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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 15, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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but no mike i'm so sorry. that's interesting. we have any calls? no calls. alec baldwin posing the big questions here. to have any calls yet, i've been? non. boy, just incredible. >> sean: let not your heart be troubled, lauraa ingraham -- tht is the greatest in the history of man. >>e laura: hannity, you are still in radio, king -- >> sean: 31 years. >> laura: i was 17, and i missed it every day, but when i hear that, i want to weep, it is so funny. at the beginning, it happens to everyone, but then you are supposed to get past the beginning and start to get this thing called callers. real quick. >> sean: laura, he was trying out at a flagship in new york. me and levin call in, and he walked out of his own show. he left the studio. >> laura: a bit of a parking
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problem peered all right, hannity, brutal. great show. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from a supercharged washington tonight. we have an unbelievable lineup from house minority leader kevin mccarthy, congressman doug collins, they were stars today on the house floor. exclusive reaction to pelosi's impeachment circus today. we also have a response from the white house in just moments. plus, senator rick scott tells us how he and his colleagues will proceed.. former senator and attorney general jeff sessions reveals the games that chuck schumer may try to play. and raymond arroyo takes us through the bizarre theatrics, very strange, moments you didn't catch, but we did, from pelosi and company. from last night. but first, a tale of two leaders. that is the focus of tonight's "angle." today, we saw a stark contrast play out before our eyes in real time. the contrast of two leaders. nancy pelosi and donald trump. now, pelosi is a leader in title only. yeah, she is the speaker of the house, but i think i'm right,
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last spring she said impeachment should only be bipartisan. the same speaker who couldn't get one republican to join her lynch mob. but that didn't stop her today from milking the conveyance of the articles of impeachment for all it was worth. >> the house of representatives impeach the president of the united states. in impeachment that will last forever. this is a very serious matter, and we take it to in a really solemn way. >> laura: impeachment. oh, that is why she was wearing peach. i couldn't figure the color out today. it was a day of choreographed moments that were supposed to indicate the seriousness, the prayerfulnessth of all of this. not political, at all, of course. it only underscored the vacuousness of pelosi and her collaborators. >> we are here today to cross a very important threshold in american history. today, we will make history. a threshold in history. as we make history that we are
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makingth progress for the amerin people. >> laura: put it in the smithsonian. how is a sham impeachment with charges at all making progress with the american people? it's not. there is one person making progress for the record people today. it was donald trump. while nancy was trying to pass herself not off as a second bety ross, trump was signed in phase one of a trade pact with china that will directly benefit you, the american workers, and our industry. this is a deal no one thought was going to happen, but a tackles intellect or property theft, enforcement triggers, and keeps tariffs in place to keep the chinese honest. >> we are going to work together for the benefit our countries, but also very importantly, for the benefit of the world. so this is a very big day for the united states. >> laura: sorry, mr. president, but pelosi was not going to be bested by some historic trade deal. no, she had her own signing impeachment. platters of hors d'oeuvres that
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were, i guess, brought out to commemorate the occasion. which she clumsily used to create her signature. >> it's a funny signature. but they do give a lot of pens. >> laura: so solemn. all of the coconspirators were given a boobyra prize. maxine waters look like she was waiting for the rolling stones to show up. it is not a magic wand, auntieer maxine. i can't get through this. but don't worry, nancy quickly restored order with the appropriate solemnity. >> when they bring this over, it will set in motion a process on the senate side that will take a special oath of office to do impartial judges, and do impartial justice, according to the constitution and the laws. >> laura: justice, judges. it happens to the best of us, especially late at night. this is a total joke.
