tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News January 10, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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thank you very much. that is "the story" of friday january 10th. the story goes on to that one going to go on for quite some time. we'll see you here at 7:00. have a great weekend, everybody. ♪ >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. i'm mark steyn in fort tucker. will get to impeachment and iran and tucker will be here himself to close out on the series of american dystopia of san francisco. first, we have breaking news from the democratic primary campaign. presidential candidate marion williamson -- which one is she again? she's the one who promised to harness the power of love. >> so mr. president, if you are witnessing, i want you to hear.
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you harness fear for political purposes and only love will cast that out. sir, i've a feeling that you know what you are doing. i'm going to harness love for political purposes. i'll meet you on that field and, sir, love will win. >> am i the only guy who loves the idea of being harnessed by marion williamson on a field of love? apparently so. love can't buy money can't buy sometimes you harness love and it slips the rains but you can take love to water, but you cannot make it drink in lake winnipesaukee in the granite state. the dark force of collectivized hatred has won. >> do you think if flunking this is going to deal with the dark collective force the president is bringing up in this country, i am afraid the democrats are going to see some very dark days. >> mark: sometimes love does not want to battle trumps dark
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psychic forces and trembles off to live with meghan markle in a nonbinary camping canada. replacing the pentagon with a department of peace now light in a department of pieces. meanwhile, america's favorite cigar store indian elizabeth warren is slipping down the totem polls. but she does not care because she is winning the self you primary. >> i should start out by saying, i do not comment on polls and they really don't look at them. but i will tell you this. the best part of this whole year has been doing what idea, which is getting out and doing town halls, reaching out to people. and closing in on 200 town halls. we've already shot past 100,000 selfies. >> mark: 100,000 face-to-face selfies is pretty spectacular when you consider this stunning "cbs news" headline. >> i never wash my face. >> wow!
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>> no. >> you're one of those. >> mark: 100,00 100,000 selfiesr somebody who never washes their face as a record for any democratic contenders save for the hobo in nancy pelosi san francisco. mayor pete buttigieg, he's dependent's darling. >> there he was front and center, third in the polls with a speech that many say our historic. >> he's inspirational so far and that's something that voters absolutely want. >> he has appeal for a lot of reasons but he's a veteran, openly gay, he's from indiana. >> concert pianist, you speak many languages including norwegian that you learn to because you wanted to learn a book. >> second coming of obama? my prayers have been answered if that's true. >> young, fresh, positive. >> this guy is >> mark: he's moderate, he's
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gay, concert pianist, he speaks norwegian. that can only be one thing that the left has figured out, he's a cia asset. as the beast reported, put together, and a picture forms of a elite educated multilanguage speaking employee of the cas consulting firm who currently serves as an intelligence officer in the naval reserves. if you created a cia asset and iran, you'd wind up with pete buttigieg. a gay norwegian concert pianist has john brennan written all over it. every gay mayoral pianist norwegian speaking -- they've got a training camp in south bend. pete buttigieg has the cia
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haircut, sign that hair by cia director george hw. director busch reassigned the hair to mayor pete after it was here is mayor pete live campaigning in an iowa diner and covertly signaling to his cia control officer that the two reels of microfiche are in his socks. mayor pete is preparing to infiltrate sanders' $140 million beach house. the name is buttigieg, pete buttigieg. i'm sorry, i didn't catch that. could you spell it? the alternative explanation is the hour jim comey fbi assets,
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jeffrey epstein given reconstructive surgery and put in the witness program put as a small mayor in small-town indiana where no one would look for him. maryann's love is unrequited, pete is undercover. to break it all down, no one better than the new england radio losses how we car author of the book "what really happened." how we, deep state pete and bernie are beneficiaries of warren's tanking numbers. where did senator warren go wrong? >> she tried to out bernie bernie. she try to convince the people, the free stuff crowd she was one of them. the fact is that she spent the '80s flipping houses in oklahoma and bernie spent the '80s honeymooning in the soviet union. >> the soviet union? that serious authentic.
