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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  January 5, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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s. adam: i will take it too. arthel: by the way, happy new year. adam: thank you, you too. arthel: thank you. thanks arthel. now what about you? anyway. eric: happy new year to you and you and everybody. thank you. >> have a very good relationship with kim jong-un. i know he is sending out certain messages about a christmas present i hope his christmas present is the dutiful face. that's what i buy, base. [laughter] greg: kim jong-un jong-un better get him something nice after this week. [applause] if there's one thing we have learned in three years that trump will always respond. if you ask a dump question trump's going to reply.
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>> fake news which is you and you. greg: impeachment testimony. trump is going to respond. >> i want nothing. i want nothing. i want no quid pro quo. greg: the u.s. military is carried out the strike in baghdad airport killing qassem soleimani. the defense department has confirmed united states has killed iranian general qassem soleimani or the rocket attack on the baghdad airport kills iran's most revered leader. greg: military leader. a u.s. drone took out the guy who helps direct wars in iraq syria lebanon in lebanon. he led to the deaths of hundreds of americans in iraq. was a bad guy doing really bad things were really long time. so it's about to kill a bad guy? >> no one should be shedding any
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tears about soleimani. was in fact responsible. yet american blood on his hands but at the same time as ambassador sherman said the consequences of this could be unbelievable. >> qassem soleimani is a ruthless killer. there is no doubt about that. nobody is sad that he is gone but that said the obama administration to my knowledge did not go after him and target him because we understood what the consequences were. greg: everything comes through. terrible guy, terrible guy, terrible guy but, but consequences? look i -- iran already doesn't like us and hasn't liked us for decades. iran has not been liking us for way before trump was elected
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president and before therefore the trump tower was built. taking in the bad guy is bad becae ump. >> what i think is going on here frankly is this action was taken more in president trump self-interest rather than our national interest. >> still a charmer. self-interest. okay trump ran a campaign on avoiding quagmire and his supporters had their fill with iraq libya and syria so this action seems to be the opposite. the country's interest, our country. trump took action to stop a war and not start one. >> we took action last night to stop a war. we did not take action to start a war. greg: see? i love being right.
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my first prediction of the year is 100% on. he sending a clear message that trump means what he says that it's never a good idea to state that your army in another country and plan attacks against the u.s. and think that you are going to get away with it. not while he is president. thank god the mode -- the media is focusing on the stuff that matters. over on "cnn" what was their best headline? president trump dined on ice cream as news of the airstrike broke. as if trump indulging in a sweetened dairy product made the strike that much worse. not for me "cnn." it actually makes it that much better. [applause] wouldn't you want your president to be eating ice cream while he eliminates a mass murderer?
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[applause] i would say that's pretty cool. meanwhile the experts on all the networks say we are one step closer to war which brings us to the question who exactly is an expert on iran iraq or the middle east in general? no one has ever gotten that region right, ever in anyone who sees killing a murderous general is seen as sending money to that country cannot the an expert. he can be a. one other expert warns this wasn't just any old killing. this wasn't just some ice spider he was a top general a powerful leader of an adversarial government. so hooray. i mean really isn't the killing of old generals by drone preferable to sending waves of young men and women to their deaths on a battlefield? war is when the old general send
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young people to die. anti-trump we just kill the old generals. [applause] and this is my favorite part actually, we did it with a blind robot. that's progress. [applause] >> let's welcome tonight's guests. the heart of gold and will kill you if you think otherwise master sergeant host of hollywood weapons on the outdoor channel terry schappert. someone call the s.w.a.t. team because this guy is a riot. starting in the new season of comedy central comedian jim florentine. [applause] witty and from the motor city kat timpf. [applause]
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and dickinson was the prince, fox agent tyrus. [applause] they are not ruling him. so terry out to sea you are a military guy green beret much like me. >> we were in nam together. greg: nam a vietnamese restaurant on 49th. nam dumplings are fantastic. give me your gut response to the taking out of qassem soleimani and the response from the media. >> stop there. here's the thing, first of all hey it's interesting i'm told to come on the show and a couple of days before someone gets killed.
