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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 18, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PST

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a lot to go, and we will be -- 298 days on monday away from you having the final say. let not your heart be troubled. out. peter navarro here at 10:00 a.m. eastern. here's "the five." >> jesse: hello. i'm jesse waters with kennedy, juan williams, dana perino and greg. 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> take pictures behind a resolute desk. a lot of presidents, some good, some not so good. you have a good one now and they're trying to impeach the son of a bitch. >> jesse: president trump jokes with a baseball team. lev parnas, the guy has serious
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credibility issues. democrats and the media are happy to overlook that. take a look last night. >> the revelations he talked about are block-busters. >> more on the bomb shell. >> this explosive material. >> explosive new interview. >> absolutely explosive. >> jesse: it was so fawning jake tapper was forced to call them out. >> parnas has serious credibility issues. he's under indictment. many say they don't trust a word he's saying. democrats are acting as if this guy is the second coming of theodore roosevelt. >> jesse: and now president trump put together a legal dream team with ken starr, alan dershowitz says he will make a
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constitutional argument against impeachment. greg gutfeld, star witness. lev parnas. a lot of blockbuster revelations. >> greg: he has the stench of avenaeti. this is good news greg. would you like to see good news greg? everybody says i'm too negative. for the media, half the governments that indulge this farce, things have to be good for this country, right? it's not like america is missing these clowns at the capitol or at cnn. why is that? this is the irony. the successful state of the country has enabled this farce to continue. it's like a peacock with his feathers. it's something that he can carry along because he can. so it's a good sign. what i haven't quoted in awhile? >> jesse: scott? >> greg: yeah, scott at dam. >> dana: frank. >> greg: okay. everybody drink. trump has had the best month in
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his administration. he's got two trade deals, he killed the terrorist, got the stock market breaking new records. so what could be behind they? according to adam, trump thrives on competition. the fact is, impeachment is actually making him a better president because he's counter programming with achievements against their constant attacks on him. it's kind of like "the five." "the five" only does great when there's a spark of combat. if we sit around here and agree, the audience gets bored and nobody watches. he's counter programming. the more they impeach him, the better he does. it's great news. they should keep impeaching him. if they keep impeaching him, he will be the greatest president in the history of the universe no juan, can you argue with that? that's logic there. >> juan: it's friday. give him a break. >> greg: fry is high day. >> juan: why is that? high day? i don't know what he's talking about. all right. you're going to have a drink after the show.
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put it that way. >> kennedy: after? what? >> juan: already started. it's 5:00 somewhere. i think lev parnas has lots of reason to doubt him. he's under indictment. he looks like a criminal. yeah, you should doubt him and he may be trying to get a better deal. i can't understand why his lawyers would have him on tv given that he's under indictment and he should be talking to the prosecutors. i will say that this is an opportunity given what he's saying for people to try to corroborate, to look into exactly is there any basis for the kinds of things that he is alleging took place about especially the president's involvement, the president lying stands out, the possible attack on -- led by the president against a u.s. ambassador -- >> jesse: would you see greg's point that it's been a spectacular month for the president in terms of accomplishment on trade and terror and the economic side of the thing? >> juan: he's had some legitimate accomplishments. >> jesse: it's pretty good, juan. >> juan: oh, america is doing
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great. life always gets better, but the fact that we have -- >> greg: a republican. >> juan: yeah. look at bill clinton's economy. barack obama, what a lovely president. >> greg: we were able to endure clinton's escapades in the oval office. >> juan: this speaks to who we are as an american people. this is chaotic, i think it's at times bullying and bad examples for us all and racist at times. >> jesse: a lot of people think it's entertaining fun. kennedy? >> juan: is that the best you can do? >> jesse: i have more where that came from. kennedy, what did you think about the media saying that this guy is going to be the silver bullet and this is the guy that will finally take down trump? just like we had cohen and meller. lev is the guy. >> kennedy: parnas is eating his words. they said he corrected the record and said i didn't meet
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with the president at the white house dinner. my bad. but i know the news cycle is very quick. i know we go through these stories so quickly. we have completely forgotten about world war iii that we're supposed to be in the middle of. we don't have this global instability. we're talking about this guy. the news cycle is so quick. your memory has to be longer than that and remember that people like -- there with pundits and anchors on msnbc and cnn that were laughably pushing micha michael avenaeti for president. so i don't know why -- if the president of a corrupt country
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like ukraine is saying this parnas guy, don't believe a word out of his mouth. if he's saying that, i would exercise a little more skepticism. >> juan: wouldn't you say this is a reason to call witnesses? >> yeah. that way, juan -- >> jesse: where is hunter? >> juan: you can call bernie off the campaign trail till nevada. >> kennedy: hold on. >> jesse: i'll see you lev parnas and raise you the whistle-blower and hunter biden. and it seems like msnbc are trying to shame republicans to doing what they want. here's joe scarborough. >> lindsey doesn't want a fair trial. history will treat these politicians very badly. if you're retiring, you can actually -- you have the luxury or if you're mitt romney, you have the luxury saying hey, i'm going to do what is right and the american people want to hear all the evidence.
