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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  February 1, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PST

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♪ >> the final push for the first battle of 2020 and all eyes on the hawkeye state. cavuto live. >> miami is viewed this time of year, the super bowl is where i am coming from with all eyes on what will happen 48 hours from now. a crucial context that could decide the presidential election. 11 candidate strong and a lot of attention on who has the big momentum.
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that was then, this is now. all the focus is on those who tried to establish the top three positions in the caucus state but with an eye on what is happening in washington dc, and impeachment situation that will not be resolved until after the state of the union address on tuesday. we are live in des moines iowa, giving the latest on that virus that is gripping the world everywhere, first on the impeachment fallout and what happens now. >> a major victory for donald trump, no witnesses in the impeachment trial, democrats were fired up. >> to not allow a witness document in and impeachment trial is a perfidy, a grand
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tragedy. if the president is acquitted with no witnesses, no documents, his acquittal will have no value. >> the senate rejected the motion to call additional witnesses 51-49. only two republican senators defected, mitt romney and susan collins. what a republican defected, john roberts would have been forced to break the tie or let the motion die. a key holdout lisa murkowski explained her vote, given the partisan nature of this impeachment i have come to the conclusion there will be no fair trial in the senate. it is said to admit that, here is what is next. senators deliver individual remarks on the floor. on tuesday senators spend all
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day speaking on the senate floor and senators make their final remarks on the floor at 4:00 pm with john roberts presiding over two articles of impeachment for that vote. the state of the union address is tuesday night, the night before quitting on party lines. neil: the drama will be wednesday, no activities planned ahead of that on what will ultimately be the vote whether to convict the president of the united states or not, looks like on that point, kevin cork traveling with the president in west palm beach, florida, getting the take from the commander-in-chief. >> good to be with you. the white house expected, anticipates a bipartisan acquittal. when the senate votes wednesday the president for his part seems all too eager to move on and ramped up for 2020, he called is a sham, a hoax and the witchhunt.
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it looks like he is ready to talk about other topics. let me share what the commander-in-chief had to say, trump's poll numbers are the highest since election, tens of thousands of people attending rallies which fake news ever mentions to see the greatest show on earth, fun because usa is winning again. fun is not the way most would describe the last several days on capitol hill where the senate traded through despite the outcome, all but a certainty from the outset. the 7 did yesterday? a number of republicans we should be having. >> we wish it could have been answered have been it. we were told we couldn't get it done between now and then. in the meantime this is a victory, a huge victory with the evidentiary issue behind us. >> mike lee from the great state of utah. for the white house a lot of
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preparation for the upcoming state of the union address before likely acquittal. sources telling fox news the president will focus on the blue collar boom, lowering the cost of health care, safe and legal immigration and protecting national security. we anticipate a quiet day in south florida, if it changes i will tell you all about it. >> do you know whether he will mention in his state of the union address what will be coming the next day in the senate? >> i had a couple conversations with senior administration officials about that topic. they want to get ahead of the president but if i were to guess based on the tone in the center of our conversation i would say the answer is highly unlikely but the president always has the final say.
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neil: kevin cork. what is the stake? bill cassidy from louisiana. mitt romney has been disinvited to seatac because he was for witnesses. you think that is a little vindictive? >> i will not make the call. he was voting his conscience. i cannot comment upon that. the more important thing is romney i am pretty sure, he is going to vote the president should not be removed from office and that is where congress should end of landing. house managers did a terrible job putting a case together, they brought witnesses, papers and said they wanted more asking the senate to do their work. i don't think that is where we should be.
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neil: do you worry this is defined the party, your with the president or you are not? the reason i mention this retribution against senator romney is he has indicated nothing he has seen to convict on his part but just saying he was open to witnesses getting disinvited to a conservative powwow, seems a little tacky, doesn't it? >> i won't comment on their invitation policy but i will say if that is the crack we have in our party it is a minuscule crack. if you look at the other party where aoc is raising money to fund primary candidate against jerry nadler it makes you wonder about jerry's motivation to pursue that. they have cracks. we have something called micro and those micro fractures will heal pretty quickly. neil: assuming the president avoids conviction do you find
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anything unseemly about what he did? and impeachable offense or high crime or misdemeanor, if you were to see that behavior, the president taking that action on a potential opponents, would it bother you? >> the house managers did an incredible job creating yes the president may have done something at the white house counsel did a credible job creating a reasonable doubt. that is the standard i am bringing. i don't think we should be receiving information from foreign governments. that is not what we should be doing. are there things i disagree with? absolutely but to the white house counsel create a reasonable doubt? absolutely. if we are going to be fair to the american people, fair to the process, we have to consider what the white house counsel does. >> thank you for taking the
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time, appreciate it. we are getting a different read on how this plays out for key pulled positions. tom stier will join me on that and where he sees it going right after this. [ distant band playing ] have you ever wondered what the motorcade driver drives when they're not in a motorcade? [ upbeat music starts ] [ engine revving ] ♪ this one drives a volkswagen passat. ♪
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♪ you can also wonder why our competitors don't offer that. ♪ schwab, a modern approach to wealth management. ♪ >> i have a future in my hands. it really is that important. most of the time we are picking the next president if it is a democrat that is. neil: this is where joe biden will be later today. those senators looking to get in some campaign time before the caucuses on monday.
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let's get the latest reading. >> in townhall's all across iowa. if you turn on the tv you will see countless ads. every single commercial is a political ad. some candidates spending more than $1 million for one week of ads. in iowa, january 20 eighth to the february 3rd caucuses tom stier spending the most money, $1.3 million to get his ads on air, bernie sanders, $1.2 million, some of the 2020 hopefuls tech in dc hopped on iowa bound planes late last night. elizabeth warren did not make it in time, stopped by a brewery just across the street, got there a little before midnight.
