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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  January 9, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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beauties. you see w ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the president is holding his first o rally of the year right now. he speaking to supporters in toledo, ohio. we'll have all the highlights for you later this hour but here's the preview of what's happened so far. >> so we seek friends, but if you dare to threaten our citizens, you do so at your own grave peril. >> tucker: so we are monitoring that rally for news and we willen cut in if it happens. especially news on iran. but first there is a new mystery
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involving that country. you may remember ukrainian passenger jet, commercial flight, crashed just a few hours after iran fired missiles just the other night. it turns out that jet, which had 176 innocent people on board was likely shot down by the iranian government shortly after it took off from tehran. why? wasn't an accident? to the iranians think it was somethingom else? was it intentional? we are not 100% certain at this hour, we don't have the black box. but mike boyd is an aviation security analyst. he watched this carefully and has some sense of it. he joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. >> my honor. >> tucker: so how do you think this happened? >> i think their air defenses were up and ready for americans to come. and they had morons running it. it's as simple as that. they didn't know what they were reallyid doing. and it's very, very clear, take it to vegas and make book on it. this was a missile, it was probably not intentional, but sloppy countryy running a very sloppy airport. >> tucker: that's not the iran
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that's been described to us recently, which has the cutting edge military and the diabolical terrorist headquarters. you'retu saying that they actuay incompetent a lot of the time? >> they have to be incompetent to let this happen. remember. they have a lot of weaponry and all that, but the fact is, what they just did is cut themselves off from their rest of the air transportation system. no airline in its right mind is going to want to fly to tehran. at the end of the week, they'll have wrote less air service in grand island, nebraska, because no one wants to take a risk. >> tucker: so that may account for why they apparently lied about it. the first report that we got from i believe the iranian government were thatrn this wasa mechanical problem, that brought down the aircraft. it is not a nation? >> no. they had no idea. they said it wasio technical. then the biggest lights when they turned around and said we look at the black box and some of its missing. they don't have the equipment to open the thing let alone play it. so they don't know, they've been lying consistently and i guarantee this, they're going to be very reticent, let anybody
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into that brief deal because that will show that it was a missile. there's noat w question. >> tucker: your certain -- walk us through why you're certain of that. >> well, number one, the airplane was, what, 7,000 feet when this happened? the pilots would have said something, but what missiles do, they blow up in front of the r airplane, that would take up the cockpit right away. number one. there has been some video, take it or leave it, showing something reaching up to that airplane. but this has all the earmarks of a missile. there's no question about it. somebody had some button on the missile launch and they launched the missile. why was -- i don't think it was intentional, i don't know, but these are crazy people over there. they're not normal. >> tucker: so will the iranian government -- presume ugly he's on the hook for killing accidentally, presume ugly accidentally, 176 people, a lot of canadians on there. on the flight. will they ever concede that they did it do you think?
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>> probably not.t. they've been lying for years. why wouldn't they lie about this? they live in that world with a just say whatever it is. they came out just tonight and said no, that's crazy, it didn't happen. they've been lying consistently and again, they don't care about 176 people. take a look at the other things this government has done. so i wouldn't put anything beyond it, but one thing that probably will never admit to it, and anything someone says that it was a missile, they'll keep on denying it and there's people in this country who will say that's a pretty good answer. >> tucker: yet. thanks so much for that acclamation. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: horrifying. the prospect of military conflict with iran has divided washington among all kinds of different lines. it's divided the republican party as well. senator tim kaine, a democrat, introduced a war powers resolution in the senate. what will that do exactly? well, it would limit the presidency, any president of much of its ability to take military action without getting approval from congress. it appears to have some bipartisan support after being angered by everything he
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received at the white house. republican mike lee of utah says he plans to vote for it. >> it is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government. i don't carehe whether there wih the cia, with the department of defense, or otherwise. to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against iran. it's un-american. it's unconstitutional. and it's wrong. and i find it completely unacceptable. on that basis, i decided to support the senator kaine's resolution, subject to the minor amendments that he and i discussed earlier today. >> tucker: un-american, unconstitutional.s. that's what senator lee says. senator lindsey graham of south carolina meanwhile says that baiting s this question is also un-american. in fact, it's betraying this country to its enemies. >> i think they're overreacting, quite frankly. go debate all you want. trust me, i'm going to let