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i know people. just kidding. greg: you engineered this because you may have killed some people? >> is safe to say you probably buried someone who was killed by him and you know someone who is lost a limb and a family who was destroyed by this guy so if you're an american to things if you can't care about that you can care about all the people he killed over there. iraq, syria lebanon. his own country he is murdered and tortured people so this was legal. it was totally justified and it could not been done much better. as we sleep right now the a-listers ran aground collecting intelligence in taking the fight to this dude. as i said before iran messed
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around and found out. [applause] greg: by the way you think he is joking. he is not joking. do you really think iran is upset by this because their response is weird. it's muted. it's not like comic you know some people know a lot about this especially people who are from there so it's a very interesting place. a deep long cultural heritage. what i said before is true but also be prepared for more danger because they will try to retaliate. not taking this dude out this
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akin to maybe i won't take this bully out. sometimes the media thing has to be put up with for the long-term thing. it could take a while to figure out where this all goes the killing that dude was the right thing to do. greg: what do you think? >> i felt like shaquille o'neal was in the car and then i realized it was a different channel. he's my favorite basketball player. greg: i don't understand the joke. and it is a commercial on fox all the time. [applause] >> go to the general and save some time. [applause] >> don't apply too much because then i will be off the show.
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>> ire list of allies sense. rose mcgowan apologize. she apologized for america. greg: dear iran i'm sorry for her country. don't kill us. >> i wonder the iranian facials are saying is this the u.s. spokeswoman for the white house and then they did a google search on her and saw her on the red carpet in a g string. can we take this serious? it's legit. greg: cat you are libertarian. i don't know if this is a violation of libertarianism. i think it's moving towards a different phase of how we deal with adversaries. >> i have concerns about this obviously this was a bad dude. he was a terrorist and he deserved to be killed. obviously that's true at the same time it concerns on it based on what happened when we took on gaddafi and there were
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additional problems but the difference i think that's what i always think when something like this happens where his people on the left obama/hillary did the exact same sort of thing and they didn't have an issue now but they have an issue now because it's from. if trump would have done this they could have easily turned around and said look at trump telling around the terrace. no matter what they did they would have a problem. he deserved to die but i'm concerned about potential vocations because i'm a very antiwar person but i'm consistently so and i feel like a lot of people are against it because of something the trump did. obama did the same kind of thing. greg: tyrus close it out. >> a couple of things. i'm going to the response because i think it's fair. you have to understand they were going like this. harsh revenge so there's not a
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lot of trash talking going down because you run camera. greg: to that point soleimani had been tracking trump with memes and he killed the guy. >> he won't do that again. it's hilarious that the people talk about consequences. we have seen the mainstream media every month something horrible is going to happen and they are like we are in big trouble now because iran is going to do something. like if they can do anything the thing that whiles me is the media have started their nrda the trump did this to get out of trouble of impeachment. the last time i checked he wasn't in trouble within impeachment. [applause] old man mitch came out and said --
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[laughter] greg: it's true. where am i? we will be right ok everyone! our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition... for strength and energy! whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein and twenty-seven vitamins and minerals. ensure, for strength and energy.
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that sofa on tv is iexactly what they need. and now, they know it too.
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that's the power of targeted tv advertising. it's smart. it grabs people's attention. then they come to my store. buy that sofa. and leave happy it's easy, and it's effective. and it's why comcast spotlight is changing its name to effectv. because being effective means getting results. and now the great gutfeld show presents the 2020 candidates. greg: as the field narrows outcome the arrows. donald trump versus one of these people. it could be any one of them at this point. who are they? his head is big. it could be bernie sanders. he raised over 34 billion -- $34 million but then again trump raised $46 million. [applause]
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we are like in vegas. and he did it while he was getting impeached which means the man can certainly multitask. joe biden raised 23 million not as much as trump or bernie even though he still sing weird stuff like how he answers an 11-year-old boy's question in new hampshire. >> how old are you? >> i'm only 11. >> you are a good man. >> i'm talking to my grandson and that's how i talk i'm sorry. it's not something you open up and read is something that holds the book. honey, i mean sir. greg: what was that all about, joe? >> and now joe biden tells a story. >> apocryphal of blueberries.