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he is leading in the latest fox news poll, it is 3 points behind him according to a monmouth poll, five candidates at or above 10%, for candidates be considered a viable on caucus night, they need 15 supporting 15% support in most precincts, 11 candidates are running for president at this point. maryland congressman john delaney, the campaign had internal analysis indicating the support was not sufficient to meet the viability threshold in a number of caucus precincts but they said support was sufficient enough for moderate candidates
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to not make the viability threshold especially in that area, delaney scored millions of dollars of his own money but he consistently pulled at or below one%, he is not made a debate since july. >> he has afforded it, it is a billionaire. >> it is nice to be with you. obviously you are pulling out all stops the next couple days. in nevada, we don't see it. we know enough about the polling history in iowa that is mostly wrong so it doesn't translate into what people see. do you -- you have to be in the top three to carry on another day. >> if you look at the early
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primary states, they measured this week in a public poll of 17% so i think there are four different states. i want to come out of iowa to carry me through the other early states. you have to do well in iowa and have moments in. it is jumblatt this point. neil: you can look at the popular vote, the first choice and the delegates portion, there are ways for candidates to seize the results. what do you want to see? >> i want enough momentum to get to the other states. if you are going to choose a candidate of the democratic party need to appeal to a diverse group of people. we are a very diverse party. if you have got to come out of iowa and do well, i am doing well in nevada and south carolina. i can appeal to a diverse group of americans.
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neil: do you think bernie sanders doesn't? he is the front runner for the time being or just the right moment. do you share the concern of some your parties it he would lead to defeat? >> i have a lot of respect for senator sanders and look forward to seeing how he does. that is why we hold the caucuses, to see how people appeal. i know from this that i do appeal to a diverse group of americans and that will be important. neil: ronnie manual rights he is concerned as a lot of other operatives, he would be paraphrasing here, what do you think? >> it is going to be turn out. i'm a grassroots person, one of the largest grassroots organizations in the united
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states. i believe in talking to people face to face and getting them to vote. if that happens, we have a really high turnout across the country i believe the democrat will win. there are tens of millions who don't vote because they think the system is broken but in hearts and minds they are really democrats. the question, i know ronnie manual wants to put it in terms of modern and progressive but are americans going to understand how important this election is and how much is at stake that their vote is crucial? if that happens whoever the democratic candidate is. >> there were passionate days and they split the passionate days to counter donald trump. is it a wise move to compete on the basis of who can raise
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taxes? >> he is running on the economy because he says it every day because i am so great on the economy. i started a business, built over three decades, started building coalitions to take on unchecked corporate -- >> pretty good conduct. >> i can take him on a stage. whoever the democratic candidate is has to get on the date stage with donald trump and show what he is saying about his history is a business person and as a steward of the american economy is not true. neil: leave the politics out of it. is the economy better than it was when barack obama was president? >> know. neil: i look at numbers every day and whether you like the president or not we have record low unemployment, these key
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democratic groups. if you were to go before the american people and say things stink and the president has made it worse it will be a tough sell. >> i don't think so. is a good economy if the economy grows but the money only goes to rich people? neil: of it is a good idea with record low unemployment -- how are you going to -- >> low unemployment but you can't live on the job. lookout people are actually living. i have been traveling around this country full-time and what you see is people who are absolutely underpaid. >> but better paid when barack obama was president. you argue -- >> cannot afford -- neil: what you argue the real wage growth we have seen is comparable with you like the president or not, the trend is this president's friend. >> know. this president has given the
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biggest tax break in history to the top earners, the richest people in the biggest corporations. they have disproportionately been favored by mister trump at a level that is almost mind-boggling and what he said and you know it is true, that after the election he intends to balance the budget by going after entitlements, cut healthcare. neil: will you address that? medicare is fine. social security wouldn't touch. >> he wants to pay for a tax break to rich people -- by taking away -- neil: you would not address security for americans. >> what i go after the drug companies, private hospitals and insurance companies, you bet i would. what he's talking about is reducing healthcare for americans, to justify the biggest tax break isn't a mistake.
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neil: i will put you down as a maybe for the president. it is good seeing you. a slightly different point of view after this. and once you refinance, the savings are automatic. thanks to your va streamline refi benefit, at newday there's no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. activate your va streamline benefit now.
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>> and the election we created 7 million new jobs. listen to this. it is slower than any previous administration in the history of the country, the lowest unemployment. neil: the president times these
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campaign events, the caucuses in the state of iowa in which i reside for the time being and a similar event ahead of the new hampshire primary, and crisscrossing the state, andrew yang from washington for supporters and doing whatever is possible for the caucuses on monday. with us for the time being is republican governor kim reynolds was with the president earlier in the week, good to see you. on the right and the left, taking what should be a close race and making it a blowout for donald trump when he won the state by double digits. what happened? >> really tight pack, interesting when you look at biden, sanders, they are all in the mix.
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sanders is peaking at the right time, everybody's second choice, the way they run the caucus is an important place. neil: there are other auditors on the road. >> only 15% and where do they move? that plays out ultimately. it mirrors what is happening nationally. we staff in reverse course by the positive momentum in the state of iowa. neil: it was best illustrated with donald trump. with the impeachment situation resolved in the president's acquittal on wednesday are you concerned about residual damage
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or the fact that democrats come back and say was a great process as republicans argue the house process was a rigged process and they will keep pounding that? >> they want congress to get back to work and i travel to 99 countries, don't you stay in our capital city. i get out and talk to iowans. they are not talking about impeachment, don't care about it, they are disgusted by it and that is what i am hearing, they need to do their job, focus on issues that matter and make a difference for americans and iowans. i don't think so, one of many from brett kavanaugh to russia, worn-out. getting things done. i found a way to bring two parties together to talk about mental health, talk about
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workforce initiatives, and -- neil: a tight rope to walk on, the whole trade obstruction with china and a lot of farmers are hoping the chinese deliver on their promise to buy more goods but in the middle of that, the virus issue into the recession and -- >> big exports market especially soybean farmers. when it came to china, farmers stuck -- they stole seed out of the ground to reverse engineer it. they understand they are not looking at short-term the taking the long view. they were disgusted it took so long to get us mca ratified so we are happy about that, the
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trade deal with japan, big win for iowa farmers, us mca, the fact that we got that done or moving forward. neil: but you want to see the buying to pick up. >> it provides predictability and some stability so we will see what happens with the coronavirus. it is a big win for fox producers and manufacturers. not only will we do everything we can to maintain existing relationships but i am confident we are looking for opportunities for new market share across the world. we feed the world as people move and they want more protein and products. neil: looking at the president's record, tom stier said the tax
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cuts and everything else, raising taxes on the belief the little guy got screwed. what do you think of that? >> i completely disagree with it. i completely disagree with it. i'm not interested in raising taxes. we built on the tax cuts. in 2018 i signed into law the largest tax cut in the history of the state and i put a proposal forward, in iowa we are san economy growing despite significant challenges with flood and trade disruptions, we are seeing wages rise and eight straight quarters of wage growth in the state of iowa. we focused on iowans, the biggest barrier they broke, finding people to fill the jobs and one of the highest flavor participation rates in the country.
