tv Hannity FOX News February 15, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PST
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think. sean hannity takes over. have a great weekend with the ones you love. ♪ >> sean: welcome to hannity. we begin tonight a fox news alert. big, breaking positive developments to share surrounding the deep state. this is very detailed. pay close attention. i have to unpeal the layers of this onion. first, i have to admit the mccabe news on the declination of prosecution is frustrating especially when the ig had identified four separate incidents of lack of candor. that means lying. seems as i said last night only conservatives they seem to get punished for that in today's america. now, what we know is this is the single biggest abuse of power scandal, corruption scandal in modern american history. and it is playing out before our very eyes. we now see that the corruption at the highest
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levels of government, what we have been talking about unequal justice. a lack of equal application of our laws, equal justice under the law. a two-tiered justice system operated by a group of, again, the 1% lawless, vindictive, evil government officials. all of this is on the line in this country and it matters how it turns out. we have reason tonight let your hearts not be troubled. why? because big major consequential developments clearly are on the horizon. now, so far, we have been completely vindicated on everything we have reported to you, the media mob, three long years of lies and conspiracy theories and hoaxes and smears and slander and besmirchment and everything else in between. propaganda. tonight, at this hour, there are still career, unelected brewer democrats who hate president trump, hate that you elected him, and are on what is an unyielding mission to continue to destroy anyone and everyone
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who supports him. and the events unfolding this week represent the perfect example of everything we have been telling you for three years on this show. robert mueller's trump hating minions recommended first-time offender roger stone get nine years in prison. nine years for a process crime? what, over a few overblown lies? nonviolent process crimes. lying to counsel. well, they lie every day. adam schiff lies almost every word that comes out of his mouth. on the other side, breaking today. we learned andrew mccabe will face to trial no charges no nothing. mccabe lied over and over again and we proved that fired by the doj for his lying and the department's inspector general recommended him for federal prosecution writing, quote: mccabe lacked candor on multiple occasions. three of those occasions involved testimony under oath. that's not all, mccabe even admitted that he lied to the fbi. but andrew mccabe is facing no charges whatsoever.
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and get this: look at your screen, because breaking moments ago fellow deep state hack lisa page is celebrating. she posted that picture on twitter holding a glass of wine captioned "cheers, andy" keep in mind this same classless individual was forced to resign from the fbi in disgrace after exchanging dozens and dozens of nasty text messages about donald trump, with pure ugly political bias with her best friend peter strzok. you know the guy who said i can smell them from here. the smelly trump supporting walmart shoppers. what a great pair they are. apparently, if you are a trump-hating bureaucrat or a democrat, you can purger yourself or lie to the fbi with zero consequences or can you. come to think of it look at your screen if comey or hillary clinton or quid pro quo or any prominent democrat or deep state official seems at this hour but it's about to change, i think. you can commit a whole host of potential crimes and not
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even face an indictment. but, if you are roger stone or paul manafort, by the way, not taking a high ranking government official and you have no support whatsoever, but if you are stone and you lie to congress, they wants to put you away for, oh, nine years. by the way, the median time spent in prison for rape is four years and two months murder just a little over 13 years. yeah, that's real. breaking tonight, this could all be changing very soon. we are now beginning to see something very large unfold moments ago roger stone's attorneys have filed a motion for a new trial. that is a major development. that should be granted. and by the way it should be the beginning of stone's ultimate vindication. we have more good news. mccabe dismissal is frankly when you really look at it, it's a declination prosecuted on one specific issue. here is my read between that jnsd general flynn news today because we know barr just installed outside counsel to look into the general flynn case.
