tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News February 8, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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"justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: welcome to "justice," i'm judge jeanine pirro. yes, the rumors are true. we did it again last weekend. "justice" was number one all weekend, saturday, saturday night, sunday and sunday night. tonight the odds are in our favor again. i have senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham, corey lewandowski, darrell issa, charlie kirk, all with me live. but first my open. this week we witnessed the difference between a leader and a wannabe.
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the stark contrast between someone who is a world leader and someone hoping his day will come. but being a leader takes vision and fortitude and persistence, a dug-in determination to a goal that never changes. by way of example, permit me to introduce you to a non-leader. the first united states senator in american history to vote to convict the president of his own party, mitt romney. the sole and only republican to vote to convict president trump. how dare he? how could he? and why would he? mitt dared to do what he thought was good for him individually. not for the party, not for us, and certainly not for america. he knew his vote would change nothing regarding impeachment.
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but he tried to set himself up as the leader going against everyone else. he took a stand he thought would impress others. it did. many on the looney left defended him saying his vote was very patriotic. yes, he endeared himself to the trump-hating left, the radicals not interested in the america first agenda. those all about power not truth. so why? mitt says his strong faith is the reason and that god demanded it of me. >> my promise before god to apply impartial justice required that i put my personal feeling and political biases aside. were i to ignore the evidence that has been presented and disregard what i believe my oath and the constitution demands of me for the sake of a partisan end, it would, i fear, expose my
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character to history's rebuke. judge jeanine: i'm catholic, i went to catholic schools and i believe in god. do you ever wonder when people who never mention god or religion never bring it up until they get caught doing something or need an excuse pork something they did. kind of like nancy pelosi who so hates donald trump, almost has a conniption. what a bunch of phoneys. i can't wait to hear what they are going to tell st. peter when they get there. but let me move on from his religious to his secular reason. >> i sought to hear testimony from john bolton not only because i believed he coulded a context to the charges. but also because i hoped what he
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might say could raise reasonable doubt? judge jeanine: the transcript of the telephone call which no one expected the president would release is the corpus. it's the body of the alleged wrong doing. anything before, after, around it is irrelevant and material. what was said in that conversation is what acquits or convicts the president. he used that as an excuse to convict when you don't even know what he's going to say and the prosecutor haven't made out a prima facia case. do you wonder why the house managers didn't subpoena bolton? the prosecution doesn't present evidence that you want and you don't have the slightest idea what that evidence might be or whether it's even relevant. you want to use that nothing burger to convict the president
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of the united states? are you stupid, too? you take non-evidence that the democrats refuse to present as a reason to convict the president in an economy that is unparalleled with a military whose strength is unee called, with a population where 90% are happy with their lives? you laely are stupid. you use the prosecutor's inability to make a case as a reason to vote guilty. the facts before you make it clear there was no pressure, no demands, n d -- no ukrainian investigation. our president had an obligation to investigate corruption, especially where united states taxpayers' money goes to foreign countries. and you say this is the most
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difficult decision you ever made? mitt, you are full of it. and since you are such a scholar did you ever consider the president's constitutional rights that were stripped from him in the star chamber where he was denied the presumption of innocence? the truth is you simply despise donald trump. your jealousy of this man is a constant rage burning within you because you can never rise to the height that he has. because guys like you fold like wosses. you don't have selflessness or the ability to think about others as donald trump has thought about making america first. and by the way, you are pane embarrassment. your reason that you won't support donald trump if he's the party's them knee. you worldy what you are tell your grandchildren, when they
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ask why, grandpa didn't you stop donald trump. maybe you better worry about when they ask about your loss to barack obama. will you tell them that you choked? mitt, losers choked. you choked when a cnn reporter pushed back on you and you folded like every other loser. you talk about your grandchildren and what you will say to them. you just did it again. you are the reason barack obama got four more years with an economy in the tank, a caliphate that was growing, law enforcement and military morale in the garbage. you haven't always been able to hide the real you. in fact people of massachusetts voted against you. it was one of the worst home state losses in presidential history. and your arrogance? again on full display.
