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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 12, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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get into china on its own to actually better understand where this originated and how severe it is right now. >> tucker: maria bartiromo, ladies and gentlemen. and now also new york, to sean hannity right now. >> sean: tucker, thank you. great show as always. welcome to "hannity." tonight, there is a clear front runner in the extreme radical democratic socialist party, and yep, that is a 78-year-old curmudgeon, devout soviet-style socialist. you know, the guy that took a honeymoon in the former soviet union, that guy. the democratic party is in a state of roost tonight. the moderates -- they are nonexistent, long gone pragmatic, centrist politicians. there is not even room for joe lieberman any longer in this democratic party. so radical, extreme, and, yes socialism that would destroy the great american prosperity that we now experienced over the last three years.
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last night, bernie sanders huge victory in new hampshire. now according to brand-new polls, bernie sanders is leading the democratic field with a massive edge headed into super tuesday states. now, there is no other way to put this. if this guy is elected -- are pretty much, they are all just variations of him -- these policies would destroy the economy of this country. let's see, a $94 trillion new green deal in ten years but we only taken four, four and a half trillion. in the same ten-year period, 52 trillion dollars, medicare for all. the government, literally socialism. they would control the means of production for thousands of businesses across america. oh, and take over the energy sector for the first time in 75 years, we are energy independent. taxes for every american -- he is running on this platform. we are going to raise our taxes. maybe double or triple them. and if you saved enough money after we taxed the first time we will legalize stealing more of it. after you die, you will give us another chunk of your money. oh, and we will lose jobs
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because of his extreme environmental policies. that is his platform. your bank accounts will be stopped with a wealth tax by the irs might confiscate any income over a certain undisclosed amount. bernie is standing by the idea of maximum income. okay. if you earn it in three months why would you bother working another day of the year? creating jobs for other americans? or at least, that is what he has said publicly. that is what he has advocated for and standing by. by all accounts, even some democrats, prominent democrats see this as a disaster for their party. look at this new monmouth university poll, roughly two-thirds of voters believe president trump will be reelected. me, i am irish, i always think something bad is going to happen at any second. you know what that means? don't count on it. the only way you get there is if you show up and vote in 266 days. new gallup poll showing 53% of americans would not vote for a socialist. why that's not 99%, i don't
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know. not exactly cause for celebration. that means we have a fight on our hands in terms of the future and direction of the country. 43% of americans would vote for a socialist. that is pretty scary. you can't take anything for granted. ultimately, the only poll that will matter -- as i said, in 265 days, and anything is possible. for example, look at quid and pro and quo joe and zero experience hunter. joe thought he was going to waltz right into the democratic nomination riding on barack obama's coattails the entire way. oh, they did give us 13 million more americans on food stamps 8 million more property, the lowest labor participation rates since the '70s. yeah, great record. they gave the mullahs in iran $150 billion in cash and other currencies, as they chant death to america. wow. want to do that again? his campaign is clearly on life support. a fourth-place finish in iowa, a disastrous fifth place finish in new hampshire, he ran out of town, did not even say goodbye to his supporters. he phoned it in, he face timed
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it. by the way, now ahead of south carolina, a part, a key part of the democratic coalition of base, it is hiding. unmitigated disaster. honestly, it's not really shocking. for months, his campaign has been plagued with serious corruption allegations out of ukraine, china, and elsewhere. a few days ago, what politician would ever do this? calling a young female voter, 21 years old, as she said she felt humiliated, a lying, dog faced pony soldier. hello. before that, he called another voter a damn liar and another one fat, challenge them to a push of competition. he can't get that together. he's barely coherent. listen, south carolina, no exception. we had the video evidence. let's go to the videotape. >> it is important that we have spoken but we need to hear from nevada and south carolina and
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super tuesday states and beyond. >> sean: what you sell mixing up states, pretty mild gaffe by 30330 standards. with his campaign on life support, let's take one more walk on little memory lane shall we? to some of biden's finest moment as a public figure. it's getting worse. take a look. >> [bleep]. >> his mom lived in long island for ten years or so, god rest her soul -- wait, your mom is still alive. your dad passed. god bless her soul. >> the state senator is here. chuck, stand up, chuck, let them see you. oh, god love you. what am i talking about? >> the man who will be the next president of the united states barack america. >> delaware, the largest growth in population is indian americans moving from india. you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a
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dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian acce i'm not joking. >> sean: oh, there's the democratic party frontrunner and now, by the way, his campaign is circling the drain. but he is not giving up hope. just today, biden rolling out a brand-new low-budget ad claiming he is just getting started. fourth-place, fifth-place, let's try for sixth. take a look. >> we don't feel no ways tired. we've come too far from where we started. nobody told me the road would be easy and i don't believe you brought me this far to stop now. you don't like what's going on in this country, you only have one thing to do. work. together we can and will win. let's take back this country now! >> sean: that's not plagiarism again, is it? who did it better, joe or hillary? all these quid pro quo joe can take some comfortig loser in new hampshire. serial liar fellow socialist elizabeth warren also had a very poor showing.