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so i'm reading the tea leaves here and my sources confirming, the same sources that i have been using for you in getting the story right for three years. that the attorney general bill barr is focused on something much bigger, much deeper, that will have far ranging ramifications. serious ramifications that 1% that abused power. that 1% involved in the corruption. those deep state bureaucrats who abused their power. because, as we speak, the durham-barr criminal probe is underway. i have been told by my sources that, in fact, it has gone deep. it has gone wide. it has gone far. and the evidence they are accumulating is overwhelming and incontrovertible. that's what my sources are telling me tonight. on this program, we refer to all o of this as the investigation into the investigators. now, according to reports, this investigation scrutinizing the actions now
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and we have been wondering when this is going to come. former cia director john brennan and many other current and former deep state officials responsible for the russia hoax. remember, the origins of the russia hoax, that's the heart of the investigation. now it's expanded out far and wide. durham has spent weeks in italy and great britain. that would tell me and indicate to me that the outsourcing of intelligence-gathering and spying on americans to circumvent american law is in play. i'm told that this evidence that we already have was about premeditated fraud on a fisa court. nobody else in the media got that story right. we got it right on this program. the evidence is proven. it's a slam dunk case. we already have that. and barr has already confirmed -- you have got to pay attention -- that the fisa applications were fraudulent. barr has already confirmed that a candidate, donald trump, his transition team and deep into the presidency of donald trump spying happened. yes, he used the word spying.
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okay. now, we know about the warnings. multiple warnings that were given to those when they filed the fisa applications. don't trust agenda. hillary paid for it and it's not verified. multiple warnings. that means premeditated fraud on the court. that means a huge day of reckoning to me may be on the horizon. i don't think i'm wrong. potential charges for so many who recklessly abuse you had finest court or any of this nation's powerful tools of intelligence. we entrust with you those tools. you don't get to turn them on the american people because you have a political agenda and new development. that's not all. we learned today that barr ordered outside prosecutors to review the case of lieutenant general michael flynn. thank god. you might remember james comey bragging on camera about setting flynn up and oh, i sent my guys in there. i would never do that in the trump or bush administrations or ever get away with it. decorated military hero, 33 years. they forced of him to plead guilty to one charge lying
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to investigators. but the investigators actually didn't think he was lying. why did he do it? they threatened to go after his family and kid and couldn't sell his house because they couldn't pay the lawyers. initial reports flynn didn't appear to be lying. made him life so he could save his son. what father wouldn't do that here is how i interpret that action. general flynn will be vindicated can i believe tonight and i have to believe tonight that the durham-barr probe will deliver a devastating blow to the deep state which has to happen. or we might as well take our constitution and spread it. equal justice under the law or application of our laws will be dead. these are clear messages now being sent. barr stepped in and stopped the prosecutorial abuse on roger stone, that was huge. that case needs to be vacated completely as we now know the jury foreperson had a political agenda oh, a democrat an activist
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democrat actually even talked about the case. to date, my sources have been right the entire time. so, tonight, i it report this, i'm cautiousless optimistic that real justice will be done. and it seems like the decks are being cleared. 2 looks like a five alarm fire happening at the justice department. we should know in short order meaning a few months, what will happen. how this will fall out. to his credit the president as the attorney general said yesterday is giving the doj inspector general to conduct what is important, independent investigations. it is completely by the way within the president's power to order the probe himself. did you know the president is the chief law enforcement officer in the country? he is number one. when the a.g. stepped in to amend the agreed to the sentencing of roger stone he did that on his own. who he did with general flynn he did on his own. according to a brand new report from kimberley strassel, "wall street journal," here is what actually happened, quote: and her sources have been impeccable. enter u.s. attorney tim shae told the department's
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leadership he and other car officials in the department felt the sentence was excessive. as for the dead line for the filing as that near you had the prosecutors on the case, months, threatened to withdraw from the case unless they got their demands for the stiffest penalties met. mr. shae, new to the job, suffered a moment of cowardice and submitted to that ultimatum. high ranking doj officials said to decide these things, they decided to reverse the sentencing way before the president issued any tweet condemning it. but, four of the trump hating prurts hprosecutors and n revenge and zell alsoless and overreach and abuse resigned in a fit of anger apparently. and as strossel points out they failed to realize that career civil servants aren't some aristocratic class entitled to immunity. they are employees. the danger isn't political authority but rather