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next came a solemn procession of the articles to the upper chamber. what looks like a parade of fools getting their steps in for the day. the only thing the parade lacked was nancy in the lead, carrying the patriotic incense, or may be twirling a baton. years from now, when we look back on this day, no one is going to remember nancy's cheap theatrics. they will remember, though, how president trump brought the chinese to the bargaining table and delivered achievements if you ever thought were possible. him this is what real leadership looks like. only one of those signing pens will be worth a damn a year from now, that is the "angle." joining me now, house minority leader kevin mccarthy. plan on taking this trial seriously, do they? >> no, she held it a month because she knows it how weak it is. >> floor -- this > l laura: direct your commes to the chair behind me.
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>> the speaker was so upset, today, while signing with china, what are they doing? on the floor, naming the managers. they try to sabotage him every time. >> laura: i'm going to get into this with robert gray about the legal stuff, but it's quite interesting, is it not come how these text messages just start popping up? little poppers, they just start popping in as little punctuation points, and we are supposed to go, oh, every time michael cohen went to the bathroom, we are supposed to think it was over for trump, write? same deal here. he is the michael cohen of
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impeachment. >> you shouldn't worry about any of that. you have a transcript of the phone call. that is what they'd claimed they had to impeach him on. nothing there is impeachable. we know every word said, we know the message from the two individuals that talked to one a another. i don't know where they're going. they planned this. neither campaigned in 2017 to be chair of this because he said it was best to impeach. adam schiff is the one who has continued to live. remember he had proof beyond circumstantial, didn't of the whistle-blower was? he is a fact witness. he would never hold up -- you know this. >> laura: wouldn't it be funny if they were arguing the case and had to walk around to the witness area. hold on, one second, i'm going to walk around and you can ask me questions. i mean, i want to take this seriously, but everybody who's been in this town for more than 5 minutes knows exactly what this is all about. from day one, they wanted this man out of office, from the moment he came down the golden escalator, a lot of establishment republicans -- maybe even you, kevin -- an
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establishment democrats, they wanted him out, gone. the bushes wanted him gone. obama wanted him gone. the clintons want him gone. the media, hollywood. and the man, he is like the marathon man, he just kept going. drives them nuts that he keeps surviving and thriving. i think they're going nuts. >> that is what he is so strong, that's when he gets the china deal, usmca done. >> laura: they will work with you on most anything. he will work with them. that is the sign of a real leader. >> if they would go into the room, they would come in an agreement. they are too afraid to work with him. i've been in rooms where he sits with nancy pelosi, she can't handle it. >> laura: pelosi, you knew this was a complete farce, they're back to the russia scare again, when pelosi went back to her security blanket from otherwise known as vladimir putin. watch. >> voters in america should decide who our president is, not vladimir putin and russia. i'm very concerned that in all
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of this, all roads lead to russia. all roads lead to putin. >> laura: basically doing the moscow mitch deal. >> she did that to mitch, too. >> laura: comen. no, but right now, i argued this last night, it's not going to happen, but the senate -- i think entertaining this is a >> laura: come on. no, but right now, i argued this last night, it's not going to happen, but the senate -- i think entertaining this is a joke. house. doug jones, joe manchin, >> laura: we challenge these people who want to do this
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impeachment, do this trial, go home and campaign on this. romney. go home. >> they will be in there six days a week. no phones, no ipads, can't talk to each other, and just listening. i think they listen to adam schiff, they are going to want to -- >> laura: what can we do to get out of this room? it's like a rubber room by the end of the day. you did a great job today come appreciate you coming in. i know you are exhausted, but wait until next week. the real fireworks begin. what struck me about today, though, it just -- it was like -- it was just really improper. here's just one example. during the clinton impeachment, then speaker newt gingrich recused himself from selecting managers because of what looked like a perceived conflict of interest. he was, of course, second in line for the presidency. but not nancy. she handpicked her managers this time around. jenny me now, robert gray, former whitewater independent counsel. robert, is this culture to your eyes?
