tv Hannity FOX News February 13, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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tonight. we will be back tomorrow night, every weeknight, 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy ofi my income lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. we are going off the air, but taking over from here on out, new york city, sean. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." buckle up tonight. we have a ton of breaking news and incredibly important issues to cover. i mean serious issues involving the rule of law, equal justice, equal application of our laws, our constitutional system, and of course, we have more information about the democratic party that is completely imploding, there primary and utter disaster. they are awful and terrible and trying to out socialize each other. breaking tonight, democrats are turning again to impeachment. that's how nuts they are. we'll explain all throughout the hour. plus, we will show you the latest despicable disgustingg a. lies the shameless pandering a former new york city, michael bloomberg, now trying to run away from his own words
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about minorities and tell us, well, my own words don't mean anything. his long-held beliefs, 17 years. really? it's frankly repulsive. it's a dishonest election-year conversion for the history books. and can you believe it? he's getting a free pass. michael bloomberg from the media mob and his fellow democrats. remember one the anti-semitic members of congress, they got a free pass from the mob and their fellow congressmen people? yeah, more selective moral outrage, as usual. we will have a lot more coming up. we have a serious warning we begin with tonight. pleasese listen closely. you've got to understand right now, if you are a conservative, if you are a republican in the united states of america, you have every, every single right to feel that you are not being treated fairly, that the justice issued in this country is not equally-applied. you have every right to feel
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that way, because it seems that in this united states, on this night, only conservatives, only republicans, and especially people that like donald trump, i can get prosecuted, all while democrats in the deep state can pretty much do everything without consequence. or if your last name happens to be clinton. let me explain. as we speak, democrats have already begun what is their next psychotic, frankly insane, baseless witch hunt. they are actually now plotting yet another potential impeachment. forget passing legislation. forget improving the lives of the american people and serving the people that put them in office. no, petty pelosi wants to round up another round of investigations over a tweet.t. a few days ago on twitter, the president voiced his rightful outrage over what is an insane nine-year sentence that roger stone could receive because of process crimes. we will show you why that is so insane in a minute and news you
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won't get from the hysterical media mob. now, the president, he did not instruct thege doj to reduce sentence, had noto conversations with the attorney general as attorney general, bill barr confirmed today to abc. in fact, the attorney general, he takes orders from no one. by the way, he shown it. he needs to remain independent. the president does have every right to be frustrated and we as americans, we need to be concerned tonight, and we should also be frustrated about a lot of issues, a lot of unequal justice under the law, because we have an egregious, nine-year sentence. roger stone. well, thankfully, the attorney general and the, department of justice, they stepped in independently to amend what was a complete and total miscarriage of justice. and it gets worse. you have, for example, the corrupt, compromised, congenital liar himself, adam schiff, while calling an attack on the rule of
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law. i will explain and educate you in just a second. you need a bit of a history lesson. you need to learn how our justice system works a little bit better before you speak out. he said that impeachment is back on the table. this is insane. this is who they are and it doesn't stop there. yes, elizabeth warren, tweeting that congress must act to reign in our lawless attorney general. no. and former obama attorney general, yeah, that guy will that was held in an attempt of congress. fast and furious. remember that guy? yeah, he said it endangers the fabric of our democracy. actually, eric holder, you know what endangers the fabric of our democracy? unequal justice under the law, unequal application of our laws, a dual justice system with politically-motivated, abusively biased prosecutors, misconduct. all of these things.
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this is a real risk at this time in american history. and let me remind everyone. you might not like to hear this. and by the way, all you congresspeople, that don't know the constitution, please pay close attention. the chief law enforcement officer in this country would be the president of the united states. that's right. the president, who has not done so, by the way, who has not involved himself in these cases. he can absolutely, if he wanted to, tell the department of justice to start investigation. and a present also does not give up his or her rights to freedom of speech, either. the president can tweet, a president can speak anytime, anyplace. by the way, let's go to where we are right now. remember roger stone? first arrested. another predawn raid. 29 agents. i don't blame them. they can't say no. but they were sent on a job to stone's florida home.