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antisocialist flip houses, how we >> she's down onbillionaires bue asked during the campaign, why you flipping houses? well, i was doing it for my family. i think mayor bloomberg or tom steyer say they were doing it for their families too. you know, mark, how about buttigieg? one of the other telltale signs that he's in the cia, apparently, did you just read this? he has blue eyes. blue eyes. that made me think, wait a second, elizabeth warren has blue eyes too. she's not a cia asset. she is a cherokee asset! you know? >> mark: given what we know about elizabeth warren, nothing what it appears to be, she might actually have brown eyes and she's had them tinted, howie.
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i want to ask you about marianne williamson, she's a mistress of the spirit world, she might at this stage sticking her pains in the other candidates 'voodoo dolls. there she is. who is she sticking the pain in, elizabeth warren. >> who thought she would last longer than julian castro. when i think of elizabeth warren, did you get the carmack the magnificent vibe, you keep waiting for her? i do not know what the problem is with her crystal ball because i knew she was going nowhere. i do not know about you. >> mark: go ahead. >> i thought that pete was less of a cia asset. i thought that president trump summed them up perfectly. dear member what you called him? alfred e. neuman. he said alfred e. neuman will never be president of the
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united states. >> mark: do you know what, howie, how do we know that our pretty newman is not a cia asset? if mayor pete is, anyone could be. >> mark, have you ever seen alfred e. neuman and mayor pete in the same room? >> no, i haven't. we'll get working on that, it'll be a fascinating sight. the great howie carr who was a close student of all of elizabeth warren's opportuniti . when alexandria ocasio-cortez a long shot candidate in the bronx, very excited to take on a long-standing incumbent. here's what she told wnyc at the time. >> you look around at this district and it's so diverse. how is it that just, like, five irish dudes handed the seat to each other for the last 50 years? how is that even... i mean, it's possible in new york. i'm going to get myself in
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trouble. >> mark: nothing has changed. now she's infuriating party leaders by refusing to contribute to the party's congressional campaign war chest because she's deemed many of our colleagues insufficiently socialist. one democrat aide reacted to this by calling her a "deadbeat." aoc implied that she and joe biden don't belong in the same political party. professor jason nichols is a democrat and he joins us now. professor, aoc and joe, do they belong in the same party? >> what i think aoc was trying to say is that in another country where you have six or seven political parties, she and joe biden would obsolete not be in the same little party. but in a two-party system, where you have to have broad tens where you have a key
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tea partyers and evangelicals in the same party, yes, they have to be in the same party and have to talk about things they have in common. >> mark: there's an issue here. you know, aoc, what party should be in if she were in canada or europe, she'd be in a straight up socialist party. joe biden on the other hand doesn't seem to know what party he's in anymore. he's sort of sliding. not sure if he could reliably identify which party he would be in. >> i disagree with that. i think joe biden is still sharp enough to know what party he's in and i think he is somebody who is an old-school somewhat blue dog democrat and there are some of them who still exist. the energy is behind boccaccio behind thebernie sanders wing oy which is more progressive. >> mark: isn't at the reality that these two have a problem
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coexisting, these two wings of the party, the energy is all on the left and when the primary goes on, they are getting lefter and lefter. >> i do not think this is a problem. i think it's important that everybody sticks to their ideological positions, but at the same time i think there is things we all agree on, we agree there is an existential threat from climate change, for example. we all agree that the middle-class needs to have their share in this country. i think there are things we all come together on just like republicans, there is a broad se president trump and you have michael lee and you have rand paul were all these people disagree but they come together what it is they have in common. >> mark: let's just say that climate change business, because aoc said the world is going to end in 12 years. she said that last year. i think we are at 11 years.