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>> i think what is really going on behind the scenes, sometimes it even leaked out into the public domain, the fist bumping that goes on between the impeachment managers, you know, celebrating the fact that there is the indelible stain of impeachment, i don't think that is a shining moment for our country, and the only way it is going to be rectified is for the senate to treat this as it should be treated, which is an entirely partisan effort that came from the house, and it deserves an entirely partisan rejoinder from the united states senate. >> laura: i think this whole thing should be rejected out of hand. i wouldn't waste a minute of the taxpayer dollars on this. i wouldn't waste a minute putting on a case -- this thing should just be knocked right out. >> we will have a better clue about that, probably tomorrow, when we see the senate resolution, which is, i think, as mitch mcconnell has said, is likely to model very closely what was done during the quentin impeachment. i think it will have one
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significant difference, and that is, unlike the clinton impeachment, which was a much more extensive record -- >> laura: there was a crime. there was actual crime. there is no crime here. >> and it's a little hard to see how you have a fair trial over a case in which there is not any accusation of a crime, much less evidence of one. >> laura: this is what i'm saying. >> that aside, i don't think you are going see 24 hours a side for the presentation of the initial case. i think it will be about one-third of that, like trying the neighborhood of about eight hours. >> laura: robert, i want to get to something quickly, we have limited time. andy mccarthy wrote a piece in the national review today that caught my eye, talking about how the house basically wants the senate to do its work for it. democrats goal is to pressure the senate to complete the investigation house failed to complete, sniff a trial were nothing more than the extension of an open-ended grand jury probe. a federal judge would tell prosecutors to go back to the grand jury, finish the investigation, and then come back to the trial and have a case ready to be tried, not
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investigated. robert, do you agree? should the senate trial be postponed until the house finishes investigating and stops with a little, suppose it text from the ritz-carlton indiana? >> the house is not wedded -- they are done, right? >> the house is not wedded -- are done, right? they have spoken to articles of d in adam schiff and misquoted the original transcript. the president never said, do me a favor. he said, do us a favor, though.
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meaning the american taxpayer, the american people. she is the house speaker, misstated what was on the call, that in and of itself indicates bad faith or just sheer incompetence or dementia. i don't know which one of those, but i wouldn't take this seriously for one second. it is a fraudulent impeachment, and they should call it a such. they can call it articles of impeachment. if i were the senate, mitch mcconnell, i would say these aren't articles of impeachment. >> laura, you are right, it is of the same piece is what adam schiff did. >> laura: that's what i'm saying. she pulls a schiff. it's a joke. speak with a revisionist look at the conversation. fortunately for everyone, including the presence that states, we have the transcript figure that will be the focus of thbeginning tuesday. >> laura: bad faith. bad faith, bad faith, and not historic at all. historic broad, perhaps. robert, thanks so much. and speaker pelosi announced her picks were impeachment manager
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today, she stress to their seriousness. >> the emphasis is on litigators. the emphasis is on comfort level in the courtroom. the emphasis is making the strongest possible case to protect and defend our constitution, to seek the truth of the american people. >> laura: betsy ross once again. kevin mccarthy said, she picked partisan bomb throwers in congress. they all should recuse themselves. she is trying to sell this impeachment of some kind of an 18 presentation. looks more like -- hakeem jeffries compared preaching trump. adam schiff lighted every turn, most importantly with the transcript. doesn't look like she's trying to convince those sitting on the fence quest mentoring is now, tony sayegh. i hate mood questions.
