tv Hannity FOX News January 23, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> tucker: it's the mustache. thanks, geraldo. we are done, unfortunately. we are back though tomorrow night 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. stay with fox. sean hannity next. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." we began tonight a fox news alert. we begin with major breaking news. we were right yet again. look at this. in a letter to the fisa court, the department of justice admitted that at least two of their applications against trump campaign associate carter page lacked probable cause and that the surveillance of page should not have continued. a stunning admission of guilt that they admitted. not only the rights were trampled, but that means all of the spying, yeah, that was happening too. we first will have all the details coming up. at this hour, yep, the liar from
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california is continuing to hoist himself on "we the american people." here it is. 9:00 p.m. in the d.c. swamp, 6:00 p.m. out on the west coast and the schiff sham show is still going on. hours and hours of mindless endless repetition, babbling. here's what we learned today. nothing. we've learned absolutely nothi nothing. zero new revelation. none. no new argument. zero. no new developments whatsoever. it's the exact same schumer schiff sham show over and over. now, here's what's getting interesting. it's actually, in a weird way, and we will do all the watching for you so you don't have to suffer. what's remarkable about this is now they are running out of things to say. so, what do they do?
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after repeating themselves endlessly, because there is nothing new to add, well, then they went back. member they had hearsay witnesses and opinion witnesses? they are pulling back some of the old testimony from the opinion witnesses like the harvard law professor. that guy. he once wrote that president trump should be impeached for tweeting out the phrase "fake news." he was brought back today. they rehashed old statements from all of the hearsay opinions, not in, nonrelevant witnesses, all of the political disagreements. they got so desperate to fill in the time. they even went back and read for the mueller report, the one that vindicated president trump. now, i've been in talk radio for 31 years. i love my home, my fox home year, my 24th year. all these years, i was a kid listening, grew up listening to the pioneers of talk radio,
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barry gray, jean burns, jerry williams, dave an, all these amazing people. i would listen constantly. they would say, turn the radio off. i would say, okay. i will go back in the room and turn it on again. when a new host, for example, you hear it, but you are compelled to listen. you will hear hosts, light, all of a sudden, here's the number. then, three seconds later, here's the number. they are struggling. it's painful to listen to. we've heard it many times. matter of fact, it actually happened to one guy that we don't like on the show, alec baldwin. this turns out to be the greatest radio take, not on purpose. he was trying out, he has tried out twice for a radio show. he walked out of one show. then, he went to my affiliate in
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philadelphia, wp hd. we have the tape. this is all real. we are not making this up. the best radio in the history of radio. listen. >> when can we take some calls? >> yet, whenever you want. >> do we have calls now customer >> no cause yet. >> what number to people call to get on the air? do remember? >> do i have the call number in front of me? oh, i'm so sorry. that's interesting. no calls. let's read some more about scientology. is sean hannity a scientologist? do we have any calls customer >> none. spike dominic >> boy, is just incredible >> tucker: he had to call his mother, because no one called. it's painful, but in a sick way, you don't stop. oh, my gosh, this person is desperate. that's what makes it so bad. it's that good. i've got to tip my hat to alec baldwin. his career in radio was not
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successful. democrats, they have run out of things to say. they don't know what to do. they've got another whole day. and now, mindlessly, just repeating themselves like a broken record. take a look. >> today, we will go through article one, the constitutional underpinnings of abuse of power. we will show that president trump abused his power. abuse of power. >> president trump had the motive, the opportunity, and the means to commit this abuse of power. >> abuse of power. abuse. >> president trump abuse of power. >> the abuse of power. >> the abuse of power. >> the president abused the power of his office and execut executed. >> power. >> power. >> power. >> tucker: they could say abuse of power all they want. it doesn't make it true.
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it doesn't even make it impeachable. but remember, the u.s. constitution requires, oh, bribery, high crimes, misdemeanor, treason. he is compromised in the case. adam schiff. well, he doesn't really care about the constitution. he is actually losing it. this psychotic rage delusions, i think he believes he is like super patriot buttigieg. he is protecting the country from an eminent threat and he warned us, a russian invasion. take a look. >> the united states aids ukraine so that we can fight rush over there and we don't have to fight russia here. >> sean: that's right. this is about russia. this whole thing is a russia collusion hoax. forget the four separate
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investigations. they found zero evidence, including the muelle mueller. it's a pathetically embarrassing testimony. she was clinton's attorney and work for him. forget schiff, the congenital liar. forget all logic and reason. take on spectacular hypocrisy by ignoring quid pro quo jo ann zero experience hunter. forget that the two sham articles of impeachment have nothing to do with russia or a quit or april or a quote. according to the lunatics, they are all saying it. take a look. >> president trump's campaign. >> the russians. >> the president wasn't pushing talking points.