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unelected man darren class exempt its 168 from democratic accountability. democrats will never get the choice come in. the way of a good old fashioned witch-hunt will they. congressman collins of georgia usingth stone sentencing for an excuse. now they are talking about another impeachment push. and you have of course the compromise you had corrupted congenital liar and court adam schiff. he is foaming at the mouth. another way to stop a schumer schiff sham show. only one other way i know 263 days ultimate jury. shot clock the world again. if you vote for the put, elect republican congress men and senators they can't do this anymore. this is the most consz sequential election, frankly, in modern history. and i'm not overstating the case. we are now, as a nation and frankly the world are on the brink and today we can't be helpful. i can't give you a timeline into the investigation of
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the investigators it moves slow but drives me tuts. the nuts. the doj step in on stone, that i is not a small thing. the four hacks leaving the doj knot a small thing. the review of the begin case is not a small case either. weeks and weeks dump and barr sent abroad is sends a real signal that they want to get to the outsourcing of spying on americans and that brings it right to the front door of john brennan. what did he know and when did he know it and when did obama know and when did he know it? >> i'm putting away my temporary anger and praying that justice is here. here now is trey gowdy. you know, text message, i don't like that as of today we have a two tiered justice system. if you are a conservative trump supporter you are going to get arrested for jay walking. lying under oath. we know these people lied under oath. how do you read the crumbs
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as i read them because what i see is durham and barr with what they did in the case of general flynn, what they did in the case of roger stone, what they said about real spying occurring, what they have now said and confirmed, we have been vindicated on premeditated fraud on a fisa court with the dirty dossier being the basis of it. seems to be where they're headed. your thoughts? >> my thoughts, sean, are that it's been a terrible four years for the department of justice and the fbi. two institutions of this country absolutely needs for its citizenry to have respect for. so, bill barr, in my judgment, i'm a huge fan of his. i think he is doing everything he can to put the blindfold back on that lady. the lady -- lady justice needs that mind fold back on. i think that he needs help from some of us. even on days like, you know, andy mccabe not being indicted. bill barr is also the same guy who said president trump
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did not obstruct justice. he is the same guy who said we need proportionality in the roger stone's sentence. this is the department that said we didn't have the evidence on andy mccabe the. we have got to give him the resources and the time and the support to get those institutions back where we need them as a country to be. >> tucker: now, if i recall, it was brennan himself that said to you the dirt clinton bought and paid for dossier was not used in an intelligence assessment. hasn't that been contradicted trey gowdy and what does that tell you? >> yes. i asked him in house intel. keep in mind the dossier was still classified at the time. i had to refer to it another way. i have said was it used in a court file. i was referring to the fisa. i couldn't say it publicly. he said not to his knowledge. what we need is john durham to go. lock. the lady shouldn't care whether you are a republican or democrat. if roger stone lied to congress then let there be a cons sentence to that. >> sean: nine years?
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>> no. no. but there needs to be consequences but thought that if john brennan lied to congress, there also needs to be a consequence. let john durham figure it out. but, if people don't have confidence in the department of justice, we're not going to agree with whatever they come up with anyway. anyway sean town do you have any doubt trey gowdy tonight that premeditated on fisa court happened and occurred because bill barr already said it occurred. >> no. which is why devin and i wrote the fisa court 18 months ago and brought this to their attention. and adam schiff and all of our friends nut d.c. media said look at those crazy house republicans. no, i have been living with this for 18 months, sean. 18 months. >> sean: follow the bouncing legal ball, can we? >> you i can't put people in jail until there has been a jury trial. i'm not wired to put people in jail. >> sean: do you see premeditated frayed on the fisa court using a dirty
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dossier. >> yes. >> washed not to use? do you see that because i do. >> i didn't. >> sean: do you see a danger if bedon't prosecute the people who did that? >> i see a danger any time we have a justice system that is perceived as treating people diferl. let me stop and say this. the fisa court today could bring those agents prosecutors before it and mete out punishment. they could do that today. >> sean: are you confident that the people who did this to this country will be held accountable tonight? that's my last question? >> yes. depending on how we define accountability. will everyone go to jail? no. it may be that no one goes to jail. but the american people have a unique way. >> sean: shred the constitution. shred it. they don't go to jail for that until you can spy on a presidential candidate and. >> that same prosecution gives you a jury trial.