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what is the mood of the white house? but come on, tell us the mood, and don't spin it. >> laura, we have been consistently confident all along, because the one fundamental and most important fact of the case has not changed. the president has done nothing wrong, and the reason pelosi come after saying they amassed overwhelming evidence during the house hearings, saying the president, and one of the articles, was a real, clear, and present danger to the country. the reason she held it for a month is because she knew, she panicked, that her case was weak there for you are an attorney. if you have a strong case, would you be saying, after closing investigation, wait a minute, we need more witnesses? wait a minute, we need more documents? no matter what you think the qualification of the managers are, the bottom line is they have a fundamentally flawed case, that is meant to be exposed in the senate trial, which we know is going to offer a much more fair process for our white house counsel's office, with pat cipollone and his team, being able to actually tell the president's side of story in a fair, open, transparent way. we feel very strongly in the strength of our case, and we're going to make it in the senate. >> laura: okay, speaking of
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theatrics and mood, the parade of managers walk the articles of impeachment over to the senate. the media covering it, it was like o.j. and the white bronco. here come the articles. this big, black folder. doesn't it look like a funeral dirge for the democrat here come the p articles. this big, black folder. doesn't it look like a funeral dirge for the democrat party? >> well, they are marching the two weakest in the history of : impeachment. >> laura: a funeral dirge playing in the background. it's awake the democrat party. it was a little black casket in front, holding the articles. >> she already marched her carcass off the cliff, laura. whether or not they pay the political consequences of next year, many people have reason to believe they will come as yet to be seen. the reality as it is going to go to the senate, where they are not going to be able to rig the process, so therefore, the only win when i get to rig the process, as they did in the house. >> laura: even cnn wasn't buying the seriousness and the
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thisric nature of all of with the theatrics. watch. >> it was unusual to see that kind of ceremony and heading out the pens and smiling for a picture in this kind of situation. >> i thought that was a little jarring, and certainly off message.n. you are nancy pelosi there, saying this was a sad and tragic day, and then there she is, holding up the pen and having photographs taken. >> laura: i'm surprised they are both still working at cnn tonight after saying that. >> that's finally correct analysis. she also fist pumped today when she was on the house floor, and someone had repeated that donald trump now is impeach forever. >> laura: my other favorite one, bias. >> which reveals what we have known all along, this is a political vendetta. this is not a constitutionally mandated impeachment because the president committed any sort of high crime or misdemeanor.
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this is all born out of an election lost in 2016 and a fear of an election loss in 2020 if they don't try to delegitimize theis a president. the problem is they don't have a case. >> laura: the senate doesn't allow all of the new evidence, new witnesses and text messages and tweets and smoke signals in, then it is just a cover up in the senate. they are already setting up, if mcconnell says no mas, we are not doing this, it's a cover-up. >> they have to delegitimize the process because it will be a lot more fair and they can't rig it. if you want all of these witnesses, you have the power in the house to introduce all of this evidence, in the houses, process. their playing games, and they know it. the bottom line is this was w never designed to lead to a removal of the president. this is designed to politically hurt the president, but it boomeranged around. >> laura: just remember, nancy is praying for you tonight. a prayerful moment for her. >> i feel reassured. >> laura: great to have you ona tonight. thank you so much. the next guest says the senate impeachment push as the dems attempt to disenfranchise trump.
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what does that mean? congressman doug collins explains in moments. plus, now they're accusing the g.o.p. senators, as i just said, engaging now in a massive cover-up. senator rick scott, is he part of it? he will respond.
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>> president trump put his own personal interests above the national interest, above our national security, and if not stopped, he will do it again. the only remedy is the conviction and removal from office of president donald trump. >> laura: yeah, because people here in the uniteded states thik our national security is intimately tied to whether ukraine gets the aid 40 days concurrently, or 40 daysly late.