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we are working hard to help iowans get the skills, 58,000 open today. neil: we appreciate it. a lot of iowans are cashing in in the most unusual way. you didn't see the sign? that... that wasn't there when i was here earlier. (whimper) really? you know, in italy, they let you park anywhere. have a good day, sir. with geico, the savings keep on going. just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. (glass shattering) (frustrated yell) (car horn blast) (yelp)
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neil: in des moines, iowa, a beautiful city, a beautiful state of the epicenter of the political universe, charting cadets the democratic nomination. if you believe in polls and who has momentum going into the caucus voting the recipient seems to be bernie sanders but that can and often has quickly changed. literally the last few hours amy klobuchar has emerged as third-place finisher, something they are watching closely, to slide away here. in the final popular vote and how delegates are portioned. we have to be at 15% of the vote at a minimum to move to the so-called next round. there are a variety of ways to get winners in this state and each can claim victory in some way, shape or form.
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there are three tickets out of the state. the only exception to that is john mccain who finished fourth and went on in the republicans case in the year 2008 to emerge as republican nominee. that was then. it was a rare exception since was let's get the read from connell mcshane in north liberty. >> when you think of the campaigning part you think of areas like this where people are lining up to see the candidates get face time, joe biden will be here within the hour but you mentioned des moines, there's quite an economic impact. when the caucus comes to town every four years, in the des moines area, restaurant owner
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says sales were up 10% or 15%. occupancy rates are up in the neighborhood of 15% and then we visited a small business, a t-shirt shop and specialize in a catchy phrase on a t-shirt. they tried to be funny but for some reason you have to come to iowa, the owner was telling me the caucus at this time of year in january is huge. >> normally we sat down after december but you will usually have to and% more in january during the caucuses and sales over a regular january will be 25 percent-30%. >> the about the politics of it, there's also the business angle and once every four years, january normally is a sweet time of month for these businesses and caucuses can make a lot of money. neil: there is that.
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connell will update us on the latest. who knows that better than my next guest, karl rove, deputy chief of staff. the last four democratic nominees started the ball rolling, the record for republicans is more spotty. how important will it be for bernie sanders to secure the when he appears to be building toward in some of these polls? >> with have a cautionary note about polls, we are talking relatively small sample sizes. here's the real clear politics average. it does shows sanders ahead but let's look at the recent polls in iowa. monmouth had sanders 21, biden
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23, but plus or minus is 4.2 so sanders could be 25 or 17 and biden could be 27 or 19, iowa state, sanders ahead 24-15, nearly a 5 point plus or minus, sanders could be a size 29 or as low as 19 and biden could be a 10 or 20 and so we have to be careful about hard to pull the primary and these are relatively small sample sizes with a lot of room for error and then you have the 15% problem. if you are in a precinct where there is an also-ran, tom steiner or amy klobuchar or elizabeth warren or pete buttigieg, they have to pick a second choice in order to have a voice or go home and we don't know where those people are or how they play out. it will be a long night in my opinion and we are likely, i would not be surprised to see three people get a bunch of
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delegates, four candidates split up the states 41 delegates. i would not be surprised to see 5 candidates share that 40 one person delegate pool. >> you are quite right. i was looking at the polls largely for the democrats consistently understated the support for the emerging winner of the state, there could be multiple winners but whatever you make of bernie sanders's chances i'm curious what you make of the growing concern among party hire as, rahm emanuel the latest in the wall street journal, to say we are blowing our chances right now with a big focus on really big progressive spenders. what do you make of that? >> this is a sign of two things the one, a sign that people are acknowledging that bernie is real, bernie has been moving, in
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iowa and nationwide bernie has been moving up in the polls and second of all of real clear that a self-proclaimed democratic socialist who honeymooned in the former soviet union which was then the soviet union and had this unbelievable array of big spending programs didn't know how much they would cost and it didn't matter. a lot of democrats worry that that is the kind of person who is going to alienate the suburbanites who voted in 2018 after voting for donald trump, they are afraid he's going to send them back in the republican column and i think they are absolutely right on this. if there is an advantage donald trump has, the left-wing the democratic nominee is the easier it is to make a disciplined case to the suburbanites which you might not like the way i handle myself, you might not like my policies, you acknowledge the
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economy is good but prefer not to vote for me but take a close look at the views and values of the person who has the dominick -- democratic nominee. neil: good catching up with you, thank you very much. karl rove. apparently there is a football game tomorrow and there is one guy not playing but he weighs in. he could kill you with a handshake. i'm talking about joe theismann, the former superstar and what he makes of big superstars coming tomorrow night. you know, new customers save over $1,000 on average when they bundle home and auto with progressive. wow, that's... and now the progressive commercial halftime show, featuring smash mouth. ♪ hey now, you're an all star ♪ get your game on, go play thank you! goodnight!
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[ cheers and applause ] now enjoy the second half of the commercial! even renters can bundle and save! where did that come from? the kitchen. it was halftime.
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neil: it is not des moines, iowa. miami, florida might look like a more inviting locale but for me it is a preferred place but if you are a super bowl fan that is the epicenter of the universe for the time being and my next
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guest, former nfl mvp joe theismann. good to see you. so much attention on the big game. you felt that pressure with the redskins delivering the goods on the big game. invariably it doesn't measure up or the game doesn't measure up or lately it has. what is your sense of the big game tomorrow? >> it will measure up, the spread is very close which means those that study and watch the game realize it will be a pretty close football game. san francisco brings great defense in, candidacy brings great offense in but normally it is little things you don't think about, special teams play will make a difference and one other thing i have been thinking about. normally half-times are 12 minutes long. in a super bowl halftime is 30 minutes long. who is going to come out and keep the momentum if there is any into the second half?