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he said come on man, come on and i've been there. you know we used to sell bags full of nickels for cash in the backyard. if you have been there like i have you know that. you know it very i've got a friend named corn pops. he knew about my hairy legs but a guy with hairy legs candy syrup, you know that. i'm serious. [applause] >> he could be the nominee or maybe mayor pete he once did criminalize all the drugs not just pot but you name it which makes sense because if the democrat becomes president we will need to do a lot of drugs. meanwhile mayor bloomberg turned the east at the white house and in open office floor plan where a leader should be with the team and even tweeted what such a war plan with the like.
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can you see that? there is president mike sitting in his cubicle. it's so sad. sharing it with the vice president may be. bumping the chief of staff while the press secretary is over there trying to eat his lunch. that's bloomberg's big important idea, cubicle's? do you really want to see your present work in a cubicle around other cubicle's? if you are the president of the united states you aren't a blogger for tmz. freak. [applause] meanwhile joe biden wants us to stop using coal and he's got a big idea to keep coalminers working. >> anybody can go down 3000 feet and on line can learn how to program as well. but we don't think of it that way. anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to
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program for gosh sakes. greg: sure totally learn how to code and they can get a job at google. easy pc. i wish i had learned to code to. joe woolwich are thinking behind that? >> and now joe biden tells the story. >> look, look, look i would consider a republican running mate. i'm serious, man. look barack obama, barack obama 1977 maya angelou. text joe 230303030, 3430. "hawaii five-0", good show. come on, man.
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[applause] meanwhile trump is keeping the economy afloat in the weirdest impeachment never in dealing with the media. they are audible people. >> i want to thank everybody. i want you to have a great year. look you are honorable people and he have to stay on herbal. if you're honorable i'm going to win the election by a lot and if you are not honorable i'm just going to win the election by little so i'd rather have you be honorable, okay? thank you. [applause] 's. greg: oh my gosh that's hilarious. beat that joe. >> and now joe biden tells the story. >> look, look, look i will do more push-ups than babies born this year combined. it's not an exaggeration.
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and talking about cats i don't see the big deal. i liked it. darth vader, luke skywalker's dad? i saw it coming. come on, man. come on. [applause] greg: jam master can meet -- comedian which democratic candidate can you think can rival trump? >> bernie raised a lot of money and that's good, 34 million. do you think the staff told him that after his recent heart attack. we don't want to give them any big news. you think at 35 million that guy would get a brush or comb. if someone could just send them to walgreens for driving down there. but trump 46 million, i did the
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math. that's like a 1 million for each tweet he is have this year. 1 dollar actually. greg: and he will send up any more. kat who do you want to talk about bloomberg and his open office plan r. biden? >> biden. i at least feel like if i were a coalminer had a really mad. first of all if i were a coalminer and the dead in 15 minutes but you know it's like saying hey don't worry i'm definitely going to take your job but all you need to do is learn how to do a completely different job. and then you can have that one. like honestly if it's so easy why don't you learn to code, joe? you would decode because i know would happen. you enrolling class and it would do three weeks before you realize he was taken basket weaving the whole time.
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it's really offensive and he has a lot of nerve to be telling people their jobs don't matter and they should start another one and he has managed to stay rich and famous and influence of despite not even knowing where he is. [applause] coalminers always know where they are. >> they ban people from twitter. greg: people got in trouble for that. tyrus what's your assessment of the candidates? >> after seeing the tape i think the democratic party should run as a team. i think they should all just run together. the entire panel and maybe it chimpanzee should run together as a team. greg: that gives me an idea. they can do that thing from o.