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armed and ready, apparently, he has water behind his house. by the way, cnn reportedly tipped off. they were there to film it. hmm, how convenient. stone was charged withh nonviolent process crimes. now, i'm sure he would have gladly turned himself in.ur all they had to do is call his lawyer and say, i'm going to have an arraignment at 9:00 this morning. he's got to be her at 7:00. by the way, as is customary with other nonviolent offenders in this country. no, they wanted a show. he didn't even have an active passport. by the way, an army of agents stormed into his house in the middle of the night because of orders from who? a team of trump-hatingf bureaucrats, overzealous prosecutors, clearly abusing power. clearly wanting to send a message. clearly wanting to intimidate people in what is frankly a repulsive way. that is abusing power. and remember, the same exact
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thing happened to paul manafort. how convenient. remember the armed agents? predawn raid once again. putting a gun in his wife's face. he would have turned himself in, also, like everybody else with process crimes. now, stone was ultimately convicted on seven counts. obstruction of an official proceeding. aka, he lied to congress. that's what they said. five counts of making false statements to congress. one count of witness tampering. by the way, the witness defended stone. he said, he's just a blowhard, i didn't take any of his comments seriously. when he heard that he might face jail time, he said, no, don't send him to jail for this. it's stupid. because of those process crimes, prosecutors recommended 9 years behind bars for roger stone. 9 years. now, here's what the media mob will never do. they will never help give you information to put that in perspective. we'll do it for them. as of 2018, the median time served for murder.
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guilty of murder. 13.4 years. roger stone is right up there with that. he lied to congress. median time for rape. rape, sexual assault. 4.2 years. wow. robbery. 3.2. assault. 1.4. now, prosecutors recommending nine years for roger stone. for lying? you want the guy to die in jail? that's basically it. you don't want him to ever see the light of day again as a free man. now, do you understand why attorney general barr was frustrated? do you understand why the president is rightfully frustrated? i'm frustrated. all of you should be frustrated. what we have been telling you for three straight years, well, these people are not being held accountable up until now. and it gets worse. we come to find out that the stone case, look at this.
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the jury foreperson, a longtime democratic activist. ran for congress as a democrat. she frequently tweeted horrible things about president trump and his supporters. apparently they wiped that clean in the last 24 hours. she even -- the jury foreperson -- tweeted in support of the fbi's pre-dawn raid. told fox news, "mr. stone and his defense team are diligently reviewing new information concerning appropriate next steps." by the way, i don't trust the judge in that case. the same one that paul mina porte had. it's clear the jury was tainted. if justice is to exist in this country, everyone pay attention to this. this case needs to be thrown out immediately if we have justice in this country. you can't have a person that is that prejudiced. that is corrupt. tonight, the attorney general is under fire because, what? he looked at murderers only get 4.5 years.
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median time in jail. well, if you commit rape, only 4.2 years. 9 years for lying? the attorney general was right. the attorney general said he will not be intimidated by the "do-nothing" democrats in congress. here's what he said. >> i am responsible for everything that happens in the department, but the thing i have most responsibility for are the issues that are brought to me for decisions. i will make those decisions based on the right thing to do. i'm not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody, whether it's congress, the newspaper, editorial boards, or the president. i'm going to do what i think is right. >> sean: and by the way, so he shall. he is supposed to remain independent. he made very clear tonight that he is staying independent.d this is much ado about -- this is more than a painted jury. this is about a tainted and corrupt system that we have been showing you for three years.
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this is a system as ofrr tonigh, where if you are republican or conservative and you like donald trump, you get predawn raids. with cnn cameras up and ready. you get years in prison. and what about all these democrats deep state actors thah are corrupt that get off scot-free? okay, stone was convicted of lying. as corrupt as that jury appears to be. well, you know who hasn't been charged with lying and we know they like? well, let's take a look at thisi extensive list we have here. oh, look at "usa today." james clapper's perjury. and why d.c. made men don't get charged for lying to congress. wow. ed"the guardian" pointing out tt cia director john brennan lied to you and the senate. loretta lynch, "lied during testimony of the hillary clinton yninvestigation." eric holder repeatedly lied to congress about the fast and furious scandal. cheryl mills lied under oath about the hillary clinton issues.
