter and sirius xm host kerry picket, good to see you, so sara, at 6'7" tall, is james comey the biggest crybaby on earth? let me just read, he wrote, atat "at first, it rocks your world when and then you are stunned. then diminished, and then you have contempt for trump." i mean, cry me a river, comey. >> exactly, gregg, this is comey's seven stages of grief and it is a joke. this is what comey does best. he pontificates. he did it on his twitter account off and on all the time. standing at the crossroads, staring at tall trees, looking at the ocean.
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comey had a culture of corruption at the fbi and this is more serious point. he was chided by horowitz, who said he set a dangerous example for the 35,000 fbi agents. remember, it was comey who started the whole mess with the special counsel by leaking his own memorandums to a friend of his to give to "the new york times" so that a hope special counsel could be called. comey is in a world of hurt, and he's in a lot of trouble. c just like peter strzok, comey, john brennan, james clapper, they are all doubling down because this is what they have been trained to do. they have been trained to deny everything and then make counter accusations. because they know they are all in trouble. they are in trouble by the department of justice and the ag, william barr. >> gregg: yet, kerry you know, comey is so blinded by self-righteousness, that he is
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attacking the very man who has the ability to indict comey. so comey has called ag barr less than honorable, lacking inner strength, lost his reputation, and is irresponsible. i mean, you would have to be a fool's fool to be attacking barr. >> it makes no sense why comey is doing this, but here is thehe thing that i really do think is going on in comey's mind right now. he has yet to accept that not only have republicans cast him off, but democrats have yet to accept. a lot of people have forgot that democrats, while they like him as a useful tool, that he says a lot of nasty stuff about donald trump, remember, democrats ended up casting him off way back in the beginning when they felt that he messed up things for hillary clinton. so ultimately, he has no place to go at this point, other than
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to keep on taking nasty shots at donald trump. remember, with the fisa court up in sort of a a weird limbo itself, likely to be reformed, and with more information coming out on it, he's in a really weird place right now because ultimately he looks like the liar that he's coming out to be. >> gregg: let me ask you about peter strzok because james comey is not the only insufferable who was fired at the fbi. sara, peter strzok does not seem to realize that, you know, you are not supposed to be using your fbi phone for personal text messages railing at the very guy you are investigating. and he wants his job back. can you imagine peter strzok actually walking back into the fbi building where he and comey and lisa page ruined the reputation of the fbi? >> no, i can't imagine that and
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it went far beyond that, not only did he put the national security at risk, here was a former deputy, head of the counterintelligence division ath the fbi, peter strzok, who basically even told his office of professional responsibilityty that he didn't use his fbi laptop that they issued him at home because they didn't know how to log into it. that he made up all these excuses. he sent very damaging and very private text messages between him and lisa page at the expense of u.s. national security. because let me tell you this, the russians or anybody else could have been tapping into his unsecured phone and seeing all of this, his affair and everything else. >> gregg: blackmail. >> so peter strzok will not get his job back. and he has a flimsy case, if no case at all. >> gregg: these people are unbelievable. i mean, andrew mccabe, who was fired for lying, not once but four times, he has now sued the government.
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and lisa page, poor lisa, the privacy act was violated by releasing these text messages, no, privacy act does not involve text messages like personnel records, medical records, and so forth. and she is a lawyer?r? i mean, it is really unbelievable.xt >> you know, i have to say, gregg, sitting here, you have a situation where peter strzok is saying my first amendment rights are being violated, but remember, back in 2007, you had a number of lawyers in the bush justice department who said, well, we will put an op-ed in "the denver post" and complain about the justice department. they can do that, but now you have strzok, my first amendment rights are being violated because i used a justicee department phone to complain about donald trump. mm, maybe not. that is something that you need a government issued phone and a completely different situation. >> gregg: he did fbi business on his personal account, which also jeopardized national
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security. he was fired for dereliction of duty, but he wants his job back. kerry and sara, good to see you both. coming up on this "hannity" special, the aftermath of the antisemetic attack in new york, quick to blame none other than president trump, but again, you can't make this up. alan dershowitz, jeffrey lord are here to react next. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> gregg: welcome back to "hannity special: the left exposed" i am gregg jarrett in for sean. as americans reeling from the attack on a jewish community in muncie, new york, several democrats rushing to judgment about who is to blame for an increasing number of such anti-semitic attacks. one of them was new york city's
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mayor bill de blasio, who pointed his finger blaming trump's direction, of course he did, during an interview with ed henry on sunday, watch. >> when i think something isi anti-semitic, i say it and i said it about fellow democrats, but i also want this to be clear what is happening here, an atmosphere of hate has been developing in the country over the last few years. a lot is emanating from washington and it's having an effect on all of us. >> so you are blaming the president and not justnd washington? i'm saying we have to be clear. we need a different tone starting in washington. we had, by the way, democrats and republicans both in the white house, that encourages the country to actually find some unity and some common ground. we haven't had that for the last few years. >> gregg: the mayor's comment strongly condemned by fox news contributor dan bongino who blasted de blasio as a "repulsive human being." if that wasn't bad enough, the left continues to pour scorn on christian believers, as nbc's chuck todd did on