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keep in mind, new hampshire borders her home state of massachusetts, where most of the population lives. warren virtually has no path to victory. she is shifting her last remaining campaign funds to make one last stand, this time in nevada, and tonight, it is unclear just who is going to drop out of the democratic race next. there is something to bet on. one thing is certain. socialist bernie sanders is not going anywhere. he's building a large coalition of radical, dedicated democratic voters and now one of his top advisors is even calling for mike bloomberg to drop out of the race. mike has got this great campaign going. he pays for ads, and hides, and no one ever sees him markets to ask him a question. wow. great way, slick marketing campaign. after new video emerged this week showing bloomberg's true feelings about minorities 2013 -- that's right. bloomberg saying, white people were being stopped too much by police. minorities too little.
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and he said in 2015 by the only way to prevent this crime was to throw minority kids -- police throw them up against the wall and frisk them. by the way, then he said, all -- he put the word all in there -- he put all of the police and minority neighborhoods. not some, all of them in new york because that is where all the crime is. really? i live in new york and i can tell you that is not true. despite these disturbing comments, bloomberg, he will spend money come he's not going anywhere. we sent our own lawrence jones to new york city to see what mini mike's former constituents think about their own mayor. of course, the billionaire from a republican in name only as the democratic establishments plan after biden's implosion. as we speak, it appears the panicked establishment democratic party is exploring ways -- looks like they may want to rig the election again against bernie sanders. maybe in favor of bloomberg or whoever else is left standing. try and buy the nomination in bloomberg's case.
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that would include new measures that could give superdelegates oh, a vote on the first ballot. the right to block to bernie. at a convention. whatever happens in the coming weeks and months, the state of the democratic party has never been worse. still, let me emphasize again anything can happen. i take nothing for granted. 265 days, well, i would say, we are at a tipping point, america on the brink. here now, from the trump organization, donald trump jr. how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. >> sean: you're traveling quite a bit, on the road, busy. >> we are on the road a lot. unlike hunter biden, we were actually international business people before my father took office. when he did, we said, we are not doing new deals going forward. it give me a little extra free time. >> sean: i just happen to know that's true because i've known you for many years, long before your dad got into politics, and you were actually working in a real office. >> it's what i did. >> sean: you did not get paid money unless you made money. >> hard to believe. >> sean: you did not get to take the company jet. you mentioned quid pro quo joe zero experience hunter.
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okay, white people, police stop white people too much minorities, too little. let's target minority kids, cops must throw them up against the wall. let's look at, oh, murders murder victims, murderers. the m.o., you just take a description, you xerox it, you pass it out to all the cops they are all male minorities. wow. then he goes on to say, because they are arresting only all minority kids for marijuana -- i think kids of other races use marijuana. all the cops in minority neighborhoods because that is where all the crime is. all of it. >> listen, the bloomberg comments were terrible. we are not even talking about the policy. just the way he spoke about those kids, those people. it was like they were subhuman to him. again, you can argue about policy, but that was disgusting.