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every time andrew mccabe opened his mouth, he was lying. that's "the washington times."ev in fact, he was fired for lying. the fbi -- all this is in the public. you can read it yourself. we put up theli y sources. the inspector general found that "he lacked s candor." lackingct candor means he lied. just like they accused roger stone and paul manafort of. of course, how could we ever forget super patriot, jim comey, lying to congress about his decision to clear hillary clinton? remember, the timeline didn't add up. of course, so far, the people that always seem to get away with the most, committingmm numerous crimes as far as i am, associated with the mishandling of top-secret, classified siinformation on an illicit private server, that would be the clintons, that would include the espionage act, 18 usc 793. also, what about the campaign finance violation? remember, the money for the dirty russian dossier, put together by a foreign national,
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went to perkins, a lawwe firm. they paid christopher steele the money for the dirty russian dossier. it was then used later to spy on a president, transition team, and presidency. back to comey. not only was he untruthful to congress, but he also blatantlyy lied on fisa applications. we now know, so did mccabe, so did ron rosenstein. but remember, they signed off on an application that the top of a fisa application verified. at the very same time, they had been warned, all ofie them. the dossier, the basis for the warrant, was nothing more than salacious, unverified, bought and paid by clinton, put together by a trump hater by the name of christopher steele.
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that's not all. we know comey was actually referred to for leaking highly sensitive government material. inspector general found, "comey set a dangerous example for the many thousands more former fbi employees." despite these damning and unprecedented findings, buttigieg hasn't been charged with anything. no pre-dawn raid at buttigieg's house. no fake news cnn cameras either. meanwhile, paul manafort, he is rotting in jail for lying on bank loan applications. roger stone facing nine years. remember, rape, median time in jail, 4.2 years. wow. nine years for lying. rape, 4.2 years. then we have lieutenant general michael flynn. he couldn't afford to pay his lawyers anymore. he actually pleaded guilty to lying after the people who
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interviewed him said, we don't think you are lying, and why did they do that? they threatened to go after his son unless they made him lie when he said they didn't think he was how sick is that? now, if you go further, you've got george papadopoulos. he is not convicted felon. he spent time in jail. countless other trump campaign associates spied on, wiretapped, surveilled, generally stocked by the deep his own campaign, then transition team. he was illegally spied on. when are any of these people going to be held accountable? here's the point. this is serious, because we are talking about a two-tiered system of justice. it has to be fixed. the frustration that i feel, the president feels, and i get the impression, i don't know, because he is independent, must remain independent, i do have faith in the attorney general.e i understand the
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attorney general's saying that when the president talks about these cases, it makes his job harder. i understand that. the president, i think feels like i do and many americans do. all these people, they all get the book thrown at them.y all these other people, p they seem to always get away with it and nothing ever happens. that's how we feel. i think we have a right to feel this way. unless we get this right, i worry for the future of our country, because if not, well, you might as well rip up the u.s. constitution. it would be meaningless. that's how serious it is. i am hopeful that durham and barr, their probe that is in progress, i hope we get to a quick conclusion here. i have faith in the attorney general. i have faith in the 99% of good honest men and women that serve the fbi, the doj, the intelligence committee. i can understand why he says that it's making his job harder.
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but i can understand the frustration, because i feel it and so does every other american. when you look up the stark contrast here, it takes your breath away. equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws. the attorney general was clear. the president has not asked hims to do anything. i'm certain the attorney general doesn't want any such appearance. i get it. when the president tweets, if he is doing something it might get in the way and people that don't care about equal justice, they will take it out of context, because that's what they always do. the double standard, the stench, it reeks to high heaven. only the president's people have been charged. where are the indictments? when are they coming? when are we going to convene a grand jury?he when are we going to show, we already know, we have the evidence, premeditated fraud on a fisa court. lying to the fbi happen. lying on fisa applications happened.