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that's the linchpin of the whole feature of the united states of america. see how ridiculous these arguments are? the only thing i will be a remedy isic for the democrats humiliating defeat in 2016. joining me now, house judiciary ranking memberli doug collins. congressmen, the senate has likely not follow the ins and outs of the case all that closely. what are theyy about to learn? >> i think they are about to learn that they will get the weakest impeachment articles that have ever been done. they will see a sham process in the house, which rules were overrun, the agenda only to get the president they dislike. they will find out it started in november of 2016. when they will find out that there was nothing here to impeach a president for, and i think when you understand that andd when they see this is all about election in 2020, the only election problem is the democrats trying to throw an election because they have candidates that can'tro win. >> laura: well, now it is lev parnas. this convicted felon, fraudster, he's pulling in michael cohen, wants to get a reduced sentence,
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clearly. some chicken scratch notes, that's going to change. it reminds me of when they kept saying it was bribery, than extortion, than quid pro quo, and none of that happened, because none of it is sticking comes now they have to have parnas in there, but is this something you are worried about? >> not really. their problem is they don't have enough focus groups. they neededd focus groups. extortion is not good, bribery, quid pro quo. >> laura: were they trailing yovanovitch? if so, why was a private citizen -- that was happen -- trailing a u.s. ambassador. it is not against the law, but it certainly doesn't look great. >> the department of justice --s look, bill barr will take care of this. what we are seeing is nothing before. i see it as a weak case, t they throw this weak case, oh, my, shiny object, miracle look over here. this president, they can do nothing. he signs tradede deals, improves our world standing, that is what he does.
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>> laura: he was on with rachel maddow on msnbc, and he saying that barr is in on this. watch. oh, okay, he said -- basically knew what was going on, he knew what was going on with trailing, president trump know exactly what was going on,n, where all y movements, i wouldn't do anything without the consent of giuliani or the president. i've no reason to speak of any, of these officials. that trump was aware, not barr. >> such a deadline to impeach , the president, like the grinch at christmas, why did they have to do the investigation here? it reminds me of my kids when they come home from college, they bring all of their dirty laundry in a bag and say, mom, we fixed the laundry for us? the house did a terrible job of impeachment, and are trying to make the senate do the job for them. in the end, the senators will see through d this. >> laura: when you can't convince people onug the substae of rank: illegality, you have to play up the atmospherics. >> there is a sacramental
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quality to this. there is a ritual. >> i'm so glad chris use the word "ritual." i think there's something religious to it. >> she said he's been impeached forever, they can never u erase that.i >> it's a perfect statement. she is very reverential. >> laura: the throw up his leg -- who said women can't become priests or: pope? it's pope nancy. >> this is sad. a very blatant impeachment that is a partisan impeachment, the people see through this. you fist bump,me hand out pens, everyone get a pen, and you laugh about it, there is no reverential to this.u they hate the idea of this president winning. they hate the idea of losing another election. they can't stand what he has done. >> laura: congressman, the foam poster board of the
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american flag behind nancy, that was -- that took a lot to put that prop together, so i think you are really not giving her her due. w congressman, that was quite a show today. great to see you. thanks for coming in. speaking of t the senate, jerry nadler has a warning for senators who refused to bow the democrats demand for a full trial. >> mitch mcconnell made it clear he didn't want a trial in the senate, that he didn't want to hear from witnesses, didn't want documents. >> if the senate doesn't permit the introduction of relevant witnesses and of all documents that the house wants to introduce because the house is the prosecutor here, then the senate is engaging in anhe unconstitutional and disgusting cover-up. the senate is on trial, as well as the president. >> laura: thanks, jerry. here to respond, republican senator rick scott, who have to sit through this madness. senator, they were supposed to control their house, and let you guys determine your rules, but
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now, you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. >> they ought to just shut up. we don't want it, we're going to dgo through it. all of us should be mad, everyone who voted in 2016, because what they're trying to say, the future of this country, 218 people in the house and 67 people in the f senate can chane 127 million voters. that is what they're trying to do. everybody ought to be mad about this. there is no crime. this is just them trying to change the president because i don't like his tweets, his attitude, or what he is doing. >> laura: it's about time to impeach pelosi and house democrats. i mean, they need to be impeached. their case is fraudulent, their process was completely unfair, lacking in any sense of due process for the president. things kept in secret to the last minute, and now they want to drop new documents.
