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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 13, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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have self-service pumps and full-service pumps, $0.50 more at the full-service pumps. >> all right, thank you my friend, stay warm or try to. so we will see what controversy this fuels. here is "the five." >> jesse: hello, everybody. i am jesse walters along with kennedy, juan williams, dana perino, and greg got filled. this is "the five." attorney general bill barr responding to a firestorm of criticism from democrats and the media over roger stone's sentencing. his new comments in just a second but first, democrats are whipping themselves into yet another frenzy over the stone case and one congressman not ruling out another impeachment. >> we are not going to take our options off the table, we don't wake up in the morning wanting to impeach him, back on checks
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and infrastructure but we are not going to let him just torch this democracy because he thinks he's been let off once and we are not going to do something about it. >> jesse: angry democrats aren't just going after time, they are now demanding attorney general bill barr resign or face impeachment too. >> we should all be called for the attorney general to resign and if he won't resign, then the house should start impeachment. >> he ought to be ashamed and embarrassed and resign. >> that is so destabilizing to the rule of law and so demoralizing. >> trying to manipulate federal law enforcement to serve his political interest in my what a sad disappointm last hour, billr reacting to all of it. tweets made about th department, about people in the department, our men and women
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here, cases pending in the department and about judges for whom we have cases make it impossible for me to do my job and i am not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody and i set it whether it's congress, newspaper editorial boards for the president, i'm going to do what i think is right. i cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me. >> jesse: first of all, democrats are acting ridiculous. >> dana: a call for him to resign every day. >> jesse: let's put that asid aside. bill barr says what he says and he has every right to say that it is making his job harder when the president is tweeting about that. do i think the president will be mad at him? not really. but will he stopped reading? >> dana: i also imagine the justice department let the white house know that bill barr was going to be saying that so that it wouldn't come as a
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surprise because then you cease and tweets. but political prosecution like the one of roger stone or michael flynn were going back to karl rove are always with right for this kind of partisan response, everyone is looking at it and of course prosecutors if they resign, and it's a really big deal, i think what bill barr was saying as i tried to resolve a dispute within the justice department, i did it in a proper way but he's also sticking up for his department. another cabinet secretary that's had to answer for some of the tweets and things is michael pompeo, secretary of state. why didn't you stick up for her? no evidence she did anything wrong it's in a row. so i think this is mild but if you are concerned about the rule of law then you should be happy. >> jesse: obviously is a man of integrity, serves multiple administrations and why do i get eye roll? >> juan: the way that -- the
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disposition with which he has handled this president who had authoritarian instincts has been largely to go along with it, just to get out of the way. >> jesse: how so? >> juan: there are so many cases even with this case where he think about how the president pressed jeff sessions and he pressed rod rosenstein, he has no respect for the legal structure in this country, the department of justice. he thinks that if he tells them than they should do it. what does he say? is a stable genius and he's got great gut instinct but the idea that these are professionals who are loyal to our country and to the fact that this is a country of laws has no appeal to this president and i think that's why he said what he said. i agree with dana, i think he is still loyal to trump and he doesn't want to set trump off but the idea that he says about
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roger stone's sentencing, it is inappropriate and the justice department not the best example i can give you. >> dana: if you go back to the doj during the bush administration, the media loves james comey when he went to the bedside of attorney general ashcroft to try to get of the terror surveillance program, so amazing because he is pushing back against the president. >> jesse: he didn't like the recommendation to begin with, they came in and lied and said they were going to go soft and he went hard. they came in and said they weren't going to recommend seven to nine, they flipped the script on him, came in and settled it down. >> juan: let me just remind you, for, not one person who said one thing, for career prosecutors resign. too many prosecutors.