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the espionage was violated. hillary obstructed by deleting those emails. again, it's about the constitution of united states, which is the foundation of all our laws. otherwise, it's meaningless. we've got to hold these people accountable, those that abuse power, broke the law, and werete corrupt and lied. it's time to clean house, restore what are the important principles of justice. joining us now, house minority leader kevin mccarthy. now, i understand the attorney general got in this late. he has to clean up the big mess here. there is certain information that we already do know. we know that many of these people lied. we know many of these people lied, but only the present's friends or supporters have been prosecuted. they want to put stone in jail for nine years when the median time spent in jail for a rapist is 4.2 years? the attorney general was right.
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i understand his need for independence. i understand the president's frustration. congressman, your thoughts? >> first of all, sean, there is one person you have to f add. that's adam schiff. >> sean: good point. >> he lied to us about not knowing who the whistle-blower was. he lied to us by using that committee to actually tell us the fisa was okay.o and then he lied to us one more time when he read the transcript. that was not true. the only thing these people are guilty of that had to go to jail, they are guilty ofof the same thing that you and i are guilty of: that we support our president. that is what the democrats only look at. they don't just hate the president.t.ts they hate me, they hate you, they hate the viewers. they hate everything about us. and listen to what you just put up earlier. adam schiff, eric swalwell, this is all they know is impeached. if they had spent any time with this attorney general, he has the highest character of anyone i've ever been around. he is very independent. if you ever talk to him h about any issue, i've never known a
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man more independent than him. you know what he came forward with? they already made the decision before the president ever put out an opinion. you know about the president? he gives his opinion to the american public, because he is more open and more transparent than any president we've ever had before. but none of this is ever going to stop. impeachment will never end unless we change the direction of the house and we change the who is in the majority. that's why your viewers need to go to to fundamentally change this, otherwise they will keep impeaching. >> sean: listen, you are making up right point. you are making a great point. they are already back to more investigations, more impeachment. if we don't hold the senate and the president wins coming here we go. four more years of this garbagef let me go to the attorney general's point. donald trump has never asked me to do a thing in any criminal case. he says when the president tweets, he's talking about speaking out about these very public cases. it makes it impossible for me to do my job.
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i'm not sure why, if the president is not telling him anything. i guess because it creates an appearance for the attorney general. the attorney general has made it clear. he is being independent, as he should be.ra the american people only see one application of laws. it's only if you are of this political persuasion. >> look, attorney general barr has been the attorney general before. the only reason he came back is because of his love of the law. one of the greatest things about america is the rule of law that we have. he does not care what anybody says about him. he's just doing the job and c hs trying to bring back the rule of law in america. he doesn't care where it takes him. he just looks for justice. >> sean: i have faith in him. >> it doesn't matter who says anything. he believes in the rule of law.
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>> sean: i have faith in him. we already have a lot of the evidence. people need to be held accountable. all right, congressman, you're right. got to win back the house. thank you for your time.e. author of the best-seller, "witch hunt." gregg jarrett. fox news contributor sara carter, former u.s. attorney. gregg. >> while, the president has come as you point out, first amendment rights of free expression. it's one of the things that the americans like about him. he is allowed to say, wait a minute, this is unfair. this is a miscarriage of justice. it's a point well-taken. but democrats and the mainstream media are launching this brazen assumption that trump directed barr. and the department of justice to alter the sentencing recommendations, and that's not what happened. in fact, barr pointed that out today. he said these rogue, overzealous prosecutors misrepresented to him what they were going to do,
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and when he found out about it, he took action to correct the mistake. that's what you want in a good attorney general.. >> sean: i think that's well said. let me ask you, sara carter. from your point of view, you talked to the justice department. >> well, look, sean, the democrats threat to basically impeach president trump again is like ripping this nation apart at the thread. and you made a perfect point there about the constitution, but i want to take you really quick to what is happening here. this entire case against president trump was built on lies. so, the democrats want to scream bloody murder, basically because they say that there should be a separation between political, traditional political considerations and the doj. but the entire case against president trump lead to all these casualties, which of course are roger stone, lieutenant general michael flynn, and paul manafort.