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>> i do believe he should be removed from office. judge jeanine: really, mitt? he should be removed from office? for what? so you can try to make another move for president? i have got news for you. you have got no moves left. at your request donald trump supported you in 2012 and 2018 and like a snake in the graws turned on him. i have an idea, you need to be removed from office. how about you get the hell out of the united states senate because people in utah are furious with you. and your dream of endearing yourself to the trump-hating left is a joke. so mitt, pack your bags. take some time off and ride around with your dog on the roof of your car like you did when you used to vacation with your family. and don't forget, when you lie
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with dogs you get fleas. but that will never be as bad as the stain you forged upon whatever legacy you think you have. that's my open. let me hear what you think on facebook, twitter, #judgejeanine. joiningmelivetodiscussmore. senatorlindseygraham. thanksforbeingonjustice. iwishihad more time to talk about what-happened this week with the president. but what's left for mitt romney? >> i am not going to say anything bad about mitt romney. i am not going to question his faith. let's see if you and i can figure this out in two minutes. who is behind it, schiff, nadler, pelosi. not mueller, not watergate
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prosecutors, not ken starr. the three most partisan people in the country who hate trump's guts. th. he couldn't call a witness or present evidence. and what was it all about? he suspended aid to the ukraine for a short period of time toll leverage an investigation that never occurred. they got the money, there was no investigation. god's common sense should lead us to believe this was partisan b.s., a process used to destroy the presidency. this was a bad decision for anybody to vote guilty on these facts. judge jeanine: now that they have done this clearly. they have been obsessed with this man for just over three years. do they call bolton or do they just move on. >> i don't think they can move on. if you are going to compare what
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president trump has done and will do for the country versus their ideas, i couldn't blame them for not wanting to be talking about giving illegal immigrants free healthcare, and continuing to support sanctuary cities. they don't want to talk about that. they are trying to destroy this man, but they don't have an agenda to compete with him. how this man does it, i don't -- know. nobody i know would have went through this. they were going to impeach him for suspending aid that the ukraine got ahead of schedule to leverage an investigation that never occurred. judge jeanine: the facts were absurd. let's switch it to the you guys. now we know that -- do we expect that you as chairman of
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judiciary or burr, chairman of i will tell jones may want to look at the whistleblower or the bidens? i know treasury subpoenaed hunter biden's financial records. but james reese apparently does doesn't have an appetite -- he says i have other thingsism doing now and i haven't given it any thought. >> we are not going to live in a world where as a republican you get investigated from the day you get sworn in, three years later they are still coming after you. here is what amazes me. the russian investigation. what happened? half the people behind the russia investigation are going to go to jail and trump was cleared. judge jeanine: hopefully. >> hang tight. they come after trump on ukraine and biden blows up. every time they throw a rock at
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trump they get hit. why did the state department not act when they were told about the conflict of interest with hunter biden regarding the ukraine. who is the whistleblower? does he have contacted only schiff's staff? did colonel vindman leak information to the whistleblower? that's where i come in. judge jeanine: the head of the fisa court said it was wrong and not predicated on probable cause. so you are going to do something. do you want to tell us what you are going to do? >> i'm going to give a list to the department of justice that i want to call. i want to find out how this got so screwed up. why didn't they tell about the russian source that said the dossier is not reliable. i want to know what obama knew about this investigation.
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i want to call rosenstein, sally yates, comey, mccabe, all the people who worked on this case to find out how it got so off the rails and make sure it never happens again. and i want to know who in the white house knew about this counter-intelligence investigation against the republican nominee. judge jeanine: the lovers were saying the white house wants to be informed of what we are doing. but there is more i want to talk about. it takes a team effort. you are a powerful man obviously. but we need those other committees. we need a full court press. it's based on facts, not what the democrats did when they created the russia collusion delusion. let's talk about manchin. are you surprised? >> yes. i am not going to question his motives. i question his judgment. i can't believe anybody couldn't see through this.