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are you afraid of this new evidence, lev parnas, they said tonight that president trump knew about all of this. >> no, absolutely not. first off, they have no case. the only person has been transparent is trump, but this november when people go to vote, what heavy democrats done? all they have done is try to impeach a president from day one, and what has trumped on? best economy ever. take care of our military, secure the border, keep us safe. let's remember that. we don't have to impeach him, just beat him in november. >> laura: talk about florida for a moment. florida has become, i think, an incredible state. you and i were talking about it the other day. a lot of people moved to florida, as well, people who might not necessarily be natural ndpublicans.ib how are the republicans going to make that case to the new voters who come in from places like puerto rico, a lot of them angry about hurricane maria, how do you reach out to them? >> you do what i did. you go talk to everybody. i was just in puerto rico last friday. talk to everybody in the state. trump is going to the big win
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and the reason why is the first thing that is most important people is their job. >>th laura: it was close last time. >> but we have -- he has a good economy, something to run on, and he is taking care of the military, and he has defended our freedom. he's trying to get out of forever wars. there is a lot he will be able to run on. the other thing, the rnc, rhonda is doing a great job. i think they'll have a big win this time. >> laura: do you think john roberts, who is going to be sworn in tomorrow as part of the process, do you expect him to take an active role, or will this be presided, ceremonial? >> i think he will preside ceremonial. the senate will make most of the decision from almost allll decision, 51 votes. >> laura: he's never been a trial judge. he was an appellate judge, but never a trial judge. his first one. >> this is going to be interesting. they have no case, it will be interesting to watch. >> laura: great to see you, as always.
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the next guest has known chuck schumer for years and says the minority leader will try toa send the senators on a fishing expedition to distract from the democrats abysmal case. former attorney general jeff sessions joins us next, exclusively. ♪ rock music >> man: so i'm not taking any chances when something happens to it. so when my windshield cracked... my friend recommended safelite autoglass. >> tech: hi, i'm adrian. >> man: thanks for coming. >> tech: oh, no problem. >> tech: check it out. >> man: yeah. they came right to me, with expert service where i needed it. that's service i can trust... no matter what i'm hauling. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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trials, and only one was there. achow do you run a trial with no witnesses and documents, no evidence? >> he can't handle the truth. >> laura: oh, what a tired old line that is. that was chuck schumer on "the view" yesterday, calling for more documents at of the the senate.trial in our next guest served with schumer in the senate for 20 years and knows exactly what tricks the minority leader might try to pull. joining us exclusively, former senator and attorney general jeff sessions. what e sort of chicanery will schumer tried to pull here? >> one thing he will try to do, it's pretty obvious, they know that h when this presentation is made by the managers, it's going to be insufficient, nowhere close to impeachable, and they have to change that narrative, and so their narrative is that some other witnesses that we can call, some other evidence. they been sayingng t that for te plus years. every week, something new and
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explosive is going to be out there. it's time to bring this thing to a conclusion. it's time to bring it forward to the senate and have a vote and decide thisn matter. the american people are not happy. i've traveled all over alabama. i've talked to people in 5,000 miles we traveled in recent weeks. they are hot about this. they think there are other things that need to be done for this countryce that are not beig done, and they are tired of this charade. >> laura: mr. attorney general, here's how the house's: top two impeachment managers reacted to questions about hunter biden testifying. >> anybody like hunter biden, with no information, is not a relevant witness. >> the desire to have hunter biden, for example, this is a desire just to continue the smear campaign that they sought to get the ukrainians to do. hunter biden doesn't have relevant information in this trial. >> laura: should hunter biden be asked to testify?