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so they have no room to stand here, no ground here, sean, and it's really ripping our countrypp up. >> sean: i just fired off a list today. "usa today," "the new york post," "washington post," "washington times."st they are all saying all those people i mentioned, they are reporting that they all lied. those people never got in trouble. >> you know the most common recommendation by a prosecutor for what roger stone has been convicted of is about one year. so, in this instance, they are seeking to punish someone because they don't like him or they don't like who he hangs out with, rather than doing it based on the merits of the case. so is the attorney general justified? you bet he is. it should be the democrats that are relieved that someone is weighing in on an outrageous sentence. >> sean: at some point here, this evidence is overwhelming, incontrovertible, and we've had it. all right, thank you all.
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when we come back, big breaking news.rt bloomberg in a total, outrageous spin about his comments that many call racist. even his fellow democrats. you won't believe the new tape also that we have uncovered tonight. that and more as we continue on this busy breaking news night. stay with us. ♪ tonight. that and more as we continue on good morning, mr. sun. good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean.
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i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh.
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♪ >> sean: all right, michael bloomberg's campaign is still in nonstop damage control. after secret audio that he tried toto block the release of shows him aggressively defending -- this isn't even about stop-and-frisk, it's about his viewpoint. it's about a level of, let's say, racial profiling that is repulsive and sickening. listen.
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>> 95% of murderers are male minorities. it's true in new york. that's where all the crime is. throw them against the wall and frisked them. >> sean: i lived five years in rhode island, five years in california, two years in alabama, four years s georgia. i grew up in long island. i've lived here in new york, i've been on the show 24 years in new york. i can tell you, it is a fact that people of all races commit crimes. and new york city, specifically. listen closely to bloomberg. what is he saying? he puts the word "all" in his remarks. "all" police are in minority neighborhoods. why? because that's where, according to bloomberg, all, not some, all of the crime is. really?ca that's not true. that is an absolute lie. that is racial profiling on human growth hormones and steroids..
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policy of stop-and-frisk. he was asked about his 2015 remarks yesterday. well, in tennessee, this is a flat-out total bunch of bunk. he said, don't believe what i actually said. that's insane. listen. >> i don't think those words reflect how i ledat the most diverse city in the nation. and i apologized for the pain that the practice caused. >> but why did you say it? >> it was five years ago. it's just not the way that i think, and it doesn't reflect what i do every day. >> sean: oh, you are not supposed to actually believe his own words that he didn't think would come back up. they don't actually indicate his true positions. he's taking zero responsibility. he's not being honest. no accountability. for the damage that his hateful
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remarks and actions are causing. remember, he was mayor for two years. he said nothing about a change of heart. he doesn't say anything. now, he wants to run for president. now, all of a sudden, things have changed.oeth this is why people hate politicians. this is why they know instinctively that they are this is the type of swamp creature we always get. this is blind political ambition phony contrition, and an act. it's nothing but a slick, multimillion-dollar marketing campaign on his part and the problem for bloomberg doesn't stop there.'t he's also under fire for comments he made in 2008 defending a lending practice known as redlining, which critics say discriminates against minorities. and by the way, it is causing 2020 democrats to smell blood in the water. even they are critical. elizabeth warren saying, i'msm surprised that someone running for the democratic nomination thinks that the economy will be better off if we just let banks be more overtly racist.