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>> russian propaganda. >> russians. >> vladimir putin. >> he believes it is russian propaganda against the united states and all of his advisors to confront russian aggression. >> russian's confidence sadly is growing. >> sean: great, he won everyone. he warned everyone in 2015. nobody listened to devin nunes. read their investigative report. but, now, back to russia. are you shocked? the democrats appointed their top russian conspiracy theorist, that guy. adam schiff, the congenital liar. i can't keep a straight face. the same nasty degenerate, lying tthrough his beady little eyes ever since he slivered into the swamp. he is the biggest con man there. for three years, he had
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top-secret more than circumstantial evidence. the same lunatic lied about fisa abuse. oh, i wish we could talk to him. yeah, they did. he lied about trump-zelinsky. made it up. he lied about so-called "evidence." the same guy, the only one in the country, and this is like divine justice. this is the boomerang of all boomerangs. the only person that was caught on tape talking to a russian, i think it was a russian official, caught colluding with a russian to get dirt on trump to effect the election. >> she brought him one hour russian girl, also known as a person with a strange reputation. >> how do you spell her name? >> olga.
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there were pictures of naked trump. >> so, putin was made aware of the abilit availability of the compromising material. thank you very much. we will be back in touch to make arrangements to obtain these materials for our committee and the fbi. i appreciate your reaching out to us. >> sean: compromising materials. what's the nature of the compromise? does vladimir know? compromising material. that's almost as good as the baldwin tape. toss up, right? without a doubt, the congenital liar, compromised corrupt adam schiff is like the perfect mascot for just how ugly, radical, dishonest this "do-nothing" democratic party is going. you are the final juror. oh, thank goodness. the american people get to weigh in on this.
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you get to shock the world again. i hope you do. his elaborate publicity stunt in the senate is a disaster. how do we know? fully, to all of you reading this every day, you made us number one on cable news by far again last night. thank you. we can't do it without you. the tv ratings are horrific. abc, cbs, nbc. abc and cbs, 1.2 million total viewers. that is an unmitigated disaster with less than 300,000. but they are sticking with the regular scheduled program during prime time. of course, they don't want to lose any more money. earlier, "cbs news," they cut their impeachment coverage short to run the su soap operas. american people are turning out loudly. they aren't even watching rachel maddow's area 51 conspiracy channel. you would think, oh, my gosh,
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it's impeachment. most people know how this ends. that's why. lawmakers are witnessing the schumer-schiff sham show. lawmakers are struggling to stay awake. this is warren, caught playing a game on a piece of paper. area 51 conspiracy theorist, rachel maddow and her panel of conspiracy theorists, they are angry. they are pleading now, big and the democrats, their friends in the senate, please pay attention. fake it. fake enthusiasm for the sake of the country, fake it. she's been lying to her viewers for three years just like the congenital liar. first, there was russia collusion, the hopes. now, she's filling her viewer's heads with these far-fetched fantasies about trump in ukraine. more lies, more propaganda, more false hope, and our viewers are
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about to be let down spectacularly all over again. they are obsessed. by the way, there are some guys on fake news cnn. humpty dumpty and his, i don't know, humpty dumpty want to be, some guy nam named oliver. we have been right every step of the way. they should report that. i could cut through all of the and tell you the truth. this is hurting the country. funny, but serious. we know how this ends. we know the president will be acquitted. they are helping him. at this hour, 45 republicans are ready to dismiss all these stupid charges by doing some pretty basic math. that means there are not anywhere near the 67 votes that would be required to convict. just five more votes, the charade will immediately come to an end. now, the democrats, they have managed to -- that would be senator lisa makowski.