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>> jesse: what you think about this trial now? looks like one of the jurors, the foreman very corrupted in terms of the bias against the president. >> kennedy: regardless of what you think about roger stone and some of his associations and things he's done in the ways that he has broken the law, we all hope that if we are ever in the criminal justice system that we receive fair treatment throughout. doesn't matter who you are or what you've done and i know you have done a lot of good work on this very issue because often times, there is bias against people based on the communities they are from but in this environment, federal cases that are high-profile, a lot of it has to do with your politics and it is very hard for any of us to divorce ourselves from our politics. the question is how much does that influence? when you are a juror, it's not whether or not you donated to a campaign or you have a political leaning but if you are on social media making comments about the case where you are a
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jury for person, you have not only violated your of, you have essentially created all the ingredients for a mistrial. >> jesse: so roger stone has a tattoo of richard nixon on his back. >> greg: i thought i was the only one. it's not on my back. i >> dana: i haven't seen it. >> jesse: that was a strange thing to offer up without a prompt. i don't know where i was going with that, i just thought you had something. to make that with six dirty jokes i had to come up with. this jerry foreman was a jury lawyer who hated trump and roger stone who is tweeting during this whole thing. it is like having beta choose your dinner. you know you're not going to get any meat.
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and that person is so sophisticated that the jury that is answering, she has the foreman are going to be listening to her, so she basically manipulated. >> dana: how did them a defense not find this? >> jesse: the judge overruled. >> kennedy: the only get so many strikes. >> greg: don't have to hate evey on the other side. i don't know stone but i've heard him do some things that are pretty disgusting, that doesn't matter. that is out the window. in fact, that you make you even more adamant about him having a new trial because it's got nothing to do with how you feel about him. is almost not worth it, the fact we are talking about this again is how the media is giving people marching orders to do the wrong thing appeared on cnn, had another episode of worse than watergate, this time starring david gergen who has held together by masking tape and ace bandages.
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what would they do without the stories? you have cnn which is the pit crew trying to resuscitate an unconscious poodle called impeachment. that is all this is and as predicted, if this is going to keep happening, it will keep happening but they have to have a new trial no matter what you think about him. how can you have a jury foreman like that? be three i think the lawyers had to know some of this. remember, people on the jury who were trump and were very clear that they love donald trump. >> greg: ran for office befor before. >> juan: here is the bottom line on today, what you have is a president who is empowered by impeachment to keep going and what he's doing is going after his enemies and now he is trying to protect his friends and nobody on the republican side is saying.
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>> greg: if i get in a trial in all of a sudden there's a lawyer up there and the president stepped in and says that is b.s., he should do that. >> juan: he shouldn't. it's about a judge system, not a king. >> greg: he's the president, he can do whatever he wants. >> jesse: wait a second, the bottom line isha dana has not seen any of greg's tattoos, that is the bottom line. th only thing we need to remember from this. wait until you hear what he's saying now. but allstate helps you. with drivewise. feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it's a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist!
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>> greg: michael bloomberg admits to paying people called influencers to post a typical memes on instagram. what is an influence or? it's what we used to call nobodies but now they are nobodies with a social media blueprint persuading the clueless and to listening to them. but it is true, even people who fashion themselves as trendy hipsters will take cash from a billionaire, who wouldn't? that's one of the least reported stories of this campaign. seriously, how good has trump been for the political economy? he has actually forced his new nemesis to pay millions for posh events, perks, and pricey staffers. trump -- it is like storming all over again. but trump is making it rain, right doug? >> i'm proud that someone like him is spending his time and energy to try to bring america together. >> greg: there is a happy guy.