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>> jesse: like the brady bunch up there. >> dana: they don't get along as well. >> jesse: what do you think about the shame game? >> kennedy: one of the games as impeachment got started is to go back to any of the politicians in office during the clinton impeachment and play the things that they said then and the things they're saying now and how you can basically switch them. the reason for that is that it is a political exercise. both sides do it. think of the people today who are all about me too and they were the ones defending bill clinton back then. now with trump. people that might have said something different in 1999 saying something now. lindsey graham is one of those people. but here's the reason. it's not about a jury trial. this is an impeachment and we know impeachment is a political exercise. so the media wants the republicans back in the clinton impeachment the same with the republicans saying how could you possibly -- like this is
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disgusting. this is horrible. they tried to shame them into thinking that. now democrats are trying to do that to republicans and evangelicals. you say you're for all of these things. they seem so indignant. in eight years from now if we're covering an impeachment of a democrat which we might because they're just lowering the bar for impeachment so much, you'll see the same switch-a-roo. >> jesse: it's hard to shame politicians because they have no shame. >> greg: it's going to be hard to impeach west, kanye. >> jesse: kanye west. >> juan: i was looking for batman. >> jesse: coming up, disgraced former fbi director james comey could be in serious trouble. we'll tell you why next. ♪ he's a systems quarterback. where's the truck? what? parked it right there. male voice: what did i tell you, boys? tonight we eat like kings! (chuckling) you're a genius, gordon!
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>> dana: more trouble could be coming for james comey. investigators are investigating whether he leaked classified information to the media. again, "the new york times" prosecutors are scrutinizing at least two news articles about the fbi and comey that published back in 2017. they mentioned a secret russian intelligence document, paid to have -- said to have played a key role in comey's unilateral announcement to close the clinton private server investigation. so what a tangled web we continue to weave. there seems to be, juan, james comey keeps coming up over and over again. >> juan: you think this is payback? a little back stabbing? the tail here is, they had to go back to 2017. this is nothing contemporary. they're looking to get james comey. >> kennedy: he wasn't an fbi
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director after 2017. >> juan: he wasn't. >> kennedy: he was fired in 2017. >> juan: if there was something done wrong then, you'd do it in line with the timing -- >> kennedy: that's what i say about elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. >> juan: now they're going against andrew mccabe. this is about bill barr -- dana and i have argued about this. he had a good record under president bush. bring him back. a guy seen as highly credible. he's become president trump's thuggish attorney general. >> greg: thuggish? >> jesse: i remember when eric holder said he was obama's wingman. that didn't get any flak. i just think bill bar is a straight shooter. here's what happened with comey. he gets dooped by fake russia news and then leaks the fake russia news he got dooped by and now being investigated for it. this with the clinton e-mail investigation, which he botched. then he botches the trump russia investigation the same way, by
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getting dooped by fake news, a.k.a. the dossier. he putted together this team of rogue agents that lie to the fisa court to spy on the trump campaign. that's why people hate mccabe and james comey. >> juan: that's what's going on. >> jesse: and then they get multimillion book contracts and fat contracts at cnn. trump was right and comey was wrong. there was no collusion. he had every reason to fire james comey. i'm just putting a little context. here's the context. he's a dangerous dude. he mishandled two highly sensitive fbi investigations. first the clinton investigation. she deleted 30,000 e-mails under subpoena. if he had done his job, bernie would have been the nominee. and then he frames trump for collusion. basically cost the republicans the mid-term elections. he's interfered in our elections more than the russians if you look at it honestly. >> juan: you think the democrats