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pelosi, schiff and nadler are the most partisan people in the country. they literally impeached the president in 78 days using a process you couldn't issue a parking tirk he will for. if you can't see through all that, then you have been blind by washington. common sense left this town. the reason i'm so upset about this impeachment. it put every president after president trump at risk. you can't even pick the phone up any more as president of the united states under this standard. judge jeanine: we just found out about multiple american casualties in afghanistan. why are we still there? >> so they don't come here. if you can end the war, count me in. jeanl * 18 years. how are we going to win this? >> by helping people over there
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fight so they don't fight here. i hate it when our soldiers get hurt and die. but they are there making sure we don't have another 9/11 here. we are down to less than 10,000 troops. the afghans are doing most of the fighting, most of the dying and we are paying less. but i'm not going to come on this program and tell you that we are safe if we leave afghanistan. this war is not over yet. but i want to congratulate president trump for making other people do more so we do less. to those who died and their families, you are protecting me and my family and i will be forever grateful. judge jeanine: thank you very much, senator graham for being with us on "justice." i will tom new hampshire with corey lewandowski. but washington is reeling from nervous nelly's tantrum at the
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from congress houstonman kevin mccarthy. here to discuss that and more is the man himself. california congress man house minority leader kevin mccarthy. thanks for being back on justice. i can't help but think after the week the president had, after what happened with his impeachment, it may be possible you might be majority leader again. do you think the americans have seen through this garbage and they don't put republicans in charge of the house again so you guys can actually work for the american people? >> we only need 18 seats. the goal is to take nancy pelosi out of speaker. just imagine the last week. the president's amazing state of the union. acquitted for life the next day. killing another terrorist. one of the best jobs numbers.
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the democrats' week? they had a problem with turnout in iowa, they had a temper tantrum by the speaker, and they lost on impeachment. there are 30 democrats currently sitting in seats president trump carried. if you and your viewers want to do something about it and make sure this speaker cannot impeach this president again, and we'll take back the house. judge jeanine: i was one of the people happy you did what you did the next day. but you know, with that state of the union, you have know, americans looked at their elected officials sitting on their hands, not clapping, not standing up for things that any nair american sphwhowb port of.
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-- americans would be in support of. the tuskeegee airman and the young girl who got a scholarship. and it was like they weren't proud to be part of the state of the union. >> that wasn't a republican or democrat speech. that was an american speech. you watched a 100-year-old man. with his 13-year-old great grandson wanting to go to space. pour military imagine being reunited with his family. an opportunity scholarship. and that mother is just like all of us. all she hopes for is her child has a better life. and this president talked about those american dreams where you watched the democrats would not even applaud. and worse, what that speaker did, nancy pelosi was more than
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a temper tantrum. that was an official house document. those folders -- that is a document handled to the president of the senate, the vice president, and handled it to the speaker. she is the custodian of the house official document. if you tear up a house document, you are creating a felony. judge jeanine: you are saying a prosecutor can actually prosecute her for that statutory violation? >> you know, the a.g. should give an opinion. i asked the question on the floor to the part limit tear --n tear yanl. i asked if it was nancy pelosi's document for an official house document. his answer was it was a house document. she pretore it. she picked her judiciary
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chairman based upon who would be impeaching. her freshmen on the day they were sworn in said they were going to impeach. her manager voted forward impeachment a year before the phone call took place. what did he do during impeachment? he got united states-mexico-canada agreement and a china agreement. he continues to lead while the rest of the democrats only look for one thing. judge jeanine: what i find curious is she is objecting to the fact and demanding that facebook take down clips of her ripping up the speech interspersed with the president introducing the american success stories. they are trying to shut down the
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first amendment rights. then she wants to tell facebook to shut it down because it doesn't make her look right. >> it's a great contrast for the upcoming race for the presidency. it's about socialism versus freedom. look what the this president has been able to do, county economy growth, you have greater growth everywhere you look. but they want more control. they want control over the internet, they want control over your lives. they have bernie sanders a socialist about to become their nominee. judge jeanine: with the great job creation numbers that came out friday, 225-,000 jobs. she says the employment numbers are the rot at the heart of the trump economy. does this woman hate that people can get jobs?
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>> she just hates the president. but she hates more than just the president. these are the people hole call us deplorable. they hate all of us. it's more than just the president. they are going after us and the american way of life. judge jeanine: congressman mccarthy, always great having you on "justice." charlie kirk and darrell issa next. can the democrats get their act together tuesday. the man who knows a thing or two about running a successful campaign. stay with us.