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beyond bloomberg's policy failures, he is completely out of touch with everyday voters.s. listen to him. kind of an awkward moment earlier today in north carolina. he was telling a story about his childhood. and his housekeeper, for everyone of you who grew up this way. take a listen. >> i just wish my mother had lived long enough to see a crowd likeke this. what she would say to me is don't let it go to your head. every day i would say, what did you do? she would say, well, i played scrabble today.wo who did you play with? she would say, the housekeeper. i would say, mother, the housekeeper works for us. she's throwing the game to you. she said, that's an outrage and then she would finish by saying, if you learned to play scrabble, you would learn how to spell. >> sean: a little different from my prison guard mother of 26 years and my dad who was also a waiter. the media continues to largely play defense for bloomberg's blunders. herewith the reaction, former white house chief of staff,
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reince priebus. nationally syndicated radio host, larry elder. i would like to start with you. i don't h know. i haven't had any one hired to play scrabble with me. i was washing dishes in a restaurant when i was 12 years old. reince? >> yeah, my dad was an electrician and my mom was a seamstress. look, bloomberg is going to have to get ready, because not only is this going to be the mostrg important three weeks of his political life to get to super tuesday, but his opponents are ready to pounce and they are going to break him as well. in the meantime, one of the best polls i've seen for trump shows that a record amount of people said that they were extremely happy with their lives as they liveve today. that's a poll that is just devastating for the democrats as they enter into a proportional allocation of delegates all the national conventions in this fiasco that they'veat brewed up without any way out. the dnc didn't do anything about their rules. >> sean: larry, let me read this again. it says police stop white people
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too much, minorities too little. and then he said stop-and-frisk targeted minority kids, who cops must throw up against the wall. okay, "must." i think cops might get in trouble for doing that. then, he describes the murderers and murdersg victims. they fit two, not one. you can take a description. they are all male minorities. all. again, the word "all."." oh, my gosh, you are arresting kids for marijuana. they are all minorities. he says, "yes, they are all minorities. it's true." why?ua. because we put all of the cops in minority neighborhoods. why? because that's what all the crime is. larry, i live in new york. i can tell you right now, i've seen that kids that for example are white committing crimes. >> well, i think michael bloomberg ought not
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apologize for stop-and-frisk. he's absolutely right. almost 96%. the city is about 30-40% white. only about 3.5% or so of shooting victims are white. he has nothing to apologize for. crime was down. now, the way he expressed it, of course, is not with the police are doing. they are stopping, they are questioning, and frisking based on reasonable suspicion of a crime or that a crime might be occurring. the way that bloomberg expressed it in 2015 is not how the cops are doing d he ought not apologize. people would respect him more if he simply defended the practice and talk about all the lives he saved. and the lives he saved are primarily the lives of people of color. >> sean: well, that is separate and apart. the policy is separate and apart for me. m "all" crime, "all" communities. >> sean, you just said you've been living in new york. you know that white people commit crimes. everybody knows that crime is
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not committed "all" by certain people. cuff. i don't think it is fair to hold them to that. >> sean: what would happen if donald trump said that? >> we know what would happen. he would be absolutely crucified. donald trump is calling him racist. i don't think that is fair either. i think they ought to knock it offai and talk about whether the policy has been effective and it has been effective. and its lawful! >> but michael bloomberg failedh to exhibit the basic amount of dignity and respect when he didn't know the microphone was on. and the real character of that man was shown in that audiotape. that's the problem we've got. >> sean: all right, thank you both. when we come back, wow. bernie sanders making the democrats worried, trading jabs with james carville. that is spiraling out of control. total chaos. carl rose next. ♪ bottom line is,
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♪ >> sean: all right, bernie sanders leading theea 2020, radical, extreme, socialist democratic pack. it is making some democrats nervous, including james carville, who bernie criticized as a political hack. carville isn't backing down, saying, at least i'm not a communist. ouch. the architect, fox news contributor, karl rove. what's on the whiteboard? what did you bring? >> well, i brought two. they wanted me to bring three. but i'm sorry, all i could bring was two. let's think about is this. delegates chosen through march 3rd will represent 40% of the total at the democratic convention. after march 3rd, it will be 60%.