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and so again, billions in ad spending. you saw katie hill come out today. michael bloomberg gave me $5 million, it allowed me to win my campaign, she left congress in disgrace. he's been buying his way through all of these things. one thing that mike bloomberg can't buy is personality. he can't buy heart. he can't buy that connection with real people that donald trump has. i mean, donald trump -- again, i get it. i understand the irony that the brash billionaire from new york city could actually relate to real people. blue-collar americans all over the world. he's fought for them. they see him, see the results. mike bloomberg will never have that direct connection with those people because he doesn't like those people. >> sean: apparently. it's not about stop and frisk. >> it's basically everyone. >> sean: of course you want to go into areas with a higher concentration of crime or drugs or whatever, violence, whatever happens. but this is the ultimate in racial profiling.
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these comments are, number one false. number two, targeting and profiling in a way that i never would have imagined. >> it seems very violating of just our basic rights. not aboue policy. just listen to the way he said it. it was the way -- he didn't think of these people as even human. they were not equal to him and his, you know, peers. that is the difference between him and donald trump. donald trump understands real people. he understands their problems. their issues. that is why he's been fighting for them. >> sean: do you see this as a bernie sanders to lose? >> listen, i see the dnc doing whatever they can to screw bernie sanders. and that is a reality. for the last time the dnc rigged a primary, it worked out great for us. so i'm going to trust their terrible judgment and let them run with it. because the reality is this. the one thing i would say about bernie, he's got real people. i mean, he has a movement. i don't agree with any of the policies. i think they are dangerous. i think they are insane. i wrote about it in my book.
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my mother escaped a communist country. i grew up, i spoke a language, i have friends from communist czechoslovakia. i waited in those bread lines, i can assure you, they are not as glamorous as bernie and academia today make them out to be. that is why there is no advocates for socialism or communism who actually grew up in those places, who actually lived there. they'll come here. the boats only go one way, sean. but the dnc will do whatever they can to try to mold that perfect candidate. the reality is, they dnc is not in touch with actual real america. i did 20 stops with kimberly yesterday in new hampshire. it wasn't just the places where we are going to visit our posters. coffee shop along the way -- >> sean: you're getting lazy. >> getting a little slow. no one's ever called me low-energy. the one thing i've never been accused of. >> sean: i believe that. >> it wasn't just our stops. the copy shop along the way someone sees you pull in, three businesses next door -- hey
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young, female entrepreneur, 22 years old up set up her first shop. they are coming out and saying thank you. i am only able to do this because of your father's policies. this is not the cookie-cutter that the media and the democrats want to say, that is the only person believing in trump's policy. it was everything but. half the time i am wondering myself because that sort of stereotype does leave an impression on you, even me, and i am saying, i'm not sure where this is going. grown men with tears in their eyes because they are living their american dream. it makes me want to fight so much harder, sean. >> sean: 265 days. don, jr., thank you so much. appreciate it. also tonight, president trump turning out support like never before. look at this, in new hampshire and that primary, which was virtually uncontested, nearly 130,000 voters still turned up for president trump. by the way, a record, more than double the amount that supported obama in his midterm primary race. perhaps a huge reason for the groundswell is the support he is getting because american lives
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are improving by leaps and bounds and, yeah, one record after another as it relates to the economy, and african-americans hispanic-americans asian-americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment african-american youth an appointment, best employment situations 1969. look at this gallup poll, over 60 percent of americans feel they are better off now than they were three years ago. it's a way higher number then when this exact same poll was conducted under obama, bush, and even clinton. here with reaction as rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel's with us. good to see you. one of the things that i know you are really good at his numbers. we saw the same thing in iowa. now a record that the president set in new hampshire. this is on the heels of this impeachment -- well, the latest conspiracy hoax, where i understand you raised record amounts of money. >> by every metric, sean, the president is in such a better position than he was even in