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jack horseman. they get a giant overcoat and become all one person. the most attractive person is the head. if they get hot they can just rotate out. >> this election is going to be bad so instead of going down in history books for the worst representation of the democratic party running for president there would be more stay at home both in actual vote you can say it wasn't just me. it was all of us. mostly bobo the champ wouldn't stop growing stuff in the democratic party that's why. there it is right there. take the first initial from each name and make one word and then go without. greg: you know this, you are explaining the wrestling when it's one guy.
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>> form the 15 horsemen. greg: each guy comes than. >> that's literally what they are going to do. form a team and that way they can make money together. >> is that legal? >> it should be legal. they are going to force me to do it. greg: either way in a weird way you are right. adderall are all amphetamine drugs. meth is someone who just can't get a prescription. >> i'll be and as with you i would be mortified in the democratic debate if they were all on math. it would be a lot redder. [applause] greg: i would like to host that debate. "breaking bad" with the
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democrats. >> izmir peatlands that will be good because there'll be trapezoids of interventions. they will be pumping them out like five a week. greg: my favorite episode of intervention the woman with the computer screen. >> alison. she's better now. greg: if you can find the episode on youtube, she would buy cases of computer window screen cleaner. all right i will shut up. we will be right back with more stuff as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> man: what's my my my livelihood.
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so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me. >> tech: hi, i'm adrian. >> man: thanks for coming. ...with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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jon: live from america's news headquarters i'm jon scott. armed terrorists overrun a military base in kenya killing a u.s. servicemember and two american contractors. it happened at the manda bay
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airfield. the al qaeda affiliate al shabab claims responsibility but says the attack has nothing to do with escalating tensions in the middle east, comes two days after u.s. forces launched an airstrike on the group in somalia. first known al shabab attack against american forces inside kenya. in iran massive anti-american demonstrations accompany the funeral of general soleimani who was killed by a u.s. drone attack last week in baghdad. tehran is promising harsh retaliation and is now completely abandoning the controversial nuclear deal. president trump warning iran with threats of his own that the u.s. is prepared to strike again. i'm jon scott. see you at the top of the hour for "the fox report". now back to greg gutfeld. greg: all right "cnn" held their annual new year's eve ride cast and the hosts got are loaded than a wendy's baked potato.
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>> wow. >> that one was tough. >> it's time to talk about some of the ender reported stories of the year. first we have to start with this one. who would drink this? >> college students. last. greg: normally i never watch "cnn". i can get the same brain numbing effect with the windows closed but meanwhile bill de blasio the mayor of this hellish city, i can see that. went after dominos for selling 30-dollar pizzas to the crowded new york waiting for the ball to
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drop tweeting jacking up the prices on people trying to celebrate the holidays, classy dominos. i am sorry this corporate chain exploited you. patronizing one of our local pizzas. you are being exploited when you voluntarily pay for a pizza. it really is as dump as a block of wood. if bill hadn't been asleep -- [applause] if bill hadn't been asleep during econ 101 he would know that prices raise. even the rats are desperate for a decent slice. [applause] he's got a six movie deal at paramount. tyrus, i hate new year's eve. i hate everything about it. i hate people who act stupid
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when they drink. >> i feel for people who drank everywhere being shamed. it's deeply disturbing. my dream of doing shots it's been forever ruined and i'm in there have been now. to find out why i had to see that. i'm forming a coalition on instagram to commemorate our pain for all the cause that they have caused -- all the pain that they have caused for people doing a shot. "cnn" can't just do it right. they don't know when to quit. i'm on painkiller. what is going on? you spend the whole year attacking everybody and going after everybody and then the real you comes out for five minutes and america hates you. you can even be cool. [applause]
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usually some alcohol, some tattoos and a microphone is a good time. not with don lemon and the other guy. i'm just saying it's a sad thing that they have the moral high ground. they are above everybody. they are not only doing everything they contract for the do it poorly. [applause] greg: i will say this though that is like don lemon does new year's eve. it's not as bad as when he does new year's. i would rather have him wasted the next stupid than to pretend he is objective. >> sure. i am really mad at bill de blasio. i lived in new york, we look in new york and if you look around the taxes are really high. it stinks. you have to watch where you're