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it takes time to manage it and that is one of the things nobody things about. you sit around ready to go, waiting and waiting and all of a sudden can you keep the momentum going? that is a key factor. neil: i wonder whether players are distracted, if they realize halftime is over and got to go to the game but leaving that aside i was thinking about how much the game has changed since you were playing and it is interesting to note that the average nfl player when you were there, 190 grand, today more like 3 and a quarter million dollars, that is different from guys like you. you were playing a fraction of modern-day stars. do you ever wish you bloomed 20 years later? >> people asked me that but
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there is more than this game. it is nice to make it and i see what young men are compensating, russell wilson, $35 million a year. what is interesting about this game is nothing to do with finance. the winner of this game will get 118,$000 was when i play the winner in super bowl lxx, we got somebody to. there is not that big a difference. what is important is this ring right here the this is what it is about. economics have nothing to do with this game. neil: but wait a minute. the ring you are holding up is worth 67 grand. >> it is worth a lot more than that i can tell you. neil: i tried to steal that from you. >> it is so much more. it is a career maker. i was fortunate enough to win, lost the second. i was on both sides of this coin, much prefer holding the trophy than walking off the field with my head down. neil: you have been a great
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ambassador for the sport. thank you very much. >> always great to be with you. neil: we have a lot more coming up including the latest on the corona virus. it got so crazy that it led to a global market tank mister chang, so much that major markets are underwater for the year.
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neil: the world health organization, the cdc or the trump administration taking dramatic moves to contain a virus that out spread globally and even tanked stock market values by trillions of dollars
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and it was reported to and a half weeks ago. jillian turner has the fallout. >> reporter: the quarantine is the first of its type in the united states, not only is restricting the ability of foreigners but even americans fleeing the virus and trying to return home. those americans are subject for up to two weeks. so far a couple hundred people have died from the coronavirus in total but health officials at home are insisting the flu is many times more deadly for americans. the white house cautioning that is no reason for complacency. >> despite the more ability and mortality of influenza there is a certainty of seasonal flu. the issue is there are a lot of unknowns.
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>> according to the cdc there are 11,900 cases of coronavirus worldwide, 11,791 of those cases. outside china, 106 cases in total and we are looking at 259 deaths from the coronavirus worldwide. american airlines and delta suspending all service to china and several are following suit. a number of americans are stuck in mainland china trying to escape, take a look at this, now can find at a military base. >> up your epidemic. now soars open, no mom and pop stores open. everybody was honestly having to survive weeks at a time. it was a ghost town.
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they are sitting and waiting, like a movie. the movies are fake but this is real life. >> official stores in mainland china will all be closed down due to this virus outbreak. major averages down one.5% on fears that coronavirus is going to hurt global growth. neil: that is happening as we speak. thank you for that update. we are going to go back to the campaign trail, bernie sanders and elizabeth warren battling for liberal caucus goers, andrew yang picked up some steam and amy klobuchar is number 3 in these polls. this is one of the most poorly predicted states ever. no one saw jimmy carter emerging, jordan mcgovern or
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john kerry ultimately winning the state or barack obama carrying this state. that is their track record. ♪ ♪ ... for everyone you love. expedia.
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insurance? get a quote in 3 minutes at >> all right. all eyes on iowa, of course, for the next couple of days. between andrew yang and amy klobuchar and bernie sanders, and you name it. they're all here. they're all planning busy events, some as many as a dozen events crisscrossing the state and the counties. and they're going to be busy and for those with the impeachment trial going on and on wednesday they'll be deciding the president's fate, whether to vote on, a conviction doesn't look imminent there. and the mad scramble is on. back to the impeachment situation where it stands. right now it's sort of the die
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was cast when it looked like there would be no witnesses and this concern that we'd get four republican senators to push for that sort of died on the vine. look in washington d.c. with the latest on that front. lucas. >> that's right, neil. senate republicans delivered a major victory to president trump before leaving for the weekend and allowed four senators to join you in iowa ahead of the caucuses. still, minority leader chuck schumer was outraged. >> america will remember this day unfortunately where the senate did not live up to its responsibilities, where the senate turned away from truth and went along with a sham trial. americans will know that this trial was not a real trial is a tragedy on a very large scale. >> last night the senate narrowly rejected the motion to call additional witnesses, 51-49. only two republican senators defected, mitt romney and susan collins.
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democrats hoped to flip lisa murkowski, but failed and the alaska republican explained her vote. >> given the partisan nature of this throughout, i've come to conclusion there won't be a fair trial in the senate and don't believe the process will change anything. it's sad for me to say that and admit that as an institution the congress has failed. here is what's next, neil. mob monday 11 a.m. each side has two hours and attendance is mandatory. senators will speak all dayen 0 the floor and attendance an optional. they'll make their final remarks and reconvenes with chief justice roberts providing over the historic vote over two articles of impeachment. while senator schumer wanted more witnesses, including john bolton, they argued that they used testimony in final arguments, neil. neil: and back to iowa and the focus on everyone crisscrossing this state in the next 48 hours.
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dan springer closely following bernie sanders, who is surging at just the right time in these polls. dan is in des moines with more. hey, dan. >> yeah, hi, neil. you know, bernie sanders has to feel good about the fact that he can get out of washington d.c. and back on the campaign trail here in iowa to make his closing arguments in this all important state. they have three events and sanders will attend two of them, one a college town hall and later tonight at a concert. the first event this morning is with two of his supporters, his surrogates two of the most liberal members of congress, rep ilhan omar from minnesota and another from washington state. they're here at a coffee shop in des moines. the campaign tells me they're feeling good about the monday caucuses, but not overconfident. iowa is known for producing surprises as you've noted, but they feel they have momentum on their side, which is always critical in this state.