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have an issue with that? >> jesse: him more than trump. he has bad instincts. every time you call him out it, he puts out this boy scout routine. >> greg: he's a dirty cop. >> kennedy: he's not a cop. that's why law enforcement. it's never about him. it's about the people in the fbi. people under him, federal law enforcement has suffered. their reputation has suffered. he allowed that and andrew mccabe allowed that. the fact that he was like a dirty lawyer nefariously leaking stuff, "the new york times" and "the washington post," then he admitted, he said that was this impetus for the mueller investigation. he knew that would happen. >> juan: this is a witch hunt. >> jesse: oh, witch hunt. >> juan: you don't like -- >> jesse: i may not like james comey. >> juan: why are you going back in time to go after this guy? >> kennedy: those are the facts that bolster the case that he
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had a screw loose and he's a bad person. he's a bad person with so much power, he could use the entire apparatus at his disposal to spy on a political campaign. >> dana: and the fbi is trying to rehabilitate their reputation. a state bureau chief would have been fired for the same thing. >> greg: i'd like to use some history to help everybody out. remember back in the 90s, there was a tv show called "friends." a popular show. remember how disappointed you were when you sit down to watch "friends" and the episode would be and phoebe? it's like i don't really care about her. comey is the phoebe of american politi politics. he's always in the background. >> jesse: you wanted to hear about ross. >> dana: and rachel. >> kennedy: and joey. funny people. i feel like when he comes on, i feel like i'm watching episode 2 of series 3. i've gone through it. we know they all do i in the
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last season. >> jesse: i didn't know that. >> greg: comey got famous. he should be a spokesman for a product, something like depends. and when you really need to stop a leak. it's very comfortable. be sitting there. >> dana: that would be a good one. >> greg: flex seal is a great one. why not? lactade. >> dana: or the other one, an infomercial. the other one. >> juan: the new light bulbs -- >> dana: cnn furious with republican martha mcsally over what he said to a reporter next. we'll tell you next. i remember thinking about things i did
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>> juan: it's a media uproar over an exchange with a cnn reporter and martha mcsally. >> should the senate consider new evidence as part of the impeachment trial? >> you're a liberal hack. i'm not talking to you. >> you're not going to comment? >> juan: after mcsally said that, cnn hosts raced to defend their colleague. look at, this. >> it was disgusting, awful. she should know better. >> nobody has reached out to apologize, have they? >> no. >> this question was obvious. so was the dodge and the disrespect. it's textbook trump. she acted like a punk. >> juan: whoa! here's senator mcsally responding. >> i'm a fighter pilot. you know? i called it like it is. that's what we see out of the mainstream media especially cnn every day.
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so obviously i'm going to tell the truth. the democrat senators walk by and they say hi, how are you today and chase after the republicans. i mean, it's honestly ridiculous. >> juan: she can have a problem with cnn but i don't think that reporter's opinion -- that's not joe scarborough. so i thought it was over the top. they certainly responded. you have to have thick skin if you're a reporter, powerful people won't like you if you're reporting the news. dana, you have a lot of experience with news and being on either side of that fence. >> dana: you should have seen what i used to call reporters behind their backs. i'm kidding. so okay. couple things. manu raju is a very good reporter. he's always there along with chad pergram, mike emanuel walking the halls. >> greg: i hate those guys. >> dana: trying to do that job. it never works out if you're the story as a reporter.