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people know that at this moment in time, to play this game with war powers, which i think is unconstitutional is that whether you mean to or not, you're empowering the enemy. >> tucker: meanwhile in the house of our present others, a similar resolution was passed. a resolution to restrain a president's power to go to war without getting congress on board. one of only three republicans to vote for it, remarkably was matt gaetz of florida. was one of the president's closest allies. maybe the singlegl closest allyn the house of a percent of its, he joins us now. thanks so much for going on. so i think it's fair to say you're certainly one of the people in house closest to the president. he's complete we opposed to this. u.s. is closed ally voted for it. tell us what you did that. >> i spoke to the president today after one of america's brave patriots was laid down at arlington. one of my constituents who passed away just days before christmas in afghanistan. the president told me is more antiwar than i am. and i love the president for that, talker. thing is, i think he got a few
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of the advisors for the president who are trying slow walk administration into war. when the president relies on his instinct and we have the trump doctrine, we kill the terrorists and we come home. and i think this war powers resolution was worthy of support because it did not criticize the president. it did not say he was wrong in killing sou soleimani, but it dd save any president wants to drag our nation into another forever middle east war, but they require the approval of the united states congress. that's something i deeply believe. and i think it's something i think the president deeply believes. >> tucker: so i wouldn't --- i mean first of all, the constitution requires that, i think it's pretty obvious that it does. but why -- why wouldn't congress, if there are so in favor of ami military action put themselves on the record endorsing it? it seems like one of the reasons people oppose this isre they're afraid, they're cowards in the congress. >> it's>> unfortunate that i thk we have members of congress that depart from what the framers and founders believed would happen.
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the belief that we would closely guard our article one powers and that we would ensure that no president would be able to take those away in any sort of affront to what was intended for us to be our responsibility. it's my belief that declaring a war is a nondelegable duty of the united states congress. and it's ludicrous for any of my colleagues to suggest that we have to not do our job so that people in uniform can do theirs. we can actually do both, talker. >> tucker: just to be totally clear, you're 1 of 3 republicans who voted in effect against the president's stated position, but you just talked to the president and he said that he's on your side. >> well, the president probably would have preferred that i vote with the other republicans. he certainly said that, but i think on his broader questions of war and peace, donald trump understands that the pro-war candidate loses presidential elections. hillary clinton was more pro-war and lost. and if you look previously, is
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typically the antiwar candidates that one back. i think since 9/11,ce john kerry was the only antiwar candidate that lost an election. and so i think that the president understands that he's too smart to letna nancy pelosi try to cast him as the pro-war candidate. and that's why i don't think we're going to with iran. >> tucker: i think that's a smart analysis.ia thanks so much for explaining i come i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> tucker: it last night on this program congressman and president of candidate tulsi gabbard called for american troops to withdraw permanently from iraq, here's how it went. >> getting our troops out of iraq and syria is essential because the longer that they are there, the more likely it is that they are at risk and that we will end up in this endless tit for tat back-and-forth quagmire of a war with people wondering what is it all for? >> tucker: exactly. >> davis is a retired u.s. lieutenant army colonel, thanks much for coming on. >> thanks for having me.
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>> tucker: war with iran averted at least for the moment. is this the time to reassess staying in iraq? >> well, we definitely dodged a bullet with this one because it certainly could have gone wrong in many different ways. and i'm very grateful that ite didn't, but i don't think there needs to be any assessment at all. i think that the evidence in the factual have gone have been overwhelming and abundantly clear for months that we need to withdraw our troops from afghanistan. i'm sorry, from iraq and syria both. and really this whole issue started -- it's a perfect example of why. so on the 27th of december, that's when the american contractor and other troops were killed and wounded in that rocket strike, which is then what spawned the attack on the embassy. and then we had the soleimani issue. so all thoseap things happened because of these rocket attacks that have been going on against american bases out there. we are not doing any kind of military mission in iraq or syria that has anything to do with our security. although strips are doing right
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now has been sitting in the desert, defending themselves and they're basically waiting toey e if they get attacked with anybody. that is no way to use our troops. we definitely need to withdraw them. >> tucker:ad why would our leaders do that to our troops? leave them in the middle of a hostile country, as you said, the mission consist of defending themselves against rocket attacks, they can't predict, why would our leaders do that? >> well, you know, there's this -- i guess groupthink here and some establishment washington thinking that just, i mean, reflexively pushes back against redrawing stomach withdrawing troops anywhere. whether it's iraq, afghanistan, syria, yemen.ny you name it, africa, anywhere. any talk and i always talk about how it's going to cause all these cascading things, which is a bunch of rubbish. i will just tell you flat out, i've been there, i fought in these kinds of engagements. i've been in many of these different parts of the world and i can tell you, they don't prevent any of that stuff. we prevented other ways. all this does is put our troops at risk. we do need to pull them out.