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sanders leads by 3 1/2% over joe biden in an average of all the latest polls in iowa and closed the gap among likely democratic primary voters and now trails biden by less than 4% and leads for the first time in the nbc wall street journal poll by 1%. but iowa and those unusual caucuses are notoriously hard to poll so sanders is going to roll out his superior ground game in hopes of turning out supporters. he's got the most paid staffers and campaign offices in iowa and four years ago, you remember, he got about 85,000 votes losing to hillary clinton by just 3/10 of a percent. of course, this time around, there's much more competition and a couple of those competitors are now going after him in various ways. joe biden recently on the campaign trail, has gone after sanders for his votes on gun control that he wasn't in favor of gun control, and pete buttigieg has recently started to name sanders by name and even said that democrats are at risk
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of losing in november if they nominate bernie sanders. so we will have to see what sanders says today in response. he's got a couple of big events today and we'll be there for him. neil. neil: all right. great job, my friend. dan springer again for the democrats. this state as a better indicator where nell' progress. the winner in the state in the last four primary contests or caucus contests has gone on to receive the nomination. the only one who advanced to the white house was barack obama. in the meantime, alicia acuna with more. >> hi, neil, yes, senator elizabeth warren landed in iowa last night from d.c. and went straight to a bar to meet with her supporters. there to kind of encourage them in the last days of the caucus campaign and for pushing her. >> you've asked me hard questions and pushed back. you've given me notes and lines to read. you stopped to say, have you
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thought about this part, can you think about this part? listen to what's happening to my family and over this year, you've made me a better candidate and you'll make me a better president. >> warren's team has been on the ground in iowa for a year. in that time they've seen her rise at the end of last summer at the peak of popularity, to now a trailing candidate. the real clear politics average of polls shows her running fourth behind mayor pete. today, warren is touting her one millionth individual donation and collection filing report last night showed in the fourth quarter, she raised 21.7 million and and she started 2020 with nearly 14 million on hand. and today will be the first following the trial, whether not bringing witnesses with chief
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justice roberts. and they knocked her, saying i will not stand for nor support that effort. now, republican senator ted cruz on his podcast said that warren likely helped defeat the impeachment of the president. expect questions on that today, neil. >> alicia, thank you, very, very much. my next guest may be saying i told you so. the final vote will be wednesday as a push for witnesses ultimately failed with only two republicans ultimately pushing for that. that was two shy of what they'd need. where do we go from here, trey gowdy here with that. what do you think the lasting effect will be, you know, republicans argued that it was politically onesided in the house and democrats are arguing it's politically onesided in the
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senate, and that's that. what do you think? >> i think my fellow citizens have a remarkable way of moving on i think that ordinary average citizens are much more united nan the media and politics would reflect. they're going to be reminded they're going to be talking about the investigation and the way schiff handled it and the democrats are going to talk about the denial of witnesses. i think the results are fairly baked in, i'm not aware of anyone who has changed their minds over the last three, four months and i don't think that's going to change going into november. neil: what are your thoughts on mitt romney, some had said he is now kryptonite to the party and disinvited to cpac as a result of his push for witnesses. i don't know if susan collins' name has similarly been treated that way. what do you think of that? >> well, i appreciate what mike lee did yesterday. that took a lot of courage to stand up for someone who is in the middle of getting the hades
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beaten out of him. i have not discussed with senator romney his thought process. utah is very different from maine. it's very different from cory gardner's situation. there would be no political blowback had he voted differently. what i'm really grateful for is lisa murkowski because had she voted the other way, then cory gardner and thom tillis and joni ernst and martha mcsally all would have cast the vote, the vote that denied witnesses and that would have hurt them in november. so the republican party is not s and politico and the new york times. we don't have enough troops to fight each other so i'm disappointed in senator romney, but i would give him the chance to explain to me what his thought process was. neil: well, we do know enough about his position that he just wanted to hear from some of these folks, notably john bolton
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and aggressively question them. that wouldn't necessarily mean that he would vote to convict the president. but an opportunity for senators to clearly go after this charge that the president had this arrangement with the ukrainian leader and this might have provided that kind of cover that we'll never know now. what do you think? >> right, and my response would be why stop there? if bolton had a conversation that was also overheard by mulvaney and pompeo, do you not also want to talk to mulvaney and pompeo because maybe bolton got the conversation wrong? wittingly or unwittingly so you can't just say i want one relevant witness i don't want the others. if romney's position would have been i want four on each side, republicans might have, but taking the bait on bolton, but not on hunter biden, i think has republicans vexed, but i would give him an opportunity to say, this is why i did what i did.
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sometimes you disagree with someone, but still respect the process. i don't know his thought process. neil: do you think that john bolton, i think one of your colleagues said, the guy is a snake, he's turned on the president and can't be trusted, a guy too not too long ago, a conservative icon. >> yeah, i'm not into that. it's really hard for me to rationalize a guy being a good guy for 12 years and all of a sudden everybody turning on him. the tool that we have in our culture, neil, to elucidate the truth is examination and cross examination. what adam schiff should have done is what he made republicans do. the eight years i was there, go to court to enforce your subpoena, let bolton be examined and more importantly, let him be cross examined. that's the way investigations should work. but because somebody simply says something i disagree does not make them a snake, it does not make them a liar. it does provide me some ammunition for cross examination, ideally, but it
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doesn't, it doesn't mean that person is all of a sudden terrible because they said something i disagree with. neil: you know, while i've got you here, indulge me. you may have caught a column by rahm emanuel bemoaning that the democrats are going so hard left, bernie sanders, could be well on the way to the nomination,'s almost, i'm paraphrasing it, not exactly what he said, almost guaranteeing defeat for democrats and others come around and say his base is very, very strong, they'll get out the vote and that will make up for any of the concerns that he's too left wing. what do you make of it, of this family food fight within the democratic party? >> it's very reminiscent of what republicans went through. remember, we nominated mccain and romney because we believed them to be more electable. and then when president trump was beginning to emerge in 2016,
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the narrative was, well, you can't possible nominate him, he cannot win in november. let's go with marco or cruz or someone electable. neil: very good point. >> our base rejected that and the democrats are saying we'd rather go with someone we believe in than fall for the electability argument that's not succeeded in the past. neil: well said. trey, i always learn a lot. thank you very, very much for joining us. >> he yes, sir, thank you. neil: we're at an andrew yang event and amy klobuchar event and i want to push what trey gowdy said, these are the same folks who said president obama could not be elected and the same pollsters that hillary clinton was a lock for president and that jamie carter was going nowhere for president. history has a way of making experts fools, which is why i'm
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>> all right. a lot going on right now this day in des moines. of course, we're just a couple of days away from the first votes heading out and and seems like iconic practice in this state the way they do it. the state often gets wrapped for being lili white and a lot of candidates bemoan the process and i discuss with my next guest it launched the career of barack obama. kind that in mind. some people are very discerning about this process and deliberate about it and which is why the candidates in both parties stuck up for them.
