tv Hannity FOX News January 6, 2020 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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of the people who dominate our popular culture. >> tucker: the worst people in the world pretending to the best. thank you very much. we will be back tomorrow night. sean hannity is right now. >> sean: thanks. happy new year. buckle up. we have a lot to cover tonight downding an absolute beat of hollywood by i just heard tucker. we have a lot more to get into. colin kaepernick back in the news and a lot of trouble for joe 330. first just 302 days away from the presidential election where you get the final say. you will decide the future of this great country of ours. we promise the best election coverage on television. we will have breaking reports on the social democrats and then liberal instanity and the complicit media mob.l
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the dnc tv. we will vet on this program the 2020 democrats. make no mistake. our great american way of life, our prosperity and security and our liberties and freedoms and our values. it's all at stake and in play in 302 days. we will also launch tomorrow morning on everything you need to know. it's clear. democrats care more about bashing this president than anything else. for example, the strike that took out iranians terrorists leader soleimani was a huge one of the worst terrorists isis dead. the mob and the media and the democratic party they seem distraught.
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today nancy pelosi announced a resolution to tell the commander in chief what he can do and cannot do in iran. pelosi knows nothing about the u.s. constitution and separations of powers. he is the elected commander in chief and not her. in this non-binding resolution is nothing more than the political hit job to undermine the president and make us less safe as a country. it gives iran another talking point. the democrats even say. now we are getting lectures from the benghazi democrats, the iranian appeasers. how did that biden and obama bribe work out for any of us? it was a disaster. now the president is cleaning up their created mess.
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even obama's dhs secretary believes president trump used his full constitutional authority to take this action and we are better off. take a look. >> if you believe everything that our government is saying about general soleimani, he was a lawful military objective. the president under his constitutional authority as commander-in-chief has legal authority to take him out without a congressional authorization. >> sean: the hypocrisy is palpable. and president obama he himself slaunched 2,800 strikes and no congressional approval. the speaker had no problem with any of that. when president trump takes out the leading terrorist and american soldier killer outside of baghdad. she wants answers. this is a repulsive never ending double standards.
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more selective moral outrage. this time it impacts our safety and security at home and our fellow american side abroad. let me educate nancy pelosi and all of the other far left, rage filled idiots in the media mob and elsewhere. we have a new segment starting tonight called how to deal with the world's most evil terrorists for dummies. first and foremost, you can't live in fear. second, you can't bribe your sworn enemies into liking you. that's called appeasement. appeasement when you try it results in further aggression. you are literally teaching our enemies how to blackmail you. iranian aggression mustem be checked or it will get worse. it got worse and worse and worse. they must know their hostile actions have consequences. they don't get to shoot at our drones get to take oil tankers.
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they don't get to disrupt the world's oil supply by hitting the saudis so they can make more money. they don't get to kill our fellow americans in iraq or plot the murder of american state department employees abroad. they don't get to orchestrate attacks on our embassy and our u.s. family. they don't get to fund terrorism worldwide. they can't fight proxy wars across the globe and try to take over the entire region and not expect reprisals. the iranians have been fighting against us since 1979. that's a fact. 150-billion dollars did nothing to change that.
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tonight the hostile regime in iran is reeling. soleimani will never see the light of day. good riddance. his daughter proclaiming that american soldiers will be murdered all over world and iran's government vowing to take revenge. one official offered a bounty for president trump's head. that would be called sabre rattling. for the iranians this is an average day. they hate america and israel. they threatened to wipe israel off the map and want to take america off the map too. they are evil but that doesn't mean they are stupid. they know that there is a new sheriff in town. they know tonight the days of $150-million dollars dropped on their tarmac are over.
