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tv   Watters World  FOX News  February 8, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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>> don't forget next time watch life, liberty, and levin. >> welcome to waters world i'm jesse watters iowa "state of the union" acquittal and democratic debate we don't have enough show. it is a month of news packed into a week. so we stack hour for you tonight, we have steve bannon rudy giuliani kellyanne conway and jerry jr. and democratic president rnl candidate toll gabor but first a week of "watters world" this is how, you know, trump just had his best week ever. listen to the left. >> everybody wants to get out of town today. i think this has been quite frankly but in professional career one of the worst weeks i
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can actually remember. sorry to hear that now let's check in with your base. [inaudible conversations] >> say that one more time. >> he seems nice. maybe the media can spin it. >> out of my ear. e oh, crazy is that your ear piece? i'm crazy he's made me crazy this week. i'm really good and he's with me because i'm getting naughtier and naughtier malfunction on live tv. it is okay, joy just try to admit the truth. like this -- you saw donald trump with incredibly great week with a booming resilient market. on america mighty machine is turning out new jobs. all in all a great week from
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mr. trump is approval rating with all time high so to his approval of handling of the economy. now when mainstream media agrees with "watters world" it has to be true. trump presidency as it is right now he hit a home run at the "state of the union" on tuesday. >> the american age the american epic the american adventure has only just begun -- our spirit is still young. the sun is still rising. god's grace is still shining. and my fellow americans the best is yet to come. [applause] thank you god bless you and god bless america. thank you very much. [applause] a powerful address boasting
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about blue collar boom showcasing personal stories of sacrifice with a very inspiring patriotic flourish there at the end. but nan ripped speech up she wanted to prove radical democrats she hated trump as much as they did. but regular democrats hated it that. and they ripped her, they burned up the lines on c-span listen to this. >> no longer will i vote democrat. they look like they hated our country. and nancy pelosi the whole time sitting up there with this disgusting look on her face it is outis ragous, i am literally disgusted with pelosi, and the democrats behavior. with a simple rip of the papers, nancy pelosi has pretty much sealed the deal of a reelection of donald trump. now this all comes on heels of the iowa caucus looks like democrats interfered in their own election and couldn't count their own vote.
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they're fried. we still don't know who won. msnbc they couldn't sugar coat it democrats have had three years to get ready for this. and they've got a bunch of candidate that run in the first contest and they don't even get off the launch pad. blows up on the launch pad. this is a disaster for democrats. they have years to get ready to kowngtd a few votes and couldn't get it done. but they want to be in charge of your health care. it's a mess on left democrat turnout was low and sleepy joe biden finished fourth and socialist might have gotten most votes james lost it . >> matters who candidate is and matter what is a party chooses to talk about. i mean i'm 75 years old why am i here doing this because i am scared to death that's why and we keapght act like this is going this party needs to wake
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up and make sure that we talk about things that are relevant to people but god sakes senator warren get on -- get real out here. more like talking about people voting from jail cell but without a border. i mean come on people. >> their points james. again i can't argue with. few yo i goose are headed for a civil war a landslide loss and then another civil war. media can't cover it up anymore. they'll have to cover it. democrats completely on the defenses now, trump unleashed after the acquittal. we've been going through this now for over three yearses. it was evil. it was corrupt it was dirty cops. it was leakers and liars. we were treated pun believably unfairly. it was all -- [bleep] adam schiff is a vicious, horrible person. nancy pelosi is a horrible
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person. they brought me to the final stages of impeachment. but now we have that gorgeous word i never thought a word would sound so good. it's called total acquittal put through hell for three years for what? nothing -- no collusion, no on instruction, no high crime. now what are they going to do? we'll find out next week won't we? and we'll be ready. joining me now on a waters world exclusive form or white house chief strategist, and host of the war room paimed radio show, steve bannon. all right had steve, so what did you think best week ever for the president? >> best two weeks look at usmca and deal, if you look at ivanka human trafficking you know, the counterfeit brexit the paramedic