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great to have you. >> great to be here, neil. neil: when you've heard that rap and probably more than you care to, hey, this isn't america, it isn't representative of the makeup of america, what do you say? >> here is what i can say firmly and confidently from a seventh generation iowan, whether it's republican or democrat, we make our selections based on content of the character not color of the skin and barack obama, and marco rubio, and i feel very confident. and on the republican chair, i have confident in my democratic fellow iowans and the republican fell iowans, to do a service and get us kick-started. neil: this is one of the rare times you're competing with the super bowl. that doesn't happen all the time.
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how do you adjust to that? >> thanks god i've got donald trump, you know what? if it's san francisco, kansas city and donald trump, i'm putting my money on trump in terms of people paying attention. neil: people forget even though he lost this state to ted cruz and all, he ultimately won it by double digits, i think 10 points against hillary clinton. if you were to handicap this year, how do you think it would go? >> it's feeling like another 10%. we've got a perfect storm, we've got a president who followed through on all. the china trade deal. neil: are you worried about the china thing and the coronavirus and whether it's going to lead to a slowdown and maybe they can't make good on the promises. i'm worried about the virus, the president has responded in like way. neil: sure. >> and we have something else, we have another factor, impeachment. i could have put $100,000 of party resources in 100 volunteers and i wouldn't have been able to unify this party as much as this impeachment hoax.
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i mean, i have never seen in this state and i've been active 20 years as party chair, i've never seen republicans come together so strongly against what they see as an injustice. i mean, alexander hamilton's rolling around in his grave. they are politicizing exact the impeachment process exactly as he warned against in the federalist. so between our trade deals, the impeachment, and we have a president, i wish you could have felt the energy on the rally the other night. i mean, you could-- it's hard to put into perspective, but you could-- >> it is donald trump's party now. i'm wondering, you and i were chatting during the break. what did you make of the cpac rescinding an invite to mitt romney maybe because of the about you shall for witnesses that, if that isn't a clear indication this is donald trump's party, i don't know what is. >> and i've got to tell you, i don't have him on my short list for invitations either. neil: really? >> to be honest with you, this is president's party and right now is the time for us to be
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looking at how we can continue this trump economy. how we can continue everything that he started and the beauty of donald trump is, we know what he's going to do and he does it. it's not time for us to be fighting on the inside and fighting for, maybe a press hit because you're going to do the right thing, which i question very much that questioning witness is was the right thing. i think if alexander hamilton has we are now i think he would say put an end to this because this is what i warned against. neil: we don't know, he's dead, but-- >> that's true. neil: so let me ask you a little about all the democrats crisscrossing the state right now saying this economy is not what appears to be and even with tom steyer, yeah, record level unemployment rates with the key groups, it's hard to argue those numbers, but that's what they're doing, to a man or woman, they're advocating higher taxes. let's see any one of them gets in, what would to do to the state?
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>> you rescind the inheritance, we would lose family farms, six, seven generation. neil: not a good idea. >> absolutely not. tom steyer arguing about a good economy, something-- >> thank you. >> my pleasure. he street would your advisor recognize you? at ameriprise, we see you as more than a client. that's why our advisors care about what's important to you. they offer personalized advice to help you prepare for what's expected and even what's not. giving you the freedom to live financially confident. because to us, you're more than just another face in the crowd. with the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. ameriprise financial.
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>> all right. they are busy bees today, right. of course, you're looking at a variety of events, a bernie sanders events, an andrew yang event, an amy klobuchar event, a mayor pete event. lots of events, so little time. now down to the final 48 hours before iowans decide who advances from this state. they say there are three tickets out of here, but accord to go my
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next guest, that might be expanded. the former governor of this state of iowa. >> good to be with you. neil: it's changing now and with the quest to transparency. you could have the popular vote winner, the first choice winner in all the precincts. so, multiple people could come out of this looking like winners. m mou-- how do you think it goes? >> i'm impressed with the campaigns. i've had probably a couple of dozen door-knockers, last night they were still working the doors. neil: so they know where you live? >> well, they know where all the democrats live. neil: got it. >> and where the undecideds live. i've actually endorsed vice-president biden. neil: you base that on what? best chance to win? >> first of all, i've known him for many years and he served with my father in the united states senate back in the '70s and his experience does matter, absolutely. neil: well, do you share the concern that the vice-president
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raised, vice-president biden of rahm emanuel in the wall street journal, that if it goes to the sanders route, it must surely-- well, one at a time. the vice-president is positioned well to win the nomination and the general, but 24 hours is a long time as you know in this game. neil: but you've-- >> time will tell. neil: you haven't trashed the other candidates and all of this. i get a sense what happens on both parties, governor, that you-- the closer it gets and more one side seems to be gaining momentum, the more the other side or sides are coming out and it could be divisive. >> the republican nomination process four years ago was as well. neil: you're exactly right. >> and that's part of our democratic process.