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you have to have a jury trial. >> i believe it. the evidence was there inspector general confirmed it. we now know it all happened. we know it all happened. >> right. and horowitz referred it to the department of justice at least as it relates to andy mccabe. and they found up not indicting. to me like him one day and not like him the next. >> sean: trey gowdy thank you. joining us now former acting attorney general matt whitaker. i will ask you the same question i asked trey gowdy. premeditated fraud on a fisa court. do you see what i see? >> i see what you see and i saw what you see. i was there when some of this was happening. and i think i take a little more of a belief that bill barr is going to bring people to justice. and. >> sean: i believe that, too. >> those that did this, those that intentionally lied to the fisa court with, you know, using the dossier as a sole basis for
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obtaining what the court says were warrants that would not have been issued but for the fact of these made-up facts, i think why will see people brought to justice and i think bill barr and john durham are working on that as we speak. we should have a lot of faith in them. steve: if little old sean hannity. little old me, if i happen toed to have subpoenaed emails andthem 2k3we69 rid of any potential forensically recovering them with bleach bit and knot bust up the devise with hammers. do you think under those circumstances i would probably be charged with department of justice? maybe i'm just paranoid. i would be handcuffed, jailed and the key thrown away. >> that sounds like defact policy, if you had done something wrong like hidden documents that are classified on a home brew server. i think, you know, this is where at the time, when jim comey let hillary clinton
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off the hook i wrote an op-ed in the u.s.a. today that i said i'm a reasonable prosecutor and i wouldn't have let her off the hook. i think this is a case that needed to be brought. >> sean: all right. matt whitaker, thank you. when we come back, exclusively matt flynn. sidney powell will weigh in on bill barr assigning an outside prosecutor to review his case. thank god that's happening. straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪
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now back to hannity. ♪ >> sean: this is a fox news alert. today we learned the attorney general bill barr has now appointed an outside prosecutor to review michael flynn's case. here now to react exclusively is general flynn's attorney sidney powell. there has been a travesty of justice here. >> huge. >> sean: what comey admitted
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to, i would never do it and try to get away with in the bush or obama years. mccabe saying you don't need a lawyer and then he did need a lawyer. they denied him his constitutional rights. then irony of all ironies. they didn't think he lied but they said we want you to lie and say you lied. they are telling him to lie so we won't go after your son after have you had to sell your house and everything in between that happened. >> it's even worse than that, sean. >> small group at the fbi including mccabe and peter strzok and agent i can't name and trish anderson and james baker and others literally worked together to figure out how and when to interview him to keep him from knowing he was even the subject of the interview. so not only was he not warned of his rights, he didn't even know that he was being investigated. in fact, he was led to believe that he wasn't being investigated. i don't even know of a false statement prosecution ever
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in the history of our country where somebody wasn't even warned of their rights or told they were being investigated. and then, of course, we have the missing 302, the original 302 they say they can't find, he can't produce it. he has conflicts of interest out the wazoo himself because he would be witness number one if we have to have a hearing in front of emit sullivan side deal with covington that wasn't disclosed. there is one atrocity after the other in this case. >> sean: let me look big picture when i was asking trey gowdy earlier. let's look at the declination statement when it comes to mccabe and four times he has been identified as lying. i'm looking at other things. the attorney general is stepping in on the roger stone case in a major way because it was such an overreach, an over zealous and outrageous attempt at a process crime nine years. the averag rapist gets 4.2 yearn prison. then i'm looking at what happened now that the attorney general installed
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this prosecutor to review general flynn's case. then i see the investigations that have gone on in great britain and italy and with australia. then i hear the attorney general has said yeah, they spied on a presidential candidate, transition team, and a president. putting it all together, and what i see coming is i see that the attorney general and i hope i'm right. you tell me if you agree with me. clearing the decks now because something huge is going to happen. and everything that we now have been vindicated on and that being premeditated fraud, fisa court, spying on a presidential campaign, transition deep into a presidency, it's all about to come crashing down on their heads. not only my hope, i think it has to happen. >> well, there is an immediate and urgent need to restore the application of the rule of law, which means it has to be applied equally regardless of political party. i think that is what