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people will make it to how you're pushed by the other guy. so i wouldn't have done the whole thing at cnn. ignore it. let -- he's going to have to go back to the capitol every day and do his job. why blow it up and demand apologies? that i didn't think was right. however, the united states senators who are paid by the taxpayers who are answererable to their constituents and through the press, i don't think -- didn't seem like her to me. maybe she's had it. i get it. she's a fighter pilot and a tough race in arizona. she got a lot of atta girls from people from the right and that's one of the things that she was thinking. >> juan: jesse? >> jesse: you know, juan, i don't engage in name-calling. i don't like to bash the media. so i'm not going to -- no. i think you're right. i think all of these senators talk trash about reporters. they don't do it to their face. she did it to his face and all
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hell broke loose. then i thought to myself, how many times have senators and congressmen on the left said nasty stuff about us at fox news? they have called us lunatics, hacks, conspiracy theorists. things a lot worse. a lot of people -- >> greg: and then the inaccurate stuff. [laughter] >> jesse: you know, we don't go around and cry and put out press releases. >> dana: and go on hannity shows. >> jesse: we would never act like that. when you're called names like that. but listen, he's not a hack but he's a liberal. he goes around and asks questions from a liberal perspective. he doesn't have chuck schumer where is hunter. he asks mcsally, do you through we should call witnesses? that's his job. >> dana: they have to answer on tuesday. >> jesse: they're answering questions from the democratic perspective. >> dana: maybe they have beats. maybe they have an issue. maybe he said something and she continued to carry it. he knows and every reporter that works in that gaggle knows that
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you have to have an explosive bite in order to get on. they do that all day long. they chase people around and every interaction doesn't get on. something like that is. it's lonely and tough especially when other people gang up on you. it's a win-win for everyone. >> jesse: you think this is good for manu? >> it's good. his friends at cnn get to cry and how dare they! they act so offended. people in arizona are like i didn't know she had it in her. good for her. probably have the same level of frustration. i've seen joe biden be so disrespectful to peter doocy. i think sometimes peter doocy asks questions and he knows the vice president will get upset with him. >> jesse: but if joe puts one finger on one hair of peter doocy's beautiful head, he has to answer to me. >> juan: really? what about his father? his dad -- okay. let's look at laura ingraham asks senator mcsally the same
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question. >> what about manu raju's questions? >> i want a fair trial. >> you can call me a conservative hack? do you want witnesses? >> because we're going to vote to start the trial and let them present -- >> juan: wow. i guess laura is a conservative hack if manu is a liberal hack. >> greg: avoided the obvious here. this is a network that has pushed a three-year hoax. so everybody on the other side is like i'm tired of this crap. they push the most anti-law enforcement narrative i've ever seen on tv before trump was in office. there's a bias about dividing america. i do hope that manu gets the medical help that he needs for this grievous injury. do they have a therapy llama to keep him company? i hope he's all right. i think the word hack is not a good word. it's a lazy word.
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i don't think he's a hack. there's better words to come up with. it's incredibly healthy for people in this world to view the press the same way that they look at pyramid schemes. the only way the press can maintain power is to get you to believe in their story. the sooner you realize that, the healthier you are. so the more antagonism to the media there is, the better i feel. i'm saying this to somebody in the media. i loathe the media. >> juan: i notice -- >> dana: self-loathing. >> juan: another media controversy brewing over this new york times op-ed headline megan mccain has a problem "the view" has a problem with megan mccain. the piece says "for some viewers, mrs. mccain is the privileged product of nepotism and the american military industrial complex." mrs. mccain reresponding on twitter, if "the new york times" wants to understand the country, maybe they should try having one room on the room that doesn't
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accept their room think on banning guns and abortion. ladies? >> greg: are you referring to me? >> juan: i wouldn't do that. >> kennedy: megan has worked hard. she worked the media a long time. she's put her time in. the reason people talk about her is because she researches her topics and challenges people that otherwise conservative journalists wouldn't have access to. you know, i think there are disloyal people that work at her show that have personal agendas and they're servicing their own careers and the media by planting these stories. i think it's a bad look not only for "the view" but for abc and they need to clean up their culture. >> dana: has any show ever had this sustained amount of disarray and disgruntlement? for years, before megan mccain got there -- >> greg: what about this show? >> dana: it's different. we laugh about it.