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>> tucker: yeah, it's striking how people spend a lot of their lives out in the field on these bases tend to conclude what you concluded. rsthe people of think tanks in washington in course tell mike of course have another view. thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> my my pleasure, thanks for having me. >> tucker: washington remains fixated on the middle east for some but joe biden text says that's not the only problem facing america. it says the real problem is we don't have enough desperately poor peopler moving here mother countries. we will tell you what he said and why. plus, president trump holding a rally this hour in ohio. highlights from his address just ahead. ♪
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call today. comcast business. beyond fast. ♪ >> tucker: here in washington are leaders spent the week focused on the middle east, on iran, but out there and the rest of the country there are plenty of more pressing concerns. tangible concerns. for example, many of our cities are starting to fail. infrastructure is aging, both crime and the cost of living are surging and left-wing prosecutors have stopped enforcing the law. we will have moreth on all of tt in part four of our american dystopia series in just a moment. but for the leading democratic residential candidate, joe biden of delaware, none of these problems matches what he believes is the greatest crisis of all. america isn't importing enough desperately poor people. that's his position. t in a tweet on january 5th, biden lashed out at the president for his immigration policies. "our statue of liberty invites in the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.
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donald trump has slammed the door in the face of families fleeing persecutionhe and violence." quite a moralize or, that joe biden. in just a few months ago biden found that if he becomes president, he'll admit 2 million poor immigrants overnight and then increase that number from there. watch. >> we could afford to take in a heartbeat another 2 million peopleha. the idea that a country of 330 million people could not absorb people who are in desperate need and who are justifiably fleeing oppression is absolutely bizarre. absolutely bizarre. i would also move to increase the total number of immigrants able to come to the united states. >> tucker: how many of those immigrants will be staying at joe biden's house, at joe biden'sse expense? zero. of course. biden's view is that our chief mission as a nation is to admit
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as many poor people as we possiblyly a can. the less impressive their country of origin, the less are able to contribute to this country, the more we want them. you are rich, they are poor, therefore you must give the money, the right to vote, a permanent home, and once you've done that, repeat. biden claims that's our moral duty, that donald trump and anyone else who shirks that duty is a racist. but is trump shirking that duty? is the basic claim even true to it's worth assessing. there's so much lying, so once again we go to the numbers. and here's what they from october 2018 to september 2019, the border patrol apprehended 977,000 people at the u.s.-mexico border. that's the highest total and more than a decade. more than the previouswo two yes combined. keep in mind that's just the people being caught at the southern border. many more are getting through without being caught it, of course, and then throw the tens or hundreds of thousands of others o who enter illegally, bt then overstay their visas. these illegal immigrants are
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thtethering themselves or with millions of anchor babies. it's not a talking point, it's a fact. according to the center for immigration studies, for example, 372,000 children of the illegal aliens were born in this country just lastt year. every one of them is now an american citizen and their parents are benefiting from a whole suite of benefits. food stamps, medicaid, other programs. they won't be deported now. wonder how we got 22 million illegal immigrants, that's how. so by any actual measure, by the data, illegal immigration is worse than it has been in a long time. but for joe biden, it's still on enough. 22 million illegals, why not 30 million, 50 million? and everyoneai of them gets freh health care paid for by you. that's his promise. is your country really so spectacularly rich that you can afford this? of course you know the answer, we are not a rich country. we are more than $20 trillion in
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our middle class is dying. in part because immigrants are willing to work f for less, have driven down wages. as mcbeath immigrants back. totally different standards of living but it's an economic fact that when he fled the labor pool with people willing to work for less, wages go down. and that's been going on for decades. not surprisingly, america's most liimmigrant-heavy state, california is also the mostt impoverished. many people born in california can't leave quickly enough. ask idaho and texas. but joe biden says we need more. according to biden, our country is a sanctuary, must be a sanctuary for those fleeing violence. but because joe biden knows nothing, is not aware that some of america's cities are deadlier than the places those people are fleeing from. for example, el salvador. one-third of all living salvadorans live in this country now. here are the numbers. salvador has 50 murders per hundred thousand people. last year, baltimore, not a
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country, the city in maryland, 514,100,000.5 in other words, it's more dangerous than a solider. baltimore clearly hasn't benefited at all from america's policy of unlimited immigration. but you know, none of this matters, because for people like joe biden and the rest of the ruling class, helping american citizens stopping the point a long time ago. the point is getting reelected and feeling virtuous. speaking of, and 2018, oakland mayor libby schaaf got national attention by warning the illegal aliens in her city about an impending federal ice raid. >> it is a continued perpetuation of a racist live. that immigrants are not valued members of our society. we in oakland know better. we in oakland have a community that welcomes and honors all people no matter where they came from. or how they got here. >> tucker: she is an incredibly good person. unlike you, racist!