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attorney general barr realizes has to be done for the public to have any trust in the fbi or the department of justice ever again. >> sean: sidney powell thank you for being with us. i hope general flynn now is the beginning of the end of what has been a three year nightmare for him and his family and travesty of justice. that is not the only big news that broke today. also another report, u.s. attorney john durham, we are waiting for that durham report, is putting former cia director john brennan under the microscope for his suspicious handling of russian interference before the 2016 election. joining us now with reaction author of the best seller guilt by accusation. harvard law school professor alan dershowitz as well as law school legal analyst gregg jarrett and sara carter. this is what we know. we know dirty dossier. we were all right about all of this. we know premeditated fraud on a fisa court. that's another crump. attorney general said his
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offers couple weeks ago yeah those warrants never should have happened. they took away carter page's rights. spying on a president's campaign, transition team, et cetera, all happen. a candidate. so my question, and i will start with you, gregg jarrett, on the legal side here is: okay now it seems like he is also looking into the outsourcing of spying against americans to friendly nations to circumvent american law. that's the next shoe to drop. am i wrong. >> no. i think you are absolutely right. no coincidence that all of those things are happening simultaneously. and, for example, you know, it's impossible for the department of justice to drop criminal charges for lying and at the same time prosecute mike can flynn who told the truth. you know, there is a summary of the 302 fbi reports ever the interview of mike can philip i recite them in my
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book chapter 8. it states flip told the truth. flynn did not lie. the agent who interviewed flynn concluded he was telling the truth. and so, you know, i would predict that his plea will be withdrawn at which point the department of justice, in the interest of justice will drop the charges against michael flynn. he should never have been charged by robert mueller's team of political partisans. >> sean: and what alan dershowitz has admitted to in the flynn case, they didn't think he lied. but then they made him lie because he lost his home because he didn't have any more money. 33 years. this is how we treat you. you heard what comey said oh, yeah. i would never get away with this or even try it and those other administrations mccabe said you don't need a liar. they set him up. libertarian. we know real spying occurred. phony fisa warrants issued.
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now, if we don't prosecute, this professor, we will never have equal justice under the law or application of our laws. and you might as well take that document you have spent most of your adult life studying called the constitution and we might as well throw it in a paper shredder. >> i agree. and i think it's in the enough to appoint a special counsel in the flynn case. look, months and months ago i suggested that flynn withdraw his guilty plea i don't think what he did was a crime or material and issues whether it was even false. what we need now -- >> sean: you do believe special investigator. [talking at the same time] >> sean: hang on. [talking at the same time] >> perjury and false statements. you can't just look at flynn. you should have the same person. i would suggest a former judge like michael mukasey or steven to have the to make sure consistent policy on perjury and false
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statement and also whether we should abolish the concept of false statements. when you tell the oath you know you have to tell the truth. these false statements 1001 are so subject to abuse. the fbi doesn't tell you there is an investigation. they are chummy with you. they ask you leading questions they throw mergery traps at yomergeperjury traps a. whether you are martha stewart or michael flynn saying something that's not necessarily untrue but that somebody else disagreed with you on. we need to take a look at the whole issue of perjury, false statements. get one person to look at it and make sure the department has a single nonpartisan policy. if you got one person looking at flynn and one person looking at mccabe you are going to get different results. >> sean: let me go to sarah at the other side of what is going on at the doj right now. what i think is happening is the decks are being cleared. we have now been vindicated. you, me, our entire ensemble
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team premeditated fraud on a fisa court happened. and now the justice department confirmed it two weeks ago here's my question, what is happening at this point. what do you think the clearing of the decks we are observing means? my sources are telling me that it is real. that those that did the premeditated fraud on fisa, the phoney dossier they know was phoney and used it as a bulk of information they are about to see their worlds rock. is that true? >> that's what i'm hearing too, sean. i know it's very disappoints because there are some people in the country that are up in arms now that andrew mccabe there was no follow-through on prosecuting him. we know he lied he purr jerrieperjuredhimself three timr times under oath. what we know is that john durham's probe is expanding. remember, this is a criminal probe. we don't know exactly what
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he has already collected. what we do know is that john durham is focusing very closely on general brennan and the cia and the cia's role in this. they are also looking at the 2017. that's the intelligence assessment. the full intelligence assessment which john brennan testified under oath to trey gowdy he said no we did not use the dossier in the intelligence assessment. we see in the ig report. michael who are wit's report james comey and even andrew mccabe said no wait a minute. brennan did say he used it in the intelligence assessment. so there is a conflict there. we also know that john durham has expanded his probe to the pentagon and investigating the office of net assessment and what money was flowing through that office for fbi, you know, the informant stephan halper. so there is a huge investigation underway. >> sean: thank you, all. joe biden heckled while leaving a fundraiser last night in new york city. we have got the tape.