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2031, the world is going to end. she seems pretty sincere about that. when you look at guys like joe biden, they just seem to be going along. isn't that why the so-called moderate side has no energy? in fact, there is no authenticity in that side of it? >> listen, i will tell you this. i think radical, important change is never brought about by moderates. if you look at what dr. king said in his letter from a birmingham jail, he made it clear that moderates were actually a problem. but at the same time, when you need them particularly to accomplish certain goals, then, you know, you have to convince them, bring them to the table. there are certain people that are willing to have the conversation about things like climate change and racial and ethnic justice and those kind of things that, you know, other sides, the other side does not want to have the conversation. so it's important to pull those people in and let them know that
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being moderate does not create change. >> mark: okay, jason. you are a big tent man, and elizabeth warren knows all about that. thank you for that, jason. nancy pelosi is finally ready! those articles of impeachment, no one knows where they've been. they've been on hold for months. but she's ready to send them to the senate next week. that story is next. - do you have a box of video tapes, film reels, or photos,
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he's here. bill? karolyn? nope! no, just a couple of rocks. download the my account app to manage your appointments making today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. i'll pass. >> no, i'm not holding the deadline. i'll send them over when i'm ready. that'll probably be soon. >> mark: that was speaker of
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the house nancy pelosi caving to republicans and a few democrats who demanded that she send articles of impeachment to the senate. president trump reacted to the news in an interview with our own laura ingraham. >> mr. president, we just learned that nancy pelosi is sending over articles of impeachment next week to the senate. >> i think it's ridiculous. she should have sent them a long time ago. it just... it belittles the process. nancy pelosi will go down as probably the least successful speaker of the house in the history of our nation. she has done nothing. >> mark: jette ellis is a legal advisor to president from 2020 campaign and she joins us. jana, this all feels very last year to me. supposedly they had to impeach trump in a hurry because she's a national security threat and they've been gathering dust in
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nancy pelosi was bottomed drawer ascends columbus day or whatev whatever. what does this move mean? >> she was not able to bully the senate into doing her bidding and that's a great thing for the constitution and separation of powers. president trump is absolutely right that her tactics are just a political stunt. she is trying to manipulate the process to her advantage and she does not have any power here and so it does belittle the process because this should be about the constitution, not about the democrats' a very invalid 2020 campaign. >> she's actually changed the nature here, because president trump is the first president to be "mph" and then run for reelection and seems likely to win. nancy's game plan seems to be playing impeachment down. >> they've been doing these stunts to oust president trump since he first took office,
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19 minutes after he was inaugurated they started this campaign. that is not what the american process in our constitutional system is designed to do. we the people voted for president trump. he is in office. even if the democrats do not like that, you do not wield an weaponize the power of impeachment that is given to the house, zero, zero, zero, zero, will never equal in impeachable offense. the democrats here are losing, losing, losing, and they are going to lose this impeachment scam. >> mark: what do you think actually happened here? as you said, they are losing, losing, losing. the democrats' worsened every time she sat on these articles. mitch mcconnell, for people who largely revile the republican senate, actually played a pretty shrewd hand here. >> when you're on the side of the truth and you're on the side of the rule of law and constitution, i think it's a great day for america when that wins out over these political stunts. nothing the democrats have done has ultimately been successful.
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they played every single card in their hand. what are they going to do for the next four years when president trump is elected? they've done everything they possibly can to try to tear him down. he has only one back because the rule of law is on his side, that's the way our founders intended it and i'm really proud of our system and being an original list and defending and protecting the constitution because this is exactly what our founders intended, especially when people like pelosi are trying to manipulate the process for their political advantage. >> mark: she gave the impression she'd like to impeach him for iran. they could seriously be doing the impeachment of the month club. >> that's so ridiculous. all of these things are policy decisions that are squarely within article to authority. we have one commander in chief, not 535. the meaningless optics, press release style resolution was constitutionally meaningless. so are any other articles they try to attack them with.
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this is just an overplayed hand, they have nothing left, and they are going to lose big in 2020. >> mark: thank you. thank you for that, that's the primitive definitive pronouncement, i think for president trump provide details on the supposedly imminent attack planned by the 23's general soleimani. here's what he said to laura ingllaura ingraham. >> i don't think so, but we'll tell you that probably it's going to be the embassy in baghdad. >> did he have large-scale attacks planned for other embassies. if those were planned, why can't we reveal that to the american people? >> i can reveal that i believe it would have been four embassies. speedy war >> mark: four embassiesand laur.
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it's been a rough couple of days for the islamic republic. the head of their supposedly civil aviation authority went on tv and tried to explain away shooting the ukrainian airways plane out of the sky. we've seen footage of them trashing the crash sight. i wonder if that doesn't get to the heart of it, if international investigators will have nothing to investigate on the plane crash which makes it clear that they are a rogue nation. >> yes, mark. what i think we need to keep in mind, the denials of their actions came right on the heels of their having said that they killed upwards of 80 american troops in reprisal strikes. none of which happened.