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bold moves he makes on pandemic he's focused on action, action and they've had nullification project for two years but nullification project won't stop. here's why. they don't have the personalities they don't have big personality and they don't have policies a policy so far left. so they have to do it on the down lowe right now. smg it's the total destruction of donald trump. that's what they're focused all they have. if we don't think they're going to subpoena they're going to come back with subpoenas and bolton and this is why i've argued for a long trial in the impeachment are now getting lindsay grammy. we need to get all of this on the table. >> right i don't think -- >> lindsey graham say he's going to bring the whistle-blower in. we get to have the second whistle-blower come in adam schiff could maybe have to testify. and he's already clearinghouse with veinman and he's recalling sunland e.u. ambassador. first off e he needs to clear house talked this in 2017 and
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support policies in there to execute this. he deserves it. but i think what president trump has been saying it not just about him. about future presidents. if one day aoc is the president she is commander in chief -- >> what did you just say? >> very hard for wrap my head around that. but trying to say president trump is sitting there saying it is not about him. s it's about on is sit of the president. we need to vet this. and i think the senate judiciary is a place to start and you bring one of your guest tonight you bring rudy let him have two days on national in a formal setting put all of the information he has up there and not only that but where is hunter becauses right now we talk about rudy about this in a little bit and actually subpoena some records from the treasury, to see if there was any financial irregularities going on with hunter with burisma and a obama you called this cpac 2017 you said this is what it was going to be like. let's listen. >> here's what's going to get worse because he's going to
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continue to press his agenda. and as economic had conditions get better as more jobs get better they're going don't to fight. if you think they're going to give you your country back without a fight you're sadly mistaken. every day -- every day it is going to be a fight. so that was a couple of years ago did you think it was going to be this ugly? >> i thought it would be this ugly and a impeachment and 18 with the film war i said if we lose house of representative she's promised people to impeach them. is that -- they don't have another alternative. they don't have person there's nobody in that stage going to beat donald trump and no set of policies that people to beat donald trump. is economic program is working. his america first national security policy is working. and trump triggers them. i did bill maher last night you go on that crowd just the concept of donald trump ended deplorable. triggers these people that are throwing tomatoes at you. let's listen to a little of steve versus bill maher. roll that.
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>> we mostly lose because the senator in wyoming represents 290,000 people in senator here represents 20 million. that's mostly why we lose electoral college it is called a republic sir, it is called republic. what i love you about guys you have to about everything match play not melts play. so rules are. >> no you know what rules are and you can't win. best week of that's what i said. i wish we have someone on your side it is evil great to see you. thank you for going. you looked a little depressed there. because look at trump's action they don't know what to do next but i have to tell you don't these people are are going to continue that's why i think lindsay graham and senate we've got the vet this. let's get it all out there. because let's get the whistle-blower and second whistle-blower and brennan up there had and get adam schiff as a -- >> running up there and get adam schiff as a fact witness and everybody up there jesse in front of the nation. do you have what it takes for
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that kind of scourged earth investigation there? >> i think they owe it here's what republicans and senate owe to this country like had the church commissioner remember the excessive c.i.a. and a 50s and 60s led to church commission after "watergate" 70s that's what we need has to start it and on the other side. but out of yo a lot of expectations for durham or not? >> that's a criminal proceeding with a grand jury, however, that proceeds it proceeds but this is actually more important. this is before the nation, to seed abuses against donald trump. so that when you sit there and like trump says it is not about him this is about this should never happen to another president trump and what president trump has said is very important he's trying to protect the opposite of the president. >> a about executive power. all right we talked about this in before we came on the air. china and this -- pandemic this virus that's going on out there corona how big of a threat is this right now? look like at this point deadly
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or than sars a virus how do you see it? >> i think coming to america president trump has taken bold and smart action. okay, the couple of weeks ago he's got this task force to get the right people on it. he's taken smart measures -- >> if this blows up will this pay a price? >> i think he's acted fast enough. >> a travel ban or no? >> acted fast enough now. here's the problem i think is in china. in china, this is a scale not that ccp a aingt would lie to you but if you want to see what's going on watch the five episodes of chernobyl i don't think they have the hands around it. because right now in the personnel i think three things have to happen number one, the firewall has to come down on the internts. so the chinese people have full access -- >> that's not going to happen. number one i think it has to happen and number two offered cdc and others real virus killers and hunters to go there.