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no idea what he's getting from bloomberg but it rhymes with a lot. good for him, that's capitalism. in still seeing him shovel his fortune in the direction of an oncoming orange tornado. instead he got morning joe and jeff zucker to do the heavy lifting and they've got the hernia scars to prove it so they came up with a dumb idea to pay adults on instagram to say stupid stuff. and also beat the president, it is true. in a trump economy, a rising tide raises all boats and buys you a few yachts as well. dana, we are small people, aren't we? >> dana: a little bit on the short side. >> greg: that we know by being self-deprecating about her height, we turn into a superpower, right? you had tim o'brien on. >> dana: from the bloomberg campaign as a senior advisor and i asked him about it. >> greg: lets grow that tape. >> dana: is a symptom sensitivet
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his height? >> mike is everything trump is in and that's why trump keeps hitting on this. >> greg: trump kind of wins because all they are talking about his height. is that the strategy? >> dana: this is interesting about bloomberg because now he is being treated because we are all talking about it like the front runner when in the numbers he is actually not but because of all of this, the democrats are now getting a chance to kick the tires on bloomberg saying could he be the one that could actually beat trump which is what they care about. >> greg: bloomberg seems to be spending his money emotionally in the sense that he is giving blank checks essentially to everybody because he just wants trump out. is that wise? >> kennedy: he wants trump out, he paced the president so much that looking at their back and forth just today, i'm looking at that going i don't know if i have the stomach to take these two guys and this
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bombast, a couple of old angry new yorkers. i would rather see a philosophical argument between socialism versus capitalism then two guys insulting each other. one that i would rather see height jokes but that is just me. is that your new nickname for him, blumer? >> greg: i coined it and i have a copyright. i get dollars every time someone says it. >> jesse: i am thinking about cameo, by the way. i need the money. these memes are funny, have to go on the internet. did you see these comedies are hilarious. debacle points and if you buy cool points, you are not cool. but he acknowledged he was not cool and then he was buying cool
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points so he sold it and ended up being funny. the question is, the buzz he's getting are people that are based on buzz. people want to poke bloomberg and sniff him and kick the tires and touch him and feel him because right now he's a total unknown and he can get to super tuesday and be like what are these candidates? has all this money and all this hype and then the minute the voters start voting, they fail. so i just think he's going to split the anti-bernie vote then make a play. >> greg: what do you think? you look perplexed. he is going to make bernie look better by trying to be an autocrat himself with his money. >> dana: makes pete look tall. >> juan: i ran into brad, he is 6'8". >> kennedy: that the football position.
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>> juan: he notice you never see a picture of me and the president, he doesn't want to take a picture next to me. i say so in other words this is a height thing. i will say that this is the age of social media and one of the things that always comes as a shock to me given my age is how emotion, personality, bullying, name-calling, the culture is bigger now limits policy, debate, even argument about policy. you just drive -- trump had the help of very good social media people wh who is then doing social media for the president and campaign manager and also when the russians came and what are they about to do? they got right in on the emotions. someone's out to get you. they did all these things. the bots are horrible and they go after people and they went
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after trump's opponents. so the green of bloomberg you get mad at because he is putting money into this game which is the democrats have been lame on this point, slow to come to the realization you have to play this game. i am better than this, i'm not going to do it but it does impact and influence american culture. not being a negative. >> kennedy: hillary fell into that trap. >> greg: what happens when bloomberg fails? >> jesse: hillary comes along. bernie sanders taking a page out of trump's playbook against media critics, that's up next.
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>> 78-year-old screaming into a microphone about the resolution but you have to get people with you. >> dana: heading back hard against democrats and media critics who say he is too extreme to defeat president trump. >> james and all due respect as a political hack who has had very terrible things when he was working for clinton against barack obama. said some of the same things. we are taking on trump, the republican establishment, and the democratic establishment. a >> dana: responding with a four-letter word and adding at least i'm not a communist. meanwhile members of the media are questioning whether sanders should be considered a front runner. >> you have to say bernie is a front runner because he's got a bunch better organization in more money, but pete buttigieg has more delegates right now. >> we also know that
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historically speaking, is not a very high number of votes for a winning candidate. >> the only people that are going on a limb and calling him a front runner had other reaso reasons. the percentage went down, not up. >> dana: so brawling with someone like him probably help us we will his base because they don't like the democratic establishment anyway. when becky represents the democratic establishment, you think about it triangulated, southern democrats kitchen table issue guy, when a national elections, knows how to appeal to the god-fearing and on the other side you have bernie who says there is no left or right, just need to burn this thing is of the ground that i represent the working man and the working poor. those are the two factions in
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the democratic party. they don't know what side to pick because they don't know what side can win. in your faction lost last time, give us a shot, it is our turn and they are not going to give bernie a turn and personally the only way they can be donald trump as they find a talented candidate that can unite the left and the middle and take on the president. they just don't have any candidate like that in the fie field. >> dana: not denying he's a front runner when he is won this contest but tell me when he gets to south carolina if he doesn't come in first, then is he still the front runner? and nevada >> juan: i would say he is the front runner, has about a 35% chance, 37% chance of winning and second place with a contested convention, they said that. and then biden came in third, so