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[♪] aishah: live from "america's news headquarters." i'm aishah hasnie. at least 21 people are dead in northeast tideland. victims of a soldier who went on a shooting ranl page during a financial dispute. heed killed at least 19 more. the gunman went into hiding inside that mall. police are still look for him. the coronavirus epidemic is
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still growing in china with no end in site. the death toll is 811, surpassing the deaths from the sars epidemic in 2002. responsible one american has died so far, a -- a 60-year-old man who died in wuhan, the epicenter of the virus. judge jeanine: the democrats make a wish on a falling star and joe biden sputters, trailing in the polls yet again. can the party regroup after the iowa debacle? probably not. former trump 2016 campaign manager and 2020 campaign, i
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imagine you feel good about the week the president has had this week. >> two back to back middle east, and the democrat side in iowa, and then you look at what i think could go down as the best speech he never made, the state of the union tuesday night, and reminding the american people of how strong we are. we had a couple great weeks. judge jeanine: but the democrats haven't had a great few weeks. i want to talk about iowa and that app they used. they said buttigieg invested in the app. they said the department of homeland security wanted to work with them to make sure the app was appropriate or to work. are either of those true? do you know? >> a senior member of the buttigieg campaign invested in
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the company, now they are walking that back. the truth is, i was out in iowa. i helped caucus for the president. he received 97.8% of the republican vote. before i walked out of the voting precinct in jamaica, iowa. i knew exactly how many votes he received. the people who put this out are crooks and criminals and the fix was in to stop bernie sanders once again. judge jeanine: hillary clinton and the dnc tried so hard to keep him from getting the nomination. the poll has buttigieg in 25%. sanders 24%. warren 14, biden 11. it looks like is there not much hope for biden either in iowa --
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i don't mean to be mean about iowans. i was wrong to say that. how difficult is it to count caucus votes? now biden is in a mess in new hampshire. is he down and out? is it over for this bumbler? >> if you be haven't finished first, second or third in the state of see you what, you can't be president. joe biden finished fourth. he's begging by the hair on his legs to third place and he will probably fall to fourth place because elizabeth warren is going to pass him. the latest poll i have seen from a rival network has bernie sanders up 7 points over beaut be judge. i think -- over buttigieg.
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judge jeanine: they don't want a sanders. no matter how big the crowds are following him, from hillary clinton to the establishment. they don't want this man. they will change the rules like they did for mike bloomberg to let people in. it's blatantly unfair. i don't know why the democrats don't see this. >> you see a guy in bernie sanders who has raised a lot of money and has grassroots support. the democrats should be embracing that. granted bernie sanders is a self-avowed socialist and he can't win any state hillary clinton lost in 2016. but changing the rules to stop bernie sanders from being the nominee is going to insure a victory for donald trump. judge jeanine: who do you think
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the nominee is going to be? bloomberg saying i am so rich, i will keep feeding my man youy to make sure he doesn't get elected. what is the jealousy with the billionaires. >> i think the liberal elites love bloomberg's money. they think it will help them in the house races and down ballot in the governor's races. so the quote-unquote adults from the room want to take it away from bernie. after the first ballot count when they get to their convention. if you don't have the requisite number of delegates, your delegates count as a half and the superdelegates come in and they will steal it from bernie. judge jeanine: charlie kirk is on deck.
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and president trump takes on sanctuary cities in the state of the union. and a shocking crime in new york shines the spotlight on the vicious ms-13 gang. hi. uh, can you tell me how to get to i-70, please? o-okay, are you -- ah, yes. thank you. switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. you know, like the sign says.