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i think chinese commerce party has to ask virus hunters to go. the the doctor in hong kong these guys know how to track down these viruses. number three, i think medical personnel you see the collapse of the public health system in wuhan remember, this is a city the size of new york and right now it is totally under quarantine going door to door to see who has this. >> that's only thing i think that can slow it down is this virus like we've said can bernie slow down donald trump? can bloomberg do it? are you hand capping this thing? >> look here's the bottom line after the democratic party said the president declare and present danger because of russia the democratic party now has to rely upon an american olgark made this money over last couple of years with 70 billion and prepared -- >> no he made it. he made it. but no what he's prepared to do is say, even if he's not the democratic nominee, he'll put
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two billion dollars because of a personal van he won't make it and i keep telling bernie supporters if they are totally disrespected and discounted by democratic party. they've got cheated out of iowa. and out of poll. >> do you think that was funny business in iowa or -- not a conspiracy theory guy but how does poll not get released and in balance and then they don't do thing right first thing and then recanvas. they said some producer guy when he resize poll he resized it too big and cut the name off the bottom. >> there are none -- hold it in a -- as soon as bernie gets in lead they want to recanvas bernie voters are not respected by democratic party, they ought to give trump a listen. trump respects the bernie voters and listen these guys didn't turn out for hillary clinton in 2016. they ought to turn out for donald trump in 20 20 because bernie is not nominee here's
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what's going to happen. he's coming in bloomberg is coming in with all of that capitol he's going to light up a thermal capital weapon on super tuesday shatter this field and that's what hillary clinton i think is going to come back out of the bullpen and run with bloomberg. with bloomberg's money when dolly frasier and right on bloomberg -- with cash. if they think that hillary clinton will beat donald trump i love that -- too. but here's the thing because bloomberg doesn't bloomberg need a box i think the president says he's too short to be on debate stagelet listen to that. >> i would love to run against bloomberg. i would love it. he wants to box for the debates. to stand on, okay it's okay there'sing nothing wrong you could be short. why should he get a box to stand on okay he wants box per the debates. i mean why should he get a box? best ever and make that up or do you know something? >> i'm sure president knows something and force it. everybody has to stand on platform right you don't get a box. a box full of cash and box to
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stand on. all right steve bannon thank you very much. thank you for having me on. a packed show tonight we've got rudy -- kellyanne conway and gabor -- stick around. all stressed. (honk!) i hear you sister. that's why i'm partnering with cigna to remind you to go in for your annual check-up, and be open with your doctor about anything you feel - physically and emotionally. but now cigna has a plan that can help everyone see stress differently. just find a period of time to unwind. a location to de-stress. an activity to enjoy. or the name of someone to talk to. to create a plan that works for you, visit cigna. together, all the way. visit vicks vapopatch. easy to wear with soothing vicks vapors
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>> in this moment it is already unified in a lot of ways. all you have to do is look at our crowd and look at our support what unifies it is great success. our country today is more successful than it has ever been and that's unify the country. >> joining me now to the president kellyanne conway, this is why kellyanne everybody hates the media. they have just put this country through hell put the senate, put thing constitution put the president through hell. divided this whole country, then asked the president how he's going to unify it. like an arsonist asking a burn victim for an apology. do you think that they're ever, ever going to change? >> no they won't but don't just say the media the democratic party has put the country through this as well.
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i think they've just been coconspirators in all of this, and why it's going to take one or two pretty savvy and exhausted people in the media jesse to say you know what i'm tired of the democrats outsourcing their business to us. because they couldn't get the job done. it didn't end with mueller investigation impeachment long to this president second term they began with it. they've gotting nothing left and i think the iowa caucuses this week were with a metaphor for democrat democratic party. functional, dispirited detached from own voters it was one thing they tried but it was a one thing they couldn't blame donald trump for. the iowa caucus democratic caucus. long before -- you know long before nancy pelosi was -- was tearing up the "state of the union" speech. they've been tearing up the constitution through all of these investigations and -- >> what did you think when she did that on television did that -- affect you personally? >> i needed to congratulate whatever republican was a plant
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in the secret office and gave e her that great idea. >> i agree. it did not go well did not go well and i want to say something somebody who has been in the cabinet room in the situation room and oval office all of these place where is nancy pelosi behind closed tores with many people around has her hissy fits starts doing that muttering to herself and all of that -- that faces and eye rolling and then storms out. she stormed out when we were trying too far a meeting about syria and turkey and infrastructure meeting she stormed out of the situation room about the border. called it a manufacture crisis, that then her party went and forked over billions of dollar for not so many manufactures but we're in custom to seeing it. she's not in control of her own caucus i told the president when she became i said this probably on your show and other places when she became speaker i said she's got two big problems she doesn't have control of her temper about you president or caucus and now whole world got to see it and we hear what she's