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>> greg: we love and we laugh. >> jesse: what kills me about this story, they published this articles. it was like a crank letter. somebody writes to fox. those girls on tv at "the five," their skirts are too short and greg gutfeld uses bad language. i'm turning awful the set. it's a crank letter. the "new york times" published a crank letter because friends in high places, right? somebody in high places is friends with them at the time. there's no way that would have been published -- >> dana: how about these people like -- surprised at how many reporters watch "the view" and write about it every day. >> greg: they're home then. >> dana: and again -- >> kennedy: lock it up. have loyalty for where you work. the organization and the show. >> greg: i wrote a big piece on jesse anonymously. it's coming out next week.
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>> juan: jesse, give me your take. how about is it conservative versus conservative? >> jesse: she does a good job. she's like the juan williams of "the view." she gets paid well to be the lone voice and gets paid well to take a beating. you know, her name is mccain. that opens doors. just like hunter biden's name opened doors in ukraine. one person's very talented without the last name and one is not. one gets everything, hunter, because of who he is. she can stand on her own. >> juan: you think got a thing going for hunter today? >> greg: where is he, juan? >> juan: stay there. the fastest self, friday fun coming out for you next on "the five." ♪
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the white house today. it's what happened after the big football game that is getting the attention. there's an arrest warrant out for nfl start o.b.j. after he did this in the locker room. he's spanked his bottom. the fan wanted to punch him in the face but kept his cool. jesse? >> jesse: he shouldn't have been slapping the cop around like that. the cop shouldn't be cracking down on championing smoking cigars. get the cops out of there. >> greg: that was a stripper. >> kennedy: where was the boom box? >> jesse: that should be o'dell's defense. don't cops dress up as
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strippers? >> kennedy: we did this at the mtv house one time. they thought the cops were there to arrest a woman and she was like -- you won the national championship. smoke your cigars. >> dana: there's plenty of other things happening in new orleans where you need officer's attention smoking cigars. i can't imagine how much smoke was in there. probably would have to leave. >> juan: that's my feeling. a lot of things going on in the locker room. profanity, ass smacking. >> kennedy: what? >> juan: if you're in a locker room in this era, be aware of cameras and cell phones. i guess you have to be aware, jesse, of police. i've never been in a locker room where there's been police. but i don't think this is -- so he smacks the guy. he didn't smack him in the face. it was his rear end. how many guys are whipping
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towels. >> jesse: he was saying good game. >> dana: that's his defense. >> kennedy: all right. up next, we've seen standing desks and treadmill desks -- bret baier has one -- and the ball chairs. behold the lie-down desk. lets you work while flat on your back. you lie down. costs over $7,000. do you have one, greg? >> greg: working horizontally? isn't that what the mustang ranch is for? you kids don't understand. i'm sick and tired of people making light of normal sitting. we're made to sit, okay? when i walk by my co-workers standing, i kick their legs out. i kick their legs out and they fall down and rithe in pain. they're putting big chair out of business. >> jesse: you have a lot of
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money in big chair? >> greg: my 401(k) is big chair. >> kennedy: is it a placebo effect. >> dana: it's like the weighted blanket craze. everybody thought they needed a weighted blanket to go to sleep. you don't need it. you're going to get letters. >> dana: i got a balanced board to be standing on at my standing desk. >> jesse: a balance board? >> dana: yeah. >> greg: oh, my gosh. >> kennedy: and i know somebody that has a hover board. >> greg: i sit in a vat of hot oil. >> kennedy: might explain your mood. >> dana: bret baier has what? >> juan: a tread mill desk. >> kennedy: he can clock like six miles a day. >> juan: the cost of that thing. >> dana: $10,000. >> juan: you can get a peloton. you can buy like three for this