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so now you have not just american intelligence, but also the british and the canadians, yes justin trudeau, the canadian prime minister saying that their intelligence services have confirmed that the plane was brought down by a missile. let's keep in mind, it was a russian-made, russian sold missile that the iranians used. iranians have been waging war against us since 1979. they have been willing accomplices with the russians and others who would sell them the means of war. so the iranians lied to, it only happens on days that and with a >> the president in a sense offered a hand to them when he said he would not state reprisals for those impotent, ineffectual missile strikes the other night. but he also challenged the europeans and the other secretaries to that agreement with iran to get out of that
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agreement and recognize that it had not worked. have either of those things, with a likely work with the iranians or europeans? >> mark: here is >> here is what will work for sure. steve mnuchin announced new sanctions against anybody who's going to do business with the iranians for our erstwhile european allies, they are free to do business. here they are going to find that they are closed off from american banks and the american markets. that is going to have a consequent impact on the europeans, and the capacity of the iranians commit mischief. >> mark: just on that point then, if you look at the airplane crash for example, those were people, innocent people flying to kiev who thought that tehran was part of the normal international airport system and they discovered it wasn't because the iranians let them take off in the middle of a war zone. what is it going to take for the
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europeans to lose their delusions about that regime? >> mark, that's a good question. as you have written into books, the europeans themselves have a problem with the islamist movements in their own country. you look at the islamic republic of iran, you see what they have done. their disregard for the truth and the international system. again, i think you've asked a rhetorical question, what's it going to take? because they have separate attacks in their own countries where the iranians' fingerprints are all over it and still they continue down the same path. >> mark: you are absolutely right, they've done nothing. thank you for that. san francisco is an american dystopia and thanks to its radical new prosecutor, things are going to get much worse. tucker is back for the final installment of our series. that is next. plus is bernie sanders a
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>> tucker: san francisco is falling apart. the city is covered in filth and the homeless and captains, possible solution is to elect prosecutors who will enforce the law. last november, san francisco voters did the opposite. on wednesday, chesaning being has never prosecuted a case. as a candidate, he promised to undermine the legal system by not enforcing various laws including laws against prostitution. here tonight is the fifth and final segment of our american dystopia series. >> you never know what's coming around the corner. >> we are in a free fall right now. >> tony montoya is a sergeant in services was police force and the leader of the police union. >> do you think people are happy that he won the election? >> promised he would undermine existing laws by not forcing them for the allies in the press
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call it criminal justice reform. >> he's not going to prosecute what he calls quality of life crimes. loitering, vagrancy, drug dealing, drug use. he just not going to focus on that. >> how does a person not -- >> san francisco is a funny place. >> doubling down on the city's policy going easy on crime and criminals. >> we can only do so much. once we deliver that person to the jail and court, people back on the streets on the same shi shift. >> is not just quality of life crime, he plans to overlook serious crimes as well. >> it's extremely disturbing. they make communities unlivable. >> san francisco now one of the worst places in the country for sex trafficking. the logic behind the approach is
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that existing laws are racist and therefore must not be enforced. >> you punch down on the people who pay taxes, who pay rent, who purchase an open small businesses? there are children! you push them out and what sta stays? >> tucker: that's the fifth and final installment in our series but it's not the end of reporting from san francisco or state of california or america declining cities but what's happening there could be happening in your neighborhood. the people doing it would very much like that. the only way to stop them? shine a light on what they are doing and we are going to continue to. investigative reporting will continue all year. >> mark: yeah, the golden state's cities are an absolute disgrace. let's not let them spread to the
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other 49 states but senator bernie sanders has pledged his support to the green your deal. it's the only option, he says. it's literally a question of planetary survival. >> brothers and sisters, we have a major global crisis in front of us. cities all over the world could be underwater. we are facing unprecedented threats to our food and water supplies. >> climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism print more drought, floods, cello rising sea levels, more mass mi. now is the time to save the planet. >> mark: yeah, if san francisco is underwater, all that human body waste will float across the ocean and annoy those jihadists in indonesia and pakistan, a terrible thing. what's more important to bernie