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thanks to libby schaaf's effor efforts, several wanted criminals alluded isis grasp and oakland became a top haven for illegal immigrants running from thee law. one of those immigrants is now taken a life. according to police, madison laundress suzanne what carol was murdered by roberto martinez in a road rage incident last month. by the time police identified martinez as thee killer, he had already fled the shawna white is madison'ske mother. we recently spoke with her. watch. >> thanks so much for coming on. our condolences. it's hard even to know what to say. tell us what happened roughly speaking, if you would. >> well, basically my daughter went to the store, her best friend moved from mander to san leandro over 298th avenue. she went to for bell's liquor
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store, which we found out is basically a haven for the border brothers, which is a gang, hispanic gang, and she went in there and she came out. we had just bought her a brand-new car, so she had a back-facing camera, so she could see behind her and as she was pulling back, he pulled up behind her. and she bumped into his car. when she got out of the car to take care of it withhe the insurance, he became aggressive. because he is well-known over there to rob people and to set people up. there scammers. and when she didn't have anything else to offer him, he attacked her. he punched her in her face and
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continued to hit her. it took someone to come and hit him to get him off of her. and my daughter, being someone who is about justice and didn't want to get in trouble, she thought she would get in trouble. she went around the store to try to film the license plate of the person who did that to her. and when she did that, when she went around, he shot her. he let out ten rounds on my daughter, whoo is 19. she had just turned 19. it was 19 days after her 19th birthday. i was a helicopter parent, so she never really was in situations like that before and never knew how to handle that.
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and he killed her. he just -- >> tucker: and he was here illegally. and he fled the country. why don't we have his picture right now? >> i believe california being a is protectinge him and protecting his family. at this point, they are allowing all undocumented people to get licenses. there allowing them to vote. this has all been laws that have legally passed and it is not part of their agenda, so it is not important to them. it's more important for them to protect people who are not from this country than to protect their own citizens and the homeless and already the children who are here who are in need of services and protection and everything else that they're lacking at this time.
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but for some reason, protecting people who aren't from here is more important to our california legislation at this time. >> tucker: what wouldou you say to mayor libby schaaf, the mayor of oakland, who made this murder possible. what would you say to t her? >> there's so much that i would say to her. i mean come at this point, i feel that it's all about the votes and at this point, they are a liberal state. i feel that she has no concern for the citizens that are already here who have been born and raised here for generations. the homeless population that is like, that is extensive. i feel that she doesn't care. she cares about lining her own pockets and her ownwn agenda.
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i feel that she could care less and i feel like part of thee reason why his picture has not been released is because of her personal agenda. >> tucker: this can't go on. so upsetting, this cannot go on. >> no. >> tucker: our heart breakss for you and i appreciate your telling your story tonight, as hard as i know it was. but thank you. we need to know that. appreciate it. >> since that interview, since speaking to madison's monarch, would learn that madison's killer apparently is now in simla mexico, you help mexican authorities will do the right thing at help bring that killer to justice as soon as possible. san francisco meanwhile has become america's most unlivable city, and lester and clay to be incredibly looked rich -- it stays that way because people running into the ground. next we will profile the city's new d.a., america's dystopiari
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next. keeping one eye on the presidents rally going on right now in toledo, ohio, we go there immediately if news breaks. >> but now they take them back. they've been great actually. they've been really good. and we pay them a lot of money. with paid them $500 million a year, can you believe we pay them 500 million, the three of them, el salvador. and i said -- ♪ robinhood believes now is the time to do money.