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thing. what is this about? an indulgence? it's not about work. >> kennedy: yes. you remember the movie "wally" where people are so fat in the future. they glide around in the chairs because they can't stand up and eat out of cups? we're turning into wallies. we're so lazy that we can't be bothered to sit up. i must reclean. >> dana: might help your back. >> kennedy: or front. have you been sick with the flu this season? our booming economy may be to blame. researchers say job growth is bringing more people into the workplace and that could increase the spread of the virus. greg, you've always said you like to be the infector monkey. >> greg: yes. the same philosophy about zombies. like why are you scared of zombies? become one and people are scared of you, right? this study is wrong. it's because of the holidays. the holidays cause the flu because people are on planes and with the good economy, they're
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flying more. so everybody is -- like my wife and i, we got the flu coming back from your damn wedding. i was in bed for six days because of you. >> kennedy: but you lost weight. you look great. >> jesse: you were late for the wedding, greg. i still does have a gift, by the way. was my gift your presence at the wedding? >> kennedy: yes. >> juan: the bigger problem is people that don't get the flu shot. >> greg: that is true. >> juan: this is like all right, people going to get the flu. but why we have an -- so many people are like oh, i don't get the flu shot. get the flu shot, will you? >> dana: it's true. the economy is good. planes a packed. people are traveling for business or fun. and that's -- it spreads so be careful. take care of yourself. >> jesse: dana, they're blaming trump for the flu. the economy is so good. >> dana: turn it around and say it's a great sign that there's the flu because president trump
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has given us as the greatest economy so now we can have more flu. it's fabulous. that's how you turn it around. >> kennedy: don't go anywhere. fan mail friday is next. ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) once-weekly ozempic® is helping many people with type 2 diabetes like james lower their blood sugar. a majority of adults who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. here's your a1c. oh! my a1c is under 7! (announcer) and you may lose weight. adults who took ozempic® lost on average up to 12 pounds. i lost almost 12 pounds! oh! (announcer) ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. there's no increased risk. oh! and i only have to take it once a week. oh! ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not share needles or pens. don't reuse needles. do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer,
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multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to ozempic®. stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your doctor if you have diabetic retinopathy or vision changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. once-weekly ozempic® is helping me reach my blood sugar goal. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) you may pay as little as $25 per prescription. ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. you can talk to animals? yes. -woo hoo! we just belong together. welcome aboard.
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what kind of polar bear works on their tan? well, wait are you even a bird? what bird stuff can you do? well what bear stuff can you do? [ roar ] you win this round. what's the worse that can happen? i'm too beautiful to die. step away from the light. ah, there is no light i'm alive!
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>> greg: i love styx. it's fan mail friday. answer your questions from christine s. if you film your own commercial for the super bowl, what item would it be for, jesse? >> jesse: probably that lay-down chair. i'd probably have a sponsorship with the lay-down cheer. you can fake sleeping when you're supposed to be working. that's what that is about for a small price together of 7 gs. >> greg: dana? >> dana: healthy dog food. maybe i could get it free. >> greg: working the dana angle. juan? >> jesse: that's what they say? >> greg: that's what they say. >> juan: so i can think of three categories. beer. beer has to be big. snack food. that has to be big. cars. >> greg: yeah. >> juan: i think i would pick snack food. i like doritos, fritos.
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>> greg: human toes. i have a whole jar in the basement. that era when i used to pick up drifters. kennedy? >> kennedy: i would like to sell hot freedom. it's a full body rub. just rub it all over your body. all of a sudden you love the constitution of these united states of america. >> greg: i would sell a combination my pillow, tommy john underwear. its underwear that you can use as a pillow or a pillow that you can wear as underwear i'm brilliant. >> jesse: make it gold. >> juan: no, no. silver. >> greg: and you can keep it in your safe. all right. what's in your safe? when is the one thing that you're embarrassingly bad at, dana? >> dana: i don't know. >> jesse: pretend like you can't think of something. come on, dana. >> dana: i'm bad at all sorts of things. probably have to say sports, probably. >> greg: okay. sports. >> dana: yeah.