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2016. we've activated a million small online donors since the impeachment began. a million new donors. we trained 500,000 volunteers. you are seeing the lines at the rallies, you are saying the record turnout in iowa and new hampshire. everybody is energized. it's turning into the trump juggernaut because people know their lives are better and they are coming out in droves for this president. >> sean: what i like to -- i would like to be cautious because it is just my nature. i like to act like we are six points down, two minute drill no timeouts, got to get the touchdown, get the extra point to win, got to get north carolina, got to go to florida, got to get pennsylvania, wisconsin michigan, minnesota donald trump could win new hampshire, new mexico arizona, and -- an important senate race with martha mcsally. and nevada. a lot to fight for. they start with california new york, new jersey, and illinois. >> we are already in all of
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those states. we are in all 18 states with staff on the ground registering voters, activating our base training these volunteers. the democrats are so far behind because they are focusing on securing this nomination. the longer this drags out, the bigger head start we are getting. we have 500,000 trained volunteers. bloomberg is talking about 1,000. we have 500,000 out there knocking doors and getting ready to reelect donald trump. that is the juggernaut that is heading toward the general election to reelect this president. >> sean: ronna mcdaniel good job. thank you. we will check in often throughout the campaign. with the president's powerful record of the compliments blooming economy, and increasingly weak radical field of extreme socialist challengers, anxiety among democrats, especially the establishment, even clinton and obama supporters now at an all-time high, look at this. p.r. arm of the democratic party, also known as democratic state media -- this is actually fairly humorous. full on panic mode. these are the people that were lying to you for all these years
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with their conspiracy theories about trump-russia collusion and ukraine, ukraine, ukraine, that ignored hillary's dirty dossier that ignored quid pro quo joe. now they are in full panic mode because, well, not looking good for them. take a look. >> trump is going to be tough to beat. >> democrats here in new hampshire, when all is said and done, they are saying, this looks like a b level field of candidates. it feels like there is no star. >> if the democrats can find a nominee who can excite and energize the base, who can turn out low propensity voters and who can get those anti-trump republicans to actually go to the polls rather than stay home and be mad, then you have the magic solution. who on the democratic field with all those criteria? probably nobody. >> sean: probably nobody. i can't believe it. area 51 roswell rachel maddow the conspiracy tv channel msdnc. they might have stumbled on the truth for a second. here with reaction, texas
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congressman louie gohmert, along with, he is the head of the freedom caucus, arizona congressman andy biggs. louie, we start with you. look, i take nothing for granted here. but you've been in congress for quite a long period of time. we have dealt with liberal democrats over the years. this radical, this extreme. takeover industry, run on we are going to lose jobs, take over oil and gas, other industry, and raise your taxes and confiscate your wealth. that is what they are running on. >> that's exactly what they are running on. not only that, bernie that won new hampshire now, thinks for the soviet union, cuba venezuela, our models we need to follow. that is crazy. yet again, that same gallup poll says at 76% of the democrats are okay with falling into soviet and venezuela and cuba models. to have that model, to say all of the things he promises, you
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give up your freedom and it is orwellian time like never before. a majority of americans won't buy it. i think even the people you pointed out, they are going wait, we can't follow this road we can't win with a socialist and especially if the economy is doing well here, people are doing well right now. unemployment, as you say, night after night, you make clear this is a good economy right now for minorities, for all americans. so it's going to be tough to say, let's follow the model of the soviet union and venezuela. >> sean: i don't hear a lot of screaming, andy biggs, from the democratic party. we heard a lot of anti-semitic remarks. they were very quiet then. now we hear former new york city mayor bloomberg, the atrocious things that he said. i can only imagine if, let's say, in ukraine, it was zero experience don, jr., and donald trump, not getting the ability and unless you fire the
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prosecutor investigating my son being paid millions with no experience. i don't see any outrage hardly. why? why is this double standard again? if donald trump had said what bloomberg said, it would be 24/7, nonstop coverage. demanding, demanding whatever they were demanding and condemning. i don't see much of it at all. why? >> because they always cover for each other. they stay together, and they hide their sins and try to keep them from the public. you are exactly right. if the president had said anything like that, they would want to impeach him again for mercy's sake. they are going to protect their own because they think they can get their objectives by their objective is to gain power. to gain power and control over our lives. that is their purpose. they are willing to overlook racism, anti-semitism, i mean for pete's sake, they want to put roger stone in prison for nine years for lying to congress and bill clinton didn't serve a