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only two primaries. one caucus, one primary behind us.. p it's 22 for bernie, excuse me, 22-22. and then three others behind. but nobody is breaking, both buttigieg and bernie are elected so far that would mean that they would need to get a remaining 60% of delegates. they need to win 60% of those to that would mean that they would need to get, of the remaining 60% of delegates, they would need to win 60% of those to get 36% of the total delegates and get themselves to 50, as of the opening day in milwaukee. that looks like it's going to be awful hard to do, given how scrambled this field is. >> sean: all right, so you think where we are headed is a broken convention, for sure. >> i'm not certain for sure, because it could be that
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somebody on march 3rd breaks through, and thereafter, they just simply start rolling it up and someone tosses in their cards at the start of april or early may. so the final primaries are essentially coronations. if everybody stays in the fight, and look, bernie is going to stay in the fight, because he's got the resources and enthusiasm. bloomberg is going to stay in the fight, because he's got the money., let's see if he's got the enthusiasm. somebody else might be able to stay in the race provided they do well on march 3rd. but on march 3rd, we are going to have probably five candidates get votes, because amy klobuchar, she is not going to be the democratic nominee in all likelihood, but minnesota votes on the 3rd of march. so does massachusetts come home state of elizabeth warren. of any of buttigieg and sanders competing, and maybe biden is back in the racee by that day, f he wins south carolina. but if you are splitting everybody up on march 3rd, between four candidates, that means we are going to have at
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least six candidates with delegates at the time of the rape democratic national convention. and getting that 60% out of the 60% of delegates left to get there, that's a high -- that's a real high bar. >> sean: these comments of bloomberg. he has been running a slick marketing campaign, not showing up anywhere. now all of these comments. does that hurt him? >> oh, absolutely.e. i don't know where that came from, but i know that one of the beneficiaries is biden. the reminder of his comments is not going to go down well with voters inty of south carolina primary, who are african-american. >> sean: all right, karl rove with his whiteboard. all right, joe biden on "the view" today. you won't be believe the really softball interviewsha he got in that hard-hitting new show. we have the low lights.
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alec baldwin lost it. we'll explain straight ahead. ♪ - [announcer] the following is an urgent appeal from the international fellowship of christians and jews. - right now in the former soviet union, there are thousands of jewish holocaust survivors trapped in relentless poverty. there's no heat, no electricity, no running water. they're cold, hungry, and sick, and they're suffering and dying needlessly. christians and jews together stand obedient to god to listen to his word. god gives us a special calling, to help the orphan, the widow, the weakest, the survivors. and he makes a promise, that if we stand with them, so too, will god stand with us. - [announcer] please open your heart and act now. you can save lives and honor god by helping elderly jews in dire need
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in the former soviet union. your gift today of just $25 will rush an emergency survival package to a person in desperate need of food, medicine, water, and heating fuel. visit out website. or call the number on your screen. - when we come together, jews and christians united, united in prayers, united in actions, united in our hearts, i feel god smiling down. the spirit of unity commands god's blessing to fall upon his children. - [announcer] please visit our website. or call the number on your screen. for just $25, you can help us rush an emergency survival package to a desperate holocaust survivor before it's too late. please visit our website or call the number on your screen.