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opening up oil helps her state. she's angry, rightfully so. the house impeachment manager has accused the senate of a cover-up. you have senators. there are a few weak republican senators that are probably still wavering. you need to let your senator know how you feel about their decision there, that they should not be validating what has been a corrupt unconstitutional crisis that they are putting this country through an ordeal. it is hurting the country. this is a farce, it's all politics. they have hated donald trump and that's all they've done every second, minute, hour of every 24-hour day for three long years. no crimes, no misdemeanors, no bribery, no treason. the houston and even bother to subpoena the witnesses that they are saying the senate must subpoena. you go to the judicial branch and you say, executive
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privilege, which can be traced back to george washington, you would be destroying the power of the presidency and spinning on the constitution. act serious. and it's clear that the schume schumer-schiff sham show is nothing but revenge. they have been dreaming about impeachment since 2016. washingto19 minutes, this insane political stunt they have put this country through for three years is long enough. how about working for the people of this country. you are supposed to be public servants. this has got to end. the american people, you get to shock the world. in 285 days, you will be the ultimate jury. i hope you shock the world again and you don't reward what they've done to this country for
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three years. as we speak, we are watching the tale of two coamericans here. you've got the president, racking up in the last week and a half, one major a compliment after another. look at these accomplishments. record breaking new trade deals, $220 billion with china. farmers, manufacturers, autoworkers, energy sector, service sector, japan, europe, canada. a couple great years "record laurel on employment every demographic. what have the republican don mie to improve the lives of anybody? nothing. they have not done a thing. here is harvard law professor, ray, we will start u
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tonight. we give a lot of time to him. don't diss on him. the part of this that makes me angry is that they are hurting the country. the other part of it, to be honest, it's just pure entertainment. i've had a lot of fun with this every night. it keeps going, but it's not enough of the country. explain in your own words what you think. >> sean, it didn't have to be this way or even at all, and the point that you have made about what has transpired so far is an awful lot of repetition, which, you know, just because you continue to repeat it, doesn't mean that it gets any better. in fact, usually, as a trial lawyer, i have found that that sort of repetition makes things worse. i hope that through this trial, when the president's team gets the defense case, that the american people will tune in. we will try to be much more efficient and not waste to the
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american people's time to present a defense, because the president of the united states deserves to be heard, and you are correct. the most important thing here is that we will all be judged at the end in the eyes of history as to whether we acted in the best interest of the country. >> people called me today all day and said, how come the defense team is rejecting all of this material? the president of the united states, committing a cardinal impeachable offense, meeting with vladimir putin at the g7. they show that clip and they said, all my, that proves it all. the president of the united states meeting with russia. who can imagine that happening? that was an element that was allowed. if that was a normal trial, they would be objecting every 2 minutes to irrelevant material. it's in there only for political
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purposes. they allow three solid days of on objected to hearsay, and very often, just political matters that have no bearing, even on the unconstitutional charges of obstruction and abuse. but the defense has to sit there quietly and just listen without objection. people say all the time, oh, in a real trial, and a real trial, there would be objections, and 90% of what was on television would never be allowed by the judge. >> sean: it is sold dangerous for the country. will this issue of witnesses that were never subpoenaed, how does that become an issue? i only have 30 seconds for each of you. >> well, it won't become an issue of my argument prevails, because my argument is a constitutional one that says the two charges are not constitutional. therefore, you should simply dismiss it without hearing any witnesses. but if witnesses are called, it
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will have to go to the courts, because the president will appropriately invoke executive leverage. >> sean, to keep it even more simple, and aside from the legal arguments, which are the ones that obviously have the most merit, this is a situation where only if the senators think they need witnesses in order to resolve this issue, and the issue presented is anything that is alleged here, sufficient to warrant the president's removal from office, if the presidents don't need witnesses and documents in order to make that judgment, then it's over. >> sean: think you both. important times for the country. here now with the reaction. former south carolina congressman. never lost a case. trey gowdy. by the way, it's a second anniversary today. i've got to say congratulations to quid pro quo joe. second anniversary of him admitting that he shook down the country of ukraine with a billion taxpayer dollars to get
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a prosecutor fired for paying his son zero experience hunter millions of dollars. i would say there is your pro quo. congressman? >> well, that certainly makes him relevant as a witness. part of impeachment is setting a precedent for what is going to happen in the future. if the vice president can make that assertion, then he is relevant as a witness. but so too is president obama, because i want to know whether he had the authority of the president at the time he made that pronouncement that there will be no loan guarantees unless a prosecutor is fired. every time that clip plays of joe biden, i just think of more reasons why he is more relevant as a witness if the senate wants to go that route. >> sean: that is a point very few people make. i've brought it up before. you don't believe me? you are not getting the billions. call obama. he will tell you.