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>> sean: michael bloomberg continues to try and fend off racism accusations following the release of that secret audio about stop and frisk. oh, obama advisor israeli jarrett is saying that an apology is not enough. take a look. >> i had a call with him with a group of african-american business leaders on tuesday. he had to deal with stop and frisk obviously. we were very concerned about the impact that had on so many black families right here in new york. he apologized as he has done publicly. >> were you satisfied with that apology. >> you know what? i think he has a lot more to do than just apologize.
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one of things i recommended is why don't you sit down with some of the families impacted by it. >> sean: even amid bloomberg's struggles we have quid pro quo joe and his path is only getting more complicated as he bets the whole campaign on now south carolina later this month. but according to him he is heading down the, quote, right straw. i didn't make that up. >> how is the campaign doing today, sir? >> doing good. >> how do you feel about your campaign, sir? >> we are heading down the right straw. >> sean: the right straw. last night in new york. a few hecklers had some advice for quid pro quo joe. take a listen. [chanting drop out joe. no. [. >> skip nevada and south carolina. go home early. [chanting drop out joe] >> sean: oh, boy, not good for a campaign. all the disarray is now putting the democratic establishment there in a full blown panic.
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especially as soviet style socialist bernie sanders, you know, the guy that honeymooned in the former soviet union, he moves closer and closer to a party takeover while ramping up his radicalism all along the way. last night in nevada. even floating the idea now of legalizing sex work in america. take a look. >> what is your plan to work with the sex worker community to not only legalize and regulate sex work make it safe for all women and lgbtq to participate. >> we will do everything that we can to make sure that sex workers are treated with respect. the question of legalizing sex work is something that we are looking at. but we have not yet reached a conclusion. i want to hear from a whole lot of people. >> sean: here with reaction american conservative union chairman matt schlapp senior advisor 2020 jenna ellis. i think joe is toast. quid pro quo, put that aside. let's look at now bloomberg. bloomberg has now been on
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defense. it's interesting he left some exclusive golf clubs when he was mayor and then he rejoined them. going to leave them again for 17 years didn't say a thing about stop and frisk. go over if i can jenna. police stop white people too much and minorities too little. that stop and frisk targeted minority kids whom cops must throw up against the wall. and now he is saying that he will grant illegal immigrants citizenship and he will have open borders. and he said in a 2006 interview, jenna, that, in fact, well, if we don't have illegal immigrants who is going to take care of the greens and fairways at our golf courses? >> oh my gosh. >> sean: that's a new one today. >> i know. bloomberg is just. he is just all over the map here. this really shows very clearly what his true policy priorities have been. when he was in office. and so, now that he is walking those back, i don't think that he is doing that effectively enough. because he is just pandering
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to the black vote in america. trying to say, you know, hey i'm on your side. that's obviously not being very effective whatsoever. and so he has to somehow show that he has a legitimate reason to say, you know, my policies have changed. my perspective have changed. and i don't think that he is coming across very genuine. guess what? he is really not that genuine about it. this is the typical democratic rhetoric that they will say anything just to get a vote from minority from women whoever it is they are targeting. they will say whatever they want in a campaign trail and do whatever they want in office. president trump is actually doing a lot in office for criminal justice reform. for, you know, for the minorities as far as the lowest unemployment rate. so many different things that he is actually putting that into action. >> sean: matt schlapp, i don't know if you play golf or not, but who will take care of the greens and fairways if we don't have
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illegal immigrants and he tells the hispanic language network that he will grant citizenship to all illegal immigrants and have open borders how is that going to go or in the general election? >> this is the problem the democrats have. i don't think i have ever seen a couple of weeks in a row where the democrats were in such meltdown. and as you go through all the candidates, sean, it's now getting harder and harder to see how the list of candidates, what is their path? i agree with you on quid pro quo joe. he is out of the box. i think mayor pete is on a real roll. after being in new hampshire and iowa, this democratic party, they really want to pick bernie sanders they don't want to pick michael bloomberg. he is their heart and soul. if they do anything that looks like they are changing the rules along the way. i don't think they will be able to pull all this back together with the nominee they eventually have. >> sean: all right. guys. this will be interesting. this the is most insane group of people you can ever put together.