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most powerful woman and powerful speak speaker she ruined her party chances to be -- but look this was not just a great week for the president. there's no doubt. we had a great january report. iowa caucus is a debacle and michael bloomberg running around but target aing super tuesday but if he has best message and connection to voters he could pull off in his pocket to have one infomercial and documentary and he's going to do that is because he doesn't have -- any connected tissue people think because they're billionaires too they would be like donald trump if they have a twitter feed like they're donald trump. if they ran for president and some point and failed, they're like donald trump. guess what e he's the president and to everybody else out there. i confidently say -- you're not. and he just keeps dialing to i've been there since day one his moxie his ability to rise above and ascend is nay saysers
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and critics it has really e remarkable and energy level is remarkable here's -- >> you have all of this momentum you know the democrats are split he's acquitted he's controlling the news cycle red hot economy. how do you capitalize that on next couple of weeks couple of months really just generate a huge push into the summer? >> you already have plans for that and i think what you saw in first lady box of the "state of the union," is very -- is sort of about what you'll see in the republican -- >> back with to no celebrity this is president and real policy of his vision and he'll continue to do that. but we're pushing forward on health care and next month harks ten year anniversary of obama biden care and some were held sure. but ten year anniversary of biden obama care and millions of americans and jesse still have no health insurance whatsoever and others were pushed into
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government run plans that ares worse than what they have. we wanted to do better than that and covering the condition and giving people more choices we'll be doing very bold things the president lived and surprise medical building on transparency and how we manage kidney health on health care arrangement. but look what he's doing yesterday another terrorist dead in yemen it has become -- a standard fair for the president is easy to miss. >> good because he's said they're going to take away your health care. that you like -- that you are happy with and not only that. they're going to give it to e immigrant that doesn't poll well with anybody that's the way to go. >> it doesn't poll well for anybody and best message for women and how do we reach women and respect with the the same message. women are a vast majority of the health care consumers in this country we control roughly two out of three health care spent and providers. so in the democrats stand up to say medicare for all folks less
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medicare for seniors but also all of the people in the private health care industry now with jobs where did they go? that's a lot that's millions and millions of women and 177 million americans overall a so we're in the side of opportunity scholarship. i don't think democrats taught about that one. health care freedoms, i don't think but never thought about a lot of things but a team up they put their a team up. and it wasn't even a sleeper the vote wasn't even a sleeper. to come together kellyanne i have to run. thank you very much. you got it. all right. best week ever but there will be more. thanks jesse. >> i'm sure it is not over for hunter biden and whistle-blower rudy joule giuliani has aing big plan. coming up.
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live from american's news he has quarters i'm l aye sha fox news confirming multiple american casualties in afghanistan as u.s. and afghan forces were attacked in the eastern part of that country today. new details are still coming in from that region but os military spokesman said in a statement that american troop were, quote, engaged in direct firing. the incident occurred in a region where both taliban and islamic state operate and come
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as washington is speaking to end a 18-year long war in that country. in meantime the death toll in china from the corona virus rising to 811. that number now higher than the starses epidemic of the early a 2,000 news comes day after u.s. citizen died from outbreak of 6-year-old american in city of wuhan. i'm aye sha now back to "watters world." after president trump acquitted unloaded on enemieses to see how all of this got started. >> had i not fired james comey who was a disaster, by the way -- it's possible i wouldn't even be standing here right now. and if i didn't fire james comey we would have never found this stuff. because when i fired that sleaze bag all hell broke out --
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they were ratting on each other -- here with reaction and making his waters world debut, former new york city mayor and attorney for the president rudy giuliani. all right, so it goes even further back than that because of the collusion, because of the stealed dos e yay all of these allegations that ended up being a hoax. now it looks like they're really going to press back on the enemies that started this whole thing. we talked about about it at the top the whistle-blower -- we talked about maybe hunter biden they're going after some of he has records. how far mr. mayor are you guys going to push this now this whole thing has been acquitted. >> well, i want to prove what happened because i believe if we prove what happened he will be totally vindicated i can take it back to january of 2016. possibly the whistle-blower was there. and actually meeting and obama and biden representatives tell ukrainian officials get me dirt