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what you are seeing is he is but the democrats are so anxious and largely about the down tick of consequences so that even if he wins, he thinks that means a lot of people in very winnable senate seats will go down because of the anxiety. >> dana: mcconnell will be even more powerful. >> juan: the funny part to me is now the new emphasis on bernie's health and this has been bubbling around for a long time. >> jesse: didn't hear that until you brought it up. >> juan: have been talking to some strange people. >> dana: where the health records? >> juan: a lot of the journalists are saying you said you were going to make the health records available and i are not doing it. people say you can't talk about that, you can talk about a woman is a woman is not electable but if you say a guy who was up in age and has health problems, you won't talk about it. >> kennedy: i would be a
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little worried because this is a risk that you are not going to bridge or heal any time before november and the party really has to split. he knows exactly what he's doing. he is getting bernie to say that he doesn't care about the establishment, that you do have to burn everything down and it is like holding a match because it just comes out of your skin. it sprouts a new one. >> greg: you can have it, kind of like it. one of the great lessons is when they say with all due respect, they're going to slam me up. with all due respect, you are a scumbag. what we are seeing is a mirror of the trump phenomenon. saying dismissing him as a front runner, that is essentially me during the trump denial is and a
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portion of it but that majority, plurality you are going to see sanders get the full plurality. trump and the bernie brothers, talking about the trump supporter's, you can see how this all goes together. it is almost down to a t and it just took time for the democrats to get in the same place. like trump against the odds without compromise, it feels like a cause but on the other side, he is on the wrong side of history. he is rooting for the other team because he hates his team so much. >> juan: he said there's a trump cult and now there's a bernie cole and he doesn't want to be part of any colts. >> greg: they are causes, people. a cult is only a cult if it is small. once it's a large, movement.
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>> dana: occult ghost of mind control when i actually think people are making up their own mind. >> juan: bloomberg is spending money to control that emotional response. if you are locked into your emotions in terms of your response, anything trump does is okay, everything he does no matter what he does, but i will say one last thing, the one thing that would unite the democratic party no matter who the nominee is. >> greg: strudel? >> jesse: i like that. >> dana: haven't heard that in years. a rough week for joe biden's campaign but he got a warm reception on the view. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car
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>> juan: joe biden trying to persuade voters after a disappointing fifth place finish, saying i'll be if we're going to lose this nomination. biden also upping his media appearances, today stopped by the view. >> i believe i'm going to beat trump, i believe i'm the person. 99% of the hispanic vote hasn't voted yet. is a tactic he uses, the best thing is to go to somebody else, take your eye off the ball, focus on something e if i'm goim that opportunity, i can hardly wait to get him on a debate stage. >> juan: previously it seemed that joe biden thought i don't need all is out of the bunker on the view last weekend i think
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pete buttigieg did all the sunday shows, biden and warren just did one so what you think of this? b6 they had an analysis in new hampshire and biden was way down on the list and if you want people to vote for you whether you like it or not, you still have to campaign. a lot of people know who he has but if he's going to save this flagging candidacy, he has to do something pretty drastic at this point in going out there saying half swearword, i don't think that's enough to reset where voters are because unfortunately the negative perceptions are so strong right now you are starting to see critical support flow to a number of other choices. >> juan: has been critical of corporate media and backs of the defense he has his own digital media outlet. as at the way to go? >> jesse: for biden, i don't think he has a digital game.
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i don't think you can replicate what sanders does online and sanders can stay there forever because he's got the small donor base that can just keep giving and giving. he can lose a few primaries and caucuses, they are not going to throw their money somewhere else, so he will be in there for the long run. joe biden reminds me of a coach that hasn't won a game all season and says we are going to make the playoffs. everybody knows he is not making the playoffs but he has to say they're going to make the playoffs. he is just destined to lose and i don't like the way he is taking the black and hispanic vote for granted. he is basically saying screw iowa and new hampshire, screw these voters, it is the white voters had to wait till these black voters and brown voters get out there and it's going to be on them. but it's actually not on them, it is on joe and he is not taking any responsibility for not performing and it is going to be a sad thing to watch when i don't think they are going to
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turn out the way he promises they will. >> juan: there is also a theory going around if you do a fox town hall, it's not a bad idea. >> dana: it worked for mayor pete and amy klobuchar and bernie sanders did one as well and joe biden hasn't been on our air at all, but he was supposed to be the most electable so how can he be that if you're not doing that? the other thing is the democrats don't have any winner-take-all states so he is without delicates right now and if he does this proportional going into nevada, his people didn't turn out in south carolina if he were to do well there, that would be the biggest political comeback story in a long time and that would reset the race again and we'd all say maybe he can't but something tells me that won't happen. congressman very well respected man in south carolina, revered declined today to endorse anybody in south carolina. i thought that was a tell.