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you can't even make this up. if i'm president trump, i think i'm saying i will take you on any of these people. when we come back. things have really heated today on that hard hitting news view called "the view" meghan mccain and joy behar. topic? president trump, of course. why does katie couric not like me? i'm very upset about this. i'm frustrated. we will explain next. ♪ - [announcer] the following is an urgent appeal from the international fellowship of christians and jews. - right now in the former soviet union, there are thousands of jewish holocaust survivors trapped in relentless poverty. there's no heat, no electricity, no running water. they're cold, hungry, and sick, and they're suffering and dying needlessly. christians and jews together stand obedient to god to listen to his word. god gives us a special calling,
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democratic. >> he is already done doing it. >> you have to win over the midwest and pennsylvania and coal miners and people that are not attractive to a lot of the democratic coalition in order to win the presidency and trump has that locked and loaded right now. i'm sorry a guy who wants to taktake away your slurpee. >> and the guy who wants to take away your healthcare is even a worse. >> i have been right about election stuff and have you been wrong. trust me on. this how i have been wrong. >> you thought trump was going to lose in 2016 and i didn't. >> me and 100 million people. he did actually lose, you know. we mind you 3 million votes. >> >> does it make you feel good at night. >> ridiculous thing to say every day of this show he is president. move on. >> tucker: joy can't move on. look at this headline apparently katie couric doesn't like watching the network. sometimes i watch fox news just who to see how they are corresponding things. i don't know why i'm shocked every time i watch it but
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it's just an alternate universe and it's crazy to me and anyway, it just, well, it makes me crazy i would like to invite katie come on the show. talk tout. i will offer free therapy right here. you already met me. i'm not a horrible person. here with reaction is the media reporter with the hill joe concha, fox news contributor, emily compagno. is it fair, joe, to say i'm a nice guy. i think katie couric can stand the fact that not everybody has her distorted liberal left wing world view. >> fox news is successful because it found a niche audience way back when and that's half the country. that's the half the country that katie couric can't relate to. she someone of the last people to lecture about being objective. this is somebody while she was at "the today show" as a serious journalist and anchor that took part in a pro-choice march that's a big no, no. she also did, remember a
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documentary a couple years ago called under the gun. she asked some gun owners, sean, what the exact question is if there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent terrorists from purchasing a gun all the gun activists were stunned silent except they weren't when raw audio revealed no it was deceptively make them look clueless. they were more than able to answer that question and katie couric had to apologize for that if i'm going to take lessons on how to be an unbiased reporter or journalist, katie couric is basically the last person i'm going to go to. >> sean: emily, as i look at the eminent domain landscape. area 51. rachel maddow's conspiracy theory. fake news cnn. "the washington post," "new york times," three networks. and we actually have all opinions on this network and they can't stand that there are other opinions apparently. but it's the level of arrogance. >> all these media people all i have learned they all talk to each other and live in this bubble in i hate
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trump. i quad dupe pell hate trump. try to feel good about each other patting each other on the back. they are living in their own little bubble. i don't think they have a clue what this country thinks of the president. i think the president is loved as we can see in these rallies and they look down on us, don't they, as evidenced by cnn and don lemon last week or the week before? >> yes, they do. and they have for years. it is an insulated insular repetitive echo chamber. the other night i was at a dinner here in new york city with a large group of people all across the political spectrum and along with a few other fox employees. and the one person at the table who is the loudest and the most angry about fox news who asked everyone how can you work there and what can you do after having this kind of bloviating speech about it is someone said how often do you watch it? he said i have never watched it. to me that hit the nail on the head that the assumptions about this network are not based in any type of fact whatsoever.
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it's the fiction, it's an assumption and it's to their own group that they are shouting to that has no resonance with the rest of the country. >> sean: guys, good to see you. appreciate it. yep. the lawyer of the year, michael avenatti, i gave him due process. what he didn't give justice kavanaugh. he was found guilty today for trying to extort nike, extortion. we have that full report coming up straight
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attorney general matthew whitaker team to look at what's going now. >> dana: hello, everyone, i'm dana perino along with emily compagno, greg gutfeld, lawrence jones, and juan williams looking at me. this is "the five." for nato, breaking news coming out of washington. new outrage over the sentencing of roger stone, attorney general bill barr criticizing president trump for tweeting about the case but adding that he was not pressured by the white house to intervene. some democrats are not buying that explanation. >> very important to question the integrity of the attorney general and that's why the president's response w
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