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walking to make sure you don't step in human or trip over a pile of trash and he decides to finally get impassioned over pizza. it's like you said hey idiot it's called supply and demand. the only thing that i judge dominos for his honestly not charging more. this pizza was going specifically to people who were in times square on new year's eve on purpose. these are people who had smash themselves into pens in the cold wearing diapers. i am pretty sure a pizza is the least stupid thing any of these people spend $30 on. [applause] >> de blasio, i was born in new
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york city so i can say this. everyone keeps saying of stupid he is. you elected him. at some point it has to come back. greg: you are right but it's because nobody is paying attention. >> i was just getting in a cheap point. greg: i know. i'm disappointed in that cheap point. >> de blasio it would have cost $110 to go a block and a half in an uber. >> why is it that they have no understanding of economics in someone having a pizza and delivered in times square is worth a lot of money. to get the poor delivery guy in there. it's a nightmare and i will never do it again. >> bill de blasio's wife would have -- she would have taken the
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money and run. greg: the mental health thing that just disappeared? in new york there's mental illness and drug addiction and $800 million went to a program to deal with it and nothing happened. >> gone. greg: everybody across america is like we don't care about new york and i don't lamia. let's be honest, every insurance company says they can save you these. in fact, if you had a dollar for every time they said it, you'd have a lot of dollars. which makes it hard to believe, especially coming from a talking lizard. pip, pip, cheerio! look, all i, dennis quaid, know is that esurance is built to save you dollars without skimping on service. and when they save, you save. the only way to know how much is to get a quote. chances are you'll save time, paperwork, and yes, dollars. when insurance is affordable,
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greg: do you drive life ahead? "fortune" magazine which sadly isn't a magazine devoted to abortion has taken us to the out and task of making a prediction about the her head. some highlights they expect turbulence in the world economy but nothing like 2008.
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that's a lazy. they predict stacey abrams will be biden's running mate if he's the nominee. or julian castro and elizabeth warren. that's boring. quentin tarantino may when a best there oscar and he should. and they think the pain in my foot maybe phlebitis. thanks fortune for including me in your prediction. for one i'm excited about the 20s. they will be like an actual 20s but with less drugs and more to pay clue. what about our predictions? will we stop believing in media hoaxes? will terry ever wear normal pants? and bill my cat ever learn how to jump? kat would you care to comment? >> i never like to make specific
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predictions about the future but i like to look toward the future just assuming general gloom and doom. it works really well for me. if things are workout you are like nice. i don't understand those people who get out of bed every morning and they are like today is going to be at rate day. with that attitude you will spill coffee on yourself. if you wake up every morning like all that today is the day i get framed for murder and i spend the rest of my working days in prison. all you have to do is send up at home and it was better than expected. greg: i do that all the time. [applause] a pessimistic optimist. >> smith gives the irish optimist is what it is. >> it is shocking isn't it great? >> where you even by those
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pants, 1971 r. what? greg: he has a time machine. what are your predictions terry? >> nothing for kat. i'm going to lose more hair for sure. greg: is that possible? >> it is. you have so you'd just be quiet. greg: i have influence of "veep" and then people say i have the stomach flu it means you have to i can't take imodium because it would be bad. i'm not judging it if we all have the it's okay. greg: i will leave it at that. this is the only remedy i have. >> and it works every time.
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jim do you have any predictions? >> i don't know. greg: i predict i will be in the er tonight with the very shocked surgeon. i'm impressed good god man. jim? save me from myself? >> my prediction is you'll get the whole thing in. [applause] greg: you gave it to me. if i wasn't sick i'd have more control over the show. i haven't talked to tyrus. >> oh i'm good. i just want to take the horn and stab myself in the neck with the right now and be out of here. i always take it one day at a time. predictions you with either right or you're wrong. we are going to have an economic
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crash. a few of us are. some of us are going to do well and some of us are going to die. you just hope you get enough good and make your way through it. i want to e more apples. last year i think i ate 10 apples. all a win for me. greg: a legitimate goal. >> did he just throw toilet paper? a then what happened? greg: pages through toilet paper. >> we had a feeling this is going to go up the rail. i can say with some pride that we help to get it there. >> i'm just saying usually get some toilet paper after something bad happens.