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they better know that if any retribution occurs, it the result in serious and lethal consequences. i warned them this would happen a couple of months ago. they will play the deadliest of prices. they are now in a position of weakness and we control the single most powerful advance, sophisticated military in the world with the greatest intelligence agencies. i kept saying the 99%. we saw this in action.ay president trump has identified at least 52 iranian targets that the u.s. will take out if no, we can't and we won't be going with boots on the ground in iran. that's not going to happen. frankly, it's not necessary. instead the president has been clear: we will take out the ability to continue this reckless behavior,
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this sabre rattling and these attempts to bribe other countries or blackmail other countries. they are not going to be able to disrupt the lifeblood of the world's economy, oil, as much as they have been trying. i do not support boots on the ground. after vietnam and iraq and the swamp creatures to send our brave men and women door-to-door and say never mind. those days must forever be over. this is what i call the next generation of weaponry. offensive and defensive. much of which is already at our disposal. it will be utilized to strike iran's dictatorship where it hurts them the most. they have three major oil refineries and we know where they are. they have nuclear facilities and we know where they are. we know iran's terrorists network.le maybe the president and the
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mullahs can hang out in a major refinery. the united states military has the power to wreak total complete havoc to had hostile regime in iran. they can do it from an air-conditioned room in the united states and they can do so in a matter of minutes. that's a fact.t. the days of bribing our enemies and dictators and evil doers around the world are over. there will be no cash left onoe the tarmac. iran's dictorship either complies or will feel pain like never before. if you knock out those three refineries their economy will completely collapse. despite the whining from the democrats and the stupid
commentators on tv media mob, the military experts agree the president's strategy is affective. general said this is a bigger deal than killing bin laden. >> the president appears to have decided that it was necessary to shore up deterrents to show we would not accept this. >> the administration understands there is a serious risk of consequences here. they understand it's unlikely the iranian regime will come to the negotiating table. >> the president showed restraint and put a redline outi there. he said if you kill americans ig will respond.
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when that took place, thisil president showed more patience. i never thought giving i never thought giving $150-billion dollars in cash would buy good will. like the 9-11 commission report. they were at war with us. the iranians have been at war and threatening america and israel and the region since 1979. >> yes, sean, happy new year. it was a failed?-- that president obama had. he was a bad guy, soleimani was a terrible guy. killed a lot of soldiers. i am glad he is dead. what i can't understand is why
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the liberals are celebrating soleimani. they can't accept that this president has a solid strategy for iran. it's been clearly articulated. we continue to apply maximum pressure so they quit exporting terrorism throughout the region and the world frankly and stop building nukes. s they can be a nuclear country like japan but without nuclear weapons. quit oppression our people and we continue to defend our u.s. vital interests in the region. the president has been clear about his goals. >> sean: and ben, the other countries if you told me 5 years ago that the israeli and the united states and the jordanians and egyptians would be aligned and shared intelligence, i would not have believed.
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they are not coming at this with principles. they are coming at this politically minded to be against donald trump no matter what.g iranians will continue to escalate. our defenses have to be up and we have to maintain a stiff backbone and be ready to respond. >> sean: militarily do you agree with me if their big three refineries are hit, general, the impact -- there has already been a huge impact based on the president's sanctions economically. if those refineries are hit, i believe that would take down their economy. am i overstating that? >> i don't think you are, sean. this president and administration is the best i have ever seen at synchronizing the element of national power which include diplomatic information, military and economic. you heard the congressman talk about the restraint the
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president demonstrated. if the president was leveraging economic power, he was leveraging information power. it was only when they crossed the redline, they killed an american citizen and wounded others, did the president react and stop the attack on our embassy. the left wants another benghazi. that's what they were driving for. they are upset they didn't get it. that's a terrible thing to see. the left -- it used to be politics stopped at the shore. now the politics is in their kool-aid and they drink it. the left can't be trusted with national security anymore. >> sean: wow, what a powerful statement. they play politics with it.. congressman crenshaw, you fought for your country. i will never support boots on the ground.
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these guys start wars and say never mind. 58,000 in vietnam.rt we can't have our troops going door-to-door anymore. we can use the powerful superior weaponry. do you agree with me? that's the new paradigm? >> yes, absolutely. i think it's important to point something out. there is a straw man argument made by the no war with iran. that's not what trump is saying. that's not what any of us are saying at all. there is a huge difference between responding necessarily and full on ground war. they seem to want you to think the options are do nothing or full on war on the that's not the case. there is a lot in between. any sober minded person knows
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this. i think they continue too, but they are being dishonest and spinning up the it's all for politics.t it's sad to see. we should be united in this. >> sean: well said both of you. it's obvious president trump inherited a geo-political disaster from the obama and biden administration. the failed iranian nuclear deal emboldened iran and supplied them with new funding. arjoe biden is blaming trump saying the president has no authority to strike iran.mi the problem with joe in '96 senator biden was singing a different tune and we have the tape. >> there is a suggestion iran may be in involved in the bombing of u.s. baraks in tehran. do you know anything about this? if we find another country
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directly involved, what should we do? >> well, i don't know. but the fact is it looks like -- >> take whatever actions deemed appropriate. >> sean: here is reaction former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley. good to see you. happy new year. >> happy new year. >> sean: we are friends. i watched this and i am thinking, wow, do they want to bribe them again? the clintons bribed kim jong-un and that didn't work out. there was never any inspectionhe associated with that 10 year deal that expired for $150-million dollars. the iranians have been at war with the world. am i wrong?