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was obama in on this shakedown? >> well, anytime you hear the word unprecedented, that makes me wonder, well, does that mean no other president has done it? if this is really, you know, adam schiff loves to say that this is an unprecedented abuse of power, well, that makes what other presidents did relevant. in addition to the credibility of the assertion, it makes it relevant. so, if president obama gave joe biden permission to condition loan guarantees on the firing of a prosecutor, then that makes both of them potentially relevant as witnesses. >> sean: do you agree with my constitutional interpretation that the house has the sole power to impeach? if not the senate's job? their job is to hold the trial mr. mark now, they have their house managers dressed up. they are even going back to the mueller report. then, they are playing their
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opinion witnesses who wanted to impeach trump for tweeting the words "fake news." the senate's job to bring in witnesses, they decided to not subpoena? i don't believe that's the way it is. >> no, it's the house's job to investigate. these investigations take a long time. this is about their removal of a duly elected chief executive and they wanted to do it in three months. as you and i have discussed in the past, it's really about putting a handful of republican senators. you can't call a witness you know is going to invoke privilege. >> sean: and that's the president's right. all right. thank you, sir. when we come back, this is huge big breaking news. more vindication. we were right. the spying on carter page. now, the doj is admitting it shouldn't have happened. who will this impact? huge story of the mob will likely ignore. that's next. ♪
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>> sean: a huge fox news alert. this has been the department of justice. it has admitted, and we have been telling you all along that in fact, the fbi did not need a legal standard to conduct surveillance of former official, page. wow. jim comey signed one of those. now, what does that mean? premeditated fraud on a fisa court. not only did they use carter page and take away his constitutional right, but they gave him the back door to spy on a presidential candidate transition team. this news comes from a newly declassified order from the court that handles phis applications.
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this means the final two fisa warrants denied his civil liberties. spying, yes, the right word. it should never have happened. joining us with reaction, fox news investigative reporter, sara carter. his best-selling book "witch hunt." sarah, let's begin with you. this is huge and i think it's more than two. we know premeditated fraud on a fisa court. >> that's right. it exposes the lover of corruption at the highest level of the fbi and even within the doj. what we know is that the last two pfizer applications signed
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by director -- they have come out and said that the doj as well as a fisa court, these were not legitimate. they should never have been do done. they are continuing to investigate the first two. that would be going all the wood back to december 2016, when they began to spy on carter page. remember, kevin, the attorney for the fbi, basically omitted significant information that carter page was actually working and supplying information to the cia. he omitted that from the applications. he also altered the applications. so, this is something they are going to continue to look at and we are going to hear a lot more about this in the upcoming weeks. it's. let's talk about this from the legal, but more importantly, the criminal side. the criminal probe. we know they had multiple warnings long before the first warrant was signed. don't trust this dirty dossier.
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he has an agenda. clinton paid for it. they did it anyway. they lied to the court. >> well, this is an admission by our government that these were illegal warrants to spy. the people who signed them are james comey, who was an acting attorney general, now unbelievable, fbi general counsel. they deceive the court, not just 17 major deceptions and omissions and errors, 51 of them all against donald trump. these illegal warrants were a major component of the entire trump-russia investigation that put the nation through three agonizing years over what? over a hoax based on a phony dossier and fabricated evidence. so, carter page, he has a slam-dunk case now for millions
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of dollars. unfortunately, american taxpayers will have to foot the bill for that >> sean: frankly, he deserves it. all three of us, but i don't care because i signed up for this a long time ago. the 99% of the media mob were out attacking us and peddling lies and conspiracy theories. we got the truth. we were right and we did it. we dug hard and we litigated it behind the scenes. we double checked and we triple sourced. thank you both for your hard work. great job. and now, for more reaction, this is new evidence of fisa abuse as well as the schumer-schiff sham show. so dangerous. we are joined by congressman john ratcliffe. congressman john ratcliffe, i begin with you. there were maybe 15 of you, really. i'm going to be honest. you dug deep. you guys were right.