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♪ >> sean: all right, quid quo pro joe is good friends with the "the view," that hard-hitting new show on abc. he was there with his wife, jill. they sat through, perhaps, the toughest questions ever asked in the history of journalism. take a look. >> this is a guy who has done nothing but good things his whole life, my son, and ran a food program, a whole range of things. but look, it's what it is. we knew it was going to be ugly. >> as a mother, how hurtful have these attacks been on hunter? >> they've been really hurtful. i mean, to hear your son attacked. you know, i expected that joe would be attacked, but not your
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children. >> yeah. >> not your children. before they've been -- no one has touched children. >> sean: hunter biden is not a child. he's 50 years old. meanwhile, msdnc, they had their own agenda. that is to block bernie sanders. according to conspiracy television, that network isn't exactly feeling the burn. tammy bruce on also laura logan. lara, let's begin with you. please, joe, can we help you? here is a lifeline, joe. we need you. please. i'm all for joe. they can haveor joe. >> well, first, sean, you always
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always -- it's my job to remind you i'm still standing and i'm not the only one. >> sean: not many of you. >> to your point -- [laughs] well, unfortunately, not enough. not enough. but there are aa few. this is what i would say. for organizations like abc, who pride themselves on being objective, on being truth tellers, on just providing the facts, showing both sides, they rarely -- they really can't claim that ground if they don't show both sides, and if they don't push back and if they don't really do their jobs and present other points of view and challenge the person they are interviewing. and this wasn't -- you know, this was a somewhat painful interview to watch, really, and i say that on a really compassionate, humid level, because it's just so obvious that biden is not where he needs to be right now on every level. >> sean: how could you not ask
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about quid pro quo joe -- tammy, you are not getting the billion, unless you fire the prosecutor, paying my zero experience on millions. i would've spent the entire interview getting a straight answer. >> see, they are not interested in that. "the daily beast" had a headline on this, they're not exactly right-leaning are conservative, saying that joe biden bombed on this program. that he has this friendly environment meant to lift him up. that is clearly a given. andth he failed even in that environment. at one point, he expressed being confused and shocked that other candidates and people and other reporters, effectively, i guess, were asking about his record and the record of other people running. you see, this is what's new. they are not used to -- certainly in his generation a politician, certainly as democrats -- are not used to actually running, to actually not having a next, to where you are not supposed to be ask these hard questions, because that way
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the people are kept kind of out of the loop about what is really going on. and i think, even the viewers of "the view," certainly of the internet, thee programming, have become savvy enough to recognize the fraud that this is. that this really laid out a template, in a way to come of how politicians like joe biden have gotten away with this kind of stuff for so long. hunter is a 50-year-old man. this also speaks to our concern about how do you go into public service and become filthy rich? and we've been wondering that. as the american people. that's why the story matters. that's why hunter biden matters. with white chelsea clinton matters. as an adult woman, not as minor as they begin to play with the money that seems to be coming when you are a politician like joe biden. americans care about that. it matters to us because it speaks to corruption and the nature of what government has become. that is why we are in the place
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we are right now. >> sean: last 20 seconds for lara. we only have 20. >> one thing i would add, sean, you have to apply the same standard across the board, right? so hunter biden is off the table, then ivanka trump and john jr. and all the others are off the table, too. if you look back at what the viewers had to say about them, you won't find the same standard has been applied. >> great point. >> sean: thank you both. when we come back, yeah, alec baldwin, another unhinged grant, and this time, he had a new low. we've got you covered. you won't believe what he said this time. straight ahead. ♪ when life changes, so do your taxes. that's a reason to switch to jackson hewitt. our tax returns come with a free lifetime accuracy guarantee. life may change. your lifetime accuracy guarantee won't.
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hey. you fell asleep with your sign again. "you fell asleep with your sign again." no, i didn't. okay. switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. you know, like the sign says. >> sean: middle of the day again, t >> sean: middle of the day again, the unhinged actor has been alec baldwin, smearing president trump's supporters comparing the president trump now to hitler. the guy that killed millions and millions of innocent people. "it's official, the u.s. government is as lawless as the malignant dictatorships we have hated in our foreign policy
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since world war ii." unfortunately, you're insane alec. we will always seek the truth. we will never be the media mob. let not your heart be troubled because laura ingraham is here. hi. >> laura: i'm always glad when that dry ice special effect comes up and i'm not the villain of the day. >> sean: come on, really? >> laura: i'm happy, yeah. >> sean: you really think one am going to choose you? >> laura: yeah. >> sean: you believe that? >> laura: yeah, let's coordinate with my staff and everything. >> sean: if you do something that deserves that, that's it you're going to be villain of the day. you have to deserve it. alec baldwin is tough to beat. >> laura: i want to get real dry ice for your studio. you've got a fancy set up over there. i want the flames, i want the whole deal. okay? >> sean: you don't have -- you have a fancier set up than i do. >> laura: are you kidding me?
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