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>> you have to look at the factr that the general provisions of the iran deal were going to end in october. we are going towards a time where we have to bring them to the negotiation table any way. what the president did left the iranian regime flat footed. they didn't see this coming. they thought they could continue to do their multiple strikes. when it got to the lives of americans, the president will never allow that to happen. it happened with a contractor. the president put a stop to it. you could see the ayatollah crying today because that was his number 1 strategist. that was the number 1 guy thatte has literally told all of these countries who to kill and how to kill. that guy is now gone. iran has to regroup and figure
out: now what? make no mistake, they are shaking in their boots. the president showed great resolve. i think it was a long time coming. if you look back 2 years ago, i gave a speech at the u.n. on soleimani and talked about the threats. the president has had restraint all of this time since we gave that speech. i will tell you, we said then ht was not by the entire security council, he was banned from leaving iran. what he was doing in iraq? >> sean: good question. i always liked general petreus. he said soleimani was the architect, commander of the iranian effort to control the shi'ite stretching from iran toi
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loved one. tell that to the military members who lost a limb. this was something that needed to be done and should be celebrated. i will tell you right now, partisan politics should stop when it comes to foreign policy. this is about america united. we need to be completely behind the president. every one of those countries are watching our news media. this is a moment of strength for the united states. it's a moment of strength for president trump. f >> sean: i know the mullas need to go to the refineries. all right. nikki haley. directly ahead. the big news on the impeachment front. republicans are fighting back and hard standing with the president. they better do that. i will explain straight ahead. ♪
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♪ >> sean: today josh halle proprosed a measure to dismiss the house articles of impeachment if they are not sent to the senate within 25 days of their adoption. send the articles or he will start the impeachment trial without her permission. first i want to applaud you. the idea we will just hold them indefinitely. we will lecture the senate how they will do their business or
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arguing the president is not the commander-in-chief. this is important. that means that if i read my dates are right, this case can be disposed of by january 11th. am i reading that right? >> that's right. this is day 19.ha this is so important. the house speaker is trying to run the united states senate. she is trying to hijack the trial and obstruct the trial. she is subverting the constitution. the constitution is clear. the house has the power to impeach. t they have done that. the senate has the power to try the case. it's time for the senate to fight back. >> sean: what happened to all of the urgency it had to be done in record time? >> exactly. we heard how urgent it was the president had to be removed. the only urgency on the part of the democrats and pelosi was to pursue their personal vendetta against the president of the united states. they never accepted his
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election. they never wanted him in office. they wanted to get him out. now when it's time to put up or shut up and put their evidence forward they are afraid to do it because they don't have any evidence. it's a joke and a fraud. >> sean: they had all of their witnesses. the house manager is supposed to present their case before the senate based what they came up. they are talking about no we want to add other witnesses they didn't call or fight to get. to me, they are asking now the senate to do the job they should have done. at the end of the day. when you eliminate opinionnd witnesses, you only have one fact witness. that was ambassador sonland. what did the president? nothing. i want no quid pro quo. it's a slam dunk and the idea of an obstruction charge when there is a conflict between the executive and legislative branch and they seek remedy through the judiciary and the supreme court is reviewing, that's not reason
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obstruction. >> no, never has it been in the past. they have no case and they know it. they are afraid to proceed to a trial. the senate is ready to have a trial. the president deserves to have a trial. the american people deserve to have a trial to put this to rest. and speaker pelosi wants to go on for who knows how long? >> sean: they want to live in a constant state of impeaching the president. where is mitt romney? where is murkowski and alexander and susan collins? >> i can't speak for anybody but myself. when i introduced my resolution, we got 10 co-sponsors in the senate.