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we were right. the mob and the media, the democrats, schiff leading the way it was wrong and died. >> you are right, sean. i was one of the few people that was able to see the phis application, so when i came on your program and told people that carter page's rights had been violated, the fbi was spying on the trump campaign. the other person that had access on the other side of those very same phis applications was adam schiff. he put out a memo saying exactly the opposite, that the fbi and the department of justice had done everything right. he knew that wasn't true. he knew that wasn't true. >> sean: lied in his report and he knew better, correct? is that a fair statement? >> absolutely. >> sean: what you'd the first to tell me that the word verified is on top of the phis application? i think it was you. >> it was, very clearly, verified application. and you are right, sean. i mean, this is really
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staggering news. first of all, it's a great day for carter page. the government just admitted that they violated a civil rights. i would love to be his lawyer. but the more profound impact here is that this is an admission that a counterintelligence investigation against a sitting president was eagerly continued. that's really earthshaking news and it's the same democrats that started that russia impeachment hoax. they are some of the same folks involved in perpetuating this ukrainian impeachment hoax that we are unfortunately dealing with in the senate trial. >> sean: let me finish on congressman ratcliffe's point. it's the same lying media mob being led by the same liar. he had the truth and he
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purposely lied. it shows how mentally sick and deranged this compromise congenital liar, schiff is. he's leading this mess now on ukraine, another witch hunt. >> wright, sean, and remember, this is the same adam schiff who said that he had more than circumstantial evidence that there was collusion between the president and russia. of course, that evidence never existed. the media, the mainstream media, surely never held him accountable. i'll tell you this, sean, i know i do. i know you do. everyone in america should expect and demand that there is accountability. those people who went and abused their power. you want to talk about abuse of power. the people actually abuse their position to go after a sitting president because they didn't like his political views. we have elections in this country to solve that. those people ought to be held accountable and go to jail. >> sean: job well done, both of you. we pursued the truth. it took three years. here we are. we need to clean this mess up.
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i don't see enough urgency from you, director ray. do your job. i see a good job from the doj. i see, yeah, i see barr. director ray, let's go. these are the best of the best. do it for the 99% of the people. when we come back, while my. i talked to him. he's fired up, the right one, mark, straight ahead. ♪ [ sirens ]
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"new york times," "on freedom of the press." he hosts the number one show on sunday nights, right here on the fox news channel. i call him the great one. i don't even have to ask you a question. just go. >> here's what i brought with me. you don't need 24 hours and three days to make a case if you have a case. he was on associated justice. he was asked, what is the definition of it? he said, i don't know what, but i know it when i see it. well, abuse of power. what is the definition of abuse of power? no standard. it's whatever the democrats say. adam schiff is the -- there's no stamp. there is no definition. they have not explained. forget about trump.
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what is the definition of abuse of power? every president has theoretically abused power. lincoln, washington, jefferson. look, the louisiana purchase was done without authorized funding. abuse of power. we can go to john adams. he put people in prison. abuse of power. fdr used the irs. jfk used the irs and the fbi. lbj, same thing with the cia. go down the list. all these great democrats. woodrow wilson. abuse of power. abuse of power. it's whatever they think it is. not once have they explained the standard for abuse of power. obstructing congress. you don't obstruct congress. separation of powers. that's not obstructing congress. here's my question. where's the smoking gun? all of this that's been going on day in and day out, the
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testimony. where is the witness under penalty of perjury who said the president of the united states committed treason, bribery, or other misdemeanors question what the president of the united states quid pro quo. the president of the united states committed a crime. they said the opposite and they called all the witnesses over there in the house of representatives. where's the smoking gun docume document? all but talk about no documents. they had hundreds of thousands of pages of documents. that incriminate's the president of the united states. not one. that's why they are spewing for 24 hours in three days. now, i want to talk about interfering in an election. first of all, don't we have a right to know if joe biden's son is corrupt? that joe biden, if he is elected president, to be blackmail? donald trump has been
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investigated from day one by committees, by prosecutors, by reporters. they don't worry about that. let's talk about interfering in the 2020 election. what did schiff, what did schiff and the other mobs say on the floor of the senate? what did they say? we don't want trump to get elected president again. we must stop him. in other words, they want to interfere in the 2020 election and prevent the republican party from nominating their president for a second term as president of the united states. it's right out there. they are interfering in the election senators. schumer has been collaborating with all these guys. why do you think nadler, low iq nadler was on the floor the other day saying, you are not upholding the constitution? they want to take the majority. this is about not only defeating
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trump in 2020, but defeating the senate. now, here's mostly what's going on. when you hear the arguments, they are projecting. they are not arguing evidence. they are protecting motives. this must have meant that. i have the phone call right here, the transcript. the president of the united states talking to the president of ukraine. in this phone call, there is no interference in the campaign. there is no threat to withholding military aid in exchange for anything. there is no campaign for pressure. the only one who wasn't aware of it was the president of ukraine and the foreign minister of ukraine. there has never been a campaign. let me just say this, america, these democrats have destroyed the constitution, in the impeachment clause. they are trying to destroy
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separation of power. they are trying to choose the republican nominee for 2020. they are trying to take over the senate. that's what's going on. the senate has a responsibility to protect the american people from the house, from the democrats. that's the constitutional responsibility. this president hasn't violated the constitution, not once. he hasn't violated any federal statute. not once. he has complied with every federal court order, everyone. he has not committed treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors. but, those in the house, abuse of power, obstruction of congress, they are the ones. maybe they ought to be expelled. maybe we ought to think about that. that's it. >> sean: mark, every sunday night, 8:00 p.m. eastern. wow. powerful. up next, senator elizabeth warren. you've got to see this.