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o. >> tucker: armstrong has a degree in electrical engineering. she works at a tech company in california. she is in the top 5% for achievement in this country. you'd think she'd be doing fine. unfortunately though she lives in san francisco, which means she has to take drastic measures to cope with the highest housing costs in the nation. some of the highest in the world. her story is the focus apart for a weeklong series of american dystopia. >> nine h armstrong has lived in san francisco since her childhood. >> please don't fall off. >> tucker: for the last three years she has lived on the boat in the bay. pick a why don't you buy a place on land? >> is incredibly expensive. to go even for a condo and -- this is $400 million. >> tucker: housing in san francisco is now so extensive that some residents are taking drastic measures to stay in then area. >> how often you think about leaving? >> all the time. every day. >> tucker: quality of life in in a separate cisco bayit area is o bad that a full 44% of residents
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say they are "likely to move in the next few years."" >> they just say "i can't come i won't, i'm not going to put my family for this." it's a tragedy. it really is. >> tucker: skyrocketing costs and rising crime are driving middle-class families out of the area. drug addicts now outnumber high school students in the city of san francisco. >> if your job born here, if your business weren't in the bay area, would you live your? >> let me think -- no. absolutely not. i absolutely want out. >> tucker: since july 2018, more than 40,000 bay area residents have fled. mostly to states like texas and idaho. >> the crime is just terrible, it's depressing. i don't go there anymore. >> tucker: but on the water come away from it all. >> [inaudible] >> non, not at all. >> tucker: wasn't an act of god that turned san francisco into a dystopia. it was an active got the turned it into one of the prettiest cities in the world. the city was destroyed because individuals enacted and
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preserved disastrous policies because their ideologues. one of them is the city's new d.a., chess a booting. he says the tampa cisco has a problem, it's only that its radical policies don't go far enough. the focus to the finale of american dystopia. tomorrow night. don't miss it. >> tucker: and less democratic debate, senator elizabeth warren made an unexpected promise. warren vowed that if elected president she will hold an annual ceremony in the rose garden during which shall read the name of every transgender american murder during the previous year. watch. >> here'so a promise i make. i will go to the rose garden oncer every year to read the names of transgender women, people of color who have been killed in the past year. >> tucker: so that mayav have been a first time that you heard anything about a that topic you may have wondered just how many transgender women of color were
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murdered last year, and why. but warren didn't say. and yet that didn't stop the d human rights campaign, a highly aggressive democratic pressure group from immediately endorsing her position. there is, the organization claimed in a statement, a "academic violence against transgender people, especially trans women of color." again, no specifics there, the total vehemence. it's an epidemic, they told us. they are pete buttigieg soon leapt into a gray. the murder of transgender women of color must be 12 says, is one of america's most pressing problems. >> i do want to acknowledge what this demonstrators were speaking about, which is the epidemic of violence against black trans women. >> yes! >> i believe i would like to believe that everybody is committed to ending that epidemic. but iin believe that does inclue lifting up the visibility and speaking to it. >> tucker: nobody in the room questioned buttigieg's description, they seemed to take it at face value.