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>> greg: the worst thing you can feel for somebody is bad and joe is the guy who he offers to help you fix your car trouble, but he makes it worse, but he's such a nice person, a guy that doesn't work at the hardware store but just hangs out there to help. in his heart is in the right place, his hands aren't always. i think we know who he is that we don't really know who he does and maybe it's time for him to take that gold watch and head to florida or delaware. >> kennedy: is and that what his wife wanted? i do feel bad because even dr. jill came out and said i know you don't really like him but joe is pretty good and is probably going to be the president so go ahead and vote for him so you know behind the scenes when he was making that decision he was going i can see how the story ends.
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>> juan: she seemed pretty strong. don't go anywhere, folks. best of seven coming right at you next on "the five." and now, introducing new boost women... with key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. all with great taste. new, boost women. designed just for you. (crowd noise)arella stick! (bell rings) when heartburn hits. fight back fast.. with tums chewy bites. beat heartburn fast. tums chewy bites. coyou fifteen percentico or more on car insurance? do woodchucks chuck wood?
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hey you dang woodchucks, quit chucking my wood! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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>> kennedy: welcome back, time for the fast of seven. first up, people on social media very divided over how to feel about this video that shows an irate american airlines passenger shaming a fellow traveler who repeatedly punch the back of her reclined seat. i thought of you when i first read this story because this reminds me of being a cyclist. when you were a cyclist, you hate people in cars but when you're in a car, you hate cyclists. >> greg: why are we obscuring his face? i've seen his face all over the place. i can't believe that she put up with that. is exactly like who do you empathize with and everybody watching that would empathize with the woman because he is tormenting her. wasn't she able to do something like arrest him or anything? >> jesse: i think they sent him a drink as a matter of fact. >> kennedy: then when he was done eating, she put it back
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because she has a back injury. they reclined for a reason rated i think he is the biggest jerk on the planet and we should not obscure his face. >> greg: why are you obscuring it? is he somebody you know? >> dana: also if you are short you do need to reclined a little bit because it's a knowing of your pushed forward. >> kennedy: it is like a jack for headphones. i knew you were going to be for the punching guy. >> juan: i am not for the punching guy. >> greg: why do you always endorse beating women? light is the parent take control of the child, this guy is acting like a child, he is wrong and should stop it and is tormenting that woman but let me just say i can't stand people who recline their seat. the planes these days are more and suddenly people reclined right in your lap.
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>> kennedy: everybody needs to reclined then. the fact that they have so little room between the seats, shame on you. i fly united, i will take the services, thank you. teen pranksters going way over the line with this coronavirus stunt. jesse, we hear about you but clearly these two have way too much time on their hands, what did you think of this? >> jesse: on the one hand i think it scared dana so i'm against it but on the other hand i think it's a very well played prank. as someone that enjoys pranks and is very susceptible to pranks, well-designed pranks i tip my hat to you. this is a nice prank at the height of the coronavirus, this is good. don't try this at home.
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>> greg: imagine you were on the subway with your daughters and that happens and they are screaming and they run and they slip and they fall and there is all this on the ground. i am torn because they are teenagers which means their brains are small but i would probably kill them. i would hop on their chest and i would choke them out. >> dana: i think they should get arrested because this is no different then pulling the fire alarm in a crowded theater where you could hurt someone and they are doing and it goes viral. they should be arrested. >> jesse: there are enough people in hazmat suits carrying viruses on the subway. >> greg: that is a terrible prank if it's obvious. >> dana: the point of pranks is when you realize it's a prank, you are relieved, right?