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>> jesse: i'm a bad singer. >> dana: i'm a terrible singer. >> jesse: you can't have mine. like in church, i'm so meek in church, the minute i say one thing, people look around. that's why i don't go to church. >> greg: that's true. i stopped going to church because i didn't like the singing part. i also don't like the handshaking thing. i don't want to shake -- >> dana: but the economy is great. you can get the flu. >> greg: kennedy? >> kennedy: i'm bad at acting. the creator of "csi new york" is like i wrote a part for you. come read it. i said no. you're really bad. we can't give it to you. >> greg: juan? >> juan: we go to the beach. all the guys go out in the ocean. we try to do hand stands. i'll try and try and try and flip and flop and the waive comes and knocks me down again. >> jesse: flip-flop all the time on this show. >> kennedy: i'm bad at saying no. >> jesse: hold him under water. >> greg: you're bad at saying
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no? >> kennedy: yeah. >> greg: like the title of a cautionary tale for teenage girls. bad at saying no. the story of little dora or whatever. i didn't think about it. i can't act. i can't act. you know -- you can't -- i can't -- >> jesse: i've seen the g.g. show that's not acting? >> greg: i cannot write fiction. i don't take myself seriously. >> dana: scott adams writes fiction. >> greg: that's true. one more thing is next. ♪ i wanted my hepatitis c gone. i put off treating mine. epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. i just found out about mine. i knew for years epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate. i had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage.
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most insured patients pay $0. ♪ >> time now for "one more thing." as a anybody ever had a hole-in-one? maybe minigolf but not really? okay. american express classic, this year a guy with one arm does it. he's an amateur, hole-in-one from 151 feet, and the cup. unbelievable. five under par after first round. we will follow it over the weekend. also this weekend, "waters world" at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. we have the son of the president, one of the sons, what they call a first family member. >> what was that about?
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>> not every trump is related to the president. i was trying to explain it. who knows who's watching. greg? >> that was a hole-in-one. all right tomorrow, "the greg gutfeld show," 10:00 p.m. saturday january 18, 10:00 p.m. watch it or i will hate you. let's do one of these. ♪ ♪ animals are great, animals are great ♪ >> you know what, i hate the ocean, and you should hate the ocean, too. the ocean is evil and everything it is evil and wet. it's hard to stand on a boat unless you have sea legs. check out maggie the welsh tell terrier who has the most impressive sea legs we've ever seen. that's like me walking home from the bar. just kidding, i never walk home.
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i have a driver on standby to take me to every bar. [laughs] >> we have a friend, country music star in nashville, and she has a song out called" cool girl." took it out. musical ♪ we could dance around around this thing but here's the thing, i ain't trying to be the cool girl ♪ >> you can get that anywhere you get music from. that's "cool girl" by julian cardarelli. >> that's a good song. >> you know i don't do this very often but, it's friday. happy birthday betty white, the famous actress turns 98 today. she got her start on radio but she's been a tv star since the late 40s and appeared on game
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shows and sitcoms. but you know her best from "golden girls." >> you are not going to believe this but i have a single story about this. >> do you know that she won a daytime emmy for posting game shows? happy birthday to betty white who is one of hollywood's best known animal rights activists. we look forward to celebrating our 100th, betty. >> she knows that animals are great. >> you know, we dated for a while. in the 90s. her 90s. [laughter] >> today marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of prohibition. so i went to an authentic original speakeasy that operated during prohibition right here in new york city. take a look. >> the interesting thing about prohibition time, people think mythology was all about taste and that's where recipes came from.
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no. recipes came from the fact to discolor a drink. >> get out, really? so like a sloe gin fizz or brandy alexander which is like a cream based cognac drink, they would think you're just having some chocolate milk? >> desperate times, desperate measures. >> you can see the full video on twitter. when have you seen me without a hat in civilian attire? i always wear a hat. >> that's true. >> i don't think we should celebrate prohibition. i don't think we should have anniversaries commemorating it. >> you know what, jesse?
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♪ turn on the radio. ♪ i need some music, give me some more. ♪ it mighmore. it may be thee i've ever heard autograph on the show. they asked for a play list. i had to go to the '80s, back to high school. >> this is your pick. >> of course. >> on the weekend, we play dj at the top of the hour. as our special guest, we have jason chavitz, playing the hits. >> you want to get going i


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