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greg: back in 190 seconds. ♪ $12.99 all you can eat now with boneless wings. only at applebee's. rowithout the commission fees and account minimums. so, you can start investing wherever you are - even on the bus.
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greg: he took a stand by slapping a lady's hand at pope francis has apologized after hitting a woman's hand at the vatican on new year's eve. watch this. get off of me. it started when she grabbed his hand and yanked him towards her which is rude. i love this pretty clearly didn't think that was cool so i swatted her like a giant bug. in his morning address the next day he confessed to losing his patience with a woman saying excuse me for the bad example. it's not the first time. last year he pulled his hand
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away. this is the best. people try to kiss his hand. i could watch this for hours. look at that. it's amazing. he might be my favorite post now this is so good. [laughter] they wanted to kiss his ring but he didn't want to spread germs which is very considerate of him. anyway you don't have to be the pope to get the same experience. i'm developing an at-home version. [laughter] i knew that tape would come in handy. i'm glad they did it in my basement. terry you are a serious faithful
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catholic. was the pope correct and slapping her hand or not and should he apologize? >> look i was watching that and it's really funny. in a way he probably gets paid tired people grabbing him. he is the pope. greg: jesus wouldn't be tired of it. don't applaud idoni the note i'm saying. >> i think he is the holy father and we respect that but he's a latin american pope and he has various social justice oriented which i get to be careful about that. i think that's where he steps off. if i had a word with you might say that. greg: to be one day you will. >> get out of here, man. greg: the pope reminds me of me.
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that's exactly how i would be. >> i can't believe they didn't choose you. greg: i know. i made it to the top five. i would have killed three of them just to get in there. >> you will have to take it up with him at the end because you know the guy. >> i am on the pope side big time on this one. i don't think he should have said sorry. i mean this is an 83 old man and she was ripping his arm out. and he tried to take it away and she kept pulling. what was he supposed to do just follow her and go for a stroll like walker home and do the pope thingy go to her house and have a meal? this woman was attempting to kidnap him.
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this was an attempted pope napping. i'm on his side. he shouldn't have said sorry. look, she's not giving up. she's coming for blood. i am on his side. he shouldn't have said sorry and you have a lot of nerve trying to kidnap the pope, lady. >> i've heard of bad santa but this pope is mean. look at that gangster walk like get your hands off of me. even the thing when he is pulling his hand back. this dude does not like making public appearances. he's got things to do. i'm talking about homeboy, you understand? move, move. don't be grabbing on me. i'm the pope. [applause] don't handle me. all he was missing was flavor flav. did you see that fool me?
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next time you grab me its click clack. >> i don't feel bad for this lady. it's like the nuns in catholic high school. the goddess slap on the wrist from the pope it's an honor. it's like being kicked in the nuts from gandhi. greg: that should be the title of your memoir. >> he's not wrong. greg: it's a great story. i got slapped by the pope. that's never happened before in history that we know of. >> king kanye got nothing on me. pope. >> we have more show laughs. don't leave. [applause] wow! that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar.
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2:59 pm
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3:00 pm
greg: out of time thanks to captain terry in our studio audience i love you america. [cheering] jon: u.s. service member into american contractors killed in a terror attack at a military base in kenya chartres before dawn. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. two other members of the defense department were wounded in the attack. the somali with linked with al qaeda claims responsibility. but al-shibaab says the attack has nothing to do with the ongoing tension with iran. kenyan military said five of the attackers were killed. jackie joined us in the near city news you broom with the latest. >> militaries officials confirm one military and two


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