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i think what's most important at the end of the day, everybody rallies behind the nominee and let's let the process work. i'm very impressed with the campaigns that have been run in iowa. these volunteers and staffers are working tirelessly. iowans as you just saw in your previous clip are turning out at literally hundreds of town halls across the state and so i'm proud of the fact that iowa is leading and the presidential selection process once again, and i expect that this process is going to work and most importantly, we're going to have great weather monday night. neil: we will. your version of great weather is the exactly miami and the super bowl in terms of great weather. i'd like to get your take right now on where you think the party ultimately takes this? i think with all the candidates in the race and some of them quite well-funded, others who might have dropped out early and now with a 15% rule not just in
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your state, but you can get as little as 15% and some delegates. that someone might not win on a first ballot and then it's open season. what do you think? >> well, if i recall four years ago i think the republicans that were asking the same question about their national election. neil: you're right. >> we'll see. i think we will have a clear nominee. it might take a while and you're absolutely correct, we have at least two self-funders in the race with steyer and bloomberg. neil: and there's some raging about the allowances made for michael bloomberg to participate probably in the next debate and some are saying that's foul. what do you think? >> well, you know, frankly, i think the democrats, we're glad to have people that are helping to spread the message, the progressive message and i commend anyone that wants to run for president, whether they're raising every penny or if they're using some of-- >> the reason i mention it,
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obviously michael bloomberg entered the race thinking that joe biden may not finish the race and he will. >> i think it was a mistake for him not to come to iowa at least to introduce himself, but he has his own plan and his own strategy, just like joe biden and the other candidates that are running. neil: can you win the nomination without scoring in iowa or new hampshire? i guess bill clinton was the last. >> sure. neil: but what do you think? >> first of all, i think it makes you a better candidate to start here. it really tests you. i mean, we've had candidates that have literally had 2, 300 town halls or events in iowa. and that makes you better and so if you get in late, you're actually, arguably, hurting yourself in terms of being a candidate and listening to your-- you know, your potential or future constituents. and that was the case for me, too, when i first ran in 1998, i
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started a year before. i was on the ballot for secretary of state and went to every county. neil: no one gave you a chance. no one gave you a chance. >> i think that's the best part of the iowa caucus, it tests-- >> it rewards those who hustle. >> and it makes the organization and the campaign better and they can get a lot of momentum coming out of the state and building that team and taking that energy and enthusiasm to new hampshire. neil: all right. governor, thank you for taking the time. good to see you. welcome again. >> i love it here, i love the steaks here, but i digress. neil: and we have a pete buttigieg event and he's sunk a little in the poll, but as the governor reminds us, don't place your lot on the polls. they're wrong often more than right, in fact, a lot more often. putting that in perspective. stay with us, you're watching
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continuing coverage of the iowa caucuses. they have the gall to compete with the super bowl and i think they're winning. photos from your trip? ouch, okay. huh, boring, boring, you don't need to see that. oh, here we go. can you believe my client steig had never heard of a home and auto bundle or that renters could bundle? wait, you're a lawyer? only licensed in stockholm. what is happening? jamie: anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. you know karate? no, alan, i practice muay thai, completely different skillset.
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>> all right. i want to pass along some news concerning delta airlines, it's speeding up its departure from china. it was originally going to wait a week to curb flights, because of the virus that claimed better than 215 lives right now. the latest indication they're going to wrap up all flights to
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the country by the end of today and returning from the country by the end of tomorrow. this follows american airlines and united airlines, similarly curtailing flights to the point of zero flights. all right, so we'll keep you posted on that and we're also watching developments in the caucus state. the candidates are very, very busy all around. mike tobin is focusing on what mayor pete buttigieg is doing. mike. >> neil, it looks like mayor buttigieg is in the wrap phase of his comments in iowa and he got the simple message he is the guy to replace president donald trump. he also gave some reaction to the senate vote yesterday. he tweeted it was a disgrace. while he's doing that we see mayor buttigieg reaching out to moderates who might be tired of the acidic partisanship and as he does that he essentially scolds senate republicans. >> you can tell deep down a lot
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of these republican senators know what's going on is wrong. but they just can't quite seem to hear the message because of partisan politics and that's why it's so important that we send a different message. >> now, buttigieg took the tame to appear on h.b.o.'s real-time with bill maher and he took jabs at the president, and the soldiers that got in the path of the iranian missile and that traumatic brain injury could be more serious than bone spurs. and with bernie sanders, resolution or status quo, he talked about a fresh new play book and someone new to the scene and says that joe biden is not the guy to bring that, it's him. he's trying to get in front of as many iowa indicate key cause
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goers. neil: and that's crucial. that's how they've turned the elections of democrats and republicans, and when george mcgovern won the state and jamie carter. it's iconic. we've got fox business's bulls and bears and everything else. maria, this state has a habit and sort of represent dags -- reputation of making pollsters look like fools. at the risk of the obvious and showing bernie sanders gaining, where do you see that going? >> and bernie and biden at the top are pretty much at the margin of error as we heard karl rove say last hour. it's fluid. the polls don't mean a whole lot when it gets to the second and third round of a caucus. if someone's chosen candidate
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doesn't meet the threshold. mo who do we vote for. and we're hearing that amy klobuchar voters for biden and-- we could see a couple of things happen. bernie and biden are doing well. amy klobuchar is ticking up. mayor pete put a lot of emphasis on the state after the state the path gets much harder for him. what happens after the first round will be very, very interesting and then of course, we have mayor bloomberg waiting on super tuesday. he should be here. neil: now we have what could be a muddy picture, right? multiple potential winners, byron, and who benefits in that kind of a scenario. >> actually i think there's a chance to clarify here. the bernie-biden divide is a continuation of the bernie-hillary divide which has never healed in this party and the they think about the second choice, when you're at the
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caucus and the person you support doesn't get enough support, is at 15% to be viable, so you have to pick somebody else. neil: or team up with somebody. >> that's when you have to make a decision, do you want to go in the bernie direction or the biden direction? actually i think we may see clarity on what is the main division inside the democratic party for several years now. >> and biden's making the argument, look, your heart may be with bernie, but if we nominate bernie sanders not only will we lose, but the houses, houses flipped two house seats and close with a third. joni ernst is up this november and democrats want to take that seat and biden is making the case to voters in iowa we need to bring voters back into the party and the obama-trump voters across the state in iowa he says they're not going to bernie and
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he's making the case to klobuchar supporters, andrew yang supporters, on a second ballot to come to them. neil: to a man or woman, a lot of people are frantic that bernie sanders might be building the momentum, but it's a wrong time for them. and the big concern, and rahm emanuel in the wall street journal and others say that they would lose in the general election. >> what happens to the bernie supporters if they keep getting the short end of the stick. they're really ticked off about the change in the debate rules that allow bloomberg to get in, another moderate, and probably dump on bernie from the same perspective that biden will. biden is right, he could probably much better pull over undecided votes than bernie could, so far to the left. what happens to all of the bernie supporters if biden wins, particularly if the rules are changed in order to let him win
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which is essentially what happened during the hillary clinton campaign and that still is a raw nerve for a lot of bernie supporters. that's going to be difficult. you can't underestimate the energy and power that the bernie supporters bring to the party. i mean, a lot of moderates and conservatives might laugh at some of the progressive ideas, but they have a lot of strength in the party and a lot of energy, if that can't be brought over to the general election, if biden or bloomberg make the nomination, you wonder what's going to happen with the party. >> well, that's the sure sign, that they're worried that, you know, obviously sanders is resonating in you have to waive the rule that you have to get so much, and for a self-funded candidate like michael bloomberg, that opens the door. >> think how kirsten gillibrand and others saying we're attractive candidates in many ways, the dnc created the rules
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and now mayor bloomberg ignoring the first four states, that's a slap in the face. neil: maybe bloomberg is getting ready for a second or third ballot. >> bloomberg is like an experiment what you can do with unlimited money. it's like air power alone. and if you didn't have any charm or didn't have any reason to run, but you had unlimited money how-- >> are you saying that michael bloomberg lacks charm? >> he is doing this and this is extraordinary, but, i mean, i think where he fails is this idea that he can just sit out the first four contests. there will be four winners by the time he kind of gets into this. remember-- >> well, hopes there are four winners, that might improve his odds. >> rudy giuliani in 2008. >> remember how divided republicans were and they came together and won the election. so, i mean, there were just as many-- almost as many candidates on the republican side in 2016, there
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were never-trumpers, but they managed to find a way to come babbling. neil: very good point. guys, thank you very, very much. meanwhile, president trump is touting trades as something that will grease the skids for him getting reelected. is he right? that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it - with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa ♪ ♪
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> > >> usmca all done, china done for the farmers. you're going to have to get bigger tractors and a hell of a lot more land. you've got to produce a lot of product. neil: all right. the president saying he loves the farmers, the farmers love him back and despite this ongoing trade war with china that's been resolved, he hopes, and the deal does score with the usmca and he and the farmers are off to the races. and now, good to see you, craig.