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>> juan: instead of plunking the some celebrity, regular people on public transportation and i don't think that's funny but what's curious to me and jesse like this and i think those guys later said they can't understand why this is a problem, people are getting the joke but even here, most people don't get the joke but you got it, i wonder if it's an age thing. i wasn't going to put cruelty on it. >> dana: millions of young people taking their driver's test, parallel parking to be the worst experience, worse than a freddy krueger nightmare but now there is some good news, has just eliminated the parallel parking requirement from their driving test. is true that you don't drive. >> greg: i do drive, got my license but there is no better feeling than nailing a parallel park in one shot. is like a three-pointer or swallowing a hard-boiled egg hole, it is so good and happy
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new deprived that of today's youth? >> kennedy: when you don't do it and you pass everything else, you fail the test. >> dana: i was excellent when i used to drive. but i also feel like this is just another example of us making it easier on things. but if technology could improve this because a lot will do the parallel parking for you. >> jesse: in nevada you don't need to know how to parallel park. is wide open. you pull in front. in manhattan, you have to know how to do it. >> dana: that is a good point and completely fair so because of this whoever loses the caucus, are they going to blame it on the fact they are easing restrictions in every realm? >> juan: to me, this is different than manual versus automatic where most cars now are automatic for now they're going to have some cars that will do it for you automatically, they will parallel park but i think everyone's got to know how to parallel park. you know how come you're going
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to damage somebody else's car as well as your own so i think you should know how to do it. what was the justification for saying no, this is in every state now except nevada. >> kennedy: i lost my license as an adult and had to retake the actual driving test when i was 28. >> greg: it is we are there getting rid of parallel parking in a place where there is legalized. there's a joke in there but i don't know how to do it. >> kennedy: one more thing is up next. snacking should be sweet and simple. the delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. glucerna. everyday progress it's timcan it helpltimate sleep nukeep me asleep?he sleep number 360 smart bed. while helping you manage your blood sugar. absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed.
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>> jesse: time now for one more thing. if you don't have fox nation you better sign up now because season seven of abu khalyl watters' world" now what was glum is looking for when he came here? >> wasn't he looking to cross
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across the world? >> he was looking that was magellan. do you vote? >> jesse: >> dana: he helped the washington, d.c., school get a new library after the hearing they needed help so he started a fund-raiser and created a book wish list on amazon. he was able to donate 2,000 books to the st. thomas more catholic academy. it was part of his confirmation and he loves reading and wanted to bring the give to other people. after four months, cut the ribbon that st. thomas and availed all these new books at the library which is amazing. he encourages others and i do too. there is a new "i'll tell you what" podcast. >> jesse: that was the most on brandon dana one more thing.
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grade: schools, and no dogs grade: ♪ open gragg gragg check out this little fella trying to get himself a daiquiri, getting the attention of the bartender. nobody is listening to him. that's why i order to go drink because i'm never going to get them. bloomberg asked me how mean, dana. >> dana: that was kennedy. >> juan: i'm a big fan of boxing, i may be i'm featured on the hbo documentary ali's life. take a look. i do not think you can appreciate what it means to be heavyweight champion of the world. at this moment, i can't tell you the heavyweight champion of the
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world. if i were to get on this page up and go back on 1963, everybody knows they heavyweight champion of the world. director robert pater focuses the whole documentary on the interaction between available on hbo now, hbo gold, and on demand. take a look. >> jesse: juan on hbo. i'm impressed. kennedy? >> kennedy: valentine's day is tomorrow. i make up my mind's mission to make a perfect chocolate chip cookie, and i have a perfect chocolate chip cookie. look at these bad boys! hello, mommy! yeah! double top they are vegan, no cholesterol, made with almond flour, coconut flour, extra dark chocolate chips, coconut sugar, bash them
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altogether. i will put the recipe on twitt twitter. >> jesse: "special report" is up next. he >> bret: hey, jesse. have the best food always. breaking tonight, a public break between the president and his top law enforcement official. once all make the attorney general wants him to stop tweeting about the justice department. william barr telling him that his boss' social media habit is making him they'll make it impossible for him job. comes the president's involvement has brought a familiar refrain from capitol hill, impeachment and calls for investigation. we will talk with mitch mcconnell in a couple of minutes. what lawmakers are saying tonight.


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