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"meet the press" on sunday. watch. >> i want to read you guys a letter to the editor that we found in the "lexington herald." it was a fascinating attempt to try to explain why some people support president trump. he was what he says, "why do good people support trump? because people have been trained from childhood to believe in fairy tales. set their minds to accept things that make them feel good. the more fairy tales and lies he tells them of the better they feel. show me a person who believes in noah's ark, and i will show yout a trump voter." look, this gets at something that my executive producer likes to say, voters want to be lied to sometimes. they don't always love being told hard truths. >> gregg: nice. joining us now for reaction, author of "guilt by accusation," harvard law school emeritus professor alan dershowitz as well as political columnist and conservative columnist jeffrey lord.ol by the way, i have read your book, "guilt by accusation," terrific book, people should get
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it and read it. the challenger proving innocence in the age of me to. >> i appreciate that. $2 on kindle. i want everybody to read it. >> gregg: so it took a couple of hours before democrats started to blame donald trump. the meteor crashes into earthlt it's donald's don't make donald trump's fault and this certainly was. >> these are people who have been hurt, seriously hurt. these are people i grew up with. these are people i know. this is flesh and blood. this is an increase in one of the worst forms of hate imaginable, to try to politicize it, and to take part take partisan advantage, whether you are democrat or republican, and to use it to point blame at your political enemies is not only despicable, it is so dangerous. we have to get to the causes of this. we have to stop it. pointing fingers at your political enemies and blaming them for a worldwide phenomenon that is exploding all over the world, not just the
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united states, is beneath contempt and extremely dangerous. it has to stop. >> gregg: you know, jeffrey, eric swalwell, who ran for president and dropped out thegg next day, i think, you know, he was on twitter immediately blaming donald trump for the attack, completely ignoring that donald trump has actually been a very strong supporter of the jewish community as well as israel.or >> yes, that is absolutely right. let's remember in 2012, the democratic convention balked for a considerable period over recognizing israel -- jerusalem as the capital of israel. they didn't want to do it. they finally did it, and it is remarkable turnaround in a party where president harry truman was the president who initially gave american recognition to israel. this is long gone, and this is a serious problem.nt professor dershowitz has been on this from the get-go and he's 100% right. this is very, very dangerous.
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it's not a subject to be fooling around with. >> gregg: in the meantime, i played a clip of chuck todd, "meet the press," who received f backlash for dismissing religious beliefs as fairy tales. noah's ark is not only a christian story, but a jewish faith story as well as muslim stories. >> and you don't attack people's faith. you don't call them fairy tales. that is the kind of thing that just generates hatred towards religion. i like chuck todd and i think he is a decent guy but people get caught up in this frenzy of blame trump, blame christianity, blame religion, blame the jews for their own problems. you hear that today when itu happens in newark, they say it is their fault for moving into the neighborhood. they create racial tensions. let me tell you, folks, jews are allowed anywhere in the world safely and without their safety being turned into a political football.
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>> gregg: jeffrey, i want you to have the final word on this it's got to stop. >> yes, it does. gregg, i have to say, i will take the bible any day over the fairy tales of the left state media and chuck todd at nbc. trump-russian collusion was ak three year fairy tale. this is what they do and who they are. that, too, is not good. >> gregg: jeffrey lord, alan dershowitz, thank you for being here. good to see you. coming up next, new detailso about the church shooting in texas this weekend. the gunmen shot and killed by one of the that is coming up next. don't go anywhere. ♪ illed and why one of th the by one of the parishioners.
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fire during a sunday service at a texas church. parishioners immediately jumping into action. one neutralized the shooter within seconds. fox news correspondent jeff hall joins us from white settlement, texas, with the latest. >> a very emotional night and the folks inside of this church in the county returned for the first time since sunday's shooting. more than 240 people inside at the time of the incident, d authorities say this could have been a much deadlier moment that unfolded inside the church. it only lasted six seconds, in part due to the action of people like jack wilson.un he is someone who pulled out his own gun, fired a single shot and took down the suspected shooter. >> i don't see myself as a hero. i see myself as doing what needed to be done to take out the evil threat. i don't feel like i killed an individual, i killed evil. that is how i'm approaching it l and processing it. >> witnesses say the suspect was wearing a fake beard, a wig, and
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a knit cap. it was during communion when he got up and pulled out a shotgun and started shooting. the suspect shot and ultimately killed two people.y family members identified the victims as richard white and tony wallace. authorities say he had ties to the dallas-fort worth area and have multiple prior arrests and what they are still trying to understand and made have never have a grasp of that is why, >> gregg: jeff, thanks very much. texas law allows citizens to carry guns in places of worship, however when that law wass pasd this september, joe biden slammed it and called it "irrational." take a look. >> it is irrational, with all due respect to the governor of texas, irrational what they are doing. on the very day we see a mass shooting, i was on a plane, up to five killed. and we are talking about losing access to have guns in place of worship.