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the senate is sick and tired of what the house is doing and sick and tired of the democrats antics and ready to stand up for the constitution. i believe they will. >> sean: good for you, senator. between you and lindsey graham and others, we are talking about the president. this is not a game. they have lowered the bar fort. impeachment to spitting on the sidewalk or jay walking. thanks for being with us. reaction house judiciary committee member and a fox news contributor. jason, we gave gates my radio microphone. we can't pay him. he did it for free. >> i loved it. >> sean: you did great. what i want to know jason, this is the game they are playing. they want to be able to hold this in perpetuity. the senate can't allow the house to dictate the terms?e >> no, the constitution says
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they have the sole power to control their i go back to what nancy pelosi said. they rushed this through. they didn't allow matt gates to investigate and have a minority day of hearings. they didn't let him and jim jordan do their job. they produce a sub-par work product. and nancy pelosi is challenged why it was rushed through. she said we have been working on this for 2.5 years. that gives more insight to her motivation. it was always about impeaching the president. >> sean: you pointed this out every day, fighting for the ride for the fairness that newt gingrich offered bill clinton and his attorneys when he was speaker of the house. >> it's crazy to think that nancy pelosi impeached the president for obstructing the
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house when she is obstructing the house of the united states senate. how democrats got addicted to impeachment. now they can't shake the craving. they are even talking about getting another fix before the election. one of my colleagues on the democratic said they may have additional articles of impeachment. m 2020 is a new year, it brought no new agenda for democrats. the trump economy is roaring and the american people are doing better. they are using impeachment to distract the people. they need that distraction. we don't. which is i am so glad you laid out a trump doctrine in iran that doesn't require boots on the ground. kill the terrorists and bring our troops home. >> sean: 100%. we have the military capability of to do it. coming up disturbing allegations about zero experience hunter biden and sleepy joe not getting
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unleash your potential test x180 ignite from force factor. boost testosterone to fuel desire and build lean muscle in the gym. plus burn fat and improve performance. now available at retailers nationwide. ♪ >> sean: the story about hunter biden about zero experience. this time the allegation involves identity theft. trace gallagher has the details. >> brand new court documents were alleging in 2016 biden committed identity theft checking into a rehab facility in arizona left his rental car. he used the name joseph mcgee and called hertz asking them to pick up the rental car. u
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they found a badge from hunter biden's deceased brother joe. they said hunter biden was using identity theft. the judge tossed out the claims. biden is being sued for child support and refused to turn over financial documents.s. biden was not charged for the cocaine pipe because there were no fingerprints on it. >> sean: unbelievable. thank you. zero experience hunter. fire the prosecutor investigating hunter and you get a billion dollars. also tonight in a recent interview alexandriave
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ocasio-cortez said in any other country joe biden and i would not be in the same party. reaction former white house press secretary sarah sanders. not a lot of love it seems between the socialists radical left wing, and the left wing is that not enough left wing. >> aoc has gone unhinged. the full speaker of the house. it's clear that the aoc and the far left wing is running the party. it's not biden and pelosi. they are answering to this group. i think that is terrible news
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for america. but good news for this president. t the more they take over the party, the more america will be desperate to make sure that not only donald trump gets reelected but that we take the house back and maintain and build a bigger majority in the senate. >> sean: john who picked up the first of what became a trend of african-american support for the president, 34.5, the lowest was 16. the president got 8% of the black community vote in 2016. now me is pointing out trump is above the 50% mark in terms of positive ratings. he pointed out that the president is doing well with important swing voters and independents and hispanics andnd women's and millennials and generation-x. are we seeing something emergina that nobody is picking up on in the media mob?
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>> look, i think we have been watching this for the last 3 years. this is a president who americans are starting to feel it in their own homes. they know they do better under a this president. they like they are on the path of prosperity and like that the country is moving forward and standing up for itself and a president that won't be pushed around by the bad actors in iran and other places. this is a president who said no to china. b everybody else who spent the last 8 years bleeding this country, the president is saying we will do what is best for our country. people feel it everywhere especially in their own homes and pocketbooks. they want 4 more years of thisal president because he delivered on everything he said he would p plus some. i don't know if anybody would not support this president if they look at what he's done in the first 3 years.
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>> sean: his policies have impacted the people that were negatively impacted with 13 million extra americans on food stamps. that's all changed. we have the best employment situation and soleimani is dead. not a bad track record. >> not at all. i think americans across the board no matter what demographic you are in president delivers. we are safer and better off under president trump. not a doubt. >> sean: well said. sarah sanders, thanks for being with i am shocked i am saying. i saw a hollywood award show and i loved it. ricky gervais roasting hollywood's elite last night and
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the not so funny comedian george lopez in trouble for joking about assassinating the president. that's next. ♪ cam is completely different. unlike most other cold medicines, zicam is clinically proven to shorten colds. i am a zifan for zicam! oral or nasal. to put on our website? i mean i would have but i'm a commercial vehicle so i don't have hands... or a camera...or a website. should we franchise? is the market ready for that? can we franchise? how do you do that? meg! oh meg! we should do that thing where you put the business cards in the fishbowl and somebody wins something. -meg: hi. i'm here for... i'm here for the evans' wedding. -we've got the cake in the back, so, yeah.
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♪ >> sean: i can't believe i am doing this segment. last night golden globes ricky gervais exposed all of the hollywood hypocrisy. all of the hate and hysteria. and he did it right in front of their faces with ease. wow, i love this. take a look. >> but tonight is not justst abt the people in front of the camera. in this room are some of the most important tv and film executives in the world. people from every background. they have one thing in common they are terrified of ronan farrow. season 2 is under way.