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day. this is the double standard that we see from the left nonstop. >> sean: andy biggs. when we come back, we will talk about this. okay, we know james comey was referred for lying, same with andrew mccabe. what about peter strzok and lisa page? i don't see predawn raids with guns in the faces of their wives, when all they had to do was ask them to show up. is there a dual justice system in america? is there equal justice under the law? is there equal application of our laws? do we even have a constitutional system of law anymore? also, an investigation into the congenital liar, adam schiff. he is turning a blind eye when it comes to premeditated fraud on a fisa court to spy on a presidential candidate transition team, and president deny an american his civil rights. we have some g.o.p. lawmakers who have had enough. we have that special report next. sfx: [sneezing]
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♪ >> sean: all right, in a "hannity" update, special report, big developments in what is the quest for equal justice under the law, equal application of the law under the constitution. today house republicans stood strong against the corrupt congenital liar adam schiff and his never ending lies and complete abuse of power. boycotting house intelligence hearing over adam schiff's blatant disregard for fisa abuse, which he lied about to you, we, the american people for years. devin nunes told you the truth. he will join us in a second. he was mitigated by the ig michael horowitz's fisa findings, and now in previewing an even bigger deep state reckoning for mueller's team of democrats but of course the sane moral outrage from the democrats, the mob and the media
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could not be more obvious especially as they continue to smear the attorney general barr for doing his job and intervening in what he said was spying on a candidate and deep into a presidency. and also saying what we have been telling you, premeditated fraud, fisa court, those warrants were obtained illegally based on a fraudulent, not only unverifiable but now defunct dossier from russia that hillary clinton paid for. you can't make this up. this after a pair of rogue prosecutors recommended this egregious, nine year prison sentence for roger stone. what? this all reeks of prosecutorial misconduct. nine year sentence. wise and jim comey getting that sentence? what about andrew mccabe? they've been referred to for the same thing, lack of candor which means lying. member how this started, they had to go on the raid, frogman in the back of roger stone's florida home. what about comey and mccabe and brennan and clapper and strzok and paige the rest of the
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deep state cabal? where is the equal for everyone who signed the fisa applications full of lies, unverified unverifiable, and they knew and were warned about it. the doj has confirmed it was illegal surveillance, where is the equal application of our laws in this country? the president reacted to all of this, rightly so, earlier today. let's take a look. >> they treated roger stone very badly, and if you look at the mueller investigation it was a scam because it was immediately set up. it was set up based on false documentation, false documents. you look at what happened, how many people were hurt, their lives were destroyed and nothing happened with all the people that did it and launched the scam. where is comey? what is happening to mccabe what is happening to lisa page and peter strzok?
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what is happening to them? because market was a whole set up, a disgrace and everyone knows it. >> sean: here with reaction author of the best seller "guilt by accusation," harvard law professor alan dershowitz and devin nunes, who told the american people the truth. here's what we know based on inspector general report devin nunes and his investigation, we know that there were numerous warnings not to trust hillary clinton's russian, dirty dossier, and even its own author said, i have no idea if any of it is true. it became the basis for fisa applications. four of them. they were warned numerous times not to trust it, that hillary paid for,ey had an agenda, but they used it to spy on presidential candidate transition team and deep into a presidency. now you are a civil libertarian i'm a civil libertarian. if you live before the court
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premeditated fraud to deny people their constitutional rights, and to try to impact the outcome of a presidential election, when are they going to be held accountable for those actions? because everything i just said is a fact that has now been verified. >> well, i hope there will be accountability. the united states attorney in connecticut has been assigned to look into this, and i hope you will look very deeply into this. i would hope fisa will also think about holding people in contempt of court. it's such a serious crime. we only know about those people that we now know about who were victimized by this fisa investigation. there may be others. there may be people we don't know about, ordinary citizens whose privacy was invaded as the result of these one-sided inquiries. >> sean: my text messages were released, professor. do i have a lawsuit? do they have a right to release my text messages? they have.