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than saving the planet? his personal travel plans. a recent nbc news report notes that with a potential impeachment trial imminent, sanders has a big advantage over us and it rivals like elizabeth warren and amy klobuchar. he has enough money to fund constant, luxurious private jet travel between washington and the early primary stages. through september of last year, he spent more than $360,000 on private jet travel. marc morano is the publisher of "climate depot" and the author of "the politically incorrect guide to climate change" and he joins us. say what you well about saint greta of two an she took a dugout canoe or whatever it was across the atlantic to attend the climate summit. bernie does not live as if he generally believes this climate stuff. >> not even close. first of all, greta actually
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cared about public perception, even though her crew flew over in planes into codiesel engines, she actually cares bid bernie did not care at all. in 2016, senator sanders spent over that in private jets. he told stephen colbert last night that he had pondered thinking about sharing his private jets with other senators, but he basically decided against it. he's going to be flying alone, leaving senator warren and senator klobuchar on the senate floor as he leaves on his private jet. >> mark: what about flying with the great unwashed masses, the way that citizen representatives in the republic really ought to be doing? >> first of all, bernie's top 1%, owns three homes. i do not think he wants to get on a crowded commercial flight with babies and everything else and deal with the inconvenience of it. this is a serious issue. this is a man who on "colbert"
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again can't walk the talk in a situation here. and bernie, his campaign is hilarious. he spent less than $5,000 offsetting the $3 million in private jets from the 2016 campaign. that's what they brag about, they bought carbon offsets in order to take care of his private jet usage. >> mark: explained that racket to me. carbon offset means -- i think you pay some money and some guy plans a tree. bernie comes from a state that is 97% for instead. there is not anyone from vermont who has not seen enough trees to last a lifetime. where is the carbon offsetting happening? >> as you said, they plan trees in africa and they just invested in renewable or solar energy, planet energy, the kind that does not power jets! he was watching his guilt by doing that. we have celebrities, looking phoenix, and said we do not need to take private jets.
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by the way, looking phoenix, the golden globes announced with his fashion designer, this is the man who plays the joker, he's going to wear the same tuxedo to every holiday awards show, that's the sacrifice he's making. bernie won't even do that! >> no! that's great. elizabeth warren isn't washing her face. and joaquin phoenix is not washing his tuxedo. >> this latest issue of "italian vogue" is all drawings. that's how serious this threat is. >> mark: and mack supermodels, we'll save the planet. thank you for that. climate change on the catwalk. are you more informed and then use experts? we'll find out. final exam is straight ahead. plus, a u.k. man nearly killed by a piece of popcorn.
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>> mark: you know what that music means. it's time for final exam, where are fox experts compete is to show off their mastery of the news. you see her on "the five," she is barely holding that show up. those four other deadbeats! you have a viable format. emily compagno! the last time brett larson was here, tucker called him jeff. he's never looked back.
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he'll rename france's air for judy garland, when ben ryan renamed norma jean morris in marilyn monroe, he's ready for his close-up. and the first one gets to buzz but you must wait until i finished asking the question pit you can answer one's i acknowledge you by saying your name. or in the case of brett, jeff. each correct answer is worth one point. you get one wrong, you lose a point. question one, multiple-choice question for for you here in new york, the state has come up with a new way to fund the public colleges. it involves doubling the tax on which necessary food item? it is it cheese, beer, or eggs? >> i'm going to go with beer. >> you are going to go with
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beer? roll the tape. >> there's a beer pack tax to pay for it -- it's tremendous. >> for hardworking americans like yourself who want to enjoy an icicle beverage, i won't stand for it. >> think of all the beer belly is a no-go away. >> as long as they do not make office workers to stand out on the sidewalk for a mug. president trump is at the top of gallup's new poll of most admired men, but he shares the top spot with someone else. who is it? family? >> former president obama? >> mark: former president obama tied with trump question mike that sounds unlikely. >> president trump sharing the title with most admired man with
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former president barack obama. this is the first time that trump has topped the list in the 12 time for obama, both receiving 18% of the vote. >> mark: it's amazing that when you consider all the bad press that obama gets from cnn and "the new york times" toy. we are tied at one all. another multiple-choice questi question. nancy pelosi facing elizabeth warren facing criticism this week but not for what you said, but for her dance moves. the candidate awkwardly rocked out to which song. is it, respect by aletha franklin, b, american girl by tom petty, or c, nine to five by dolly parton? >> "respect" by aretha franklin.