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in fact, if anything, the other candidates, and major press outlets confirmed it. "the murder of black transgender women is becoming a crisis" -- for trans women of color face the epidemic of violence wrote a news, each day is a fight for survival. meanwhile, "the american medical association" and droop to micror politicize brand recognition but still treated respectfully by the news media declared violence against trans gender people a "epidemic" like diphtheria or smallpox. in other words, this is seriousu it's not a boutique political issue. it's a public health crisis. well, that means it's time to see the numbers behind these claims.ti the numbers that pete buttigieg and elizabeth warren didn't mention. so exactly how many transgender people are murdered every year in this country? well, there are number of stats we can choose from but just for the sake of argument, let's go with the numbers supplied by the highly partisan left-wing human rights campaign. , which as noted, is the very group pushing the
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idea that this amounts to "an epidemic." according to a human rights campaign, in 2018, a total of 26 transgendered americans were murdered. now, that's 2 26 to many, ofed course. every murder is a tragedy very much including these. but this 26 constitute an epidemic? let's break itow down. a few years ago, the williams institute estimated that 1.4 million american adults and edify us transgender. if that figure is correct, then in 2018, the murder rate for transgender people was 1.8 per hundred thousand. while granting again that every murder is too many, relatively speaking, that is a very low rate. in fact, it's barely one-third the murder rate for the general population in this country, which of 2018 was 4.9 murders per hundred thousand people. in other words, not only is there no epidemic of transgender murders in america, according to these numbers, the ones supplied by the human rights campaign
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itself, transgender people are, on average, safer than your typical american. in other words, once again, they have been lying to you in the most brazen possible way. telling you something that's completely untrue, factually untrue and yet scolding you at the very same time. it's bewildering. but it's also their signature moveve. meanwhile, and don't tell the democratic party or the media, both of which seem totally unaware ofof it and unintereste, but there was an all too real epidemic of murder taking place in this country right now. and it's not in the relatively affluent transgendered community. it's in the poorest parts of our major cities. killings in baltimore, phil adelphia, washington, d.c., charlotte, st. louis, pick a city. have all skyrocketed compared to just five years ago. thousands are dying as a result. it's awful. but if you're looking for an epidemic to worry about, one that's actually changing the composition of this country, nothing beats opioids. nothing even comes close.
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in 2017, 47,600 americans died of opioid related drug ods. how many is that? let's put it this way. if you took every single murdered transgender american over the the past five years, af those murders combined amount to fewer deaths than a single day of opioid overdoses. or if you're a democratic party primary voter, think of it this way. ifre president elizabeth warren elder rose garden ceremony and read one name every two seconds, it would take about 50 seconds to name every transgender person who was murdered last year. but what if she read the names of every american killed by a drug ods? she be reading a full day later. the list is that long. but don't worry, there's no chance elizabeth warren would do that. she just doesn't care enough. want to figure out the degree to which the media are lying to you about everything, shocking.
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>> tucker: the british royal family is disintegrating before our very eyes. what's going on there? mark steyn knows the answer. he joins us after the break to tell us. plus we are watching the president's rally in ohio tonight for breaking news, interesting moments in that speech. we got the highlights coming up. >> i'm very proud of because i really overrode a lot of talented people that wanted to close it. i recognize israel's true capital and opened the american embassy in jerusalem. ♪
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♪ >> you add this on top of just trying to be a new mom trying to be a newlywed, it's -- and also thank you for asking. becausesk not many people have
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asked if i'm okay. >> tucker: here that? that mike and markel lady lives in a vast estate with servants to cater to all of her needs, but there's a tragedy. not enough members of the press asked how she is. narcissism on parade. maybe that's why the british royal family appears to be going up. prince harry andg his wife have announced their stepping away aa senior members of the royal family. they say they plan to seek financial independence, in other words, get rich, and move part-time to north america. not clear where. according to a depressingly large number of people whomb are dedicated to following all of this, the announcement "blindsided the rest of the family." >> to, senior members of the royal family appear blindsided. >> a senior members of the royal family blindsided mcqueen. >> the rest of the royal family was blindsided. >> buckingham palace, they were really blindsided byndsi this. >> this is the big story of blind side. >> prince harry and
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meghan markle pointedly blindsided mcqueen. >> the queen reportedly blindsided in shock. >> tucker: [laughs] in tv news, we only have like eight words, so when when someone gets a new one have to share it -- it's unbelievable. author and columnist mark steyn. knows a lot about living under the british monarchy, joins us tonight. were you blindsided? >> no, ind wasn't. because i know how this works. the democrats talking points, the fact to the media, every morning at 6:00 a.m. so that's where they'll use -- with the royal family, it's different. nobody actually knows what the queen thinks. and what this means is they managed to speak to a retired deputy under assistant putman to george the third, who's still living on the palace grounds. he used the word blindsided. but it is actually -- it is actually -- when you said they want to be financially independent, they just launched a website -- i mean, that the rother thing. i feel slightly weird here, none