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>> well, absolutely, if we go to witnesses, he is absolutely relevant to the president's concern that something may have been covered up when the prosecutor in ukraine that was investigating this company was removed. i just think that is inevitable. but the senate is going to have to wrestle with it, they will do as, i think, mcconnell has predicted. they will hear the arguments, see the evidence, and decide if there will be any witnesses. but if there are witnesses, certainly they should be called from both sides. >> laura: now senator, tell us about moderate republican senators, and this desire to be seen as takingng this all seriously, when this was a fraud from day one, from the schiff work with the whistle-blower to the no quid pro quo to the no underlying crime to the hearsay -- all zero. and yet we are supposed to go
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through this nonsense and waste everybody's time and money for another two weeks? and mcconnell can't, you know, get joe manchin and doug jones to come around to the side of good sense here, romney, collins, murkowski? it puzzlesgo me. >> it's time for republicans to toughen up. there is not a impeachment case. this is a terrible, terrible abuse on the awesome impeachment power, and the first time this has ever happened in our history, and itso should not be done, and so the republicans need to think clearly. they need to call it what it is, an abuse of the process, and you are right, they don't need it to give any real credibility, because the evidence is not going to justify this charge, it seems to me, clearly. >> laura: attorney general sessions, this question, let's think chuck schumer knows this
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is going to go down. i mean, that's going to go down in flames. but tells doug jones, if you need to vote against impeachment to help yourself with the voters of alabama, go ahead and do it. with that pose a problem for you? >> no. but i think that chuck schumer will absolutely do that. that's exactly the way he thinks, because it's not going to be enough votes to get in impeachment, for heavens sake,ks and so it makes no difference to him how he cast his ballot, in the end him so he may well tell him just that, but doug jones has supported nancy pelosi's holding back the impeachment articles. he has supported the witnesses, only the witnesses that chuck schumer wants to see called, so i think he has made clear which side he's on. >> laura: yeah. [laughs] transparent. >> he will vote for schumer as the majority leader. >> laura: it's transparent. senator, great to see you. thanks so much for coming on tonight.
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the nonstop slobber fast, we talked about this with nancy pelosi, and might be seriously damaging the democrats in the long run. it's a deadly thing for democrats future. joining me now is dan bongino, former secret service agent and fox news contributor, author of the book "exonerated." how much damage has she done with the ceremonial nonsense? >> i used to say, although i disagree, with pelosi, i thought sheth was strategically smarter than this. i've now abandoned that completely. i don't know what it is. the easy answer is aoc, ilhan omar wing of the party has pulled her left. i'm not sure. i think she genuinely hates the president, too, and it has clouded her judgment. her talking points have been clear the whole time, you've heard it, i've heard it, you heard it on the show tonight. this is a sad and somber moment, and then auctioning the pens on enay later after you sign the impeachment articles?
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i mean, it was so hokey and stupid, and as i tweeted out tonight, listen, i'm a partisan, i'm obviously conservative, it's not a secret, you think this looks cool or edgy, this funeral procession of the articles of impeachment? it was embarrassing. believe me, i get it. i'm a partisan, liberal, but i'm telling in the most nonideological way possible, you look really dopey. >> laura: someone on twitter said it looked like a royal wedding but nobody was there and it didn't have a nice dress. i thought it looked like a funeral procession for the democrat party. we are putting the democrat party, house majority to rest with the impeachment trial. don't you think the republicans should dismiss this? mcconnell should leave arms on the floor if he has to. but they should be dismissed outright. >> listen, you are a litigator, i'm not. i was a business student. i'm not sure anymore. if i was in any way afraid they had anything on the president of the united states at all, anything, i would say, you know