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>> mark: roll tape! ♪ >> mark: you know, if we really wanted to wind up the ayatollahs, we'd go on iranian tv and show them that. so that is 2-1 to emily. >> i've got to step up my game. >> mark: everything to play for. new years eve seems like a lifetime ago, pope francis grabbed the pope's hand and yanked his arm. how did the pontiff react? and it is brett. >> he turned and swatted her away. >> mark: he swatted a woman. what a pope do that? let's see the tape. >> pope francis has apologized
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to hit the hand of the well-wishers who grabbed him and yanked him toward her. the pope confessed to losing his ??? with the women ??? with the women. >> mark: there is a useful frank sinatra line. final question! this is a gripping round. which 2020 democrat so confident about the election that he's already talking about redesigning the white house complete with an open office plan? emily? >> mayor bloomberg! >> mark: mayor bloomberg. is bloomy planning cubicles for the white house? >> michael bloomberg tweeting this out office offense plan.
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>> i win! i never win! i won! i have no idea what to do with myself. >> mark: cubicles in the white house. we have a definitive victory. >> i never win anything. >> mark: emily wins! >> yes! >> i always lose! >> mark: we just serve you up to be humiliated. that is it. taking away his designation -- >> congratulations. >> mark: congratulations, emily. thank you to fox news all week
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so you can take on the experts next week on the number one political quiz show, final exam. cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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things to a piece of movie popcorn launched in his tooth. how did it happen? and how can it happen to you? dr. marc siegel is fox news' medical correspondent, and he joins us now. dr. siegel, how did this, how did this trip to the movies end up with open heart surgery? >> first of all it is a listen to everyone out there. we are all putting her hands in her mouth. this man had a piece of popcorn in his back to than he was putting everything and they are trying to get it out, wire, toothpaste, and then finally a metal nail. and famous for having a lot of bacteria on it and the gums are bacteria highway to the heart. similar to as a drug abuser putting bacteria into the veins. that is why we see so many heartfelt infections. 15,000 in the united states every year. so he went to see, mark, his primary care doctor in new england and so he had
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fevers, sweats and a heart murmur and sent him home. here in the united states, i would do an echo, echocardiogram to exam at the heart. i was shocked he was sent home. it may be an indictment of the national health service that that happened. >> mark: >> mark: we always like the national health servic, just for elizabeth warren's sakt just to be clear on this, when garfield got shocked, but said that it wasn't the bullet that killed him but everybody poking around inside him trying to find the bullet. something similar happen here. it was not the popcorn. it was all the stuff put in his mouth poking to try to get at the popcorn which is what everyone loved. >> that is the moral of the story, veins, if you make them bleed ugandan assets, you better see your dentist because that can feed the blood stream that feeds the heart. you know, his valve, chambers of
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the heart, very susceptible to bacteria in the bloodstream's so i would warn everyone not to poke away around with foreign objects. this could happen to you. and $50,000 hospitalization and surgery. >> mark: but then why do you see in some restaurants toothpicks? >> well, toothpicks are okay provided they are clean and used for a specific device but medically floss is much safer. brushing your teeth is much safer. >> mark: okay, thank you. >> i would say one more thing, i would advise everyone watch netflix, hulu, fox but don't go to movie theaters because popcorn is rampant there. >> mark: acma popcorn. >> watch out for popcorn. >> mark: america's popcorn is a silent killer coming to you. that is about it for us tonight. tune in each night at 8:00 to the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.
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an even killer popcorn. don't forget to dvr and have a spiffy weekend. and "hannity" for the full hour starts now. ♪ welcome to "hannity" what a "newsweek" it has been an impeachment madness next week. we will be all over them when we began tonight with more breaking news at home and abroad, including major new details from the present action in iran. plus we will cover a tense sand my standoff and a russian warship nearly ran into a u.s. navy destroyer. we will play that full tape coming up, laura ingraham had a long sit down with the president of the united states. we will have a preview of that interview, and also talk to laura about behind
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