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on manafort. >> right. >> i have three witnesses to that. one, two, three -- if you bo to my podcast you'll see one of them right now andrew, and con i speld them out in my podcast. >> so obama -- >>ing willing to get on witness stand and say that -- january 2016, members of obama nsc violated with violating. asked foreign centers for dirty information on american citizen involved in a political campaign. >> that's it. for a year and a half, what about all of these nfc member who work for obama work for biden, possible, possible, possible -- now the three witnesses that you have today -- >> did they name name these three witnesses did they say -- who and obama --
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ed aings mrgs? >> yeah. they name names. they do and we have also -- we have those names? >> we have also a memo. we have a memo what is memo say? you do you have a memo. >> i have a memo, yeah. do you have it on you right now? >> no. not going to tell me right now. oh but you maybe have it later. but there's no doubt-- there's no doubt who was at that meeting and there's no doubt they may lie about about it but there were three ukrainian two prosecutors -- and one with member of the embassy. so that's -- to say that manafort black book that's what ended up being false. you should understand there's also a conversation in which manafort black book was told by -- is intended to blow the trump campaign up. >> so the dnc contractor -- she uses the word in may that's going to destroy the trump campaign. when it's leaked in august by a parliamentarian you know what he says this will destroy trump and
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no longer be a candidate the the reason it is a forgery is never expected to use it in court they thought it was going to blow up his campaign but we know he use teflon by that time. they have the black book on manafort to make a trump withdraw. [laughter] >> they did. they thought and actually believe that somehow he was involved in the russian in some how they start to believe their own garbage. so you have three people that can testify to obama and you also have chalupa who contractor you have documentation of all of them. do you have any hunter biden documentation because that is like -- graham says he's going to do in the senate. >> lindsay gets started. [laughter] yeah. i have -- i have what i used to call when i was u.s. attorney of smoking gun. this is a money landering transaction occurred at the time that was fired and it's about 14.6 million. and this is a notice from the lack of the government to the ukrainian government that hunter
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biden is under investigation for corruption. corruption affair, and then it lays out simplify it, 14.8 million goes from ukraine to company in latvia disguise at a loan and goes from lath vee e ya to another company disguised as another loan in cyprus and then to the u.s. we lose track of it. because when he gets it, just about the day he's fired -- there's no money in here for devin archer and hunter biden everybody else the money is listed the two board members we all of the other board members money listed. money listed none for them. so round about i guess international wire to disguise as loan and you have dms to show that. it is right here you have memo right there that's from latvia to ukraine -- because right now we know a few senate republicans have asked treasury department about some
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of these financial irregularities involving hunter biden should have been investigative look government has been lax a it is pathetic these are crimes that when i was a -- a u.s. attorney, the day joe biden made that boastful announcement about how bribed big mistake. yeah. he -- the investigation would have begun next day for bribery. he -- he violated the bribery statute announced it. there he is all right. lindsey graham talk to america mayor right here. he's i'm looking at some of it right here. he's a good lawyer called corroboration well thank you very much. i appreciate it. democrats had a rough time in iowa. so hillary clinton she's flirting with getting on the ticket. we have thoughts on that and she make her splash into "watters world." remember, you have the hilton app. can the hilton app help us win? hey, hey-we're all winners
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hillary clinton hinting to helen she's open to being vp. if someone asks you to be vp would you do it? >> well that's not going to happen. but no. probably no -- you don't know that's not going to happen i think i do. really? >> it isic i do. all right. but when if they did? i never say never because serving my country but it is noting going to happen. [laughter] here with her reaction someone who has her own issues with former secretary of state 2020 presidential candidate and democratic congresswoman gabor so congresswoman how does that make you feel when hillary leaves the door open toking being on the ticket in 2020? >> i am completely 100% focused on the voters in new hampshire right now and voters across the country who will make up their own minds on who they want our democratic nominee to be and next president will be. >> okay very diplomatic answer.
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and truth have you heard anything about that lawsuit that you filed against her as she responded in any way. >> all i know is that the papers have been served and i believe a court date has been set. first court date has been set for early in march. >> wow we'll have to stay on top of that all right. so the iowa situation in total cat if catastrophe do you think there's foul play involved there or do you think that it's just -- sloppy bookkeeping? >> it's hard to say i don't know i wasn't there. i wasn't running that process. it's certainly has been a completely failure really first of all to iowa voters. you know who took time out of their busy lives and scheduling to go in and cast their vote. hoping that their voices would be heard and still yet to this day to my understanding people like the ap are unable to call the election the result of the election because they have found some issues with some of the votes tally.