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what, maybe this is bad, republicans need a strategy. they've got nothing! everything is a big nothing burger. the military aid delivered, the ukrainian president saying no deal, and we read the transcript. this is blowing up in their faces. ted cruz may have had a pointhe the other day on this network, maybe yesterday or this morning, when he said listen, let's put this on trial, let it blow up in the president's face, when the president gets exonerated, it's a great talking point in 2020 for how hapless the democrats really are. >> laura: dan, great to see you. thanks so much. up next,ea raymond arroyo takess through the bizarre theatrics from pelosi today, things you thought you saw but you missed. and 2020 democrats last night, oh, boy. don't go away.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: oh, goody, it's time for our "seen and unseen," segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. pelosi marks time on the 2020 democrats are running out of it. joining us now, raymond arroyo. fox news contributor. he noticed something during pelosi's drama today that i didn't much coverage. >> from speaker pelosi's rather rambling impeachment press conference and later on the floor, she seemed obsessed with history and time. >> this is a very important dayy for us, and as you know, i've referenced, our founders and poets and others have used over time, to places in time, to emphasize the importance of time. because everything is about time. thomas paine, these are the times that try men's souls. again and again, even deep in
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our poets, longfellow, listen, my children, and he will hear the midnight ride of paul revere, on the 18th of april in '75, hardly a man is now alive who are members this and year. always about marketing history., using time. ♪ ♪ you will find me ♪ time after time. >> in a fourth of the time since we passed the revolution, and not because of the time, we passed it on december 18th. don't talk to me about my timing. >> i think the word of the day was "time." do you know what this really is? this is like a psychological breakdown. i think she is obsessed with time. nosy one can make heads or tails of it. longfellow and paul revere, the pledge of allegiance, and all of a sudden, time period of time. she is obsessed because she missed used time, she thought time was on her side, and
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holding these articles would give her an upper hand. it bombed. now the polls are turning against her. >> laura: she's trying to say it is her time. it's like the bonnie raitt song, "in the nick of time." she really needs to go with biden to the tapioca bowl, that was a moment. speaking of democrat 2020 candidates, biden was sluggish and confused, and the gaffes were enjoyable. >> ih commuted every single solitary day to wilmington, delaware, over 500 miles a day. excuse me, 250 miles a day. the recovery act, put more money into fossil -- moving away from fossil fuels, to solar and wind energy, never has occurred in the history of america. >> more wind and solar than we've ever had any history of america.
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poor man, he is like the pelosi of the 2020 race. this is not a front-runner. imagine this up against donald int watch them on split screen, trump in wisconsin last night, he owned the room. i don't how joe biden is going to stand up to him, should he make it. cnn made a big deal, elizabeth warren saying that bernie told her a woman cannot win the presidency. >> i think you called me a liar on national tv. >> let's not do it right now. if you want to have that discussion, we will have that discussion. >> you called me a liar. i don't want to get in the middle. i just want to say hi, bernie. >> tom steyer, i just want to say hi bernie, great to see you. what i love about this, what we are seeing here, elizabeth warren's credibility is in the can right now. she has lied about being
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firedag while pregnant, or indian heritage, her child going to public school, now caught in the fourth life. you are seeing the unraveling of this woman, and the narratives crashing. this is going the way of custer's last dance, and c elizabeth warren is not the indian, okay? >> laura: i'm telling you, princess running mouth always gets yourself in trouble. all right, what else? >> that's it. the important thing is this: last night, donald trump owned the room, had drama, humor, i don't know how any of the democratic candidates will compete. >> laura: the media -- >> they were upset. >> laura: they were dispirited. >> how is this party going to beat donald trump? >> well, it's going to be really hard. >> i didn't see anybody on the stage or in the ring that really said i'm taking charge, i can take on donald trump. >> you are looking at this'm thing, you state -- any of these people prepared for what donald trump is going to do for
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us. >> you've got to love >> laura: al sharpton is getting in the race, and van jones is his running mate. final thoughts when we come structured so we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. stand with his people israel
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us hope that you consider to inspire people to this day. >> in a list driver gleason received the gold-medal today for efforts on behalf of all those afflicted with als. that is all-time we have tonight. unpack it all from here. shannon: that is what a true inspiration and a hero looks like. we begin with a fox news alert, pomp and protocol, dramatic showing on capitol hill, democratic impeachment ministers march their resolution over to the senate. democrats warning senators have a better handle this, senator john barrasso, a sham cover up to protect the president is the progressive movement, the feud between senator sanders and warren goes public, wi f


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