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of the lingo that they're using is like royal family lingo. i want to get this right. their official announcement said they will "continue to collaborate with her majesty the queen." if that like john legend collaborating with kelly clarkson? have they got -- if they collaborated with the queen and they got a project in development at netflix or something? they say they want to befi financially independent. they started a website called sussex the two w words there, the last word is the royal family megan married into. sussex is the title that is in the gift of the queen that she bestowed on them. so everybody's mad about this because they think t this is cake-ism. that the way they wantnt to get financial independence train on the fact that they are for members of royal family. >> tucker: but there also -- they seem so self-pity and varied to go yet. >> tucker: if you're going to
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be a member of the royal family, you know, you should be happy aboutha that, but every other rh person in the westso right now, they seem to be -- they seem to be drowning in lake mead. there narcissism is making them miserable, no? >> that's why royals should not marry people in show business. because when you're a celebrity, you're treated like royalty, is the expression said. but when your actual royalty, you're treated like garbage because it's essentially being a minor royal is an act of self negation. when kelly clarkson does an t event i'm a there's thousands of people there to see her, so it's all about h her. when a minor royal duchess goes to a hospital in new zealand, it's about the sick kids and how solicitous she is of the sick kids. and so it's not really -- think prince harry was great at that. actually spectacular at it in the years between returning from afghanistan and marrying megan and now just wanting to be the
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duchess of woke has actually killed a very promising young prince of the royal family. >> tucker: can i ask a really quick about that? aall the attention is on his american wife. but he seems to have chosen, on purpose, a path that's going to lead to unhappiness for certain. what is wrong with this kid? since her question. >> i think is a deeply unhappy guy. i think they had seven weeks in british columbia in which we were trying to work this out. they flew back to london, went to canada house, hung out with the canadian high commission. i won't bother explain what those are.ot american. and then she flies straight back to canada. basically, shehe is someone who has had no contact with most numbers of her own family and she's managed h to do the same o prince harry with respect to his family. that is rather sad. >> tucker: it is sad. it is sad. mark steyn, thank you for that. >> thinks, i know how much you love these royal stories, your
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closet mono kids. a republican, you can keep it! >> tucker: exactly. great to see you. the president holding his first rally of the year in toledo, ohio. we have highlights from the speech in just al moment. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: now some of the big moments from the president's rally tonight in ohio. >> far left radical politicians support deadly sanctuary cities,
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demonstrating their contempt, scorn and disdain for everyday americans and the american family. these jurisdictions release dangerous, violent criminal aliens out of their jails and directly on to your streets. soleimani was active i have planning new attacks and he was looking very seriously at our embassies and not just the embassy in baghdad but we stopped him and we stopped him quickly and we stopped him cold. [cheers]st so, at my direction, the united states military eliminated qassem soleimani and ended his rampage through not only that part of the world, but much bigger parts of the world. he was all over. he was a bad guy. he was a blood-thirsty
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terror and he is no long are a terror. he is dead. [cheers and applause] while we are creating jobs and killing terrorists, the washington democrats are wasting america's time with commented hoaxes and crazy witch hunts. think of it. from the day i came down that escalator it started. who the hell else could have taken this stuff, right? i do get some credit for that? [cheers and applause] most guys would have been in a corner with their thumb in their mouth saying mommy, mommy, take me home. these are bad people. the democrat politicians we're fighting today are the same ones who took a sledge hammer to ohio jobs andne factories. they destroyed your factories. they destroyed your jobs.
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but they are losing, and we are winning. and america's come back continues full speed a just imagine calling crooked adam solidify. he is so crooked. shifty schiff say gee, adam, how are you doing? listen, we have the world's number one terrorist. killed thousands and thousands of people.mb we would like to set up a meeting so we can discuss his execution. would you be willing to meet? well, i won't be able to make it this week.d you know, he is traveling fast. we could have him lined up, adam, you little pencil neck. [cheers and applause] he buys the smallest shirt collar you can get. and it's loose.
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>> tucker: we are done. we are out of time. we will be back. 8:00 p.m. the show that the is enemy of lying pomposity and group think. sean hannity right now. >> sean: i will teach you hit the post in 2020. you are late. he calls congenital liar a pencil neck. not only is the country doing great, it's the greatest show on earth. >> tucker: hilarious. >> sean: i would like to see one democrat pack a house like that. tucker, great show. welcome to "hannity." several tracking big stories going on tonight. moments ago as you just saw in toledo, in ohio, the all-important swing state of ohio, the president wrapped up a mask rally. we are going to have a lot and play a lot of his remarks. some of the best ones straight ahead. meanwhile, in the middle east tonight, u.s. intelligence now believes that the rogue regime in iran was responsible for downing ukrainian airlines flight 752, killing all 176 souls on boa.


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