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he didn't kill himself just like jeffrey epstein. shut up. i know he's your friend but i don't care. the companies you work for. unbelievable. apple, amazon, disney. if isis started a streaming service you would call your agent. if you win an award, don't use it as a platform to make ain political speech. you are in no position to lecture the public well anything. you know nothing about the real world. if you win, come up and acceptle your little award and thank your agent and your god and [bleep]. >> sean: where is the hate and the rage and the ignorance more obvious? nowhere is the disdain for we the people, they hate donald trump and they hate we the people more because we voted for the person. they can't believe it because they are smarter than we are.or ricky gervais called it out better than anyone. and phoenix had a powerful
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message calling out the climate crusaders for their private jet use. >> we have to make sacrifices in our own we don't have to take private jet to palm springs or back. i will try to do better and i hope you will to. >> sean: like al gore getting off a big gulf stream. him and tipper. that was it. it doesn't look like hollywood will learn their lessons soon. george lopez is being forced to clarify his remarks after sick not a joke about killing the president of the united states and a bounty by iran. not surprising. we have seen this before and it gets worse. there he s. nike sports person
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and hollywood darling colin kaepernick is defending the mass murderering iranian regime following the president's air strike taking out the guy who killed over 600 americans soleimani. spending out a tweet suggesting the attack was motivated by racism. a reality check. soleimani was a vicious war criminal. read your history. he was the largest exporter of terrorism around the world. nike, are you proud to have this rhetoric be your new brand face? here with reaction american conservative union chairman andt a radio talk show host. larry, your reaction? >> well, sean, like you i watched the golden globes in real time. i didn't want to. my girlfriend forced me too. the monologue was drop dead funny. 8 minutes of the kind of stuff we get every night on late night
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tv. trump haters. republicans and conservatives are denounced. for 8 minutes it was fun watching the people in hollywood react to the jokes we react to late nights. comedians refused to do jokes about barack obama because they were afraid of being called racist. the daily news said the monologue was obscene. it was hysterical. he was funny. >> sean: i had no plan to watch these stupid shows. you are great, you are great. i don't know. matt, why do i believe that if any conservative said well there is an $80 million bounty, we
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will do it for $40 million andel they don't get a visit from the secret service? >> ted nugent got a visit from the secret service when he made a remarka barack obama. it was a refreshing moment at the golden globes. you still have mitchell williams saying she would be there to get the golden globe if he was not able to celebrate her right to choose and have an abortion. it's shocking for the american people to listen to this. people were watching twitter and saying i might go back and watch the golden globes. audiences are declining because they don't agree with their values. >> sean: larry?
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>> to follow-up on matt's point. it's not like ricky gervais has done a 180 on politics. he doesn't like trump. he doesn't like religion. but it was refreshing. >> sean: he said it's a joke and we don't take jokes anymore. come up shocking pictures inside jeffrey epstein prison cell. trace gallagher has the details and that report straight ahead. ♪ i feel like i'm losing my identity. business logo...outdoor sign. you always get me. this week, buy one hp ink, get one 30% off at office depot, officemax and
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♪ >> sean: tonight shocking photos obtained from jeffrey epstein jail cell and his autopsy raising more questions about his mysterious death. trace gallagher has the latest. >> they were concerned about jeffrey epstein committing suicide but allowed him to have a ballpoint pen and he was allowed a sleep apnea machine with a long cord.
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and the first pictures taken inside epstein's cell showing piles of orange sheets and bed the working theory is that epstein hung himself by using bed sheets. but in some autopsy pictures obtained by fox news that we should warn are graphic, a pathologist said the wound on epstein's neck do not match those that would come from a bed sheet noose. >> there is no transfer of blood on that ligatture. it doesn't match the marks on the neck. it's too wide and shooting. >> even though one of the cameras was not working officials say other cameras don't so anyone entering or leaving epstein's cell the night he died. >> sean: creepy.
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best election coverage. let not your heart be troubled.. laura ingraham, happy new year. >> laura: happy new year, did you have a good christmas?s? >> sean: i how about you? can i say something? i had a chance to meet your wonderful children. they are amazing. loved them. they are awesome kids. >> laura: they were going is that the guy?--- >> sean: that mommy makes fun of every night? >> laura: no the one that gives you a hard time. >> sean: i have to bribe them next year. start the year off right. attack "hannity." >> laura: no, it was great.he we got to hang out. it was fun. >> sean: the kids are awesome. they are great kids.s. you should be proud. >> lra
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