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♪ >> sean: elizabeth warren faced even more campaign struggles this week after being confronted by her working class father about her plan to cancel student loan debt. >> i saved all my money. am i going to get my money back? you are going to pay for people who -- i work a double shift. you are laughing. that's exactly what you are doing. we did the right thing and we
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get. >> sean: it's kind of hard when you face the american people and, well, you are a crazy left-wing radical extreme democrat. but boom, meanwhile, president trump is continuing the fallout for the democratic primary process, claiming crazy bernie takes the lead in the democratic primaries, but it's looking more like the dems will never allow a win. will sleep you joe will be able to stumble across the finish line? i don't think it matters. this guy has 400 shows. can't we give one to our other guests? he hosts "the five." by the way, "the five" is killing it in the radiance. >> i take full credit. >> sean: i think dana has a little something to do with it. i'm kidding. i love juan.
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you might want to give more time to jenna. >> thank you. q, yeah. jesse can just be here to look pretty and i can bring the smarts. >> sean: how does this play out considering you get less time than the other guy? >> this is exactly why the stories of elizabeth warren and all these things really need to be in the headlines. we are seeing that the impeachment sham is exactly what the democrats are pushing as their 2020 election bid. elizabeth warren was just called out so dramatically and precisely by this father who realizes that you actually have two adult in this world and you don't want her to be your helicopter parent and you actually have to pay for things in this world, then, he's saying, why are you willing to just reward people who are not
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responsible? she clearly is trying to buy votes here, but she is trying to do it on a hypocritical agenda. she is trying to buy votes by saying, here, i'm going to give you money. but really what she has buying is our freedom. she is trying to take that away by an encroachment towards socialism. we need to push back on this. i am so sad that the mainstream media is not covering this, because all they are doing is looking at that stupid sham of a trial that is not going to get anywhere. once it's done, what are they going to be left with? >> sean: i'm going to bring in jesse. jesse, your take. >> well, liz warren has a lot of plans, but she didn't plan for a dad. you never want to laugh in the face of a dad, who is trying to explain the difference between right and wrong. your guest is right, sean. he called her out for buying votes, except, she's only buying votes for -- they just turned against their
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neighbors who got handouts. that's why trump was elected. we bail out the rich people. you give handouts to the poor people. and the millions in the middle get absolutely nothing. so, if you are a father and a family man in iowa, who is working to code jobs, warren is going to raise your taxes, take away your health care, and then that credit card from your dumb neighbor next door, they wiped it clean and his daughter gets to go for college for free. >> sean: the people who do the right thing get screwed. thank you. more after this. i feel like i'm losing my identity.
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as a doctor, i agree with cdc guidance. i recommend topical pain relievers first... like salonpas patch large. it's powerful, fda-approved to relieve moderate pain, yet non-addictive and gentle on the body. salonpas. it's good medicine. hisamitsu. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> sean: the president just tweeted this. this is donald trump at trump tower and there is barack obama spying in on trump. the president just toteed that out. they spied on him.
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they mocked him. we are not the hate trump media mob. we seek the truth. laura look at that tweet. >> laura: we brought you details of a secret 2016 meeting between obama and prosecutors. the article the "new york times" was going to write was never published. we touched a nerve. tonight part 2 of our expose including how a ukrainian official helped the dnc hurt the trump campaign.
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