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>> probably you have a right of privacy. >> sean: i should probably hire you. >> if a judge ruled it, you would probably have a hard, hard case. happy to look at it because i think every american has to be worried about the abuses of the fisa court. look, i wish we could move to the british system and the system and som where you have neutral objective, professional prosecutors unrelated to politics that you don't need special council in those countries because every council is a special, independent counsel. we have lost faith in our legal system, tragically. >> sean: congressman, i've got to applaud you. we now know you told the american people the truth in your report. your house intel investigation. you now are saying there are more examples of what the mueller team was really doing. you are saying it's worse and that this will emerge in coming weeks. what are we talking about? >> what i believe is that when
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you start as these 302s, and fbi reports -- >> sean: wait, there are 302s on little old sean hannity just because i do my job and i actually use sources. >> there are fbi reports that are slowly being released. when you start to match up those fbi 302s, what they are called to actually the senate guidelines that the mueller lawyers put in place, i've said for a long time to time i've called this the mueller dossier. they spent 500 pages, two volumes, to essentially make it look like there was russian collusion. it was all a total joke. remember, when it comes to roger stone, professor dershowitz knows this too. in january, we now know that is in january of '17, the fbi and the department of justice knew there was no russian collusion. okay? the house intelligence committee, we knew in february
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there was no evidence of russian collusion, so fast forward jim comey gets fired, what were they really doing? it was really just an obstruction of justice trap. so there's going to be more to come. these guys were dirty and was going to get them is that they were sloppy. >> sean: all i have to say about roger stone, the frog man sticking a gun, cnn cameras just magically where they are the same time? why isn't the same treatment, if we have a referral for guys like comey and mccabe, congressman? they did the same thing. >> that is going to be up to durham, but i think we actually do have a case that is very relevant and that is a case where you have the senate intelligence committee security director sleeping with a reporter, leaking classified information, who then lied to the fbi and got two months. roger stone didn't leak classified information. >> nine years for stone is such an outrage. he got two years for what he did
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and seven years for having the arrogance to go to trial. he suffered the trial penalty and suffered selective penalty. >> sean: and they took away his freedom to talk. if he would've spoken out in his own defense. he was going to jail, professor. whatever happened to something called freedom of speech? >> and the old civil libertarians won't say a word because he is a trump friend. that is selective as well. >> sean: and he has a richard nixon tattoo, so they hate him for that too. thank you both. when we come back, the media they are actively trying to derail bernie's campaign. they are going all into do what they did the last time. we sent lawrence jones asking new yorkers tonight, too, about bloomberg's controversial comments and wow, wait until you see this exclusive take coming up tonight, right here. president trump warned the drug companies.
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it's unacceptable that americans pay vastly more than people in other countries, for the exact same drugs. but they aren't listening. they've just raised the prices of over five hundred drugs. president trump supports a bipartisan plan, that would force drug companies to lower prices. but the senate won't act. tell senate leaders to stop drug company price gouging and lower drug prices now.
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♪ >> sean: predictably, the hate trump media mob apoplectic that bernie might be the nominee. msnbc, the state run conspiracy television and being called out for it's blatantly antagonistic coverage of the democratic front runner and the rest of the media is not even trying to hide their disdain. bernie, are you watching? they're coming for you again. i told you. i guess i was the only one that cared about a rigged election in america. you should've paid more attention. take a look. >> i heard over and over again look at all the people who voted against donald trump but they never consolidated to stop him. >> there were warning signs in the first twte >> a lot of people are voting to a moderate, pragmatic approach to the problems we face on some of the things bernie has said. >> 78 years-old, standing up and screaming in the microphone
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about a revolution. >> sean: i like james carville, i can't help it. here with reaction, trump 2020 senior advisor mercedes schlapp, the host of the fox nation series "no agenda," lera logan award-winning journalist. you with the journalist, i will start with you. they claim to be fair, balanced and objective. i don't see any fairness, any balance, any objectivity. i see about 99% of the media mob activists trying to destroy a president lying, spreading lies conspiracy theories, never correcting their errors and reforming, there is no fairness anymore that i see in the mob. >> you know, sean, as you know one of the most important jobs that a journalist has is to follow up. you can put any guest on your show if you like but if you don't follow up and hold them to account for the things that they say, and present the other side then you're not really objective.