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it is absolutely irrational. it's totally irrational. the idea that we don't have elimination of assault-type weapons, magazines that you can have, multiple bullets in them is absolutely mindless. >> gregg: president trump responding to the shooting on twitter writing, "our prayers are with the families of the victims and the congregation of yesterday's church attack." it was over in six seconds thanks to the brave parishioners who acted to protect 242 fellown worshipers. lives were saved by these heroes and texas laws allowing them to carry arms. joining me now with reaction, nationally syndicated salem radio host larry elder and fox news contributor rachel campos duffy, good to see you both. larry, it happens i think more often than people realize, that people who are armed and defending themselves and others prevent further attacks and
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deaths. >> well, that is right. after the sandy hook school shooting in 2012, obama ordered the cdc to do research on how often americans used guns to defend themselves. the cdc came back with a report very quietly. nobody seemed to care about it. the cdc said at least one defenseive use of guns for every offensive use. they cited research by people like a criminologist at florida state university who said every single year, 1.25 million americans use guns to defend themselves. out of that number, 40% believe but for the firearms they would have been dead. and you think something like this would cause joe biden to rethink his attitude because the law that you mentioned also allowed concealed carry holder to go into churches. and you would think biden might rethink his assumption but being a democrat means never say ththsorry. so don't expect that to happen anytime soon. >> gregg: rachel, biden, again, we saw a clip calling it irrational, my goodness. that was a very rationalaw
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response to a deadly situation in which dozens could have died. it takes 15 minutes sometimes for police to get to an area. >> cops are great, but they can't be everywhere. this is a common sense response to the shooting in texas earlier. it's not just joe biden, though. you have beto o'rourke said it was a dumb idea and activists like david hogg also said that teachers shouldn't be allowed to be armed to protect students. so my question is, have they all seen this footage? have they changed their mind? is the media going to hold them to account? what do you think of this? because these are real lives, real people. by the way, jack wilson, and the president tweeted he is a hero, absolutely is a hero. in six seconds, he took the shooter down. and again, when asked about it, i guess, later on a post, he says he thanked god and feels blessed that he could help protect his parishioners in this
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way. >> gregg: you know, larry, julian castro, democratic presidential candidate, said this, "a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy is fiction. it doesn't work that way." i don't know what dream world that guy is living in. >> some years ago there was a shooting called grundy law school, appalachian law school in virginia. a gunman shot a dean, a student, and a teacher, and there were two former cops who went and got their firearms, pointed at the shooter, the shooter dropped the gun.or at that point, students charged the shooter and tackled the "the washington post" reported the reason the gunman subdued because the students tackled him leaving out they pointed at the shooter and caused for him to drop the gun. "the washington post" said why aren't you reporting theth trut? she had no coherent answer. it didn't fit the script and they decided not to report what really happened.
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>> gregg: it is amazing, the hypocrisy of people like joe biden who has armed security protecting him but worshipers in a church aren't allowed to have armed security according to joe biden. >> absolutely, nancy pelosi, armored cars, barack obama, all of them have security. they send their kids to school with security, but they don't want security for other people. listen, i don't think it is a surprise that this happened in texas. texas people, god bless texans, they know how to take care of themselves and they realize after the last shooting the best thing they can do to protect themselves is in the houses of worship is to have a good guy like this man, mr. wilson, there to protect them. it worked. what is interesting, there is video footage of it, too. we don't have to wonder how it happened. we can see how it happened. >> gregg: larry, we only have 30 seconds left. the attorney general ken paxton sai,d "they are the model for what churches and businesses need to focus on." he's right about that, isn't he? >> in my opinion, he is. don't mess with texas.
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[laughter] happy new year's, gregg. >> gregg: larry elder, happy new year's and rachel, you have been here since early this morning. a long day at work. thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you. happy new year.. >> gregg: you too. coming up, more of this special edition of "hannity" coming up. right after the break. stick around. ♪ now, get free 1 hour in-store pick up... office depot officemax and same time next week. yes!
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♪ >> gregg: pretty tree outside our building. welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." unfortunately, that's all the time we have left for tonight. if you enjoyed tonight's show tune in to my new podcast "the impeachment witch hunt." of course you can pick up a copy of my new book "witch hunt." anywhere books are soldy or you can go online and order it. we want to wish you all a happy holidays and our loyal viewers happy new year a couple days away.
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don't forget to set your vcr or your dvr or whatever it is so you never miss an episode of "hannity." thanks for joining us tonight. "the ingraham angle" begins right now with my friend jason chaffetz. >> jason: set your vcr? what year are you talking about? >> gregg: i have no idea because i don't know how to do it. >> jason: evidently. i will go with my dvr. great show, i appreciated. happy new year to you. i am jason chaffetz in for laura ingraham, and this is a special edition ofam "the ingram angle" from washington. what is president trump's strategy to fight the impeachment sham in the united states senate? former south carolina congressman trey gowdy spent the weekend with the president and is here exclusively to tell us what he thinks. also crime is rising and cities are falling apart, but new york city mayor bill de blasio is trying
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