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>> hi, neil. neil: we're chatting about how loyal the farmers have been to this president and patient they've been and we were thinking, with this coronavirus and an ability for china to make hard to make good on this. >> the coronavirus and the consequences. regardless, people are going to eat-- we're going to have the same demand features of china and the rest of the world for food as we had previously. neil: are you worried that some markets have found alternatives though? whether it's brazil with soy beans and awed of-- all of a sudden they can't go back. >> there are number to access your supply. america has ag commodities. we export 20% of our production, our domestic production is not really market setting. it's what we export. and we feed much of the world. and so when you look at corn and
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soy beans and pork and beef and poultry and eggs and things we produce so well in iowa it's important for us to access those markets. neil: farmers have stuck with the president, they've been very loyal to the president. they helped him win by 10 points last go round. do you think they'll do the same? >> i believe so, yes, i do. when i talk to my farmer friends around the country, they're staying tight with the president. i do hear, however, from my democratic friends that amy klobuchar is kind of, what i'm hearing, they're going to caucus for. neil: she's number three. you know the state better than i and the degrees of caucus voting, but she has begun to resonate, what do you think it is? >> well, i think she adheres more to the beliefs and values and principles that some of our rural citizens believe and she's kind of dominating. as you look the momentum she's gotten is pretty remarkable. neil: all right. thank you very, very much.
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i wish you well. craig hilde, iowa farm president and a group that has collectively stood by like no other i could think of for the president. and chatting with the coronavirus, it continues to spread. 24 countries are now caught up in this, 24 countries and we had a big selloff that made the markets fall into negative territory as a result after this. call newday usa. one call can save you $2000 a year. with the newday va streamline refi there's no income verification, no appraisal and no out of pocket costs. and my team can close your loan in as little as 30 days. one call can save you $2000 every year.
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kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. are you seeing this? the kohler walk-in bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohler-certified installer. and it's made by kohler- america's leading plumbing brand. we need this bath. yes. yes you do. a kohler walk-in bath provides independence with peace of mind.
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>> all right. it's getting serious as if it wasn't already. reports right now with the coronavirus, 259 people are dead and close to 12,000 cases have been reported. what's more, that case number goes up by at least double digits each and every single day. i've got, 1,000 more cases
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reported each and every single day. so, the administration has taken efforts to quarantine those who get into this country from that region, in order to prevent that from happening in the first place. you've seen that the national institute of health and others, giving travel warnings and american airlines and a host of others have cut flights to and from the region. some moving that up a little bit to wrap it up by sunday. dr. jeanette join us right now. doctor, it's building and the peer that it could build some more is building. and in this country, and at least three others of human to human contact. why is that significant when you hear that? >> neil, i expect to see more cases in the united states, and they'll probably trickle in. the reason they've declared an emergency is at least slowing down that virus and while we're doing that, taking measures, any
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american flying in, 14 day quarantine and a ban, you can't fly in unless you're a u.s. citizen and while we're doing that educating the public and ensure that health care providers know how to tackle a patient that comes in, what steps to take, put them in a mask, isolate them until we confirm what's going on and treat them and also, take a history, seeing if they've been in contact with anyone else, trace contacting so we can minimize the spread. neil: so when i hear up to 14 day incubation period, doctor, that means manile could already be here when they first got here, they weren't expecting any of the symptoms associated with this. does that mean it's a ticking time bomb? what would you tell people? >> it can be. up to 14 days for the symptoms to appear and that's why the quarantine to help limit the
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spread. take precautions. more people in this country are suffering from influenza a and b than the coronavirus, we have a strong and sophisticated health infrastructure to keep american citizens healthy, but we have to take actions, be proactive to prevent the rapid spread like we've seen it in china. neil: do you get any sense that the chinese are holding back information? i mean, when they quarantine 60 million of its people? >> the only thing potentially have they maybe underreported the amount of cases? that's a possibility, but the bottom line is, we know that it's rapidly spreading. it's highly infectious, highly contagious. it spreads from person to person and we need to take precaution. right now it seems like they're containing it in that country, the only deaths are from china, about 260 deaths, we have no deaths anywhere else, hopefully we can keep it like that. neil: let's hope so, dr. thank you.
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and for your help throughout this process. the latest case and 259 known dead and 12,000 cases building up right now and the world is united trying to make sure it doesn't go out of control. more after this.
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>> welcome, everybody. i'm neil neil reporting to you live tonight from-- today from des moines, iowa. i know a lot of my colleagues are in miami for the super bowl, but this is my super bowl, this state and this city, not only for the great food, but for, obviously, what's at stake. the first in the nation sort of barometer on how 2020 is going to go. there are a variety of ways you can look at the state. others who stumble out and go on to win themselves, including donald trump. that was then, what happens now, all of this with the back drop after impeachment process that winds up on wednesday, the day after the president's state of the union address, where he is largely seen as not getti


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