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it's easy to dismiss fox and other people and say this is a right-wing perspective but what journalist face now and along most of the media is a much more challenging problem, because here, their own base, if you like, is split. when they are biased toward someone like bernie sanders they are more exposed because they can't dismiss it as the ravings of crazy, right wing people. if people objected to the coverage. >> sean: you know, they rigged the election against bernie. brazil confirms that. they say they care about obstruction but not hillary's deleted emails and bleach pit and hammers. they say they care about russian interference but they ignore the dirty dossier, the ukrainian quid pro quos, but, oh, joe and hunter did everything right which is total b.s. i think most people know that so there really just a bunch of
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hypocrites and they are taking on breathtaking hypocrisy because they have an agenda. the american people need to know, journalism is dead. it doesn't exist. they are liars. >> first i'm going to say you like james carville but i love his wife, mary matalin more. and then i just want to say you have to understand, for the media, in their small minds, the liberal media, they want to create their next obama and lately, it was kind of joe biden, that's moved over to pete buttigieg, who says nothing, proposes nothing, we don't really know what direction he is going in, but we all know what is very clear. they are scared, they are nervous of a bernie sanders democrat presidential nominee. >> sean: let me say this, quid pro quo joe is done. bloomberg is just doing a big slick marketing campaign but now we've got his real thoughts on race, that is a big part of the democratic party.
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quickly, does bloomberg survive that? because i don't think any republican would. >> no republican would, but sean, if you look at the media today and politics, there are two cards that can be played against an opponent. one is the race card and one is the sexual assault sexual violence card because those are two crimes from which as you know, many politicians never come back. so that is going to be interesting to see how that plays out with bloomberg but it is kind of dirty, right? it makes you feel dirty because if it is not true, then that's not principled. >> and it hurts bloomberg in the long run. this is something that the democrats don't feel comfortable with. >> sean: the president with record low unemployment in every demographic group, criminal justice reform. these polls i see support the african-american, hispanic community, it's a game-changer. success works. policies work. thank you both.
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all right, yes, i met mayor pete today. buttigieg. i will tell you the whole story. first, wait until you see, we sent lawrence jones to harlem in new york asking new yorkers what they think about bloomberg's outrageous remarks about minorities. this is very interesting. this exclusive take coming up. .
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♪ >> sean: bloomberg's campaign is in full on damage control after 2015 audio surfacing of his racially charged remarks on minorities, stop and frisk. lawrence jones on the ground to get reaction. i watched you in the edit room and you have had a very interesting day today.
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>> thank you, earlier today i went and talked to residents in new york about the mayor's comments. they were a little shocked. take a look. >> in the past interview of mayor bloomberg, he said 95% of the murderers or victims who fit one m.o. you can take the description xerox it and pass it out all the cops. they are male minorities, 16 to 25. that is true in new york and true in virtually every city. is that a racist statement? >> i would say, to a point yes. >> yeah. actually, it's pretty horrendous, to be honest with you. the fact that you think it is just that easy that we can be xeroxed, copied and placed. it's kind of going back a little too far back with the historical context. >> do think it is a racial statement to say minority males between the ages of 16 and 25 are the people to target? >> yes, i do. >> could you ever support a man like that for president? >> i wouldn't want to.
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>> now you want to apologize say you're sorry, that you humiliated our community? we don't accept our apology, we don't want you as our president. >> apology enough? >> no. behavior changes everything, language changes nothing. >> could you ever support someone like mike bloomberg knowing what you know from new york city is the president of the united states? >> not at all. >> sean: also through the minority gets up against the wall, said they are arresting kids for marijuana that "are all minorities." not some, because we put all cops in minority neighborhoods because that is where all the crime is happening. wow. >> that was the complete quote. many in the community also conceded that there was violence and crime in the neighborhood but the way that the mayor handled it by racially profiling by definition was a bridge too far.