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judge jeanine: sanctuary cities are back in the news this week after president trump raised the issue in the state of the union. joining me, our friend darrell issa. thanks so much for being here. the issue of criminal acts by foreign nationals continue to be a problem for american citizens. in the state of the union the president introduced us to an individual who has been killed by a criminal illegal who was a
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serial criminal with several convictions, i believe for robbery and assault. and he had been released and should have been in custody as a result of the california policies. can you tell us what's going on and what that policy is? >> it's called sb54. under jerry brown and now endorsed under our new governor, they decided no criminal, no wrongdoer who happens to be here illegally will be handed over to i.c.e. they made a decision to obstruct the federal government. and the president rightfully so-called them out. called out the real effect just as we have dealt with in the past with kate's law. the president is calling on congress or probably the next congress under the man you just had on, the speaker, kevin
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mccarthy, is going to have to have strong laws that stop states like california from setting violent criminals free by obstructing the process the rest of america counts on. judge jeanine: preventing local and state law enforcement from working with federal law enforcement is so foreign to me. i worked with the state, local and the feds for 32 years as a prosecutor. it's so un-american, it's soole illegal. -- it's so illegal. rocky jones was the guy who was killed. and when he stood up you could feel his pain that his brother had been killed unnecessarily. apparently shot 8 times by a criminal illegal who shouldn't have been here where law
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enforcement in california literally helped that guy and the blood of him is on their hands in california. but i want to move to new york. >> another failed state. judge jeanine: ms-13 is here. and you and i spoke about this when you were a congressman. they came across from central america in 2014 and 2015. border patrol was saying we have to let them in. and we had a guy, a witness to a vicious homicide. and under the law in new york his name had to be disclosed to the defendant. and the defendants and i believe there were the gang members who ended up repeatedly stabbing his one individual and beating him in the head with a bat, this witness ended up dead because the law in new york required
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that they end up being revealed to ms-13. so now he's dead. >> with a congressional district that goes within three miles of the border, all along the border, with a wall in san diego that protects us, ultimately if people get through and commit crimes and we can't get them out of the country or keep them in jail, we'll be unable to protect the american people. president trump's leadership in the state of the union, he threw down the gauntlet as he should saying congress needs to and he will protect the american people in spite of california and other sanctuary laws. this whole concept of sanctuary. rather than protecting as they say they want to, people who commit petty crimes or undocumented workers. they clearly cross so much so
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that some current members of congress suggest using your tax dollars to fly people who have been deported back. it's the reason speaker mccarthy has to be speaker of the house. judge jeanine: and you have to be elected. you know what? i think if the left stops talking about impeaching donald trump we may have a chance of protecting american citizens. the way to do that is to replace them. the left is melting down after the president's acquittal. charlie kirk is next. with statins-but up to 75% persistent cardiovascular risk still remains. many have turned to fish oil supplements. others, fenofibrates or niacin. but here's a number you should take to heart: zero-the number of fda approvals these products have, when added to statins, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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>> acquitted doesn't mean you didn't commit a crime. three words. o.j. simpson. i'm crazy this week. he made me crazy this week. he's winning because i'm getting nut irand nuttier. judge jeanine: here to talk, the collective meltdown of the left, charlie kirk. thanks for being back on "justice." joy behar looks like she is ripping out her earpiece on the
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view. have you ever seen such open hate like this in your life? and is it ever going to stop? >> no, it's going to get worse before november. they had a tough week. they weren't able to count their votes. they weren't able to impeach the president of the united states. the economy is roaring. 97% republicans in iowa. his highest gallup. they are really reeling. they can't figure out who they want to lead their party into the socialist direction. they are alternating between pete buttigieg and bernie sanders. and president trump remains stronger than ever with an amazing economy and his support is greater today than it was in 2016, despite the best efforts of the left.
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judge jeanine: i want you to quickly take a look at this video from an arizona state university student. >> slash their throats. republicans. judge jeanine: what she is saying slash his throat, every f'ing republican. it's not that unusual on campuses. why do they hate him and us and you, turning point. >> that individual was screaming at our students for trump chapter, a movement that's growing quickly across the country and it's exciting to see. just about a year ago our entire news cycle was consumed by the covington catholic controversy. there you had a native american individual who came up and banged a drum in his face, and
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nick did nothing wrong and the media went out of control. here you have a student threatening violence and deaths. the president of that chapter is muslim. that's who he was screaming sat and the media does not koiforts at all. this is emblematic. >> slash his throat, every f'ing republican, she is stalk being donald trump. soap at the individuals who were at the table. it was a students for trump campus advocacy event at the campus of arizona state university. the president of that chapter happens to be a muslim. the media has been completely silent on this all together. running the students for trump chapter. it's interesting how the media cherry picks certain events in
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>> that's all for tonight. remember to keep up with me on facebook, twitter an instagram, judge underscore jeanine and don't forget to go to my store, judge jeanine got store. thank you for watching. i'm jeanine puro, advocating for true justice and the american way. the gray got full show is coming up and i will see you next saturday night i will be in daytona.
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♪. greg: they have something going on and i will, it's embarrassing. although i am not overly embarrassed by. [laughter] i see they are saying it's a disaster, trump is going to kill us on this one. they are right. greg: can't argue with him. [cheering] greg: it is time for the bus show of your life, ever.
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