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so it's a terrible situation especially as we're beginning this presidential primary for people to start off wondering if their voices and votes will be counted and a reported to the rest of the country. >> a tragic situation if you are a voter in iowa. no one wants that to happen no matter what party. do you have any confidence in the chairmen of the dnc tom perez? >> this speaks to leadership across the board. there should have been a series of tests you know in the military we call it war game you kind of want to go through these processes you go through the behearse l before it is time to execute to prevent as much as possible the risk of this kind of thing occurring i thought it was pretty trouble today to hear the chair of the democratic party himself had not run the app open the app themselveses prior to lech day. >> and definitely no war gaming beginning on over there so i
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think i hear you loud and clearing lack of leadership. there was a debate last night you weren't there. some of your i guess people that you're running against had this to say about trump killing soleimani, let's listen. there's noafd that made our country safer. you cannot go around say you're a bad guy we're going to assassinate you. do you agree with that congresswoman? >> there's two really important issues as it relates to trump assassination of soleimani number one -- >> you call it assassination it was assassination. it was an act of war taken by president trump without any authorization or declaration of war from congress as per thing constitution. this is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed and number two -- the results the consequences of
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this action have undermine our national security and two critical ways number one our troops deployed to iraq very directly whole purpose for there trying to prevent resurgence of terrorist groups like isis and al qaeda in aftermath of this, the commander said hey we cannot dedicate any of our energy towards that mission. we have to redirect all of our resources towards protecting against iranian threat or a threat come toking from iranian back militia therefore leaving door wide open to these terrorist organizations to begin to reconstitute is themselves. >> and potentially could be seen as an escalation but i think you know that commander in chief has wide latitude to conduct strikes like that in the interest of the united states national security and let me just ask you before we go i know we're tboig disagree on that. you i guess you said get well soon to rush hymn baa you caught a lot of heat for that for some
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reason. what do you think that was about about? the hyperpartisanship and house divided against itself cannot stand. i'm speaking to bring about leadership in this country that's focused on treating all americans respect. no matter how strongly i may disagree with their position and treat all americans with respect recognizing what we must come the together and that as americans when we stand together working side by side, we can accomplish anything. the the unifying leadership that i speak to bring is necessary not only to win in november. but most importantly to focus on how we can bring about a victory for the american people. >> all right congresswoman. she'll be up in new hampshire freezing -- rest of the weekend. thank you very much. >> it is cold thanks jesse very bad weeks for mitt romney and nancy pelosi. are they using god as a
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this week mitt romney became the only, only republican senator to convict president trump during
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impeachment trial his reason -- faith. i'm profoundly religious. i take an a oath beef god as enormously consequential and from an a inescapable conviction that oath before god demanded it of me. joining me now president of liberty university and member of the donald trump for president advisory board so when you hear him use god in that way. on impeachment vote in the sthat, how does that square with you? i think he should keep his religion in the personal life how he treats other people, and when e he took an oath to be a senator, he should consider what impeachable conduct. you know i said the other night on tv that 1990s movie the
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lion king animated version that the democrats were acting like hyenas many their impeachment. but also i think mitt romney fits in that movie a little bit because i don't know if you remember the character scar lion who pretended to be -- but he was a lie -- but he was trying to take over, overthrow the king, and he worked with hyena to do so and i think that's what we're seeing it is just some people have always worn halos to hide their horns and i'm not saying -- not saying that about romney but i do know that jesus saved reserve harshest criticism for lnls elite he called them hypocrite wolfs in sheeps clothing so a lot more respect for mitt romney if he would just say --
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i'm bitter i'm angry, not only that trump beat me but that american conservatives have finally wised up and seen through our brand of professional politicians who show how great they are as family people and how faith, how faithful they are to their church but when it comes time to vote they vote with democrats and that's what over last four decades that's made conservatives the move away from republicans, establishment republicans and that got donald trump elected. you've said so many things there. jerry i don't know where to go. i don't have enough time to get into that all -- but i mean i will say this. mitt romney got a standing ovation at the democratic debate last night. republicans got a standing ovation like that. maybe they can primary them. maybe they could i don't know if he's going to run again. but we'll see.
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>> i think he's showing his true colors i think he's pretending to be something he's not for year with and years in political world. and i'm -- you know, donald trump he didn't mention by name but prayer breakfast what he said is -- i agree with it 100%. yep. >> letter well we didn't have time for nancy pelosi but maybe we'll do that again. jerry, thank you very much. >> any time. yeah. thank you. >> up next, last call. ♪
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"justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: welcome to "justice," i'm judge jeanine pirro. yes, the rumors are true. we did it again last weekend. "justice" was number one all weekend, saturday, saturday night, sunday and sunday night. tonight the odds are in our favor again. i have senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham, corey lewandowski, darrell issa, charlie kirk, all with me live. but first my open. this week we witnessed the difference between a leader and


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