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many of them saying what he did his unforgettable. back to you, sean. >> sean: all right lawrence jones. great report. joining us now, civil rights attorney daryl parks, and dan bongino, fox news contributor. all right, let's go over this again. arresting kids for marijuana all minorities. let's see, all, all, not some all the cops in minority neighborhoods because that is where all the crime is and by the way, the murderers, the m.o., you just take a description, you xerox it, pass it out of the cops, they are all male minorities, 16 to 25. now i happen to live in new york and i know that is all b.s. that is a lie. >> well, i have to say, i think certainly mayor bloomberg owes an apology to a generation of black males who were victims. >> sean: do you mean an expedient apology, because isn't that what he really thinks? doesn't it reveal who he is? >> i think it reveals that at
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the time that is who he was, but he may be a different person now. people make mistakes, but -- >> sean: whoa! he was mayor for 12 years, six years out of it while 17 years he never said a word until he is running for president? sounds like political expediency, to me. >> you know what, i think we have to show our country forgiveness. >> sean: would you say that about donald trump? dan bongino, does donald trump get forgiven by daryl parks? or do you have to be a democrat to be forgiven? >> there's not a chance in hell of that. of course trump will never be forgiven for anything because he is donald trump, he is a republican, he's fighting for liberty and freedom and those kinds of things that are anathema to the left. but what i find odd about this whole thing, they've used this cudgel and weapon against anyone, anyone who opposes them for years. don't ever forget this, this is the golden rule of determining the left's lack of principles. they will never, ever get you to
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vote for them because their ideas, frankly, suck. it's a forest fire. everything the left touches they destroy, so they get you to vote against the other guy. that if their tactics and the way they do it as identity politics. calling you the worst thing possible in this country. outside of being a child abuser calling someone a racist there's nothing worse. >> sean: does that not sound racist to you? all crime, all minorities, xerox copy and send it to the cops? >> i think the worst part of that, sean, is the throw them up against the wall part. >> sean: we put all cops in minority neighborhoods because that is where all the crime is. that is a lie. that is not true. >> that is clearly not true. that's right. >> sean: and i'm shocked you're not outraged over this you should be ticked off. i'm ticked off. >> sean, i'm outraged, right but i want to say, what is the plan for black people in other areas? economic, there's more issues than stop and frisk in the community. >> sean: how about trump?
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record low unemployment african-americans hispanic-americans, didn't happen with biden and obama, did it, daryl? >> it didn't happen and i'm looking forward to it. >> sean: i want to hear you say it. donald trump did a great job. say it. >> he's done a few good things i will have to admit that. >> sean: thank you both. i met mayor pete. i will tell you the story straight ahead. i will stand with his people israel now and forever more. inside these buildings in jerusalem and throughout israel there are many elderly jews who are suffering daily
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and they need our help now. as christians and jews we know that we have a scriptural mandate to feed the hungry. and here there are thousands in desparate need. 17 years ago, edna was in a horrible terrorist attack. she is still in excruciating pain and she can't even afford her medicine. "i've lost my will to live." "all the time i suffer alone with sickness and pain." your help is urgently needed. please call right now and make a gift of $25 that will rush food and essential aid to an elderly jewish person struggling to survive. every gift helps keep them alive and shows your love to god's people. for over 35 years the international fellowship of christians and jews has been bringing christian and jewish communities together. and it's only with your help that we can meet this challenge
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and rush basic essentials like food boxes to the elderly who need it most. inside every food box we put a note letting the recipients know that it was provided by christians and jews who love them. "it means so much to me." your help will bring food to their tables and much needed peace into their lives. whether you can help one time or once a month you will receive god's blessings when you bless these children of abraham. i pray that god will speak to you even now. we need your help more than ever before.
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♪ >> sean: you never guess who i bumped into the airport in new hampshire, mayor pete. i introducednt myself and i said mayor pete come on the program. i want to give you a full hour. i did say that i will be fair, but i will be tough. and i think it is in your best interest. thanks to all of you you have made this show number one on cable. if you want to be president ande you cannot come on the little,
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old hannity show, or deal with kim jong un, i'm easy. we will see if he takes us up on the offer. mayor pete, you are welcome. we will never be the hate trump media. we seek the truth and let not w your hearts be troubled, laura ingraham, wouldn't youha like to see that our? >> laura: well, i guess. >> sean: [laughs] >> laura: i'm not sure i want to seeon that. >> sean: you don't want to see? >> laura: isu know you want to suck up to him so that's good. you would be tough. >> sean: i will be tough but fair. >> laura: but here's the problem. on radio, i think i would like it on radio, on radio you would be tougher appeared in person, he is so sweet looking and he is such a sweet, nice person, it's going to be hard to be tough. >> sean: this is about the country. >> laura: he is like a little puppy. >> sean: this is about business. we are in business to elect the best person and i'm not sick of